
The Medieval Port of London Saturday 18th May 2019

The Museum of London

A conference organised by the Docklands History group. Many people with a long involvement in the history and archaeology of the River Thames and the City of London will present papers on a varied range of subjects relating to the Medieval Port of London.

For further details and information on how to book a place, please visit the Group’s website at

Kent Archaeological Society’s Historic Buildings Committee Conference 2019

12 October 2019, 10am–4pm Cobham Village Hall, The Meadow Room, The Street, Cobham, Gravesend DA12 3BZ

The KAS Historic Buildings Committee is currently planning an October 2019 conference.

The general theme is ‘Kent’s Ecclesiastical Heritage’, to include its various aspects, such as the medieval college, and the post-medieval parsonage or rectory house.

It is intended to allow time after the conference presentations for a visit in the afternoon to the church, and/or college at

Cobham to supplement the talks.

KAS Strategy Update

As part of the broader KAS strategic review, members are invited to take part in a SWOT analysis, an examination of the Society’s strengths and weaknesses.

Members are requested to submit their views, via the following link, which will help formulate a realistic, workable and coherent strategy for the next 20 years:



Summer 2019 History Classes with Dr David Wright

Kent Houses and their Families

Monday mornings 10:30–

12:30; six meetings from 29 April at a cost of £48.

Britain after the Great War, 1918—1928

Monday afternoons 1:30 - 3:30; six meetings from 29 April at a cost of £48.

Britain 1870–1914

Monday mornings 10:30–12:30; Two 10-week terms from 23 September 2019 and 13 January 2020 respectively at £65 per term.

The classes are held in the United Reform Church in Week Street, Maidstone. For booking or further details, contact should be made to Sue Moore at:

Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society – Research and Publication Grants Web site

Alternatively, by email

For more information go to: www.canterbury-archaeology.




Revising the definition of treasure in the Treasure Act 1996: and revising the related code of practice


KAS Newsletter, Issue 110, Winter 2018