Letters to the Editor: Thurrock Armada '88

Dear Sir,
I am writing to your members via your journal to tell them about a forthcoming event which some of them may very well want to become involved in.

As you are no doubt aware, 1988 marks the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Spanish Armada. This, together with the current public interest in the Tudor period following the raising of the Mary Rose, has encouraged Thurrock Council to celebrate Queen Elizabeth I's review of her army which mustered at Tilbury Fort during the invasion period.

To this end, Thurrock Council is planning a very large-scale series of events over the weekend of the 6th and 7th of August 1988, which is the exact anniversary of Elizabeth's visit. Amongst these events are included: - Tudor Fairs - Ox roasts - Period banquets - Ale tents - Fire eaters, jugglers, players, etc.

All this is aimed at entertaining an expected crowd of upward of 80,000 people throughout the day and late into the evening. However, the centerpiece of the whole event will be the visit of 'Queen Elizabeth', played by a well-known actress, and of course, the massed troops of her army!

As I have some experience in the area, I have been charged by Thurrock Council to raise, organize, and equip their 'Tudor Army', and this is where your members should be interested.

The Council and their sponsors are prepared to supply the majority of equipment, uniforms, armor, weapons, etc. What is needed are the 'stout-hearted' men (minimum age of sixteen) to form Elizabeth's army. As a chance to experience what it must have been like for the Tudor soldier, carrying his pike, musket, or longbow, in massed formation and at practically no cost, this must rank as a golden opportunity for those interested in 'living' history as well as studying it (should be fun as well!).

It is envisaged that two or three training days will be organized in the months preceding the event to enable the volunteers to be kitted out with uniform and some training in the 16th century, and maneuver to be given to enable the army to give its best.

All in all, this event promises to be the largest of its kind in the country, and as mentioned, the 'Army' will form the centerpiece of the celebrations.

Do YOU want to be involved? If so, contact me as soon as possible, and I will send you further details of what is required. You can contact me at 98 Suffolk Rd., Barking, Essex, or on 01-594-9958.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Steven Payne


Kent Ceramics Study Group: Fourth Roman Pottery Workshop


AGM 1987