AGM Report

As a result of the ballot for Hon. Curator Dr Andrew Richardson was elected. The other Officers were all declared re-elected in the absence of any other candidates. Dr J. Gibson was re-elected to the Council. There were no candidates for the other three places on the Council.

This means there are now several vacancies on the Council which can be filled at the AGM next year. We rely on members of the Society volunteering or putting in nominations. It is not the function of the Council to nominate members. If you wish to volunteer or make a nomination please contact the Hon. General Secretary who will be pleased to give advice.

At the meeting there was discussion of a number of matters including recruitment of members, incorporation of the society, choice of auditors and risk management. The Council and its committees will be considering most of the suggestions that were made.

After the meeting interesting talks were given by Ges Moody on changes in the Kent coastline, Peter Clark on proposals to build a full-size working replica of the Dover Bronze Age Boat and Mike Clinch on the work of the Kent Underground Research Group.


KAS Committee Round-Up


Falling Membership?