Report from the Council

The following is a selection of matters dealt with by the Council of the Society so far this year.

Canterbury Museum was trying to buy a Celtic mirror and brooch found at Chilham Castle to prevent them being exported and was supported by the British Museum. If bought they would be exhibited at Canterbury. The Society offered a grant of £1,500.

Folkestone People's History Centre asked the Society to support its application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant to help its community archaeology project "A Town Unearthed". After hearing a report on it and following its policy of encouraging volunteers taking part in archaeology the Council agreed to give its support.

Peter Stutchbury of Lympne has been appointed Assistant Hon. General Secretary. He will be nominated to succeed Andrew Moffat as Hon. General Secretary at the next AGM.

Over the years the Council received reports from its members, latterly Mrs Sheila Broomfield, who were on the Standing Conference on London Archaeology and CBA South East. In particular it followed the reformation of the new London branch of the CBA and accepted the right to nominate one of its trustees; Mrs Broomfield was nominated. SCOLA has now been disbanded and CBA London has taken over its functions. As Dr Andrew Richardson (our Hon. Curator) is chair of CBA South East reports will also be received about its activities.

Among matters discussed at the AGM was incorporating the Society as a company limited by guarantee to protect members of the Council against personal liability. The Council has discussed this, not for the first time, and decided to defer any action until the introduction of charitable incorporated organisations which will be a simpler and more suitable form of body corporate. The Charity Commission expects to make that form of incorporation available next year. In the mean time the risk to members of the Council was considered minimal as they are protected by a comprehensive insurance policy and the substantial funds held by the society.

For many years the Society has shelved a large stock of the books that it has published over the years. Attempts to sell these by offers to members or through larger and smaller booksellers have not been successful. The arrangements with Heritage Marketing and Publications was no more successful and has recently been terminated. The cost of holding and insuring the stock has been more than could be justified so the stock has been sold to Christine Swift Books of Egerton, apart from a few copies retained mainly as a reserve stock for the library. However the recent book "Hothfield, Life, Land and People of a Wealden Parish 1460 - 1602" is still available.


Local History in Britain after Hoskins; Report on the Conference July 2009


KAS Committee Round-Up