K.A.S. A.G.M. 1991

The Annual General Meeting was held at Ramsgate on Saturday, May 18th. Council's Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 1990 were approved. In his address, the President referred to the loss the Society had suffered recently by the deaths of Vice-Presidents Allen Grove and Frank Jessup and Patron the Viscount De L'Isle. He mentioned the new series of Records Publications in parts and the support the Society had agreed to give the archaeological education program started by the CAT.

Officers and members of Council were duly elected. A vote of thanks to the retiring Treasurer, Mr. A. G. Webster, was passed unanimously. Displays organized by several local organizations were much appreciated by members, as was the afternoon tour of the old parts of Ramsgate and the Montefiore Museum organized by the President and Mr. D. R. J. Perkins.


The May Excursion to Northumberland and Durham


Council for Independent Archaeology: 1991 Congress to be held at University Bristol