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The Christmas lunch held at the Hop Farm Country Park, Paddock Wood attracted some eighty members who enjoyed a splendid meal. They were entertained by the vivacious Tonbridge Mummers. This was followed in the afternoon by a guided tour of Roydon Hall at East Peckham, home of the Twysden family until 1835. Members also enjoyed the splendid tea provided by our hosts.

By popular opinion White's Restaurant has already been booked for this year's Christmas lunch for 9th December 2000.

Reminder Allington Castle May 27th Social evening, Fork supper. Please telephone Margaret Lawrence for tickets.

KAS LIBRARY - VARIATIONS TO OPENING HOURS Maidstone Museum have notified the Society that the Museum (and hence the KAS Library) will not open until 11.30 am on one Thursday of every month throughout this year.

This is to allow for Museum staff training. The dates affected are 11th May, 15th June, 13th July, 10th August, 14th September, 12th October, 16th November and 14th December.

CHURCHES COMMITTEE The Churches committee of the KAS exists to promote more widely the appreciation of our heritage. Accordingly, we wish to encourage the writing and publication of up to date guides to places of worship. The Committee is prepared to help the authors of such guides with guidelines for content and assistance in locating study resources. Financial help is also available for approved projects. These should aim at making the features of the buildings and the artifacts contained in them as accessible as possible to the general public. In the first instance a telephone enquiry is suggested.

INTERESTED MEMBER? A KAS member with clerical skills and an interest in churches is required for minimal but interesting correspondence work as Hon. Secretary of the Churches Committee. Minute taking and agenda preparation is already covered. Please contact Mr. P. Lawrence.

KAS LECTURES - Lecture Theatre, County Hall, Maidstone 23rd June 2000 Free admission to each lecture to the capacity of the theatre.

1pm The Archbishop's Palace Maidstone by Sarah Pearson Sarah Pearson worked for the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now English Heritage) from 1969-1996, specializing in research in vernacular buildings. Her publications include The Medieval Houses of Kent (1994). Since 1996 she has been working on medieval Kentish towns and their buildings and the 1664 hearth tax in Kent.

The palace is one of several between London and Canterbury. The surviving ranges date largely from fourteenth century, with later additions and alterations undertaken before and after the Reformation. The lecture will discuss the buildings in the light of a survey undertaken by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now English Heritage) and place it in the wider context of archiepiscopal palaces.

3pm Rochester Cathedral; a Study in transition by Alan Stevens, B.A.

Alan Stevens was born in Brighton, where he studied architecture at a time when good design was discouraged, and in a place which lacks good or interesting buildings. Then having taken his B.A. degree in International Politics at Lancaster, he became a part-time lecturer in the University of Kent, teaching the architecture, archaeology, history, and politics of the early middle ages.

Kent was the only Anglo-Saxon kingdom to start with two cathedrals, but Rochester was always more like a suffragan than a separate diocese. Its ensuing poverty is apparent in the building, but herein lies its charm and its source of continuing controversy.

Parts are left unfinished: other parts have been poorly adapted; yet it manages to convey an impression of supreme elegance. Its story is one of frequent, and self-evident transition.

This event is part of Kent County Council's Kentweek Festival - the Country-wide celebration of Kent! KENT HISTORY FUND The Kent Archaeological Society has established a Local History Fund Sub-Committee of the Publications Committee, with representatives from the Kent History Federation, to award grants twice a year in the spring and autumn to assist serious research leading to publication.

Applications are now invited from Local History Societies affiliated to K.H.F. or K.A.S. and from individuals who are either members of K.A.S. or a Local History Society affiliated to either K.H.F. or K.A.S.

Professional historians or postgraduate students are not eligible to apply. Anyone wishing to apply should write to the Sub-Committee's secretary requesting an application form. The Sub-Committee will be the panel judging applications received.

Please apply to Miss E. Melling.

K.A.S. DIRECTORY Officers President Hon. General Secretary Hon. Treasurer Hon. Membership Secretary Hon. Editor Hon. Librarian Hon. Excursions Secretary Hon. Curator Paul E. Oldham Andrew I. Moffat Robin G. Thomas, M.A. F.C.A.

Mrs. Margaret Lawrence Terry G. Lawson Dr. Frank Panton, C.B.E.

Mrs. Joy Saynor, M.A.

Michael C.W. Still, Ph.D.

Assistants to the Officers Assistant Secretary 'Newsletter' Assistant Secretary Lectures Assistant Secretary Book Sales Mr & Mrs L.E. Hott Denis G. Anstey Duncan W. Harrington


KAS Newsletter, Issue 46, Spring 2000


Archaeological Investigations at Maydensole, Near Dover 1996-1999