Editor's Sackcloth and Ashes

My sincere apologies to readers of the last Newsletter (No.24 Spring 1993) for several errors which slipped through the vigilance of our proof-readers. Firstly, to Mr. Nicholas Fuentes, whose name as author of the article "Kent in the Ravenna Cosmography" was entirely missed out. For two omissions in his text I apologize and now correct. Column 1, line 6, should read 'which was compiled after AD 400 ... .' Column 1, line 25, should read 'Intraum, Antrum, Liar, Tinoa, Linda. Secondly, to Mr. L. Ilott in his Library News, 'Typography' should be 'Topography' in each case. There are several other minor errors elsewhere in the Newsletter which have no doubt been noted by readers. Nesta Caiger, Hon. Editor, K.A.S. Newsletter.


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