Unguentarium (perfume bottle) from Trosley Roman villa
Andy Ward Andy Ward

Unguentarium (perfume bottle) from Trosley Roman villa

Followers of our project at Trosley Court may remember that last week we lifted a partially intact Unguentarium or perfume bottle! It was quite exciting to help lift this from the soil for the first time in nearly 2000 years.

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Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff in Kent Cropmarks
Jacob Scott Jacob Scott

Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff in Kent Cropmarks

Ever wondered how to identify archaeology from the sky? Who knew that you could use your computer to scan the rural fields and valleys to spot potential archaeology that will tell you more about the landscape and heritage.

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An Advent Calendar for Archaeologists
Jacob Scott Jacob Scott

An Advent Calendar for Archaeologists

Kentish archaeologist Dr. Sophie Adams as put together an advent for the Boughton Malherbe bronze age hoard project. If you have an interest in bronze age hoards and metalwork you may also be interested in Dr. Adams website: bronzeagehoards.com

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