Council for Independent Archaeology: 1991 Congress to be held at University Bristol

(See Events, Outings, Lectures) Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September 1991.

The Cl.A, a Registered Charity, rose out of the first Congress of Independent Archaeology which was organised by Andrew Selkirk, the Editor of Current Archaeology, in 1985.

At the second Congress held at Cambridge in 1987, a demand grew for a permanent organisation and so by the time the third Congress had been held at York in 1989, Officers and Committee had been appointed. The main aim of the Cl.A is to double the output of archaeology. In recent years - and indeed for most of the past century, the growth of archaeology has depended on the growth of government spending. In 1980 this growth came to a halt, not only in Britain but all over the world. The aim of the Cl.A is to lend support to existing independent archaeologists and societies by helping them to gain more members and become more active.

The main Cl.A activities at present are to hold an annual Congress where independent archaeologists can meet and compare the problems which face them. In the future, a series of local forums will be planned where local societies can come together to discuss their latest results and matters of mutual interest.

The Cl.A also provides a Placement Service where excavation directors needing diggers and volunteers wishing to spend time on a dig can be put in touch with one another.

A recent project has been the formation of an Index of Experts. At the present time, this is still in its early stages but once it has become established it will form an ever-growing pool of knowledge and expertise upon which archaeologists and others can draw.

Membership is open to both individuals and societies. Subscription £2.50 p.a. For further information please contact: Council for Independent Archaeology Secretary, Mike Rumbold.


K.A.S. A.G.M. 1991


Archaeologia Cantiana Special Volume