Fancy studying archaeology or history locally?
Archaeology and History can be studied at the University of Kent on a part-time basis at 3 different centres. Applications are very welcome from anyone who wishes to study at university level. On offer:
Certificate in Archaeological Studies (Tonbridge)
Diploma and BA in Archaeological Studies (Canterbury and Tonbridge)
Certificate in the Theory and Practice of Local History (Canterbury and Chatham)
Certificate in Modern History (Canterbury)
Diploma in Kentish History (Canterbury and Tonbridge)
Diploma in Modern and Medieval History (Canterbury and Tonbridge)
BA History (Canterbury and Tonbridge)
Mature students need not have formal academic qualifications if they can demonstrate commitment to the discipline and the aptitude to study at the appropriate level.
Degree programmes in Classical & Archaeological Studies, History & Archaeological Studies are run in the daytime on the University's Canterbury Campus. They can be followed on a full-time basis, and also by part-time students.
For further information, please contact the Unit for Regional Learning, Keynes College, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NP. Tel 0800 9753777 (24 hours).
National Home Study College
Runs Archaeology and History courses through distance learning. Courses include:
Introduction to Egyptology
European History and Marine Archaeology
The Rise & Fall of the Roman Empire
The Making of Britain
The World at War (I & II)
Ancient Greece
Further details from the National Home Study College, History Dept., 7 High Street, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 5PJ. Tel: 020 8868 5328