Kent Ceramics Study Group: Fourth Roman Pottery Workshop

Fourth Roman Pottery Workshop Following on from our third Roman Pottery meeting in Dartford, a further workshop has been arranged for Saturday 7th November, 1987.

By kind invitation of the Curator, Dr Alan Tyler, the meeting will take place in the Bromley Borough Museum, The Priory, Church Hill, off High Street, Orpington from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm.

This year our meeting will have a slightly different emphasis. Instead of looking at pottery excavated from sites all over the County, we shall be studying the pottery from one particular site. We shall be looking at and talking about the extensive Poverest Road (Orpington) collection. This is an exceptionally important group of late Roman Pottery, including many mortaria fragments (of which 150 have been listed so far) and over 40 different forms of Oxfordshire Ware (C. Young series).

The programme for the day will be as follows:

11.00 - 12.30 Viewing, handling, and informal discussion on a selection of the great variety of forms and fabrics.

12.30 - 2.00 Break for lunch 2.00 - 3.00 Christopher St John Breen will give an illustrated talk about the collection.

3.00 - 4.00 Tea and further informal discussion.

4.00 Meeting ends.

Once again, all members who are interested or involved in the examination of Roman Pottery are cordially invited to attend.

Accommodation is limited, so apply now for a free admission ticket by writing or telephoning Ted Connell.


Excursions for 1988


Letters to the Editor: Thurrock Armada '88