Recent Additions to the KAS Library

Historians' guide to early British maps; a guide to the location of pre-1900 maps of the British Isles preserved in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Wallis, Helen ed. London: Royal Historical Society 1994

A good text and directory for the serious researcher. Lists repositories by county and place, together with scope and access information.

Kings, Currency and alliances: the history and coinage of Southern England in the ninth century.

Blackburn, Mark A.S. & Dumville, David N. eds. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press 1998

An interdisciplinary collection by historians, numismatists and philologists. Contains much of use and interest to KAS members, especially the sections relating to the mints at Canterbury and Rochester.

Royal Marines, Deal: a pictorial history.

Lane, Andrew. Tiverton: Halsgrove 2000

Many unique photographs illustrate Royal Marine life in Deal. Useful for town and military history.

The Bootshoe Boys: an account of the Elham Charity School.

Coton, Betty. Canterbury: the author 2001

Local historical writing of a high standard. A useful source for any person interested in the history of education in Kent, as well as providing valuable insights into village life.


KAS Library Locations


The Monastic Ideal