Conferences, Lectures, Events

Maritime Medway

A Conference on the Maritime History of the Chatham Dockyards on Saturday 25th May from 9.30am at Bridge Wardens' College, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham. Organised jointly by the Greenwich Maritime Institute and the University of Kent at Medway. Programme includes:

  • Introduction to the History of the Dockyard - Richard Holdsworth

  • Shipbuilding in the Dockyard - Brian Lavery

  • Pre-Napoleonic History of the Dockyard - Clive Powell

  • Nineteenth Century Development - Jim Preston

  • Twentieth Century Development - Chris Ware

  • Gender in the Dockyard - Joan Ryan

  • Managing Dockyard Labour - Ann Coats

  • Trade Union Activity - Philip McDougall

  • Issues in Dockyard Preservation over the last 30 Years - Jonathan Coad

Conference fee £10 (to include buffet lunch) Contact Sarah Megson, Maritime Medway Conference, Bridge Wardens' College, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, ME4 4TE. Tel: 01634 888938 e-mail:

50 Years of Rescue Archaeology

A celebration by the Council for Kentish Archaeology at Queen Elizabeth's School, Faversham on Saturday 27th April from 2.00-5.30pm. Stories of Discovery & Rescue - excavation in Kent 1952-2002 by Brian Philp.

Tickets £3 from C.K.A. 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP (with sae please)

The British Association for Local History 2002 Phillimore Lecture

Local History and Landscape History - People and Places by Christopher Taylor FBA at the British Library, London on Saturday 1st June at 1.30pm. Tickets £12 BALH members, £8 non-members, available from BALH(L) PO Box 1576 Salisbury SP2 8SY. Cheques payable to BALH.

Hands on for the Big Dig

Canterbury's Big Dig re-opened in March to great excitement, with a NEW exhibition, an aerial walkway and a special events programme! Closing on Friday 2nd August, you've only 15 weeks left to visit one of the largest urban archaeological sites in Britain. Open daily from 10am-4pm, admission £2 adults, £1 concessions. Booked groups welcome. Special events (all free!) include:

  • Craft displays - Medieval & Roman Craft Days and 'Time Warp' Roman & Saxon spinning & weaving

  • Talks - 'So You Wanna be an Archaeologist?' and The Director's Cut

  • Other events - Environmental Archaeology Workshops and 'Fuddled by a Find?'

Further details, dates and times available on 01227 452943

Parallels: Personal Visual Partners

An exhibition of artworks from the Bentliff Collection, Maidstone Museum and private lenders. Selected by the Bentliff Trustees, (of which KAS President Paul Oldham is one), these stimulating objects and pictures will be on view until 5th May in the Bentliff Gallery, Maidstone Museum.

Romney Marsh Research Trust Events

East Guldeford Study Day with Maureen Lovering & Jill Eddison, Saturday 4th May at 10.00am. Tickets £7

Lydd Field Trip Sunday 15th September at 10.00am, Wainway & Bretts. Tickets £10 from Mrs Dorothy Beck 27 Station Road Lydd TN29 9ED

The London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre (LAARC)

Opened in February, giving students and local society members the opportunity to study artefacts and records from over 4000 excavations around Greater London over the last 100 years. Open Days are held on the first Saturday of every month, (4th May, 1st June, 6th July) involving tours and object handling. The 6th July concentrates on 'Waterfront & Riverbank'. LAARC is situated at Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road. For events information contact Museum of London on 020 7814 5777.


The Roman Invasion (Part Two)

