KAS Committee Round-Up


The very popular 2009 series of visits continued with a trip to Luddesdown Court and Dode Church on Wednesday 10 June. Members fortunate enough to be allocated places on the visit greatly appreciated having the chance of being taken around Luddesdown Court, accepted as one of the earliest surviving medieval medium-size houses in Kent. Afterwards, the group went on to the well-preserved and isolated Dode Church, and was given a fascinating guided tour by Derek Chapman. This church was de-consecrated in 1887. Not only did Mr Chapman save the building, but he is also to be given much credit for preserving it with such sensitivity.

On Wednesday 1 July, a group of 30 members went on the second of the visits to The Grange at Ramsgate. As mentioned in the last issue, this house was built by Augustus Pugin, and was where he produced much of his finest work.

Again, thanks go to Joy Saynor for organising such an interesting series of visits. She is already working on arrangements for the 2010 programme, more information of which will appear in the next issue of the Newsletter.


Report from the Council


AGM Report