Conference at Shoreham

The very successful one-day Conference on Saturday 6th March on Aspects of Kentish History and Archaeology was attended by some 110 people from all over the county. The morning programme included lectures on Roman Canterbury by Paul Bennett and Old Soar by Jayne Semple. After an excellent buffet lunch provided by 'Agneta's Kitchen', Victor Smith spoke on The London Defence Positions and Susan Pittman gave a talk on Lullingstone Park. Mr Bennett then returned to give the latest information on the Bronze Age boat recently discovered in Dover and to show slides on the work in progress in the nave of Canterbury Cathedral. Thanks were extended to Joy Saynor who had organized the very enjoyable day and to Ted Connell, whose hard work for many hours during the day helped to ensure the success of the conference. The Bookstall was stocked and manned by Darenth Book Shop of Otford, and the W.I. ladies supplied the welcome coffees and teas during the breaks.


Christmas Buffet


Editor's Sackcloth and Ashes