KAS Library Locations

Members might not be aware that the KAS now has books stored in three locations. The majority of the books, pamphlets and other papers - and certainly those more likely to be used by members - are held in the KAS Library in Maidstone Museum, St. Faith's Street. Here are kept:

  • Standard books on Kentish archaeology, history and topography
  • Monographs, pamphlets and ephemera on Kentish towns, villages and hamlets
  • A large accumulation of visual records of churches, buildings and Kentish life
  • Copies of the Society's own publications, including Archaeologia Cantiana
  • Publications and records of other UK archaeological and historical societies, including, for instance, Sussex and Surrey
  • Journals and records of a number of important European archaeological and historical societies

There are also two computers in the Library, on which are stored the Library catalogue, a catalogue of visual records and databases relevant to fieldwork of the KAS. The Library also serves as a meeting room for KAS committees and working groups, and is used for seminars and lectures of up to about two dozen people.

Shelf space in the Library is now at a premium and therefore some of the collections are held in two other locations. At Bradbourne House, East Malling, are stored back runs of UK societies for archaeology and history, leaving the more recent 20 or so years of each society's publications more readily available in the Library. Then, in store rooms in the Maidstone Community Centre, Marsham Street, Maidstone, are back runs of some European journals, together with a collection of State Papers and volumes of the 'Chronicles and Memorials' series published in the 19th century. Also in Marsham Street are KAS Minute Books and other records of the Society.

Complete records of what is held where are available in the Library in the Museum. Members may access the Library at any time the Museum is open, seven days a week, on production of a KAS membership card and on signature of a register kept by the Museum staff. The Library is not permanently staffed, but KAS volunteers are normally in the Library on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, ready to assist members in using the facilities. Non-members are welcome to visit the Library on these afternoons under the guidance of a KAS volunteer. Members requiring access to the stores at Bradbourne House or Marsham Street should apply to the Hon. Librarian, Dr Frank Panton.


A note on the Village of Seal


Recent Additions to the KAS Library