Index of Anne Roper’s papers in the KAS Archives
KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ARCHIVES ANNE ROPER PAPERS Anne Roper Papers. Introduction Miss Anne Roper died in February, 1988 ( obituaries in Box 60 ); her Executor was her nephew, Robert Roper ( who lived in South Wales ) and Kenneth Gravett ( late past-President of the K.A.S. ) was her Literary Executor. Hallett & Co. of Ashford administered the will. Kenneth Gravett arranged the dispersal of certain items ( see Box 60, including two books returned to the Godfrey-Paussett family in Cornwall ) and he did the initial sorting and boxing of the papers, which were in some disarray, in Anne's house. No further work was done to the Collection, which resided in Kenneth's house for 11 years because a) the will was not finalized until only a few weeks before he died in late-1999t b) a great deal of further work sorting and cataloguing was needed and c) no suitable repository could be found ( several East Kent locations either closed, did not want archive material or would not have allowed access for many years, i.e. until cataloguing had been completed ). Peter Lambert is Kenneth Gravett's sole Executor and became responsible for Anne's papers in succession. In accordance with several discussions with Kenneth and Robert Roper it was decided to give the collection to the K.A.S. for permanent safekeeping, a} to ensure that the Society retains ownership of it and access to it and b) in consideration of Miss Roper's long membership of the Society, over 40 years of service on the Council and eventual position as a Vice-President of the K.A.S. The collection has been re-sorted, condensed ( e.g. boxes that held only one parish collection now hold several ) and catalogued by P.L.; any bundles or groupings have been respected ( and were so originally by K.G. ); a few personal and family items have been returned to Robert Roper ( who reserves the right to any personal material, e.g. photos, in the future, although it is unlikely that there will be any.) Virtually every piece of paper found in the boxes has been retained, including some items which may be considered of little value at present, however weeding them-out would make little difference to the size of the collection. Also, many minor items are retained in order to show the diversity and multiplicity of organisations, activities and events in Kent, EBsex, Sussex, Norway and elsewhere that Anne was interested in and involved with over many years. Much of Anne's research and the information in this collection was distilled into her publications: the two books, the many church guides and the articles in a wide variety of publications. Some of her material was used by Edward Carpenter in his book about Romney Marsh. Her involvement with the five books about Norway by Commander Stagg ( see Box. 59 ) is not known. If any of these items are not required, they should, if possible, be returned to the Executor. P.J.C.Lambert. August, 2012. ANNE ROPER PAPERS. List of Boxes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9- 10. 11. Romney H n n ii it ii Cinque ii ii ii Marsh: ti it ti it ti ii Ports. ii ii ii General, Guides, Photographs. General. Administration, History. ii ii General, Agriculture. Agriculture, Drainage, Flooding. Drainage, Geography. Courts. Lord Wardens History etc. Miscellaneous Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 2 1 2 1 2 of of of of of of 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 of of of of of of of 5. 5- 5. 5. 5. 2. 2. 12. Ashford, Appledore (incl. Stone & Chapel Bank), Aldington, Willesborough, Witterssham. 13* Brookland, Ivychurch. 14»Bilsington, Bonnington, (Faleonhurst), Saltwood. 15• Canterbury: General. 16. " Christopher Marlow. 17. Dover, Deal, Walmer,(incl. Martin & Langdon), Eastry. 18. Dungeness. 19» Dymchurch, Manor of Eastbridge, Romney Hythe & Dymchurch Railway. 20. Eltham & E.Nesbit. 21. Folkstone & Sandgate. 22. Hythe: Town, Families, Misc. 23. " Talks, notebook. 24. " Church, Borough, misc. 25. " Guides, History notes. 26. " Church, Fetes, History, Notes. 27. Hastingleigh & Halke-Harvey MSS. 28 Lydd: General. 29. " Parish Magazines only 30. Lympne (incl. Court-at-Street), Burmarsh, Varehorne, Ham Street, Orlestone, Ruckinge. 31. Old Romney. 32. New Romney: Incl. Littlestone: Photos/Engravings, Genealogical. Box 1 of 3. 33• " " Town Records. Box 2 of 3. 34. " " Church, General. Box 3 of 3. 35. St. Mary in the Marsh. 36. Tenterden (incl. Caxton), Smallhythe, Woodchurch. 37. Thanet, Sandwich. 38. Vtye, Godmersham, Crundale, Boughton Aluph, Eastwell, Westwell, Brook, Selling, Hinxhill, Chilham. 39. Snave, Snargate, Brenzett, Fairfield, Newchurch. 40. Brabourne, Stowting, Postling, Monks Horton, Westenhanger, Selling Denton, Elham, Lyminge, Acrise, Mersham, Smeeth, Barham, Stelling. 41. Cranbrook, Hawkhurst, Newenden, Sandhurst, Rolvenden, Benenden, Hor8monden, Vbodchurch, Shadoxhurst, Bethersden, Biddenden, Smarden. 42. Bye, Vinchelsea, East Sussex area. 43. Miscellaneous Kent Parishes. 44* Inns & Brewing Box 1 of 2. 45. " " Box 2 of 2. 46. Geneaological. 47. Royal Military Canal & Napoleonic Defences of the Marsh. 48. Military History (mostly 18th-19th century). 49. Military History (20th century). 50. Smuggling. 51• HNLI & Coastguard. 52. Sheriffs of Kent & Men of Kent & Kentish Men. 53. Men of Kent & Kentish Men - magazines only. 54* Talks and Broadcasts. 55« Miscellaneous (incl. 1736 map of Kent and some notes by V.J.Torr) 56. Personal, BeligiouB, M.B.E. Award. 57« Personal: photographs, albums, 3 tokens etc. 58. Ashington, Esbcx; Pbscott, Bucks; Saltmaking in Essex. 59. Commander F.N.Stagg, RN; Scandinavia & history notes. 60. Anne Roper: obituaries, bibliography, copies of articles, Exe cuto rs' papers. 61. Bound copies of church guides; items relating to K.A.S.; V.J. Dorr's notebooks and index cards. 62. Maps and charts - Eomney Marsh/Walland Marsh of Kent & Sussex; Rye Harbour. Anne Roper, Box. No. 1. Romney Marsh (General + Photographs) (boX 1 of 2) - Romney Marsh R.D.C.: lists of members, officers & salaries, population figures for the parishes: 1932-3., 1933-4, 1935-6. - Official Guide to R.Marsh: 1947, 1952, 1963, c.1964, c.1967 (written largely by A.R.) - A Guide to Romney Marsh by Anne Roper, 1965. - Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust 1981-6; the bells of the R.Marsh grouptof churches (comparative list); other letters & notes on the Marsh churches: (all in one envelope). - notes, cuttings, typed notes & talks. - folder of notes & cuttings on the windmills of the Marsh. - Romney Marsh Exhibition, 1960: cuttings, photos, notes etc. - British Transport Films: proposal to make film about the Marsh: letters etc. - Romney Marsh - the Fifth Quarter by A.Roper: copy of article in "Cantium" (?). - collection of old photos: - sepia postcards in notebook, early 20thc. - sedilia - Church Road, N.Romney (Truart Series No.R29) - The Parade,Littlestone " " No.R33) - The Sands, « (R.56) - The Avenue " (R.49) - The Beach, Greatstone (R.57) - R H & D Railway^ Station- (DL 15) - 2 lookers huts. - view (K.M. photo) - house & family (unidentified, c.1890) - unknown church - note on back 'March 1955, old timhers removed from Belfry floors & framework1) - Poems of1 Kent by R.D.Smith, 1975. - On Romney Marshes by Arthur 3.Davis: reproduction of painting of a group of cottages in the landscape; earlfy 20th cent? Anne Roper. Box No. Z., Roroney Marsh. (General, Churches & Research Trusts, Articles) (Box 2 of2) - typescript for "A Gift of the Sea - Romney Marsh" by A.R. (other parts of this are scattered in other boxes). - Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust: notes, cuttings etc 1981-2. - Romney Marsh R.D.C. newsletters Nos. 11,12; 1968. - Romney Marsh Research Irust: reports, letters. - The Marshman, 1969-71: all with articles by A.R. - Cantlum, Summer 1972: article by A.R. - The Romney Marsh Irregular, No.2., March 1986,(reviews of papers submitted to the Romney Marsh Conferences of 1985; Broomhill Church, 1985.) - envelope containing old photos of the ruined churches of the Marsh, prob. taken by Elliston Erwood in the 1920-30s, together with a drawing of the plans of West Hythe, Hope, Eastbridge & Midley; covering letter from E.E. - 3 notebooks containing history notes, newspaper cuttings and a few photos: mostly copied from printed sources, New Romney records, aud other unattributed sources; most of the Marsh churches mentioned; cutting (with photo) of K.A.S. outing to Cobham area - 1935?; details of Poynings family of Kent & Sussex, Romney Marsh Union 1914-15; Rural District Council 1922-23, 1931-32, 1939-40 - comparisons of wages for officials; etc. Anne Roper. Box No. «»5 Romney Marsh (Administration/History) (Box 1 of 2) - Corporation of the Lords, Bailiff & JuratB of Romney Marsh: history, cuttings, photos, meetings etc. - Case between The Corporation and the Kent Rivers Board: - Case & Opinion, 1936; Instructions to Counsel, 1936. - Opinion, 1962. - other letters & papers regarding the above. - List of the Manors, Proprietors and addresses comprising the Level of Romney Marsh, 17th May, 1889. - letters regarding the representation of the Manor of Bomnington, 1945. - New Hall, Dymchurch - proposed underpinning and repair works, 1983, report and drawings. - lists of the 23 Lords of Romney Marsh; 1960, 1961. - The Liberty of Romney Marsh: typescript drafts, probably for Teichman Derville's book; also undated original photo of four menbers of the Corporation (c. 1950s ?) 1 folder. - file of history noteB, letters, maps etc..concerning the Corporation: - list of 53 Marsh manors anda map showing location. - copies from New Hall documents, Minutes etc. - notes on the 23 Lordships. - letters from Dr. Gordon Ward, 1930s. - letters from Hallett, Creery & Co. solicitors, regarding the legal case of 1936 (see above). - Jetter regarding the course of the Rother and the Rhee Wall. - photos. (all this relates to TD's book) - A.R.'s sketch maps showing development of the Marsh, dates and locations of the Anglo-Saxon charters 700 - 946 AD. - MHLG Provisional List of Buildings of Architectural or Historic Interest Romney Marsh District; 1956. See also other boxes for photos of Corporation meetsings etc. Anne Roper. Box No. T*. Administration of the Marsh (Box 2 of 2) - The Local Government cf Romney Marsh: typed paper, n.d. - Bailiffs of the Marsh. - Grand Lath Luncheon. - Administration of Justice in R.M. - Seals - Charter of Edward IV to the Bailiff, Jurats & Commonality of Romney Marsh., 1461 (copy of 1883). - The Weekend Review, Vol II No.24., August, 1930: article on "Their Lordships of Romney Marsh'by Sterndale Bennett.(2 copies). - newspaper cuttings etc. Anne Roper. Box Bo. Romney Marah; Agriculture. Drainage. Flooding. (Box 2 of 2) - 'Romney Marsh 1951' by A.J.Burrow, PRICS, RICS Kent Agricultural Section; report on the hiatory.adminiatration, sea defences, drainage, finance of sea defence & drainage, Rye Harbour, agriculture, prices of land, sheep, prices, wool, the Kent County Conference, Romney Marsh Defence Cominittee, etc. - Report on Rye Harbour, Dec. 1948, Rother & Jury's Gut Catchment Board; detailed report on history, littoral drift, dredging etc. - Romney Marsh Level, Dymchurch Vail, Joint Report by J.Wolfe Barry, 1894: detailed report on sea wall and proposed new sea defences. - Romney Marsh drainage history: several typed and printed accounts with maps etc. - On the Identification of the Roman Partes Lemanis., by W.H.Black; offprint, prob. from Archaeologia, 1866. - other noteB; copjfc of 1at ed. of O.S. map; list of Marsh dialect words. - Romney Marah Investigation - Draft Report by the Agricultural Land Commission (Agriculture Act, 1947): proposal to 'nationalise1 the Romney Marah Area, detailed de8cription, hiatory, present state of agriculture etc. - Kent or Romney Marsh sheep - notes, cuttings, photos,description. - Romney Marsh in c.17O6: copy of original letter, with other letters (Body family) - lecture note8 etc; harvest custom8. - The Romney Marsh Problem., byG.H.Garrad, Kent Ed. Comm.,1936: concerning the problem in all sheep-producing districts of falling prices for sheep and wool. - Romney Marsh & Ita Flock, by A.D.Bright, 1921; photocopy of article. - Romney Marsh Drainage & Sea Defence Works; report of River Boards1 Areas, 1948: photos, drawinga, history,drainage conditions etc. - orig. folder of notes, letters, cuttings, etc., entitled M951 Romney MarBh Data1 : map showing water supply, c1949; Romney Marsh Level, Memorandum, 1930 - brief history of sea defences and dates of storms and damage caused* chart of agricultural price8 1868 to 1936: newapaper cuttinga; Ashford ed. of Kent Messenger, 1951 with several Marsh items incl. talk by A.J.Burrows, p.6; letter, 1951* re. new hou8ea. - orig. folder entitled Romney Marsh Material, 1951, containing: - Lease of a Farm called Honeychild Farm Parishes of Hope All Saints, Saint Marys & Bilsington.. for 21 years .. from 1877 to 1898, Sir Edward Dering to Willm D.Walker; original deed plus notes of costs in 1936. - The Sea Defences of Romney & Denge Marshes by G.C.Crowther, 1945» with drawings. - Rother & Jury's Gut Catchment Board, Annual Inspection, 1948, programme & notes, map, plans and drawinga of work ( note; asphalt being used for the first time in the world to protect a sea wall) - Inspection of Works-Holland-1946 and "Walcheren Shall Dry"; drainage work in Holland after WWII, description of effects of Allied bonbing. - A History of Kent or Romney Marsh Sheep by Arthur Finn, 1931. - Agriculture in Kent by Alfred Amos; n.d. - First Report of the Agricultural Land Commission, 1948. - Soil Profilea of Romney Marsh Pastures, 1933, by J.K.Dubey of Wye College (in Journal of the Min. of Ag.,vol.XL, No2.); with photos and map. - original Sale Particulars: The Royal Military Canal, Giggera Green to Appledore, 19351 with 2 maps and prices paid. Anne Roper. Box No .7 -DRAINAGE/Geography of the Marsh - Correspondence on Some Sea Defence Work for Reclaimed Lands, by C.H.Dobbie, from Journal of The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1945"»46: description of chestnut thatching on emergency repairs at Rye Bay, 1946, with photos. - The Spring Floods of 1947 - Kent River Boards catchment area-report. - The Spring Fllods of 1947 - Institution of Water Engineers - report, photos of floods at Maidstone,Banning,Yalding. - River Boards Act, 1948. - Third Report of the Central Advisory Water Committee; River Boards, 1943, HMSO. - Rivers (prevention of Pollution) Act, 1951. - River Boards; A guide to their powers & functions; 1950, HMSO. - Land Drainage Bill, 1930, HMSO. - notes on the history & formation of R.Marsh. - Dymchurch Sea Wall; report 1937. - Littlestone Sea Wall; reportsi936. - Romney & Denge Marsh Main Drains Catchment Board: Chairman's concluding remarks at Final Meeting, 22.3.1937. - Snargate Flooding of 1937 (letter) - Horsemarsh Drainage Scheme & the National Trust; 1938, bundle of papers. - list of documents relating to the Marsh, with typed extracts: 1220-1626. - other notes & scraps. - Romney Marsh Drainage & Sea Defence Works: 1948 - 4 original photos of excavated piling - location and dating unknown. - Romney Marsh in the Early Middle Ages, by N.P.Brooks: photocopy from -? - A Sea Wall in Kent, by M.Du-Plat-Taylor, from The Structural Engineer, April 1932. maps. - collection of copies of maps relating to the Marsh; 1599» i6i7(Poker), etc. - original map: Plan of The Risden Estate, Romney & Wailand Marshes; 1939; part of the sale particulars: coloured plots in Snave, Snargate & Brookland. - The Changing Geography of Romney Marsh, by G.R.Davies: author's original copy of projected book(prob. never published), 1966; two folders, one with text and photos, one with 12maps (sketches). - engineers drawing of the Littlestone Wall extension (detached from report of Romney & Denge Marsh Catchment Board). - Kent River Board - Report on Board'b responsibilites regarding fishing etc, 1951 (typescript) (See also Drainage/Agriculture Box Anne Roper, Box No. 8. Cinque Ports. (Box 1 of 4) - papers relating to the Courts of Brotherhood & Guestling for the following years: Notest-for each year there may be a Programme, Summons, Report, Agenda, Sermon, Order of Service, and other papers. -the items marked * are not in the Catalogue of the Archives of the Confederation of the Cinque Ports, by Dr. F.Hull, K.A.O. (C.K.S.), 1963. - 1908 Agenda only* - 1910 Programme only* - 1911 Summons, photo.* (all*) - 1920 Summons, Petition, Programme,Sermon, Report*, (all *) - 1923 Report, Service, letter, (all *) - 1925 Programme only* - 1927 Programme, Service, Report, Invitation,Luncheon, (all*) - 1931 Programme, Order of Procession, Sermon, Summons, Special Summons,Service, Poem, Report, newspaper cutting/photo (noifall*) (multiple copies). ++10 photos in Box3of4 - 1937 Summons, Programme, Order of Profession., Second Summons(one with wax imprint of Romney seal), Coronation arrangements, Petition of Gillingham (1935) to join Confederation, Petition of Eastbourne(1937) to join Confedaration,Ageoda & Ftir*heEJlg6rida_ (-"absurdities of Petitions by Eastbourne & Gillingham " ), Luncheon.(not all*), (multiple copies of most docs.), + Sermon & cuttings/photos, Report*jPoster*. - 1953 Programme, Order of Procession, Poem, Service, Sermon, Notes on Agenda, Luncheon, Resolution, Report. ( all docs * ). - 1955 Programme, Processing,„Service, Sermon, Luncheon & List of Participants( A.R.'s notes on reverse).. Resolution, ( most *). (note: no Report of meeting). - 1959 Programme, Report on Records, Report, cuttings. ( all*). - 1962 Programme, General notes, Service, letter, (all*) No Report. - 1970 Circular Letter & Summons, Programme, Luncheon, Report, (all*) p/copy (faded) on Great Yarmouth & the Cinque Ports article, cutting. - 1973 Programme & printed Programme, TicketB, Service, Luncheon. (all*) No Report. - 1978 Invitation, Programme, Service, (also typed pro-forma Programme) (all *) No. report. This was the 7OOth Anniversary of the grant of the Great Charter to the Confederation and Queen Elizabeth II was present at the Court. Anne Roper, Box No. Cinque Ports. (Box 2 of 4) - Brotherhood & Guestling: misc. photos, papers, cuttings. • - Lord Warden: misc papers; Procedure on Oath-Taking. - Local Government Law & Administration - Coronation Ceremonies: 3 booklets; Coronation of George IV 1821; Coronation of 1957 - Cinque Ports Justices - Application of Lydd to join Public Luncheon in Dover, 1914, with the Lord Warden,.Earl Beauchamp. - The Brotherhood & Guestling of the Cinque Ports, with an Account of their "Canopy Service" at the Coronation of George IV: by George Wilks. n.d. but late 19thc. Two editions of booklet. - misc papers: coats of arms; decline in standard of the "English" in the printed minutes; changes in local government administration,1935; the silver oar of the C.Ports; etc. - Installation of Lord Warden etc: various documents relating to the following installations: 1908 - Baron Brassey: programme & Order of Procession 1934 - Marquess of Reading: Official Report with photos; letters, news paper cutting. (2 copies) 1936 - Marquess of Willingdon: Official Report with photos; letter, newspaper cuttings; Burial service for Willingdon, 1941.(2 copies) 1946 - Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill: Official Report with photos; newspaper cuttings; order of the service. 1966 - Sir Robert Menzies: programme, cutting. Memorial service 1978, Civic Service 1979 - Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother: luncheon & music card only. - The Cinque Ports & Their Lords Warden: Poems by Edward Body, 1979, letter from author: lists all Constables & Lords Wardens 1053-1979. Anne Hoper Box. No. Cinque Ports (Box 3 of 4) - Petition to Parliament, 1888: Cinque Ports Scheme - a Clause to be added to the Lo cal Government Bill to allow the Old Cinque Ports & their Liberties to be madeknto a separate county; supporting documents, poster etc. - file of letters and notes re; Cinque Ports history, Eastbourne & Hydenye application, 1937 Coronation, extracts of old documents, priority & precedence of posts, Commission of Lydd 1920. - envelope of papers: 1957 Coronation, costumes etc,; Table of Kentish CinquePort Boroughs and their Precedence complied by Teichman Derville ( and with an amended copy showing the Sussex Ports - A.R.). - Great Yarmouth, The Cinque Ports & the Free Pair for Herrings, by R.H.Teasdel, 1928; booklet explaining the relationship between the Cinque Ports and the settlement their fishermen built on Yarmouth Denes and the problems over the centuries. - The Returns of Barons to Parliament for the Town & Port of Hastings, T.S.Dymond, 1937. booklet. - notes and cuttings; tokens; Arms of the C.Ports; Courts;the Silver Oar; orig photo of a Court Procession (at Romney in the 1920 ?); extracts from records; speech of welcome to new Lord Warden, Sir Robert Menzies 1966; letter concerning proper pronouciation of 'cinque1; the Cinque Port halbert, now on display.- at New Hall, Dymchurch; photo of Captain H.Lovegrove being sworn in as the Mayor of Winchelsea, 1958 (Note; Capt Lovegrove published a paper on the •Old Shore Lines Near Camber Caslle1 in the Geographical Journal, 1953.)? notes re. Yarmouth connection. - envelope containing notes on the Courts, Yarmouth, Records, etc. - small envelope containing original photos (10) of the Procession of The Court of the Brotherhood & Guestling of 10th Hay, 1931 (note one photo gives date as 19th May). - photo envelope containing 6 prints of Teichman Derville: one is the original that appears on the dust cover of Inns of Kent by A.R.; the others are from three different occasions in the 1930s, one at N.Romney with the Duke of Kent. Anne Roper Box Ho. I I. Cinque Ports (Box 4 of 4) - newspaper cuttings, 1930s (article with photos of a Court procession). - notes, letters, extracts from documents, a few Courts items. - two mounted & sealed Courts documents: Notice of a Court} election of a Canopy Bearer at the Coronation: both 1937. - Minutes of the first meeting of the Society of the Barons of the Cinque Ports: 1958 (and letters). - printed histories of the Cinque Ports (2). - The Cinque Ports & Their Warden: Legal History (copy of article in the New Law Journal, 2nd August, 1979.) - The Port of Sandwich:"a brief account of our Port of Sandwich, as distinct from the Town itself" : May 1920* history including Map of the. Sandwich Haven Improvement Scheme-1913. - Anne Roper's lecture noteB and list of colour slides: Cinque Port slides. - folder of notes & correspondence belonging to Maj. Teichment Derville; re. C.Ports banner, arms, militia, history, visits etc. - various list and catalogues of the Records of the Cinque Ports, including the Catalogue of 1963 by the K.A.O. (now C.K.S.) by by Dr. Felix Hull. - two engravings of the seals of the towns of the Cinque Ports; the seal of St.Bartholomews Hospital, Hythe; of Southlands Hospital, New Romney; the Bailiff of Lydd; the Bailiff of Romney Marsh; (by VSn. Boys) Anne Roper. Box No. Romney Marsh- General & Agriculture. (Box 1 of 2) - Two folders of letters and reports regarding Romney Marsh Development ( the proposal to 'Nationalise" the Marsh ) 1 - N.P.U. & Romney Marsh Investigation 1948-1950 2 - K.C.C. '• » . « -1947. (see also Romney Marsh- drainage & agriculture box for further details of this proposal) - folder of cuttings relating to the above, mostly from the farming point of view, with photos. - The Kentish Estates Journal, 19561 long articles on I#mpne Castle, Thomas Thurston of Ashford, Romney Marsh lands for sale and sale particulars of Kent properties. - Journal of the R.I.C.S., July 1951 Pt.1: long article by Alfred J. Burrows on Romney Marsh. - envelope entitled: "Dering - Farms & Marsh Estates - Plans which accompanied old Auetion particulars - ? about 1855" - New Ttomney, Old Romney & Hope All Saints, lot 9: Sheephouse Farm: in four separate locations, with later pencilled notes. - another copy of the above: with Hope Farm written on back. - Hope All Saints, and St.Mary's, lot 13: Honeychild Farm: one largp farm and a detached parcel, later pencilled notes. - at Snargate, lots 1,2 and 3: three parcels of land. - at Eastbridge & Orgarswick, lot 15: Eastbridge Farm: in several lots. - at Brenzett, lot 6: Dean Court Farm: in one lot. - At Dymchurch & New Romney, lots 4 & 5: two lots in the towns. - At West Ifcrthe, lot 17: two pieces of land on both sides of the Canal: with later pencilled notes. - at Burmarsh, lot 16: un-named farm north of the Church. - Iyychurch, Old & New Romney, lots 7 & 8: three parcels of land: with later additions in red ink & in pencil. - at New Romney & Ivychurch, lot 14: several un-named parcels of land and buildings, outlined in colour, with pencilled notes of crops grown in 1896, 1897, 1899 and 1902. note: all maps of similiar size, printed on paper and mounted on cloth; they are not cuts from one large map. - A Sea Wall in Kent, by M.Du-Plat-Taylor; old photocopy of an article in the Journal of the Institution of Structural Engineers, April, 1932. - Sheep Farming in Romney Marsh in the 18th Century - the Transcript of a letter written in 1978, describing the methods of the Romney Marsh grazier; Wye College, Occasional Publication No.7; 1956. Anne Roper* Box No.I a— ASHFORD - newspaper cuttings 1936-1984 including: Kentish Express 15.10.1943 with obit of Dr. F.W.Cock of Appledore and the original Saunter Through Kent with Pen and Pencil of Ashford. - programmes of lectures and exhibitions. - short history of Geerings of Ashford. - typscript Report of the Archbishop's Commission on the Ashford Area, June,1967. - notes on the history of the official mace of the constable of Ashford. - song and conversation piece about the aged Ashfor Justices - four octogenarians, 1930s? - typed lecture notes. - ABhford County Technical School magazine, 1952. - original photo of A.R. with Mrs.Dawkins, 1983: photo of Boughton Court. - coloured print: High Street, Ashford, 1830. WILLESBOROUGH - parish magazine, Sept 1938; historical notes; Church restoration. - Windmill: newspaper cutting re history and preservation. - envelope containing notes of serveral local mills: incl Wortin Mill, Great Chart Willesborough Windmill, built 1869 Willesborough Watermill, burnt 1899 Warehorne Post Mill Bradbourne or Horton Mill (sketch map showing sites of windmill and watermill) (1938) - typed talk given in 1938. - parish magazines: July, August & Oct. 1938, with short historical items, Anne Roper. Box No. I A ALDINGTON - newspaper cuttings: Joseph Conrad's writing desk sold. ( Conrad lived at Oswalds, Aldington for a year ). Noel Coward at Goldenhurst Farmhouse. Roman Villa at Court Lodge. - Aldington Church Restoration: letters regarding internal redecoration; architect's opinion & description of Victorian stencilling on East end of Chancel, 1957-1975. - letter re proposed parish history ( mentions reputed underground tunnel at Cobbes Hall ). See Arch. Cant. Vol. LXXXVI, 1971 for history of Cobbs Hall. - other minor items. - two talks: Aldington 1937, Aldington Church 1972, with notes etc. - see Smuggling Box for history of the Aldington Gang of smugglers. - cutting: Cobbs Hall for sale, the house in which Elizabeth Barton was employed in 1525. Anne Roper. Box No. APPLEDOHE (& EBONY ) parish magazine Feb 1896 to Nov 1899, bound and historical notes indexed. - newspaper cuttings 1930-1976 -notes and photos, engraving of Philip Chute ( Standard Bearer to Henry VIII, buried at Appledore, 1566 ) - short Guides to Church: brief guide to Home's Place and Home family. STONE-IN-OXNEY. EBONY, CHAPEL BANK. - Ebony - notes on place name origins. - cuttings: beating the bounds at Stone, 1930s, with photos; prehistoric remains found at Stone quarry, 1936; "Saunters through ..Kent .... •• - Stone-in-Oxney, 1922; etc. - history noteB, some typed, prob. for an article or talk by A.R. - letter re. the Cloake family of Tenterden and Ebony. - The Little Town, by Pamela Sinclair, a Christmas play in verse and mime for the children of Stone-cum-Ebony, 1959. - Ebony: typed lecture, 1973f by A.R. Anne Roper. Box No.'*— Wittersham transcript of letter from J.McN.DOdgson re placename Wittersham church guide from W.M.Gardner notes church programmes William M Gardner of Chequertree, Wittersham: letter and copy of The Unfinished Song of Sandy the Shepherd" performed in W. Church in 1953. / Anne Roper. Box No. 13, Brookland newspaper cuttings, letters, photos & research notes. church guides (incl. author's copy & notes) 1932,1936,1961 Eds. + new editions of 1971 & 1973. Church: -reports on bells -notes on belfry by Kenneth Gravett in connection with his articles^n Arch. Cant, and the Antiquaries Journal, -research on Jonathan Harmer's terracottas and pla^que -original watercolour of church & belfry from the north - if this is from life, probably mid-late 19th century. - photos and research on lead font ( including letters from Gerald Monypenny of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies, Manchester University) letters and notebook concerning the background to Kipling's "The Maid on the Brobkland Road" from Arthur Hougham; plan of the house and garden called "The Filberts" in 1932. r Given to Anne Roper in 1952 by the author; further correspondence and biographical information on the Hougham family. - report by E.Clive Rouse (well-known specialist on wall paintings) on several walls paintings in the Church, c.1965 - copy letters from Arthur Hougham (originals in Smuggling Box), about a) haunted house in Brookland called The Filbeits, bjj smuggling in Brookland c) his ancestor's medical instrument case. - copy of The Kipling Journal, Sept, 1959. - articles by A.R. in Church News, June, 1949 and The Marshman, 1971. - printed brass rubbing of Master Thomes Leddes, d.1502. - printed copy of David Knight's painting of the Church. - printed copy of Leslie Cotton's drawing of the Church. See: Sussex Arch. Collections (1962) p 142-148: re. J.Harmer's terracottas. Arch. Cant. LXXIX (1974) P 43-48: Brookland Belfry, (by K.W.E.Gravett) Antiquaries Journal (1969) P 391-2: Brookland Belfry. " " Anne Roper. Box No. 13 Ivychurch typescript history of church & corrections, letter re "More Court" Ivychurch and Taylor family of Shadoxhurst. letter 1946 ahd list of rectors. photos of cchurch: from Petrie drawing, c.1912, pre-1914, 1914, undated. notes, guide to church, bells, cuttings, Herman Tulman of Utrecht former rector of Ivychurch. letter re Sir Reginald Blomfield at Ivychurch (Note by P.L.: the church was restored by him 1888-90 - see Pevsner) letter and list re Entries in the accounts 'of the Overseers of the Poor of payments to Dr.Hougham etc. Message from the Marsh - WW2 notes for a talk, probably dates from her time in the Army. The Church of St.George, Ivychurch, by Anne Roper, 1967. (no plan) Anne Roper. Box No. \UBILSINGTON - historical notes for a talk, 1936. - Church, notes on the bells and drawing on the tenor ( cast about 1440 ) - typescript of talk on history of Bilsington and, the Jfeiory;, ( restored by Mr.Balston, 'some 40 .y.e.ara.ago'; , and; now o,wned -by Mr. Justice Luxmoore ), date of notes prob. 1930s. Note on p.5 the reference to the Earls of Arundel holding the position of the King's Chief Butler etc. - letter from G.P.Tracy Beale dated 8.12.1937 concerning his family's claim to be the cup-bearer or Chief Butler of England. (Note. The Beale family was well-established in the Biddenden/Smarden area by the 1?th century) - newspaper cutting dated 25.9.1970 with biography of H.R.Pratt Boorman. - Priory - typescript history. - notes on Sir William Richard Cosway and his Monument erected in 1835. - other newspaper cuttings and notes. - two original photos of B.Priory; one is late 19th century and shows it before resto-ration, the other is early 20th cent. - Kent Newspaper", Proprietors' Assn., Diamond Jubilee, booklet by H.R.Pratt Boorman. BONNINGTON ( & Fawkenhurst ) - two Parish magazines, 1937, with history notes, prob. by A.R. - St. Rumwold's Church: article from Kent Life, by Pratt Boorman. - programmes: Bonnington's Pagent, 1985. - newspaper cutting, 1930s: photo of service on site of St.Leonard's Church, Fawkenhurst. See: The Gift of the Sea - Romney Marsh, p.107-8 etc for Fawkenhurst. Anne Roper. Box No. SALTWOOD - Castle: notes for lecture and guides, 1948, 1967. - Castle: typescript Notes on Saltwood Castle by Itev. H.D.Dale, probably 1930s. - Castle: guide leaflet} one small engraving, 'prob 1824*i two small prints; newspaper cutting 1964; printed notes including reprint with plan from.RAI Journal Vol. LXXXVI. } reprint from Country Life, 11.6.1948 of sale particulars with 4 photos} mounted engraving of Gate Tower by L.Clennellj - Castle: "Bastion" by Winifred Probert, c.1950, with covering letter from the author explaining how it was written at the request of Lady Conway. (Note: author writes from '•Smuggler's Cottage", Brookland, called thus in title deeds and in memories of oldest inhabitants, partially blocked-up hole in kitchen said to connect to either The \toolpack or to Hook Farm via an underground passage.) - Church: Notes supplied in part by V.J.Torr concerning Royal Arms and Inventories, particularly relating to Saltwood Church; original photo of the Saltwood Arms} letter concerning age and inscriptions on the Belfry clock; notes on the Peculiar of Saltwood. - Brockhill Manor: notes, pedigree of Brockhill 13-16th cent." - other cuttings and notes incl. 'Men and women under the swastifcka. Germany as I saw it' - probably text of a talk given by A.H. in 1939 (?) with later additions. (see also: Hythe Box 2 of 5 for Notebook with notes and engravings of Saltwood Castle) - Saltwood Church by Canon Scott Robertson, 1889 (reprint from Arch.Cant) - parish magazine 1965, with note about AR's work on the Royal Arms. + A Map of the Parsonage Land of Salt-Wood by Francis Hill, April 11th, 1707. This is a good quality, professional photo (black & white), 14 x 11 inches ( original map size not known ). It depicts the Glebe land, owners of adjoining properties, the church and otharr buildings in profile; by order of Mr. John Lewis, Reverend of the said Parish. This map is not in the Catalogue of Estate Maps 1590-1840 in the Kent County Archives Office, 1973. See the above Catalogue: p 233 for Brockman place name on a map of 1832$ and pp. viii, 38, 40, 42-3 for other Francis Hill maps. - Saltwood Parish Church, Historical Notes with Illustrations: by Oliver G.Villiers, 1962; with letters enclosed. Anne Roper. Box No Canterbury Misc. notes and cuttings, copies of drawings, engravings. letter from William Urry>about discovering Canterbury documents,1946 photo of A.Roper leading^procession (of Marsh Jurats ?) Longport House: brief history by John Parsons 9.6.77 (owner) notes of Canterbury Inns - with illustrations ("Chequers of the Hope, destroyed I860 -^crown ptfst roof, 15th century) The Hentish Observer 27.9.1945 - reprint of article "Canterbury Excavations" letter-S article - The Holy Maid of Kent engravings of Thomas Cranmer 1829, Wickliff, Warham 1824. notes on the Hill Family - Mapmakers of Canterbury. programmes for Cathedral services on special occasions - eg. The Royal Maundy 15.4.1965; enthronement of Archbishop; etc) note & photocopy about a book on documents relating to Thomas Beckett (amongst others) visit of Queen Elizabeth II 15.4.65 to present the Royal Maundy. booklets: The Heraldry of Canterbury Cathedral Vol 1, parts 1,2 & 4. Friends of C.Cathedral, Apr 1949, May 1970, Account of Inception & Growth of the Friends.. 1928-1959. Christopher Marlowe - cuttings, notes, Quatercentenary celebrations, Marlowe Theatre programmes, Marlovia magazine, Crosby Hall. ("Note- all Marlowe items in separate box) The Canterbury Society - newsletters 1992-4 ,1995.,< Canterbury Diocesan Motes - 1933-4 The Cantuarian - article about Marlowe by W.Urry; about James Simmons & the Canterbury Bank etc (portrait). The Records of the Court of Arches - article by M..I}oreen Skater,, 1953,., , Canterbury Archaeological Society: Annual Reports, 1962,1966. Thomes More/Roper connection : cuttings. William Urry: obituary, from Journal of the Society of Archivists, 1981. On the acta of Theobald and Thomas, archbishops of Canterbury; from Journal o£ the Society of Archivists , 1981. Anne Roper. Box No. Canterbury - Christopher Marlowe - cuttings, notes, notes for lectures, Quatercentenary celebrations, etc - Marlowe Theatre programmes. Marlovia magazine 1957,1960 - catalogue of the Marlowe Society's Library - Crosby Hall: connection with Roper family. Anne Roper. Box No. 17 DOVER. - booklet 194Os(?): report of the Dover Excavation Committee - research notes, newspaper cuttings, copies of photos & engraving. - early stereo photo of Roman Pharos (unrestored) &. part of Castle. - Installation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother as Lord Warden, 1.8.1979: booklet, East Kent Mercury souvenier edition; other cuttings. - list of Dover's Inns (78) - The Dover Pagent 1.8.1908 - Commemorative leaflet - Mote*s Bulwark, Dover,BXXXX& Kent.- small engraving by S.Sparrow 1784, on reverse: Dates & Dimensions of several buildings within Dover Castle, 19th cent. - illustrated exhibition booklet: Dover Past & Present, 1965. - Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club, Marine Parade, Dover; Rules & Regulations with List of Members, 1935: coloured drawings of flags, list of yachts & owners etc. - letters from G.S.JohnBon, Marston Hall, Martin: regarding local history, EaBt Langdon church plate etc. - St. Augustine•s Church, East Langdon - handwritten history notes. - original photo of A.R. with Sir Robert Menzies, 1967 Anne Roper. Box No. 17 DEAL & WALMER. - newspaper cuttings 193Os-197Os (note: report of KAS outing in 1951 to Otford & Cowden, with drawings) - history notes - Mayor's Address at his Installation, Nov 1947 - exercise book containing note s on Deal Manor House (Coppin's), Stebbing's notes fron Arch. Cant, in 1947 and mostly a detailed description of Peterborough Cathedral. This is almost certainly one of V.J.Torr's note books which has become separated from the bulk of his notes, now in the KAS Library. - General Sir Norman Tailyour, K.C.B..D.S.O., The Captain of Deal Castle - letters & copies of signals etc. 1972-1978. - Pilot, August, 1979: Deal, Sholden & Valmer parish magazine: with parish Who's Who and trade directory. Anne Roper. Box No. / S Dungeness notes, cuttings, letters on following: history wrecks Old Battery (old photos, sketch map 1910, Victor Smith's letter and other letters re. demolition,1977-9) lifeboats lighthouses (drawing of the fst lighthouse; old photo of the old lighthouse, fcken from a watercolour at Trinity House showing the effect of the lightning strike, Nov. 1822)' power stations cross Channel electric cable scheme 1962 birds (John Tart's diary for 1933) proposals for a new port 1972 "Looking at Kent Part One Dungeness" by Robert Denie Smith: typescript of proposed article photo of engraving of The Chief Boatman's House & First Battery at Dungeness 19thC. DungeneBS - History, Geomorphology, Planning Background, Nature Conservation,Botany, Ornithology, Landscape, Agriculture, Water Supply, Sea Defence, Ministry of Defence, Sand & Gravel Extraction, Nuclear Power Stations; brief typescript notes. printed illustrations of: a brewers1 cart fitted with special wheels for travelling over loose, shingle of Dungeness: the Old Lighthouse & Fog Horn, Dungeness: The new Lighthouse - 1906. letter from R.B.Burrowes, entitled •Dungeness Preservation1, saying that •the R.S.P.B. has been negotiating to buy 730 acres but some developers have got an option on this land1. - original sketch ( coloured ), probably copied from another drawing, and probably depicting the old lighthouse andd adjacent building at Dungeness. Anne Roper. Box No. DYMCHPRCH - newspaper cuttings and notes etc. 1924- - old postcards, original photos(incl. meetings of Grand Lath). - letters re Bateman Collection and A.S. pottery found at Dymchurch. - Dr. Syn & Russell Thorndyke - cuttings and programmes. - 1973 letter giving childhood memories of Dymchurch holidays c.1902- - booklet, Dymchurch Holiday Camp, 1920s. - Teichman Lerville's address to KAS Summer excursion to New Hall, 1957. - Saunters Through Kent with Pen & Pencil - photo-copy of book and original newspaper article, 24.6.1915. MANOR of EASTBRIDGE Anne Roper was Lord of the Manor of Eastbridge. - notes regarding history of manor and church, registration of site and ruins etc. - copy of Court Baron, 1755, 1776, 1734. notes of Court of 1607 etc. - Eastbridge Charter: photos and copies of Charter of 1235, also of charters of 1227, 1229. ROMNEY, HYTHE & DYMCHPRCH RAILWAY - small collection of cuttings and printed matter. - see other boxes for more photos, e.g. Norwegian Connection box. Anne Roper. Box No.2_0. E.Nesbit ( also El than. St.Mary in the Marsh, Dymchurch) photos of Wall Hall (some orig) fofh^h^f Kf blrth certificat* for Edith, marriage certificates husband " marria^8' death certificatesfor Edit* and first photo and negative of original grave marker at St.Marys various biographies, cuttings, copy photos. Eltham Society newsletter, exhibitions at Well Hall etc poems: AJerman Household (Aged 10); the last Poem(in bed during E.Nesbit in Elthan - booklet published by The Eltham Society in 1974 compiled by Margaret Taylor (see p.14 for reference to A.R.) ' - details of the Bland family of Woolwich, 19thc. - The Eltham Society Newsletter Nos. 42 - 83 incl (1974-1986) -•E.Nesbit, as I knew her'by Mavis Strange, article in The Horn Book Magazine, Oct, 1958 (published in the U.S.A.) -•Daily HAgic' by Edward Eager, article in above magazine - 'Places of Enchantment' by Eleanor Graham, in above magazine. - 'Oswald Bastable1 by Noel Streatfeild, in above magazine. Anne Roper. Box No. 2J FOLKSTONE & SANDCATE - original petition to Archbishop of Canterbury to promote Rev'd Herbert Dale to the Living, 6.5.1898. - print, after JWW Turner. - print by T.Boys. - offprint from Arch Cant: Sandgate Castle by W.L.Rutton. - pamphlet, Sandgate Kent, by W.M.Chaplin, (see below also). - offprint from Arch Cant Vol LXII, 1950 - a First Century Urn-field at Cheriton, Folkstone. - street plan with adverts, about 1947. - Folkstone Pilot Station, Trinity House booklet, cirea- 1972 - Corporation of Folkstone: list of Municipal Records 1904; report by P.R.O• - Folkstone Through, the Ages by Bernard Richardson Billings, 1929, •a Fantasy founded on the History & Legands of the Town from Roman times to Present Day1 (photos & adverts) - notes, talk by A.R., newspaper cuttings etc. - William |§rvey: newspaper cuttings. HMe: for the Halke-Harvey file of notes- see Hastingleigh Box. - 'A Son of the Sea' My Life Storry by Capt. S.H.Belson: contains an account of the 1891 shipwreck of the "Benvenue" at Sandgate; (photocopy of part of the book, published at Whitstable, 1938) - The Defence of S.E.Kent during the French Wars 1793-1815, by Peter E. Bloomfield; these are notes accompanying an exhibition, 1978. - see Smuggling Box for references to Folkstone. The Folkstone, Sandgate & Hythe Tramway, by J.Hatcher, in Bulletin of the Tramway & Light Railway Society, 1981. - Sandgate by Winifred M.Chaplin, 1970 ( booklet with photos,map) - photocopy (in 2 parts) of a drawing of a proposed pier, 1880;(by H.B.James); location unknown - possibly Folkstone? - Folkstone International Folklaw Festival 1965: programme & notes. - St.Mary's, Capel-le-Ferne: newspaper cutting, 1933, with drawings. Anne Roper. Box No. HYTHE (Box 1 of 5). - Hythe Wills by A.Hussey; reprint from Arch Cant Vol.L. - The Hythe Moot Horn & Its History; Boro• of Hythe publication, 1960. - The Story of St. Saviour's Hospital, c.1962. - the Gardner family of Hythe, 1800-1900; notes,letter. - Portex Ltd; history of company, 1979.; film made in 1973. - Francis Pettit Smith - HPather of the Screw p^ ller,( t of articles, 1921-1934. (see D.N.B. for detailed biography) - engraving -.after J.M.W.Turner - 'notebook- of reminiscences by E.Amos, with memories of Hy*he circa 1905- other notes included; photo inscribed in the same hane as the notes „ . , . Ulso transcription of notes) -Guide, 1962. - two newspapers: Hythe & Sandgate Advertiser, 18 & 25 Feb. 1888. - Report on Church Hill Site 1946 with plan. - Hythe High Street in 1837 - list of 148 properties with trades and occupiers etc. - notes, cuttings, lecture notes etc. - Anne Roper's office diary 1969-1982: record of part of her time as Borough Archivist; other notes tucked in, including newspaper cutting of 1880. Anne Roper. Box No. HYTHE(Box 2 of 5) - lecture notes, mostly typed: Church & Town in Elizabethan Times, 1982. " " " " 1975 19th Century Hythe, 1974. Hythe Citizens of Renown, 1969. Hythe in the Eighteenth Century, 1972. The Story of Hythe Church, 1972. Hythe(s Maritime Story, 1966. The Story of the School of Infantry, 1971. The Parliamentary Representation of Hythe, 1978. Some Account of Local Mills, 1966. Letters to the Archivist, 1968. The Rt. Hon. The Member for Hythe, - 1966. Things to see in a church & churchyard. Cinque Ports1 Honours at Court - 1965. K-entish Coastal Defences - 1965. - notices of other talks; short talk on Hythe - typed notes. - indexed notebook: Notes on Hythe and the Cinque Ports. (by) Claude Chidell, 58 Brockhill Rd, Hythe. Oct. 1955. contains original photos, small engravings, ®photographic copy of an early-19th century painting, of the town & harbour (note: windmills at the harbour, newly built end of the Canal), Stutfall Castle, Saltwood Castle,( 2 engravings), opening of Museum 19351good impression of Hythe Seal.- 'Note: '.probably the 1806 painting referred to in "Hythe Mills" by Peter Davies, p.3. (1942). see Box 4 of 5. Anne Roper. Box No. 2Jf- HYTHE (Box 3 of 5) - newspapers, original & copies: 10th July 1880, 51st July 1880 (2), 14th August 1880, 9th October 1880, 10th December 1910, 15th October 1881 (re visit of Prince of Wales). - other newspaper cuttings, history notes, letters etc. - collections of papers relating to following topics: Hythe Charity School Thomas Shipdem Prampton (obit in Arch Cant 1924) Sir Robert Menzies (Lord Warden) - 2 newspapers, 1967. The Seabrook ( Imperial ) Hotel: history etc. Botoloh's Bridge & Kent Inns Kent Portrait Survey: families mentioned: Lock, Fielding, Wood , Harvey etc. John Overhaven of Hythe ( period 1420-1445 ) - Hythe Civic Society, Local History Group: Notes on the History of Hythe and the Town Walk, by Colonal Duncan Forbes, M.A., March 1981. Two copies plus part of another copy printed by K.W.E.Gravett, probably for future publication. - The Early History of Hythe, by George Wilks, Town Clerk, corrected proof, late 19th cent.? - Hythe Town Council; Year BookB for 1969-70, 1970-71, 1979-80, 1981-82 1980-81, 1982-85. - The Foresters' Miscellary - booklet used as a scrapbook of cuttings, depicting old views of Hythe & district in 19th cent. - collection of photos, postcards, drawings, engraving of Hythe Church chancel in 1855* Seabrook, beach,railway etc. - Borough of Hythe: Catalogue of Documents (two copies),(post 1936). List of documents retained in Hythe Town Archives, kept in basement, (1979). Papers stored in the 'Fireman's House1, 1978. The Manuscripts of the Corporation ofHJithe, compiled by Hist. Mss. Comm'n, 1874. Reports of the Hon. Archivist and other letters. - St. Leonard's Church, Hythe: Historical Guide, by C.E.Whitney, 1976.: St.Leonard's Review, various copies, 197Of with articles by Anne Roper: programme for Flower Festival, 1982, with historical notes by AR. Anne Roper. Box No. "2- 5 HYTHE ( Box 4 of 5 ) - "More 19th century Fragments of Methodist History of Hythe" bv Hubert A. Pitts. 1970 - a few facts from memory, relating to the talk on Jan 15th 1962 by Mr. Griggs, fishmonger & fisherman., to the Hythe Society. - newspapers 196O-7Os; Christmas Supplement to the Hythe Reporter, no date but with many 19th century photos and views of Hythe Sandgate, Folkstone, Saltwood, Lyminge, New Romney. ••Hythe Mills" compiled by Peter Davies from notes made between the years 1934-1942, (December, 1942), typescript 'for private circulation only*. - A Brief History of The Small Arms School Corps & The Small Arms Wing School of Infantry, Hythe. by Capt A.J.Parsons, M.B.E., illustrated booklet, 1953. * - official guides to Hythe: 1938-39, 1956, three more of the 195O-6Os, eight more guides from the 196O-7Os (all undated). - Hythe Museam Historical Publication - The two •Sergeants'Maces• of Hythe by P.C.Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A. - article about the Hythe Fire Brigade in 'Kentish Fire', The Magazine of the Kent Fire Brigade, December 1974. - a few notes; Street Plan of Hythe, 196O-7Os with photos etc: newpaper cuttings. - pamphlet dated Hythe, Dec. 12, 1828. by Richard Hart: "To The Parishioners of Hythe"; relates to the alleged improper appropriation of the funds for the charity called "Weller's Gift". -"19th century Fragments of Methodist History, of Hythe, Sandgate, Dymchurch, Folkstone, Elham Valley, Sellindge" by Hubert A.Pitts. 1969. Anne Roper. Box No. HYTHE (Box 5 of 5) - Hythe Venetian Fete - programmes, letters, cuttings etc. - "Saunters Through.Kent with Pen & Pencil" - original cuttings dated 29th March and 17th May 1930, and 5th April, 1930. - drawing of The Brewery, Hythe (late 19th cent?) - Borough of Hythe, Catalogue of Documents, together with an original photo of Document No. 102 - Counterpart Lease, to Morleyne from the Towne. - Presentation of the Freedom of the Borough to Captain George Few, - misc. history notes and cuttings; first day cover for 400th Anniversary of Hythe Royal Charter, 1975; some Hythe Notables: +cutting re Frederick John Tiffin of New Zealand, born in Hythe; Charter Week programmes: list of inne and innkeepers; etc. + see Genealogical box for full details of Tiffin. -••Look at Life" film made in 1966 about the Cinque Ports. - Prospect House, Hythe: typescript history, with photos: built about 1790-1800 by Robert Finnis, Mayor of Hythe. - Visit to Hythe of the Lord Warden, Sir Robert Menzies, 1967: programme etc. (see Cinque Ports boxes for other photos etc). - letter from Hythe, May, 1917, describing the zeppelin raids on Hythe and Folkstone ( folded with this letter are brief notes on the Austin family ( Francis, 1808-1833; Thomas, 1794- 1881: Col. E.Austin: Henry Herbert, 1868-1937; Francis James, 1871-1942; Anthony Herbert: all of them in the army), and the Croft family. Relationship to Hythe unknown.) - Hythe Church: original watercolour by Mattone (?), 1963. - Hythe Church: folder of drawings from The British Architect, 1874; measured drawings by W.H.Brakspear, Architect, of details of the church. Anne Roper Box No HASTINGLEIGH 4 Kentish Village, Hastingleigh. by Mary W.Harwood, 1952: typescript and proof copy of book (mutilated by author), plus notes and letters from Dr. S.G.Brade-Birks (incl. Citation in introducing B,B. for Fellowship of Wye College & Reply). - Mary Harwood's Hastingleigh notebook - 'In Search of a Mother 1952- • containing researches into the Halke-Harvey families. - Book of Common Prayer, Oxford 1774; inscribed•John Washford his Book April ye 4th 1779 Steal not this book for fear of Shame for here doth stand the Owners Name - John Washford' (with enclosures ). - Halke-Harvey MSS: 1 folder containing: list of documents held in K.A.O. Maidstone (C.K.S.) ; notes; photos; letters from V.J.Torr; photos of church; Ewughton family of Kettering (Harvey descendant); photocopy of ton. Harvey baptism record; notebook containing notes and cuttings relating to the 1957 Win. Haruey Commemorations; folder of Halke-Harvey Notes, letters etc. (in the above are notes & letters re. Washford family erf Shipley Hatch, Mill Hill, Kingsnorth; silhouette of Jeremiah Washford, miller, brother of John; Jeremiah W. at Warehorne, died 1857, aet 73; related families: Swaffer, Moore, Maylam, Kirkman, Dobell of Cranbrook. Anne Roper. Box No. Lydd (box 1 of 2 ) original watercolour of an 18th century house ( Wightwick - late 19thC). Kemp family notes \£b-*- k-K*. cUxx>A \ J J demolition of the Battery at Lydd Firestation and engine Lydd Church: Restoration Fund Appeal photo of WW2 damage notes, cuttings, engraving. Clement Barling Charity. William Waylett of Lydd 1757-1815; a sketch of the life of an 18th century Man-Midwife, by F.William Cock 1907. Borough of Lydd; review of boundaries 1949 sand dunes at Greatstone. cutting from Daily Express 2nd feb, 1903 - wearing of wooden back-stays for walking on the shingle ( flat boards with loops for shoe ) note of sale of furniture at Ivy House - 1908. extract from Journey Round the Coast of Kent by L.Fusseli; 1818. The Borough of Lydd - history talk - typed notes Lydd Club Day - programme for 1957, with photos. Parish magazines, 1978, 1979, .1977, 1974 (see Box 2 of 2 for other Mags) Jacques Court - dated by K.W.E.Gravett to 1580-1600, plus later additions. (photo of AR & KWEG) Lydd Court Hall - letter from E.R.Parkin re history (see Arch Cant for 1982) The Smugglers of Lydd - cutting from Country Life 1981. (see Smuggling Box for other Lydd references) Official Guides: 1950s, 1954, 1961, 1962, 1967. letters from V.J.Tdrr, 19651 has sent articles to newly launched Sussex Life and to Mayfield P.Mag; indiscriminate whitewashing of churches; problems with Pratt Booman over articles. Lydd Volunteer Fire Brigade 1890-1940, by Edward Carpenter, 1978, with photos ( incl. Lydd Smock Mill fire, 1927, and two barn fires) All Saints* Church, Lydd, Cathedral of theMarsh, by Edward Carpenter,1980, with photos of 1880 interior, bomb damage of 1940, etc). Anne Roper. Box No. Lydd. (Box 2 of 2) Parish magazines only: 1980 - 1986 not complete. note; article about Jaques Court in Setp. 1980. Anne Roper. Box No. LYMPNE - Lympne Castle: description with photos, 1936 - Stutfall Castle: engravings, cuttings etc. - Parish magazines, Nov and Dec. 1972, (Lympne with Vest Hythe) ; more 1972- 1976 - list of Saxon coins from Lympne Mint. - Shepway Cross: Service of Dedication 1923, photos, notes. - Lympne Wild Life Park: part of planning objection to Mr.Aspinall1 Park - Court-at-Street ChapeL and Elizabeth Barton: booklet by H.J.Cheney; copy of article in Trans.of Royal Hist. Soc. 19O4;drawing; lecture notes: other cuttings & notes. -"The County Menbers" Inn at Lympne: poem about inn, original copy singed by author Richard Ramsey Fielder. - Lympne ( Ashford ) Airport - history (illust.) and cuttings. -other notes & cuttings including short history of Lympne smock mill (destroyed 1891),-remains of base existing in 1956, said to have been moved from Cheriton to present site. - Lympne Castle, 1822: large print showing ruins as a farmhouse: this has been reproduced in Arch. Cant XXX (1912) p. lii. - print by H.H.90 probably fanciful depiction of Fair Maid of Kent. - The Imposture of the Holy Maid of Kent: print by A.Tresham, 1796. Burmarsh - two sets of lecture notes. - original cutting of "Saunters Through Kent...11, ,. dated 29.11.1930 - Church: rare early photo of the interior before restoration, shows box pews and plastered/eiling, c.1880;( Note on the reverse of this mounted picture is an external view of Mersham Church ) other photos and descriptions of church: The Story of Burmarsh Church & Parish, compiled by the Rev. Angus F. Simons and published in the Parish Magazine between 1947 and 1949. ( A.R. wrttte the Guide to the Church) - Guide to The Church of All Saints by Anne Roper, 1967. (mentions photo of the interior taken in 1876 before the restoration)., Guide, second ed. 1972, with letter. - notes regarding the Church bells, 1970. -Parish magazine, May 1970. - copies of Plurality Order (Pastoral Reorganisation),1963 and Scheme for the division of the benefice of Dymchurch with Burmarsh etc. WAREHORNE, HAM STREET, ORLESTONE, RUCKINGE. - letter from Herbert Knocker to Teichman Derville, re. the Manor of Warehorne, 1943 (ownership of manor 'worth at least 6 gns'). - parish magazine 1983, cutting 1930s. cont/- -/cont - typed short guide to Warehorne church. - Millbank Faun, Ruckinge, 155 acres and part of the Millbank Land, 24 acres: sale particulars, with map and detailed description of lands and buildings; 1962. - notes and cuttings about the Ham Street W.I.; 1930s- - Methodist Church in Ham Street: Centenary leaflet, with photos, 1972. - letter from Richard Filmer with original photofcopy of hop-pickers, c.1890. - Lordship of the Manor of Orlestone: cutting, 1969, Lordship for sale: short historical details. Anne Roper Box. No. OLD Romney - Church guides by A.R., 1938 and 1970. - photos of church, some old, printed sketches & paintings (in envelope) - Coronation Recipe Book, 1937 - contributions from Kent,bussex,London. - Church chest 1768 - letter & photos re provenance. - Church: SPAB Report 1955 - Hospital Field & St.John's Field: letter,drawing & report of excavation by Jim Bradshaw, circa 1970s. - lecture by H.E.FraJjks of Rye, 1908 on Old Romney. - notes from old wills; Eps/Epse, Payne; list of Rectors; note on lands of Agne Court and letter from Gordon Ward about Agney. - St. Michael's, Old Romney 1 letters and report of excavation (Bradshaw) - lettersfrom Prof. Mills, 1972, re. connection between St. Clements & Arronaise Abbey, Pas de Calais in about 1140. - Grove House: list of deeds & documents (not in this collection) - Altar cover - report of the V. & A., 1971/1981. - typed history notes. - "1 Little Festival of Words & Music; programmas etc. - The Village, 1969- with article by A.R. - Manor House: letter & cutting from William T.Black, 1967 - letters regarding repair work on church 1967 ( some of these are 'sensitive1, Philip Toy died about 20 years ago but Anthony Swaine is still alive (2004).) - Lambeth Palace Library - photocopies of various documents and letter detailing others in the Library, 1975. - other cuttings and notes/extracts. Anne Roper. Box No. 32- New Romney (Box No. 1 of 3 ) anflft?e^afher Cl°Ck "1* by JameS »*™*U > New Romney and letters from owner. (see Kent Clocks & Clockmakers bv CPaSn I"7 P284: JameS Danne11 « New Romney copy of watercolour of "The Green Court" (photo) photocopies of 18th century letters. RecordsC^59?8S> condition of the Cinque Port 2 notebooks: lists of bailiffs and mayors. genea'1'logical notes on following names: Wightwick 18thc. 16-17thc. Mthc. 14-15thc. 14thc. 14th-17thc. 18thc. Mthc. 18thc 17-18thc, ^~ ^J • • ■» T1 ^h ^tf A^ Southland Tierce Colyn Gardiner Thurbarne Haffenden Franceys Cock Durant Brett 15th-17thc. Lancaster 14th-18thc. Baker 17-18thc. Mascall 18thc. lists of names of ancestors 6f possible N.Romney ancestors, (names all indexed) old photce of New Romney church - screen under Norman arch (arcade?) - another of the east end. old postcard (damaged) of High Street photo taken in 1935 showing "Foundation of East wall of ?chapel of the Leper hospital, near N.East angle" /-$;c\ _ other old photos and postcards of church, town etc. ••" ' - engraving of east end of church. - postcar ds of Littlestone. - about 30 copies of Parish magazine, 1933-1952. - A Copy of a Diary 1732 to 1755 (1767) of Mr. Miller, Schoolmaster at New Romney - made by P.William Cock M.D.; with covering letters and biographical notes concerning the provenance of the diary. - photos & postcards: The Red House, Littlestone; Flag Cottage; sea front at Littlestone; aerial view of New Romney, 1968 (original photo); A.R. and Jurats at New Hall, 1965/6. - Hope Chapel; small engraving of remains of church, 1854 by James Rolfe. ANNE ROPER Box No. 33 New Romney (incl. Littlestone & Greatstone) (Box 2 of 3) - Town Records; - Report of Royal Commission of Historical Mas, 1874 - The Records of New Romney by R.Holworthy, 1028 ■The srsS^SSir - various typed and hand-written axtracts from records. - list of bailiffs and mayors, coins & moneyers, M.P.s for Romney. - folder of various extracts. - 'An estimate of the charges of ye ordnance carriages and amunition proposed as necessary for the defence of the towne of Romney'etc hand-written extract by J.W.Bridge, 1952 - photos of seals, ch^air and other regalia - copy of Bye-Laws, 1932 ( covers Indecent Bathing, Orange Peel, Spitting, Loitering, Defacing Pavements, Bulls, Noisy Animals etc etc) - small photos of three maps in Town Hall: 1683, 1816, 1823. - print of document - Inquiition of 1788, re death of Elizabeth Nash. - The Lancet, 1928 re Tudor Act of Indemnity for Unqualified Practice - Leper Hospital - notes , photo of excavations etc - The Ancient Buildings of N.Romney by E.Parkin ( this appeared in A.Cant) - Southlands School & John Southland - Invasion Precautions, 1942. - lecture notes on history of town etc. - The Life of an 18th Century Man-Midwife by Dr. P.W.Cock, 1907, with additional notes, genealogy etc of Waylett,Woolet, Pattison families. - typed copy of will of Thomas Starre, Mayor of N.Romney, 1593 - coloured copy of a map (17th century?), not located. - New Romney Municipal Elections 1945, 1946, 1959 - printed candidates circulate. - 2 notebooks: mostly general history and lecture notes but some notes specific to N.Romney and Marsh area. - TheNew Romney & Cing-ue Port Records, by Major Teichmen-Derville, offprint from Arch.Cant Vol. XLII. -The Identification of the Borough of Northone (or Northne): detailed notes. -The Town & Port of New Romney by Teichman Derville, 1929. - The Records of• the Cinque Ports 1626-1956, by Teichmen Derville, 1956. - Report & Classificiation of the New Romney Records, » " , 1931. - Guides: New Romney, Littlestone & Greatstone, 1921, 1948, 1950s. Anne Roper Box No. New Romney (Box 3 of 3) - Church Nlcholas churoh 4 Ch!yardnotes; photos; sermons; parish magazine 1970, 1981; Services of Remembrance 1939, 1946; brief guide by Sir Charles Igglesden 1933; bell fsom Hope All Saints - detailed specification by an expert; newspaper cuttings; notes on the tower; extracts from Churchwardens & Vestry records etc - paid to the Carpenter for newe framing the bells 1648. - setting of the fence about the Churchyard 1655 - for making of the King's armes 1664 - ...the bitter wethr 1697 - gave relief to 6 slaves that came from Turkey c.1680 -repairing and shingling steple 1720 - for a payer of Btocks 1727 -repairs don about the ch'yard & Josting block 1739 - new paving the Chancell 1744 General newspaper cuttings; notes; extract from 1855 newspaper regarding visit of Shakespeare's and his company of players visited several towns in the area including Romney; letters from Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit 1978/9 regarding a survey of the area; phots. The Old Mill, New Romney - original small watercolour, prob 20th cent, coin or token, no provenance. New Romney diary for 1898 - history, photos, adverts. The Elms : original old photes & drawing of house, part of an album of photos depicting the house, occupiers, Stringer family (owners?), garden and sports activites etc.(also photo of the Mayor & Copporation at the Town Hall at the Coronation, 1902?) The Old Mill - another larger watercolour, prob 20th cent. The Elms & Stringer family - cloth-mounted pedigree with notes, original photos of church, town, churchyard, plate, two paintings of church interior, 1910 3 letters of reminiscences, two relating to'SauntersThrough Kent' Coast & Country Homes Gazette, New Romney edition, No.1 (1933)- 16 page booklet issued by Coast & Country Homes Ltd, who were developing two sites on the coast., one at Greatstone, one at Kingsdown-on-Sea: photos, maps, adverts, drawings ofrproposed houses etc. Church - original copy of report& recommendations by W.D.Carfle, he comments "Much of the money spent at the last restoration was sholly wasted through indifferent work being done, which has not lasted a tenth of the time of the work of the mediaeval builders"; see 'Pevsner' p 433 regarding the early intervention by the SPAB to halt work being carried out in 1880. Armada Report c.1588 - A.R.'s transcription of this diagrammatic map & description, (where is orig?). 3 B & W negatives, 35mm: Romney Windmill; coastguard cottages; Old Priory wall. letter & cuttings, 1903/4 regarding the bells and bellringing in the 18th-19th cents, (note: cuttings also refer to the Blechyndens of Ashford, Boughton Monchelsea, Bilsington & elsewhere) Anne Roper, Box. No. "5'S St. Mary in the Marsh. .Church: services, pamphlet guides, appeals, photos, plans, paintings, petitions, lecture notes, Reports on fabric, bells, etc.: - Parish magazines July & Oct. 1933 -sketch (printed) 1937 - Church guide by A.R. 1929 - Petition to install electric light & renew high altar, 1947 - estimate & report on the bells, 1955 - report on the fabric, 1954 - printed appeal for bells (repairs) - 2 photos of interior 1961 - lecture on church by A.R. to K.A.S. members on annual outing, 1929 - bills for two harmoniums, 1869.1873 - Elliston-Erwood's plan-of the church (orig, copy and printed copy) - notes prob. copied from Vestry minutes. - report on clock face 1975 - Restoration Fund 1908 - list of subscribers - colour & black and white photes - specification for re-shingling spire & othe work 1959 (cleft oak shingles, 16" long, random widths, 6" gauge, £" gaps, interwoven hips, double course at eaves, 2 copper nails per shingle) - brass rubbing of William Gregory (died 1502) - 2 photes of vicar,churchwardens (incl. A.R.) with Archbishop Fisherf1959 - notes on the bells by D.Cawley - handwritten notes from A/bishop Secher's Visitation 1758 (handwritten by V.J. - Inventory of Parish Registers & other Records, 1922 Torr) - plan of church 1961 by architect. - photos of bells 1956 - paintings of church: by John Doyle (printed) by unknown artist, early 20th cent (original) -© by unknown artist, 1966 (original) ^ original pencil drawing by F.Hibbert, 1971 ^> - folder of original drawings of church details, by Ursula Kacdonald. Parish: notes on buildings; Parish bounds; School and Schoolhouse; Duke of York's camps at St.Mary's Bay; other notes. - abstract of Vicky Hopper's deeds (house called Well Cottage in 1944) - original photo of Jesson Farm, late^19th century. - Sir William Dayton - letter from Gordon Ward with enclosures. - Lambarde Godfrey, died 1502/3, copy of will & notes.("of Blckmanston*, - James Chittenden - late 19th cent photo. now Goddall Farm) - several letters of recollections including photas of children at _ the village school. fct> - Articles about E.Nesbit, by Edward Eager, Mavis Strange, Eleanor Graham, Noel Streatfeild: in The Horn Book Magazine, 1958 - see E.Nesbit and Eltham Box. - Leonard David Crowe: certificate of the Service in the Royal Navy. - newspaper cuttings 1956-1984; Anne Roper's 50 years as a church warden; St.Mayy's Bay School Journey Centre - courses & programmes etc. Anne Roper. Box No. Tenterden & Caxton - Guide to Tenterden, circa 1975 . - Tenterden in the 15th Century - talk by A.R. in 1976., typed. - Tenterden 1449-1949 - Souvenir of the Quincentenary. - Exhibition of Books 1951 catalogue: includes an article by Richard Holworthy, Archivist to the K.C.C. - The Caxton Deeds. - Caxton, Man of the Weald, 1976. - other notes and cuttings on the town and Caxton. Smallhythe - history notes, cuttings, letters etc. - Ellen Terry Barn Theatre: programmes, address by John Gielgud with his memories of Ellen Terry. Voodchurch - Church: talk by A.R. for the visit by the Kent Archaeological Society, 1954; Guide by M.H.Mansell, 1972, with letter from author. - parish records: letter from V.J.Torr, quoting from records, possibly for a series of articles in the parish magazine (?) - Parish magazines: several copies, 1976/7, 1981, with history notes. Anne Roper. Box N Thanet. historical notes from The Thanet Catholic Review/Catholic Chronical The East Kent Critic, Dec.1975 notes for talks Margate Society newsletters No. 1 ( Jan 1969 ),8,11,13,17, letters regarding the age of Margate Grotto *" ±n Me° °£ Ke" J"'»-l. Spring 1972 See also: Smuggling Box for letters and articles by DunstanPrangnell, on various aspect of Thanet history viz. smuggling gangs, religion in Thanet under Queen Eliz, smuggling at Westgate. - St.Nicholas-at-Wade: parish magazive, April 1954: notes on local schools in the 16-17th centuries. - The Landing of the Vikings at Broadstairs, 28th July, 1949; souveniRi programmes, invitations, newspaper cuttings . Anne Roper. Box No. Sandwich - various notes, cuttings, letters. - Malt Shovel House. - photo of St. Clements Church, c.1890. - St Peters Church: Churchwarden's Duties 16-17th cent ( firora Home Counties Magazine vol III ) - St. Mary - printed drawing of old oak chest. - Sandwich & Its Story by W.J.Gordonj magazine article, photos, prob 1920s. - Sandwich records - extracts 17th cent. - copy of 1600 Bailiffs court record of dispute - mostly Yarmouth. - cutting about Captain John Harvey (1740-94), biography, lived in Eastry. - original print of the Fisherman's Gate, Sandwich, n.d. (prob. c.1800). Anne Roper. Box No. 38 WYE Area Wye - misc notes, lecture notes. - typed extract from Journal of Rev. Richard Robarts, 1810. re Wve riots - Wye College: 1947 - 500th Anniversary: programmes etc. - transcript of Wye deed of 1427 (in Latin): CKS U352 T20: Nicholas Penylond of Wye & William Rose of Weststowre in Wye (gives bounds of land), - cuttings & notes on life of Afra (Aphra) Behn, born C.164O in Wye, novelist & playwright ( note: letter from Vita Sackvilie-West disputing the date of her birth). - photo (prob 1920s) of a 17th century house with 3 gables jettied over the 1st floor (viz. The Chequers, Loose; The Sun, Maidstone; Bockingford Anns etc). The address on the back is in Hythe but the building may be in Wye. - coloured drawing of a 'glain naidr' - a glass bead or gem, found in a well in 1835. - folder containing lectures given in 1957 and 1947; also history notes, including Tile-Works at Uye (prob. from Salzman); extracts from churchwardens & parish books - prob. part of one of her talks. - Wye Local History; Autumn 1979. - newspaper cuttings. - Stour Music1964 and 1966: programmes. Godmersham & Crundale. - two letters from Dr. Brade-Birks, 1969,1977. - short history of the church by B-B. - parish magazine of Godmersham & Crundale: article on Royal Arms in Crundale. Boughton Aluph & Eastwell/Westwell * Church: appeal, including printed letter from A/bishop Fisher. - cuttings, including the clearing of Eastwell Park and conversion to arable farmland, 196O; sale of Park in 1976. - history notes on Eastwell Park, incl. visit by the Duke & Duchess of Edinburgh in 1874. - original photo of Eastwell Lake and Church, n.d., circa 1900. Brook. Selling.Hinxhill - a few notes and cuttingsonly.: Saunters through Kent for Hinxhill, 1931. Chilham - Chilham Castle Pageant, 1946; written by Somerset de Chair, produced by Edith Craig: programme. - cuttings. - letter from Dr. Cock,1936: re Dr. Harris (of History of Kent) and a possible connection with the Digges famile (and also Goddard of Cliff). Anne Roper. Box No Snave Church: quinquennial report of the structure 1966 list of rectors communial cup - detailed analysis, dated to c.1554-5 plan, photos, notes church guide, by Rev. David Cawley, 1974. the Wedding of Ann Ketchpowl 1741 Pasture land on the Mar*h in the sale particulars: 1942 The Beat Land & Pump Field at Snave Corner & The Russell Land (see Fairfield file for a 1939 sale particulars relating to this land) 1943 The Mount Land, Snave ( and other land in adjacent parishes) Thomas Killick Tickner 1851-1928: biographical notes, tablet in Church unveiled in 1956. Guide to the Church: by David Cawley, 1974. Anne Roper. Box No. 3 7 Snargate Report on the fabric of the church 1955 plan of church 1966 (periods dated) historical notes on the bells and other information about Holy Cross, Canterbury; dates of early bells in Kent, etc. photocopy of tenancy agreement dated 1903 for 43 acres of JaS,tiUuertlanC! in Snar8ate & Fairfield , Trustees of Mrs Fraser to W.H.Ovenden. report on the bells and inspection 1969 litter from Dr.Gordon Ward 1951 - sites of early place names typescript of the sermon preached by David Cawley3.1171 at the dedication of a chime of bells. Note about the three ancient bells at Snargate: " ..the treble of cl280 and the tenor of cl325 .. hang together in the s. ame tower; ..a record of antiquity paralleled only by Iwade.." wall painting of The Great Ship : photos, letters from G.Nesbitt Wood, who wrote articles in The Field and The Mariners Mirror, 1971/2. cutting dated 20.5.1967: 22-foot long tie beam brought from the Quaker's old Meeting House in Folkstone to replace a rotted tie beam in Snargate Church. Guide to the Parish & Church: 1st ed. 1967 and 2nd ed. 1974; both by R.S.Sharman. Anne Roper. Box No. 3°| Brenzett notes on a find in "Big Field" of a 12th century champleve enamel plaque. 1971. (original photo of plaque) (see Fairfield file for a 1939 map of lands for sale) Brenzett Aeronautical Museum - cuttings & letters, 1963-1975. Anne Roper. Box No. Fairfield pho^os of the church surrounded by floodwater in other photos of church church guide by David Cawley detailed description of bells notes & cutting, copy inventory of church goods 1552 sale plan of 1939: The Beat Land and Pump Field, Snave-, and b auction *" Fairfield' Brenzett & Kennardington: to be sold Anna Roper. Box No Newchurch Newchurch & Romney Marsh by P.Gray: photocopy of typescript history(+photos). notes, cuttings, church programmes, guides. play - "The First Good Friday" biographical notes on William(Barney)Cole d.1922 extract from The Ringing World 1969 on church bells. transcript of The Account of Thos Gabriel who with his Wife Sarah was removed from Newchurch to Broomhill. 4.Feb 1814. The village wheelwright - cutting from Kent Life, 195O/6Os: Mr. Bert. Bailey, wheelwright in Newchurch: photos etc. Anne Roper. Box No. /f-0 Brabourne - History of Braboume; lecture by A.R., 30th Jan, : SK^JrW"*-1840>i U Ci - scratch dial on north side of Church. - Scot's Hall wfXMu^ USt °f the Patrons & Vicara» fr°"> 1282 to 19O35 «™£ Jio«raphical notes beginning with Ealhburg in 833: this item probably hung m the church until it became too fragile. Compiled by Rev. T.S.Prampton. - print of Church by David Caplan, 1971 - letters from Michael Jack of Polkstone regarding Stowting Castle. 1970 - original photo of the Castle, 1970. Postling - St. Mary's Postling: List of Patrons & Vicars, from 1200 to 1902; arranged as a poster, which may have hung in the church (see above), compiled by Rev.T.S.Prampton. - a few notes & cuttings etc. Monks Horton - a few scraps of notes: inscription on tablet to Sir Matthew Robinson Morris, Lord Rokeby of Mount Morris, d.30.11.1800: linen weaving in 19th cent.: Kite Cottage formerly known as Kingsmill Cottages, windmill nearby?: Weste:nhanger - notes on W. by Arthur Bird (who resided at the Manor House 1902-1926). - original photo of Westenhanger House (Castle), c.1900: copy only, the original is in the Hythe Box - small engraving of Westenhanger House by Geo Shepherd, 1829. - watercolour of W.House, by T.Cofe (?), n.d., early 20th c. Elham (see Hythe for other items) - The Elham Valley Railway, by Brian Hart (p/copy) - cuttings, 1930s, ; letter re Lade family of Elham Court & Barham Court. Lyminge. Acrise. Mersham .Smeeth.Barham.Stelling.Denton. - a few cuttings & letters. - notes and cutting on the Royal Arms in Acrise Church Anne Roper. Box No. HAWKKJRST - Parish magazine, Jan, 1962, with part 12 of Hawkhurst History. - notes: Hawkhurst 1850-1870 by Marjorie Hardcastle of Ticehurst. - see also Smuggling Box for Hawkhurst Gang etc. - see also Cranbrook for Hawkhurst items. CRANBROOK - newspaper cuttings, one of 1946 showing the Pound., another of 1951 showing the Pound from the other side. - original A.R. envelope containing: (envelope entitled •Glassenbury') -short typed history of Glassenbury Park, -hair powder tax form, 15th Dec. 1804. -page from The Tasmanian, 30th Nov. 1895. -note concerning 'ye Gamek'rs Salary* and other items, by Roberts, 1821. -bill to V.Roberts from Thomas Levett for carrying straw & coal etc,1838. - Spy' cartoon entitled "Swordsmanship", from Vanity Fair, Sept 3, 1896. -cutting from the Penny Illustrated Paper, depicting an Aldershot display, c.1900. -letter concerning National School at Hawkhurst (?), 1828. -two draft statements(made in 1737 or soon after), concerning the boundary between the farm called Ockley and the farm in the occupation of the Widow Tickner, in Hawkhurst; made by James Wash of H and Geo. Piper of H; the location is given as the Paper Mill Pond, formerly the Pulling Mill Pond ( Piper says he worked in 1714 as a bricklayer's labourer erecting the fulling mill ). -letter to A.R. regarding Freemen of England, enclosing agendas of meetings. -illustrated cards of Glassenbury. -notebook belonging to John Cramer Roberts of Glassenbury: Account of Money Received, 1808: Account of Day Work Done, 1802-1804: very detailed account of the cost of men mowing, jobbing, carrying hay, mudding, planting, mending roads, gapping, ditching, gapping round woods, cleaning the moat, casting out mud by lump, spudding thistles etc, also women haying ( @ 1/- per day; men received 2/- each per day ); land and woods named in Brenchley, Angley Wood, Toll Wood, Hoxbury Wood etc., cost of cutting poles,cordwood,fagots,tillers, bushes,stakes,pea sticks,brush. -Tourist Map of Forestier's & Tasman's Peninsulas, Tasmania; inset drawings & illustrations, details of excursions; n.d. early 20th cent, (note: the relationship between this disparate collection of papers is not known). Anne Roper. Box No. U-\ NEWENDEN r5^rfi?X"^l Boper m-b-e- Sandhurst with Newenden - copy of parish magazine, May, 1971. Newenden: Early History - typed notes, incl. history of Church. A Century of Baptisms - Newenden 1813-1913: typed lecture notes, a few other notes. SANDHPRST •Sir Stephen Holmes, KCMG, MC, MA.: biographical notes by John Green, 1980. ■ Parish magazines, 1972, 1974. note concerning Henry Iggelsden purchasing from John & Janet Longley a house, brewhouse and lands in Sandhurst, 5 Geo II. ( 1732 ). Boxhurst Farm: letter regarding original map dated 1793 and the Slaughter family, who were at Boxhurst until 1920. ROLVENDEN - Parish magazines, 1969,1970. - The Affair at Rolvenden: notes from an article by Edmund Austen in Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Soc, 1932: concerns Wesley House, where Wesley preached in 1758, and where in 1760 16 Methodists met for worship and were subsequently convicted of unlawful assembly etc. - other cuttings. BENENDEN - Benenden Records: V.J.lbrr's hanwritten notes of a Lambeth Palace Library document (Lambeth MS 1126) dated 1663, together with Cecily Lebon's notes. Anne Roper. ' Box No. £f-\ (continued) BetHersden. The Bull - newspaper cutting(i955) showing photo of pub with a two-horse coach outside. Biddenden. Newspaper cuttings 195Os-6Os. Photo of the-.Chulkhurst Dole being handed out 1957. typed notes re. Moatenden (from V.C.H.) Parish magazine, Sept 1981. Horsmonden. Ttyped note concerning a walnut tree in the square outside the churchyard. ' Shadoxhurst. Newspaper cutting (1974) with photos of buildings & several inhabitants. Smarden. Souvenir programme of Quatercentenary Fair 1576v1976. Letter to VJ Torr regarding the low side window & oven flue in Smarden church. Letter mentioning the Wheelwright's shop and rake making. Voodchurch. Harvest Festival programme (n.d.) Anne Roper. Box No. Rve (including Winchelsea) 2 mounted ^graphs of the Pillary & Gibbet Chains at Rye infLjatJon) ( " "eedin8 treatraent gainst South Eastern Advertiser 8th June 1878 Rye Museum News Letters: Nos. 1,2,6,8 9 11 12 13 is ifi n ic 19 20-25, 24,25,26,27,28,29, ' ' ' ' '16'17'18» 9f engraving of Rye (after JMW Turnei?) notes and cuttings _ Rye & Cingue Ports< Sussex Records Society Vol.LXIV - Rye Shipping Records 1566-1590 Rye's Own magazine: 3 copies, Jan, Peb, July, 1975. copjr of Map of Salts & Beach in ye Parishes of ViShalsea, & Guldeforda by ye Order of Sr Robt Guldeford... 1700. Kentish Express 5th June 1936 - 2-page article on Rye with photos. Rye Church Clock: copies of two detailed scale drawings of the clock mechanism, from the striking and going sides, by E.J.iyier, 1959. - two original, large photos: The Mermaid and Rose & Crown., 1964. - The Mermaid Inn: brochure, with drawing, prices, history (1930s?) - Icklesham Parish Magazine, June 1977: history of Hogg Hill Mill. - Twenty Club, Rye: list of mem. bers, 1923. Hastings The Stables Theatre: letters re talk, 1973. Anne Roper. - Box No.. Miscellaneous Parishes (Kostly newspaper cuttings) Barfrestone. -Two cuttings. Bearsted. One item. Brasted. One item - The Brasted Mary, Feb 1957» Burham. One item. Charing & Little Chart. Six items. Cobham. Church guide. Ooddington. Three items; notes on de Laune family of Sharsted Court; orig. cutting of Saunters Through Kent; cost of setting up Parochial Library at Faversham. Dunkirk. One item. Bdenbridge. Three items. Faversham area (incl. Boughto'n, Davington, Lynsted, MiIsted,Norton, Teynham). misc. notes & cuttings; Manor & Hundred of Faversham, Extract of Orders made at the Water Court, 11th July, 1840; copy of Act of Parliament, 4 June 1840 re Oyster Fishery Company. Gillingham, Chatham & Bochester. Five cuttings plus typed notes by VJ Torr re history of Gillingham, Court Leet & Armorial Bearings. Goudhurst & Kilndown. History of Kilndown Church; letters re history of Bradfold House, Goudburst and Ridgway family; Combwell Priory - notes. Ightham. Two items. Lower Halsiow. Two orig. photos of font, before & after restoration. Luddesdown. Newspaper article with photo re. L uddesdown Court ( BEFORE present restoration ) Maidstone. Afew notes & cuttings; Report of the Archbishop's Commission on the Rural Deanery of Sutton, 1967 { with map ). Offham. Two items. Orlesstone & Ham Street. Two items. Sellindge. Two items. SheerneBs. Typed copy of Report of Committee of Inspectors of Local Board of Health of Sheerness in 1853 ( with notes by A.T. Sears }; cutting with photos of Dockyard buildings,1972. Sittingbourne. Two items. Southborough. Salomons House (Broomhill) copies of The Southborough Society newsletter 1979 with copies of other printed sources, photos of David Solomon, exterior & interiors of house. Trottiscliffe. Two items. Tonbridge & T.Wells. Church magazine;1949; Pupert Gunnis, several newspaper obits and church service with notes by Anne Roper, 1965- Voodnesborough. One item - the Coat of Arms in the church - restoration by A.R.Goulden 1968. Woolwich. Leonara Perkins of Woolwich(died 1795) & her relationship to the Seymour family (Dukes of Somerset) - typed note s by Elliston- Erwood; cuttings re church. Miscellaneous papers. Single items for many other parishes; unidentified items and photos; notes for talks; copy of drawing of Rowley Brow, dated 1967 (large, part-timber framed,Edwardian(*?). Anne Roper. Box No. JNNS (Box No. 1 of 2) cuttings and booklets} album of original photos of inn scrapbook of cuttings & notes. Quaint Kentish Epitaphs & Sings, 1899. Inn Crafts Exhibition of 1948; two booklets. 2 An?i6?t Tcf& Ho8telries» n.d.(i93Os); several Kent examples. i8"8* by Anne R0per5 from *»*«« Historian, ? ^e Ho^se off^^^^TT HH ^^^^ n*dd' ((195>°8>' 8o*e *«* it The House of V/hitbreads the magazine of the Whitbread Group of Companies; many items of Kent interest, drawings & photos: -Vol 7, No. 1. 1937: Canterbury, Cinque Forts, Smeeth. -vol 7, No. 3 1938: Polkstone, Blackheath, Sandhurst, Biddenden ( tile from the roof with the inscription "William Henry Stephens is my name - May 18th, 1752"). "vnJ I'/0;4' HIV dene h0le at ViTiSham Well, Woolwich, Lewisham. -Vol 9 No.1. 1947: Tonbridge, Chatham, Broekland (The Woolpack featured in a new film). -Vol 9 No.3. 1949: Hythe, Paddock VJbod, Wateringbury. (Note: the Hythe article contains a reproduction of the map of the "Porte of Hithe" by Thomas Hill, 1684: see p.viii ir 1 ,h w°f Catal0«ue of E8ta^ Maps.... in the K.A.O., 1973).) -Vol 11,No.2: Paddock Vtood, Ash (Hodsall Street), etc. (1951) -Vol 11,No.3: East Peckham, Wateringbury, Paddock Wood, etc. (1951) -Vol 12,No.1:Tenterden, Tonbridge, Birling. (1952) -Vol 13,No.1: East Peckham,Whitstable, Newchurch.(1953) ~l°] Ic'l0']'' Hollin?bourne, Walderslade, E.Peckham, Dover, Rainham,etc(i954) -Vol 16.No.4: Wickhambreaux,Paddock Wood, Beltring & Stilstead, Stelling , Hastingleigh. Anne Roper. Box. No. INNS (Box 2 of 2) - large collection of cuttings, notes and photos (some original ) material "^ C°l0Ured illustrati°n8 of inn signe, plus other loose pages from 'Kent Inns' by Anne Roper & H.R.Pratt Boorman. Scho2«atN ^v nef^ive of a faJBOUB ^ -iffi, The White Hart Schoale, Norfolk; with copy of an 1841 description. Historical Records of the Brewing Industry, by Peter Mathias: from Archives, Vol VII No 33, April 1965. letters regarding the Clothworkers Arms at Sutton Valance ( name acquired only in 1903 ) and other cloth industry names. Gravesend inns: typed NSS of articles that appeared in the Gravesend Reporter am 1959; by James Benson. Sketch map showing location of inns in Old Gravesend. Anne Roper. Box. No. Genealogical - Rev'd Wm Douglas Morrison - Ash Surnames: notebook compiled by Arthur Hougham (finishing in 1952), entitled 'The etymology of 236 surnames of modern - 1952 - residents in the Parish of Ash... - Saltwood Church & Tournay family. " Jolema" (Dymchurch)» ^ also Whittingham family.(original portrait). - Norrington family newsletter No.10. (of Newchurch) * - Woof(f) family (Dymchurch) - V.J.Torr (obitB) (Valentine JohnBerry de Jersey Torr) - Bering papers discovered - Times cutting,1953. - Mowll family (ships pilots) - The Descent of some "de Romene" Lands: 1066-1361. - letter re documents from Ballard family (lydd?) sent to Kent archives. - Piety family 1700-1820 (of Hythe) - letter mentioning G.R.Gleig ( vicar of Westwell + Ash, Rector of Ivychurch, author) - Tookey family (New Romney, also Lydd, Brookland, Northiam, Icklesham, Guestling. - Tiffin (see Hythe) - Goyns (New Romney) - Pilcher, Haffenden (St.Mary), Blake (Dymchurch) - Rolfe and Cobb. - Barham & Selby (Snargate, Yalding, Bilsington etc):10 generations of Selbys in Yalding back to 1620, see letter from R.A.Green. - Gibbon (Rolvenden, Tenterden, Benenden, etc) - Woollett/Waylett.(Rye?) - Chester (Brookland, 19th c.) - Buckhurst/Vidgen (New Romney,Kent-Sussex border) - Thomas Crux, 1678. - Richardson (Romney to Australia, 1838) - Carpenter/Masey/austen (New Romney) - John Brunger of Hythe, transported to Sydney, 1819. - Hammon/Hammond, of Sellindge (Acorn Hall?), also Thomas Calverly of Sellindge. (three letters). -Thomas King of Brookland, 18-19thc. - Scappe & Brodnax (Burmarsh, St.Marys, Godmersham) - Smith-Gates (Eastbridge) - Waterman (Bethersden & Ivychurch) - James White - mayor of Hythe. - Comber family & Sir Roland Wandesford.(Kent & Sussex) - Tournay (see parish boxes) - James Moore of Aldington (b.1873)i Simms family (Ham Street), Graham family of Ivychurch (involved in the smuggling),Moore/Graham family of Brookland (Whites Hall). Long narrative of the family by J.W.Moore of Bearsted, 1972) - Law(s) of Newchurch; letter with 2 anecdotes (shipload of Brazil nutsyfashed - Tookey (New Romney tombs) up at Dymchurch etc). - Stevens (Hythe) -James Beeching (designer of life-boat) - Kemp; John, William,Thos. (Hythe,Lydd) - Lee (ivychurch, 19thc) - Lade family of Elham Court & Barham Court (15/I6th c.) - Harris (of History of Kent) and Goddard of Cliff (letter from Dr.Cock,1936) - Samuel Berry Godbold & Charles R. Pettafor (both 19th c. painters: letter from Allen Grove. Genealogical (cont) - Cressey/creasey(Folkstone). - Langridge of Hythe. ifild ( g ye. " ^aiffield family(of Pairfield? and Liverpool & elsewhere) - Bunting family, of New Romney in.1508-1526, of Lydd in 1444-1527, of Stockbury 1464 etc. ' - John Eppes (Epes, Epse, Epps etc): Old or New Romney, later at a v< v, iff" pr°Perty- L&TSe collection of papers (see below) - Michael Norrington of Newchurch: brief abstrac? of 14 documents relating to the purchase & subsequent descent of lands in ^rftairoh. Ivyotairdh & Snave, 1679-1789: mentions * Brett, - CullW^ Btt}1VJ;hn icefield, Richard Sargeant & others. Culling/Cullen ( at New Romney in c.1600; at Barham in 1590s) 2£? f^^ °?/i9th C'> Who married int° the Wrinch + Epps Papers (see above): Epps noted in Brenzett 1471; Old Romney 1525; Lydd 1551; Old Romney & Kidley 1581, Allen ISpes (of Epes Court, near Seasalter) 1578-1653, grant of arms c.1619 .called "chief heir male" of the Epes family, land in Liddjother Epps at Detling, Wye, Canterbury and elsewhere. Details of the Epps family in Virginia ( from the Society of the Descendants of Francis Epes I of Virginia. y - misc. scrappy notes. - ring folder containing notes & pedigrees of many families connected with The Marsh and Kent generally (possib fy compiled by Teichman Derville), incl: Smith (Chart Sutton etc); Prior (Sandwich); Tookey (N.Romney); Coates (N.Romney etc); Epes (N.Romney); Cobb (Romney & elsewhere aroun* the Marsh); Cobb of Reculver? Furnese of Sandwich etc; Holingsbroke (at N.Romney 1314-1412); Tiece (N.Horaney, 14th cent); Stringer (Dover.Whitfield); Colebrand (N.Romney); Godfrey (Lydd etc); Payne (Chilham etc); Sir Richard de Totisham (West Farleigh manor), owns property on the Marsh incl. a Swannery, 14th cent; Cavey (mayor & freeman on N.Romney, 19-2Oth cent); Teichman Derville (detailed biog. ; 10th in descent from Heuizieus Teichman of Thuringia); Wightwick (N.Romney); Maud (Mayor of N.Romney); Dunn ( Brig. P.D.W. of Littlestone,19-20th cent); Luxmoore (Mayor of N.Romney etc, 19-2Oth cent.); Lord Maugham ( President of Littlestone Golf 81ub, brother of Somerset Maugham etc); Surtees (of Littlestone, 20th cent.); White ( councillor at N.Romney (20th cent.); Forbes ( James Louis, of Littlestone: interesting service life, Commander R.N., Air Commodore R.A.F., Lt-Col in Army, details); Romer (incl. Rt. Hon Sir Charles Robert Ritchie Romer, lived at Littlestone); Sir Denys Stocks ( of Littlestone Golf Club). - letter re. Lovelace family of Bethersdan, Merton (surrey), New Romney. - letter re. Lynds family of Meopham, 18th cent; Lynd/Lynde/de la Lynde. Anne Roper. Box No. iff Royal Military Canal & Napoleonic Defences in the CANAL - misc notes & cuttings - Specification of the Canal, Parapet & Military Road proposed to be constructed between Shorncliffe and the River Rother near Boones Bridge c 1804: Mr.Rennie's Report upon the Canal... 1804. other letters regarding the contruction, 1805-1810: (all typed copies of the originals) - The Story of the Royal Military Canal by Lt-Colonel C.H.Lemmon, D.S.O, typed history, - ' , part og Rye Museum Assn. Newsletter, No. 13, Feb. 1963.(& also Nos. 10 and 14, 1961,1962.) - The Militia in Kent during the Napoleonic Wars: typesctipt, with sources, (copy) - handwritten description (brief) of the Canal, including short account of the damage caused by violent storms in 1808 and 1809, and ending with details of the Panage boat which passed along the Canal from 1810 to 1833, with costs. (Written on notepaper bearing the crest of a Government department, c.1833). - Report on the Royal Military Canal, Hythe by Capt. Vrottesley, R.E., March 1857; copjrj brief history, subsequent history and uses, later military value, expenditure on maintenance, present proposal that the Government gives up the Canal. See also: Ifythe box for items. DEFENCES(general) -•The Defemce of S.E.Kent during the French Wars 17>93-1815.• - Yeomanry aid to civil power 9 began in 1794) - General Moore at Shirnecliffe; published by Sandgate Society, c.1965. - Defence Works in Britain, 1803-1805, by S.G.P.Ward (in J.S. A.H.R., 1949) - letter from Oskar Teichman on military subjects - tolls on R.M.Canal, 1814 - Napoleonic defence works at Hythe (& WW2). - table of details of Martello Towers Not 6-10 and the Forts. - recruiting posters & handbills, drawings of uniforms, extract from diary. Anne Roper. Box No. Military History (m.ostly 18-19th cent.) - Hythe Military School - cuttings; history; two original photos of the bands ofi the Buffs (1906) and the North Staffords (1911); West End Cottages; "Journal of the Small Arms School Corps, first ed. 1971? School of Infantry Museum catalogue, 1967. - Pelmarsh Aerodrome (WW1) and the •sound mirrors1. - The First British Combat Engineers by Maj.J.T.Hancock RE; copy typescript, n.d. but prob. c.1960. - letter book used as a notebook for military history; compiled by Col. E.A.C.Pazan; with covering letter 1956 (note biographical details of John Amon of Rye - was he related to the builder/ architect Amon, who created the Ammonite capitals on several 19thc. buildings?). - envelope of letters to & from Teichman Derville & his brother and E.A.C.Fazan, mostly concerning the Pencibles, together with typescript history of The New Romney Pencible Cavalry (Duke of York's Own) 1794 to 1800. - misc. notes & cuttings, lecture notes. - opening of the Intelligence Corps Musuem at Ashford, 1970: First Day Cover. - coloured drawings of regimental uniforms. - extracts from Kentish Gazette, 1803, about invasion scares and precautions. - p'copy of a letter from Wellesley to V.Admiral Rainier, Oct, 1800, re. capture of HEIC ship "Kent" (Capt. Rivington) in the Indian Ocean, by the French privateer "La Confiance (M.Surcouff), with details of the action ('guilty of the most savage acts of wanton and brutal cruelty1). Ann Roper. Box No. Military Hiatory (20th century) - Army Bureau of Current Affairs publications, 1945, 1944 (5), booklets - The Battle of Britain, August-October 1940, HMSO, booklet - original photo of MTC inspection by Gen.Franklin: A.R. is 3rd on the left : three other original photos showing A.R. in uniform with other service women: all c.1940-45. Photo of Duke of Kent with LandGirls, dated 7th July, 1939. Photo of 43 A.A.Brigade, 1944, Romney Marsh. - List of Army Welfare Officers, Entertainment Officers., Voluntary Bodies, Secretaries of T.A.Associations, Jan. 1943 (with Teichman Derville's amendments) - The Story of the Ashford Y.M.C.A. Service, 1940-46.(with photos) - photos of the sea front at Hythe showing beach defences (2 from I.W.M. and 2 copies of home amatuer snaps) - The Land Girl, April 1941.,(with enclosures: cuttings, photo, letter from Daisy Neame to Lady Cornwallis) - Introduction to the Register of the Le Touret Memorial Prance 1915. - Walter Frederick Scott, Chaplain, R.N. (1889-1938): folder of typed extracts from log cards, letters, two original message cards, four original photos from a family album; one original letter, 1914: all relating to his service on H.M.S.Agamemnon (action 6n the Dardanelles etc); compiled by his nephew, c.1970, with additional comments & information. Enclosed with it: orig photo of Teichman Derville opening Home of Blind Children, 1938; and letter from Eric Bush attached to a 'flier1 for his book 'Gallipoli' and extract from Who's Who 1958. - Hythe-The Anti Invasion Defences during World War II by C.Humphries, c.1971; copy of typescript, with sketches. - cuttings, notes, letters, typed memoirs(Jerome Jalinler? at Seabrook - anti-aircraft battery; C.A.Oliver - Hythe etc; Mr.Coe - WWI and after, aeronautical & other memories). - copy of Mtlnchner Illuatrierte Zeitung, 1914 . - orig copy of a typescript memoir of service in H.M.S.Shropshire during the Spanish Civil War, Aug 1936 to Sept 1936; no name of writer but prob a ship's officer. - The British Gazette, 12th May, 1926, published by HMSO - The British Worker, 9th May, 1926, published by the TUC - file of papers relating to Anne Roper's Army Welfare work in WWII. - two posters listing service clubs in London, WWII. - other mi8c cuttings & notes. - ring binder containing A.R.'s training instructions for her service in the M.T.C. - large collection of W.W.II cuttings, letters etc re. Army Welfare work. - S.E.Kent Official Army Families Guides; 1974, 1979. - Invicta magazine, August, 1961. - letter from Ted Chainey ( or Chaisey ) with memories of WW2 service around the Marsh. (1965 from New Zealand) Anne Roper. Box No. Smuggling & Smugglers - large collection o f newspaper cuttings about smugglers of olden and modern times. - The Southland's Book of Villains - stories & poems by pupils. - "Bold Smuggler" by J.Reason, 1948. - James Ransley, in Maidstone goal, 1800: letters and transcriptions. - notes for a lecture on Smuggling 1936 - folder of notes; letters; Smuggling Through SAssex - published by East Sussex Record Office 1977( New Romney, Lydd & Dungeness referred to): The North Kent Gang 1820-1; Talk o£ H.M. Customs & Excise: extracts from published accounts of smuggling activities; William Hooper Wood & the "Diver's Arms" of Herne Bay - 19th centurydiver & salvage operater; - collection of articles by W.H.Lapthorne on smuggling & maritime topics. - collection of cuttings, letters and recollections. - reproduction of 1782 poster. - - envelope of photos & illustrations, incl one of a Dungeneas creep, also original handbill for auction, 1825 (of seized goods?) - letters & drawing from Arthur Hougham regarding: 1) a smuggler's lantern; 2) The Filberts - a haunted house in Brookland; 3) an instrument case used by Ralph Papworth Hougham, Surgeon at Brookland c 1813-1837. - The True History of the Aldington Smugglers: book of cuttings from The Kentish Express 1902/3. -letters from Dunstan Prangnell O.S.B. enclosing articles on smuggling etc. in Thanet. - Owlers & Smugglers in Sussex & Kent 1713 to 1750: bound typescript (of c.1910) of the Collier Papers, Relating to Custom-House Matters. Collier was Surveyor-General of the Riding Officers for Kent between 1733 and 1756: these are his letters, with additional notes & comments by the compiler of this volume. Note: some of this material was affected by damp prior to 2000 when it passed to P.Lambert. Anne Roper. Box No. •—>/ R.N.L.I. & Coastguard - Coastguard Newsletter 1949,1948 - copies of The Coastguard 1962,1973,1974,1975. - A Brief History of HM Coastguard - The Lifeboat, 1963, 1964 - Flash- Trinity House Service magazine, 1973 - typed talk about weights & measures, consumer protection etc, 1965 - notes & scraps.; Pay Commander CD.Cross, R.N.R. (d.1945) - official Commission: cutting,1952, tombstone of Walter Burke, purser of Victory. see also: Dungeness boH. - The Coastguard 1968, 1971, 1972 - with Kent items. Anne Roper. Box No. S'2- - Sheriffs of Kent: handwritten notes and text plus typescript of a proposed book, by Major M.Teichman Dervill, c.1939; typed list with biographical notes of all the High Sheriffs from 1040 to 1939. (was this published?) - The Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men: file of letters, newspaper cuttings, photos, lists of members, dinner cards, etc, 1960-1985. * Anne Roper was President from 1979 until 1982. For copies of The Journal of the Association - see Box No. -5*3 Anne Roper Box No. SZ - The Association of the Men of Kent and Kentish Men: copies of the Journal: - 1938: August. - 1939: August. - 1941: February. - 1942: November. - 1943: May. - 1944: November. - 1945: November. - 1946: May & August. - 1947: May, August & Nov. - 1948: May, August & Nov. - 1949: Feb, May & August,Nov. - 1950: Jan, May, August, Nov. - 1951: November, February. - 1952: Feb, May, August. - 1953: Feb, July, Sept. - 1954: Feb. - 1955: April, AuguBt. - 1956: Feb, June, Sept, - 1957: April. - 1958: Mar, June, Sept. - 1959: Feb, April, July,,Bee. - 1960: April, July. - 1961: Sept. - 1962: Jan, April, July, Oct. - 1963: Jan. - 1964: Apr, July. - 1965: October. - 1966: Jan, Apr., Oct. - 1967: Jan, Apr, July, Oct. - 1968: Jan, July, - 1969: Mar, July, Oct. - 1970: Jan, Apr, July, Oct. - 1971: Jan, Spring,Summer, Autumn. - 1972: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. - 1973: » 11 n n - 1974: •• » 11 11 - 1975: Spring & Autumn (2 only produced) - 1976: Winter,Spring,Autumn (3 " ) - 1977: " " " •« - 1978: " » •• 11 - 1979: Spring,Autumn,Winter ( " ) - 1980: " Summer, " ( " ) - 1981: Autumn & Winter. - 1982: May - 1983: April, Autumn. - 1984: April,Summer,Winter. - 1985: Spring,Autumn,Chri8tmas. - 1986: Autumn. Anne Roper. Box No. Talks & Broadcasts. Typed lectures and notes: the following topics - - The Maid of Kent - Aphra Behn - Lady Hester Stanhope - Elizabeth, Countess of Kent - Hever 1945 - Edenbridge 1936 - The Friends, The Cathedral & the County of Kent 1967 - Canterbury Cathedral, Its Place in Church & State. 1957 - Kentish Smugglers (plus notes of smuggling offences) - John Wesley at Rye - How to Discover Local History - several talks. - Kent - the Gateway to Literature 1965,1971 with notes, cuttings. - Kent - the Gateway to England 1937, 1965 - Kent - the Gateway to Christianity 1965, 1976 -History in the Parish Chest 1967,-wther related short talks. - The Hooden Horse of East Kent. - The Dogs who came to Church, (with notes & references) - The Formation of a Local History Group. - forgotten Inn Games. - Old Welsh Inns & their Signboards. Television Talks: Road Side Evidence* 1967: one envelope containing: - Richborough Cross - the coming of Christianity to England. - St. Thomas1 Church, Fairfield. - The Church of St.Thomas, Winchelsea. - The Roper Gateway, Canterbury. - Shepway CrosB - St. Saviour's Hythe. - notes and photos, booklets etc relating to the above talks second envelope containing: - Court-at-Street Chapel (plus letter from Barton Cottage regarding the condition of the chapel) - further drafits and notes for the above talks. See Hythe Box No. 23 for talks relating to the Hythe area. Anne Roper. Box No. Miscellaneous - letters from various societies/organisations re. talks; Kent, London, S.E.England, Lanes, Cheshire, S.Wales. (: kept to show the range of organisations with which A.R. was involved ). - The Channel Tunnel - the reasons why it should not be built - printed by the Channel Tunnel Opposition Assn.; plus newspaper cuttings. - Cornwallis Memorial Fund - a few letters about payments, 1960s. - Goal Running: letter from Albert Daniels, 1976, enclosing copies of letters and extracts from books & newspapers. - Stow Castle Farm, Padbury, Nr. Buckingham, Bucks: Sale particulars, letters, Executors1 papers & accounts relative to the Estate of Mrs. Hannah Bennett ( died 1899 ), last daughter of V.'illiam Langton. - letter from Allen Grove (curator Maidstone Museum, 14.5.1969):- ...We have just acquired .. the Rpper fireplace surround .. from Lord Teynham's manor-house of Bedmangore at Lynsted .. dated & signed EP 1585. Letter also'mentions the Elliston-Erwood papers and a comment that •his father made racquets for the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich and my forbears, the Aliens, provided fresh fish for the cadets'. - letter from Gordon Ward (n.d.) about field names, in particular those with 'honey' and 'horse' in them ( examples in Kent ). - HMS Kent, County Class Guided Missile Destroyer: official publicity leaflet & photo for the Class, with typed history of Kent, 1961-1975. - Old Kentish Ballads - 1 - "The Maidstone Garland" : written transscription with notes by "G.C". ( G.Hlint, British Museum ). - folder containing misc. notes of old English customs, typescripts of probable talks by A.R. on Hop Tokens in Kent ( also "Tallysticks & Tokens in the Hop Gardens of Kent" by 'a Sauntere1, April, 1937 ), The Village Canvas (printed in "The Village"), Drinks Through'; the Ages. • Notes on Churches: Notes on Kentinh Royal Arms by V.J.Torr plus other articles and notes by Torr, some in his handwriting" including notes on Brook, Stoke, Hoo St. Werburgh, Cliffe, Acrise (in letter dated 27.4.1964) Gravesend (letter 11.7.1961), and other Kent churches mentioned in part of' a handwritten article for publication. A.,:-- ■ "Medway Queen" - letter & photos (p/copy) - now decaying, 1982. ■ photo, 6x8 b&w - painting of an unknown man, 17th century. • typescript of several 18/i9th century songB, incl."Tunbridge Pair" and "A Wooing Song of a Yeoman of Kent's Son", "The Kentish Fsolick". ■ Original poster: "Exhibition of Local History in North-West Kent" with F.W.Jessup as one speaker, circa 1940s. • An Accurate Map of the County of Kent divided into its Lathes...." by Bnan:Bowen.1756. original copy, slightly damaged, uncoloured. typed notes re. The Cup of Nanteos (Nanteos, Cardiganshire) said to be the Holy Grail and taken from Glastonbury to Strata Florida.(letters-1952). Anne Roper. Box No. Personal Letters to and from Archbishop Fisher & Lady Fisher, during Office and after retirement. (not examined in any detail) Other papers, letters, notices of meetings, photos,information etc. relating to Miss Roper's religious activities. Historic Churches Preservation Trust - Inaugural Service, 1952. Forms of Prayer for various occasions, incl.: End of the War in Russia, 1856; Twenty-five Years Reign of George V, 1935; Coronation of George VI, 1937; Coronation of Elizabeth II, 1953; Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth, 1978. Visit of a Lifetime to Jerusalem, 1972 - cards, notes, letters, guides etc. Member of the Order of the British Empire - letters 1944, 1946, regarding appointment to the Order. Photo of Queen Elizabeth & Princess Elizabeth outside Buckingham Palace, prob. circa 1946. Old O.B.E. ribbon. Other letters of invitation to official events. Service of Dedication, 1977. Scrapbook of personal cuttings, notices of talks, presentations, award of N.B.E. in 1944. Anne Roper. Box No Personal Particulars of A.G.Roper (c.1922) - schools attended,. University, exams passed etc. Photos, letters notices of talks, cuttings, A.E. as member of various societies as J.P., as Commissioner of Income Tax for Ashford, etc. societies, Photos of The Red House and Teichman-Qerville, 1962. 3 lead tokens plus letter from British Museum: 1: token marked H.VL ; 2; token marked E.S. (dated by BM c.1780-1790); 3: token identified as front? Hans Krawinkel, Nuremberg. (16th century). identified as t MA'DLitt'FSA' ^esident °f *»«« Archaeological MLt«?l f JT rS' re Fincher family of Lon4°n & Mount Stewart, Scotland. ( marked by AR • keep - contents precious' ). Two photos of Teichman-Derville at New Romney ceremony. Scrapbook: photos of AE at various events, notices and newspaper reviews of hey talks, 1930-1947? visit by the Duke of Kent, 1939; review of the Service in Memory of Lord Brabourne, 1939? Duke of Kent in New Romney, 1938; award of M.B.E. in 1945? photos in uniform etc.; letters etc 1930-1970. Photograph Album: original photos and newspaper cuttings re.Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men (AR as the first woman President,1979); funeral of the Dowager Lady Brabourne & her grandson, 1979 - newspaper cuttings; photos of AR in uniform and at Flag Cottage, various dates. j j ANNE ROPER. Box No. Ashingdon, Essex. The Minster of Ashingdon - 1951. history and guide book to church, by Anne Roper. Denmark, a monthly review of Anglo-Danish relations, Nov.1950 - incl. Th« Story of Canute's Church, Ashingdon. Denmark, Jan 1952 - incl. review of Anne Roper's guidebook. Trans-cript of BBC Broadcast on the Danish Service, 10th Dec. 195V (?) with a review of the guidebook. The Essex Review, July 1952, p.165 - review of guidebook. Ashingdon - Notes on; the PariEh Church by Rev. W.H.Barnes, 1907. Ashingdon - Parish Monthly, 'lee. 1950 - note on the restoration. Ashingdon - Parish Monthly, Feb.1951 - account of the visit of HRH Prince Georg of Denmark to present the Danish Flag to the church. (NOTE: amongst the guests were Commander Stagg RN. and his sister ). Original envelope containing typescript of Ashingdon guide, 1951. other research notes, letters, photos, newspaper review etc,part of typescript. (Mote: AR's connection with this church (Canute's Church) is through her Norwegian family and probably her friendship with Commander Stagg, who had Danish connections.) Foscott, Buckinghamshire. Notes on Foscott Church compiled by Anne Roper, n.d. envelope containing personal letters to Anne regarding the closure and proposed sale of the church, 1972-74, photos of church & details, newspaper cutting, 1974, regarding opposition to sale. envelope containing another copy of Notes on Foscott Church, with additions in Anne's hand and. dated 1972; with a covering letter from her friend in Buckingham dated 1976. Saltmaking in Essex. envelope containing papersrelating to a weekend conference on Saltmaking in Essex, organised'by Colchester Archaeological Group at Essex University, Sept, 1974. incl. copies of documents & photos and offprint fvom Essex Journal,, Spring 1974 'The Development of Salt Making in Prehistoric Europe' by P.L.Gouletquer. Anne Roper. Box No. The Scandinavian Connections & Commander F.N.Stagg, RN. 4. i ^ «r v^+ of teachers from Finnmark, 1947; programmme. Envelope containing: -Visit of ^^^ HousewiveB Association, 1951! pnotos ( procession in Smaxden; outside *» Bad House with AR & Teichman Derville ), two newspaper cuttings. -another visit in 1946 - photos of the cast of a play. -another group - two photos in a Dover building. -another group on Romney Marsh - two photos. £2i. Commander F.N.Stagg; 1947, later. Frederic V, Paltzgrave,King of Bohemia,Elector & Count Palatine of the Rhine, and this yielded inns named The Queen of Bohemia, The Paltzgrave, The Paltz«f Ye^jj*1' Palatine Head etcjThe Copenhagen? Princess of Denmark (after Victoria's son's wife). -The Danish Chapter in the History of England, by T.Lassen, typescript, 1947-8 (for talk?). -letters from the Bishops of London & Sodor and Man (4). -St.Olave's Church, London; The Church Magazine reporting the laying of the restoration stone by King Haakon VII, plus invitation to the event for Anne Roper, JJnj»1951- -Two 6x4" mounted photos of Helsingfors, late 19th cent. -other misc. letters, invitation cards, membership cards. ^ape^i photo8 ^Uns to the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Christian church in Norway at Trondheim by N.Breakespeare. -photo of Breakespeare memorial in Abbots Langley, Herts., typed notes of the proposed programme of events, history notes and letters (some from AR and some Cmdr. Stagg), letter from Dr.Gordon Ward regarding Breakespeare, typed suggestions for celebrations (esp. note Nos. 4 & 5, which may have come from Stagg). Commander F.N.Stagg: -folder of typed notes, probably for talks, about the history of Norway. -folder of notes, probably the basis for talks, on the following Kent parishes: Ash (W.Kent).West Mailing, Offham.Wrotham, Shipbourne.Plaxtol.Tonbridge area (Capel,Tudeley, W. Peckham,Hadlow.Hildenborough,,Leigh, Shipbourne,Paddock Wood.),Seal,Penshurst (two items), Trottiscliffe,Leigh. Also for West Portesham,Dorset. -Two letters to Anne Roper. Additional information compiled by Peter Lambert Executor of Kenneth Gravett and Anne Roper, regarding Commander Stagg. (ZOl*) Box No. ET Q Note regarding Commander F.N.Stagg. Commander Frank Noel Stagg, R.N. "born 25th December 1885. S.O.E. appointment symbol S.1., payroll No. 598. Appointed to N.I.D. NCSO TroaSkheim & Copenhagen on outbreak of war in 1939« (Naval Control Service Officer) 1906 London Gazette - Acting Sub-Lieutenant, to be confirmed Sub-Lieutenant. National Archives-payroll No. 598, HS 9/1402/6 S1 Lt-Commander F.N.Stagg. In military Intelligence, War Office, 1916, on loan from Admiralty, also saw service with Section 'D1 and SOE. An important figure for the Danish & Norwegian Resistance in WWII, connected with Norwegian section of SOE 10/40 to 7/42, planner of the Lofoten Raid. Chevalier of the 1st Class of the Order of St. Olav, given by King Haakon for services to Norway (Gazetted 17.10.1944) Books & Articles t A History of the Parish of Salthouse in the County of Norfolk ( in Salthouse, the Story of a Village, 1930s) North Norway. (Geo. Allen & Unwin, 1952) The Heart of Norway. (Allen & Unwin, 1953] West Norway & Its Fjords ( " 1954 East Norway & Its Frontier( " 1956, South Norway(c.1956) These are regional histories of Norway. Notes there are references to Rolf Dahlj^, who wanted more biographical details for a book he was writing about Stagg; also to Charles R.Stagg and Mike Stagg O'Hara, who may be descendants,(1999)* Address: Nov.1946 - 1949» Brackenwood, Ivy Hatch, Ightham, Kent. Nov. 19511 may be living @ 45» Eccleston Place, London SW1 (this may be his sister's house) Photos: in Box 59. Probably met Anne Roper because of her Norwegian ancestors and continuing links with the country. Their work as lecturers for the Local History Committee of the Kent Council of Social Service may also have brought them together. Anne Roper. Box No. o I Items for the K.A.S. Library* & Bound Volumes of Church Guides. Collection of photographs, programmes, cuttings & notes relating to Kent Archaeological Society outingB, excursions, lunches. A few letters from KAS members; John Evans etc. Extra copies of Guides to Lydd Borough ( three: 1957, 1961, 1967) and Romney Marsh RDC (n.d.) all written whaily or in part by Anne Roper. Church Guides: bound collection of guides to the following churches: Brookland 1959 Mersham Appledore ( two ) Ivychureh Dymchurch Bonnington, Bilsington & Hurst. 1957 New Romney ( tfer»e ) 1930, - , 1937 ? St. Mary in the Marsh 1934 Old Romney 1938 Warehorne 1935 Bronze crucifix, New Romney Masons' Mark*, by P.W.Brooks (East Yorkshire Local History Soc.)1952. Tenterden. Vfoodchurch 1938 Appledore 1938 Notes on the Churches of Romney Marsh, 1923 (reprint from A.Cant Vol.XXXVII, 1925, by P.C.Elliston Erwood ) Historical Notes on the Church of Stone-in-Oxney, 1935, by V.H.Yeandle. Church Guides: another bound collection of guides(two loose): Brenzett (loose) 1972 Old Romney (loose) 1983 Brabourne 1958 Brookland 1971 Burmarsh 1967 Pairfield 1972 Ivychurch 1970 Newenden 1972 Guide to Romney Marsh by A.Roper, 1967 Old Romney 1970 St. Mary in the Marsh ( a poem ) V.J.Torr Notebooks ( five )} part of his collection of notes from various sources, Kent & Sussex parishes. packet of filing cards and envelopes of cards relating to various churches & church topics. NOTE If this box is to be broken up and relocated in the K.A.S. Library, please indicate the new locations on this list. Anne Roper. Box No. Biographical See also Boxes 56,57,59,61) Obituaries, appreciations and biographical details; in publications, photocopies and typescript. newspaper articles & photos. handwritten list of activities ( by A.R. ). notes and lists for a bibliography, (mostly by P.L.) publications containing articles by A.R. (see other boxes) photocopies and extracts from other publications. spare box labels, spare A.R. Ex libris labels. Miscellaneous Lists of slides for talks. ( location of AR's slides is not known) small box of unidentified slides ( buildings, church details, views) other mostly unidentified photos and negatives, including Teichman-Derville, Romney Marsh, Court processions, Bosworth Field,. Booklet: The Story of the Galilean Pulpit: in St.Leonards-on-Sea Parish church. Letters & cutting re. Baynards Castle, Cranleigh, Surrey, 1977. Letters re} Anne Roper papers deposited under Ref. D2911 in Kent Archives, specifically about the title deeds of the Manor of Newington Pee, Romney Marsh. Small collection of papers concerning the execution of Anne Roper's will; between Hallett & Co, ABhford, Robert Roper and Kenneth Gravett (executors). Most of the correspondence has been returned to Robert Roper but these papers have been retained because they contain important information about the following: final location of the Godfrey-Faussett volumes; final Discharge of the Will in 1999 (after a delay of 11 years); condition of the cottage as found by Kenneth Gravett} lists of personal items and where they should go} Executor's accounts, letters regarding a memorial tablet for A.R. Anne Roper, Box No. Bibliography (part) Books Kent Inns, a Distillation - with H.R.Pratt Boorman, 1955 The Gift of the Sea - Romney Marsh, 1984. A Guide to Romney Marsh - 4th ed. revised 1963 (much expanded & published as The Gift of the Sea-Romney Marsh in 1984) Guides & Booklets Romney Marsh R.D.C. Guides (see Box 61) Guides to most of the churches in Romney Marsh (see Box 61) Borough of Igrdd guides, 195Os-6Os. Notes on the History of Hythe - in many editions of the Guide, 196Os-7Os. The Minster of Ashington, Essex, 1951. (see Box 58) The Hooden Horse, Vickhambreux, 1956. Articles Church News; Dec. 1946, Jan,May,June,Oct,Nov,Dec. 1947, June 1949, others. The Village (N.C.S.S.); Vol.2 No.1,Jan 1947; Vol..10 No.2 Spring 1955. Journal of Kent Local History; Spring 1976 & Autumn 1976. Kent & Sussex Journal Vol.1 No.6, Jan-March 1953. West Kent W.I. News, May1959. St. Leonardos Review, Nov.1973. Cantium, Summer 1972 - Rom ney Marsh- the Fifth Quarter. The Town of Hythe- nearly two thousand years of history - in Hythe Venetian Fete Guide, 1970 The Dogs who came to Church - in Chislet & Westbere (ed.K.H.McIntosh) 1979. The Marshman - various articles; 1969, 1971, 1973, 1974. Amateur Historian, VoLI No.1 - History in Inn Signs,1952. History of Hythe'b Hotel Imperial, c.1980 (see Hythe box) Family Portraits: Recording Portraits in Kent, by AR and A.Voysey - in The Village, Vol.24, No.1, Spring 1969. See other Boxes in the Anne Roper Archive for other articles. Anne Roper, Box No. (&/» (Roll of Maps) Collection of Maps & Charts ( Mostly copies) Letter to Teichman Derville from Bother & Jury's Gat Catchment Board dated 25th Jan. 1950, enclosing copies of 13 maps of Romney Marsh & Rye, dating from 1585 to the 19th century. All these maps are in this collection* with the exception of No.7, Newman, 1700.* but see note below. I. Waghenaer. 1585. Rye Harbour & adjacent area. 2.) Norden, ■■ 3.) Canden. published 1695. » 4. Symondson, 1594 " 5. John Stonhome, 1599, Roraney Marsh. 6. Dugdale •• 7. Newman, 1700 (this map not found in Anne Roper's papers) * see note below. 8. Harris, 1719 Romney Marsh. 9. Admiralty Chart, i.27, c.176O Rye, Old & New Harbours. 10. Meryon, 1845 Rye Harbour & surroundings. II, 12, 13. Lewins Julius Caesar, ex Elliott. Ttacee coloured maps of Romney Marsh; historical speculations. *.Note: Map No.7 has been enclosed in Box 42: Copy of Map of Salts & Beach in ye Parishes of Winchalsea & Guldeforde ... 1700. Other MapB Copy of Cotton MSS map in British Library, I6thcent? (in two parts, v.good copy: "The defcription of RomneyMarsh Walland Marsly Denge & Guldforde marsh with the diuifions of their wateringe heades antes principal Sewers &. their gutts, COPY of the Armada Report, c.1588, made by Anne Roper from the Carreglwyd Collection, National Library of Wales, 704. (5 copies) Copy of Armada Report circa 1588 ( 'Copied from a map attached to a Petition by Robt. Colepepyr Gent, dated 9 Deer. 1692 ....') Copy of 'A Mapp of the Downes, 1736 by Charles Labetye (?). This is a chart of the Goodwin Sands due east from Sandown Castle to the South Ebreland. O.S. Maps: Kent 6" LXXXI SE & LXXXI SW (1937/9)1 mounted together on cloth; annotated by AR to Bhow the Tithe Map field numbers on the modern fields-af the Parish of St.Mary in the Marsh. O.S. Maps: Kent 6" LXXXI SE & SW ( 1908 Edition ) mounted together on cloth on battens; annotated by AR with field/owners' names. O.S. Map: 1:25,000 Soil Survey Map of Romney Marsh.1966. •Ground Plan of the Redoubt Dymchurch - Major W.Boys, R.E.Shorncliffe' - large photocopy of the circular, Napoleonic fort, (two copies- one smaller) Copy (traced carefully by AR) of Key Plan showing proposed development of part of the Littlestone-on-Sea Estate, Kent. July, 1891.