Architectural features, Stone artefacts Jacob Scott Architectural features, Stone artefacts Jacob Scott

The Cave Of The Seven Heads, 1833, Ingress Abbey

An early 19th Century garden folly associated with nearby Ingress Abbey. Located under the Kent Fastway, on the east side of The Dell housing estate, Greenhithe, Kent. The stone arch now only has 6 heads (one missing to left side) and leads to a cavern beyond the gate. The Historic England listing states, “grotesque heads which possibly came from the medieval London Bridge”.

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Furnishings, Architectural features Jacob Scott Furnishings, Architectural features Jacob Scott

Liturgical features of Rochester Cathedral, 13th-20th century

Rochester Cathedral features several original liturgical features from the C12th and C13th and a fine collection of C19th liturgical furnishings.

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Architectural features Jacob Scott Architectural features Jacob Scott

Stone Water Basin, Donorlan Park, possibly 17th century

A historic stone basin water feature in Dunorlan Park has been restored. ‘It was described in 1832 as a spring which ‘rises rapidly into a stone basin, placed in the centre of a circular excavation, about ten feet in diameter and six or eight feet deep, which is bricked round, and with the remains of stone steps leading down to the basin at the bottom’.

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