Romney Marsh and the Western River Valleys: an archaeological gazetteer
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Contents | ||
Acknowledgements | ||
Introduction | ||
Points of Explanation | ||
Reference Abbreviations | ||
Palaeolithic | Pre-10000BC | 8records |
Mesolithic | 10000- 4000BC | 45records |
Neolithic | 4000- 2350BC | 46records |
Bronze Age | 2350- 700BC | 46records |
Iron Age | 700BC -AD43 | 58records |
Prehistoric | 10000BC -AD43 | 89records |
Roman-Britain | AD43- 410 | 236records |
Anglo-Saxon | AD410- 1066 | 237records |
Places of Worship | AD600- 1900 | 151records |
Medieval | AD 1066- 1539 | 1597records |
Early Post-Medieval | AD1540- 1700 | 1057records |
18th Century | AD1701- 1800 | 1134records |
19th Century | AD1801- 1900 | 868records |
20th Century | AD1901- 2000 | 559records |
Shipwrecks | AD1275- 1960 | 581records |
Bibliography |
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Points of explanation relating to the files
- Reference abbreviations
- pre-10000 BC Palaeolithic 8
- 2350-700 BC Bronze Age 46
- 700 BC-AD 43 Iron Age 58
- AD43-410 Roman-Britain 236
- AD 410-1066 Anglo-Saxon 237
- AD 600-1900 Places of Worship 151
- ui"
- AD 1540-1700 Early Post Medieval 1057
- AD 1701 -1800 18th Century 1134
- AD 1801 -1900 19th Century 868
- no
- Bibliography
Index of Anne Roper’s papers in the KAS Archives
Dictionary of the Kentish dialect
Romney Marsh and the Western River Valleys: an archaeological gazetteer; compiled by Alan Tyler for the Romney Marsh Research Trust.
Thanks are due to the Romney Marsh Research Trust for making available the funding that enabled this project to be undertaken.
To Ben Coxford and his predecessor Stuart Cakebread of the Kent Historic Environment Record and Greg Chuter of the East Sussex Historic Environment Record for generously making available information held on the HERs of their respective counties.
To Dan Pett, ICT Adviser, Portable Antiquities Scheme, Dr Andrew Richardson, former Finds Liaison Officer, Kent, his successor Jennifer Jackson and Laura Burnett, Finds Liaison Officer, East Sussex, for making available information from the Portable Antiquities Scheme.
To Dr Philip de Jersey, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, for making available information from the Celtic Coin Index.
To the staff of the National Monuments Record, English Heritage, both in the former London office and in Swindon, for their help and assistance.
To the staff of the Centre for Kentish Studies, Maidstone, the East Sussex Record Office, Lewes, and the Guildhall Library, London, for their help and assistance.
To Clive Chizlett for commenting on, and providing extra information for, the Places of Worship file. To Mrs Beryl Coatts for making available her bibliography relating to the Marsh, a typescript copy of
John Reely's Memorandum of Events in Lydd and the loan of the Protest Book of William Stringer and
Henry Stringer, Notaries Public of New Romney in the County of Kent.
To Mrs Jo Kirkham for commenting on, and providing extra information on Rye.
To Dr David Symons, Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery, for answering various queries relating to coins.
To Luke Barber, Dr Helen Clarke, Mrs Jill Eddison and Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh for reading, commenting on and correcting the various versions of the work as it progressed.
Finally thanks must go to those who have travelled this path before me. To Dr Andrew Woodcock for the gazetteer that he produced for the first Romney Marsh Research Trust monograph (1988, 177) and to Dr Anne Reeves who updated and expanded that work in 1998. Their index numbers are included in the work where relevant.
Following the conventions of the National Monuments Record [NMR] and the respective county Historic Environment Records [HER] the sites and monuments in this gazetteer are listed under the modern civil parishes/districts in which they occur. The parishes are listed in alphabetical order with the county identified in brackets following. Site names, where these are known, are also recorded.
Since 1988 when Woodcock's work was produced there have been a number of changes to the organisation of HERs. This has resulted in the primary record numbers for sites in East Sussex having been changed to the present system that are prefixed MES. The Kent HER uses the same convention as the National Monuments Record for their primary record numbers using the form KHER TQ92NE136. However, for historical reasons, in some cases the last digits differ. When this occurs both numbers are given; the example given above is also NMR TQ92NE1.
While the layout of the gazetteer is period related following the dating recommendations of the National Monuments Record, the period since 1701 has been broken down into centuries.
Where there is some uncertainty as the date of a site e.g. Iron Age/Roman, late 1?'h/early 18th century, the entry has been added to the earlier dated file. On the other hand when more than two distinct periods are represented on a site, parallel entries are placed in the relevant period files.
In the case of standing buildings, they have generally been placed in the period appropriate to the earliest phase represented in their existing structure. This may pre-date that given in the DNH 'listed grades' [see below] by some hundreds of years. The exception being where, for instance, an 18th century house is constructed over a c.1300 cellar, in which case it is placed in the 18th century file, with an entry for the cellar.
Buildings that have been sub-divided since they were originally constructed are identified by their current names, sometimes with previous names in square brackets. The fact that they were originally one building is indicated by [1] after the appropriate site/find entry.
Where groups of monument are principally of one period, they are all placed together in the gazetteer. Thus Shepherds Huts (Looker's Huts) are all placed in the 19th Century and defences relating to the Napoleonic Wars have been grouped together in the 19th Century gazetteer even though a number of the batteries were initially constructed during the final years of the 18th Century. Similarly all railways, except the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch, are to be found in the 19th Century.
Flints lacking features that enable them to be dated with any precision are referred to the Prehistoric file. Likewise boats have been placed in the same file where no dating evidence exists, or can be reasonably guessed.
All Places of Worship constructed between AD 600 and AD 1900 have been grouped together under one file heading irrespective of initial date of construction and denomination. Features directly associated with churches e.g. lychgates, churchyard walls and other free standing items within their curtilage are, in general, not specifically identified even though some are 'listed buildings' in their own right.
Excavation dates or the circumstances of a find where known are included below the site name. When no specific information is available, the assumption has been made that it was a surface find, even though it is not always stated in the source. In the case of metal objects this will include finds made with a metal detector.
'Listed Grade' refers to the Department of National Heritage [formerly Department of the Environment] Lists of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. In towns these are placed in their respective roads/streets etc. which are arranged alphabetically, thus conforming to the DNH lists.
Buildings that have been sub-divided since they were originally constructed are identified by their current names, sometimes with previous names included in square brackets. The fact that they were originally one building is indicated by [1] after the appropriate site/find entry.
While not accepting the Medieval definition that 'A ship is not a wreck provided a man, cat or dog escapes from it alive', the shipwreck file concentrates on those vessels that were wrecked on, or just off, shore, between Fairlight, East Sussex, and Seabrook, Hythe, Kent. Those ships that sank off
shore as a result of collisions or those that ran aground but were subsequently towed or floated off have, for the most part, been omitted. Obviously this is a very selective list as one can never know how many vessels have come to grief on this part of the coast. The earliest records only exist because claims, as to who was entitled to the vessel's fittings and cargo, were recorded in state papers. The note that 1000 persons perished at Dungeness for want a lighthouse in the year before its erection, even if not taken literally, does suggest that many unrecorded ships were lost there (CSP Dom. James I, 27.02.1621). No allowance has been made for the changes that have occurred in the profile of the coast over the last 720 years when assigning National Grid References to wreck sites. From 1 July 1884 Lloyd's List is entitled Shipping and Mercantile Gazette & Lloyd's List and the numbering system of individual copies changes. For convenience the publication continues to be abbreviated as Lloyd's List in References. The convention established by Larne & Larne (1995, xvii) for a ship's Country of Origin has been followed. The wrecks on the coast of East Sussex [TQ] are listed before those of Kent [TR] - in each case the records are set out in date order.
Aircraft crash sites are included in the 20th Century file under their respective parishes. Aircraft that crashed in the sea or those that were captured virtually intact and were recovered for evaluation, have, for the most part, been omitted.
A bibliography of the secondary literature for each entry is given. Only those items are included that the compiler considers of substantial use to the potential researcher. This, it must be admitted, is a flexible criterion; where a site/object has very little literature everything relevant has been included, whereas in a case such as Stutfall Castle, Lympne [R-B 98] the object has been to cut down the references to a workable number, omitting passing references or general works.
Points of explanation relating to the files
The NMR number is the first reference when the information has been derived from that source via the respective Historic Environment Records. As noted above, in the Kent parishes this is expressed as KHER.
In those cases where the information has obtained from elsewhere, the relevant 1:10 000 OS map reference, e.g. TR03NW, is in the same position. This is an arrangement to keep the space open and make it easier to change if a NMR number becomes available later.
References or other information in bold indicates that there is a query about it or it is a reference that has not been checked.
Finally the user must remember that the bulk of the information used to compile this gazetteer was, for the most part, that available in the various sources consulted up to 31 August 2010, plus additions/corrections made since and that very little of it has been checked in the field.
Reference abbreviations
BoT Adm Wk Rtn BoT SCS Wk
BoT Wk Rtn
BoT WWI Wk Rtn CBA DoB 2002
Listed Grade MD
MoD (N) Hyd. no.
Admiralty Wreck Returns - published by the Board of Trade Board of Trade Select Committee on Shipwreck Reports Board of Trade Wreck Return
Board of Trade World War I Wreck Return
Council for British Archaeology Defence of Britain Project [http ://ads.ahds.ac.uk/catalogue/resources.html?dob] followed by the relevant identification number.
Celtic Coin Index, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, Admiralty Court in Session, [East Kent Archives Centre, Whitfield]
Calendar of Patent Rolls
[the references are to the printed editions and, depending on the publication date, are referred to by page number or document number]
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic
[the references are to the printed editions and, depending on the publication date, are referred to by page number or document number]
Corpus of Early Medieval Coin Finds, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge [www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/emc]
East Sussex Record Office, Lewes, Historic Building Records Rape of Hastings Architectural Surveys Unpublished Reports
by David & Barbara Martin [numbered in respective file entries with year]
Site number [prefixed MES] in the East Sussex Historic Environment Record, formerly the East Sussex Sites & Monuments Record [ESxSMR]
East Sussex County Council, Lewes
East Sussex Marine Sites & Monuments Record Historic Engineering Work
List held by the Librarian of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Kent Historic Buildings Index [followed by the name of the District] Computer index maintained by the Kent Historic Buildings Committee [the year is that in which the paper copy was produced]
Site number prefix in the Kent Historic Environment Record, formerly the Kent Sites & Monuments Record [KSMR]
Listed Buildings Sussex
Detailed information on listed buildings may be obtained on-line at Heritage Gateway Letters &Papers, Foreign & Domestic
[the references are to the printed editions and, depending on the publication date, are referred to by page number or document number]
Department of National Heritage [formerly Department of the Environment] Statutory Lists of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical Interest Metal detector find
Ministry of Defence (Navy) Hydrographic Number followed by the relevant identification number
National Buildings Record Index numbers, English Heritage Not dated
National Monuments Record number, English Heritage
N.B. Kent Historic Environment Record, Kent County Council, Maidstone, use the same convention as the National Monuments Record for identification prefixed KHER
Portable Antiquities Scheme, followed by the county based number.
N.B. For further information on these entries application must be made to the Finds Liaison Officers for the respective counties
Private Possession
This relates to objects that are not, as far as the compiler has been able to establish, currently in the public domain.
Royal Commission on Historic Monuments (England) Register of Scheduled Monuments
N.B. This is the English Heritage national numbering system that is replacing the county based SAM numbers
Scheduled Ancient Monument, county based Wealden Buildings Study Group
West Sussex County Record Office
pre-10000 BC Palaeolithic 8
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Fairlight (ESx)
TQ 88 13 Handaxe [1] flint Palaeo NMRTQ81SE104 ESHER MES3917
Wessex Archaeol 1994, SxR2/5
Fairlight/Hastings (ESx)
TQ 86031123 Warren Farm Implement [2+] flint Palaeo Hastings NMRTQ81SE2 TQ 86231122 surface find Museum ESHER MES837
TQ 86261142 ESHER MES3909
Moore 1979, 2
lcklesham (ESx)
TQ 903 167 'field near New Gate' Handaxe [1] flint Palaeo Winchelsea NMRTQ91NW5 Winchelsea Museum ESHER MES3992
Roe 1968, 305
Woodcock 1981, 368
Flint implement Woodcock 1988, no. 183
Wessex Archaeol 1994, SxR2/1
Iden (ESx)
TQ 925239 garden of Elms Handaxe [1] flint Palaeo Rye NMRTQ92SW101 Farmhouse 1962 Museum ESHER MES4110
TQ 924 239 1987 Reeves 1998, no. 30
Wessex Archaeol 1994,
Lympne (K)
TR 096 348 Aldergate Wood Handaxe Palaeo P.P. KHERTR03SE110
surface find Haliwell & Parfitt 2000, 11-12
Playden (ESx)
TQ 92382151 03.1988 Handaxe [1] flint Acheulian P.P. TQ92SW
Wetherill 1992, 18 & 20 fig.
TQ 92132149 05.1986 Scraper [1] flint Acheulian P.P. TQ92SW
depth 360 mm Wetherill forthcoming
Stanford (K)
TR 124 369 Folkestone Flake [1] flint Palaeo P.P. KHER TR13NW20
Racecourse Swanton 1973, 203-207, fig., pl.
excavation Johnson eta/1998
10000 - 4000 BC | Mesolithic | 45 | ||
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find | Site/Find | Date | Location | References |
Aldington (K) | ||||
TR 05553719 The Mount | Flake [1+] flint & | Mesa | P.P. | KHER TR03NE6 |
of Finds
Blade [1+] flint & Bradshaw 1967b,5
Scraper [1] flint see Roma�Britain 1
TR 07383458 Eighteen Acres Scraper [19] flint & Mesa P.P. NMR TR03SE8 Knoll Farm Blade [1] flint & KHER TR03SE8
surface find Flake [40] flint & Wymer & Bonsall 1977,143 TR 07480376 [sic] Core [3] flint & Woodcock 1988,no. 227
Microlith [2] flint & Axe [1] flint tranchet
Beckley (ESx)
TQ 852 224 Watcombe Farm Scraper [1] flint & Mesa Rye Museum NMR TQ82SE5 surface find c.1925 Flake [1] flint ESHER MES3437
Woodcock 1988,no. 170
TQ 853 232 Southfields Farm Scraper [1] flint & Mesa Rye Museum NMR TQ82SE5 surface find c.1925 Flake [1] flint ESHER MES3437
Ray 1925,240
Curwen 1938a,278-279 Woodcock 1988,no. 171
TQ 86 23 Axe [1] flint & Mesa P.P. NMR TQ82SE101
tranchet ESHER MES3471
Core [20] & Wymer & Bonsall 1977,143
Scraper [20] & other [c.128]
Bodiam (ESx)
TQ 781 255 found in Axe [1] flint Mesa P.P NMR TQ72NE37 Bodiam Parish tranchet ESHER MES3496
Jones 1982c,11
Fairlight (ESx)
TQ 860 109 Lovers Seat Blade/Flake[6]& Meso British Museum NMRTQ81SE97
Scraper[1]& [Garraway Rice ESHER MES3933
other[2] Coll.] Wymer & Bonsall 1977,300
TQ 860 120 Fairlight Graver[1] flint Meso Cambridge NMRTQ81SE98
Museum ESHER MES3934
Arch & Ethno Wymer & Bonsall 1977,300
TQ 870 115 Fairlight Axe[4]& Meso British NMRTQ81SE96
Blade/Flake[41]& Museum+ ESHER MES3932
Scraper[27]& Birmingham Wymer & Bonsall 1977,300
other[50] Museum+
TQ 88761302 Cliff End Blade[4] flint & Meso Rye Museum? NMRTQ81SE4 cave site Axe[1] flint ESHER MES3911
destroyed by erosion tranchet Palmer 1972,3-9
surface find c.1900 Wymer & Bonsall 1977,317
excavation 1969 Woodcock 1988,no. 102
TQ 86701290 Cherry Garden Farm Blade[1] flint Meso/BA P.P. TQ81SE
surface find 09.2007 ESHER MES14935
Fairlight/Hastings (ESx)
TQ 86031123 Warren Farm Worked flint Meso Hastings NMRTQ81SE2 TQ 86231122 surface find Museum ESHER MES837
TQ 86261142 ESHER MES3909
Woodcock 1988,no. 107
Guestling (ESx)
TQ 861 140 Scraper[1] flint & Meso/Neo P.P. NMRTQ81SE6 Borer[1] flint & ESHER MES2093
Debitage ,flint
Hythe (K)
TR 189 352 Sandy Lane Axe[1] flint Meso P.P. TR13NE
tranchet Keene 1998,68-69
Iden (ESx)
TQ 903 250 near Corkwood Farm Flake[1+] flint Meso/Neo P.P. TQ92NW
surface find Reeves 1998,no. 29
TQ 930 240 near Bosney Farm Scraper [1] flint & Meso/Neo P.P. TQ92SW
surface find Blade [1I flint & Reeves 1998, no. 32
Flake [1+] flint
Kenardington (K)
TQ 96383351 Flint Field, Blade [1] flint & Meso P.P. KHERTQ93SE5
Ellis Barn Farm Flake [1] flint & Teichman-Derville 1943, xxxii
surface find 1966/1967 Graver [1] flint & Bradshaw 1967c, xlix-1
TR 963 335 Ellis Barn Field Core [1] flint Meso P.P. Wymer & Bonsall 1977, 152 TQ 964 335 Ellis Barn Farm Debitage , flint Meso P.P. Woodcock 1988, no. 195
Reeves 1998, no. 34
TQ 978 323 shore line ? Flint Scatter Meso P.P. KHERTQ93SE16
Aldridge 1990, 1
Aldridge 1992, 417
Lympne (K)
43 TR 11193594 Link Park Core [1] flint Meso P.P. KHERTR13NW89
TR 117 342 Stutfall Castle Pick [1] flint Meso/Neo? P.P. NMRTR13SW5
Care 1980, 269-271, fig. 24, no. 7
TR 12 35 Axe [1] flint Meso Maidstone KHERTR13NW17
tranchet Museum Wymer & Bonsall 1977, 153 Chris Blandford Associates 1992 Chris Blandford Associates 1994
TR 120 350 Axe [1] flint Meso Woodcock 1988, no. 230 tranchet
TR 120 350 Axe Reeves 1998, no. 47
Newington (K)
TR 18 37 found Newington Pick [1] flint Meso Maidstone KHERTR13NE23
Cemetery 04.1946 Museum
Pett (ESx)
TQ 87171448 found 1954 Microlith [1] flint Meso P.P. NMRTQ81SE8
TQ 871 145 Woodcock 1988, no. 117
22 | TQ 879 151 | Pannel Banks | Flintwork | Mesa | Hastings Area Arch. Res. Gp. | NMRTQ81NE39 ESHER MES2112 |
23 | TQ 880 151 | Pannel Banks | Flintwork | Mesa | Hastings Area Arch. Res Gp. | Woodcock1988,no NMRTQ81NE38 ESHER MES2111 |
24 TQ 882 151 Pannel Banks Flintwork Mesa P.P. NMRTQ81NE37
25 | TQ 88671409 | Flintwork | Meso/Neo | P.P. | NMRTQ81 S E6 |
TQ 88501406 | ESHER MES2093 |
TQ 889 150 Pannel Banks Flintwork Mesa Hastings Area NMRTQ81NE29
Arch. Res Gp. ESHER MES2108
TQ 891 151 Pannel Banks Flintwork Mesa Hastings Area NMRTQ81NE27
Arch. Res Gp. ESHER MES2106
TQ 892 152 Pannel Banks Flintwork Mesa P.P. NMRTQ81NE26
Playden (ESx)
TQ 92002200 south-east of Flintwork Mesa P.P. NMRTQ92 SW7 MockbeggarHouse ES xHER MES2164
ex cavation1929 /31 Clark1932,85
Wymer & Bonsall1977,317 Woodcock1988,no.188 Reeves1998,no.65
TQ 92382151 found12 .1989 Point [2] flint Mesa? P.P. TQ92SW
depth609 mm Wetherill forthcoming
TQ 92132149 found08 .1985 Borer [1] flint Mesa P.P. TQ92SW
depth1 .8 m Wetherill forthcoming
TQ 92412159 S hell Midden Meso/Neo TQ92SW
TQ 92432147 found02 .1985 S hell Midden & Meso/Neo P.P. TQ92SW
TQ 931 229
surface find
depth1 .8 m Net S inker Wetherill1992,11 & 20
Rye (ESx)
TQ 908 214 near Secret Wood Flintwork Meso/Neo P.P. TQ92SW
surface find Reeves 1998,no. 74
Saltwood (K)
36 TR 16 36 Heyne Barn Field Microlith [1] flint Meso Hythe KHER TR13NE33
Museum Wymer & Bonsall 1977,155
TR 160 360 Woodcock 1988,no. 236
Stanford (K)
37 TR 12 37 Westenhanger Blade [1] flint Meso Hythe KHER TR13NW28
Museum Wymer & Bonsall 1977,143
44 TR 124 369 Folkestone Flake [1] flint Meso P.P. KHER TR13NW20
Racecourse Swanton 1973,203-207,fig., pl.
excavation Johnson eta/1998
Tenterden (K)
38 TQ 92 32 Shirley Moor Axe [1] flint Meso British KHER TQ93SW12
tranchet Museum Wymer & Bonsall 1977,160
TQ 920 320 Axe [1] flint Meso Woodcock 1988,no. 194
Reeves 1998,no. 88
Udimore (ESx)
TQ 865 195 Billingham Farm Blade [c.200] flint & Meso P.P. + NMR TQ81NE61
Implements [66] flint & Rye Museum ESHER MES2566 Flake [3] flint Clark 1934,423
Wymer & Bonsall 1977,324
Woodchurch (K)
40 TQ 946 347 surface find Axe [1] flint Meso P.P. KHER TQ93SW10
TQ 947 343
surface find
Axe [1] flint
Kelly 1984,365
1966 tranchet Kelly 1984,365
42 TQ 947344 surface find
pre 1982
Microlith [1] flint & Flake [15] flint & blade
Flake [1] flint rejuvenation
Meso Maidstone
Kelly 1984, 365
4000 - 2350 BC Neolithic 46
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Appledore (K)
TQ 940 307 'found close to one of the Axe [1] flint Neo P.P KHERTQ93SW13 many dykes in the polished Garrod 1980,223
Appledore area'
Beckley (ESx)
2 TQ 852 224 Watcombe Farm Arrowhead [1] flint & Neo Rye Museum NMRTQ82SE5 surface find c.1925 leaf-shaped ESHER MES3437
Scraper [1] flint & NMRTQ82SE9
Woodcock 1988,no. 170
3 TQ 853 232 Southfields Farm
Arrowhead [2] flint &
Rye Museum
surface find c.1925
Sickle Blade [1] flint
Ray 1925,240
Curwen 1938a,278-279
Anon 1938/39,122
Jones 1981b,74,fig. 4
Woodcock 1988,no. 171
TQ 87702650
'recovered from deep
Axe [1] flint
within peat close to
the River Rother'
Woodcock 1988,no. 167
Biddenden (K)
TQ 85953696
found 6ft down while
Axe [1] flint
TQ 859 369
cutting a drain 1930
Woodcock 1988,no. 177
Bodiam (ESx)
TQ 76852590
found near
Arrowhead [1] flint
Terrace Wood
Jones 1982c,11,fig. 4
Flake [1] flint ESHER MES3470
TQ 769 264 'found during Axe [1] flint Neo P.P NMRTQ72NE23 drainage works' polished ESHERMES3486
Jones 1981b, 73, fig. Bell et al 1982, 205
TQ 784 261
Court Lodge Farm 'found during ploughing'
Axe [1] flint polished
Jones 1981b, 73, fig. Bell et al 1982, 205
Ewhurst (ESx)
TQ 77852240
300 yards west of Staplecross
war memorial surface find 10.1954
Axe [1] stone flaked+ ground Group VII
Battle & Dist. Hist. Soc.
Evans 1968n1, Sx 59
Fairlight (ESx)
TQ 86701280
Cherry Garden Farm
Core [1] flint
TQ 78012577 Knowle Hill Axe [1] flint Neo? P.P NMRTQ72NE29 surface find 1988 ESHERMES3491
surface find 09.2007 ESHER MES14933
TQ 86671287 Cherry Garden Farm Blade [1] flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
surface find 09.2007 ESHER MES14934
TQ 86701290 Cherry Garden Farm Core [1] flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
surface find 09.2007 ESHER MES14936
TQ 87001288/ south of Debitage, flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15115
surface find 06.2003
TQ 87001288/ south of Debitage, flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15116
surface find 06.2003
38 TQ 87001288/ south of Debitage, flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15117
surface find 06.2003
TQ 87001288/ south of Debitage, flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15118
surface find 06.2003
TQ 87001288/ south of Core [5] flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15119
surface find 06.2003
41 TQ 87001288/ south of Core [1] flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15120
surface find 06.2003
42 TQ 87001288/ south of Debitage,flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15121
surface find 06.2003
43 TQ 87001288/ south of Scraper [1] flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15122
surface find 06.2003
44 TQ 87001288/ south of Debitage,flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15123
surface find 06.2003
45 TQ 87001288/ south of Debitage [5] flint Neo/BA P.P. TQ81SE
TQ 86991277 Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15124
surface find 06.2003
Fairlight/Hastings (ESx)
TQ 86031123 Warren Farm Flake [1+] flint & Neo Hastings NMR TQ81SE2 surface find Scraper [1+] flint & Museum ESHER MES837
TQ 86231122 Core [1+] & ESHER MES3909
Arrowhead [1] flint & Woodcock1988,no. 107
TQ 86261142 leaf-shaped Scott 1992,5
Knife [1] flint
Folkestone (K)
TR 19463689 found 1972 when Pottery [2] Neo P.P. KHER TR13NE43
digging a trench at Smith & Philp 1975,42-45
Hastings (ESx)
TQ 856 108 near Lovers' Seat, Pottery & Neo P.P. NMR TQ81SE10 Willow Pit Wood, Flintwork NMR TQ81SE26
Warren Glen ESxHER MES1004
Moore 1974,169
Woodcock1988,no. 115
Scott 1992,10
27 TQ 861 111 Firehills Pottery & Neo Hastings TQ81SE
Grain & Museum Moore 1954/57, 173
Flintwork & Moore 1974, 171
Post Hole Scott 1992, 5
lcklesham (ESx)
TQ 88251632 lcklesham Manor Scraper [1] flint Neo Barbican NMR TQ81NE6 garden House ESHER MES3981
Museum, Anon 1948, xxxix, no. 3 Lewes
Iden (ESx)
TQ 904 246 near Corkwood Farm Scraper [1] flint & Neo P.P. TQ92SW
surface find Flake [1+] flint Reeves 1998, no. 28
lvychurch (K)
TR 01742751 Barling Field Scraper [1] flint Neo/BA Maidstone KHER TR02NW4
surface find 1933 Museum lvychurch Tithe Map 1842
Teichman-Derville 1933, 284
TR 017 252 Neo Woodcock 1988, no. 199
Reeves 1998, no. 33
Kenardington (K)
TQ 96383351 Flint Field, Blade [1I flint & Neo/BA? P.P. KHER TQ93SE5
Ellis Barn Farm Core [1] flint & Teichman-Derville 1943, xxxii
surface find 1942 Flake [1] flint & Bradshaw 1967c, xlix-I Scraper [1] flint &
Potboiler [1] flint
Pett (ESx)
28 TQ 883 147 Pett Barn Flintwork Neo P.P. TQ81SE
Vahey 1979a, 50-51
Playden (ESx)
20 TQ 92092259 south east of Ring Ditch & Neo/BA Rye Museum NMRTQ92 SW7 Mockbeggar House House & ES xHER MES2164
excavation1929 /31 Rectangular Enclosure & Cheney1931,206-211,fig. pl.
Flintwork & Cheney1935,152-164
Pottery Hawkes1935,467-471
Bradley1978,219-223 Green1980,393,nos. 419 & 420 Cleal1982,1-17
TQ 921 226 Woodcock1988,no. 189
Enclosure BA Reeves1998,no. 66 S AM ES x476
29 TQ 92132149 depth609 mm Blade [1] flint Neo? P.P. TQ92SW
Wetherill forthcoming
30 TQ 92432147 found03 .1987 Arrowhead [1] flint Neo P.P. TQ92SW
depth228 mm Wetherill forthcoming
31 TQ 92432149 Arrowhead [1] flint & Neo P.P. TQ92SW
Borer [1] flint & Wetherill1992,18
Rolvenden (K)
21 TQ 832 313 Axe [1] stone Neo Maidstone TQ83SW
Group VI Museum Woodcock et al1988,26,Kent44 Woodcock1988,no. 176
Rye (ESx)
22 TQ 92 20 S ickle blade [1] flint Neo Rye Museum NMRTQ92 SW3 ES HER MES 2185
Curwen1938 b,34,no. 11
Woodcock1988,no. 190
Reeves1998,no. 75
Saltwood (K)
23 TR15553705 excavation1979 Flints Neo P.P. KHERTR13NE34
Willson1985,226-235 RPS Clouston1994
24 | TR 175 360 | 'found ... between D ibgateFarm and Saltwood not far from Hythe station' | Adze [1] flint & part polished Axe [1+] flint & Bone | Neo | Folkestone Museum F.2531] | KHER TR13NE19 Pitts1996, 367 |
Sellindge (K) | ||||||
19 | TR 113 364 | OtterpoolQuarry surface find1967 | Axe [1] flint flaked | Neo | Maidstone Museum | KHER TR13NW12 Woodcock1988,no. 233 |
Stanford (K) | ||||||
25 | TR 12213751 | north of Westenhanger Castle excavation1998/99 | Worked flint | Neo/BA | P.P. | KHER TR13NW61 T reveil1998 Gollop1999b |
32 TR 12253745 north of Worked flint Neo/BA P.P. KHER TR13NW62 Westenhanger Castle Gollop1999b
Udimore (ESx)
26 TQ 86711965 R ainbowField, Flintwork [ 200] & Neo/BA P.P. NMR TQ81NE 4 BillinghamFarm Arrowhead [1] flint ESxHER MES2540
TQ 89731955 | surface find 04.2009 | Arrowhead [1] flint | Neo | P.P. | TQ81NE |
leaf-shaped | PASSUSS-AD1540 |
excavation1959 Anon1959,141
Westfield (ESx)
10 TQ 81 16 Westfield Axe [1] stone Neo P.P TQ81NW
Group XIX ESHER MES [ 4959]
Woodcock & Woolley1986,Sx 85 Woodcock1988,no. 32
2350-700 BC Bronze Age 46
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Aldington (K)
TR 07073525 Aldington Knoll Mound & BA? P.P. NMR TR03NE4 'digging for foxes Barrow? & KHER TR03NE4
04.1755' Cremation & Pringle 1785, 408-409, pl. XXX
Metal, copper & Clinch 1908, 331
Stone, upright | Evans 1949, 138 | ||||||
TR 071 353 | Burial Cairn? | Woodcock 1988, no. 210 | |||||
Grinsell 1992, 382, tab. 2 | |||||||
SAM Kent 178 | |||||||
RSM 12822 | |||||||
see Roma�Britain 4 | |||||||
Beckley (ESx) | |||||||
2 TQ 843 275 | recovered from river | Spearhead [1] bronze | BA | Hastings | NMR TQ82NW19 | ||
dredgings on south | barbed | Museum | ESHER MES3466 | ||||
bank of River Rother 1974/1975 | [975.20] | Devenish 1979, 256, fig 23 Woodcock 1988, no. 165 | |||||
3 TQ 852 224 Watcombe Farm | Arrowhead [1] flint & | BA | Rye Museum | NMR TQ82SE5 | |||
surface find c.1925 | barbed + tanged | ESHER MES3437 | |||||
Scraper [1] flint & | NMR TQ82SE9 | ||||||
Flake [1] flint | ESHER MES3470 | ||||||
Woodcock 1988, no. 170 | |||||||
4 | TQ 853 232 | Southfields Farm | Arrowhead [1] flint & | BA | Rye Museum | NMR TQ82SE5 | |
surface find c.1925 | Scraper [1] flint & | ESHER MES3437 | |||||
Flake [1] flint | Ray 1925, 240 | ||||||
Curwen 1938a, 278-279 | |||||||
Woodcock 1988, no. 171 | |||||||
Benenden | (K) | ||||||
5 | TQ 83363524 | Benenden Sanatorium during levelling | Palstave [1] bronze | BA | Lost/Destroyed WWII | KHER TQ83NW8 Fisher 1939, 204 |
TQ 834 352 operations 1939 Woodcock 1988, no. 172
Camber (ESx)
TQ 99021780 Broomhill Sands Pin [1] 1400-1100 BC Hastings TQ91NE
surface find Museum ESHER MES7203
[993.901] Bellam 1996, 217-218, fig.
Reeves 1998, no. 11
Ewhurst (ESx)
TQ 75732319 Wellhead Wood Bowl Barrow BA NMRTQ72SE25 ESHER MES3866
Jones 1979a, 85, fig. Jones 1980a, 367, fig. 3
RSM 24387
TQ 77 22 Lordship Wood Axe [1] bronze BA Lewes NMRTQ72SE4 surface find ? Castle ESHER MES3824
Museum Lower & Chapman 1866, 66, no. 51
Fairlight (ESx)
TQ 883 125 surface find arrowhead [1] flint BA P.P. TQ81SE
1990/1998 ESHER MES12951
Fairlight/Hastings (ESx)
TQ 86031123 Warren Farm Flake [1+] flint & BA Hastings NMRTQ81SE2 surface find Core [1+] flint & Museum ESHER MES837
TQ 86231122 Scraper [1+] flint & ESHER MES3909 Arrowhead [1] flint
TQ 86261142 barbed + tanged
Guestling (ESx)
44 TQ 830 152 MD find Palstave [4] bronze & BA P.P. TQ81NW
'depth of c.2 feet' Unidentified Object [2] ESHER MES8739 Bronze
Hythe {K)
TR 16 34 Flanged Axe [1] & ih/8th Century BC Salisbury & KHER TR13SE25
bronze South Wilts Bowden & Taylor 1984,349-352
Palstave [1] bronze Museum
[PR 2J4 & 2J6]
lcklesham {ESx)
TQ 878 165 Battle Axe [1] stone BA P.P. NMR TQ81NE11
[feldspathic sandstone] ESHER MES [4544/4545]
Woodcock & Woolley 1986,Sx 196 Woodcock 1988,no. 55
Lydd {K)
41 TR 01962045 Bretts Lydd Quarry Worked Flint & BA? P.P. KHER TR02SE64 watching brief 2006 Fire-cracked Flint Priestley-Bell 2006a
TR 02292051 Brett's Lydd Quarry Arrowhead & 2000-1000 BC P.P. KHER TR02SW49
excavation 1995 barbed + tanged Green 1980, 119,122,138,fig.45 Flake [3] Greig & Gardiner 1996
Bellam 1996,217-218
42 TR 02602068 Bretts Lydd Quarry Pottery BA P.P. KHER TR02SW133 excavation beaker Priestley-Bell 1996
TR 04242140 in field to the east of Ring Ditch & BA? KHER TR02SW12
The Glebe Earthwork AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3007; 21.9.46)
aerial photo 1946
TR 04652158 Aliens Bank, Ring Ditch & BA? KHER TR02SW54 Denge Road Pit GSB Prospect. 1998b
geophysical survey 1998 Slatcher 1999
excavation 1999
TR 04662194 Pioneer Quarry Axe [5] bronze 1800-1600 BC British KHER TR02SW51 surface find hoard Museum Willson 1987,164-166
Needham 1988,77-82
TR 047 219 Axe [4] bronze Woodcock 1988,no. 203
Reeves 1998,no. 40
TR 049 217 Pioneer Quarry Ingot [8] bronze BA P.P. KHER TR02SW146 surface find Woodcock 1988,no. 204
TR 05102258 shingle ridges Ditch & BA? P.P. KHER TR02SE69 TR 05102276 close to Hearth & Priestley-Bell 1998d TR 05302274 Caldicott Farm Scraper,flint &
TR 05302251 excavation 1998 Core,flint
Lympne (K)
TR 11 34 found 1853 Socketed Axe [1] BA Chichester KHER TR13SW8
bronze Museum Hills 1856, 295
TR 11263590 Lympne Airport Cropmark Site & BA? KHER TR13NW13
aerial photo Ring Ditch AP (Lympne Airport 4500)
TR 11303597 AP (Lympne Airport 2241)
TR 113 359 Ring ditch Woodcock 1988, no. 232
TR 113 358 Link Park Field System & BA/IA P.P. KHER TR13NW68 Industrial Estate Ditch & Johnson 2001a
excavation 2001 Pit & Priestley-Bell 2001a
watching brief 2001 Pottery & Flint
TR 11193594 Link Park Pottery BA/IA P.P. KHER TR13NW89
Newington (K)
TR 16693773 Bitchborrow MounV Round Barrow BA KHER TR13NE12 Beachborough, [site of] Thos Hill, Map of Hythe 1685
Summerhouse Hill Clinch 1908, 331
Ashbee & Dunning 1960, 56
Grinsell 1992, Newington 2
RPS Clouston 1994
TR 182 335 Bowl Barrow/ BA NMR TR13NE4
Natural Feature? Woodcock 1988, no. 240
TR 18 37 Pottery BA P.P. KHER TR13NE194
Macpherson-Grant 1991/92,
TR 183 370
Old Romney
between railway and M20, 12in down
Palstave [1] bronze
Folkestone Museum
KHER TR13NE196 Vale 1987, 373
TR 04 25
MD find 06.2007
Slag [6] copper alloy
2000-700 BC
Pett (ESx)
TQ 888 128
'on shore among stones c.50ft below HWM'
Socketed Spearhead [1] bronze
Hastings Museum [971.4]
Baines 1973, 110
59, fig. 4, CT.F112
36 TQ 8 1 'bottom of the cliffs Dagger/Rapier? [1] BA Hastings TQ81SE
between Pett Level and bronze Museum Baines 1945, 187
Hastings ... resting [937.72] Needham 1988,81
on clay amongst rocks at low tide' 1937
Playden (ESx)
TQ 91952240 seen 06.1979 Grassmark Site & BA NMR TQ92SW85
Round Barrow ? & ESxHER MES2291
Curvilinear Enclosure Dickinson 1981d,92-93,fig.
Ruckinge (K)
TR 014 346 near Gill Farm Axe Hammer [1] stone BA Maidstone TR03SW
Diorite Museum Woodcock 1988,no. 221 Woodcock et al 1988,26,Kent 45 Reeves 1998,no. 73
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
TR 06812655 near Winford Bridge Socketed Axe [1] 700 BC P.P. TR02NE
MD find bronze Bellam 1996,217-218
[facetted] Reeves 1998,no. 78
Saltwood (K)
TR 13823646 Cropmark & BA? KHER TR13NW49
Ring Ditch? Glass 1993
TR 15 35 Arrowhead [1] flint BA? Hythe KHER TR13NE22 barbed + tanged Museum
TR 15 36 Dollands Moor Pottery BA P.P. TR13NE
Macpherson-Grant 1991/92,
59,fig. 4,CT.F25A
TR 15023612 south of Bowl Barrow BA? KHER TR13NE20 Willow Wood Clinch 1908,331
Ashbee & Dunning 1960,56 Grinsell 1992,Saltwood 3
TR 150 362 Collins 1992, 26,H31
TR 150 361 Woodcock 1988,no. 243
TR 15233648 Hayne Hill 04.06.1872 Hoard [66] bronze BA Folkestone KHER TR13NE8 'during construction Museum+ Waller 1873,279-283
of cutting and tunnel for P.P. Anon 1874,300
Hythe-Sandgate railway' Waller 1874,230-231
cutting now back-filled Waller 1876/78,281
Evans 1881,297,305,403
Clinch 1908,323,337
Jessop 1930,107,261
Osborne 1939,202-206
Coombs 1974,264-267
Needham 1988,81 Collins 1992,26,H30
TR 15753695 north of Ring Ditch & BA P.P. KHER TR13NE82
Saltwood Tunnel Flint & Sparey-Green 1999
excavation 1998 Pottery
Sandhurst (K)
TQ 80262727 aerial photo 1959 Cropmark & BA? KHER TQ82NW10
Ring Ditch & AP (RAF 1926 582943 F42 F0041; 16.6.59)
Sellindge (K)
TR 10873736 Barrowhill, Bowl Barrow BA KHER TR13NW9
Mount Field Sellindge Tithe Map 1838
TR 109 374 Woodcock 1988,no. 237
Grinsell 1992,Sellindge 1 Collins 1992,26,H28 Johnson et al 1998
Stanford (K)
TR 11453713 near Barrowhill Bowl Barrow ? BA KHER TR13NW1
east of Burnbrae Ashbee & Dunning 1960,56
TR 115 371 'dug out' 1931 Woodcock 1988,no. 238
Grinsell 1992,Stanford 1 Collins 1992,26,H28 Johnson et al 1998
43 TR 12253745 north of Arrowhead [1] BA P.P. KHER TR13NW62
Westenhanger Castle flint Gollop 1999b
excavation 1998/99
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
TQ 91392855 Stemp's Wood
aerial photo 1946
Cropmark & Ring Ditch
AP (RAF 106 G/UK 1439 F3095: 30.4.46)
700 BC-AD 43 Iron Age 58
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Aldington (K)
TR 07 35 MD find 1992 Coin [1] bronze IA P.P. KHERTR03NE193
Treveri? Reeves 1998, no. 4
TR 07 36 | MD find 1994 | Coin [1] bronze | IA | P.P. | KHERTR03NE194 | |
Cantii/DUBNOK | van Arsdell 1989, VA 180-01 | |||||
CCI no. 95.0930 | ||||||
35 | TR 08 34 | MD find 1999 | Coin [1] gold | IA | P.P. | KHERTR03SE91 |
¼stater | CCI no. 00.1371 | |||||
Cantii | ||||||
46 | TR 06063633 | found at New Hayters 1935 | Pottery | IA | P.P. | NMRTR03NE5 KHERTR03NE5 |
Cook 1935, 240 |
CCI no. 95.0919
Beckley (ESx)
57 TQ 86 26 Great Bellhurst Farm Weight [1] lead IA/Ro P.P. TQ82NE
MD find 08.2005 ESHER MES10844
Bodiam (ESx)
2 TQ 78262563 site of present Pottery & IA Bodiam NMRTQ72NE9 Bodiam Rectory Cremation Castle ESHER MES3482
surface find 03.1902 Museum Whistler 1940/41, 25, fig.
Brenzett (K)
3 TR 00 27 MD find 1994 Coin [1] gold IA P.P. KHERTR02NW85
stater van Arsdell 1989, VA 50-00
Gallo-Belgic E Reeves 1998, no. 10
CCI no. 94.1273
Ewhurst (ESx)
4 TQ 77392134 Cripps Corner Bloomery ? IA/Ro? NMR TQ72SE34 'while making ESHER MES3874
a pond'
Fairlight (ESx)
5 TQ 88 13 Cliff End Coin [2] gold IA British NMR TQ81SE3 1882 stater Museum ESHER MES3910
Cantii/ type LZ1 Evans 1864/90, 450, pl. L, no. 3
Allen 1961, 193
Mack 1975, 48, type 84
Woodcock 1988, no. 104
van Arsdell 1989, VA 150-01
CCI no. 69.0584 & 69.0585
Coin [1] gold IA British Evans 1864/90, 462-463, pl. M, no. 12
¼stater Museum Allen 1961, 198
Cantii/ type PB van Arsdell 1989, VA 145-01
CCI no. 68.1009
38 TQ 88 12 Fairlight Cove Coin [1] gold IA P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 1992 Cantii/type LZ1 van Arsdell 1989, VA 144-01 CCI no. 03.0383
Fairlight/Hastings (ESx)
6 | TQ 861 113 | Warren Farm | Pottery & House Platform | IA | P.P. | NMR TQ81SE2 ESHER MES3909 Woodcock 1988, no. 107 |
Folkestone (K) | ||||||
8 | TR 19263701 | between Horne Street and Ashford Road, Cheriton, discovered 1948 while digging a trench | Cemetery & Cremation [9] & Pottery [25] & Brooch [31] | 1st Century AD | Folkestone Museum | NMR TR13NE13 KHER TR13NE85 Tester & Bing 1949, 21-36 Tyers 1978, 86 Whimster 1981,151, 381 Willson 1983, 92 |
Hastings (ESx)
45 TQ 86101117 excavation Building material & IA TQ81SE
Hut & Moore 1979,1-10,fig.
TQ 85701089 Warren Glen Pottery IA Hastings NMR TQ81SE100
Museum ESxHER MES1006
[976.172] Moore 1974,169
Scott 1992
TQ 854 114 Fairlight Quarry Building material & c.50 BC-AD 50 NMR TQ81SE27 excavation Hut & ESxHER MES1005
Pottery Moore 1974,170-172,fig. 9
TQ 858 114 Woodcock1988,no. 116
Scott 1992, 9
Hythe (K)
TR 139 344 The Roughs, Pottery IA P.P. NMR TR13SW34
above Burmarsh Road KHER TR13SW48
Collins 1992,24,H1 Reeves 1998,no. 24
TR 15503495 Ditch & 500-350 BC P.P. KHER TR13SE20
Pottery & Willson 1984,150-155
15 TR 17773507 'found during excavation Pottery,Belgic IA Hythe KHER TR13NE5 of site for New House' Museum?
TR 16 34 found before 1932 Coin [1] silver IA Birmingham KHER TR13SE9
minim Museum Allen 1961, 211
Cantii/Eppillus Gunstone 1971,no. 36/Bi
Mack1975, 116,type 316E Hazelgrove 1978,116
Woodcock1988,no. 249 van Arsdell 1989,VA 153-01 Reeves 1998,no. 25
CCI no. 61.0162
TR 16 34 found 1925 Coin [1] bronze IA P.P. KHER TR13SE203
Cantii/DUBNOK Reeves 1998,no. 26
van Arsdell 1989,VA 166-01 CCI no. 69.0440
Lydd (K)
49 TR 01881987 Bretts Lydd Quarry Ditch IA/Ro KHER TR02SE72 watching brief Priestley-Bell 2006b
50 TR 01962045 Bretts Lydd Quarry Briquetage IA P.P. KHER TR02SE64 watching brief 2006 Priestley-Bell 2006a
52 TR 02021970 Bretts Lydd Quarry Ditch IA/Ro KHER TR02SE71
Priestley-Bell 2006b
51 TR 02172001 Bretts Lydd Quarry Occupation Site IA/Ro KHER TR02SE68
Priestley-Bell 2006b
TR 02201983 Bretts Lydd Quarry Settling Tank [12] IA KHER TR02SE67 watching brief Priestley-Bell 2006b
54 TR 02252006 Bretts Lydd Quarry Settling Tank [1OJ IA KHER TR02SE69 watching brief Priestley-Bell 2006b
16 TR 02321990 Bretts Lydd Quarry Hearth [27] & IA KHER TR02SW65 watching brief Kiln & Priestley-Bell 2006b
Settling Tank [70] & Saltern
55 TR 02472006 Bretts Lydd Quarry Settling Tank [1] IA/Ro KHER TR02SW70
Priestley-Bell 2006b
56 TR 02482002 Bretts Lydd Quarry Hearth [12] & IA KHER TR02SW66 watching brief Pit & Priestley-Bell 2006b
Settling Tank [31] & Post Hole [18] & Saltern
17 TR 02712037 Bretts Lydd Quarry Timber Feature & IA P.P. KHER TR02SW59 excavation 1998 Hard-standing & Priestley-Bell 1998e
58 TR 049 241 surface find 09.2006 Vessel [1] ceramic 800-100 BC P.P. TR02SW
Lympne (K)
18 TR 116 346 ridge north of Pottery IA P.P. KHER TR13SW36 Stutfall Castle Collins 1992,27,H42
Reeves 1998,no.45
43 TR 11193594 Link Park Pottery IA P.P. KHER TR13NW89
19 TR 12 25 [sic] Coin [3] IA P.P. KHER TR12NW49
Reeves 1998,no.48
Newenden (K)
37 TQ 85 28 near Castle Toll Coin [1] gold
Newington (K)
7 TR 17803745 Dollands Moor Pit [1+] &
excavation 1987 Pottery & Bone,animal & Settlement ?
Ellis Mace 1902,5
Bennett 1987/88,54-56 Macpherson-Grant 1988/89,60-63 Macpherson-Grant &
Thompson 1989/90,45-46
20 | TR 178 373 | Ditch [4] & Pit [1+] & Settlement ? | IA/Ro | P.P. | KHER TR13NE31 Grew 1980,402 Willson 1983,92-95 RPS Clouston 1994 | |
New Romney | (K) | |||||
21 42 | TR 06 25 TR 07 24 | found 1974 MD find 10.2002 | Coin [1] bronze stater Durotriges Coin [1] bronze | IA 100-80 BC | American Numismatic Society P.P. | KHER TR02NE10 Mack 1975,121,type 318 Hazelgrove 1978,90 van Arsdell 1989,VA 1290-01 Reeves 1998,no. 57 CCI no. 74.0386 TR02SE |
PAS KENT-5249 |
Pett (ESx)
22 TQ 883 149 Pannel Banks Pottery
23 TQ 88691288 Tongs, Pottery
Cliff End
'found after a gun was TQ 885 126 dug in during 1944'
24 TQ 891 145 Carters Farm Pottery
3rd/1st Century BC
ESHER MES [4994]
Woodcock 1988,no. 158 NMR TQ81SE91 ESHER MES2158
Vahey 1986a,20-29,fig. Freakes 1997,16-20,fig. see Anglo-Saxon 68 TQ81SE
ESHER MES [4988]
Woodcock 1988,no. 153
Playden (ESx)
46 TQ 92462149 excavation Stake [1] wood IA? P.P. TQ92SW
Wetherill 1992,18-19,fig.
TQ 92132149 surface find 05.2006 Coin [1] silver IA P.P. TQ92SW
Wetherill forthcoming
Pestling (K)
25 TR 14193725 Shrine Farm Pottery c.500-300BC P.P. KHER TR13NW25
excavation 1983 Willson 1983,92-95,fig
Johnson et al 1998
Ruckinge (K)
44 TR 01 33 'in a garden near Coin [1] 300-200 BC P.P. TR03SW
a very old,now foreign PAS KENT-382
disused, road' surface find 05.1991
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
26 | TR 04802645 | Haunted House Field, | Bead [1] glass | 200-100 BC | P.P. | KHER TR02NW9 |
Hope | Teichman-Derville 1939,152-154 | |||||
Guido 1978, 113 | ||||||
27 | TR 046 265 TR 08152762 | 'at depth of 3ft-4ft Sin | Pottery& | 99 BC/AD 99 | Maidstone | Reeves 1998,no. 19 KHER TR02NE9 |
in a borehole' | Bone,Animal& | Museum | Green 1968,27,113 |
1910 Clay,Burnt& Philp 1982,185,site 2
TR 082 276 Charcoal LIA Woodcock 1988,no. 201 Eddison 1992a
Eddison 1992b
TR 082 276 near Jessen Farm Pottery 1st Century Reeves 1998,no. 80
Saltwood (K)
TR 154 365 'when digging the Pottery 50 BC/AD 50 P.P. KHER TR13NE70 foundations of a house' Cook 1935,240
Collins 1992, 26,H27
TR 15453695 north of Settlement& IA P.P. KHER TR13NE81 Saltwood Tunnel Hollow Way& Oxford Archaeol. Unit 1997
Pottery Sparey-Green 1999
30 | TR 15553705 | excavated 1979 | Pottery | IA | P.P. | KHER TR13NE34 Willson 1985, 226-235, fig. 1 RPS Clouston 1994 |
Sellindge (K) | ||||||
31 40 | TR 10383795 TR 10 37 TR 09 36 | MD find 1991 MD find 09.1995 MD find 01.1996 | Coin [1] gold ¼stater Cantii type G Coin [1] gold ¼stater Atribates/type EPP Eppilus/Commios Coin [1] potin? | IA 20 BC- AD 43 100 BC | P.P. P.P. P.P. | KHER TR13NW34 van Arsdell 1989, VA 145-01 or 147-01 Ringwould 1991, MSRC-SINCR-IA-12 Johnson et al 1998 CCI no. 94.0257 TR13NW van Arsdell 1989, VA 437-01 PAS KENT-151 CCI no. 96.2272 TR03NE |
Turones | PAS KENT-2714 CCI no. 00.1402 |
Snargate (K)
32 TQ 97922830 Five Watering Sewer, Pottery, Belgic AD 25-50 P.P. KHER TQ92NE7
Hope Farm [15 vessels] Kelly 1968, 265-266, fig. 1
'3ft 6ins down side of a Philp 1982, 185, site 4
freshly cut channel, Woodcock 1988, no. 187
above the peat' Reeves 1998, no. 81
1966 & 1968
Tenterden (K)
33 TQ 86 35 near Penhill Farm Coin [1] gold IA/Ro P.P. KHER TQ83NE2
[Penhale] Ellis Mace 1902, errata page
Woodcock 1988, no. 178
41 TQ 88 33 MD find? 1980 Coin [1] gold IA P.P. TQ83SE
stater van Arsdell 1989, VA 48-01
Gallo-Belgic C CCI no. 80.0025
Warehorne (K)
36 TQ 97 32 Coin [1] gold IA P.P. KHER TQ93SE86
¼stater CCI no. 02.0327
AD43-410 Roman-Britain 236
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Aldington (K)
TR 05553719 The Mount Barrow? Ro? NMRTR03NE6 KHERTR03NE6
Haverfield et al 1932, 144
TQ 05523720 Bradshaw1966, Iii
Woodcock 1988, no. 211
see Mesolithic 1
2 TR 06053639 found during the Building foundations& 1st Century P.P. NMRTR03NE5 TR 06063633 construction of Pottery& KHERTR03NE5
TR 061 364 tennis courts at Tile Cook 1935, 240
NewHayters 1935/36 Woodcock 1988, no. 212
TR 07073525 Aldington Knoll Mound& Ro/ Post Med ? NMRTR03NE4
Beacon? KHERTR03NE4
Clinch 1908, 331
Haverfield et al 1932, 144
Evans 1949, 138
SAM Kent 178
RSM 12822
see Bronze Age 1
TR 07383458 Eighteen Acres, Pottery&
1st/2nd Century
Knoll Farm Pit?& Bradshaw1968, 251-252
surface find after Bone&
ploughing& test pit Spike [1] iron
TR 073 345 Eighteen Acres Ro Woodcock 1988, no. 227
1st/2nd Century Reeves 1998, no. 1
TR 07803556 found in the garden of Urn[1] lead& Ro British NMRTR03NE3 White Walls Cremation& Museum KHERTR03NE3
TR 07823555 [formerly Kit Kat] Pottery Haverfield et al 1932, 144 1914 Woodcock 1988, no. 213
TR 07843557 lnhumation Reeves 1998, no. 2
TR 078 344 dredged from Pottery& 1st/2nd Century P.P. NMRTR03SE7
Royal Military Canal Tile& KHERTR03SE7
TR 079 344 surface find Brick Woodcock 1988, no. 226
Reeves 1998, no. 21
TR 085 359 Upper Park Farm Building foundations &
Tesserae &
TR 08623595 Coin [30+] &
Pottery Roman Villa
TR 08683610 south of Burches Rough, Building foundations & excavated 1972 Tile &
Tesserae & Coin [1+] &
TR 036 361 [sic] Pottery
TR 08923758 north of road between Slag &
Harringe Lane and lronworking Site &
Partridge Farm Pottery
3 TR 06203680 Clap Hill Coin [4] Claudius II & Carausius & Allectus & Constantine I
228 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Brooch [1] copper alloy
1st/4th Century
3rd/4th century
AD 268-269
AD 287-296
AD 307-337
Bradshaw 1972, 231
Alpin 1997, 194
Woodcock 1988, no. 209
Reeves 1998, no. 3 NMR TR03NE24 KHER TR03NE24
Bradshaw 1972, 231
Alpin 1997, 194
SAM Kent 307 NMR TR03NE28 KHER TR03NE28
Bradshaw 1975, 202 NMR TR03NE25 KHER TR03NE25
Bradshaw 1969, 234
Woodcock 1988, no. 208
Aldington/Lympne (K)
TR 04423800/ Maidstone-Dover Road TR 07703560/
TR 14173481
TR06753626 watching brief
Margary 1947, 27-41
Margary 1949, 87-89 Margary 1955/57, I, RR131 Linklater 2006, 37-38
Appledore (K)
TQ 95 29 surface find 1905 Coin [1] silver
d. AD 137
Dover 1880, 173
Haverfield et al 1932, 144
Collins 1992, 27, H40
Woodcock 1988, no. 186
Reeves 1998, no. 5
Beckley (ESx)
TQ 848 206 Burnthouse Wood, Iron Working Site & 2nd Century P.P. NMR TQ82SW12 Ludley Farm Pottery, Samian & AD 117-138 ESxHER MES3439
excavated 1972 Coin [1] Scott 1972, 29
Hadrian Botting 1973, 111
Cleere 1974, 196, no. 21
Cleere & Crossley 1985, 295-296, no. 4
Woodcock 1988, no. 168
Benenden (K)
TQ 80093402 Hemsted Brickworks Pottery, Samian & Ro P.P. KHER TQ83SW8 just outside kiln Glass Lebon 1972, 238-239
Woodcock 1988, no. 179
15 | TQ 80133225 | Stream Farm, | Road & | Ro | KHER TQ83SW6 | |
Iden Green | Ford | Taylor & Collingwood 1922, 277 | ||||
Margary 1955/57, I, 39 | ||||||
Margary 1968, 220, 222, pl. XV | ||||||
TQ 50133225 | [sic] excavated 1980/83 | Lebon 1984, 69-81 | ||||
TQ 501 323 | [sic] | Woodcock 1988, no. 180 | ||||
SAM Kent 94 | ||||||
207 | TQ 80163347 | Beneden School | Slag & | Ro | P.P. | KHER TQ83SW43 |
208 | TQ 80173352 | surface find Beneden School | Pottery Iron Smelting Site & | Ro | P.P. | Aldridge 2006 KHER TQ83SW44 |
excavated | Pottery | Aldridge 2006 |
TQ 82903470 Uppergate Wood Road Ro KHER TQ83SW45 excavated 2001 Aldridge 2006
TQ 80803415 Beach House Road & Ro KHER TQ83SW46
Slag Aldridge 2006
TQ 84463485 Bishopsden Farm Road & Ro KHER TQ83SW48 excavated Slag Aldridge 2006
TQ 84223487 Broad Oaks Road & Ro KHER TQ83SW49
excavated Slag Aldridge 2006
TQ 85053497 Flight Wood Iron Working Site Ro KHER TQ83SW68 landscape study Aldridge 2006
TQ 81703190 New Barn Shaw Bloomery & Ro KHER TQ83SW240 walkover survey Slag & Wealden Iron Res. Gp. 2009
Extractive Pit
Benenden/Tenterden/Woodchurch (K)
TQ 80203387/ Hemsted-Canterbury Road
TQ 85053499/ Hasted 1798, VII, 584
TQ 90123596/ Margary 1947, 27-41
TQ 94843800 Margary 1955/57, I, RR 130
TQ 84453485 excavated Aldridge 2002, 413-414
Bishopden Farm
TQ 84233487 excavated Aldridge 2002, 413-414
near Bexhill Farm
Bilsington (K)
17 TR 033 314 Oxpound Farm Pottery 1st/2nd Century P.P. KHERTR03SW90 surface find Reeves 1998, no. 6
TR 034 315 Oxpound Farm Pottery 2nd Century P.P. KHERTR03SW90 surface find Reeves 1998, no. 7
TR 035 319 surface find Pottery
P.P. KHERTR03SW90 Vale 1989, 410
19 TR 037 320 Oxpound Farm Pottery & 1st/2nd Century P.P.
surface find Briquetage Reeves 1992, RM62
Reeves 1998, no. 8
188 TR 037 321 surface find Pottery
Bonnington (K)
P.P. KHERTR03SW90 Vale 1989, 410
TR 064 330 near Eastbridge Sewer Pottery 2nd/3rd Century P.P. KHERTR03SE94 surface find Reeves 1998, no. 9
Brede (ESx)
TQ 813 211 Chitcombe Bloomery & 1st/3rd Century P.P. NMRTQ82SW2 watching brief 1972 Masonry & ESHER MES3501
Tile & Rock 1879, 168-174
Pottery Straker 1931, 345-347
Winbolt 1935, 32, no. 12
Cleere 1974, 193, no. 7
Cleere & Crossley 1985, 296, no. 5
Woodcock 1988, no. 169
TQ 826 183 Brede Coin [1] AD 117-138 P.P. TQ81NW
Hadrian ESHER MES [4958]
Woodcock 1988, no 33
TQ 84 19 Maidlands Farm,
Broad Oak
MD find 02 .2 006
Figurine [1]
copper alloy
st Century
Brenzett (K)
27 28 | TR 01 29 TR 028 296 | near Hangmans Toll Bridge, Snave Upper Ducksmarsh, | Coin [3] Pottery & | 1•t & 3rd/4th Century 1 st/3rd Century | P.P. P.P. | KHER TR02NW86 Reeves 1998, no. 84 KHER TR02NW22 |
Snave | Briquetage | Reeves 1992, RM36 |
surface find
29 TR 028 299 east of Snave
surface find
Twenty Acres, Snave
30 TR 030 299 east of Snave
surface find
Twenty Acres, Snave
Brookland (K)
229 TQ 98 26 MD find 11 .2005
166 TQ 97 25 MD find 01 .2 003
Burmarsh (K)
31 TR 07 31 Eastbridge surface find
32 TR 082 312 Ten Acres,
Orgarswick surface find
33 TR 08373078 Seventeen Acres,
TR 084 308 surface find
34 TR 085 308 Dump Field,
Orgarswick surface find
TR 085 311 Pound Field surface find
Pottery & Briquetage Pottery
Pottery & Briquetage
Coin [1] bronze very worn
Brooch [1] copper alloy
Coin [1] Pottery
Pottery & Brooch
Pottery Pottery
1 st/2nd Century Ro
1 st/2nd Century
AD 43-200
2nd Century 2nd Century
1 st/3rd Century 1 st/2nd Century
1st Century
Reeves 1998, no. 83
Reeves 1992,
P.P. Reeves 1998, no. 85
Reeves 1992,
P.P. Reeves 1998, no. 86
PAS KENT-9233 A5
Reeves 1998, no. 18
Reeves 1992, RM51
Reeves 1998, no. 62
Reeves 1992, RM75
Reeves 1998, no. 58
Reeves 1992, RM54
Reeves 1998, no. 59
Reeves 1998, no. 12
36 | TR 087 300 | Two and Twenty, | Pottery | 1st Century | P.P. | KHER TR03SE115 |
Chapel Farm, | Reeves 1998,no. 60 |
37 TR 08793024 surface find Pottery
38 TR 088 308 Twenty Acres, Pottery
Orgarswick surface find
TR 10 32 surface find Coin [1]
Cranbrook (K)
TQ 80133525 Little Farningham Farm, Building Foundations &
Sissinghurst Masonry & Tile [CLBR] & Tuyere & Bloom, Iron &
Iron Working Site
2nd Century 4th Century
Maidstone Museum + P.P.
Reeves 1992,RM80 KHER TR03SE19
Reeves 1992,RM55 Reeves 1998,no. 61 KHER TR13SE215
Reeves 1998,no. 13
Grove 1957,224
Wright 1957,233,no. 29 Lebon 1958,lx-lxii
Pile 1958,xlvii
Wright 1959,137-138,no. 13
Lebon 1959,xlvi-xlvii Anon 1960,235
Kelly 1961,197
Brown 1964,502-504
Brodribb 1969,109,117-120,fig. Cleere 1974,195-196,no. 18
Cleere & Crossley 1985,297,no. 16 Woodcock 1988,no. 175
Lebon 1995,458-460
Aldridge 2001,135-156
TQ 80 35
MD find 12.2001
Brooch [1] bronze
SAM Kent 169
Cranbrook/Benenden/Sandhurst (K)/Bodiam/Ewhurst/Sedlescombe/Westfield (ESx)
TQ 80003573/ Rochester-Hastings Road Ro NMR LINEAR 342 TQ 80073499/ ESHER MES1012
TQ 80003112/ ESHER MES2461
TQ 79573000/ ESHER MES2608
TQ 77682000/ ESHER MES3500
TQ 80001605/ ESHER MES3906
TQ 81231500 Margary 1946, 33-44
Margary 1947, 27-41 Margary 1955/57, I, RR13 Puckle 1958/62, 206-207
Anon 1959/60, 32-34
Lemmon 1960/61, 26-27
Margary 1968, 212-228
TQ 80093555 close to Folly Gill Road Ro KHER TQ83NW21
Dymchurch (K)
TR 08963026 Pottery Ro P.P. KHER TR03SE27
Reeves 1992, RM81
TR 08983036 Pottery Ro P.P. KHER TR03SE27
Reeves 1992, RM81
TR 09 28 The Money Bank Earthwork ? & Ro P.P. KHER TR02NE8
Coin [1+] Isaacson 1845a, 118
TR 090 302 Waddells Pottery 1st Century P.P. KHER TR03SE92 surface find Reeves 1998, no.15
TR 098 286 'in digging soil Pottery & 1st/2nd Century British KHER TR02NE1
associated with Cremation & Museum + Isaacson 1845a, 115-121
rebuilding the Briquetage & P.P.? Isaacson 1846a, 487-488
sea wall' Coin [1+] & Isaacson 1846b, 40-42
Glass & Isaacson 1843/49, 71-72
Bone, animal & Smith 1850, 245-246
Quern & Walker 1914, 41
Saltern ? Haverfield et al 1932, 129
Philp 1982, 185, site 1
Woodcock 1988, no.200
Reeves 1998, no. 14
TR 10 29 'found while digging Cemetery Ro P.P. KHER TR12NW6 for clay' Lukis 1850
Miles 1975, 26
Collins 1992, 25, H19
48 | TR 10282966 | County Primary | Ditch& | Ro | P.P. | KHERTR12NW28 |
School& NRA Depot | Pit& | Pratt 1995 |
excavated 1995 Pottery Pratt 1995/96, 42-43
TR 102 296 near School Pottery 1st/2nd Century P.P. Reeves 1998, no. 16
TR 103 298 surface find Pottery 1st Century P.P. KHERTR12NW47
Reeves 1998, no. 17
Ewhurst (ESx)
50 TQ 77332165 Badland Wood Pottery Ro P.P. NMRTQ72SE30 'during construction ESHER MES3870
of tennis court 1920s'
185 TQ 77392165 Badlands Bloomery 1st Century AD TQ72SE
Jones 1980c, 35-37, fig.
TQ 777 218 Pottery& Ro ? P.P. NMRTQ72SE29 Pit ESHER MES3869
52 TQ 78132482 Ockham Pottery& 2nd Century P.P. NMRTQ72SE20
Tile& ESHER MES3861
Slag& Bloomery
TQ 78192434 Dykes Farm Extractive Pit Ro? NMRTQ72SE46
[iron ore?] ESHER MES3886
184 TQ 78202347 Brasses Farm Slag& 2nd Century P.P. NMRTQ72SE42
Tile& ESHER MES3883
Coin [1] Jones 1980d, 41
59 TQ 78382507 Swift'sTenement Pottery Ro P.P. NMRTQ72NE31
Jones 1977c, 16-17 SAM ESx411
20 TQ 78332514 Guiness Hop Farm Settlement& 1st/3rd Century Battle& Dist. NMRTQ72NE2
West Brook Dock& Hist. Soc. ESHER MES3475
excavated 1959/1960 Pottery& Museum Hill 1958/62, 190-192
Glass& Lemmon& Hill 1966, 88-102, fig., pl.
Coin& Brodribb 1969, 111, 117-120 fig. [Bodiam]
TQ 783 251 Tile [CLBR] P.P. Anon 1964/66, 21-22, fig.
TQ 783 250 excavated 1966 P.P. Anon 1965/66, 26-27
Woodcock 1988, no. 1 SAM ESx411
TQ 78222503 Bodiam Station Pottery& Ro Battle& Dist. NMRTQ72NE32 excavation 1960 Tile& Hist. Soc. ESHER MES3859
aerial photo Cropmark Site& Museum Lemmon& Hill 1966, 88-102, fig. pl. [rectangular] Jones 1977c, 18-19, fig.
Building ? AP (no details)
55 TQ 783 249 Cow Field Brick & Ro P.P. NMRTQ72SE24
excavated 1976/1977 Tile, roof & ESHER MES3865
Tile, flue & Anon 1964/66, 21-22, fig.
Settlement ? & Jones 1977c, 18-19, fig.
Villa ?
56 TQ 78352130 nearThe Beacon Brick & Ro P.P. NMRTQ72SE33
Tile ESHER MES3873
66 TQ 79362307 Cinderbank Field Slag Heap Ro? NMRTQ72SE60 ESHER MES3900
Jones 1981a, 72, fig.3
58 TQ 809 210 Hoath Wood Iron Working Site & Ro P.P. NMRTQ82SW25
Slag & ESHER MES3536
Fairlight (ESx)
TQ 858 121 opposite Great Pottery & Ro Hastings Area NMRTQ81SE28 Warren Field Slag Arch. Res. Gp. ESHER MES3918
Woodcock 1988, no. 106
TQ 862 131 Cinderbanks Bloomery Ro NMRTQ81SE1
[site of] ESHER MES3908
Straker 1931, 339
Woodcock 1988, no. 103
TQ 885 128 Tongs Field Pottery & Ro P.P. NMRTQ81SE38
Slag ESHER MES3928
Woodcock 1988, no. 163
159 TQ 87 12 Wakehams Farm, Coin [1] silver? Ro/1ih Century P.P. TQ81SE
Rosemary Lane ESHER MES15675
MD find 06.2009
Guestling (ESx)
TQ 841 158 / North Wood Bloomery Ro NMRTQ81NW1 TQ 842 161 ESHER MES3937
Straker 1931, 340
Woodcock 1988, no. 34
TQ 856 145 Church Farm Field Pottery & Ro P.P. NMRTQ81SE74
Tile & ESHER MES3961
Slag Woodcock 1988, no. 111
TQ 859 137 Shelley's Green Pottery Ro Hastings Area NMRTQ81SE85
Arch. Res. Gp ESHER MES3965
Woodcock 1988, no. 113
Hastings (ESx)
TQ 857 117 Great Warren Field Pottery& AD 69-79 P.P. NMR TQ81SE24
Coin [1] ESxHER MES1002
TQ 858 114 Vespasian Bawd 1983,18-19 Woodcock 1988,no. 105
Hythe (K)
TR 121 342 between Royal Military Pottery& 2nd Century P.P. KHER TR13SW109 Canal and woods Tile Reeves 1998,no.92
TR 12133386 Plot 4,Dykeside Farm, Pottery& AD 43-199 P.P. KHER TR13SW46 West Hythe Road [abraded] Sparey-Green 2002
excavation 2002 Tile
TR 122 341 Sandtun Pottery& 1st/3rd Century P.P. KHER TR13SW110
Coin [2]
TR 125 337 old storm beach, Pottery&
1st/2nd Century
Reeves 1998,no.91
near Willop Sewer Tile Philp 1982,185,site 6
Woodcock 1988,no.245 Reeves 1998,no.90
TR 128 342 near Wayfield House Pottery 1st/2nd Century P.P.
surface find Reeves 1998,no.93
TR 13183720 Hillhurst Farm, P.P. NMR TR13NW45
Westenhanger Pottery Stevens 1994
evaluation 1994/1995 Stevens 1995a
TR 139 344 The Roughs, Pottery P.P. NMR TR13SW34
above Burmarsh Road KHER TR13SW48
Collins 1992,24,H1 Reeves 1998,no.24
TR 141 341 near St Michael's Ashe Pottery 1st Century P.P. KHER TR13SW113 surface find Reeves 1998,no.23
77 TR 161 351 Hillcrest Road Burial& 2nd Century P.P. KHER TR13NE192 surface find Pottery& Reeves 1998,no.27
78 TR 17773507 'found during excavation Tile
76 | TR 155 348/ | found between North | Coin [1] | AD 238 | Hythe Museum | KHER TR13SE10 |
TR 159 349 | Road and the Small | Gordianus Pius | Woodcock 1988,no.250 | |||
168 | TR 12 34 | Arms School MD find 05.2002 | Belt [1] bronze | AD 43-1900 | P.P. | Reeves 1998,no.22 TR13SW |
belt slide | Ro or neo-classical | PAS KENT-4936 |
of site for New House 04 .1935'
Hythe Museum? KHER TR13NE5
lcklesham (ESx)
186 TQ 87941649 lcklesham Vicarage Pottery & Ro Barbican NMR TQ81NE59
Slag House ESHER MES4072
Museum, Oxford Archaeol Unit 1992
TQ 87951659 Old Place Cottages Bloomery [6] & Ro P.P. NMR TQ81NE11 sand pit Pottery [IA] & ESHER MES3985
Coin [1] AD 117-138 Straker 1931,340
Hadrian Homan 1936/37,247-248,plan
Cleere 1974,195,no. 16
TQ 879 167 excavation 1983 Childe 1984,48-62,fig
Cleere & Crossley 1985,301,no. 43 Woodcock 1988,no. 55
80 TQ 87961655 Old Place Cottages Road & Ro Hastings NMR TQ81NE62 excavation 1981 Pottery & Museum+ ESHER MES4074
Slag P.P. Vahey 1983,1-21,fig.
Woodcock 1988,no. 55
81 TQ 880 157 Cock Field Pottery Ro Hastings Area NMR TQ81NE68
Arch. Res. Gp ESHER MES4091
TQ 889 169 [sic] Woodcock 1988,no. 57
TQ 881 165 Church Field Pottery & Ro P.P. NMR TQ81NE50
Tile & ESHER MES4066
Furnace debris Woodcock 1988,no. 56
TQ 889 170 Lower Crutches Pottery & Ro Hastings Area NMR TQ81NE20
Bloomery slag Arch. Res. Gp ESHER MES4047 Woodcock 1988,no. 58
TQ 89201615 Wickham Rock Lane Pottery Ro P.P. NMR TQ81NE22
TQ 908 175 at base of hill leading Coin [1] Ro P.P. NMR TQ91NW40 to Strand Gate, ESHER MES4082
Winchelsea Woodcock 1988,no. 184
82 TQ 880 166 Old Place Farm Coin [1] AD 117-138 P.P. NMR TQ81NE52
Hadrian ESHER MES4068
Woodcock 1988,no. 59
220 TQ 87 16 MD find 06.2003 Fragment [1] Ro/Med P.P. TQ81NE
copper alloy [gilded] PAS KENT-14CBB0
Iden (ESx)
TQ 92 24 surface find Brooch 1st century P.P. TQ92SW
Reeves 1998,no. 31
Lydd (K)
TR 013 192 near Scotney Court, Pottery &
topsoil stripping Briquetage & Saltern?
TR 014 194 Scotney Court Saltern &
excavated Pottery & Briquetage
TR 02192052 Bretts Lydd Quarry Pottery &
excavated Briquetage & Clay, Fired & Saltern?
215 TR 02201983 Bretts Lydd Quarry Pottery &
watching brief Net Weight [37] lead
216 TR 02252006 Bretts Lydd Quarry Cremation? &
watching brief Pottery [amphora]
217 TR 02321990 Bretts Lydd Quarry Pit &
watching brief Pottery TR 02452050 Bretts Lydd Quarry Pottery &
TR 024 205 excavated 1995 Cremation & Gully
218 TR 02602068 Bretts Lydd Quarry Pottery &
excavated Fired Clay & Bone, animal
93 TR 04372149 Sandybanks/Sandylands Earthwork &
after ploughing pasture Trackway & TR 046 216 aerial photo Pottery
surface finds
TR 049 219 Sandybanks
TR 04482175 eastern shingle bank Occupation Site of Westbrook Petty Drain
excavated 1999
219 TR 04 21 Walland Marsh Coin [>10] &
MD survey 2008 Brooch [2]
230 TR 05 24 MD find 02.2003 Coin [1] bronze
1st Century
1st Century 1st/2nd Century
1st/3rd Century Ro
3rd Century Ro
2nd Century
2nd Century Ro
AD 69-79
Philp & Willson 1984, 156-161
Woodcock 1988, no. 196
Reeves 1998, no. 35 KHER TR01NW12
Barber 1998a, 327-354
Priestley-Bell 2000a Priestley-Bell 2001b, 9-11
Priestley-Bell 2006b
Priestley-Bell 2006b
Priestley-Bell 2006b
Greig & Gardiner 1996 Reeves 1998, no. 37 KHER TR02SW133
Priestley-Bell 1996
AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3007-8 & 36/MEW/T61/Pt11/5076-7) Jones 1953, 160-161
Philp 1982, 185, site 3 GSB Prospection 1998b Slatcher 1999
Woodcock 1988, no. 205
Reeves 1998, no. 38 KHER TR02SW58
Slatcher 1999
Romney Marshland MDC 2008 TR02SE
92 TR 04242090 'in a garden which Coin [1] AD 191 P.P. KHERTR02SW4 adjoins the churchyard' Commodus Jones 1953, 161 fn
TR 042 209 Woodcock 1988, no. 202
Reeves 1998, no. 39
95 TR 09 19 'washed up on coast Coin [1] gold AD 276-282 P.P. NMRTR01NE1
near Dungeness' Probus Sac of Antiq London 21 Feb 1765, 404 Haverfield et al 1932, 152
Woodcock 1988, no. 197
Reeves 1998, no. 36
Lympne (K)
9 TR 089 365 Burches Rough, TIie &
north of Court-at-Street 'other remains' Collins 1992, 25, H11
96 TR 09 35 'in digging some deep TIie P.P. KHERTR03NE15
drains in Mr Burch's Cheney 1904b, 107
field at Court-at-Street' Woodcock 1988, no. 214
c.1854 Reeves 1998, no. 42
97 TR 096 344 bank of Royal Pottery 1st/2nd Century P.P. KHERTR03SE111
Military Canal Woodcock 1988, no. 228
Reeves 1998, no. 41
98 TR 117 342 Stutfall Castle
Portus Lemanis excavated
TR 119 342
99 TR 12503503 fields crossed by
Stone Street, south of Newingreen
TR 125 350 near Shepway Cross
surface find
Saxon Shore Fort & Building foundations & Pottery &
Coin [1+]
Pottery & Coin [2]
Pottery & Coin [1+]
3rd Century
3rd Century
1st/3rd Century
Hasted 1799, VIII, 283-286
Fairholt 1849/53, 89-90 Smith 1848/80, VII, 158-159 Smith 1850, 233-268
Smith 1852
Wright 1854, 123-136
Lewin 1866, 361-374
Lewin 1867, 435-436
Smith 1889, 41-45
Athemeum XX.11 (1894) 9
Fox 1896, 364-370, fig.
Bushe-Fox 1932, 69-70
Haverfield et al 1932, 55-59
Taylor 1944, 85
St Joseph 1953, 97
Collingwood & Wright 1995, 19, no. 66
Bridgland 1976, 10
Johnson 1976, 53-56
Rigold 1977, 73
Rivet & Smith 1979, 386-387
Cunliffe 1980, 227-288
Philp 1981, 46-49
Philp 1982, 175-191
Welsby 1982
Johnson 1983, 52-53
Hutchinson et al 1985, 209-236
Woodcock 1988, no. 248
Reece 1989, 152-157
Collins 1992, 24, H4
Reeves 1998, no. 46
Ashbee 2001, 74, 89, fig. 7 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD60 Pearson 2002a, 212-216 Pearson 2002b
Listed Grade I SAM Kent 74 KHER TR13NW14
Bradshaw 1971a, 238
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 Chris Blandford Assoc 1994 Woodcock 1988, no. 231
Reeves 1998, no. 43
100 | TR 126 352 | Pottery & | Ro | P.P. | KHER TR13NW 50 | |
TIie & | Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992 | |||||
Coin [1+] | Glass 1993 | |||||
101 | TR 127 353 | north from | Pottery & | Ro | P.P. | KHER TR13NW 48 |
Shepway Cross | TIie | Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992 | ||||
Glass 1993 | ||||||
Johnson et al 1998 |
Reeves 1998, no. 44
106 TR 12753615 Newingreen Pottery Ro P.P. KHER TR13NW 51
surface find Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992
Glass 1993
Johnson et al 1998
102 TR 12903480 Ditch & Enclosure Ro? KHER TR13SW44 Bartlett 1992
173 TR 12 35 Lympne Coin [1] copper alloy AD 268-272 P.P. TR13NW
MD find 10.2003 Victorinus PAS KENT-00C331
174 | TR 12 35 | Lympne | Coin [1] copper alloy | post AD 270 | P.P. | TR13NW |
MD find 10.2003 | Claudius II ? | PAS KENT-00FA25 | ||||
barbarous copy | ||||||
169 | TR 11 34 | MD find | Coin [1] | AD 271-274 | P.P. | TR13SW |
170 | TR 12 35 | Lympne | Coin [1] copper alloy | AD 271-274 | P.P. | PAS KENT-623 TR13NW |
MD find 10.2003 | Tetricus I | PAS KENT-B5FE15 |
[barbarous copy]
TR 12 35 Lympne Coin [1] copper alloy AD 330-335 P.P. TR13NW
MD find 10.2003 Constantinian PAS KENT-DA8DB4 commemorative
Lyon mint
TR 12 35 Lympne Coin [1] copper alloy AD 322-362 P.P. TR13NW
MD find 10.2003 Constantius II PAS KENT-003AE7
227 | TR 09 36 | MD find 09.2007 | Mount [1] copper alloy | Ro | P.P. | TR03NE |
zoomorphic | PAS KENT-25B932 |
Lympne/Stanford (K)
103 | TR 12553430/ | Stone Street, | Road | Ro | KHER TR13NW53 |
TR 12953800 | Lympne-Canterbury | Margary 1948, 126-127 | |||
Margary 1955/57, I, RR12 | |||||
Margary 1968, 239 | |||||
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 | |||||
Chris Blandford Assoc 1994 |
Newchurch (K)
TR 033 314 Pottery &
Settlement? Reeves 1992, RM61
TR 05133038 Poorhouse Field Pottery 1st/2nd Century P.P. KHER TR03SE2 1
TR 051 303 Reeves 1998, no. 49
108 TR 053 314 Smeeth Field Pottery 1st/2nd Century P.P. KHER TR03SE20
Reeves 1992, RM60
Reeves 1998, no. 50
TR 055 326 Vincent Field Pottery &
1st/2nd Century
Coin [2] Reeves 1992, RM4
Reeves 1998, no. 51
TR 06063176 Street Twenty Acres Pottery
1st/2nd Century
Reeves 1992, RM72
TR 060 317 Reeves 1998, no. 52
Newenden (K)
TQ 83 27 'in the neighbourhood Coin [1+] Ro P.P. KHER TQ 82 NW4 of Newenden' Hussey 1858, 165
Woodcock 1988, no. 166
Newington (K)
TR 17903710
Dollands Moor
lnhumation [3] &
Rady 1988/89, 40
Gaimster eta/1990, 198
TR 18533778
near Peene
Ditch &
1st/2nd Century
excavated 1988
Rady 1988/89, 38-40
RPS Clouston 1994
TR 196 377
Biggins Wood
Brooch [1]
TR 17803745 Dollands Moor House Foundation & Ro P.P. KHER TR13NE71 excavated 1987 Pit [1+] Bennett 1987/88, 56-57
New Romney (K)
TR 07312484 'discovered 3ft under the Coin [1] AD 306-312 Maidstone KHER TR02 SE10 surface of the ground in Maxentius Museum L[ivett] 1932, 279-208, pl.
TR 073 248 July 1931, when a hole Woodcock 1988, no. 206
was dug for ... a gate post Reeves 1998, no. 56
near Littlestone Station'
TR 07 26 MD find? Brooch [3] & 3rd Century P.P. KHER TR02NE116
Barrel Lock Reeves 1998, no. 54
176 TR 07 24 MD find 10.2002 Finger Ring [1] bronze AD 43-1700 P.P. TR02SE
PAS KENT-525 1
Old Romney (K)
TR 03 25 MD find? Coin [5] 1st & 3rd Century P.P. KHER TR02NW104
Reeves 1998, no 53
TR 04 25 surface find Pottery &
1st/4th Century
Coin [8] Reeves 1998, no 54
177 TR 04 24 MD find 10.2000 Coin [1] Ro P.P. TR02SW
232 TR 01 23 Old Romney Coin [1] silver AD 178-187 P.P. TR02SW
MD find 01.2008 Cripsina Augusta PAS KENT-E17805
233 TR 03 25 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] copper alloy Ro P.P. TR02NW
234 TR 03 25 MD find 01.2008 Coin [1] copper alloy AD 238-402 P.P. TR02NW
235 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Coin [1] copper alloy Ro P.P. TR02NW
236 TR 05 25 MD find 12.2006 Coin [1] copper alloy Ro P.P. TR02NE
175 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2001 Brooch [1] copper alloy AD 100-199 P.P. TR02NW
equal-ended PAS KENT-3749
bridge brooch
231 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Brooch [1] copper alloy Ro P.P. TR02NW
hare PAS KENT-24B524
26 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Buckle [1] Ro P.P. TR02NW
178 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Weight [1] lead AD 43-1800 P.P. TR02NW
conical PAS KENT-B7E5D7
179 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Spindle Whorl [1] lead AD 43-1800 P.P. TR02NW
conical PAS KENT-CC8414
25 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Loom weight [1] lead AD 43-1540 P.P. TR02NW
conical PAS KENT-4AEA85
Pett (ESx)
TQ 874 139 Elms Farm Coin Hoard Ro P.P. NMR TQ81SE87 found 1936 ESHER MES2154
Woodcock 1988, no. 112 [Guestling]
120 | TQ 878 144 | Godley's Field | Pottery & | Ro | P.P. | NMRTQ81SE83 |
Slag | ESHER MES2152 |
Woodcock1988,no. 155
TQ 882 147 Bloomery Ro NMRTQ81SE66 ESHER MES2139
Cleere & Crossley 1985,296,No. 6 [Brede] Woodcock1988,no. 89
TQ 883 139 Hollow Field Pottery & Ro P.P. NMRTQ81SE44
Slag ESHER MES2117
Woodcock1988,no. 156
TQ 883 147 Pett Barn Pottery & Ro Hastings Area NMRTQ81SE70
Tile & Arch. Res. Gp. ESHER MES2143
Slag Vahey 1979a,50-51
Woodcock1988,no. 159
TQ 883 149 Pannel Banks Pottery Ro P.P. TQ81SE
ESHER MES [4994]
Woodcock1988,no. 158
TQ 88391495 Pannel Banks Pottery Ro P.P. NMRTQ81SE95 Site 1 ESHER MES2161
Vahey 1986b,54,fig.
TQ 885 138 Upper ChickHill Field Pottery Ro P.P. NMRTQ81SE46
Woodcock1988,no. 164
TQ 886 140 Primrose Dell Pottery & Ro Hastings Area NMRTQ81SE48
Tile & Arch. Res. Gp. ESHER MES2121
Slag Woodcock1988,no. 162
131 TQ 888 151 Pannel Banks Pottery Ro P.P. NMRTQ81NE30
Woodcock1988,no. 67
132 TQ 891 145 Carters Farm Pottery Ro P.P. TQ81SE
ESHER MES [4988]
Woodcock1988,no. 153
134 TQ 892 145 Bloomery Ro NMRTQ81SE57 ESHER MES2130
135 | TQ 892 146 | Pett Barn Forty Acres | Pottery & Tile & | Ro | Hastings Area Arch. Res. Gp. | NMRTQ81SE56 ESHER MES2129 |
221 | TQ 88 15 | MD find 04.2008 | Slag Coin [1] copper alloy Domitian | AD 81-96 | P.P. | Woodcock1988,no. TQ81NE PAS SUSS-1F0213 |
Cleere & Crossley 1985,296,no. 7 [Brede] Woodcock1988,no. 90
128 | TQ 887 139 | Lunsford Farm | Coin [1] | AD 141-161 | P.P. | NMRTQ81SE49 |
Faustina Senior | ESHER MES2122 |
130 TQ 88751392
TQ 888 139
129 TQ 887 139 field above
Cliff End
133 TQ 892 136 Pett Level beach
Playden (ESx)
136 TQ 92 21
137 TQ 921 222
195 TQ 92252164 MD find 05.1990
depth 127 mm
200 TQ 92382152 Anderida,
New England Lane construction trench 1988/1989
201 TQ 92382152 gas pipe trenches
205 TQ 92382158 MD find 06.1990
depth 200 mm
194 TQ 92432146 excavated
203 TQ 92432147 'found in garden'
depth 10 -12 ins
Coin [1] copper alloy Faustina Senior
Coin [1] Crispina
Coin [2] Constans & Constantine II
Villa? &
Building materials & Pottery &
TIie Pottery & TIie & Coin [1+]
Terminal [1] bronze griffin head
Pottery & TIie
[Tegula + lmbrex]
Building materials & TIie
[Tegula + lmbrex] Terminal [1] bronze lion's paw
Scent Bottle [1] ceramic Lamp [1] ceramic
AD 141-161
AD 191-192
AD 317-350
Ro Ro
Ro? Ro
3rd century
Woodcock 1988, no. 157
Woodcock 1988, no. 152
P.P. NMRTQ81SE49 ESHER MES2122 Bawd 1982, 41-43
Woodcock 1988, no. 154
ESHER MES [4980]
Bawd 1980, 76
Woodcock 1988, no. 161
P.P. Reeves 1998, no.64
Wetherill 1992, 28-30, fig.
Wetherill 1992, 46
Wetherill 1992, 46
Wetherill forthcoming
Wetherill 1992, 26
TQ 92442149 Herons, Pottery & 2nd/3rd Century P.P. NMR TQ92SW86 New England Lane TIie & ESxHER MES2292
'found in garden' Coin [2] Claudius II & AD 268 Reeves 1998,no. 63 Constantine II AD 317-340
192 TQ 92382151 1986-1987 Coin [5] Vespasian & AD 69-79 P.P. TQ92SW
Severus Alexander & AD 222-235 Wetherill 1992,25-26 Claudius II Gothicus & AD 268-269
Tetricus & AD271-273 Constantine II [forgery] AD 340-345
190 TQ 92 21 1925/1930 Coin [1] Ro? destroyed TQ92SW
Wetherill 1992,25
191 TQ 92112144 'found in garden' Coin [1] c. AD 175 P.P. TQ92SW
1960 Vasudeva Wetherill 1992,25-26
193 TQ 92432149 Herons, Finger Ring [1] bronze Ro? P.P. TQ92SW
New England Lane Wetherill 1992,26
depth 203 mm
199 TQ 92192142 A 268 in spoil from Sling Bullet [1] lead P.P. TQ92SW
water main trench Wetherill forthcoming
TQ 92382151 MD finds Net Weight [40] lead Ro? P.P. TQ92SW
depth 200mm Wetherill 1992,20-21,pl.
202 TQ 92432149 MD find 06.1990 Weight [1] lead Ro? P.P. TQ92SW
conical Wetherill forthcoming
204 TQ 92552154 surface find Net Weight [1] lead Ro? P.P. TQ92SW
Wetherill 1992,47
Postling (K)
TR 14193725 Shrine Farm Pottery 2nd Century P.P. KHER TR13NW25 excavated 1983 Willson 1983,92-95,fig
Johnson et al 1998
Rolvenden (K)
TQ 86053231 digging Cremation [2] & 2nd Century Maidstone KHER TQ83SE5 house foundations, Coffin Museum Blumstein 1957,237
TQ 861 323 Puddingcake Lane/ Woodcock 1988,no. 181
High Street excavation 1955
Ruckinge (K)
TR 00273580 found in the garden of
OldTrees, Upper Ruckinge, 1932,
set 8ft apart 'as though planted'
TR 003 358 OldTrees
TR 017 325 Round Field
surface find
TR 021 322 Weystreet Farm [2]
TR 021 322 Weystreet Farm [3]
TR 02193205 Weystreet Farm,
in side of newly cut sewer in 1970
TR 022 320 Weystreet Farm [1]
near Weystreet Farm
TR 033 306 Millbank Farm
Rye (ESx)
TQ 92 20
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
TR 04 25 Hope
surface find
TR 06 26 surface find
Pottery& Burial ?
Pottery& Briquetage& evidence of burning Pottery& Briquetage& Daub&
Charcoal Pottery& Glass& Cremation?
Pottery& Briquetage
Coin [1+]
Coin [2]
Coin [3]
AD 50-200
2nd Century 2nd Century Ro
1st/3rd Century
1st/2nd Century
1st/2nd Century
1st& 3rd Century 4th Century
Hawkins 1995
P.P. Woodcock 1988, no.207 Reeves 1998, no.72
Reeves 1998, no.71
Woodcock 1988, no.224
Reeves 1998, no.68
Woodcock 1988, no.225
Reeves 1998, no.68
Bradshaw 1970, 179
Philp 1982, 185, site 5
Woodcock 1988, no.223
Reeves 1998, no.69
Woodcock 1988, no.222
Reeves 1998, no.70
Winbolt 1935, 65
Woodcock 1988, no.191
Reeves 1998, no.76
Reeves 1998, no.20
Reeves 1998, no.79
180 TR 04 25 MD find Coin [1] AD 139-180 P.P. TR02NW
Antoninus Pius/ PAS KENT-515
Marcus Aurelius
181 TR 04 25 MD find Coin [1] AD 100-300 P.P. TR02NW
Saltwood (K)
TR 13183720
Hillhurst Farm,
Stevens 1994
evaluation 1994/1995 Stevens 1995a
TR 14683543 south east corner Building foundations& Ro P.P. KHER TR13NW8 of Harp (Carp} Brick& Tile Payne 1893, 199
Wood 1864 Haverfield et al 1932, 124
Parfitt 2004, 169-171
TR 147 354 near Harp Wood Woodcock 1988, no. 235
Reeves 1998, no. 77
TR 15 35 found in a stone cist..... Gist& Ro Folkestone KHER TR13NE11 sometime before 1874 Cremation& Museum Anon 1876, xii
Pottery [160B] Haverfield et al 1932 124, 167
TR 15453695 north of Settlement& Ro P.P. KHER TR13NE81 Saltwood Tunnel Hollow Way& Oxford Archaeol. Unit 1997
Cemetery& Sparey-Green 1999
TR 15553705 excavated 1979 Pottery& Ro P.P. KHER TR13NE34
Daub Willson 1985, 226-235, fig. 1
RPS Clouston 1994
TR 157 369 found between Coin [1] Ro Hythe KHER TR13NE21 Sandy Lane and Museum
railway tunnel 1926
TR 160 363 Grange Road Burial Ro P.P. KHER TR13NE69
Collins 1992, 24, H8
Sandhurst (K)
TQ 799 282 dug up in a garden, Coin [1] AD 193-211 P.P. KHER TQ72NE14
some years before WWII Septimius Severus Grove& Kelly 1969, 260
Sedlescombe (ESx)
157 | TQ 772 198 / TQ 772 201 | Footlands excavated 1925 | Bloomery & Pottery & Trackway & Coin [2+] | 1st/4th Century P.P. | NMRTQ72SE2 ESHERMES2403 Straker 1931, 327-328 Ray 1932, 206 |
Vespasian & | AD 69-79 | Winbolt 1935, 31, no 8 | |||
Domitian | AD 81-96 | Chown 1946/47, 148-151 | |||
Anon 1946, xxxv, nos. 8 & 10 | |||||
Margary 1968, 227-228 | |||||
Cleere 1974, 194 |
158 | TQ 77302010 | surface find 1985 | Shoe [2] leather | 1st/3rd Century | Hastings | Cleere & Crossley 1985, 303, no. 56 NMRTQ72SE17 |
Museum | ESHERMES2460 |
182 | TQ 800 191 | PowderMill Farm 'during construction of reservoir' | Coin [1] silver | Ro | Hastings Museum | TQ81NW Ray 1933, 247 |
Sellindge (K) | ||||||
183 | TR 10 37 | MD find 10.2001 | Bead [1] bronze barrel shaped | Ro | P.P. | TR13NW PAS KENT-4117 |
Snargate (K) | ||||||
160 | TQ 991 286 | near Church | Pottery | 2nd Century | P.P. | TQ92NE |
196 | TQ 991290 | surface find MD find | Terret Ring [1] bronze | AD 200-250 | P.P. | Reeves 1998, no. 82 TQ92NE Kelly 1987, 350, fig. 6.3 |
Stanford (K) | ||||||
161 | TR 12753615 | Pottery | Ro | P.P. | KHERTR13NW51 Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992 Glass 1993 Johnson et al 1998 |
Hodgkinson 1988, 231-233, fig. 6
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
TQ 94002734 St Mary the Virgin, Altar [1] stone Ro Church KHER TQ92NW4
Stone-in-Oxney Mithras Tower Hasted 1799,VIII,478-279 [sic] Cock 1935, 1-12
Harman 2000,17-18
TQ 940 273 Woodcock 1988,no. 185
Reeves 1998,no. 87
TQ 945 265 Knock Farm Coin [34] 1st/5th Century P.P. 1966/1969 [fake deposit?]
Tenterden (K)
TQ 866 328 Heronden Estate, Vase [1] bronze AD 50-100 P.P. KHER TQ83SE6 near site of old mill Ellis Mace 1902,30
at Ashbourne Woodcock 1988,no 182
165 | TQ 90 32 | 'found in a raised bank, | Pottery& | Ro | P.P. | KHER TQ93SW3 |
in draining a field | Ashes& | Furley 1882,38 | ||||
near Reading Hill' | Coin [1+] | Ellis Mace 1902,6 | ||||
Haverfield et al 1932,72 | ||||||
Cremation | Woodcock 1988,no. 193 | |||||
Burial ? | Reeves 1998,no. 89 | |||||
206 | TQ 864 349 | Road& | Ro | TQ 83SE | ||
Slag | Lebon 1968,255-256 | |||||
Anon 1969, 11-12 |
Udimore (ESx)
223 TQ 88 18 MD find 04.2008 Vessel [1] lead Ro? P.P. TQ81NE
pot mend PAS SUSS-A3F540
224 TQ 897 195 surface find 11.2007 TIie [1] ceramic Ro P.P. TQ81NE
tegula PAS SUSS-6FF6D4
225 TQ 897 194 surface find 11.2007 TIie [4] ceramic Ro P.P. TQ81NE
226 TQ 905 201 surface find 11.2007 TIie [9] ceramic Ro P.P. TQ92SW
Westfield (ESx)
222 TQ 81 17 MD find 05.2004 Coin [1] copper alloy pre AD 269 P.P. TQ81NW
AD 410-1066 Anglo-Saxon 237
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Aldington (K)
150 TR 06 36 Coin [1] silver
early penny Frisia
Series E (secondary)
189 TR 06 36 MD find 09.1999 Coin [1] silver
early penny Series N type 41b
212 TR 05 37 MD find 09.2006 Coin [1] silver
A:thelred II the Unready
210 TR 05 37 MD find 11.2007 Coin [1] silver
cut half penny Cnut
209 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Key, locking [1]
copper alloy
211 TR 05 37 MD find 11.2007 Brooch [1] copper alloy
AD 715-735
AD 725-750
AD 997-1003
AD 700-900
AD 450-500
Location of Finds
Besley & Holmes 1996, no. 94
EMC 1996.0094
Abdy 1999, no. 70
North 1975/80, I, 121, no.774
Appledore (K)
TQ 95893110 near Gusbourne Farm Coin [502] silver & MD find 1997 Pottery
TQ 959 311
Bilsington (K)
2 TR 038 325 surface find Pottery
11th century
British Museum
Douch & Collins 1998, 2-3
Williams 1998a, 152-153
Williams 1998b, 141
Reeves 1998, no. 1
Anon 1999, 127-129
3 | TR 042 318 | near Wills Farm | Pottery | 9th/11th Century | P.P. | KHER TR03SW91 |
surface find | Reeves 1998, no. 2 |
Reeves 1992,
Bonnington (K)
4 TR 058 337 surface find Pottery
95 TR 06 34 MD find 11.2002 Stirrup [1] bronze
strap mount Class A,type 11A
Reeves 1992, KHER TR03SE95 PAS KENT-4988
Williams 1997,58-67
Brede (ESx)
140 TQ 82 19 Brede Stirrup [1] copper alloy
MD find 1987 strap mount Class A,type 1
Hastings Museum
Williams 1997,26-34
Walling 1997,3-4,fig. 2
Brenzett (K)
5 TR 028 299 Twenty Acres,Snave Pottery
6 | TR 03002990 Brookland | (K) | east of Snave surface find | Pottery | A-S | P.P. | KHER TR02NW45 Reeves 1992 |
96 | TQ 97 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1042-1066 | P.P. | TQ92NE | |
225 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Edward the Confessor Stirrup [1] copper alloy strap mount | A-S | P.P. | PAS KENT-4621 TQ92NE PAS KENT-DD2608 | |
Burmarsh | (K) | ||||||
8 | TR 081 307 | surface find | Pottery | A-S | P.P. | KHER TR03SE53 |
surface find
9th/10th Century
Reeves 1998,no. 39
9 TR 082 314 surface find Pottery
10 TR 084 312 surface find Pottery
11 TR 085 311 surface find Pottery
12 TR 086 311 Pound Field Pottery
surface find
10th Century
Reeves 1992, KHER TR03SE45
Reeves 1992, KHER TR03SE52
Reeves 1992, KHER TR03SE17
Reeves 1992,RM53 KHER TR03SE116
13 | TR 088 311 | Pound Field | Pottery | 10th Century | P.P. | KHER TR03SE117 |
surface find | Reeves 1998,no. 5 |
Reeves 1998,no. 4
16 | TR 111 324 | near Eaton Farm | Pottery | 11th Century | P.P. | KHER TR13SW136 |
surface find | Reeves 1998, no. 6 | |||||
99 | TR 09 31 | MD find 09.2000 | Coin [1] silver | AD 985-991 | P.P. | TR03SE |
7 TR 08 31 near Church Road, Pin [2] & ih/11th Century P.P. KHER TR03SE118 Eastbridge Coin [1] & Reeves 1998, no. 9
surface find Dress Fastener [5] hooked tag
98 TR 08 32 MD find 09.1999 Clothing Tag [1] AD 410-1066 P.P. TR03SE
hooked tag PAS KENT-2340
TR 08 32 near Tame Lane Buckle [1] & 10th Century P.P. KHER TR03SE119
Eastbridge Strap End [1]
TR 09 31 near Church Road Harness Fitting [1]
10th Century
Reeves 1998, no. 10
Eastbridge Reeves 1998, no. 11
103 TR 09 31 MD find 08.2000 Harness Mount [1] AD 850-1100 P.P. TR03SE
bronze PAS KENT-4021
TR 08 32 MD find 11.1999 Pin [1] AD 410-1066 P.P. TR03SE
pin head PAS KENT-1970
100 TR 08 31 MD find 08.1999 Key, locking [1] AD 410-1066 P.P. TR03SE
fragment PAS KENT-1789
101 TR 08 31 MD find 08.1999 Pin [1] AD 410-1066 P.P. TR03SE
pin head PAS KENT-1788
102 TR 08 31 MD find 08.1999 Strap Fitting [1] AD 410-1066 P.P. TR03SE
U-shaped terminal PAS KENT-1790
Burmarsh/Hythe (K)
199 | TR 096 377 / | Limen Embankment | Earthwork & | A-S | NMR LINEAR1003 |
TR 105 334 / | Watercourse | KHER TR13SW107 | |||
TR 107 331 / | Embankment | Green 1968 | |||
TR123 333 | Eddison 1992a | ||||
Eddison 1992b | |||||
Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/36 | |||||
RSM 31415 |
Dymchurch (K)
17 | TR 093 297 | surface find | Pottery | A-S | P.P. | KHER TR02NE49 |
Eddison 1992a | ||||||
Eddison 1992b | ||||||
Reeves 1992, |
151 | TR 10 29 | near Dymchurch | Coin [1] silver Cnut | 1030-1035 | P.P. | KHER TR12NW48 EMC 2001.0933 |
18 | TR 098 286 | 'while building the sea wall' | York mint Knife [1] knife handle | A-S | P.P. | North 1975/80, I, 129, no.7 KHER TR02NE1 Woodcock 1988, no. 200 |
Reeves 1998, no. 7
19 TR 10 29 Strap end [1] A-S Sheffield KHER TR12NW2
Museum Wilson & Blunt 1961, 121, App. C J.93.1300 Reeves 1998, no. 8
Folkestone (K)
21 TR 19233737 excavation 1987 Building A-S P.P. KHER TR13NE73
Bennett 1987/88, 59
200 TR 19333785 Channel Tunnel Settlement A-S P.P. KHER TR13NE67 Terminal RPS Clouston 1994
22 TR 19533791 excavation 1987 Grubenhaus & A-S P.P. KHER TR13NE72
Pit & Bennett 1987/88, 59
Post Hole & Trackway
202 TR 19543788 Settlement ? A-S P.P. KHER TR13NE83
201 TR 19593790 Channel Tunnel Settlement A-S P.P. KHER TR13NE66 Terminal RPS Clouston 1994
Hythe (K) | |||||
203 | TR 16053467 | Hythe | Town | c.1036 | KHER TR13SE24 |
Smith 1964, IV, 64-65 | |||||
Beresford 1967, 457 | |||||
Tatton-Brown 1984, 24-25 | |||||
28 | TR 16 34 | Mint | 1044-1046 | NMR TR13SE19 | |
1053-1056 | Parsons 1919/20, 27 | ||||
1059-1062 | Leach 1982, 98 | ||||
Freeman 1985, 503-506 | |||||
Holman 1989, 186 |
23 TR 12143388 Dykeside Farm, Settlement &
West Hythe Pottery &
Sandtun Bone, animal &
excavation Coin [1+] & Axe [1] &
Pin [1]
TR 12083377 Plot 1
TR 12103384 Plot 2 & Plot 6
TR 12133386 Plot 4
TR 120 338 Sandtun Pottery & Occupation Site
TR 122 340 Sandtun, Pottery &
Dykeside Farm Coin [1+]
24 TR 128 342 Wayfield House, Pottery
West Hythe
25 TR 131 341 beside track, Pottery
West Hythe
26 TR 132 341 beside track, Pottery
27 | TR 15883506 | near Castle Road | Burial & | 8th Century | Folkestone | KHER TR13NE4 |
found 1870 | Bead [1+] & | Museum? | Anon 1863, xii | |||
in quarry? | Brooch [1] & | Smith 1908, 385 | ||||
Distaff [1] | Aberg 1926, 201, no.126 | |||||
Meaney 1964, 125 | ||||||
TR 158 350 | Burial | Reeves 1998, no. 14 | ||||
104 | TR 12 34 | West Hythe | Coin [1] | AD 500-600 | P.P. | TR13SW |
MD find 10.1998 | PAS KENT-1850 | |||||
163 TR 12 34 West Hythe Coin [1] | AD 600-675 | P.P. | KHER TR13SW114 | |||
tremissis | EMC 1970.2127 | |||||
Quentovic mint | ||||||
Merovingian Francia | ||||||
{Lafaurie 11, 2-6) |
West Hythe
AD 700-875
ih/11th Century
- c.1100
6th/11th Century
9th/10th Century 11th Century 11th Century
British Museum + Hythe Museum + Maidstone Museum
Brit Mus Quarterly 15 (1941/50) 76
Hurst 1959, 21, fig. 9.3
Wilson 1960, 82, fig. 14 Beresford & Hurst 1971,156 Glutton-Brock 1976, 376-385
Hurst 1976, 312
Rahtz 1976, 437
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 Gardiner 1993
Chris Blandford Assoc 1994 Riddler 1998, 206-207, pl. I Ward 1996a
Cross 1997a Cross 1997b, 6-7
Gardiner et a/2001, 161-290 Sparey-Green 2002
Sparey-Green 2001/02, 40-41
Woodcock 1988, no. 246
Reeves 1998, no. 40 KHER TR13SW126
Reeves 1998, no. 41 KHER TR13SW125
Reeves 1998, no. 42 KHER TR13SW124
Reeves 1998, no. 43
92 TR 16 34 | before 1932 | Coin [1] silver | AD 705-710 | Birmingham | KHER TR13SE13 | ||
early penny | Museum | Gunstone 1971, no. 64/Bi | |||||
Series E (variety G3) | Rigold & Metcalf 1984, 253 | ||||||
EMC 1017.0064 North 1975/80, I, 37, no.45 | |||||||
154 | TR 12 | 34 | West Hythe | Coin [1] silver | AD 715-720 | P.P. | KHER TR13SW123 |
early penny | EMC 1999.0041 | ||||||
153 | TR 16 | 34 | Hythe | Series N (type 41) Coin [1] silver | AD 700-730 | P.P. | KHER TR13SE205 |
early penny | EMC 2001.1113 | ||||||
152 | TR 12 | 34 | West Hythe | Series E (type 6) Coin [1] silver | AD 700-750 | P.P. | KHER TR13SW123 |
155 | TR 12 | 34 | West Hythe | early penny Series E Coin [1] silver | AD 700-750 | P.P. | EMC 1999.0040 KHER TR13SW122 |
early penny | EMC 1999.0042 | ||||||
164 | TR 12 | 34 | West Hythe | Series O (type 40) Coin [1] | AD 755-768 | P.P. | North 1975/80, I, 37, no.49 KHER TR13SW127 |
MD find 02.1995 | Pepin the Short | Besley 1998, no. 109 | |||||
Dorestad mint | EMC 1998.0028 | ||||||
Carolingian Francia | |||||||
(Morrison & Grunthal 25-26) | |||||||
194 | TR 16 | 34 | Hythe | Coin [1] silver | AD 787-792 | P.P. | KHER TR13SE204 |
MD find 02.2006 | Offa | PAS KENT-989274 | |||||
Canterbury/Pehtwald | Allen et al 2007, no. 239 | ||||||
EMC 2007.0114 |
North 1975/80, I, 58, no.277
106 TR 12 34 West Hythe Coin [1] silver AD 792-796 P.P. TR13SW
MD find 11.2000 Offa PAS KENT-3395
Canterbury mint North 1975/80, I, 62, no.320
James, T. 2001, 241
156 TR 12 34 West Hythe Coin [1] silver AD 796-798 P.P. KHER TR13SW121
surface find 1955 Eadberht Pram Blackburn & Bonser 1985, no. 71 Canterbury/Ethelmod EMC 1985.0071
157 | TR 12 | 34 | West Hythe | Coin [1] silver | AD 796-805 | P.P. | KHER TR13SW120 |
Abp. JEthelheard | EMC 1999.0043 | ||||||
Canterbury mint North 1975/80, I, 52, no.233 | |||||||
158 | TR 12 | 34 | West Hythe | Coin [1] silver | AD 796-805 | P.P. | KHER TR13SW119 |
surface find 1955 | Coenwulf | Blackburn & Bonser 1985, no. 72 | |||||
Canterbury/Eaba | EMC 1985.0072 | ||||||
North 1975/80, I, 64, no.342 |
North 1975/80, I, 49, no.203
159 TR 12 34 West Hythe Coin [1] silver AD 810-821 P.P. KHERTR13SW118
MD find 11.1991 Coenwulf Besley & Holmes 1996, no. 178 Canterbury mint EMC 1996.0178
North 1975/80, I, 65, no.347
160 TR 12 34 West Hythe Coin [1] silver AD 810-821 P.P. KHERTR13SW117
MD find 11.1991 Coenwulf Besley & Holmes 1996, no. 179 Canterbury mint EMC 1996.0179
161 | TR 12 34 | West Hythe | Coin [1] silver | 1038-1040 | P.P. | North 1975/80, I, 66, no.348 KHERTR13SW116 |
Harold I Harefoot | EMC 1999.0044 | |||||
North 1975/80, I, 131, no.803 | ||||||
162 | TR 12 34 | West Hythe | Coin [1] silver | 1038-1040 | P.P. | KHERTR13SW115 |
MD find 11.1991 | cut farthing | Besley & Holmes 1997, no. 151 | ||||
Harold I Harefoot | EMC 1997.0151 | |||||
North 1975/80, I, 131, no.804 |
lcklesham (ESx)
29 TQ 900 174 lham Deserted Settlement & A-S/Med P.P. NMRTQ91NW6 [Yhamme] Earthwork ESHER MES3993
TQ 902 174 aerial photo 1950 ESHER MES4044
Homan 1949b, Sx County Mag
Holden 1958/62, 313-315
AP (541/537 3085-6 30.5.50)
TQ 880 157 Cock Field, Pottery A-S/Med P.P. TQ81NE
Elms Farm Vahey 1986b, 45-46
TQ 88051647 Church Field, Pottery A-S/Med P.P. TQ81NE
149 | TQ 911 173 | 500 yds east of Strand Gate, Winchelsea c.1926 | Coin [1] silver Chosroes I Persia | AD 531-579 | P.P. | TQ91NW Homan 1946/47, 95 |
Iden (ESx) | ||||||
148 | TQ 915 237 | 150 yds from church | Coin [1] Byzantine | 10th century | Lewes Museum | TQ92SW Burstow 1944/45, 118-119 |
lvychurch (K) | ||||||
TR 032 268 | surface find | Pottery | A-S | P.P. | KHERTR02NW39 Reeves 1992, |
Manor Farm Vahey 1986b, 45-46
213 TR 01 26 MD find 09.2005 Finger Ring [1] gold A-S P.P. TR02NW
Kenardington (K)
94 TQ 97553225 Earthwork& A-S/Med? KHER TQ93SE3
Field Boundary ? Hasted 1798,VII,244,plan
Sands & Ditchfield 1907,158-159 Gould & Downman 1908,397-398 Aldridge 1990,1
Aldridge 1992,417
Lydd (K) | ||||||
167 | TR 04 20 | Lydd | Coin [1] silver | AD 720-735 | P.P. | KHER TR02SW145 |
MD find 11.2005 | early penny | PAS KENT-930C34 | ||||
Series O (type 38) | EMC 2006.0034 | |||||
105 | TR 04 19 | Romney Road | Coin [1] | AD 978-1016 | P.P. | TR01NW |
MD find 09.2001 | PAS KENT-3878 | |||||
112 | TR 04 23 | MD find 06.2001 | Coin [1] | 1029-1036 | P.P. | TR02SW |
165 | TR 058 203 | Denge West Quarry | Cnut Bone,animal | AD 898-1000 | P.P. | PAS KENT-3269 KHER TR02SE152 |
C14 date | (whale) | Gardiner et al 1998,98,pl. Ill |
C14 date UB-4176
166 TR 063 198 Denge West Quarry Bone,animal AD 915-1015 P.P. KHER TR01NE227
C14 date (whale) Gardiner et al 1998,97,fig. 4
C14 date UB-4175
Lympne (K) | ||||||
36 | TR 12 35 | Umen | Mint | AD 928 | Leach 1982,98 | |
AD 973-1035 | Holman 1989,186 | |||||
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 | ||||||
32 | TR 08253518 | on the brow of the hill | Cemetery & | A-S | P.P. | KHER TR03NE16 |
at Marwood Farm, | lnhumation | Smith 1850,263-264 | ||||
Court-le-Street | Cheney 1904b,108 | |||||
'cut through' 1850 | Smith 1908,364 |
Meaney 1964,116
TR 083 352 Marwood Farm, Cemetery A-S Woodcock1988,no. 215
TR 082 351 Marwood,Newington Reeves 1998,no. 32
TR 09 35 Court-at-Street Coin [1] 10th Century P.P. KHER TR03NE196
Reeves 1998,no. 16
TR 10963499 found c.1828 at the
quarry on the edge of the hill at Bellevue
Cemetery & lnhumation & Sword [1] &
Shield [1] &
Spear [1] &
Buckle [1] &
Glass [1] & Pottery
6thllth Century P.P. + KHER TR13SW2
Brighton Anon 1849, 158-159, figs. 2-5
Museum Smith 1850, 263-264
Smith 1908, 364
Brown 1915, 111, 349-350; IV, 712
Aberg 1926, 100, 206, no.81A
Harden 1956, 164
Meaney 1964, 127
6 ll
Evison 1979, 71, no. 14, fig. 20a
TR 100 349 [sic]
TR 109 349 Bellevue,
near Lympne Place
lnhumation [1+] & Cemetery
At-hS th
Woodcock 1988, no. 247
Century Reeves 1998, no. 18
TR 10213499 found when Port Lympne
built 1913
204 | TR 11193594 | Link Park | Pottery | A-S | P.P. | KHER TR13NW89 |
37 | TR 12573501 | excavation Shepway Cross | Pottery & | ih Century? | P.P. | KHER TR13NW54 |
TR 102 349 Port Lympne
Pottery & Bead [7]
A-S Folkestone KHER TR13SW6 Museum Meaney 1964, 127
OC-12 Myers 1977, 113, no 460, fig 279
A-S Reeves 1998, no. 19
TR 125 349
lnhumation Pottery
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 NMR TR13SW25 [sic]
Reeves 1998, no. 17
TR 12 35 near Lympne
TR 12 35 near Lympne
MD find 1996
Coin [1] shilling
Sutherland II. v
Two Emperors (31-44)
Coin [1] silver Offa Canterbury/Ealred
AD 650-670 P.P. KHER TR13NW149 EMC 1948.0033
AD 787-792 P.P. KHER TR13NW150
Besley & Holmes 1996, no.161 EMC 1996.0161
171 | TR 11 34 | Stutfall Castle | Coin [1] silver | AD 959-972 | British | KHER TR13SW5 |
excavated | Eadgar | Museum | Archibald & Blunt 1986, no.1080 | |||
Southampton mint | EMC 1986.7080 North 1975/80, I, 110, no.749 | |||||
172 | TR 12 35 | near Lympne | Coin [1] | AD 983-1040 | P.P. | KHER TR13NW151 |
MD find 01.1996 | Otto Ill | Besley & Holmes 1996, no.352 | ||||
Germany | EMC 1996.0352 | |||||
Hatz IV-19f | ||||||
193 | TR 09 35 | Court-at-Street | Slav imitation? Coin [1] silver | 1016-1035 | P.P. | KHER TR03NE197 |
MD find 11.1998 | Cnut | Abdy 1999, no. 103 | ||||
London mint | North 1975/80, I, 128, no.781 | |||||
pierced |
North 1975/80, I, 60, no.293
107 | TR 10 36 | Otterpool Manor | Brooch [1] gilded silver | AD 520-550 | P.P. | KHER TR13NW85 |
MD find 01.2000 | Kentish disc | PAS KENT-4837 |
Avent Class 2.1 Avent 1975, 25-29
108 TR 12 35 MD find 06.2001 Brooch [1] A-S P.P. TR13NW
keystone garnet disc PAS KENT-D33D17
Avent Class 2.1 Avent 1975, 25-29
168 TR 11 36 MD find Stirrup [1] bronze 11th Century P.P. KHER TR13NW148
strap mount Mason et al 1997, 258-259
Class A, type 1O Williams 1997, fig. 10
Newchurch (K)
38 TR 035 311 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SW22
Reeves 1992,
TR 035 316 Oxpound Farm Pottery
10th Century
Reeves 1998, no. 20
TR 037 314 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SW8
Reeves 1992, RM57
TR 037 313 near Wills Farm Pottery
10th Century
surface find Reeves 1998, no. 22
TR 038 311 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SW23
Reeves 1992,
TR 038 318 Oxpound Farm Pottery
10th Century
surface find Reeves 1998, no. 21
TR 039 295 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR02NW38
Reeves 1992,
TR 042 318 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SW11
Reeves 1992, RM63
47 TR 05133038 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. NMR TR 03SE21
Reeves 1992,
TR 051 303 Poorhouse Field Pottery
Reeves 1998, no. 25
TR 05213149 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE24
Reeves 1992, RM74
TR 052 315 Thirty Acres Pottery 8th/10th Century P.P.
Reeves 1998, no. 26
TR 05213160 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE24
Reeves 1992, RM74
TR 05443151 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE24
Reeves 1992, RM74
TR 054 315 Thirty Acres Pottery
8th/10th Century
P.P. Reeves 1998, no. 27
TR 055 326 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE15
Reeves 1992, RM4
TR 056 326 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. NMR TR03SE29
Reeves 1992,
TR 056 326 Vincent Field Pottery 10th Century P.P.
Reeves 1998,no. 24
TR 056 326 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE54
Reeves 1992, TR 057 304 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE57
Reeves 1992,
TR 057 326 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE37
Reeves 1992,
TR 058 327 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE43
Reeves 1992,
TR 05813163 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE42
Reeves 1992,
TR 05853165 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE41
Reeves 1992, TR 059 316 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE51
Reeves 1992,
60 TR 059 328 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE36
Reeves 1992,
61 TR 061 322 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE40
Reeves 1992,
62 TR 062 321 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. NMR TR03SE48
Reeves 1992,
64 TR 064 325 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE44
Reeves 1992,
65 TR 065 314 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE38
Reeves 1992,
67 TR 067 320 Broadwaters, Pottery
Gammons Lane Reeves 1998,no. 29
69 TR 068 313 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE50
Reeves 1992,
70 TR 068 321 Broadwaters, Pottery
Gammons Lane Reeves 1998,no. 30
71 TR 06733202 surface find Pottery A-S P.P. KHER TR03SE22
Reeves 1992,RM68
see Burmarsh
72 TR 072 297 Chapel Field, Pottery & 11th Century P.P. KHER TR02NE112 Blackmanstone Coin [1] Reeves 1998,no. 3
196 TR 05 29 Romney Marsh Coin [1] silver AD 887-899 P.P. KHER TR02NE110
JElfred EMC 2001.0964
North 1975/80,I,78,no.475.1
TR 05 31 surface find Coin [1]
173 TR 05 31 Coin [1] silver
JEthelred II the Unready Bath mint
214 TR 03 30 MD find 03.2005 Coin [1] silver
cut quarter penny JEthelred II the Unready
197 TR 05 29 Romney Marsh Coin [1] silver
Scandinavian imitation
195 TR 07 29 Blackmanstone Coin [1] silver
Cnut York mint
174 TR 07 29 MD find 10.2005 Coin [1] silver
Harold I Harefoot
TR 05 31 Canterbury mint
Scandinavian imitation
198 TR 05 29 Romney Marsh Coin [1] silver
Edward the Confessor Canterbury mint
63 TR 06 32 surface find Brooch [1] &
Strap End [1]
120 TR 06 32 MD find 10.1997 Brooch [1] bronze
220 TR 05 30 Newchurch Brooch [1] silver
MD find 08.2005 bird
223 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy
217 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2006 Harness [1] copper alloy
strap junction
66 TR 06 30 surface find Hooked Tag [1]
218 TR 05 32 MD find 09.2006 Hooked Tag [1]
copper alloy
219 TR 07 29 MD find 10.2005 Key, locking [1]
copper alloy
224 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2005 Mount [1] copper alloy
10th Century AD 997-1003
10th Century AD 500-700
AD 900-1066 A-S
9th Century A-S
Viking A-S
Yorkshire Museum, York
Tithe Map Newchurch 1839
Reeves 1998, no. 28 KHER TR03SE106
Pirie 1975, no. 1035A EMC 1975.90351
North 1975/80, I, 121, no.774
North 1975/80, I, 121, no.777 KHER TR02NE109
EMC 2001.0965
North 1975/80, I, 130, no.796 KHER TR02NE111
EMC 2001.0948
North 1975/80, I, 129, no.790 KHER TR03SE105
PAS KENT-4F14E1 EMC 2005.0193
EMC 2006.0030
North 1975/80, I, 131, no.803 KHER TR02NE108
EMC 2006.0303
Allen et al 2007, no.334 North 1975/80, I, 141, no.820 KHER TR03SE108
Reeves 1998, no. 31
Reeves 1998, no. 23
PAS KENT-757221
216 TR 04 30 MD find 01.2008
221 TR 05 30 Newchurch
MD find 11.2004
215 TR 04 30 MD find 01.2008
Newenden (K)
Stirrup [1] copper alloy 1000-1100
strap mount class A, type 1
Stirrup [1] copper alloy 1050-1100
strap mount class A, type 10B
Strap End [1] copper alloy AD 750-1000
Williams 1997
Williams 1997
73 TQ 85172840 Eorpeburnham
Newington (K)
TR 17613775 north east of
175 TR 17743732 Mill House,
Main Road excavation
20 TR 17803745 Dollands Moor
excavation 1987
176 TR 187 374 excavation
Earthwork& Settlement Site ? Pottery
Grubenhaus [2]& Pottery& Loomweight& Coin [1] sceat Ditch&
Field System& Posthole& House
AD 880-920?
9th/10th Century 6thnth Century
P.P. KHER TQ82NE1 Smith 1880, 488-491
Gould& Downman 1908, 442-443
Brooks 1964, 81-86
Davison 1965, liii
Davison 1971, 31
Davison 1972, 123-127
Vale 1990, 297
Freakes 1998
SAM Kent 127
RSM 12841
Bennett 1987/88, 59
Gaimster et al 1989, 200
see Post Medieval 325
Bennett 1987/88, 58
Rady 1988/89, 41
Gaimster et al 1989, 200 KHER TR13NE199
Gaimster et al 1989, 200
93 TR 169 389 grubbing up a hedge lnhumation [3]&
to widen the road at Bead&
Milky Down 06.1760 Pottery& Glass
177 TR 192 374 Danton Farm Building Foundations&
excavation Pottery
178 TR 196 377 Biggins Wood Grubenhaus [1I&
excavation Trackway& Pit [1]& Posthole [1]& Bone,animal
9th/10th Century 6thnth Century
KHER TR13NE15 Hasted 1799,VIII,199
Gemme 1886,133
Smith 1908,386
Meaney 1964,130 KHER TR13NE200
Gaimster et al 1989,200 KHER TR13NE201
Gaimster et al 1989,200
New Romney (K)
78 TR 06 24 Mint
115 TR 07 24 MD find 09.2002 Coin [1] silver
cut half penny Cnut
113 TR 07 24 MD find Coin [1] silver
Edward the Confessor Rochester mint
179 TR 06 24 MD find 07.1995 Coin [1] silver
Edward the Confessor Hastings mint
79 TR 07 26 surface find Brooch [3]
109 TR 07 25 MD find 07.1998 Finger Ring [1]
110 | TR 06 24 | MD find | Harness Fitting [1] | AD 800-1050 | P.P. | TR02SE |
cheek piece | PAS KENT-2784 |
c.AD 979-1066
ih Century AD 800-1100
Parsons 1919/20,38 Carlyon-Britton 1921/22,29 Parsons 1927/28,40,44,47 Ward 1952,21-22
Leach 1982,97
Tatton-Brown 1984,26
Freeman 1985,501-502
Holman 1990,194
North 1975/80,I,140,no.816 James,T. 2001,241 TR02SE
Besley& Holmes 1995,no. 178 EMC 1995.0178
North 1975/80,I,140,no.817
Reeves 1998,no. 36
111 TR 07 24 MD find Clothing Tag [1] hooked tag
116 | TR 07 24 | MD find 10.2002 | Pin [1] silver | AD 900-1100 | P.P. | TR02SE |
biconical head | PAS KENT-5250 |
heart-shaped plate
AD 410-800
Old Romney (K)
75 TR 03 25 surface find Pin [1] &
Brooch [1+] &
Coin [1+]
77 TR 04 25 surface find Stirrup [2] & strap mount Coin [1]
76 TR 04 25 surface find Pottery &
Coin [5]
206 TR 041 254 surface find Pottery
230 TR 03 25 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver
184 TR 03 25 1992 Coin [1] silver
TR 03 57 [sic] early penny
Series E (Secondary)
136 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Coin [1] silver
192 TR 04 25 Romney Coin [1] silver
1990 JEthelred II the Unready Dover mint
183 TR 03 25 Coin [1] & Brooch
TR 03 57 [sic] JEthelred II the Unready Scandinavian imitation
123 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Coin [1] silver
180 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Coin [1] silver
Edward the Confessor Oxford mint
]1h &
9th/11th Century
AD 650-1066
AD 715-735
AD 800-1700
c.AD 991-997
AD 997-1050
British Museum 1993-3-25, 1
Reeves 1998, no. 33
Reeves 1998, no. 34
Reeves 1992
Reeves 1998, no. 35 KHER TR02NW37
Reeves 1992
Cook & Besley,1993 EMC 1993.0157
Cook & Besley 1990, no.205 EMC 1990.0205
North 1975/80, I, 120, no.771 var.
EMC 1993.0294
North 1975/80, I, 121, no.774
Allen et al 2005, no. 200
EMC 2005.0013
North 1975/80, I, 141, no.828
182 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Coin [1] silver 1059-1062 P.P. TR02NW
Edward the Confessor PAS KENT-A29B95
Oxford mint Allen et al 2006, no. 242
EMC 2005.0192
North 1975/80, I, 141, no.828
128 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Buckle [1] bronze 1000-1200 P.P. TR02NW
D-shaped PAS KENT-4B7916
TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Buckle [1] AD 450-1800 P.P. TR02NW
236 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy A-S P.P. TR02NW
114 TR 05 25 MD find 01.2002 Clothing Tag [1] AD 800-1066 P.P. TR02NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-DBDFC1
hooked tag
130 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Clothing Tag [1] AD 700-1066 P.P. TR02NW
hooked tag PAS KENT-622396
234 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Gaming Piece [1] lead Anglo-Scandinavian P.P. TR02NW
125 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Harness Fitting [1] bronze | 1000-1100 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cheek piece | PAS KENT-CDE863 | ||||||
zoomorphic | |||||||
129 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Harness Fitting [1] bronze | 1000-1100 | P.P. | TR02NW |
bridle mount | PAS KENT-4D7F95 | ||||||
231 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Harness Fitting [1] | 1000-1100 | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-A4A477 | ||||||
232 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | cheek piece Mount [1] | A-S | P.P. | TR02NW |
silver with gold inlay | PAS KENT-3DE0A0 | ||||||
zoomorphic | |||||||
121 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Pin [1] silver gilt | AD 700-800 | P.P. | TR02NW |
122 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2003 | zoomorphic terminal Stirrup [1] copper alloy | AD 900-1000 | P.P. | PAS KENT-F26521 TR02NW |
strap mount | PAS KENT-B9CED4 |
class A, type 8 Williams 1997
131 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Stirrup [1] copper alloy 1000-1100 P.P. TR02NW
& silver inlay PAS KENT-B18778
strap mount Williams 1997, 78-79, fig.
class A, type 17
TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Stirrup [1] copper alloy 1000-1066 P.P. TR02NW
strap mount PAS KENT-4683B7
class A, type 12 Williams 1997, 69-74, fig.
181 TR 03 25 MD find Stirrup [1] copper alloy 1000-1100 P.P. TR02NW
strap mount PAS KENT-B18778
class A, type 17 James,T. 2004, 237-238, fig. 2a
Williams 1997, 78-79, fig.
228 TR 03 25 MD find 12.2007 Stirrup [1] copper alloy 1000-1100 P.P. TR02NW
strap mount PAS KENT-A5A782
class A, type 12 Williams 1997, 69-74, fig.
229 TR 03 25 MD find 12.2007 Stirrup [1] copper alloy 1000-1100 P.P. TR02NW
cross-shaped mount PAS KENT-A59927
233 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Stirrup [1] copper alloy AD 900-1100 P.P. TR02NW
stirrup mount PAS KENT-BD9D33
237 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Stirrup [1] copper alloy A-S P.P. TR02NW
stirrup terminal PAS KENT-B38CB7
124 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] copper alloy AD 800-1000 P.P. TR02NW
terminal PAS KENT-CD5231
class A Thomas
127 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] copper alloy AD 800-1100 P.P. TR02NW
zoomorphic terminal PAS KENT-388C83
126 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] 1000-1100 P.P. TR02NW
silvered copper alloy PAS KENT-E45772
incised decoration
132 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] AD 700-1800 P.P. TR02NW
134 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [2] AD 700-1700 P.P. TR02NW
235 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Strap End [1] copper alloy Anglo-Scandinavian P.P. TR02NW
Pett {ESx)
TQ 891 145 Willow Beds Site, Pottery A-S/Med P.P. TQ81SE
Carters Farm Vahey 1986b, 45-46
TQ 886 814 [sic] Primrose Dell, Pottery A-S/Med P.P. TQ81SE
Lunsford Farm Vahey 1986b, 45-46
TQ 886 140 Woodcock 1988, no. 162
TQ 88391495 Pannell Banks 1, Pottery A-S/Med P.P. TQ81SE
Pannell Farm Vahey 1986b, 45-46
TQ 888 151 Pannell Banks 2, Pottery A-S/Med P.P. TQ81NE
Pannell Farm Vahey 1986b, 45-46
TQ 892 146 Pett Barn 40 Acres Pottery A-S/Med P.P. TQ81SE
Vahey 1986b, 45-46
68 | TQ 88691288 | Tongs, | Pottery | A-S/Med | P.P. | NMR TQ81SE91 |
Cliff End | ESHER MES2158 |
'found after a gun was Vahey 1986a, 20-29, fig.
TQ 885 126 dug in during 1944' Freakes 1997, 16-20, fig.
see Iron Age 23
Playden (ESx)
TQ 92296164 [sic] surface find 06.1990 Brooch [1] A-S P.P. TQ92SW
fox-shaped Wetherill 1992, 19
TQ 92432147 surface find 01.1988 Spindle Whorl [1] A-S P.P. TQ92SW
Wetherill 1992, 19
Pestling (K)
205 TR 14 38 1773 Brooch [2] gilded silver 6thnth Century City of KHER TR13NW7
keystone garnet disc & Liverpool Smith 1908
Stud [2] Museum Meaney 1964, 132
shoe-shaped M7351 Avent 1975, 10-11, pl. 6, nos. 33 & 34
M7375 Avent & Leigh 1977, 16
Rolvenden | (K) | ||||
185 | TQ 84 31 | Coin [1] silver | 1030-1035 | TQ83SW | |
Cnut | Metcalf 1980, 40 | ||||
Lincoln mint | EMC 2000.0125 | ||||
North 1975/80, I, 129, no.790 | |||||
Rye (ESx) | |||||
81 | TQ 90 20 | Eorpeburnham | Burh? | AD 880-920? | NMR TQ92SW95 |
ESHER MES5899 | |||||
Brooks 1964, 81-86 | |||||
Kitchen 1984a, 175-178 | |||||
Kitchen 1984b, 224 | |||||
Hill 1996, 201-202 | |||||
186 TQ 91 20 1904 Coin [1] silver | c.1059-1062 | TQ92SW | |||
Edward the Confessor | Challis & Cook 1987, no. 162 | ||||
York mint | EMC 1987.0162 | ||||
North 1975/80, I, 141, no.828 |
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
226 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 08.2009 | Coin [1] silver | 1030-1035 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS LON-BF1C26 | ||||||
Cnut | North 1975/80, I, 129, no.790 | ||||||
227 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 08.2009 | Coin [1] silver | 1030-1035 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut sixth | PAS LON-ED7CE1 | ||||||
Cnut | North 1975/80, I, 129, no.791 | ||||||
London mint ? | |||||||
188 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 09.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1048-1050 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward the Confessor | PAS KENT-92CDF2 | ||||||
EMC 2006.0136 | |||||||
Allen et al 2007, no. 333 | |||||||
North 1975/80, I, 140, no.818 | |||||||
83 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | Coin [1] | 11th Century | P.P. | TR02NW |
surface find | Reeves 1998, no. 13 | ||||||
TR 07 | 26 | surface find | Coin [1] | 11th Century | P.P. | TR02NE | |
Reeves 1998, no. 38 | |||||||
82 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | Coin [1] & | 9th/11th Century | P.P. | TR02NW |
TR 06 | 26 | surface find surface find | Brooch [1] & Brooch [1] | ih/8th Century | P.P. | Reeves 1998, no. 12 TR02NE | |
Reeves 1998, no. 37 | |||||||
226 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 08.2004 | Mount [1] copper alloy | AD 900-1100 | P.P. | TR02NE |
human face | PAS KENT-329290 | ||||||
31 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 08.2002 | Strap End [1] bronze | AD 800-975 | P.P. | TR02NW |
possibly Class F | PAS KENT-4901 | ||||||
117 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2002 | Strap Fitting [1] | AD 800-900 | P.P. | TR02NE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-4516 | ||||||
Trewhiddle decoration | |||||||
187 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | & Pottery Strap End [1] bronze | 9th Century | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find | Kelly 1991, 344, fig. 2.3 | ||||||
118 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 01.1988 | Stirrup [1] copper alloy | 1000-1100 | P.P. | TR02NW |
sub-triangular mount | PAS KENT-3916 | ||||||
119 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 01.1988 | Stirrup [1] copper alloy | 1000-1100 | P.P. | TR02NW |
sub-triangular mount | PAS KENT-3917 |
Strap End [1I
Saltwood (K) | ||||||
86 TR 15453695 | north of | Settlement & | A-S | P.P. | KHER TR13NE81 | |
Saltwood Tunnel | Grubenhaus & | Oxford Archaeol. Unit 1997 | ||||
excavation 1999 | Pottery | Sparey-Green 1999 | ||||
Glass 1999, 199-200 | ||||||
88 | TR 15753695 | north of | Cemetery & | c.AD 550-675 | P.P. | KHER TR13NE82 |
Saltwood Tunnel | lnhumation [63] & | Riddler 1999 | ||||
excavation 1998 | Burial, animal | Glass 1999, 210-211, pl. VIII Gilmour 2010 |
87 TR 15553705 excavated 1979 Loom Weight [1] A-S? P.P. KHER TR13NE34
Willson 1985, 226-235, fig. 2.30
RPS Clouston 1994
208 TR 14 35 MD find 03.2006 Brooch [1] copper alloy AD 450-550 P.P. TR13NW
circular PAS KENT-142506
Sellindge (K)
137 TR 10 37 MD find 03.2003 Stirrup [1] bronze 1000-1100 P.P. TR13NW
strap mount PAS KENT-608196
class A, type 10A Williams 1997, 53-57, fig.
222 TR 10 37 MD find 10.2002 Weight [1] copper alloy AD 900-1000 P.P. TR13NW
bullion weight PAS KENT-4773
Snargate/New Romney (K)
207 TQ 992 285/ Rumensea Wall Earthwork & A-S ? TQ92NE/TR02NE
TR 062 250 Sea Defence Green 1968
Allen 2002
Stanford (K)
89 TR 124 369 Folkestone Royal Palace? A-S P.P. KHER TR13NW20 Racecourse Ward 1935, 144-152
aerial photo 1946 AP (RAF 106G/UK/1443 F4462; ...1946)
geophys. survey 1969 Swanton 1973, 203-207, fig., pl.
excavation Chris Blandford Assoc 1992
Chris Blandford Assoc 1994 Johnson et al 1998
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
138 TQ 09 61 [sic] MD find Coin [1] AD 680-710 P.P. TQ92NW
TQ 92 27 PAS KENT-1136
Udimore (ESx)
90 TQ 86021926 Earthwork & A-S NMR TQ81NE57
Hut Platform? ESHER MES2564
Warehorne (K)
139 TQ 99 32 MD find 10.1998 Coin [1] silver AD 680-710 P.P. TQ93SE
early penny PAS KENT-4527
Standard Series North 1975/80, I, 36-37
Westfield (ESx)
TQ 849 138 | Brickyard Wood | Pottery | 8th/11th Century | P.P. | NMR TQ81SW34 |
[1 sherd] | ESHER MES2607 |
AD 600-1900 Places of Worship 151
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Aldington (K)
TR 07503618 St Martin Church 1ih1131h Century+ NMRTR03NE1
c.1507/47+ KHERTR03NE130
TR 07513635 1876+ Hasted 1799, VIII, 324-327
1911 Walcott et al 1872, 101-102
TR 07493618 Scott Robertson 1887, 244-245
Stahlschmidt 1887, 130
Elliston Erwood 1929, 143-149
Torr 1930, 223-224
Sampson 195?
Taylor &Taylor 1965/78, I, 21-22, fig Newman & Pevsner 1976, 126-127
Chizlett 2002, 8, 10
NBR Index 52963
Listed Grade I
TR 075 361 Court Lodge Domestic Chapel 14th Century TR03NE
Hasted 1799, VIII, 321
Parkin 1971, 15
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 127
TR 07633457 St Leonard, Church & Med NMRTR03SE6 Falconhurst [site of] destroyed 1530 KHERTR03SE6
TR07653457 lnhumation Cemetery Hasted 1799, VIII, 329-331 Cheney 1904b, 125 [Hurst]
TR 07603455 Bradshaw 1969, 234
Appledore (K)
TQ 955 295 Wesleyan Chapel Non-Conformist 1836 TQ92NE
The Street, Chapel Stell 2002, 162 [1]
5 TQ 95743086 St Catherine | Domestic Chapel | 1366/c.1400 + | NMR TQ93SE4 |
of Alexandria? | c.1510/1530 | Hasted 1798, VII, 257 | |
Hornes Place | Scott Robertson 1882b, 363-367 | ||
Kenardington Road | Hussey 1911a, 217 | ||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 131 | |||
Pearson et al 1994, 7-8, fig 7 | |||
NBR Index 39753 | |||
Listed Grade II* | |||
RSM 27036 |
SAM Kent 2
TQ 95762937 SS Peter & Paul Church 1ih113Ih Century NMR TQ92NE1 The Street rebuilt 1380 KHER TQ92NE1
TQ 95762928 Hasted 1798, VII, 258-261
Muriel 1882a, 91-97
Scott Robertson 1887, 247-248
Stahlschmidt 1887, 131-132
Elliston Erwood 1924, 84-90
Elliston Erwood 1951, 103-105
Winnifrith 1986
Lebon 1988, 83-106
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 130-131
Chizlett 2002, 8
NBR Index 52964
Listed Grade I
Beckley (ESx)
TQ 94272373 All Saints, Church A-S + NMR TQ82SW21
Church Lane c.1150 + ESHER MES3467
TQ 94272372 c.1350 + Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 199, no.19
1886 Couchman 1912, 200
Lambarde 1927, 218
G[odfrey] 1946/47a, 32-33
Torr 1963/67, 162
Christie et al 1973a, 147-148, fig. Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 412-413
Smith 1979 no. 23
LBSU 292276
Listed Grade I
TQ 86302685 Methersham Cistercian Grange c.1269+ NMRTQ82NE11
[site of] c.1350/1400 ESHER MES3469
TQ 86362683 dissolved 1538 NMRTQ82NE12 ESHER MES3472
Christie et al 1973a, 146
ESRO HBR1/1142, 1991
see Medieval 38
TQ 85162395 Wesleyan Chapel, Non-Conformist 1814+ TQ82SE
TQ 851 240 Main Street Chapel 1840 Stell 2002, 331 [8]
LBSU 292299
Listed Grade II
Benenden (K)
TQ 80833267 St George Church 14th/15th Century+ NMRTQ83SW1
struck by lightning 1672 KHERTQ83SW85
TQ 80843267 1676+ Hasted 1798, VII, 181-183
1861/1862 Scott Robertson 1887, 270-271
Stahlschmidt 1887, 148
Scott Robertson 1897, 45-48 Lebon 1962, guide book? Newman & Pevsner 1976, 152
Councer 1980, 10
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5 Listed Grade II*
Bilsington (K)
11 TR 04213426
12 TR 04333552
TR 04283549
SS Peter& Paul
Austin Canons
SS Mary the Virgin & Nicholas?
Church 1ih Century+ 14th Century+ 16th Century+ 1883
Augustinian Monastery& 1253-1536 +
[remains of] 1906
Moat& Fishpond& Farmhouse& House
Hasted 1799, VIII, 351-352
Walcott et al 1872, 108
Scott Robertson 1887, 283-284
Stahlschmidt 1887, 170
lgglesden 1906, VII, 56
Jenkins 1911, 315
Cox 1935, 61
Colley 1939
Sampson 1957
Tester 1966, 80
Grove 1971, 220
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 171
Chizlett 2002, 6-7, fig.
NBR Index 61508 Listed Grade II* NMRTR03NW1 KHERTR03NW64
Hasted 1799, VIII, 349-351 Dugdale 1817/30, Vl(1), 492-493
Woodruff 1905, xlviii-li
lgglesden 1906, VII, 67
Gould& Downman 1908, 425
Fowler& Little 1926, 156-157, no. 16
Knowles& Hadcock 1971, 148
Moated Sites Res Gp. Rep. 6 (1979) 46
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 171-172 Listed Grade I
RSM 31406
Bodiam (ESx) | ||||
13 TQ 78232619 | St Giles, | Church | 14th Century+ | NMRTQ72NE8 |
Sandhurst Road | 1845/1846+ | ESHER MES3481 | ||
1851 | Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 200, no.34 | |||
Turner 1871, 138-139 | ||||
Couchman 1912, 208 | ||||
Lambarde 1927, 216 | ||||
Simpson 1931, 74-83 | ||||
Davidson-Houston 1939, 147 | ||||
Torr 1963/67, 163 | ||||
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 419 | ||||
Bloe et al 1973, 264, fig. | ||||
Smith 1979 no. 45 | ||||
LBSU 292344 |
14 TQ 78562562
Bodiam Castle
Domestic Chapel [remains of]
1ih Century+ 1864+
Listed Grade II* NMRTQ72NE1 ESHER MES3474
Lower 1857a, 299, fig. Clarke 1884, I, 245
Curzon1926, 128-131
Simpson 1931, 92-93
Toy 1963, 213-214
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 420
Martin 1971, 68-82
Moorhouse 1971, 148, 165-166
Simpson 1971
Bloe et al 1973, 261, fig. Platt 1984, 140-141
Listed Grade I SAM ESx2 RSM 24405
Bonnington (K)
TR 05723443 St Rumwold Church 1ih/14Ih Century NMRTR03SE2 KHERTR03SE88
TR 05703443 Hasted 1799, VIII, 335-337
Walcott et al 1872, 109
TR 05713442 Scott Robertson 1887, 291-292
Stahlschmidt 1887, 181
Cox 1935, 64
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 172-173
Hicks 1992
Hicks1992/93a, 33
Chizlett 2002, 7
NBR Index 52972
Listed Grade I [B]
Brede (ESx)
TQ 82521826 St George, Church 1ih/15Ih Century+ NMRTQ81NW5 Brede Village 1530+ ESHER MES3506
TQ 82531826 1868+ Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 201, no.40
1916 Turner 1871, 139
Couchman 1912, 200
Tyssen 1915, 1-118
Lambarde 1927, 219-221
Ditchfield 1924a, 34
G[odfrey] 1946/47b, 123-124
Torr 1963/67, 164
Russell et al 1973, 169-171, fig.
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 422-423
Smith 1979 nos. 52 & 53
Chizlett 2002, 7-8
LBSU 292356
Listed Grade I
TQ 83641832 Brede Place Domestic Chapel 15th Century+ NMRTQ81NW4
16th Century ESHER MES3505
Russell et al 1973, 165-166
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 423-424
NBR Index 7617 Listed Grade I
TQ 82841980 Wesleyan Chapel, Non-Conformist 1833 TQ81NW
Broad Oak Chapel replaced 1855 Stell 2002, 332 [11]
LBSU 292369
Listed Grade II
Brenzett (K)
TR 00502772 St Eanswyth Church th
16th Century+ KHERTR02NW55
TR 00502773 18 Century+ Hasted 1799, VIII, 391-394
1826+ Walcott et al 1872, 110-111
1876+ Scott Robertson 1887, 305
1902 Stahlschmidt 1887, 187
Elliston Erwood 1925, 207
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 182-183
Sharman 1985
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 Bridge 2010c
Dickinson 2010
Dickinson 2011, 18-19
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 4
TR 01422994
St Augustine, Church 1ih
Listed Grade 11•
Century+ NMRTR02NW1
Snave 14th Century+ KHERTR02NW50
TR 01422993 1873+ Hasted 1799, VIII, 397-399
1916/1930 Walcott eta/1877, 413
Stahlschmidt 1887, 409
Torr 1929, 221-222
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 535
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
NBR Index 51850
Listed Grade 11•
Brookland (K)
TQ 98942581
TQ 98952582
St Augustine of Canterbury
Church BellTower
1ih/14Ih Century+ 1790 +
20th Century 1180/1220 +
20th Century
NMRTQ92NE12 KHERTQ92NE101 Hasted 1799,VIII,384-388 Smith 1861,87-96
Walcott et al 1872,111-112
Scott Robertson 1880e,480-487 Scott Robertson 1887,312
Stahlschmidt 1887,189 Livett 1905a,255-261 Jenkins 1911,315 Ditchfield 1924a,39-41 Druce 1924,76-83
Anon 1930,265
Gravett 1969,391-392 Roper 1971b,244 Gravett,1974,43-48,fig.,pl.
Newman & Pevsner 1976,193-195 Tatton-Brown 1989,253-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996,6 Roper 1997a
Chizlett 2002,9,fig.
Drake 2003,344-351,pl. Ill Bridge 2010b
Dickinson 2010
Dickinson 2011,17-18,22-23
NBR Index 52977
Listed Grade I
Burmarsh (K) | |||||
22 TR 07413212 | Eastbridge | Church | 1ih/141h Century+ | NMR TR03SE4 | |
[remains of] | 1452 | KHER TR03SE66 | |||
Hasted 1799, VIII, 278-280 | |||||
Cheney 1904b, 125 | |||||
Elliston Erwood 1925, 203-204, fig.12 | |||||
Teichman-Derville 1934, xliii, 212 | |||||
Elliston Erwood 1946, 5, fig.3 | |||||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 431 | |||||
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 | |||||
James 1996 | |||||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7 | |||||
Listed Grade II SAM Kent 358 | |||||
23 | TR 08363069 | Orgarswick | Church | Med | KHER TR03SE5 |
[site of] | Hasted 1799, VIII, 271-272 | ||||
Cheney 1904b, 125 | |||||
Hussey 1907, 239 | |||||
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 Roper 1999, 110 |
24 TR 10113203 All Saints Church
1ih/131h Century+
15th Century+ KHER TR13SW50
1526 + Hasted 1799, VIII, 262-263
1877/79 Walcott et al 1872, 114
Scott Robertson 1887, 315
Stahlschmidt 1887, 191
Jenkins 1911, 316
Elliston Erwood 1925, 203-204, fig. 12
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 196-197
Roper 1980
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
Harris, R. 1991, 3
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7
Chizlett 2002, 9 Listed Grade II*
Camber (ESx)
25 TQ 98781844 St Nicholas?
Broomhill excavation 1985/86
Dymchurch (K)
26 TR10312973 SS Peter & Paul TR10302974
East Guldeford (ESx)
27 TQ 93682156 St Mary,
Folkestone Road
Church] & [site of] Building & [foundations] Tile
ruins 1637
1ih1131h Century + 1821 +
201h Century
1499/1505 +
181h Century
P.P. NMR TQ91NE1 ESHER MES8200 Harris 1719, I, 55-56
Elliston Erwood 1925, 191
Gardiner 1988, 119-126
Hasted 1799, VIII, 268-270
Walcott et al 1872, 143
Stahlschmidt 1887, 258
Jenkins 1911, 313
Elliston Erwood 1925, 202-203, fig. 12 Edinger c.1962
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 263
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8
Chizlett 2002, 9 Listed Grade II*
Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 210, no.139
Lambarde 1927, 218
Christie eta/1973a, 151-152, fig. Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 495-496 Smith 1979 no. 151a
Tatton-Brown 1989, 262
Chizlett 2002, 9
LBSU 409118
Listed Grade II*
Ewhurst (ESx)
28 TQ 79542456 St James, Church 1ih Cetnh tury + NMR TQ72SE5
Ewhurst Green 14th/15 Century ESHER MES3825
TQ 79552457 ESHER MES3829
Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 208, no.114
Turner 1871, 155-156
Couchman 1912, 201
Lambarde 1927, 218
Lambarde 1928, 220
Davidson-Houston 1936, 173-174
Torr 1963/67, 165
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 498 Bloe et al 1973, 267-268, fig. Smith 1979 no. 128
ESRO HBR1/0351, 1978
NBR Index 3305
LBSU 409423
150 TQ 79452459 Ewhurst Green Chapel 19th
Fairlight (ESx)
Listed Grade I
Century TQ72SE
LBSU 409426
Listed Grade II
see ui" Century 209
29 TQ 86001192 St Andrew, Church 13th Century -1845 TQ81SE
Fairlight Road rebuilt 1845/1846 Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 146, 208, no.115
Couchman 1912, 187
Tyssen 1915, 1-118
Lambarde 1927, 228
Anon 1928/29, 246
Smith 1964, IV, 113 [Fareley]
Torr 1963/67, 234
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 498-499
Christie et al 1973b, 177-178
Smith 1979 no. 129
LBSU 409550
Listed Grade II
Folkestone (K)
Horn Street, | 13th/14th century+ | KHER TR13NE115 | ||
TR 18933647 | Cheriton | 1873/1878 | Hasted 1799, VIII, 196-197 | |
Walcott et al 1872, 131 | ||||
Stahlschmidt 1887, 219 | ||||
Scott Robertson 1889a, 353-368 | ||||
Brown 1925, II, 448 | ||||
Jessop 1930, 243 | ||||
Taylor & Taylor 1965, I, 155-156, fig. | ||||
Newman & Pevsner 1969, 258-259 | ||||
Stocker 1988, 8, fig.4 | ||||
Ward 1996b | ||||
Ward 1996/97, 26 | ||||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 14 | ||||
Listed Grade I [B] | ||||
30 TR 19 36 St Eanswithe, | Chapel | Med | NMR TR13NE47 | |
Manor of Swetton, | [site of] | Rutton 1893, 242-243 | ||
Cheriton | Rutton 1895, 259 | |||
Hussey 1911a, 227 |
44 TR 18933648 St Martin, Church A-S+ NMR TR13NE18
Guestling (ESx)
31 | TQ 855 114 [sic] St Laurence, | Church | 1ih/151h Century+ | TQ81SE |
Church Lane | restored 1885 | Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 210, no.138 | ||
TQ 85551447 | rebuilt after fire in 1890 | Couchman 1912, 201 | ||
Tyssen 1915, 1-118 | ||||
Lambarde 1927, 228-229 | ||||
G[odfrey] 1934/35, 139-140 | ||||
Torr 1963/67, 267 | ||||
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 513 | ||||
Christie et al 1973b, 182-183, fig. | ||||
Smith 1979 no. 151 | ||||
LBSU 409596 | ||||
Listed Grade I |
Hawkhurst (K)
32 TQ 75592945 St Laurence,
Church Lane
High Halden (K)
33 TQ 90173723 St Mary the Virgin
NMRTQ72NE13 KHERTQ72NE101 Hasted 1798, VII, 153-157
Jeffreys1874, 240-265
Stahlschmidt 1887, 301-303
Cox 1935, 181
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 315-316 Hides 1993/94, 33, pl.
KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 51-52
NBR Index 61519
Listed Grade II
NMRTQ93NW1 KHERTQ93NW62 Hasted 1798, VII, 225-226
Stahlschmidt 1887, 296
Livett 1904a, 295-315
Rammell 1904, 316-320
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 328
Bridge 1987, 54
Dickinson 2010
Dickinson 2011, 18-21 Listed Grade I
Hythe {K)
34 TR 12763426 St Mary, Church 1ih Century + NMRTR13SW9
West Hythe [remains of] 14th Century KHERTR13SW49 TR 12883422 destroyed by fire 1620 Hasted 1799, VIII, 252
Cheney 1904b, 125
Livett 1914a, 251-257
Elliston Erwood 1925, 188, fig. 5A
Cox 1935, 194
Smith 1964, IV, 46
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 599 Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 Chris Blandford Assoc 1994 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 Listed Grade II
SAM Kent 147
35 TR 15543491 St Nicholas Church & 1282 KHERTR13SE1
[site of] destroyed by 1700 Hythe Hospital Map 1684
Building Livett 1914a, 257-262
[remains of] Elliston Erwood 1954, 216
Smith 1964, IV, 64-65
127 TR 171 352 St Nicholas, Chapel Med + KHERTR13NE37 Sine/Sene Farm [site of] 1557 Hasted 1799, VIII, 204
Mackie 1883, 177 -179
Hussey 1911a, 249
73 TR 16 34 St Michael? Church Med KHERTR13SE206
[site of] Hasted 1799, VIII, 252
Livett 1914a, 257-262
Smith 1964, IV, 64-65
36 TR 16 34 Hermitage KHERTR13SE207
37 | TR 16 34 | St Andrew | Hospital | 1334/1336/1342 | KHERTR13SE22 |
[site of] | united with | Dugdale 1830, Vl(2}, 709 | |||
St Bartholomew | Clay 1909, 255, 298 | ||||
Hussey 1911b, 262 | |||||
Fowler & Little 1926, 220-221, no. 53 | |||||
Hobson 1926, 82-83 | |||||
38 | TR 160 347 | Wesleyan Chapel, | Non-Conformist | 1897/98 | Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 366 KHERTR13SE208 |
Rampart Street | Chapel | Stell 2002, 180 (82) |
[site of]
39 TR 16113481 St Bartholomew Hospital | 1276 + | KHERTR13SE21 |
[remains of] | 1336 + | Hussey 1907, 276 |
secularised c.1535 | Clay 1909, 255, 298 | |
Hussey 1911b, 262 | ||
Jenkins 1911, 293 | ||
Fowler & Little 1926, 220-221, no.53 | ||
Hobson 1926, 82-83 | ||
Newman & Pevsner 1969, 346 | ||
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 366 | ||
Listed Grade II |
see Post Medieval 235
40 TR 16153491 St Leonard Church A-S + NMRTR13SE3
1ih/14Ih Century + KHERTR13SE64
1750 + Hasted 1799, Viii, 249-253
1874/1875 + Wright 1854, 118-121
1886 Stahlschmidt 1887, 313-314
Hall 1889, 333-336
Scott Robertson 1889b, 403-420 Barber 1890, 62-64
Parsons 1914, 203-214
Livett 1914b, 273-308
Ditchfield 1914, 202-206 Dale n.d.
Anon 1929, 310-312
Dale 1931
Stoesinger & Morant 1932, 135-203
Tester 1966, 85
Newman & Pevsner 1969, 344-346
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 461
Stocker 1988, 6-9, fig.4
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28 Listed Grade I
41 TR 16393483 St John the Baptist Almshouse 1462 + NMRTR13SE12
[remains of] 1546 + KHERTR13SE77
1802 [front] Clay 1909, 298
Jenkins 1911, 293
Fowler & Little 1926, 220-221, no. 53
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 366 Listed Grade II
42 TR 17113496 St Mary/St Barnard? Chapel & Med P.P. KHER TR13SE5 'Canongate Road [site of] Hythe Hospital Map 1684
constructed 1874 Building & Livett 1914a, 261-262
through plot always [remains of] Smith 1964, IV, 64-65
called 'Chapel Field' Human Remains
lcklesham (ESx)
6 TQ 88051647 All Saints Church 1ih Century+ TQ81NE
[St Nicholas] 14th Century+ ESHER MES3983
Main Road 1785+ Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 214, no.166
1847/1852 Turner 1871, 166
Churton 1882, 105-122 Livett 1905b, 38-64, pl., fig. Couchman 1912, 201
Lambarde 1927, 229-230
Ditchfield 1924a, 23-24
Ray 1933, 247
Torr 1963/67, 268-269
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 542-543 Christie et al 1973b, 187-189, fig. Smith 1979 nos. 180 & 181
Poole 1982
LBSU 410006
Listed Grade I
56 TQ 93781910 The Holy Spirit, Church 1848/1849 TQ91NW
Rye Harbour ESHER MES8098
Couchman 1912, 205
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 600-601
LBSU 410019
Listed Grade II
52 TQ 90341737 Methodist Church, Non-Conformist 1785 TQ91NW
Rectory Lane, Chapel Stell 2002, 346 (61)
Winchelsea LBSU 410535
45 | TQ 877 164 | Wesleyan Chapel | Non-Conformist | 1843 | TQ 81NE |
Chapel | Stell 2002, 346 (60) |
Listed Grade II
54 TQ 90501735 St Thomas the Martyr, Church 14th Century+ NMR TQ91NW9
High Street , 15th Century+ ESHER MES3996
Winchelsea 20th Century [glass] NMR TQ 91NW41 ESHER MES4083 [4672]
Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 229, no.318
Turner 1871, 189-190
Couchman 1912, 207
Ditchfield 1924a, 25-27
Lambarde 1927, 236-237
Davidson-Houston 1939, 140-142
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 633-635
Torr 1968/71, 42-45
Page et al 1973b, 71-75, pl. fig. Smith 1979 nos. 356 & 356a -356c Saville 1986
Blair et al 2000, 5-30
Chizlett 2002, 6-10, fig.
ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002
Martin & Martin 2004a, 74-80 LBSU 410509
Listed Grade I
47 TQ 90101752 St Leonard, Church Med+ NMR TQ91NW43
Liberty of lham [site of] c.1484+ ESHER MES4085
TQ 902 175 Winchelsea [decayed] NMR TQ91NW18 c.1810 ESHER MES4097
[demolished] Page et al 1973b, 63
ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002
48 TQ 90181645 St Bartholomew, | Hospital | pre 1292-1557 | NMR TQ 91NW22 |
[Quarter 39] | [site of] | ESHER MES4095 | |
Winchelsea | Clay 1909, 325 | ||
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 403 | |||
Page et al 1973b, opp 64 | |||
Salzmann 1973, 107, no. 52 | |||
ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002 | |||
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002 | |||
Martin & Martin 2004a, 93 | |||
SAM ESx355 |
Martin & Martin 2004a, 82-83
49 | TQ 90201658 | Holy Rood/ | Hospital & | pre 1252 + | NMR TQ 91NW21 |
Holy Cross, | Church of Lepers ? | 1287-c.1547 | ESHER MES4094 | ||
[Quarter 39] | [site of] | Clay 1909, 325 | |||
Winchelsea | Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 403 | ||||
Godfrey 1959, 134 | |||||
Page et al 1973b, opp 64 | |||||
Salzmann 1973, 107, no. 53 | |||||
ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002 | |||||
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002 | |||||
Martin & Martin 2004a, 91-93 | |||||
SAM ESx355 | |||||
50 | TQ 90281718 | St Giles, [Quarter 21] | Church [site of] | 1283 - 1413 + 1500/1532 + | NMR TQ91NW42 ESHER MES4084 |
TQ 902 172 | Winchelsea | [abandoned] | NMR TQ91NW19 | ||
excavation | 1760 | ESHER MES4092 | |||
[demolished] | Page et al 1973b, 63 | ||||
ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002 | |||||
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002 | |||||
Martin & Martin 2004a, 80-82 | |||||
Martin & Rudling 2004, 75-93 |
see Medieval 263
144 TQ 90261646 Black Friars Dominican Friary 1318 -1339 TQ91NW
[Blessed Virgin Mary] [site of] ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002
Winchelsea ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002
51 TQ 90341755 Black Friars | Dominican Friary | 1357-1538 | NMR TQ91NW15 |
[Blessed Virgin Mary] | [site of] | ESHER MES 4002 | |
[Quarter 4] | NMR TQ91NW39 | ||
Winchelsea | ESHER MES 4081 | ||
Dugdale 1830, Vl(3), 1495 | |||
Palmer 1878, 91-96 | |||
Holman 1934/35, 225-229 | |||
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 219 | |||
Salzmann 1973, 94-95, no. 24 | |||
ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002 | |||
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002 | |||
Martin & Martin 2004a, 88-90 | |||
SAM ESx166 | |||
see Medieval 256 |
Martin & Martin 2004a, 88
TQ 90331687 St John, Hospital pre 1292 - pre 1557 NMR TQ91NW20 Hastings Road, [remains of] ESHER MES4093
TQ 90241687 [Quarter 34] Clay 1909, 325
Winchelsea Chambers 1937, 191-206
TQ 904 168 Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 404
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 637
Salzmann 1973, 107, no. 54
ESRO HBR1/1228, 1994
ESRO HBR1/1448, 2002
Martin & Martin 2004a, 90-91 LBSU 410282
Listed Grade II SAM ESx 355
55 TQ 90601709 Grey Friars Franciscan Friary 1242/1243 + NMR TQ91NW10
[St Francis] [remains of] 1287-1538 ESHER MES3997 TQ 90591709 Winchelsea NMR TQ91NW47
TQ 90561710 Buck & Buck 1774, II, 296, fig.
Dugdale 1830, Vl(3}, 1533
Butler 1865, 129
Poland 1928, 77-84
Martin 1937, 143-147, 285, pl. 19, fig.
Salzmann 1954, 36
c.1310-1320 Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 635-636
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 228
Salzmann 1973, 96, no. 27
Farrant 2001, 337, no. 197
ESRO HBR1/1168, 1992
ESRO HBR1/1458, 2002
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002
Martin & Martin 2004a, 83-88 SAM ESx7
LBSU 410275
Listed Grade I
72 TQ 92 18 St Anthony Hermitage pre 1267 + TQ91NW
Camber Beach [site of] 1330 + Martin & Martin 2004a, 93 [parish of St Thomas, 1536
57 | Iden (ESx) TQ 91562374 | All Saints, | Church | 1ih/161h Century | TQ92SW |
TQ 91542375 | Rectory Lane Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 214, no.167 Turner 1871, 167 | ||||
Couchman 1912, 202 | |||||
Lambarde 1927, 219 | |||||
Davidson-Houston 1937, 95 | |||||
G[odfrey] 1958/62, 198-199 | |||||
Torr 1963/67, 269-270 | |||||
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 544 | |||||
Christie et al 1973a, 155-156, fig. | |||||
Smith 1979 no. 182 | |||||
LBSU 411005 | |||||
58 | TQ 89 23 | La Mote | Domestic Chapel | 1304 - 1458 [ruinous] | Listed Grade I TQ82SE |
[La Legh] | [site of] | 1467 [moved] - 1548 | Daniel-Tyssen 1871, 279 | ||
[Kechenoureleigh] | Christie et al 1973a, 156 | ||||
lvychurch (K) | |||||
59 | TR 02812767 | St George | Church | 13th/15th Century+ | NMR TR02NW3 |
TR 02812766 | 1880/1890+ 20th Century | KHER TR02NW54 Hasted 1799, VIII, 404-405 | ||
Walcott et al 1874, 274 | ||||
Scott Robertson 1880e, 450 | ||||
Stahlschmidt 1887, 316 | ||||
Anon 1903, 428 | ||||
Ditchfield 1924a, 45 | ||||
Anon 1930, 256-258 | ||||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 347-348 | ||||
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 | ||||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 | ||||
Green 1999 | ||||
Chizlett 2002, 9 | ||||
NBR Index 61524 | ||||
77 | TR 0 2 | Hospital? | 1229 | Listed Grade I KHER TR02NW100 |
147 | TR 0 2 | Chantry Chapel | 1360-1430 | Clay 1909, 298 KHER TR02NW101 |
[site of] | Draper 2004, 16 |
Kenardington | (K) | ||||
60 | TQ 97483213 | St Mary | Church | 13th/15th Century | NMRTQ93SE2 |
struck by lightning 1559 NMR TQ93NW14 [sic] TQ 975 323 reconstructed KHERTQ93SE71 Hasted 1798, VII, 248-249 | |||||
TQ 97593213 | Stahlschmidt 1887, | ||||
Anon 1903, 428 | |||||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 351 | |||||
NBR Index 53014 | |||||
Listed Grade II* | |||||
Lydd (K) | |||||
61 | TR 04 20 | St Mary at the Nesse | Chapel & | 1520-1588 | KHERTR02SW16 |
Hermitage | Hasted 1799, VIII, 438 |
[site of] Hussey 1911a, 244
TR 04262095 All Saints Church A-S+ NMRTR02SW3
13th Century+ KHERTR02SW92
TR 04272095 1442/1446 Hasted 1799, VIII, 435-439
bombed 1940 Howard 1866, 260-264
1951/1958 Scott Robertson 1880e, 427 Stahlschmidt 1887, 343
Micklethwaite 1898, 343-345
Elliston Erwood 1921, 216-226
Elliston Erwood 1925, 177-190, 207-208, fig.
Brown 1925, II, 320-321, 469
Livett 1930, 61-92
Jackson & Fletcher 1959, 41-52, pl. Taylor &Taylor 1965ll8, I, 405-408, fig. Tester 1966, 86
Jackson & Fletcher 1968, 19-26
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 390-392
Cherry 1976, 157, 170, 172
Councer 1980, 79-80 Carpenter 1984a
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade I [A]
TR 047 208 Hermitage Med? KHERTR02SW144
[site of] Hussey 1911a, 244
149 | TR 0 | 2 | Methodist Church | Non-Conformist Chapel | 1886 | KHERTR02SW145 Lydd Methodist Church 1986 |
Lympne (K) | ||||||
64 TR 09013520 | Our Lady, Court-at-Street | Chapel [remains of] | 1306 repaired c.1526 | KHERTR03NE12 Hasted 1799, VIII, 296 Cheney 1904b, 108-110 Hussey 1907, 206 Hussey 1911a, 242 Elliston Erwood 1929, 149-151 Smith 1964, IV, 66-67 Neame 1971, 57-60, pl. opp. 128-129 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 395 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36 |
Lympne Castle, | 1859+ | KHERTR13SW67 |
Castle Close | 1878/1880 | Hasted 1799, VIII, 300-303, frontispiece |
Walcott et al 1874, 283-284 | ||
Stahlschmidt 1887, 345 | ||
Scott Robertson 1889d, 437-446 | ||
lgglesden 1904, VI, 59-62 | ||
Livett 1931, 221-239 | ||
Cox 1935, 213 | ||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 393 | ||
W 1910, 682 | ||
Stocker 1988, 8, fig.4 | ||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36 | ||
NBR Index 61527 | ||
Listed Grade I |
65 TR 11973466
St Stephen,
SAM Kent 177 NMRTR13SW3
Newchurch (K)
TR 05403135 SS Peter & Paul Church 13th/15th Century+ NMRTR03SE1
c.1845 + KHERTR03SE68
1909/1915 Hasted 1799, VIII, 342-344
Walcott et al 1876, 284-285 Scott Robertson 1880e, 459 Stahlschmidt 1887, 358-359
Anon 1930, 259-260
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 431-432
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
NBR Index 53029
Listed Grade I
TR 07232972 Blackmanstone Church pre-1366 - KHERTR02NE3
[site of] 18th Century Hasted 1799, VIII, 274-275 Cheney 1904b, 125
Hussey 1907, 23
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
TR 07282980 Chizlett 2003b
Newenden (K)
TQ 83432730 St Peter Church 13th/14th Century+ NMRTQ82NW1
18th Century+ KHERTQ82NW76
1859 Hasted 1798, VII, 171-172
Stahlschmidt 1887, 359
Jenkins 1911, 311
Cox 1935, 229
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 431-432
Drake 2003, 336-344, pl. II
NBR Index 53030
Listed Grade II*
TQ 85172840 CastleToll Domestic Chapel Med KHERTQ82NE1
[site of] Newman & Pevsner 1976, 432
TQ 84142779 St Mary the Virgin, Carmelite Friary c.1242-1536 KHERTQ82NW3 Lossenham [site of] burnt down 1275 Hasted 1798, VII, 169-170
Dugdale 1830, Vl(3), 1571
Walcott & Scott Robertson 1882, 311-312
Fowler & Little 1926, 203-204, no. 36
lgglesden 1930, XXIV, 75-76
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 235
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 432
Newington (K)
TR 18263737
TR 18 37
TR 18 37
St Nicholas
Newington Manor
St Mary
College of Secular Priests
11Ih11ih Century+ 13Ih Century+
14Ih Century+ 151h Century+
c. 1100
Hasted 1799, VIII, 207-210
Walcott et al 1876, 285
Stahlschmidt 1887, 359-360
Grayling 1913, II, 43
Newman & Pevsner 1969, 385
RPS Clouston 1994
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38 Listed Grade II*
Dugdale 1830, Vl(3), 1620
Fowler & Little 1926, 149
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 254, 262 KHER TR13NE40
Dugdale 1830, Vl(2), 1620
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 416, 433
New Romney (K)
74 | TR 05852488 | SS Stephen & | Leper Hospital [site of] & | c.1180-1322+ | P.P. | KHER TR02SE7 |
Thomas | Building Foundations & | 1363 | Map of Land of St Mary Magdalene, |
Human Remains & Pottery
ruined 1481
Hasted 1799, VIII, 458
Dugdale 1830, Vl(2), 640-641
Pettigrew 1855, 33-34
Scott Robertson 1880b, 247-249 Clay 1909, 188, 299
Hussey 1911b, 263-264
Fowler & Little 1926, 225, no. 58
Murray 1935, 198-204
Rigold 1964, 47-69
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 380
Parkin 1973, 120
Butcher 1980, 17-26
75 | TR 06092469 | StJohn the Baptist | Chapel& | 1396-1495 | P.P. | KHER TR02SE4 |
Hospital [site of]& | Scott Robertson 1880b, 245-247 | |||||
Building Foundations& | Tithe Map New Romneyc.1840 | |||||
Human Remains | Clay 1909, 299 | |||||
Fowler& Little 1926, 225, no.57 | ||||||
Teichman-Derville 1929, 170 | ||||||
Knowles& Hadcock 1971, 380 | ||||||
Parkin 1973, 119 | ||||||
76 | TR 06432484 | StJohn | Cistercian Monastery& | 1264-1439 | NMR TR02SE5 | |
Ashford Road | Cistercian Grange | KHER TR02SE83 | ||||
[remains of] | Hasted 1799, VIII, 457-458 | |||||
Scott Robertson 1880b, 245-247 | ||||||
Fowler& Little 1926, 239, no.73 | ||||||
Knowles& Hadcock 1971, 131 | ||||||
Parkin 1973, 119 | ||||||
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 434 | ||||||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 | ||||||
Listed Grade II* | ||||||
RSM 24361 | ||||||
see 111" Century 249 | ||||||
78 | TR 06 24 | Grey Friars | Franciscan Friary | pre 1241-1287 | KHER TR02SE8 | |
[St Francis?] | [site of] | Fowler& Little 1926, 199, no.33 | ||||
Martin 1937, 284 | ||||||
Little 1939, 151-152 |
Knowles& Hadcock 1971, 226
79 TR 06342472 St Lawrence Church [site of]& Med KHER TR02SE3
Building [foundations]& demolished 1533/1539? Tithe Map New Romneyc.1840
Tile Scott Robertson 1880b, 241-245
Parkin 1973, 119
80 TR 06462493 St Martin Church | AD 740-1549 | KHER TR02SE2 |
[site of] | Scott Robertson 1880b, 238-241 | |
Walker& Ruttan 1893, 155-160 | ||
Parkin 1973, 119 | ||
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 |
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 435
TR 06522475 St Nicholas Church 1ih/14Ih Century NMRTR02SE1 KHERTR02SE81
Hasted 1799, VIII, 460-464
Scott Robertson 1880e, 466-479 Stahlschmidt 1887, 385
Anon 1903, 427
Ditchfield 1924a, 43-44
Elliston Erwood 1925, 197-200, fig. 11
Anon 1930,258-259
Tester 1966, 88
White, A. 1969/74, 300-302 Parkin 1973, 120-121
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 432-434
Councer 1980, 106
Tatton-Brown 1987, 344-346, fig. 3
Stocker 1988, 7-8, fig.4
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
Harris 1990, 6-7
Somers 1994
Linklater 2004
Campbell 2010
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 Listed Grade I
146 TR 066 254 St Mary the Virgin, Domestic Chapel & 1349-1556 TR02NE
Craythorne/ Manorial Chapel & Flaherty 1859, 60 [St M in M]
Crowthorne Manor Chantry Chapel Scott Robertson 1880d, 350 fn [St M in M]
Cockreed Lane [site of] Hussey 1911a, 239-240 [St M in M]
New Romney Draper 2004, 15-17
Northiam (ESx)
TQ 82372501 Unitarian Chapel Non-Conformist [1795-1810] TQ82NW
[General Baptist] Chapel 1810 Stell 2002, 353 (79)
Dixter Road LBSU 411140
83 | TQ 825 249 | Wesleyan Chapel , | Non-Conformist | 1814-1974 | TQ82SW |
Dixter Road | Chapel | Stell 2002, 353 (80) |
Listed Grade II
TQ 83002451 St Mary the Virgin,
Church Lane
Old Romney (K)
1ih Century+ 1835/37+
Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 219, no.217
Turner 1871, 170
Couchman 1912, 202-203
Batterham 1926/27, 23
Lambarde 1927, 210-216
G[odfrey] 1932/33, 139-140
Davidson-Houston 1938, 74-80
Torr 1963/67, 340-341
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 573-574 Bloe et al 1973, 274-276, fig.
Smith 1979 no. 243
Chizlett 2002, 8
LBSU 411126
Listed Grade II*
TR 03092322
TR 03092321
Church [remains of]
15th Century decayed 1573
NMRTR02SW1 KHERTR02SW100 Hasted 1799, VIII, 410-414
Walcott et al 1876, 284
Jenkins 1911, 318
Elliston Erwood 1925, 194-195, fig. 58 & 9
Beresford & St Joseph 1979, 207
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 442
Tatton-Brown 1989, 256-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42 Listed Grade II
86 | TR 03492519 | St Clement | Church | 1ih/14Ih Century+ | NMRTR02NW5 |
1929/30+ | KHERTR02NW75 | ||||
1959+ | Hasted 1799, VIII, 443-445 | ||||
1968 | Stahlschmidt 1887, 385 | ||||
Ditchfield 1924a, 41-42 | |||||
Elliston Erwood 1925, 200-202, fig. 12 | |||||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 441-442 | |||||
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 | |||||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42 | |||||
Roper 1997b | |||||
Listed Grade I |
RSM 12705
TR 03722571 St Michael Church [site of ?] & 13th Century P.P. KHERTR02NW7 excavation Building Material & Hasted 1799,VIII,462
lnhumation & Tithe Map New Romneyc.1840
Pottery Scott Robertson 1880b,249
Elliston Erwood 1925,190-191
Bradshaw 1969,235
Roper 1969,243
Gardiner 1994,330 & 345
TR 04072544 St Lawrence Church [site of ?] & Med KCC Museum KHERTR02NW8
Building Material & destroyed by Service Hasted 1799,VIII,462 Coin (7) & mid 16th Century F5940 Elliston Erwood 1925,190 Buckle & Gardiner 1994,331& 345
Bone Tatton-Brown 1989,253-265
Orlestone (K)
TR 00013470 St Mary the Virgin Church 1ih113Ih Century+ NMRTR03SW3
14th Century+ KHERTR03SW77
TR 00013469 1883/1884 Hasted 1799,VIII,363-365
Lightfoot 1859,89-94
Walcott et al 1876,286
Stahlschmidt 1887,364 Grayling 1913,II,59
Newman & Pevsner 1976,442 Chizlett 2002,9
Listed Grade II*
Peasmarsh (ESx)
TQ 88712185 SS Peter & Paul, Church 1ih/15Ih Century+ NMRTQ82SE3 Church Lane 19th Century ESHER MES4241
TQ 88712184 Daniel-Tyssen 1864,220,no.227
Livett 1904b,35-46,pl. Couchman 1912,203
Lambarde 1927,219 Ditchfield 1924a,32-34 Torr 1963/67,342
Nairn & Pevsner 1965,578 Christie et al 1973a,158-159, fig. Smith 1979 no. 253
LBSU 411898
Listed Grade I
Pett (ESx)
TQ 872 139 SS Mary & Peter, Church 1864 TQ81SE
Pett Road Couchman 1912, 203
Lambarde 1927, 230-231
Torr 1963/67, 342-343
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 579-580
Smith 1979 no. 254
TQ 870 140 Mount Calvary, Non-Conformist 1848+ TQ81SE
Pett Road Chapel 1956 Stell 2002, 353 (81)
TQ86991393 LBSU 412731
Listed Grade II
Playden (ESx)
TQ 92022167 St Michael, Church c.1th190+ NMR TQ92SW8
TQ 92002180
Peasmarsh Road 14th Cenh tury+ ESHER MES2165
building survey 16 /1i Century+ ESHER MES2176
1852/1864+ Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 220, no.235
1898/1904 Turner 1871, 172-173
Couchman 1912, 203-204
Lambarde 1927, 219
Davidson-Houston 1937, 95
Godfrey 1940, 113-116, fig
Torr 1963/67, 343
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 583 Christie et al 1973a, 161-162, fig. Smith 1979 no. 261
ESRO HBR1/868, 1984
ESRO HBR1/897, 1985
NBR Index no21
LBSU 412748
TQ 92202153 Wistaria Cottage Chapel
[site of]
decayed 1567
Ward 1958/62, 310-311
Dickinson 1979, 29-36
Dickinson 1981c, 67-69
ESRO AMS4892, 1567
see Post Medieval 727
Listed Grade I
Rolvenden (K)
TQ 83552920 Forsham Chapel+ Med/Post Med KHERTQ82NW5
[supposed site of] Hasted 1798, VII, 196
TQ 83532930 'found when digging Coffin [1] stone Med? P.P.
TQ 84503122
a fence posthole'
TQ 84513121
Hasted 1798, VII, 198-200
Stahlschmidt 1887, 384
Cox 1935, 259
Tester 1966, 90
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 497-498
Councer 1980, 105-106
TQ 85183024
Wesley House,
18th Century?
Listed Grade I
1 Maytham Road,
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 657
Ruckinge (K)
TR 02463354
St Mary Magdalene
1ih Century+
TR 02473353
13th Century+
14th/15th Century
Hasted 1799, VIII, 357-360
Walcott et al 1876, 294
Muriel 1872, 310-315
Muriel 1880, 227-230
Oliver 1880, 231-236
Stahlschmidt 1887, 386
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 499-500
Councer 1980, 106-107
Stocker 1988, 4-6, fig.3, 4
Chizlett 2002, 5
NBR Index 53038
Listed Grade I [BJ
TR 02623360
Wesleyan Chapel,
Stell 2002, 180 (82)
St Mary the Virgin Church
Rye (ESx)
TQ 92152030
TQ 92122050
TQ 92152048
St Mary the Virgin
Austin Friars St Augustine
Augustinian Friary [remains of] & lnhumation & Pottery &
1120/80 +
1220/50 +
151h Century + 191h Century
dissolved 1538
secularised post 1538
Rye Museum
Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 222, no.253
Turner 1871, 177-178
Couchman 1912, 204-205
Lambarde 1927, 234-236
Howgrave-Graham 1928, 307-310, fig
Lambarde 1928, 219-220
Davidson-Houston 1938, 112-116
Tyler 1958/62, 253-262
Torr 1963/67, 343-346
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 594-596 Page eta/1973a, 57-61, pl. fig. Smith 1979 nos. 282 & 282a Kirkham & Lockhart 1996 Farrant 2001, 301, no. 161
Martin & Martin 2009, 62-66
LBSU 291906
Listed Grade I NMR TQ92SW2 ESHER MES2184
Hist. Mss. Comm., V, 497 Dugdale 1830, Vl(3), 1602
Horsfield 1835, I, 497
Holloway 1847, 537-539
Butler 1865, 128-129
Page 1907, 96-97, no. 28
Poland 1928, 132
Burstow 1954/57, 204-205
Roth 1961, I, 198-486
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 243 Page et al 1973a, 42-43, pl. fig. Gaimster et al 1990, 215
Clements 1991
Martin & Martin 2009, 67-69
NBR Index 45911
LBSU 291942
Listed Grade II SAM ESx 147
see Post Medieval 738
145 TQ 923 204 Austin Friars, Friary 1364 TQ92SW
Town Salts [site of] destroyed 1377 CPR Edward 1111361/64, 440
TQ 92132023 Friars de Penitentia Friary of Friars 1263-1307 NMR TQ92SW45
of the Sack ESHER MES2231
[remains of] CPR Henry 1111258/66, 253
Vidler 1926/27, 242-243
Vidler 1928, 137-138
Emery 1943, 323-334
Emery 1960, 591-595
Knowles& Hadcock 1971, 248 Page et al 1973a, 43, pl. fig.
Martin& Martin 2009, 66-67
NBR Index 45908
LBSU 291922
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 683
TQ 91942025 Society of Friends, Non-Conformist 1753/68 + NMR TQ92SW93 17 Mermaid Street Meeting House 19th Century + ESHER MES2254
20th Century ESRO HBR1/0943, 1985
Pers. Comm. Clive Chizlett 2003 NBR Index 45931
LBSU 434846
Listed Grade II
see Century 683
TQ 91932025 The Elders House, Non-Conformist 1505/1555 + NMR TQ92SW28
18 Mermaid Street Chapel& 18th Century ESHER MES2286 Baptistery ESRO HBR1/1157, 1992
Pers. Comm. Clive Chizlett 2003 Martin& Martin 2009, no. 67
NBR Index 92678
LBSU 434847
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 718
TQ 91952025 Baptist Chapel, Non-Conformist 1754-1909 TQ92SW
Mermaid Street Chapel Stell 2002, 354 (86)
TQ 92052020 Independent Non-Conformist 1810-1858 TQ92SW
Presbyterian, Chapel Stell 2002, 354 (87)
TQ 92042022 12 Watchbell Street LBSU 434991
Listed Grade II
see u/h Century 634
TQ 92082056 Salvation Army Citadel, Salvation Army Hall
19th Century
22 Rope Walk Pers. Comm. Clive Chizlett 2003
TQ 92172012 Congregationalist,
Conduit Hill/ Turkeycock Lane
TQ 92252087 Strict & Particular Baptist
Presbyterian] 13 & 15 Military Road
Rye Foreign (ESx)
TQ 921 213 St Bartholomew
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
Non-Conformist Chapel
Non-Conformist Chapel
Hospital [site of]
ruinous 1435
Pers. Comm. Clive Chizlett 2003
Caplan 1958/62, 337
Pers. Comm. Clive Chizlett 2003
Butler 1865a, 134-136
Holloway 1866, 13-17
Page 1907, 104-105, no. 44
Clay 1909, 325
Vidler 1943, 73-99
Godfrey 1959, 134
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 385 Christie et al 1973a, 160-161 Gardiner 1990, 251-252, fig. 7
Wetherill 2001, 19-20
Wetherill 2005
Martin & Martin 2009, 69
110 | TR 04942581 | All Saints, Hope | Church | 1ih113Ih Century | NMRTR02NW10 |
[remains of] | decayed by 1573 | KHERTR02NW69 | |||
ruined by 1663? | Hasted 1799, VIII, 419-420, fig. | ||||
Walcott et al 1874, 269-270 | |||||
Stahlschmidt 1887, 309 | |||||
Jenkins 1911, 316 | |||||
Elliston Erwood 1925, 191-194, fig. 5A, 6 & 7 | |||||
C.E.W 1939, 155 | |||||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 332 | |||||
Bennell & Harris 1989, 2 | |||||
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 | |||||
Bennell 1995, 99-106 | |||||
Bennell 2008, 4-7 | |||||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 43 | |||||
Listed Grade II | |||||
SAM Kent 359 |
TR 06482798 St Mary the Virgin Church 1ih/13Ih Century+ c.1800 +
Hasted 1799, VIII, 408-409
Walcott et al 1876, 296-297
Stahlschmidt 1887, 388
Jenkins 1911, 314
Elliston Erwood 1925, 204-206, fig. 12-14
Anon 1930, 260-261
Torr 1931, 326-327
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 503
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265 Bridge 2010a
Dickinson 2010
Dickinson 2011, 20
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 43
NBR Index 61534
Listed Grade I
Salehurst (ESx)
TQ 75422386 St Mary, Cistercian Monastery & 1176 + NMR TQ72SE1 Robertsbridge [remains of] 1225-1538 ESHER MES2300
building survey Fishponds? ESHER MES2370
TQ 75462383 [remains of] ESHER MES2371 ESHER MES2372 ESHER MES2373 ESHER MES2374 Dugdale 1825, V, 666-669
Cooper 1856, 141-176
Perceval 1880, 427-461
Salzmann 1934/35, 206-208
Knowles & St Joseph 1952, 134-135, no.60 Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 589
Hurst, D. 1967, 276
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 124
Chambers & Long 1973, 219-220, pl.
Salzmann 1973, 71-74, no.8
Farrant 2001, 302-303, nos. 162 & 163
ESRO HBR1/604, 1967 [rev 1982 & 1985]
Martin & Martin 1987, 26-27
NBR Index 76850
NBR Index 93268
LBSU 416167
TQ 75432384 Listed Grade I
SAM ESx 134
see Medieval 775
Saltwood (K)
TR 15 35 St Nicholas, Premonstratensian pre 1153-c.1377 NMR TR13NE38 Blackwose, Monastery & Hasted 1799, VIII, 205
Newington Grange [site of] Dugdale 1830, Vl(2), 940, 942
Fowler & Little 1926, 172, no.23
Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 186
TR 15 35 Leper Hospital 1168/69-1336? NMR TR13NE49
annexed to Pettigrew 1855, 33
St Bartholomew, Hythe? Knowles & Hadcock 1971, 366
TR 15493578 Brockhull Chapel licensed 1310 KHER TR13NE10 [Thorne] [site of] Cant Diocesan Hist 181
Hussey 1911a, 253
TR 15793601 SS Peter& Paul Church 11th/1ih Century+ NMRTR13NE6
13th/14th Century+ KHERTR13NE125
TR 15783600 c.1892 Hasted 1799, VIII, 228-231
Walcott et al 1876, 297
Stahlschmidt 1887, 389
Scott Robertson 1889c, 421-432 Stanton 1962
Newman& Pevsner 1969, 425
Councer 1980, 109-110
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
TR 161 359
SS Mary& Domestic Chapel 1163/15th
Listed Grade II*
Century NMRTR13NE7
Thomas of Canterbury, [remains of] ruined 1580 KHERTR13NE133
Saltwood Castle demolished 1930 Hasted 1799, VIII, 219-224
Cozens 1802, 1089-1090
Turner & Parker 1851/59, 111, 307-308
Wright 1854, 121
The Antiquarian 1871, 1(2), 24
Anon 22 Aug 1885, 254, fig.
Mackenzie 1897, I, 35-38
Gould& Downman 1908, 420-421
Hussey 1911a, 253
Murrey 1914, 195-201
lgglesden 1929, XXlll,70-80, fig. Anon 1929, 309-310
Braun 1937, 130, 139, 142, fig. 7
Hussey 1942a, 986-989, fig., pl. Hussey 1942b, 1034-1037, pl. Hussey 1942c, 1082-1085, fig., pl. ASO 17 Sept 1948, 574, pl.
Tilden 1954, 163-167, pl. 43-45
O'Neil 1960, 20, fig.1e, pl.6b
Newman& Pevsner 1969, 427
Renn 1973, 306
Wood 1983, 157
Cathcart King 1983, I, 233 Listed Grade I
SAM Kent 73
TR 143 367 Sandling House Domestic Chapel 1348 TR13NW
[site of] Hussey 1911a, 253
Sandhurst (K)
TQ 79052730 St Nicholas Church 13th/14th century+ NMR TQ72NE10
Hasted 1798, VII, 162-163
Stahlschmidt 1887, 389-391
Jenkins 1911, 132
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 505-506
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86-87
Chizlett 2002, 7
Smith 2003, 14-15
NBR Index 61535
Listed Grade II*
TQ 80852804 Baptist Chapel, Non-Conformist 1731-1844 KHER TQ82NW51
off Rye Road Chapel & replaced 1853+ KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89
Sunday School
Stell 2002, 186 no. 116 Listed Grade II
143 TQ 79532821 Chapel, Non-Conformist 1767-1832 KHER TQ72NE100
Bodiam Road Chapel KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Listed Grade II
see18th Century 738
Shadoxhurst (K)
TQ 97223760 SS Peter & Paul Church 13th/14th Century+ NMR TQ93NE2
1788+ KHER TQ93NE28
1870+ Hasted 1798, VII, 242-244
1964/1965 Nairne 1836
Stahlschmidt 1887, 399
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 519-520
NBR Index 53044
Listed Grade II*
Snargate (K)
TQ 99062804 St Dunstan Church 13th/15th Century+ NMR TQ92NE5
18th Century+ KHER TQ92NE117
TQ 97652803 [sic] 1870/1872 Hasted 1799, VIII, 377-378
Walcott et al 1877, 412-413 Scott Robertson 1880e, 418-427 Stahlschmidt 1887, 408
Elliston Erwood 1925, 207 Sharman c.1965
Nesbitt-Wood 1972, 208-209, pl. 1
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 534
Councer 1980, 114-115
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
Chizlett 2003, 8-9 Listed Grade II*
TQ 96672649 St Thomas Becket, Church 131h/141h Century+ NMR TQ92NE6 Fairfield 1912/13 KHER TQ92NE126
Hasted 1799, VIII, 380-381
Walcott eta/1872, 152-153
Stahlschmidt 1887, 282
Grayling 1913, I, 145
Woodruff 1917, 161-162
Cox 1935, 164
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 281
Tatton-Brown 1989, 253-265
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46 Listed Grade I
Stanford (K)
TR 12263720 St Mary, Church & c.1291- 1542 KHER TR13NW2
Westenhanger [site of] dilapidated Hasted 1799, VIII, 77 lnhumation & 1ih Century Hussey 1907, 354
Coffin, stone Cheney 1904b, 125-126
Frampton 1915, 82-91 Johnson et al 1998
TR 12333716 St John/All Saints, Domestic Chapel licensed 1486 KHER TR13NW2 Westenhanger [site of] c.1520 Hasted 1799, VIII, 77-78
House Wadmore 1887, 207
Hussey 1911a, 257
Frampton 1915, 83
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
TQ 940 282
TQ 94052819
Ebenezer Chapel, Appledore Road
Baptist Chapel, Appledore Road
Non-Conformist Chapel
Non-Conformist Chapel
181h Century
Stell 2002, 186 (116)
Listed Grade II KHERTQ92NW70
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 818
TQ 94012734 St Mary the Virgin,
Stone in Oxney
TQ 93212763 [sic]
struck by lightning 1460 post 1464 +
Hasted 1799, VIII, 482-486
Walcott eta/1877, 415-416
Muriel 1882b, 98-102
Stahlschmidt 1887, 417-418
Jenkins 1911, 316
Sampson 1966
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 550
Winnifrith 1984, 157-170
Stocker 1988, 8-9, fig.4
Harris, S. 1991, 121-138
NBR Index 53053
Listed Grade II*
TQ 92852973
TQ 92812972
St Mary the Virgin, Chapel Bank Ebony
Med & P.P.
struck by lightning 1559 moved to
Reading Street 1858
Andrews, Drury & Herbert map 1769
Hasted 1799, VIII, 497
Walcott eta/1872, 145-146
Stahlschmidt 1887, 265
Hussey 1907, 108-109
Gravett 1971, pl.25
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 468
Lebon 1979b, 307-308
Lebon 1980, 414-415
Lebon & Miles 1992, 49-70
Tenterden (K)
130 TQ 88353337 St Mildred Church 13th/15th Century NMRTQ83SE3 KHERTQ83SE226
TQ 88363336 Hasted 1798, VII, 214-219
Stahlschmidt 1887, 425-426
Ellis Mace 1902, 56
Cox 1935, 285
Taylor 1933
Fellowes 1970
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 562-564
131 | TQ 88453538 | St Michael, | Church | 1862/1863 | Listed Grade I KHERTQ83NE127 |
St Michaels | Stahlschmidt 1887, 426 | ||||
Ellis Mace 1902, 56 | |||||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 565 | |||||
Listed Grade C | |||||
132 | TQ 88593372 | The Old Meeting House, | Non-Conformist | [1662] | KHERTQ82SE142 |
33 Ashford Road | Chapel | 1746 | Newman & Pevsner 1976, 564 | ||
[Unitarian] | Stell 2002, 190-191 (140) | ||||
NBR Index 55262 | |||||
Listed Grade II | |||||
133 | TQ 89353016 | St John the Baptist, | Church | 1509-1514 | KHERTQ83SE4 |
Smallhythe | rebuilt 1517 | Hasted 1798, VII, 213 | |||
Stahlschmidt 1887, 403 | |||||
Ellis Mace 1902, 56 | |||||
Hussey 1907, 310 | |||||
Hussey 1911a, 257 | |||||
Taylor 1914, 133-192 | |||||
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 531 | |||||
Lloyd 1983, 288, 437 | |||||
NBR Index 39718 | |||||
134 | TQ 90083313 | St Benedict, | Benedictine Abbey | 19th Century | Listed Grade B NMRTQ93SW6 |
Finchden Manor, | NMRTQ93SW21 | ||||
Appledore Road | KHERTQ93SW156 | ||||
NBR Index 40562 | |||||
Listed Grade II* | |||||
see Medieval 856 |
Councer 1980, 125
TQ 92 30 Reading Street Chapel of Ease Med TQ93SW
[site of] Hussey 1907, 109
Hussey 1911a, 235
TQ 92183066 St Mary, Church 1858 NMRTQ93SW1
Reading Street KHERTQ93SW109
TQ 92173067 [formerly at Ellis Mace 1902, 56
Chapel Bank, Ebony] Newman & Pevsner 1976, 468
Listed Grade B
Udimore (ESx)
TQ 86331895 St Mary the Virgin, Church 1ih/13Ih Century+ NMRTQ81NE8 Rye Road 1795 ESHER MES2541
TQ 86341896 Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 227, no.301
Turner 1871, 187
Couchman 1912, 206
Lambarde 1930, 169
Davidson-Houston 1939, 128-130
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 615-616 Torr 1968/71, 41 (Udymer) Russell et al 1973, 173-174, fig.
Smith 1979 nos. 335 & 335a
Chizlett 2002, 5
LBSU 415040
Listed Grade I
Warehorne (K)
TQ 98983251 St Matthew Church 13th/14th Century NMRTQ93SE1
struck by lightning 1777 KHERTQ93SE74
1777+ Hasted 1799, VIII, 372-374
1784 Lightfoot 1861, 97-107
Walcott & Scott Robertson 1882, 297
Stahlschmidt 1887, 433
Anon 1903, 427
Cox 1935, 295
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 591-592
Freeth 1986, 245-249, fig. 4
Chizlett 2002, 6, 8, fig.
NBR Index 53065
Listed Grade I
Westfield (ESx)
TQ 80981521 St John the Baptist,
Vicarage Lane
Wittersham (K)
TQ 89742696 St John the Baptist
Woodchurch (K)
TQ 94193491 All Saints
1ih/141h Century+ 1ih Century+ 1860/1861
14th/16th Century+ 1847+
131h/151h Century+ 1858+
Daniel-Tyssen 1864, 228, no.311
Couchman 1912, 199
Tyssen 1915, 1-118
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 622-623
Torr 1968/71, 41
Bice & Ray 1973, 93-94, fig.
Smith 1979 nos. 346 & 346a
LBSU 415593
Listed Grade I
Hasted 1799, VIII, 491-493
Walcott & Scott Robertson 1882, 301
Stahlschmidt 1887, 438-439
Cox 1935, 301
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 611
NBR Index 53073
Listed Grade I
NMRTQ93SW2 KHERTQ93SW147 Hasted 1798, VII, 235-237
Wells 1882, 344-353
Scott Robertson 1882a, 354-361 Stahlschmidt 1887, 439
Jenkins 1911, 314
Torr 1934, 215
Mansell 1971
Mansell 1972, 239-240
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 612-614
Chizlett 2002, 6-8, fig. Linklater 2003b
NBR Index 51899
NBR Index 55020
Listed Grade I
AD 1066-1539 Medieval 1597
Reuse 1050
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Aldington (K)
2 TR 07663452 Falconhurst Farm House & 15th Century + KHERTR03SE86
Farmhouse 1700/1732 Hasted 1799, VIII, 329 [Hurst] Listed Grade II
3 TR 05423710 Bank Farm, Barn & 15th Century + KHERTR03NE90
Bank Road Stable/ Outbuilding
Listed Grade II
6 TR 06393744 Symnel Cottage, House c.1450/1470 + NMRTR03NE46 Calley Well Lane 1747 + KHERTR03NE102
TR 06343736 building survey 1920s Howard et al 1989, 42, no. 1 Pearson et al 1994, 5, fig 5
NBR Index 40142 Listed Grade II
8 TR 07393612 Parsonage Farm House & c.1370/1400 + NMRTR03NE51
[Parsonage Cottages] Farmhouse & part demolished KHERTR03NE133
TR 07383613 Church Lane Vicarage post 1534 lgglesden 1919, XIII, 32-33
building survey 1682 Pearson et al 1994, 5, fig 4
NBR Index 40150 Listed Grade II
11 TR 07523619 Court Lodge Farm, Hunting Lodge & c.1370/1400 or NMRTR03NE2 Church Lane Manor House & c.1470/1500 + KHERTR03NE166
TR 07523620 Farmhouse & 18th Century + Hasted 1799, VIII, 317-321 House 19th Century + Cheney 1904a, 16
20th Century lgglesden 1919, XIII, 33-34
Meekings 1939, 158-160
Parkin 1971, 15-16
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 127
TR 07543619 building survey Pearson et al 1994, 3, fig 2
NBR Index 40148 Listed Grade II*
9 TR 07533633 Church Farm, House &
Church Lane Farmhouse TR 07543632 building survey
10 TR 07693618 Grove Cottage, House
Church Lane TR 07683618 building survey
13 TR 06603700 Goldwell, House
Goldwell Lane
TR 04 36 Frith Farm House & Farmhouse
4 TR 05733687 Poulton Manor, House &
Frith Road Farmhouse & TR 05723687 building survey Manor House
7 TR 07373551 Copperhurst, Manor House &
Knole Hill House
TR 07303547
TR 07403551 building survey
5 TR 06023599 1 & 2 Pattison's Farm, House &
New Road Hill Farmhouse building survey
12 TR 06653626 Cobb's Hall, House &
Roman Road Fortified House
TR 06663627
15 TR 076 345 Hurst Deserted Settlement?
c.1470/1500 +
16th Century + 19th Century
16th Century + [or earlier] 1ih1201h Century Med
c.1490/1520 +
16th Century + 1ih/191h Century
c1470/1500 +
1ih/191h Century
c.1450/1470 +
20th Century
1525/1530 +
1817 +
20th Century Med
Pearson et al 1994, 2
NBR Index 40138 Listed Grade II NMR TR03NE48 KHER TR03NE138
Pearson et al 1994, 4, fig 3
NBR Index 40144 Listed Grade II KHER TR03NE141
Neame 1971, 23-26, pl. opp. 96 Listed Grade II
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 127 NMR TR03NE45
KHER TR03NE137 Hasted 1799, VIII, 315
Pearson et al 1994, 5
NBR Index 40141 Listed Grade II NMR TR03NE47 KHER TR03NE116
Hasted 1799, VIII, 323-324
Pat Winzar Excav Rep 1976 NMR File
Pearson et al 1994, 2-3
NBR Index 40143 Listed Grade II NMR TR03NE50 KHER TR03NE95
lgglesden 1919, XIII, 36-37
Pearson et al 1994, 5
NBR Index 40149 Listed Grade II NMR TR03NE32 KHER TR03NE112
Parkin 1971, 20-24, fig. pl.
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 127 Listed Grade II*
Beresford & Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
16 TR 07523619 Hunting Lodge Med NMR TR03NE2 [site of] Parkin 1971, 15
17 TR 07673705 Aldington Park Fishpond Med NMR TR03NE29
[site of] KHER TR03NE29
Cantor 1983, 42
18 TR 08 36 Aldington Park Deer Park Med NMR TR03NE29
[site of] KHER TR03NE29
Shirley 1867, 70 Cheney 1904a, 16 fn
Smith 1964, IV, 62 [Alington Parke]
Cantor 1983, 42
TR 055 371 65 ft east of The Mount Pottery 15th Century
excavation KHER TR03NE6
Bradshaw 1967b, 5
1169 TR 052 376 MD find 09.2006 Vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR03NE
PAS KENT-D4AC75 1170 TR 052 376 MD find 09.2006 Vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR03NE
handle PAS KENT-D4A242
1171 TR 05 37 MD find 09.2006 Coin [1] silver 1000-1400 P.P. TR03NE
cut quarter penny PAS KENT-D4BA32
1174 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver 1180-1247 P.P. TR03NE
cut quarter penny PAS KENT-A98C81
short cross
1172 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver 1279-1377 P.P. TR03NE
penny [broken] PAS KENT-A9A2C7
Edward I/Edward 111
1173 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver 1279-1377 P.P. TR03NE
cut quarter penny PAS KENT-A99972
Edward I/Edward 111
1176 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver 1279-1377 P.P. TR03NE
penny PAS KENT-A91324
Edward I/Edward 111
1175 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver 1279-1500 P.P. TR03NE
halfpenny? PAS KENT-A98417
1161 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Strap End [1] 1200-1500 P.P. TR03NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-AA0AD4
1168 TR 07 36 Aldington Strap End [1] 1200-1400 P.P. TR03NE
MD find 06.2007 copper alloy PAS KENT-F90562 1162 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Purse [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR03NE
1163 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Mount [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR03NE
1164 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR03NE
1165 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR03NE
1166 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR03NE
1167 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR03NE
14 TR 058 369 Clap Hill Seal Matrix [1] bronze 1250-1350 P.P. NMR TR03NE30 surface find stag's head with neck KHER TR03NE30
01.1983 pierced by sword motif Grove 1983, 277-279, fig. 1, pl. 1
Aldington/Lympne (K)
20 TR 082 351 Deserted Settlement? Med?/Natural? NMR TR03NE14
Appledore | (K) | ||||
25 | TQ 957 292 | Appledore | Town | Med | |
32 | TQ 95 29 | Appledore | Port | Med |
Beresford 1987, 358
21 TQ 95652932
Swan House, House 15th
KHER TQ92NE20 Smith 1964, IV, 63, 68 TQ92NE
Draper 2003, 12-16
Burke 2004, 3-11 KHER TQ92NE153
20 The Street Newman & Pevsner 1976, 131
Listed Grade II
22 TQ 95482996 Walnut Tree Farm, House & Mehd ?+ KHER TQ92NE144
106 The Street Farmhouse 1i Century+ Listed Grade II
18th Century [refacing]
23 TQ 95592967 Hallhouse Farm, House & c.1th450/1500+ NMR TQ92NE21
69 The Street Farmhouse 19 Century KHER TQ92NE143
TQ 95602966 building survey Pearson et al 1994, 6
NBR Index 40357 Listed Grade II
24 TQ 95743086 Home's Place, House & 1471/1535 + NMR TQ93SE7
TQ 95743087
Kenardington Road Farmhouse [sohlar wing] Hasted 1798, VII, 256-257
building survey 1i Century + Scott Robertson 1882b, 363
1700/1745 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 131 WBSG 1982, site visit note 13/82 Pearson et al 1994, 7-8, fig 7
NBR Index 39753 Listed Grade II* RSM 27036
26 TQ 95322904 Court Lodge Farm Motte? & Med KHER TQ92NE2
Windmill & built c.1480 Philip Symonson Map 1596
Post Mill & ceased work ? Gould & Downman 1908, 440
[site of] demolished c.1790 Finch 1933,153
Mound Adams 1993, 290
901 TQ 95923060 Mill Bank, Windmill & built pre 1265 TQ93SE
Hornes Place Post Mill & ceased work ? Philip Symonson Map 1596
[site of] demolished ? Finch 1933,153-54
Mound Adams 1993, 288-290
Lindsay 1999, 22-23
Lindsay 2006, 98-99
TQ 94 30 Appledore Coin [1] silver 1467-1477 P.P. TQ93SW
MD find 05.2003 Edward IV PAS KENT-0914F6
TQ 94 30 Appledore Coin [1] silver 1526-1544 P.P. TQ93SW
MD find 05.2003 Henry VIII
27 TQ 957 295 surface find Seal Matrix [1] lead 13th
PAS KENT-092282
Century P.P. KHER TR92NE11
02.1981 circular Kelly 1981, 300-301, fig. 1.3
fleur de lys motif
Appledore/Snargate/Brenzett/lvychurch/Old Romney (K)
990 | TQ 97 29 / | The Rhee | Canal & | pre 1258 | TQ92NE/TR02SE |
TQ 976 298 / | Waterway & | Forbes 1986, 4-6 | |||
TQ 995 280 / | Earthwork | Beamish & Rawlings 1993 | |||
TR 009 266 / | Greatorex 1993a | ||||
TR 017 261 / | Nenk et al 1994, 230 | ||||
TR 056 245 | Kentsbeer 2001, 8-11 | ||||
Eddison 2001, 6-9 | |||||
Eddison 2002, 127-139 |
Beckley (ESx)
TQ 85032046 Ludley Farm, House & 15th Century + TQ82SE
Hundred House Lane Farmhouse restored after fire LBSU 292286
th post 1933 Listed Grade II
TQ 83862369 Knelle Dower House House 15th Century + NMR TQ82SW11
[Northlands] 16 Century + ESHER MES3438
Cherry Tree c.1h600 + NMR TQ82SW17
Gardens Farm 1i Century + ESHER MES3459
building survey 1930 Christie et al 1973a, 143
watching brief ESRO HBR1/0831, 1983
TQ 83872368 NBR Index 7612
LBSU 292322
29 TQ 85952045 Hayes Farm, House & 15th Century +
Listed Grade 11•
Hayes Lane Farmhouse 16 Century + ESHER MES3443
building survey c.1700 + Christie et al 1973a, 143 ESRO HBR1/0504, 1980
TQ 85962046 NBR Index 1654
LBSU 292280
28 TQ 85282279 Little Harmers, House & 15th Century +
Listed Grade II
TQ 85272280
Horseshoe Lane Farmhouse 16th Century + ESHER MES3448
building survey 18th Century ? + ESRO HBR1/0731, 1982
19 Century NBR Index 1658
LBSU 292283
Listed Grade II
TQ 85952165 Glesham House & Med/Post Med NMR TQ81SE2 [Glossam Place] [site of] ESHER MES3436
[Blossom Place] Moat Horsfield 1835, 509
watching brief 1972 [remains of] Clinch 1905b, 477
excavation 1992/2004 Christie et al 1973a, 145
Padgham 1997, 11-16
TQ 85942162 Woodcock 2000, 1-13
Woodcock 2001, 1-8
Woodcock 2002, 9-14
TQ 862 242
Ruth Cottage House
Century +
Woodcock 2004, 13-20
building survey [site of] c.1h560 + ESHER MES3452
excavation 1i Century + ESRO HBR1/0072, 1972
18th Century NBR Index 1661
demolished 1972
TQ 86362683 Methersham Manor, House Methd + TQ82NE
Methersham Lane 16 h Century + ESHER MES3463
TQ 86322683 building survey 1i Century + Ward, G. 1958/62, 311
18th Century + ESRO HBR1/1039, 1988
19th Century NBR Index 77033
LBSU 292268
Listed Grade II
TQ 86302685 Methersham, Moat& Med NMR TQ 82NE11 Methersham Lane [remains of] ESHER MES3469
TQ 86362683 field survey Earthwork NMR TQ 82NE13 ESHER MES3473 ESRO HBR1/1142, 1991
see Places of Worship B
1076 TQ 85 20 Ludley Farm Vessel [1] copper alloy 1350/1850 P.P. TQ82SE
MD find 08.2005 ESHER MES10789
1078 TQ 86 24 MD find 09.2006 Vessel [1] copper alloy 1350/1850 P.P. TQ82SE
1079 TQ 86 26 Great Bellhurst Farm Buckle [1] copper alloy 1350/1650 P.P. TQ82NE
MD find 08.2005 ESHER MES10838
1077 TQ 85 20 Ludley Farm Spur [1] copper alloy 1400/1600 P.P. TQ82SE
MD find 08.2005 ESHER MES10821
1080 TQ 86 26 Great Bellhurst Farm Key, locking [1] 1200/1400 P.P. TQ82NE
MD find 07.2005 copper alloy ESHER MES10842
TQ 87 26
Great Bellhurst Farm
Seal Matrix [1]
TQ 85 23
MD find 09.2005
Beckley parish
Seal Matrix [1] lead
13th Century
MD find
cross with arms ending
Andrews-Wilson& Whittick 2007,223
with fleur-de-lis
S': IOh'IS: D': LA: BORD'E
Beckley (ESx)/Rolvenden (K)
TQ 857 273 /
Knelle Dam/
post 1332
TQ 872 281
Spits Wall/
breached 1635
Bush Wall
[remains of]
Eddison 1985, 95-100
Eddison 2000, 106-108, fig 52, plate 21
Benenden (K)
TQ 84373515 Bishopsden House & Methd + KHERTQ83SW32
Farmhouse 16th Century + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
18 Century + NBR Index 88501
18t0h0/1866 + Listed Grade II
20 Century
TQ 80263202 Field Farm, House & Methd + KHERTQ83SW141 Coldharbour Road Farmhouse 16th Century + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
19th Century [front] + Listed Grade II
20 Century
TQ 80583309 Old Manor House, House & c.1th370/1410 + NMRTQ83SW2
TQ 80603310
Cranbrook Road Moat 16th Century + KHERTQ83SW139
building survey 19th Century + Gould & Downman 1908, 425
20 Century Tatton-Brown 1977, 220
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 154
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 46
Pearson et al 1994, 12-13, fig 15
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
NBR Index 76490 [2]
NBR Index 40173 [2]
Listed Grade II
TQ 82013460 Old Eaton House, House & c.1h470/1500 + NMRTQ83SW36
Goddards Green Farmhouse 1i Century + KHERTQ83SW137
TQ 82003460 building survey 19th Century Pearson et al 1994, 13-14 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
NBR Index 40448 Listed Grade II
TQ 82703432 Pympe Manor, House & c.1th480/151O + NMRTQ83SW9
Goddards Green Manor House 18 Century + KHERTQ83SW52
TQ 82753431 building survey 1920s Newman & Pevsner 1976, 154 Pearson et al 1994, 14
TQ 82723443 KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
NBR Index 40477
TQ 82953297
th Listed Grade 11•
TQ 835 349
Clevelands House & 15th Century? + KHERTQ83SW106
[Clevelands Farm] Farmhouse 16th Century + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Green Lane 19th Century + Listed Grade II
20 Century
TQ 809 329 Mill House House 1467/1499? NMRTQ83SW38
NBR Index 39392 Listed Grade II
TQ 803 316 Weald House, House Med + KHER TQ83SW119
Mill Street, 16th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
Iden Green 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 81663113 Dingleden House & c.1420/1460 + NMR TQ83SW35
[Bowles Farm] Farmhouse 16th Century + KHER TQ83SW81
TQ 81673112 Ramsden Lane 20th Century Pearson et al 1994, 12
building survey KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
NBR Index 40447 Listed Grade II
TQ 80653084 Campion House House c.1480/1510 + NMR TQ83SW33 [Doctor's Farm] c.1600 + KHER TQ83SW168
TQ 80653085 Standen Street 1800/1866 + Pearson et al 1994, 11-12, fig 13
building survey 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8 NBR Index 40446
Listed Grade II
TQ 80853084 Little Standen House c.1440/1500 + NMR TQ83SW34
[Standen Street 1]1h Century + KHER TQ83SW102
TQ 80853085 Cottages] 19th Century + Pearson et al 1994, 12 Standen Street 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
building survey NBR Index 40453
Listed Grade II
TQ 81003052 Old Standen, House c.1490/1520 + NMR TQ83SW21
Standen Street 16th Century + KHER TQ83SW77 TQ 81003051 building survey 18th Century + Pearson et al 1994, 14
20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8 NBR Index 40452
Listed Grade II*
TQ 816 337 Coggers, House c.1460/1490 + NMR TQ83SW22
Walkhurst Road 20th Century NMR TQ83SW25
TQ 81723377 building survey KHER TQ83SW75
Wealden Buildings Stud. Gp. 1993, note 93/4
TQ 81693379 Pearson et al 1994, 12, fig 14
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
NBR Index 40449 [22]
NBR Index 92398 [25]
Listed Grade II*
TQ 80123374 Hemsted Moat& Med/Post Med NMRTQ83SW4 TQ 80143375 Hemsted Place House moat filled c.1780 KHERTQ83SW29
[site of] demolished 1860 Hodskinson 1777
Hasted 1798, VII, 177-179
Haslewood 1889, 193-195
Lebon 1975, 204-205
Tatton-Brown 1977, 220
Lebon 1979a, 303-304
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 46
TQ 81 33 Pottery Med Maidstone KHERTQ83SW17
Museum Varley 1984, 132-134
Biddenden (K)
56 TQ 83483747 Castwisell/Castweazell House& 15th/16th Century NMRTQ83NW11 Manor Farm, Farmhouse KHERTQ83NW86
Hare Plain Newman& Pevsner 1980, 170
building survey WBSG site visit note
NBR Index 76920 Listed Grade 11•
Bilsington (K)
TR 038 325 aerial photo Earthwork& Med? P.P. NMRTR03SW21
Enclosure& Bilsington Tithe Map c.1840
Moat?& AP (no details)
Pottery& Building material
TR 04113423 Court Lodge, Barn
15th Century
Newchurch Road KHERTR03SW71
Arnold& Howard 2009 Listed Grade 11•
TR 04153426 Court Lodge Moat& Med NMRTR03SW2
Manor House Hasted 1799, VIII, 345
[site of] Gould& Downman 1908, 425
Tatton-Brown 1977, 220
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 46
TR 04333552 Bilsington Superior Moat& Med NMRTR03NW1
Manor House Woodruff 1905, xlviii-li
[site of] Gould& Downman 1908, 425
Tatton-Brown 1977, 220
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 46
TR 038 325 surface find Pottery Med P.P. NMRTR03SW24
Reeves 1992,
TR 04 32 MD find Seal Matrix [1] bronze 1300-1399 P.P. TR03SW
circular PAS KENT-3875
squirrel motif
Bodiam (ESx)
TQ 78462594 The Gun Garden, Ornamental Garden & Med P.P. NMR TQ72NE3 Bodiam Castle Terraced Garden & ESHER MES3476
excavation 1961 Pleasaunce Simpson 1931, 97
Hill 1960/61a, 22-24 Hurst, D. 1962/63, 334 SAM ESx 363
RSM 25454
TQ 78482547 The Tilt Yard, Mill Pond & Med NMR TQ72NE26 Bodiam Castle Earthwork ESHER MES3488
Sands 1903, 117-118
Curzon 1926, 100-101
TQ 78522560 Bodiam Castle Garden & Med/Post Med NMR TQ72NE25
Ornamental Pond & ESHER MES3487
TQ 78552564
TQ 784 254
Bodiam Castle Castle & photo survey 1919/1920 Moat excavation 1970
geophysics 1985
watching brief
1385 +
161h Century + 1864 +
Buck & Buck 1774, II, 289, fig. Grose 1772/87, V, 132-134, fig Cotton 1838
Lower 1857, 297-302, figs.
Savery 1868, 352-360
Clark 1874, cv-cxvi
Clark 1884, I, 239-247
Cornish 1901, 200-203 pl.
Sands 1905, 179-180, fig.
Taverner-Perry 1909, 204-214 Johnson 1913 Guide Book Conway 1914, 950-956, pl.
Curzon 1926
Tipping 1926, 234-236, pl.
Tipping 1929, 239-246, fig., pl.
Simpson 1931, 69-99
Henderson 1933, 12, 22
O'Neil 1960, 15-17, fig.1b
Toy 1963, 213-214
Faulkner 1963, 230-234, fig.1O
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 420
Martin 1971, 68-82
Moorhouse 1971, 148
Simpson 1971
Bloe et al 1973, 259-262, fig., pl.
Martin 1972b
ESRO HBR1/828, n.d.
Wood 1983
Cathcart King 1983, 11, 469-470
Platt 1984, 139-142, pl. 60
Taylor et al 1990, 155-157, fig. 4
Stevens 1995b
Barber 1998c
Farrant 2001, 162, no. 20
James,T. 2003, 231
LBSU 292338
Listed Grade I SAM ESx2 RSM 24405
TQ 78322555 Ellen Archers, House 16th Century + TQ72NE
Ewhurst Road 1ih Century ESHER MES3484
TQ 78322554 building survey ESRO HBR1/0147, 1971 [rev 1976]
NBR Index 41672
LBSU 292337
Listed Grade II
TQ 78362667 Bodiam Mill, Watermill first built c.1386 NMR TQ72NE35
Kent Ditch [site of] ceased work 1916 ESHER MES3494
demolished 1930 Haselfoot 1978, 90
TQ 78472642 Peter's Green Manor house& 1275/1325 + P.P. NMR TQ73NE7 excavation 1961 [site of] 14th Century ESHER MES3480
excavation 1970 Moat& Clinch 1905b, 477
Building remains& Hill 1960/61b, 24-25
Pottery Hurst 1962/63, 334
Martin 1971, 68-82, fig.
Moorhouse 1971, 165-166
ESRO HBR1/0199, 1970
SAM ESx 354
RSM 12739
TQ 784 255 High Street Croft& 16th Century NMR TQ72NE27 Bodiam Earthwork ESHER MES3489
TQ 771 251 Park Farm Deer Park 1ih Century NMR TQ72NE28
[site of] ESHER MES3490
Mawer& Stenton 1930, II, 518
1085 TQ 76 24 Park Farm Coin [1] silver 1272-1377 TQ72SE
MD find 05.2005 Edward 1/111 ESHER MES10534
1086 TQ 77 25 Park Farm Slag 1500/1750 TQ72NE
MD find 08.2006 ESHER MES12063
1087 TQ 77 25 Park Farm Slag 1500/1750 TQ72NE
MD find 08.2006 ESHER MES12064
Bennington (K)
TR 05773521 Pinn Farm Beacon?& 13th/14th century P.P. NMR TR03NE19 TR 05823519 excavation Pottery Bradshaw 1967a, 4
902 TR 058 337 surface find Pottery 1ih/13Ih century P.P. KHER TR03SE98
TR 067 327
field survey
Field System
Reeves 1996c, 65-67, fig. 3
Vale 1987, 372
Brede (ESx)
TQ 79471899 Jacob's Farm House & 14th Century+ TQ71NE
building survey Farmhouse 16th/1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/0909, 1985
18th Century+ 19th Century
TQ 81921871 Old Pottery Cottage & House [1] 16th Century+ TQ81NW
Potters Cottage 18th Century+ ESHER MES3515
building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0488, 1979 NBR Index 3224
LBSU 416164
Listed Grade II
TQ 82541832 The Old Post Office & House [1] & 1500 + TQ81NW
Church Cottage, Post Office 16th Century+ ESHER MES3514
TQ 82541830 Brede Village 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/0213, 1976 [rev 1977] building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0241, 1977
1975/1976 NBR Index 3223
LBSU 292359
Listed Grade II
TQ 82621977 The Old Manor, House & 15th Century+ NMRTQ81NW7 Broad Oak Farmhouse 16th/1ih Century+ ESHER MES3508
TQ 82641976 1920 ESHER MES3530
Austin 1925, 136-147
Russell et al 1973, 167
ESRO HBR1/0984, 1986
NBR Index 76862
LBSU 292366
Listed Grade II
TQ 82771835 Shearfold, House & 15th Century+ TQ81NW
Stubb Lane Farmhouse 1ih Century+ ESHER MES3519
TQ 82761834 building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0343, 1978
Martin & Martin 1980, 130, fig. 21
NBR Index 3228
LBSU 292402
Listed Grade II
TQ 82792090 Conster Manor, House & 1330/1360 + TQ82SW
Northiam Road Farmhouse 1ih Century+ ESHER MES3510
TQ 82782089 building survey 18th Century Russell et al 1973, 167 ESRO HBR1/0287, 1977
WBSG 1980, site visit note 3/80 NBR Index 3220
LBSU 292391
Listed Grade II
TQ 83231957 Reysons Farm, House & Med+ TQ81NW
Broad Oak Farmhouse c.1600+ ESHER MES3518
building survey 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/0317, 1978 Modern NBR Index 3227
LBSU 292372
Listed Grade II*
TQ 83641832 Brede Place House c.1400+ NMRTQ81NW4
[Forde Place] c.1500+ ESHER MES3505
Stubb Lane 16th Century+ Anon 3 Nov 1906, 630-634, pl.
building survey c.1570+ Russell et al 1973, 165-167 18th Century Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 423-424
fire damaged 1979 ESRO HBR1/0381, 1979
Farrant 2001, 170, no. 28
NBR Index 7617
LBSU 292406
Listed Grade II*
988 TQ 846 183 Pickdick Farm, House & Med?+ TQ81NW
Stubb Lane Farmhouse 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1589, 2005
TQ 84561833 building survey LBSU 292408
Listed Grade II
81 TQ 84611833 Pickdick Farm, Barn 16th Century + TQ81NW
Stubb Lane c.1700+ ESHER MES3517
building survey 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0752, 1982 NBR Index 3226
Listed Grade II
TQ 84961920 Sowdens, House & 15th Century+ NMRTQ81NW3
Udimore Road Farmhouse 1ih Century+ ESHER MES3504
18th Century Russell et al 1973, 167-168 LBSU 292412
Listed Grade II
83 TQ 85011923 Sowdens Farm House & 15th Century+ TQ81NE
Udimore Road Farmhouse 16th/1ih Century+ ESHER MES3521
building survey post 1700 ESRO HBR1/0267, 1977 NBR Index 3229
Listed Grade II
82 TQ 80402024 Moat Field, Earthwork & Med? NMRTQ82SW23 Brede High Farm Moat ? ESHER MES3535
85 TQ 836 191 Broadland Wood, Pottery Kiln & 13th/14th Century Hastings NMRTQ81NW14 Stubb Lane [site of] Museum ESHER MES3534
Pottery & Austen 1946
Earthwork Hare 1985, 103
Streeten 1985
84 TQ 839 184 Seventeen Acre Field Pottery Kiln& P.P. NMRTQ81NW13
excavation 1978 [site of] ESHER MES3533
Pottery Hare 1985, 103
Streeten 1985
1082 TQ 827 211 Conster Manor Farm, Bloomery& Med/Post Med TQ82SW
Northiam Road Forge ESHER MES3503
[site of?] Straker 1931, 348
1083 TQ 843 188 Hardrups, Bloomery Med/Post Med NMRTQ81NW6 Pickdick Lane ESHER MES3507
Straker 1931, 344
1084 TQ 84271946 Maidlands Farm, Vessel [1] ceramic 1200-1400 P.P. TQ81NW
Broad Oak ESHER MES10795
surface find 07.2005
Brenzett (K)
86 TR 00042870 Godhall House c.1525/1550 + NMRTR02NW26
[Codhall] 18th Century + KHERTR02NW68 TR 00052870 20th Century Pearson et al 1994, 22
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 4
NBR Index 40340 Listed Grade II
TR 003 273 A259 roundabout Sea Defences& 13th century KHERTR02SE65 excavation 1993 Ditch Beamish& Rawlings 1993
{part ofThe Rhee?) Greatorex 1993a
Nenk et al 1994, 230
TR 002 289 Pilchers Field Field System& 14th/1ih century P.P.
[Old House Field] Earthworks& Brenzett Tithe Map c.1840
Brenzett Green Tile& Reeves 1996a
Daub& Reeves 1996b, 17, no.103, fig.
89 | TR 00372883 | Pilchers Field | Farmstead | Med/10th Century | NMRTR02NW21 | |
[Old House Field] | [site of] | KHERTR02NW47 | ||||
Brenzett Green | Brenzett Tithe Map c.1840 | |||||
Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/103 | ||||||
RSM 31416 | ||||||
90 | TR 01123048 | field walking 1992 | Pottery& | 1300-1650 | P.P. | KHERTR03SW16 |
Artefacts& | Greig 1992b | |||||
Shell& | ||||||
91 | TR 01152933 | south of Snave | Bone Pottery | 1300-1699 | P.P. | KHERTR03NW33 |
field walking 1992 | Greig 1992b |
Pottery RSM 31416
92 | TR 01153041 | field walking 1992 | Occupation site& | P.P. | KHER TR03SW14 | |
excavation 1993 | Building material& | Greig 1992b | ||||
Ditch& | Greig 1993 | |||||
Pit& | ||||||
Shell& | ||||||
Bone | ||||||
93 | TR 01242954 | field walking 1992 | Building material& | 1300-1650 | P.P. | KHER TR03NW34 |
TR 01262962 | Shell& | Greig 1992b | ||||
TR 01282970 | Bone& | |||||
Pottery | ||||||
TR 01382942 | excavation 1994 | Pit& | 1200-1299 | P.P. | KHER TR02NW32 | |
Pottery | Greatorex 1994a | |||||
96 | TR 014 299 | Snave | Deserted Settlement | Med | P.P. | KHER TR02NW18 |
Beresford& Hurst 1971, 192 | ||||||
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn | ||||||
361 | TR 027 298 | Pottery | Med | P.P. | KHER TR02NW23 | |
97 | TR 03002990 | east of Snave | Pottery | Med | P.P. | KHER TR02NW40 |
KHER TR02NW44 | ||||||
KHER TR02NW46 | ||||||
Reeves 1992 | ||||||
1117 | TR 00 27 | MD find 04.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-288172 | |||||
Edward I | ||||||
1118 | TQ 99 26 | MD find 04.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-2848C2 | |||||
Edward I | ||||||
Durham mint | ||||||
1178 | TR 00 27 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-ADAOA3 | |||||
Edward I | ||||||
1115 | TR 00 27 | MD find 10.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-205EC2 | |||||
Edward Ill | ||||||
1181 | TR 01 27 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
groat | PAS KENT-9AB922 | |||||
Edward Ill | ||||||
York mint | ||||||
1325 | TR 01 29 | Brenzett | Coin [1] billon | 1501-1521 | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find 08.2004 | soldino | PAS KENT-BA37F8 | ||||
Leonardo Loredano | ||||||
Venice |
TR 00 27 Big Field Book Fitting [1] 1ih Century P.P. KHER TR02NW17
surface find enamelled copper Roper 1971a,228-229,pl. 1 Roper 1999,53
1116 TR 01 29 Brenzett Book Fitting? [1] metal Med P.P. TR02NW
MD find 08.2004 PAS KENT-C99F67
1179 TR 01 27 MD find 09.2005 Brooch [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
annular turret PAS KENT-553AA4
1388 TR 00 27 MD find 08.2004 Brooch [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
ring PAS KENT-375C52
1114 TQ 99 26 MD find 08.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1300-1400 P.P. TQ92NE
1177 TR 01 27 MD find 08.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1113 TR 00 26 MD find 06.2007 Fitting [1] copper alloy 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NW
900 TR 003 285 MD find Key,locking [1] 14th Century P.P. PAS KENT-FAA626
copper alloy Kelly 1987,362,fig. 8.2
1387 TR 00 27 MD find 08.2004 Seal Matrix [1] lead Med P.P. TR02NW
1180 TR 01 27 MD find 08.2005 Vessel [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
Brookland (K)
TQ 97832448 The Woolpack Inn, House& 1400/1499 + NMR TQ92SE3
Beacon Street Inn 1560/1599 + KHER TQ92SE9
TQ 97842449 18t6h7/1899 + Pearson et al 1994,119-120
20 Century KHBI: Shepway 1996,5
NBR Index 40343
th th
Listed Grade II
TQ 98552553
13 /16
Midden& Barber 1995a
Pottery& Barber 1995b
TQ 98832599
Tile Ditch&
13th/14th Century P.P. KHER TQ92NE24
Pottery th
Barber 1995b
TQ 99192618 Pond& 13 Century P.P. KHER TQ92NE26
Pottery Barber 1995b
53 TQ 97502463 The Flot Earthwork & 1200-1250? KHER TQ92SE7
Sea Defence Eddison 1992c
Eddison 1992d
Moore & Manning 1995 Bates 1995
TQ 975 256/ Southlond/ Earthwork & 1503 TQ92NE
TQ 983 250 Molt Meister Wall Sea Defence Green 1968
317 | TQ 979 250/ | Hook Wall | Earthwork & | Med | TQ92NE/TQ92SE | ||
TQ 997 240 | Sea Defence | Green 1968 | |||||
Eddison & Draper 1997 | |||||||
106 | TQ 97 25 | MD find 10.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1140-1180 | P.P. | KHER TQ92NE159 | |
Flanders | PAS KENT-5259 | ||||||
1374 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1154-1189 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-A91AB6 | ||||||
Henry II | |||||||
1345 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-E7C365 | ||||||
short cross | |||||||
1348 | TQ 99 | 27 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1195-1214 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-E72185 | ||||||
William the Lion | |||||||
Scotland | |||||||
1356 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-E16B08 | ||||||
John | |||||||
112 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 07.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | KHER TQ92NE166 |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-4895 | ||||||
1379 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1248-1250 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-208132 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
Lincoln mint | |||||||
1334 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
1335 | TQ 98 | 25 | MD find 08.2005 | cut half penny Henry Ill Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | PAS KENT-DD0D92 TQ92NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-E588E3 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1349 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-E703F2 | ||||||
Henry Ill |
Eddison & Draper 1997
1377 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-21 BE85 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1336 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-E72012 | ||||||
1366 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Henry Ill Coin [1] silver | 1247-1279 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-9160F4 | ||||||
long cross | |||||||
1331 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-51DCF3 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
York mint | |||||||
1326 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1307-1327 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-91F122 | ||||||
Edward II | |||||||
122 | TQ 96 | 24 | Brookland | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TQ92SE |
MD find 12.2003 | half groat | PAS KENT-EA2513 | |||||
1389 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Edward Ill Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
half groat | PAS KENT-36FA72 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
1400 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
half groat | PAS KENT-E08571 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
Calais mint | |||||||
1325 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-920971 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
Durham mint | |||||||
1330 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-51F116 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
1315 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 09.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-7FDAF4 | ||||||
Richard II | |||||||
1338 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-DCFFA5 | ||||||
Richard II | |||||||
1314 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 09.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-7FFA74 | ||||||
Richard II |
1385 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 09.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-C08A00 | ||||||
Richard II | |||||||
London mint | |||||||
1333 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] billon | 1400-1413 | P.P. | TR02NW |
soldino | PAS KENT-DD1B60 | ||||||
Michele Steno | |||||||
Venice | |||||||
1328 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1413-1422 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-526A12 | ||||||
Henry V | |||||||
1458 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 09.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
groat | PAS KENT-C2E9B3 | ||||||
Henry VI | |||||||
1373 | TQ 96 | 24 | Brookland | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TQ92SE |
MD find 01.2005 | half groat | PAS KENT-AD0734 | |||||
Henry VI | |||||||
1339 | TQ 98 | 25 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-E578F6 | ||||||
Henry VI | |||||||
1329 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-525D22 | ||||||
Henry VI | |||||||
Calais mint | |||||||
1390 | TQ 96 | 24 | Brookland | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TQ92SE |
MD find 08.2004 | half penny | PAS KENT-33CBB6 | |||||
Henry VI | |||||||
Calais mint | |||||||
1347 | TQ 99 | 27 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1483 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
groat | PAS KENT-E68533 | ||||||
1378 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2004 | Edward IV Coin [1] silver | 1461-1483 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
groat | PAS KENT-219B71 | ||||||
Edward IV | |||||||
1340 | TQ 99 | 27 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1483 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-E72F90 | ||||||
Edward IV | |||||||
Bishop William Dursley | |||||||
1354 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1483 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-E19B91 | ||||||
Edward IV |
1391 | TQ 96 | 24 | Brookland | Coin [1] billon | 1486-1501 | P.P. | TQ92SE |
MD find 08.2004 | soldino | PAS KENT-33BA02 | |||||
Agostino Barbarigo | |||||||
Venice | |||||||
117 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Jetton [1] silver | 1401-1500 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
France | PAS KENT-4608 | ||||||
1341 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Jetton [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
PAS KENT-DCD523 | |||||||
118 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Jetton [1] copper | 1501-1600 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
rechenpfennig | PAS KENT-4609 | ||||||
Germany | |||||||
119 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Jetton [1] bronze | 1350-1450 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
Anglo-Gallic | PAS KENT-4611 | ||||||
120 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Jetton [1] silver | Med/Post Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
Germany? | PAS KENT-4620 | ||||||
1342 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Jetton [1] copper | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
PAS KENT-DCE125 | |||||||
1371 | TQ 96 | 24 | Brookland | Jetton [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TQ92SE |
MD find 01.2005 | PAS KENT-AD2CA6 | ||||||
113 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 07.2002 | Coin Weight [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-4896 | ||||||
114 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 07.2002 | Coin Weight [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-4897 | ||||||
108 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin Weight [1] copper | 1066-1700 | P.P. | KHER TQ92NE161 |
square | PAS KENT-4615 | ||||||
116 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin Weight [1] | 1401-1800 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
square | PAS KENT-4629 | ||||||
104 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find | Ampulla [1] lead | 1201-1500 | P.P. | KHER TQ92NE157 |
PAS KENT-3744 | |||||||
1351 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Ampulla [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
Walsingham | PAS KENT-E6D444 | ||||||
1357 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 07.2005 | Ampulla [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
Walsingham | PAS KENT-E14241 | ||||||
1368 | TQ 95 | 24 | MD find 05.2005 | Ampulla [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TQ92SE |
PAS KENT-8FA683 | |||||||
1380 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 09.2004 | Ampulla [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
107 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Book Fitting [1] bronze | 1301-1600 | P.P. | PAS KENT-C44455 KHER TQ92NE160 |
clasp | PAS KENT-4614 | ||||||
IHS | |||||||
1401 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Book Fitting [1] | 1066-1500 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-DCD324 | ||||||
cross-shaped |
110 TQ 97 25
1317 TQ 98 26
1375 TQ 98 26
1324 TQ 98 26
1346 TQ 98 26
1386 TQ 98 26
1393 TQ 96 24
1394 TQ 96 24
1397 TQ 96 24
124 TQ 96 24
1367 TQ 99 26
1343 TQ 99 26
1332 TQ 98 26
1350 TQ 99 25
1399 TQ 99 26
111 TQ 97 25
121 TQ 99 26
105 TQ 99 25
1352 TQ 99 25
1372 TQ 96 24
MD find 01.2003 Brooch [1] bronze 1250-1300 P.P.
MD find 03.2006 Brooch [1] copper alloy c.1201-1500 P.P.
MD find 01.2005 Brooch [1] copper alloy 1101-1300 P.P.
MD find 11.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1485-1540 P.P.
MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P.
MD find 08.2004 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P.
Brookland Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. MD find 08.2004
Brookland Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. MD find 08.2004
Brookland Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. MD find 08.2004
Brookland Button [1] bronze 1401-1500 P.P.
MD find 10.2003 heart-shaped
MD find 05.2005 Cloth seal [1] lead Med P.P.
trefoil motif
MD find 08.2005 Cross [1] lead Med P.P.
MD find 09.2005 Finger Ring [1] silver 1401-1500 P.P. British Museum considers that this is a copy that does not pre-date the 19th Century MD find 07.2005 Finger Ring [1] 1301-1400 P.P.
copper alloy
MD find 08.2004 Horse trapping [1] Med/Post Med P.P. copper alloy
MD find 01.2003 Key, locking [1] bronze 1101-1500 P.P.
MD find 04.2002 Key, locking [1] bronze 1201-1300 P.P.
MD find Key, locking [1] 1401-1500 P.P. door key
MD find 07.2005 Key, locking [1] 1301-1400 P.P. copper alloy
box padlock
Brookland Key, locking [1] Med P.P.
MD find 01.2005 copper alloy casket
PAS KENT-924741
1376 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 11.2004 | Key, locking [2] | 1301-1400 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-8DFBF8 | ||||||
padlock | |||||||
1313 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 09.2006 | Knife [1] copper alloy | c.1101-1500 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
pommel | PAS KENT-800581 | ||||||
1355 | TQ 99 | 27 | MD find 07.2005 | Pilgrim badge [1] | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
109 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 01.2003 | copper alloy Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1401-1500 | P.P. | PAS KENT-E18875 KHER TQ92NE162 |
Agnus Dei motif | PAS KENT-5300 |
Son of P le RANBLRON
1316 TQ 98 26 MD find 03.2006 Seal Matrix [1] lead c.1301-1500 P.P. TQ92NE
vessica PAS KENT-98E004
1398 TQ 98 26 MD find 08.2004 Seal Matrix [1] lead Med P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-305016
115 TQ 97 25 MD find 10.2002 Seal matrix [1] lead ? 1100-1200 P.P. TQ92NE
circular PAS KENT-5247
four-petalled floral motif
123 TQ 96 24 Brookland Scabbard [1] 1401-1600 P.P. TQ92SE
MD find 12.2003 chape PAS KENT-EA4544
1344 TQ 98 26 MD find 08.2005 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92NE
mount PAS KENT-DCB126
1362 TQ 99 25 MD find 05.2005 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92NE
box type PAS KENT-CD79E4
1369 TQ 96 24 Brookland Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92SE
MD find 01.2005 PAS KENT-AEB1F3
1370 TQ 96 24 Brookland Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92SE
MD find 01.2005 ear of corn -shaped PAS KENT-AD3493 1384 TQ 98 26 MD find 09.2004 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92NE
buckle attached PAS KENT-C0A436
1459 TQ 98 26 MD find 09.2004 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92NE
This may be modern - no sign of wear etc PAS KENT-C33E43
103 TQ 98 24 MD find Strap Fitting [1] 1201-1300 P.P. KHER TQ92SE10
TR 98 24 [sic] strap end PAS KENT-2792 1353 TQ 99 25 MD find 07.2005 Strap Fitting [1] Med P.P. TQ92NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-E20715
belt mount
1392 TQ 96 24 Brookland Strap Fitting [1] Med P.P. TQ92SE
MD find 08.2004 copper alloy PAS KENT-33AE97 gilded
1395 TQ 96 24 Brookland Strap Fitting [1] Med P.P. TQ92SE
MD find 08.2004 copper alloy PAS KENT-3356E2 1396 TQ 96 24 Brookland Strap Fitting [1] Med P.P. TQ92SE
MD find 08.2004 copper alloy PAS KENT-333EB3
1327 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 10.2005 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
PAS KENT-528116 | ||||||
1363 | TQ 99 25 | MD find 05.2005 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
PAS KENT-CD7283 | ||||||
1364 | TQ 99 25 | MD find 05.2005 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE PAS KENT-CD5786 |
1381 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 09.2004 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
PAS KENT-C0C1C1 | ||||||
1382 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 09.2004 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE PAS KENT-C0BD97 |
1383 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 09.2004 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TQ92NE PAS KENT-C0B562 |
1318 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 03.2006 | Vessel [1] copper alloy handle | c.1200-1600 | P.P. | TQ92NE PAS KENT-98C9F4 |
1323 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 11.2005 | Walking stick [1] | Med/Post Med | P.P. | TQ92NE |
copper alloy PAS KENT-9253E8
bird's head mount
Brookland/Old Romney (K)
798 | TQ 989 252 / TR 001 236 | Wall A | Earthwork & Sea Defence | Med | TQ92NE/TR02SW Green 1968 Eddison & Draper 1997 |
125 | Burmarsh (K) TR 09023177 | Haymakers, | House | 1467/1499 + | KHER TR03SE73 |
Church Road 16th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7 18th Century + Listed Grade II
126 TR 07413212 Eastbridge Deserted Settlement ? Med KHER TR03SE13
Beresford & Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
Beresford 1987, 359
James 1996
128 TR 08363069 Orgarswick Deserted Settlement ? Med KHER TR03SE12
Beresford & Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
Beresford 1987, 359
134 TR 087 334 Eight Acres & Field System Med KHER TR03SE31
Nine Acres, Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/51
Lower Wall Road
135 TR 087 336 Gulls, Field System & 13th Century? KHER TR03SE32
Lower Wall Road Hollow Way& Burmarsh Tithe Map 1839
Mound Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/52
136 TR 08843392/ off Lower Wall Road Hollow Way Med? KHER TR03SE61 TR 08873365 Reeves 1996b
137 TR 089 335 Seven Acres, Field System& Med KHER TR03SE30
Lower Wall Road Mound Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/50
907 TR 090 336 Twelve Acres, Earthworks& Med KHER TR03SE123 Eastbridge Field System Reeves 1996c, 80-82, fig. 10 field survey
908 TR 091 337 Nine Acres Earthworks& Med KHER TR03SE31
field survey Field System Reeves 1996c, 82-85, fig. 11
138 TR 096 337 Nineteen Acres, Field System& Med KHER TR03SE29
Lower Wall Road Pond& Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/45
139 TR 105 320 Six Acres Field, Earthwork& Med KHER TR13SW33 Donkey Street Field System& Eddison 1992a
House Platform Eddison 1992b
Place 1993b
Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/26
140 TR 109 334 Mallow Lees Field, Earthwork& Med KHER TR13SW34 Selby Farm, Field System Collins 1992
Lower Wall Road Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/35
157 TR 114 319 24 Acres Field Earthwork& Med KHER TR13SW32
Field System Eddison 1992a
Eddison 1992b
Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/24
127 TR 081 307 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE53
Reeves 1992
129 TR 084 312 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE52
Reeves 1992
130 TR 084 335 Lower Wall Farm Pottery 1ih Century P.P. KHER TR03SE30
Reeves 1996b
905 TR 090 309 Orgarswick Farm Pottery 14th century P.P. KHER TR03SE122
Vale 1989, 412
131 TR 086 322 Tame Lane Pottery& 1250-1499 KCC Museum KHER TR03SE56 surface find Horseshoe& Service
Bone, animal
132 TR 087 317 surface find Pottery
TR 086 322
TR 087 322
1ih/131h century
156 TR 09 31 Burmarsh Coin [1] silver 1100-1300 P.P. TR03SE
MD find 11.2002 PAS KENT-4916
1159 | TR 10 | 33 | MD find 04.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1154-1189 | P.P. | TR13SW |
penny | PAS KENT-A1E474 | ||||||
Henry II | |||||||
1151 | TR 10 | 32 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1165-1214 | P.P. | TR13SW |
cut halfpenny | PAS KENT-E36AF8 | ||||||
William the Lion | |||||||
Scotland | |||||||
150 | TR 10 | 32 | MD find 09.1998 | Coin [1] silver | 1363-1369 | P.P. | TR13SW |
Edward Ill | PAS KENT-685 | ||||||
1160 | TR 11 | 33 | MD find 10.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1483 | P.P. | TR13SW |
penny | PAS KENT-527327 | ||||||
1157 | TR 11 | 33 | MD find 10.2005 | Edward IV Coin [1] silver | 1496-1521 | P.P. | TR13SW |
real | PAS KENT-60D676 |
155 TR 09 31 Burmarsh Jetton [1] 1500-1600 P.P. TR03SE
MD find 11.2002 PAS KENT-4915
1149 TR 10 31 MD find 10.2005 Jetton [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR13SW
142 TR 08 32 MD find 11.1999 Seal [1] lead Med P.P. TR03SE
145 TR 09 31 MD find Seal Matrix [1] bronze 1300-1399 P.P. TR03SE
sleeping lion motif PAS KENT-3871
146 TR 09 31 MD find Seal Matrix [1] lead 1200-1299 P.P. TR03SE
circular PAS KENT-3868
147 TR 09 31 MD find Seal Matrix [1] bronze 1200-1399 P.P. TR03SE
circular PAS KENT-3870
148 TR 09 31 MD find Seal Matrix [1] bronze 1300-1399 P.P. TR03SE
vesica PAS KENT-3869
149 | TR 08 | 31 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1300-1399 | P.P. | TR03SE |
circular | PAS KENT-3873 | ||||||
rampant lion motif S' IOH'IS FIL' NIChOL JORDAN | |||||||
153 | TR 08 | 32 | MD find 08.1999 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR03SE |
143 | TR 08 | 32 | MD find 11.1999 | Knife [1] | 1300-1540 | P.P. | TR03SE |
terminal | PAS KENT-1990 | ||||||
144 | TR 09 | 31 | MD find | Dress Hook [1] | 1400-1599 | P.P. | TR03SE |
sub-circular | PAS KENT-2813 | ||||||
151 | TR 10 | 32 | MD find 09.1998 | Key, locking [1] | 1066-1485 | P.P. | TR13SW |
door | PAS KENT-665 |
141 TR 08 32 MD find 11.1999 Brooch [1] 1066-1540 P.P. TR03SE
annular frame PAS KENT-1964
154 TR 09 31 Burmarsh Brooch [1] bronze 1066-1540 P.P. TR03SE
MD find 11.2002 ring brooch PAS KENT-4913
1152 TR 10 32 MD find 08.2005 Brooch [1] copper alloy 1200-1400 P.P. TR13SW
annular PAS KENT-E18824
1156 TR 11 33 MD find 10.2005 Brooch [1] copper alloy 1496-1521 P.P. TR13SW
PAS KENT-656187
1158 TR 11 32 MD find 10.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR13SW
152 TR 10 32 MD find 09.1998 Thimble [1] 1400-1500 P.P. TR13SW
sewing ring PAS KENT-666
1148 TR 09 31 Burmarsh Thimble [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR03SE
MD find 01.2007 beehive PAS KENT-E0F856
904 TR 087 312 Rushy Field Stirrup [1] copper gilt 1325-1350 P.P. KHER TR03SE121
Vale 1989,410-412,fig.1.1
906 TR 090 309 Orgarswick Farm Ampulla [1] lead
14th/15th Century
MD find 1982? scallop shell design Kelly 1984,374 Spencer type II Spencer 1971,59-66
1150 TR 10 32 MD find 10.2005 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR13SW
Burmarsh/Dymchurch (K)
167 TR 102 302 Field System& Med KHER TR13SW32 TR 103 305 Ridge + Furrow ? Eddison 1992a
TR 104 308 Eddison 1992b
Camber (ESx)
159 TQ 954 192 below shingle bank Ship& c.1450 P.P. TQ91NE
Wreck Eddison & Bloomfield 1988, 3-6
Goodburn 1990,327-334
160 TQ 980 180 Broomhill Deserted Settlement Med NMR TQ91NE1 ESHER MES3705
TQ 988 183 Holden 1958/62,312
Beresford& Hurst 1971,204
TQ 98781845 Everitt 1976,10-11fn
Beresford 1987,388
1065 TQ 98931989 Broomhill Level Earthwork& Med/Post Med TQ91NE
Bank& ESHER MES117
Ditch [2]
1091 | TQ 98641983/ | Ditch [2] | Med/Post Med | TQ91NE | |
TQ 98391961 | ESHER MES7357 | ||||
Deegan 1996, no. | |||||
1066 | TQ 98501962/ | Broomhill Level | Earthwork& | Med/Post Med | TQ91NE |
TQ 98731940 | Bank& | ESHER MES7358 | |||
1067 | TQ 98101957 | Broomhill Level | Ditch [2] Earthwork& | Med/Post Med | Deegan 1996, no. TQ91NE |
Bank& | ESHER MES7362 |
Ditch [2] Deegan 1996, no. 62
1068 TQ 983 182 / Churchland Wall Earthwork& Med TQ91NE
TQ 98961859 Sea Defence ESHER MES8080
1069 TQ 98601890 north east of Earthwork& 13th Century TQ91NE
Broomhill Farm Sea Defence ESHER MES8197
Gardiner & Hartwell 2006, 136-160
1070 TQ 98901910 Sandyland Wall Earthwork&
13th Century
Sea Defence ESHER MES8199
Green 1968, 102-103, pl. viii
Gardiner & Hartwell 2006, 137-160
1092 TQ 95571935 Pound Field Farm Earthwork& 1500/1599 TQ91NE
Sea Defence ESHER MES16511
Camber (ESx)/Lydd (K)
1071 TQ 994 190 / Tore Wall Earthwork& Med TQ91NE/TR02SW
TR 026 217 Sea Defence ESHER MES8198
Green 1968
Eddison 2000, 90
Camber (ESx)/Old Romney (K)
636 TR 000 226 / Great Wall - Earthwork& c.1500 TR02SW
TR 008 201 Tore Wall Sea Defence Eddison 2000, 90, fig 40
Dymchurch (K)
169 TR 08712921 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE40
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Place 1993b
161 TR 08792917 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE41
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Place 1993b
158 TR 091 299 Marshalls Bridge Moat& 13th Century ? P.P. KHER TR02NE32 Eastbridge Road Earthwork& Eddison 1992a
field survey Field System& Eddison 1992b
Pottery& Reeves 1992
Tile Reeves 1996c, 72-76, fig. 7
RSM 29254
162 TR 093 297 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE49
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Reeves 1992
163 TR 093 297 surface find 1991 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE33
TR 093 298 Eddison 1992a
Eddison 1992b Reeves 1992
910 TR 093 298 Sheephouse Field Earthworks& Med KHER TR02NE101
field survey Field System Reeves 1996c, 76-79, fig. 9
164 TR 097 295 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE34
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Reeves 1992
165 TR 099 297 Pottery& Med P.P. KHER TR02NE35
TR 098 298 Uplands Dagger [1] 16th century Vale 1989, 413, fig. 1.2
quillon Eddison 1992a
Eddison 1992b Reeves 1992
166 TR 10282966 County Primary Ditch& Med P.P. KHER TR12NW28 School& NRA Depot Pit Pratt 1995
excavation 1995
168 TR 11183150 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR13SW47
Place 1993b
912 TR 106 295 found on beach Seal Matrix [1] lead 13th Century P.P. KHER TR12NW46
vesica Kelly 1987, 363, fig. 8.8
eight-pointed flower motif
East Guldeford (ESx)
170 TQ 93552145 The Mount, House 15th Century + TQ92SW
913 | TQ 94552229 | Lordsland Farm | Moat& | Med | TQ92SW |
Earthwork | ESHER MES7301 |
Folkestone Road 16th Century LBSU 409115 Listed Grade II
Ewhurst (ESx)
171 TQ 78162239 The Cross Inn, Inn 15th Century+ TQ72SE
Staplecross 16th Century+ ESHER MES3848
building survey 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/0889, 1984 1736+ Martin & Martin 1987, 128-129
1800/1832 NBR Index 7651
LBSU 409457
172 TQ 79302269 Soloman's Cottage House
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ72SE
Sedlescombe Road, 1i Century+ ESHER MES3838
Staplecross 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0298, 1977
building survey Modern NBR Index 3314
TQ 78112231 LBSU 409460 [Solomon's Garden]
Listed Grade II
TQ 79342452 Preacher's House, House c.1520 + NMR TQ72SE15
TQ 79352451
Ewhurst Green c.1th600 + ESHER MES3837
building survey 18 Century+ ESHER MES3857
1980s Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 498
ESRO HBR1/0269, 1977 [rev 1989]
NBR Index 3313 NBR Index 92672
LBSU 409430
Listed Grade II
174 TQ 79562459 1 & 2 Church Cottages, House [1] Methd + TQ72SE
Ewhurst Green 16 Cetnh tury+ ESHER MES3851
building survey 17th/18 Century+ ESRO HBR1/0999, 1986
c.1770 + NBR Index 76871
1800/1832 LBSU 409424
TQ 77252433
Udiam Farm, House & 13th
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ72SE
Junction Road Farmhouse 15th Century+ ESHER MES3849
TQ 77522434 building survey 16th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0233, 1976
1ih Century+ WBSG 1977, site visit note 3/77
18th Century Martin & Martin 1980, 124, fig. 18
NBR Index 35627
LBSU 409436
Listed Grade II
176 | TQ 79532384 | 1& 2 Watermans | House [1] | 16th Century + | TQ72SE |
[Watermans Cottages] | 1726 + | ESHER MES3840 | |||
TQ 79592376 Lordine Lane | Modern | ESRO HBR1/0330, 1978 | |||
building survey | Martin& Martin 1987, 120-121 | ||||
NBR Index 3317 | |||||
LBSU 409439 |
Listed Grade II
177 TQ 79732231 Gate House Farm, House& Med + TQ72SE
Northiam Road Farmhouse c.1500 + ESHER MES3844
building survey 1550/1625 + ESRO HBR1/0933, 1985 1ih Century + NBR Index 7648
18th Century + LBSU 409450
19th Century + Listed Grade II
20th Century
185 TQ 795 243 Ewhurst Place Manor House 15th Century - NMR TQ72SE22
[site of] 19th Century ESHER MES3863
Boycote xxxx,
Farrant 2001, 217, no. 79 see u/h Century 210
183 TQ 78952395 Shoreham Farm Farm 1360 + NMR TQ72SE64
[site of] ESHER MES3904
Jones 1980b, 12-15
182 TQ 78382507 Swift's Tenement House& Med P.P. NMR TQ72NE31
[site of] ESHER MES3858
Pottery Jones 1977c, 16-17
SAM ESx411
1072 TQ 79552260 near House Platform& Med? NMR TQ72SE27 Colliers Green Earthwork ESHER MES3867
179 TQ 75502337/ Lordship Wood Park Pale?& 13th Century NMR TQ72SE54 TQ 75712280 Bank& or earlier ESHER MES3894
Earthwork Jones 1981a, 69
181 TQ 75732345/ Lordship Wood Park Pale?& 13th Century NMR TQ72SE53 TQ 75792348 Bank& or earlier ESHER MES3893
1061 TQ 785 251 Ockham Farm Field Boundary Med TQ72NE
178 TQ 79102329 Flettice Wood Pottery 1ih/131h Century NMR TQ72SE38
'found when wood ESHER MES3879
removed and land ploughed'
1074 TQ 750 230 Lordship Wood Bell Pit& Med NMR TQ72SE57
Extractive Pit ESHER MES3897
[iron ore?]
1073 | TQ 766 228 | Bell Pit& | Med | NMRTQ72SE58 | |
Extractive Pit | ESHER MES3898 | ||||
[iron ore?] | |||||
1093 | TQ 78502305 | WappleWood | Bell Pit& | Med/Post Med | NMRTQ72SE40 |
Extractive Pit | ESHER MES3881 |
[iron ore]
1094 TQ 791 239 Shoreham Farm Bell Pit& Med/Post Med NMRTQ72SE37
Extractive Pit ESHER MES3877
Straker 1931, 349
Jones 1980b, 14
1095 TQ 79302315 FletticeWood Bell Pit& Med/Post Med NMRTQ72SE59
Extractive Pit ESHER MES3899
Jones 1981a, 72, fig.3
184 TQ 79352317 Cinderbanks, Bloomery Med/Post Med NMRTQ72SE8 Colliers Green [site of] ESHER MES3827
Straker 1931, 319
TQ 79292318 Jones 1980c, 36-37
Jones 1981a, 72, fig.
187 TQ 798 214 Cinderbank Field, Bloomery Med/Post Med NMRTQ72SE9 Ellenwhorne [site of] ESHER MES3828
Straker 1931, 344
TQ 797 217 Jones 1981a, 72, fig.
180 TQ 75552335 LordshipWood Tile Kiln 13th Century ? NMRTQ72SE52
[site of] ESHER MES3892
186 TQ 79762439 Brick Kiln& Med NMRTQ72SE21 Tile Kiln ESHER MES3862
[site of] Boycote xxxx,
Fairlight (ESx)
TQ 86171310 Cinderbanks Bloomery Med/Post Med NMRTQ81SE1 TQ 86151295 [site of] ESHER MES3908
TQ 86211211 Straker 1931, 339
TQ 87231285 Lower Stonelink Farm Moat& Med NMRTQ81SE93 Rosemary Lane Ditch ESHER MES3931
[site of]
TQ 887 128 Cliff End Bloomery Med NMRTQ81SE39
[site of] ESHER MES3929
Cleere& Crossley 1985, 288 [Brede]
1096 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1250/1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 02.2008 ESHER MES14318
1097 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1250/1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 02.2008 ESHER MES14319
1098 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1250/1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 02.2008 ESHER MES14320
1099 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1250/1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 03.2008 ESHER MES14336
1100 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1250/1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 03.2008 ESHER MES14337
1101 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Token [1] lead alloy 1250/1500 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 03.2008 ESHER MES14338
1102 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead 1250/1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 12.2008 ESHER MES14948
1103 TQ 87 13 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1250/1500 P.P. TQ81SE
ESHER MES15676 1104 TQ 86 12 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1250/1850 P.P. TQ81SE
Guestling (ESx)
TQ 83391521 Maxfield Manor, House 15th Century+ TQ81NW
Rock Lane c.1h500+ ESHER MES3954
[Great Maxfield, 1i Century+ MacDermott 1930/31, 29-30
Three Oaks] 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0806, 1983
building survey later Farrant 2001, 236-237, no. 97
TQ 83391522 NBR Index 76872
LBSU 409611
th Listed Grade II*
TQ 85141520 Broomham Place, House & 16 h Century+ NMR TQ81NE69
Rye Road School 1i Century+ ESHER MES3939
building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0747, 1982 1926 part demolished Farrant 2001, 238, no. 98
NBR Index 3321
LBSU 409783
TQ 85181513
th Listed Grade II
Broomham Place, Barn & 15th Century+ TQ81NE
Rye Road School 18 Century+ ESHER MES3940
building survey ESRO HBR1/0748, 1982
195 | TQ 84141581/ | in stream bed, | Slag& | Med/Post Med | NMR TQ81NW1 |
TQ 84191611 | North Wood | Bloomery [1+] | ESHER MES3937 | ||
[site of] | Straker 1931, 340 |
1927 NBR Index 3321
TQ 85141734 Lower Snailham Manor House& Med NMR TQ81NE3
[site of] ESHER MES3936
Moat Christie et al 1973b, 181
[remains of] Haines 1983, 4, fig
Padgham 2000, 1-4, fig
1110 TQ 85 13 MD find 06.2003 Scabbard [1] copper alloy 1400-1750 P.P. TQ81SE
chape PAS SUSS-C81C06
1111 TQ 85 13 MD find 06.2003 Vessel [1] copper alloy c.1250-1650 P.P. TQ81SE
leg PAS SUSS-C797B7
1112 TQ 85 13 MD find 06.2003 Vessel [1] copper alloy c.1250-1650 P.P. TQ81SE
leg PAS SUSS-C66617
Hawkhurst (K)
TQ 75732943 Elfords, House 15th Century + KHER TQ72NE86 Hastings Road 19th Century + Hasted 1798, VII, 146-147
TQ 758 294 20th Century lgglesden 1922, XV, 22-23
Wag 1982
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 317
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49 Listed Grade II
TQ 75542947 Church Court& House& 15th Century + KHER TQ72NE140
The Chantry& Row& 16th Century Newman& Pevsner 1976, 316 TQ 755 295 The Close, Workhouse KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52
The Moor Listed Grade II
TQ 75652943 Market Cross 1066-1659 KHER TQ72NE12
[site of] Nichols 1792, 16
TQ 76352800 Old Conghurst Moat Med KHER TQ72NE11 Harris 1719, 147
Hasted 1798, VII, 150-151
Gould& Downman 1908, 427
lgglesden 1922, XV, 28
Tatton-Brown 1977, 221
TQ 76352985 near Hall House Extractive Pit Med/Post Med KHER TQ72NE45
914 | TQ 75 29 | Little Orchard, | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | KHER TQ72NE171 |
The Moor 1968 | Henry VI | Grove 1970, 196 | ||||
202 | TQ 75 29 | MD find 01.2003 | Calais mint Vessel [1] bronze | 1200-1700 | P.P. | TQ72NE |
cauldron leg | PAS KENT-B51C22 |
[Iron Ore?]
High Halden (K)
203 TQ 90113722 Post Office& House& 15th Century + KHER TQ93NW63
Cooke's Stores Shop& 16th Century + NBR Index 86902 Post Office 19th Century ? Listed Grade II
204 TQ 90023734 The Chequers Inn Med + KHER TQ93NW46
1ih Century Listed Grade II
205 TQ 90833714 Old Place Farm, House& Med + KHER TQ93NW38 Colliers Hill Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
206 TQ 89443726 Hope House, House Med ?+ KHER TQ93NE104
Tenterden Road 18th Century Listed Grade II
Hythe (K) | |||||
210 | TR 154 347 | Hythe | Town& | 1086 + | NMR TR13SE27 |
Port | 1156 | Smith 1964, IV, 64-65 | |||
confirmed 1205 | Beresford& Finberg 1973, 129 | ||||
Tatton-Brown 1982 80-81 | |||||
211 | TR 16 34 | Mint | c.1077 | KHER TR13SE19 | |
1086-1100 | Carlyon-Britton 1906, 171 | ||||
Carlyon-Britton 1910, 12-15 | |||||
Leach 1982, 97 | |||||
Holman 1986, 86 |
Purefoy 2008, 72
TR 161 347 Hackers Den, House c.1420/1470 + NMR TR13SE52
58& 58A High Street 1500/1550 + NBR Index 91045 19th Century + Listed Grade II
20th Century
221 TR 162 348 67& 69 High Street House [1]& 1400/1433 + KHER TR13SE50
Shop 16th Century + NBR Index 39691
TR 161 347 1ih Century + Listed Grade II 19th Century
220 TR 16213476 94-98 High Street House [1]& 15th Century + KHER TR13SE71
Shop 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 [fagade] Listed Grade II
219 TR 16373480 Kipps Bookshop, House [1]& 1400/1433 + KHER TR13SE62
148-156 High Street Shop 16th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
19th Century NBR Index 35587
Listed Grade II
TR 16113459
south side of
Boundary Wall
St Leonard's Church,
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
Oak Walk
Listed Grade II
TR 16033480
26 Bartholomew Street
Boundary Wall &
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 15983480
32 Bartholomew Street
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE90
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 15973480
34 Bartholomew Street
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE142
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 15883479
36 Bartholomew Street
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE165
TR 15833480
38 Bartholomew Street
Garden Wall
Boundary Wall &
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE107
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 15913478
Corner House,
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE108
Quorndon &
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
West Bank,
Listed Grade II
TR 16103483
Bartholomew Street 5-9 Church Hill
Boundary Wall &
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 16103483
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE127
17 Church Hill
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 16123486
Cantle Cottage,
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE125
Church Hill
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 16123489
Old Walls,
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE113
Church Road
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
Listed Grade II
1017 TR 16023483 7-15 Hillside Court Boundary Wall Med KHER TR13SE150
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
Listed Grade II
1018 TR 16203487 3 Church Road/ Boundary Wall & Med KHER TR13SE103
Hillside Street Garden Wall KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28 Listed Grade II
1019 TR 16173485 The Old Manor House, Boundary Wall & Med KHER TR13SE78
Hillside Street Garden Wall KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28 Listed Grade II
TR 16133487
The Vicarage,
Boundary Wall &
Hillside Street
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
Listed Grade II
TR 16243490
north side of
Boundary Wall
Hillside Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 15973483
25 Hillside Street
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE97
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 16183484
The Dene,
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE117
Hillside Street
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 16013484
Oak Lodge
Boundary Wall &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE102
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25-28
TR 123 333
Leese Field,
Field System &
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SW31
near Botolph's Bridge
Flood Defences
Eddison 1992a
Eddison 1992b
Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/01 RSM 31415
TR 125 342
West Hythe
Deserted Settlement
Beresford & Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
Chris Blandford Assoc 1993
Chris Blandford Assoc 1994
207 TR 135 324 near Burmarsh Road Pottery & Med P.P. KHER TR13SW35
Bone, animal & Collins 1992, 24, H2
House [site of?]
208 TR 139 344 The Roughs, Pottery Med P.P. NMR TR13SW34 above Burmarsh road KHER TR13SW48
Collins 1992, 24, H1
209 TR 15503495 excavation lnhumation & 1300 P.P. KHER TR13SE20
Grave & Willson 1984, 150-155
TR 16223477
100A High Street
Building Remains &
excavation 2009
Bone, animal &
Canterbury Archaeol Trust 2009
TR 16353467
136-138 High Street
13th/14th century
excavation 1998
Priestley-Bell 1998b
Ditch & Pottery
214 TR 16163485 Manor House House destroyed P.P. KHER TR13SE18 [St Leonards House] [site of] 15th Century Mynott 1974, 227
Hillside Street Cherry 1975, 245
excavation 1974 Philp 1996, 130-141
see Post Medieval 241
TR 19 34 Hythe Beach Coin [1] silver 1066-1087 P.P. TR13SE
MD find William I PAS KENT-3308
TR 16 35 28 Station Road Cannon Ball [1] stone 1300-1540 P.P. TR13NE
surface find PAS KENT-1687
1153 TR 12 34 MD find 03.2006 Ring, finger [1] 1220-1300 P.P. TR13SW
copper alloy PAS KENT-98C0F3
1154 TR 12 34 MD find 03.2006 Strap End [1] 1220-1500 P.P. TR13SW
copper alloy PAS KENT-98B862
1155 TR 15 34 Hythe Seal Matrix [1] Med P.P. TR13NE
MD find 11.2005 copper alloy PAS KENT-9343C7 vesica cross motif
lcklesham (ESx)
TQ 866 164 Sinder Banks, Slag& Med/Post Med NMR TQ81NE5 Telegraph Hill Bloomery ESHER MES3984
[site of] Straker 1931, 340
TQ 869 158 Place Farm Slag& Med/Post Med NMR TQ81NE10 sand pit 1936 Bloomery ESHER MES3980
[site of] lcklesham Tithe Map 1841
Straker 1931, 340-341
TQ 87791549 Little Pannel Farm House& Med+ NMR TQ81NE55
[site of] 1790 ESHER MES4070
demolished 1939
Key [1] 13th Century P.P. Vahey 1979b, 52, fig.
TQ 87941649 lcklesham Vicarage Pottery& 13th/14th Century+ Barbican NMR TQ81NE59
Ditch& Post Med House ESHER MES4072
Pit& Museum Oxford Archaeol Unit 1992
Post hole
TQ 882 168 Old Place Moat& Med NMR TQ81NE15 excavation [remains of] ESHER MES3988
1974/1975 Earthwork& Vahey 1982
Pottery SAM ESx451
TQ 884 160 Elms Farm Ridge+ Furrow ? Med NMR TQ81NE47 ESHER MES4063
Holgate& Woodcock 1988, 74, fig. 4.2
915 TQ 894 170 Crutches Farm Earthwork 1419-1492 TQ81NE
field survey Nenk et al 1994, 257
TQ 91911763 Castle Farm House Med NMR TQ91NW35
[site of] demolished 1954 ESHER MES4078
TQ 86641557 Scrag Oak, House & 15th Century + TQ81NE
Watermill Lane Farmhouse 16th Century + ESHER MES4010
building survey post c.1700 + ESRO HBR1/0266, 1977 20th Century NBR Index 3371
LBSU 410027
Listed Grade II
TQ 92181851 Camber Castle Artillery Castle & 1512/1514 + P.P. NMR TQ91NW1 aerial photo Earthwork 1539/1543 ESHER MES2299
TQ 92181854 building survey decommissioned ESHER MES3989
excavation 1637 Buck & Buck 1774, 11, 295, fig. Grose 1772/87, V, 188-190, fig. Cooper 1850, 174-180
Mackenzie 1897, I , 68-69
Ruttan 1898a, 24-30
Christie et al 1973b, 185-186, fig. pl.
AP (36/TUD/UK 148 5249-50)
Cathcart King 1983, II, 470 Biddle et al 2001
LBSU 410764
Listed Grade I SAM ESx3 RSM 27067
Guardianship No 125
TQ 914 177 [sic] Old Winchelsea Deserted Settlement Med NMR TQ91NW24 TQ 94 17 destroyed c.1288 ESHER MES4046
Philip Symondson Map 1594
234 TQ 904 170 Winchelsea Town& | 1283/1292 | NMRTQ91NW2 |
Port | ESHER MES3990 | |
Grose 1772/87,V,194-195 | ||
Cooper 1850 | ||
Harvey 1911,208-209 | ||
Chambers 1937,177-206 | ||
Homan 1940 | ||
Homan 1949a,22-41 | ||
Godfrey 1959,134 | ||
Smith 1964,IV,113-114 | ||
Beresford 1967,14-28,497-498 | ||
Turner 1971,176-179 | ||
Page et al 1973b,62-75 | ||
Beresford& Finberg 1973,172 | ||
Beresford& St Joseph |
1979,238-241,no. 103
Renn 1979,198-200
Cathcart King 1983,II,476 Martin& Martin 2004a Martin& Rudling 2004 ESRO HBR1/1458,2002 ESRO HBR1/1459,2002 SAM ESx355
TQ 904 171 North Street, Town Wall c.1300 + NMRTQ81NW123 Winchelsea [remains of] 15th Century ESHER MES4096
building survey Harvey 1911,208-209
Ditchfield 1924b,126-131 Chambers 1937,177-206 Homan 1949a,37-38 Turner 1971,176-179
TQ 904 173
ESRO HBR1/1382,2000
TQ 80681735/
Rookery Field
James,T. 2002,160
TQ 90671714
building survey
Martin& Martin 2004a,46-53
TQ 90501758
garden of St Helens
LBSU 410527
TQ 90271758
garden of St Mary's House
LBSU 410540
TQ 90291768
grounds of Pipewell
LBSU 410541
Listed Grade II
Page et al 1973b,64 Cathcart King 1983,II,476
TQ 901 164 Town Ditch, Ditch 13th Century TQ91NW
Wickham Rock Lane, ESHER MES16375
Winchelsea Page et al 1973b, 64
Martin & Martin 2004a, 46-53 SAM ESx 180
TQ 90051701 Pewes Gate? Town Gate 13th Century TQ91NW
Winchelsea [site of] demolished 1546 Page et al 1973b,
ESRO HBR1/1459, 2002
Martin & Martin 2004a, 47 fig 5.3
TQ 90681740 Strand Gate/ Town Gate c.1300 NMR TQ81NW12 Bell Gate/ ESHER MES3999
TQ 90671741 Watchbell Gate/ NMR TQ81NW36
East Gate, ESHER MES4079
TQ 90601740 High Street, Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 635
Winchelsea Page et al 1973b, 64
TQ 90691740 building survey Farrant 2001, 338, no. 198
ESRO HBR1/1377, 1984 [rev 2000]
Martin & Martin 2004a, 55-59 LBSU 410497
Listed Grade I SAM ESx18
TQ 90101644 New Gate/ Town Gate c.1300 + NMR TQ91NW14
South Gate, pre 1414 ESHER MES4001
TQ 90101643 Wickham Rock Lane, Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 635
Winchelsea Page et al 1973b, 64
building survey ESRO HBR1/1379, 1984 [rev 2000]
Martin & Martin 2004a, 62-66 Neaves 2009, 6-8
LBSU 410779
Listed Grade I SAM ESx20
TQ 90371763
Land Gate/
rebuilt c.1405
North Gate,
Roberts Hill,
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 635
Page et al 1973b, 63-64
TQ 90381763
building survey
ESRO HBR1/1376, 1984 [rev 2000]
Martin & Martin 2004a, 59-62
LBSU 410542
Listed Grade I
SAM ESx 19
TQ 90371764 Pipewell Gate/ Town Gate c.1300 NMR TQ81NW13 Ferry Gate/ damaged 1380 ESHER MES4000
TQ 90451729 Grey Friars, Building Component Med TQ91NW
Back Lane, [Doorway] LBSU 410254
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90531747 Old Castle Inn House & c.1300+ TQ91NW
[Old Castle House] Inn & 15th/16th Century+ ESHER MES4027
Castle Street Cellar [18] 17th Century ?+ ESRO HBR1/0217, 1976 [rev 1987]
[Quarter 8] 18th Century Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111 & 132-133
Winchelsea part dismantled NBR Index 7672
building survey LBSU410267
Listed Grade II
1025 TQ 90531746 Lion Cottage & House [1] + c.1300+ TQ91NW
St Anthony's & Cellar [19] 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/1442, 2002 [cellar]
Apple Tree 18th Century Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111, 132-133
[Keith Row] LBSU 410266
Castle Street, Listed Grade II
[Quarter 8] Winchelsea building survey
TQ 90571747 The Armory Armoury & c.1300+ TQ91NW
[The Bear Inn] House & 15th Century+ ESHER MES4025
Castle Street Inn & 16th Century+ ESHER MES4026
[Quarter 7] Cellar [14, 15 & 17] 1ih Century+ Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 637
Winchelsea 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0237, 1980
building survey ESRO HBR1/0589, 1980 [cellar]
TQ 90571745 Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111 & 131
NBR Index 7671
LBSU 410263
TQ 90631744 LBSU 410264 [cellars 14 & 15]
Listed Grade II*
TQ 90501725 2 & 3 Friars Road, House 1482/1499+ TQ91NW
[Quarter 19] 16th/1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/1389, 2000
Winchelsea 18th Century+ Bridge 2004
building survey Martin & Martin 2004a, 135 & 143-144
dendro. dating LBSU 410268 [1 & 2]
Listed Grade II
TQ 90451742 Court Hall, House&
High Street Cellar [n.d.]&
[Quarter 8] Court House&
Winchelsea Town Hall&
building survey Prison&
TQ 90451741 Museum
909 TQ 90481750 north west corner Boundary Wall&
of Quarter 8 Building & [remains of] Cellar [21]
911 TQ 90591739 Nesbit House&
[Nesbit House] Cellar [n.d.] High Street,
[Quarter 13]
TQ 90601738 Winchelsea
building survey
TQ 90571739 Wren Cottage Building&
[The Rowans] [remains of]
TQ 90561738 High Street House
[Quarter 13] Winchelsea building survey
TQ 90581739 Winchelsea Post Office, House [1]&
11& Tea Tree, 12 Shop&
High Street, Post Office&
[Quarter 13] Cellar Winchelsea
building survey dendro. dating
TQ 90501741 Nat West Bank House&
& Bank House, Bank (Financial) High Street,
TQ 90521743 7& 8 High Street, House
[Quarter 8] Winchelsea building survey
13th Century+ 14th Century+ 15th Century+ 1J1h Century+ 1666 +
18th Century+ 1890/1891
1367/1432 +
16th Century+ 1J1h Century+ 18th Century
c.1300 + 1400/1450 +
1J1h Century+ post c.1750
1477/1501 +
1J1h Century+ 18th Century+ 19th Century
15th Century
15th/16th Century+ 1J1h Century+
18th Century
Nairn& Pevsner 1965, 636
Page et al 1973b, 64
ESRO HBR1/1362, 1999
Martin& Martin 2004a, 69-72, 122& 135
LBSU 410284
Listed Grade I RSM 90274 TQ91NW
Martin& Martin 2004a, 129
ESHER MES4018 ESRO HBR1/0288, 1977
Martin& Martin 2004a, 122& 140-141
NBR Index 3379
LBSU 410504
Listed Grade II TQ91NW ESHER MES4031
ESRO HBR1/0922, 1985
Martin& Martin 2004a, 144-145
NBR Index 7677
LBSU 410506
Listed Grade II
ESRO HBR1/0585, 1980 [rev 1991& 2001]
Bridge 2004
Martin& Martin 2004a, 107& 144-145 LBSU 410505
Listed Grade II
LBSU 410286
Listed Grade II
NMR TQ91NW29 ESHER MES4029 ESRO HBR1/0834, 1983
Martin& Martin 2004a, 141 NBR Index 7674
th th
TQ 90651741 The Retreat, House & c.1300+
High StreeV Cellar [13] 14 /15
Century+ ESHER MES4030
Barrack Square c.1th600+ ESRO HBR1/0219, 1976 [cellar]
[Quarter 6] 18 Century ESRO HBR1/0222, 1976
Winchelsea Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111, 138-139
building survey NBR Index 7676
LBSU 410293
Listed Grade II
TQ 90561736 Firebrands, House+ c.1300+ TQ91NW
High StreeV Cellar [26] c.1th400+ ESHER MES4017
St Thomas's Street 15 Century+ ESRO HBR1/0260, 1977
[Quarter 13] c.1th600+ Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111,
TQ 90551739 Winchelsea 18 Century 130-131 & 145
building survey NBR Index 3378
LBSU 410507
TQ 90561736 LBSU 410508 [cellar]
Listed Grade II
TQ 90551742 Periteau House, House & c.1th500+ TQ91NW
High StreeV Cellar [n.d.] 16 h Century+ ESHER MES4043
Castle Street, 1i Century+ ESRO HBR1/1127, 1991
[Quarter 7] 1750/75 + Martin & Martin 2004a, 110, 122 & 142-143
TQ 90551741 Winchelsea 1946 NBR Index 87247
building survey LBSU 410289
Listed Grade II*
TQ 90571752 Five Chimneys, House & c.1th300+ TQ91NW
Mill Road, Cellar [1] 15th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1375, 2000
TQ 90571753
[Quarter 1] 16 h Century+ Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111,
Winchelsea 1i Century+ 138-139 & 153
building survey 18th Century+ LBSU 410517 1943 Listed Grade II
TQ 90541753 Salutation Cottages House & c.1th300+ TQ91NW
[The Salutation Inn] Inn & 15 Century+ ESHER MES4033
Mill Road/ Cellar [3] c.1th600+ ESRO HBR1/0218, 1976
Castle Street 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0220, 1976 [cellar]
[Quarter 2] 19 Century+ Wood 1983, 88-89
Winchelsea 1945 Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111,
building survey 139-140 & 152-154
NBR Index 7679
LBSU 410518
Listed Grade II
TQ 90321738 Black Friars Barn, House & c.1300+ NMR TQ91NW30
Mill Farm, Barn & pre 1499+ ESHER MES4034 TQ 90311737 Rectory Lane Cellar [30] [house derelict] NMR TQ81SW9 [sic]
[Quarter 15] 1767/1799 ESHER MES4035
TQ 90301738 Winchelsea [converted to barn] Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 636-637 building survey destroyed by fire 1950s ESRO HBR1/0223, 1976 [rev 1977] excavation 1976/177 ESRO HBR1/0498, 19n
geophys. survey 1989 WBSG 1977, site visit note 5/77
Wood 1983, 88-89
Barber 1989b
Gaimster et al 1990, 215-216
Martin & Martin 2004a, 69, 108-111,
134-135 & 146-148
Martin & Rudling 2004, 11-40
NBR Index 7680
LBSU 410536
Listed Grade II
TQ 90451760
standing gable in
SAM ESx 355 NMR TQ91NW31
North Street
[remains of]
[Quarter 2]
ESRO HBR1/0582, 1980
Martin & Martin 2004a, 131-132
TQ 90541730
building survey
The Glebe,
House &
NBR Index 76838
St Thomas Street
ESRO HBR1/1378, 2000
[Quarter 13] 1583+ Martin & Martin 2004a, 141-143 & 153-154 TQ 90531730 Winchelsea 18th Century LBSU 410762
building survey Listed Grade II
260 TQ 90751753 Strand House, Workhouse & 15th/16th Century+ TQ91NW
The Strand, Guest House & 1ih Century+ ESHER MES4037
TQ 90741752 Winchelsea House 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0838, 1983
building survey 20th Century Martin & Martin 2004a, 141
NBR Index 7682
LBSU 410776
Listed Grade II
261 TQ 90741753 Crowsnest House 15th Century+ TQ91NW
[The Workhouse] 1ih Century+ ESHER MES4028
The Strand, 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0837, 1983
Winchelsea Martin & Martin 2004a, 139-140
building survey NBR Index 7673
LBSU 410778
Listed Grade II
262 TQ 89991773 St Leonards Well, Well Med/Post Med NMR TQ81NE7 Winchelsea [site of] ESHER MES3982
TQ 90231769 Castlefield, Windmill 1292 NMR TQ91NW34 Winchelsea [site of] ESHER MES4077
TQ 901 176 geophys. survey 1989 Barber 1989a
Gaimster et al 1990, 215-216
233 TQ 902 176 Castlefield, Enclosure Med TQ91NW
Winchelsea ESHER MES4076
geophys. survey 1989 Barber 1989a
194 TQ 904 169 Grey Friars, Road Med TQ91NW
Winchelsea ESHER MES15518
1075 TQ 905 176 Eastwoods, Timber Structure& Med TQ91NW
Tanyard Lane Wharf ESHER MES7316
'while digging a pond' 1990
916 TQ 906 172 The Truncheons, Building Foundations& 14th/15th Century TQ91NW
Rectory Lane Hearth& Barber 1989c
[Quarter 20] Pit& Broomfield 1990
Winchelsea Well& Gaimster et al 1990, 215-216
geophys. survey 1989 Pottery Nenk et al 1991, 193
excavation 1990 Martin& Rudling 2004, 99-104
TQ 90361739 Waterman's Cottage Building Foundations& 13th/16th Century TQ91NW
[land at rear of Floor& Martin & Martin 1995a
The New Inn] Pit/Cellar?& Barber 1995c
Rectory Lane/ Hearth ESRO HBR1/1237, 1995
High Street James 1998
[Quarter 14] Martin& Rudling 2004, 105-111
Winchelsea excavation 1995
258 | TQ 90501758 | adjacent standing gable North Street, Winchelsea excavation 1980 | Building Foundations& Hearth& Drain& Post Hole [1+]& Gully | 13th/15th Century | P.P. | NMR TQ91NW44 ESHER MES4086 ESRO HBR1/0590, 1980 ESRO HBR1/0591, 1980 Rudling& Martin 1981, 42-46 Rudling 1981, 242 |
1049 TQ 90411761 The Green in front of Pipewell Cottages, North Street | Cellar | c.1300 | Martin& Rudling 2004, 41-57 TQ91NW LBSU 410531 Listed Grade II |
watching brief 1998
263 TQ 90151715 Portobello Cemetery & 13th/15th Century Hastings NMR TQ91NW32 [St Giles Churchyard] lnhumation & Museum ESHER MES4075
TQ 902 172 Hogtrough Lane, Town Wall & NMR TQ91NW45 Winchelsea Building Material & ESHER MES4087
excavation 1982/2000 Pottery & Youngs eta/1983, 205
Tile Rudling & Browne 1993
Kirk 1994
Priestly-Bell 2000c
Martin & Rudling 2004, 75-93 Martin & Martin 2004a, 190
264 TQ 906 174 Richmond House, Cesspit & Med +
Barrack Square Glass, drinking 16th/1i
Winchelsea TQ91NW
Century Museum Child 1990
[Quarter 6] Martin & Rudling 2004, 95-97
Winchelsea excavation 1988/1989
th th
TQ 90401718 German Street/ Building Foundations & c.1300 +
Market Square Pottery & 14 /15
Century + ESHER MES3995
TQ 90421717 [Quarter 19] Tile by 1550 ESRO HBR1/0594, 1974
Winchelsea [site abandoned] King 1975, 124-145
excavation 1974 King 1980, 139
Martin & Rudling 2004, 1-9
Martin & Martin 2004a, 134-135 & 145-146
TQ 904 175 Buckland House, Building Med P.P. NMRTQ91NW46
Mill Road Foundations [2] & ESHER MES4088
[Quarter 3] Pit [1+] & Youngs & Clark 1982, 209-210
Winchelsea Cess Pit & Martin & Rudling 2004, 63-74
TQ 90311731
excavation 1981 Bone, animal
Oast House, Wall& 15th
Martin & Martin 2004a, 135-136
Century P.P. TQ91NW
1027 TQ 90 17 Winchelsea
C of E School,
Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
Friars Road
[Quarter 18]
TQ 907 183
Brede Level
aerial photo 1974
AP (MAU74028, 7180, 152-155, 1974)
Johnson 2001c
Rectory Lane Hearth? & Martin & Rudling 2004, 113-114 [Quarter 14] Drain
1063 TQ 907 182 Brede Level Ditch [3] Med/Post Med TQ91NW
aerial photo 1974 ESHER MES7242
AP (MAU74028, 7180, 152-155, 1974)
Johnson 2001c
1064 TQ 911 176 Nine Acres Cropmark & Med/Post Med TQ91NW
Brede Level Salt Works? ESHER MES7245
aerial photo 1974 AP (MAU81024, 7721, 71-78, 1981)
Johnson 2001c
1105 TQ 87 15 MD find 04.2008 coin [1] silver 1301-1310 P.P. TQ81NE
Edward I PAS SUSS-73C6B7
Canterbury mint North 1975/80, II, 34, no.1096?
1035 TQ 90 17 near Strand Gate coin [1] silver 1461-1482 Winchelsea TQ91NW
surface find 1978 penny [clipped] Museum Martin & Rudling 2004, 145 Edward IV
York mint
1106 TQ 90 17 digging in allotment, coin [1] silver 1226-1270 P.P. TQ91NW Winchelsea gros tournois PAS SUSS-CABBE6 09.2010 Louis IX
Tours mint
1036 TQ 90 17 near Strand Gate Coin [1] copper 1477-1482 Winchelsea TQ91NW
surface find gigot Museum Martin & Rudling 2004, 145 before 05.1990 Marie de Bourgogne
Countess of Flanders
1107 TQ 87 15 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy c.1250-1500 P.P. TQ81NE
PAS SUSS-A32E95 1108 TQ 87 15 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy c.1250-1800 P.P. TQ81NE
1109 TQ 86 16 MD find 02.2008 Vessel [1] copper alloy c.1250-1650 P.P. TQ81NE
leg PAS SUSS-C64402
TQ 90 16 MD find Buckle [1] 1300-1450 P.P. TQ91NW
lcklesham/Udimore (ESx)
747 TQ 880 170 / Damme Earthwork & c.1287/1288 TQ92NW
TQ 881 180 Dam Eddison 2000, 103-105, fig 51 [remains of]
Iden (ESx)
TQ 91542381 Park Cottage House 15th Century? + TQ92SW
TQ 91562382 [Park House] 16th Century LBSU 411003
Church Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 92432401 Bosney Farm, House& 16th Century + TQ92SW
Grove Lane Farmhouse 1ih Century + ESRO HBR1/1191, 1993
building survey 18th Century + NBR Index 7683
20th Century LBSU 410792
Listed Grade II
TQ 91772346 Danesbury House 16th Century + TQ92SW
[Rafters] 1ih Century + ESHER MES4101
TQ 91772345 Main Street 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0601, 1980 building survey [or later] NBR Index 3380
LBSU 410804
Listed Grade II
TQ 91352435 Old Tudor, House 15th Century+ TQ92SW
Readers Lane ?+ ESHER MES4109
building survey 1ih Century + ESRO HBR1/1064, 1988
TQ 91522436
NBR Index 82783
LBSU 410999
Listed Grade II
TQ 91652456 Oxenbridge Farm, House& 15th Century + NMR TQ92SW1
[Oxenbridge] Farmhouse 16th Century + ESHER MES4100
Wittersham Road 1ih Century + TQ92SW
TQ 916 245 building survey 19th Century ? ESHER MES4107
Nairn& Pevsner 1965, 544 Christie et al 1973a, 152, pl. ESRO HBR1/0278, 1977
NBR Index 41888
LBSU 411012
Listed Grade II*
275 TQ 90012393 Moat Place/ Manor House& c.1318 NMR TQ82SE1 La Mote, [remains of] ESHER MES4099
Moat Farm Moat& Clinch 1905b, 477
field survey Fishpond Christie et al 1973a, 154
watching brief 2000 Gardiner& Whittick 2011
ESRO HBR1/0996, 1986
SAM ESx 353
RSM 12737
917 TQ 931 204 field survey Earthwork& Med P.P. TQ92SW
Pottery Nenk et al 1993, 285
TQ 91 23 MD find Scabbard [1] 1300-1540 P.P. TQ92SW
TQ 91 23
MD find 11.2005
Sword [1] copper alloy
half chape PAS KENT-2781
Iden (ESx)/Wittersham (K)
1059 TQ 917 250 / Kent Wall Dam&
TQ 914 264 Wittersham Road Earthwork
[remains of]
Med/Post Med
Eddison 2000, 108, fig 55
lvychurch (K)
279 TR 024 272 Eden House Farm, House&
Wenham's Lane Farmhouse
TR 02502727
TR 02662754
TR 021 287 Moat House, Moat
TR 02352701 Wenhams Lane Moat&
aerial photo 1946 Earthwork& Cropmark Site
TR 032 268 Yoakes Lane Earthwork Enclosure&
aerial photo Moat?& Pottery& Building Material
TR 032 268 surface find Pottery
15th/16th Century+ 1700/1732
demolished following fire 1986
Med Med
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II [del.]
Tatton-Brown 1977, 221
Moated Sites Res Gp 6 (1979) 47
see Post Med 272
AP (RAF 106G/UK 1439 F3036; 30.4.46)
AP (no details)
1182 | TR 02 27 | lvychurch | Coin [1] silver | 1165-1214 | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find 05.2005 | William the Lion Scotland | PAS KENT-90CFD3 | ||||
1183 | TR 02 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut halfpenny | PAS KENT-912C84 | |||||
short cross | ||||||
1337 | TQ 98 24 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TQ92SE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-E54F95 | |||||
Henry Ill | ||||||
1184 | TR 02 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Coin [1] silver | post 1247 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-9B2BE1 | |||||
long cross | ||||||
York mint | ||||||
1185 | TR 02 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
half groat | PAS KENT-90B794 | |||||
Edward Ill |
Reeves 1992
1312 TQ 99 24 MD find 10.2007 Book Fitting? [1] c.1100-1500 P.P. TQ92SE
copper alloy PAS KENT-A55C15
1186 TR 01 27 MD find 10.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-22B033 1187 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Buckle [1] Med P.P. TR02NW
copper alloy [gilded] PAS KENT-A2AED3
1188 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1189 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy 13th/15th Century P.P. TR02NW
D-shaped PAS KENT-B77C35
1190 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
loop PAS KENT-B74551
1191 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
loop PAS KENT-B73471
1192 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
loop PAS KENT-B72C56
1193 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
loop PAS KENT-B71990
1365 TQ 99 24 MD find 04.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92SE
1361 TQ 99 24 MD find 04.2005 Candlestick [1] Med P.P. TQ92SE
copper alloy PAS KENT-B7B152
1195 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Harness Fitting [1] Med P.P. TR02NW
copper alloy PAS KENT-B7E575
1196 TR 02 26 MD find 05.2005 Harness Fitting [1] Med P.P. TR02NW
1194 | TR 02 | 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Jewellery [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
mount with stone inset | PAS KENT-B7ECB7 | ||||||
[missing] | |||||||
1202 | TR 04 | 28 | MD find 12.2007 | Mount [1] copper alloy | 1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-A53595 | |||||||
1197 | TR 02 | 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Ring [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-B7BC26 | |||||||
1198 | TR 02 | 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Strap End [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-B7A7C8 | ||||||
1199 | TR 02 | 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Strap End [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-B79CA3 | ||||||
1200 | TR 02 | 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Strap End [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-8F7188 | ||||||
1201 | TR 00 | 26 | MD find 12.2007 | Saddle [1] copper alloy | 1500-1600 | P.P. | TR02NW |
pommel | PAS KENT-A54DF7 |
copper alloy PAS KENT-B7D3F1
918 TR 04 23 [sic] MD find Ewer Spout [1] 15th Century P.P TR02SW
919 TR 04 23 [sic] MD find
dog's head design Weight [1] lead
Mason,C. 1994,450
Kenardington (K)
trade weight Mason,C. 1994,450,fig. 2.5
TQ 96933254 Cherry Croft House Med KHERTQ93SE70 Listed Grade II
TQ 97193287 Place Farm House& 1512/1513 + NMRTQ93SE18
Farmhouse 18th Century KHERTQ93SE53
Howard et al 1989,42,no. 5
TQ 97203287 Pearson et al 1994,77-78,fig 98
NBR Index 40153 Listed Grade II
TQ 968 324 Manor Farm, House& 1500/1565 + NMRTQ93SE6
Appledore Road Farmhouse 1744 NMRTQ93SE20 TQ 96913234 KHERTQ93SE52
Hasted 1798,VII,246-248
TQ 96923234 NBR Index 36465
Listed Grade II*
TQ 96973160 Smith's Farm, House& Mehd + KHERTQ93SE55
Bridge Road Farmhouse 1i Century + Listed Grade II
18th Century
TQ 974 323 Deserted Settlement? Med KHERTQ93SE9
Beresford& Hurst 1971,191 Everitt 1976,10-11fn
285 | TQ 97553255 | Motte? | Med | KHERTQ93SE3 Hasted 1798,VII,245 Clark 1884,I,146 Cathcart King 1983,I,237 | |
Lydd (K) | |||||
309 | TR 04 20 | Lydd | Town& Port | 1154/1158 | KHERTR02SW18 Smith 1964,IV,67 Beresford& Finberg 1973,129 |
Coatts 2005,15-20
TR 04282087 Old Court Hall, Court House& 1429 + NMRTR02SW7
1 Coronation Square/ House& 17t4h3 + KHERTR02SW114
1 New Street Shop 20
Century Parkin 1982,107-120
KHBI: Shepway 1996,31 Listed Grade II
TR 04262081 Corfu House, House 15th Century+ KHER TR02SW98
8 Coronation Square 18th Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31 20th Century Listed Grade II
TR 04182092 Elderwoods East Shop, House & Methd+ NMR TR02SW32
12 &14 High Street Shop 16 Century+ KHER TR02SW126
TR 04182092 building survey 1767/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31 [front] NBR Index 40533
Listed Grade II
TR 04172092 Elderwoods West Shop, House & c.1th400/1440+ NMR TR02SW25
16 High Street Shop 16 Century+ KHER TR02SW117
building survey later front Pearson et al 1994, 82 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
NBR Index 40191 Listed Grade II
TR 04152089 Vye &Son, House & 14t0h0/1510+ NMR TR02SW10
TR 04172091
18 &22 High Street Shop 16 h century+ KHER TR02SW21
building survey 1i century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
19th century RCHME Report 1966
NBR Index 31700 Listed Grade II
TR 04472068 Porch House, 51 & House c.1th420/th1520+ KHER TR02SW28
Rype Cottage, 53 17th/18 Century+ RCHME Report 1987 [Rype Cottage]
Manor Road 18 Century Pearson et al 1994, 83-84, fig 105
building survey KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
NBR Index 40222 Listed Grade II
TR 04292088 Pavella, House c.1th430/1490+ NMR TR02SW24
5 New Street 18 Century KHER TR02SW120
building survey RCHME Report 1987
Pearson et al 1994, 82
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
NBR Index 40145 Listed Grade II
TR 04332091 Turk's Cottages, House & c.1th470/1500+ NMR TR02SW23
13-19 New Street Row 16th Cetnh tury+ KHER TR02SW87
building survey 17 /18
Century Pearson et al 1994, 82-83, fig 104
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
NBR Index 40129 Listed Grade II*
TR 04172078 4 & 5 Park Street House & c.1470/1500+ NMRTR02SW26
building survey Inn 18th Century KHERTR02SW121 TR 04192078 Pearson et al 1994, 83
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
NBR Index 40220 Listed Grade II
TR 04402108 Poplar House, House 1430/1490+ NMRTR02SW27
Poplar Lane 16th Century+ KHERTR02SW76 TR 044 212 building survey 18th Century RCHME Report 1987
Pearson 1994, 167
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
NBR Index 40221 Listed Grade II
TR 04232081 ?. '
House 1490/1510+ NMRTR02SW9
Skinner Road/ 16th/1ih Century KHERTR02SW19
Coronation Square Mercer 1975, 176, no.221
building survey NBR Index 31699
Listed Grade II
TR 04402104 The Star PH, Public House 15th/16th Century+ NMRTR02SW37 16 Station Road 1ih Century KHERTR02SW77
building survey KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
NBR Index 40539 Listed Grade II
TR 015 184 The Wicks Ditch & Med KHERTR01NW4
TR 018 190 aerial photo Earthwork & Eddison 1983, 273-276, fig. 1, pl. 1
TR 024 196 Ridge and Furrow AP (no details)
1029 TR 01881987 Bretts Lydd Quarry Field System Med/Post Med KHERTR02SE72 watching brief Priestley-Bell 2006b
1030 TR 01962045 Bretts Lydd Quarry Field System Med/Post Med KHERTR02SE64
watching brief 2006
TR 02062026 Bretts Lydd Quarry 10, Enclosure &
13th Century
Priestley-Bell 2006a
excavation 1999 Post Hole [15] Priestley-Bell 1999a watching brief [rectangular arrangement]
1031 TR 02201983 Bretts Lydd Quarry Field System Med/Post Med KHERTR02SE67 watching brief Priestley-Bell 2006b
TR 022 204 Bretts Lydd Quarry Ditch & Med/Post Med KHERTR02SW61 excavation 1999 Gully Priestley-Bell 2000a
TR 02452050 Bretts Lydd Quarry Ditch & Med P.P. KHERTR02SW49 excavation 1995 Enclosure & Greig 1992c, 6-7
TR 024 204 Pit & Greig & Gardiner 1996 Post Hole Priestley-Bell 1997a
Priestley-Bell 1997b
1032 TR 02472006 Bretts Lydd Quarry Field System Med/Post Med KHER TR02SW70
Priestley-Bell 2006b
1033 TR 02602068 Bretts Lydd Quarry Pottery&
1ih/14Ih Century
excavation Ditch& Priestley-Bell 1996
TR 030 207 Bretts Lydd Quarry Occupation Site& 1ih113Ih century P.P. KHER TR02SW53 excavation 1995/1999 Trackway& Priestley-Bell 1997a
Ditch System& Priestley-Bell 1997b
Pottery& Priestley-Bell 1998c
Bone& Priestley-Bell 1999c
Field System
TR 03092084 Dering Farm Ditch&
13th/14th century
excavation 1992 Pottery Gardiner 1992
TR 03142087 Dering Farm Shingle-filled feature& Med?/Post Med? P.P. KHER TR02SW48 excavation 1992 Building Foundations? Gardiner 1992
TR 03722106 Dering Farm Ditch [3]& Med P.P. KHER TR02SW47
excavation 1992 Pottery Gardiner 1992
TR 03982094 under housing at the end Enclosure& Med KHER TR02SW13
of Copperfields Road Earthwork& AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3007; 21.9.46)
aerial photo 1946 Moat? [site of]
TR 04442168 aerial photo 1946 Moat?& Med KHER TR02SW11
Enclosure& AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3007; 21.9.46)
TR 05102258 shingle ridges Ditch System& P.P. KHER TR02SE70
TR 05102276 close to Pottery Priestley-Bell 1998d TR 05302274 Caldicott Farm
TR 05302251 excavation 1998
TR 05202161 Jack's Court Moat Med KHER TR02SE9
see Post Medieval 285
TR 05701895 Hamilton Farm, Farm Med KHER TR01NE210 Denge West [site of] Eddison 1992e
TR 05951993 south west of Enclosure& 15th/16th Century P.P. KHER TR01NE216 Dungeness Road Pit& Priestley-Bell 1998a
excavation 1997 Pottery&
watching brief Bone& Shell
TR 05951965 Drain& Med ? KHER TR01NE211
Linear Feature Gardiner 1995
TR 06152054 Denge West Ditch& P.P. KHER TR02SE60
excavation 1994 Floor& Priestley-Bell 1994
Pottery& Post Hole
TR 06201969/ Denge West Pottery& 15th/16th century P.P. KHER TR01NE213 TR 06251958 surface find 1996 Building Material Stevens 1996
TR 06362342 south of New Romney Earthwork & Med? KHER TR02SE19
aerial photo 1946 Mound AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3022; 21.9.46)
TR 06622384 south of New Romney Earthwork & Med? KHER TR02SE18
aerial photo 1946 Mound & AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3022; 21.9.46)
TR 061 192 surface find 1982 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR01NE212
Reeves 1992
1266 TR 05022403 surface find 06.2007 Vessel [1] ceramic c.1200-1700 P.P. TR02SE
bodysherd PAS KENT-280DB3
1267 TR 05022403 surface find 06.2007 Vessel [1] ceramic c.1200-1500 P.P. TR02SE
rim sherd PAS KENT-2802B5
1268 TR 05022403 surface find 06.2007 Vessel [1] ceramic c.1200-1500 P.P. TR02SE
rim sherd PAS KENT-27F047
1304 TR 049 241 surface find 09.2006 Vessel [1] ceramic c.1100-1500 P.P. TR02SW
bodysherd PAS KENT-D53675
1305 TR 049 241 surface find 09.2006 Vessel [1] ceramic c.1100-1500 P.P. TR02SW
673 | TR 05 20 | Denge Marsh | Coin [1] silver | 1074-1077 | P.P. | KHER TR02SE151 |
William I | EMC 1200.0587 |
bodysherd PAS KENT-D53020
1034 | TR 04 21 | Walland Marsh MD survey2008 | Coin [1] & Token [4] & | Med/Post Med | P.P. | KHER TR02SW73 Romney Marshland MDC 2008 |
Spoon [1] | ||||||
301 | TR 05 17 | 'discovered in a pot in | Coin [500?] silver & | c.1086 | P.P. & | KHER TR01NE2 |
June 1739, whilst digging | Pottery? | various | Metcalf 1957, 186-190 | |||
a post hole for a fence | museums | Purefoy2005, 11-15 | ||||
TR 05 19 | on Denge Marsh' near Hamilton Farm | Coin Hoard | 11th Century | Purefoy2008, 62-63 Reeves 1998, no 15 |
Thetford mint | North 1975/80, I, 153, no.845 | |||||
454 | TR 05 24 | MD find 01.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-5284 | ||||||
460 | TR 05 24 | MD find 01.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-5286 | ||||||
540 | TR 04 23 | MD find 06.1998 | Coin [1] silver | 1135-1154 | P.P. | TR02SW |
Stephen | PAS KENT-610 | |||||
478 | TR 05 23 | MD find 10.2000 | Coin [1] silver | 1158-1180 | P.P. | TR02SE |
HenryII | PAS KENT-4042 | |||||
1283 | TR 05 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02SE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-9C64D7 | |||||
short cross |
1285 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02SE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-9C2A62 | ||||||
short cross | |||||||
1275 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1204-1247 | P.P. | TR02SE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-9CA7F8 | ||||||
short cross | |||||||
438 | TR 05 | 23 | MD find 10.2000 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1247 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-3683 | ||||||
324 | TR 04 | 19 | MD find | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TR01NW |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-2791 | ||||||
1412 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 03.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1217-1242 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-110C42 | ||||||
1413 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 03.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1333 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-1152A5 | |||||||
1282 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1279 | P.P. | TR02SE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-9C6FA1 | ||||||
long cross | |||||||
1404 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02SE |
1279 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Edward I Coin [1] silver | 1279-1301 | P.P. | PAS KENT-28C295 TR02SE |
penny | PAS KENT-9C8DE8 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1286 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1301 | P.P. | TR02SE |
penny | PAS KENT-9C0DA5 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1297 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1307 | P.P. | TR02SE |
penny | PAS KENT-832AF3 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1298 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1280 | P.P. | TR02SE |
penny | PAS KENT-8373D8 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1419 | TR 03 | 20 | MD find 04.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1307 | P.P. | TR02SW |
penny | PAS KENT-876072 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1296 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Canterbury mint Coin [1] silver | 1310-1314 | P.P. | TR02SE |
halfpenny | PAS KENT-838177 | ||||||
Edward II | |||||||
1280 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
penny | PAS KENT-9C8483 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 |
1301 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 10.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1377 | P.P. | TR02SW |
penny | PAS KENT-26CBA2 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1274 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
penny | PAS KENT-0D3EB3 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
Ireland | |||||||
1273 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
halfpenny? | PAS KENT-0D6152 | ||||||
1284 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Edward I/Ill Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
halfpenny? | PAS KENT-9C4223 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1294 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
halfpenny | PAS KENT-8428B2 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1295 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
halfpenny | PAS KENT-83E184 | ||||||
1276 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Edward 1/111 Coin [1] silver | 1272-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
farthing | PAS KENT-9CA1FA | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1277 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
farthing ? | PAS KENT-9C9A77 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1300 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 10.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1377 | P.P. | TR02SW |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-26E508 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1278 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Edward Ill | PAS KENT-9C93E0 | ||||||
323 | TR 04 | 19 | MD find 11.1999 | Coin [1] silver | 1306-1329 | P.P. | TR01NW |
clipped | PAS KENT-1959 | ||||||
Robert I Bruce | |||||||
Scotland | |||||||
437 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2001 | Coin [1] silver | 1351-1361 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Edward Ill | PAS KENT-3682 | ||||||
440 | TR 04 | 23 | MD find 02.2001 | Coin [1] silver | 1413-1422 | P.P. | TR02SW |
Henry V | PAS KENT-3686 | ||||||
1310 | TR 03 | 21 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TR02SW |
halfpenny | PAS KENT-E39FC7 | ||||||
Henry VI | |||||||
Calais mint |
461 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 01.2003 | Coin Weight [1] lead | 1300-1600 | P.P. | TR02SE PAS KENT-5287 |
1256 | TR 05 | 23 | MD find 01.2008 | Ampulla [1] lead | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
scallop-shaped | PAS KENT-F08AB7 | ||||||
1288 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Brooch [1] copper alloy | c.1250 | P.P. | TR02SE |
annular | PAS KENT-952E06 | ||||||
1402 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2003 | Brooch [1] bronze | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
ring | PAS KENT-D48EB1 | ||||||
1407 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2003 | Brooch [3] copper alloy | 1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
pins from ring brooches | PAS KENT-D4D101 | ||||||
329 | TR 05 | 20 | MD find | Buckle [1] | 1100-1200 | P.P. | TR02SE |
D-shaped | PAS KENT-369 | ||||||
455 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 01.2003 | Buckle [1] copper | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02SE |
single D-shaped | PAS KENT-5285 | ||||||
1262 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-2856E5 | |||||||
1272 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1250-1350 | P.P. | TR02SE |
single loop oval | PAS KENT-2187C6 | ||||||
1290 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1250-1600 | P.P. | TR02SE |
sheet plate | PAS KENT-93CE51 | ||||||
1291 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1350-1400 | P.P. | TR02SE |
sub-rectangular | PAS KENT-93B680 | ||||||
1292 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1350-1400 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-937E02 | |||||||
1293 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1250-1400 | P.P. | TR02SE |
buckle frame | PAS KENT-9356D3 | ||||||
1299 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 10.2006 | Buckle [1] copper | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SW |
sub-rectangular plate | PAS KENT-2702E0 | ||||||
1307 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 09.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02SW |
single loop | PAS KENT-D51A54 | ||||||
1308 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 09.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02SW |
single loop | PAS KENT-D4F806 | ||||||
1309 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 09.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SW |
single loop & sheet plate | PAS KENT-D4EA03 | ||||||
TR 05 | 24 | MD find 04.2002 | Crucifix [1] bronze | 1500-1600 | P.P. | TR02SE | |
Dutch/ | PAS KENT-4463 | ||||||
Flemish-Spanish ? | |||||||
1265 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Finger Ring [1] | c.1200-1700 | P.P. | TR02SE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-2821A2 | ||||||
moulded buckle on bezel | |||||||
1303 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 09.2006 | Fitting [1] copper alloy | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SW |
481 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 01.2003 | Harness Pendant [1] | 1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-5288 | ||||||
shield-shaped | |||||||
1251 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 01.2008 | Knife [1] copper alloy | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
pommel | PAS KENT-F5C107 | ||||||
441 | TR 04 | 23 | MD find 02.2001 | Mirror Case [1] bronze | 1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02SW |
Cruciform motif | PAS KENT-3743 | ||||||
1258 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-28BD91 | |||||||
1259 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-28B285 | |||||||
1260 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-28A7D1 | |||||||
1261 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-287B44 | |||||||
1287 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1250-1450 | P.P. | TR02SE |
bar mount | PAS KENT-956A24 | ||||||
1289 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 12.2006 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
quatrefoil belt mount | PAS KENT-94D6C7 | ||||||
1302 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 10.2006 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02SW |
PAS KENT-26B702 | |||||||
1252 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Pin [1] pewter ? | c.1200-1700 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-284565 | |||||||
1263 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Rivet [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1700 | P.P. | TR02SE |
lozenge-shaped rove | PAS KENT-283A70 | ||||||
1264 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Rivet [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1700 | P.P. | TR02SE |
920 | TR 09 | 19 | Lydd-on-Sea | lozenge-shaped rove Roundel [1] bronze | Med | P.P. | PAS KENT-282FA7 KHER TR01NE226 |
found on beach | ? arms of See of | Kelly 1992, 414, fig. 2.3 | |||||
Canterbury within octofoil | |||||||
472 | TR 05 | 23 | MD find 09.2000 | Scabbard [1] copper alloy | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
sword chape | PAS KENT-4507 | ||||||
open type | |||||||
325 | TR 04 | 23 | MD find 05.1997 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02SW |
vesica | PAS KENT-2351 | ||||||
XS: HELIE: FILI: | |||||||
MARTINI: CL[ER]ICI | |||||||
439 | TR 04 | 23 | MD find 02.2001 | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1499 | P.P. | TR02SW |
vesica | PAS KENT-3745 | ||||||
eight-pointed star motif | |||||||
+S'LEW On [ICbO ?] |
326 | TR 04 | 19 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1300-1399 | P.P. | TR01NW |
Virgin & Child motif | PAS KENT-3846 | ||||||
327 | TR 04 | 19 | MD find 09.2001 | illegible Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1500-1699 | P.P. | TR01NW |
unicorn/lion with | PAS KENT-3845 | ||||||
saltire cross motif | |||||||
GW | |||||||
328 | TR 04 | 21 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1100-1199 | P.P. | TR02SW |
eight-pointed star motif | PAS KENT-3864 | ||||||
S' IOhANIS: NORMA | |||||||
322 | TR 05 | 23 | MD find 01.1998 | Seal Matrix [1] | Med? | P.P. | TR02SE |
S IOAN LOREENCE . + | PAS KENT-1744 | ||||||
321 | TR 04 | 21 | MD find 08.1999 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02SW |
eight-pointed star motif | PAS KENT-1791 | ||||||
JOHN JEBRASS | |||||||
1253 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 01.2008 | Strap End [1] copper alloy | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-F59C71 | |||||||
1255 | TR 05 | 23 | MD find 01.2008 | Strap End [1] copper alloy | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-F0C582 | |||||||
1269 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Strap End [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-21C697 | |||||||
1271 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Strap End [1] copper alloy | c.1250-1350 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-21A121 | |||||||
1281 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 02.2007 | Strap End [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
gilded | PAS KENT-9C76D5 | ||||||
1306 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 09.2006 | Strap End [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02SW |
PAS KENT-D51EB7 | |||||||
1254 | TR 05 | 23 | MD find 01.2008 | Strap Fitting [1] | c.1100-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-F0F784 | ||||||
strap loop | |||||||
1257 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Stud [1] copper alloy | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SE |
horse & rider facing right | PAS KENT-28CC61 | ||||||
1270 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 06.2007 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | c.1300-1600 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-21AD98 | |||||||
1411 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 03.2003 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | 1300-1800 | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-10F917 | |||||||
1311 | TR 03 | 21 | MD find 08.2005 | Weight [1] lead | c.1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02SW |
Lympne (K)
330 TR 11133470 The French House, House 15th/16th Century+ NMRTR13SW21 Aldington Road [landslip 1725] KHERTR13SW54
20th Century Anon 1727, 551
Hasted 1799, VIII, 287-288, fig.
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 395
TR 112 347 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 35
Listed Grade II*
332 TR 11923467 Lympne Castle, Fortified House & 13th Century ?+ NMRTR13SW4
Castle Close House 14th Century+ KHERTR13SW66
15th Century+ Grose 1772/87, Ill, 66-67
20th Century Hasted 1799, VIII, 301, frontispiece Turner & Parker 1851/59, 306 Scott Robertson 1889d, 436-437 Mackenzie 1897, I, 30
lgglesden 1904, VI, 64-66, fig.
W 12 Nov 1910, 682-689, fig., pl.
Vallance 1914, lii-liv, fig. Murrey 1914, 206-207
Smith 1964, IV, 66
Rigold 1969, 260-262, fig. 27
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 394
Bennett 1977, 38
Cathcart King 1983, 11, 238 Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
NBR Index 40541 Listed Grade I
331 TR 119 347 north west of House 14th Century + TR13SW
Lympne Castle, 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36 Castle Close
333 TR 109 352 Bellevue Aisled Barn Med NMRTR13NW27 building survey [remains of] KHERTR13NW43
RCHME Report 1961
NBR Index 31801
TR 09013520 Court-at-Street Manor house Med KHERTR03NE12 Cheney 1904b, 108-110
Hussey 1907, 206
Hussey 1911a, 242
SAM Kent 177
TR 093 337
Stonebridge Field
Earthworks &
field survey
Field System &
Reeves 1996c, 67-69, fig. 4
Mill Mound ?
1037 TR 082 351 Deserted Settlement? Med?/Natural? KHERTR03NE14
TR 091 351 aerial photo Deserted Settlement? Med?/Natural? KHERTR03NE13
AP (RAF CPE/UK 1829 F4021-2; )
TR 090 352 Billerica Beresford & Hurst 1971, 191
TR 093 352 Beresford 1987, 358
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
334 TR 110 352 Bellavue, Moat Med KHERTR13NW18
Lympne Airport Hasted 1799, VIII, 291
Tatton-Brown 1979, 308
335 TR 12853610 Pottery Med P.P. KHERTR13NW46
Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992 Glass 1993
NBR Index 31801
961 TR 12 35 MD find 'Mace Head' [1] bronze
PAS LIN-772E80 James 2005, 334 & 337
962 TR 12 35 near Lympne Coin [1] silver 1074-1077 P.P. KHERTR13NW152
William I EMC 2001.0929
Hythe mint North 1975/80, I, 153, no.845
987 TR 09 35 Court-at-Street coin [1] 1509-1520 P.P. KHERTR03NE198
MD find 1995 halfpenny (mule) Besley & Holmes 1995, no. 231 Henry VIII
London mint
Mersham (K)
1028 TR 04513728 Stonelees, House 15th Century + NMRTR03NW9
Laws Lane 16th Century + KHERTR03NW70 TR 04503728 20th Century Listed Grade II*
Newchurch (K)
360 TR 05323269 Honeywood Farm Barn 15th Century KHERTR03SE71
[or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
Listed Grade II
362 TR 035 311 Pottery Med P.P. KHERTR03SW22
Reeves 1992
TR 038 311 Pottery Med P.P. KHERTR03SW23
Reeves 1992
TR 039 295 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NW38
Reeves 1992
TR 03922949 Goobye Hall Moat? & Med P.P. KHER TR02NW12
Building Material & Hasted 1799, VIII, 342 [Googie Hall]
Pottery & Shell, oyster
TR 048 304 House Field, Field System Med KHER TR03SW15 Norwood Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/147
TR 050 316 Cobbs Place Enclosure & 14th Century P.P. KHER TR03SE33
Moat ? & Newchurch Tithe Map 1839
TR 051 305 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE46
Reeves 1992
922 TR 055 323 surface find Pottery 1ih/13Ih century P.P. KHER TR03SE104
Vale 1987, 372
TR 056 326 Pottery Med P.P. NMR TR03SE29 KHER TR03SE64
Reeves 1992
TR 057 304 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE57
Reeves 1992
TR 057 326 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE37
Reeves 1992
TR 058 327 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE43
Reeves 1992
TR 05813163 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE42
Reeves 1992
TR 05853165 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE41
Reeves 1992
TR 059 316 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE51
Reeves 1992
TR 059 328 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE36
Vale 1987, 372
Reeves 1992
TR 061 322 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE40
Reeves 1992
TR 062 321 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE48
Reeves 1992
TR 06302950 west of T junction at Field System & Med KHER TR02NE20
Blue House Farm Ditch AP (RAF 106 G/UK 1439 F4030; 30.4.46)
TR 06422940 aerial photo 1946 Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/152a
field survey 1995 Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/152b
TR 06402981 Middle Field Field System& Med KHER TR02NE38
[Fifteen Acres] Moat& Matthew Poker Map 1617
Pickney Bush [site of] Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/153
field survey 1995 House Reeves 1996b, 18, no. 153, fig.
RSM 31417
TR 064 325 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE44
Reeves 1992
TR 065 299 Great Preston Field, Field System& 14th Century P.P. KHER TR02NE36 Rookelands Farm Ridge + Furrow& Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/87 field survey 1995 Pottery
TR 065 314 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE38
Reeves 1992
TR 066 314 Gammons Lane Enclosure& Med KHER TR03SE34 aerial photo Moat AP (no details)
TR 067 297 Maggot Hall? Enclosure Med KHER TR02NE48 aerial photo AP (no details)
TR 06752978 Blackmanstone, Deserted Settlement& Med KHER TR 02NE3 Court Lodge Building Hasted 1799, VIII, 272
TR 07232972 [site of] Hussey 1907, 23
Beresford& Hurst 1971, 191
TR 072 296 Beresford 1987, 359
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
TR 068 313 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR03SE50
Reeves 1992
994 TR 05 29 Romney Marsh Coin [1] silver 1113-1135 P.P. KHER TR02NE107
Henry I EMC 2006.0213
TR 05 31
Coin [1] silver
EMC 2006.0355
BMC i var.
TR 07 30
MD find 06.2007
Coin [1] silver
TR 07 29
MD find 06.2007
square flan Coin [1] silver
cut halfpenny
Henry II
TR 04 29
MD find 01.2005
Coin [1] silver
cut quarter penny
William the Lion
TR 07 29
MD find 10.2005
Coin [1] silver
PAS KENT-518291
Edward I
Lewes mint North 1975/80, I, 158, no.864
1221 TR 04 29 MD find 01.2005 Coin[1] silver 1273-1307 P.P. TR02NW
penny PAS KENT-AF0E37
Edward I
1216 TR 05 32 MD find 11.2005 Coin[1] silver 1326-1377 P.P. TR03SE
half groat PAS KENT-757DE6
Edward Ill
1210 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Jetton[1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR02NE
923 TR 061 322 surface find Flesh Hook[1] Med P.P. KHER TR03SE103
Vale 1989, 414, fig. 1.4
366 TR 05 31 MD find 10.2000 Brooch[1] iron 1200-1299 P.P. TR03SE
ring PAS KENT-4043
1212 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2006 Brooch[1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR02NE
ring PAS KENT-7F7F55
1217 TR 06 31 MD find 10.2005 Brooch[1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR03SE
ring PAS KENT-51A442
1220 TR 04 29 MD find 01.2005 Brooch[1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
ring PAS KENT-AF37E8
TR 05 32 MD find 11.1999 Buckle[1] bronze 1350-1450 P.P. TR03SE
double loop rectangular PAS KENT-1989
1214 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Buckle[1] copper alloy 1066-1500 P.P. TR02NE
ring PAS KENT-7F1251
1322 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2005 Buckle[1] copper alloy 1485-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-926796
1319 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2005 Button[1] copper alloy 1485-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
1320 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2005 Button[1] copper alloy 1485-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
1321 TR 07 29 MD find 09.2005 Button[1] copper alloy 1485-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
TR 07 30 MD find 09.1998 Knife[1] 1300-1500 P.P. TR03SE
trapezoidal handle PAS KENT-655
blade missing
364 TR 06 31 MD find 08.2002 Key, locking[1] bronze 1200-1500 P.P. TR03SE
casket PAS KENT-4899
365 TR 06 31 MD find 08.2002 Pin[1] bronze 1066-1540 P.P. TR03SE
flattened biconical head PAS KENT-4900
1209 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Pendant[1] 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-7FB615
1213 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Thimble[1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR02NE
PAS KENT-7F1BD4 1215 TR 07 30 MD find 09.2006 Strap End[1] 1066-1500 P.P. TR03SE
copper alloy PAS KENT-7F04E1
363 TR 05 30 MD find 04.2002 Weight [1] bronze 1066-1800 P.P. TR03SE
Newenden | (K) | ||||
373 | TQ 836 273 | Newenden | Town | 1227 | |
372 | TQ 83852739 | Old Timbers, | House | Med + | |
Lossenham Lane | 18th Century | ||||
[refaced] | |||||
374 | TQ 84022779 | Lossenham Manor | Moat | Med | P.P. |
375 | TQ 85172840 | Castle Toll | Motte & | 1200-1299 | P.P. |
Bailey |
trade weight PAS KENT-5320
Beresford & Finberg 1973, 129 KHER TQ82NW74
Listed Grade II
Hasted 1798, VII, 167-169
Gould & Downman 1908, 428
lgglesden 1930, XXIV, 74, 76
Tatton-Brown 1977, 222
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 47
Hasted 1798, VII, 165-166
Holloway 1849, 36-39
Smith 1880, 488-491
Mackenzie 1897, I, 32
Allcroft 1908, 419
Gould & Downman 1908, 442-443
Davison 1965, liii
Davison 1971, 31
Davison 1972, 123-127, 157
Cathcart King 1983, I, 232
Vale 1990, 297
Freakes 1998
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD33 SAM Kent 127
RSM 12841
Newington (K)
Stone House [Stone Farm] | House & Farmhouse | 14th Century+ 16th/1ih Century+ | NMR TR13NE54 KHER TR13NE135 |
Main Road | [site of] | 1789 | Parkin 1986, 181-183, pl. IVB |
building survey | Building Foundations & | dismantled | Austin 1987/88, 42-45, 62-63, pl., fig. |
excavation | Floors | Gaimster et al 1989, 200 | |
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38 | |||
NBR Index 62033 | |||
Listed Grade II [del.1991] |
924 TR 18273721
see Medieval 746 Saltwood
377 TR 17643752 Frogholt House House Med + KHER TR13NE136
16th Century+ Parkin 1986, 185
TR 17643754 Frogholt 18th Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38 19th Century+ Listed Grade II
20th Century
376 TR 17673746 Old Kent Cottage House c.1350? + NMR TR13NE30 [Frogholt Cottage] 15th/16th Century+ KHER TR13NE152
TR 17673750 building survey 1ih Century+ NMR TR13NE53
18th Century+ KHER TR13NE153
20th Century RCHME Report 1959 (rev 1989) Mercer 1975, 177, no.227
Roy. Comm. Hist. Mon.1976, 45
Newman & Pevsner 1969, 386
Parkin 1986, 184-185, fig. 6, pl.1118
Pearson 1994, 167
RPS Clouston 1994
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
NBR Index 31811
NBR Index 43778 Listed Grade II
378 TR 181 375 House, House 1350/1520 + KHER TR13NE59
The Street [site of] 1ih Century+ Parkin 1986, 177-179, fig. 5, pl.118
building survey 19th Century NBR Index 43777 demolished 1967
379 TR 18313744 Pound Farm, House & 13th Century+ NMR TR13NE55
The Street Farmhouse 14th Century+ KHER TR13NE131
TR 18303749 building survey 15th Century+ RCHME Report 1971
16th Century+ Parkin 1986, 173-174, fig. 4, pl. IIA
1ih Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
18th Century+ NBR Index 35585
20th Century Listed Grade II
381 TR 18 37 Shell Keep? Med KHER TQ45NE36
Clark 1884, I, 146
925 TR 192 374 Dalmington Deserted Settlement Med TR13NE
Gaimster et al 1989, 200
380 TR 16343800/ Pilgrims' Way Trackway Med/Post Med NMR TQ45NW22 TR 17603750/
TR 18403780
New Romney (K)
TR 06 24 New Romney Town & | pre 960? + | KHER TR02SE13 | ||
Port | 1086 + | Teichman-Derville 1930, 1-36 | ||
1100/1134 | Ward 1952, 12-25 Smith 1964, IV, 67 Beresford 1967, 459 Beresford & Finberg 1973, 130 Beresford & St Joseph 1979, 205-207, fig.85 Tatton-Brown 1982, 81 | |||
396 | TR 06 24 | Mint | c.1066-1067 c. 1077-1100 c.1123-1134 | Draper & Meddens 2009 KHER TR02SE21 Carlyon-Britton 1906, 165 Carlyon-Britton 1910, 18-20 Andrew 1911, 136 Carlyon-Britton 1927/28, 94, 101, 107 Ward 1952, 21 Leach 1982, 97-98 Holman 1986, 87 |
Purefoy 2008, 73
382 TR 06822523 Frogs Hall, House & 140h0/1432 + KHER TR02NE76
Cannon Street Farmhouse 1i Century + Listed Grade II
18th Century + 19th Century + 20th Century
384 TR 06602484 Mittell House, House 1467/1532 + KHER TR02SE99
Church Road 1ih Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 18th Century + Listed Grade II
1833/1866 [front]
389 TR 06742506 The Stone House, House Med + KHER TR02NE82 Dymchurch Road c.1830 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Listed Grade II
385 TR 06362476 17, 19& Mascall House, House 15th Century+ NMR TR02SE55
21 High Street 1ih Century+ KHER TR02SE103
TR 06412481 building survey 19th Century RCHME Report 1966 [19] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
NBR Index 31812 Listed Grade II
386 TR 06372478 18& 20 High Street House& Methd ?+ NMR TR02SE16
Shop 18 Century KHER TR02SE94
[front] Newman& Pevsner 1976, 435
Parkin 1973, 121
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
th Listed Grade II
387 TR 06452481 43 High Street House& 151h Century+ KHER TR02SE92
Shop 18 Century [front]+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
20th Century Listed Grade II
388 TR 06402480 28& 30 High Street House& 15th/16th Century+ KHER TR02SE82
Shop 18th Century [front] Parkin 1973, 121, pl. B KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
390 TR 064 249 south and east of Wall& 14th
Listed Grade II
Century TR02SE
Dolphin Spot, House KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
391 TR 06252473
North Street
3& 4 West Street
House [1] 14th Century+ KHER TR02SE123
18th Century+ Parkin 1973, 124-127, fig. 3-5, pl. II
180th0/1866+ Newman& Pevsner 1976, 435
20 Century Harris, R. 1992, 5
Martin& Martin 2004b KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41 Listed Grade II
TR 06042430 south of New Romney Mound& Med KHER TR02SE22
aerial photo 1946 Earthwork AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3023; 21.9.46)
TR 06122443 south of New Romney Mound& Med KHER TR02SE153
aerial photo 1946 Earthwork AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3023; 21.9.46)
TR 06332429 south of New Romney Mound [2]& Med KHER TR02SE154
aerial photo 1946 Earthwork
h/ 1h Century
AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3023; 21.9.46)
1038 TR 06002460 Church Road Ditch& 1i 14 TR02SE
excavation 2005 Metalled Surface& Arch Cant2008, 219, no. 11 Pit&
TR 06152444 New Cemetery,
Coin [11]
Pit [3]& Century
Church Road Gully Priestley-Bell 1999b
excavation 1999 James, T. 2000, 280
TR 062 246 Crockley ? Deserted Settlement ?& Med KHER TR02SE66
Kiln site? Collins 1992, 27, H41
TR 065 246 rear of Occupation Site& 13th Century P.P. KHER TR02SE71
Old School House, Pits& Thomason& Stafford 2001
Church Lane Post Holes&
evaluation 2001 Pottery
1039 TR 06512491 rear of
14th/15th Century P.P. KHER TR02SE142
60-71 High Street Floor [1+]& Gollop2008
evaluation Bone, animal
TR 06522487/ High Street Road Surface& 1175-1275 P.P. KHER TR02SE67
TR 06642496 watching brief 1995 Pottery Herdman& Jarman 1996
Jarman 1995/96, 43-44 1040 TR 06542476 Churchyard Human Remains [>10]& Med P.P. KHER TR02SE143
St Nicholas' Church lnhumation Cemetery& Linklater 2004
watching brief Tile see Places of Worship 81
989 TR 06552532 Craythorne Manor, Moat& Med KHER TR02NE15 Cockreed Lane Field System levelled post 1946 Draper 2004, 12-18
aerial photo AP [no details]
1041 TR 06592508 rear of 'Melanie', Pit& 1250-1325 P.P. KHER TR02NE100
Fairfield Road Pottery Linklater 2003a
watching brief
TR 06612502 rear of Gess Pit& 1250-1350 P.P. KHER TR02NE53
Prospect House, Pottery Linklater 2001b
405 | TR 06622505 | Prospect House, | Floor& | Med | P.P. | KHER TR02NE56 |
Fairfield Road excavation 2001 | Hearth | Linklater 2001b | ||||
406 | TR 06622505 | Prospect House, | Oven& | Med | P.P. | KHER TR02NE57 |
407 | TR 06622505 | Fairfield Road excavation 2001 Prospect House, | Furnace Building Foundations | 1275-1375 | P.P. | Linklater 2001b KHER TR02NE58 |
408 | TR 06622505 | Fairfield Road excavation 2001 Prospect House, | Pits& | 1200-1325? | P.P. | Linklater 2001b KHER TR02NE59 |
Fairfield Road | Cuts& | Linklater 2001b | ||||
409 | TR 06622505 | excavation 2001 rear of | Pottery Pits& | 1275-1375 | P.P. | KHER TR02NE60 |
Prospect House, | Cuts | Linklater 2001b | ||||
Fairfield Road | ||||||
excavation 2001 |
Fairfield Road excavation 2001
410 TR 06622505 rear of Ditch& 1275-1375 P.P. KHER TR02NE61
Prospect House, Pottery Linklater 2001b
Fairfield Road excavation 2001
411 TR 06622505 rear of Ditch& Med P.P. KHER TR02NE62
Prospect House, Clay, Burnt& Linklater 2001b
Fairfield Road Carbon excavation 2001
412 TR 06622505 rear of Ditch& 1220-1275? P.P. KHER TR02NE63
Prospect House, Pottery Linklater 2001b
Fairfield Road excavation 2001
1042 TR 06532483 Church Villa, Pit& 1250/1320 KHER TR02NE73
Church Close Bone, animal& Riccoboni 2004
watching brief Pottery
413 TR 06682490 Church Road Building Foundations& Med/Post Med P.P. KHER TR02SE72 watching brief Floor, Clay& Linklater 2001d
Ditch& Willson& Linklater 2002
TR 06702492 Pottery Willson& Linklater 2001/02, 41-43 1043 TR 06682507 Southlands School, Coin& 1150-1350 KHER TR02NE65
Fairfield Road Pottery Pre-Construct Archaeol. 2002
414 TR 06732507 Derville Site, Ditch& 13th/14th Century P.P. NMR TR02NE51 Southlands School, Pit& Hawkins 2000
Fairfield Road Pottery& Wessex Archaeol. 2000
evaluation Floor?
1044 TR 06732514 Fairfield Road Ditch& Med P.P. KHER TR02NE69 evaluation Kiln& Griffin 2005b
Pit& Post Hole
1045 TR 068 251 Southlands School, Road& 1287-c.1500 P.P. KHER TR02NE64 Fairfield Road Pit& Hawkins 2000
evaluation 2002 Pottery Pre-Construct Archaeol. 2002
James, T. 2003, 270
1046 TR 06742508 The Elms, Pit&
1ih/131h Century
Dymchurch Road Ditch?& Canterbury Archaeol. Trust 2005a
evaluation 2005 Pottery
1047 TR 06812518 Dymchurch Road Road& 13th/14th Century KHER TR02NE67 excavation 2003 Kiln& Stevenson & Hunter 2006
Pit [1+]
466 TR 07 24 MD find 12.2002 Coin [1] silver 1066-1540 P.P. TR02SE
1478 | TR 06 | 24 | Surface find 05.2005 | Coin [1] silver penny | 1083-1086 | P.P. | TR02SE PAS KENT-8CC4C5 |
William I | North 1994, 192 no. 848 | ||||||
1048 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 04.2008 | Coin [1] silver | 1087-1100 | P.P. | TR02SE |
William II | Allen et al 2009, no. 388 | ||||||
Sudbury mint | EMC 2008.0207 | ||||||
North 1975/80, I, 154, no.853 | |||||||
986 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 1999 | Coin [1] silver | 1100-1135 | P.P. | TR02SE |
cut half penny | Abdy 1999, no. 121 | ||||||
Henry I | North 1975/80, I, 159, no.866 | ||||||
Warwick mint ? | |||||||
963 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1109-1111 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Henry I | Allen et al 2005, no. 213 | ||||||
Dover mint | EMC 2004.0052 | ||||||
North 1975/80, I, 158, no.865 | |||||||
995 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 12.1998 | Coin [1] silver | 1113-1135 | P.P. | TR02SE |
cut quarter penny | Allen et al 2006, no. 259 | ||||||
Henry I | EMC 2005.0113 | ||||||
Romney mint | North 1975/80, I, 158, no.864 | ||||||
1471 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1154-1189 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-8F9CB4 | ||||||
Henry II | |||||||
1451 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | cut half penny | PAS KENT-37CC94 | |||||
(short cross) | |||||||
Winchester mint | |||||||
1511 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | cut half penny | PAS KENT-DF1016 | |||||
(short cross) | |||||||
1507 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1278 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 01.2008 | fragment | PAS KENT-E06304 | |||||
1435 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-22DB66 | |||||
John | |||||||
1469 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-8FAE06 | ||||||
John | |||||||
1467 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-8FC5D6 | ||||||
Alexander | |||||||
489 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 03.2003 | Scotland Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-D4E547 |
490 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 03.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-D52006 | ||||||
492 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 03.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-D59531 | ||||||
1473 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 11.2005 | cut half penny | PAS KENT-7528F3 | |||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1427 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | post 1247 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-0BC0F7 | |||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1509 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1278 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 01.2008 | penny | PAS KENT-DF4845 | |||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1433 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1279 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | cut half penny | PAS KENT-22B3C8 | |||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1434 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1279 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | cut half penny | PAS KENT-22C8C1 | |||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1512 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1278 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-DF09A4 | |||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1513 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1278 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-DF0006 | |||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1450 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1250-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | cut half penny | PAS KENT-37C032 | |||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
Canterbury mint | |||||||
1428 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1278-1483 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-20CA62 | |||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1447 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-3778F6 | |||||
Edward | |||||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1448 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-37A7B5 | |||||
Edward | |||||||
(long cross) |
1449 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-37B738 | |||||
Edward | |||||||
(long cross) | |||||||
1456 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 09.2004 | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02SE |
penny | PAS KENT-C25BC4 | ||||||
Edward | |||||||
1465 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
1466 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | farthing Edward Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | PAS KENT-902706 TR02NE |
farthing | PAS KENT-8FF326 | ||||||
Edward | |||||||
1514 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-908B57 | ||||||
1515 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-904413 | ||||||
1516 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-903C25 | ||||||
1517 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-902F26 | ||||||
469 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 12.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Edward I | PAS KENT-5266 | ||||||
1405 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 07.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1301-1305 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Edward I | PAS KENT-28945 | ||||||
1410 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 07.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
1429 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Edward I Coin [1] silver | 1278-1307 | P.P. | PAS KENT-10D3D1 TR02NE |
1430 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 08.2004 New Romney | penny Edward I Coin [1] silver | 1278-1307 | P.P. | PAS KENT-20FA92 TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-223307 | |||||
Edward I | |||||||
1468 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-8FBA56 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1432 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1283 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | half penny | PAS KENT-227373 | |||||
Edward I | |||||||
Bristol mint | |||||||
1425 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1278-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | penny | PAS KENT-0A9606 | |||||
Edward 1/111 |
1500 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
1501 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 01.2008 New Romney | Edward 1/111 Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | PAS KENT-E09270 TR02NE |
MD find 01.2008 | cut half penny | PAS KENT-E08A82 | |||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1502 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 01.2008 | farthing | PAS KENT-E08666 | |||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1510 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 01.2008 | farthing | PAS KENT-DF4115 | |||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1503 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE |
1452 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 01.2008 New Romney | fragment Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | PAS KENT-E08043 TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | farthing Edward I | PAS KENT-37D720 | |||||
1453 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1300-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | farthing | PAS KENT-37EC86 | |||||
Edward I | |||||||
383 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Coin [1] billon | 1279-1325 | P.P. | TR02NE |
dinheiro | Allen et al 2009, no.449 | ||||||
Dinis | |||||||
Portugal | |||||||
491 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 03.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1307-1327 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Edward II | PAS KENT-D577B6 | ||||||
423 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Coin [1] silver | 1307-1327 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Edward II | PAS KENT-513 | ||||||
426 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Coin [1]silver | 1307-1327 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Edward II | PAS KENT-512 | ||||||
1426 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1309-1346 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | John the Blind | PAS KENT-0B0E86 | |||||
1472 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Luxembourg Coin [1] silver | 1314-1347 | P.P. | TR02NE |
1460 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 09.2004 | Louis IV Bavaria Coin [1] silver | 1350-1353 | P.P. | PAS KENT-8F7C77 TR02SE |
half groat | PAS KENT-C46946 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
459 | TR 07 | 24 | MD find 09.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1351-1377 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Edward Ill | PAS KENT-4903 |
1431 | TR 07 25 | New Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1343-1352 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | half penny | PAS KENT-225BD5 | ||||
Edward Ill | ||||||
Florin coinage | ||||||
1409 | TR 07 25 | MD find 07.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Richard II | PAS KENT-FD9AB5 | |||||
452 | TR 07 24 | MD find 09.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1399-1413 | P.P. | TR02SE |
Henry IV | PAS KENT-4908 | |||||
1408 | TR 07 25 | MD find 07.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TR02NE |
1470 | TR 07 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Henry VI Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | PAS KENT-FD7B92 TR02NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-8FDFE4 |
Henry VI
458 TR 07 24 MD find 09.2002 Coin [1] silver 1526-1544 P.P. TR02SE
Henry VIII PAS KENT-4902
418 TR 06 24 surface find Coin [1] gold Med P.P. TR02SE
noble Teichman-Derville 1940, 140-141
474 TR 06 24 MD find 01.1989 Jetton [1] copper alloy 1300-1500 P.P. TR02SE
France? PAS KENT-4420
1479 TR 07 25 New Romney Ampulla [1] lead Med P.P. TR02NE
MD find 04.2005 PAS KENT-A31326
927 TR 062 248 Sussex Road/ Arrowhead [1] iron Med P.P. TR02SE
Spitalfield Lane Roper 1966, lxi
3ft below ground 1966 Grove & Kelly 1967, 296, fig. 4A
1403 TR 05 25 MD find 08.2002 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1250-1400 P.P. TR02SE
trapezoidal PAS KENT-4514
1475 TR 07 25 New Romney Buckle [1] copper alloy 1300-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 08.2005 spur buckle PAS KENT-DFF4B0
1494 TR 07 25 New Romney Buckle [1] copper alloy 1350-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 single loop, subrectangular PAS KENT-E0D5C0 1495 TR 07 25 New Romney Buckle [1] copper alloy 1250-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 rectangular plate PAS KENT-E0D063 1496 TR 07 25 New Romney Buckle [1] copper alloy 1350-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 double loop oval PAS KENT-E0C6A6 1505 TR 07 25 New Romney Buckle [1] copper alloy 1200-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 PAS KENT-E07351
1506 TR 07 25 New Romney Buckle [1] copper alloy 1200-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 rectangular plate PAS KENT-E06C98
432 TR 07 24 MD find 04.1999 Button [1] gilded silver 1509-1558 P.P. TR02SE
1474 TR 07 25 New Romney Cross [1] copper alloy 1100-1250 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 08.2005 cross pomy PAS KENT-E139E0
417 TR 06 24 Crucifix [1] bronze 15th Century P.P. TR02SE
Teichman-Derville 1936c, 248-249
434 TR 07 24 MD find 03.1999 Dress Hook [1] silver gilt 1500-1599 British TR02SE
heart-shaped back plate Museum PAS KENT-2660 1439 TR 07 25 New Romney Dress Hook [1] Med P.P. TR02NE
MD find 08.2004 copper alloy PAS KENT-235411 openwork
427 TR 07 25 MD find 01.1998 Harness Pendant [1] 1300-1500 P.P. TR02NE
[oyster shells & pottery PAS KENT-669
428 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 01.1998 | Harness Pendant [1] | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE |
[oyster shells & pottery found in area] | PAS KENT-668 | ||||||
429 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 04.1998 | Harness Pendant [1] | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE |
[oyster shells & pottery | PAS KENT-611 | ||||||
found in area] | |||||||
468 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 12.2002 | Harness Pendant [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02SE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-5265 | ||||||
quatrefoil-shaped | |||||||
932 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Harness Pendant [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
Mason 1994, 453 | |||||||
1499 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Harness Pendant [1] | 1250-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 01.2008 | copper alloy | PAS KENT-E0B540 | |||||
pendant fitting | |||||||
929 | TR 06 | 24 | surface find | Key, locking [1] iron | Med | P.P. | TR02SE |
chest | Grove & Kelly 1967, 258, fig. 4.3 | ||||||
424 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Key, locking [1] | 1200-1700 | P.P. | TR02NE |
PAS KENT-511 | |||||||
1454 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Key, locking [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 08.2004 | copper alloy | PAS KENT-37FE86 | |||||
barrel padlock | |||||||
1504 | TR 07 | 25 | New Romney | Mount [1] copper alloy | 1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 01.2008 | PAS KENT-E07B93 | ||||||
464 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 07.2002 | Pilgrim Badge [1] | 1500-1600 | P.P. | TR02SE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-4898 | ||||||
Pieta motif | |||||||
1455 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 09.2004 | Seal [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TR02SE |
PAS KENT-C24B45 | |||||||
433 | TR 06 | 24 | MD find 07.1997 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02SE |
circular | PAS KENT-2352 | ||||||
425 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] | 1066-1485 | P.P. | TR02NE |
illegible | PAS KENT-510 |
found in area]
431 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find 07.1998 | Seal Matrix [1] oval 'S EADMUNDI FIL STEPHANI CLERICI | 1400-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE PAS KENT-654 |
442 | TR 07 | 24 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1299-1300 | P.P. | TR02SE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3861 | ||||||
cross motif | |||||||
S'[-]hERd dEPSER | |||||||
443 | TR 07 | 24 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1100-1199 | P.P. | TR02SE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3862 | ||||||
star motif | |||||||
+ S' loh: [-]T[---]C: | |||||||
444 | TR 07 | 24 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02SE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3863 | ||||||
S' EMME [---] PETRI | |||||||
445 | TR 07 | 24 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02SE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3864 | ||||||
eight-pointed star motif | |||||||
S' SIGPl[--]I . IOhlS | |||||||
446 | TR 07 | 24 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1100-1199 | P.P. | TR02SE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3865 | ||||||
fleur de lys motif | |||||||
S' ADE F'ERIC | |||||||
447 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02SE |
circular | PAS KENT-3866 | ||||||
star motif | |||||||
448 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1400-1499 | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | PAS KENT-3867 | ||||||
WING + CEL[I] ? | |||||||
484 | TR 07 | 24 | MD find 09.2002 | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1100-1400 | P.P. | TR02SE |
vesica | PAS KENT-4911 | ||||||
armoured knight motif | |||||||
OF IVYCHURCH | |||||||
930 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | Mason 1994, 453, fig.4.1 | ||||||
eight-rayed star motif | |||||||
*S'ROB[.] ELWl:NI | |||||||
931 TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TR02NE | |
circular | Mason 1994, 453 | ||||||
octofoil design | |||||||
465 TR 07 24 MD find 12.2002 Seal Matrix [1] lead 1066-1540 P.P. TR02SE
eight-pointed star motif PAS KENT-5262
1406 TR 07 25 New Romney Seal Matrix [1] lead 1200-1540 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 07.2003 PAS KENT-D49FD4
928 TR 06 24 surface find Spur [1] iron 15th Century P.P. TR02SE
fragment Roper 1966, lxi
Grove& Kelly 1967, 258
467 TR 06 24 MD find 12.2002 Strap Fitting [1] bronze 1300-1400 P.P. TR02SE
strap end PAS KENT-5264
1508 TR 07 25 New Romney Strap Fitting [1] 1350-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 copper alloy PAS KENT-DF4D28 bar mount and pendant loop
1497 TR 07 25 New Romney Strap End [1] copper alloy 1100-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 PAS KENT-E0C0A2
1498 TR 07 25 New Romney Strap End [1] copper alloy 1100-1400 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 01.2008 PAS KENT-E0BC00
1462 TR 05 24 MD find 10.2004 Sword [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02SE
pommel PAS KENT-21D8F2
450 TR 07 24 MD find 09.2002 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR02SE
451 TR 07 24 MD find 09.2002 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1200-1500 P.P. TR02SE
domed PAS KENT-4907
493 TR 07 25 MD find 03.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1350-1450 P.P. TR02NE
beehive-shaped PAS KENT-D5A871
1457 TR 05 24 MD find 09.2004 Thimble [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02SE
496 | TR 076 258 | 'The Haven' at rear of Warren House 1834 | Ship& Wreck& Bone, animal& Human Remains& Coin [1+] copper | Med/Post Med | TR02NE Reely 20 Nov 1833 Urban 1834, 94-95 |
Northiam (ESx) | |||||
509 | TQ 82942266 | Yew Tree Farm, | House& | 14th Century+ | TQ82SW |
TQ 82942265 | [Mary Mason's Teahouse] Beckley Road building survey | Farmhouse 15th Century+ c.1600 + post c.1750 | ESHER MES4203 ESRO HBR1/0733, 1982 NBR Index 1757 LBSU 411122 Listed Grade II |
TQ 82962267 YewTree Farm, Barn 16th Century+ TQ82SW
Hastings Road 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0684, 1981
building survey Martin & Martin 2006, 103-104
NBR Index 1757
LBSU 411123
Listed Grade II
TQ 83182475 Silverden Manor, House 15th Century+ NMRTQ82SW8
Church Lane 16th Century+ ESHER MES4182
TQ 832 248 1ih Century+ ESHER MES4199
post 1931 Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 576
TQ 83172475 building survey ESRO HBR1/0515, 1980
WBSG 1980, site visit note 5/80 NBR Index 1753
LBSU 411131
Listed Grade II
TQ 82112503 Higham House & 15th Century+ NMRTQ82NW21
[Higham Farm] Farmhouse 16th Century+ ESHER MES4232
TQ 82102502 Dixter Road 16th/1ih Century+ Martin 1972a, 51-57, fig. 3 building survey pre 1700+ ESRO HBR1/0292, 1977 [Higham]
post c.1700 LBSU 411145
Listed Grade II
19 TQ 82092506 Higham Cottage House Med+ TQ82NW
Dixter Road 18th Century LBSU 411147 Listed Grade II
TQ 82172508 Domains House 16th Century+ NMRTQ82NW20
[Domans/Domons] 1ih Century+ ESHER MES4204
TQ 82162507 Dixter Road 18th Century+ ESHER MES4231 building survey 1800/1832 Wolseley 1935a, 6-10
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 576
Martin 1972a, 51-57, fig. 3
ESRO HBR1/0688, 1981 [rev 1982]
Bloe et al 1973, 271
Lloyd 1983, 338
NBR Index 3403
LBSU 411143
Listed Grade II
530 TQ 82482492 Park House & House [1] 14th Century+ TQ82SW
Park Corner, ESHER MES4198
TQ 82472494 Dixter Road 1733 ESRO HBR1/0262, 1977 [rev 1989]
building survey NBR Index 1752
LBSU 411139
Listed Grade II
TQ 82472161 Doucegrove Farm, House & c.1460+ TQ82SW
Doucegrove Lane Farmhouse 16th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1194, 1993
building survey c.1600+ LBSU 411148 1ih Century Listed Grade II
TQ 82092415 Strawberry Hole House & 1490/1525+ NMRTQ82SW10 [Strawberry Hole Farm] Farmhouse c.1700+ ESHER MES4184
TQ 821 242 Ewhurst Lane Modern ESHER MES4211
building survey Bloe et al 1973, 271
TQ 82082414 ESRO HBR1/0120, 1973
NBR Index 7690
LBSU 411152
Listed Grade II*
TQ 81452361 Tutton Place House 1485/1535+ TQ82SW
[Northiam Place] 16th/1ih Century+ ESHER MES4212
TQ 81442362 Ewhurst Lane 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0946, 1985 building survey 1801/1803+ Jones 1986b, 44-45
20th Century NBR Index 7691
damaged by fire LBSU 411155
Listed Grade II
TQ 82222181 Tanhouse Farm, Barn & c.1550+ TQ82SW
Hastings Road Oasthouse 18th Century+ ESHER MES4201
building survey 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0286, 1977 [rev 1986] NBR Index 1755
LBSU 411585
Listed Grade II
TQ 82682280 The Wellhouse, House 15th Century+ NMRTQ82SW5
Hastings Road 16th Century+ ESHER MES4179
TQ 82672280 building survey c.1933 ESHER MES4227
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 576
Bloe et al 1973, 272
ESRO HBR1/1114, 1990
Wolseley 1931b, 509-513, pl. NBR Index 84694
LBSU 411580
Listed Grade II
TQ 82922382 Carriers Farm, House & 14th Century+ TQ82SW
Hastings Road Farmhouse 1ih Century+ ESHER MES4220
building survey 17th/18th Century+ Bloe et al 1973, 272
20th Century ESRO HBR1/0113, 1974
part destroyed NBR Index 54559
by fire 1974 LBSU 411160
Listed Grade II
TQ 82302504 TheThatched Cottage House Med+ NMRTQ82NW22
[Lacyes] c.1600+ ESHER MES4191
Higham Lane postht c.1700+ ESHER MES4233
building survey 18 Century+ Martin 1972a, 51-57, fig. 3
1978 ESRO HBR1/0309, 1978
NBR Index 1745 Listed Grade II
TQ 81952510 Great Dixter, House & 1465/1485+ NMRTQ82NW6
High Park Manor House & pre c.1700?+ ESHER MES4174 [site of] c.1800+ Ray 1909, 132-152
Moat 1910/1912 Weaver 1913a, 18-26, pl.
[site of] Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 575-576
Bloe et al 1973, 270-271, pl.
Wood 1983, 134, 315
Wolseley 1929, 6-10, pl.
TQ 81962511 building survey ESRO HBR1/0983, 1986
Martin & Martin 1987, 18-22
TQ 81962510 NBR Index 1748
LBSU 411593
Listed Grade I
TQ 81962516 Major Barn, Barn & Methd+ NMRTQ82NW29
Great Dixter, Oasthouse 19 Century ESHER MES4239
High Park ESRO HBR1/0440, 1979 [rev 1990]
TQ 81952516 building survey Martin & Martin 2006, 97-99
NBR Index 1748
LBSU 411594
h 1h Century+
TQ 81722519 Little Dixter, House 15th/16th Century+ High Park 1583+
building survey 1i /18
Listed Grade II* NMRTQ82NW7 ESHER MES4175 ESHER MES4218
TQ 81732523
part destroyed Bloe et al 1973, 271
th by fire c.1900 ESRO HBR1/0620, 1980
20 Century Martin & Martin 1987, 40-41
NBR Index 51162 LBSU411596
Listed Grade II
TQ 82922440 WalnutTree House & House 1430/1530+ TQ82SW
Timber House & 156th0/1660+ ESHER MES4208
Eaton House 18 Century ESRO HBR1/0949, 1985 [Eaton House]
Main Street NBR Index 7687
building survey LBSU 411614
Listed Grade II
see 1tf' Century 1043
527 TQ 82742463 Oak House & House [1] 14th Century+ TQ82SW
Oak End, 16th Century+ ESHER MES4223
TQ 82752463 Main Street 17th/18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1041, 1988
building survey
th Century NBR Index 76893
LBSU 411622
Listed Grade II
528 TQ 82692465 Farthings House 14th Century+ TQ82SW
[Farthings House] 16th Century+ ESHER MES4192
Main Street
th Century ESRO HBR1/0172, 1975
building survey NBR Index 1746
LBSU 411624
Listed Grade II
529 TQ 82992446 Hayes Arms Hotel Hotel & 15th Century+ NMRTQ82SW9 Main Street House c.1500+ ESHER MES4183
TQ 83002447 1ih Century+ Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 575
th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1504, 2003
th Century LBSU 411602
Listed Grade II
526 TQ 83042431 The Six Bells PH House & 15th Century+ NMRTQ82SW30
Main Street Public House 16th Century+ ESHER MES4219
TQ 82642470 building survey 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/0597, 1980 18th Century NBR Index 51163
LBSU 411600
Listed Grade II
TQ 82172328 Brook's Farm, House & 15th Century+ TQ82SW
New Road Farmhouse c.1540+ ESRO HBR1/1249, 1996
building survey 1ih/181h Century+ LBSU 411868 18th Century Listed Grade II
531 TQ 826 259 Crockers Pottery & Med P.P. NMRTQ82NW18 excavation 1973 Pit ESHER MES4230
Streeten 1985,
Old Romney (K)
532 TR 02972242 aerial photo 1946 Field System & Med/Post Med KHERTR02SW8
Earthwork AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3027; 21.9.46)
392 TR 031 232 Midley Deserted Settlement Med KHERTR02SW2
Elliston-Erwood 1925, 194
Beresford & St Joseph 1979, 207 Beresford & Hurst 1971,191 Beresford 1987, 359
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
533 TR 03372548 Moat& Med KHER TR02NW6
Enclosure Tatton-Brown 1977, 222
Beresford& St Joseph 1979, 207, pl. 85A
Moated Sites Res Gp 6 (1979) 47
534 TR 03492549 St John's Field/ Moat& Med KHER TR02NW103
Hospital Field/ Enclosure& New Romney Tithe Map c.1842
St John's Glebe Human Remains& Bradshaw 1970, 179
surface finds Building Foundations Bradshaw 1971b, 69, site 116
excavation 1970 Beresford& St Joseph 1979, 207, no. 85
Moated Sites Res Gp 6 (1979) 47
393 TR 03582518 east of Old Romney Ridge + Furrow& Med KHER TR02NW19
aerial photo 1953 Earthwork AP (NMR TR0325/1-4; 29.6.53)
535 TR 037 257 Romney St Michael Deserted Settlement ? Med P.P. KHER TR02NW15
Beresford& Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
536 TR 041 254 Romney St Lawrence Deserted Settlement ? Med P.P. KHER TR02NW16
TR 040 255 Beresford& Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
TR 041 253 surface find Pottery
1ih/13Ih century
P.P. KHER TR02NW106 Vale 1987, 372
394 TR 041 254 surface find Pottery Med P.P. NMR TR02NW37
Reeves 1992
TR 042 237 surface find Pottery& Med P.P. KHER TR02NW147
Daub Vale 1987, 372
537 TR 05592500 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE45
Place 1993a 1518 TR 03532581 surface find 10.2009 Vessel [1] ceramic 1170-1350 P.P. TR02NW
strap handle PAS LON-4557B5
1520 TR 034 256 surface find 01.2008 Vessel [1] ceramic 1200-1500 P.P. TR02NW
rim sherd PAS KENT-E12335
1521 TR 034 256 surface find 01.2008 Vessel [1] ceramic 1200-1500 P.P. TR02NW
body sherd PAS KENT-E110F8
618 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Coin [1] silver 1066-1540 P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-460417
1485 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Coin [1] silver Med P.P. TR02NW
penny PAS KENT-278473
1487 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Coin [1] silver Med P.P. TR02NW
cut half penny PAS KENT-264AA4
1483 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Coin [3] silver Med P.P. TR02NW
cut half penny PAS KENT-279298
cut quarter penny
1484 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Coin [3] silver Med P.P. TR02NW
cut quarter penny PAS KENT-278A71
573 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1066-1100 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-379CF4 | ||||||
William 1/11 | |||||||
574 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1066-1100 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-37ABD3 | ||||||
William 1/11 | |||||||
555 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1100-1135 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Henry I | PAS KENT-B96317 | ||||||
1541 | TR 01 | 23 | Old Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1154-1180 | P.P. | TR02SW |
MD find 12.2007 | penny | PAS KENT-A7B016 | |||||
Henry II | |||||||
1538 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1154-1180 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-A8B6A5 | ||||||
Henry II | |||||||
580 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1154-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-387C74 | ||||||
601 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1154-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-60AB07 | ||||||
504 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 10.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1179-1248 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-AC5EE0 | ||||||
(short cross) | |||||||
1530 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Canterbury mint Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-AA7FD1 | ||||||
1536 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | (short cross) Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-A8D3E3 | ||||||
(short cross) | |||||||
1582 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-BF1572 | ||||||
1528 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | (short cross) Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-AA9382 | ||||||
(short cross) | |||||||
544 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 09.1998 | Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02SW |
John | PAS KENT-682 | ||||||
576 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02NW |
578 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | John Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | PAS KENT-382013 TR02NW |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-385E86 | ||||||
John | |||||||
453 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 12.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1247 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-5282 |
486 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 01.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1217-1242 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-6D4177 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
557 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1217-1242 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-BA0022 | ||||||
501 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 10.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-8C7D27 | ||||||
Roger of Newcastle | |||||||
547 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 10.2001 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NW |
1417 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2004 | Henry Ill Coin [1] silver | 1216-1247 | P.P. | PAS KENT-4088 TR02NE |
1556 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | penny Henry Ill Coin [1] silver | 1216-1247 | P.P. | PAS KENT-25EC66 TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-A2DC92 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
506 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 10.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1247 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-C42D36 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1488 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 09.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1248-1250 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-263DE5 | ||||||
Henry Ill | North 1975/80, I, no.986 | ||||||
505 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 10.2003 | Oxford mint Coin [1] silver | 1281-1295 | P.P. | TR02NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-ACCD57 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
Waterford mint | |||||||
Ireland | |||||||
538 | TR 05 | 24 | Hammonds Corner | Coin [2] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | KHER TR02SE155 |
Edward I & Henry VI | 1422-1461 | Teichman-Derville 1936b, 229 | |||||
436 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find | Personal Ornament & | 1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Coin [1] silver | PAS KENT-3400 | ||||||
penny | |||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1489 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 09.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-262A15 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1486 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 09.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-276CB1 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
485 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 01.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-6D0F28 | ||||||
Edward I |
449 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 10.2001 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-DBA006 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
London mint | |||||||
566 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward I | PAS KENT-3637B1 | ||||||
568 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward I | PAS KENT-36D5F2 | ||||||
582 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward I | PAS KENT-493AA8 | ||||||
615 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward I | PAS KENT-45AD68 | ||||||
616 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward I | PAS KENT-45D994 | ||||||
1416 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-25C4E4 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1420 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-DBF5D8 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
London mint | |||||||
1493 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 06.2009 | Coin [1] silver | 1282-1289 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-C50D96 | ||||||
Edward I | North 1975/80, II, no.1027 | ||||||
Canterbury mint | |||||||
1575 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-DF08A2 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1522 | TR 01 | 23 | Old Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SW |
MD find 01.2008 | penny | PAS KENT-E1AAE3 | |||||
1524 | TR 01 | 23 | Old Romney | Edward 1/111 Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SW |
MD find 01.2008 | penny | PAS KENT-E197D6 | |||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1525 | TR 01 | 23 | Old Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SW |
MD find 01.2008 | penny | PAS KENT-E18E44 | |||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1529 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-AA8BB6 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1537 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
penny | PAS KENT-A8C7F3 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 |
1540 | TR 01 | 23 | Old Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SW |
MD find 12.2007 | penny | PAS KENT-A7FA21 | |||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
1523 | TR 01 | 23 | Old Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02SW |
MD find 01.2008 | half penny | PAS KENT-E1A194 | |||||
1593 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2007 | Edward 1/111 Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
half penny | PAS KENT-3DB624 | ||||||
Edward 1/111 | |||||||
552 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1327 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward 1/11 | PAS KENT-904450 | ||||||
456 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 10.2001 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-DB83C7 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
494 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 03.2003 | York mint Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-FC5E43 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
499 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
half penny | PAS KENT-14C296 | ||||||
Edward Ill | |||||||
London | |||||||
577 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward Ill | PAS KENT-382E13 | ||||||
614 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Richard II | PAS KENT-45A204 | ||||||
1476 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 05.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TR02SW |
half penny | PAS KENT-E15A41 | ||||||
Richard II | |||||||
1526 | TR 01 | 23 | Old Romney | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1489 | P.P. | TR02SW |
MD find 01.2008 | penny | PAS KENT-E18572 | |||||
457 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 03.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1470 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Edward IV | PAS KENT-5290 | ||||||
508 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 11.2003 | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1471 | P.P. | TR02SW |
half penny | PAS KENT-E93A03 | ||||||
Edward IV | |||||||
Canterbury mint | |||||||
541 | TR 02 | 23 | MD find | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1483 | P.P. | TR02SW |
551 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Edward IV Coin [1] silver | 1461-1483 | P.P. | PAS KENT-3692 TR02NW |
Edward IV | PAS KENT-902F08 |
1560 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1485-1509 | P.P. | TR02NW |
half groat | PAS KENT-BA8897 | ||||||
Edward VII | |||||||
600 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Jetton [1] copper alloy | 1200-1300 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-608C44 | |||||||
608 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Jetton [1] | 1200-1700 | P.P. | TR02NW PAS KENT-621861 |
629 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Jetton [1] copper alloy | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-70F3F2 | |||||||
621 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Jetton [1] copper alloy | 1400-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
perforated | PAS KENT-480F31 | ||||||
1574 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2005 | Jetton [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW PAS KENT-DF0E21 |
1477 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2005 | Token [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
boy bishop | PAS KENT-8D6D44 | ||||||
1543 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2007 | Token? [1] lead | 1200-1600 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-3E9887 | |||||||
611 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Coin Weight [2] | 1066-1800 | P.P. | TR02NW PAS KENT-B25163 |
549 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 09.2001 | Ampulla [1] lead | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
scallop shell motif | PAS KENT-4490 | ||||||
1571 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 11.2005 | Balance [1] copper alloy | 1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
coin balance | PAS KENT-DCA976 | ||||||
TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Bell [1] copper alloy ? | 1300-1800 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
crotal bell | PAS KENT-6050E0 | ||||||
558 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Book Fitting [1] | 1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
gilded copper alloy | PAS KENT-CCCA38 | ||||||
book clasp ? | |||||||
rectangular | |||||||
628 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Book Fitting [1] | 1066-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
book clasp | PAS KENT-70C964 | ||||||
546 | TR 04 | 24 | MD find 08.2002 | Box [1] copper alloy | 1200-1300 | P.P. | TR02SW |
hexagonal weight | PAS KENT-5005 | ||||||
box with hinged lid | |||||||
495 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 03.2003 | Brooch [1] copper alloy annular | 1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE PAS KENT-FCA134 |
598 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Brooch [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
ring brooch | PAS KENT-6044A5 | ||||||
TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Brooch [1] gilded bronze | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
trapezoidal | PAS KENT-CCE8D1 | ||||||
561 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Brooch [1] copper alloy | 1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
annular | PAS KENT-CDFAA8 |
1564 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Brooch [1] | 1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
gilded copper alloy | PAS KENT-B3CF75 | ||||||
annular turret | |||||||
471 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2000 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1400 | P.P. | TR02NE |
strap end buckle | PAS KENT-4505 | ||||||
487 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2000 | Buckle [1] copper | 1350-1400 | P.P. | TR02NE |
PAS KENT-EE0955 | |||||||
560 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1250-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
oval | PAS KENT-CD2E56 | ||||||
562 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
rectangular | PAS KENT-CEDCF7 | ||||||
556 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1250-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
single loop oval | PAS KENT-B99E92 | ||||||
564 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1450 | P.P. | TR02NW |
single loop oval | PAS KENT-E48220 | ||||||
567 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
trapezoidal | PAS KENT-3645A1 | ||||||
569 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1650 | P.P. | TR02NW |
double loop oval | PAS KENT-36E4B0 | ||||||
570 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
single loop trapezoidal | PAS KENT-372317 | ||||||
TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1650 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
double loop oval | PAS KENT-374EA6 | ||||||
572 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1650 | P.P. | TR02NW |
double loop oval | PAS KENT-376144 | ||||||
575 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
buckle plate | PAS KENT-37BD65 | ||||||
TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1650 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
double loop oval | PAS KENT-386E66 | ||||||
587 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-5D56E6 | |||||||
588 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-5D8806 | |||||||
590 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] | 1100-1900 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-5E4E05 | |||||||
TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] | 1100-1900 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
PAS KENT-5E5A62 | |||||||
592 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] | 1100-1900 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-5E6534 | |||||||
593 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [9] copper alloy ? | 1485-1603 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-5E7B32 | |||||||
595 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] | 1100-1900 | P.P. | TR02NW |
603 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1650 | P.P. | TR02NW |
625 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | double loop oval Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1250-1400 | P.P. | PAS KENT-618508 TR02NW |
single loop oval | PAS KENT-701DC7 | ||||||
Whitehead 2003, 23, no. 105 | |||||||
626 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1250-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
single loop D shaped | PAS KENT-706D72 | ||||||
Whitehead 2003 | |||||||
627 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] | 1066-1800 | P.P. | TR02NW |
631 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1300-1500 | P.P. | PAS KENT-709068 TR02NW |
single loop rectangular | PAS KENT-81A4A7 |
Whitehead 2003
1421 TR 05 25 MD find 05.2004 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NE
1492 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 06.2009 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1450 | P.P. |
1531 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1100-1500 | P.P. |
single loop with plate | ||||||
1532 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1100-1500 | P.P. |
single loop | ||||||
1533 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1100-1500 | P.P. |
single loop | ||||||
1534 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1100-1500 | P.P. |
single loop | ||||||
1535 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1100-1500 | P.P. |
single loop | ||||||
1539 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 12.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1200-1500 | P.P. |
forked spacer | ||||||
1545 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1300-1500 | P.P. |
buckle plate | ||||||
1546 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1300-1500 | P.P. |
buckle plate | ||||||
1547 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1550 | P.P. |
buckle plate | ||||||
1548 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2007 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1350-1550 | P.P. |
double loop with plate | ||||||
1550 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. |
buckle with plate | ||||||
1551 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. |
D-shaped |
buckle plate PAS KENT-DC5620
Whitehead 2003, no.236
1554 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1555 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1557 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1561 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1566 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
buckle with plate PAS KENT-A5A257
1568 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
buckle plate PAS KENT-A58EA4
1569 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1572 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1485-1603 P.P. TR02NW
Tudor sword belt buckle PAS KENT-E64622
1576 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
buckle plate PAS KENT-DF0053
1577 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
buckle plate PAS KENT-DEF874
1578 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1579 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1580 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1581 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1584 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1585 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1558 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Candle Holder [1] Med P.P. TR02NW
copper alloy PAS KENT-BAA136
1491 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Clasp [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1552 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Clothing Accessory [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-A56AC7 | ||||||
1563 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | clothing fastener Clothing Accessory [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy clothes hook | PAS KENT-B3D7D0 |
1519 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 10.2008 | Cross [1] silver | 1200-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
pendant cross | PAS LON-EEDD36 | ||||||
1461 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 09.2004 | Crucifix [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
Lombardic N on obverse | PAS KENT-D08724 | ||||||
482 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 01.2003 | Finger Ring [1] silver | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NE |
stirrup ring | PAS KENT-5289 | ||||||
1445 | TR 03 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Finger Ring [1] | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-348193 | ||||||
1573 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2005 | Hanger [1] copper alloy | 1485-1603 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Tudor sword belt hanger | PAS KENT-E33DC8 | ||||||
498 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2003 | Harness Mount [1] | 1300-1600 | P.P. | TR02NE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-148BF7 | ||||||
fleured cross-shaped | |||||||
1446 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 08.2004 | Harness Mount [1] | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-349335 | ||||||
quatrafoil | |||||||
TR 02 | 25 | MD find 05.1998 | Harness [1] | 1350-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
sexfoil harness pendant | PAS KENT-362 | ||||||
612 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | foliate design Harness [1] | 1200-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
gilded copper alloy | PAS KENT-E2AA26 | ||||||
harness pendant | |||||||
502 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 10.2003 | Horse Trapping [1] | 1200-1399 | P.P. | TR02SE |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-C6D908 | ||||||
round pendant | |||||||
lion's face motif | |||||||
623 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Incense Holder [1] | 1066-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
thimble shaped | PAS KENT-DBDB41 | ||||||
1414 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 11.2003 | Incense Holder [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-E2F895 | ||||||
TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2002 | Key, locking [1] bronze | 1100-1300 | P.P. | TR02NE | |
casket key | PAS KENT-4534 | ||||||
476 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 04.2002 | Key, locking [1] bronze | 1100-1300 | P.P. | TR02NE |
casket key | PAS KENT-4535 | ||||||
TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Key, locking [1] bronze | 1200 -1500 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
casket | PAS KENT-B85B48 | ||||||
610 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Key, locking [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-B204C7 | |||||||
617 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Key, locking [1] | 1066-1800 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-45F547 | |||||||
630 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Key, locking [1] | 1066-1700 | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-7122C6 |
1544 1562 | TR 04 TR 03 | 25 25 | MD find 06.2007 MD find 07.2005 | Mount [1] copper alloy rectangular Mount [1] copper alloy | 1300-1500 Med | P.P. P.P. | TR02NW PAS KENT-3E89D4 TR02NW |
PAS KENT-B3EAE3 | |||||||
1567 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Mount [1] copper alloy | 1485-1603 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Tudor rose? | PAS KENT-A593D1 | ||||||
1570 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Mount [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
PAS KENT-A57A02 | |||||||
1583 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Mount [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
domed | PAS KENT-BF0951 | ||||||
1596 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Mount [1] copper alloy | 1485-1603 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Tudor rose | PAS KENT-BDCAF5 | ||||||
1597 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Mount [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
enamelled | PAS KENT-BDBAC6 | ||||||
1553 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 11.2003 | Nail [3] iron | 1066-1900 | P.P. | TR02NW |
square cross section | PAS KENT-3736B7 | ||||||
550 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 09.2001 | Pendant [1] silver | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
fragment | PAS KENT-25EF77 | ||||||
565 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Pendant [1] copper alloy | 1200-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
quatrefoil | PAS KENT-33AAC3 | ||||||
1590 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Pendant [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
gilded | PAS KENT-BDF153 | ||||||
609 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Purse [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02NW |
purse clasp | PAS KENT-B1FA37 | ||||||
1589 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Purse [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
purse bar | PAS KENT-BE0855 | ||||||
507 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 01.1970 | Ring [1] silver | 1400-1499 | P.P. | TR02NW |
iconographic | PAS KENT-E8D304 | ||||||
1592 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2007 | Rivet [1] copper alloy | 1200-1700 | P.P. | TR02NW |
square section | PAS KENT-3E1B21 | ||||||
TR 04 | 25 | MD find 10.2001 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-4517 | ||||||
oval | |||||||
letter N | |||||||
500 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 10.2003 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1300-1600 | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-4EB6B4 | ||||||
pendant | |||||||
heraldic lion motif | |||||||
542 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find | St Vello Portis Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NW |
male head motif | PAS KENT-3844 |
545 | TR 04 24 | MD find 09.1998 | Seal Matrix [1] circular HEWL HOWLE | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02SW PAS KENT-653 |
548 | TR 04 25 | MD find 10.2001 | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1300-1399 | P.P. | TR02NW |
axe + sword motif | PAS KENT-4089 | |||||
Richard of Romney | ||||||
589 | TR 03 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1200-1800 | P.P. | TR02NW |
607 | TR 03 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1500 | P.P. | PAS KENT-5E4306 TR02NW |
circular | PAS KENT-61E3D8 |
cross motif
619 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Seal Matrix [1] lead 1100-1800 P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-462065 624 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Seal Matrix [1] 1100-1800 P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-DBE752 1464 TR 04 25 MD find 10.2004 Seal Matrix [1] Med P.P. TR02NW
copper alloy PAS KENT-D0EAA3
926 TR 057 252 MD find Scabbard [1] 1250-1350 P.P. TR02NE
chape Vale 1989, 413-414, fig. 1.3
1549 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Scabbard [1] copper alloy 1300-1400 P.P. TR02NW
sword chape PAS KENT-A540C6
488 TR 05 25 MD find 02.2003 Spur [1] copper alloy 1350-1400 P.P. TR02NE
1586 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Spur [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1591 TR 04 25 MD find 06.2007 Spur [1] copper alloy 1200-1700 P.P. TR02NW
rowel PAS KENT-3E2D95
933 TR 035 253 field adjacent to Stirrup [1] bronze 1500-1520 P.P. KHER TR02NW107
Manor house fragment Gaimster 1990, 157-159
MD find 1989 Kelly 1991, 347-348, fig. 4
503 TR 04 25 MD find 10.2003 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
zoomorphic PAS KENT-8CB472
563 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] copper alloy 1300-1400 P.P. TR02NW
581 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] copper alloy 1066-1540 P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-491AE3 605 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] 1300-1400 P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-61A8F8 606 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End [1] 1100-1700 P.P. TR02NW
1415 | TR 05 25 | MD find 04.2004 | Strap End [1] copper alloy | 1300-1400 | P.P. | TR02NE |
St Christopher | PAS KENT-C44AA6 |
1490 TR 04 25 MD find 09.2004 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1565 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
zoomorphic PAS KENT-B379C7
1594 TR 05 25 MD find 12.2006 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NE
1595 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
470 TR 05 25 MD find 10.2001 Strap Fitting [1] 1300-1400 P.P. TR02NE
gilt copper alloy PAS KENT-4519
1527 TR 01 23 Old Romney Strap Fitting [1] 1270-1400 P.P. TR02SW
MD find 01.2008 copper alloy PAS KENT-DF66A7 trapezoidal strap loop
497 TR 05 25 MD find 04.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1400-1500 P.P. TR02NE
583 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1300-1800 P.P. TR02NW
584 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1200-1800 P.P. TR02NW
585 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1200-1800 P.P. TR02NW
586 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1200-1540 P.P. TR02NW
beehive shaped PAS KENT-4D6833
596 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] 1200-1900 P.P. TR02NW
602 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy? 1200-1800 P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-60B7B1 604 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] 1200-1900 P.P. TR02NW
flattened PAS KENT-619D87
620 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] 1100-1800 P.P. TR02NW
1587 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Thimble [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
1588 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Thimble [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TR02NW
553 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Vessel [1] copper alloy 1100-1540 P.P. TR02NW
cauldron leg or handle PAS KENT-907D92
622 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Vessel [1] copper alloy 1066-1540 P.P. TR02NW
cauldron? leg PAS KENT-482CA4
TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Weight [1] 1066-1900 P.P. TR02NW
597 | TR 03 | 25 | MD find 08.2003 | Weight [1] | 1066-1900 | P.P. | TR02NW |
trade weight | PAS KENT-602380 |
trade weight PAS KENT-5FE443
1542 TR 04 25 MD find 06.2007 Weight [1] lead
1559 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Weight [1] copper alloy
Orlestone (K)
632 TR 00083342 The Old Bakery House&
[The Six Bells Inn] Inn&
Ashford Road, Shop&
Hamstreet Bakery&
Listed Grade II
633 TQ 99983468 Court Lodge,
Church Lane TQ 99983464 building survey
Post Office House
14th Century+ 16th Century+ 1847
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 442
RCHME Report NBR Index 95167 Listed Grade II*
634 TQ 99343523 St Thomas' Cross Cross
[site of?]
635 TQ 998 355 Capel House, Moat
Capel Road
Peasmarsh (ESx)
637 TQ 86932101 Cleaves/Cleves, House
Starvecrow Lane building survey
638 TQ 87962167 Buttons Farm, House&
Starvecrow Lane Farmhouse
Med Med
16th Century+ c.1600+
18 Century
15th Century+ 16th Century+
ESHER MES4244 ESRO HBR1/0681, 1981
NBR Index 3407
LBSU 412191
Listed Grade II TQ82SE ESHER MES4255
building survey
1i Century+
ESRO HBR1/0276, 1977 [rev 1982]
Martin& Martin 1980, 126, fig. 19, pl.
NBR Index 76858
LBSU 412188
Listed Grade II
639 TQ 87962167 Buttons Farm,
15 Centuthry+
Starvecrow Lane [at south end
mohved 16 Century?
ESRO HBR1/0277, 1977
building survey of house]
1i Century
NBR Index 76858
part destroyed
640 TQ 89962105 Marley Farm Moat& Med NMRTQ82SE8 field survey Earthwork ESHER MES4259
ESRO HBR1/0884, 1984
NBR Index 7695
641 TQ 887 219 Peasmarch Deserted Settlement Med NMRTQ82SE10 ESHER MES4260
Burleigh 1973, 78
1088 TQ 891 234 Old House Farm Farm Med ? TQ82SE
ESHER MES8559 642 TQ 88 22 MD find 12.1998 Figurine [1] 1300-1540 P.P. TQ82SE
female figure PAS KENT-2774
handle ?
Peasmarsh (ESx)/Wittersham (K)
1060 TQ 88452560/ Blackwall Flood Defences& Med/Post Med NMRTQ82NE8 TQ 88602605 Earthwork& ESHER MES4257
Elliott 1877, 167
Eddison 2000, 108, fig 55
Pett (ESx)
643 TQ 88701437 Carter's Farm, House& 16th Century + TQ81SE
Elms Lane Farmhouse 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/1450, 2002 TQ 88701433 building survey 19th Century LBSU 412720
Listed Grade II
644 TQ 87821387 Gatehurst Farm Moat? Med NMRTQ81SE92 'removing fallen ESHER MES2159
trees 10.1987'
645 TQ 888 149 Bloomery Med NMRTQ81SE63 ESHER MES2136
Cleere& Crossley 1985, 288 [Brede]
646 TQ 891 144 Willow Beds Pottery&
13th/14th Century
'removing a hedge' Quern ESHER MES2160
Vahey 1986b, 46-50
647 TQ 904 145 'revealed by beach Pit& Med NMRTQ91SW1 erosion 1965' Saltern? [pre 1600] ESHER MES2096
[site of] Lovegrove 1963/67, 253-255
Holden 1963/67, 301-304
648 | TQ 82741400 | rear garden of | Coin [1] gold | 1363-1369 | P.P. | TQ81SW |
Horringer, | quarter noble | Rudling 1979, 260 | ||||
Pett Road | Edward Ill | North 1975/80, II, 43, no. 1243 | ||||
surface find 1960s | London mint | |||||
1119 | TQ 87 14 | MD find 06.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1483 | P.P. | TQ81SE |
groat [part] | PAS SUSS-00D6A8 | |||||
1120 | TQ 88 14 | MD find 08.2004 | Scabbard [1] copper alloy | 1150-1300 | P.P. | TQ81SE |
chape | PAS SUSS-8A9DB2 | |||||
Playden (ESx) | ||||||
985 | TQ 92 21 | MD find 1990 | Coin [2] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TQ92SW |
Richard Ill/Edward IV
Henry Ill Wetherill 1992, 47
649 TQ 92332152 New England, House 15th Century + NMRTQ92SW New England Lane [site of] c.1600 ESxHER MES2172
[Saltcote Lane] destroyed c.1890 NMRTQ92SW82
building survey ESxHER MES2289
ESRO HBR1/0627, 1981
Dickinson 1981a, 11-12, fig. Wetherill 1992, 41-42, fig.
650 TQ 92072150 | Shellfield | Pottery | 13th/15th Century | TQ 92SW | ||
TQ 92112144 | Dickinson 1979, 29-36, fig. | |||||
TQ 92112150 | ||||||
TQ 92132147 | ||||||
TQ 92202149 | ||||||
984 | TQ 92382151 | MD find | Knife Blade [16] iron | Med | P.P. | TQ92SW |
983 | TQ 92432146 TQ 92432149 | MD find | Fish Hooks [100] iron | 13th/16th Century | P.P. | Wetherill 1992, 21 TQ92SW |
Wetherill 1992, 21 | ||||||
651 | TQ 92442149 | Herons, | Pottery & Metalwork | Med | P.P. | NMRTQ92SW86 |
New England Lane | ESxHER MES2292 | |||||
982 | TQ 92022169 | 'found in garden' MD find | Jetton [11] | 14th/1ih Century | P.P. | TQ92SW |
TQ 92432146 | France & Germany | Wetherill 1992, 21 | ||||
981 | TQ 92382151 | MD find pre-1989 | Rove Nails [9] iron | Med | P.P. | TQ92SW |
980 | TQ 92432149 TQ 92492159 | MD find 06.1987 | Bell [1] bronze | 13th/15th Century | P.P. | Wetherill 1992, 22 TQ92SW |
depth 160 mm | Crotal Bell | Wetherill 1992, 23 | ||||
979 | TQ 92232163 | MD find 06.1990 | Bell [1] bronze | 13th/15th Century | P.P. | TQ92SW |
depth 160 mm | Crotal Bell | Wetherill 1992, 23 |
NBR Index 3418
978 TQ 92232164 MD find 06.1990 Bell [1] bronze 13th/15th Century P.P. TQ92SW
depth 160 mm Crotal Bell Wetherill 1992, 23
Rolvenden (K)
652 TQ 83813030 Cherry Garden Farm House & Med NMR TQ83SW32 [Cherry Gardens] Farmhouse KHER TQ83SW185
Hastings Road RCHME Report
building survey NBR Index 95185
Listed Grade II
654 TQ 84383153 Forge adjoining Forge & Med? KHER TQ83SW234 64 High Street House & Listed Grade II
655 TQ 84443158 Kingpost House [1]
15th Century+
[Kingpost Cottage] 18th Century KHER TQ83SW218 TQ 84443156 75 & 77 High Street RCHME Report
building survey NBR Index 95181
Listed Grade II*
653 TQ 83903264 Rawlinson Farm, House & 15th Century+ NMR TQ83SW15
Hole Park Farmhouse 16th Century KHER TQ83SW202 Listed Grade II*
656 TQ 84813111 Bull Farm, House & 15th Century? KHER TQ83SW205 Maytham Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
657 TQ 85183024 Wesley House, House & 15th Century NMR TQ83SE33
1 Maytham Road, Non-Conformist [or earlier] KHER TQ83SE130
Rolvenden Layne Chapel Newman & Pevsner 1976, 499
building survey RCHME Report
NBR Index 95186 Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 151
653 TQ 854 303 Black & White Cottage, House Med NMR TQ83SE31 Rolvenden Layne RCHME Report
building survey NBR Index 95183
Listed Grade II
658 TQ 85243022 3 & 7 Maytham Road, House [1] 15th/16th Century KHER TQ83SE122
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
659 TQ 85493046 Mount Cottage, House 15th/16th Century+ KHER TQ83SE189
Mounts Lane 18th Century Listed Grade II [refacing]
660 TQ 85583129 1-3 Pix's Cottages House & 15th Century+ KHER TQ83SE207
[Pix's Farmhouse] Farmhouse 16th Century+ Newman & Pevsner 1976, 498
Mounts Lane 19th Century Listed Grade II
662 | TQ 85093362 | Halden Place | Moat | Med | KHER TQ83SE2 |
Hasted 1798, VII, 185-187 | |||||
lgglesden 1903, V, 85-86 | |||||
Tatton-Brown 1977, 222 | |||||
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 47 | |||||
663 | TQ 85402947 | Lowden Manor | Moat& | Med/Post Med | KHER TQ82NE2 |
[Little Maytham] | Fishpond | Hasted 1798, VII, 193-194 | |||
Tatton-Brown 1977, 222 | |||||
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 47 |
RSM 12736
664 TQ 85553081 Cinderbank, Bloomery Med/Post Med KHER TQ83SE1
Rolvenden Layne [site of] Rolvenden Tithe Map c.1840
Straker 1931, 323
665 | TQ 86512758 | near Maytham Wharf | Ship& | 1500-1550 | KHER TQ82NE5 | |
Wreck& | Rice 1824, 553-563, fig. | |||||
Pottery& | Ellis Mace 1902, 6-9 fig. | |||||
Human Remains& | lgglesden 1903, V, 94-95 fig. | |||||
Bone, animal& | Deacon 1927, 4-6 | |||||
Shoe& | Bowen 1939, 39, fig. | |||||
Tile | Homan 1950, 53-55, fig. | |||||
Fenwick 1978, 258-260 | ||||||
Rosa 1982, 232-235 | ||||||
666 | Ruckinge (K) TR 01673221 | Pottery& | 1ih/13Ih Century | KCC Museum | KHER TR03SW18 |
Cleere& Crossley 1985, 293
Bone, butchered Service
936 TR 017 325 surface find Pottery 1ih/13Ih century P.P. TR03SW
Vale 1987, 372
667 TR 02283221 Pottery 1ih/15Ih Century
KCC Museum KHER TR03SW19
TR 028 316 Eight Acres, Earthworks& Med? TR03SW
Wey Street Farm Field System& Reeves 1996c, 69-72, fig. 5 field survey Ridge + Furrow
668 TR 00 36 MD find 10.1998 Knife [1] bronze 1400 P.P. TR03NW
knife handle PAS KENT-3699
669 TR 02 36 MD find Seal Matrix [1] bronze 1275-1399 P.P. TR03NW
oval PAS KENT-3847
three tuns motif
Rye (ESx) | |||||
670 | TQ 92 20 | Rye | Town& | 1086 + | NMRTQ92SW2 |
Port | 1189/1219 | ESHER MES2184 | |||
Grose 1772/87, V, 162-164 | |||||
Holloway 1847 | |||||
Harvey 1911, 208 | |||||
Beresford 1967, 495-496 | |||||
Turner 1971, 159-163 | |||||
Beresford&Finberg 1973, 171 | |||||
Page et al 1973a, 41 | |||||
Draper et al 2009 | |||||
671 TQ 919 202/ | Cinque Ports Street/ | Town Wall | c.1381 | NMRTQ92SW2 | |
TQ 922 206 | Wish Ward/ | [remains of] | ESHER MES2184 | ||
The Strand | Holloway 1847, 274-276, 288-290 | ||||
Butler 1865, 123-124 | |||||
Harvey 1911, 208 | |||||
Ditchfield 1924b, 120-126 | |||||
Turner 1971, 159-163 | |||||
Page et al 1973a, 40-42 | |||||
Cathcart King 1983, 11, 476 |
TQ 920 205 Central Garage, Greatorex 1993b
Cinque Ports Street Nenk et al 1994, 257-258
TQ 921 204 rear of Pit [1+]& Med P.P. Greatorex 1994b Market Road Posthole [1+]& Nenk et al 1995, 253 excavation Pottery
TQ 920 204 Market Road/ Johnson 1999b
Cinque Ports Street James, T. 2000, 306
TQ 91932042 Winter's Dairy, Johnson 1999c
Cinque Ports Street James, T. 2000, 306
TQ 92002040 59&59A Town Wall& 14th/15th Century James, T. 2002, 159 Cinque Ports Street Pits
building survey ESRO HBR1/1565, 2005
TQ 919 202 The Old Borough Arms, Town Wall 1250/1550 Martin&Martin 2009, 41-60 The Strand ESRO HBR1/1620, 2006
building survey LBSU 291934 [Cinque Ports Street]
LBSU 291935 [Cinque Ports Street] LBSU 291936 [Cinque Ports Street] LBSU 435100 [Wish Ward]
LBSU 435104 [Cinque Ports Street] Listed Grade II
672 TQ 92212060 The Landgate Town Gate | c.1340 + | NMRTQ92SW2 | |||
1380/1385 + | ESHER MES2184 | ||||
1862 [clock] | Holloway 1847, 289 | ||||
Ditchfield 1924b, 120-126 | |||||
Page et al 1973a, 41 | |||||
Martin & Martin 2009, 51-53 | |||||
LBSU 434566 | |||||
Listed Grade I | |||||
674 | TQ 918 202 | Strand Gate, | Town Gate | Med | SAM ESx17 TQ92SW |
Mermaid Street | [site of] | demolished 1767 + | Deacon 1927, 146, fig. | ||
675 | TQ 921 205 | Pastern Gate, | Town Gate | 1815 Med | Page et al 1937a, 41 Martin & Martin 2009, 57-60 TQ92SW |
Conduit Street | [site of] | demolished 1819 | Page et al 1937a, 41 Martin & Martin 2009, 55 |
676 TQ 92242037 YpresTower/ Castle & 1200/1400? + NMRTQ92SW2
BaddingsTower Prison & 1400/1550 + ESHER MES2184
building survey Museum
Grose 1772/87, V, 162-163, fig.
1837 + Holloway 1847, 273-274
20th Century Mackenzie 1897, I, 90
Vidler 1934, 8-10
Page et al 1973a, 41-42 Bagley & Clark 1978 Renn 1979, 193-198
Cathcart King 1983, 11, 474
Martin & Martin 2009, 47-51
ESRO HBR1/1295, 1997
TQ 92242026 LBSU 434221
Listed Grade I SAM ESx8
741 TQ 92 20 Mint c.1115-1154 TQ92SW
Andrew 1929/30, 117-121
Andrew 1930/31, 165-169
Jones 1960/61, 188-189
King 1957, 74
Dudley 1978, 72, 77
Vidler 1934/37, 247-256
Draper 2009, 8-9
677 TQ 92182032 Tudor Cottage, House [1] 1465/1515 + TQ92SW
6 Church Square 1510/1560 + ESHER MES2271
building survey 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0888, 1984 later Martin & Martin 2009, no. 74
TQ 92192032 NBR Index 76851
LBSU 291910
Listed Grade II
678 TQ 92202031 8-10 Church Square House 1500/1550 + NMR TQ92SW29
building survey 1525/1575 + ESHER MES2205 1767/1799 ESRO HBR1/0618, 1980
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 75
NBR Index 3421
LBSU 291911
Listed Grade II
997 TQ 92202030 Church House, House 16th Century? + TQ92SW
12 Church Square 18th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 76 LBSU 291912
680 | TQ 92172026 | 22 & 24 Church Square | House | 1450/1500 + | NMR TQ92SW42 |
[former 26 & 27] | 1520/1570 + | ESHER MES2228 | |||
building survey | 1535/1585 | ESRO HBR1/0800, 1983 | |||
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 78 | |||||
NBR Index 45905 | |||||
LBSU 291915 | |||||
998 | TQ 92162025 | part 24 & part 26 | House? | 1505/1555 | Listed Grade II TQ92SW |
Church Square | ESRO HBR1/0599, 1980 | ||||
building survey | Martin & Martin 2009, no. 79 | ||||
681 | TQ 92162025 | 26 Church Square | House | 1495/1545 + | NMR TQ92SW30 |
[former 25] | 1520/1560 | ESHER MES2206 | |||
building survey | ESRO HBR1/0598, 1980 | ||||
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 80 | |||||
NBR Index 3422 | |||||
LBSU 291916 | |||||
Listed Grade II |
Listed Grade II
977 TQ 92152025 28 & 32 Church Square | House | Medieval+ | NMR TQ92SW44 |
building survey | 1475/1525+ | ESHER MES2230 | |
Page et al 1973a, 43 | |||
ESRO HBR1/0824, 1983 [28] | |||
ESRO HBR1/0799, 1983 [32] | |||
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 82 | |||
NBR Index 45907 | |||
LBSU 291917 [28] | |||
LBSU 291918 [32] |
Listed Grade II [32 & 33]
682 TQ 92142024 34 & 36 Church Square House [1] 1490/1540+ NMR TQ92SW31
[former 19 & 20] 1515/1615+ ESHER MES2207
building survey 18th Century Page et al 1973a, 43 ESRO HBR1/0720, 1981
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 83
NBR Index 3423
LBSU 291919 [34]
LBSU 291920 [36]
683 | TQ 92132023 | The Old Stone House, | House | 1275/1325+ | NMR TQ92SW45 |
40 Church Square | 1442/1508+ | ESHER MES2231 | |||
[former 17] | 1525/1675+ | Page et al 1973a, 43, plan | |||
building survey | 1869 | ESRO HBR1/0792, 1982 | |||
Martin & Martin 2009, 66-67 | |||||
NBR Index 45908 | |||||
LBSU 291922 | |||||
Listed Grade II | |||||
see Places of Worship 102 | |||||
711 TQ 92122023 44 Church Square | House | 1500/1550+ | NMR TQ92SW47 | ||
building survey | ESHER MES2233 | ||||
NBR Index 45910 | |||||
ESRO HBR1/0826, 1983 | |||||
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 85 | |||||
LBSU 291923 [42 & 44] | |||||
Listed Grade II |
Listed Grade II
TQ 92122022 The Store House, House c.1400 [cellar]+ NMR TQ92SW32 46 Church Square 1350/1450 + ESHER MES2208
TQ 92132023 building survey 1869 + Page et al 1973a, 43
1898 ESRO HBR1/0727, 1982
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 86
NBR Index 3424
NBR Index 55050
TQ 92122021 LBSU 291924 [house]
LBSU 291925 [cellar] Listed Grade II
TQ 92102025 St Anthony of Padua, House 1465/1515 + NMR TQ92SW17
48 Church Square post 1700 ESHER MES2194 TQ 92102124 [former 13] ESHER MES2210
building survey Page et al 1973a, 44
ESRO HBR1/0356, 1978 [rev. 1981]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 87
NBR Index 3426
LBSU 291926
Listed Grade II*
TQ 92082027 Grene Hall House 1525/1575 + TQ92SW
54 & 56 Church Square 15t4h0/1590 + ESHER MES2209
[former 7 & 8] 18 Century Page et al 1973a, 44
building survey [fagade] ESRO HBR1/0805, 1983 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 88
NBR Index 3425
LBSU 291928
Listed Grade II
999 TQ 92082027 Custom House, House 1475/1575 + TQ92SW
58 & 60 Church Square 15t5h5/15h75 + ESHER MES2209
[former 7 & 8] 16th/1i Century+ Page et al 1973a, 44
building survey 18 Century ESRO HBR1/0359, 1978
[fagade] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 89
NBR Index 3425
LBSU 291928
733 TQ 921 203 66 Church Square Building 14th
Listed Grade II
Century TQ92SW
[site of] Draper 2009, 99, fig.
720 TQ 92202058 The Dormy House House & 1450/1550 + TQ92SW
[Tower House] Club 1550/1600 + ESRO HBR1/0629, 1981
East Cliff 1575/1625 + Martin & Martin 2009, no. 104 TQ 92192057 18th Century+ building survey
LBSU 291945
Listed Grade II
TQ 92162040 2 East Street House [1] 1442/1508 + TQ92SW
building survey 1505/1555 + ESRO HBR1/1566, 2005
TQ 92162041 1700/1766 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 32
LBSU 291951
Listed Grade II [2 & 3]
TQ 92172038 The Union Inn, House & 1475/1525 + NMR TQ92SW90
8 East Street Inn & 18th Century+ ESHER MES2236
TQ 92162038 building survey Shop 1800/1832 ESRO HBR1/0808, 1983 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 33
NBR Index 45913
LBSU 291954
Listed Grade II
TQ 92172038 9 &10 East StreeV House [1] 1375/1425 + NMR TQ92SW73 [9 & 10]
13 & 14 Market Street 1467/1533 + NMR TQ92SW74 [14 & 15]
building survey 1537/1603 + ESHER MES2272 [9 &10]
1700/1750 + ESHER MES2273 [14 & 15]
ESRO HBR1/0728, 1982 [14 & 15]
19th Century ESRO HBR1/0729, 1982 [rev 1985] [9 & 10]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 42
NBR Index 76852 [9 & 1O]
NBR Index 76853
LBSU 291955 [9 & 1O]
LBSU 434757 [12 & 13]
LBSU 434758 [14 & 15]
Listed Grade II
see 111" century 6751677
TQ 92182040 16 East Street House & 1350/1400 + TQ92SW
building survey Shop 1440/1490 + ESRO HBR1/1537, 2004
1505/1555 + Martin & Martin 2009, no. 34
1667/1699 + LBSU 434221
18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 92192048 4 High Street House 1475/1525 + TQ92SW
building survey 1525/1575 + ESHER MES2237
TQ 92182047
ESRO HBR1/0944, 1985
1930s Martin & Martin 2009, no. 1
[fagade] NBR Index 45914
LBSU 434235
Listed Grade II
693 TQ 92132044 11 High Street House 1485/1535 + NMR TQ92SW50
building survey 1500/1550 + ESHER MES2240
18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0732, 1982
c.1800 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 2
NBR Index 45917
LBSU 434241
Listed Grade II
1003 TQ 92032038 Martello Bookshop, House & 1475/1575 + TQ92SW
26 High Street Shop 1767/1832 + ESRO HBR1/1616, 2006
building survey 20th century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 6 LBSU 434265
Listed Grade II
692 TQ 92012038 28B/29 High Street House & 1450/1550 + NMR TQ92SW71
building survey Warehouse & 18th Century+ ESHER MES2267
Shop 19th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0968, 1986 [28B]
20th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 7 & 8 NBR Index 54562
see 1£ih Century 644
695 TQ 91972036 The Old Bell Inn, House [1] & 1377/1443 + TQ92SW
32 & 33 The Mint Inn 1520/1560 + ESRO HBR1/1618, 2006
building survey 19th Century+ Martin & Martin 2009, no. 11 1930 LBSU 434269
Listed Grade II
696 TQ 91952036 The Copper Kettle, House & 1475/1525 + TQ92SW
34 The Mint Restaurant 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1621, 2006
building survey [fa�ade] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 12
20 Century LBSU 434272
TQ 91932037
Captain's Table,
House [1] &
1392/1458 +
36-38 The Mint
1500/1600 +
Page et al 1973a, 46
building survey
ESRO HBR1/1626, 2006
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 13
LBSU 434274 [36]
LBSU 434275 [37]
LBSU 434276 [38]
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
724 TQ 91912036 The Standard Inn, House & 1300/1500 + TQ92SW
41 The Mint Inn & 1450/1500 + ESRO HBR1/1610, 2006
building survey Shop 1500/1550 + Martin & Martin 2009, no. 15
18th Century+ LBSU 434399 [Standard Inn]
20th Century LBSU 434400 [41]
Listed Grade II
702 TQ 91902035 42 & 43 The Mint House [1] & 1460/1510 + NMR TQ92SW53
building survey Shop 1545/1595 + ESHER MES2243
1560/1710 + Page et al 1973a, 46
17th/18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0894, 1984
18th Century+ Martin & Martin 2009, no. 16
20th Century NBR Index 45920
LBSU 434402 [43]
Listed Grade II
703 TQ 91892033 The Old House House & 1475/1525 + NMR TQ92SW99
[The Foresters Inn] Inn 1535/1585 + ESHER MES2297
45 & 46 The Mint 17th century+ Page et al 1973a, 46-47
building survey 1986 WBSG 1995, site visit note 95/13
ESRO HBR1/1625, 2006
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 17
NBR Index 96247
LBSU 434405
Listed Grade II
TQ 91922034 67 The Mint, House 1475/1525 + TQ92SW
building survey 19th Century ESHER MES2216 ESRO HBR1/0600, 1980
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 19
NBR Index 3433
LBSU 434413
Listed Grade II
732 TQ 91922035 67-69 The Mint House [1] & 1465/1515 + TQ92SW
building survey Shop 1535/1585 + ESRO HBR1/1630, 2006
18th Century+ Martin & Martin 2009, no. 19
870 | TQ 91942035 | 73 & 74 The Mint | House [1] | 1475/1525 + | NMR TQ92SW54 |
building survey | 1600/1750 | ESHER MES2244 | |||
ESRO HBR1/0940, 1985 | |||||
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 20 | |||||
NBR Index 45921 | |||||
LBSU 434416 [72-74] | |||||
Listed Grade II [72-74] |
19th Century LBSU 434415 [68 & 69] Listed Grade II
976 TQ 91982035 79 High Street House &
building survey Shop
975 TQ 920 203 84 High Street House
building survey [site of]
704 TQ 92022035 Nat West Bank House &
[Langford House] Bank (Financial) 85 High Street
building survey
705 TQ 92082038 The George Hotel, House &
98 High Street Assembly Rooms & TQ 92092039 building survey Hotel
TQ 92102038
974 TQ 92112040 99 & 100 High Street House [1] &
building survey Shop
706 TQ 92132041 The House of Gill, House &
101 & 102 High Street Shop building survey
1001 TQ 922 206 24 Landgate House
building survey
Medieval+ 1800/1832
[fagade] 1475/1525
20th Century
Medieval+ 1575/1625+
18th Century+ [fagade]
18th Century+ 19th Century
18th Century [fagade]
ESRO HBR1/1609, 2006
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 21
LBSU434420 [79 & 80]
Listed Grade II [79 & 80]
ESRO HBR1/0899, 1985
see 11/h Century 652 NMR TQ92SW91 ESHER MES2245 ESRO HBR1/0853, 1984
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 23
NBR Index 45922
LBSU 434422
Listed Grade II NMR TQ92SW98 ESHER MES2296
Page et al 1973a, 46
WBSG 1995, site visit note 95/14
ESRO HBR1/1576, 2005
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 24
NBR Index 96246
LBSU 434508
Listed Grade II
ESRO HBR1/1573, 2005
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 25
LBSU 434509
Listed Grade II
Page et al 1973a, 46
Lloyd, N. 1983, 335
ESRO HBR1/1275, 1997
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 26
LBSU 434510 [101]
LBSU 434511 [102]
Listed Grade II
ESRO HBR1/1569, 2005
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 107
LBSU 434576 [15-24]
Listed Grade II [15-24]
see 11/h Century 1082
973 TQ 92202073 5 & 6 Landgate Square House & 1425/1525 + TQ92SW
building survey Row 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0850, 1984
20th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 110 LBSU 435108 [5-8]
Listed Grade NG [5-8]
see Post Medieval 759
708 TQ 92132032 Fletcher's House, House & 1475/1525 + TQ92SW
1 & 2 Lion Street Tea Room & 1525/1575 + ESHER MES2247
building survey Shop 17th/18th Century+ Page et al 1973a, 45
18th Century ESRO HBR1/0725, 1982 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 43
NBR Index 45924
LBSU 434581
Listed Grade II
709 TQ 92132032 Simon the Pieman, House & 1500/1550 + TQ92SW
3 Lion Street Shop 18th Century+ Page et al 1973a, 46
building survey [fa�ade] ESRO HBR1/1624, 2006
20 Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 44
LBSU 434582
Listed Grade II
710 TQ 92122035 4-6 Lion Street House & 1437/1503 + TQ92SW
building survey Shop 1505/1555 + Page et al 1973a, 46
TQ 92122036 1575/1625 + ESRO HBR1/1540, 2004
18th Century+ Martin & Martin 2009, no. 45
TQ 92112037 [fa�ade] LBSU434742 [4 & 5]
19 Century LBSU434743 [6]
Listed Grade II [4 & 5]
972 TQ 92112036 Peacock Tea Rooms, House & 1425/1525 + TQ92SW
7-9 Lion Street Shop 1525/1575 + Page et al 1973a, 46
TQ 92122036 building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1607, 2006 [7] 19th Century ESRO HBR1/1622, 2006 [8 & 9]
[fai;ade] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 46
LBSU 434744 [7]
LBSU 434745 [8 & 9]
Listed Grade II
971 TQ 921 203 12 Lion Street House & 1450/1500 + NMRTQ92SW98
[part of the Hotel 18th Century + ESHER MES2296
George Hotel] 1818 Page et al 1973a, 46
building survey WBSG 1995, site visit note 95/14
ESRO HBR1/1575, 2005
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 47
NBR Index 96246
LBSU 434508
Listed Grade II
1002 TQ 921 203 13 Lion Street House & 1535/1585 TQ92SW
[part of the Hotel ESRO HBR1/1576, 2005
George Hotel] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 48
building survey LBSU 434508
Listed Grade II
970 TQ 92182034 Monks Way, House & 1515/1565 + TQ92SW
Market Street Shop 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1613, 2006
building survey Martin & Martin 2009, no. 37
LBSU 434750 [3-5]
Listed Grade 11•
679 TQ 92172034 The Old Flushing Inn, House & c.1300 [cellar]+ NMRTQ92SW
& 5 Market Street Inn 1505/1545 + ESHER MES2248
building survey 1550/1580 + Johnston & Sands 1907, 117-137 18th Century + Godfrey 1938/39, 150-151
19th Century Page et al 1973a, 44-45 Wood 1983, 88
ESRO HBR1/0857, 1984
Martin & Martin 1987, 27-29
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 38
NBR Index 45925
LBSU 434750 [3-5]
Listed Grade 11•
969 TQ 92132036 8 Market StreeV House [1] & c.1350 [cellar]+ NMRTQ92SW35 23 & 23A Lion Street Shop 1475/1525 + ESHER MES2214
building survey 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0632, 1981 20th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 39
NBR Index 3430
LBSU 434753 [8]
Listed Grade II
see 11/h Century 671
712 TQ 92152036 11 Market Street House 1505/1555 + TQ92SW
building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1536, 2004
TQ 92162036 19th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 41 LBSU 434756
Listed Grade II
714 TQ 92002027 The House Opposite, House 1500/1550 + TQ92SW
6 Mermaid Street 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/1623, 2006
building survey 1920s Martin & Martin 2009, no. 61 Page et al 1973a, 48
LBSU 434839 [5 & 6]
Listed Grade II [5 & 6]
968 TQ 920 202 7 Mermaid Street House 1485/1535 + TQ92SW
building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1632, 2006
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 62
LBSU 434840
Listed Grade II
715 TQ 91992027 Mermaid Cottage, 8 & House [1] 1500/1550 + NMR TQ92SW56
9 Mermaid Street 1600/1700 + ESHER MES2249
building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0815, 1983 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 63 NBR Index 45926
LBSU 434841
Listed Grade II
699 TQ 91992027 Mermaid House, House 16th Century TQ92SW
Mermaid Street ESHER MES2280
NBR Index 82324 Listed Grade II
716 TQ 91982026 Robin Hill, 10 & 11 House [1] 1420/1520 + TQ92SW
Mermaid Street 1525/1575 + Page et al 1973a, 48
building survey 16th/1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/1260, 1996 18th Century+ Martin & Martin 2009, no. 64
LBSU 434842
20th Century Listed Grade II
717 TQ 91952024 House with Two Doors, House [1] 1495/1545 + NMR TQ92SW36
& 15 Mermaid Street 16th Century+ ESHER MES2215
building survey 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/0264, 1981
18th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 65
[fa1,ade] NBR Index 3432
LBSU 434844
Listed Grade II
700 TQ 91952026 16 Mermaid Street
building survey
[site of]
demolished 1860/72
Page et al 1973a, 48
ESRO HBR1/0679, 1981
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 66
NBR Index 45927
718 TQ 91932025 The Elders House, House & 1505/1555 + NMRTQ92SW28
Mermaid Street Chapel 1535/1585 + ESHER MES2286
building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1157, 1992 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 67
NBR Index 92678
TQ 91932026 LBSU 434847
Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 104
967 TQ 91962028 Knowle House, House c.1350 [cellar]+ TQ92SW
32 Mermaid Street 1450/1500 + ESRO HBR1/1608, 2006
building survey 1495/1545 + Martin & Martin 2009, no. 70 18th Century LBSU 434851
Listed Grade II
697 TQ 91992027 building adjacent House & 1475/1525 + NMRTQ92SW21
Mermaid Hotel, Hotel 18th Century ESHER MES2198
34 Mermaid Street NMRTQ92SW
building survey ESHER MES2204
Page et al 1973a, 47-48 Wood 1983, 88
ESRO HBR1/0507, 1980 [rev 1993]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 71
NBR Index 1647
LBSU 434852
Listed Grade II*
721 TQ 92102029 Mermaid Hotel, Hotel c.1350 [cellar]+ NMRTQ92SW21 35-38 Mermaid Street 1500/1525 + ESHER MES2198
TQ 919 203 building survey 1545/1595 + NMRTQ92SW 1555/1605 + ESHER MES2204
Godfrey 1938/39, 150-151 Page et al 1973a, 47-48 Wood 1983, 88
ESRO HBR1/0506, 1980 [rev 1993]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 72
TQ 92002029 NBR Index 1647
LBSU 434852
Listed Grade II*
TQ 920 202
40-41 Mermaid StreeV
House [1]
16th Century?
13 West Street
[site of]
rebuilt c.1850
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 73
Listed Grade II
see 1(/h Century 618/619/637
722 TQ 91922026 Oak Corner House 1460/1510+ TQ92SW
Mermaid StreeV 1485/1535+ ESHER MES2218
Traders Passage 1575/1625 Page et al 1973a, 48
building survey ESRO HBR1/0680, 1981
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 102
NBR Index 3435
LBSU 434974
Listed Grade II
966 TQ 91922024 Trader Cottage & House 1375/1475+ TQ92SW
The Old Trader, 1500/1550+ Page et al 1973a, 48
Traders Passage later ESRO HBR1/1612, 2006
building survey Martin & Martin 2009, no. 103
LBSU 434977
Listed Grade II
723 TQ 92102024 1 & 2 Watchbell Street House 1465/1515+ NMR TQ92SW39
building survey 1485/1535+ ESHER MES2222 1515/1565+ ESRO HBR1/0682, 1981
18th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 90 NBR Index 3440
LBSU 434983
Listed Grade II
726 TQ 92012019 Watchbell House, House [2] 15th Century ?+ TQ92SW
Watchbell Street 19th Century LBSU 434996 [faXade] Listed Grade II
TQ 92002018 Greencliff, House 151 Century+ TQ92SW
Watchbell Street 18th Century+ LBSU 435044 [15 & 16] [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
727 TQ 92002018 17 Watchbell Street House Medieval+ NMR TQ92SW77 building survey 15th Century+ ESHER MES2277
18th Century ESRO HBR1/0851, 1984 Martin & Martin 2009, no. 95
NBR Index 76857 Listed Grade II
728 TQ 92032018 19 Watchbell Street House 1450/1500 + NMR TQ92SW62
building survey 150h 5/1555 + ESHER MES2258
1i Century+ Page et al 1973a, 48 ESRO HBR1/0809, 1983
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 96
NBR Index 45935
LBSU 435046
TQ 92092022
15 /16
TQ 920 201
26 Watchbell Street
th th C
Listed Grade II
TQ 92102021
27 & 28 Watchbell Street
[site of]
th/16th C
Martin & Martin
19 entury Martin & Martin
[fa1,ade] LBSU 435049
Listed Grade II
15th C
entury? entury?+
2009, no. 99
2009, no. 100
TQ 92082031
Shurley Mansion [The Queen's Arms]
House & Inn
demolished by 1771
Vidler 1934, 52
TQ 92072028
West Street
Temple House,
[site of]
House [1]
1450/1550 +
Martin & Martin 2009, 219-221
5 & 6 West Street building survey
ESHER MES2263 ESRO HBR1/0914, 1985
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 50
NBR Index 45940
LBSU 435059
Listed Grade II
730 TQ 92072028 7-9 West StreeV House [1] & c.1300 + NMR TQ92SW75
Greensills, Shop 1465/1515 + ESHER MES2274
TQ 92082028 62 Church Square 1510/1560 + ESHER MES2282 [62]
building survey 1575/1625 + ESRO HBR1/0741, 1982 ESRO HBR1/1101, 1990 [62]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 51
NBR Index 84699 [62]
NBR Index 76854
LBSU 291929 [62]
LBSU 435060 [7 & 8]
Listed Grade II [7 & 8]
965 TQ 92022032 Thomas House, House 1425/1525 + NMRTQ92SW97
West Street 1525/1575 + ESHER MES2284
TQ 92012031 building survey 1550/1600 Holloway 1863, 34 Page et al 1973a, 47
ESRO HBR1/1132, 1991
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 56
NBR Index 87453
LBSU 435092
Listed Grade II
731 TQ 92022032 Cobble Cottage, 16 & House [1] & 1505/1555 + NMRTQ92SW69
The Other House, 16A Shop postht c.1750 + ESHER MES2265
West Street 19 Century Debrett 1992
building survey ESRO HBR1/0744, 1982 [rev 1984]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 57
NBR Index 45942
LBSU 435093 [16]
Listed Grade II
732 TQ 92012032 17 West Street House 1400/1500 + NMRTQ92SW70
building survey 176th7/1832 + ESHER MES2266
Century ESRO HBR1/0816, 1983
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 58
NBR Index 45943
LBSU 435101
Listed Grade II
964 TQ 92002034 18 & 19 West Street House 1500/1525 TQ92SW
building survey ESRO HBR1/0898, 1985
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 59
698 TQ 92082027 Lamb Cottage, House 1350/1400 + TQ92SW
West Street 1475/1525 + ESRO/1390, 2000
150h5/1555 + Martin & Martin 2009, no. 53
1i Century + LBSU 435063
18th Century + Listed Grade II
19th Century + 20th Century
734 TQ 92 21 King Field, Battlefield Med NMRTQ92SW9 Dead Man's Lane/ [site of?] ESHER MES2189
Pit &
738 TQ 92082042
The Grove
near Market Road
Holloway 1847, 595 NMRTQ92SW88
Pottery ESHER MES2294
Greatorex 1994b
739 TQ 92152055 Tower Street Pottery Med P.P. NMR TQ92SW27 excavation ESHER MES2285
Hadfield 1980, 65
Hadfield 1981, 222-225 740 TQ 92182109 Rye Hill Pottery Kiln& 1250/1350 Rye Museum NMR TQ92SW6
excavation 1931/32 Tile Kiln& etal ESHER MES2188 Mould Vidler 1932, 83-101
Vidler 1933, 45-64
Vidler 1936, 107-118
Barton 1979, 191-254
1005 TQ 92152120 Fairfields Pit[1+] TQ92SW
geophysical survey 1997 Bradley& Gaimster 2002, 159-160
excavation 2001 SAM ESx211
RSM 31398
742 TQ 9 2 Moat Med TQ92SW
Clinch 1905b, 478
735 | TQ 917 204 | north end of | Ship& | Med/Post Med | TQ92SW | |
736 | TQ 917 204 | Alma Place 04.1866 north end of | Wreck Ship& | Med/Post Med | Holloway 1866, 57-58 TQ92SW | |
Cyprus Place 05.1963 | Wreck | Lovegrove 1964, 115-122 | ||||
737 | TQ 917 204 | north end of | Ship& | Med/Post Med | TQ92SW | |
Cyprus Place | Wreck | Lovegrove 1964, 115-122 | ||||
05.1963 | ||||||
743 | TQ 92 21 | MD find | Coin[1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TQ92SW |
Edward I | PAS KENT-2789 |
Rye Foreign (ESx)
744 | TQ 91902155 | Rye Hill | Pottery& | 1225/1325 | P.P. | TQ92SW |
excavation 1994 | Kiln Waste | Wetherill 2001 |
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
745 | TR 049 258 | Hope | Deserted Settlement?& | 1ih/141h Century | P.P. | KHER TR02NW11 |
surface find | Buckle& | Beresford& Hurst 1971, 191 | ||||
Strap End& | Beresford 1987, 359 | |||||
Coin[9]& | Everitt 1976, 10-11fn | |||||
Pottery& | Bennell& Harris 1989, 2 | |||||
Seal Matrix[1] |
749 | TR 07092855 | 'found when a mound | Pottery & | 1200-1299 | P.P. | KHER TR02NE6 |
was pushed into a pond' | Brick & |
'found in an area known Ewer Spout [1] pewter 1300-1399 P.P. Grove 1956, 270-273 fig.6 as Fordred's Charity'
surface find 11.1956
748 TR 070 286 Lower Barn Field, Field System Med P.P. KHER TR02NE37 Turnagates Reeves 1996a, RM/OP/150
field survey
750 TR 07112866 Lower Barn Field, House & Med? P.P. KHER TR02NE54 Turnagates [site of] destroyed by Reeves 1996b surface find Mound & c.1750
Pottery & Building Material
751 TR 07422673 Pottery 1300/1539 P.P. KHER TR02NE39
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Place 1993b
415 TR 07432652 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE46
Eddison 1992f Place 1993a
416 TR 07482650 Pottery Med P.P. KHER TR02NE47
Eddison 1992f Place 1993a
945 TR 048 257 surface find Pottery Med P.P. TR02NW
Vale 1987, 374
946 TR 067 270 surface find Pottery,
1ih/13Ih century
flagon handle Vale 1987, 374
1243 TR 052 255 surface find 09.2006 vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NE
rim sherd PAS KENT-D3C742
1244 TR 052 255 surface find 09.2006 vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NE
rim sherd PAS KENT-D3BBF1
1245 TR 052 255 surface find 09.2006 vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NE
rim sherd PAS KENT-D3B183
1223 TR 058 253 surface find 05.2007 vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NE
body sherd PAS KENT-32F408
1224 TR 058 253 surface find 05.2007 vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NE
rim sherd PAS KENT-32DB34
1225 TR 058 253 surface find 05.2007 vessel [1] ceramic 1100-1500 P.P. TR02NE
rim sherd PAS KENT-32EB26
771 TR 06 25 MD find 09.1993 Coin [1] silver 1066-1485 P.P. TR02NE
1226 | TR 05 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NE | |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-32B4A7 | ||||||
short cross | |||||||
1229 | TR 05 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NE | |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-327A57 | ||||||
short cross | |||||||
1235 | TR 05 25 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NE | |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-9CED95 | ||||||
short cross | |||||||
1242 | TR 05 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1247 | P.P. | TR02NE | |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-D3D335 | ||||||
short cross | |||||||
480 | TR 06 26 | MD find 10.1999 | Coin [1] silver | 1180-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE PAS KENT-3945 | |
419 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Coin [1] silver John | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02NE PAS KENT-506 |
752 | TR 07 | 26 | MD find 01.1999 | Coin [1] silver John | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02NE PAS KENT-2780 |
1205 | TR 04 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-B94000 | ||||||
John | |||||||
1206 | TR 04 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1199-1216 | P.P. | TR02NW |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-AF8407 | ||||||
John | |||||||
420 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Coin [1] silver | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-507 | ||||||
421 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | Coin [1] silver Henry Ill | 1216-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE PAS KENT-508 |
1222 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-32C7D4 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1227 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-32A0F7 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1228 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-328D44 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1230 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-3265A2 | ||||||
Henry Ill |
1231 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut half penny | PAS KENT-325300 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
479 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find 10.1999 | Coin [1] silver | 1248-1250 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Henry Ill | PAS KENT-3944 | ||||||
1232 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1250-1251 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-323E02 | ||||||
1233 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Henry Ill Coin [1] silver | 1251-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-322681 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1234 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 05.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1251 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-31F4E5 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1236 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1247-1272 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-9CE517 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
1237 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1248-1250 | P.P. | TR02NE |
cut quarter penny | PAS KENT-9CDA73 | ||||||
Henry Ill | |||||||
463 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find 10.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
Edward I | PAS KENT-4919 | ||||||
539 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 03.1993 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Edward I | PAS KENT-503 | ||||||
1238 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 02.2007 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1301 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-9CCEA5 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
bent in half | |||||||
1437 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-2E2532 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
Durham mint | |||||||
1438 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1279-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-2DFE48 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
Bristol mint | |||||||
1250 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-7FCDA3 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
Ireland | |||||||
1480 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 02.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-A2AF32 | ||||||
Edward I |
1207 | TR 04 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1307 | P.P. | TR02NW |
half penny | PAS KENT-AF7368 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
1436 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1309-1315 | P.P. | TR02NE |
farthing | PAS KENT-2F7DD0 | ||||||
Edward I | |||||||
London mint | |||||||
1241 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Coin [1] silver | 1272-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
1239 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 02.2007 | penny Edward I/Edward 111 Coin [1] silver | 1279-1377 | P.P. | PAS KENT-D3E4C8 TR02NE |
halfpenny | PAS KENT-9CB2B7 | ||||||
Edward I/Edward 111 | |||||||
769 | TR 06 | 27 | Hope All Saints | Coin [1] silver | 1280-1286 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 09.2002 | Alexander Ill | PAS KENT-4910 | |||||
Scotland | |||||||
944 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | Coin [1] silver | 1292-1296 | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find | John Baliol | Kelly 1992, 414 | |||||
1240 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Scotland Coin [1] silver | 1307-1327 | P.P. | TR02NE |
farthing | PAS KENT-D3F542 | ||||||
Edward II | |||||||
1424 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1309-1315 | P.P. | TR02NE |
farthing | PAS KENT-2F94E1 | ||||||
Edward II | North 1975/80, II, no.1070 | ||||||
London mint | |||||||
768 | TR 06 | 27 | Hope All Saints | Coin [1] silver | 1335-1345 | P.P. | TR02NE |
MD find 09.2002 | Edward Ill | PAS KENT-4909 | |||||
1481 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 02.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1327-1377 | P.P. | TR02NE |
farthing | PAS KENT-A202C5 | ||||||
767 | TR 05 | 29 | MD find 09.1999 | Edward Ill Coin [1] silver | 1371-1390 | P.P. | Withers & Withers 2002 TR02NE |
Robert II Stewart | PAS KENT-1846 | ||||||
Scotland | |||||||
430 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 07.1998 | Coin [1] silver | 1377-1399 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Richard II | PAS KENT-612 | ||||||
1443 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1422-1461 | P.P. | TR02NE |
halfpenny | PAS KENT-32AAC2 | ||||||
Henry VI | North 1975/80, II, no.1512 | ||||||
London mint |
1440 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1461-1481 | P.P. | TR02NE |
penny | PAS KENT-2FAD71 | ||||||
Edward IV | |||||||
counterfeit, clipped | |||||||
772 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find | Coin [1] silver | 1509-1547 | P.P. | TR02NW |
1204 | TR 04 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Henry VIII Coin [1] silver | 1509-1547 | P.P. | PAS KENT-516 TR02NW |
half groat | PAS KENT-B96336 | ||||||
Henry VIII | |||||||
1423 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 06.2004 | Ampulla [1] lead | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02NW |
Canterbury | PAS KENT-E011E4 | ||||||
941 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | Belt Chape [1] bronze | 1390-1410 | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find | fleur-de-lys in trefoil design | Kelly 1991, 347, fig. 2.4 | |||||
942 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | letter IHI Belt Chape [1] gilt | 14th/15th Century | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find | Kelly 1991, 347, fig. 2.5 | ||||||
765 | TR 05 | 24 | MD find 08.1999 | Brooch [1] | 1066-1540 | P.P. | TR02SE |
circular | PAS KENT-1778 | ||||||
1248 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Brooch [1] copper alloy | 1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE |
pin from ring brooch | PAS KENT-D38866 | ||||||
753 | TR 07 | 26 | MD find | Buckle [1] | 1066-1200 | P.P. | TR02NE |
D-shaped | PAS KENT-2812 | ||||||
1249 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | 1200-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE |
1422 | TR 04 | 26 | MD find 05.2004 | single loop Cloth Seal [1] lead | 1066-1087 | P.P. | PAS KENT-D37C25 TR02NW |
William I penny dies | PAS KENT-DFC644 | ||||||
Romney | |||||||
1203 | TR 04 | 25 | MD find 01.2005 | Finger Ring [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
copper alloy | PAS KENT-B97624 | ||||||
1463 | TR 04 | 26 | MD find 10.2004 | stone missing Finger Ring [1] | 14th Century | P.P. | TR02NW |
422 | TR 07 | 25 | MD find | copper alloy Harness Pendant [1] | 1066-1485 | P.P. | PAS KENT-1115C3 TR02NE |
cross, mount for | PAS KENT-509 | ||||||
suspension | |||||||
770 | TR 06 | 27 | MD find 10.2000 | Harness Pendant [1] | 1200-1300 | P.P. | TR02NE |
bronze | PAS KENT-4026 | ||||||
940 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | Harness Pendant [1] | Med | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find | pewter | Kelly 1991, 347, fig. 3.5 | |||||
square | |||||||
1482 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 02.2005 | Padlock [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
barrel padlock | PAS KENT-A1C800 |
1247 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Pin [1] copper alloy & | 1400-1550 | P.P. | TR02NE |
lead alloy | PAS KENT-D39B01 | ||||||
biconical head | |||||||
435 | TR 05 | 25 | MD find 10.2000 | Scabbard [1] bronze | 1275-1325 | P.P. | TR02NE |
chape | PAS KENT-3399 | ||||||
462 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find 10.2002 | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1300 | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | PAS KENT-4918 | ||||||
six-petal flower motif | |||||||
483 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find 10.2002 | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1300 | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | PAS KENT-5260 | ||||||
five-pointed running | |||||||
943 | TR 04 | 25 | Hope | spiral motif Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1250-1350 | P.P. | TR02NW |
MD find | cinquefoil motif | Kelly 1991, 347, fig. 2.7 | |||||
+TIMETE DEVM | |||||||
766 | TR 05 | 29 | MD find 09.1999 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1200-1540 | P.P. | TR02NE |
oval | PAS KENT-1847 | ||||||
fox & rabbit motif | |||||||
seal of James ? | |||||||
754 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | PAS KENT-3855 | ||||||
feathered fleur de lys motif | |||||||
SIGI [ ] LVCE | |||||||
755 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3858 | ||||||
eight-pointed star motif | |||||||
756 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find | S'[ ]lhC Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
oval | PAS KENT-3852 | ||||||
lion rampant motif ? [CRl]DE LEO [ ] THOME | |||||||
757 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | PAS KENT-3856 | ||||||
eight-pointed star motif | |||||||
S' IOhlS SPORNE[.] | |||||||
758 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3851 | ||||||
Agnus Dei motif | |||||||
759 | TR 06 | 26 | MD find | S' IEHAN: hALOAN + Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | PAS KENT-3850 | ||||||
floral motif | |||||||
760 | TR 06 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] bronze circular ship motif S' ROG[.]I PATRV[.] | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE PAS KENT-3849 |
761 | TR 06 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
oval | PAS KENT-3848 | |||||
sunburst motif | ||||||
illegible text | ||||||
762 | TR 06 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
vesica | PAS KENT-3853 | |||||
Star of David motif | ||||||
illegible text | ||||||
TR 06 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] bronze | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE | |
circular | PAS KENT-3854 | |||||
Agnus Dei motif | ||||||
text not decipherable | ||||||
764 | TR 06 26 | MD find | Seal Matrix [1] lead | 1200-1299 | P.P. | TR02NE |
circular | PAS KENT-3857 | |||||
star motif | ||||||
TR 07 26 | MD find | S' AMIC: FIL RADULFI Seal Matrix [1] lead | Med | P.P. | TR02NE | |
circular | Mason 1994, 453, fig. 4.3 | |||||
cross/crosslet motif | ||||||
[.]GODE[.]RIDIFIL'LAVR[.] | ||||||
1246 | TR 05 25 | MD find 09.2006 | Seal Matrix [1] copper alloy | 1300-1500 | P.P. | TR02NE |
vessica | PAS KENT-D3A617 | |||||
foliate design | ||||||
...]BERT.SIC[... | ||||||
1444 | TR 05 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Scales [1] copper alloy | Med | P.P. | TR02NE |
folding pocket scales PAS KENT-330922
1442 TR 05 25 MD find 07.2004 Spur [1] copper alloy 1350-1400 P.P. TR02NE
1441 | TR 05 25 | MD find 07.2004 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | 1350-1400 | P.P. | TR02NE |
acorn skep | PAS KENT-2FD426 |
Salehurst (ESx)
773 TQ 75062321 Park Farm, Farmhouse & Med +? + TQ72SE
Fair Lane House 1ih Century + ESHER MES 2307
building survey 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0089, 1972 1833/1899 NBR Index 1771
LBSU 412925
Listed Grade II
774 TQ 75142314 Park Farm Aisled Hall House c.1100 + NMRTQ72SE18 excavation 1988 [site of] 13th Century + ESHER MES2399
14th Century + ESRO HBR1/1062, 1988 [rev 1993]
16th Century Gardiner 1989, 46-47
Gardiner et al 1991, 81-97
1090 TQ 75402382 Warming House, Monastic Dwelling & Med + TQ72SE
Robertsbridge Abbey, Oasthouse [2] 19th Century + LBSU 412930
Fair Lane 20th Century Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 112
775 TQ 75462382 Abbott's House, Monastic Dwelling & 1225/1250 + NMRTQ72SE1 Robertsbridge Abbey, Farmhouse & c.1576 + ESHER MES2300
Fair Lane House 1ih Century + Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 589
building survey 1ih/181h Century Hurst 1967, 276
Salzmann 1973, 71-74, pi.II, no.a
ESRO HBR1/0604, 1967 [rev 1982 & 1985]
Munby et al 1983, 128-129, fig.3D
NBR Index 76850
NBR Index 93268
LBSU 412929
TQ 75422384 Listed Grade I
see Places of Worship 112
776 TQ 760 273 Great Wigsall, Moat Med TQ72NE
Junction Road ESRO HBR1/0528, 1980
777 TQ 75892746 Jacks Barn, Barn 15th Century + TQ72NE
Great Wigsall, 1ih Century + ESHER MES2324
Junction Road 17th/18th Century ESRO HBR1/0081, 1972
building survey NBR Index 1784
778 TQ 754 253 Hasselmans Farm House & 1500/1532 + TQ72NE
[Haiselman's Farm] Farmhouse 1ih Century + ESHER MES2326
Bourne Lane ESRO HBR1/0056, 1971
TQ75432528 building survey NBR Index 1764
LBSU 412905
Listed Grade II
TQ 75532376 | 'dug up near | Floor Tile | Med | P.P. | NMR TQ72SE26 | |
Robertsbridge | ESHER MES2400 | |||||
Abbey pre 1976' | ||||||
780 | TQ 757 243 | Moat Farm | Moat? | Med | TQ72SE | |
Clinch 1905b, 478 | ||||||
781 | TQ 750 226 | Drigsell | Deserted Settlement | Med | NMR TQ72SW67 | |
[Drisnesel] | ESHER MES2383 | |||||
TQ 751 232 | Burleigh 1973, 77 | |||||
Saltwood (K) | ||||||
746 | TR 15853712 | Stone House | House & | 14th Century+ | NMR TR13NE54 | |
[Stone Farm] | Farmhouse | 16th/1ih Century+ | KHER TR13NE135 | |||
Main Road | 1789 | Parkin 1986, 181-183, pl. IVB | ||||
reconstructed | Austin 1987/88, 42-45, 62-63, pl., fig. | |||||
Gaimster et al 1989, 200 | ||||||
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38 | ||||||
NBR Index 62033 | ||||||
Listed Grade II [del.1991] |
see Medieval 924 Newington
783 TR 14103521 Pedlinge Court House & Methd?+ NMR TR13NW58
[Court Lodge Farm] Farmhouse 18th Century+ KHER TR13NW107
Hythe Road, 19 Century Hasted 1799, VIII, 227
Pedlinge Chris Blandford Assoc 1992
784 | TR 15673596 | Saltwood House, [The Rectory] | Vicarage & House & | Med+ 1770+ | KHER TR13NE127 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 |
785 | TR 148 362 | Rectory Lane Slaybrook Hall | Stable House | 1800/1832 1467/1532+ | Listed Grade II KHER TR13NW94 |
[Slaybrook] | 1533/1599+ | Philips 1926, 365-366, pl. | |||
Sandling Road | 1910/1911+ 1925/1926 | KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 Listed Grade II |
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 Listed Grade II
1051 TR 15493578 Brockhull Manor House Med KHER TR13NE10
[Thorne] [site of]
th th
Hasted 1799, VIII, 224-227
786 TR 15553705 excavation 1979 Pottery 13 /14
Century P.P. KHER TR13NE34
Willson 1985, 226-235
RPS Clouston 1994
782 TR 16193588 Saltwood Castle Castle& 1ih Century+ NMR TR13NE7
Motte& 14th Century+ KHER TR13NE121
Moat& ruitnhed t1h580 KHER TR13NE133
Earthwork& 19 /20 Century Buck& Buck 1774, I, 140, fig.
TR 16163593 Bastions& Grose 1772/87, Ill, 109-112, fig.
Curtain Wall Hasted 1799, VIII, 219-224
Cozens 1802, 1089-1090
Turner & Parker 1851/59, Ill, 307-308
Wright 1854, 121
The Antiquarian 1871, 1(2), 24
Anon 22 Aug 1885, 254, fig.
Mackenzie 1897, I, 35-38
Gould& Downman 1908, 420-421
Murrey 1914, 195-201
lgglesden 1929, XXlll,70-80, fig. Anon 1929, 309-310
Braun 1937, 130, 139, 142, fig. 7
Hussey 1942a, 986-989, fig., pl. Hussey 1942b, 1034-1037, pl. Hussey 1942c, 1082-1085, fig., pl. ASO 17 Sept 1948, 574, pl.
Tilden 1954, 163-167, pl. 43-45
O'Neil 1960, 20, fig.1e, pl.6b
Newman& Pevsner 1969, 425-427
Renn 1973, 306
Bennett 1977, 38
Wood 1983, 157
Cathcart King 1983, I, 233
Le Gear 1989, 69-71
Emery 1994, 30-34
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 Saunders& Smith 2001, KD61 NBR Index 82402
Listed Grade I SAM Kent 73
787 TR 15 37 Deer Park Med/Post Med TR13NE
Shirley 1867, 69
1144 TR 16 37 MD find 10.2005 Whip [1] copper alloy Med/Post Med P.P. TR13NE
riding-crop mount PAS KENT-6091F3
1145 TR 16 37 MD find 08.2005 Candlestick [1] Med P.P. TR13NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-1FE9A5
1146 TR 16 37 MD find 08.2005 Weight [1] lead Med P.P. TR13NE
1146 TR 16 37 MD find 08.2005
Sandhurst (K)
788 TQ 78852777 Old Priest's House
[Little Haddon] Bodiam Road building survey
789 TQ 79742835 Old Swan House,
Bodiam Road
790 TQ 79762827 Cowbeach,
Bodiam Road
TQ 798 283 building survey
797 TQ 78452775 Ives Cottages,
Bourne Lane
791 TQ 81062739 Little Boxhurst,
Ethnam Lane
792 TQ 81782827 Lomas,
Lomas Lane
796 TQ 79862845 Bell Farm &
Bell House, Queen Street building survey
794 TQ 80892803 Oakhurst,
Rye Road
Dagger [1] copper alloy
House & Vicarage
House & Inn
House [1] House
House & Farmhouse
House [1] & Farmhouse & Inn
1400/1499 +
1567/1599 +
1640/1660 +
15th Century+ 1567/1599 +
18th Century+ 20th Century 1500/1550 +
1595/1605+ c.1932
Med + 1567/1599 +
20th Century 1400/1540 +
18th Century+ 20th Century
15th Century+ 1ih Century+ 1800/1866 +
20th Century 1370/1430 + c.1600+
1ih Century+
1767/1799 [front]+ 20th Century
1400/1540 +
16th Century+ 20th Century
WBSG 1994, site visit notes 94/8 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
NBR Index 94307 Listed Grade II
see u/h Century 737
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
WBSG 1994, site visit notes 94/7 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
NBR Index 94306 Listed Grade II KHER TQ72NE167
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87 Listed Grade II
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87 Listed Grade II
WBSG 1994, site visit notes 94/6 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
NBR Index 94305 Listed Grade II KHER TQ72NW26
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
793 TQ 79322972 Sponden Old Hall, House Med + NMR TQ72NE22
Sponden Road 156th7/1599 + KHER TQ72NE123
20 Century Newman & Pevsner 1976, 506
[restored] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II*
948 TQ 79 28 surface find? Seal Matrix [1] jet Med Maidstone TQ72NE
Sedlescombe (ESx)
TQ 76592152 Strawberry Hill Farm, House & c.1h500 + TQ72SE
Popinghole Lane Farmhouse 1i Century + ESHER MES2420
building survey ESRO HBR1/0344, 1978
TQ 76582153 NBR Index 1800
LBSU 413374
Listed Grade II
Sellindge (K)
801 TR 09413705 Harringe Hall House ?+ NMR TR03NE27 building survey c.1500 + KHER TR03NE39
c.1600 RCHME Report 1962
Parkin 1967, 257-262
NBR Index 31822
802 TR 10693770 Talbot House House & c.1th450/1490 + KHER TR03NW147
[Railway Cottages] Row 16 Century + KHER TR03NW103
TR 10803735 Barrow Hill 1980s + RCHME Report 1988 building survey dismantled Pearson et al 1994, 105
[reconstructed at KHBI: Shepway 1996, 45
TR 11433896] Martin & Martin 1999
NBR Index 40132 Listed Grade II
800 TR 10 36 MD find 06.1998 Coin [1] silver 1461-1470 P.P. TR13NW
Edward IV PAS KENT-853
Shadoxhurst (K)
803 TQ 97353660 Moat Farm Moat? Med KHER TQ93NE5
Tatton-Brown 1977, 222
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 47
Snargate (K)
810 TQ 965 265 Fairfield Deserted Settlement? Med KHER TR92NE10
Beresford & Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
1052 TQ 978 272/ Snorland Wall Earthwork & Med TQ92NE
TQ 978 276 Sea Defence Green 1968
Eddison & Draper 1997
1053 TQ 980 272/ Bowhook Wall Earthwork & Med TQ92NE
TQ 985 276 Sea Defence Green 1968
Eddison & Draper 1997
TQ 990 287 surface find Roof Finial [1]
14th Century
glazed pottery Kelly 1988, 319-320, fig. 8.1
996 TQ 99 28 Suargate (sic) Coin [1] silver 1473-1478? P.P. TQ92NE
groat Challis & Cook 1987, no. 205
Edward IV
Waterford mint (mule)
806 TQ 99 26 MD find 08.1999 Coin [1] silver 1532 P.P. TQ92NE
Henry VIII PAS KENT-1783
1360 TQ 97 26 MD find 05.2005 Coin Weight [1] 1461-1483 P.P. TQ92NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-D92917
Edward IV
805 TQ 99 26 MD find 08.1999 Coin Weight [1] 1066-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
square PAS KENT-1781
807 TQ 99 26 MD find 08.1999 Coin Weight [1] 1066-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
square PAS KENT-1780
808 TQ 99 26 MD find 08.1999 Coin Weight [1] 1066-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
square PAS KENT-1779
809 TQ 99 26 MD find 08.1999 Coin Weight [1] 1066-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
square PAS KENT-1782
951 TQ 990 287 MD find Ampulla [1] lead Med P.P. TQ92NE
fragment Kelly 1987, 365
TQ 992 286 MD find Ampulla [1] lead Med P.P. TQ92NE
scallop shell design Kelly 1987, 365, fig. 9.3
crowned W motif
959 TQ 992 287 MD find Belt Chape [1] bronze 1390-1410 P.P. TQ92NE
leaf-shaped terminal Kelly 1987, 366, fig. 9.2
952 TQ 990 287 MD find Belt Chape [1] bronze 1390-1410 P.P. TQ92NE
St Christopher carrying Kelly 1987, 366, fig. 9.4
the Child motif
1359 TQ 97 26 MD find 05.2005 Book Fitting [1] Med P.P. TQ92NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-D956A5
949 TQ 99 28 MD find Brooch [1] bronze
14th Century ?
pin missing Kelly 1990, 293
804 TQ 99 28 MD find 08.2000 Figurine [1] gilt bronze 1400-1499 P.P. TQ92NE
St John the Evangelist PAS KENT-3393
part of processional cross?
956 TQ 992 286 MD find Harness Pendant [1]
late 15th/16th Century
Lewis & Robinson 2001, 241
bronze Kelly 1987, 365, fig. 9.1
fool's head design
960 TQ 992 287 MD find Key, locking [1] bronze
953 TQ 990 287 MD find Purse Bar [1]
14th Century
15th Century
Kelly 1987, 366, fig. 8.3
IHS obverse, M reverse Kelly 1988, 319
Ward Perkins type A1
1358 TQ 97 26 MD find 05.2005 Finger Ring [1] 1301-1400 P.P. TQ92NE
copper alloy PAS KENT-E12DE1
950 TQ 99 28 MD find Seal Matrix [1] lead 1ih/13Ih Century P.P. TQ92NE
circular Kelly 1990, 293, fig. 4.5
cross motif
957 TQ 992 287 MD find Seal Matrix [1] lead 13th Century P.P. TQ92NE
rosette encircled with Kelly 1987, 365, fig. 9.5
dots motif
958 TQ 992 287 MD find Seal Matrix [1] bronze 13th Century P.P. TQ92NE
oval Kelly 1987, 365-366
1143 TQ 97 27 MD find 05.2005 Strap End [1] copper alloy Med P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-8AA533 811 TQ 97 28 MD find Weight [1] 1066-1540 P.P. TQ92NE
oval PAS KENT-2336
crowned C motif
Snargate/Brookland (K)
1054 TQ 975 261 / Saddlers Wall Earthwork & Med TQ92NE
TQ 978 267 Sea Defence Green 1968
Eddison & Draper 1997
Snargate/Brookland/lvychurch/Old Romney/Lydd (K)
1055 TQ 980 294 / Great Wall Earthwork& c.1250 TQ92NE/TR02SW
TQ 978 278 / Sea Defence Green 1968
TQ 964 265 /
TQ 981 220 /
TR 021 231 /
TR 023 215
Stanford (K)
812 TR 12333716 Westenhanger Fortified House& c.1343/1344 + NMRTR13NW3 House [remains of] 1500/1521 + KHERTR13NW102
Moat& 1567/1599 Grose 1772/87, Ill, 82-87, fig.
Park& part demolished 1701 Hasted 1799, VIII, 64-66, 68-76
Hunting Forest& 18th Century Turner & Parker 1851/59, Ill, 308
Farmhouse Wadmore 1887, 193-208
Mackenzie 1897, I, 57-59
Cheney 1904b, 125-126
Sands 1907, 51-53
Gould& Downman 1908, 433
Clinch 1915, 76-81
lgglesden 1929, XXIII, 46-55, fig.
Anon 1929, 313-314, fig., pl.
Tatton-Brown 1977, 222
Moated Sites Res Grp 6 (1979) 47 Colvin et al 1982, IV(2), 283-285 Cathcart King 1983, I, 236
Newman& Pevsner 1969, 473-474
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 47 Johnson etal1998 Johnson 1999a
Martin& Martin 2001, 203-236 Saunders& Smith, 2001, KD62 Howard et al 2002b
Castle Studs. Gp. Bull. 16 (2003)
Listed Grade I SAM Kent 120
813 TR 12213751 north of | Corn Drying Oven& | 1050-1299 | P.P. | KHERTR13NW61 |
Westenhanger | Pit& | Treveil 1998 | ||
Castle | Ditch | Gollop 1999b | ||
excavation 1999 | Willson 1998/99, 29-30 |
RSM 22777
814 | TR 123 372 | Westenhanger | Deserted Settlement ? | Med | P.P. |
815 | TR 123 372 | Eastenhanger | Deserted Settlement ? | Med | P.P. |
Beresford & Hurst 1971, 192
Everitt 1976, 10-11 fn Johnson et al 1998 KHER TR13NW22
Beresford & Hurst 1971, 191
Everitt 1976, 10-11 fn Johnson et al 1998
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
819 TQ 93982731 Tilmenden House 15th Century KHER TQ92NW54 Listed Grade II
818 TQ 94052819 Chapel Cottage, House 1400/1540 KHER TQ92NW70 Appledore Road Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 142
817 TQ 91222942 Ramsden Farm, House & c.1500 + NMR TQ92NW18
Corkscrew Lane Farmhouse c.1th700 + KHER TQ92NW59
building survey 18th Century + WBSG 1996, site visit note 96/3
Century NBR Index 97131
Listed Grade II
820 TQ 93432716 Oak Farm, House & 1400/1540 KHER TQ92NW72
Lower Road [sic] Farmhouse Listed Grade II
816 TQ 93972842 Oat Barn, House 1400/1540 KHER TQ92NW41
Lower Road Listed Grade II
821 TQ 93512834 Luckhurst Farm House & 1450/1500 + KHER TQ92NW51
[Luckhurst] Farmhouse 16th Century + WBSG 1995, site visit note 95/12
Lower Road 1ih Century + NBR Index 96245
building survey post 1700 Listed Grade II 822 TQ 92182643 aerial photo 1946 Ridge + Furrow & Med/Post Med? KHER TQ92NW10
Earthwork AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F4080; 21.9.46)
825 TQ 928 297 Chapel Bank Pottery Med P.P. KHER TQ92NW16 surface find KHER TQ92NW17
824 TQ 927 297 Ebony Deserted Settlement? Med KHER TR92NW9 Beresford & Hurst 1971, Everitt 1976, 10-11fn
823 TQ 92402660 Great Prawls Farm Moat& Med P.P. KHERTR92NW7
Manor House& Kilburne 1659
Pottery& Hasted 1799, VIII, 481 [Prauls]
Tile Ireland 1828/30, II, 292-293 [Prauls]
Lebon 1969, 240-241
TQ 925 267 Tatton-Brown 1977, 222
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 48
Tenterden (K)
855 TQ 883 332 Tenterden Town 1449 KHERTQ83SE22
Smith 1964, IV, 62
Beresford& Finberg 1973, 131
1057 TQ 89433306 Belgar Farm, House&
15th/16th Century+
Appledore Road Farmhouse 1ih Century NMRTQ83SE54
[refacing] KHERTQ83SE79
NBR Index 40555 Listed Grade II
826 TQ 89933316 Brungar Farm, House& c.1540 KHERTQ83SE80
Appledore Road Farmhouse Lloyd, N. 1983, 152, 269, 422 Listed Grade II
856 TQ 90083313 Finchden Manor, House& 1450/1500+ NMRTQ93SW6
Appledore Road School& 16th Century+ NMRTQ93SW21
TQ 90073312 Priory 1ih Century+ KHERTQ93SW156
19th Century lgglesden 1902, IV, 35-36, fig. Newman& Pevsner 1976, 567
Lloyd, N. 1983, 326, 430
NBR Index 40562 Listed Grade II*
see Places of Worship 134
857 TQ 90033303 Priory Farm, House&
15th Century+
[Little Finchden] Farmhouse 1ih Century NMRTQ93SW22
Appledore Road, KHERTQ93SW157
Leigh Green NBR Index 40580
Listed Grade II
858 TQ 89813329 Leigh Green Farm, House& 1467/1532+ NMRTQ83SE33
Appledore Road Farmhouse 1ih Century+ KHERTQ93SE101
19th Century NBR Index 40580
[refacing] Listed Grade II
859 TQ 90153305 Maynard's Farm, House& 1367/1399+ KHERTQ93SW154
Appledore Road Farmhouse 1460/1500+ Martin & Martin 1995b
TQ 90303274 1570/1610+ Listed Grade II* 20th Century
860 TQ 88183518 Briton House, House 15th Century+ NMR TQ83NE14
Grange Road, 1ih Century KHER TQ83NE111
St Michaels NBR Index 40556
Listed Grade II
861 TQ 88143520 Marshalls Farm, House Med + NMR TQ83NE38 Grange Road, 1ih Century KHER TQ83NE194
St Michaels part demolished NBR Index 40581 post 1945 Listed Grade II
827 TQ 88463334 17 High Street House & 15th Century+ KHER TQ83SE181
Restaurant 16th Century+ NBR Index 40570
18th Century Listed Grade II
862 TQ 88163324 The Manor, House 15th Century+ NMR TQ83SE21
High Street 1ih Century+ KHER TQ83SE25
building survey 18th Century RCHME Report n.d. NBR Index 31830
828 TQ 88433333 Tudor Rose Cafe, House & 1475/1510 + NMR TQ83SE15
29-33 High Street Cate 16th/1ih Century NMR TQ83SE27 TQ 884 334 building survey KHER TQ83SE258
Davie & Dawber 1900, pl.16
TQ 88423332 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 564
RCHME Report n.d.
WBSG 1979, site visit note 8/79 NBR Index 39722
Listed Grade II*
829 TQ 88383330 The Eight Bells Inn, House & 15th Century+ KHER TQ83SE120 43 High Street Inn c.1500 + NBR Index 40572
18th Century [front] Listed Grade II 830 TQ 88373330 45 High Street House & Med + NMR TQ83SE46
Shop 1ih Century+ KHER TQ83SE156
19th Century NBR Index 40573
Listed Grade II
836 TQ 883 333 47 High Street House 1500/1550 + NMR TQ83SE47
1ih Century+ NBR Index 40574
19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88363329 49 High Street House & KHER TQ83SE196
Shop Listed Grade II
TQ 88363328 51 High Street House & 1400/1599 KHER TQ83SE184
Shop Listed Grade II
TQ 88323325 59 & 61 High Street House 1467/1499 + NMR TQ83SE20
building survey 1ih Century+ KHER TQ83SE24 1ih/181h Century+ RCHME Report 1958
19th Century NBR Index 31829
TQ 881 331 Pittlesden Gatehouse, House c.1400+ NMR TQ83SE26
91 High Street postht 1650+ KHER TQ83SE194
TQ 88233316 20
Century NBR Index 39721
Listed Grade II
TQ 882 333 111-117 High Street House 15th Century+ KHER TQ83SE29
16th Century+ NBR Index 40578
18 Century Listed Grade II
837 TQ 885 334 14 High Street House & 15th Century+ KHER TQ83SE45
Shop 16th/1ih Century+ NBR Index 40569 20th Century Listed Grade II
838 TQ 88453339 The Mans Shop School & 1450/1485+ NMR TQ83SE37
[Old Grammar School] House & 1520/1530+ KHER TQ83SE147
TQ 88433338 18 & 20 High Street Shop 1580/1620+ Carlisle 1818, I, 625
building survey 1960 Taylor 1932, 129-146
dendro dating Howard et al 1988, 47, no. 17
Roberts 1990
Pearson 1994, 149
NBR Index 40252 Listed Grade II
839 TQ 88403336 The Woolpack Hotel, House & Med+ NMR TQ83SE34
26 High Street Hotel preh 1562+ NMR TQ83SE53
1i Century+ KHER TQ83SE268
later NBR Index 40587
840 TQ 88303330 60 High Street House & 15th/16th Century+
Shop 18th Century
841 TQ 88293329 64 & 66 High Street House & 15th Century
Listed Grade II NMR TQ83SE47 KHER TQ83SE206
NBR Index 40575 Listed Grade II NMR TQ83SE48
Shop partht demh olished KHER TQ83SE193
16th/1i Century NBR Index 40576
18th Century+ Listed Grade II
842 TQ 88863340 Hales Place, House 1530/1560+ KHER TQ83SE14
Oaks Road 156th0/1580+ Newman & Pevsner 1976, 565
TQ 88843340 18 Century+ Lloyd, N. 1983, 310-311
19th Century NBR Index 40565
Listed Grade 11•
862 TQ 888 334 Hales Place, Garden Building & 1530 TQ83SE
Oaks Road Garden House Lloyd, N. 1983, 321 843 TQ 88833345 Hales Place, Garden Building & 1500/1532 KHER TQ83SE169 Oaks Road Well House Lloyd, N. 1983, 155
Listed Grade 11•
844 TQ 88863349/ Hales Place, Garden Building & 1500/1532 KHER TQ83SE23 TQ 88903348 Oaks Road Turret Listed Grade II*
1056 TQ 88833339 Hales Place, Garden Building & 1500/1532 KHER TQ83SE75
TQ 87343246
Oaks Road Arch
Plummers House House &
Listed Grade II
Century+ KHER TQ83SE83
[Plummers Farm] Farmhouse 16t7h1+ Listed Grade II
Plummers Lane 18 Century
846 TQ 92253052 Ebony Cottage, House 145th0/1500+ NMR TQ93SW16
Reading Street 16 h Century+ NMR TQ93SW20
1i Century KHER TQ93SW134
NBR Index 40561
th Listed Grade II
848 TQ 897 330 [sic] 3 & 3A Smallhythe Road House 15 h Century+ NMR TQ83SE51
1i Century+ KHER TQ83SE117
TQ 87963306 18th Century+ NBR Index 40586 20th Century Listed Grade II
850 TQ 89343014 Priest's House, House 1500/1525+ NMR TQ83SE12
Smallhythe Road later Newman & Pevsner 1976, 531 Winnifrith 1980, 363-366, pl. 1
NBR Index 40582
847 TQ 89323204 Smallhythe House 16th Century
Listed Grade II* NMR TQ83SE36
building survey WBSG 1979, site visit note 9/79
NBR Index 39719
849 TQ 89342999 Smallhythe Place/ House & c.1th480+ NMR TQ82NE6 [sic]
Ellen Terry Memorial Museum & 18 Century KHER TQ83SE66
851 | TQ 894 301 TQ 880 320 | Dutch Cottage, | House | th Century+ | NBR Index 40583 Listed Grade II* NMR TQ83SE40 |
Smallhythe Road | 19 Century+ [retfhacing] | NMR TQ83SE55 KHER TQ83SE98 NBR Index 40559 | |||
852 | TQ 87343175 | Old Heronden House | House | 15th/16th Century+ th | Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SE35 NBR Index 39720 Listed Grade II |
TQ 89343000 Museum, Stable Newman & Pevsner 1976, 531 Smallhythe Road James, R. et al 2005
20 Century
853 TQ 882 326 Heronden Old House, House 15th/16th Century+ NMR TQ83SE38 Smallhythe Road 1ih Century+ KHER TQ83SE73
1818 lgglesden 1902, IV, 32
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 566
NBR Index 40566
854 TQ 90683466 Brissenden Farm, House &
Listed Grade II [del. 1993] KHER TQ83SE130
TQ 89723428
Swain Road Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
Old Knockwood House & 15th Cenh tury+ KHER TQ83SE8
[Knock Farm] Farmhouse 16 /1i Century Newman & Pevsner 1976, 567
Woodchurch Road NBR Index 40584
TQ 894 301
Shipyard &
Roscoe 1982, 236-237
Fowle 1998, 25-26
GSB Prospection 1998a
Philp 2001, 188-191
Clarke & Milne 2002, 12-22
Bellamy & Milne 2002
TQ 85353428
south west of
Mill Pond &
Med/Post Med?
Bellamy & Milne 2003, 353-3 KHER TQ83SE69
Parkgate Farm
Pond Bay
Aldridge 2006
TQ 88 33
'found in pond under
Pottery, Jug
12 feet of mud'
Varley 1983, 78-81
Udimore (ESx)
TQ 86451914
Pound Farm &
House &
15th Century+
Listed Grade II*
Pound Cottage Farmhouse 16th Century+ ESHER MES2548
Rye Road 17t1h4+ ESRO HBR1/0400, 1979
building survey 20
Century Martin & Martin 1987, 104-105
NBR Index 3449
LBSU 415037
Listed Grade II
867 TQ 87911871 Knellstone, House c.1th500+ TQ81NE
Rye Road 16 Century+ ESHER MES2546
building survey c.1600+ ESRO HBR1/0193, 1975
179th0+ Wolseley 1935b, 399-403
Century Martin & Martin 1980, 132, fig. 22
NBR Index 3447
LBSU 415052
Listed Grade II*
868 TQ 86741899 The Vines House& 15th Century+ TQ81NE
[Vines Farm] Farmhouse 16th Century+ ESHER MES2559
Rye Road c.1th700+ ESRO HBR1/0845, 1984
building survey 18 Century+ NBR Index 45966
c.1800 LBSU 415043
Listed Grade II
869 TQ 88071814 Float Farm, House& 1467/1499+ TQ81NE
Winchelsea Lane Farmhouse 16th Century+ ESHER MES2545
building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0481, 1979 TQ 88071815 later NBR Index 3446
LBSU 415061
th Listed Grade II
873 TQ 86341891 The Old House House 15th Century+ TQ81NE
[Court Lodge] 16th Cenh tury+ ESHER MES2557
TQ 86361887 Merrick's Lane 16 h/1i Century+ Russell et al 1973, 172
building survey 1i Century ESRO HBR1/0928, 1985 [rev 1989]
part dismantled/ NBR Index 45964
demolished 1912 LBSU 416166 Listed Grade II
874 TQ 86351900 Court Lodge Moat& Med NMR TQ81NE2
[remains of] ESHER MES2539
Manor House Russell et al 1973, 172
871 | TQ 85851965 | Ridge+ Furrow | Med | ||
872 | TQ 86011953 | Roughter Wood | Bloomery | Med/Post Med | |
1124 | TQ 906 201 | surface find 11.2007 | Vessel [1] ceramic | c.1075-c.1200 | P.P. |
[site of] NBR Index 45964
Straker 1931, 349
Cleere& Crossley 1985, 293 [Udimore et.]
rim sherd PAS SUSS-6F7CE1
1125 TQ 906 201 surface find 11.2007 Vessel [1] ceramic c.1250-c.1300 P.P. TQ92SW
rim sherd PAS SUSS-6FBC04
1135 TQ 90 19 MD find 04.2008 Vessel [1] lead 1066-1600 P.P. TQ91NW
1136 TQ 89 19 MD find 02.2008 Vessel [1] copper alloy c.1250-1650 P.P. TQ81NE
1137 TQ 87 18 MD find 02.2008 Vessel [1] copper alloy c.1250-1650 P.P. TQ81NE
1138 | TQ 89 19 | MD find 02.2008 | Vessel [1] copper alloy | c.1250-1650 | P.P. | TQ81NE |
leg PAS SUSS-C617E4 | ||||||
1139 | TQ 87 19 | MD find 02.2008 | Vessel [1] copper alloy | c.1250-c.1650 | P.P. | TQ81NE |
rim sherd [sooted] | PAS SUSS-C4C881 |
leg+ foot PAS SUSS-C6E303
1140 | TQ 88 | 18 | MD find 02.2008 | Vessel [1] copper alloy | c.1250-c.1650 | P.P. | TQ81NE |
rim sherd [sooted] | PAS SUSS-C45BC6 | ||||||
1141 | TQ 87 | 18 | MD find 02.2008 | Vessel [1] copper alloy | c.1250-c.1650 | P.P. | TQ81NE |
rim sherd [sooted] | PAS SUSS-C3BA00 | ||||||
1126 | TQ 88 | 18 | MD find 04.2008 | Coin [1] silver | 1204-1209 | P.P. | TQ81NE |
penny | PAS SUSS-7335C7 | ||||||
John | North 1975/80, no. 970 | ||||||
Canterbury mint | |||||||
1127 | TQ 89 | 19 | MD find 12.2007 | Coin [1] silver | c.1319-c.1323 | P.P. | TQ81NE |
penny | PAS SUSS-9517D1 | ||||||
Edward II | |||||||
1128 | TQ 88 | 18 | MD find 04.2008 | Bury St Edmunds mint Coin Weight [1] lead alloy | 1355-1467 | P.P. | TQ81NE |
Pieter d'Or | PAS SUSS-A41272 |
1129 TQ 89 19 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy 1250-1500 P.P. TQ81NE
bishop mitre design PAS SUSS-9B5644
1130 TQ 88 18 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy c.1250-1800 P.P. TQ81NE
a-pointed star design PAS SUSS-A2DA77
1131 TQ 89 19 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy c.1250-1800 P.P. TQ81NE
central hole PAS SUSS-9B3265
1132 TQ 89 20 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead c.1250-1800 P.P. TQ82SE
wheel-like design PAS SUSS-03D135
1133 TQ 89 19 MD find 12.2007 Token [1] lead c.1250-1800 P.P. TQ81NE
a-pointed star design PAS SUSS-154F25
1134 TQ 90 20 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy c.1250-1800 P.P. TQ92SW
a-pointed star design PAS SUSS-9AEE17
992 TQ 88 18 'found near Udimore' Seal Matrix [1] lead 13th Century P.P. TQ81NE
MD find vesica PAS SUSS-BC7C86
tree with four Andrews-Wilson & Whittick 2007,222
branches either side S' AIICIE FIL' DAN
Warehorne (K)
875 TQ 97333466 Parsonage Farm House & 15th Century+ KHER TQ93SE83
Farmhouse 16th Century Listed Grade II
Westfield (ESx)
876 TQ 80091735 Wheel House, House 16th Century+ TQ81NW
Cottage Lane 1ih Century LBSU 415596
th Listed Grade II
878 TQ 82601618 Pattleton's Farm, House & 14th Century+ TQ81NW
Doleham Hill Farmhouse 16th Cetnh tury+ ESHER MES2594
TQ 82621615
building survey 17th/18 Century+ ESRO HBR1/0863, 1984
18 Century+ NBR Index 45980
later LBSU 415560
th Listed Grade II
877 TQ 81841649 Crowham Cottages, House 14th Century+ TQ81NW
Main Road 15th Century+ ESHER ES2577
16 Century+ ESRO HBR1/0368, 1978 [revised 1983]
c.1600 + NBR Index 3472
LBSU 415573
1985/1987 Listed Grade II
879 TQ 810 150 Church Place Farm, Moat Med TQ81NW
Vicarage Lane ESRO HBR1/0887, 1984
field survey NBR Index 3471
1121 TQ 81 15 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy 1250-1800 P.P. TQ81NW
six-petalled flower PAS SUSS-9BE790
1122 TQ 82 16 MD find 02.2008 Vessel [1] copper alloy 1250-1650 P.P. TQ81NW
rim sherd [sooted] PAS SUSS-C4AA12
1123 TQ 82 16 MD find 02.2008 Vessel [1] copper alloy 1250-1650 P.P. TQ81NW
rim sherd [sooted] PAS SUSS-C417E2
Wittersham (K)
880 TQ 88422789 Rugden, House 1400/1540 KHER TQ82NE23
Moons Green Road Listed Grade II
281 TQ 87362801 Cullens, House 140h0/1540 + KHER TQ82NE39
Rolvenden Road, 1i Century Listed Grade II
882 TQ 88202833 Palstre Court Moat Med KHER TQ82NE4 Rolvenden Road Ireland 1828/30, II, 295-296
Gould & Downman 1908, 428
Tatton-Brown 1977, 222
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 48
RSM 12723
883 | TQ 90212845 | Owley Acton Lane | Moat? [site of ] | Med | KHERTQ92NW1 Ireland 1828/30, II, 296 | |
1142 | TQ 89 27 | MD find 04.2008 | Token [1] lead alloy long cross design | c.1250-1500 | P.P. | lgglesden 1923, XVI, 43- TQ82NE PAS SUSS-A2BB54 |
Woodchurch (K)
TQ 93023738 Plurenden Manor, House Methd?+ KHERTQ93NW19
18 Century + Hasted 1798, VII, 234-235
[retfhacing] Listed Grade II
19 Century
TQ 94273762 Great Engeham Manor House c.1450/1480 + NMRTQ93NW9
[Great Engeham] c.1h500 + KHERTQ93NW20
Bethersden Road 1i
Century Hasted 1798, VII, 233-234
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 614
Pearson et al 1994, 135
NBR Index 40023 Listed Grade II
TQ 94393339 Counter Farm, House & Methd + KHERTQ93SW127
Brook Street Farmhouse 18 Century + Listed Grade II
TQ 92493369 Diamond House House c.1th440/h1480 + NMRTQ93SW4
Brook Street 16 /1i
Century KHERTQ93SW128
Pearson et al 1994, 136
NBR Index 40025 Listed Grade II*
TQ 94133445 Townland Farm House & c.1460/1510 + NMRTQ93SW15
[Townland] Farmhouse 16t0h8 +th
TQ 94233451 80 Front Road 17 /18 Century Hasted 1798, VII, 227-228
[cladding] Pearson et al 1994, 137
NBR Index 40030 Listed Grade II
TQ 94123470 Court Lodge Farm, House & Methd?+ KHERTQ93SW168
Front Road Farmhouse 18 Century + Listed Grade II
TQ 94373491 Hendon Place/ House c.1th450/1480 + NMRTQ93SW7
Henden Place/ 16 h Century + KHERTQ93SW152
Harden Place, 1i Century Hasted 1798, VII, 230-231
TQ 94363493 15The Green Newman & Pevsner 1976, 614
Pearson et al 1994, 136
NBR Index 40022 Listed Grade II*
TQ 94613478 Place Farm House & c.1480/151O KHERTQ93SW148
TQ 94593480
39The Green Farmhouse [pathrt demolished Hasted 1798, VII, 229-230
18 Century] Pearson et al 1994, 136
NBR Index 40027 Listed Grade II
TQ 93183254 Shirley Farm, House & c.1th470/th1510+ NMRTQ93SW8
Moor Lane Farmhouse 17 /18 Century KHERTQ93SW173
TQ 93173254 building survey Hasted 1798, VII, 227
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 614
Pearson et al 1994, 136-137, fig 176
NBR Index 40029 Listed Grade II*
899 TQ 931 326 Shirley House 140h0/1450+ TQ93SW
building survey 1i Century+ RCHME Report n.d.
18th Century Rendel, W. 1962, 63-76
NBR Index 39730
TQ 93153616 Redbrook Cottage, House c.1th470/1510+ NMRTQ93NW11
Redbrook Street 16th Century+ KHERTQ93NW53
18 Century Pearson et al 1994, 136, fig 175
[refacing] NBR Index 40028
th Listed Grade II
TQ 93803516 Dewhurst Farm, House & 14th Century+ KHERTQ93NW51
[Jewhurst Farm] Farmhouse 16th Century+ Listed Grade II
Susans Hill 18 Century
TQ 91963460 Robhurst, House c.1460/1500 NMRTQ93SW5
[Little Robhurst] KHERTQ93SW114
TQ 91953457 Swain Road Newman & Pevsner 1976, 614
Pearson et al 1994, 136
TQ 91823465 NBR Index 40024
Listed Grade II*
TQ 93473505 Oakmead House c.1h470/1510+ KHERTQ93NW10
[Dewhurst] 1i Century Pearson et al 1994, 13
Susans Hill NBR Index 40026
Listed Grade II
TQ 95133644 Henghurst Moat Med KHERTQ93NE1 lgglesden 1906, VII, 89
Moated Site Res Gp 6 (1979) 46-48
TQ 95733562 found east of Quern [1] Mayen lava Med Maidstone KHERTQ93NE4 May Farm 1967 upper stone Museum Kelly 1973, 209-210
AD 1540-1700 Early Post Medieval 1057
Reuse 562
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Aldington (K)
TR 06403756 The Old Cottage, House 16th Century + KHER TR03NE89 Calleywell Lane [or earlier] Listed Grade II
20th Century
TR 07163622 Cherry Orchard, House 16th Century + KHER TR03NE142 Cherry Orchard Lane 18th Century Listed Grade II
TR 07563631 Tickner Cottage, House 1550 NMR TR03NE54 Church Lane KHER TR03NE182
NBR Index 40511 Listed Grade II
TR 07553713 Hogben Farm, House & 16th Century + KHER TR03NE105 Church Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] lgglesden 1919, XIII,
1973 Listed Grade II
TR 07533716 Hogben Farm, Barn 1ih Century + KHER TR03NE96 Church Lane [or earlier] Listed Grade II
8 | TR 07503647 | Hogben House, | House | 16th Century + | KHER TR03NE128 |
6 | TR 07493680 | Church Lane Oak House, | House | [or earlier] 16th Century + | Listed Grade II KHER TR03NE131 |
TR 07543714 1933/1966
Church Lane 20th century Listed Grade II
TR 05863691 By The Way, House 1ih Century + KHER TR03NE139 Clap Hill [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century
TR 06273659 The Walnut Tree Inn, Inn 1ih Century + KHER TR03NE88 Forge Hill [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [cladding]
TR 06253657 Homelands, House ?+ KHER TR03NE117
12 | TR 05733687 | Doulton Manor, | House & | Post Med | NMR TR03NE45 |
Frith Road | Farmhouse | Listed Grade II |
Forge Hill 1ih Century+ Listed Grade II 20th Century
TR 05233690 Quested's Cottage, House 16th Century+ KHER TR03NE140 Frith Road 177th8 Listed Grade II
TR 04983691 Goodwin Farm, House & 16th Century+ KHER TR03NW35
Frith Road Farmhouse 18th Century+ Listed Grade II
TR 06863476 Goldenhurst Manor, House
20 h Century
1i Century+
Giggers Green Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II 18th Century+
TR 06863478 Goldenhurst Old House House
[Goldenhurst Farm] [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TR 06593702
Giggers Green Road
Goldwell, 1i Century+
Goldwell Lane Outbuilding 18th Century Listed Grade II
TR 06563721 Symnells, House & 1540+
Goldwell Lane Forecourt & 16th/1i
Century+ KHER TR03NE134
TR 06563726 Wall c.1800 [front] NBR Index 40510
TR 05743614 Wykhurst, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century+ KHER TR03NE121
Mill Lane [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
TR 07163604 Ruffyn's Hill Farm, House &
20th Century
16 Century+
Roman Road Farmhouse [or earlier] KHER TR03NE152 TR 07163601 1600/1632 Hasted 1799, VIII, 322
lgglesden 1919, XIII, 35-36, fig.
TR 07173601 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 127
TR 07183598 Ruffyn's Hill Farm, Barn 16th
Listed Grade 11•
Century KHER TR03NE124
TR 06313657
Roman Road Belarica Cottage &
House &
Listed Grade II
Century+ KHER TR03NE154
Beulah Shop Listed Grade II
TR 0 3
Roman Road Stonelees
House 16th/1ih Century TR03
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 127
TR05943578 HMP Aldington Ditch Post Med KHER TR03NE70
excavation 2000
th h
James, R. 2000
TR 08923758 north of road between Coin Hoard 16 /1i Century P.P. NMR TR03NE28
Harringe Lane and KHER TR03NE28
Partridge Farm 1975 Bradshaw 1975, 202
935 TR 05 37 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver 1547 P.P. TR03NE
Henry VIII PAS KENT-A90425
936 TR 05 37 MD find 11.2007 Coin [1] 1625-1649 P.P. TR03NE
Charles I PAS KENT-450BC1
Appledore (K)
TQ 95273062 Griffin Farm, House & 1ih Century KHER TQ93SE61 Appledore Heath Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 95213105 Manclark Cottage, House 1ih Century+ KHER TQ93SE79 The Heath [or earlier] Listed Grade II
19th Century [refacing]
TQ 95293058 Roundabout Friday, House 1ih Century ? KHER TQ93SE48 The Heath Listed Grade II
TQ 94952916 aerial photo 1946 Ridge+ Furrow Post Med KHER TQ92NW14
30 TQ 95502915 Court Lodge Farm Barn &
16th Century+
AP (RAF 106G/UK 1439 F3085; 30.4.46)
Garage 1767/1832+ Adams 1993, 283-298 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 95682937 Tuckers, 17 & House [1] 1ih Century KHER TQ92NE148 Fayrecross Cottage, 19 & [or earlier] Listed Grade II
Old Way, 21 The Street
TQ 95652939 Tudor Rose Cottage, House 1ih Century+ KHER TQ92NE147 37 & 39 The Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [refacing]
TQ 95662930 6 -12 & House & Shop & 1ih Century+ KHER TQ92NE137 The Corn Stores, 14 Garage [or earlier] Listed Grade II
The Street 18th Century
TQ 95632935 Chute House, House 1ih Century ? KHER TQ92NE135 24 The Street Listed Grade II
TQ 95592951 Bennetts, House 16th Century KHER TQ92NE151 56 The Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 95503007 The Homestead, House 1ih Century KHER TQ93SE72 The Street Listed Grade II
TQ 95133115 The Old Sweet Shop, Shop 1ih Century KHER TQ93SE37 Woodchurch Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 95023130 Hole Farm, House & 1ih Century KHER TQ93SE80 Woodchurch Road Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
831 TQ 95772984 Appledore Waste Water Tile [7] KHER TQ92NE29
Treatment Works Riccoboni 2007
Beckley (ESx)
TQ 86422589 The Cottage in the House c.1th600? + TQ82NE
Woods [The House 19 Century+ ESHER MES3458
TQ 86412590 in the Wood] 1965/1966 ESRO HBR1/0502, 1980
Beckley Corner Lane/ NBR Index 7611
Methersham Lane LBSU 292267
building survey Listed Grade II
7 TQ 84292387 Church Cottages House c.1th700 + TQ82SW
building survey 18
TQ 86772566 Hope Farm, House & 1ih
Century ESHER MES3457
ESRO HBR1/0872, 1984
NBR Index 7610
Century TQ82NE
Beckley Corner Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 292269
TQ 84272216 Tilebarn Farm, Barn 16th/1ih Century+
Listed Grade II
Beckley Furnace Road 18th Century+ ESHER MES3456
building survey 19 Century ESRO HBR1/0755, 1982 NBR Index 3210
TQ 84012344 Old Dean House 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
[Old Dene] [or earlier] LBSU 292273
TQ 86172422
Brede Road
th Listed Grade II
The Thatched Cottage, House 16th Century+ NMR TQ82SE6
Brede Road 18 Century/ ESHER MES3461
building survey c.1800 RCHME Report 1958 NBR Index 35495
LBSU 292274
TQ 83852332 The Spinney & House [1] 1ih Century?
Listed Grade II
Kingshoath Cottage, LBSU 292275
Clay Hill
TQ 84802299 Stockhurst Farm
Barn 17th/18th
Listed Grade II
Century TQ82SW
[Stockherd(s) Farm] ESHER MES3453
TQ 84812298 Horseshoe Lane ESRO HBR1/0444, 1979
building survey Martin & Martin 1980, 121
NBR Index 1662
LBSU 292282
TQ 85122247
Watcombe, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ82SE
Horseshoe Lane LBSU 292284
Listed Grade II
TQ 85212232 Gate Farm, House & 1ih Century TQ82SE
Horseshoe Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 292285 Listed Grade II
TQ 85292280 Little Harmers, Barn 16th Century + TQ82SE
Horseshoe Lane 18th Century ESHER MES3449 ESRO HBR1/0537, 1980
Martin & Martin 2006, 116-118
NBR Index 1658
TQ 85432347 Kingsbank Farm House & [Med] + TQ82SE
[Great Harmers Farm] Farmhouse c.1540 + ESHER MES3446
building survey pre 1583? + ESRO HBR1/0908, 1985 TQ 85442349 c.1740 + NBR Index 1657
[part demolished] LBSU 292287
20th century Listed Grade II
TQ 85432345 Kingsbank Farm, Barn c. 1600 + TQ82SE
Kings Bank Lane 17th/18th Century ESHER MES3447
building survey ESRO HBR1/0536, 1980 [rev 1981]
Martin & Martin 2006, 99-100
NBR Index 1657
LBSU 292288
Listed Grade II
TQ 84762375 Lyndale Cottage, House 1ih Century + TQ82SW
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 292294 181h Century [refaced] Listed Grade II
TQ 84412367 Church Farm Barn, Barn & 16th Century TQ82SW
Main Street Shop ESHER MES3441
building survey ESRO HBR1/0538, 1980
NBR Index 1652
LBSU 292305
Listed Grade II
TQ 84342365 Church House, House c.1626 + NMR TQ82SW13 Main Street 1731/1745 + ESHER MES3440
TQ 84332365 building survey modern ESHER MES3462 Lloyd, N. 1920, 31-37
Wolseley 1934, 536-540, pl.
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 413
Christie et al 1973a, 143
Lloyd, N. 1983, 239, 307, 367, 421
ESRO HBR1/0967, 1986
Martin & Martin 1987, 65-66, 132-134
NBR Index 41671
LBSU 292303
Listed Grade II
TQ 84692367 Horsepen, House 1ih Century TQ82SW
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 292309 Listed Grade II
TQ 84742370 Little Horsepen House 1ih Century TQ82SW
[Horsepen Cottages] [or earlier] LBSU 292310
Main Street Listed Grade II
TQ 85142390 Court Lodge, House 1ih Century TQ82SE
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 292314 Listed Grade II
TQ 84402085 Great Constar Farm, Barn c.1600 + TQ82SW
Moore's Lane 1ih Century+ ESHER MES3455
building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0753, 1982 19th Century NBR Index 3208
Listed Grade II
TQ 86182418 Oak Cottage, House 1ih Century TQ82SE
Peasmarsh Lane [or earlier] LBSU 292323 Listed Grade II
TQ 86282371 Two Hovens & House [1] 17th/18th Century+ TQ82SE
Two Hovens Cottage, 1757 + ESHER MES3445
Peasmarsh Lane 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0339, 1978
building survey NBR Index 1656
LBSU 292328
Listed Grade II
TQ 85452042 Heronswood House 16th Century+ TQ82SE
building survey c.1700 + ESHER MES3444
18th Century Martin & Martin 1980, 122, fig. 17, pi ESRO HBR1/0505, 1980
NBR Index 1655
54 TQ 84512464 Stoddard Farm, House & 1ih Century TQ82SW
Stoddards Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 292331 Listed Grade II
TQ 84802440 Eastlands Farm, House & 1645 + TQ82SW
Stoddards Lane Farmhouse 1780/1820 + ESRO HBR1/1392, 2000 TQ 84792441 building survey 20th Century LBSU 488211
Listed Grade II
55 TQ 83762268 Water Mill Farm, House & 1ih Century TQ82SW
Water Mill Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 292333 Listed Grade II
TQ 87012551 Oxenbridge Farm Barn 1ih Century+ TQ82NE
building survey
ESHER MES3450 ESRO HBR1/0449, 1979
NBR Index 1659
TQ 83842148 Glasseye Farm, Barn 1ih Century + TQ82SW
Furnace Lane 18th Century ESHER MES3454
building survey ESRO HBR1/0754, 1982
NBR Index 3207
886 TQ 84482020 Harth Charcoal Burning Site Post Med TQ82SW
56 TQ 84 23 MD find Coin [1] silver 1601-1602 P.P. TQ82SW
885 | TQ 86 26 | Great Bellhurst Farm | Toy [1] iron & lead | 1600-1900 | P.P. | TQ82NE |
MD find 08.2005 | ESHER MES10819 |
Elizabeth I PAS KENT 2767
Beckley/Peasmarsh/Udimore (ESx)
887 TQ 856 198 / River Tillingham Canal Post Med TQ81NE
TQ 865 199 ESHER MES16276
Benenden (K)
TQ 84803504 Bishopsdale House & 1ih Century + KHER TQ83SW26
Farmhouse [orthearlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4 18th Century + Listed Grade II
19th Century +
TQ 80453193 Ryecroft, House [1]
Chapel Lane,
20th Century
16th Century +
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Iden Green
18 Century [1763]
Listed Grade II
TQ 80303180 1 & 2 Hague Cottages House 16 Century + KHER TQ83SW87
[Thorne Charity House] [orthearlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Coldharbour Road, 18 Century Listed Grade II
Iden Green [fa�ade]
TQ 80143322 Corner Cottages, House [1] & 1567/1632 + KHER TQ83SW165
2-3 Cranbrook Road Row 18th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
c.1th880 Listed Grade II
TQ 81733541 Dockenden, House 16th Century + KHER TQ83NW34
Dockenden Lane 19 Century [front] + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 841 349 Bexhill Farm, House 1ih Century TQ83SW
Frogs Hole Lane [site of] demh olished KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
TQ 841 349 Bexhill Farm, Barn 1i Century TQ83SW
Frogs Hole Lane KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
TQ 82353466 The Red House, House c.1th600 + NMR TQ83SW20
Goddards Green 18 Century + KHER TQ83SW145
[front] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
19th Century Listed Grade 11•
TQ 824 346 The Red House, Barn 16th Century + KHER TQ83SW145
Goddards Green 18th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
TQ 84453404 Beston Farm, House & 16th Century +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW88
Halden Lane Farmhouse 18 Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6 Listed Grade II
TQ 80603215 1-5 Old Weavers House [1] & 1607 + KHER TQ83SW153
Cottage, Granary & 18t6h7/1899 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Iden Green Oasthouse 20 Century Listed Grade II
TQ 81223391 The Hop House House 1567/1599 + KHER TQ83SW156
[Walkhurst] 18t0h0/1832 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
New Pond Road 20 Century Listed Grade II
TQ 81833161 Broomhill, House 16th Century + KHER TQ83SW83
Ramsden Lane [orthearlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
19th Century + Listed Grade II
TQ 82203236 The Beacon House &
20 h Century
1i Century ? +
[Beacon Farm] Farmhouse 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
Rolvenden Road [front] Listed Grade II
TQ 81713247 Pullington Farm, House & 1567/1632 + KHER TQ83SW51
Rolvenden Road Farmhouse 1867/1899 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
TQ 80923054 Leesden, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century ? + KHER TQ83SW93
TQ 80593114
Standen Street 18th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8 c.1th820 [front] Listed Grade II
Summerhill, House 16th Century + KHER TQ83SW94
Standen Street 18th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Century +
19th Century [front] + Listed Grade II
TQ 82863384 Mount Hall Farm House &
20th Century
[Mudhall Farm] Farmhouse [or hearlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Stepneyford Lane 1i Century + Listed Grade II
TQ 82833382 Mount Hall Farm, Barn &
Stepneyford Lane Oasthouse
16 Century +
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8 Listed Grade II
TQ 80983284 The Bull Inn, Inn c.1608 + KHERTQ83SW140
The Green 1800/1832 + Newman & Pevsner 1976, 153 c.1880 KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
TQ 80963288 1 & 2 Kingsford House & 16th
Listed Grade II
Century + KHERTQ83SW133
Cottages & Shop [orthearlier] KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Baldwins General 18 Century + Listed Grade II
Stores, 19th Century +
The Street 20th Century
TQ 80903293 Clevelands, House 1ih Century + KHERTQ83SW50
The Street 19th Century [front] + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 80943290 Gibbon's School, School & 1609 + KHERTQ83SW116
[Old Grammar School] Teachers House 1800/1832 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 153
The Street KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
TQ 80813293 King William IV PH, Public House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + KHERTQ83SW131
The Street House 1833/1866 KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
TQ 81253305 1-6 Feoffee Cottages, House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century ? + KHERTQ83SW82
Walkhurst Road Row 18th Century + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 81333311 Brick Kiln, House 156h7/1599 + KHERTQ83SW166
[Mytle Cottage] 1i Century + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
Walkhurst Road 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 80873134 Moorwood Cottage, House 15t6h7/1599 + KHERTQ83SW98
Woodcock Lane 18th Century + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
20 Century Listed Grade II
TQ 80653133 The Woodcock PH, Public House & 1621+ KHERTQ83SW90
Woodcock Lane Workshop 17t9h8 + KHBI:Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
20 Century Listed Grade II
833 TQ 80303320 Crabtree House 1567/1599 + KHERTQ83SW157
c.1th729 + Listed Grade II
19 Century
TQ 82453241 Beacon Hill Beacon c.1570-1640 NMRTQ83SW7
[site of] White 1934, pl. facing 77
832 TQ 81793454 Hundred Stone Boundary Stone Post Med KHERTQ83SW41
Kent County Council 2002b
Biddenden (K) | |||||
609 | TQ 83483747 | Birchley House | House | 16th Century + | NMR TQ83NW12 |
[Barkley] | 1632 + | KHER TQ83NW60 | |||
88 | TQ 84303700 | Hare Plain Medhurst, | House | c.1905 16th Century | Listed Grade II* KHER TQ83NW91 |
87 | TQ 84293747 | Hare Plain Low Poles, | House | [or earlier] 1ih Century | Listed Grade II KHER TQ83NW76 |
89 | TQ 87883784 | Fasten Green Little Crampton Farm, | House & | [or earlier] 1ih Century | Listed Grade II KHER TQ83NE158 |
Hare Plain Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 84253636 Birchwood Farm, House & 1ih Century? + KHER TQ83NW61 Cranbrook Road Farmhouse 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 84243639 Birchwood Farm, Granary
17th/181 Century KHER TQ83NW79
92 | TQ 83833664 | Yew Trees, | House | 1ih Century + | KHER TQ83NW92 |
Cranbrook Road, | ? [refacing] | Listed Grade II | |||
Fasten Green | |||||
TQ 83463659 | Elmstone, | House | 1ih Century | KHER TQ83NW56 | |
Cranbrook Road, | [or earlier] | Listed Grade II | |||
Fasten Green | |||||
94 | TQ 85213527 | Spring Hill | House & | 1ih Century | KHER TQ83NE132 |
[Shorts Farm] | Farmhouse | Listed Grade II | |||
Cranbrook Road | |||||
95 | TQ 83163616 | Mockbeggar, | House | 1ihCentury + | KHER TQ83NW73 |
Mockbeggar Lane | [or earlier] | Listed Grade II | |||
18th Century | |||||
[front] | |||||
96 | TQ 86283667 | Goldwell Farm, | House & | 1ihcentury + | KHER TQ83NE151 |
Tenterden Road | Farmhouse | [or earlier] | Listed Grade II | ||
97 | TQ 84953709 | Beacon Hill Mill | Windmill & | built c.1555 | KHER TQ83NW95 |
[Paul Sharpe's Mill] | Post Mill | ceased work 1882 | Finch 1933, 143, 164, pl. facing 60 | ||
[site of] | demolished 1912 | ||||
Bilsington (K) | |||||
98 | TR 03283567 | Fagg's Cottage, | House | 1667/1699 | KHER TR03NW 61 |
Ashford Road | Listed Grade II | ||||
99 | TR 03263561 | Fagg's Farm, | House & | 16th Century + | KHER TR03NW58 |
Ashford Road | Farmhouse | c.1817 | Listed Grade II |
Cranbrook Road Listed Grade II
18th Century
TR 04413657 Bourne Farm, House & 16th Century+ KHER TR03NW60 Bourne Road Farmhouse 18th Century+ Listed Grade II
[cladding] 20th Century
TR 03973451 The Old House, House 16th Century KHER TR03SW85
TR 03963447 h
Knight Cottage, KHER TR03SW56
TR 03973449 The Cross House 1ih Century Listed Grade II The Cross Listed Grade II
Cross House, House 1i Century+ KHER TR03SW82
The Cross [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
TR 04153427 Court Lodge, House
20th Century
Newchurch Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TR 04263295 Pear Tree Farm, House &
20 h Century
1i Century+
Newchurch Road Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
20th Century
TR 02133677 Rowling Street Farm, House & 16th Century+ KHER TR03NW87
Rowling Street Farmhouse [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
18 Century
Bodiam (ESx)
TQ 76052765 Pond Bay Shaw Earthwork & Post Med NMR TQ72NE34
Pond Bay ESHER MES2287
TQ 77772593 Old Mutton House,
[site of] 1ih Century+
Salehurst Road c.1700 + ESRO HBR1/0780, 1982
TQ 77782593 building survey
LBSU 292339
109 | TQ 78002688 | Lower Northlands Farm, Sandhurst Road building survey | House & Farmhouse | 1663/1671 + c.1700 | TQ72NE ESHER MES3485 ESRO HBR1/1084, 1993 NBR Index 82794 LBSU292348 | |
110 | TQ 78 25 | The Clatters, Crickham Road excavation | Pottery | th/1ih | Battle Museum | Listed Grade II NMR TQ72NE33 ESHER MES3493 Streeten 1985, 3 |
Listed Grade II
16 Century
610 | TQ 78212615 | Church Cottage | House | c.1588 | NMR TQ72NE39 |
[site of] | demolished c.1900 | ESHER MES3498 |
Martin & Martin 1976, 9, fig. 6
111 TQ 781 256 Rectory Cottage Windmill & Post Med NMR TQ72NE38 [Cottage Hospital] [site of] ESHER MES3497
Mound Thomas Russell Map 1671
Jones 1984b, 85-86
see 1!/hcentury 85
Bonnington (K)
112 TR 05553514 Pinn Farm, House & 1680/1720 + KHER TR03NE181
Bennington Cross Farmhouse 20th Century Listed Grade II
13 TR 05203575 Cherry Orchard Cottage, House 1691 + KHER TR03NE135 Cherry Orchard Lane [or earlier] Listed Grade II
20th Century
Brede (ESx)
611 TQ 82591832 John and Mary West, House 1665/1715 + TQ81NW
Brede Village 1760 + ESHER MES3527
TQ 82581832 building survey 1800 ESRO HBR1/0925, 1985
NBR Index 7619
LBSU 292364
Listed Grade II
TQ 82471827 Church House, House 1ih Century + TQ81NW
Brede Village 1800/1832 LBSU 292357 Listed Grade II
TQ 82601824 1-3 Pear Tree Croft, House [1] 1ih Century TQ81NW
Brede Village LBSU 292361
Listed Grade II
TQ 82641983 The Twitten, House 1ih Century + TQ81NW
117 | TQ 83751936 | Cats Nest, Broad Oak | House | 1ih Century [or earlier] | TQ81NW LBSU 292374 |
Listed Grade II |
Broad Oak 18th Century LBSU 292367 Listed Grade II
118 | TQ 83821936 | Tudor Cottage & Oak Dene, | House [1] | 1ih Century + [or earlier] | TQ81NW LBSU 292375 |
119 | TQ 83981938 | Broad Oak Tillings & | House [1] | 20th Century 1ih Century | Listed Grade II TQ81NW |
The Owl's House, | [or earlier] | LBSU 292376 | |||
Broad Oak | Listed Grade II |
612 TQ 82002003 Whiteacres, House 1ih Century+ TQ82SW
Broad Oak 18th Century+ ESHER MES3528
TQ 81972006 [Docksey, 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0902, 1985 [West end] Staplecross Road] ESRO HBR1/0903, 1985 [East end]
building survey NBR Index 7620
LBSU 292395
TQ 82382107
Maplestone Farm, House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Cetnh tury+ TQ82SW
Broad Oak Farmhouse 17th/18 Century+ ESHER MES3513
building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0304, 1977 20th Century NBR Index 3222
LBSU 292393
614 TQ 84391959 Maidlands, House & 16th
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ81NW
Broad Oak Farmhouse c.1600+ ESHER MES3512
TQ 84391958 building survey 1833/1866 ESRO HBR1/0491, 1979 NBR Index 3221
LBSU 292378
Listed Grade II
620 TQ 83431978 Pattendens Farm, House & 1600+ TQ81NW
Broad Oak Farmhouse 19th Century+ ESHER MES3516
TQ 83551997 building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0490, 1979 NBR Index 3225
LBSU 292371
615 TQ 82271878 Piper's Green, Malthouse & 1ih
Cackle Street House
Listed Grade II
Century+ NMR TQ81NW15
building survey converted c.1800 ESRO HBR1/0970, 1986 NBR Index 41673
LBSU 292383
TQ 82331877 Wallis Oak House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ81NW
[Brede Garden Centre] Shop 18th Century+ LBSU 292385
Cackle Street 20th century Listed Grade II
TQ 82101952 Moorsholm, House 16th Century TQ81NW
Cackle Street LBSU 292388
TQ 80862051 Brede Green, House 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
Chitcombe Road [or earlier] LBSU 292397
TQ 81032002 Goathams Cottage, House 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
Frylands Lane, [or earlier] LBSU 292389
Chitcombe Listed Grade II
616 TQ 82702084 Conster Manor Farm, Barn c.1th600 + TQ82SW
Northiam Road 18th Century + ESHER MES3511
building survey 19
Century ESRO HBR1/0340, 1978
NBR Index 3220
LBSU 292392
Listed Grade II
617 TQ 82731837 Shearfold Farm, Barn c.1700 TQ81NW
Stubb Lane ESHER MES3520
building survey ESRO HBR1/0546, 1980
NBR Index 3228
LBSU 292403
TQ 83331825 Hare Farm, House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ81NW
Stubb Lane Farmhouse LBSU 292404
618 TQ 83781800 Brede Place, Sheephouse 16th
Listed Grade II
Century + TQ81NW
Stubb Lane c. 1700 + ESHER MES3525
building survey 1930s ESRO HBR1/0918, 1985
TQ 84301825 Stonelink Farm, House & 16th
NBR Index 7617
Century + TQ81NW
Stubb Lane Farmhouse c.1h600 + ESHER MES3522
TQ 84301824 building survey 1i Century + ESRO HBR1/0289, 1977
19th Century NBR Index 3230
LBSU 292407
619 TQ 84631926 The Hundred House, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + NMR TQ81NW12
Udimore Road c.1800 ESHER MES3532
TQ 84641926 building survey ESRO HBR1/1143, 1991
NBR Index 92667
LBSU 292410
Listed Grade II
TQ 82681978 Highlands, House & 1667/1732 + TQ81NW
Udimore Road Shop 180th0/1832 + LBSU 471692
20 Century Listed Grade II
128 TQ 83322127 Wagmary Wood Pond Bay & Post Med NMR TQ82SW27
[site of ?] ESHER MES3537
TQ 83202135 Wooden Structure & Post Med NMR TQ82SW28 Sluice Gate? ESHER MES3538
[remains of]
TQ 83572108 Beckley Furnace Forge & 1587-1664 NMRTQ82SW3
[site of] 1653-1787 ESHERMES3502
Iron Furnace & Straker 1931, 348-349
[site of] Haselfoot 1978, 93 [Broad Oak]
Pond Bay & Cleere & Crossley 1985, 313
[remains of] Listed Grade II
1055 TQ827 211 ConsterManor Farm Bloomery & PostMed? TQ82SW
Forge ESHERMES3503
Straker 1931, 348
TQ 84 18 Stonelink Farm, Mount [1] copper alloy 1600-1850 P.P. TQ81NW
MD find 05.2006 ESHERMES11465
889 TQ 84 18 Stonelink Farm, CoinWeight [1] 1694-1702 P.P. TQ81NW
MD find 05.2006 copper alloy ESHERMES12068
Brenzett (K)
TR 01382942 south of Snave Ditch [4] & PostMed P.P. KHERTR02NW43 excavation 1994 Drain [3] & Greatorex 1994a
Post Hole & Pottery
TR 02912983 east of Snave Pottery &
surface find Kiln [site of]
16th/1ih Century
834 TR 026 297 near Brenzett Pottery & 1ih Century P.P. KHERTR02NW31
Kiln [site of]
1010 TR 00 27 MD find 08.2004 Coin [1] silver 1553-1558 P.P. TR02NW
half groat PAS KENT-371503
Mary I
914 TR 01 29 Brenzett Coin [1] silver 1558-1603 P.P. TR02NW
MD find 06.2004 Elizabeth I PAS KENT-11E563
977 TR 00 27 MD find 08.2005 Token [1] copper alloy 1668 P.P. TR02NW
half penny PAS KENT-223E00
For the Poore Dickinson 1986, 81
Dover, Kent
912 TR 00 27 MD find 08.2005 Finger Ring [1] gold PostMed P.P. TR02NW
Brookland (K)
TQ 98492487 Hook House, House 1550/1632 + KHERTQ92SE8
Beacon Street 1767/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5 Listed Grade II
132 | TQ 98902557 | Barling House, | House | 1ih Century + | KHER TQ92NE113 |
Clubb's Lane | 1767/1832 | KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6 | |||
Listed Grade II | |||||
133 | TQ 98442639 | Brattle House, | House | 1650/1699 + | KHER TQ92NE97 |
King Street | 1767/1799 + | KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6 | |||
134 | TQ 99182650 | 1& 2 Old Hall Farm | House& | 1833/1866 1ih Century + | Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE110 |
King Street | Farmhouse | [or earlier?] | KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6 |
1800/1832 Listed Grade II
TQ 975 256 Poplar Hall, House 16th Century + TQ92NE
King Street 18th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
TQ 99112591 The Manor House, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ92NE111 Straight Lane 1767/1799 + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7
1800/1832 + Listed Grade II
20th Century
TR 00802646 Finn Farm, House& 1567/1632 + KHER TR02NW72
Tickners Lane Farmhouse 1667/1732 [front]+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7
19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 95822406 Great Mill Bank, Windmill?& Post Med? KHER TQ92SE1
Lamb Farm [site of] Brenzett Tithe Map c.1840
Mound& Earthwork
TQ 97 24 Beacon Street Beacon c.1570-1640 TQ92SE
[site of] White 1934, pl. facing 77
TQ 98622573 excavation 1995 Bread Oven Post Med KHER TQ92NE25 Barber 1995b
TQ 98762598 excavation 1995 Pottery& 1ih Century P.P. KHER TQ92NE23
Metalwork, non-ferrous& Barber 1995a
Coin [1+]& Barber 1995b
Tobacco Pipe
969 TQ 99 26 MD find 11.2007 Coin [1]silver 1546-1553 P.P. TQ92NE
shilling PAS KENT-458622
1005 | TQ 98 26 | MD find 10.2004 | Coin [1]silver | 1553-1558 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-112E96 | |||||
Mary I | ||||||
145 | TQ 97 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin [1]silver | 1558-1603 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
shilling | PAS KENT-4605 | |||||
Elizabeth I | ||||||
968 | TQ 99 26 | MD find 11.2007 | Coin [1]silver | 1558-1603 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
shilling | PAS KENT-459926 | |||||
Elizabeth I |
Edward VI
143 TQ 97 25 MD find 06.2002
978 TQ 98 26 MD find 08.2005
984 TQ 98 26 MD find 07.2005
1014 TQ 98 26 MD find 08.2004
975 TQ 98 26 MD find 11.2005
1006 TQ 98 26 MD find 09.2004
146 TQ 97 25 MD find 06.2002
913 TQ 98 26 MD find 11.2005
1007 TQ 98 26 MD find 09.2004
150 TQ 97 25 MD find 06.2002
147 TQ 97 25 MD find 06.2002
979 TQ 98 26 MD find 08.2005
1020 TQ 98 26 MD find 08.2004
980 TQ 98 25 MD find 08.2005
Coin [1] silver sixpence Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver sixpence Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver sixpence Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver sixpence Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver groat Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver
3 pence Elizabeth I 3rd issue
Coin [1] silver half groat Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver half groat Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver half groat Elizabeth I
5th issue Coin [1] silver Elizabeth I Coin [1] silver 1st shilling James I
Coin [1] shilling James I
Coin [1] silver shilling James I
Coin [1] sixpence James I
1558-1603 P.P. TQ92NE
1558-1603 P.P. TQ92NE
1558-1603 P.P. TQ92NE
1558-1603 P.P. TQ92NE
1558-1603 P.P. TQ92NE
1560-1578 P.P. TQ92NE
1558-1603 P.P. TQ92NE
1558-1603 P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-921550
1581-1601 P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-921550
1569 P.P. TQ92NE
1603-1604 P.P. TQ92NE
1603-1625 P.P. TQ92NE
1603-1625 P.P. TQ92NE
1603-1625 P.P. TQ92NE
981 | TQ 98 | 24 | MD find 07.2005 | Coin [1] | 1603-1625 | P.P. | TQ92SE |
half groat | PAS KENT-E63064 | ||||||
James I | |||||||
976 | TR 00 | 26 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin [1] copper alloy | 1603-1625 | P.P. | TR02NW |
rose farthing | PAS KENT-25C6A2 | ||||||
James I | |||||||
149 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin [1] | 1604 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
James I | PAS KENT-4618 | ||||||
148 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin [1] | 1625-1640 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
974 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 10.2005 | Charles I Coin [1] silver | 1625-1649 | P.P. | PAS KENT-4617 TQ92NE |
20 pence | PAS KENT-521882 | ||||||
Charles I | |||||||
982 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Coin [1] | 1625-1649 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
shilling | PAS KENT-E56714 | ||||||
Charles I | |||||||
144 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Coin [1] silver | 1625-1649 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
shilling | PAS KENT-4604 | ||||||
1009 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Charles I Coin [1] silver | 1625-1649 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
shilling | PAS KENT-3727D0 | ||||||
Charles I | |||||||
1012 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1637-1640 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
sixpence | PAS KENT-305DA5 | ||||||
Charles I | |||||||
1013 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Tower mint Coin [1] copper alloy | 1635-1644 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
rose farthing | PAS KENT-E18D21 | ||||||
Charles I | |||||||
999 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 05.2005 | Coin [1] silver | 1660-1685 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
penny | PAS KENT-980586 | ||||||
Charles II | |||||||
1008 | TQ 99 | 26 | MD find 08.2004 | Coin [1] silver | 1689-1702 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
shilling | PAS KENT-3735A7 | ||||||
973 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 11.2005 | William Ill Coin [1] silver | 1697 | P.P. | TQ92NE |
sixpence William Ill | PAS KENT-922488 | ||||||
TR 00 | 27 | MD find 10.2005 | Token [1] copper alloy | 1668 | P.P. | TR02NW | |
half penny | PAS KENT-223E00 | ||||||
For the Poore | |||||||
Dover, Kent |
1001 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin weight [1] | 1603-1625 | P.P. |
copper alloy | ||||||
Rose Ryal | ||||||
James I | ||||||
1002 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin weight [1] | 1603-1625 | P.P. |
copper alloy | ||||||
James I Unite | ||||||
1003 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin weight [1] | 1603-1625 | P.P. |
copper alloy | ||||||
Crown | ||||||
James I | ||||||
1004 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 01.2005 | Coin weight [1] | 1603-1625 | P.P. |
copper alloy | ||||||
Spur Ryal | ||||||
James I | ||||||
989 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Book Fitting [1] | 1501-1700 | P.P. |
copper alloy | ||||||
142 | TQ 97 | 25 | MD find 06.2002 | Buckle [1] copper | 1550-1650 | P.P. |
double loop oval | ||||||
971 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 09.2006 | Buckle [1] copper alloy | c.1500-1600 | P.P. |
1011 | TQ 96 | 24 | Brookland | Cloth seal [1] lead | 1558-1603 | P.P. |
MD find 08.2004 | Elizabeth I | |||||
983 | TQ 96 | 24 | Brookland | Hanger [1] copper alloy | 1601-1700 | P.P. |
MD find 08.2005 | belt hanger | |||||
970 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 11.2007 | Mount [1] copper alloy | 1500-1900 | P.P. |
trefoil-shaped | ||||||
972 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 03.2006 | Mount [1] copper alloy | c.1500-1800 | P.P. |
furniture mount ? | ||||||
985 | TQ 98 | 26 | MD find 08.2005 | Seal Matrix [1] lead | Post Med | P.P. |
990 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Spoon [1] silver | Post Med | P.P. |
handle | ||||||
986 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Strap fitting [1] | 1601-1700 | P.P. |
copper alloy | ||||||
987 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | belt mount Thimble [1] copper alloy | Post Med | P.P. |
988 | TQ 99 | 25 | MD find 07.2005 | Thimble [1] copper alloy | Post Med | P.P. |
PAS KENT-332731
Burmarsh | (K) | ||||||
151 | TR 102 321 | Sankey& | House& | 1ih Century | TR13SW | ||
The Well House | Farmhouse | KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7 | |||||
[Sankey Farm] | |||||||
Shear Way | |||||||
155 | TR 09 31 | MD find | Coin [1] silver | 1588-1603 | P.P. | TR03SE | |
Elizabeth I | PAS KENT-2645 | ||||||
338 | TR 08 32 | MD find | Token [2] lead | 1540 | P.P. | TR03SE | |
letter WL | PAS KENT-1752 | ||||||
933 | TR 11 33 | MD find 10.2005 | Token [1] copper alloy | 1663 | P.P. | TR13SW | |
farthing | PAS KENT-219EB7 | ||||||
Thomas Potter | |||||||
Deal | |||||||
156 | TR 09 31 | MD find 12.1992 | Jetton [1] | 1540-1560 | P.P. | TR03SE | |
PAS KENT-1750 | |||||||
152 | TR 08 31 | MD find 11.1999 | Seal Matrix [1] | 1540 | P.P. | TR03SE | |
lion striding left motif | PAS KENT-1962 |
John son of Nichol Jordon ?
TR 08 32 MD find 11.1999 Seal Matrix [1] bronze 1540 P.P. TR03SE
TR 08 32 MD find 10.1999 Intaglio [1] stone 1540/ P.P. TR03SE
Georgian? PAS KENT-1974
157 TR 09 31 Burmarsh Fixture [1] bronze 1540-1650 P.P. TR03SE
MD find 08.1999 PAS KENT-4912
Camber (ESx)
TQ 96851842 beach south of Ship& Post Med ? TQ91NE
The Suttons Wreck ESHER MES7343
site survey 1960& 1982
TQ 99401895 Wallhouse Farm Farm& Post Med ? TQ91NE
Farmhouse ESHER MES8091
[site of ?]
TQ 99362012 Wainway Channel Earthwork& Post Med TQ92SE
Bank& ESHER MES7361
Ditch [2] Deegan 1996, nos. 81-83
TQ 98781970/ Ditch Post Med TQ91NE
TQ 98551952 ESHER MES7359
Deegan 1996, no. 80
862 TQ 974 193 / Rainbow Petty Sewer Drainage Ditch Post Med TQ91NE/TQ92SE
TQ 992 206 ESHER MES8418
863 TQ 99591883 Kentpen Wall/ Sluice & Post Med TQ91NE
Jury's Gut Sewer Road Bridge ESHER MES8415
864 | TQ 98701810 | Jury's Gut Sluice, | Sluice | Post Med | TQ91NE |
Lydd Road ESHER MES8416 | |||||
865 | TQ 99992022 | near | Trackway | post 1585 | TQ92SE |
Wainway Channel | ESHER MES8201 Green 1968 | ||||
877 | TQ 96011960/ | Curteis 1649 Wall, | Earthwork & | c.1649 | TQ91NE |
TQ 96221972/ | Wainway Channel | Bank | Eddison & Stupples 2003, 5-6 | ||
TQ 96511971/ | |||||
TQ 96591980 | |||||
878 | TQ 95012000/ | Throgmorton Wall, | Earthwork & | 1685 | TQ92SE |
TQ 95432000/ | Wainway Channel | Bank | Eddison & Stupples 2003, 5-6 | ||
TQ 95472009 |
879 | TQ 97441930/ TQ 97491948/ | Curteis 1632 Wall, Wainway Channel | Earthwork & Bank | 1632 | TQ91NE Eddison & Stupples 2003, 5-6 |
TQ 97201970 |
Camber/East Guldeford (ESx)
861 | TQ 931 203 / TQ 943 200 | Northpoint Sewer | Drainage Ditch | Post Med | TQ92SW ESHER MES8417 |
Cranbrook (K) | |||||
158 | TQ 80523549 | Farningham Farm, | House & | 1667/1732 + | KHER TQ83NW31 |
Benenden Road Farmhouse 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 24 20th Century Listed Grade II | |||||
159 | TQ 80453548 | north west of | House | 16th Century + | KHER TQ83NW35 |
Farningham Oast, | 1ih Century + | KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 24 | |||
160 | TQ 803 348 | Benenden Road Chittenden House | House & | 20th Century 1ih Century | Listed Grade II TQ83SW |
[Chittenden Farm] | Farmhouse | KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 24 | |||
161 | TQ 803 348 | Benenden Road north of | Barn & House | 1ih Century + | TQ83SW |
Chittenden House, | 20th Century | KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 24 | |||
162 | TQ 80633725 | Benenden Road Branden, | Cloth Hall & | 16th Century + | KHER TQ83NW40 |
Biddenden Road, | House | 20th Century | KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 25 |
Sissinghurst Listed Grade II
163 TQ 80633727 Branden Barn 1533/1566 KHER TQ83NW24
Biddenden Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 25
Listed Grade II
164 TQ 80003659 Galford Cottage, House 1ih Century + KHERTQ83NW37
Tenterden Road, 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 34
Sissinghurst [clathdding] Listed Grade II
165 TQ 80243660 Galford Place, House &
20 h Century
1i Century
Tenterden Road, Farmhouse KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 34
166 TQ 80033656 Laycocks & House [1] 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + KHERTQ83NW47
Wentways, 18th Century + Listed Grade II
Tenterden Road 183th3/1866 +
20 Century
Dymchurch (K)
657 TR 11583064 Dymchurch Sea Defences Post Med - KHERTR12SW26 Sea Wall 1960 Arch Cant XLII, 264
TR 090 270 / Sutcliffe 1972, 47-48
TR 130 320 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 263
Beck 1995, 164-168
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 9
HEW 1249
167 TR 10282953 Well Cottage, 119 & House & Shop 1567/1632 + KHERTR12NW40 Cedar Dairies, 121 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8
High Street [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
168 TR 10282970 New Hall & House & 15t6h7/1599 + NMRTR12NW7
The Expenditors Office & 18th Century + KHERTR12NW39
New Hall Cottage, Court Room & 19th Century + Newman & Pevsner 1976, 263
129 High Street Prison 20
169 TR 10332962 The Old Manor House, House 1ih
Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8
Listed Grade 11•
Century + KHERTR12NW33
100 High Street [orthearlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8
19 Century [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
170 | TR 10342964 | Dymchurch Rectory | House & | 1567/1632 + | KHERTR12NW43 |
[Sycamore House] | Vicarage | 1700/1732 | KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8 |
102 High Street [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
TR 12013124 The Manor Steak House House & 1567/1632 + KHERTR13SW61 [MacErin Guest House] Restaurant [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8
Hythe Road 1767/1832 + Listed Grade II
TR 09 28 in SS Peter & Censer
20th Century
Paul church? Isaacson 1845b, 74
267 TR 08792917 Pottery Post Med P.P. KHER TR02NE41
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Place 1993b
TR 09402972 excavation 1993 Pottery 1540-1650 P.P. KHER TR02NE42
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Place 1993b
TR 09642958 excavation 1993 Pottery Post-Med P.P. KHER TR02NE43
Place 1993b
TR 09982999 excavation 1993 Pottery 1540-1650 P.P. KHER TR02NE44
Eddison 1992a Eddison 1992b Place 1993b
176 | TR 10282966 | County Primary School & NRA Depot | Pottery | Post Med | P.P. | KHER TR12NW28 Pratt 1995 |
excavation 1995 | ||||||
177 | TR 10 29 | Beacon | c.1570-1640 | KHER TR12NW5 | ||
[site of] | White 1934, pl. facing 77 | |||||
East Guldeford | (ESx) | |||||
178 | TQ 93652127 | Old Bentley, | House | 1ih Century | TQ92SW | |
Camber Road | [or earlier] | LBSU 409112 | ||||
Listed Grade II |
TQ 93612143 The Old Vicarage, Vicarage & c.1600 + TQ92SW
Folkestone Road House 1ih Century + ESHER MES 3796
TQ 93622144 building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0811, 1983 NBR Index 76869
LBSU 409114
Listed Grade II
TQ 948 219 /
Guldeford Sewer
Drainage Ditch
Post Med
TQ 971 197
TQ 971 197 /
Wainway Petty Sewer
Drainage Ditch
Post Med
TQ 95032081
Black House Farm
Quarry [2] & Earthwork
Post Med/19th Century
East Guldeford
TQ 959 227 /
TQ 977 204 /
TQ 977 196
Kent Ditch
Drainage Ditch
Post Med
TQ 977 201 ESHER MES8423
East Guildford (ESx)/lvychurch/Old Romney (K)
849 TQ 948 207 / WainwayWall Earthwork & 1598 TQ92SW/TQ91 NE/TQ92SE
TQ 966 197 / Sea Defence Green 1968
TQ 989 208 Eddison 2000, 127
Eddison & Stupples 2003, 5-6
Ewhurst (ESx)
TQ 78182367 Brasses Farm, House & c.1602 + TQ72SE
Bodiam Road Farmhouse 1ih Century + ESHER MES3832
TQ 78172360 building survey Modern ESRO HBR1/0256, 1977 Martin & Martin 1987, 47-49
NBR Index 3307
LBSU 409155
Listed Grade II
TQ 78002434 Dykes Farm, House & 1ih Century + NMR TQ72SE63
Bodiam Lane Farmhouse 18th Century + ESHER MES3834 TQ 780 244 building survey 1969 ESHER MES3903
ESRO HBR1/0184, 1969
Martin 1970, 49
TQ 77992433 NBR Index 3309
LBSU 409159
Listed Grade II
TQ 78542088 Catts Green Farm, House & 1667/1732 + TQ72SE
Brede Road Farmhouse 20th Century LBSU 409162
Listed Grade II [del. 08.2007]
TQ 79702177 Ellenhall Farm, House &
ih Century
Ellenwhorne Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 409421 Listed Grade II
TQ 80102189 Stockwood Farm, House & 1ih Century + TQ82SW
Ellenwhorne Lane Farmhouse 18th Century + ESHER MES3839
TQ 80092184 building survey 1800/1832 ESRO HBR1/0259, 1977 NBR Index 3315
LBSU 409422
Listed Grade II
TQ 79422451 Castle View & House [1] & 1ih Century + TQ72SE
Chantlers & Slaughterhouse & 18th Century + ESHER MES3853
Old Post Office Shop 19th Century + ESRO HBR1/1059, 1988
Ewhurst Green 20th Century NBR Index 82786
building survey LBSU 409428
Listed Grade II
TQ 78092241 Forge Cottage & House 1ih Century+ TQ72SE
Forge House, 18th Century ESHER MES3843 [Forge Cottage]
Forge Lane, ESRO HBR1/0866, 1984
Staplecross NBR Index 7647
building survey LBSU 409433
TQ 79612248 Boyces, House & 16th/1ih Century+
Listed Grade II
Northiam Road Farmhouse 18 Century+ ESHER MES3830
TQ 79632248 building survey 18t0h0+ ESRO HBR1/0352, 1978
TQ 79612248 Boyces Farm, Barn 1ih
Century NBR Index 3306
LBSU 409448
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ72SE
Northiam Road 18th Century+ ESHER MES3831
TQ 79602245 building survey [pathrt demolished] ESRO HBR1/0353, 1978
19 Century NBR Index 3306
LBSU 409449
TQ 80332224
th h
Listed Grade II
Sidegate Cottage, House 16th/1i Century ?+ TQ82SW
Northiam Road 20 Century LBSU 409453 Listed Grade II
TQ 79732231 Gate House Farm, Kitchen c.1h600+ TQ72SE
Northiam Road 1i Century ESHER MES3845
building survey ESRO HBR1/0934, 1985
NBR Index 7648
LBSU 409450
183 TQ 78162187 Wattle Hill Farm, House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ72SE
Sedlescombe Road Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 409462
TQ 78922422
3 & 4 Snagshall, House [1] 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ72SE
Snagshall LBSU 409467
TQ 78892420
Ladymead, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ72SE
Snagshall LBSU 409468
TQ 78492362
Prawles House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ72 SE
[Prawles Farm] Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 409545
187 TQ 80702279
h Listed Grade II
April Cottage, House 1i Century+ TQ82SW
Spaniards Lane 18th Century LBSU 409548 Listed Grade II
TQ 80392372 Sempstead Farm, House & 1585/1635 + TQ82SW
Sempstead Lane Farmhouse c.1th700 + ESHER MES3852
building survey 18th Century + Jones 1977a, 73-79
19 Century ESRO HBR1/1007, 1987
TQ 80392371 NBR Index 77027
LBSU 409464
188 TQ 80492088 Watts Palace Cottage, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + TQ82SW
Watts Palace Lane [orthearlier] LBSU 409549
18 h Century Listed Grade II
632 TQ 78192341 Poplar Cottage House & 1i Century + TQ72SE
building survey Malthouse? 18th Century + ESHER MES3846
c.1775 + ESHER MES3847
pre 1844 ESRO HBR1/0900, 1985
NBR Index 7649
633 TQ 78422489 Ockham Cottage, House & c.1h600 + TQ72SE
Bodiam Road Farmhouse 1i Century + ESHER MES3850
building survey 18th Century + Jones 1977c, 16-21, fig.
1984 Martin & Martin 1977b, 22-23, fig.
ESRO HBR1/0234, 1976 [rev 1984]
NBR Index 76870
634 TQ 78712254 Spilsted Farm House & c.1570 + TQ72SE
[Spilsteads] Farmhouse 17t6h9/1801 + ESRO HBR1/0895, 1984
Staplecross 20 Century Martin & Martin 1987, 33-34
building survey NBR Index 7650
LBSU 409446
635 TQ 78782138 Miles Farm Barn 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ72SE
building survey ESHER MES3835
ESRO HBR1/0540, 1980
196 TQ 80252028 Brede High Farm House & 1ih
NBR Index 3310
Century TQ82SW
building survey Farmhouse demolished ESHER MES3833
[site of] 1930s ESRO HBR1/0487, 1979
189 TQ 75702297 Wellhead Wood Brick Kiln & 16th/1ih Century
NBR Index 3308 NMR TQ72SE50
Tile Kiln & ESHER MES3890
TQ 75642370
Forge &
1541/1542 -
TQ 75672364
Abbey Farm
[site of]
TQ 75702353
watching brief 1970
Pond Bay &
Straker 1931, 310-318
TQ 75362364/
Leat &
Cleere & Crossley 1985, 352-353
Earthwork Jones 1981a, 70
191 TQ 758 231 Lordship Wood Charcoal Burners Site [6] 17th/18th Century NMR TQ72SE55 ESHER MES3895
Platform 1 Jones 1982a, 88-89, fig. 1
C14 date 1632-1772 Jones 1982b, 7-8
Jones 1983, 210-212
192 TQ 76012307 Lordship Wood Charcoal Burners Site Post Med? NMR TQ72SE56 ESHER MES3896
Jones 1981a, 70
891 TQ 78492457 Ockham Wood Charcoal Burners Site Post Med? NMR TQ72SE48
TQ 78792264 near Pottery & 16th
Century P.P. NMR TQ72SE23
Lockyers Wood Pottery Kiln ? ESHER MES3864
Ewhurst Tithe Map 1843
TQ 787 226 Jones 1979b, 86
TQ 79232276 Collier's Green House Platform & Post Med NMR TQ72SE28
Earthwork ESHER MES3868
851 TQ 78652529/ Hunts Wish Drainage Ditch TQ 78722510
Ewhurst Tithe Map 1843 TQ72NE
852 TQ 78542508 Field Boundary 1i Century TQ72NE
[site of] [or earlier] ESHER MES15506 853 TQ 78582513 Ockham Farm Drainage Ditch Post Med TQ72NE
[site of] ESHER MES15508
854 TQ 78552525 Hunts Wish Drainage Ditch Post Med TQ72NE
[site of] ESHER MES15509
850 TQ 77 21 New Morgay Farm, Buckle [1] copper alloy 1660/1720 P.P. TQ 72SE
Staplecross ESHER MES11275
MD find 03.2006
Fairlight (ESx)
828 TQ 86181267 Cherry Garden Farm House & 1ih Century + TQ81SE
Peter James Lane Farmhouse 18th Century LBSU 409562 Listed Grade II
636 TQ 86181271 Cherry Garden Farm, Barn 1ih Century + TQ81SE
Peter James Lane c.1th700 + ESHER MES3916
building survey 18 Century + ESRO HBR1/1116, 1990
19th Century NBR Index 84693
TQ 86261318 Winterstow Farm House & 1ih Century TQ81SE
Peter James Lane Farmhouse LBSU 409563
Listed Grade II
197 TQ 86771219 Old Stonelynk House 1ih Century TQ81SE
[Stone House] LBSU 409554
Fairlight Road Listed Grade II
198 TQ 87131243 Stonelynk Farm House & 1ih Century+ TQ81SE
[Stonelink] Farmhouse 18th Century LBSU 409556
Fairlight Road Listed Grade II
638 TQ 87311287 Lower Stonelynk, House & 1567/1599 TQ81SE
Rosemary Lane Farmhouse LBSU 409566
Listed Grade II
637 TQ 87311285 Lower Stonelink Farm, Barn c.1600+ TQ81SE
Rosemary Lane 17th/18th Century+ ESHER MES3913
building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0281, 1977 NBR Index 3318
TQ 87291284 Lower Stonelink Farm, Agricultural 17th Century/c.1700+ TQ81SE
Rosemary Lane Building Modern ESHER MES3912
building survey ESRO HBR1/0282, 1977
NBR Index 3318
900 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Coin [1] silver 1696-1697 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 12.2008 William Ill ESHER MES15109
893 TQ 86 12 Cherry Garden Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 09.2007 letter H ESHER MES14306
PAS SUSS-9BC4A5 904 TQ 86 12 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1500-1850 P.P. TQ81SE
ESHER MES15685 905 TQ 86 12 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1500-1850 P.P. TQ81SE
ESHER MES15686 906 TQ 86 12 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1500-1850 P.P. TQ81SE
894 TQ 86 13 Lower New Barn Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 11.2007 ESHER MES14307
895 TQ 86 13 Lower New Barn Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 11.2007 ESHER MES14308
896 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 02.2008 letter B ESHER MES14316
897 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 02.2008 letter P ESHER MES14317
898 TQ 86 13 Winterstow Farm Token [1] lead 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 12.2008 ESHER MES14949
915 TQ 86 13 Lower New Barn Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 11.2007 letter BC ESHER MES14308
916 TQ 86 13 Lower New Barn Farm Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 11.2007 letter H ESHER MES14307
899 TQ 86 13 Lower New Barn Farm Token [1] lead 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 12.2008 ESHER MES14350
901 TQ 87 13 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1500?-1850 P.P. TQ81SE
ESHER MES15678 902 TQ 87 13 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1500-1850 P.P. TQ81SE
ESHER MES15679 903 TQ 87 13 MD find 06.2009 Token [1] lead 1500-1850 P.P. TQ81SE
892 TQ 86 13 Winterstow farm Toy [1] lead alloy 1600-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
MD find 02.2008 ESHER MES14296
PAS SUSS-764C33 907 TQ 87 13 MD find 06.2009 Button [1] lead 1600-1725 P.P. TQ81SE
Folkestone (K)
TR 19623700 The Firs, House & 1ih Century+ KHER TR13NE120
TR 196 369 High Street, Farmhouse [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 14 Cheriton 19th Century Listed Grade II
Guestling (ESx)
TQ 85191381
17th Century ?
Chapel Lane
LBSU 409581
Listed Grade II
TQ 85531451 Church Farm, House & 16th Century+ TQ81SE
Church Lane Farmhouse c.1600+ ESHER MES3941
building survey 1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/0717, 1981 19th Century NBR Index 3322
TQ 85561452 LBSU 409599
Listed Grade II
TQ 85561450 Church Farm, Agricultural 17th/18th Century+ TQ81SE
Church Lane Building c.1800 ESHER MES3942
building survey ESRO HBR1/0718, 1981
NBR Index 3322
TQ 83341528 Maxfield Manor, Barn c.1690 + TQ81NW
Rock Lane 18t0h0/1832 + ESHER MES3955
[Great Maxfield, 20 Century ESRO HBR1/1012, 1987
Three Oaks] NBR Index 76872
building survey LBSU 415909
TQ 84011531 Little Maxfield Farm, House & 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
Fourteen Acres Lane Farmhouse Macdermott 1930/31, 29-30
[Little Maxfield, LBSU 409601
Three Oaks]
h Listed Grade II
825 TQ 83991665 Lidham Hill Farm, House & 1i Century + TQ81NW
North Lane Farmhouse 18th Century + ESHER MES3946
1800/1832 NBR Index 3325
LBSU 409605
TQ 83941665 Lidham Hill Farm, Barn 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + TQ81NW
North Lane 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0459, 1979
building survey
h NBR Index 3325
181 TQ 84221676 Lower Lidham Hill Farm, House & 1i Century + TQ81NW
North Lane Farmhouse 20th Century LBSU 490606
TQ 84241676 Lower Lidham Hill Farm, Barn 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + TQ81NW
North Lane 18th Century ESHER MES3947
building survey ESRO HBR1/0460, 1979
NBR Index 3326
TQ 85181382
The Post Office Stores,
House &
1667/1699 +
Rye Road
Post Office &
1800/1832 +
LBSU 409618
Shop 1867/1899 Listed Grade II
TQ 85051426 Fraysland Farm, House & 1ih Century ? TQ81SE
Rye Road Farmhouse LBSU 409781
TQ 85151428
th Listed Grade II
Pound Farm, House & 16 h Century + TQ81SE
[Saunders Farm] Farmhouse 1i Century + ESHER MES3956
Rye Road 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0740, 1982 TQ 85161427 building survey 19th/20th Century NBR Index 76873
LBSU 409782
TQ 84891553 Copshall Farm, House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + TQ81NW
Rye Road Farmhouse 18th Century + ESHER MES3943
building survey 19th Century ? ESRO HBR1/0746, 1982 TQ 84881553 NBR Index 3323
LBSU 409784
Listed Grade II
TQ 84881550 Copshall Farm, Barn 1567/1632 TQ81NW
Rye Road ESHER MES3944
building survey ESRO HBR1/0462, 1979
NBR Index 3323
LBSU 409785
TQ 85281621 Stocks Farm, House & 16th Century + Rye Road Farmhouse 1ih Century
Listed Grade II TQ81NE LBSU 409787
TQ 86781488
Hawkhurst (K)
Pickham Farm, Watermill Lane
House & Farmhouse
LBSU 409788
Listed Grade II
TQ 77302931
Little Conghurst Cottage, Conghurst Lane
[or earlier]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48
TQ 77232919
1 & 2 Little Conghurst, Conghurst Lane
House [1]
[or earlier]
Listed Grade II
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48
Listed Grade II
1i Century
Listed Grade II
212 TQ 76992820 Conghurst, House & 1567/1599 + KHER TQ72NE114
Conghurst Lane Outbuilding & c.1800 [front] + Hasted 1798, VII, 150-151 Walled Garden c.1900 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48
th Listed Grade II
TQ 73912966 Delmonden Farm, House & 16th Cetnh tury + KHER TQ72NW1
Delmonden Lane Farmhouse 17 /18 Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48 Listed Grade II
TQ 74332955 Horns Cottage, House c.1th600 + KHER TQ72NW2
Delmonden Road, 20 Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48
Horns Corner
TQ 757 290 Lillesden, House 16th
Listed Grade II
Century KHER TQ72NE175
TQ 75512948
Hastings Road [site of] demth olished 1863
Hazel Cottage & House [1] 16 Century +
The Old Bakehouse, [orthearlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 51
The Moor 18th Century [clad] + Listed Grade II
19 Century
TQ 75822991 7 & 8 Moor Hill, House [1] c.1700 KHER TQ72NE72
The Moor KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52
Listed Grade II
837 TQ 755 295 Oak Cottage, House 1667/1699 KHER TQ72NE84
The Moor KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52
Listed Grade II
TQ 77842978 Solomons, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ72NE159
Rye Road, 181h Century [fagade] + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 53
Four Throws 1843 Listed Grade II
TQ 77972976 Jordans, House c.1700 KHER TQ72NE144
Rye Road [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 53 Listed Grade II
TQ 78052975 Clayhill, House c.1700 + KHER TQ72NE168
Rye Road [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 53 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 76932895 Stream Hill Cottage, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ72NE134
Stream Lane [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 19th Century + Listed Grade II
20th Century
TQ 75512963 Floral Cottage, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ72NE125
Talbot Road 1800/1832 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
836 TQ 77722994 Beacon Post Med KHER TQ73SE4 [sic]
TQ 78032998 [site of] Hawkhurst Tithe Map 1838
White 1934, pl. facing 77
TQ 75 29 Barnfield Farm Token [1] lead 1601-1800 P.P. TQ72NE
MD find 01.2003 letter TC PAS KENT-B4E055
964 TQ 75 29 MD find 05.2007 Token [1] lead alloy 1601-1800 P.P. TQ72NE
letter S & pellets PAS KENT-1EA3D1
Fletcher 2005, 51
High Halden (K)
TQ 90173733 Church House House & 1ih Century + KHER TQ93NW66 [The Rectory] Vicarage [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 89943732 Hathewolden Grange House 1ih Century KHER TQ93NE179
[or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 87873774 Crampton House 1ih Century KHER TQ93NE133
TQ 90163714
Church Farm,
House &
1ih Century +
Church Hill
[or earlier]
Listed Grade II
TQ 90203716
Church Hill
Listed Grade II
[or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [fagade]
229 TQ 88733684 Homestall Farm, House & 1ih Century ?+ KHER TQ93NE112
Durrants Green Farmhouse [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
18 Century
230 TQ 90043744 Little Robscot House
17 Century+ KHER TQ93NW39
TQ 89873727
The Green Dragon House &
1ih Century+
TQ 89413730
Tenterden Road Chennells,
[orthearlier] 1i Century
Listed Grade II
[Little Robhurst] [or earlier] Listed Grade II
19 h Century
Tenterden Road [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 89353728 Verrall Cottage, House 16 Century KHER TQ93NE105
Tenterden Road [or hearlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 90523681 Bachelors Farm House 1i Century KHER TQ93NW34
18th Century+ Listed Grade II
19th Century+ 20th Century
Hythe (K)
TR 16113480 1 & Centuries, 2 House 16t8h5+ KHER TR13SE73
Bartholomew Street 18 Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
1811 Listed Grade II
TR 120 336 Channel View, House
see Places of Worship 39
Botolph's Bridge Road, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
TR 163 348
West Hythe 99 High Street
16th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 159 347 14-16A High Street House
1i Century
TR 16003473 38-40 High Street House [1] &
1ih Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Shop 18th
Century [fagade] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 161 347 58 & 60 High Street House 1ih Century+
Listed Grade II
19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
838 TR 16413483 152-156 High Street House [1] & 16th Century+ KHER TR13SE118
Shop 20 Century Listed Grade II
TR 16153484 The Old Manor House House 1654+ KHER TR13SE94
[St Leonards House] 18th Century+ Newman & Pevsner 1969, 346
Hillside Street 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
see Medieval 214
TR 16053497 80 North Road House 1ih Century+ KHER TR13NE104
later front KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16043497 My Lady's Cottage House 1ih Century+ KHER TR13SE152
82 North Road [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
[former 52-54] 20th Century Listed Grade II
TR 126 343 Bridge House House 1ih Century TR13SW
[Brooklands] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
St Mary's Road, West Hythe
TR 16693491 The Bell Inn, Inn
16th Century+
Seabrook Road 1ih Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 18th Century [facade] Listed Grade II
TR 175 348 80 Seabrook Road House 1ih Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
931 TR 16 35 MD find 01.2005 Coin [1] copper alloy 1555-1598 P.P. TR13NE
Elizabeth I PAS KENT-A73074
932 TR 12 33 MD find 11.2005 Coin [1] silver 1558-1603 P.P. TR13SW
sixpence PAS KENT-9094A1
Elizabeth I
lcklesham (ESx)
TQ 86151694 Snailham Farm House & 1ih Century TQ81NE
Broad Street Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 409997 Listed Grade II
TQ 85951702 1 & 2 Snailham Farm House 1ih Century+ TQ81NE
Cottages ESHER MES4011
TQ 86221683 [Snailham Cottages] 1977 ESRO HBR1/0243, 1977 Broad Street NBR Index 3372
building survey LBSU 409996
Listed Grade II 646 TQ 86401665 Little Woodberrie House 1ih or 181h Century+ TQ81NE
[Little Woodbury] 1763 ESHER MES4005
Broad Street ESRO HBR1/0756, 1982
TQ 86411664 building survey NBR Index 3368
LBSU 409995
Listed Grade II [del. 06.1997]
647 TQ 87151651 Church Farm, House & 16th Century+ TQ81NE
th th
Main Road Farmhouse c.1600 + TQ 87871651 building survey 17 /18
Century ESRO HBR1/0261, 1977
NBR Index 3365
LBSU 410009
648 TQ 86801596 Roughters House 1ih Century+
Listed Grade II
[The Roughter] 18 Century+ ESHER MES4042
TQ 86791596 Main Road
building survey 20th
ESRO HBR1/0920, 1985
Century NBR Index 76900
LBSU 410026
th h
Listed Grade II
TQ 88251635 lcklesham Manor House 16th/1i Century+ TQ81NE
[New Place] 18 Century+ ESHER MES4006
TQ 88261634 Laurel Lane postht 1767 + ESRO HBR1/0739, 1982
building survey 19
Century NBR Index 3369
LBSU 410003
Listed Grade II
649 TQ 88211635 lcklesham Manor Barn c.1h600 + TQ81NE
[New Place] 1i Century ESHER MES4007
TQ 88211633 Laurel Lane ESRO HBR1/0587, 1980
building survey NBR Index 3369
TQ 88211632 LBSU 410004
Listed Grade II
650 TQ 88981596 The Cottage, House 1600/1632 TQ81NE
Hog Hill ESHER MES4004
TQ 88881595 building survey ESRO HBR1/0323, 1978
NBR Index 3366
LBSU 410000
TQ 88891596 Windmill Cottage, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ81NE
Hog Hill [or earlier] LBSU 410001
18th Century Listed Grade II
652 TQ 88941581 Ashes Farm, House & 1ih Century+ TQ81NE
Hog Hill Farmhouse 18th Century LBSU 410002
TQ 88911582 Ashes Farm, Barn 1ih
Listed Grade II
Cetnh tury+ TQ81NE
Hog Hill 17th/18 Century+ ESHER MES4038
building survey 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0814, 1983
253 TQ 87051641
Toke Farm,
House & 1ih
NBR Index 54483
Century TQ81NE
Main Road Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 410016 Listed Grade II
254 TQ 88531583 Elms Farm, House & 1605/1655 + TQ81NE
[The Elms] Farmhouse 1700/1755 + ESRO HBR1/0258, 1977 [rev 1996]
TQ 88541583 Pett Lane 18th Century + LBSU 410018 [refaced] Listed Grade II
19th Century
TQ 88701603 Hog Hill Mill Windmill & built c.1680 NMR TQ81NE60
Post Mill moved 1790 ESHER MES4019
TQ 88711602 ceased work 1932 ESHER MES4073
repaired 1951 Yeakell & Gardner Map 1785
Hemming 1936, 49-50, pl. 29
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 543
Haselfoot 1978, 100
Brunnarius 1979, 47-48, pl. 13, 14, 45, 46
Brown 1989, 238
NBR Index 4252
LBSU 409998
Listed Grade II
TQ 866 164 Telegraph Mill Windmill & built? TQ81NE
[Pickham Farm Mill] Post Mill moved? ESHER MES4021
TQ 887 161 [sic] [site of] ceased work? Hemming 1936, 111, 115 destroyed? NBR Index 4254
TQ 903 179 Ferry Bridge, Building Post Med TQ91NW
Winchelsea [site of] ESHER MES8084
TQ 907 182 Rye Marsh Building Post Med TQ91NW
[site of] ESHER MES8086
TQ 910 183 Rye Marsh Farm Farm Post Med TQ91NW
651 TQ 90451768 Pear Tree Marsh, Building Post Med NMR TQ91NW48 Winchelsea [foundations] ESHER MES4090
Dulley 1963/67, 205-206
TQ 939 191 Rye Harbour Building Post Med TQ91NW
[site of] ESHER MES8088
TQ 933 190 Davis Land, Earthwork Post Med? TQ91NW
Rye Harbour ESHER MES8089
TQ 922 165 Winchelsea Beach Earthwork & Post Med TQ91NW
TQ 896 154
Dimsdale Sewer,
Drainage Ditch
Post Med
Pett Level
Sea Defence ESHER MES16345
653 TQ 89841648 Wickham Manor, House 16th Century+ NMR TQ81NE13 Wickham Rock Lane c.1600+ ESHER MES3987
TQ 89821648 building survey c.1700+ ESHER MES4012 18th/19th Century+ Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 637
TQ 89831648 1920s Christie et al 1973b, 184 [Wickham Farm] ESRO HBR1/0592, 1980 [rev 1994]
NBR Index 3373
LBSU 410782
TQ 90551727 Cleveland House, House 1ih
Listed Grade II*
Century ?+ TQ91NW
Back Lane, 20th Century LBSU 410252
TQ 90651744
Atterswell & House [1] 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ91NW
Cooks Green, [or earlier] LBSU 410257
Barrack Square, Listed Grade II
257 TQ 90651745
Winchelsea Strand Hill, Barrack Square,
House [1] 1ih Century+ TQ91NW
18th Century+ LBSU 410259
Winchelsea [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
654 TQ 90661747 Mount Edge & House [1] & c.1300+ TQ91NW
The Mount, Cellar [12] 16th/1ih Century+ ESRO HBR1/1381, 2000
Barrack Square, [chimney] Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
[Quarter 6] 18th Century+ LBSU 410260
Winchelsea 20th Century Listed Grade II
258 TQ 90511742
building survey The Magazine,
1ih Century
Castle Street, [or earlier] Butler & Padgham 2002, 9-18, fig.
TQ 90261694 Winchelsea LBSU 410265
TQ 90521727
The White Cottage, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ91NW
Friars Road, LBSU 410270
TQ 90531727
Cleveland Cottage, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ91NW
Friars Road, LBSU 410271
TQ 90411737 1 & 2 White Close, House [1] 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ91NW
German Street, [orthearlier] LBSU 410278
Winchelsea 18th Century+ Listed Grade II
19th Century+
TQ 90401735 Little Plat & House [1] 1ih Century + TQ91NW
Ballader's Plat, 18th Century + LBSU 410279
German Street, 20th Century Listed Grade II Winchelsea
655 TQ 90391731 Becket & House [1] + c.1300 + TQ91NW
Yew Tree Plat & Cellar [28] 1ih Century ESRO HBR1/1388, 2000 [cellar]
TQ 90401732 Yew Tree House, [or earlier] Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111 German Street, LBSU 410280
[Quarter 14] Listed Grade II
Winchelsea building survey
TQ 90661740 Tower Cottage, House
1ih Century +
High Street, [or earlier] LBSU410494
TQ 905 173 Winchelsea 18th Century Listed Grade II building survey
827 TQ 90571741 Winchelsea Cottage House
17th Century ? +
[The Cottage] 1800/1832 LBSU410290
High Street, Listed Grade II
TQ 90421743 Higham Cottage, House 1ih Century TQ91NW
Higham Green, [or earlier] LBSU 410511
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
876 TQ 90341751 Mill Cottage House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
[1 & 2 Rose Cottages] Cellar 1ih Century LBSU 410537
Roberts Hill, [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 90441754 Town Pound, Pound 1ih Century TQ91NW
School Hill, [remains of] LBSU 410512
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90541737 Martens, House 1ih Century TQ91NW
St Thomas Street, [or earlier] LBSU 410758
Winchelsea Listed Grade II [del. 03.1990]
TQ 91511634 Spinet & House [1] 1ih Century ? TQ91NW
Dovedale Cottage, LBSU 410769
Sea Road, Listed Grade II
Winchelsea Beach
TQ 90751755 Apple Tree Wick, House 1ih Century TQ91NW
The Strand, LBSU 410774
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
910 TQ 87 15 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy 1500/1800 P.P. TQ81NE
letter H PAS SUSS-A34612
259 TQ 90 17 'dug up in a purse bar 16th century Winchelsea TQ91NW
Winchelsea garden' Museum Martin & Rudling 2004, 147, fig. 14.1 1958
908 TQ 87 15 MD find 04.2008 Hooked Tag [1] 1500/1600 P.P. TQ81NE
copper alloy PAS SUSS-761A46
909 TQ 87 15 MD find 04.2008 Buckle [1] copper alloy c.1575/1700 P.P. TQ81NE
PAS SUSS-779873
Whitehead 2003, 91, no. 566
Iden (ESx)
658 TQ 91822387 1 & 2 Weavers, House [1] 16th Century+ TQ92SW
[Weavers Cottage] 17th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1195, 1993 [prov]
TQ 91872373 Grove Lane c.1800 + LBSU 410787
building survey 20th Century Listed Grade II 659 TQ 91872365 Partridge Farm, House & 1570/1580 + NMR TQ92SW100
Main Street Farmhouse 20th Century ESHER MES4111
building survey WBSG 1996, site visit notes 96/4
pers comm. Rene Regandanz 2004 NBR Index 96311
Listed Grade II
660 TQ 91852361 Partridges, House 16th Century+ TQ92SW
Main Street 19th/20th Century+ ESHER MES4106
TQ 91852360 building survey 1988 ESRO HBR1/0860, 1984 [rev 1988] pers comm. Rene Regandanz 2004 NBR Index 7684
LBSU 410807
Listed Grade II
661 TQ 91752346 Danesbury Barn 1ih Century+ TQ92SW
[Rafters] 18th Century ESHER MES4102
Main Street ESRO HBR1/0534, 1980
building survey NBR Index 3380
Listed Grade II
662 TQ 89402390 Forstall Farm, House & 1672/1692 + TQ82SE
Main Street Farmhouse 18th Century+ ESHER MES4103
TQ 89392391 building survey Modern ESRO HBR1/0268, 1977 Martin & Martin 1987, 95-97
NBR Index 3381
LBSU 410812
Listed Grade II
829 TQ 91582324 Randolphs, House 1ih Century+ TQ92SW
Randolph Lane [or earlier] ESHER MES4104
TQ 91742328 building survey 20th Century NBR Index 3383 LBSU 410816
Listed Grade II
TQ 81412447
The Cottage
18th Century
ESRO HBR1/1192, 1993
TQ 93572442
Reader's Lane
LBSU 410998
building survey Listed Grade II
664 TQ 91212440 Readers Farm Barn 1ih Century+ TQ92SW
building survey later ESHER MES4108 ESRO HBR1/1006, 1986
NBR Index 76874
882 TQ 922 242 Bosney Farm, Building Post Med TQ92SW
Grove Lane ESHER MES15498
881 TQ 922 235 Bosney Farm, Barn Post Med TQ92SW
Grove Lane ESHER MES15500
1056 TQ 926 247 Little Thornsdale, Building & Post Med TQ92SW
Bosney Farm Farmstead ESHER MES15499
[site of]
880 TQ 913 233 Hunt Cottage House Post Med TQ92SW
883 TQ 935 248 Newknock Channel Drainage Ditch Post Med TQ92SW
884 TQ 944 233 Five Watering Sewer Drainage Ditch Post Med TQ92SW
lvychurch (K)
TR 02842760 Ivy Lodge House & 16th/1ih Century+ KHER TR02NW59 [Marshall's Farmhouse] Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
82070 Listed Grade II
TR 02142869 Moat House, House 1540/1632+ KHER TR02NW60
82070 1767/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
see Medieval 275
TQ 977 240 Alowsbridge Beacon Beacon c.1570-1640 KHER TQ92SE2
TQ 97782420 Beacon Field [site of] lvychurch Tithe Map 1842
White 1934, pl. facing 77
981 TQ 98 24 MD find 07.2005 Coin [1] 1603-1625 P.P. TQ92SE
half groat PAS KENT-E63064
James I
1000 TQ 99 24 MD find 04.2005 Token [2] copper alloy 1648-1679 P.P. TQ92SE
Andrew Clifford PAS KENT-8FE5E0
Blacksmith Dymchurch
TQ 99 24 MD find 04.2005 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1601-1700 P.P. TQ92SE
lvychurch/Brookland/Snargate (K)/Playden (ESx)
867 TQ 997 236 / White Kemp Sewer Drainage Ditch Post Med TQ92SE/TQ92NE/TQ92SW
TQ 980 244 / ESHER MES8450
TQ 962 251/ Smith 1998, 183-190
TQ 940 229
Kenardington (K)
923 TQ 96 32 MD find 09.2002 Coin [1] gold 1678 P.P. TQ93SE
Lydd (K)
TR 04242089 9-13 Cannon Street House & 15t2h5/1575 ? + NMR TR02SW36
Shop 18th Century [front] + KHER TR02SW127
19 Century NBR Index 40532
th Listed Grade II
TR 04322198 1 & 2, Poplar House/ House & 16th Century + KHER TR02SW97
Harmer's Supply Stores, Shop 18 Century [front] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
TR 04322097 Church Road NBR Index 40537
TR 04991837 Manor Farm House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century ? KHER TR01NW9
[Dengemarsh Farm] Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
Dengemarsh Road Listed Grade II
TR 06251965 Boulderwell Farm, House & c.1617 KHER TR01NE209 Dungeness Road Farmhouse Eddison 1992e
[site of?] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
TR 04202199 New Hall, House c.1th600 + NMR TR02SW34
TR 04192091
9 High Street 18th Century + KHER TR01SW99
TR 04182193
19 Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
NBR Index 40536
th Listed Grade II
6 & Terrys Butchers, House & 16th Century + NMR TR02SW30
8 High Street Shop 18th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
280 TR 04172192 The Beehive, House & 16th
Century NBR Index 40531
Listed Grade II
Century + NMR TR02SW29
10 High Street Inn 1715 + KHER TR02SW88 [6-10]
TR 04192095 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
NBR Index 40530 Listed Grade II
281 TR 04042079 Vine House, 62 & House & 16th Century+ NMRTR02SW38
Vine Cottage, 64 Office 1ih Century+ KHERTR02SW82
High Street 1708+ NBR Index 40540
1767/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
Listed Grade II
282 TR 04592085 Coxell House, House 1ih Century+ KHERTR02SW82
9 Manor Road 18th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32 Listed Grade II
283 TR 04542080 Grisbrook Farm House & 1634/1666+ NMRTR02SW20
[Grisbrook Cottage] Farmhouse 18th century KHERTR02SW109
TR 04552082 11 Manor Road Mercer 1975, 176, no.220
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
NBR Index 31698 Listed Grade II
285 TR 05182168 Jacques Court Farm/ House & 16th Century+ NMRTR02SE52 Jack's Court, Farmhouse 1ih Century+ KHERTR02SW113
TR 05162166 New Romney Road 1ih/18Ih Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
20th Century NBR Index 40534
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 311
286 TR 04392195 Ladson Lodge, House & 1ih Century+ NMRTR02SW33
12 Ness Road/ Public House 18th Century+ KHERTR02SW107
TR 04392095 Sunset Cottage, 34 & 19th Century NBR Index 40535 Sunrise Cottage, 36 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
TR 04342091 [Rising Sun PH] Listed Grade II
New Street
888 TR 04612079 Grisbrook Cottages House [1] & 1ih Century NMRTR02SW8 Robin Hood Lane Farmhouse KHERTR02SW102
Mercer 1975, 176, no.220
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
NBR Index 511691
Listed Grade II
288 TR 03682241 Westbrook, House & 1ih Century KHERTR02SW90
Rye Road Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33 Listed Grade II
289 TR 04282153 Skinner House, House 1589+ KHERTR02SW36
Skinner Road 1695+ NBR Index 40538 Listed Grade II
290 TR 04242078 The Rectory, House & 1695+ KHERTR02SW89
2 Skinner Road Vicarage later front KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33 Listed Grade II
287 TR 02602068 Bretts Lydd Quarry Trackway Med/Post Med KHERTR02SW133 excavation Priestley-Bell 1996
292 TR 06332008 Denge West Wooden Structure & KHER TR02SE63
watching brief 1994 Fish Trap?
th h
Priestley-Bell & Gardiner 1994
293 TR 06372010 Denge West Post Hole [2] &
16 /1i
watching brief 1994 Pottery Priestley-Bell & Gardiner 1994
291 TR 04 20 Beacon c.1570-1640 KHER TR02SW6
[site of] White 1934, pl. facing 77
294 TR 09 16 Beacon c.1570-1640 NMR TR01NE3
[site of]
295 TR 08 16 Dungeness Lighthouse
White 1934, pl. facing 77 KHER TR01NE225
[site of] Hague & Christie 1975, 30, 239
Jackson 1975, 18, 72-74
TR 039 212
Windmill &
built pre-1596
Post Mill?
ceased work?
Finch 1933, 237
[site of]
demolished c.1769
TR 03 22
MD find 10.2000
Coin [1] silver
Edward VI
TR 07
MD find 05.2003
Coin [1] silver
Elizabeth I
TR 07
MD find 05.2003
Coin [1]
Charles I
TR 05
MD find 02.2003
Coin [1] silver
Charles I
TR 05
MD find 03.2003
Coin Weight [1]
copper alloy
TR 04
MD find 10.2006
Token [1] lead
floral motif
TR 05
MD find 03.2005
Token [1] copper alloy
very worn
TR 05
MD find 03.2005
Token [1] silver
William .......
TR 01
MD find 08.1993
Bell [1]
crotal bell
TR 05
MD find 01.2008
Button [1] copper alloy
TR 05
MD find 06.2007
Button [1] copper alloy
TR 05
MD find 01.2008
Dress Fastener [1]
copper alloy
TR 04
MD find 08.1999
Finger Ring [1]
yellow metal
962 TR 04 24 Lydd Ferrule [1] copper alloy c.1500-1700 P.P. TR02SW
MD find 01.2008 split socket PAS KENT-E1C4C7
TR 03 22 MD find 11.1999 Seal Martix [2] lead 1540 P.P. TR02SW
eight-pointed star motif PAS KENT-1960
TR 03 22 MD find 11.1999 Seal Matrix [2] lead 1540 P.P. TR02SW
eight-pointed star motif PAS KENT-1961
TR 07 21 MD find 07.1998 Saddle [1] 1600-1700 P.P. TR02SE
pommel in two halves PAS KENT-613
967 TR 03 21 MD find 08.2005 Vervel [1] silver 1606-1669 P.P. TR02SW
Richa. Hardres Esqr PAS KENT-E15F34
Lympne (K)
TR 11303624 Upper Otterpool, House & 156th7/1632 + KHER TR13NW131
Ashford Road Farmhouse 20
TR 08693554 Upper Park Farm, House & 1ih
Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 35
Listed Grade II
Century + KHER TR03NE71
Court-at-Street Farmhouse 18th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
20th Century Listed Grade II
TR 11003653 Otterpool Manor, House 1ih Century + KHER TR13NW104 Otterpool Lane [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
1767/1799 + Listed Grade II
TR 12443573 Berwick House, House
1i Century ? +
Stone Street 19th Century KHER TR13NW93
[fagade] Chris Blandford Assoc 1992
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
NBR Index 83744 Listed Grade II
TR 12463577 Little Berwick House, House 16t0h0/1632 + NMR TR13NW55
Stone Street 19 Century + KHER TR13NW128
[fa�ade] Chris Blandford Assoc 1992
TR 125 358 20 Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
th Listed Grade II
TR 11833477 Lympne Hall, House 16th Century + NMR TR13SW42
The Street 18 Century + KHER TR13SW70
[fa�ade] Chris Blandford Assoc 1992
20 Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
Listed Grade II
TR 118 348 Smugglers End, House 1ih Century NMR TR13SW42
The Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
TR 123 348 Beacon Field Beacon c.1570-1640 KHER TR13SW18
TR 128 349 [site of] Lympne Tithe Map 1839
White 1934, pl. facing 77 Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 Chris Blandford Assoc 1994
928 TR 09 36 MD find 11.2005 Button? [1] copper alloy Post Med P.P. TR03NE
Mersham (K)
TR 03443733 Chequertree Farm House 1ih Century KHER TR03NW62 Cottage, Listed Grade II
Frith Road
Mountfield (ESx)
826 TQ75572039 Midsummer Cottage House 1ih Century + TQ72SE
[Yew Tree Cottage] 18th Century LBSU 411041
[Little Butlers] Listed Grade II
Vinehall Road
Newchurch (K)
TR 04943037 Norwood Farm House & 16th Century + KHER TR03SW36
Farmhouse 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37 Listed Grade II
944 TR 07 29 MD find 10.2005 Coin [1] copper alloy 1660-1685 P.P. TR02NE
farthing PAS KENT-5106E6
Charles II
TR 07 30 MD find 09.2006 Token [1] lead 1500-1700 P.P. TR03SE
940 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1500-1650 P.P. TR02NE
double loop PAS KENT-7FBE02
942 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1500-1650 P.P. TR02NE
double loop PAS KENT-7F7242
945 TR 06 29 MD find 01.2010 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1500-1600 P.P. TR02NE
double oval PAS KENT-E0F4D7
941 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Button [1] copper alloy 1500-1650 P.P. TR02NE
TR 07 29
MD find 09.2006
Dagger [1]
TR 06 31 MD find 11.1999 Scabbard [1] 1540 P.P. TR03SE
chape PAS KENT-1963
Newenden (K)
TQ 83422726 The White Hart Inn Inn 156th7/1632 + KHER TQ82NW70
18 Century Listed Grade II
TQ 83472731 Church Cottage House
TQ 82962767
1i Century ?
Listed Grade II
Little Frogs House 1i Century ? KHER TQ82NW77
TQ 83742734
[Frogs Hill House] [resh tored] Listed Grade II
Manor Cottage, House 1i Century + KHER TQ82NW86
Lossenham Lane [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
20 Century
TQ 84022779 Lossenham Manor, House 16t2h8 + NMR TQ82NW2
Lossenham Lane 18 Century + KHER TQ82NW82
TQ 84032779 1800/1832 Hasted 1798, VII, 168
Gould & Downman 1908, 428
lgglesden 1930, XXIV, 74, 76 Listed Grade II
TQ 81292686 Earthwork & Post Med? NMR TQ82NW24 House Platform OS Map 1868
Newington (K)
TR 17793747 Brook House House 16th Century + KHER TR13NE139 [Bank House] [orthearlier] Parkin 1986, 183
Frogholt 18th Cetnh tury + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
19 /20 Century Listed Grade II
part dismantled KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
325 TR 17743732 Mill House, Watermill & 1ih Century + NMR TR13NE56
Main Road House & 19th Century + KHER TR13NE102
building survey Stable 20th Century Parkin 1986, 183
excavation [site of] part dismantled Bennett, P. 1987/88, 62 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
NBR Index 60171
Listed Grade II [del.1991]
see Anglo-Saxon 175
TR 18553793
Peene House,
House &
1ih Century+
[or earlier]
Parkin 1986, 181
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
Listed Grade II
328 TR 18213745 The Old Vicarage, Vicarage & 16th Century+ KHER TR13NE142
The Street House & [or earlier] Parkin 1986, 185-186, fig. 5, pl. IVA Row 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
Listed Grade II
324 TR 18553712 Longport House, House 1554+ Weald & KHER TR13NE151 Main Road [site of] 1ih Century+ Downland Parkin 1986, 186
building survey 18th Century+ Museum, Austin 1992/93, 46-48, pl.
19th Century Singleton, Corke 1992/93, 33-34
dismantled Sussex KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
Harris 1999, 4-7
NBR Index 40593 Listed Grade II
New Romney (K)
656 TR 06482479 The Assembly Rooms Assembly Rooms & [13th Century ?] KHER TR02SE100
[The Hall of the Ports] School 1676+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Church Approach 19th Century Listed Grade II
329 TR 06702498 85 Church Road House [1] 1ih Century KHER TR02SE117
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 Listed Grade II
839 TR 06952539 Brissenden, House 1ih Century+ KHER TR02NE90
Dymchurch Road 1800/1832 [front] Listed Grade II 1054 TR 06342474 Victoria House/ House & Post Med+ KHER TR02SE104
Romney Marsh Office 1701/1800+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 Trading Co., 1800/1832 Listed Grade II
High Street [fa�ade]
330 TR 06362478 16 High Street House & Shop 17 Century+ KHER TR02SE87
1800/1832 Parkin 1973, 121
[front] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Listed Grade II
331 TR 06542489 Henbury Cottage,78 & House 16th Century+ KHER TR02SE118
Henbury House, 80 18th Century Parkin 1973, 122-123
High Street [front] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 Listed Grade II
332 TR 06572491 86 & 88 High Street House 16th Century+ KHER TR02SE112 [Stone Close] 17th/18th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 068 251
Stone House,
High Street
1ih Century +
19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
TR 06242475
Southlands Hospital,
1610 +
1-4 West Street
Carlisle 1818, I, 592
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 435
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 06542476
Burial Vault&
Post Med
St Nicholas' Church
lnhumation Cemetery
Linklater 2004
watching brief see Places of Worship 81
TR 06552434 aerial photo 1946 Earthwork& Post Med KHER TR02SE17
Field Boundary AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3023; 21.9.46)
TR 06732507 Darville Site, Ditch Post Med NMR TR02NE51 Southlands School, Hawkins 2000
TR 06742508
Fairfield Road
The Elms, Well& 16th
Wessex Archaeol. 2002
Century KHER TR02NE68
Dymchurch Road Pit [1+]& Shand 2005
841 TR 06812476
evaluation 2005 Pottery
Churchlands Estate Pottery&
1ih/19th Century P.P. KHER TR02SE141
watching brief Glass& Beck2007
Clay Pipe, smoking
TR 07222565 Beacon Bank Beacon c.1570-1640 KHER TR02NE7
[site of] White 1934, pl. facing 77
1019 TR 07 25 New Romney Coin [1] silver 1603-1604 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 08.2004 penny PAS KENT-33E631
James I
1018 TR 07 25 New Romney Coin [1] silver 1625-1649 P.P. TR02NE
MD find 08.2004 penny PAS KENT-22EEA7
Charles I
339 TR 07 24 MD find 09.2002 Scabbard [1] bronze 1540-1800 P.P. TR02SE
chape PAS KENT-4905
Northiam (ESx)
TQ 82622498 Clench Green House& c.1h600 + NMR TQ83SW30
[Clinch Green Farm] Farmhouse 1i Century ESHER MES4187
Beales Lane ESRO HBR1/0360, 1978
TQ 82632498 building survey ESHER MES4235
Martin 1972a, 51-57, fig. 3
NBR Index 1742
LBSU 411117
Listed Grade II
TQ 82642497 Clench Green Farm, Barn 16th Century NMRTQ82SW19 Beales Lane ESHER MES4188
TQ 82622499 building survey ESHER MES4236
ESRO HBR1/0361, 1978
Martin & Martin 1977a, 66, fig. 8 NBR Index 1742
TQ 83092502 Wildings Farm, House & 1ih Century + NMRTQ82NW23
[Wildings] Farmhouse 20th Century ESHER MES4202
TQ 83092501 Beales Lane ESRO HBR1/0517, 1980
building survey NBR Index 1756
LBSU 411118
Listed Grade II
TQ 83082503 Wildings Farm, Barn c.1600 NMRTQ82NW28
Beales Lane rebuilt c.1990 ESHER MES4238
TQ 83052503 building survey ESRO HBR1/0446, 1979
NBR Index 1756
LBSU 411121
Listed Grade II
TQ 82812266 Morley Farm, House & 1ih Century + TQ82SW
Beckley Road Farmhouse 1746? ESHER MES4209
TQ 82812265 building survey ESRO HBR1/0734, 1982
NBR Index 7688
LBSU 411119
Listed Grade II
TQ 83222224 Great Stent Farm House & 16th Century + TQ82SW
[Stent] Farmhouse 1ih Century + ESHER MES4210
Beckley Road 1ih Century + ESRO HBR1/0736, 1982
building survey post 1750 NBR Index 7689 LBSU 411124
Listed Grade II
TQ 83062454 Church House, House 16th Century + NMRTQ82SW1 Church Lane c.1600 + ESHER MES4178
building survey c.1660 + ESHER MES4185 1767/1799 Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 574
ESRO HBR1/0313, 1978
Wolseley 1931a, 5-9, pl. Bloe et al 1973, 270
Lloyd, N. 1983, 329
NBR Index 1741
LBSU 411129
Listed Grade 11•
TQ 83092455 Church House, Barn c.1650 + TQ82SW
Church Lane c.1800 ESHER MES4186
TQ 83102456 building survey ESRO HBR1/0358, 1978
NBR Index 1741
LBSU 411130
TQ 83182481 Silverden Farm, Oasthouse & 16th Century+
Listed Grade II
Church Lane House Century+ ESRO HBR1/0883, 1984
building survey postht 1750 +
19 Century+
th h
TQ 834 248 Gateley Old Manor House & [Med] +
Church Lane Farmhouse 16 /1i
Century+ ESHER MES4193
building survey 17th/18th Century+ Bloe et al 1973, 270, 274 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0621, 1980
WBSG 1980, site visit note 4/80
TQ 83362477 NBR Index 1747
LBSU 411132
TQ 83342481 Gateley Old Manor, Barn 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
Church Lane ESHER MES4194
building survey ESRO HBR1/0442, 1979
NBR Index 1747
LBSU 411133
th Listed Grade II
675 TQ 82572554 Coplands, House 16th Cetnh tury+ TQ82NW
Dixter Lane 17 /18 Century+ ESHER MES4217
TQ 82562553 building survey c.1750 ESRO HBR1/0683, 1981 NBR Index 51161
LBSU 411134
676 TQ 82522493 Langridge & House [1] 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
Langridge Cottage LBSU 411138
TQ 82112413
Dixter Road
Barn 17th
Listed Grade II
Strawberry Oast,
th Century ? + TQ82SW
Ewhurst Lane 19th Century+ NBR Index 7690
20 Century LBSU 411154
Listed Grade II
TQ 81462375 Tutton Place, Stable 1ih Century + TQ82SW
Ewhurst Lane ESHER MES4213
TQ 81452365 building survey ESRO HBR1/0947, 1985
NBR Index 7691
LBSU 411156
Listed Grade II
TQ 81422364 Tutton Place, Barn & 1ih Century + TQ82SW
Ewhurst Lane Outbuilding 18th Century LBSU 411157 Listed Grade II
TQ 82962392 Glebe Cottage, House 1ih Century TQ82SW
Hastings Road [or earlier] LBSU 411159 Listed Grade II
TQ 82842344 Perryman's Cross House 1ih Century TQ82SW
[Perryman's Cottage] [or earlier] LBSU 411162
Hastings Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82652285 1 & 2 Wellhouse House [1] 1ih Century TQ82SW
Cottages, [or earlier] LBSU 411165 Hastings Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82252183 The Tanhouse, House & 16th Century + TQ82SW
Hastings Road Farmhouse pre c.1700 ESHER MES4200
TQ 82252182 building survey ESRO HBR1/0284, 1977
NBR Index 1755
LBSU 411584
Listed Grade II
Hastings Road,
TQ 82292231
Horns Cross
ESRO HBR1/0694,1981
building survey
NBR Index 3404
LBSU 411582
TQ 82322505
The Thatched Cottage
Post Med?
Listed Grade II
[site of]
destroyed by fire
Higham Lane
building survey
Martin 1972a, 51-57, fig. 3
ESRO HBR1/0309, 1978
NBR Index 1745
708 TQ 81982516 Great Dixter,
Minor Barn &
17th/18th Century
High Park
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0441, 1979
NBR Index 1748
LBSU 411595
Listed Grade II
TQ 82302231 Greensleeves, House 1ih Century + TQ82SW
686 TQ 82202521 East Cottage & House [1] 1610/1660+ TQ82NW
West Cottage 1635/1685+ ESHER MES4225
TQ 82192520 High Park 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1069, 1989 building survey NBR Index 82776
LBSU 411592
Listed Grade II
TQ 82622479 Foxes & House [1] & 17th Century+ TQ82SW
Warwick House & Shop 18th Century+ LBSU 411610
Hairtique Hairdresser, 20th Century Listed Grade II Main Street
TQ 82612483 The Crown & Thistle Inn, Inn 1ih Century+ TQ82SW
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 411611
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 82992432 Old Wheelwrights, House 17th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 411613
Listed Grade II
TQ 82772464 1 & 2 Seven Oaks House [1] 17th Century+ NMR TQ82SW31 Cottages, 1ih/18th Century+ ESHER MES4222
Main Street 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1043, 1988 TQ 82782463 building survey later NBR Index 76892
LBSU 411620
Listed Grade II
TQ 82882450 Byre House, House 16th/1ih Century+ TQ82SW
[The Byre] c.1747+ ESHER MES4214
TQ 82892450 Main Street later ESRO HBR1/0676, 1981 building survey NBR Index 51160
LBSU 411617
Listed Grade II
TQ 83032443 Hayes Farm, Barn c.1650/1750+ TQ82SW
Main Street 1750 or later ESHER MES4195
building survey ESRO HBR1/0448, 1979
NBR Index 1749
TQ 83042446 Hayes Farm, Agricultural 17th Century+ TQ82SW
Main Street Building 18th Century ESHER MES4196
building survey ESRO HBR1/0447, 1979
NBR Index 1749
TQ 82752360 Park View, House 17th Century TQ82SW
Mill Corner [or earlier] LBSU 411627 Listed Grade II
TQ 82742359 Rose Cottage, House 17th Century TQ82SW
Mill Corner [or earlier] LBSU 411858 Listed Grade II
TQ 82312341 Mill House, House 1ih Century+ TQ82SW
Mill Corner 18th Century LBSU 411866 Listed Grade II
TQ 82592347 Thistledown, House 159th0s+ TQ82SW
Mill Corner 18 Century+ LBSU 461835
TQ 82622351
c.1h928 Listed Grade II
Oak Cottage, House [2] 1i Century TQ82SW
New Road [or earlier] LBSU 411869
699 TQ 83062420 The Wilderness, House 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
Rye Road LBSU 411870
Listed Grade II
700 TQ 83052404 Brickwall, House & 1617 + NMRTQ82SW7
Rye Road School & 1633+ ESHER MES4184
building survey Deer Park c.1660+ Whitaker 1892, 156
1680s+ Cornish 1900, 400-407, pl.
18th Century+ Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 574-575
1832/1842 Bloe et al 1973, 269, pl.
Frewen, 1909
Wolseley 1928, 128-133, fig. pi ESRO HBR1/0326, 1978 [rev]
Martin & Martin 1987, 57-58, 66-68
Anon 2001, 18-19
NBR Index 82445
LBSU 411871
701 TQ 83102450 Brickwall, Formal Garden & 17th/18th
Listed Grade I
Century+ NMRTQ82SW15
Rye Road Garden Wall 19 Century+ ESHER MES4229
1980s Triggs 1902, 29-30, pl. 50, 51
Elgood & Jekyll 1904, 87-89, pl.
702 TQ 82542491
Thornton Cottage & House [1]
1ih Century+
EH Register of Parks/Gardens GD1082 TQ82SW
TQ 82632528
Thornton House, Station Road
Marlows, House [3] 1ih
Century LBSU 411878
Listed Grade II
Century TQ82NW
Station Road [or earlier] LBSU 411887
TQ 83252594
th Listed Grade II
704 The Little House, House 16 h Century+ TQ82NW
Station Road 1i Century+ ESHER MES4197
building survey post c.1700 ESRO HBR1/0411, 1979 NBR Index 1751
LBSU 411890
Listed Grade II
705 TQ 83722655 Gate Court, House [Med]+ TQ82NW
Station Road c.1540+ ESHER MES4226
TQ 83732655 building survey ?+ ESRO HBR1/1085, 1989 18th Century+ NBR Index 82777
c.1800 LBSU 411891
709 TQ 82102284 Common Wood Farm Barn 1ih Century+
Listed Grade II
building survey 18
710 TQ 82552490 Bakers House 16th
Century ESHER MES4189
ESRO HBR1/0443, 1979
Martin & Martin 2006, 109-110
NBR Index 1743
Century NMRTQ82NW20
711 TQ 82612596 Crackers Barn
17th/18th Century Martin 1972a, 51-57, fig. 3
building survey ESHER MES4190
ESRO HBR1/0439, 1979
TQ 812 232
Brick Kiln Shaw
Brick Kiln/Lime Kiln? &
Post Med ?
NBR Index 1744 NMRTQ82SW18
salvage excavation
Extractive Pit
TQ 81852428
Furnace Wood
Iron Furnace? &
Jones 1977b, 14-15, fig.
TQ 842 250
Great Gateley Wood
Pond Bay?
Glass Furnace
pre 1579
Straker 1931, 320 NMRTQ82NW8
excavation 1954
Winbolt 1933, 51-52
Oliver 1954/57a, 115-116
Kenyon 1967, 210-211
Old Romney (K)
TR 03022521 Old School House House 16th/1ih Century ?+ KHERTR02NW57
1767/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
TR 02342417 Wheelsgate House 17 Century+ KHERTR02SW130
[orthearlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
18 Century+ Listed Grade II
TR 03462530 Grove House, House
1i Century ?+
Five Vents Lane 1767/1832+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
TR 03472535 The Manor House, House 16th Century KHER TR02NW82
Five Vents Lane KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
Listed Grade II
350 TR 03582530 Marsh Cottage, House 16th Century + KHER TR02NW79
2 Lower Road [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42 18th Century + Listed Grade II
TR 02742517
Windmill &
built pre-1614
Post Mill [site of]
ceased work ? demolished pre-1800
William Webb Map 1614
Finch 1933, 267
TR 05592500
Post Med
Place 1993a
TR 01 23
Old Romney
Vessel [1] ceramic
MD find 01.2008
rim sherd
TR 05
MD find 12.2006
Coin [1] gold
Post Med
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
Henry VIII
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] copper alloy
PAS KENT-366282
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Coin [1] silver
half groat
Elizabeth I
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Coin [1] silver
half groat
Elizabeth I
TR 05
MD find 04.2003
Coin [1] silver
half groat
Elizabeth I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
Elizabeth I
PAS KENT-601634
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
Elizabeth I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
Elizabeth I
PAS KENT-470667
TR 05
MD find 02.2003
Coin [1] silver
six pence
Elizabeth I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] copper alloy
James I
PAS KENT-497992
19th Century + 20th Century
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
James I
Coin [1] copper alloy
Philip Ill
Spain (colony ?)
TR 05
MD find 10.2003
Coin [1] silver
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Coin [1] copper alloy
rose farthing
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Coin [1] copper alloy
rose farthing
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Coin [1] copper alloy
rose farthing
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Coin [1] copper alloy
rose farthing
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
Charles I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin [1] silver
James II
PAS KENT-367152
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Jetton [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Jetton [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Jetton [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 12.2007
Jetton [1] copper alloy
Hans Krauwinkel
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Jetton [1] copper alloy
TR 05
MD find 12.2006
Jetton [1] copper alloy
Post Med
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Jetton [1] copper alloy
Post Med
TR 05
MD find 12.2006
Jetton [1] copper alloy
Post Med
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Jetton [1] copper alloy
Post Med
TR 05
MD find 03.2003
Token [1] copper alloy
John Arnold
North Yarmouth
TR 05
MD find 03.2003
Token [1]
The Globe in Chatham
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Token [1] lead
letter H
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Token [1] lead
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Token [1] lead
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Token [1]
PAS KENT-710431
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Token [1] lead
5 pellets
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Token [1] lead
cross & 4 pellets
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Token [1] copper alloy
half penny
James Mead
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Token [1] lead
Post Med
letter T.B
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Coin Weight [1]
Post Med
copper alloy
half angel
Low Countries imitation
TR 04
MD find 12.2002
Coin Weight [1]
copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Coin Weight [1]
copper alloy
James I
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Buckle [1] bronze
double loop
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Buckle [1] bronze
oval double loop
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Buckle [1] pewter
double loop
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Buckle [1] bronze
oval double loop
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Buckle [1] bronze
oval double loop
TR 01
Old Romney
Buckle [1] copper alloy
MD find 01.2008
oval double loop
TR 04
MD find 06.2007
Buckle [1] copper alloy
double loop
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Buckle [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 12.2007
Button [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Finger Ring [1] bronze
seal matrix
letter W
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Finger Ring [1] bronze?
child's ring
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Furniture Fitting [1] bronze
circular boss
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Furniture Fitting [1] bronze
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Mount [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Mount [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 01.2008
Mount [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 07.2005
Needle [1] copper alloy
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Pendant [1] copper alloy
sword mount pendant
TR 03
MD find 08.2003
Seal Matrix [1] lead
bag seal
1048 TR 04 25 MD find 06.2007 Spike [1] copper alloy 1500-1900 P.P. TR02NW
square section PAS KENT-3E0B67
1026 TR 01 23 Old Romney Spur [1] copper alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TR02SW
MD find 01.2008 PAS KENT-E14240
1030 TR 03 25 MD find 12.2007 Spur [1] copper alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TR02NW
PAS KENT-A89855 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Strap End ? [1] bronze 1600-1700 P.P. TR02NW
1050 TR 05 25 MD find 12.2006 Strap End [1] copper alloy Post Med P.P. TR02NE
374 TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1540-1900 P.P. TR02NW
1047 TR 04 25 MD find 06.2007 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1600-1800 P.P. TR02NW
Old Romney/Lydd (K)
844 TR 01902130/ standing against Earthwork & Post Med? KHER TR02SW15
TR 02182180 Tore Wall Sea Defence? AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3011; 21.9.46)
aerial photo 1946
Orlestone (K)
TQ 99803554 Capel House, House 16th Century + KHER TQ93NE52 Capel Road, 18th Century + Listed Grade II
Hamstreet [cladding]
TQ 99363528 Sugarloaf, House &
Capel Road Inn
Century +
16 h Century +
Listed Grade II
TQ 98943650 Bromley Green Farm, House &
Hamstreet Road Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
Century +
17t0h0/1732 +
19 Century
842 TR 007 315 Gelder Hall ? Enclosure Post Med NMR TR03SW22 KHER TR03SW31
Peasmarsh (ESx)
TQ 88042322 Wheelwrights, House 1567/1599 + TQ82SE
173th3/1766 + Campbell 1982, 23
19 Century + LBSU 461815
1936/1938 Listed Grade II [del. 03.1997]
TQ 88462180 Peasmarsh Place, Manor House & 1616 + TQ82SE
Dew Lane Nursing Home 1800/1832 + LBSU 411895
1937 Listed Grade II
TQ 89072254 Old Well Cottage, House 1ih Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 411908
TQ 89042256 South View, House 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 89012259 Main Street LBSU 411911
TQ 89122352 Old House, House 1ih Century +
Listed Grade II
Main Street [orthearlier] LBSU 411913
18 h Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88332313 Shardwells Home House & 1i Century TQ82SE
for the Elderly, Nursing Home [or earlier] LBSU 412164
Main Street
TQ 87572339 Bay Tree Cottage House
1ih Century
Listed Grade II
[Tudor Cottage] [or earlier] LBSU 412179
Main Street
TQ 87892308 Mill Cottage, House
1ih Century +
Listed Grade II
Mill Lane 18 Century LBSU 412184
TQ 86382075 Partridge Farm, House & 1ih Century +
Listed Grade II
Starvecrow Lane Farmhouse 20 Century LBSU 412192
TQ 88032435 New House, House 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
Wittersham Road [or earlier] LBSU 412199 Listed Grade II
TQ 86762131 Groves Farm, House & ?+ TQ82SE
Starvecrow Lane Farmhouse 160th0/1632 + ESHER MES4245
TQ 86742127 building survey 20
Century ESRO HBR1/0274, 1977
NBR Index 3408
LBSU 412189
TQ 86742128 Groves Farm Barn 17th/18th Century
Listed Grade II
Starvecrow Lane [re-used timbers] ESHER MES4246
building survey ESRO HBR1/0275, 1977
TQ 87272124 Barline Farm Barn 1ih Century +
NBR Index 3408
building survey ? ESHER MES4243 ESRO HBR1/0463, 1979
NBR Index 3405
TQ 88922250 The Rectory House & 16th Century + TQ82SE
building survey Vicarage 1ih Century + ESHER MES4253
1930s ESRO HBR1/0807, 1983
NBR Index 7697
TQ 89042252 CherryTree Cottage House ? +
building survey 1i
Century ? + ESHER MES4249
TQ 89982107
18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0956, 1986
c.1h930 NBR Index 7693
Marley Farm House & 1i Century + TQ82SE
TQ 894 229
building survey Farmhouse 19th Century ESHER MES 4251 [remains of ?] derelict 1974 ESRO HBR1/0130, 1984
parht collapsed 1984 NBR Index 7695
Pett {ESx)
excavation 1955 Brick Kiln 1i
Century NMRTQ82SE4
Lloyd 1983, 21
Oliver 1954/57b, 165-166, pl.
724 TQ 87761412 Elms Farm, House & 16th Century TQ81SE
TQ 88011417 Elms Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 412719
725 TQ 87761412 Elms Farm, Barn 16th Century +
Elms Lane [site of] 1ih Century +
Listed Grade II TQ81SE ESHER MES2100
building survey 18 Century ESRO HBR1/0155, 1975
721 TQ 88461331 Old Marsham Farm,
deshtroyed c.1978 NBR Index 77024
House & 1i Century TQ81SE
Pett Level Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 412722
722 TQ 87141394
Nineacres, House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + TQ81SE
Pett Road 18th Century LBSU 412728 Listed Grade II
723 TQ 86921418 Frenchcourt Farm, House & c.1700 + TQ81SE
Pett Road Farmhouse 1767/1799 + ESHER MES2102
building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0958, 1986 TQ 86911414 NBR Index 82755
LBSU 412732
Listed Grade II
639 TQ 86721384 The Two Sawyers, Public House & 16th Century ?+ TQ81SE
Pett Road House 18th Century+ ESHER MES2098
TQ 86721385 building survey 19th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0870, 1984
20th Century NBR Index 45902
LBSU 412734
726 TQ 88311388 Lunsford Farm, House & 1ih Century+
Listed Grade II
Pett Road Farmhouse 18th Century+ ESHER MES2101
TQ 88311387 building survey 19
Century ESRO HBR1/0119, 1973
NBR Index 77025
LBSU 412723
Listed Grade II*
915 TQ 86 13 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
letter BC PAS SUSS-9BDD22
916 TQ 86 13 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81SE
letter H PAS SUSS-9BD110
Playden (ESx)
730 TQ 92472263 Ship Cottage, House preth 156th7+ TQ92SW
Houghton Green Lane 17 /18 Century+ ESHER MES2173
building survey 19th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0583, 1980 20th Century NBR Index 3419
LBSU 416113
731 TQ 92542354 Old Turks, House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century+ TQ92SW
Houghton Green Lane Farmhouse c.1th700+ ESHER MES2179
building survey 18 Century+ ESRO HBR1/0926, 1985
TQ 92592354 19th Century+ NBR Index 77030 1920s LBSU 412741
Listed Grade II
727 TQ 92202153 Vyles House & 1567 TQ92SW
building survey Garden ESHER MES2174
[site of] ESRO HBR1/0667, 1981
Ward 1958/62, 310-311
Dickinson 1979, 29-36 Dickinson 1981c, 67-69, fig. NBR Index 3420
728 TQ 92442115 Goalthorpe, House
Century ?
see Places of Worship 95
building survey ESRO HBR1/0939, 1985
TQ 92442149
Pottery &
1ih Century
New England Lane
Coin [1] &
'found in garden' Jetton [1] 732 TQ 928 236 Boonsfield Farm House &
1ih Century ?
building survey Farmhouse ESRO HBR1/0819, 1983 860 TQ 93772242 Union Channel, Sluice Post Med TQ92SW
Brooks Bridge ESHER MES8451
TQ 92382158
New England Lane
Coin [1] silver
ploughed field
Wetherill 1992, 28
Elizabeth I
TQ 925 215
Newinland Lane (sic)
Coin [1] silver
Louis XIV
Blomfield 1963/67, 350
Postling (K)
326 TR 14 38 Beacon c.1570-1640 KHER TR13NW11
[site of] White 1934, pl. facing 77
Rolvenden (K)
TQ 84033150 Saxbys, House 16th Century KHER TQ83SW212 Benenden Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 83213248 Hole Park, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ83SW197
Benenden Road 18th Century + Wright 1978, 65-66 19th Century + Listed Grade II
TQ 83123250 Garden Cottage, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ83SW216 Hole Park, [or earlier] Listed Grade II
Benenden Road 18th Century
TQ 84453122 8-22 Hastings Road House & 16th Century + KHER TQ83SW206
Row [or earlier] Listed Grade II 18th Century
405 TQ 84383148 56 & 58 High Street House 1ih Century + KHER TQ83SW233
18th Century Listed Grade II
406 TQ 84383150 60 & 62 High Street House 1ih Century ? + KHER TQ83SW215
TQ 84383155
Forge Cottage,
1ih Century ?
64 High Street
Listed Grade II
[refaced] Listed Grade II
TQ 85573026 Frensham Manor House 16t0h0/1680 + KHER TQ83SE198
[Frensham] 19 Century Hasted 1798, VII, 195-196
Mounts Lane Newman & Pevsner 1976, 498
TQ 85593036 Winser Farm, House & 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century ? + NMR TQ83SE32
Mounts Lane Farmhouse 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE240
building survey 19th Century RCHME Report
NBR Index 95184
TQ 86153129 Lower Murgie, House 1ih Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SE188
Mounts Lane [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 85293124 Woolwich Farm House & 1ih Century NMR TQ83SE30 [Upper Woolwich] Farmhouse KHER TQ83SE218
Pix's Lane RCHME Report
building survey NBR Index 95182
TQ 84333150 2 & 4 Regent Street House 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century + KHER TQ83SW194
Century +
[orthearlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 83512926 Forsham Farm, House &
18 h Century [front]
Sponden Road Farmhouse [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
18 Century +
TQ 82442967 Little Kensham Farm, House &
19th Century
16 Century +
Little Halden,
Sandhurst Road, Farmhouse [orthearlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 85393266
Kensham Green
18 h Century [front]
Tenterden Road [or hearlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 84963366 Halden Place Stable & 1i Century ? KHER TQ83SW227
Coat of Arms Listed Grade II
930 TQ 85 31 MD find 10.2007 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1575-1700 P.P. TQ83SE
PAS KENT-723812
Whitehead 1996, 92, no. 577
Ruckinge (K)
TR 01613682 Brisley Cottage, House 16th Century + KHER TR03NW29
Brisleywood Lane [or hearlier] Listed Grade II
1i Century +
20th Century
TQ 99473673 Danlee Farm,
Bromley Green
House & Farmhouse
c.1600 + KHER TQ93NE29
18th Century + Listed Grade II
20th Century
TR 02393349
Court Lodge,
16th Century +
The Corner
c.1700 [cladding] 20th Century
Listed Grade II
TR 02583363
Ransley Cottage, The Corner
16th Century + 18th Century
Listed Grade II
TR 02603362
Black Beams,
c.1700 +
Marsh Road
20th Century
Listed Grade II
TR 01163501
Hollybush Farm,
House &
16th Century +
Poundhurst Road
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TR 00 36
MD find 10.1998
Ferrule [1] silver
423 TR 00 36 MD find 10.1998
Rye (ESx)
812 TQ 922 203 Baddings Gate/
Gungarden Gate
824 TQ 92212074
762 TQ 92172026 20 Church Square
[former Jolly Sailor Inn] building survey
733 TQ 92152025 Tara House,
30 Church Square building survey
from walking stick ? Finger Ring [1] gold posy ring GOODWILL IS ABOVE GOLD
Town Gate [site of] Almshouse [site of] House & Inn
1600-1700 P.P. TR03NW
1544/1545 TQ92SW
demolished1735 Martin & Martin 2009, 51
1552 TQ92SW
demolished 1784 Martin & Martin 2009, 69-70, fig. 14.17
c.1560 + TQ92SW
1600/1700 + ESRO HBR1/0801, 1983
post 1700 + Martin & Martin 2009, no. 77
1800/1832 NBR Index 45904
LBSU 291914
Listed Grade II
1540/1590 + NMR TQ92SW43
18th Century ESHER MES2229
ESRO HBR1/0798, 1983
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 81
NBR Index 45906
LBSU 291917
Listed Grade II [28 & 30]
TQ 92122022 Winston Cottage, House 1515/1565 + NMRTQ92SW46
42 Church Square 18th Century ESHER MES2232
building survey ESRO HBR1/0825, 1983
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 84
NBR Index 45909
LBSU 291923 [42 & 44]
Listed Grade II
TQ 92092029 64 Church Square House 1510/1560 + NMRTQ92SW78
building survey 19th Century + ESHER MES2283
1989 ESRO HBR1/1100, 1990
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 52
NBR Index 84700
LBSU 291930
Listed Grade II
TQ 92122050 Austin Friars, House & c.1540 + NMRTQ92SW2 Conduit Hill Pottery Workshop 1906 ESHER MES2184
TQ 92152048 Holloway 1847, 537-539
Butler 1865, 128-129
TQ 92162049 Salzmann 1973, 96-97, no. 28
Page et al 1973a, 42-43, fig., pl. LBSU 291942
Listed Grade II SAM ESx147
see Places of Worship 101
TQ 92122050 White Friars, House & 1575/1625 + TQ92SW
Conduit Hill Office 1675/1725 + ESHER MES2234
TQ 92132049 building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0879, 1984 [fa�ade] NBR Index 45911
TQ 92142050 LBSU 291941
Listed Grade II
TQ 92212059 Tower Place, House & 1557+ TQ92SW
1-4 East Cliff Terrace 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1615, 2006
building survey Martin & Martin 2009, no. 105
LBSU 291943
Listed Grade II
760 TQ 921 204 11 & 12 East Street House [1] 16th Century TQ92SW
[site of] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 35
see 1(/h Century 590
TQ 92192039 Cannon House, House 1500/1700+ TQ92SW
East Street 1675/1t7h25+ ESHER MES2235
building survey 17th/18 Century+ Page et al 1973a, 45
later [fac;ade] ESRO HBR1/0726, 1982 NBR Index 45912
LBSU 291958
Listed Grade II
TQ 91892040 The Crown Inn, House & 1540/1590+ NMRTQ92SW94
Ferry Road Outbuilding c.1800 ESHER MES2281
TQ 91872039 building survey ESRO HBR1/1072, 1989
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 111
NBR Index 82789
TQ 92212030
South Ridge,
House [4] 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ92SW
Gun Gardens [or earlier] LBSU 434230
[refronted] Listed Grade II
748 TQ 92112043 13 & 14 High Street House [1] & 15t7h5/1625+ TQ92SW
building survey Shop 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1541, 2004 [13 & 14]
19 Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 3
[fac;ade] LBSU
Listed Grade II [12 to 14]
751 TQ 92072041 15 High Street House & 15t6h5/1615+ TQ92SW
building survey Shop 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1617, 2006
century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 4
Listed Grade II [15 to 17]
TQ 92102042 Peacock's School, House & 1636+ NMRTQ92SW15 High Street School & 1638 [school] ESHER MES2192
Political Club & Worsfield 1927, 199-209, fig., pl.
Working Mens Club Page et al 1973a, 46
Shop Lloyd, N. 1983, 181, 273, 300, 418
Martin & Martin 2009, 70
LBSU 434258
Listed Grade I
TQ 92032039 The White Vyne House [1] & c.1300 [cellar]+ NMRTQ92SW [Holloway House] Hotel & 1535/1585+ ESHER MES2278
TQ 92042039 24 & 25 High Street Shop c.1700+ Page et al 1973a, 46
building survey 17t6h7/1832+ ESRO HBR1/1025, 1987 [rev 1989]
century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 5
TQ 92042040 NBR Index 77020
LBSU 434262 [24]
LBSU 434264 [25]
Listed Grade II [20 to 25]
822 TQ 919 203 30 High Street House & 16th Century ? TQ92SW
building survey Shop Martin & Martin 2009, no. 9
Listed Grade II
TQ 91982036 31 High Street House & 15t8h5/1635+ TQ92SW
building survey Shop 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/1579, 2005
century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 10
[fa1,ade] LBSU 434268 [31 & 31A]
TQ 92002037 Barclays Bank House &
Listed Grade II [31 & 31A]
[Longer House] Bank (Financial) [orthearlier] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 8
High Street 18 Century+ LBSU 434267
[fa1,ade] Listed Grade II
757 TQ 91942037 35 The Mint House & 1500/1700+ NMR TQ92SW37
building survey Shop 1708/1758+ ESHER MES2217
[fa�ade] Page et al 1973a, 46
century ESRO HBR1/0702, 1981
NBR Index 3434
LBSU 434273
Listed Grade II
TQ 91922036 Rye Fine Art, House [1] & Medieval+ NMR TQ92SW52
39 & 40 The Mint Shop 15t1h0/1560+ ESHER MES2242
18th Century+ Page et al 1973a, 46
20 Century ESRO HBR1/0791, 1982
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 14
NBR Index 45919
LBSU 434277
Listed Grade II
749 TQ 91882030 Mint Chambers, House & 152h5/1575+ TQ92SW
54 The Mint Shop 1i Century+ Page et al 1973a, 47
1728 ESRO HBR1/1649
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 18
LBSU 434409
Listed Grade II
752 TQ 92142041 103 & 103A High Street House [1] & 15t5h0/1600+ NMR TQ92SW33
building survey Shop 18 Century+ ESHER MES2212
19th Century ESRO HBR1/0658, 1981 NBR Index 3428
LBSU 434512
Listed Grade II
759 TQ 92172044 105 High Street House &
building survey Shop
18th Century+
ESRO HBR1/1611, 2006
761 TQ 92182044 106 & 107 High Street House &
20 Century
16th/1ih Century+
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 29
LBSU 434514
Listed Grade II
building survey Shop
768 TQ 92202046 Red Cross Shop, House &
110 High Street Shop
19 Century + [fagade] 1867/1932
ESRO HBR1/1627, 2006
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 30
LBSU 434515
Listed Grade II
ESRO HBR1/1619, 2006
building survey
753 TQ 92172024 4 Hucksteps Row House
754 TQ 92172024 Black Lantern, House
Hucksteps Row
755 TQ 91942033 2 Hylands Yard House
823 TQ 92192063 Landgate House, House &
1 Landgate Shop
18 Century+ 1833/1866
Post-Med? Post-Med? 1567/1699
c.1300 [cellar]+
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 31
LBSU 434517
Listed Grade II TQ92SW LBSU 434520
Listed Grade II TQ92SW LBSU 434522
Listed Grade II TQ92SW LBSU 434564
Listed Grade II NMR TQ92SW80 ESHER MES2288
building survey
769 TQ 92222065 18-23 Landgate House &
building survey Row& Shop
18 Century+ [fa�ade]
20 Century
1700/1832 +
19 Century
ESRO HBR1/1602, 2005 [cellar]
Brown 1993
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 106
LBSU 434567
Listed Grade II [1 & 2]
ESRO HBR1/1572, 2005 [20]
ESRO HBR1/1567, 2005 [21]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 108
Listed Grade II [15 to 24]
756 TQ 92192071 1-3 Landgate Square House 1540/1590 + NMR TQ92SW55
building survey c.1575/1625 + ESHER MES2246
TQ 92202071 c.1800 + ESRO HBR1/0953, 1986 [1 & 2]
20th Century NBR Index 45923
[fagade] NMR TQ92SW34
ESRO HBR1/0609, 1980 [3]
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 109
NBR Index 3429
LBSU 457550 [1]
LBSU 457551 [2]
LBSU 434579 [3]
Listed Grade II
710 TQ 921 203 14 Lion Street House & 1535/1585 + TQ92SW
[part of the George Inn & 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1576, 2005
Hotel] Hotel [fagade] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 49
building survey LBSU 434508
Listed Grade II
763 TQ 92152036 9 & 10 Market Street House [1] & 1575/1625 + TQ92SW
building survey Shop 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0634, 1981 TQ 92152035 P.P. Dickinson 1981b, 14
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 40
LBSU 434754 [9]
LBSU 434755 [10]
Listed Grade II
771 TQ 919 202 5 Mermaid Street House 16th Century TQ92SW
[site of] demolished 19th Century Martin & Martin 2009, no. 60 764 TQ 91942026 Jeakes' House Warehouse & 1689 NMR TQ92SW92
[Jeakes' Storehouse] School & ESHER MES2253
Mermaid Street House Page et al 1973a, 48
TQ 91942025 building survey ESRO HBR1/0942, 1985
NBR Index 45930
LBSU 434845
Listed Grade II
765 TQ 91942028 30 Mermaid Street House 1525/1575 + NMR TQ92SW58
building survey 18th Century + ESHER MES2251 c.1800 ESRO HBR1/0873, 1984
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 68
NBR Index 45928
LBSU 434849
Listed Grade II
779 TQ 91952027 Hartshorne House House & 1576 + NMR TQ92SW20
[The Old Hospital] Hospital c.1700 + ESHER MES2197
31 Mermaid Street 19th Century ESHER MES2252
building survey ESRO HBR1/0904, 1985
Martin & Martin 1987, 36-39
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 69
TQ 91952028 NBR Index 45929
LBSU 434850
Listed Grade 11•
766 TQ 91912038 Needles Cottage, House & 16th Century + TQ92SW
Needles Passage, Shop 18th Century Page et al 1973a, 46
The Mint LBSU 434876
Listed Grade II
767 TQ 92172061 18-20 Tower Street House 1600/1700 + NMR TQ92SW38
building survey 18th Century ESHER MES2221 ESRO HBR1/0703, 1981
NBR Index 3439
LBSU 434971 [19 & 20]
Listed Grade II
734 TQ 91922024 Oak House, House 1500/1650 + TQ92SW
Traders Passage 1725/1775 Page et al 1973a, 48
building survey ESRO HBR1/0840, 1983
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 102
LBSU 434974
Listed Grade II
770 TQ 92082023 4 Watchbell Street House 1556/1560 + NMR TQ92SW59
building survey later fa9ade ESHER MES2255 ESRO HBR1/0957, 1986
Martin & Martin 1987, 29-30
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 91
NBR Index 45932
LBSU 434986
Listed Grade II
890 TQ 92062022 7 Watchbell Street House 1690/1740 + NMR TQ92SW40
building survey 18th Century ESHER MES2223 ESRO HBR1/0719, 1981
Page et al 1973a, 48 NBR Index 3441
LBSU 434989 [6-9]
Listed Grade II [6 to 9]
813 TQ 92062022 9 Watchbell Street
building survey
ESRO HBR1/1574, 2005
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 92
LBSU 434989 [6-9]
Listed Grade II [6-9]
758 TQ 92032021 10 Watchbell Street House 1567/1599 TQ92SW
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 93
LBSU 434992
Listed Grade II
772 TQ 92032020 12 Watchbell Street House 1525/1575 + NMR TQ92SW60
building survey 18th Century ESHER MES2256 [fac;:ade] ESRO HBR1/0787, 1983
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 94
NBR Index 45933
LBSU 434995 [12 & 13]
Listed Grade II [11-13]
773 TQ 92012018 The Outlook, House c.1350 [cellar]+ NMR TQ92SW61
16 Watchbell Street 1550/1650 + ESHER MES2257
building survey 1830 ESRO HBR1/0841, 1984 [fac;:ade] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 95
NBR Index 45934
LBSU 435044 [15 & 16]
Listed Grade II
774 TQ 92042018 20A & 21 House 1525/1575 + NMR TQ92SW63
Watchbell Street 1550/1650 + ESHER MES2259
building survey 181hCentury Page et al 1973a, 48 [fac;:ade] ESRO HBR1/0812, 1983
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 98
NBR Index 45936
LBSU 435047
Listed Grade II [20 & 20A & 21]
775 TQ 92102021 29 Watchbell Street House 1525/1575 + NMR TQ92SW64
building survey 1575/1625 + ESHER MES2260
18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0893, 1984
[fa�ade] Martin & Martin 2009, no. 101
20 Century NBR Index 45937
LBSU 435050
Listed Grade II
811 TQ 92032033 Kingsland House, House 1575/1725+ NMR TQ92SW65
1 West Street 1700/1800+ ESHER MES2261
building survey 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0817, 1985 NBR Index 45938
Listed Grade II
TQ 92042030
Tower House,
3A West Street
1667/1732 +
ESRO HBR1/0711, 1981
LBSU 435056
TQ 92092031
20 Century
Listed Grade II
14 West Street
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0742, 1982
Martin & Martin 2009, no.
TQ 92022031
NBR Index 45941
LBSU 435091
Listed Grade II [14 & 14A]
LBSU 435054
TQ 92092031
14A West Street
building survey
18th Century ESRO HBR1/0743, 1982
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 55
NBR Index 45941
LBSU 435091
TQ 91852030
Wish House,
1ih Century+
Listed Grade II [14 & 14A]
Wish Ward
18th Century
LBSU 435097
Listed Grade II
TQ 92 21
MD find
Coin [1] silver
Elizabeth I
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
845 TR 05592557 south of Hope Farm Ridge+ Furrow Post Med? KHER TR02NE16
425 TR 06342811 Haffenden Farm,
House &
Pickney Bush Lane
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 43
Listed Grade II
TR 07072683
Well Cottage, St Mary's Road
House & Workhouse ?
19 Century
16th/1ih Century+ 19th Century+
20th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 43 Listed Grade II
aerial photo 1946 AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F4022; 21.9.46)
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Coin [1] silver
TR 04
MD find 03.2005
Coin [1] silver
TR 04
surface find
groat Mary I
Coin [1] copper
Teichman-Derville, 1939,154
TR 03
surface find
Charles I
Coin [1] copper
Teichman-Derville, 1939,154
Charles I
TR 03
surface find
Coin [1]
half groat
Teichman-Derville, 1939,154
TR 03
surface find
Commonwealth Coin [1]
half penny
Teichman-Derville, 1939,154
Charles II
TR 05
MD find 04.2005
Coin [1] silver
William Ill
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
sub-rectangular motif
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
letter B
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
letter RH
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
sub-rectangular motif
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
letter BC
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] copper alloy
TR 05
MD find 09.2006
Token [1] lead
818 TR 03
surface find
Token [1] copper
Teichman-Derville, 1939,154
Hans Krauwinkel
N uremburg
819 TR 03 26
surface find
Token [1] copper
Teichman-Derville, 1939, 154
W. Welland
Cock Inn
TR 03
surface find
Token [1] copper
Teichman-Derville, 1939, 154
Richard Baker
New Romney
TR 05
MD find 04.2005
Token [1] copper alloy
Thomas Sharnal
TR 04
MD find 06.2004
Token [1] copper alloy
Henry Carpenter
TR 04
Canterbury Pastry Cutter [1]
1ih Century
MD find
copper alloy
Kelly 1991, 349, fig. 3.7
TR 07
MD find 03.1993
Clasp [1]
TR 07
MD find 01.1999
bag clasp
Pin [1] silver ?
flat diamond-shaped head
TR 05 25 MD find 09.2006 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1600-1800 P.P. TR02NE
double loop PAS KENT-D36D92
956 TR 05 25 MD find 09.2006 Thimble [1] copper alloy 1600-1800 P.P. TR02NE
958 TR 04 26 MD find 09.2006 Belt [1] copper alloy 1600-1800 P.P. TR02NW
hanger PAS KENT-8AEF23
Salehurst (ESx)
TQ 75242539 Shepherd's Cottage & House [1] & 16th Century+ NMR TQ72NE45
2-3 Higham Cottages, Barn 1ih Century+ ESHER MES2360
Bourne Lane 17th/18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0030, 1969 [rev 1984]
building survey NBR Index 76840
TQ 75252537 1850/1899 + LBSU 412904
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 76022632 Bailey's Reed House 159h7 + TQ72NE
[Burstock's Place] 1i Century + ESHER MES2368
Bodiam Road 19th Century NMR TQ72NE41
building survey ESHER MES2382
ESRO HBR1/0006, 1968 [rev 1980]
Martin 1968, 37
NBR Index 76848
LBSU 412902
Listed Grade II
TQ 75222610 Boarsney Farm House & c.1h570/1630 + NMR TQ72NE24
[Boysney Manor] Farmhouse 1i Century + ESHER MES2380
TQ 75232611 Bodiam Road c.1th700 + ESRO HBR1/1150, 1991
building survey 18 Century + NBR Index 92675
post 1770 LBSU 412900
Listed Grade II
TQ 76082734 Great Wigsall, House 1641+ NMR TQ72NE15
Junction Road 18th Century + ESHER MES2306
TQ 76082733 building survey 1905 Johnston 1918, 32-37, pl.
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 601
Chambers & Long 1973, 217-218, 221-222
TQ 76082731 ESRO HBR1/0528, 1980
LBSU 413201
TQ 76072735 Lower Barn, Barn 16th
Listed Grade 11•
Century + TQ72NE
Great Wigsall, c.1th600 + ESHER MES2322
Junction Road 19 Century ESRO HBR1/0067, 1971
building survey NBR Index 1784
TQ 76072731 Great Wigsall, Building c.1700 + TQ72NE
Junction Road 18th Century + ESHER MES2323
building survey 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0529, 1981
TQ 75002314
Park Farm, Barn & 1ih
NBR Index 1784
Century + TQ72SE
Fair Lane Outbuilding 1700/1832 LBSU 412927
TQ 75042313 Park Farm, Barn 1ih
Listed Grade II
Century TQ72SE
Fair Lane ESHER MES2308
building survey ESRO HBR1/0090, 1972 [South Barn]
NBR Index 1771
LBSU 412926
TQ 750 243
Tithe Barn,
Rocks Hill
Martin 1969,
Listed Grade II
TQ 75462527
Haiselman's Farm building survey
1ih Century
ESRO HBR1/0057, 1971
NBR Index 1764
791 TQ 75812437 Moat Farm, House & 16th Century or TQ72SE
Rock Hills Farmhouse 1ih Century + ESHER MES2340
building survey 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0086, 1972 TQ 75822436 19th Century NBR Index 54568
LBSU 413358
TQ 75752438
Moat Farm,
16th Century +
Rock Hills
1ih Century +
building survey
19th century
ESRO HBR1/0087, 1972
NBR Index 54568 Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
TQ 760272
Tyle Croft/
Tile Kiln
1685 +
Brick Kiln Shaw
Beswick 1983, 47
Saltwood (K)
TR 14043520
Pedlinge Court Cottage,
1567/1632 +
20th Century
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
Listed Grade II
431 TR 14763663 Brockhill County
House &
1611 +
Secondary School
1833/1866 +
Newman & Pevsner 1969, 427
[Brockhill Park]
20th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
Sandling Road
Listed Grade II
Hythe Road, 19th Century + KHER TR13NW122
TR 16 37
MD find 08.2005
Dagger [1] copper alloy chape
Post Med
Sandhurst (K)
TQ 78942779
Cherry Tree Cottage,
17th Century ? +
Bodiam Road 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 [refaced] Listed Grade II
20th Century
433 TQ 78072803 Bourne Farm, House & 1567/1632 + KHER TQ72NE149
Bourne Lane Farmhouse 18th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
19th Century Listed Grade II
434 TQ 790 273 The Old Parsonage House & 1ih Century TQ72NE
Church Road
TQ 77272924
Nightingale Cottage
17th Century ? +
[Little Conghurst]
Conghurst Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
Listed Grade II
[The Mount] Vicarage KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
TQ 81042862
Hoad's Farm [Little Hoad]
House & Farmhouse
1ih Century +
[or earlier]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
TQ 81252704
Crouch Lane Ethnam,
18th Century
16th Century +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ82NW62
Ethnam Lane
[or earlier]
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87 Listed Grade II
TQ 80292657
Marsh Quarter Farm,
House &
1567/1632 +
Marsh Quarter Lane
1800/1832 +
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87 Listed Grade II
TQ 77932913
Rosemeadow Cottage,
1667/1732 +
Riseden Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Listed Grade II
TQ 80042835
South View &
House [1]
16th Century +
Tylers Cottage,
[or earlier]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Rye Road 20th Century Listed Grade II
440 TQ 80172831 Old Well House House & 1567/1599 + NMR TQ82NW59
[The Homestead] Inn 18th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Rye Road [refaced] Listed Grade II
photo survey 20th Century NBR Index 106755
442 TQ 81322802 Rosemullion House 16th Century + KHER TQ82NW46
[Lomas Cottage] 1800/1832 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Rye Road [front] Listed Grade II
443 TQ 81432799 April Cottage & House [2] 1ih Century + KHER TQ82NW54
Tile Cottage, 1800/1832 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
[1-3 Fernhurst 20th Century Listed Grade II Lane Cottages]
Rye Road
444 TQ 80692766 Boxhurst House & 1667/1732 + KHER TQ82NW50
[Boxhurst Farm] Farmhouse 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89
off Rye Road 20th Century Listed Grade II TQ 808 277 1-3 Boxhurst Cottages, House 1ih Century TQ82NW
Rye Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89
Listed Grade II [del.]
446 TQ 81502769 Glassocks, House
16th Century +
off Rye Road 1800/1832 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 [front] Listed Grade II
20th Century
TQ 82012780
House &
16th Century +
TQ 79322868
[Heronden Farm] Rye Road
The Malt House
House &
[or earlier] 20th Century
16th Century +
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
Sharp's Hill
[or earlier]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89
1800/1832 +
Listed Grade II
20th Century
TQ 79372860 Bayford House, House 1600/1632 + KHER TQ72NE50
Sharp's Hill 1800/1832 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 20th Century Listed Grade II
450 TQ 78892822 Silverden, House 1567/1599 + KHER TQ72NE110
Silverden Road 1867/1899 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
463 TQ 79602916 Alderden Manor, House 16th Century + NMR TQ72NE21 Sponden Road [or earlier] KHER TQ72NE124
TQ 79612915 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade 11•
451 TQ 78652965 Beeches Farm, House 1567/1632 + KHER TQ82NE154
Sponden Road 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 20th Century Listed Grade II
452 TQ 79312902 Honey Cottage, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ72NE119
Sponden Road [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 1800/1832 Listed Grade II
453 TQ 79332934 Little Sponden, House 1667/1732 + KHER TQ72NE145
TQ 81372694
Ethnam Farm, Ethnam Lane
House Platform & Earthwork
Post Med?
TQ 75802152
Lea Bank, Poppinghole Lane
16th Century + 1641
LBSU 413376
TQ 75902151
Barne's Farm, Popinghole Lane
House & Farmhouse
1ih Century
Listed Grade II
LBSU 413375
Sponden Road 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
794 TQ 77102106 Swales Green Farm, House & 16th Century + TQ72SE
Swales Green Farmhouse 1ih Century + ESHER MES2421
TQ 77092106 building survey 18th Century ESRO HBR1/0750, 1982 LBSU 414171
Listed Grade II
TQ 77252100 Little Swales Green Farm, House & c.1650 + TQ72SE
Swales Green Farmhouse 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1139, 1991 TQ 77242100 building survey NBR Index 1801
LBSU 414170
Listed Grade II
796 TQ 77232101 Little Swales Green Farm, Barn 16th/1ih Century TQ72SE
Swales Green ESRO HBR1/1140, 1991
building survey NBR Index 1801
456 TQ 77142040 Footland Farm, House & 1ih Century TQ72SE
Swales Green Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 414172 Listed Grade II
457 TQ 80021913 Brede Furnace, Iron Furnace & c.1574/1578 - 1766 TQ81NW
Powder Mill Farm [site of] ESHER MES2407
Pond Bay & Straker 1931, 341-344
[site of] Ray 1933, 247
Gunpowder Works 1766 - 1825 Cleere & Crossley 1985, 318, no. 177 [site of]
Sellindge (K)
458 TR 10443784 Somerfield Court, House 1667/1699 + KHER TR13NW110 Barrow Hill 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 45
part demolished 1970s Listed Grade II
459 TR 10683762 Stream Cottage & House [1] & 1ih Century + KHER TR13NW111 Grove Bridge Cottage, Row [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 45
Barrow Hill 19th Century Listed Grade II
Shadoxhurst (K)
TQ 97133763
Green Farm
House &
Post Med?
[The King's Arms]
Inn &
Listed Grade II
Church Lane Farmhouse
461 TQ 97173770 Woodgate House, House 1ih Century KHER TQ93NE19 Church Lane [or earlier] Listed Grade II
462 TQ 99153697 Manor Farm, Barn 1ih Century KHER TQ93NE33 Ham Street Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
Snargate (K)
464 TQ 97162600 Old Farm, Barn 1ih Century KHER TQ92NE125 Fairfield KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
Listed Grade II
TQ 99
south of church
built pre-1610
[site of]
ceased work ?
John Speed Map 1610
demolished ?
Finch 1933, 280
TQ 99
MD find 08.1999
Coin [1]
Charles I
TQ 99
MD find 08.1999
Coin [1]
William Ill
TQ 99
MD find 08.1999
Coin [1] silver
William Ill
TQ 99
MD find 01.1993
Stud [1]
shield shaped
enamelled decoration
TQ 97
MD find 07.2002
Finger Ring [1] silver gilt
posy ring
TQ 97
MD find 05.2005
Coin [1] copper alloy
Charles II
993 TQ 97 26 MD find 05.2005 Coin [1] copper alloy 1660-1685 P.P. TQ92NE
farthing PAS KENT-E0FD01
Charles II
994 TQ 97 26 MD find 05.2005 Thimble [1] copper alloy Post Med P.P. TQ92NE
TQ 97 26 MD find 05.2005 Thimble [1] copper alloy Post Med P.P. TQ92NE
996 TQ 97 26 MD find 03.2005 Thimble [1] Post Med P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-484106
997 TQ 97 26 MD find 03.2005 Thimble [1] copper alloy Post Med P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-483801
998 TQ 97 26 MD find 06.2005 Thimble [1] copper alloy Post Med P.P. TQ92NE
PAS KENT-481841
Stanford (K)
TR 126 371 Pound Cottages, House c.1540 TR13NW
Westenhanger [site of] demolished c.1909 Cheney 1910, 169-173, fig.
TR 12253720 Westenhanger Manor Barn & c.1579/96 NMR TR13NW69 dendro dating 1998 Stables KHER TR13NW96
dendro dating 2002 Martin & Martin 1998a
Howard et al 2002a KHBI: Shepway 1996, 47 ListedGrade I
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
TQ 91872838 Upper Stonehouse House 1ih Century KHER TQ92NW75
[or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 93502745 Catt's Farm, House & 1ih Century + KHER TQ92NW63 Catt Hill Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [refaced]
TQ 94202675 Huggitt Cottage, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ92NW52 Knock Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [facing]
TQ 94482653 Knock House, House 1ih Century? KHER TQ92NW76 Knock Road Listed Grade II
TQ 94502651 Knock House, Outbuilding & 1ih Century? KHER TQ92NW46 Knock Road Garage Listed Grade II
TQ 92142854 Stone House House & 16th Century + KHER TQ92NW71 [Cherry Farmhouse] Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II Lower Road 18th Century
TQ 92542831 Odiam Farm, House & 1ih Century + KHER TQ92NW50 Lower Road Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [facing]
TQ 94132733 Churchlands, House 1ih Century KHER TQ92NW36 The Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 93982766 Stone Green Farm, House & 1ih Century KHER TQ92NW77 The Street Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 93972784 The Cottage & House & 16th Century + KHER TQ92NW30 The Forge, Forge & [or earlier] Listed Grade II The Street Workhouse 1ih Century +
19th Century
TQ 94 26 Knockhill Beacon Beacon c.1570-1640 KHER TQ92NW5
Knock Farm [site of] White 1934, pl. facing 77
west of
Post Hole [3] &
Post Med
Reading Street
Timber, worked
Lane et al 2006
watching brief 2006
Lane et al 2007
TQ 94 28
MD find 01.1998
Tap Key [1]
barrel tap
Tenterden (K)
485 TQ 89463303 Belgar Farm, Barn Post Med? KHER TQ83SE81 Appledore Road Listed Grade II
486 TQ 90123310 Finchden Manor, Stable c.1670 KHER TQ93SW158 Appledore Road NBR Index 40562
TQ 90933256
Gibbet Oak Farm, Appledore Road
House & Farmhouse
th h
Listed Grade II
NBR Index 40563
TQ 89973241
Forstal Farm,
House &
Listed Grade II
TQ 90033245
Appledore Road
Haynes Farm,
House &
1ih Century
Listed Grade II
16 /1i Century+
16 Century
Appledore Road Farmhouse th
Listed Grade II
491 TQ 873 350 Corner Farm House & 17th Century ?+ NMR TQ83SE15
Farmhouse 20 Century KHER TQ83NE193
492 TQ 876 336 Little Dane Court, House 1ih Century+
NBR Index 40558 NMR TQ83SE44
TQ 88563356
1 Ashford Road [orthearlier] NMR TQ83SE56
Century KHER TQ93NE187 [sic] NBR Index 40554 Listed Grade II
493 TQ 88633508 lsleden, House 1667/1699 KHER TQ83NE143
Ashford Road, Listed Grade II
St Michaels
494 TQ 86953652 Bugglesden, House 1500/1632 KHER TQ83NE189
Bugglesden Road, Listed Grade II
TQ 87023634
St Michaels Haffenden Farm
House & 1ih Century NMR TQ83NE16
[Oldhouse Farm] Farmhouse KHER TQ83NE188
Bugglesden Road NBR Index 40564
496 TQ 88513345 3 East Cross House & 16th Century+
Listed Grade II NMR TQ83SE36
[Ancient Baro' PH] Public House 18 Century+ NMR TQ83SE41
[retfhacing] KHER TQ93SE224
19 Century NBR Index 40560
497 TQ 88 33 4 East Cross House 16th Century+
Listed Grade II
18 Century Listed Grade II
487 TQ 88553354 Yew Tree House, 15 & House
Miriam House, 17
16th Century ?+
East Cross RCHME Report 1987 [17]
building survey NBR Index 83028
Listed Grade 11•
498 TQ 87543509 Watersland, House 16th Century+ KHER TQ83SE136 Grange Road, [or earlier] Listed Grade II
St Michaels 18th Century+
20th Century
TQ 88443333 23-27 High Street House & 17th/18th Century+ KHER TQ83SE239
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
500 TQ 88253319 79-85 High Street House & 1667/1732 KHER TQ83SE125
Row Listed Grade II
501 TQ 88243317 87 & 89 High Street House 1667/1732 NMR TQ83SE49 KHER TQ83SE195
NBR Index 40577 Listed Grade II
TQ 88193316 105 & 107 High Street House 1ih/18Ih Century KHER TQ83SE203
Listed Grade II
TQ 885 335 8 High Street House & 16th/1ih Century+ NMR TQ83SE58
NBR Index 40567
TQ 885 335 12 High Street House & 1ih Century+ KHER TQ83SE43
Shop 18th Century+ NBR Index 40568 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88403335 28 High Street House & 1ih Century+ KHER TQ83SE145
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88383334 34 & 36 High Street House & 1ih Century+ NMR TQ83SE45
Shop 18th Century+ KHER TQ83SE205
20th Century NBR Index 40571
Listed Grade II
TQ 883533 32 44 High Street House & 17th/18th Century KHER TQ83SE133
Shop Listed Grade II
TQ 88323331 52-56 High Street House [1] & 1ih Century KHER TQ83SE233
Shop& Listed Grade II
TQ 88263328 74 High Street House & 1ih Century+ KHER TQ83SE232
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88923336 Hales Place, Barn 1ih Century KHER TQ83SE114 Oaks Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 87023375 Watermill House, House 1ih Century KHER TQ83SE253 Parkgate Road Listed Grade II
TQ 86993368 Brattle House House 1667/1699 KHER TQ83SE104
[1 & 3 Brattle Cottages] Listed Grade II
Parkgate Road
TQ 85803470 Parkgate Farm, House &
1ih Century+
Parkgate Road Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 87013267 Coldharbour Farm, House & 1ih Century NMR TQ83SE39 Plummers Lane Farmhouse NMR TQ83SE57
NBR Index 40557
TQ 91083381 The Dandy, House 16th
Preston Lane th
Listed Grade II
Century KHER TQ93SW151
Listed Grade II
TQ 90843357 Pigeon Hoo, House 16th Century + KHER TQ93SW132
Preston Lane 20 h Century Listed Grade II
TQ 91343209 Frenchay Farm, House & 1i
Reading Street Farmhouse h
Century + KHER TQ93SW119
Listed Grade II
TQ 92033079 Ramsden Farm, House & 1i
Reading Street Farmhouse h
Century KHER TQ93SW131
Listed Grade II
TQ 87043306 lsemonger, House 1i Century + KHER TQ83SE273
Rolvenden Road 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 87553302 Little Westwell, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ83SE103 Rolvenden Road 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88863313 Huson House & 1ih Century KHER TQ83SE154
[Huson Farm] Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 88883159
Sandy Lane Pickhill Farm,
House &
1ih Century
Smallhythe Road Farmhouse h
Listed Grade II
TQ 89453142 Ashenden, House 1i Century + NMR TQ83SE9
Smallhythe Road 1700/1732 + KHER TQ83SE279
1798 [front] Newman & Pevsner 1976, 531
TQ 89513161 Summerhill, House 1ih
Listed Grade II*
Century + KHER TQ93SE96
TQ 89533113 Smallhythe Road 1833/1866 Martin & Martin 1998b
building survey Listed Grade II [del. 03.2001]
TQ 893 301 Chapel House, House pre 1545/1546-1730 + TQ83SE
Smallhythe Road [site of] 1730-1910 Winnifrith 1980, 363-366, pl.
TQ 89373000 Smallhythe Place/ Barn & Post Med? + KHER TQ83SE260 Ellen Terry Memorial Theatre 1928/1929 Listed Grade II Museum,
TQ 87953299
Smallhythe Road
1ih Century +
Tile Cottage, Smallhythe Road
TQ 88733117 1 & 2 Honglands
19th Century Listed Grade II
House 1ih Century KHER TQ93SE277
Cottages, Listed Grade II
Smallhythe Road
TQ 89883485 lngleden, House 16th Century + NMR TQ83SE32
Swain Road 19th Century NMR TQ83SE50 [refacing] KHER TQ93SE162
NBR Index 40579 Listed Grade II
TQ 89923483 lngleden, Barn 16th/1ih Century KHER TQ83SE99 Swain Road Listed Grade II
TQ 87963308 The William Caxton Inn, Inn Post Med? + KHER TQ83SE158 11 West Cross 1800/1832 Listed Grade II
TQ 87943311 8 West Cross House 1ih Century KHER TQ83SE243 Listed Grade II
797 TQ 878 331 Westfield House, Coach House & 1ih Century + TQ83SE
18 West Cross Barn? 19th Century RCHME Report 1975
building survey
NBR Index 39723
TQ 88373405
Beacon Oak Field &
TQ 88753384
Beacon Oak Meadow
[site of]
Tenterden Tithe Map c.1840
White 1934, pl. facing 77
810 TQ 88853222 Brockton Barn,
Smallhythe Road
[formerly at
Egerton Road,
Gharing Heath]
TQ 92243036
west of
Post Holes &
Post Med
Reading Street
Wood, worked
Lane et al 2006
watching brief 2006
Lane et al 2007
TQ 87 36
MD find 04.2004
Coin [1] silver
half groat
Henry VIII
TQ 87 33
MD find 05.2005
Coin [1] gold
cut half angel
Elizabeth I
TQ 88 34
MD find 05.2005
Coin [1] silver
six pence
Charles I
Udimore (ESx)
TQ 88631956 Wick Farm, Barn 1ih Century + TQ81NE
Rye Road 19th Century + ESRO HBR1/0545, 1980
building survey 20th Century NBR Index 3453 LBSU 415055
Listed Grade II
534 TQ 86761898 The Vines, Barn 1667/1699+ TQ81NE
Rye Road c.1800+ ESHER MES2560
building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0846, 1984 NBR Index 45966
LBSU 415041
Listed Grade II
830 TQ 86481913 Pound House, House & 1ih Century+ TQ81NE
Rye Road Oasthouse 18th Century LBSU 415038 Listed Grade II
TQ 86471945 Billingham Farm, House & c.1600+ TQ81NE
Rye Road Farmhouse 1ih/18th Century+ ESHER MES2543
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0404, 1979
NBR Index 3444
TQ 86561953 LBSU 415039
Listed Grade II
TQ 87081888 Stocks Farm, House & 1ih Century+ TQ81NE
Rye Road Farmhouse 18th Century+ ESHER MES2551
building survey c.1782 ESRO HBR1/1004, 1986 TQ 87031887 NBR Index 3451
LBSU 415049
Listed Grade II
TQ 87041891 Stocks Farm, Barn 1ih Century TQ81NE
Rye Road ESHER MES2552
building survey ESRO HBR1/0543, 1980
NBR Index 3451
TQ 87531887 Tibbs Farm, House & 1600/1632+ TQ81NE
Rye Road Farmhouse 18th Century+ ESHER MES2553
TQ 87561889 building survey c.1750 ESRO HBR1/0322, 1978 NBR Index 3452
LBSU 415051
Listed Grade II
798 TQ 88481933 The Hammonds House & 16th/1ih Century+ TQ81NE
[Hammonds Farm] Farmhouse pre c.1750+ ESHER MES2558
TQ 88481934 Rye Road 1820/1838+ ESRO HBR1/0796, 1983
building survey 1838/1880+ NBR Index 45965 20th Century LBSU 415053
Listed Grade II*
799 TQ 88011831 Beauchamps House [Med ?] + NMR TQ81NE18
[Stredwick Cottages] 156h5/1615 + ESHER MES2562
Winchelsea Lane 1i Century + ESRO HBR1/1161, 1992
building survey 1705/55 + NBR Index 92677
[ret-hused timbers] LBSU 415059
18 Century + Listed Grade II
821 TQ 88761831 Road End Farm, House & 1550/1600 + TQ81NE
Winchelsea Lane Farmhouse post c.1730 + ESHER MES2549
TQ 88791831 building survey post 1945 ESRO HBR1/0659, 1981
NBR Index 3450
LBSU 415064
800 TQ 88781831 Road End, Barn 16th
Listed Grade II
Century TQ81NE
Winchelsea Lane ESHER MES2550
building survey ESRO HBR1/0544, 1980
th NBR Index 3450
801 TQ 88171809 Lower Float Farm Barn 16th Cetnh tury + TQ81NE
building survey 17 /18
Century ESHER MES2547
ESRO HBR1/0480, 1979
Martin & Martin 2006, 118-120
NBR Index 3448
918 TQ 88 18 MD find 04.2008 Coin [1] silver 1554-1558 P.P. TQ81NE
groat PAS SUSS-742F17
Philip & Mary North 1975/80, II, no.1973
919 TQ 88 18 MD find 04.2008 Coin [1] silver 1634-1649 P.P. TQ81NE
Charles I North 1975/80, 11, no.2271
920 TQ 90 19 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1700 P.P. TQ91NW
a-petalled PAS SUSS-9B13E3
flower design
921 TQ 88 18 MD find 04.2008 Buckle [1] copper alloy c.1620-1680 P.P. TQ81NE
Whitehead 2003, 83, no. 522
922 TQ 89 19 MD find 11.2007 Hair-dress Pin [1] silver c.1500-c.1700 P.P. TQ81NE
bodkin-type [broken] PAS SUSS-ADCF71
Warehorne (K)
TQ 96723444 Hatch Farm House & 16th Century + KHER TQ93SE41
Farmhouse 18th Century + Listed Grade II
TQ 97293512
TQ 97093447
Spot House Farm
Tucker's Farm
House & Farmhouse
House &
16th Century+ 20th Century
16th Century+
Listed Grade II KHER TQ93SE62
[or earlier] 1ih Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 98943256
The Woolpack Inn,
Church Road
Waugh 1994, 66 & 69
TQ 99373325
Burr Farm,
House &
[extension] 16th Century+
Listed Grade II KHER TQ93SE75
Ham Street Road
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 99933339
Spring Cottages,
House &
1ih Century+
1-4 Ham Street Road,
[or earlier]
Listed Grade II
Ham Street 18th Century
546 TR 00043340 Keepers Cottage & House 1ih Century KHER TR03SW65 1 & 2 Middle Platt , Listed Grade II
TQ 98063286
Stone Farm,
House &
16th Century+
Kenardington Road
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 99 32
east of church
built pre-1596
[site of]
ceased work?
Philip Symonson Map 1596
Finch 1933, 299
Westfield (ESx)
Ham Street Road Ham Street
802 TQ 82621722 Wayside Cottage, House 16th Century+ TQ81NW
[sic] Brede Lane 17th/18th Century+ ESHER MES2596
building survey 18th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0880, 1984 [rev 1985] TQ 80961526 19th/20th Century+ NBR Index 45982
1985 LBSU 415066
TQ 80941714
Rocks Farm, Cottage Lane
House & Farmhouse
1ih Century+ 18th Century+
TQ 80951712
building survey later ESRO HBR1/0878, NBR Index 45978
LBSU 415073
TQ 812 165
Listed Grade II
Cottage Lane
19th Century
LBSU 415072
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
TQ 80871629 Westbrook Farm, House & 1ih Century+ TQ81NW
Cottage Lane Farmhouse c.1700 ESHER MES2590
TQ 80861628 building survey ESRO HBR1/1117, 1990
NBR Index 3480
LBSU 415070
Listed Grade II
TQ 80891626 Westbrook Farm, Barn 1ih Century TQ81NW
Cottage Lane ESHER MES2591
building survey ESRO HBR1/0458, 1979
NBR Index 3480 Listed Grade II
TQ 81921872 Mashefoldes Farm House & 1580/1620 + TQ81NW
[sic] [Home Farm] Farmhouse 1680/1720 + ESHER MES2599
TQ 80031737 Cottage Lane 1850/1890 + ESRO HBR1/1073, 1989 [rev 1993]
building survey 20th Century NBR Index 82798
LBSU 415133
Listed Grade II
TQ 83211672 Doleham Farm, House & c.1600 + TQ81NW
Doleham Hill Farmhouse 17th/18th Century+ ESHER MES2578
TQ 83241677 building survey post c.1750 ESRO HBR1/0375,1973 NBR Index 3473
LBSU 415561
Listed Grade II
TQ 81711695 Crowham Manor, House 1600/1632 + TQ81NW
Main Road 19th Century LBSU 415575 Listed Grade II
TQ 81841598 Downoak Farm, House & 16th Century+ TQ81NW
Main Road Farmhouse c.1600 + ESHER MES2579
building survey 1800/1832 ESRO HBR1/0619, 1980 TQ 81841589 NBR Index 3474
LBSU 415570
Listed Grade II
TQ 81841594 north barn at Barn 1ih Century+ TQ81NW
Downoak Farm, 18th Century ESHER MES2580
Main Road ESRO HBR1/0548, 1980
building survey NBR Index 3474
TQ 81791576 south barn at Barn 1ih Century+ TQ81NW
Downoak Farm, 18th Century ESHER MES2581
Main Road [re-used timber] ESRO HBR1/0549, 1980
building survey NBR Index 3474
TQ 81761576 Downoak Farm, Cattle Shelter & 17th/18th Century TQ81NW
Main Road Hovel ESHER MES2582
building survey ESRO HBR1/0550, 1980
NBR Index 3474 Listed Grade II
TQ 81911603 Southings Manor House & 16th Century+ TQ81NW
[Southings] Farmhouse c.1600 + ESHER MES2588
TQ 81971604 Main Road c.1650 + ESRO HBR1/1083, 1989
building survey 1753 NBR Index 3479
LBSU 415572
Listed Grade II
TQ 81901609 Southings Farm, Barn 16th Century+ TQ81NW
Main Road 17th/18th Century ESHER MES2589
building survey ESRO HBR1/0547, 1980
NBR Index 3479
805 TQ 81251634 Mill House, House & 1ih Century+ TQ81NW
Mill Lane Farmhouse 18th Century+ ESHER MES2574
building survey 19th Century ? ESRO HBR1/0907, 1985 TQ 81251633 NBR Index 3437
LBSU 415576
Listed Grade II
806 TQ 81591509 Old Moor House, House 1ih Century+ TQ81NW
The Moor ESHER MES2593
TQ 81571509 building survey 19th/20th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0810, 1983 20th Century NBR Index 45979
LBSU 415578
Listed Grade II
TQ 81571506 The Derbies, House 1567/1599 + TQ81NW
The Moor 1ih Century LBSU 415584 Listed Grade II
561 TQ 80961508 Church Place Farm, Barn c.1600 + TQ81NW
Vicarage Lane c.1700 ESHER MES2576
building survey ESRO HBR1/0551, 1980
NBR Index 3471
807 TQ 81531502 The Cottage, House 16th Century ? + TQ81NW
The Moor c.1700 + ESHER MES2598
TQ 81541509 building survey c.1800 + ESRO HBR1/1010, 1987 part demolished NBR Index 77002
20th Century LBSU 415582
Listed Grade II
TQ 81561506
Old Beams, The Moor
c.1600 +
1ih Century +
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0788, 1982
TQ 81421721
Westfield Forge,
Forge &
NBR Index 45981
Pond Bay
- pre 1787
Straker 1931, 338-339
Kaner & Bell 1981, 9-10, fig.
Cleere & Crossley 1985, 365 no. 178
564 TQ 819 132 excavation 1978? Pottery Kiln
16th Century
Padgham 1999b, 10-15, fig. pl.
[kiln debris] ESHER MES2569
565 TQ 819 133 Great Ridge Farm Pottery Kiln & 16th Century P.P. NMRTQ81SW18 excavation 1977? Pottery [1583] ESHER MES2568
917 TQ 81 16 MD find 04.2008 Token [1] lead alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ81NW
letter B PAS SUSS-9BF5F8
Whatlington (ESx)
566 TQ 76042012 Morrells, House 1ih Century TQ72SE
Park Lane [or earlier] LBSU 415611 Listed Grade II
567 TQ 75842002 Rosewell & House [1] 1ih Century TQ72SE
Testers, [or earlier] LBSU 415613
Vinehall Road Listed Grade II
578 TQ 75742020 Vinehall Manor House & [Med] + TQ72SE
[Home Farm] Farmhouse c.1600 + ESxHER MES2615
TQ 75742021 Vinehall Road 1ih Century + ESRO HBR1/1037, 1988 building survey 18th Century NBR Index 77023
LBSU 415614
Listed Grade II
568 TQ 75782161 Lea Bank Barn 1ih Century + TQ72SE
building survey 20th Century ESxHER MES2611 ESRO HBR1/0542, 1980
NBR Index 3482
Wittersham (K)
569 TQ 90202850 Owley, House 1ih Century + KHERTQ92NW47 Acton Lane [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [front]
TQ 90202655
Budd's Farm,
House &
Budd's Lane
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 612
TQ 88562772
Yewtree Farm,
House &
1ih Century +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ82NE56
Moons Green Road
[or earlier]
Listed Grade II
18th Century
572 TQ 88432791 Rugden, Barn 1ih/18th Century KHER TQ82NE46 Moons Green Road Listed Grade II
TQ 88682868 The Quarter House, House 1ih Century KHER TQ82NE42 Peening Quarter [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 90042735 The Corner Stores, House & 17th Century ? + KHER TQ92NW56 6 Poplar Road Shop 18th Century + Listed Grade II
20 Century
575 TQ 89902750 Poplar, House 1ih Century KHER TQ82NE16 Poplar Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
576 TQ 91442728 Stocks Farm, House & 1ih Century + KHER TQ92NW66
Rye Road Farmhouse [or earlier] Wolseley 1936, 586-591
18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 91262731
The Stocks, Stocks Road
House & Workhouse
16th Century + [or earlier]
Listed Grade II
20th Century
TQ 89682696
King's Mill,
1ih Century
30 The Street
[or earlier]
Listed Grade II
TQ 89672696 Oxney House, House 1667/1732 KHER TQ82NE37
32 The Street Listed Grade II
TQ 89452743 Island Cottage, House 1ih Century KHER TQ82NE35 18 Swan Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 88712715 Finches, House 1ih Century KHER TQ82NE31 Swan Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 88952696 Wittersham Manor, Manor House 1540 + KHER TQ82NE33
Swan Street 1930s NBR Index 83722 Listed Grade II
924 TQ 89 27 MD find 04.2008 Brooch [1] copper alloy 1500-1800 P.P. TQ82NE
TQ 89 19
Fagg Farm
Thimble [1] silver
MD find 08.2007
PAS SUSS-161006
[gilded] circular PAS SUSS-CABAB1
Woodchurch (K)
TQ 94923310 Hornbrook, House 1ih Century KHER TQ93SW166 Appledore Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
809 TQ 94013470 Shirkoak Outbuilding pre-181h Century + KHER TQ93SW120 Bethersden Road 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 91983415 Cherry Gardens, House 16th Century ? + KHER TQ93SW111 Brook Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [refacing]
TQ 96343505 Beacon Farm, House & 16th Century + KHER TQ93NE61 Cold Blow Area Farmhouse 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 92493526 Dale Farm, House & 1600/1799 KHER TQ93NW76
Frogs Hole Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 94233456 43-49 Front Road House 1ih Century + KHER TQ93SW167
[or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [front]
TQ 94263492 Lilac Cottage, House 1677/1699 KHER TQ93SW169
2 Front Road Listed Grade II
TQ 94233488 Old School House, House 1ih Century + KHER TQ93SW170 12 Front Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
19th Century [refacing]
TQ 94233481 32 & 34 Front Road House & 1ih Century + KHER TQ93SW150
Coach House [or earlier] Listed Grade II
18th Century [front]
848 TQ 94233498 The Bonny Cravat Inn Inn c.1800 KHER TQ93SW135 Listed Grade II
TQ 942 350 1-3 Chapel Cottages, House post 1600 + NMR TQ93NW6 [sic]
TQ 944 350 The Green 1790/1810 KHER TQ93SW138
TQ 94343493 building survey RCHME Report 1978
NBR Index 39729
Listed Grade II [del. 1985]
TQ 94303491 5 The Green House
16th Century
[or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 93303615 Beales Farm, House & 16th Century ? + KHER TQ93NW29 Redbrook Street Farmhouse 1ih Century + Listed Grade II
18th Century [refacing]
596 TQ 964 351 Blakborne Beacon Beacon c.1570-1640 KHER TQ93NE8 Beacon Farm [site of] White 1934, pl. facing 77
595 TQ 95143567 Mound Post Med? KHER TQ93NE7
TQ 03 35 [sic]
MD find 05.2010
Buckle [1] copper alloy
TQ 93 35
TQ 95073568 [quarry spoil]
AD 1701 -1800 18th Century 1134
No. Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Date Location References
of Finds
Aldington (K)
TR 05443713 Bank Farm, House & 18thCentury KHER TR03NE176 Bank Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TR 054 371 Bank Farm, Stable TR03NE
Bank Road Listed Grade II
TR 07523620 Court Lodge Farm, Barn/Stable 1700/1732 + KHER TR03NE86 Church Lane 1800/1832 Listed Grade II
TR 07533641 Church HillCottage, House 1700/1732 + KHER TR03NE153 Church Lane 1767/1832 Listed Grade II
TR 07543715 Hogben Farm, Dairy 18thCentury KHER TR03NE114 Church Lane [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TR 07513635 St Martin'sCottage, House 1700/1732 KHER TR03NE87 Church Lane Listed Grade II
8 TR 07503677 Forehead Farm, House & c.1700 + KHER TR03NE144
Church Lane Farmhouse 1754 + Shandy Nov 1966, 62-63, pl.
20th century Listed Grade II
TR 07493633 Street Farm, House & 1734 KHER TR03NE127
Church Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] Shandy Nov 1966, 62-63 Listed Grade II
166 TR 05903695 1 &2Clap Hill House ?+ KHER TR03NE107
18thCentury Listed Grade II
TR 05863695 Clap Hill House & House 18thCentury + KHER TR03NE111 HaroldCottage, 20thCentury Listed Grade II Clap Hill
TR 06103627 Shepherd'sCottage & House 1767/1799 + KHER TR03NE183 Shepherd's House, 20thCentury Listed Grade II Forge Hill
TR 07343548 LittleCopperhurst, House
Knoll Hill Listed Grade II
TR 05693603 Barton Farm, House ?+ KHER TR03NE165
TR 07193601
Ruffyn's Hill Farm,
18thCentury +
Roman Road
Animal Shed
Listed Grade II
New Road Hill 18thCentury Listed Grade II [exterior]
TR 07163601
Ruffyn's Hill Farm,
18th Century
Roman Road
Listed Grade II
TR 07063427/
aerial photograph
Linear Earthwork &
TR 07443430/
AP (RAF 106G/UK1449 F4333; 1.5.46)
TR 07833435
AP (NMR TR0734/1; 1952)
Appledore (K)
TQ 95702925
Queens Arms,
House &
18th Century
TQ 95702925
2 Court Lodge Road
The Well House,
Public House
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 94993038
4 Court Lodge Road
Park Farm,
House &
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 95752921
The Heath
3 & 5 The Street
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE138
TQ 95712925
Vine House,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE133
TQ 95722926
9 The Street
Church House,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 95672935
11 The Street Swan Hotel,
Hotel &
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE132
27 The Street
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 131
TQ 95682938
Swan Hotel,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE139
TQ 95662938
27 The Street
31 & 33 The Street
House &
18th Century +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE142
19th Century
Listed Grade II
TR 95612961
Poplar Hall,
63 The Street
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 131
TQ 95642934
Forstall Hall,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE130
TQ 95632937
22 The Street Appletree Cottage,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE156
TQ 95612939
28 & 30 The Street Saxon House,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE155
TQ 95592947
34 The Street
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 95562947
50 The Street
Oxney House,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE149
TQ 95173136
52 The Street Park Hill,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
Woodchurch Road
Listed Grade II
34 TQ 95183139 Park Hill Cottage, Stable & 18th Century KHER TQ93SE30 Woodchurch Road House Listed Grade II
35 TQ 95063130 Munk's Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ93SE69 Woodchurch Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
16 TQ 95173037 The Union, Windmill & built 1794 KHER TQ93SE11
Appledore Heath Smock Mill ceased work ? Finch 1933,153-154, pl. facing 61, 145 (17) [remains of ] demolished 1908/1909 West 1979, 93-94
17 TQ 95283036 Mill Farm, Windmill & built 1791/1794 ? KHER TQ93SE10 Appledore Heath Post Mill moved to Appledore ? lgglesden 1900, II, 17
[formerly at Playden] [remains of] moved to Playden ? Finch 1933,153-154, pl. facing 61 TQ 953 304 moved to Appledore ? Hemming 1936, 113
ceased work 1899 ? West 1979, 93 demolished 1908/1909
Beckley (ESx)
36 TQ 86262448 Hobbs Farm, House & 18th Century + TQ82SE
Beckley Corner Lane Farmhouse 19th Century LBSU 292265
Listed Grade II
TQ 86612538 Little Bellhurst Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82NE
Beckley Corner Lane LBSU 292266
Listed Grade II
38 TQ 86752576 Little Bellhurst, House 18th Century TQ82NE
Beckley Corner Lane LBSU 292270
Listed Grade II
992 TQ 84302212 Tilebarn, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Beckley Furnace Road LBSU 292271
Listed Grade II
39 TQ 83692121 The Bird in Hand, House & 18th Century TQ82SW
Beckley Furnace Road, Inn LBSU 292272
Listed Grade II
40 TQ 84332372 Lime Court, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Church Lane LBSU 292277
Listed Grade II
1073 TQ 84822300 Stockherd(s) Farm House & 18th Century TQ82SW
TQ 84802299 [Stockhurst Farm] Farmhouse LBSU 292281 Horseshoe Lane Listed Grade II
42 TQ 85132299 Weavers Farm, House & 18th Century TQ82SE
Kings Bank Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] ESRO HBR1/1454, 2002
building survey LBSU 292289
Listed Grade II
43 TQ 85112301 Weavers Farm, Barn 18th Century TQ82SE
Kings Bank Lane ESRO HBR1/1455, 2002
building survey LBSU 292290
Listed Grade II
44 TQ 84052353 Bay Tree Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 292291
Listed Grade II
TQ 84842380 Pines Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
The Pines, LBSU 292295
Main Street Listed Grade II
41 TQ 85652408 Pine View, Workshop & 18th Century + NMR TQ82SE11 Main Street House c.1800 + ESHER MES3460
building survey [site of] pre 1815 + ESRO HBR1/0951, 1986
pre 1873 NBR Index 7613
demolished c.1985
46 TQ 85002387 Brick Kiln Cottage, House [2] 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292296
Listed Grade II
TQ 85012388 Fantails, House 1770/1810 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292297
Listed Grade II
48 TQ 85992415 The Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292302
Listed Grade II
TQ 84602368 Wheelwrights, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 292307
Listed Grade II
TQ 84632368 Forge Cottages, House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
1-3 Main Street LBSU 292308
Listed Grade II
TQ 84762372 The Westons, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 292311
Listed Grade II
1097 TQ 85012384 Barletts Cottages, House [1] 18th Century ? TQ82SE
1&2 Main Street LBSU 292313
Listed Grade II
TQ 85252396 Coombe Lodge House [1] ?+ TQ82SE
[The Firs] 18th Century LBSU 292315
Main Street [fa�ade] Listed Grade II TQ 85882405 Braeside, House 18 Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292317
Listed Grade II
TQ 86052414 Beckley Pottery, House & 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street Pottery Workshop LBSU 292319 Listed Grade II
664 TQ 84402085 Great Conster Farm, House & 18th Century TQ82SW
Moore's Lane Farmhouse ESHER MES3455
TQ 84512080 NBR Index 3208
LBSU 292321
Listed Grade II
TQ 86202414 Four Oaks Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Peasmarsh Road LBSU 292324
Listed Grade II
TQ 86172409 Oakhill House, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Peasmarsh Road LBSU 292325
Listed Grade II
TQ 86142412 Oakhill House, Stable 18th Century TQ82SE
Peasmarsh Road LBSU 292326
Listed Grade II
TQ 84542437 Holly Tree Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Stoddards Lane LBSU 292330
Listed Grade II
660 TQ 85302581 Great Knelle, House 18th Century TQ82NE
Whitbread Lane ESHER MES3442
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 413
TQ 85242571 NBR Index 1653
LBSU 292335
Listed Grade II
TQ 85392581 Great Knelle, Barn 18th Century TQ82NE
Whitbread Lane ESHER MES3442
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 413
building survey ESRO HBR1/0445, 1979
NBR Index 1653 Listed Grade II
588 TQ 84032346 Roadend Farm, Barn 18th Century TQ82SW
Clayhill ESHER MES3451
building survey ESRO HBR1/0539, 1980
NBR Index 1660
TQ 843 237 A268 Milepost 56 1762 TQ82SW
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972173, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
TQ 857 241 A268 Milepost 57 1762 TQ82SE
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9, fig. 8
Haselfoot 1978, 85
TQ 869 235 A268 Milepost 58 1762 TQ82SE
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972173, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
Benenden (K)
TQ 80093230 Stream Farm, House & 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW55 Coldharbour Road Farmhouse 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 80083233 Stream Farm, Oasthouse [2] & 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SW56 Coldharbour Road Granary/Barn KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Listed Grade II
TQ 81663447 1-3 Goddard's Green House 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW152
Cottages, [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5 Goddard's Green 1800/1832 Listed Grade II
TQ 81993460 Old Eaton Oast, Oasthouse [1] & 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW95
Goddard's Green Barn & 1800/1832+ KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5 House 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 82753431 Pympe Manor, Barn 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW113
Goddards Green 1920s KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5 Listed Grade II
TQ 84733395 Mount Pleasant Farm House & 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SW97
[Beacon Farm] Farmhouse KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6 Halden Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 84733399 Mount Pleasant Farm Barn 18th Century KHER TQ83SW123
[Beacon Farm] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Halden Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 84753398 Mount Pleasant Farm Oasthouse 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SW134
[Beacon Farm] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Halden Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 84753397 Mount Pleasant Farm Stable 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SW146
[Beacon Farm] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Halden Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 83923428 Plummers Barn, Barn 18th Century? KHER TQ83SW147
Halden Lane KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80583214 Frame Farm, House & 1733/1766 + KHER TQ83SW91
Iden Green Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6 Listed Grade II
TQ 80583214 Frame Farm, Barn 18th Century KHER TQ83SW127
Iden Green KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80873214
18th Century +
[Iden Park]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Iden Green
Listed Grade II
TQ 80373170
Oak Cottage,
Iden Green
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
TQ 80803228
The Cottage &
House &
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW89
The Stores,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Iden Green
Listed Grade II
TQ 80193138
Mill Street,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
TQ 802 314
Iden Green Weavers Cottage,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW120
Mill Street,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
TQ 80303164
Iden Green
Yew Tree Farm,
House &
18th Century +
Listed Grade II
Mill Street, Iden Green
[or earlier] 19th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7 Listed Grade II
TQ 82423224
1 & 2 Beacon Hall
Farm Cottages,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Rolvenden Road Listed Grade II
TQ 81483263 West Pullington, Barn 1733/1766 + KHER TQ83SW150
Rolvenden Road, 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7 1900/1932 Listed Grade II
TQ 82143245 Beacon Mill Cottage, House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SW57
Rolvenden Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
Listed Grade II
TQ 82123240 Beacon Mill Windmill & built 1790/1810 NMR TQ83SW16
Smock Mill ceased work c.1921 KHER TQ83SW92
repaired? Finch 1933, 143, 160, pl. facing 68
Brown 1989, 106
Haselfoot 1978, 23
Turpin & Turpin 1979, 5, no. 1
West 1979, 25-27, pl. 2, 3
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 154
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
NBR Index 2457 Listed Grade II
TQ 82623220 Whitegates, House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SW74
Rolvenden Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
Listed Grade II
TQ 80733095
3& 4 Standen Street
1700/1732 +
[Standen Farm Cottages]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Listed Grade II
TQ 80563114
Tile Farm,
Standen Street
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
TQ 81103034
18th Century ? +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW148
Standen Street
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Listed Grade II
TQ 83753395
18th Century
Stepneyford Lane
[or earlier]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
TQ 83263316
Green Lane Farm,
18th Century +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW73
Stepneyford Lane
[or earlier]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
19th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 83513318
18th Century
Stepneyford Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
TQ 83483319
Oasthouse [2]&
18th Century +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW114
Stepneyford Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Listed Grade II
TQ 83123380
Mount Le Hoe,
18th Century
Stepneyford Lane
Prisoner of War Camp
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Listed Grade II
TQ 80793270
Church Cottages,
18th Century +
The Green
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80683301
2-4 Laurel Cottages,
The Street
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Listed Grade II
TQ 807 330
Ashlawn Cottage&
18th Century
Shirley Cottage,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
The Street
TQ 807 330
General Stores&
18th Century
former Lloyds Bank,
Bank (Financial)
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
The Street
TQ 80793298
Cleveland Cottage
1733/1766 +
[Pilgrims Cottage]
19th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
The Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 80793294
1767/1799 +
Mersham Cottage&
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
The Beauty Box,
Listed Grade II
The Street
TQ 80973288
Kingsford Cottages,
1767/1799 +
3-5 The Street
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
TQ 80973289
rear of
18th Century +
Listed Grade II
Kingsford Cottages,
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
3-5 The Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 80653300
Laurel House,
The Street
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
Listed Grade II
104 TQ 80743295 Dunroamin& House& 1767/1799 + KHER TQ83SW103
Weald Property Shop& 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
Management& Row Listed Grade II
TQ 81483330
Little Walkhurst, Walkhurst Road
1767/1799 +
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
TQ 80053403
Hemsted Brickworks
[remains of]
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW28
Lebon 1972, 238
TQ 84293790
Randolph's Farm,
18th Century
TQ 85013621
Worsenden Lane
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83NE159
TQ 85553615
Gribble Bridge Lane
New House Farm,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 84043663
Craddocks Lane
Bargate Farm,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 83943663
Cranbrook Road
Crosswell Farm,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83NW89
TQ 83653656
Cranbrook Road
Fasten Green Cottage,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 83573662
Cranbrook Road Park Farm,
Cranbrook Road,
House& Farmhouse
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83NW62
Listed Grade II
TQ 85343788
Fasten Green Dashmonden, Tenterden Road
18th Century + 19th Century
Listed Grade II
Oakdene& Maple Cottage& Forge Cottage, [Barrack Row] The Street
TQ 81883658 Chittenden Wood Earthwork & 18th Century? KHER TQ83NW13
Rabbit Warren? Aldridge 2006
Bilsington (K)
TR 04623640 The Bourne Tap, Beer House & 1780/1820 + KHER TR03NW73
Bourne Road House 19th Century + Waugh 1994, 86, pl. opp. 80
20th Century Listed Grade II
TR 04013451 StAmand & House 18th Century KHER TR03SW86 4 Cross Cottages, Listed Grade II
The Cross
TR 03983450 The Cottage, House 1700/1732 KHER TR03SW59
The Cross Listed Grade II
TR 03993447 The White Horse Inn, Public House 1767/1799 + KHER TR03SW66 The Cross 1833/1866 Listed Grade II
TR 04293294 Pear Tree Farm, Granary 18th Century KHER TR03SW52 Newchurch Road Listed Grade II
Bodiam (ESx)
676 TQ 77712550 New House, House & 1725 + TQ72NE
Salehurst Road Farmhouse modern ESRO HBR1/0231, 1976
building survey Martin & Martin 1987, 117-120
LBSU 292340
Listed Grade II
TQ 77672551 New House, Oasthouse [3] & 18th Century + TQ72NE
Salehurst Road Barn 19th Century LBSU 292341 Listed Grade II
TQ 78252632 Woodbine, House 18th Century TQ72NE
Sandhurst Road LBSU 292345
Listed Grade II
TQ 78272647 1-3 Kitchenham House [1] 18th Century + TQ72NE
Cottages, 19th Century LBSU 292347
Sandhurst Road Listed Grade II
TQ 78362661 Kitchenham Farm, House & 18th Century TQ72NE
Sandhurst Road Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 292349 Listed Grade II
TQ 77402616 The Elms Oasthouse & 1733/1799 + NMR TQ72NE40
Barn 19th Century ESHER MES3499 Jones 1984a, 63-64, fig.
Bodiam/Ewhurst (ESx)
TQ 783 253 Bodiam Bridge,
River Rother
Bonnington (K)
TR 05123588 Thatched Cottage
TR 05163556 The Old Oak
[The Royal Oak]
House Inn
18th Century ? + 1867/1899 +
20th Century 1733/1766 +
19th Century
Jervoise 1930, 47, fig. 20
Johnston 1953, 164
J(ohnston) 1954/57, 280
Aldridge & Clarke 2001, 16-21
Aldridge & Clarke 2001, 16-21
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
Brede (ESx)
TQ 82902046 1 & 2 Kicker Cottages,
Beckley Road
TQ 83652115 Furnace House,
Beckley Road
TQ 80631828 Brook Lodge Farm,
Brede Lane
690 TQ 80571832 Brook Lodge Farm,
Brede Lane
TQ 82561826 Hillside Cottage,
Brede Village
TQ 82591827 The Red Lion,
Brede Village
TQ 82571831 Clare Cottage,
Brede Village
House [1]
Barn [2]
House & Farmhouse
Barn House
Public House
Toll House & House
18th Century 18th Century 18th Century
18th Century + pre 1846 + 1960s
18th Century
18th Century + [or earlier] 19th Century 18th Century
LBSU 292352
Listed Grade II TQ82SW LBSU 292353
Listed Grade II TQ81NW LBSU 292355
Listed Grade II
ESRO HBR1/1514, 2003
LBSU 292358
Listed Grade II TQ81NW LBSU 292362
Listed Grade II
Hoare & Upton 1972, 9
LBSU 292363
Listed Grade II
829 TQ 82571836 Jasmine Cottage & House [1] c.1740 + TQ81NW
Wayside 18th Century + ESHER MES3526 [Jasmine]
TQ 82561837 Brede Village 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0906, 1985 [Jasmine] building survey NBR Index 7618
LBSU 292365
Listed Grade II
983 TQ 84291940 Box Cottage, House c.1720 + TQ81NW
Broad Oak 20th Century ESHER MES3523
TQ 84301936 building survey ESRO HBR1/0932, 1985
NBR Index 7616
LBSU 292379
Listed Grade II
TQ 82731987 Little Burntis, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Broad Oak LBSU 292368
Listed Grade II
TQ 83021982 Fairacres & House [1] 18th Century TQ81NW
Fairacres Cottage, [or earlier] LBSU 292370
Broad Oak Listed Grade II
TQ 83541945 Gillywood Cottage, House 18th Century + TQ81NW
Broad Oak 20th Century LBSU 292373 Listed Grade II
TQ 84101942 Wisteria Cottage, House 18th Century + TQ81NW
Broad Oak 19th Century + LBSU 292377
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 82251862 Lion Cottage, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Cackle Street [or earlier] LBSU 292381 Listed Grade II
TQ 82291876 Colpepper Cottage, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Cackle Street LBSU 292384
Listed Grade II
TQ 82421889 Brede Cottage, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Cackle Street LBSU 292386
Listed Grade II
TQ 82551936 Kingswoodland, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Cackle Street LBSU 292387
Listed Grade II
TQ 81452021 Primrose Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Chitcombe Road LBSU 292396
Listed Grade II
TQ 81012004 Holly Tree Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
April Cottage, LBSU 292390
Frylands Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 81991873 York Cottage, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Pottery Lane LBSU 292394
Listed Grade II
984 TQ 82551839 Marley Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ81NW
October Cottage, ESRO HBR1/1266 [Marley]
Stubb Lane LBSU 292398
building survey Listed Grade II
TQ 82591839 Marley, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Stubb Lane LBSU 292399
Listed Grade II
TQ 82661838 Hermitage Cottage, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Stubb Lane LBSU 292400
Listed Grade II
TQ 83351825 Hare Farm, Barn 18th Century TQ81NW
Stubb Lane [or earlier] LBSU 292405 Listed Grade II
985 TQ 86001922 The Kings Head, Inn & 18th Century + TQ81NE
Udimore Road House 19th Century ESHER MES3531
building survey ESRO HBR1/1123, 1991
NBR Index 87240
986 TQ 82 18 Windmill & built? TQ81NW
Post Mill moved? Hemming 1936, 109
[site of] ceased work?
Brenzett (K)
TR 01412737 Brenzett Place House & 1767/1832 KHER TR02NW56
Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 4
Listed Grade II
TR 01302733 Brenzett Place Barn 1791 KHER TR02NW64
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 4 Listed Grade II
TR 009 267 Blue House Farm, House & 18th Century KHERTR02NW83 A259 Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 4
Listed Grade II
TR 01232943 Walnut Tree Farm, House & 1767/99 + KHER TR02NW51 [Walnut Tree House] Farmhouse [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
A2070 20th Century Listed Grade II
TR 00202730 Weston Cottage & House & 1767/1832 + KHER TR02NW74 Weston House Row 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
82080 Listed Grade II
TR 00622775
1-3 George Street
House &
TR 00272722
Harriet Cottage,
House &
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5 Listed Grade II
King Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
Listed Grade II
TR 01843140 Gribble House, House 18th Century+ KHER TR03SW33 Wey Street, 19th Century+ KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
Snave 20th Century Listed Grade II
TR 01703132 Wey Streete Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TR03SW93 Wey Street, Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5 Snave
TR 001 274 Windmill & built 1776 KHER TR02NW24
Post Mill ceased work 1924 Finch 1933, 174, pl. facing 97
[site of] demolished 1925 NBR Index 2474
Brookland (K)
TQ 97062541 Dean Court House 1733/1799 KHER TQ92NE118
KHBI: Shepway1996, 5 Listed Grade II
TQ 986 257 The Homestead, House 18th Century TQ92NE
Boarmans Lane KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
TQ 99182578 Boxted Lodge, House 1767/1832 KHER TQ92NE119
Boarmans Lane KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 99152580 Boxted Lodge, Garden Wall & 1767/1832 KHER TQ92NE103 Boarmans Lane Gate KHER TQ92NE108
TQ 99152578 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
TQ 988 257
The Wool House
18th Century
[Walland House]
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
Boarmans Lane
TQ 99002588
Brookland House,
18th Century ? +
High Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
TQ 99022589
Pear Tree House,
18 Century+
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE91
High Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 991 260
Surgery House,
18th Century
High Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 98902578
The Royal Oak
House &
181hCentury +
[The Yew & Ewe]
[or earlier]
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
High Street
1800/1832] +
Listed Grade II
TQ 98972584
Brookland Antiques &
House &
18th Century +
S. Coleman & Sons,
[or earlier]
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
High Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 98982585
Old School House,
High Street
1767/1799 +
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
Listed Grade II
20 Century
988 TQ 99082591 Mulberry House, House ?+ KHER TQ92NE109 High Street 18th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
[fagade] Listed Grade II
TQ 99482638 Misleham, House 1767/1832 + KHER TQ92NE114
Old House Lane 1833/1899 + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 98452553 Hamilton Farmhouse & House & 1767/1832 KHER TQ92NE99
1 & 2 Hamilton Farm Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7 Cottages Listed Grade II
[Poplar Farmhouse] Rye Road
TQ 992 260 The Filberts House
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
TQ 97 25 MD find 10.2002 Coin [1I gold 1750 P.P. TQ92NE
George II PAS KENT-5258
TQ 97 25 MD find 06.2002 Coin [1] silver 1760-1820 P.P. TQ92NE
sixpence PAS KENT-4607
George Ill
TQ 97 25 MD find 06.2002 Coin [1] silver 1761 P.P. TQ92NE
'Zeelandia' PAS KENT-4610
TQ 97 25 MD find 06.2002 Buckle [1] copper alloy 1720-1799 P.P. TQ92NE
hat PAS KENT-4612
1128 TQ 96 24 Brookland Jews Harp [1] 1701-1800 P.P. TQ92SE
MD find 08.2004 copper alloy PAS KENT-E038F6
TQ 97 25 MD find 01.2003 Thimble [1] steel/silver 1750-1800 P.P. TQ92NE
Burmarsh (K)
TR 079 313 Newbarn, House 18th Century KHER TR03SE137
Eastbridge Road
TR 10123198 Rothschild Farm, House &
18th Century +
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7 KHER TR13SW53
Thorndike Road Farmhouse 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7 Listed Grade II
TR 09 31 Forty Acre Cottage Stopper [1] glass 1700-1899 P.P. TR03SE
surface find 08.2000 sub-oval PAS KENT-3597
TR 09 31 Burmarsh Coin [1] 1772 P.P. TR03SE
MD find 11.2002 Spanish PAS KENT-4914
TR 09 31 Burmarsh Pipe Tamper [1] 1700-1800 P.P. TR03SE
MD find 11.2002 copper alloy PAS KENT-4917
Camber (ESx)
TQ 95861939 Camber Farm, House 18th Century TQ91NE
Farm Lane [and earlier] LBSU 40807 Listed Grade II
641 TR 009 187 Jury's Gap Road Duck Decoy & 18th Century TR01NW
House Robinson 2004a, 21-24
[site of] Robinson 2004b, 13-15
541 TQ 94921974 Sheepfold 954 TQ 99351805 near Jury's Gap Sheepfold 1111 TQ 99342007 Walland Marsh Sheepfold
1112 TQ 98741981 Broomhill Level Sheepfold
Cranbrook (K)
TQ 806 366 Saddlehurst Farm House 18th Century TQ83NW
[Chequertree] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 34
Tenterden Road, Sissinghurst
TQ 806 366 Saddlehurst Farm Barn
18th Century
[Chequertree] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 34
Tenterden Road, Sissinghurst
Dymchurch (K)
TR 1008292
Little Cottage, 21&
The Cottage, 23&
KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
Dormers Restaurant,
Listed Grade II
25& 27 HighStreet
186 TR 101 293 49-55 HighStreet House
187 TR 103 296 Morcote, House
18th Century 18th Century
KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
HighStreet KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
188 TR 10372974 TheShip Inn, Inn 1700/1732 + KHER TR12NW42
HighStreet 20th Century KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8 Listed Grade II
189 TR 10552997 30& 32 Hythe Road House& 1767/1832 KHER TR12NW32
Row KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
Listed Grade II
190 TR 10332982 Slodden Farm, House& 1744 + KHER TR12NW31
Hythe Road Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8 Listed Grade II
191 TR 10002923 Old Tree Cottage, House 18th Century + KHER TR12NW35
22 Mill Road 20th Century KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8 Listed Grade II
989 TR 09982924 DrSyn's Restaurant, House& ?+ KHER TR02NE70
Mill Road Restaurant 1767/1799 + KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
TR 09932927 Dunkirk End& House& 1736 + KHER TR02NE86
Herring Hang Smoke House 19th Century KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
Mill Road Listed Grade II
TR 09922927 Bridge Cottage& House& 1767/1799 KHER TR02NE91 Middle Cottage, Row KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
Mill Road Listed Grade II
TR 100 292 7-17 Mill Road House 18th Century TR12NW
KHBI:Shepway 1996, 8
990 TR 09542918 West End Villa House ?+ KHER TR02NE88
[Khandala] 1733/1799 + KHBI:Shepway 1996, 9
42St Mary's Road 19th Century Listed Grade II 991 TR 10402955 4& Tudor Cottage, House ?+ KHER TR12NW38
5Sea Wall 18th Century+ KHBI:Shepway 1996, 9 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
East Guldeford (ESx)
TQ 95862275 Pear Tree Cottage, House 18th Century + TQ92SE
Guldeford Lane Corner, 20th Century East Guldeford Tithe Map 1839
Folkestone Road LBSU 416237
Listed Grade II
TQ 95092318 Offen's Farm, House & 18th Century + TQ92SE
[North Farm] Farmhouse 19th Century LBSU 409119
Folkestone Road Listed Grade II
TQ 94272104 Moneypenny House, House 18th Century + TQ92SW
Camber Road 19th Century LBSU 409113 Listed Grade II
TQ 93512152 Church Farm, House & 18th Century TQ92SW
Folkestone Road Farmhouse LBSU 409116
Listed Grade II
TQ 95732303 Lamb Farm, House & 18th Century TQ92SE
Folkestone Road Farmhouse LBSU 409120
Listed Grade II
Ewhurst (ESx)
TQ 78132242 Kent Cottage & House 18th Century TQ72SE
The Old Bakery & LBSU 409147
The Polhills, Listed Grade II
Bodiam Road, Staplecross
TQ 78132247 Brewery House, Oasthouse & 1767/1832 TQ72SE
Bodiam Road Outbuilding LBSU 409149
Staplecross Listed Grade II
TQ 78222291 Wrens Cottage, House 18th Century TQ72SE
Bodiam Road, [or earlier] LBSU 409154
Staplecross Listed Grade II
993 TQ 78052384 Madamses Farm, House & 1700/1750 + NMR TQ72SE14
Bodiam Road Farmhouse 19th Century + ESHER MES3856
building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/1154, 1992 TQ 78092380 NBR Index 92671
LBSU 409156
994 TQ 78362484 Ockham House,
House &
Bodiam Road
Jones 1977c, 16-21, fig.
Martin & Martin 1977b, 21-22, fig.
LBSU 409160
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
TQ 77962110
Bre Cottage,
1767/1799 +
TQ 78102194
Cripps Corner
The Grange,
LBSU 415908
Listed Grade II
Cripps Corner Road
LBSU 409461
Listed Grade II
TQ 79512460 Old School House, House & 18th Century + TQ72SE
[The Village School] School 20th Century LBSU 409425
Ewhurst Green Listed Grade II
TQ 79452459 Chapel Cottage & House & 18th Century + TQ72SE
Old Chapel, Chapel 19th Century LBSU 409426
Ewhurst Green Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 150
TQ 79422456 Court Lodge House
18th Century
[Ewhurst Place] part demolished LBSU 409427
Ewhurst Green Listed Grade II
see Medieval 185
TQ 79362448 Rectory Cottage, House 18th Century TQ72SE
Ewhurst Green [or earlier] LBSU 409431 Listed Grade II
TQ 80002329 Martinshaw Cottage & House [1] 18th Century + TQ82SW
Lordine Cottage, 20th Century LBSU 409438
Lordine Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 78262246 Marigolds, House 18th Century TQ72SE
Northiam Road, LBSU 409442
Staplecross Listed Grade II
TQ 78312247 1 & 2 Bowling House [1] 18th Century TQ72SE
Alley Cottages, LBSU 409443
Northiam Road, Listed Grade II
TQ 78672250 Brabans Cottage & House [1]
18th Century +
Brabans, [or earlier] LBSU 409445
Northiam Road, 20th Century Listed Grade II Staplecross
995 TQ 79312260 Old Oak Cottage, House 1706 TQ72SE
Northiam Road ESHER MES3836
building survey ESRO HBR1/0596, 1980
Martin & Martin 1987, 103-104
NBR Index 3312
LBSU 409447
Listed Grade II
TQ 80172269 Lordine Court, House 1767/1799 TQ82SW
Northiam Road LBSU 409451
Listed Grade II
1113 TQ 81222201 Marchants House 18th Century + TQ82SW
[Old House] [or earlier] LBSU 409454
Northiam Road 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 81252201 Benedict House & Granary & 18th Century + TQ82SW
Benedict Oast, Oasthouse [2] & 1800/1866 + LBSU 409455
Staplecross Road Hotel & 20th Century Listed Grade II House
TQ 78122239 Stratfield Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ72SE
Manor Cottage, [or earlier] LBSU 409458
Sedlescombe Road Listed Grade II
TQ 78062147 Beaconsfield House, House
18th Century
Sedlescombe Road LBSU 409463
Listed Grade II
TQ 79012426 1 & 2 Snagshall, House [1] 18th Century TQ72SE
Ewhurst Green LBSU 409465
Listed Grade II
TQ 78952422 The Clock House, House 18th Century TQ72SE
Snagshall [or earlier] LBSU 409466 Listed Grade II
1114 TQ 80562274 Spanyards, House & 1751/1774 + TQ82SW
Spaniards Lane Farmhouse 19th Century + ESHER MES3854
building survey 20th Century ESHER MES3855 ESRO HBR1/1096, 1990
NBR Index 84698
LBSU 409547
Listed Grade II
1125 TQ 78382530/ south of Flood Defence & TQ72NE
TQ 78642531 River Rother Earthwork ESHER MES15502
James & Whittick 2008
Fairlight (ESx)
996 TQ 87821281 Marsham Farm House & 18th Century + TQ81SE
[Masham Farm] Farmhouse 19th Century + ESHER MES3914
Fairlight Road 20th Century ESRO HBR1/1021, 1987 TQ 87821280 building survey NBR Index 77009
LBSU 409557
Listed Grade II
TQ 87821296 Marsham Farm, Barn & 1767/1799 TQ81SE
Fairlight Road Threshing Barn LBSU 409558
Listed Grade II
TQ 85321286 Hole Farm, House & 1763 + TQ81SE
Friar's Hill Farmhouse c.1800 ESHER MES3915
building survey ESRO HBR1/0986, 1986
TQ 85311286 NBR Index 82756
LBSU 409559
Listed Grade II
TQ 87441292 Little Stonelynk, House 18th Century TQ81SE
Rosemary Lane LBSU 409564
Listed Grade II
Folkestone (K)
TR 19603695 The Firs, Barn [1+] 18th Century KHER TR13NE98
TR 193 369 High Street, [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 14 Cheriton Listed Grade II
TR 19803506 Rodney Cottage & House 18th Century + KHER TR13NE117 Bower Cottage, 1833/1866 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
Prospect Road, Listed Grade II
TR 19803507 West Lawn Cottage House &
18th Century ?
[Old Rose Tavern] Public House KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
Prospect Road, Listed Grade II
TR 19803504 West Wedge & House
18th Century ? +
West House & 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
West Lawn & Listed Grade II
Spanish House & The Wedge, Sandgate Esplanade
Guestling (ESx)
TQ 85191717
Lower Snailham Farm,
House &
18th Century
off Broad Street
LBSU 409568
lcklesham Listed Grade II
TQ 85151718 Lower Snailham Farm Barn 18th Century TQ81NE
building survey ESHER MES3948
ESRO HBR1/0461, 1979
NBR Index 3327
TQ 85221382
The Rest &
House [1]
18th Century
The Thatch,
[or earlier]
LBSU 409583
Chapel Lane
Listed Grade II
TQ 85401365
Honeysuckle Cottage
18th Century
[Swiss Cottage]
LBSU 409588
TQ 85511358
Chapel Lane Magnolia Cottage &
House [3]
18th Century
Listed Grade II
The Stream,
LBSU 409591
Chapel Lane
Listed Grade II
TQ 85211438
Kennel Cottage,
18th Century
Church Lane
[or earlier]
LBSU 409594
Listed Grade II
TQ 85951373
Shelleys Cottage,
18th Century
Church Lane
LBSU 409600
Listed Grade II
TQ 85731334
Hope Cottage &
House [1]
18th Century
Chantry Cottage &
ESRO HBR1/1017, 1987
Avalon Cottage,
LBSU 409602
Friars Hill
Listed Grade II
building survey
TQ 85121582 1- 3 Rye Road House [1]
Hawkhurst (K)
18th Century
LBSU 409786
Listed Grade II
TQ 77692972 Charlwood, House 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE126
TQ 77682971
2-4 Hunters Cottages,
House &
18th Century +
Conghurst Lane
1833/1866 +
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48 Listed Grade II
TQ 75722931
Collingwood House
House &
1733/1766 +
[Bedgebury Lower School]
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 316
Hastings Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Listed Grade II*
TQ 75682932
Collingwood House
Stable [1+] &
18th Century +
[Bedgebury Lower School]
Outbuilding &
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Hastings Road
Walled Garden
Listed Grade II
TQ 75702909
Herschel's Dairy
House &
18th Century +
[Collingwood Farmhouse]
Dairy &
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Hastings Road
Listed Grade II
Conghurst Lane 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48 Listed Grade II
TQ 74222947
1& 2 Ashfield Cottages,
18th Century
[Garden Cottage] Delmonden Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48 Listed Grade II
TQ 75652944
1 St Margaret's Cross,
TQ 75642944
Hastings Road
2 St Margaret's Cross,
Garden Wall
[and earlier]
1700/1732 +
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49 Listed Grade II
Hastings Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Listed Grade II
TQ 754 296 Turpington& House 18th Century TQ72NE
[Springcot] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 50
Greentrees& [Meadowside] Leaview, Hensill Lane
TQ 75622972 The Moor Post Office, House& c.1800 + KHER TQ72NE112
The Moor Shop& 1867/1899 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 51 Post Office Listed Grade II
TQ 75632955 Eight Bells Hotel, Hotel 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE118
The Moor 1833/1866 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 51 Listed Grade II
TQ 75512952 1& 2 Fir Cottages, House c.1800 KHER TQ72NE111
The Moor KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52
Listed Grade II
TQ 75572956 Wetheringhope, House& 1733/1766 KHER TQ72NE130
The Moor Wall Newman& Pevsner 1976, 316
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52 Listed Grade II*
TQ 75582958 Vine Cottage, House 1733/1766 + KHER TQ72NE71
The Moor 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52 Listed Grade II
TQ 75722978 Wych House, House 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE147
Moor Hill 1800/1832 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52 1900 Listed Grade II
TQ 77742979 Beacon House, House c.1800 + KHER TQ72NE70
Rye Road, 1833/1866 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 53
Four Throws Listed Grade II
TQ 777 297 in front of Cannon 18th Century TQ72NE
Four Throws Post Office, KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54
Rye Road
TQ 77772974 1-3 Riseden Clockhouse, Stable&
18th Century +
Rye Road House& 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 Row Listed Grade II
TQ 76062941 Cranford Farm, House & 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE77
Stream Lane Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 Listed Grade II
TQ 76242904 East Heath, House 1767/1799 + KHER TQ72NE76
Stream Lane 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 Listed Grade II
TQ 75572971 Moor Lodge, House 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE80
Talbot Road 1833/1866 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 Listed Grade II
TQ 75562973 Moor Lodge, Stable & 1767/1799 KHER TQ72NE165
Talbot Road Granary KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 Listed Grade II
998 TQ 75552971 The Rockery, House ?+ KHER TQ72NE93
Talbot Road 18th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 [exterior] Listed Grade II
TQ 75522963 The Chestnuts, House c.1800 KHER TQ72NE142
Talbot Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54
Listed Grade II
TQ 75492959 Moor House, House c.1800 + KHER TQ72NE73
Talbot Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 Listed Grade II
TQ 78152970
A268 Rye Road
Milepost 49
Four Throws
Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Haselfoot 1978, 85
TQ 76 28
near Old Conghurst
built pre 1719
[site of]
ceased work?
Finch 1933, 218
High Halden
TQ 88353650
London Beach Cottage, Biddenham Road
18th Century [or earlier]
Listed Grade II
TQ 88593566 Pope House Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ93NE115 Ashford Road Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 90903646 Tiffenden Manor House 18th Century KHER TQ93NW30 Listed Grade II
TQ 92033787 Marten Farm House & 18th Century KHER TQ93NW73
Farmhouse [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 90753754 Sunnydale, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NW32 Ashford Road Listed Grade II
385 TQ 89943732 Hathewolden Grange Garden Wall 18th Century KHER TQ93NE124 Listed Grade II
TQ 88153882 Colman's Farm, House& 18th Century KHER TQ93NE119 Crampton Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 88673684 Durrant's Court, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE153 Durrants Green Listed Grade II
TQ 88463682 Moat House, House 18th Century+ KHER TQ93NE118 Durrants Green 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 90103724 Chestnut House, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NW69 The Green Listed Grade II
TQ 90083727 Lion House House& 18th Century KHER TQ93NW50 [Lion Farmhouse] Farmhouse Listed Grade II
The Green
TQ 90013729 Forge House, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NW54 The Green [or earlier] Listed Grade II
999 TQ 90083736 Jessamine Cottage, House ?+ KHER TQ93NW22 The Green 18th Century Listed Grade II
1000 TQ 90063737 Nat West Bank& House& ?+ KHER TQ93NW44 White House Stores& Row& 18th Century+ Listed Grade II The Green& Bank (Financial)& [front]
The Cot, Shop 1910
The Green
TQ 89653732 Hope's Grove Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ83NE185 Tenterden Road Listed Grade II
TQ 89333726 Bourne Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ83NE177 Tenterden Road Listed Grade II
TQ 88843691 Black Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ83NE110 Tenterden Road Listed Grade II
1001 TQ 89643728 Mill Field Windmill& built ? NMR TQ83NE11
Post Mill moved c.1800 lgglesden 1900, I, 49, fig.
[remains of ?] raised 1845 Finch 1933, 223-224, pl. facing 145 (19), 209
ceased work c.1918 Turpin&Turpin 1979, 24
demolished 1920s West 1979, 106, pl. 58
NBR Index 2506
Hythe (K)
TR 16093480 8&88 House 18th Century KHER TR13SE171
Bartholomew Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 16043480 22-26 House 18th Century KHER TR13SE95
Bartholomew Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 16023481 Oak Hall, House 18th Century KHER TR13SE93 Bartholomew Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 15943482 Hill House, House 18th Century + KHER TR13SE120
34 Bartholomew Street 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
NBR Index 103966
Listed Grade II
TR 15753480 46 Bartholomew Street House 1767/1832 KHER TR13SE136 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25 Listed Grade II
TR 17523572 Scene Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TR13NE122 Blackhouse Hill Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 122 335 Butters Bridge House, Barn 18th Century TR13SW
Burmarsh Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
TR 127 337 Rose Cottage, House 18th Century TR13SW
Burmarsh Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
TR 15933470 1 & 3 Chapel Street/ House 18th Century KHER TR13SE133
rear of 2 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 161 347 Kent Cottage, House 18th Century TR13SE
9 Chapel Street
TR 160 347 18 Chapel Street House
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
TR 16093484 13 & Botfield Cottage, 15 House 1767/1832 KHER TR13SE128
Church Hill KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 16083485 Overbury, House 18th Century KHER TR13SE138
17 Church Hill KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 16053494 21-27 Church Hill House & 18th Century KHER TR13SE126
Row KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 155 347 Rock Cottages, 63 & 65 House 1711 TR13SE
Dymchurch Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 15893477 1 High Street House 1767/1832 + KHER TR13SE106
1899 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 16033475 31 & 33 High Street House [1] 18th Century KHER TR13SE167
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade II
TR 16083476 53 & 53A High Street House [1] & 18th Century + KHER TR13SE105
Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade II
TR 16113477 The Swan Hotel, Hotel & 18th Century KHER TR13SE76
59 High Street Milestone KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 161 348 61 High Street House 18th Century TR13SE
[site of]
TR 16153477 67 & 69 High Street House &
18th Century +
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 KHER TR13SE170
Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade II
TR 16173478 The White Hart Inn, Inn 18th Century KHER TR13SE131
71 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 16193478 The Town Hall Town Hall 1794 NMR TR13SE11
High Street KHER TR13SE75
TR 16183478 Newman & Pevsner 1969, 347
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade 11•
TR 16243479 87 High Street House & 18th Century + KHER TR13SE158
Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade II
TR 16263479 93 & 93A High Street House [1] & 18th Century + KHER TR13SE169
Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade II
1002 TR 16363482 The King's Head Inn, House [2] & ?+ KHER TR13SE140
117 High Street Inn 18th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
TR 16383484 125 High Street House & 18 Century KHER TR13SE168
Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 165 349 143-147 High Street House 18th Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 165 349 155 & 157 High Street House
TR 159 347 2-8 High Street House
TR 15953472 The Oak Inn, Inn
18th Century 18th Century
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 KHER TR13SE159
High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 15993473 36 High Street House & 18th Century + KHER TR13SE99
Shop 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 160 347 44 & 46 High Street House 18th Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 16173475 86 High Street Inn &
18th Century +
House 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 162 348 102 High Street House 18th Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 16263477 112 & 112A High Street House [1] &
18th Century
Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
Listed Grade II
1003 TR 16283477 116-120 High Street House & ?+ KHER TR13SE88
Shop 18th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
TR 16293477 122 High Street House & 18th Century + KHER TR13SE163
Shop 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 16303478 124 High Street House 18th Century KHER TR13SE79
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 16133484 5 & 5A Hillside Street Vicarage & 1785 + KHER TR13SE116
[The Vicarage] House 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 16063485 Chimneys, 7 & 9 & House 18th Century KHER TR13SE80
11 Hillside Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
Listed Grade II
TR 148 353 Redbrook Cottage, House 18th Century TR13NW
London Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
TR 16203471 6 Marine Walk Street House 1767/1799 KHER TR13SE154 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28 Listed Grade II
TR 16203470 8 Marine Walk Street House 1767/1799 KHER TR13SE96
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28 Listed Grade II
TR 166 350 Hythe Mill Watermill & built 1773 NMR TR13NE32 [sic] [Spring Grove Mill] House steam engine installed KHER TR13SE114
TR 16673498 Mill Road 19th Century Haselfoot 1978, 44
ceased work 1920s Fuller & Spain 1986, 81-89
TR 167 350 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16513505 14-20 North Road House & 18th Century KHER TR13NE101 [former 6-12] Row KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16183467 Grove House, House 18th Century + KHER TR13SE67 Prospect Road 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16233471 4 Prospect Road House & 1767/1832 KHER TR13SE137
Row KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16383475 Piers Cottage, House 1767/1832 KHER TR13SE70
10 Prospect Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
Listed Grade II
TR 16323477 1-7 Theatre Street House 18th Century + KHER TR13SE84
[or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
20th Century Listed Grade II
lcklesham (ESx)
1004 TQ 86 16 lcklesham Windmill & built? TQ81NE
Village Mill Post Mill moved? Hemming 1936, 112 [site of] ceased work?
TQ 86541642 Mill House, House 18th Century TQ81NE
Broad Street LBSU 409994
Listed Grade II
1005 TQ 88211635 lcklesham Manor Stable post 1758 + TQ81NE
[New Place] 19th/20th Century ESHER MES4008
TQ 88191635 Laurel Lane ESRO HBR1/0588, 1980
building survey NBR Index 3369
LBSU 410004
Listed Grade II
TQ 87971652 Little Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ81NE
Jasmine Cottage, LBSU 410008
Main Road Listed Grade II
TQ 87791648 Oast House, Oasthouse [1] & 18th Century TQ81NE
Main Road Granary & LBSU 410010
House & Listed Grade II
Guest House
TQ 87611630 The White Cottage, House 18th Century TQ81NE
Main Road LBSU 410013
Listed Grade II
1006 TQ 87811666 The Queen's Head, Inn 18th Century TQ81NE
Parsonage Lane ESRO HBR1/0822, 1983
TQ 87811664 building survey LBSU 410017
Listed Grade II
1007 TQ 86571578 Old Oast Place House & c.1720 + TQ81NE
[Place Farm] Farmhouse modern ESHER MES4009
Watermill Lane ESRO HBR1/0272, 1977
building survey NBR Index 3370
LBSU 410250
Listed Grade II
TQ 94191905 Ship Cottage, House 18th Century TQ91NW
Rye Harbour LBSU 410021
Listed Grade II
TQ 94221909 Harbour Lights, House 18th Century TQ91NW
Rye Harbour LBSU 410023
Listed Grade II
1116 TQ 945 186 Lime Kiln Cottage House & TQ91NW
Rye Harbour Office ESHER MES8444
1117 TQ 945 186 Rye Harbour Lime Kiln
1118 TQ 938 192 Rye Harbour Brick Kiln
1119 TQ 919 185 near Brickfield
Camber Castle ESHER MES8424
1120 TQ 919 176 Castle Farm Brickfield [2] TQ91NW
[Sheephouse Farm] ESHER MES8425
1115 TQ 915 170 Winchelsea Beach Sheep Fold TR91NW
[site of] ESHER MES16389
1121 TQ 922 165 Winchelsea Beach Sheep Fold TR91NW
[site of] ESHER MES16346
TQ 915 162 Smeaton's Harbour, Harbour 1723-1797 NMR TQ91NW25 TQ 917 162 Dogs Hill ESHER MES4045
Winchelsea Beach Farrant 1976, 5, fig. 1
1008 TQ 90551729 Glebe Cottage, House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Back Lane Cellar [32] 18th Century ESHER MES4013
[Quarter 13] ESRO HBR1/0593, 1980 [cellar]
Winchelsea Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
building survey NBR Index 3375
Listed Grade II
1009 TQ 90471728 Platt Cottage, House & Med?+ TQ91NW
Back Lane Cellar [n.d.] 18th Century ESHER MES4014
TQ 90461729 [Quarter 19] ESRO HBR1/0603, 1980 [cellar]
Winchelsea Martin & Martin 2004a, 122
building survey NBR Index 3376
LBSU 410253
Listed Grade II
TQ 90631745 1-10 Barrack Square House & 18th Century TQ91NW [Quarter 7] Row [or earlier] Listed Grade II* Winchelsea
TQ 90631742 The Stone House, House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Barrack Square/ Cellar [16] 18th Century ? ESRO HBR1/1441, 2002
TQ 90621740 High Street, Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
[Quarter 7] LBSU 410292
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
building survey
1133 TQ 9063174 The Stone House, Garden Wall & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Barrack Square/ Cellar [to west] 18th Century LBSU 410256
High Street, Listed Grade II
[Quarter 7] Winchelsea
TQ 90551742 The Well House, House 18th Century TQ91NW
Castle Street, LBSU 410261
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
1010 TQ 90531750 The Old Post Office & House & 1715/1765 TQ91NW
Castle Cottage, Post Office ESHER MES4039
Castle Street, ESRO HBR1/0987, 1986
Winchelsea NBR Index 55031
building survey Listed Grade II
1011 TQ 90501726 1& 2 Friars Road, House [3] 18th Century + TQ91NW
Winchelsea 1798 + ESRO HBR1/1380, 2000 [1]
TQ 90501728 building survey 19th Century + LBSU 410268
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 90501725 Battle Abbey Cottage, House 18th Century TQ91NW
4,5 & 6 Friars Road, LBSU 410269
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90521722 The Little House, House 18th Century TQ91NW
Friars Road, LBSU 410272
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90361739 The New Inn, Inn & c.1300 + TQ91NW
German Street, Cellar [27] 18th Century ESRO HBR1/1446, 2002 [cellar]
TQ 90421740 [Quarter 14] Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
Winchelsea LBSU 410276
building survey Listed Grade II
TQ 90421739 Rose Cottage & House 18th Century TQ91NW
Sunrise Cottage LBSU 410277
German Street, Listed Grade II
TQ 90381726
Mariteau House,
German Street,
LBSU 410281
TQ 90501741
Magazine Cottage,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
High Street,
LBSU 410285
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
1012 TQ 90531741 The Little Shop, House& Med ?+ TQ91NW
9 High Street, Shop& 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/1325, 1998
[Quarter 8] Cellar [n.d.] 20th Century Martin& Martin 2004a, 122
Winchelsea LBSU 410288
building survey Listed Grade II
1123 TQ 90591740 Winchelsea Cottage& Garden Wall 18th Century ? TQ91NW
Periteau House& LBSU 410291
Stone House, Listed Grade II
High Street
1122 TQ 90661739 The Retreat& Garden Wall
18th Century
Tower Cottage, [or earlier] LBSU 410496
High Street Listed Grade II
TQ 90421742 Red Sails& House [1] 18th Century TQ91NW
Gable, LBSU 410510
Higham Green, Listed Grade II
TQ 90451749 1& 2 Elms Cottages, House [1] 18th Century TQ91NW
Higham Green, LBSU 410514
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
1013 TQ 90461753 Manna Plat, House& c.1300 + TQ91NW
Mill Road, Restaurant& 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/1252, 1996 [cellar]
[Quarter 2] Cellar [5] 20th Century Martin & Martin 1996
Winchelsea Martin& Martin 2004a, 108-111
building survey LBSU 410520
Listed Grade II
1014 TQ 90501753 Lines End, House& c.1300 + TQ91NW
Mill Road, Cellar [4] 1702 ESHER MES4032
TQ 90471753 [Quarter 2] ESRO HBR1/0216, 1976 [cellar]
Winchelsea Martin& Martin 2004a, 108-111
building survey NBR Index 7678
LBSU 410519
Listed Grade II
1077 TQ 90471758 Five Houses,
1-3 North Street
Cellar [7 & 8]
[Quarter 2]
ESRO HBR1/0584, 1980 [1&2]
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0595, 1980 [2&3]
Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
NBR Index 3377
LBSU 410528
Listed Grade II*
1080 TQ 90461757 Five Houses,
4 & 5 Higham Green
Cellar [6]
Padgham 1999a, 1-12
[Quarter 2]
Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
LBSU 410516
building survey
Listed Grade II*
TQ 90571758
King's Leap,
18th Century
North Street,
LBSU 410542
TQ 90541759
18th Century
Listed Grade II
North Street,
LBSU 410525
TQ 90541757
The Wall Cottage,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
North Street,
LBSU 410526
TQ 90431759
Broad View,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
North Street,
LBSU 410529
TQ 90341736
18th Century ?
Listed Grade II
Rectory Lane,
LBSU 410534
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
1015 TQ 90241756 Mill House & House [1] & c.1300+ TQ91NW
St Mary's House, Farmhouse & 18th Century ESHER MES4036
TQ 90231755 Roberts Hill, Cellar [11] ESRO HBR1/0221, 1976 [cellar] [Quarter 5] Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
Winchelsea NBR Index 7681
building survey LBSU 410539
Listed Grade II
1016 TQ 90621738 1 & 2 Strand Platt, House [1] & c.1300+ TQ91NW
Rookery Lane, Cellar 18th Century ? ESRO HBR1/1326, 1998
TQ 90611735 [Quarter 13] LBSU 410571 [cellar]
Winchelsea LBSU 410749
building survey Listed Grade II*
1017 TQ 90621734 Rookery Cottage, House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Rookery Lane, Cellar [31] 18th Century ? ESRO HBR1/0273, 1977 [cellar] TQ 90611732 [Quarter 13] Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
Winchelsea LBSU 410753
building survey Listed Grade II
354 TQ 90631731 opposite Barn & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Rookery Cottage, Cellar [33] 18th Century Martin & Martin 2004a, 108-111
Rookery Lane, LBSU 410755
[Quarter 12] Listed Grade II
TQ 90541734
building survey Haskards,
1714 [or earlier]+
St Thomas Street,
LBSU 410759
TQ 90451755
Pound Cottage
House &
18th Century ?
Listed Grade II
School Hill,
demolished c.1950
Greenhalgh 2003, 11-12
TQ 91521636
Holford's Cottage,
House &
18th Century
Sea Road,
Sluice House
Winchelsea Beach
LBSU 410766
TQ 91701668
Harbour Farm,
House &
18th Century
Listed Grade II
Willow Lane,
LBSU 410785
Winchelsea Beach
Listed Grade II
TQ 90341792
The Ferry,
House [2]
18th Century +
Station Road,
[or earlier]
LBSU 410770
Winchelsea 20th century Listed Grade II
358 TQ 90751759 The Old Malthouse & House [1] 18th Century + TQ91NW
Little Malt Cottage, [or earlier] LBSU 410772
The Strand/ 19th century Listed Grade II
Tanyard Lane [inc. medieval masonry]
359 TQ 89751646 Wickham Manor, Barn 18th Century + TQ81NE
Wickham Rock Lane 19th Century ESRO HBR1/1229, 1994 TQ 89771647 building survey LBSU 410783
Listed Grade II
1018 TQ 89801648 Wickham Manor, Stable 1767/1799 + TQ81NE
Wickham Rock Lane 1927/1937 ESRO HBR1/1230, 1994 building survey
1019 TQ 89751645 Wickham Manor, Outbuilding 1799/1845 + TQ81NE
Wickham Rock Lane 1872/1897 ESRO HBR1/1231, 1994 building survey
361 TQ 87791549 Little Pannel Farm House 1790 - 1939 NMR TQ81NE55
[site of] ESHER MES4070
362 TQ 902 175 St Leonards Mill, Windmill & built 1760 TQ91NW
Roberts Hill, Post Mill moved 1813 ESHER MES4020 TQ 90101752 Winchelsea [site of] ceased work 1904 NMR TQ91NW43
repaired 1935/1936 & ESHER MES4085 1955 NMR TQ91NW18
destroyed 1987 ESHER MES4097
Hemming 1936, 50-52, fig. 30
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 637
Haselfoot 1978, 117
Brunnarius 1979, 108-109, pl.115, 116
Brown 1989, 238
NBR Index 4253
LBSU 410538
Listed Grade II [del. 08.1961]
Iden (ESx)
192 TQ 92022396 Grove Farm, House & 18th Century TQ92SW
Grove Lane Farmhouse LBSU 410789
Listed Grade II
1020 TQ 92362392 The Elms, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Grove Lane ESRO HBR1/1174, 1993
building survey LBSU 410791
Listed Grade II
1021 TQ 93062373 Boonshill Farm, House & c.1800 TQ92SW
Grove Lane Farmhouse ESRO HBR1/1173, 1993
building survey Listed Grade II
1022 TQ 91782383 The Bell Inn, Inn 18th Century TQ92SW
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 410797 Listed Grade II
364 TQ 91782358 The William the Public House 18th Century TQ92SW
Conqueror PH, LBSU 410800
Main Street Listed Grade II
365 TQ 91802354 East View, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Main Street LBSU 410801
Listed Grade II
366 TQ 91822384 The Old Bakery, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Main Street LBSU 410806
Listed Grade II
1023 TQ 91582324 Randolphs Farm, Barn 18th Century TQ92SW
Randolphs Lane ESHER MES4104
building survey ESRO HBR1/0535, 1980
NBR Index 3383
367 TQ 89922398 Moat Farm, House& 18th Century TQ82SE
Reader's Lane Farmhouse LBSU 410817
Listed Grade II
1024 TQ 90702417 Baron's Grange, House 18th Century ? TQ92SW
Reader's Lane ESRO HBR1/1170, 1993
building survey LBSU 410818
Listed Grade II
1025 TQ 906 241 2& 3 Baron's Grange House 18th Century ? TQ92SW
Cottages ESRO HBR1/1171, 1993
Reader's Lane building survey
1026 TQ 90822458 Corkwood House, House ?+ TQ92SW
Reader's Lane 18th Century + LBSU 410997 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
369 TQ 91732384 Iden Stores& House& 18th Century + TQ92SW
Post Office, Shop& 20th Century LBSU 411001
Rectory Lane Post Office Listed Grade II
642 TQ 91712383 Church Cottage House 18th Century TQ92SW
Rectory Lane LBSU 411002
Listed Grade II
1027 TQ 91572379 Church House& House [1] ?+ TQ82SW
Forge House, 18th Century LBSU 411004
Rectory Lane [fa�ade] Listed Grade II 1028 TQ 90332314 Coldharbour, House& 18 Century TQ92SW
Rectory Lane Farmhouse [or earlier] ESRO HBR1/0818, 1983 TQ 90322312 building survey LBSU 411007
Listed Grade II
1029 TQ 91702390 Park Farm, House& 18th Century + TQ92SW
Wittersham Road Farmhouse 19th century ESRO HBR1/1176, 1993
building survey LBSU 411008
Listed Grade II
196 TQ 91712403 Iden House, House 18th Century + TQ92SW
Wittersham Road 20th Century LBSU 411010 Listed Grade II
1030 TQ 92672511 Thorndale Farm, House & 18th Century TQ92NW
[Thornsdale] Farmhouse ESHER MES15499
Wittersham Road ESRO HBR1/1182, 1993
building survey LBSU 411013
Listed Grade II
lvychurch (K)
149 TR 00932669 Blue House Farm, House & 18th Century + KHER TR02NW83 A259 Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 4
Listed Grade II
372 TR 02292843 Poplar Farmhouse, House & 18th Century?+ KHER TR02NW58 B2070 Farmhouse 19th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
20th Century Listed Grade II
373 TR 027 276 Rose Cottage, House 18th Century? TR02NW
B2070 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
371 TR 03042743 Castle House, House & 1767/1799?+ KHER TR02NW73
B2070 Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II
Kenardington (K)
374 TQ 97283298 High House Farm, House & 1767/1799 KHER TQ93SE82
Farmhouse Listed Grade II
1031 TQ 96593206 Braeside, House ?+ KHER TQ93SE50
Appledore Road 18th Century Listed Grade II [exterior]
1032 TQ 96513201 Sly Corner, House [2] ?+ KHER TQ93SE64
Appledore Road 18th Century Listed Grade II [exterior]
1033 TQ 97763141 Higham Farm, House & ?+ KHER TQ93SE73
Bridge Road Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 97793139
Higham Farm, Bridge Road
18th Century [or earlier]
Listed Grade II
Lydd (K)
TR 042 207
Bleak House,
18th Century
Bleak Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
TR 04232086 10 Cannon Street House 18th Century KHER TR02SW104 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II
TR 043 208 4 Coronation Square House 18th Century TR02SW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
TR 04242101 The Grange, House
18th Century
Denne's Lane KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
Listed Grade II
TR 08871687 The Round House, Lighthouse& 1792-1902 + NMRTR01NE4 Dungeness [remains of] 20th Century KHERTR01SE121 [sic]
photo survey Lightkeepers House Hague& Christie 1975, 160 Jackson 1975, 72-74
Haselfoot 1978,38
Newman& Pevsner 1988, 261-262
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
HEW 1164
NBR Index 97693 Listed Grade II
TR 044 210 Alexandra Cottage, House 18th Century TR02SW
Eastern Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
1034 TR 04172088 The Guildhall, Guildhall 18th Century + KHERTR02SW106
13 High Street 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
TR 04132084 25 High Street House& 18 Century ? + KHERTR02SW101
Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32 Listed Grade II
TR 04082079 Cobb Hall, 33& House 18th Century + KHERTR02SW116 Shrubbery House, 35 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
High Street Listed Grade II
TR 04002072 43& 45 High Street House 18th Century KHERTR02SW108 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32 Listed Grade II
TR 04172091 20 High Street House 1767/1832 KHERTR02SW118
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31 Listed Grade II
TR 042 209 26-32 High Street House 18th Century TR02SW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
TR 04112085 Whyke Cottage, 42& House& 1767/1832 KHERTR02SW119
Terry Cottage, 44& Shop& [1639 date stone] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
The Don, 46& Row Listed Grade II
48 High Street
TR 039 207 90-94 High Street House
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
TR 036552051 Tourney Hall, House 1700/1732 + KHERTR02SW84
High Street 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32 Listed Grade II
TR 01412012 Scotney, House 18th Century + KHER TR02SW85 Jury's Gap Road 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
Listed Grade II
TR 045 210 Old Rose Farm, House 18th Century TR02SW
15 Ness Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
396 TR 05062402 cottage at House & 18th Century KHER TR02SE126 Caldecott Farm, Farmhouse Mercer 1975, 176, no.219
TR 051 240 New Romney Road [site of] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
building survey
1124 TR 050 240 Caldecott Farm, House &
New Romney Road Farmhouse
18th Century
Listed Grade II [delisted] KHER TR02SE15
TR 044 210 Harden Cottage, House 18th Century TR02SW
New Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
TR 043 209 Bonds Cottage, House 18th Century TR02SW
8 New Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
TR 042 208 3 Park Street House 18th Century TR02SW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
TR 042 208 The Royal Mail PH, Public House TR02SW
Park Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
260 TR 04242075 Blakelock's Stores, House & 18th Century KHER TR02SW122
6 Skinner Road/ Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
Prospect Corner Listed Grade II
276 TR 04332083 The Dolphin Motel, House & 18th Century + KHER TR02SW110
11 South Street Hotel & 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33 Motel Listed Grade II
277 TR 04522116 Fernwell House, 43 & House 18th Century KHER TR02SW75 Ferndale, 45 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
Station Road Listed Grade II
TR 045 208 Beach House, House 18th Century TR02SW
Station Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
TR 044 211 18 Station Road House 18th Century TR02SW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
363 TR 08342077 1 Toby Road House 1767/1799 + KHER TR02SE110
TR 04 21
Walland Marsh
Coin [1] &
18th Century
MD survey 2008
Buckle [4] &
Hook [1]
Romney Marshland MDC 2008
TR 07 18
MD find 05.2003
Coin [1]
George Ill
TR 05 24
MD find 02.2003
Coin [1] gold
half guinea
George Ill
TR 086 208 [sic] 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33 Listed Grade II
Lympne (K)
TR 10983519
Belle Vue House [Lympne Country Club] Aldington Road
House & Country Club & Apartment
1706 +
[or earlier] 1909
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 35
NBR Index 31801
Listed Grade II
376 TR 119 349 County Members Inn, Inn 18th Century TR13NW
Aldington Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 35
377 TR 09073541 1 & 2 Manor Farm House 1700/1766 + KHER TR03NE72
TR 124 355
Berwick Manor,
18th Century
Stone Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
Cottages, 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36 Court-at-Street Listed Grade II
MounHield (ESx)
Carpenters Cottage
18th Century
Vinehall Road
LBSU 411043
Ball Cottage &
Inn &
18th Century
Listed Grade II
Ball Lodge
LBSU 411042
[Bell Inn]
Listed Grade II
Vinehall Road
681 TQ75552035 1 & 2 Old World House [1] 18th Century TQ72SE
Cottages, [or earlier] LBSU 411040 Vinehall Road Listed Grade II
Newchurch (K)
TR 05623147 The Black Bull PH Public House 1767/1832 KHER TR03SE69
TR 05473140
Frostland Farm
House &
18th Century +
TR 06943102
Gammons Farmhouse &
House &
[or earlier]
20th Century 18th Century +
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37 Listed Grade II
Crook Cottage
[or earlier]
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
TR 072 290
Marten Farm
House &
18th Century
Listed Grade II
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37 Listed Grade II
Newenden (K)
TQ 83012755 Hill House, House 18th Century + KHERTQ82NW85
20th Century Listed Grade II
1035 TQ 83482729 1-3 Rother View, House ?+ KHERTQ82NW71
Lossenham Lane 18th Century Listed Grade II [features]
1036 TQ 83532729 PearTree Cottage, House ?+ KHERTQ82NW66 Lossenham Lane 18th Century Listed Grade II
photo survey [exterior] NBR Index 104064
TQ 83902740 The White Cottage, House 18th Century KHERTQ82NW80 Lossenham Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 83992781 Owls Oast, Oasthouse & 18th Century KHERTQ82NW65 Lossenham Manor, Outbuilding Listed Grade II
Lossenham Lane
TQ 84002781 The Old Barn, Barn 18th Century KHERTQ82NW81 Lossenham Manor, Listed Grade II
Lossenham Lane
TQ 826 278 A268 Milepost 52 1762 KHERTQ82NW12
[Flimwell-RyeToll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
Newenden (K)/Northiam (ESx)
TQ 83522704
Newenden Bridge, River Rother
Jervoise 1930, 47, fig. 21
Johnston 1953, 164
Nairn & Pevsner 1965, 575
LBSU 411893
Listed Grade II SAM Kent 41
SAM ESx 489
Newington (K)
TR 17363674
Bargrove Farm, B2065
House & Farmhouse
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38 Listed Grade II
TR 17133786
Temple Cottage,
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
Listed Grade II
414 TR 17733750 Magpie Cottage, House 1767/1799 + KHER TR13NE126
Frogholt 20th Century Parkin 1986, 183-184
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38 Listed Grade II
415 TR 182 374 Forstall Farm, Barn& 18th Century TR13NE
The Street Wall KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
TR 18273740
Church Cottages,
1-5 The Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
TR 18233748
The Barley Mow&
Public House&
Listed Grade II
12 The Street
Parkin 1986, 179
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
Listed Grade II
New Romney
TR 06882533
Gun House,
Cannon Street
Garden Wall
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Listed Grade II
1037 TR 06472481 Rating Office, House& ?+ KHER TR02SE106 Church Approach Office 18th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
TR 065 248 Church Approach/ Barn 18 Century TR02SE
Church Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
TR 077 259 Warren House, House 18th Century KHER TR02NE105 Dymchurch Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Listed Grade II
TR 06532502 Fairfield House, House 18th Century + KHER TR02NE84 Fairfield Road [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
1800/1832 Listed Grade II
TR 06742525 Craythornes, House 1700/1832 + KHER TR02NE71
Fairfield Road 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 Listed Grade II
TR 06712518 Craythornes/ Garden Wall 18th Century KHER TR02NE92 Craythone Cottage, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Fairfield Road Listed Grade II
249 TR 06432484 St John's Priory,
[14th Century]
High Street/
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 434
Ashford Road
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II*
see Places of Worship 76
TR 06292471
The Cinque Ports
House &
18th Century
Public House
[or earlier]
Parkin 1973, 124
1 High Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06382477
27 High Street
House &
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06382477
29-31A High Street
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06402478
The Town Hall,
Town Hall &
1702 +
33 High Street
1800/1832 +
Parkin 1973, 122-123
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 435
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06412479
Town Hall House,
House &
1750 +
35 High Street
Prison &
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06422479
The New Inn,
37 High Street
18th Century
Parkin 1973, 122-123
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06442480
Plum Tree House,
18th Century
39 High Street
Listed Grade II
TR 06452481
41 High Street
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06682497 The Ship Hotel,
Hotel &
18 Century +
High Street
Public House
19th Century
Parkin 1973, 122-123
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06322478
rear of
Stable [1+]
Rome House,
[re-used Medieval
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
14 High Street
Listed Grade II
1040 TR 06372479 Oak House, House ?+ KHER TR02SE95
22 High Street 18th Century Parkin 1973, 121
[fac;ade] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06392480 King's House, House & 1700/1732 + KHER TR02SE96
High Street Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 Listed Grade II
TR 06412483 40 High Street House 18th Century KHER TR02SE98
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 Listed Grade II
TR 06462484 48 High Street House 18th Century KHER TR02SE101
[restored] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06322466 Mulberry House, House 18th Century + KHER TR02SE116 Lion's Road 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06322464 Mulberry House, Garden Wall 18th Century KHER TR02SE115 Lion's Road KHER TR02SE120
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 Listed Grade II
TR 06272469 West Lawn, House 1715 + KHER TR02SE114
Lydd Road 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41 Listed Grade II
TR 07402479 Littlestone Road, Cannon 1767/1832 KHER TR02SE122 Littlestone-on-Sea KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 06262480 Little Gables, House 1767/1832 KHER TR02SE89
North Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 06372484 Caldicott House, House 18th Century KHER TR02SE111 North Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 064 247 Victoria Street Outbuilding 18th Century TR02SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 06262472 Cheriton Lodge, House
18th Century +
West Street 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41 Listed Grade II
TR 06252474 5 West Street House 18th Century KHER TR02SE108 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 06222477 The Limes, House 1767/1832 KHER TR02SE107
West Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 068 251 1100 yd NE of church Windmill & built pre 1769 KHER TR02NE25
Smock Mill ceased work post 1894 Andrews, Drury & Herbert Map 1769
[site of] demolished pre 1933 Finch 1933, 267, pl. facing 269
NBR Index 2551
1130 TR 07 25 New Romney Button [1] copper alloy 18th Century ? P.P. TR02NE
MD find 08.2004 Cinque Ports PAS KENT-37F4E3
446 TR 06 25 George Lane Token [2] 1702-1727 P.P. TR02NE
surface find 1977 Keller 1978, 72-73
Northiam (ESx)
1041 TQ 82642498 Clench Green Farm, Farm Building 1700/1750 TQ82SW
Beales Lane ESRO HBR1/0362, 1978
building survey NBR Index 1742
1042 TQ 82652497 Clench Green Farm, Farm Building 18th Century? TQ82SW
Beales Lane Martin & Martin 1977a, 67, fig. 9
building survey ESRO HBR1/0362, 1978
NBR Index 1742
447 TQ 82962452 Old School House, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Church Lane LBSU 411127
Listed Grade II
448 TQ 82862265 Morley Farm Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Beckley Road LBSU 411120
Listed Grade II
TQ 83552315 Stream Cottage & House 18th Century TQ82SW
3 & 4 Stream Cottages, LBSU 411125
Beckley Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82562483 Rose Cottage, House 18th Century + TQ82SW
Dixter Road 20th Century LBSU 411135 Listed Grade II
TQ 82532484 Blundells, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Dixter Road LBSU 411136
Listed Grade II
TQ 82542486 Virginia Cottage & House [1] & 18th Century TQ82SW
The Little Shop Shop LBSU 411137
Dixter Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82332505 Chapelfield Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82NW
Dixter Road LBSU 411141
Listed Grade II
TQ 82372506 Fig Tree Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ82NW
Pear Tree Cottage, LBSU 411142
Dixter Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82502488 Colnhurst, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Ewhurst Lane LBSU 411149
Listed Grade II
TQ 81472369 Tutton Place, Barn 18th Century TQ82SW
Ewhurst Lane [large] LBSU 411158
Listed Grade II
TQ 82752302 Sherbourne Bridge House 18th Century TQ82SW
Cottage, LBSU 411163
Hastings Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82662288 Shoreham Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Hastings Road LBSU 411164
Listed Grade II
TQ 82172199 Monkings House & 18th Century TQ82SW
[Monkings Farm] Farmhouse LBSU 411583
Hastings Road Listed Grade II
1134 TQ82452249 The Thatched Cottage House 18th Century TQ82SW
Hastings Road LBSU 411581
Listed Grade II
TQ 82242515 1-3 High Park House [1] 18th Century TQ82NW
LBSU 411586
Listed Grade II
TQ 82262513 4 High Park House 18th Century TQ82NW
LBSU 411587
Listed Grade II
TQ 82272513 AppleTree Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82NW
6 & 7 High Park LBSU 411588
Listed Grade II
TQ 82252517 The Mill House, House 18th Century TQ82NW
High Park LBSU 411589
Listed Grade II
TQ 82292515 The Mill House, Stable & 18th Century TQ82NW
High Park Garage LBSU 411590
Listed Grade II
TQ 82252524 Beacon House & House [1] 18th Century TQ82NW
Beacon Cottage, LBSU 411591
High Park Listed Grade II
TQ 83042425 The Grove & House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
Grove Cottage, LBSU 411597
Main Street Listed Grade II
TQ 83032427 The Rosary, House 18th Century + TQ82SW
Main Street 20th Century LBSU 411598 Listed Grade II
TQ 83032428 Sunnyside, House & 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street Shop LBSU 411599
Listed Grade II
TQ 82942447 Oakside, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street Listed Grade II*
TQ 82922448 Stapley Cottage, House [2] 18th Century + TQ82SW
Main Street 20th Century LBSU 411605 Listed Grade II
TQ 82792465 Cherry Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
Cherry Orchard Cottage, LBSU 411606
Main Street Listed Grade II
TQ 82672472 The White House, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 411607
Listed Grade II
TQ 82652474 1 & 2 Beachfield, House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 411608
Listed Grade II
TQ 83002431 Anchorage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 411612
Listed Grade II
476 TQ 82892447 Rose Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 411616
Listed Grade II
477 TQ 82852455 Elmside, House 18th Century + TQ82SW
Main Street 19th Century LBSU 411618 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
TQ 82562481 Northiam Post Office, House & 18 Century TQ82SW
Main Street Post Office LBSU 411625
Listed Grade II
1043 TQ 82942441 Walnut Tree House, House 18th Century + TQ82SW
Main Street c.1800 ESHER MES4221
building survey ESRO HBR1/1028, 1987
NBR Index 76891
LBSU 411614
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 524
1044 TQ 82862450 Byre House, Stable 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street ESHER MES4215
building survey ESRO HBR1/0678, 1981
NBR Index 51160
1045 TQ 82872450 Byre House, Brewhouse & 18th Century TQ82SW
Main Street Washhouse ESHER MES4216
building survey ESRO HBR1/0677, 1981
NBR Index 51160
478 TQ 82762464 1 & 2 Oak Cottages, House [1] 18th Century + TQ82SW
Main Street c.1800 + ESRO HBR1/1280, 1997
TQ 82772463 building survey 19th Century + LBSU 411621
20th Century Listed Grade II
1046 TQ 82752466 Peringoe Workshop, Carpenters 18th Century NMR TQ82SW32 Main Street Workshop & ESHER MES4224
TQ 848 246 [sic] building survey Museum Haselfoot 1978, 107
ESRO HBR1/1042, 1988
TQ 82752465 NBR Index 76893
LBSU 411623
Listed Grade II
TQ 82382350 Dial Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Mill Corner LBSU 411859
Listed Grade II
TQ 82362347 Wishing Tree Cottage, House 1720 TQ82SW
Mill Corner LBSU 411860
Listed Grade II
TQ 82312344 Mill Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Mill Corner LBSU 411861
Listed Grade II
TQ 82282343 Chasmead & House & 18th Century + TQ82SW
Cleve Cottage, Terrace [4] 1800/1832 + LBSU 411862
Mill Corner 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 82722356 Hollywell, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Mill Corner LBSU 411863
Listed Grade II
TQ 82492349 Willow Cottage & Outbuilding ? & 18th Century TQ82SW
Little Croft, House [1] LBSU 411864
Mill Corner Listed Grade II
TQ 82452349 Yew Tree Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Mill Corner LBSU 411865
Listed Grade II
TQ 82152336 Holmwood, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Mill Corner LBSU 411867
Listed Grade II
TQ 82582345 Orchard Cottage, House 1700/1766 + TQ82SW
Mill Corner 20th Century LBSU 461834 Listed Grade II
1127 TQ 83092389 Brickwall, Garden Wall TQ82SW
Rye Road LBSU 411874
Listed Grade II
TQ 82622495 Lawn Cottage & House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
Clench Green Cottage, LBSU 411876
Station Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82552495 Dora Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SW
Station Road LBSU 411879
Listed Grade II
TQ 82562499 Septembre & House [1] 18th Century TQ82SW
September Cottage LBSU 411882
Station Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82582510 Tipsy Cottage House 18th Century TQ82NW
[Fairholm] LBSU 411885
Station Road Listed Grade II
TQ 82582512 Smugglers' Cottage, House & 18th Century + TQ82NW
Station Road Outbuilding 19th Century LBSU 415904 Listed Grade II
1047 TQ 83032578 Osbourne Cottage House c.1740 + TQ82NW
building survey 18th Century + ESRO HBR1/0704, 1981 20th Century
TQ 823 252 High Park Mill Windmill & built c.1800 NMR TQ82NW17
Post Mill ceased work c.1919 ESHER MES4206
demolished 1949 Hemming 1936, 39, 113, pl. 18
Brunnarius 1979, 104-105, pl. 107, 108
NBR Index 4263
497 TQ 836 270 A268 Milepost 53 1762 TQ82NW
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
TQ 829 256 A268 Milepost 54 1762 TQ82NW
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
TQ 830 243 A268 Milepost 55 1762 TQ82SW
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
Old Romney (K)
TR 031 251 The Rose & Crown Inn Inn 18th Century TR02NW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
TR 033 251 Walland Cottage House
[Lilac Cottage]
TR 028 254 Sycamore House House
18th Century
18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
A259 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
TR 03402508 Jessamine Farm, House& 1767/1832 + KHER TR02NW81
A259 Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42 Listed Grade II
TR 03532503 Norton Cottage, House 1767/1832 + KHER TR02NW66
A259 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42 Listed Grade II
1048 TR 03452523 The Shrubbery, House ?+ KHER TR02NW65
Five Vents Lane 1767/1832 + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42 [fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
TR 02 26 1 mile NW of church Windmill& built pre-1796 KHER TR02NW109
Post Mill ceased work? Andrews, Drury & Herbert Map 1769
[site of] demolished? Finch 1933, 267
TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Coin [1] silver 1702-1704 P.P. TR02NW
Anne PAS KENT-620A73
1132 TR 03 25 MD find 07.2005 Jetton [1] copper alloy 1711-1748 P.P. TR02NW
rechenpfennig PAS KENT-B35A92
Johann Jacob Dietzel Nuremburg
1131 TR 01 23 Old Romney Button [1] copper alloy 1700-1950 P.P. TR02SW
MD find 01.2008 crest PAS KENT-E16986
TR 03 25 MD find 08.2003 Vessel [1] copper alloy 1700-1900 P.P. TR02NW
cauldron leg + foot PAS KENT-5D6441
Orlestone (K)
TR 00113343 Old Eastside, House 1700/1732 KHER TQ93SW72
Ashford Road, Listed Grade II
TQ 99853550 Capel House, Barn 18th Century KHER TQ93NE27 Capel Road Listed Grade II
TR 00093340 Stores House& House& 18th Century + KHER TR03SW50 The Timbers& Row& 20th Century Listed Grade II Woodville, Shop
The Street& Street House, Warehorne Road, Hamstreet
TR 00123331 Fairlawn, House 18th Century + KHER TR03SW53 The Street, 1800/1832 Listed Grade II Hamstreet
Peasmarsh (ESx)
TQ 88042331 Flackley Ash Hotel, House & 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street Hotel LBSU 412166
Listed Grade II*
959 TQ 87582341 Old Thatch, House & 18th Century+ TQ82SE
Main Street Shop? ESHER MES4252
building survey 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0941, 1985 NBR Index 7696
LBSU 412167
Listed Grade II
TQ 88112111 Dew Farm, House & 18th Century TQ82SE
Dew Lane Farmhouse LBSU 411903
Listed Grade II
TQ 89242244 Stream Farm Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 411905 Listed Grade II
1049 TQ 89252244 Stream Farm, House & ?+ TQ82SE
Main Street Farmhouse 18th Century LBSU 411907
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
515 TQ 89042256 Sunnyside, House 18 Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 411910
Listed Grade II
TQ 88732292 Birds Kitchen, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 411912
Listed Grade II
1050 TQ 88522310 Woodside, House 18th Century+ TQ82SE
Main Street 1770/1810+ ESRO HBR1/1248, 1996
TQ 88532309 building survey 19th Century+ LBSU 412162
20th Century Listed Grade II*
TQ 88542313 Woodside, Stables 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412163
Listed Grade II
TQ 88182322 The White House, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 412165 Listed Grade II
TQ 89052254 Redford House & House & 18th Century+ TQ82SE
Hales Stores Shop 1800/1832 LBSU 412169
Main Street Listed Grade II
TQ 88502298 The Cock Inn, Inn 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412172
Listed Grade II
TQ 88022327 Cobblers Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412175
Listed Grade II
TQ 87882330 Lavender Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412177
Listed Grade II
TQ 87842330 Pound Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412178
Listed Grade II
TQ 89122352 Old Winders House & 18th Century TQ82SE
[Winders Farm] Farmhouse LBSU 412180
Main Street Listed Grade II
TQ 87552339 Apple Tree Cottage, House [1] 18th Century TQ82SE
1 & 2 Main Street LBSU 412181
Listed Grade II
TQ 87492340 Lobbs, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412182
Listed Grade II
1051 TQ 88212315 1 & 2 Kings Head House 1700/1732 TQ82SE
Cottages, [or earlier] ESHER MES4250
Main Street ESRO HBR1/0836, 1983
building survey NBR Index 7694
LBSU 412173
Listed Grade II
1052 TQ 88002328 Goldspur Cottage, House & 18th Century + TQ82SE
Main Street Shop 19th Century ESHER MES4256
TQ 87992328 building survey ESRO HBR1/1014, 1987
NBR Index 77008
LBSU 412176
Listed Grade II
TQ 87962346 The Old Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Mackerel Hill LBSU 412183
Listed Grade II
TQ 88292242 Bushey Farm, House & 18th Century TQ82SE
School Lane Farmhouse LBSU 412187
Listed Grade II
1053 TQ 87892277 Rose Cottage, House 18th Century + TQ82SE
Tanhouse Lane 19th Century ESHER MES4254
TQ 87892276 building survey ESRO HBR1/0972, 1986
NBR Index 54561
LBSU 412197
Listed Grade II
TQ 87842330 Pond Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Tanhouse Lane [or earlier] LBSU 412193 Listed Grade II
TQ 88192285 Tanhouse, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Tanhouse Lane LBSU 412194
Listed Grade II
TQ 88112291 Oak Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82SE
Tanhouse Lane LBSU 412196
Listed Grade II
TQ 88412545 Blackwall Cottage, House 18th Century TQ82NE
Wittersham Road LBSU 412201
Listed Grade II
1054 TQ 87932325 Mill House House 18th Century + TQ82SE
building survey
ESHER MES4247 ESRO HBR1/0341, 1978
NBR Index 3409
1055 TQ 87782072 Pelmarsh Farm Barn 1700/50 + TQ82SE
building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/1272, 1997
532 TQ 877 228 Windmill & built 18th Century ? NMRTQ82SE7 Smock Mill ceased work ? ESHER MES4248
TQ 879 231 [site of] demolished ? Hemming 1936, 64-65, pl. 42
NBR Index 4265
533 TQ 884 230 A268 Milepost 59 1762 TQ82SE
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
TQ 896 225 A268 Milepost 60 1762 TQ82SE
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
Pett (ESx)
535 TQ 88681366 Chick Hill Cottage, House 18th Century + TQ81SE
Chick Hill [or earlier] LBSU 412717
20th Century Listed Grade II
536 TQ 87731401 The Royal Oak Inn, Inn 18th Century + TQ81SE
Elms Lane 20th Century LBSU 412718 Listed Grade II
TQ 87351397 Knight's Cottage & House 18th Century TQ81SE
Meadow Sweet & LBSU 412727
Corner Cottage, Listed Grade II
Pett Road
538 TQ 87111396 Wandon, House 18th Century TQ81SE
Pett Road LBSU 412729
Listed Grade II
539 TQ 86781386 Fairlight End, House 18th Century TQ81SE
Pett Road LBSU 412733
Listed Grade II
540 TQ 86561371 Nedrabs, House 18th Century TQ81SE
Pett Road LBSU 412735
Listed Grade II
1056 TQ 86931339 Vernon Cottage, Public House ? & 1787 + TQ81SE
Pett Road House 19th Century + ESHER MES2099
building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0383A, 1985 Dickinson 1986, 11-19, fig., pl.
TQ 86911390 NBR Index 45903
LBSU 415912
Listed Grade II
1057 TQ 87501403 Rosmullion Cottage & House 1730/1760 + TQ81SE
Rectory Cottage, 19th Century ESHER MES2097
Pett Road Dickinson 1982, 53-56, fig.
building survey ESRO HBR1/0709, 1982
TQ 87741393 NBR Index 7700
LBSU 412736
Listed Grade II
1058 TQ 87801389 Greathurst, House & c.1740 + NMR TQ81SE11
Pett Road Farmhouse [re-used ESHER MES2104
building survey 16th Century timbers] ESRO HBR1/1158, 1992 c.1780 + NBR Index 92673
TQ 87791389 Gatehurst c.1820 + LBSU 412725
19th Century Listed Grade II
1059 TQ 87771387 Greathurst Farm, Barn c.1700 + NMR TQ81SE12
Pett Road [re-used ESHER MES2103
building survey 16th Century timbers] ESRO HBR1/1159, 1992 18th Century NBR Index 92674
Listed Grade II
1060 TQ 88351381 Lunsford Farm, Barn 18th Century + TQ81SE
Pett Road 19th Century + ESRO HBR1/0121, 1973
building survey 20th Century LBSU 412724 Listed Grade II
Playden (ESx)
1061 TQ 93222265 Starlock House, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Military Road ESRO HBR1/1180, 1993
building survey LBSU 412745
Listed Grade II
1062 TQ 93192269 Scots Float House, House 18th Century + TQ92SW
Military Road 19th Century ESRO HBR1/0938, 1986 building survey LBSU 412746
Listed Grade II
542 TQ 92202153 Wistaria Cottage House 18th Century + TQ92SW
building survey 19th Century + ESHER MES2174
20th Century NMR TQ92SW83
Dickinson 1979, 29-36
ESRO HBR1/0667, 1981
Dickinson 1981c, 67-69, fig.
TQ 91802331
Holly Cottage
1767/1799 +
Randolf Lane
1800/1866 +
20th Century
LBSU 416118
Listed Grade II
NBR Index 3420
TQ 91612322
Blue Cottage
Workhouse &
1794 +
TQ 91902279
[Parish Poor House] Randolf Lane Mockbeggar Farm,
House &
1800/1832 +
20th Century 18th Century +
LBSU 416119
Listed Grade II
Iden Road
post c.1750
building survey ESRO HBR1/0357, 1978
TQ 91902280 NBR Index 3415
LBSU 412743
Listed Grade II
547 TQ 92662261 'found in garden' Gibbet & 18th Century NMR TQ92SW81
[site of] ESHER MES2180
1063 TQ 92702255 Houghton House, House 18th Century + TQ92SW
Houghton Green Lane 19th Century + ESHER MES2178
building survey c.1900 ESRO HBR1/0707, 1983 NBR Index 77029
1064 TQ 92982241 Reightons, House 18th Century + TQ92SW
Houghton Green Lane 19th Century ESHER MES2177
building survey ESRO HBR1/0673, 1982
NBR Index 77028
LBSU 412739
Listed Grade II
626 TQ 918 222 Playden Gate Toll House 1762 TQ92SW
[gate removed 1872]
545 TQ 912 226 A268 Milepost 61 1762 TQ92SW
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
Rolvenden (K)
548 TQ 85023369 Halden Place House 1769 + KHER TQ83SE118
19th Century Hasted 1798, VII, 185-187
lgglesden 1903, V, 85-86 Listed Grade II
549 TQ 85063370 Halden Place Barn [1+] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE95 Listed Grade II
550 TQ 84073151 Windmill Farm Oast, Oasthouse [2] & c.1800 + KHER TQ83SW201 Benenden Road Barn 1867/1899 Listed Grade II
551 TQ 832 324 Hole Park, lcehouse 18th Century ? KHER TQ83SW32 Benenden Road [remains] Beamon & Roaf 1990, 315
552 TQ 83863152 Mill House, House 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW198 Benenden Road 19th Century Listed Grade II
553 TQ 84443157 Benenden Road Windmill & built post 1736 NMR TQ83SW14
Post Mill ceased work 1885 NMR TQ83SW37
TQ 837 315 restored 1956 KHER TQ83SW217
lgglesden 1903, V, 91
Finch 1933, 148, 266-267, pl. facing 269
Brown 1989, 106-107
Haselfoot 1978, 53
TQ 83813153 Turpin & Turpin 1979, 16, no. 12
West 1979, 64-66, pl. 29
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 498
NBR Index 2550 Listed Grade II*
TQ 82883194 Ranters Hall, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW193 Benenden Road Listed Grade II
555 TQ 85503008 1-4 Freezingham House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SE217 Cottages, Row Listed Grade II
Freezingham Lane, Rolvenden Layne
556 TQ 85333030 20-24 Frensham Road, House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE84
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
TQ 85183031 Kingsgate Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE87 40 Frensham Road, Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne
TQ 84073020
Slades Cottage,
18th Century
Frogs Lane,
Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne
TQ 84393118 School House, House
18th Century
9 Hastings Road Listed Grade II
TQ 84073047 Bayard's Oast House c.1800 KHER TQ83SW179
[Marrington] Listed Grade II
Hastings Road
TQ 84453128 St Mary's Cottage & House [1] &
18th Century
Church Cottage Shop KHER TQ83SW223
TQ 84473126 2-6 Hastings Road KHER TQ83SW238 [2 & 4]
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 498 Listed Grade II*
TQ 84453113 The Old Parsonage, House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SW183 24 Hastings Road Vicarage Listed Grade II
TQ 84053044 Corn Hill, House c.1800 + KHER TQ83SW220
Hastings Road 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 83322979 Great Job's Cross, House 18th Century KHER TQ82NW84 Hastings Road Listed Grade II
1065 TQ 82722887 Hexden Farm, House & ?+ KHER TQ82NW69
Hastings Road Farmhouse 18th Century + Listed Grade II
TQ 84453129 6 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW219 Listed Grade II
1066 TQ 84423135 20 High Street House ?+ KHER TQ83SW208
18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 84413138 26 & 28 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW228 Listed Grade II
TQ 84403140 32 & 34 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW187 Listed Grade II
TQ 84393146 52 & 54 High Street House [1] & 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW210
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 84383157 66-74 High Street House [3] & 18th Century KHER TQ83SW180
Row Listed Grade II
TQ 84383159 Woodencote, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW222 76 High Street Listed Grade II
TQ 84383160 78 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW235 Listed Grade II
1067 TQ 84383164 The Firs, House ?+ KHER TQ83SW188
80 High Street 18th Century Listed Grade II [exterior]
TQ 84403170
Chamberlaynes &
House [1]
18th Century+
TQ 84363170
Tweedies, High Street
Chamberlaynes &
Stable &
[or earlier]
18th Century
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
19th Century
High Street
TQ 84483174 Coveneys, House
18th Century
High Street Listed Grade II
TQ 84423152 59 & 61 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW226 Listed Grade II
TQ 84423152 63-73 High Street House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SW236
Shop Listed Grade II
TQ 83893268 Rawlinson Farm, Oasthouse [2] & 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW191 Hole Park Outbuilding 19th Century Listed Grade II*
TQ 84823061 Great Maytham House & 1721 + NMR TQ83SW10 [Maytham Hall] Stable & 1760/1763 + KHER TQ83SW239
TQ 84813062 Maytham Road Laundry part destroyed by fire 1893 Weaver 1912, 746-753, pl.
1909/1912 Weaver 1913b, 247-256,
415-430, 568-571
Newman & Pevsner 1976,499
RCHME Report NBR Index 82385 Listed Grade II
TQ 85093070 Kingsgate, House 1740s + KHER TQ83SE246
Maytham Road 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 85243071 Kingsgate, lcehouse 18th Century? NMR TQ83SE63 Maytham Road KHER TQ83SE121
Beamon & Roaf 1990, 316 Listed Grade II
TQ 85273021 9 & 11 Maytham Road, House [1] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE208 Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
TQ 85343019 13 & 15 Maytham Road, House [1] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE131 Rolvenden Layne [or earlier] Listed Grade II
1068 TQ 85183028 Four Went Cottage, House [1] ?+ KHER TQ83SE185 2 Maytham Road, 18th Century Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne [exterior]
TQ 85413017
48 Maytham Road,
18th Century
Rolvenden Layne
Listed Grade II
TQ 85223027 4-8 Maytham Road, House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SE247 Rolvenden Layne Row Listed Grade II
586 TQ 856 301 Frensham Manor, lcehouse 18th Century? NMR TQ83SE26 Mounts Lane KHER TQ83SE62
Beamon & Roaf 1990, 314 Listed Grade II
587 TQ 86163127 Lower Murgie, Barn 18th Century KHER TQ83SE165 Mounts Lane Listed Grade II
589 TQ 85333125 Woolwich Farm, Outbuilding 18th Century KHER TQ83SE72 Pix's Lane Listed Grade II
590 TQ 84363150 The Bull Hotel, Hotel 18th Century KHER TQ83SW178 1 Regent Street Listed Grade II
591 TQ 84303150 6 & Crescent Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW207 8 Regent Street [and earlier] Listed Grade II
592 TQ 84283150 Alma Cottages, House 18th Century + KHER TQ83SW182 12-18 Regent Street 1854 Listed Grade II
TQ 84243150 24 & Lime House, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW203 26 Regent Street Listed Grade II
TQ 82793042 Devenden Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SW195 Sandhurst Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
595 TQ 82452995 Kensham Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ82NW73 Sandhurst Road, Farmhouse Listed Grade II
Kensham Green
596 TQ 82472999 Kensham Farm, Barn 18th Century KHER TQ82NW67 Sandhurst Road, Listed Grade II
Kensham Green
TQ 84913191 Stillwaters, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SW181 Tenterden Road Listed Grade II
1069 TQ 85563206 Strood House, House ?+ KHER TQ83SE111
Tenterden Road 18th Century Listed Grade II [exterior]
598 TQ 85373012 1 Thornden Lane, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE135 Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
TQ 85363011 3 Thornden Lane, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE113 Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
368 TQ 85353010 5 Thornden Lane, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE174 Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
449 TQ 85052981 Thornden Farm House & 18th Century KHER TQ82NE49 [Thornden] Farmhouse Listed Grade II
Thornden Lane, Rolvenden Layne
600 TQ 85072983 Thornden Farm, Oasthouse [2] & 1767/1799 + KHER TQ82NE43 Thornden Lane, House 1800/1832 + Listed Grade II Rolvenden Layne 20th Century
601 TQ 85423019 3-7 Winser Road, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE152 Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
602 TQ 85662984 Lowden Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ82NE51 Wittersham Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
603 TQ 85872970 Hillgate, House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE59
Wittersham Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 86592843
Maytham Farm,
House &
18th Century
Wittersham Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 86773497
Breeches Pond
Mill Pond &
18th Century?
Tithe Map 1817
Bannister 1992
TQ 86833485
Frog's Hole
built 1763
[site of]
demolished by 1899
Rolvenden Tithe Map c.1840
TQ 86903430
Tarn Pond
Mill Pond &
18th Century?
Bannister 1992
Rolvenden Tithe Map c.1840
Bannister 1992
TQ 87033375
built 1763
[site of]
demolished 1876
Rolvenden Tithe Map c.1840
Bannister 1992
Ruckinge (K)
TR 01783466
Horton Green, Ash Hill
1767/1799 +
20th Century
Listed Grade II
1070 TR 02183384 Harrison House, House ?+ KHER TR03SW64 Ash Hill 1733/1766 + Listed Grade II
[exterior] 20th Century
610 TR 01033596 Gorse Green Farm, House & 1733/1766 KHER TR03NW39 Capel Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
611 TQ 9 3 Poplar Farm, House 18th Century+ TQ93NE
Hamstreet Road 19th Century Listed Grade II 612 TR 02843170 Wey Street Farm, House & 1700/1732 + KHER TR03SW70
Wey Street Farmhouse 20th Century Listed Grade II
Rye (ESx)
613 TQ 92232073 Holmlea, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Bridge Place LBSU 291903
Listed Grade II
TQ 92172032
1733/1735 +
Church Square
Water Tower&
Water Pump
Hoare&Upton 1972, 25
Haselfoot 1978, 111
Lloyd, N. 1983, 217
Trueman 2002, 34, ESx 7
LBSU 291907
Listed Grade II*
TQ 92172033
St Michael's,
18th Century
SAM ESx 163
1-5 Church Square
LBSU 291908
[former Pump Street] Listed Grade II
616 TQ 92182033 2&4 Church Square House ?+ TQ92SW
18th Century + LBSU 291909
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
618 TQ 92182026 16 Church Square House 18th Century TQ92SW
LBSU 291913
Listed Grade II
1071 TQ 92142024 38 Church Square House ?+ TQ92SW
1767/1832 LBSU 291921
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
620 TQ 92092025 50-52 Church Square House 18 Century TQ92SW
LBSU 291927
Listed Grade II
619 TQ 92112031 The Old Vicarage, House& 18th Century + TQ92SW
66 Church Square Vicarage 19th Century LBSU 291931 Listed Grade II
624 TQ 91942041 Winter's Dairy/ Garage& 1737 + TQ92SW
Old Dairy Market, Dairy c.1771 + ESRO HBR1/1003, 1986
TQ 91932040 29 Cinque Ports Street [site of] c.1822 Dickinson&Greenhalgh 2000, 15-16, fig. building survey LBSU 435104
excavation Listed Grade II [del. ?]
621 TQ 91972044 43 Cinque Ports Street House& 18th Century + TQ92SW
Shop 20th Century LBSU 291933 Listed Grade II
622 TQ 91882039 2&4 House& 18th Century TQ92SW
Cinque Ports Street Shop LBSU 291937
Listed Grade II
623 TQ 91892039 6 Cinque Ports Street House& 18th Century TQ92SW
Shop LBSU 291938
Listed Grade II
625 TQ 92102055 56-62 House & 18th Century TQ92SW
Cinque Ports Street Shop LBSU 291939
Listed Grade II
TQ 92212051 St Andrews & House 18th Century+ TQ92SW
Cap Griz Nez, 1903 LBSU 291947
East Cliff Listed Grade II
TQ 92202038 Chequer, House 1767/1832 TQ92SW
TQ 92192038 13 East Street LBSU 291957
Listed Grade II
TQ 92192040 The Vicarage & House & 18th Century+ TQ92SW
Taverners, Vicarage [fa�ade] LBSU 291959
East Street 19 Century Listed Grade II
TQ 92182041 17 & 17A East Street House & 1767/1832 + TQ92SW
Shop 19th Century LBSU 434222 Listed Grade II
TQ 91862036 2-6 Ferry Road House & 18th Century TQ92SW
Terrace LBSU 434225
Listed Grade II
TQ 92232039 40 Fishmarket Street House & 1767/1832 TQ92SW
Warehouse LBSU 434229
Listed Grade II
TQ 922 202 Gun Gardens Ammunition Store 18th Century TQ92SW
[site of] demolished 1935 Greenhalgh 1997, 17-18, fig., pl.
TQ 92302030 James, R. 1997
TQ 92212049 1 & 1A High Street House & 1767/1832 TQ92SW
Shop LBSU 434232
Listed Grade II
TQ 92202048 2 High Street House & 1767/1799 + TQ92SW
Shop 1867/1932 LBSU 434233
Listed Grade II
TQ 92192048 3 High Street House & 1767/1799 + TQ92SW
Shop 19th Century LBSU 434234 Listed Grade II
TQ 92172047 Monastery Guest House, House & 18th Century TQ92SW
TQ 92182046 6 High Street Guest House LBSU 434236 Listed Grade II
638 TQ 92172046 The Customs House, House & 1725/1775 + NMR TQ92SW48
7 & 7A High Street Office & ESHER MES2238
building survey Shop 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0847, 1984 NBR Index 45915
LBSU 434237
Listed Grade II
TQ 92152045
building survey
20th Century
ESRO HBR1/0708, 1983
TQ 92142044
Dickinson 1984, 34-37, fig.
NBR Index 45916
LBSU 434238
Listed Grade II
TQ 92142043
High Street
Gate Piers
LBSU 434239
Listed Grade II
TQ 92122046
The Old Coach House,
House &
High Street
Coach House
18th Century
LBSU 434240
Listed Grade II
TQ 92062049
11 High Street
Garden Building &
1775/1825 +
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0867, 1984
NBR Index 45917
LBSU 434242
Listed Grade II
TQ 92062041
Penny Royal,
House &
1705/1755 +
21 & 22 High Street
ESRO HBR1/0823, 1983
building survey
LBSU 434260
Listed Grade II
TQ 92032038
Corner House,
House &
27 High Street
LBSU 434266
Listed Grade II
TQ 92022037
Simon Milne,
House &
1777 +
28 High Street
pre 1860 +
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0937, 1985 [28]
NBR Index 45918
TQ 91962037
Mint Court,
see Medieval 692
The Mint
LBSU 434271
Listed Grade II
TQ 919 203
35A The Mint
1725/1775 +
building survey
19th Century
ESRO HBR1/0705, 1981
LBSU 434273
TQ 91902034
44 & 44½ The Mint
House &
18th Century +
Listed Grade II
[The Deer PH]
Public House
20th Century
LBSU 434404
Listed Grade II
TQ 92142046
Adams of Rye,
House &
1734/1738 +
8-1O High Street
c.1800 +
648 TQ 91892027 55 The Mint House & 18th Century TQ92SW
Warehouse? LBSU 434410
Listed Grade II
649 TQ 91902027 56 & 57The Mint House & 18th Century TQ92SW
Shop LBSU 434411
Listed Grade II
N.B. 56 The Mint= 21 Mermaid Street
646 TQ 91932035 70The Mint House & 18th Century +
Shop 19th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 91962035
77The Mint
House &
18th Century
LBSU 434418
Listed Grade II
TQ 91992034
Rye Bank Chambers,
House &
18th Century
84 High Street
LBSU 434421
Listed Grade II*
TQ 92032035
86 High Street
House &
18th Century +
see Medieval 975
LBSU 435103
Listed Grade II
654 TQ 92042036 88 High Street House & 18th Century + TQ92SW
Shop 19th Century LBSU 434504 Listed Grade II
655 TQ 92042037 89 High Street House & 18th Century + TQ92SW
Shop 19th Century LBSU 434505 Listed Grade II
1078 TQ 92062037 92 High Street House & ?+ TQ92SW
building survey Shop 1767/1832 + ESRO HBR1/0936, 1985
[fa�ade] LBSU 434506
century Listed Grade II [92 to 96]
1079 TQ 921 203 97 High Street House & ?+ TQ92SW
Shop 1767/1832 + LBSU 434507
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
TQ 92152042
104 & 104A High StreeV
House &
1 East Street
ESRO HBR1/0658, 1981
Martin & Martin 2009, no. 28
LBSU 434513
Listed Grade II*
TQ 92212047
113 & 114 High Street
House &
1767/1832 +
LBSU 434519
Listed Grade II
662 TQ 92182021 The Forecastle, House NMR TQ92SW89
Hucksteps Row 1920s ESHER MES2211
building survey ESRO HBR1/0669, 1981
NBR Index 3427
LBSU 434521
Listed Grade II
663 TQ 91962033 7 Hylands Yard House 1767/1799+ TQ92SW
20th Century LBSU 434565
Listed Grade II
665 TQ 92192065 4 Landgate House& 18th Century+ TQ92SW
Shop 20th Century LBSU 434568 Listed Grade II
666 TQ 92202065 5 Landgate House& 18th Century+ TQ92SW
TQ 92212066
7 Landgate
House& Shop
?+ 1767/1799 +
LBSU 434571
Listed Grade II
TQ 92182069
Eagle House,
19 Century
LBSU 434572
TQ 92212070
12& 13 Landgate
18th Century+
Listed Grade II
LBSU 434574
Listed Grade II
TQ 92212072
Landgate Square
Water Pump&
LBSU 434580
Listed Grade II
TQ 92152065
Seymour House,
rear of 4 Landgate
LBSU 434575
Listed Grade II
TQ 92222067
15-24 Landgate
[inc. Queen's Head]
LBSU 434576 [15-24]
Listed Grade II [15-24]
Public House
see Medieval 1001
Shop 20th Century LBSU 434569 Listed Grade II
TQ 92222062
26 Landgate
LBSU 434578
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
670 TQ 92122038 18-20 Lion Street House 18 Century TQ92SW
LBSU 434746
Listed Grade II
671 TQ 92132036 22 & 23 Lion Street House 18th Century+ TQ92SW
20th Century LBSU 434747
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 969
672 TQ 91622103 Rolvenden Farm, House & 18th Century TQ92SW
Love Lane Farmhouse LBSU 434748
Listed Grade II
673 TQ 92192035 Durrant House, House c.1350 [cellar]+ TQ92SW
1 & 2 Market Street c.1700 ESRO HBR1/1614, 2006
building survey Martin & Martin 2009, no. 36
LBSU 434749
Listed Grade II
674 TQ 92162033 6 & 7 Market Street House 18th Century TQ92SW
LBSU 434751
Listed Grade II
656 TQ 92152033 The Town Hall, Town Hall & 1742/1743 + NMR TQ92SW19
Market Street Local Government 1831 [sundial] ESHER MES2196
TQ 92142033 Office Worsfield 1925, 208-218 Page et al 1973a, 45, fig. LBSU 434752
Listed Grade II*
675 TQ 921 203 12 Market Street, House 18th Century+ TQ92SW
20th Century LBSU 434757 [12 & 13] Listed Grade II
TQ 92172037 The End House, House 1700/1750 + NMR TQ92SW74
15 Market Street ESHER MES2273
building survey 19th Century+ ESRO HBR1/0728, 1982 [14 & 15] 20th Century NBR Index 76853
LBSU 434758
Listed Grade II [14 & 15]
see Medieval 689
678 TQ 91972034 Mary Rose Cottage, House 1700/1832 + TQ92SW
Mermaid Passage 20th Century LBSU 434761 Listed Grade II
679 TQ 92042028 The First House, House 1789 TQ92SW
1 Mermaid Street LBSU 434837
Listed Grade II
680 TQ 92022027 4 Mermaid Street House 18th Century+ TQ92SW
19th Century LBSU 434838
Listed Grade II
682 TQ 91962025 12& 13 Mermaid Street House 1700/1760 TQ92SW
building survey ESRO HBR1/0821, 1983
LBSU 434843
Listed Grade II
683 TQ 91942025 Quaker's House, Place of Worship& 1745/1775 + NMR TQ92SW93
17 Mermaid Street House& 19th Century+ ESHER MES2254
building survey Artists Studio 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0943, 1985 TQ 91942026 NBR Index 45931
LBSU 434846
Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 103
684 TQ 91922027 21-29 Mermaid Street House
N.B. 21 Mermaid Street= 56 The Mint
18th Century
LBSU 434848
Listed Grade II
685 TQ 920 202 The Link, House c.1350 [cellar]+ TQ92SW
Mermaid Street 18th Century Listed Grade II 687 TQ 92402118 Rother View, House 18th Century TQ92SW
24 Military Road ESRO HBR1/1002, 1986
building survey LBSU 434856
Listed Grade II
688 TQ 92182041 Ockham Cottage, House 18th Century TQ92SW
TQ 92192042 Ockham Lane LBSU 434878
Listed Grade II
689 TQ 92302112 Point Hill& House [1] 18th Century+ TQ92SW
Point Hill South, c.1886 + W(eaver?) 1913c, 8*-12*
Point Hill 20th Century LBSU 435187 Listed Grade II
671 TQ 92292116 Goalthorpe, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Point Hill ESHER MES2279
TQ 92282114 NBR 77031
LBSU 434879
Listed Grade II
691 TQ 92382034 Ferry Cottage, House& 1767/1832 TQ92SW
Rock Channel Slipway& LBSU 434881
Ship Repair Works Listed Grade II
692 TQ 92152093 Mountsfield, House 1776 TQ92SW
Rye Hill NBR Index 106178
LBSU 434883
Listed Grade II
693 TQ 92072137 King's Head Inn& House& 18th Century TQ92SW
King's Head Cottages, Inn LBSU 434884
Rye Hill Listed Grade II
1086 TQ 92102034 School Lane Cottage, House ?+ TQ92SW
School Lane/ 18th Century LBSU 434886
Lion Street [fa�ade] Listed Grade II 694 TQ 918 202 Grist Mill , Warehouse c.1736 NMR TQ92SW12
The Strand ESHER MES2190
TQ 928 202 [sic] Haselfoot 1978, 113, pl. 50
1087 TQ 91872023 The Great Warehouse, Warehouse 1720/1740 + TQ92SW
The Strand 19th Century + ESHER MES2219
building survey 1963 Haselfoot 1978, 113
ESRO HBR1/0630, 1981
NBR Index 3436
Listed Grade II
695 TQ 919 202 The Old Borough Arms, House& 18th Century TQ92SW
The Strand Inn [or earlier] LBSU 434891 Listed Grade II
696 TQ 919 202 Strand House Antiques, Office& TQ92SW
The Strand/Wish Ward Shop Listed Grade II
TQ 92182059 1-5 Tower Street House& 1780/1820 + TQ92SW
Terrace& 20th Century LBSU 435181
Shop Listed Grade II
698 TQ 921 205 1-3 Tower Street Pottery& 18th Century TQ92SW
excavation Shoe& Hadfield 1980, 65
Coin [1] George II
699 TQ 92182059 6-8 Tower Street House& 1780/1820 + TQ92SW
Terrace 20th Century LBSU 435182 Listed Grade II
700 TQ 92162057 9-13 Tower Street House& 1780/1820 + TQ92SW
Terrace 20th Century LBSU 435183 Listed Grade II
650 TQ 92172061 19& 20 Tower Street House 18th Century TQ92SW
Listed Grade II
701 TQ 92182062 21& 23 Tower Street House 18th Century TQ92SW
LBSU 434972
Listed Grade II
703 TQ 91922024 Oak Cottage, House 1705/1755 TQ92SW
Traders Passage Page et al 1973a, 48
building survey ESRO HBR1/1600, 2005
LBSU 434975
Listed Grade II
TQ 91932022 Lantern Cottage, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Traders Passage LBSU 434976
Listed Grade II
TQ 91952020
The Cottage,
Watchbell Lane
LBSU 434979
Listed Grade II
704 TQ 92072023 The White House, House 18th Century + TQ92SW
Watchbell Street c.1910 LBSU 434988
Listed Grade II
706 TQ 92032018 18 Watchbell Street House 18th Century + TQ92SW
20th Century LBSU 435045
Listed Grade II
1089 TQ 92002018 The Hope Anchor Hotel, House & 1708/1758 + TQ92SW
Watchbell Street Hotel 19th Century ESHER MES2275
building survey ESRO HBR1/0852, 1984
LBSU 435044
NBR Index 76855 Listed Grade II
TQ 92032032
2 West Street
1690/1740 +
building survey
post c.1750
ESRO HBR1/0745, 1982
NBR Index 45939
LBSU 435055
TQ 92062032
Tower House,
Garden Building &
18th Century
Listed Grade II
3A West Street
LBSU 435057
Listed Grade II
TQ 92052029
Norman House,
West Street
LBSU 435058
Listed Grade II
TQ 92082029
9 West Street
building survey
ESRO HBR1/0965, 1986
NBR Index 54563
LBSU 435062
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 730
TQ 92052027
Lamb House,
1700/1732 +
West Street
1767/1799 +
20th Century Oswald 1955, 396-399, pl.
TQ 92042027 Lloyd, N. 1983, 244
LBSU 435064
Listed Grade II*
TQ 91872000 Western House, House & 18th Century + TQ92SW
Winchelsea Road Farmhouse 19th Century LBSU 435094 Listed Grade II
TQ 91882029 The Pump, Water Pump & 1767/1832 TQ92SW
Wish Ward Cistern LBSU 435098
Listed Grade II
TQ 914 205 B2089 Toll House 18th Century? TQ92SW
Hoare & Upton 1972, 10
Haselfoot 1978, 113
TQ 921 214 A268 Milepost 62 1762 TQ92SW
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
1091 TQ 908 199 Cadborough Cottages Agricultural 1760/1800 + TQ91NW
Building & 1872/1888 ESHER MES2270
House [re-used timbers] NBR Index 76846
[site of] demolished c. 1990 Pers. Comm. Jo Kirkham 2003
Rye Foreign (ESx)
TQ 91632256 1 & 2 Holmdale Cottages House [1] & 1733/1766 + TQ92SW
[Holmdale Farm] Farmhouse 1767/1832 + LBSU 412892
Rye Road 20th Century Listed Grade II 718 TQ 91292262 5 Bowlers Town, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Rye Road LBSU 412894
Listed Grade II
TQ 91272262 6 Bowlers Town, House 18th Century TQ92SW
Rye Road LBSU 412895
Listed Grade II
TQ 90982142 Leasom House, House & 1798/1806 + NMR TQ92SW23
Leasom Lane School 19th Century ESxHER MES2200
TQ 90952144 building survey ESRO HBR1/0820, 1983
LBSU 412751
Listed Grade II
TQ 918 217 Springfield Court lcehouse & 18th Century? TQ92SW
Wine Cellar Beamon & Roaf 1990, 433
TQ 917 217 Martin, R. 1994, 17
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
TR 06512791 The Star Inn Public House 18th Century + KHER TR02NE85
1800/1832 + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 43
20th Century Listed Grade II
TR 064 280 Haffenden Farm Cottages, House 18th Century TR02NE
Pickney Bush Lane KHBI: Shepway 1996, 43
TR 071 266 Brick Kiln Cottages, House 18th Century TR02NE
St Mary's Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 43
TR 07 26 MD find 01.1999 Harness Mount [1] 1800 P.P. TR02NE
domed PAS KENT-2778
Salehurst (ESx)
TQ 75662630 Climsett's Farm, House & 18th Century TQ72NE
Bodiam Road Farmhouse [or earlier] LBSU 412901 Listed Grade II
TQ 76072735 north west of Granary & 18th Century + TQ72NE
Great Wigsall, Oasthouse [2] 19th Century LBSU 413202
Junction Road Listed Grade II
TQ 75142307/ Pond Bay & 1724 NMR TQ72SE6
TQ 75282307 Iron Furnace ESHER MES2301
[remains of] Boyden Map 1724
Straker 1931, 310
TQ 751 249 Brick Kiln Shaw Brickworks 18th Century
demolished pre 1937 ESHER MES2401 Draper & Martin 1969, 58
TQ 752 249 Beswick 1983, 47
Saltwood (K)
TR 14013552 Yew Tree House & House 1767/1832 KHER TR13NW57
Yew Tree Cottage, KHER TR13NW116
Pedlinge Chris Blandford Assoc 1992
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 Listed Grade II
TR 14273674 Sandling Park House 1797 KHER TR13NW33
destroyed 1942 Hussey, C. 1954, 36-39, pl.
1949/1950 NBR Index 82403
TR 156 358 former Fountain Stores, Shop 18th Century TR13NE
The Green KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
TR 140 355 Days Farm, House & 18th Century TR13NW
Hythe Road, Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 Pedlinge
TR 139 355 Oxenden, House
18th Century
Hythe Road, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
TR 128 366 Twin Chimneys House 18th Century TR13NW
[Tin Chimneys] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
Stone Street, Westenhanger
Sandhurst (K)
TQ 79912832 1-4 Fairview Cottages Workhouse & 1767/1832 + KHER TQ72NE132
Back Road House & 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Row 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 78872777 1 & 2 Cross Cottages & House & 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE122
Periwinkle Cottage & Row 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Old Priest's Cottage, Listed Grade II
Bodiam Road see Medieval 788
TQ 79532821 Old Chapel House, Storehouse & 1767/1832 KHER TQ72NE100
Bodiam Road House & KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Chapel Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 143
740 TQ 79722832 lanyard Farm, House & 1767/1799 + KHER TQ72NE127
Bodiam Road Farmhouse 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
20th Century Listed Grade II
741 TQ 79732835 Swan Cottage House 1767/1832 + KHER TQ72NE150
[Glendower] 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Bodiam Road Listed Grade II
742 TQ 79772837 Bryn Tirion & House & 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE157
The Manor House & Row 1800/1832 + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Manor Cottage, 20th Century Listed Grade II Bodiam Road
743 TQ 79792839 Greenside Cottage, House 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE155
Bodiam Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
TQ 79802840 Cotmans, House 1767/1832 + KHER TQ72NE135
Bodiam Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
745 TQ 79752826 Cowbeech Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ72NE156
Bodiam Road [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
746 TQ 79642810 Brick House Farm, House & 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE160
Bodiam Road Farmhouse 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
747 TQ 79362793 Castle Gate, House 1700/1732 + KHER TQ72NE153
Bodiam Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
TQ 78802763
The Old Rectory,
House &
18th Century +
Church Road
[or earlier] 19th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
TQ 80802854
Puxtye Farm,
House &
1767/1832 +
Crouch Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
TQ 80742850
Puxtye Farm,
18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ82NW35
Crouch Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
Listed Grade II
751 TQ 81532959 Hope House Farm, House & 18th Century + KHER TQ82NW36
Crouch Lane Farmhouse 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87 Listed Grade II
752 TQ 78542968 Field Green House, House 1733/1799 + NMR TQ72NE20
Megrims Hill 19th Century + KHER TQ72NE166
TQ 78532966 20th Century Newman & Pevsner 1988, 506 Listed Grade II*
TQ 78712932 Perrins House 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE148
[Downgate Cottage] 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Megrims Hill Listed Grade II
TQ 79782844 Willow House House & 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE48
[Willow Cottage] Shop 1833/1866 KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Queen Street Listed Grade II
754 TQ 79802846 Saddlers Cottage House 18th Century KHER TQ72NE103
[Verandah Cottage] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Queen Street Listed Grade II
755 TQ 79842845 The Old House, House 18th Century KHER TQ72NE138
Queen Street KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Listed Grade II
TQ 80292826 1 & 2 Little Crouch, House [1] 18th Century + KHER TQ82NW37
Queen Street 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
756 TQ 79942834 Sunnyside, House 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE56
off Rye Road 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 20th Century Listed Grade II
757 TQ 79872838 Tower House, House 18th Century + KHER TQ72NE121
off Rye Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 79382871 opposite Sandhurst Milepost 50 1762 NMR TQ72NE16 Farm Shop, KHER TQ72NE158
TQ 79352872 Sharps Hill Haselfoot 1978, 85
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
TQ 80832810 opposite Baptist Church, Milepost 51 1762 NMR TQ82NW11 Rye Road KHER TQ82NW40
[Flimwell-Rye Toll Road] Austin & Upton 1972/73, 9
Haselfoot 1978, 85
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 80062835 Quince Cottage, House 18th Century + KHER TQ82NW47
Rye Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 80082834 Shrewsbury Cottage, House 18th Century + KHER TQ82NW48
Rye Road 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 80122833 Bolingbroke & House [1] 18th Century + KHER TQ82NW64
Lower Green 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Rye Road Listed Grade II
TQ 802 283 Vine Cottage & House & 18th Century TQ82NW
The Forge, Forge KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Rye Road
TQ 80512825 Crouch Cottage & House 1767/1799 + KHER TQ82NW31
Ringle Crouch Cottage, 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Rye Road Listed Grade II
TQ 80522822 Ringle Crouch Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ82NW29
Rye Road Farmhouse KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 808 281 White Gables, House 18th Century TQ82NW
Rye Road
TQ 80232817 Burnt Farm House &
18th Century +
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 KHER TQ82NW49
[Burnt House Farm] Farmhouse [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89
Rye Road 19th Century + Listed Grade II 20th Century
TQ 80712763 Boxhurst Farm, Oasthouse & 1767/1799 + KHER TQ82NW38
Rye Road Barn & 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Garage 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 804 284 Ringle Crouch Green/ Windmill & built pre 1769 TQ82NW
TQ 808 280 Boxhurst Farm, Post Mill moved pre 1793? Andrews, Drury & Herbert Map 1769
Rye Road [site of] ceased work ? Finch 1933, 269
demolished 1842 see 1£/h Century 695
TQ 81182797 1 & 2 Linkhill Cottages, House 1733/1766 + KHER TQ82NW45
off Rye Road 19th Century + KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 81432795 Linkhill Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ82NW34
attached to KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89
Yewside Cottage, Listed Grade II
Rye Road
TQ 78722963 Field Green Cottages, House 1767/1799 + KHER TQ72NE49
Sponden Road 19th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
TQ 798 284 Dunks Cottages, House 18th Century TQ72NE
The Green KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
Sedlescombe (ESx)
TQ 77142101 Swales Green Farm, Barn 18th Century + TQ72SE
Swales Green 1920s ESHER MES 2421
building survey ESRO HBR1/0541, 1980
Martin & Martin 2006, 123-124
NBR Index 1801
Sellindge (K)
509 TR 10653796 Little Rhodes, House 1767/1799 KHER TR13NW108
Main Road Listed Grade II
TR 10663791 Rhodes House, House 1767/1832 KHER TR13NW114
Main Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 45
Listed Grade II
TR 108 370 Humblebee, House 1765 TR13NW
Barrow Hill KHBI: Shepway 1996, 45
Shadoxhurst (K)
TQ 97123768 Quince Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE13 Church Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 97133773 Pound House, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE35 Church Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 97143771 Green Farm Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE59 Church Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 97233766 Forge House, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE45 Church Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 97263765 Rosemary Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE37 Church Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 97253762 Yew Tree House, House 18th Century + KHER TQ93NE46 Church Lane 19th Century Listed Grade II [del. 1981]
TQ 97833799 Hornash, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE63 Hornash Lane Listed Grade II
579 TQ 98153692 Manor Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ93NE55 Hamstreet Road Farmhouse & Listed Grade II
611 TQ 98983681 Poplar Farm, House & 1733/1766 + KHER TQ93NE41
Hamstreet Road Farmhouse & 1800/1832 Listed Grade II Garden Wall
Snargate (K)
TQ 991062861 Church Cottage House & 1767/1799 + KHER TQ92NE112
Row 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46 [restored] Listed Grade II
TQ 99242927 1 & 2 Whitehall Cottage House & 18th Century + KHER TQ92NE116
Farmhouse & [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
Row 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 99032855 The Red Lion PH, Public House & 18th Century + KHER TQ92NE122 82080 House & [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
Shop 19th Century Listed Grade II [fagade]
707 TQ 98882863 Stonehouse Farm, House & 1733/1766 KHER TQ92NE115 82080 Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
Listed Grade II
711 TQ 95852617 Becket's House House 1733/1766 + KHER TQ92NE95
[Becket's Court] 19th Century + KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
Fairfield 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 96312658 Becket's Barn Farm, Barn 1700/1749 + KHER TQ92NE121
Fairfield 19th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46 Listed Grade II
TQ 97202599 Old Farm, House & 18th Century + KHER TQ92NE106 Fairfield Farmhouse & [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
Apartment 1767/1832 + Listed Grade II
20 Century
TQ 97912730 Cherry Tree House, House 18th Century + KHER TQ92NE124 Brack Lane 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
[restored] Listed Grade II
TQ 977 270 Fairfield Court, House 18th Century TQ92NE
Brack Lane KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
TQ 99 26 Lyme Tree Farm, Coin [1] 1708 P.P. TQ92NE
Brookland Anne PAS KENT-1785
MD find 08.1999
Stanford (K)
TR 129 379 Yew Tree House, House 18th Century TR13NW
Stone Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 47
1082 TR 127 378 Kennett Lane Windmill built ? KHER TR13NW40
[site of] ceased work ? NBR Index 2572 dismantled ? see u/h Century 711
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
TQ 94212882 The Ferry Inn & Inn & 18th Century KHER TQ92NW65 Ferry Cottage & House Listed Grade II
Myrtle Cottage
TQ 94242884 The Ferry Inn Outbuilding &
18th Century
House Listed Grade II
TQ 91622806 Rose Hill Cottage House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW64 Listed Grade II
TQ 94092825 Priory Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ92NW43 Appledore Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 94082751 Rysings, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW29 Church Hill Listed Grade II
TQ 91232950 Hayes Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ92NW40 Corkscrew Lane Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 91482968 1 & 2 Leyton Cottages, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW53 Corkscrew Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 91402972 High House, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW34 Corkscrew Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 91362970 Hayes Cottage House 18th Century + KHER TQ92NW60 [High House Cottage] 20th Century Listed Grade II Corkscrew Lane
TQ 93912724 Huggit's Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ92NW57 Knock Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 93782684 Tyhe House & 18th Century KHER TQ92NW67 [Teigh Farm] Farmhouse Listed Grade II
Knock Road
TQ 93992775 Craigerne, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW44 The Street Listed Grade II
TQ 92952731 Wattle Corner, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW48 Wittersham Road Listed Grade II
TQ 92872675 Prawls, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW68 Wittersham Road Listed Grade II
Tenterden (K)
TQ 90603223 Kench Hill, House & 18th Century KHER TQ93SW153 Appledore Road Nursing Home Listed Grade II
1104 TQ 90053311/ Finchden Manor Gate Pier & 18th Century & KHER TQ93SW116
TQ 90123308 Appledore Road Garden Wall 19th Century KHER TQ93SW141 Listed Grade II
TQ 88563357 3 Ashford Road House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE88 Listed Grade II
TQ 88573358 5 Ashford Road House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE138 Listed Grade II
TQ 88563358 7 Ashford Road House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SE141
Shop Listed Grade II
TQ 88573359 9 Ashford Road House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE86 Listed Grade II
TQ 88573360 11-15 Ashford Road House & 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE200
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88583363 25 Ashford Road House & 1767/1832 + KHER TQ83SE166
Garage 20th Century Listed Grade II 815 TQ 88593369 The White House, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE18
31 Ashford Road Newman & Pevsner 1976, 564
Listed Grade II
TQ 88613373 Parsonage House, 35 & House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE178 Penderal Court, 37 Listed Grade II
Ashford Road
TQ 88803427 Homewood, House 1766 + KHER TQ83SE148
Ashford Road 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88863429 Homewood Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE219 Ashford Road Listed Grade II
TQ 88583518 1-4 Ashford Road, House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83NE190
St Michaels Listed Grade II [del.]
TQ 88903459 Purfields, House [1] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE212 Ox Lane/ Listed Grade II
Robinia Cottage, Ashford Road
St Michaels
TQ 88413328 1 & 3 Bell's Lane House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE213 Listed Grade II
TQ 88423327 5-9 Bell's Lane House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE256 Listed Grade II
TQ 88413323 14 & 16 Bell's Lane House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE222
Listed Grade II
TQ 88153312 1& 2 Burgess Row House 1700/1832 KHER TQ83SE223
Listed Grade II
TQ 885 335 East Hill Lodge, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE238 TQ 88823366 1 East Cross Listed Grade II
1106 TQ 88513344 2 East Cross House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE236
Listed Grade II
TQ 88523347 Chain House, House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE168
6 East Cross Listed Grade II
TQ 88533348 Maythos, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE216 7 East Cross Listed Grade II
TQ 88543350 8-11 East Cross House& 1767/1799 + KHER TQ83SE229
Terrace& 20th Century Newman& Pevsner 1976, 565
Shop Listed Grade II
TQ 88543351 The Armoury, House [1] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE245 12-14 East Cross Listed Grade II
TQ 88843366 East Hill House, House 18th Century NMR TQ83SE17
3 East Hill KHER TQ83SE228
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 565 Listed Grade II*
TQ 88773367 1& 3 Golden Square House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE261 Listed Grade II
TQ 88823367 2& 4 Golden Square House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE127 Listed Grade II
TQ 88823368 6& 8 Golden Square House 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE144
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88433515 Church View, House 18th Century KHER TQ83NE147 Grange Road, Listed Grade II
St Michaels
TQ 88533339 1& 1A High Street House& 1761 + KHER TQ83SE215
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88503337 Ye Olde Cellars Inn, House& 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE137 3& 5 High Street Shop& 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88453334 19-21A High Street House& 18th Century KHER TQ83SE153
Shop& Listed Grade II
TQ 88373329 47A High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE183 Listed Grade II
TQ 88353327 53& 55 High Street House& 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE173
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88343329 High Street Milepost 18th Century KHER TQ83SE264
TQ 863 333 [sic] A28 Haselfoot 1978, 57, pl. 20
Listed Grade II
1105 TQ 883 332 High Street Toll House & 18th Century TQ83SE
Toll Gate [site of]
TQ 88343325 The White Lion Hotel, Hotel
18th Century
57 High Street Listed Grade II
TQ 88313323 63 & 65 High Street House [1?] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE132 Listed Grade II
TQ 88303323 Beach House, House 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE265 67 High Street later front Listed Grade II
TQ 88203316 Borough Place, House & 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE210
93-103 High Street Row Listed Grade II
TQ 88183314 109 High Street House
Listed Grade II
TQ 88173314 111-117 High Street House & 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE230
Row later Listed Grade II
TQ 88073311 145 & 147 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE164 Listed Grade II
TQ 88473341 6 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE139 Listed Grade II
TQ 88433339 22 High Street House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE172 Listed Grade II
TQ 88413338 The Town Hall, Town Hall 1790 + KHER TQ83SE244
24 High Street later Newman & Pevsner 1976, 564 Listed Grade II
TQ 88393334 30 High Street House & 1767/1799 + KHER TQ83SE227
Shop 1858 Listed Grade II 853 TQ 88373333 40 High Street House & 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE92
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
854 TQ 88363332 42 High Street House & 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE149
Shop Listed Grade II
1103 TQ 88303330 62 High Street House 18th Century NMR TQ83SE47 KHER TQ83SE134
NBR Index 40575 Listed Grade II
855 TQ 88263328 72 High Street House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SE105
Shop Listed Grade II
856 TQ 88 30 Tenterden Brewery, Brewery established 1745 TQ83SE
High Street [site of] Obadiah Edwards 1870s Osborne 1982, 55 [rear of Vine Inn] closed 1922
857 TQ 88183330 rear of Industrial Building 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE89 82 High Street/ Listed Grade II
Station Road
TQ 88143328
TQ 88213325
TQ 88143321
TQ 88133321
TQ 88113320
TQ 88103319
TQ 88093319
TQ 88083318
TQ 88073317
TQ 88063317
TQ 88013315
TQ 88143312
TQ 88843338
TQ 88833345
TQ 86633402
TQ 86563419
TQ 92263047
TQ 92253045
TQ 92253041
Pittlesden Yard, rear of
94 High Street photo survey
90& 92 High Street
102& 104 High Street 106 High Street
112& 114 High Street 116 High Street
120-124 High Street 126& 126A High Street 128& 130 High Street 132& 134 High Street 142 High Street
1-10 Mayor's Place
Hales Place, Oak Road Hales Place, Oak Road
Four Dwellings, Parkgate Road Goods Hill House [Hoskins Farm] Parkgate Road Welbro Cottage, Reading Street Skeers House, Reading Street Old Barrack Farm, Reading Street
Workshop 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE159
NBR Index 98023 Listed Grade II
House [1]& 1767/1832 + KHER TQ83SE155
Shop& 20th Century Listed Grade II Inn?
House 1767/1799 KHER TQ83SE163
Listed Grade II
House& 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE234
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
House [1] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE272 Listed Grade II
House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE191 Listed Grade II
House& 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE91
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE150 Listed Grade II
House& 18th Century KHER TQ83SE235
Shop Listed Grade II
House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE90 Listed Grade II
House 18th Century + KHER TQ83SE202 19th Century Listed Grade II
House& 18th Century KHER TQ83SE255
Terrace Listed Grade II
Oasthouse [1] 18th Century KHER TQ83SE93 Listed Grade II
lcehouse 18th Century? KHER TQ83SE65 Beamon& Roaf 1990, 320
House& 18th Century KHER TQ83SE94
Row Listed Grade II
House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE252 Listed Grade II
House 1700/1732 KHER TQ93SW143
Listed Grade II
House 1700/1732 KHER TQ93SW139
Listed Grade II
House& 1724 KHER TQ93SW118
Post Office Listed Grade II
TQ 87713306
Rolvenden Road
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 566
Listed Grade II*
TQ 87953307 Cherry Tree House, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE124 1 Smallhythe Road Listed Grade II
TQ 88813215 Ratsbury, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE278 Smallhythe Road Listed Grade II
TQ 88823206 Little Paddock House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE167 [Raspberry] Listed Grade II
Smallhythe Road
TQ 88843162 Pickhill Farm, Oasthouse [2] & 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE271 Smallhythe Road Granary Listed Grade II
TQ 90003095 Dumbourne Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ93SW129 Smallhythe Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 87973295 Chestnut House, House 1715 NMR TQ83SE19 Smallhythe Road KHER TQ83SE249
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 566 Listed Grade II*
TQ 88053291 The Cedars, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE11
Smallhythe Road Newman & Pevsner 1976, 566
Listed Grade II*
TQ 8833223 Morghew, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE270 Smallhythe Road Newman & Pevsner 1976, 566
Listed Grade II
TQ 89313013 Bologna, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE78 Smallhythe Road Listed Grade II
TQ 89313007 Martin's Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE251 Smallhythe Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 89322998 Yew Tree Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE18 Smallhythe Road Listed Grade II
TQ 88603017 Bulleign Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ83SE257 Smallhythe Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 8843328 2-4 Theatre Square House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE269
Listed Grade II
TQ 88013310 3 & 5 West Cross House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE161 Listed Grade II
TQ 87993307 9 West Cross House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE126 Listed Grade II
TQ 87923313
4 & 6 West Cross
House &
Listed Grade II
TQ 88003314 2 West Cross House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE201 Listed Grade II
TQ 87933311 10 West Cross House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE85 Listed Grade II
TQ 87913311 Westfield House, House 1700/1732 + NMR TQ83SE10
18 West Cross 20th Century KHER TQ83SE171
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 566 Listed Grade II*
TQ 88973378 Craythorne, House 1767/1799 KHER TQ83SE221
Woodchurch Road Newman & Pevsner 1976, 566
Listed Grade II
TQ 89183392 Dovenden House 1767/1832 KHER TQ83SE199
[Woodside] Listed Grade II
Woodchurch Road
TQ 88993374 Stace House House 18th Century KHER TQ83SE276 [The Limes] Listed Grade II
Woodchurch Road
TQ 88763427 Homewood Secondary lcehouse 18th Century ? NMR TQ85SE64 [sic] School [remains of] Beamon & Roaf 1990, 321 [Homewood Mansion]
1092 TQ 890 341 near Fat Ox Inn Windmill built pre 1736 TQ 83SE
[site of] ceased work ? Andrews, Drury & Herbert Map 1769
demolished pre 1851 Finch 1933, 290 878 TQ 86493289 Ashbourne Mill, Watermill & 18th Century KHER TQ83SE116
Rolvenden Road House Finch 1933, 91
TQ 864 328 Fuller & Spain 1986, 13-20
Listed Grade II*
1084 TQ 87033375 Brattle Mill, Watermill 18th Century KHER TQ83SE55
[remains of ?] Bannister 1992
1085 TQ 86833485 Frog's Hole Mill, Watermill 18th Century KHER TQ83SE56
[site of] Bannister 1992
1088 TQ 86903430 Tarn Pond Mill Pond 18th Century KHER TQ83SE54 Bannister 1992
Udimore (ESx)
TQ 86881890 Mill Lodge, House 18th Century TQ81NE
Rye Road LBSU 415044
Listed Grade II
TQ 86921886 Stocks Cottage, House 18th Century + TQ81NE
TQ 86951889
Woodstoves (Antiques) &
House [1] &
18th Century
Rushey Cottage,
LBSU 415046
Rye Road
Listed Grade II
Rye Road 20th Century LBSU 415045 Listed Grade II
TQ 87001888 Forge House, Forge 18th Century TQ81NE
Rye Road LBSU 415048
Listed Grade II
TQ 87261880 Cross House, House 18th Century + TQ81NE
Rye Road 19th Century LBSU 415050 Listed Grade II
TQ 90071985 Gillshaw Farm, House& 18th Century TQ91NW
Rye Road Farmhouse LBSU 415058
Listed Grade II
TQ 85911946 Newman's Farm, House& 18th Century TQ81NE
Rye Road Farmhouse LBSU 415034
Listed Grade II
TQ 86181918 1& 2 Churchfield, House 18th Century TQ81NE
Rye Road LBSU 415035
Listed Grade II
TQ 86301918 Farleys House 18th Century TQ81NE
[Yew Tree Cottage] ESHER MES2544
TQ 86311918 Rye Road NBR Index 3445
LBSU 415036
Listed Grade II
1093 TQ 88631956 Wick Farm, House& ?+ TQ81NE
Rye Road Farmhouse 18th Century + ESHER MES2554 TQ 88631950 [fa�ade] LBSU 415054
20 Century Listed Grade II
1126 TQ 89 19 MD find 12.2007 Spur [1] copper alloy c.1700-1850 P.P. TQ81NE
broken PAS SUSS-1479E0
Warehorne (K)
TQ 99003270 Mountfield, Stable 1767/1799 KHER TQ93SE58
Church Road Listed Grade II
TQ 99033253 Church Farm, House& 1700/1732 + KHER TQ93SE51
Church Road Farmhouse 1778 Listed Grade II 1094 TQ 98713245 Tinton, House ?+ KHER TQ93SE66
Church Road 1733/1766 + Hasted 1799, VIII, 368-370 1800/1832 lgglesden 1922, XV, 64
Listed Grade II
1095 TQ 98973261 1-4 The Green House& ?+ KHER TQ93SE67
Row& 18th Century Listed Grade II
Almshouse [exterior]
TQ 98943262 Churchfield Terrace, House 1700/1732 + KHER TQ93SE32 The Green 1767/1799 Listed Grade II
TQ 98953257 Pilgrims Cottages, House 18th Century KHER TQ93SE78 The Green Listed Grade II
TR 98413276 Ham Mill Green, House 1700/1732 KHER TQ93SE43
Ham Mill Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 98663308 Leacon Hall, House 1708 NMR TQ93SE13
Hamstreet Road KHER TQ93SE38
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 592 Listed Grade II*
TQ 98653296 Gold House, House 1700/1732 KHER TQ93SE42
Hamstreet Road Listed Grade II
TQ 98613296 The Leacon, House 1767/1799 KHER TQ93SE40
Hamstreet Road Listed Grade II
TR 00053339 Lordens, House 18th Century KHER TR03SW60 Ham Street Road Listed Grade II
1107 TQ 98023289 west of House ?+ KHER TQ93SE36
Stone Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
Kenardington Road [exterior]
1108 TQ 98283294 Bluebell Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ93SE29 Kenardington Road Listed Grade II
TQ 98453320 Lilyfields, House 18th Century KHER TQ93SE44 School Hill Listed Grade II
TQ 98473337 Leacon Farm, House & 1767/1799 KHER TQ93SE65
School Hill Farmhouse Listed Grade II
1096 TQ 98533304 Mill House, House ?+ KHER TQ93SE63
School Hill 18th Century + Listed Grade II 20th Century
TQ 985 329 Windmill & built pre 1769 TQ93SE
Post Mill ceased work post 1878 Finch 1933, 299
[site of] demolished 1900
Westfield (ESx)
TQ 80791728 The White Cottage, House 18th Century TQ81NW
Cottage Lane LBSU 415559
Listed Grade II
TQ 81441509 Moor Farm, House & 18th Century TQ81NW
The Moor Farmhouse LBSU 415587
Listed Grade II
TQ 81571512 house adjoining House 18th Century TQ81NW
Old Moor House, LBSU 415580
The Moor Listed Grade II
TQ 80921505 Church Place Farm, House & c.1725 + TQ81NW
Vicarage Lane Farmhouse pre 1840 + ESHER MES2575
building survey 20th Century ESRO HBR1/0886, 1984 NBR Index 3471
LBSU 415594
TQ 80461563
The Old School House,
Wheel Lane
Free School & House
LBSU 415597
Listed Grade II
TQ 76662078
Hook's Beach Cottage, Swailes Green
18th Century
LBSU 415612
Listed Grade II
TQ 90682799
Acton Manor,
18th Century
Listed Grade II
Acton Lane Listed Grade II
930 TQ 90682713 Hurst Farm Cottage, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW74 Budd's Lane Listed Grade II
931 TQ 88972735 Hunts Hill, House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE26 Moons Green Road [or earlier] Listed Grade II
932 TQ 88352742 Moat Farm, House & 18th Century KHER TQ82NE38 Moons Green Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
933 TQ 88322672 Blackbrook Farm, House & 18th Century + KHER TQ82NE19 Moons Green Road Farmhouse 20th Century Listed Grade II
1098 TQ 88742871 The Lordings, House ?+ KHER TQ82NE54
Peening Quarter 18th Century Listed Grade II [front]
1099 TQ 88652873 Peening Farm House & ? [cellar]+ KHER TQ82NE15 Peening Quarter Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
936 TQ 89932739 3-7 Poplar Road House [1] 18th Century + KHER TQ82NE57
19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 89802762 The White Cottage, 24 & House [1] 18th Century KHER TQ82NE41 Corner Cottage, 26 Listed Grade II
Poplar Road
934 TQ 87432802 Potman's Heath House, House c.1800 KHER TQ82NE25 Rolvenden Road Listed Grade II
1100 TQ 88292838 Palstre Court, House ?+ KHER TQ82NE34 Rolvenden Road, 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 91342703
House &
18th Century +
Rye Road
Army Headquarters
CBA DoB 2002, S0005808
TQ 91202679
Tophill Farm,
House &
18th Century +
Listed Grade II
Rye Road
Farmhouse &
[or earlier]
CBA DoB 2002, S0005807
Officers Mess 1939-1945 Listed Grade II 940 TQ 91372649 Underhill Farm, House & ?+ KHER TQ92NW69
Rye Road Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
939 TQ 90202724 Mill House, House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW33 Stocks Road Listed Grade II
TQ 90062724 7 & Martens, 9 House 18th Century KHER TQ92NW55 The Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II
TQ 89842701 Wittersham Court House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE52 [Wittersham College] Listed Grade II
The Street
TQ 89772701 29 The Street House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE24 Listed Grade II
TQ 89762701 33 The Street House 18th Century + KHER TQ82NE28
19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 89712695 39 The Street House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE44 Listed Grade II
TQ 89702693 Old Queens, 43 & House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE30 Queen's Head Cottage, Listed Grade II
45 The Street
1101 TQ 89642684 Furners, House c.1790 + KHER TQ82NE48
53 The Street 1967/1968 NBR Index 83721 Listed Grade II
TQ 90002728 The Homestead, House & 18th Century + KHER TQ92NW45 2 The Street Shop 19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 89922715 8 & 8A The Street House 18th Century + KHER TQ82NE22
19th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 89662749 The Hamel, House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE32 7 Swan Street Listed Grade II
TQ 89552743 21 Swan Street House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE55
[or earlier] Listed Grade II
1110 TQ 89452738 29 Swan Street House 1767/1832 + KHER TQ82NE53
20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88882724
The Hall,
18th Century
Swan Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 89422740 20 Swan Street House 18th Century KHER TQ82NE50 Listed Grade II
953 TQ 902 272 Old Mill Windmill & built 1736 TQ92NW
Post Mill ceased work c.1920 lgglesden 1923, XVI, 38
[site of] demolished 1922 Finch 1933, 303, pl. facing 317
West 1979, 107, pl. 65
NBR Index 3701
1109 TQ 91302730 Stocks Mill Windmill & built 1781 NMRTQ92NW8
Post Mill ceased work KHERTQ92NW32
early 20th Century Finch 1933, 304, pl. facing 317
repaired 1958 + Newman & Pevsner 1976, 612
1968 Haselfoot 1978, 60
Turpin &Turpin 1979, 21, no. 20
West 1979, 83-86, pl. 42
Brown 1989, 114-115
Arnold et al 2003
NBR Index 2607 Listed Grade II*
Woodchurch (K)
955 TQ 94263497 The Six Bells Inn Inn 18th Century KHERTQ93SW133
[renovated] Listed Grade II
956 TQ 94283495 1-5 Hylands Row House 18th Century KHERTQ93SW122 Listed Grade II
957 TQ 94333494 Myrtle Cottage House 18th Century KHERTQ93SW136 Listed Grade II
1102 TQ 94273527 Mill Cottage & House ?+ KHERTQ93NW23 Fair View 18th Century Listed Grade II
1103 TQ 95613561 May Farm House & ?+ KHERTQ93NE32
Farmhouse 1700/1732 + Listed Grade II
[exterior] 20th Century
960 TQ 95093366 Walter House, House 18th Century KHERTQ93SE76 Appledore Road Listed Grade II
1104 TQ 93863362 Malthouse Farm, House & ?+ KHERTQ93SW171 Brook Street Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
961 TQ 93983367 Brook Farm, House & 18th Century KHERTQ93SW108 Brook Street Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 91993392
The Cot,
18th Century
Brook Street
Listed Grade II
962 TQ 92963375 Old Balcony, House 18th Century KHERTQ93SW125 Brook Street Listed Grade II
TQ 94293492 3& 5 Brook Street House 18th Century KHER TQ93SW145 Listed Grade II
TQ 91953413 Cherry Gardens, Barn 18th Century KHER TQ93SW165 Brook Street Listed Grade II
TQ 96323531 Small Profits, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE60 Cold Blow Area Listed Grade II
1105 TQ 94273467 Thorne House House ?+ KHER TQ93SW142
21-25 Front Road 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 94443437 Park Farm, House& 18 Century KHER TQ93SW124
79 Front Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 94253491 Church Gates, House 18th Century KHER TQ93SW164 10 Front Road Listed Grade II
1106 TQ 94243486 14& Janes, 16& House [1] ?+ KHER TQ93SW115
The Little House, 18& 18th Century Listed Grade II
Quaintways, 20 [fagade]
Front Road
TQ 94243485 22-28 Front Road House [2] 18th Century KHER TQ93SW155 Listed Grade II
1107 TQ 94233479 36 Front Road House ?+ KHER TQ93SW149
18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 94603436 31 Lower Road House 1767/1799 KHER TQ93SW161
Listed Grade II
1108 TQ 94413486 19 The Green House ?+ KHER TQ93SW163
18th Century Listed Grade II
1109 TQ 94473484 Prospect House, House ?+ KHER TQ93SW137 23 The Green 18th Century + Listed Grade II
[exterior] 19th Century
TQ 94523480 27& House [3] 18th Century + KHER TQ93SW146
The White House, 29& 19th Century Listed Grade II Wisteria Cottage, 31&
Cherry Tree Cottage, 33 The Green
TQ 94543474 Chequer Tree, House 18th Century KHER TQ93SW123 The Green Listed Grade II
TQ 94013511 Clappers Mead House 18th Century KHER TQ93NW24 [The Firs] Listed Grade II
The Green
1110 TQ 93573603 Elms Farm, House & ?+ KHER TQ93NW40
Redbrook Street Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 93713606 King Farm, House & 18 Century KHER TQ93NW71
Redbrook Street Farmhouse Listed Grade II
1111 TQ 93353612 Apple Field, House ?+ KHER TQ93NW55
Redbrook Street 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 93283622 Beales Farm, Barn 18 Century KHER TQ93NW41
Redbrook Street [or earlier] Listed Grade II [del. 01.1996] 1112 TQ 92583590 Maywood Farm, House & ?+ KHER TQ93NW77
Redbrook Street Farmhouse 18th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 92343557 Boldshaves Cottage, House 18 Century KHER TQ93NW45
Redbrook Street Listed Grade II
TQ 95173644 Henghurst, Granary 18th Century KHER TQ93NE20 Shadoxhurst Road Listed Grade II
Shadoxhurst Road Frightsbridge Farm,
House & 18th Century +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ93NE58
Shadoxhurst Road
Farmhouse 1833/1866
Listed Grade II
Susans Hill Brickwall Farm,
House 18th Century
House & 18th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ93SW37
Susans Hill
Listed Grade II
Great Robhurst Farm,
House & 18th Century
Swain Road
Farmhouse [or earlier]
Listed Grade II
Upper Mill
Windmill & built early 18th
Century KHER TQ93NW12
Smock Mill moved c.1750
Finch 1933, 305-306, opposite 320
[site of] ceased work 1910 West 1979, 86-90, 107, pl. 43 & 44
demolished 1930s Brown 1989, 232
NBR Index 2609
TQ 95823744 Coleham Green, House 18th Century KHER TQ93NE21
TQ 96193772
TQ 94553400
TQ 93823516
TQ 91803460
958 TQ 94293526
AD 1801 -1900 19th Century 868
Parish/NGR Place/Details of find Site/Find Aldington (K)
Location of Finds
TR 07453619 Court Lodge Farm,
Church Lane
TR 07453627 Court Lodge Farm,
Church Lane
TR 05213690 Village Pump, TR 05233690 Frith Road
TR 05683686 Poulton Farm
Frith Road
TR 05533623
TR 07053420 Giggers Green
Royal Military Canal excavation 1999
Appledore (K)
Barn & Stables & Cartshed Stockyard & Shed
Water Pump & Hand Pump Oasthouse & Shed
Windmill & Smock Mill & [remains of] Storehouse
built c.1810
ceased work c.1908 dismantled c.1910
1809 +
201h Century
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II KHER TR03NE151
Listed Grade II KHER TR03NE94
Listed Grade II NMR TR03NE31 KHER TR03NE31
Finch 1933, 145, 152, pl. facing 60, 145 (13)
West 1979, 93, pl. 50
NBR Index 2448 KHER TR03SE60
Rady 2000 Rady 1999/2000
TQ 95333067
TQ 95742917
TQ 95652931
TQ 97572978
Merry Mead, Appledore Heath
The Old Watch House, The Street
Norman House, 18 The Street Appledore
House House House
Railway Station [SE Rly]
[Lydd Rly]
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE152
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE134
Listed Grade II KHER TQ92NE131
Haselfoot 1978, 23
Reeve & Hawkins 1983, 48-56
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 53-61, pl.
Pryer & Bowring 1980, 10 NBR Index Ro/06303 Listed Grade II
TQ 97562975
Goods Shed
[SE Rly]
closed 1963
Pryer & Bowring 1980, 1O
Listed Grade II
12 TQ 963 293 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TQ92NE167
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 2
Beckley (ESx)
TQ 84322415 Woodgate House, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Church Lane LBSU 292278
Listed Grade II
TQ 84302417 Woodgate House, Stable 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Church Lane LBSU 292279
Listed Grade II
TQ 84092356 The Rose & Crown Inn Inn 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Main Street [or earlier] LBSU 292292 Listed Grade II
TQ 84522372 Old Chestnuts, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 292293
Listed Grade II
TQ 85082391 The Oast, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292298
Listed Grade II
TQ 85182396 The Vines, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292300
Listed Grade II
TQ 85962414 Westfield Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292301
Listed Grade II
TQ 84372367 Church House Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 292304
Listed Grade II
TQ 84572368 Prospect Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 292306
Listed Grade II
TQ 84782373 Virginia Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 292312
Listed Grade II
TQ 85802404 Orchard Cottage House 1800/1832 + TQ82SE
[Charlwood House] 20th Century LBSU 292316
Main Street Listed Grade II
TQ 86042414 Rosemary Cottage & House & 19th Century + TQ82SE
The Posting House & Post Office & 20th Century LBSU 292318
Beckley Post Office, Shop Listed Grade II
Main Street
TQ 86072415 The Oaks, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 292320
Listed Grade II
TQ 86202398 Glenair & House 19th Century TQ82SE
High Cottage LBSU 292327
Peasmarsh Road Listed Grade II
TQ 84472415 The Old Rectory, House & 1800/1866 TQ82SW
Stoddards Lane Vicarage LBSU 292329
Listed Grade II
TQ 83732284 Fiddlers Oast, Oasthouse [2] & 19th Century TQ82SW
Water Mill Lane Granary & LBSU 292332
House Listed Grade II [del. 10.1996]
TQ 86132424 1-7 Roberts Row, House & 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Whitebread Lane Terrace LBSU 292334
Listed Grade II
TQ 86982408 Kitchenour, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Wittersham Lane LBSU 292336
Listed Grade II
Benenden (K)
TQ 800 323 Stream Farm Cottages, House 19th Century KHER TQ83SE30
Coldharbour Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Listed Grade II
TQ 80203379 Benenden School House & 1859/1862 + NMR TQ83SW38 [Hemsted House] School c.1912 + KHER TQ83SW132
TQ 80243380 Cranbrook Road 1961/1965 + Haslewood 1889, 195-196
1991 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 152-153
Hawkins 1999
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4 [Hempstead]
NBR Index 82384 Listed Grade II
TQ 80433408 Benenden School Garden & 1834/1899 KHER TQ83SW144 Cranbrook Road Wall KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
NBR Index 82384 Listed Grade II
809 TQ 80263411 Benenden School,
1800/1832 +
Cranbrook Road
last used 1913 +
Beamon& Roaf 1990, 310-311
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4 Listed Grade II
TQ 80223323
South Lodge,
Benenden School,
Gate Lodge
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 153
Cranbrook Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Listed Grade II
36 TQ 80 32 North Lodge, House& c.1880 TQ83SW
Benenden School, Gate Lodge Newman& Pevsner 1976, 153 Cranbrook Road
TQ 80103373 Benenden School, Garden Ornament& 1867/1899 KHER TQ83SW149 Cranbrook Road Astrolabe KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Listed Grade II
38 TQ 80413413 Garden Cottage House& c.1880 KHER TQ83SW99
[Gardeners Cottage] Estate Cottage KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Benenden School, Listed Grade II
Cranbrook Road
TQ 81673447 4& 5 Goddard's Green House 1833/1866 + KHER TQ83SW138
Cottages, 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
Goddard's Green Listed Grade II
TQ 81693449 Finnigan's Cottage& House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW136
Eaton Cottage KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
[Trottwood Cottage] Listed Grade II
[6 Goddard's Green
Cottages] Goddard's Green
TQ 80613436 Staplehurst Lodge, House c.1868 KHER TQ83SW78 Galford Road RIBA 1868
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5 Listed Grade II
TQ 80623436 Staplehurst Lodge, Wall& c.1868 KHER TQ83SW163 New Pond Road Gate Pier RIBA 1868
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5 Listed Grade II
TQ 84503406 Beston Farm Oast, Oasthouse 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW115
Halden Lane KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 84433405 Beston Farm, Privy House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW126
Halden Lane KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80583189
Cotton Cottage,
1800/1832 +
Iden Green
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80513184
1 & 2 Coveney Cottages,
Iden Green
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80533185
Lilac Cottage,
Iden Green
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80313156
Mill Street Cottage,
Mill Street,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
Iden Green
Listed Grade II
TQ 808 342
1 & 2 Beech House,
New Pond Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
Listed Grade II
TQ 81123386
1 & 2 Primrose Cottages
[Walkhurst Cottages]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
New Pond Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 81133281
Tudor Cottage
Toll House &
c.1870 +
[Rose Cottage]
20th Century
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
TQ 815 326
Rolvenden Road Pullington House,
19th Century
Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 7
TQ 80363166
Pump House,
Pump House &
Standen Street,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Iden Green
Listed Grade II
TQ 82823377
Pagehurst Cottages,
Stepneyford Lane
[using some 16th
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Century material]
Listed Grade II
TQ 80813282
The Green
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80823274
1861/1873 +
CE Primary School,
Newman & Pevsner 1976. 153
The Green
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
Listed Grade II
TQ 80963283
The Bull Inn,
Stable &
The Green
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 5
Listed Grade II
TQ 80653304
Benenden Playgroup
Working Mens Institute &
[Working Mens Institute]
Nursery School
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
The Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 80933291
Chestnut House
House &
[Benenden Post Office] The Street
Post Office
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8 Listed Grade II
TQ 80633301
Fir Tree Cottage
House &
1800/1832 +
TQ 80753295
[Ward & Sons, Butchers] The Street
Gable Cottage &
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9 Listed Grade II
TQ 80993289
The Gables The Street
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9 Listed Grade II
The Street
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
TQ 80623304
The Queen's Well,
Well House &
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW161
TQ 80683301
The Street
1 Laurel Cottages,
Commemorative Monument
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8 Listed Grade II
The Street
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
TQ 80833292
The Sweet Shop
House &
c.1830 +
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW162
[Rose Cottage]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
TQ 81573332
The Street Burnt House,
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83SW62
Walkhurst Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
Listed Grade II
67 TQ 81543334 Scribbins, House 1800/1832 + KHER TQ83SW64
TQ 81033292
Yew Tree House
[The Homestead]
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
Walkhurst Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 81003293
Yew Tree House
Oasthouse [1] &
Walkhurst Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9
Listed Grade II
TQ 833 352
East End
Windmill &
Post Mill &
ceased work?
Finch 1933,160
[site of]
demolished c.1870
TQ 81843448
Goddards Green Road
Mound Extractive Pit &
19th Century
TQ 813 319
Strawberry Wood,
Pottery & Tile
Extractive Pit?
19th Century
Archaeol. South-East 2006
Iden Green
Kent County Council 2002a
Walkhurst Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9 Listed Grade II
Biddenden (K)
TQ 86023701
Duesden, Tenterden Road
Listed Grade II
Bilsington (K)
TR 03273557
Fagg's Farm,
70 TQ 85233772 Little Randolphs Farm House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ83NE182 Tenterden Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
Ashford Road Listed Grade II
73 TR 03803485 Prospect Place, House 1800/1832 KHER TR03SW51 Ashford Road Listed Grade II
TR 03963449 Forge Cottage, House 1800/1832 KHER TR03SW79 The Cross Listed Grade II
TR 04063437 Willow Trees, House 1800/1866 KHER TR03SW83
Newchurch Road Listed Grade II
TR 03923428 The Cosway Monument, Commemorative 1835 KHER TR03SW81 Newchurch Road Monument & Newman & Pevsner 1976, 171
Obelisk Listed Grade II
TR 035 326 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR03SW87
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 3
TR 038 326 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR03SW88
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 4
TR 039 332 Shepherds Hut demolished KHER TR03SW89
[site of] by 1830 Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 5
Bodiam (ESx)
TQ 78212593 Court Lodge Oasthouse, Oasthouse [3] & 19th Century TQ72NE
Sandhurst Road Granary & LBSU 292343
House Listed Grade II
TQ 78282642 St Peter's Green Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ72NE
Sandhurst Road LBSU 292346
Listed Grade II
TQ 78352667 The Mill House, Mill House & 1800/1832 TQ72NE
Sandhurst Road Water Wheel & LBSU 292351
House Listed Grade II
TQ 78142578 Old School House, House c.1870 TQ72NE
Sandhurst Road LBSU 292342
Listed Grade II
TQ 78282662 Kitchenham Farm, Oasthouse [2] & 19th Century TQ72NE
Sandhurst Road Barn LBSU 292350
Listed Grade II
TQ 781 256 Rectory Cottage lcehouse 1850/1860 NMR TQ72NE38 [Cottage Hospital] ESHER MES3497
TQ 981 257 Jones 1984b, 85-86, fig.
Beamon & Roaf 1990, 424
Martin, R. 1994, 14
see Post Medieval 111
Bonnington (K)
TR 055 336 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR03SE96
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 8
TR 061 339 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR03SE97
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 9
Brede (ESx)
TQ 82551831 Victoria Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ81NW
Brede Village LBSU 292360
Listed Grade II
TQ 82311857 Old Post Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ81NW
Cackle Street LBSU 292380
Listed Grade II
TQ 82271874 Fernlea House 1800/1832 TQ81NW
[Coach House] LBSU 292382
Cackle Street Listed Grade II
TQ 82661838 Shearfold Farm House & 1800/1832 TQ81NW
Stubb Lane Farmhouse LBSU 292401
Listed Grade II
TQ 84611834 Pickdick Farm, Oasthouse [2] & 19th Century TQ81NW
Stubb Lane Barn LBSU 292409
Listed Grade II
94 TQ 85011922 Sowdens Farm, Oasthouse [2] & 1800/1866 + TQ81NE
Udimore Road Granary & 20th Century LBSU 292411 House Listed Grade II
828 TQ 81341831 Gods Acre Farm Hospital 1895/1947 TQ81NW
[smallpox] ESHER MES8518
829 TQ 81701867 Old Kiln, Brick Works & 1875/1895 TQ81NW
Brede Lane Tile Works ESHER MES8519
830 TQ 81901864 Pottery Close Pottery Works 1835/1899 TQ81NW
Brenzett (K)
TR 00272729 The Fleur-de-Lys PH, Public House 1833/1866 KHER TR02NW76 A2070 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
Listed Grade II
96 TR 00482758 Nash Cottage, House 1800/1832 KHER TR02NW52 A2070 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
Listed Grade II
TR 00952961 Court-at-Wick, House 1800/1832 KHER TR02NW70 A2070 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
Listed Grade II
TR 01013106 Stockbridge House, House 1800/1866 KHER TR03SW32 A2070, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
Snave Listed Grade II
TQ 995 279 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TQ92NE165
Carpenter 1997, 21, pl.
Reeves & Eve 1998, no 10, fig 12.6
TQ 992 280 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
TR 006 280 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW89
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 12
TR 008 288 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW90
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 13
TR 014 314 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR03SW94
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 112
TR 01682990 near Snave Church Shepherds Hut 19th Century KHER TR02NW27 Carpenter 1997, 25, pl.
post 1830 Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 113, fig 12.7
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 5
TR 026 295 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW91
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 111
TR 027 302 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR03SW95
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 110
TR 030 296 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR02NW92
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 114
Brookland (K)
TQ 98962586 Brookland Stores, House & 1800/1866 KHER TQ92NE105 High Street Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
TQ 98972586
house east of
House &
Brookland Stores,
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6
High Street
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
TQ 98992587 The Old Granary, House& 1800/1832 + KHER TQ92NE98
High Street Shop& 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6 Post Office& Listed Grade II
TQ 98992585 Wilson House, House 1800/1832 + KHER TQ92NE93
High Street 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 6 Listed Grade II
TQ 957 243 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 11
TQ 958 236 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 19
TQ 963 242 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 18
TQ 976 261 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92NE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 17
TQ 997 264 Brookland Halt Railway Station 1881-1967 KHER TQ92NE19
[Lydd Rly] Reeve& Hawkins 1983, 48-51, 57-60, 94
[site of] Mitchell& Smith 1987, 63-66, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06320
TR 002 266 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR02NW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 14
TR 004 265 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR02NW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 15
TR 005 262 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW93
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 20
Burmarsh (K)
TR 10143201 The Shepherd& Public House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SW68 Crook PH KHBI: Shepway 1996, 7
Listed Grade II
TR 082 295 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR02NE114
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 7
TR 082 323 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02SE115
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 27
Camber (ESx)
TQ 982 191 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ91NE
[site of?] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 35
TQ 988 198 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ91NE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 24
TQ 996 199 Shepherds Hut post 1830 [site of]
TR 006 203 Shepherds Hut post 1830 [site of]
TR 001 189 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 [site of]
Reeves&Eve 1998, no. 23
Reeves&Eve 1998, no. 22
Reeves&Eve 1998, no. 25
TQ 99111804 Jury's Gut Coastguard Station
19th Century
TQ 94401914 opposite Lighthouse 19th Century Rye Harbour
Check this against the lighthouse in lcklesham parish on opposite side of the Rother MES 8105
TQ 94431912 Rye&Camber Railway Signal 1895-1939
Tramway [site of]
TQ 94421915 Camber Golf Railway Station 1895-1939
Links Station [R&CTwy] [site of]
Harding 1985, 13-14, fig., pl. NBR Index Ro/06184
TQ 949 188
Camber Sands Station Railway Station
[R&CTwy] [site of]
Harding 1985, 14, fig. NBR Index Ro/04264
Camber (ESx)/Lydd (K)
TQ 988 181 /
TR 054 171
Dymchurch (K)
TR 09382819
TR 095 281
TR 093 275
Green Wall
Globsden Gut
Earthwork& Sea Defence
MartelloTower No. 26 [site of]
191h/201h Century
demolished 1871
Green 1968
Eddison 2000, 137, fig 67, col. pl. 30
KHERTR02NE4 Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
Bennett 1977, 37 Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 10012903 Marshland Sluice,
Dymchurch Road
TR 10512999 [sic]
TR 10052905
TR 10012903
TR 10162925 Marshland Sluice,
High Street
TR 10512998 [sic]
TR 10952925 [sic]
TR 10162525 [sic]
MartelloTower No. 25 Type B &
Royal Observer Corps Post
MartelloTower No. 24 Type B &
1806 +
1806 +
NMRTR12NW3 KHERTR12NW34 Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
Bennett 1977, 37
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 263
Saunders 1989, 141-143
Wood 1992, 295
The Conservation Practice 1996,
Hibbs 1998/2004
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD65 NBR Index 108437
Listed Grade II
SAM Kent 245 [desched. 1989] NMRTR12NW4 KHERTR12NW44
Mead 1948, 296
Daniel 1969, 256, pi xlviii
Sutcliffe 1972, 89, 91
Bennett 1977, 37
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 263
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
Hibbs 1998/2004
Coad 1990
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD64 Listed Grade II
SAM Kent 170
RSM 27061
HBMC Guardianship List 197
TR 11263045
Willop Sluice,
Martello Tower No. 23
23 Hythe Road
Type B&
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 68-70, 72, 74, 76, 91
TR 11263045 Bennett 1977, 38
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
Hibbs 1998/2004
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8
TR 11273045 Saunders& Smith 2001, KD63
Listed Grade II SAM Kent 180
TR 11503067 Willop Sluice Martello Tower No. 22 1805 KHER TR13SW10
Hythe Road [site of] demolished 1956 Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
TR 116 307 Bennett 1977, 38
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 103 296 106& 108 High Street House 19th Century TR12NW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8
TR 10422956 Clissold Cottage, House
19th Century
6 Sea Wall KHBI: Shepway 1996, 9
Listed Grade II
TR 10 29 Dymchurch Sluice Battery 1798 KHER TR12NW8
Battery [site of] Bennett 1977, 37
TR 09362979 near Marshall's Bridge, Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR02NE28 Eastbridge Road Eddison 1992a
Eddison 1992b Eve 1996
Carpenter 1997, 24, pl.
Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 26, fig. 12.4, 12.6
TR 09362979 near Marshall's Bridge, Sheep Dip& post 1830 KHER TR02NE55 Eastbridge Road Sheep Fold Eddison 1992a
Eddison 1992b Eve 1996
Carpenter 1997, 24, pl.
Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 26, fig. 12.4, 12.6
TR 098 293 Windmill& built? KHER TR02NE104
Smock Mill moved 1829 Finch 1933, 144, 197, pl. facing 112 [site of] ceased work 1882
demolished 1905
East Guldeford (ESx)
TQ 939 215 Shepherds Hut 19th Century TQ92SW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 29
TQ 943 207 Moneypenny Farm Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SW
Carpenter 1997, 26, pl.
Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 28, fig. 12.6
TQ 946 213 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 31
TQ 950 224 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 34
TQ 953 214 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 32
TQ 956 200 Filmer's Pen Shepherds Hut post 1830 TQ92SE
Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 36, fig. 12.7
TQ 963 210 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 33
TQ 968 200 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 30
TQ 974 199 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ91NE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 35
833 TQ 95192064 Black House Farm Sheep Fold 19th Century TQ92SE
[site of] ESHER MES16386
835 TQ 95942020 Black House Farm Sheep Fold 19th Century TQ92SE
TQ 95482093
Guldeford Level
Sheep Fold
19th Century
TQ 96852009
Sisley Land
Sheep Fold
19th Century
[site of]
Ewhurst (ESx)
TQ 78132246
Brewery House,
TQ 78162247
Bodiam Road
The Mill House,
Mill House
1800/1832 +
LBSU 409148
Listed Grade II
Bodiam Road,
20th Century
LBSU 409150
TQ 78152248
Staplecross The Old Mill,
Listed Grade II
Bodiam Road,
LBSU 409151
Listed Grade II
[site of] ESHER MES16387
154 TQ 78132259 1 & 2 School Terrace & House [1] 1800/1832 + TQ72SE
School House, 20th Century LBSU 409152
Bodiam Road Listed Grade II
155 TQ 78052382 Madamses Farm Oasthouse [2] &
19th Century +
Oasthouse, Granary & 20th Century Jones et al 1988, 224
Bodiam Road House LBSU 409158
Listed Grade II
TQ 77772118
Forge House,
Cripps Corner
LBSU 409163
Listed Grade II
TQ 79192125
Stocklands Farm,
House &
Ellenwhorne Lane
LBSU 409420
TQ 79372453
The Oasthouses,
Oasthouse [4] &
19th Century
Listed Grade II
Ewhurst Green
Barn &
LBSU 409429
Listed Grade
TQ 79312447
Ewhurst Green
LBSU 409432
Listed Grade II
TQ 79332440
Ewhurst House,
Vicarage &
Ewhurst Green
LBSU 409437
Listed Grade II
TQ 78182244
Precision Optics &
House &
Staplecross Post Office &
Shop &
LBSU 409440
Post Office Cottage &
Post Office &
Listed Grade II
Workshop &
Northiam Road
TQ 78182244
South View,
Northiam Road,
LBSU 409441
Listed Grade II
TQ 80082224
Northiam Road
LBSU 409452
Listed Grade II
165 TQ 78592255 Brayburn Farm, Barn & 1833 + TQ72SE
Northiam Road, Threshing Barn 1843 Jones 1986a, 32-36, fig.
Staplecross LBSU 409456
Listed Grade II
166 TQ 78122236 Edgell Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ72SE
Sedlescombe Road, LBSU 409459
Staplecross Listed Grade II
TQ 78882419
The Rope Walk,
LBSU 409544
TQ 78522367
Prawles Farm,
Oasthouse [2]&
19th Century
Listed Grade II
Haselfoot 1978, 96
Jones et al 1988, 213, fig. 12, 13
LBSU 409546
Listed Grade II
153 TQ 781 227 Staplecross Mill, Windmill& built 1815 NMR TQ72SE16 Bodiam Road Smock Mill ceased work 1916 ESHER MES3841
TQ 782 225 [remains of] demolished 1951 NMR TQ72SE65 ESHER MES3905
Brunnarius 1979, 124-125, pl. 145, 146
NBR Index 5226
172 TQ 78252346 Mill Field, Windmill& built 19th Century NMR TQ72SE43
Brasses Farm [site of] ceased work? ESHER MES3884 Mound& demolished? Ewhurst Tithe Map 1843 Earthwork
TQ 776 212 Cripps Corner Toll Road& 1841 NMR TQ72SE11
Flyover ESHER MES2404
Hoare& Upton 1972, 10
TQ 78072205 near Hobby Brick Works
19th Century
Hobbs Farm [site of] ESHER MES3875
TQ 78382186 Wattle Hill Brick Kiln& 1817/1819 NMR TQ72SE36
Tile Kiln& ESHER MES3876
TQ 783 219 Extractive Pit [1+] Jones 1981a, 71, fig. 2 [Miles Farm] [site of]
169 TQ 772 243 Junction Road Halt Railway Station 1896-1961 TQ72SE
[K& ESx Rly] ESHER MES3482
Mitchell& Smith 1985, 20-25
Garrett 1987, 17-18, pl. NBR Index Ro/06212
TQ 78302500 Bodiam Railway Station 1896-1961 TQ72NE
[K& ESx Rly] ESHER MES3483
TQ 788 250 Haselfoot 1978, 90, pl. 40
Mitchell& Smith 1985, 26-35
Garrett 1987, 18-21, pl. NBR Index Ro/06177
749 TQ 78662532 Sluice 19th Century + TQ72NE
20th Century ESHER MES15504
749 TQ 78692517 Sluice 1843/1872 TQ72NE
Fairlight (ESx)
TQ 85931191 Village School& School& 1833/1866 TQ81SE
Schoolmaster's House, Teachers House LBSU 409551
Fairlight Road Listed Grade II
TQ 86051217 Grangewood House, House 1837 TQ81SE
Fairlight Road LBSU 409552
Listed Grade II
TQ 85321246 The Hall& House 1850/1853 + TQ81SE
Stonelink& 1854/1899 LBSU 409560
Greystones, Listed Grade II
Martineau Lane
Folkestone (K)
TR 197 351 Clarendon Inn, Inn 19th Century TR13NE
Brewers Hill, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 19
TR19403497 Littlebourne Lodge, House 1833/1866 KHER TR13SE68 Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
Sandgate Listed Grade II
TR 194 350 Frenches, House 1833/1866 KHER TR13NE149
Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
Sandgate Listed Grade II
TR 195 350 Miles Haven, House 19th Century TR13NE
Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
TR 195 350 Miles Haven, House
19th Century
Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
TR 195 350 1-6 Gloster Terrace, House&
19th Century
Sandgate Esplanade, Terrace KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
TR19613500 Grafton Cottage, House 1800/1832 KHER TR13NE150 Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
Sandgate Listed Grade II
TR19623500 Regency Cottage, House 1822 KHER TR13NE141 Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
Sandgate Listed Grade II
TR 197 350 1-10 Wellington Crescent, House 19th Century TR13NE
Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
30 Sandgate Esplanade,
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 23 Listed Grade II
31 Sandgate Esplanade,
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 23
TR 198 351
32 Sandgate Esplanade,
Listed Grade II KHER TR13NE148
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 23 Listed Grade II
193 TR19863504 33 & Roxana, 34 House 1800/1866 KHER TR13NE113
Sandgate Esplanade, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 23
Sandgate NBR Index 87882
photo survey
TR 196 350 3 & 4 Wellington Place, House
TR 197 350 5 & 6 Wellington Place, House
TR 197 351 1 & 2 Birch Villas, House
19th Century 19th Century 19th Century
Listed Grade II [del. 1991]
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 23
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 23
Wellington Place, KHBI: Shepway 1996, 23
796 TR 19 36 Cheriton Halt Railway Station
19th Century
[SE Rly] NBR Index Ro/07364
TR 19863530 Shorncliffe Martello Tower No. 7 1806 NMR TR13NE24
Type A KHER TR13NE99
Mead 1948, 295
Sutcliffe 1972, 87
Bennett 1977, 39
Newman & Pevsner 1969, 313
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22 Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 19873529 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD53
Listed Grade II SAM Kent 292b RSM 32253
179 TR 19413523 Hospital Hill,
Martello Tower No. 8
1806 +
Type A&
converted 1987
Mead 1948, 295
Sutcliffe 1972, 87
Bennett 1977, 39
Newman& Pevsner 1969, 313
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22
TR 193 353 Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 19423523 Saunders& Smith 2001, KD54
Listed Grade II
SAM Kent 292a [desched. 12.1999]
180 TR 190 353 Hospital Hill, Martello Tower No. 9 1805/1806 NMR TR13NE26 Sandgate Type A KHER TR13NE147
Mead 1948, 295
Sutcliffe 1972, 87
Bennett 1977, 39
Newman& Pevsner 1969, 313
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
TR 190 351 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 21
TR 191 352 Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 19023515 Saunders& Smith 2001, KD55
Listed Grade II SAM Kent 77
RSM 32254
201 TR 193 351
Shorncliffe Redoubt
TR 19323535
[site of]
Bastion Outwork
Bennett 1977, 39
Saunders& Smith 2001, KD 179
Folkestone/Hythe (K)
200 TR 19133492 Shorncliffe Battery Wall Wall& 1798 KHER TR13SE23
Sea Defences& NMR TR13SE61
TR 19303497/ Gun Battery Vine 1972
TR 18843492 Bennett 1977, 38
Goodwin 1988
TR 18843492 Saunders& Smith 2001, KD51
SAM Kent 396/v
Guestling (ESx)
205 TQ 85701333 Sweet Briars & House [1] 1800/1832 + TQ81SE
Lavender Cottage, [and earlier] LBSU 409603
Friars Hill 20th Century Listed Grade II
206 TQ 83361523 1-3 Oast Cottages Oasthouse [2] & 19th Century TQ81NW
Great Maxfield Granary & LBSU 409612
Rock Lane House Listed Grade II
207 TQ 85161371 Mount Pleasant House & 1830/1840 TQ81SE
Farm, Farmhouse & LBSU 409616
Rye Road Cottage Listed Grade II
208 TQ 85201385 Curls Rock, House 1800/1832 TQ81SE
Rye Road LBSU 409621
Listed Grade II
209 TQ 85201387 The Hope PH, Public House 1800/1832 TQ81SE
Rye Road LBSU 409623
Listed Grade II
TQ 836 165
Doleham Halt, Doleham
Railway Station [SE Rly]
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 28-29, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06193
TQ 77962821
Stable &
Conghurst Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48
Listed Grade II
TQ 76882820
Conghurst Lane
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 48
Listed Grade II
212 TQ 75682946 Elford Lodge, House 1833/1866 + KHER TQ72NE81
TQ 75652903
House &
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Lower School]
Listed Grade II
TQ 75672922
Hastings Road Lillesden
Gate Lodge
Hastings Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Listed Grade II
TQ 75622925
Stable &
Hastings Road
Coach House &
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Listed Grade II
Hastings Road 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49 Listed Grade II
809 TQ 75832840 The Ram House Building & c.1855 KHER TQ72NE69 Hastings Road Hydraulic Ram Listed Grade II
TQ 75652935 adjoining Water Tower c.1855 KHER TQ72NE169
Tower Cottage KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Hastings Road Listed Grade II
TQ 757 294 Hastings Road Pumping Station & c.1855 TQ72NE
Chimney KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
TQ 75572938 Old Vicarage, House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ72NE129
Hastings Road Vicarage KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49 Listed Grade II
TQ 75352972 Lodge Cottage, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ72NE104
Hensill Lane KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 49
Listed Grade II
TQ 751 296 Springett's Almshouses, Almshouse 1872 TQ72NE
Horns Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 51
TQ 757 297 Hawkhurst Primary School & 1863 KHER TQ72NE68
School Teachers House Newman & Pevsner 1976, 316
[National Schools] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 51
The Moor Listed Grade II
TQ 75672973 The Moor Brewery, Brewery & established 1841/1850 KHER TQ72NE79 The Moor House & closed 1919/1921 Osborne 1982, 29
Outbuilding KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52
Listed Grade II
TQ 75772978 Dragons, House & 1833/1866 KHER TQ72NE139
Moor Hill Gate Lodge KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 52 Listed Grade II
TQ 77602990 Old Forge Cottage, Forge & 1874 KHER TQ72NE107
Rye Road House Newman & Pevsner 1976, 318
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 53 Listed Grade II
TQ 76292903 East Heath, Oasthouse & 1833/1866 + KHER TQ72NE94
TQ 75552963
1 & 2 Howes Cottages,
Talbot Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54
TQ 75542962
1 & 2 Jasmine Cottages,
19th Century?
Listed Grade II
Talbot Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54
Listed Grade II
TQ 775 295
Nightingale's Mill,
Windmill &
Four Throws
Post Mill
moved c.1870
Finch 1933, 64, 218-219, pl. facing 176
[site of]
ceased work c.1900
NBR Index 2507
demolished 1905/1926
Stream Lane House 20th Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 54 Listed Grade II
High Halden (K)
TQ 89993732 Summerhill House 1800/1832 KHER TQ93NE125
Listed Grade II
TQ 90163711 Church Farm, Oasthouse [1]& 19th Century KHER TQ93NW21
TQ 90113719
Church Hill Village School&
Outbuilding House&
Listed Grade II KHER TQ93NW15
TQ 87743677
School House, Church Hill
High Halden Road
Railway Station
Newman&Pevsner 1976, 329
Listed Grade II KHER TQ83NE13
[K&ESx Rly]
Mitchell&Smith 1985, 99-103, pl.
[site of]
Garrett 1987, 36-37, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06504
Hurst Green (ESx)
TQ 75822827 Crossroads, Toll House& 1800/1832 TQ72NE
Merriments Lane House Listed Grade II
Hythe (K)
TR 16033478 36 Bartholomew Street House 19th Century TR13SW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
TR 160 348 5&7 House c.1840 KHER TR13SE135
Bartholomew Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
Listed Grade II
TR 121 335 Marshlands Farmhouse, House& 19th Century TR13SW
Botolph's Bridge Road, Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25 West Hythe
TR 121 335 Butters Bridge House, House
19th Century
Burmarsh Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25
315 TR 15963469 Hythe Forge, Wall& 1867/1899 KHER TR13 SE 201
Chapel Street Floor& Canterbury Archaeol Trust 2004
excavation 2004 Chimney
TR 16103482 5-9 Church Hill House 1833/1866 KHER TR13SE141
TR 16103485
Cantle Cottage
[Church Hill Cottage]
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 142 338
16 Church Hill
The Prince of Wales PH,
Public House
19th Century
Listed Grade II
Dymchurch Road
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 25 Listed Grade II
TR 15893467 The Red Lion PH, Public House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE65
Dymchurch Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 159 347 3 Dymchurch Road House 19th Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 159 347 5 Dymchurch Road House
19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 15843467 7& 7A Dymchurch Road House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE123
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade II
TR 15773465 The Dukes Head Inn, Inn 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE111
9 Dymchurch Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 15733465 Portland Villa, 13& House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE149
15 Dymchurch Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 15723465 Portland House, House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE129
17 Dymchurch Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 15683465 29& 31 Dymchurch Road House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE124
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26 Listed Grade II
TR 14793416 The Hermitage, House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SW69
33 Dymchurch Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
TR 155 347 The Gate Inn, Inn 19th Century TR13SE
Dymchurch Road
TR 163 348 115& 115A High Street House
19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 16373483 119-123 High Street House& 1867/1899 KHER TR13SE202
Row& KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Shop Listed Grade II
TR 159 347 10& 12 High Street House 19th Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
TR 160 347 32& 34 High Street House
TR 160 347 48& 52 High Street House
19th Century 18th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 16063473 Lloyds Bank, Bank (Financial) c.1840 KHER TR13SE157
62 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
Listed Grade II
TR 16083474 64 High Street House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE98
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 161 347 80 High Street House 19th Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 162 347 88 High Street House
TR 162 348 90 & 90A High Street House
TR 163 348 106-110 High Street House
19th Century 19th Century 19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 16273477 114 High Street House 1833/1866 KHER TR13SE166
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 16363478 126 & 128 High Street House & 19th Century + KHER TR13SE119
Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 16313478 130 High Street House & 19th Century KHER TR13SE87
Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
Listed Grade II
TR 164 348 138 High Street House 19th Century TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 16553484 160 & 160A High Street House & 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE74
Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
Listed Grade II
318 TR 15863474 Mackeson's & Son, Brewery & established 1699 KHER TR13SE54
High Street [site of] Mackeson's 1801 Newman & Pevsner 1969, 347 Maltings closed 1968 Osborne 1982, 30
Barber, N. 1994
Eve & Stead 1998, 40
TR 163 349 Tynwald, House c.1840 TR13SE
Hillside Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27
TR 16153488 Avenue Cottage, House 19th Century KHER TR13SE145
TR 15963486
10 Hillside Street
TR 15953486
12 & 14 Hillside Street
19th Century
4 Hillside Street [or earlier] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 27 Listed Grade II
TR 18583500 Mill House, House 1800/1832 KHER TR13NE100
Horn Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
199 TR 18813599 Horn Street Watermill & built 1829 KHER TR13NE78
Corn Mill & ceased work ? Brace 1960, 104 Paper Mill demolished 1960s
[site of]
TR 15953476 The Maltings, Maltings & 1862-1882 KHER TR15SE64 Malthouse Hill Antique Market Eve &Stead 1998, 41
TR 16183473 Ian Nash Upholsterer, Workshop & 1800/1832 KHER TR13NE146 Marine Walk Street Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16183474 Marine Walk Street Stable [1+] 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE89
rear of 86 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16183472 adjoining Building 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE115
4 Marine Walk Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 15713475 Military Terrace, House & 19th Century KHER TR13SE86
3-17 Military Road Terrace KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 15683484 Paddock House House 1804 + KHER TR13SE72
[The Commandant's 1869 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28 House] Listed Grade II
Military Road
TR 15563485 former School of Infantry, Military College 1807/1808 KHER TR13SE66
Military Road Newman &Pevsner 1969, 347
Listed Grade II
TR 168 350 3 &5 Mill Road House 1800/1832 TR13NE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
TR 16833495 7-13 Mill Road House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE155
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 161 347 4 Mount Street House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE147
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28 Listed Grade II
TR 15733464 13-17 Portland Road House & 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE112
Row KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 16373473 12 & Prospect House, House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE121
14 Prospect Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Listed Grade II
TR 15873442
14 St Leonards Road
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
Listed Grade II
TR 17033486
Pound Cottage,
47 Seabrook Road
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
TR 16043451
[former 31]
26-38 Stade Street
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE81
TR 16123431
[former 20-34]
Rose Cottage,
Row& Shop
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 Listed Grade II
86 Stade Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
TR 16173425
[former 70]
103& 104 Stade Street
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SE82
[former 84& 86]
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
Listed Grade II
290 TR 16183424 110& 112 Stade Street House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE130
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 Listed Grade II
TR 16183423 114 Stade Street House 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE83
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 Listed Grade II
TR 16333475 11& 13 Theatre Street House 1833/1866 KHER TR13SE139
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 Listed Grade II
TR 16313477 2& 4 Theatre Street House& 1800/1832 KHER TR13SE85
Shop [reset Medieval features] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 Listed Grade II
TR 16323475 6-18 Theatre Street House& 1833/1866 KHER TR13SE143
Terrace KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
Listed Grade II
TR 159 344 41-45 Windmill Street House 1800/1832 TR13SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
TR 16413503 [sic] North Road/ Reservoir& 1868 NMR TR13NE79 Church Road Tannery KHER TR13NE118
TR 16583503 [Tanners Hill] [site of] Hythe Civic Soc 1997
Listed Grade II
TR 121 340 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR13SW129
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no 123
TR 126 324 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR13SW128
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no 124
TR 170 344 The Promenade, MartelloTower No. 10 1805 KHERTR13SE14 near Imperial Hotel [site of] demolished Mead 1948, 295
19th Century Sutcliffe 1972, 87
Bennett 1977, 38
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 168 343
Coastal Battery
[site of]
demolished 1869
Bennett 1977, 38
Goodwin 1988, 88
TR 16493422
The Promenade,
MartelloTower No. 11
near Saltwood Gardens
[site of]
Mead 1948, 295
19th Century Sutcliffe 1972, 87
TR 166 342 Bennett 1977, 38
TR 168 344 Hibbs 1998/2004
302 TR 16253415 The Promenade, MartelloTower No. 12 1806 KHERTR13SE7 south end of [site of] demolished Mead 1948, 295
Stade Street 19th Century Sutcliffe 1972, 87-88 Bennett 1977, 38 Hibbs 1998/2004
303 TR 15883400 The MartelloTower MartelloTower No. 13 1806 KHERTR13SE2 West Parade Type B & converted 1928 Mead 1948, 295
House Sutcliffe 1972, 67, 73, 75, 88
Bennett 1977, 38
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 15503383
Hythe Firing Range A
MartelloTower No. 14
Type B
Mead 1948, 295
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
Bennett 1977, 38
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
Hibbs 1998/2004
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD57
Listed Grade II
TR 154 337
Fort Sutherland
Coastal Battery
SAM Kent 76a RSM 32255
[site of]
lost under
Mead 1948, 295
sea defences
Bennett 1977, 38
Goodwin 1988, 88
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD56
306 TR 15213369 Hythe Firing Range D MartelloTower No. 15 1805 NMRTR13SE6
Mead 1948, 295
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
TR 152 334 Bennett 1977, 38
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
TR 148 337 Hibbs 1998/2004
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD58 Listed Grade II
TR 14863350
MartelloTower No. 16
[site of]
lost to sea 1938
Mead 1948, 295
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
TR 149 335
Bennett 1977, 38
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 14523329
Hythe Firing Range E
MartelloTower No. 17
[site of]
lost to sea c.1903
Mead 1948, 295
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
TR 146 333
Bennett 1977, 38
TR 146 334
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 14193308
MartelloTower No. 18
[site of]
lost to sea 1903-1939
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
TR 142 331
Bennett 1977, 38
TR 143 332
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 141 340
Fort Moncrieff
Coastal Battery
[site of]
lost under
Bennett 1977, 38
sea defences
Goodwin 1988, 88
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992
Chris Blandford Assoc 1994
SAM Kent 76b RSM 32256
TR 13903291
Hythe Firing Range N
Martello Tower No. 19
TR 13913291
Type B
part lost to sea 1975 KHER TR13SW60
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
Bennett 1977, 38
Saunders 1989, 141-143
The Conservation Practice 1996,
Hibbs 1998/2004
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 28
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD59
Listed Grade II
TR 13603268
Martello Tower No. 20
[site of]
lost to sea
Mead 1948, 296
post 1903
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
Bennett 1977, 38
TR 137 328
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 13283244
Martello Tower No. 21
[site of]
lost to sea
Mead 1948, 296
early 20th century
Sutcliffe 1972, 88
Bennett 1977, 38
TR 135 326
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 12933212
Coastal Battery &
1798? +
Grand Redoubt,
Bastion Outwork
1809 +
Sutcliffe 1972, 85
Dymchurch Road
1876 +
Bennett 1977, 36-37
Goodwin 1988, 87
Hibbs 1998/2004
TR 12933242
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Saunders & Smith, 2001, KD66
CBA DoB 2002, S0007362
SAM Kent 179
RSM 32257
TR 155 349
Saltwood Heights
Gun Battery
TR 15613506
north of North Road
[site of] Lime Kiln [2]
Bennett 1977, 38 KHER TR13NE60
TR 15803465
Duke's Head Bridge,
[site of] Bridge &
1805 +
Royal Military Canal
1808 +
Hicks 1992/93b, 37-39
excavation 1996
1813 +
Hicks 1996
1827 +
1940 +
TR 15973442
Albion Mill,
Windmill &
built pre 1829
Windmill Street
Smock Mill [site of]
ceased work post 1889 demolished ?
Greenwood Map 1829
Finch 1933, 227
TR 15923412
near Theresa Road
Windmill &
built pre 1829
[Stade Street]
Smock Mill
ceased work 1877
Greenwood Map 1829
[site of]
demolished ?
Finch 1933, 227
TR 15953422
corner of
built pre 1829
Park Road/
[site of]
ceased work ?
Greenwood Map 1829
Victoria Road
demolished ?
Finch 1933, 227
323 TR 15933457 Gas Works c.1865 NMR TR13SE53
[site of]
325 TR 168 353 Hythe Railway Station 1874-1951 NMR TR13NE57
[SE Rly] KHER TR13NE95
Mitchell & Smith 1988, 40-42, pl. NBR Index Ro/06512
TR 18843498 Sandgate Railway Station 1874-1931 KHER TR13SE209
[SE Rly] White 1976, 96-97, 169
Mitchell & Smith 1988, 43-46, pl.
Hythe/Lympne/Aldington/Bonnington/Bilsington/Ruckinge/Orlestone/Warehorne/ Kenardington/Appledore/Stone-cum-Ebony (K)/lden/Playden/Rye/lcklesham/Pett (ESx)
TR 18833489/ Royal Military Canal Military Canal & 1804/1807 TR 118 340/ Military Road &
TR 079 343/ Breastwork
TR 068 342/
TR 052 342/
TR 031 335/
TR 010 327 I
TQ 997 321/
TQ 983 319/
TQ 967 308/
TQ 952 284/
TQ 940 253/
TQ 936 237 I
TQ 926 214/
TQ 916 186/
TQ 895 157/
TQ 888 133
lcklesham (ESx)
TQ 88721602 Mill House, Mill House 1800/1832 Hog Hill
Vine 1972
Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992 Chris Blandford Assoc. 1994 Greatorex 1995, 231-238
Hutchinson 1995 Rady 1995a Rady 1995b
Rady 1995/96, 40-41
Hicks 1992193b, 37-39
Hicks 1996
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29
Rady 1999/2000, 38-39
Rady 2000
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD78 Linklater 2001c
Rady 2003 HEW488 SAM ESx 488
SAM Kent 396
LBSU 409999
Listed Grade II
TQ 88171629 lcklesham Manor, Oasthouse [3] & 19th Century + TQ81NE
Laurel Lane Granary & House 1985/1987 LBSU 410005
Listed Grade II [del. 01.1997]
TQ 87961646 The Vicarage, Vicarage & 1819 TQ81NE
Main Road House LBSU 410007
Listed Grade II
TQ 87781645 Clover Cottage & House 1800/1832 TQ81NE
Mytletwy, LBSU 410011
Main Road Listed Grade II
TQ 87731640 Yew Tree Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ81NE
Main Road LBSU 410012
Listed Grade II
TQ 87621628 Cheyney's Almshouses, Almshouse 1842 TQ81NE
Main Road [founded 1611] LBSU 410014 Listed Grade II
TQ 87201626 1 & 2 Spring Cottage, House [1] 1827 TQ81NE
Main Road LBSU 410015
Listed Grade II
TQ 86871601 Mount Pleasant, House 1800/1832 TQ81NE
Watermill Lane LBSU 410025
Listed Grade II
TQ 87871647 The Old School & School & 1833/1866 TQ81NE
School House, Teachers House & LBSU 410251
Workhouse Lane House Listed Grade II
TQ 93 19 School House, School & 1833/1866 TQ91NW
Rye Harbour Teachers House & LBSU 410020 House Listed Grade II
TQ 94221907 The Watch House, Warehouse & 1800/1832 TQ91NW
Rye Harbour House LBSU 410022
Listed Grade II
TQ 940 191 Rye Harbour Coastguard Station 19th Century TQ91NW
TQ 941 191 Rye Harbour Coastguards Cottage & 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
House ESHER MES8426
TQ 942 190 Rye Harbour Watch House 19th Century TQ91NW
TQ 943 190 Rye Harbour Lifeboat Station 19th Century TQ91NW
831 TQ 943 190 Rye Harbour Dockmasters Office 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
Johnson 2001c
TQ 944 191 Rye Harbour Lighthouse 19th Century TQ91NW
TQ 944 190 ESHER MES8105
Check this against the lighthouse in Camber parish on opposite side of the Rother MES 8103
339 TQ 949 173 Rye Harbour Pier 1845 TQ91NW
Haselfoot 1978, 113
TQ 90551743 The Well House, Well& 1831/1861 TQ91NW
Castle Street, Well House Nairn& Pevsner 1965, 636-637
Winchelsea Hoare& Upton 1972, 25
Haselfoot 1978, 117
LBSU 410262
Listed Grade II
TQ 90531707 Grey Friars, House c.1819 + TQ91NW
Friars Road, 20th Century LBSU 410274
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90511721 Grey Friars Lodge, Lodge& c.1819 TQ91NW
Friars Road, House LBSU 410273
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90521741 The Match Box House, House 1800/1832 TQ91NW
High Street, LBSU 410287
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90671738 Lookout Cottage, House& c.1300 + TQ92NW
High Street, Cellar [24] 1800/1832 ESRO HBR1/1444, 2002 [cellar]
[Quarter 12] Martin& Martin 2004a, 108-111
Winchelsea LBSU 410503
building survey Listed Grade II
TQ 90461754 1 Ivy Cottage& House [1] 1800/1832 TQ91NW
Mint Cottage, LBSU 410515
Higham Green, Listed Grade II
TQ 90441753 Mulberry Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ91NW
Mill Road, LBSU 410521
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90391760 1& 2 Moneysellers, House& c.1300 + TQ91NW
North Street, Cellar [9& 1O] 1880/1920 ESHER MES4041
[Quarter 3] ESRO HBR1/0586, 1981[cellar]
Winchelsea ESRO HBR1/1440, 2002 [cellar]
building survey Martin& Martin 2004a, 108-111
NBR Index 76898
LBSU 410532 [cellars] Listed Grade II
TQ 90411759 1& 2 Pipewell Cottages, House [1] 1800/1832 TQ91NW
North Street, LBSU 410530
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90541731
St Thomas Street,
LBSU 410760
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
790 TQ 89461715 Crutches Farm House & c.1860 + TQ81NE
[Winchelsea Farm] Bungalow c.1960 ESRO HBR1/1216, 1993 Hastings Road,
Winchelsea building survey
TQ 89411700 Crutches Farm Barn 1845/1872 + TQ81NE
[Winchelsea Farm] 19th Century + ESRO HBR1/1210, 1994
Hastings Road, 20th Century
Winchelsea building survey
TQ 894171 Crutches Farm Oasthouse 1800/1815 + TQ81NE
[Winchelsea Farm] 1845/1872 + ESRO HBR1/1213, 1993
Hastings Road, c.1870 +
Winchelsea 20th Century
building survey
TQ 894171 Crutches Farm Fattening Shed & 1845/1872 TQ81NE
[Winchelsea Farm] Workshop ESRO HBR1/1214, 1993
Hastings Road, Winchelsea building survey
TQ 894171 Crutches Farm Stable & c.1800 TQ81NE
[Winchelsea Farm] Kennels ESRO HBR1/1215, 1993
Hastings Road, Winchelsea building survey
TQ 928 175 Nook Beach Watch House
19th Century
TQ 931 196 Rye Chemical Works, Chemical Works 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
Harbour Road, ESHER MES8433
Rye Harbour
TQ 940 188 Tram Road, Concrete Works
19th/20th Century
Rye Harbour ESHER MES8445
TQ 939 193 Harbour Road, Brickyard 19th Century ? TQ91NW
Rye Harbour ESHER MES8427
TQ 939 190 Harbour Road, Stone Working Site 19th Century ? TQ91NW
Rye Harbour ESHER MES8429
TQ 923 196 / Rye Harbour Railway 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
TQ 942 191 ESHER MES8438
TQ 934192 Rye Harbour Level Crossing 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
[site of] ESHER MES8438
853 TQ 930 194 / Rye Harbour Railway 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
TQ 931 197 ESHER MES8433
854 TQ 936 190 / Harbour Road, Railway 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
TQ 938 190 Rye Harbour [narrow gauge] ESHER MES8432 855 TQ 940 188 / Rye Harbour Railway 19th/20th Century TQ91NW
TQ 859 175
Snailham Halt
Railway Station [SE Rly]
1851 TQ81NE
Mitchell & Smith
TQ 94191886
MartelloTower No. 28 &
NBR Index Ro/06
1806 + NMRTQ91NW4
Rye Harbour
Observation Post
1939-1945 ESHER MES399
Mead 1948, 297
TQ 942 191 ESHER MES8445
1987, 31, pl.
Sutcliffe 1972, 93
Hibbs 1998/2004
LBSU 410024
Listed Grade II
SAM ESx172 RSM 32258
TQ 940 183
near harbour mouth
MartelloTower No. 29
[site of]
abandoned 1809
lost to sea
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94
TQ 918 161
Dogs Hill
MartelloTower No. 31&
Hibbs 1998/2004 NMR TQ91NW7
Semaphore Station
lost to sea
[site of]
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94 Hibbs 1998/2004
TQ 913 155
MartelloTower No. 32
[site of]
lost to sea
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94
Hibbs 1998/2004
TQ 909 152
Martello Tower No. 33
[site of]
lost to sea
post 1873
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94
Hibbs 1998/2004
TQ 905 149
Martello Tower No 34
[site of]
lost to sea
Mead 1948, 296
TQ 149 905 [sic]
Sutcliffe 1972, 94 Hibbs 1998/2004
TQ 910 175
The Old Battery
Strand Bridge
[site of]
Brede Level
TQ 918 161
Winchelsea Beach
Johnson 2001c TQ91NW
[site of]
TQ 916 175
Reeds Battery
near Castle Farm
[site of]
Iden (ESx)
TQ 92622420
Bosney Farm,
Barn &
1667/1732 +
Grove Lane
Oasthouse [2]
c.1840 +
TQ 92622416
building survey 1867/1899 ESRO HBR1/0706, 1983
NBR Index 7683
LBSU 410794
Listed Grade II
TQ 91802236
Rose Cottage
[Fernlea Cottage]
LBSU 410799
Main Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 91782352
1800/1832 +
Main Street
20th Century
ESRO HBR1/1178, 1993
building survey
LBSU 410803
Listed Grade II
TQ 91802338
Main Street
LBSU 410809
Listed Grade II
TQ 91812335 Rede Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Main Street LBSU 410810
Listed Grade II
TQ 91832335 Ades Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Playden Lane ESRO HBR1/1177, 1993
building survey LBSU 410813
Listed Grade II
TQ 91852336 Lamb's Orchard, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Playden Lane LBSU 410814
Listed Grade II
TQ 91862336 Mr Catt's House, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Playden Lane LBSU 410815
Listed Grade II
TQ 91742384 Bell Cottage& House [1] 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Lyncroft, LBSU 411000
Rectory Lane Listed Grade II
TQ 91042362 Lodge Farm, House& 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Rectory Lane Lodge& LBSU 411006
Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 91702390 Park Farm Oast, Oasthouse [2]& 19th Century + TQ92SW
Wittersham Road Granary& 20th Century LBSU 411009 House Listed Grade II
TQ 91562430 Burgess Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Wittersham Road LBSU 410011
Listed Grade II
TQ 93652445 Iden Lock, Lock& 1808 NMR TQ92SW11
Royal Military Canal/ Toll House ESHER MES2167
River Rother Vine 1972, 88-89, 139-140
Haselfoot 1978, 101
858 TQ 936 244 Iden Lock, Barracks 1810 TQ92SW
Royal Military Canal/ ESHER MES8182
River Rother Butler 2007, 179
859 TQ 913 232 north of Sheep Fold 19th Century TQ92SW
Tighe's Wood ESHER MES15512
860 TQ 904 249 Corkwood Farm, Brick Kiln 19th Century TQ92SW
Readers Lane ESHER MES8693
Iden (ESx)/Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
TQ 940 243
Royal Military Canal
Boundary Marker
Vine 1972, 122
Haselfoot 1978, 100-101
lvychurch (K)
TQ 971 211 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TQ92SE17
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 52
TQ 975 236 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TQ92SE16
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 51
TQ 980 207 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TQ92SE15
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 53
TQ 984 229 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TQ92SE14
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 54
TQ 992 238 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TQ92SE13
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 55
376 TR 001 251 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW99
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 48
TR 006 257 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW98
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 49
TR 026 265 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW97
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 50
TR 038 280 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR02NW96
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 16
TR 041 281 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW95
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 47
Kenardington (K)
TQ 96893240 Manor Farm, Oasthouse [3] & 19th Century KHER TQ93SE59 Appledore Road Outbuilding Listed Grade II
TQ 97843138 Royal Military Canal Culvert 1804/1807 KHER TQ93SE85 Rady 1995b
Lydd (K)
TR 04252052 Herring Hang, Smoke House & c.1881 KHER TR02SW123 Brooks Way Fish House Winzar 1979, 7
Carpenter 1983, 21-23
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II
TR 042 209 1 Cannon Street House 19th Century TR02SW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
TR 042 209 2 Cannon Street House
19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
TR 04222089
Cannon Bollard
19th Century
2 Cannon Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
Listed Grade II
TR 04232091 3 Cannon Street House 1800/1832 KHER TR02SW93
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II
TR 04222088 4 Cannon Street House 1800/1832 KHER TR02SW112
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II
TR 04232090 5 & 7 Cannon Street House 1800/1866 KHER TR02SW111
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II
TR 04232087 6 & 8 Cannon Street House 1800/1832 KHER TR02SW124
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30 Listed Grade II
TR 04232086 10 Cannon Street House & 1839 KHER TR02SW104
Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
Listed Grade II
TR 04252087 Dorset House, House 19th Century KHER TR02SW94
15 Cannon Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
Listed Grade II
TR 04312100 Chestnut Cottages, House 1833/1866 KHER TR02SW113
1-3 Church Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
Listed Grade II
TR 043 208 5 & 7 Coronation Square House 19th Century TR02SW
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
TR 04222093 1 High Street House & 1800/1832 KHER TR02SW103
Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
Listed Grade II
TR 04202092 High Street House, House 1800/1832 KHER TR02SW105
7 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
Listed Grade II
792 TR 04182089 George Hotel, Hotel ?+ KHER TR02SW115
11 High Street 1800/1832 [fagade] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32 Listed Grade II
TR 04162087 15 High Street House 1833/1866 KHER TR02SW74
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32 Listed Grade II
TR 04152086 Forge House, House 1800/1866 KHER TR02SW129
17 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
Listed Grade II
TR 04132087
Mittell House, 36 &
House &
Gordon House, 38 High Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31 Listed Grade II
TR 04122086
40 High Street
House &
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
Listed Grade II
TR 04112084 50 High Street House & 1800/1832 + KHER TR02SW81
Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31 Listed Grade II
TR 03932070 The Paddock, House 1800/1832 KHER TR02SW83
80 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
Listed Grade II
413 TR 04152043 Finn's Pale Ale Brewery, Brewery & built 1885 KHER TR02SW50 High Street Maltings part demolished Osborne 1982, 31
c.1950 Barber, N. 1994
Eve & Stead 1998, 41
TR 031 204 Pigwell, House 19th Century Jury's Gap Road
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
TR 044 205 Prospect Farm, House
19th Century
89 Manor Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
TR 045 209 Sycamore House, House c.1830 TR02SW
Ness Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
TR 04322090 9-11New Street House & 19th Century KHER TR02SW125
Shop KHBI: Shepway 1996, 32
Listed Grade II
TR 040 207 Edge End Cottage, House 19th Century TR02SW
Park Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
TR 04692289 Caldicott Farm, Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR02SW40
TR 046 228 Caldecot Lane Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 67, fig 12.7
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 30
TR 014 201 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02SW142
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 58
TR 027 204 Shepherds Hut 19th Century KHER TR02SW141
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 59
421 TR 043 195 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR01 NW11
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 60
422 TR 046 215 Shepherds Hut 19th Century KHER TR02 SW140
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 64
423 TR 046 219 Shepherds Hut 19th Century KHER TR02SW139
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 56
425 TR 05542369 near Kemps Hill Shepherds Hut pre 1830 NMR TR02SE58 Carpenter 1997, 24, pl.
TR 055 236 Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 66, fig 12.5
426 TR 055 243 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHERTR02SE150
[site of]
427 TR 057 223 Shepherds Hut
19th Century
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 57 KHERTR02SE149
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 61
428 TR 064 235 Shepherds Hut 19th Century KHERTR02SE148
[site of]
TR 065 219 Shepherds Hut
19th Century
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 65 KHERTR02SE147
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 63
412 TR 041 182 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHERTR02NW224
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 62
TR 037 192 Lydd Camp Rifle Range 1880s KHERTR01NW8 TR 033 194 CBA DoB 2002, 3027
414 TR 083 206 Lade Forti Coastal Battery 1798 + KHERTR02SE23
Dungeness No 2, 1903 Sutcliffe 1972, 91
TR 084 206 Coast Drive Bennett 1977, 37
Goodwin 1988, 86
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
Kitchen 1989, 178-182, fig. pl.
TR 08342061 Saunders & Smith, 2001, KD148
SAM Kent 264
415 TR 088 186 Dungeness No 1 Coastal Battery 1798 + KHERTR01NE7
[remains of] 1903 Sutcliffe 1972, 91
TR 08871863 part demolished Bennett 1977, 37
1970s Goodwin 1988, 84
Kitchen 1989, 178-182, fig. pl.
TR 063 165
Dungeness No 3
Coastal Battery [site of]
lost to sea 1823
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
Bennett 1977, 37
Goodwin 1988, 86
TR 043 169
Dungeness No 4
Coastal Battery
Kitchen 1989, 178-182
Abnor Battery
[site of]
lost to sea 1818
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
Bennett 1977, 37
Goodwin 1988, 86
Kitchen 1989, 178-182
TR 08501723
Dungeness Redoubt
Coastal Battery
1798 +
[remains of]
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
Bennett 1977, 36-37
Goodwin 1988, 86
Kitchen 1989, 178-182, fig. pl.
Saunders & Smith, 2001, KD137
TR 08891864 Saunders & Smith, 2001, KD185
TR 089 169
St Lawrence's Battery
Coastal Battery
[site of]
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
TR 030 175
Lydd Battery
Coastal Battery
Bennett 1977, 37 KHER TR01NW3
[site of]
Sutcliffe 1972, 91
TR 061 206/
Lydd Branch
Bennett 1977, 37 KHER TR02SE14
TR 073 246
TR 04982152
Lydd Town
[part Iifted] Railway Station
[Lydd Rly]
Reeve & Hawkins 1983, 48-51, 62-67, 90-93
[track lifted in yard]
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 67-78, pl.
TR 077 224
Greatstone-on-Sea Halt
Railway Station
NBR Index Ro/06925
Haselfoot 1978, 47 NMR TR02NE23 [sic]
[Lydd Rly]
Reeve & Hawkins 1983, 48-51, 78-79
[site of]
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 89-92, pl.
TR 083 191
Railway Station
NBR Index Ro/06491 KHER TR01NE215
[Lydd Rly]
Reeve & Hawkins 1983, 48-51, 76-77
[site of]
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 87-88, pl.
TR 08801703
Railway Station
NBR Index Ro/06926 NMR TR02NE222
[SE Rly]
[passenger traffic]
Reeve & Hawkins 1983, 48-51, 70-75, 95
TR 03822032
Old Mill
[Lydd Rly]
[site of] Windmill &
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 83-86, pl. NBR Index Ro/07120
Post Mill
ceased work?
Finch 1933, 237, pl. facing 228
[site of]
destroyed 1900
TR 04662108
New Mill
Windmill &
built 1805
Smock Mill
ceased work?
Finch 1933, 144, 237-238, pl. facing 228
[site of]
destroyed 1927
Lympne (K)
TR 09183538
Forge Cottage &
House &
TR 115 349
two others,
Court-at-Street garden of
Windmill &
built pre 1829
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36 Listed Grade II
Mill House
Smock Mill
ceased work 1891
Finch 1933, 239
[site of]
Newchurch (K)
TR 034 306 Millbank House ?+ KHER TR03SW58 [partly in 1800/1832 KHER TR03SW76
Ruckinge parish] [far;ade] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37 Listed Grade II
TR 048 311 Breaker's Farmhouse House & 19th Century TR03SW
Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
TR 049 305 Squire's Farmhouse House & 19th Century TR03SW
Farmhouse KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
795 TR 05343269 Honeywood Farmhouse House & ?+ KHER TR03SE76
Farmhouse 1800/1832 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37 [far;ade] Listed Grade II
441 TR 05493133 The Old Rectory House & 1800/1866 KHER TR03SE67
Vicarage KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
Listed Grade II
442 TR 05473137 Old School House House 1833/1866 KHER TR03SE75
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37 Listed Grade II
TR 05593094 The Manor House House 1800/1832 KHER TR03SE72
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37 Listed Grade II
445 TR 058 313 Mill House House 19th Century TR03SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
444 TR 05813122 Windmill & built 1840 NMR TR03SE10 Tower Mill ceased work c.1901 KHER TR03SE93
[remains of ] demolished c.1906 Finch 1933, 248, pl. facing 145 (10), 221
West 1979, 102
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
NBR Index 2534
TR 057 313 Windmill 1840-1900 NMR TR03SW12 [sic]
438 TR 043 291 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NW94
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 1
TR 045 306 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR03SW98
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 77
440 TR 054 299 near Willow Farm Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR02NE106
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 78, fig 12.6
446 TR 060 291 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR02NE105
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 79
TR 062 314 Shepherds Hut post 1830 KHER TR03SE101
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 80
TR 07642950
near Blackmanstone
Shepherds Hut
[remains of]
Carpenter 1997, 7, pl.
TR 07602950 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 37
post 1830 Reeves & Eve 1998, no 6, fig 12.2, fig 12.7 Listed Grade II
867 TR 07 28 MD find 09.2006 Figurine [1] copper alloy 1800/1900 P.P. TR02NE
dog PAS KENT-7F68E5
Newenden (K)
TQ 83432723 White Hart, Oasthouse& 1800/1832 + KHER TQ82NW68
Hop Store & 20th Century Listed Grade II Garage
TQ 83542712
Newenden Wharf
Lime Kiln [site of]
19th Century
Kelly's Directory Kent 1887, 438 Vine 1989, map XXIII
Newington (K)
TR 18263744
The Pound, The Street
Parkin 1986, 175
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
450 TQ 83872769 Lossenham Lodge, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ82NW78 Lossenham Lane Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
452 TR 182 375 10 & 11 The Street House 19th Century TR13NE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 38
New Romney (K)
TR 068 252
Mill House,
19th Century
Cannon Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
TR 06852529
The Governor's House,
Listed Grade II KHER TR02NE75
TR 06862529
Cannon Street
Page Cottage &
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 Listed Grade II
Page House, Cannon Street
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 Listed Grade II
TR 06832525 Millside, House 1800/1832 KHER TR02NE74
Cannon Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Listed Grade II
454 TR 065 248 The Old Curiosity Shop, Shop 19th Century TR02SE
Church Close KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
455 TR 065 248 Church Villa, House 19th Century TR02SE
Church Close KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
456 TR 065 247 former School, School 1853 TR02SE
Church Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
TR 06622504 The Prince of Wales, Public House 1800/1832 KHER TR02NE83 Fairfield Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39
Listed Grade II
TR 06642503 1 George Lane House 1800/1832 KHER TR02NE77
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 Listed Grade II
TR 06632505 2 & 3 George Lane House 1800/1832 KHER TR02NE72
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 39 Listed Grade II
TR 063 247 3 High Street House 19th Century TR02SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
TR 064 248 15 & 15A High Street House
TR 065 249 63 High Street House
19th Century 19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
TR 06322476 Rome House, House 1800/1832 + KHER TR02SE84
High Street 1867/1899 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 Listed Grade II
TR 06382479 24 & Trones House, 24A House 1833/1867 KHER TR02SE86
High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06422482 Walker House, House & 1800/1832 + KHER TR02SE97
38 High Street Shop 20th Century KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40 Listed Grade II
797 TR 06452484 46 High Street House
1800/1832 Parkin 1973, 123
[fagade] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 06662499 High House, House 1800/1832 KHER TR02SE119
High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
Listed Grade II
TR 067 250 High House, Stable 19th Century TR02NE
High Street
TR 069 253 Oak Lodge, House
High Street
TR 062 247 1 & 2 Lydd Road House
19th Century 19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 40
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 08542521
Madiera Road,
Water Tower&
1890 +
Observation Post
Haselfoot 1978, 47
TR 085 252 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 08542521 Saunders& Smith, 2001, KD147
Listed Grade II
TR 06312481 Virginia Cottages, House 1800/1832 KHER TR02SE102
1& 2 Rome Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 063 248 Rome Cottage, House 19th Century TR02SE
Rome Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 062 248 Toad Hall, House 19th Century TR02SE
Sussex Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 062 248 1-4 Golden Square, House 19th Century TR02SE
Sussex Road KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 066 248 1-3 Tritten Lane House 19th Century TR02SE
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 066 248 4 Tritten Lane House
TR 066 248 Ruby House, House
19th Century
19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Tritten Lane KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
TR 06262475 Delapre, House 1833/1866 KHER TR02SE124
West Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 41
Listed Grade II
TR 065 246 Workhouse pre 1834 TR02SE
Morrison 1999,
TR 06 24 New Romney Battery Coastal Battery 1798 KHER TR02SE20
[site of] Bennett 1977, 37
483 TR 064 242 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR02SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 82
484 TR 066 246 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR02SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 83
486 TR 07242470 Mountfield Road Gas Works 19th Century KHER TR02SE57
[remains of]
487 TR 074 248 New Romney& Railway Station 1884-1967 KHER TR02NE26
Littlestone-on-Sea [Lydd Rly] Reeve& Hawkins 1983, 48-51, 80-89 [site of] Mitchell& Smith 1987, 93-103, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06508
Northiam (ESx)
488 TQ 82512489 Seldons & House & 1800/1832 + TQ82SW
Northiam Pet Store, Shop& 1867/1899 + LBSU 416103
Dixter Road Commercial Office 20th Century Listed Grade II
489 TQ 82392467 1& 2 The Cottage, House [1] 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Ewhurst Lane LBSU 411150
Listed Grade II
490 TQ 82302524 Hall Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82NW
Ewhurst Lane LBSU 411151
Listed Grade II
615 TQ 82142416 Strawberry Oast Oasthouse [2] & 19th Century + TQ82SW
Ewhurst Lane Granary & 20th Century LBSU 411153 House Listed Grade II
492 TQ 82882382 Carriers Oast, Oasthouse [2] & 19th Century + TQ82SW
Hastings Road Granary & 20th Century NBR Index 54559
House LBSU 411161
Listed Grade II
494 TQ 82932447 Braxton's Estate Agents, House & 1800/1832 + TQ82SW
Main Street Commercial Office 20th Century LBSU 411604 Listed Grade II
495 TQ 82642475 Nat West Bank, Bank (Financial) 1800/1832 + TQ82SW
Main Street 20th Century LBSU 411609 Listed Grade II
496 TQ 82912446 Village Green Craft Centre & 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Crafts Centre, Shop LBSU 411615
Main Street Listed Grade II
497 TQ 82802462 Winton, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Main Street LBSU 411619
Listed Grade II
499 TQ 82582495 Rosebud Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
[Rosebud] LBSU 411884
Main Street Listed Grade II
861 TQ 83032436 Hayes Farm House & 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Main Street Farmhouse LBSU 411601
Listed Grade II
500 TQ 82602346 Sunnyside, House 1800/1866 + TQ82SW
Mill Corner 20th Century LBSU 461831 Listed Grade II
868 TQ 83032413 Brickwall, Entrance Gateway & 1835/1845 TQ82SW
Rye Road Gates LBSU 411873
Listed Grade II
491 TQ 83102403 Brickwall, Stable& 1835 TQ82SW
Rye Road Clock Tower NBR Index 82445
LBSU 411872
Listed Grade II
TQ 82562497 Turnpike Cottage, House 19th Century TQ82SW
Station Road LBSU 411881
Listed Grade II
501 TQ 83152589 Ivy Lodge, House 1800/1832 TQ82NW
Station Road LBSU 411888
Listed Grade II
498 TQ 82592486 Clinch Green Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82SW
Station Street LBSU 411875
Listed Grade II
799 TQ 83672648 Gatecourt, Oasthouse [4]& 19th Century TQ82NW
Station Road Granary NBR Index a2n1
LBSU 411892
Listed Grade II
502 TQ 834 267 Northiam Railway Station 1896-1961 TQ82NW
[K& ESx Rly] reopened 1977 ESHER MES4207
Mitchell& Smith 1985, 37-45, pl.
Garrett 1987, 22-24, fig. pl. NBR Index Ro/06220
Old Romney (K)
504 TR 02552441 Whites Cottage House& 1800/1832 KHER TR02SW96 [Whites House] Row KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
Listed Grade II
503 TR 01452499 near Coldharbour Farm, Shepherds Hut 19th Century NMR TR02SW41[sic] [sic] KHER TR02NW61
TR 01102500 Carpenter 1997, 21, pl.
c.1900 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
TR 011 249 post 1830 Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 94, fig 12.7 Listed Grade II
505 TQ 989 213 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 75
506 TQ 995 232 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92SE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 76
507 TR 003 236 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 73
508 TR 003 248 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 81
TR005 230
Shepherds Hut
[site of]
Reeves & Eve1998, no. 71
nearCutters Bridge
Shepherds Hut
TR009 239
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 42
Carpenter1997, 3, pl.
TR008 238 Reeves & Eve1998, no. 69, fig12 .7
TR011 226 Shepherds Hut pre1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 93
TR011 234 Shepherds Hut pre1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 72
TR014 213 Shepherds Hut post1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 70
TR014 222 Shepherds Hut pre1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 74
TR019 253 Shepherds Hut post1830 TR02NW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 95
TR023 225 Shepherds Hut pre1830 TR02SW
[site of]
TR02672278 near HawthornCottages Shepherds Hut &
Sheep House
19 th Century
Reeves & Eve1998, no. 68 KHER TR02SW43
TR036 245 Shepherds Hut post1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 92
TR04062474 south of the Rhee Shepherds Hut 19 th Century KHER TR02SW42
[remains of] Carpenter1997, 23, pl.
TR040 247 pre1830 Reeves & Eve1998, no. 87, fig12 .6
TR04142517 north side of the Rhee Shepherds Hut 19 th Century KHER TR02 NW28 near W allinghamSewer [site of] demolished Carpenter1997, 23, pl.
early 1980 s
TR042 245 Shepherds Hut pre1830 TR02SW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 91
TR042 255 Shepherds Hut post1830 TR02NW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 88
TR042 257 Shepherds Hut post1830 TR02NW
[site of] Reeves & Eve1998, no. 89
868 TR03 25 MD find07 .2005 Ear Ring [1 ] silver 1801 -2000 P.P. TR02NW
TR03 25 MD find08 .2003 Pendant [1 ] silver 1801 -1900 P.P. TR02NW
circular PAS KENT-CF06D2
gemstone setting
TR04 25 MD find03 .2003 F inger Ring [1 ] gold 1801 -1900 P.P. TR02NW
rectangular setting PAS KENT- A3 EEA1
(empty) on bezel
TR 05 25 MD find 03.2003 Finger Ring [1] gold 1801-1900 P.P. TR02NE
sub-triangular setting PAS KENT-A42056
(empty} on bezel
Orlestone (K)
TR 008 323 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 KHER TR03SW96
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 96
TR 001 337 Hamstreet & Railway Station 1851 KHER TR03SW13
Orlestone [SE Rly] Haselfoot 1978, 43
Reeve & Hawkins 1983,
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 104-110, pl. NBR Index Ro/06494
Peasmarsh (ESx)
TQ 89042248 Shamrock, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
School Lane LBSU 412186
Listed Grade II [del. 04.1999]
TQ 88422185 Peasmarsh Place, Stables & 1833/1866 TQ82SE
Dew Lane Coach House & LBSU 411896
Tack Room Listed Grade II
TQ 88322206 Peasmarsh House, Vicarage & 1839 TQ82SE
Dew Lane House LBSU 411899
Listed Grade II
532 TQ 88282182 1 & 2 Morebread House [1] 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Cottages, LBSU 411901
Dew Lane Listed Grade II
800 TQ 86772064 Dinglesden, House ?+ TQ82SE
Hayes Lane 1800/1832 LBSU 411904
[fagade] Listed Grade II
TQ 89012250 Ivy Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412168
Listed Grade II
535 TQ 88822275 1-3 White Knights, House [1] 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412170
Listed Grade II
536 TQ 88762284 Farthings, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412171
Listed Grade II
TQ 88072324 Clonmel, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Main Street LBSU 412174
Listed Grade II
538 TQ 89072248 The Horse& Cart Inn, Inn& 1800/1832 TQ82SE
School Lane Public House LBSU 412185
Listed Grade II
539 TQ 88152286 Tanhouse Oast, Oasthouse [2]& 19th Century TQ82SE
Tanhouse Lane Granary& LBSU 412195
House Listed Grade II
540 TQ 87592429 Old Shepherds, House 1800/1832 TQ82SE
Wittersham Road LBSU 412198
Listed Grade II
541 TQ 88092431 New House, Oasthouse [2]& 19th Century TQ82SE
Wittersham Road Granary LBSU 412200
Listed Grade II
862 TQ 888 248 Old House Farm Farm 1805 TQ82SE
[Perryfields] [or earlier] ESHER MES8556 863 TQ 886 246 Hatches Building 1805 TQ82SE
[or earlier] ESHER MES8557
demolished pre 1999
864 TQ 888 247 Old House Farm Extractive Pit 1805 TQ82SE
[clay] [or earlier] ESHER MES8558
Pett {ESx)
542 TQ 88891331 Boulder Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ81SE
Pett Level LBSU 412721
Listed Grade II
543 TQ 87641400 Ivy Cottage, House 1800/1832 TQ81SE
Pett Road LBSU 412726
Listed Grade II
544 TQ 87071397 Old School House& School& 1847 TQ81SE
School End Teachers House& LBSU 412730
TQ 903 146
Martello Tower No. 35
[site of]
blown up 04.1872
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94
TQ 899 142
Martello Tower No. 36
Hibbs 1998/2004 NMR TQ91NW7
[site of]
lost to sea
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94
Hibbs 1998/2004
Pett Road House Listed Grade II
TQ 89 14 MartelloTower No. 37 1805 NMR TQ91NW7 [site of] blown up 06.1866 ESHER MES3706
Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94 Hibbs 1998/2004
548 TQ 89 13 MartelloTower No. 38 1805 NMR TQ91NW7
[site of] blown up 04.1872 ESHER MES3706 Mead 1948, 296
Sutcliffe 1972, 94 Hibbs 1998/2004
Playden (ESx)
801 TQ 92642372 OldTurks, Barn & c.1815+ NMRTQ92SW
Houghton Green Lane Cattle Shed & c.1855+ ESRO HBR1/0859A, 1984
building survey Oasthouse & 1860s+ NBR Index
Stable & 1982
550 TQ 92382280 Stileman's Well, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Houghton Lane LBSU 412740
Listed Grade II
549 TQ 92032151 Saltcote, House c.1828+ TQ92SW
building survey 19th Century+ ESHER MES2171 1897/1907 ESRO HBR1/0668, 1981
NBR Index 3417
551 TQ 92642370 end of drive to Oasthouse & 19th Century TQ92SW
Boonshill Farm, Barn LBSU 412742
Iden Listed Grade II
552 TQ 93342368 Cliff Farm, House & 19th Century TQ92SW
Military Road Farmhouse LBSU 412747
Listed Grade II [del. 06.1989]
TQ 92482150 Playden Cottage, House c.1815+ TQ92SW
Military Road c.1840+ ESHER MES2170
building survey c.1900+ ESRO HBR1/0670,1981 TQ 92482151 post 1908 NBR Index 3416
LBSU 412744
Listed Grade II [del. 06.1989]
TQ 91882216 Playden Oasts Hotel, Oasthouse &
19th Century+
Peasmarsh Road House & 20th Century LBSU 412749 Hotel Listed Grade II
555 TQ 91882219 The Hooks, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Peasmarsh Road LBSU 412750
Listed Grade II [del. 06.1989]
TQ 92252156
Wren Cottage,
1820 +
New England Lane
20th Century
ESRO HBR1/1179, 1993
building survey
LBSU 416117
Listed Grade II
TQ 92142139
Mill Road
Windmill &
Post Mill
ceased work 1906?
ESHER MES2181 [4663]
[site of]
demolished 1908
Hemming 1936. 42, pl. 21
TQ 922 213
Rye Hill
[formerly at
Post Mill
[site of]
ceased work?
Finch 1933,153, pl. facing 61
demolished 1908/1909?
Hemming 1936, 113, 114
West 1979, 93
TQ 92452176
Kiln Field
Brick Kiln?
19th Century?
NBR Index 4266
Tile Kiln?
Wetherill 1992, 45
TQ 933 227
Scotts Float,
River Rother
Vine 1972,
Haselfoot 1978, 109
TQ 945 234
Shepherds Hut
pre 1830
TQ 92742193
Military Road
[site of]
Extractive Pit
19th Century?
Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 97
Wetherill 1992, 45
Rolvenden (K)
TQ 83552930
Forsham Farm,
Oasthouse [1]&
19th Century
Sponden Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 84963366
Halden Place,
Oasthouse [3]&
Listed Grade II
TQ 83543171
South East Lodge,
Gate Lodge&
Hole Park,
Listed Grade II
Benenden Road
TQ 85343029
16& 18 Frensham Road,
TQ 83993067
Rolvenden Layne Bayard's Oast
Oasthouse [2]
19th Century
Listed Grade II
Listed Grade II
Hastings Road
TQ 84443130
8 High Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 84433131
Streyte Cottage,
10 High Street
Listed Grade II
565 TQ 84433133 12-18 High Street House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW230
Listed Grade II
TQ 84403139 The Star PH, Public House 1833/1866 KHER TQ83SW174
30 High Street Listed Grade II
TQ 84403142 36-46 High Street House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW231
Row Listed Grade II
TQ 84403150 opposite Water Pump 19th Century KHER TQ83SW196 60 High Street Listed Grade II
TQ 84423141 opposite Water Pump 19th Century KHER TQ83SW189 29 High Street Listed Grade II
TQ 84433146 39-43 High Street House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW221
Row Listed Grade II
TQ 84423148 45-55 High Street House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW190
Listed Grade II
TQ 84423150 57 High Street House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SW209
Listed Grade II
TQ 85263026 14 Maytham Road, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE176
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
TQ 85283025 Yew Tree House, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE241
16 & 18 Maytham Road, Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne
TQ 85303030 22 & The Limes, 24 House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE129
Maytham Road, Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne
TQ 85363021 Horton Cottage, 28 & House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE109
30 Maytham Road, Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne
TQ 85363021 32 & 34 Maytham Road, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE186
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
TQ 85383020 36 & 38 Maytham Road, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE192
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
TQ 85393019 40-46 Maytham Road, House 1800/1866 KHER TQ83SE123
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
TQ 85403016 Corner Stores, Shop 1833/1866 KHER TQ83SE187
Maytham Road, Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne
TQ 86163132 Lower Murgie, Oasthouse [2] &
19th Century
Mounts Lane Granary & Listed Grade II
TQ 83533165
Witherden House
West Cross
Listed Grade II
TQ 85373263 Little Halden, Oasthouse [2] & 1845 KHER TQ83SE112 Tenterden Road Granary Listed Grade II
584 TQ 85423018 1 Windser Road, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE71
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
585 TQ 85423021 9 Windser Road, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE110
Rolvenden Layne Listed Grade II
586 TQ 85433024 11-29 Windser Road, House& 1833/1866 KHER TQ83SE115
Rolvenden Layne Terrace Listed Grade II
587 TQ 85932968 Hillgate, Oasthouse [2] 19th Century KHER TQ82NE45 Wittersham Road Listed Grade II
588 TQ 86822796 Barge Cottage, House 1800/1866 KHER TQ82NE36
Wittersham Road Listed Grade II
590 TQ 861 342 Tile Works 1865 NMR TQ83SE61
[site of]
591 TQ 864 277 Shepherds Hut
19th Century
OS Map 1865 TQ82NE
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 98
592 TQ 86533278 Rolvenden Railway Station& 1896-1955 KHER TQ83SE31
[K& ESx Rly] reopened 1974 Haselfoot 1978, 57-58
Railway Works Mitchell& Smith 1985, 52-75, pl.
[site of] Garrett 1987, 27-31, pl.
NBR Index Ro/07127
589 TQ 86632869 Wittersham Road Railway Station 1896-1954 KHER TQ82NE10
[K& ESx Rly] reopened 1977 Mitchell& Smith 1985, 46-51, pl.
Garrett 1987, 26, pl. NBR Index Ro/07138
485 TQ 86792764 Maytham Wharf Lime Kiln 19th Century KHER TQ82NE13
[site of] Vine 1989, map XXIV
866 TQ 85 31 MD find 10.2007 Token [1] lead alloy 1804? P.P. TQ83SE
I.L. 180? PAS KENT-636EB8
Ruckinge (K)
TR 00993582 Chestnuts, House 1800/1832 KHER TR03NW59
Capel Road Listed Grade II
TR 016 325 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TR03SW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 100
595 TR 019 321 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR03SW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 99
596 TR 030 328 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR03SW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 101
597 TR 029 334 Windmill& built post 1810 TR03SW
Post Mill moved from Hythe c.1830 Finch 1933, 64, 267-268, pl. facing 5 [site of] ceased work ? Vine 1972, 172, Map 8
demolished 1912/1924
Rye (ESx)
598 TQ 921 203 East Sussex Police, Police Station 1891 TQ92SW
18 Church Square
600 TQ 92132031 Quarter Boys Cottage, House 1833/1866 TQ92SW
68-72 Church Square LBSU 291932
Listed Grade II
601 TQ 92162040 3 East Street House 1867/1899 TQ92SW
LBSU 291952
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 687
602 TQ 92162040 4-7 East Street House & 19th Century TQ92SW
Shop LBSU 291953
Listed Grade II
590 TQ 921 204 11 & 12 East Street House 19th Century TQ92SW
Listed Grade II
see Post Medieval 760
603 TQ 92172042 18 & 19 East Street House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Listed Grade II
605 TQ 91832042 9 & 11 Ferry Road House & c.1840s + TQ92SW
Carpenters Workshop 1859 LBSU 416052
LBSU 435109
Listed Grade II
805 TQ 91862037 8 & 10 Ferry Road House & 1800/1832 + TQ92SW
Shop 20th Century LBSU 434226 Listed Grade II
806 TQ 91862038 12 & 14 Ferry Road House & ?+ TQ92SW
Shop 1800/1832 + LBSU 434227
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
20 Century
807 TQ 91892040 The Crown Inn, Inn 1800/1850 NMR TQ92SW94
Ferry Road ESHER MES2281
TQ 91872040 LBSU 434228
Listed Grade II
608 TQ 92052040 Rye Bakery, House & 1800/1832 TQ92SW
23 High Street Shop LBSU 434261
Listed Grade II
609 TQ 92052042 Holloway House, Garden Building & 19th Century TQ92SW
24 High Street Summer House LBSU 434263
Listed Grade II [del. 02.1973]
606 TQ 91882031 Causeway Cottage, House 1800/1850 TQ92SW
50 & 51 The Mint LBSU 434406
Listed Grade II
607 TQ 91882030 Honeysuckle Cottage, House 1876 TQ92SW
52& 53 The Mint LBSU 434407
Listed Grade II
610 TQ 91902028 58 The Mint House 19th Century TQ92SW
LBSU 434412
TQ 91952035
75& 76 The Mint
Listed Grade II
TQ 91902036
Easter Cottage,
LBSU 434417
Listed Grade II
TQ 91972034
78 The Mint
LBSU 434419
TQ 92202045
109 High Street
Listed Grade II
LBSU 434516
Listed Grade II
TQ 92212047
111& 112 High Street
20th Century
LBSU 434518
Listed Grade II
TQ 92192065
6 Landgate
TQ 92202066
LBSU 434570
[fa�ade] Listed Grade II
613 TQ 92222062 25 Landgate House& 19 Century+ TQ92SW
TQ 92212061 Shop 20th Century LBSU 434577 Listed Grade II
614 TQ 92192071 4 Landgate Square House 1800/1866 TQ92SW
LBSU 435107
Listed Grade II
616 TQ 921 203 21 Lion Street House 1867/1899 TQ92SW
LBSU 487926
Listed Grade II
617 TQ 92092034 Library& School& 1874+ TQ92SW
Adult Education Centre Public Library& c.1960 LBSU 487604
[Board School] Adult Education Centre Listed Grade II Lion Street
618 TQ 92022030 40& 40A Mermaid Street House 19th Century TQ92SW
LBSU 434853
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 713
619 TQ 92022030 Court Hay, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
41 Mermaid Street LBSU 434854
Listed Grade II
see Medieval 713
TQ 92302106
14 Military Road
House &
Cottage Ornee
LBSU 434855
Listed Grade II
TQ 92252085
Spring Place,
House &
1-11 Military Road
LBSU 434874
TQ 92252089
Waterloo Terrace,
House [8] &
Listed Grade II
TQ 92272094
21-35 Military Road
37-67 Military Road
House &
LBSU 434873
Listed Grade II
LBSU 434872
Listed Grade II
624 TQ 92252109 The Point & House [1] c.1890 TQ92SW
West Point House & LBSU 435184
The Dormers, Listed Grade II
Point Hill
625 TQ 92292126 Point Lodge, House c.1900 + TQ92SW
Point Hill 20th Century W(eaver?) 1913c, 8*-12* LBSU 435185
Listed Grade II
626 TQ 92282125 Point Lodge, Garage & c.1900 TQ92SW
Point Hill Garden Building LBSU 435186
Listed Grade II
627 TQ 92282116 Point Hill , Sail Loft & c.1886 TQ92SW
Point Hill Garage LBSU 435188
Listed Grade II
TQ 92292116 Goalthorpe, Bakehouse 19th Century + TQ92SW
Point Hill 1860s ESHER MES2279
building survey ESRO HBR1/0939, 1986
NBR 77031
Listed Grade II
629 TQ 92102057 2-16 The Ropewalk House & 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Terrace LBSU 434882
Listed Grade II
630 TQ 91792040 Foreman's Corn, Warehouse 19th Century TQ92SW
Hop & Seed Stores, Haselfoot 1978, 113
Ferry Road
TQ 91552045 Paygate Cottage, House &
19th Century
Ferry Road Toll House ESRO HBR1/0662A, 1983
TQ 91852022 The Old Wine Store, Warehouse& 1823 TQ92SW
The Strand Shop ESHER MES2220
TQ 928 203 Hoare& Upton 1972, 33
Haselfoot 1978, 113
ESRO HBR1/0672, 1981
NBR Index 3438
Listed Grade II
TQ 91872023 The Old Granary, Warehouse& 1750/1850 TQ92SW
The Strand Shop& ESHER MES2219
building survey Restaurant Haselfoot 1978, 113
ESRO HBR1/0671, 1981
NBR Index 3436
Listed Grade II
631 TQ 91902020 The Ship Inn, Inn 1800/1832 TQ92SW
The Strand LBSU 434889
Listed Grade II
632 TQ 92012021 Old Rhodes, House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
Watchbell Lane LBSU 434980
Listed Grade II
633 TQ 92092023 3 Watchbell Street House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
LBSU 434985
Listed Grade II
634 TQ 92042022 The Studio Chambers, Chapel& 1817 TQ92SW
Watchbell Street House LBSU 434991
Listed Grade II
see Places of Worship 106
635 TQ 92032020 11 Watchbell Street House 1800/1832 TQ92SW
LBSU 434994
Listed Grade II
TQ 92042018 20 Watchbell Street House c.1500 [cellar]+ NMR TQ92SW76 building survey c.1800 ESHER MES2276
Page et al 1973a, 48
ESRO HBR1/0827, 1983 [cellar]
Martin& Martin 2009, no. 97
NBR Index 76856
Listed Grade II [20& 20A& 21]
636 TQ 92072020 24& Gardenside, 25 House 1810/1850 TQ92SW
Watchbell Street LBSU 435048
Listed Grade II
TQ 92112022 30 Watchbell Street House ?+ TQ92SW
19th Century LBSU 435051
[fagade] Listed Grade II
TQ 92032030 13 West Street House & Shop
639 TQ 91882027 RyeTiles Ltd, Warehouse &
Wish Ward Shop
640 TQ 91882030 The Old Stable, 13 & House &
Strandgate, 15 Apartment Wish Ward
604 TQ 916 204 Gibbett Mill Windmill &
[Barry's Mill] Smock Mill TQ 91642032 Ferry Road
839 TQ 918 196 Castle Mill, Windmill
New Winchelsea Road [site of]
638 TQ 91831987 Winchelsea Road MartelloTower No.30 &
840 TQ 916 190 New Winchelsea Road Battery
[site of] 808 TQ 92502125 Guildford Brewery , Brewery
Royal Military Road
641 TQ 91 20 Eagle Brewery Brewery
19th Century built 1824
destroyed by fire 1929 shell rebuilt 1932
built 19th Century ceased working? destroyed?
established? closed? established?
Leney & Son c.1896 closed?
LBSU 435090
Listed Grade II see Medieval 713 TQ92SW
LBSU 435096
Listed Grade II TQ92SW LBSU 435099
Hemming 1936, 67-68, 114, pl. 45
Haselfoot 1978, 113
Brunnarius 1979, 65-66, pl. 62, 63
NBR Index 4272
LBSU 434224
Listed Grade II TQ91NW ESHER MES8102
NMRTQ91NW3 ESHER MES2203 Mead 1948, 297
Sutcliffe 1972, 94 Hibbs 1998/2004 SAM ESx 171
RSM 32259
LBSU 435095
Listed Grade II TQ91NW ESHER MES8099 TQ92SW
OS 6" Sussex XLV 1877na TQ92SW
Osborne 1982, 21
TQ 91892055
Railway Station [SE Rly]
Hoare&Upton 1972, 11
Haselfoot 1978, 113
Mitchell&Smith 1987, 41-52
TQ 918 206 NMRTQ92SW
NBR Index Ro/06229 LBSU 435102
Listed Grade II
643 TQ 919 205 Rye Goods Shed 1851 TQ92SW
[SE Rly] Haselfoot 1978, 113
628 TQ 92062070 Gatekeepers Cottage Crossing Keepers c.1850 + TQ92SW
[The Gate House] Cottage& 20th Century LBSU 435106
The Grove House Listed Grade II
[SE Rly]
197 TQ 925 206 Rye Railway Station 1895-1939 NMRTQ92SW
[R&CTwy] ESHER MES2225
[site of] Harding 1985, 11-12, fig., pl.
NBR Index Ro/06183
644 TQ 920 199 Brede Lock Lock 19th Century TQ91NW
Vine 1972,
Haselfoot 1978, 111
645 TQ 921 205 Waterworks 1869 TQ92SW
Haselfoot 1978, 113
646 TQ 901 192 Watlands Farm Horse Engine 19th Century
Haselfoot 1978, 113
811 TQ 91592048 Bellevue Pottery, Pottery
19th Century
Udimore Road OS 6" Sussex XLV 1877ll8
812 TQ 913 203 Udimore Road Brick Works& 19th Century TQ92SW
Tile Works OS 6" Sussex XLV 1877ll8
Rye/Camber (ESx)
129 TQ 925 206 / Rye&Camber Railway 1895-1939 TQ92SW/TQ91NW
TQ 944 191 / Tramway [dismantled] Harding 1985
TQ 949 188
Rye Foreign (ESx)
TQ 91912145 Hill House Hospital Workhouse & 1843 TQ92SW
[Rye Public Hospital Morrison 1999,
TQ 91902141 Assistance Institute] [site of] LBSU 412890 [Union Workhouse] Listed Grade II
Peasmarsh Road
647 TQ 91842185 Springfield Court House & 1800/1866 TQ92SW
[Syskon School] School LBSU 412891
[Springfield] Listed Grade II
Peasmarsh Road
648 TQ 91372260 Broomhall Lodge, House 1833/1866 TQ92SW
Rye Road LBSU 412893
Listed Grade II
649 TQ 90262243 Lea Farm, Oasthouse & 19th Century TQ92SW
Rye Road Granary LBSU 412896
Listed Grade II [del. 06.1989]
650 TQ 90102255 Cordbatt Cottage, House & 1800/1832? TQ92SW
Rye Road Cottage Ornee LBSU 412897
Listed Grade 11•
651 TQ 89662246 Rumpels Motel, Hotel & 1800/1832 + TQ82SE
Rye Road Motel 20th Century LBSU 412898 Listed Grade II
599 TQ 92002175 Extractive Pit 19th Century? TQ92SW
[sand] Wetherill 1992, 45
St Mary in the Marsh
TR 044 263
Shepherds Hut
post 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 85
TR 044 273
Shepherds Hut
post 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 90
TR 044 275
Shepherds Hut
pre 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 84
TR 053 268
Shepherds Hut
pre 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 42
TR 056 259
Shepherds Hut
pre 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 46
TR 057 265
Shepherds Hut
pre 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 43
TR 057 272
Shepherds Hut
pre 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 44
TR 059 285 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TR02NE
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 107
TR 061 275 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TR02NE
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 106
TR 062 262 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TR02NE
[site of]
TR 06432767 School Farm Shepherds Hut
19th Century
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 45 KHER TR02NE30
TR 064 276 [formerly at Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 102, fig 12.3
Newland's, Midley] Carpenter 1997, 12, pl.
TR 071 261 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TR02NE
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 103
TR 07332795 near Shingle Hall Farm Shepherds Hut & pre 1830 KHER TR02NE31
TR 073 279 [site of] demolished 1980s Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 108 Sheep Fold
TR 082 267 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TR02NE
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 105
TR 085 285 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TR02NE
[site of]
482 TR 06252532 Cookreed Lane Brickworks
[site of]
19th Century
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 104 KHER TR02NE27
TR 09322784 Globsden Gut Martello Tower No 27 & 1805 KHER TR02NE5
Semaphore Station demolished 1841 Mead 1948, 296
[site of] Sutcliffe 1972, 91
TR 094 279 Bennett 1977, 37
TR 086 270 [sic] Hibbs 1998/2004
Salehurst (ESx)
TQ 76372638 High Wigsell, House 1800/1832 TQ72NE
Bodiam Road LBSU 412903
Listed Grade II
671 TQ 75032318 The Oast House, Oasthouse [3] & 19th Century + TQ72SE
Fair Lane Granary & 20th Century LBSU 412928 House Listed Grade II
TQ 76592637 The Curlew Inn, Inn 1800/1832 TQ72NE
Junction Road LBSU 412904
Listed Grade II
672 TQ 75762436 Moat Farm, Oasthouse [4] & 19th Century TQ72SE
Rock Hills Granary LBSU 413359
Listed Grade II
673 TQ 751 228 Tile Croft & Tile Kiln & 1811 TQ72SE
Brick Kiln Field, Brick Kiln Beswick 1983, 46
Park Farm
TQ 752 249
Robertsbridge Station
Brick Works
1870/1875 -
Beswick 1983, 47
TQ 750 240
Salehurst Halt
Railway Station
[K& ESx Rly]
Mitchell& Smith 1985, 19
Garrett 1987, 17-18, pl.
NBR Index Ro/05225
Salehurst/Ewhurst/Northiam/Beckley (ESx)/ Newenden/Rolvenden/Tenterden/High Halden/Biddenden (K)
TQ 750 241 /
Rother Valley
TQ 855 380
Light Railway/
[part dismantled]
Kent& East Sussex
part reopened
Garrett 1987
Mitchell& Smith 1985
Saltwood (K)
TR 161 359
Saltwood Castle
Gate Lodge&
19th Century
TR 16043600
Castle Road
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 Listed Grade II
TR 14273674
Sandling Park
1846 +
Garden Wall 20th Century Hussey 1954, 36-39, pl.
TR 144 367
Wright 1978, 88-91
Plumptre 1985, 101-102
NBR Index 82403
EH Register of Parks/Gardens
TR 148 368
Sandling Junction
Railway Station
[SE Rly]
Mitchell& Smith 1988, 31-38, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06959
827 TR 152 364 Hayne Hill Spoil Heap 19th Century KHER TR13NE9
Sandhurst (K)
679 TQ 80042828 Broad Oak House& House 1800/1866 KHER TQ82NW63
Oak View, KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
TQ 80062828
General Stores&
1833/1866 +
TQ 800 283
Back Road Oaks Farm,
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86 Listed Grade II
Back Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Listed Grade II
Back Road Listed Grade II
TQ 79012781 Old Tavern House 1800/1832 KHER TQ72NE163
[West View] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Bodiam Road
h Listed Grade II
TQ 79102706 Old Place House & 1i Century + KHER TQ72NE116
Church Road Cellar [or earlier] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
1800/1832 + Listed Grade II
TQ 79092708 Old Place lcehouse 1833/1866 KHER TQ72NE170
Church Road KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Listed Grade II
TQ 79192700 Old Place Oasthouse [4] 1800/1832 KHER TQ72NE164
Church Road & Barn KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
Listed Grade II
TQ 79132709 Old Place Stable & c.1870 KHER TQ72NE53
Church Road Hayloft KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 86
TQ 80772854 Puxtye Farm, Oasthouse [1] & 19th
Listed Grade II
Century KHER TQ72NW32
Crouch Lane Barn KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
Listed Grade II
TQ 81482954 Hope Oasts, Oasthouse [3] & 1800/1832 KHER TQ82NW60
Crouch Lane Barn KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
Listed Grade II
TQ 79782846 Regency Lodge, House 18t0h0/1866 + KHER TQ72NE162
Queen Street 20 Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 79802843 Spar Stores, House & c.1th820 + KHER TQ72NE51
Queen Street Shop 20 Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 79762844 White Cottage, House 18t0h0/1832 + KHER TQ72NE108
Queen Street 20 Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88 Listed Grade II
TQ 79772844 Clematis Cottage, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ72NE96
Queen Street KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Listed Grade II
TQ 80142831 Dower Cottage & House & 1861 KHER TQ82NW42
2 Oakfield Cottages & Row KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
Weavers Cottage & Listed Grade II
Laburnham Cottage
[1 & 2 Laburnham Cottages] Rye Road
696 TQ 81392801 Linkhill House, House 18t0h0/1832 + KHER TQ82NW30
Rye Road 20 Century KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
TQ 80962804
Green Gates,
off Rye Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
TQ 81472792
Stone House,
Rye Road
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89
TQ 78732856
Listed Grade II KHER TQ72NE90
TQ 79832837
Silverden Lane
The Green
Clock Tower &
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 89 Listed Grade II
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87
Listed Grade II
TQ 80432841 Ringle Crouch Green, Windmill & built 1844 KHER TQ82NW13
Rye Road Smock Mill ceased work 1912 Finch 1933, 269-271, pl. facing 272 [remains of ?] demolished post 1945 Turpin & Turpin 1979, 24
West 1979, 102, pl. 63
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 88
NBR Index 2554
see u/h Century 770
Sedlescombe (ESx)
321 TQ 77642093 Chittlebirch, House 1800/1832 TQ72SE
Cripps Corner LBSU 413366
Listed Grade II
322 TQ 77322105 1-4 Swaile's Green House [1] 1818/1848 TQ72SE
Cottages, LBSU 414169
Swaile's Green Listed Grade II
202 TQ 776 204 A229 Toll House 1836 TQ72SE
Hoare & Upton 1972, 9
Sellindge (K)
198 TR 10373786 Somerfield Court, Barn [3] & c.1834 KHER TR13NW120 Barrow Hill Shelter & KHBI: Shepway 1996, 45
Yard Listed Grade II
Shadoxhurst (K)
701 TQ 97193761 The Village Hall School & 1846 KHER TQ93NE38 [The Old School] Village Hall Listed Grade II
Church Lane
TQ 97153766
TQ 97213767
Village Pump
Church Lane Nichols House,
Water Pump
Listed Grade II KHER TQ93NE42
Church Lane
Listed Grade II
Snargate (K)
TQ 987 286
Bentley Cottage
19th Century
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 46
705 TQ 955 251 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92NE
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 41
708 TQ 967 279 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92NE
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 109
709 TQ 986 276 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92NE
TQ 95732561
aerial photo 1946
Ridge+ Furrow
19th Century?
AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3075; 21.9.46)
TQ 96032528
aerial photo 1946
Ridge+ Furrow
19th Century?
AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3075; 21.9.46)
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 40
Snargate/Brookland/lvychurch/Old Romney/Lydd/New Romney (K)
13 TQ 97452949/ Lydd Railway Railway 1884-1967 NMR TR02SE14
TQ 98902741/ [part dismantled] realigned 1937 Reeve & Hawkins 1983, 48-95
TR 00072592/ Mitchell & Smith 1987, 53-103, pl.
TR 00592521/ TR 03402284/ TR 06152063/ TR 07432486 & TR 07611920/ TR 07432486 &
TR 08781708
Stanford (K)
710 TR 12703620 The Royal Oak, Public House 1800/1866+ NMR TR13NW60 Ashford Road, 1953 KHER TR13NW113
Newingreen Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992
TR 12753705
near Stone Street,
Ditch &
19th Century?
Gollop 1999a
excavation 1999
Wessex Archaeol. 1999
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 47 Listed Grade II
712 TR 12653629 Royal Oak Motel, Ditch& 19th Century? KHER TR13NW67 Ashford Road, Post hole James, R. 2001
Newingreen excavation 2001
711 TR 12793783 Kennett Lane Windmill& built 1851 NMR TR13NW19
Tower Mill ceased work 1946 KHER TR13NW118 dismantled pre 1968 Finch 1933, 282 , pl. facing 285
Haselfoot 1978, 56-57
Turpin& Turpin 1979, 23, no.29
West 1979, 73-75, pl. 35, 36
Newman& Pevsner 1969, 448
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 47
NBR Index 2571 Listed Grade II
see 111" Century 1082
TR 127 373 Westenhanger Railway Station 1874 KHER TR13NW38
[SE Rly] Mitchell& Smith 1988, 27-30, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06991
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
TQ 93032819 Stone Farm, House& 1800/1832 KHER TQ92NW38
Lower Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
TQ 92402839 Odiam Farm, Oasthouse [2]& 19th Century KHER TQ92NW49 Lower Road Outbuilding Listed Grade II
TQ 93992772 Netherfield Cottage, House 1800/1832 KHER TQ92NW39 Lower Road Listed Grade II
TQ 93982778 Drury's House, House 1833/1866 KHER TQ92NW78
Lower Road Listed Grade II
TQ 93972782 The Post Office, Shop& 19th Century KHER TQ92NW28 Lower Road Post Office Listed Grade II
TQ 926 294 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92NW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 38
TQ 932 297 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92NW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 37
TQ 938 289 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TQ92NW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 115
TQ 940 256 Cliff Marsh Farm Shepherds Hut post 1830 TQ92NW
Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 116, fig 12.6
TQ 943 273 Churchlands Farm Shepherds Hut post 1830 TQ92NW
Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 117, fig 12.6
TQ 944 255 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TQ92NW
[site of] Reeves& Eve 1998, no. 118
TQ 946 284 Shepherds Hut post 1830 TQ92NW
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 119
TQ 960 271 Shepherds Hut pre 1830 TQ92NE
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 39
Tenterden (K)
TQ 88573362 21 & 23 Ashford Road House & c.1840 + KHER TQ83SE119
Shop 20th Century Listed Grade II
TQ 88573365 27 Ashford Road House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE211
Listed Grade II
TQ 88593356 2-22 Ashford Road House & 1833/1866 + KHER TQ83SE225
Terrace & 20th Century Listed Grade II Shop
TQ 88403327 2-8 Bell's Lane House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE214
Terrace Listed Grade II
TQ 88563348 East Cross Drinking Fountain c.1880 KHER TQ83SE143 Listed Grade II
TQ 88613512 1-17 St Michael's Terrace, House & 1870 KHER TQ83NE131 Grange Road, Terrace Listed Grade II
St Michaels
TQ 88483337 7 High Street House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE180
Listed Grade II
736 TQ 88413332 35-41 High Street House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE182
Row& Listed Grade II
TQ 88373329 47 High Street House &
19th Century +
Shop 20th Century NBR Index 40574
Listed Grade II
TQ 88113313 129 & 131 High Street House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE267
Listed Grade II
TQ 88103312 133-137 High Street House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE204
Row Listed Grade II
TQ 88093312 139-143 High Street House & 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE140
TQ 88463341
10-14 High Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 88453339
Elmstone House,
House &
16 High Street
Listed Grade II
TQ 88393334
32 High Street
House &
[fagade] 1800/1832
Listed Grade II
Terrace Listed Grade II
742 TQ 88203325 94-98 High Street House& 1833/1866 KHER TQ83SE220
Shop Listed Grade II
823 TQ 88103319 118 High Street House ?+ KHER TQ83SE197
19th Century Listed Grade II
743 TQ 88033315 138& 140 High Street House 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE231
Listed Grade II
745 TQ 87013308 lsemonger, Oasthouse [1] 1833/1866 KHER TQ83SE107 Rolvenden Road Listed Grade II
748 TQ 87973302 7-13 Smallhythe Road House& 1800/1832 KHER TQ83SE263
Row& Listed Grade II
750 TQ 87813276 Heronden Hall, House 1846/1853 KHER TQ83SE160
Smallhythe Road lgglesden 1902, IV, 32
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 566 Listed Grade II
751 TQ 87913307 Gate House, House& c.1846 KHER TQ83SE275
Heronden Hall, Gate Lodge Newman& Pevsner 1976, 565
West Cross Listed Grade II
TQ 905 325 Leigh Green, Windmill& built 1818 TQ93SW
Appledore Road Smock Mill destroyed 1913 Finch 1933, 291, pl. facing 292
[site of] West 1979, pl. 60
NBR Index 2602
744 TQ 863 344 Goods Hill Mill, Windmill built c.1807 TQ83SE
Parkgate Road [site of] ceased work 1890 Finch 1933, 290
demolished 1896
747 TQ 86683302 Ashbourne Mill, Windmill& built c.1807 KHER TQ83SE59
TQ 86573297 Rolvenden Road Post Mill ceased work 1910 Finch 1933, 91, 290-291, pl. facing 293
[site of] demolished 1912 Bannister 1992
758 TQ 88 33 110yds NW of church Windmill built pre 1858 TQ83SE
[site of] ceased work? Finch 1933, 290 demolished?
755 TQ 87493388 Union Workhouse Workhouse& 1843 KHER TQ83SE58 [West View Hospital] Hospital Bannister 1992
TQ 847 328 [sic] photo survey RCHME Report 1995
Morrison 1999
TQ 86033420
19th Century
TQ 861 342
Tile Works
Bannister 1992
TQ 86063426
TQ 88403309
[site of]
Gas Works
19th Century
[site of]
Bannister 1992
TQ 87433279 NBR Index 100688
TQ 88363512
St Michaels Halt/
Railway Station
Tenterden St Michael's
[K& ESx Rly]
Mitchell& Smith 1985, 94-98, pl.
[site of]
Garrett 1987, 35, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06982
TQ 88203350
Tenterden Town
Railway Station
[K& ESx Rly]
reopened 1974
Haselfoot 1978, 57-58
Mitchell& Smith 1985, 76-93, pl.
Garrett 1987, 32-34, pl.
NBR Index Ro/06983
Udimore (ESx)
TQ 86981888
Forge House,
Rye Road
LBSU 415047
TQ 90041948
Oasthouse [2]&
19th Century
Listed Grade II
Rye Road
LBSU 415056
Listed Grade II
762 TQ 86761898 The Vines, Coach House 1800/1832 + TQ81NE
Rye Road 20th Century LBSU 415042 Listed Grade II
764 TQ 88081817 Float Farm Oasthouse [2]& c.1815 NMR TQ81NE14 Winchelsea Lane Barn/Granary ESHER MES2542
LBSU 415062
Listed Grade II
765 TQ 88511804 Lower Float/ Shepherds Hut 19th Century TQ81NE
Road End, Reeves& Eve 1998, no 120, fig 12.6
Winchelsea Lane LBSU 415063
Listed Grade II [del. 10.1989]
763 TQ 87031890 Windmill& built? NMR TQ81NE19 Post Mill ceased work? ESHER MES2555
[site of] demolished? Hemming 1936, 115
NBR Index 4433
766 TQ 899 184 Winchelsea Railway Station 1851 TQ81NE
[SE Rly] ESHER MES2556
Mitchell& Smith 1987, 32-37, pl. NBR Index Ro/06242
865 TQ 89 19 MD find 12.2007 Coin [1] silver c.1834 P.P. TQ81NE
half dime [pierced] PAS SUSS-15C602
United States of America Pennsylvania mint
Warehorne (K)
TQ 99003270
1800/1832 +
Church Road
20th Century
Listed Grade II
TQ 99343329
Burr Farm,
Hamstreet Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 993 323
Shepherds Hut
post 1830
[site of] Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 121
TQ 994 300
Shepherds Hut
pre 1830
[site of]
Reeves & Eve 1998, no. 122
Westfield (ESx)
TQ 81081549
Wheel Lane
LBSU 415595
TQ 80021654
Platnix Farm,
Oasthouse [2] &
19th Century
Listed Grade II
Wheel Lane
LBSU 415598
Listed Grade II
Wittersham (K)
TQ 90192661
Budd's Farm,
Oasthouse [2] &
1800/1866 +
Budd's Lane
Barn &
Listed Grade II
TQ 88292842
Palstre Court,
House Oasthouse [2] &
19th Century
Rolvenden Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 88442834
Cuckoo Cottage,
Rolvenden Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 90082734
The Ewe & Lamb Inn,
Stocks Road
Listed Grade II
TQ 89752709
Wittersham House,
1800/1832 +
28 The Street
Weaver 1913b, 199-201, fig. 335-340
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 611-612
TQ 87242814
Maytham Road,
Lime Kiln
19th Century
Listed Grade II KHER TQ82NE11
TQ 87302817
Potman's Heath Maytham Road
[site of] Brickworks
19th Century
Vine 1989, map XXV KHER TQ82NE12
Potman's Heath
[site of]
Vine 1989, map XXV
Woodchurch (K)
779 TQ 94483596 Shirkoak , House 1800/1832 KHERTQ93NW47
Bethersden Road Listed Grade II
780 TQ 94053360 Dean House, House ?+ KHERTQ93SW110
Brook Street 1800/1832 Listed Grade II [exterior]
781 TQ 9333380 Oakhurst, House 1800/1832 KHERTQ93SW126
Brook Street Listed Grade II
782 TQ 94293484 Village Pump, Water Pump 1878 KHERTQ93SW162 Front Road Listed Grade II
783 TQ 94533388 Stonebridge Farm, House & 1800/1866 KHERTQ93SW159 Tenterden Road Farmhouse Listed Grade II
778 TQ 94303521 Lower Mill Windmill & built 1820 NMRTQ93NW3
Smock Mill & moved c.1852 KHERTQ93NW48
House ceased work 1926 Finch 1933, 306-307, pl. facing 320
repaired 1960 + Haselfoot 1978, 60
1972 West 1979, 86-90, pl. 43, 44
Turpin &Turpin 1979, 21, no. 21
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 614
Brown 1989, 232
NBR Index 2608 Listed Grade 11•
AD 1901 - 2000 20th Century 559
No. Parish/NGR Place/ Site/Find Date Location References Details of find of Finds
Aldington (K)
382 TR 059 357 HMP Aldington Military Camp & 1914/1918 KHER TR03SE70
174 TR 06963420 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR03SE79 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 41
CBA DoB 2002, S0008225
175 TR 07303430 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR03SE85
Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] CBA DoB 2002, S0010458
176 TR 07873429 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SE80 Royal Military Canal Bennett 1977, 41
CBA DoB 2002, S0008226
514 TR 05 37 Handen Farm, Aircraft Crash Site 05.09.1940 TR03NE
Chapfall (sic) [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 623
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 310
529 TR 04 37 near Frith Farm Aircraft Crash Site 05.10.1940 TR03NW
excavated 1975 [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 675
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 163
Appledore (K)
179 TQ 956 292 Appledore Nodal Point & 1940 KHER TQ92NE128
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009292
[site of]
177 TQ 95313081 South View, Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TQ93SE22
Hamstreet [site of] demolished CBA DoB 2002, S0014671
141 TQ 95722906 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TQ92NE127 Royal Military Canal, [Type FW3/22] Wills 1985
Appledore Bridge CBA DoB 2002, S0008247
178 TQ 96033004 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TQ93SE23
Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] CBA DoB 2002, S0008254
515 TQ 97 29 south of Appledore Aircraft Crash Site 05.09.1940 Kent TQ92NE
railway station [Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Battle of Britain Ramsey 1982, 623
excavated early 1970s Museum & Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 310 & 313-314
re-excavated 09.1986 P.P
Beckley (ESx)
180 TQ 86 24 Four Oaks Nodal Point& 1940 TQ82SE
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009522
[site of]
158 TQ 843 216 Moore's Wood Auxiliary Unit 1940 TQ82SW
Operational Base Angell 1996, 28 (Broad Oak)
181 TQ 862 237 A268 Anti Tank Block [1+] 1940/1941 TQ82SW
Cylinder CBA DoB 2002, S0000844
Benenden (K)
5 TQ 80563307 Old Manor House, Gate& 1900/1932 KHER TQ83SW157
Cranbrook Road Wall KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 4
Listed Grade II
4 TQ 833 352 Benenden Chest Sanatorium& 1906/1907 + NMR TQ83NW15 Hospital, Hospital 1937 + KHER TQ83SW118
TQ 81443269 Goddards Green Road/ 1953 Building News 3 May 1907, 617
Jackson Way Anon 1907, 579
Newman& Pevsner 1976, 153
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6
NBR Index 102793
Listed Grade II
2 TQ 81033283 Rolvenden Road Telephone Box post 1935 KHER TQ83SW58
[Type K6] KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 8
Listed Grade II
TQ 80843286 Memorial Hall Village Hall& 1908 KHER TQ83SW70
[Old Village Hall] Commemorative Newman& Pevsner 1976, 153
The Green Monument& KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 6 Office Listed Grade II
3 TQ 81013286 War Memorial War Memorial c.1920 KHER TQ83SW79
The Street Newman& Pevsner 1976, 153
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 9 Listed Grade II
486 TQ 80 33 near Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 TQ83SW
Benenden [Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 444
524 TQ 81 31 Trafford Farm Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1940 TQ83SW
[Heinkel He111H-2] Ramsey 1982, 646
Ramsey& Ramsey 1988, 99
558 TQ 80 33 Benenden Missile Impact Site [V2] 28.01.1944 Ramsey& Ramsey 1990, 510
[Big Ben 630]
Bilsington (K)
182 TR 03703380 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SW42 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 41
CBA DoB 2002, S0008223
183 TR 045 338 near Bridge Farm Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SW92 Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008187
6 TR 04813409 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SW49 TR 048 342 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 41
CBA DoB 2002, S0008224
184 TR 04903440 near Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SW44
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0012655
386 TR 03233367 near Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SW37
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0010453
544 TR 04 34 Tarpot Farm Aircraft Crash Site 01.09.1940 TR03SW
[Messerschmitt Bf11OJ Ramsey 1982, 615
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 296
545 TR 04 33 Bridge Farm Field Aircraft Crash Site 02.09.1940 TR03SW
[Messerschmitt Bf109E] Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 299
519 TR 03 32 outbuildings at Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1940 Brenzett TR03SW
Hanns Farm [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 640
Museum Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 96
Bodiam (ESx)
185 TQ 769 251 Pillbox 1940/1941 TQ72NE
[Type FW3/28A] CBA DoB 2002, S0008245
186 TQ 770 247 near B2244/ Pillbox 1940/1941 TQ72SE
River Rother [Variant] CBA DoB 2002, S0008246
148 TQ 785 255 south side of Pillbox& 1940/1941 TQ72NE
Bodiam Castle [Type FW3/28A] Mace 1997, 17, pl.
Anti-Tank Gun CBA DoB 2002, S0001516
Emplacement RSM 24405
187 TQ 786 256 grounds of Pillbox 1940/1941 TQ72NE
Bodiam Castle CBA DoB 2002, S0000648
Bennington (K)
7 TR 05883438 100 m east of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SE58
TR 05303430
north bank of
Royal Military Canal
CBA DoB 2002, S0012656
TR 059 344 St Rumwold's church [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 37
189 TR 05883438 lane north west of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SE82
St Rumwold's church CBA DoB 2002, S0012657
387 TR 05773458 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SE84
Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] CBA DoB 2002, S0001767
542 TR 05 35 Bennington Aircraft Crash Site 18.08.1940 P.P. TR03NE
[Messerschmitt Bf110C-4] Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 216
Brede (ESx)
TQ 82 18
Nodal Point &
Town Defences
CBA DoB 2002, S0009420
[site of]
8 TQ 81421780 Brede Valley
Pumping Station
1903/1904 +
c.1930 +
Brede Lane
Hoare & Upton 1972, 25
Haselfoot 1978, 90-91
Hayes 1990, 111
LBSU 292354
Listed Grade II
9 TQ 827 175 / Railway 1903 TQ81NW
TQ 814 178 [dismantled] ESHER MES8517
Haselfoot 1978, 91
Mitchell & Smith 1987, 30, pl.
404 TQ 83611796 south of Well[3] 1900/1932 TQ81NW
Hare Farm ESHER MES8741
500 TQ 84 18 Stonelink Farm Aircraft Crash Site 25.10.1940 TQ81NW
TQ 84 18
Pickdick Farm excavated 1972
Aircraft Crash Site [Supermarine Spitfire I]
Ramsey 1982, 524
TR 00 28
TQ 994 268
King Street
Aircraft Crash Site
[Messerschmitt Bf109E] Aircraft Crash Site
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 453
railway crossing excavated 1982
[Junkers Ju88A-14]
Aeronautical Museum
Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 198-199
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 524
Brenzett/lvychurch (K)
10 TR 019 278 AirfieldNo.? M ilitary Airfield 1943-1944 KHER TR02NW49 [R AF lvychurch] [ advanced landing Bennett1977, 57
TQ 015 280 [sic] ground] Ashworth1985, 56-58
[ siteof] Brooks1990, 150
Brookland (K)
11 TQ 98952585 HighStreet T elephone Box post1935 KHER TQ92NE123
[T ype K6 ] KHBI: Shepway1996, 6
Listed Grade II
13 TQ 974 245 R AFR ye Barracks 1940-1945 KHER TQ92SE11
12 TQ 98802547 north sideof Observatoi n Post 1939-1962? KHER TQ92NE90 Clubb's Lane [OrlitT ype B] Catford1999, 8
[RoyalObserver Corps] Burridge1997, 69, pl.
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD145
388 TQ 988 255 Underground 1962-1968 KHER TQ92NE27
Monitoring Post Wood1992, 295
[RoyalObserver Corps] Catford1999, 8
CBADoB2002, S0003054
Burmarsh (K)
191 TR 101 319 Burmarsh Nodal Point & 1940 KHER TR13SW85
TownD efences CBADoB2002, S0009297
[ siteof]
TR 074 313
CBADoB2002, S0006754 SAM K ent278
TR 08363067
Orgarswick Church
KHBI: Shepway1996, 7
TR 10443160
east sideof
Listed Grade II KHER TR13SW45
Monitoring Post
Wood1992, 295
TR 10443159
[RoyalObserver Corps] Catford1999, 9
Saunders & Smith2001, KD155
CBADoB2002, S0003058
TR 10103200
T elephone Box
[T ype K6 ]
Listed Grade II
14 TR 07253148 south westof Auxiliary Unit 1940/1941 NMR TR03SE9 Chapel Farm Operatoi nal Base KHER TR03SE55
453 TR 09 31 Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 Hawkinge TR03SE
[Heinkel He111H-3] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 637, pl.
Trust Coll. Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 80
TR 11 34
Camber (ESx)
in dyke near Stutfall Castle, Lympne
Aircraft Crash Site [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4]
Brenzett Aeronautical Museum
Ramsey 1982, 642
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 97
TQ 93172021
Northpoint Beach
Machine Gun Emplacement
CBA DoB 2002, S0006990
Butler 2007, 110
157 TQ 952 188 Rye Golf Course Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
Emplacement ESHER MES8150
TQ 95251894 CBA DoB 2002, S0006991
Butler 2007, 114
193 TQ 956 188 near Coastguard Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
Cottages Emplacement ESHER MES8149
TQ 95661877 CBA DoB 2002, S0012504
Butler 2007, 114
416 TQ 95751875 Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
Emplacement ESHER MES8148
Butler 2007, 114
194 TQ 958 188 east of Coastguard Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
Cottages Emplacement CBA DoB 2002, S0012505
195 TQ 958 188 east of Coastguard Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
Cottages Emplacement CBA DoB 2002, S0012506
417 TQ 96071870 buried by Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
sand dunes Emplacement ESHER MES8147
Butler 2007, 114
418 TQ 96401860 buried by Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
sand dunes Emplacement ESHER MES8146
Butler 2007, 114
419 TQ 966 186 buried by Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NE
sand dunes Emplacement ESHER MES8145
Butler 2007, 114
197 TQ 961 184 Camber Sands Pillbox 1940/1941 TQ91NE
TQ 964 184
Camber Sands
CBA DoB 2002, S0006993
[Variant] CBA DoB 2002, S0006992
420 TQ 99001810 Jury's Gap Coast Defence Battery 1939/1945 TQ91NE
Butler 2007, 113
196 TQ 965 184 / Anti-Tank Block [2] 1940/1941 TQ91NE
TQ 966 185 [sic] Cube CBA DoB 2002, S0009771
405 TQ 97701834/ Lydd Road Anti-Tank Block [50+] 1940/1941 TQ91NE
TQ 98341820 Buoy ESHER MES8158
[not in situ] Butler 2007, 115
406 TQ 97231844 adjacent to Anti-Tank Block [6] 1940/1941 TQ91NE
The Suttons
TQ 99081808
Jury's Gap
Anti-Tank Block [9]
Butler 2007, 115
TQ 95661877
Anti-Tank Block [1]
Butler 2007, 114
TQ 96561866
Road Block [1+]
TQ 948 184 /
Camber Sands
Beach Scaffolding
TQ 990 180
River Rother to
[site of]
Jury's Gap
TQ 948 184 /
Camber Sands
Anti-Tank Block [1+]
TQ 990 180
River Rother to
Jury's Gap
[site of]
TQ 93902000
Anti-Aircraft Battery
[site of]
Dobinson 1996
TQ 96501880
Anti-Aircraft Battery
TQ 97701830
Broomhill Farm
[site of]
Petroleum Warfare
Kirkham 2002
TQ 97741834
Broomhill Farm
[site of]
Petroleum Warfare
Butler 2007, 115
Butler 2007, 115
411 TQ 97701834 Broomhill Farm Petroleum Warfare 1939/1945 TQ91NE
Bunker ESHER MES8155
Butler 2007, 115
413 TQ 98 18 Broomhill Farm Aircraft Crash Site 24.08.1940 TQ91NE
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] ESHER MES8202
Ramsey 1982, 594
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 233
412 TQ 98 18 Broomhill Farm Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 TQ91NE
[Heinkel He111H-3] ESHER MES8204
Ramsey 1982, 636
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 79
452 TQ 98 18 Broomhill Farm Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 TQ91NE
[Heinkel He111H-2] ESHER MES8204
Ramsey 1982, 637
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 80
525 TQ 98 18 Broomhill Farm Aircraft Crash Site 17.09.1940 TQ91NE
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey 1982, 650
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 106
534 TQ 98 19 Broomhill, Aircraft Crash Site 25.10.1940 TQ91NE
near Lydd (sic) [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 696
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 200
415 TQ 98 18 Jury's Gap Sewer Aircraft Crash Site 12.10.1941 TQ91NE
[Dornier Do217E-1] ESHER MES8207
Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 76
414 TQ 95 18 Camber Sands Aircraft Crash Site 02.01.1944 TQ91NE
[Focke-Wulf Fw190A-5] ESHER MES8214
Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 328
Dymchurch (K)
149 TR 125 319 No. 14 Kite Military Airfield 1914-1918 KHER TR13SW108 Balloon Base [balloon site] Bennett 1977,
Collyer 1982, 31
Ashworth 1985, 85-86
16 TR 10002900 Dymchurch Battery Coastal Artillery Battery 1939-1945 KHER TR12NW45 Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008193
159 TR 108 302 house south of House & 20th Century TR13SW
Slodden Farmhouse, Railway Carriage KHBI: Shepway 1996, 8 Hythe Road
TR 09772931 Dymchurch Railway Station 1927 KHER TR02NE52
[R H & D Rly] Davies 1988, 155-157, App. 5
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 21-42, pl. NBR Index Ro/06469
18 TR 107 306 Burmarsh Halt Railway Station 1928-1947 KHER TR13SE61 [Burmarsh Road] [R H & D Rly] Davies 1988, 155
TR 09 29
St Mary's Road
Aircraft Crash Site
[Supermarine Spitfire I]
Ramsey 1982, 390
Mitchell& Smith 1999, 20, pl. NBR Index Ro/06321
TR 09 29
Fielding Lane,
Aircraft Crash Site
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4]
Ramsey 1982, 702
excavated 1973
TR 107 306
Burmarsh Halt
Aircraft Crash Site
excavated 1982
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-7]
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 217
East Guldeford
TQ 93002080
Anti-Aircraft Battery
[site of]
Kirkham 2002
TQ 94302110
Moneypenny Farm
Anti-Aircraft Battery
[site of]
Kirkham 2002
TQ 95002300
south of
Searchlight Battery
Offen's Farm
[site of]
Kirkham 2002
428 TQ 94 20 Black House Farm Aircraft Crash Site 24.04.1941 TQ92SW
[Messerschmitt Bf109] ESHER MES8206
Ewhurst (ESx)
TQ 786 237
Prawl's Farm
Water Pump
Haselfoot 1978, 96
TQ 77 21
Cripps Corner
Nodal Point &
Town Defences
CBA DoB 2002, S0012161
[site of]
TQ 775 213
Anti-Tank Block [71]
CBA DoB 2002, S0001048
TQ 78 22
Nodal Point [site of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0009669
TQ 782 209 /
B2089 to B2165
Anti-Tank Ditch
TQ 782 214
near Cripps Corner
[site of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0011679
TQ 782 213
zigzag line between B2089 and B2165
Anti-Tank Block [300] Cube
CBA DoB 2002, S0010763
TQ 80 23
West Lordine Wood,
Aircraft Crash Site
[Hawker Hurricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 442
excavated 1973
TQ 77 21
Cripps Corner,
Aircraft Crash Site
Sedlescombe (sic)
[Heinkel He111H-4]
Ramsey 1982, 638
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 80
502 TQ 80 24 Longwood Farm Aircraft Crash Site 30.10.1940 TQ82SW
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 532
Fairlight (ESx)
204 TQ 86211125 Hastings Country Park Radar Station 1939-1945 TQ81SE
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0003831
160 TQ 86141121 Underground 1968-1991 TQ81SE
Monitoring Post Wood 1992, 313
[Royal Observer Corps] CBA DoB 2002, S0003825
491 TQ 86 11 Warren Farm Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1940 TQ81SE
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 455
447 TQ 86 13 Furze Hill Aircraft Crash Site 04.01.1943 TQ81SE
[Dornier Do217E-4] Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 196-197
Folkestone (K)
22 TR 19693574 Sir John Moore, Statue 1916 KHER TR13NE137
Shorncliffe Barracks Newman & Pevsner 1969, 429
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 22 Listed Grade II
399 TR 19103510 east of Seabrook Fortified House 1940 KHER TR13NE159
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0014863
205 TR 19103710 Fortified House 1940 KHER TR13NE186
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0014852
206 TR 19103760 Fortified House 1940 KHER TR13NE187
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0014853
207 TR 19903730 near Cheriton Fortified House 1940 KHER TR13NE190
CBA DoB 2002, S0014856
21 TR 191 349 sea front Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE183
Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008202
23 TR 191 354 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13NE191
Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008203
209 TR 19163645 north east of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE183
TR 191 365 Horn Street CBA DoB 2002, S0014471
210 TR 19103720 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13NE178
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0014465
211 TR 192 351 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE155
CBA DoB 2002, S0014458
24 TR 19093631 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13NE165
TR 192 362 Bennett 1977, 39
CBA DoB 2002, S0008204
25 TR 19203645 near Shorncliffe Camp Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13NE156 TR 19213651 Bennett 1977, 39
CBA DoB 2002, S0008205
26 TR 19303600 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE157
Bennett 1977, 39
CBA DoB 2002, S0008206
212 TR 19703750 north of Royal Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE189 Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014429
213 TR 198 351 Sandgate Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE169
CBA DoB 2002, S0014457
28 TR 19903565 Sandgate Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13NE164
Bennett 1977, 39
CBA DoB 2002, S0008208
459 TR 19 35 Shorncliffe Aircraft Crash Site 15.08.1940 TR13NE
[Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 359
Guestling (ESx)
161 TQ 862 145 Auxiliary Unit c.1940 TQ81SE
Operational Base Angell 1996, 38-39 {lcklesham)
533 TQ 84 16 Lidham Hill Farm Aircraft Crash Site 25.10.1940 Brenzett TQ81NW
excavated 1975 [Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 696, pl.
Museum & Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 200 Wealden Aviation
Archaeol. Group
546 TQ 85 17 Lower Snailham Farm Aircraft Crash Site 14.06.1942 TQ81NE
[Heinkel He111H-3] Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 44
Hawkhurst (K)
470 TQ 76 28 Conghurst Farm Aircraft Crash Site 31.08.1940 TQ72NE
[Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 397
High Halden
TQ 89223723
TQ 91 37
Ashford Road
Cuckolds Corner
Telephone Box [Type K6]
Aircraft Crash Site
post 1935
Listed Grade II KHER TQ93NW82
[Hawker Hurricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 394
462 TQ 90 35 near Aircraft Crash Site 31.08.1940 TQ93NW
Huntbourne [Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 399
Hythe (K)
39 TR 16203478 Nat West Bank, Bank (Financial) 1912 KHER TR13SE101
73-79 High Street KHBI: Shepway 1996, 26
Listed Grade II
150 TR 12533499 Shepway Cross War Memorial 1923 KHER TR13SW58
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 29 Listed Grade II
151 TR12523453 Long Barrow, House 1926/1927 KHER TR13SW131
Lympne Hill Tipping 1927, 715-716, pl.
27 TR 173 353 Lower Scene House 1919/1920 KHER TR13NE193
Philips 1920, 352-354, pl.
31 TR 128 320 RAF Hythe/ Military Airfield 1914-1918 KHER TR13SW130
RAF Palmarsh Bennett 1977, 58
Collyer 1982, 17
Ashworth 1985, 85-86
38 TR 157 341 Military Airfield 1914-1918 KHER TR13SE210
[balloon site] Bennett 1977, 58
Ashworth 1985, 164-165
302 TR 11903410 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13SW99
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0012647
TR 12103350 Botolphs Bridge Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW88
CBA DoB 2002, S0014422
TR 12103360 Botolphs Bridge Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW80
CBA DoB 2002, S0014423
TR 12203330 Botolphs Bridge Road Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW98
CBA DoB 2002, S0012646
TR 12403290 Botolphs Bridge Road Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW84
CBA DoB 2002, S0013296
TR 12603240 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW78
CBA DoB 2002, S0013295
214 TR 12603430 north bank of Roadblock 1940 KHER TR13SW73
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0013306
TR 12603430 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW82
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014427
TR 12703230 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW102
CBA DoB 2002, S0013294
TR 12803200 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW87
CBA DoB 2002, S0014454
TR 12803430 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW103
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0013297
32 TR 12953232 Pillbox & 1940/1941 KHER TR13SW79
[Type FW3/28A] Bennett 1977, 38
Observation Post CBA DoB 2002, S0008195
33 TR 13303280 Dymchurch Road Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW76 opp. Pelmarsh Road [Type FW3/24] Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008196
TR 13303250 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW89
CBA DoB 2002, S0014453
TR 13303420 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW105
TR 13803330
TR 13803360
TR 13803410
TR 13903300
Hythe Ranges
TR 14103440
The Roughs
TR 14403420
north bank of
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0013298
Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008197 KHER TR13SW83
CBA DoB 2002, S0014451 KHER TR13SW74
Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008198 KHER TR13SW90
CBA DoB 2002, S0014452 KHER TR13SW97
CBA DoB 2002, S0012644 KHER TR13SW104
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0012643
TR 14503350 Hythe Ranges Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW92
CBA DoB 2002, S0014450
TR 14603450 West Hythe Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW77
CBA DoB 2002, S0014420
TR 14803480 above The Roughs Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW86
CBA DoB 2002, S0013301
TR 14903360 Hythe Ranges Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW91
CBA DoB 2002, S0014449
TR 14903500 south of A261 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NW135
CBA DoB 2002, S0013302
TR 15103430 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE181
CBA DoB 2002, S0014447
TR 15103380 Hythe Ranges Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE182
CBA DoB 2002, S0014448
TR 15333477 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE186 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008199
TR 15503400 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE172
CBA DoB 2002, S0014446
TR 15803390 on coast Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE200
CBA DoB 2002, S0010467
TR 15803480 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE174
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014431
TR 15903480 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE175
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014432
TR 16103480 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE176
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014433
TR 16303420 south of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE179
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014445
TR 16403480 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE180
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014434
TR 16503440 south of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE189
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014443
TR 16703490 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE177
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014435
TR 16803490 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE173
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014436
TR 16903490 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE178
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014438
TR 17003440 on coast Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE195
CBA DoB 2002, S0010468
TR 17203450 on coast Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE199
CBA DoB 2002, S0010469
TR 17403490 Royal Military Canal Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE198
CBA DoB 2002, S0010470
TR 17523458 Hythe Golf Course Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE190
[Variant] CBA DoB 2002, S0010471
152 TR 17863481 Seaview Bridge, Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE197
TR 17803480 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/24] CBA DoB 2002, S0010472
[remains of] Rady 2003
TR 17903500 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE179
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014440
TR 18003470 Royal Military Canal Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE196
TR 182 346
on coast
TR 18343475
Royal Military Canal
[site of] demolished by CBA DoB 2002, S0010473 2000
CBA DoB 2002, S0010474 KHER TR13SE192
CBA DoB 2002, S0010475
TR 18273484 Royal Military Canal Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE193
CBA DoB 2002, S0010476
TR 18813487 east end Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SE194
Royal Military Canal [site of] demolished CBA DoB 2002, S0010477
TR 18803500 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE166
CBA DoB 2002, S0014459
TR 18803650 St Martins Plain Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE167
CBA DoB 2002, S0014473
TR 18903520 near Seabrook Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NE181
CBA DoB 2002, S0014472
40 TR 16003400 Hythe Battery Coastal Artillery Battery 1940 KHER TR13SE185
[site of] Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008200
TR 15903420 FortifiedHouse 1940 KHER TR13SE188
CBA DoB 2002, S0014851
TR 16103490 FortifiedHouse 1940 KHER TR13SE187
CBA DoB 2002, S0014850
41 TR 17103480 Gun Emplacement 1940/1941 KHER TR13SE184
[site of] Bennett 1977, 38
CBA DoB 2002, S0008201
TR 18803361 Horn Street Petroleum Warfare Site 1940 KHER TR13SE162
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0015203
TR 133 346 [sic] Hythe Railway Station 1927 NMR TR13SW27
TR 153 346 [RH & D Rly] Davies 1988, 150-154, pl., App. 5
TR 141 339
Prince of WalesHalt
Railway Station
[RH & D Rly]
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 16, pl.
TR 124 329
Botolph's BridgeHalt
Railway Station
[RH & D Rly]
Davies 1988, 155
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 18, pl.
TR 15 34
Aircraft Crash Site
[Supermarine Spitfire I]
Ramsey 1982, 358
TR 15 34
Aircraft Crash Site
TR 12 33
south of
[HawkerHurricane I] Aircraft Crash Site
Ramsey 1982, 387
Lympne Castle,
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4]
Ramsey 1982, 616
TR 13 33
west of Palmarsh,
Aircraft Crash Site
[Messerschmitt Bf109E]
Ramsey 1982, 617
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 2-14, pl. NBR Index Ro/06513
521 TR 13 32 Dymchurch Redoubt Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1940 TR13SW
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey 1982, 642
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 97
Hythe/Burmarsh/Dymchurch/St Mary in the Marsh/New Romney/Lydd (K)
339 TR 153 346 / Romney, Hythe & Railway 1927 TR13SE/TR01NE
TR 089 170 Dymchurch Railway Davies 1988
Mitchell & Smith 1999
lcklesham (ESx)
TQ 90451744 Bay Tree House, House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Higham Green, Cellar [20] 1900/1932 ESRO HBR1/0258, 1977 [cellar]
[Quarter 8] Martin & Martin 2004, 108-111
Winchelsea LBSU 410513 [cellar]
building survey Listed Grade II
TQ 90481750 New Cottage, House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Mill Road, Cellar 20th Century LBSU 410522 [cellar]
Winchelsea Listed Grade II
TQ 90341734 Black Friars Platt, House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Rectory Lane, Cellar [29] 20th Century ? ESRO HBR1/1447, 2002 [cellar]
[Quarter 14] Martin & Martin 2004, 108-111
Winchelsea LBSU 410533 [cellar]
building survey Listed Grade II
TQ 90351746 Higham Mews, House & c.1300 + TQ91NW
Roberts Hill cellar [23] 20th Century ? LBSU 410736 [cellar]
[Quarter 9] Listed Grade II
Winchelsea building survey
429 TQ 928 187 Nook Beach Rifle Butts 1914/1918 TQ91NW
[remains of] ESHER MES16348
TQ 90571741 High Street, Telephone Box post 1935 TQ91NW
Winchelsea [Type K6] LBSU 415903
Listed Grade II
TQ 90 17 Winchelsea Nodal Point & 1940/1941 TQ91NW
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009672
[site of]
TQ 894 161 south of Anti-Tank Gun 1940/1941 TQ81NE
Wickham Rock Lane Emplacement & CBA DoB 2002, S0014074 Pillbox
TQ 899 162 north bank of
Royal Military Canal
TQ 903 166 east of
Wickham Manor
430 TQ 906 174 land adjacent to
Tower Cottage, Winchelsea
431 TQ 908 176 Strand Bridge
TQ 908 178 north side of
River Brede
TQ 909 177 between River Brede
and Royal Military Road
TQ 916 177 west of River Brede,
opposite Castle Farm
TQ 916 181 A259/River Brede
TQ 915 181
TQ 917 166 Winchelsea Beach
432 TQ 920 165 The Ridge,
Winchelsea Beach
TQ 922 185 Camber Castle
434 TQ 928 175 near Watch House
TQ 928 174
TQ 941 186 Frenchman's Beach
Holiday Village
TQ 941 188 Frenchman's Beach
Holiday Village
Pillbox Pillbox
Gun Emplacement [site of]
Fortified House Pillbox
Pillbox type 22
Machine Gun Emplacement
Pillbox & Machine Gun Emplacement
Machine Gun Emplacement
Pillbox [site of]
Machine Gun Emplacement [remains of]
Machine Gun Emplacement Machine Gun Emplacement
CBA DoB 2002, S0012797
CBA DoB 2002, S0012799
CBA DoB 2002, S0012798
CBA DoB 2002, S0012800
CBA DoB 2002, S0012801
Butler 2007, 103 TQ91NW
CBA DoB 2002, S0009769
Butler 2007, 102 TQ91NW
CBA DoB 2002, S0010732
Butler 2007, 102 TQ91NW
Butler 2007, 102 TQ91NW
CBA DoB 2002, S0012802
Saville & Saville 2006 Butler 2007, 102 TQ91NW
CBA DoB 2002, S0012464
CBA DoB 2002, S0012463
TQ 946 185 near Lime Kiln Cottage Coastal Artillery Battery 1940/1941 TQ91NW
west bank River Rother [remains of] CBA DoB 2002, S0012462
TQ 947 180 entrance Rye Harbour Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NW
west bank River Rother Emplacement CBA DoB 2002, S0006988
TQ 948 181 entrance Rye Harbour Machine Gun 1940/1941 TQ91NW
west bank River Rother Emplacement CBA DoB 2002, S0006989
435 TQ 918 160 Dogs Hill, Coastal Artillery Battery 1939/1945 TQ91NW
Winchelsea Beach [remains of] ESHER MES8117
Butler 2007, 102
436 TQ 917 161 Dogs Hill, Military Building 1939/1945 TQ91NW
Winchelsea Beach [remains of] ESHER MES8119
Butler 2007, 102
437 TQ 917 162 Smeatons Lane, Observation Post 1939/1945 TQ91NW
Winchelsea Beach [remains of?] ESHER MES8118
Butler 2007, 102
438 TQ 918 188 Camber Castle Decoy Domestic Site 1939/1945 TQ91NW
[remains of] ESHER MES8162
Dobinson 2000 Butler 2007, 105
403 TQ 908 176 Brede Level Earthwork 1939/1945? TQ91NW
Johnson 2001
439 TQ 888 131 / Anti-Tank Block 1940/1941 TQ81SE/TQ91NE
TQ 950 179 Cube ESHER MES8178
[site of]
440 TQ 918 160 Dogs Hill Lane, Anti-Tank Block [18] 1940/1941 TQ91NW
Winchelsea Beach Buoy ESHER MES8122
[not in situ] Butler 2007, 102
455 TQ 92 18 near Aircraft Crash Site 29.08.1940 TQ91NW
Camber Castle [Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 390
441 TQ 90 17 Strand Bridge, Aircraft Crash Site 01.09.1940 Brenzett TQ91NW Winchelsea [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Aeronautical ESHER MES8203 excavated 1970 Museum & Ramsey 1982, 614
Kent B of B Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 296 Museum
443 TQ 92 17 Castle Farm Aircraft Crash Site 04.01.1943 TQ91NW
[Focke-Wulf Fw190A-4] ESHER MES8209
Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 196
444 TQ 92 16 Winchelsea Beach Aircraft Crash Site 04.01.1943 TQ91NW
[Focke-Wulf Fw190] ESHER MES8210
445 TQ 92 16 Winchelsea Beach Aircraft Crash Site 01.07.1943 TQ91NW
[Supermarine Spitfire] ESHER MES8211
446 TQ 90 15 Pett Level Aircraft Crash Site 06.09.1943 TQ91NW
[Boeing B17] ESHER MES8212
TQ 950 179 /
Beach Scaffolding
TQ 888 131
[site of]
MES 8179
Iden (ESx)
TQ 928 238
Anti Aircraft Battery
TQ 91 25
[site of]
Aircraft Crash Site
Dobinson 1996 TQ92NW
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-1]
Ramsey 1982, 614
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 296
547 TQ 93 23 Boonshill Farm Aircraft Crash Site 20.12.1943 TQ92SW
[Messerschmitt Me410A-1] Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 317
lvychurch (K)
42 TQ 963 222 Anti-Aircraft Battery 1944-1945 NMR TQ92SE4 [Diver] [site of]
TQ 995 236 Anti-Aircraft Battery 1944-1945 KHER TQ92SE5 [Diver] [site of]
98 TR 029 273 Anti-Aircraft Battery 1944-1945 KHER TR02NW29 [Diver] [site of]
163 TQ 968 230 RAF Rye Radar Station 1939-1958 KHERTQ92SE12
TR 02 27
Aircraft Crash Site
excavated 1997
[Hawker Huricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 407
TR 03 28
Melon Farm
Aircraft Crash Site
London Air
excavated 1974
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4]
Museum &
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 280
TR 03 28
Geldings Farm
Aircraft Crash Site
[Junkers Ju188E-1]
Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 364
[remains of] Carpenter 1999, 24, pl.
TQ 97203270
CBA DoB 2002, S0012660
153 TQ 979 315 north east side of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TQ93SE24
Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 15 [Swale] TQ 97903140 CBA DoB 2002, S0008255
Lydd (K)
381 TR 09 17 Prospect Cottage, House & 20th Century TR01NE
Dungeness Garden NBR Index 76758
photo survey
164 TR 09161837 Dungeness Road/ Beach Copper & 1910 KHER TR01NE218 Battery Road Net Boiler Winzar 1979, 7
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31 Listed Grade II
156 TR 032 208 Military Airfield 1917 KHER TR02SW136
[landing ground] Collyer 1982, 38
Ashworth 1985, 186-188
48 TR 037 212 No. 2 Balloon School Military Airfield 1916-1918 KHER TR02SW135
TR 038 212 [balloon site] Bennett 1977, 59
Ashworth 1985, 186-188
TR 04272086 Coronation Square Telephone Box post 1935 KHER TR02SW91
[Type K6] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
Listed Grade II
53 TR 07602160 Roberts Road Sound Mirror 1928-1934 KHER TR02SE12 photo survey [20ft slab] Bennett 1977, 37
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
Scarth 1999, 69-79, pl. 13, 49
TR 07522138 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD154
NBR Index 98765 SAM Kent 378a
TR 07652160 Roberts Road Sound Mirror 1928-1935 KHER TR02SE12 photo survey [30ft bowl] Bennett 1977, 37
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
Scarth 1999, 84-92, pl. 19, 49, 50
TR 07522138 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD154
NBR Index 98765 SAM Kent 378b
55 TR 07702155 Roberts Road Sound Mirror 1930 KHER TR02SE12 photo survey [200ft wall] Bennett 1977, 37
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 33
Scarth 1999, 93-107, pl. 20-26, 41, 49, 51
TR 07522138 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD154
NBR Index 98765 SAM Kent 378c
TR 042 208 Lydd Nodal Point & 1940 KHER TR02SW132
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009306
[site of]
TR 04901860 near Dengemarsh Farm Pillbox 1940 KHER TR01NW10
CBA DoB 2002, S0012807
TR 05702430 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE134
CBA DoB 2002, S0012817
TR 06102080 south perimeter of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE138
Lydd Airport CBA DoB 2002, S0012808
TR 06301750 near Muddymore Pit Pillbox 1940 KHER TR01NE221
CBA DoB 2002, S0012805
TR 06402110 Lydd Airport Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE136
CBA DoB 2002, S0012809
TR 06502200 north perimeter of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE135
Lydd Airport CBA DoB 2002, S0012815
TR 06701790 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR01NE220
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0012806
TR 06702330 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE140
CBA DoB 2002, S0012816
TR 08302060 near coastguard station, Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE132
Lade CBA DoB 2002, S0012810
TR 08302070 Lade Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE127
CBA DoB 2002, S0012811
TR 08402080 sea front, Lade Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE129
CBA DoB 2002, S0012812
TR 08702190 on beach, Lade Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE139
CBA DoB 2002, S0012814
TR 088 209 on beach, Lade Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE130
TR 08462089 CBA DoB 2002, S0012813
45 TR 021 195 Anti-Aircraft Battery 1944-1945 KHER TR01NW5 [Diver] [site of]
47 TR 029 209 Anti-Aircraft Battery 1944-1945 KHER TR02SW44 [Diver] [site of]
50 TR 049 198 Anti-Aircraft Battery 1944-1945 KHER TR01NW6 [Diver] [site of]
46 TR 02571997 Lydd Range Underground
Monitoring Post
Wood 1992, 295
[Royal Observer Corps]
Catford 1999, 9
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD146
CBADoB 2002, S0003039
63 TR 08851689 Dungeness Lighthouse & 1904-1961 NMRTR01NE4 photo survey Museum KHERTR01NE219
Jackson 1975, 72-74
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 261-262
Haselfoot 1978,38
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
NBR Index 99382 Listed Grade II
64 TR 09291688 Dungeness Lighthouse 1959/1960 NMRTR01NE204 photo survey KHERTR01NE217
Anon 1960b, 53-55, fig., pl. Anon 1960c, 267-268, pl.
Forehoe 1960, 225, pl.
Hague & Christie 1975, 107, pl. 17
Jackson 1975, 72-74
Newman & Pevsner 1976, 262, pl. 98
Haselfoot 1978,38
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 31
NBR Index 55231
NBR Index 99381 Listed Grade II*
155 TR 079 168 Dungeness A & Nuclear Power Station 1960/1965 TR01NE
Dungeness B & 1984 Newman & Pevsner 1976, 262
photo survey NBR Index 55232
137 TR 064 214 Lydd Airport Civil Airport 05.04.1956 KHERTR02SE74
TR 06822014
Denge Pumping Station
Pumping Station &
1904 +
1935 +
Hayes 1990, 116, 122, pl.
Truman 2002, 38, K4
TR 07892300
Railway Station
[RH &D Rly]
Davies 1988, 163-164, App. 5
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 103, pl.
59 TR 097 293 [sic]
Maddieson's Camp/
Railway Station
TR 082 219
[RH &D Rly]
Davies 1988, 163-164
Littlestone Camp/
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 104-105, pl.
Romney Sands
NBR Index Ro/06508
Roper 1999, 49-50
TR 08 20
Lade Halt
Railway Station [R H & D Rly]
Davies 1988, 164, App. 5
TR 09051855
The Pilot Halt
Railway Station [R H & D Rly]
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 108-109 KHER TR01NE223
Davies 1988, 164-165, App. 5
, pl.
1968 Mitchell & Smith 1999, 110, pl.
62 TR 08901697 Dungeness Railway Station 1928 KHER TR01NE214
[R H & D Rly] Davies 1988, 165-166, App. 5
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 111-120, pl. NBR Index Ro/06467
506 TR 03 20 Dering Farm Aircraft Crash Site 18.08.1940 Kent TR02SW
[Messerschmitt Bf11OC-4] Battle of Britain Ramsey 1982, 589
Museum Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 216
504 TR 02 18 Lydd Ranges Aircraft Crash Site 31.08.1940 TR01NW
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 611
511 TR 09 16 Dungeness Point Aircraft Crash Site 01.09.1940 P.P. TR01NE
[Dornier Do17Z] Ramsey 1982, 615
485 TR 01 21 Little Scotney Farm Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 TR02SW
excavated 1973 [Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 444-445
498 TR 04 19 ¾ mile south of Aircraft Crash Site 22.10.1940 TR01NW
Lydd church [Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 520
535 TR 03 17 west of Galloways, Aircraft Crash Site 25.10.1940 TR01NW
Dungeness [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 696
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 200
536 TR 08 20 on beach near Aircraft Crash Site 27.10.1940 TR02SE
Lydd water tower [Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey 1982, 701
550 TR042 222 Caldecot Aircraft Crash Site 27.11.1942 TR02SW
railway crossing [Focke-Wulf Fw190A-4] Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 188
384 TR 05 22 excavated Aircraft Crash Site 18.01.1943 Brenzett KHER TR02SE146
[Hawker Hurricane II] Aeronautical Anon 1992, 191-192 Museum
551 TR 02 18 Lydd Ranges Aircraft Crash Site 22.01.1944 Brenzett TR01NW
excavated [Messerschmitt Me41OA-1] Aeronautical Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 330
Lympne (K)
88 TR 11943465 Lympne Castle Well Head 1900/1932 NMR TR13SW41 KHER TR13SW57
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36 Listed Grade II
165 TR 120 347 Lympne Castle Pump House 1900/1932 KHER TR13SW59
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 36
TR 117 346 Trueman 2002, 75, no.445
Listed Grade II
71 TR 10213499 Port Lympne House& c.1912 + NMR TR13SW24
Stables& c.1920 + KHER TR13SW55
Garden 1933/1934 + Anon 1923a, 678-684, pl. 1973 Anon 1923b, 714-722, pl.
Taylor, G. 1929, 513 -517, pl.
Taylor, G. 1932, 285-287, pl.
Hill 1933, 116-117, pl.
Taylor, G. 1936, 276-282, pl.
Tilden 1954, 39-50, pl. 6-14
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 35 Listed Grade II*
559 TR 10173499 Trojan Staircase Garden Temple& c.1920 KHER TR13SW65
Port Lympne Garden Terrace& Anon 1923a, 678-684, pl.
389 TR 10253490 Claire Voyee Loggia& c.1920 KHER TR13SW56
Port Lympne Terrace& Anon 1923a, 678-684, pl.
72 TR 10613526 North Lodge, House& c.1912 KHER TR13NW121
Port Lympne Wall& Listed Grade II
Gate Pier
TR 10613525 South Lodge, House& c.1912 KHER TR13NW92 Port Lympne Wall& Listed Grade II
Gate Pier
89 TR 12533499 Shepway Cross War Memorial 1923 NMR TR13SW38 KHER TR13SW58
TR 090 365
in wood north of
Auxiliary Unit
Court at Street
Operational Base
CBA DoB 2002, S0009833
[remains of]
67 TR 093 352
Ashden Lodge,
TR 095 352
Burridge 1997, 36, pl.
TR 09363529
Saunders& Smith 2001, KD149
TR 09303520
CBA DoB 2002, S0001769
TR 09154295 [sic] CBA DoB 2002, S0001044
TR 10403610
hills north of B2067
Auxiliary Unit
Operational Base
CBA DoB 2002, S0006755
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 Listed Grade II
TR 12203550
near Berwick
Gun Emplacement
[site of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0015863
by 2001
70 TR 10143310 Port Lymne Anti-Tank Block [120] 1940 KHER TR13SW37
[sic] Dragon's Teeth CBA DoB 2002, S0001137
TR 10103514/ south of B2067 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD144
TR 10123522
TR 10113520 KHER TR13NW66
TR10203520 CBA DoB 2002, S0002719
69 TR 095 351 Court-at-Street Pillbox 1940 KHER TR03NE57
TR 095 368 [sic] CBA DoB 2002, S0007356
295 TR 08103430 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR03SE78
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014430
296 TR 09003440 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR03SE81
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0010462
68 TR 09403440 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR03SE77 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008192
65 TR 09013520 Our Lady, Pillbox 1940/1941 NMR TR03NE59
Court-at-Street [Type FW3/24] KHER TR03NE199
TR 09003520 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD150
CBA DoB 2002, S0007099
TR 090 352 SAM Kent 177
297 TR 10093434 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW93
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0010464
298 TR 1063440 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13SW81
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0012649
299 TR 10703530 adjoining B2067 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13NW136
CBA DoB 2002, S0012650
300 TR 11003420 north bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13SW100
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0012648
301 TR 11183413 north bank of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW72 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008194
303 TR 13003480 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW95
Royal Military Canal CBA DoB 2002, S0014426
304 TR 11103590 west perimeter of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NW145 Lympne Airfield CBA DoB 2002, S0010466
TR 11303590
north perimeter of
Lympne Airfield
CBA DoB 2002, S0012654
392 TR 11173584 west perimeter of Picket Hamilton 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW86 Lympne Airfield Fort Griffin 2005a
306 TR 11403501 south perimeter of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NW138 Lympne Airfield CBA DoB 2002, S0010465
307 TR 11503590 north perimeter of Pillbox 1940/41 KHER TR13NW140 Lympne Airfield CBA DoB 2002, S0012653
308 TR 11803590 north perimeter of Pillbox 1940/41 KHER TR13NW141 Lympne Airfield CBA DoB 2002, S0012652
309 TR 12003580 north perimeter of Pillbox 1940/41 KHER TR13NW143 Lympne Airfield CBA DoB 2002, S0012651
85 TR 11503542 Lympne Airfield Military Airfield & 1916-1919 + KHER TR13NW70
[RAF Lympne] Civil Airport 1939-1945 + Bennett 1977, 59
1948-1974 Collyer 1982, 39
Ashworth 1985, 189-196
Brooks 1990, 63-71, 155-156
Brooks 1998, 147-158
CPM 1999
80 TR 10923503/ Lympne Airfield Runway 1961-1967 KHER TR13NW84 TR 11633503 [derelict] abandoned 1974
TR 10453584 near Lympne Airfield Slit Trench [4] 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW77
aerial photo 1946 [site of] AP (RAF 106G/UK/1449 F3342)
TR 10793552/ Lympne Airfield Barracks [8] 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW79
TR 10873557 Ashworth 1985
Brooks 1990,
Burridge 1997, 59, pl.
TR 10953542 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD183
TR 10833613 formerly on edge Battle 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW71 of Little Tony Wood Headquarters Ashworth 1985
TR 108 356 / Lympne Airfield Air Raid Shelter [8] 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW75
TR 109 354 Ashworth 1985
Brooks 1990,
TR 10953542 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD 183
TR 10873534 near Lympne Airfield Trench 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW78
aerial photo 1946 [site of] AP (RAF 106G/UK/1449 F3342)
TR 10903557 Lympne Airfield Picket Hamilton 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW76
Fort Ashworth 1985
Brooks 1990,
TR 10953542 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD183
81 TR 10923534 Lympne Airfield Fuel Store 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW83
aerial photo 1946 AP (RAF 106G/UK/1449 F3342)
82 TR 10933552 Lympne Airfield Decontamination 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW74
TR 11283508
Lympne Airfield
Blast Pen
[site of]
Ashworth 1985
Building Ashworth 1985
393 TR 11343610 Lympne Airfield Building 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW87
Foundations Griffin 2005a
84 TR 11423502 Lympne Airfield Blast Pen & 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW72 aerial photo 1946 Dispersal Ashworth 1985
AP (RAF 106G/UK/1449 F3342)
86 TR 11823513 Lympne Airfield Firing Range 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW81
aerial photo 1946 [remains of] AP (RAF 106G/UK/1449 F3342)
87 TR 11843515 Lympne Airfield Aircraft Hangar 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW80
aerial photo 1946 [remains of] AP (RAF 106G/UK/1449 F3342)
394 TR 118 351 Lympne Airfield Ammunition Store 1940-1945 KHER TR13NW82
aerial photo 1946 [remains of] AP (RAF 106G/UK/1449 F3342)
464 TR 12 35 near Lympne Aircraft Crash Site 29.08.1940 TR13NW
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 390
475 TR 12 35 near Lympne Aircraft Crash Site 02.09.1940 TR13NW
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 407
Mersham (K)
476 TR 03 37 Chequertree Farm Aircraft Crash Site 04.09.1940 Brenzett TR03NW
excavated 1980 [Supermarine Spitfire I] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 414
Newchurch (K)
90 TR 042 315 Airfield No. 125 Military Airfield 1943-1944 KHER TR03SW97 [RAF Newchurch] [advanced landing Bennett 1977, 59
ground] Ashworth 1985, 221-223
[site of] Brooks 1990, 151
507 TR 07 29 near Aircraft Crash Site 18.08.1940 TR03SE
Blackmanstone [Messerschmitt Bf110C] Ramsey 1982, 590
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 217
543 TR 05 31 Newchurch Aircraft Crash Site 31.08.1940 TR03SE
[Dornier Do17Z] Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 281
480 TR 07 31 Gammons Farm Aircraft Crash Site 07.09.1940 Brenzett TR03SE
excavated 1974 [Hawker Hurricane I] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 429 Museum
487 TR 06 30 south of Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 Kent B of B TR03SE
Rooklands [Hawker Hurricane I] Museum Ramsey 1982, 446 excavated
493 TR 05 31 near Aircraft Crash Site 11.10.1940 Brenzett TR03SE
Newchurch [Supermarine Spitfire II] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 504 excavated 1978 Museum
TR 05 28
North Fording House, near New Romney (sic)
Aircraft Crash Site [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4]
Ramsey 1982, 691
Ramsey & Ramsey
497 TR 05 31 near church Aircraft Crash Site 22.10.1940 Kent B of B TR03SE
surface finds [Hawker Hurricane I] Museum Ramsey 1982, 520
540 TR 03 30 Aircraft Crash Site [2] 09.06.1943 KHER TR03SW101
[Supermarine Spitfire]
1988, 193
Newenden (K)
489 TQ 83 27 Newenden Aircraft Crash Site 14.09.1940 TQ82NW
[Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 448
Newington (K)
TR 17003770
CBA DoB 2002, S0012641
TR 17203780
TR 17903680
CBA DoB 2002, S0012642 KHER TR13NE175
TR 18003690
CBA DoB 2002, S0012630 KHER TR13NE174
TR 18103670
[site of] Pillbox
CBA DoB 2002, S0012631 KHER TR13NE176
TR 18203710
CBA DoB 2002, S0012629 KHER TR13NE180
[site of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0012633
TR 18303690
south of railway
CBA DoB 2002, S0012632
TR 18403660
south of railway
CBA DoB 2002, S0014463
TR 18403710
CBA DoB 2002, S0014474
TR 18603730
[site of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0012634
TR 18703730
[site of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0012635
New Romney (K)
TR 06 24 New Romney Nodal Point & 1940 KHER TR02SE131
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009316
[site of]
TR 06482443 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR02SE133
[Type FW3/24 ?] CBA DoB 2002, S0013800
TR 074 248 New Romney Railway Station & 1927 KHER TR02SE54
Railway Works Davies 1988, 158-163, App. 5
[R H & D Rly] Mitchell & Smith 1999, 55-90
NBR Index Ro/06942
TR 08002300 Greatstone Battery Coastal Artillery Battery 1940 KHER TR02SE128
[site of] Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008188
469 TR 06 24 near Aircraft Crash Site 31.08.1940 TR02SE
New Romney [Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 397
482 TR 04 25 near Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 TR02NW
TR 08 25
Littlestone Golf Course
Aircraft Crash Site
[Hawker Hurricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 507
Romney [Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 442
Northiam (ESx)
TQ 82002510 Great Dixter Garden 1911& NMR TQ82NW15
1923 ESHER MES4228
Weaver 1913b, 261-272, 440-452, 573
Wright 1978, 144-150, fig., pl. 20
Plumptre 1985, 126-127
Lloyd, C. 1987, 6-17
EH Registered Park/Garden ESx 14/GD1728
166 TQ 824 253 Underground 1961-1991 TQ82NW
Monitoring Post Wood 1992, 313
TQ 82482537 [Royal Observer Corps] CBA DoB 2002, 3816 [site of]
TQ 830 242 Village Green Water Pump 1907 TQ82SW
Hoare & Upton 1972, 25
Haselfoot 1978, 107
TQ 82 24 Brickwall Nodal Point & 1940 TQ82SW
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0012160
[site of]
478 TQ 83 25 Quickbourne Lane Aircraft Crash Site 06.09.1940 TQ82NW
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 421
Old Romney (K)
TQ 997 240
Blue House Farm
TQ 998 240
[Type FW3/24]
CBA DoB 2002, S0001766
51 TR 015 230 Airfield No. 121 Military Airfield 1943-1944 TR02SW
TR 065 235 [sic] [RAF Lydd] [advanced landing Bennett 1977, 59
ground] Ashworth 1985, 186-188
[site of] Brooks 1990, 151
44 TR 016 230 Anti-Aircraft Battery 1944-1945 KHER TR02SW45 [Diver] [site of]
TR 02332322 near Hawthorn Corner Earthwork & 1939-1945? KHER TR02SW9
aerial photo 1946 Slit Trench AP (RAF CPE/UK 1752 F3028; 21.9.46)
91 TR 049 250 Auxiliary Unit 1940 KHER TR02NW42
Operational Base destroyed CBA DoB 2002, S0006753 [site of] pre-1996
TR 02402370 north of Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SW131
Hawthorn Corner CBA DoB 2002, S0012819
TR 05402490 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR02SE137
CBA DoB 2002, S0012818
471 TR 03 23 Bell Corner Aircraft Crash Site 02.09.1940 Brenzett TR02SW
excavated 1975 [Hawker Hurricane I] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 406 Museum
391 TR 03 23 Swamp Farm Aircraft Crash Site 06.09.1940 TR02SW
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 316
481 TR 03 23 Midley Aircraft Crash Site 09.09.1940 Kent B of B TR02SW
surface finds [Supermarine Spitfire I] Museum Ramsey 1982, 439
Orlestone (K)
TR 00 33 Hamstreet Nodal Point & 1940 KHER TR03SW40
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009303
[site of]
99 TR 00253347 Village Green, Pillbox 1940/1941 NMR TR03SE26 [sic] Hamstreet [Type FW3/22] NMR TR03SW29
TR 00263348 KHER TR03SW43
CBA DoB 2002, S0001776
TR 00403320 Hamstreet Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SW47
CBA DoB 2002, S0012661
TR 00803340 Cotton Hill Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR03SW45
CBA DoB 2002, S0012662
101 TR 00683331 Cotton Hill Observation Post 1943-1953 NMR TQ92NE27 [sic]
[Orlit Type A] KHER TR03SW30
[Royal Observer Corps] Catford 1999, 10
100 TR 00683330 Cotton Hill Underground 1961-1991 KHER TR03SW17
Monitoring Post Wood 1992, 296
TR 00673330 [Royal Observer Corps] Burridge 1997, 28
Catford 1999, 10
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD136
457 TR 00 34 Court Lodge Farm, Aircraft Crash Site 01.09.1940 P.P. TR03SW Hamstreet [Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 405 excavated 1981
508 TQ 99 35 Burnt Oaks, Aircraft Crash Site 01.09.1940 P.P. TQ93NE
Capel Farm [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 614
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 296
488 TQ 99 34 Orlestone Aircraft Crash Site 14.09.1940 TQ93SE
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 448
538 TR 00 31 near Johnson's Corner, Aircraft Crash Site 13.04.1944 KHER TQ03SW103 Hamstreet [Boeing B17]
Peasmarsh (ESx)
TQ 88 22 Peasmarsh Nodal Point & 1940 TQ82SE
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009659
[site of]
TQ 882 217 west side of lane Anti-Tank Block [6] 1940/1941 TQ82SE
Dragon's Teeth CBA DoB 2002, S0014072
TQ 884 217 south side of lane Anti-Tank Block [12] 1940/1941 TQ82SE
Dragon's Teeth CBA DoB 2002, S0014073
167 TQ 892 219 Auxiliary Unit 1940 TQ82SE
Operational Base Angell 1996, 39-41 (Iden)
479 TQ 87 20 Pelsham Farm Aircraft Crash Site 06.09.1940 P.P. TQ82SE
excavated 1975 [Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 424
527 TQ 87 20 Pelsham House Aircraft Crash Site 30.09.1940 TQ82SE
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey 1982, 667
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 150
528 TQ 89 21 Clayton Farm Aircraft Crash Site 30.09.1940 Wealden Aviation TQ82SE
excavated 1975 [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Archaeol. Group Ramsey 1982, 668
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988,
530 TQ 87 20 Pelsham Farm Aircraft Crash Site 05.10.1940 TQ82SE
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 676
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 163
Pett {ESx)
102 TQ 88551421 The Beach House, House 1959/1960 + TQ81SE
Pett Level Road 1990s Harling 1966, 176-177, pl.
TQ 89221358 Hall 1998
LBSU 488205
Listed Grade II
TQ 889 133 Cliff End Coastal Observation 1940/1941 TQ81SE
Post CBA DoB 2002, S0008586
168 TQ 891 138 Pett Level Spigot Mortar 1940/1945 TQ81SE
[remains of] Mace 1997, 71, pl.
169 TQ 891 135 Pett Level Coastal Battery 1939/1940 TQ81SE
[remains of] Mace 1997, 75-79, fig., pl.
TQ 893 137
Toot Hill
Battery Observation
Post CBA DoB 2002, S0009774
TQ 897 137 [sic]
Royal Military Canal
[Type FW3/22]
CBA DoB 2002, S0009776
Playden {ESx)
TQ 92382134
Saltcote Place
Mill Road
LBSU 412737
Listed Grade II
TQ 92232138
Saltcote Place
Mill Road
LBSU 412738
Listed Grade II
TQ 920 215
Gate Posts, Saltcote Place
Military Graffiti
Wetherill 1997, 8
TQ 933 229
west bank of
Anti-Tank Block [7]
River Rother
Dragon's Teeth
CBA DoB 2002, S0008174
Postling {K)
TR 14 37
Bartholomews Wood,
Aircraft Crash Site
Pestling Wents
[Supermarine Spitfire I]
Ramsey 1982, 506
TQ 839 322
Rawlinson Gill,
Auxiliary Unit
Hole Park
Operational Base
CBA DoB 2002, S0001146
[remains of]
TQ 892 137 Toot Rock Battery CBA DoB 2002, S0015150
395 TQ 84423143 The Street Telephone Box post 1935 KHER TQ83SW224
[Type K6] Listed Grade II
171 TQ 86143250 Tin Town, Workers Village 1920s KHER TQ83SE53 Rolvenden Hill [K& ESx Rly] Mitchell& Smith 1985, 74, pl.
108 TQ 85063019 1-6 Maytham Bungalows, House 20th Century KHER TQ83SE190 Frogs Lane, Listed Grade II
Rolvenden Layne
106 TQ 84523124 Hastings Road War Memorial 1924 KHER TQ83SW184 Listed Grade II
107 TQ 84753105 Working Men's Club, Working Mens Club 1927/1928 + KHER TQ83SW200
Maytham Road 1960s Newman& Pevsner 1976, 499 Listed Grade II
105 TQ 84883074 Great Maytham, Gate Lodge& 1909/1912 NMR TQ83SW11 Maytham Road Gate House& KHER TQ83SW177
TQ 84893073 Arch Newman& Pevsner 1976, 499
NBR Index 82385 Listed Grade II*
396 TQ 84743054 Great Maytham, Formal Garden& 1909/1912 KHER TQ83SW23 Maytham Road Garden Wall Weaver 1912, 746-753, pl.
Weaver 1913b, 247-256
EH Register Parks/Gardens [Kent] 24
397 TQ 85463030 2 Common Garden House& c.1927 KHER TQ83SE281
Garden Wall& Listed Grade II
Boundary Wall
516 TQ 84 31 Rolvenden Aircraft Crash Site 07.09.1940 TQ83SW
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 630
Ramsey& Ramsey 1988, 47
TQ 84 31 Rolvenden Aircraft Crash Site 16.10.1940 TQ83SW
[Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 512
Ruckinge (K)
TR 01203430
Hamstreet Woods
Auxiliary Unit
Operational Base
CBA DoB 2002, S0001140
336 TR 014 367 Golden Wood Field Gun Battery 1940/1941 KHER TR03NW21 aerial photo 1961 [remains of] AP [no info]
TR 01703300
north bank of
Royal Military Canal
Bennett 1977, 41
CBA DoB 2002, S0008222
TR 02203320
bank of
Royal Military Canal
CBA DoB 2002, S0010452
CBA DoB 2002, S0015168
TR 02733344
north bank of
TR 027 335
Royal Military Canal
[Type FW3/22]
Bennett 1977, 41
CBA DoB 2002, S0001759
TR 02993180
road junction near
TR 03003180
Wey Street Farm
[Type FW3/22]
TR 03023180
CBA DoB 2002, S0002718
TR 02 33
Aircraft Crash Site
excavated 1973
[Hawker Hurricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 367
Museum &
Kent B of B
458 TR 01 37 Brisley Farm
Aircraft Crash Site
excavated 1981
[Hawker Hurricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 404
Museum &
Battle of Britain
TR 01 35
Haberdashers Wood
Aircraft Crash Site
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4]
Ramsey 1982, 615
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 296
552 TR 00 33 near Hamstreet Aircraft Crash Site 30.11.1940 Kent TR03NE
excavated [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Battle of Britain Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 307
Rye (ESx)
112 TQ 904 197 Cadborough Pumping Pumping Station 20th Century TQ91NW
Station Truman 2002, 75, no.773
147 TQ 92192037 La Rochelle, House rebuilt TQ92SW
East Street 1900/1932 LBSU 291956 Listed Grade II
113 TQ 92482135 Starlock, House 1929/1930 TQ92SW
Military Road Scarlett 1932, 124-125
Nairn & Pevsner 1980, 599-600
LBSU 468783
Listed Grade II
114 TQ 92512135 Starlock, Garage & 1929/1930 TQ92SW
Military Road Apartment Scarlett 1932, 124-125
Nairn & Pevsner 1980, 599-600
LBSU 468784
Listed Grade II
115 TQ 92292106 Point Hill House, Garden Building & 1912 TQ92SW
Point Hill Gazebo Country Life 29 Nov 1913
LBSU 434880
Listed Grade II
138 TQ 91902024 The Strand Telephone Box post 1935 TQ92SW
[Type K6] LBSU 435105
Listed Grade II
208 TQ 91122054 Conduit Hill/ Telephone Box post 1935 TQ92SW
Cinque Ports Street [Type K6] LBSU 492180
Listed Grade II
450 TQ 921 206 former Wright & Warehouse & 1907 TQ92SW
Pankhurst Repository Shop LBSU 491241
17 Tower Street Listed Grade II
340 TQ 90 21 Rye Nodal Point & 1940 TQ92SW
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009667
[site of]
341 TQ 919 199 rear of house Pillbox 1940/1941 TQ91NW
next to Brede Lock [Type FW3/22] CBA DoB 2002, S0009767
172 TQ 924 208 west bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 TQ92SW
River Rother [Type FW3/24] CBA DoB 2002, S0012461
TQ 92 20
near Rye
Aircraft Crash Site
[Hawker Hurricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 408
Rye Foreign (ESx)
342 TQ 919 216 Rye Ambulance Station Anti-Tank Block [34] 1940/1941 TQ92SW
west of A268 Dragon's Teeth CBA DoB 2002, S0012084 Wetherill 1997, 8
St Mary in the Marsh (K)
117 TR 089 275/ [RAF New Romney/ Military Airfield 1917-1919 TR02NE
TR 085 264 Littlestone/ [School of Air Gunnery] Bennett 1977, 59
TR 065 280 [sic] The Warren] Collyer 1982, 42
TR 085 282 Ashworth 1985, 225-226
TR 064 279
St Mary in the Marsh
Nodal Point &
TR 063 269
Airfield No. 124
Town Defences [site of]
Military Airfield
CBA DoB 2002, S0009378
TR 055 260 [sic]
[RAF New Romney/
[advanced landing
Bennett 1977, 59
Ashworth 1985, 226-227
[site of]
Brooks 1990, 151
CBA DoB 2002, S0003052
344 TR 06262767 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR02NE97
[Type FW3/24] CBA DoB 2002, S0002717
119 TR 08332712 Coastal Artillery Battery & 1940/1941 KHER TR02NE95 Pillbox? Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008189
120 TR 08392742 Coastal Artillery Battery & 1940/1941 KHER TR02NE94 Pillbox? Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008190
345 TR 08302810 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR02NE96
[bren gun] CBA DoB 2002, S0013334
TR 08552770
Bennett 1977, 37
CBA DoB 2002, S0008191
TR 09302770
[bren gun]
CBA DoB 2002, S0013335
NBR Index 7129
TR 08782815
aerial photo 1946
Enclosure &
20th Century
Cropmark AP (RAF 106G/UK 1439 F3025; 30.4.46)
TR 08882784/
Teclin Close/
Tank Trap
TR 08932741/
Seaway Road
[site of]
AP (RAF 106G/UK 1439 F3025; 30.4.46)
TR 0899272
aerial photo 1946
TR 08742779
St Mary's Bay/
Railway Station
1927 +
Jefferstone Lane
[RH & D Rly]
1946 +
Davies 1988, 157-158
Mitchell & Smith 1999, 43-47, pl.
NBR Index Ro/07129
TR 09 28
Golden SandsHalt
Railway Station
1948-1988 ?
[RH & D Rly]
Davies 1988, 157
Salehurst (ESx)
TQ 76 27
Great Wigsell Estate
Aircraft Crash Site
[Supermarine Spitfire I]
Ramsey 1982, 391
Museum &
K ent B of B
TQ 76 26
Baileys Reed Farm
Aircraft Crash Site
Museum Robertsbridge
[Supermarine Spitfire I]
Ramsey 1982, 496
Saltwood (K)
126 TR 15623621 Kintail House 1923 KHER TR13NE144
[Kintail Manor] Kornwolf 1972
[Trunds] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
Rectory Lane Listed Grade II
127 TR 15633624 Bennington, House 1925 KHER TR13NE97
Rectory Lane Newman & Pevsner 1969,427
KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44 Listed Grade II
TR 13823443 The Roughs Sound Mirror 1922-1935 KHER TR13SW19
TR 13953449 [20ft slab] Bennett 1977, 38
[remains of] KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
Scarth 1999, 69-79, pl. 10-11, 14
Saunders & Smith 2001, KD153
TR 14003455 The Roughs Sound Mirror 1929-1935 KHER TR13SW19
[30ft bowl] Bennett 1977, 38
Chris Blandford Assoc 1992 Chris Blandford Assoc 1994 KHBI: Shepway 1996, 44
Scarth 1999, 84-92, pl. 15-18
TR 13973450 Saunders & Smith 2001, KD153
TR 132 344 [sic] CBA DoB 2002, S0002996
TR 132 344 [sic] Sound Mirror 1929-1935 KHER TR13SW19 Building CBA DoB 2002, S0002997
TR 13703480 south of B2067 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW96
CBA DoB 2002, S0013300
TR 13803500 Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13NW137
CBA DoB 2002, S0014421
TR 14163483 B2067 Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TR13SW94
CBA DoB 2002, S0012645
TR 14503480 above The Roughs Pillbox 1940 KHER TR13SW106
CBA DoB 2002, S0013299
Sandhurst (K)
128 TQ 79842839 The Green War Memorial c.1920 KHER TQ72NE85
KHBI: Tunbridge Wells 1999, 87 Listed Grade II
483 TQ 79 28 School Fields Aircraft Crash Site 11.09.1940 TQ72NE
[Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 442
523 TQ 78 28 Bourne Farm Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1940 Brenzett TQ72NE
[Heinkel He111H-2] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 646
Museum & Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 99 Robertsbridge
Aviation Museum
Sedlescombe (ESx)
TQ 773 210 Swales Green Barbed Wire 1940/1941 TQ72SE
Entanglement removed CBA DoB 2002, S0011680 [site of] 1944/1950
TQ 773 212 north of B2089 Anti Tank Block [118] 1940/1941 TQ72SE
Cube CBA DoB 2002, S0000718
TQ 775 211 Swales Green/ Barbed Wire 1940/1941 TQ72SE
Cripps Corner Entanglement removed CBA DoB 2002, S0011681 [site of] 1944/1950
TQ 776 204 south of Cripps Corner Roadblock 1940/1941 TQ72SE
A229 CBA DoB 2002, S0011678
TQ 777 204 south of Cripps Corner Pillbox 1940 TQ72SE
east of B2244 CBA DoB 2002, S0009552
TQ 778 205 east of B2244 Anti Tank Block [1] 1940 TQ72SE
Cube CBA DoB 2002, S0009553
Sellindge (K)
400 TR 09503680 Anti-Tank Block 1940/1941 KHER TR03NE84
Dragon's Teeth CBA DoB 2002, S0007356
460 TR 10 38 Sellinge Aircraft Crash Site 12.08.1940 TR13NW
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 352
526 TR 09 37 near Aircraft Crash Site 18.09.1940 TR03NE
Harringe Court [Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey 1982, 651
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 108
Shadoxhurst (K)
499 TQ 97 36 Moat Farm Aircraft Crash Site 22.10.1940 Brenzett TQ93NE
excavated [Hawker Hurricane I] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 520 Museum
Snargate (K)
129 TQ 98352832 south west of Auxiliary Unit 1940/1941 NMRTQ92NE9 Bentley Cottage Operational Base KHERTQ92NE88
Carpenter 1999, 45-46 Saunders &Smith 2001, KD181 CBA DoB 2002, S0006752
TQ 98352832 NMRTQ92NE9
SAM Kent 279
505 TQ 99 28 Snargate Aircraft CrashSite 18.08.1940 TQ92NE
[ Heinkel He111H-3] Ramsey 1982, 581
Ramsey & Ramsey 1987, 212
468 TQ 99 28 Hope Farm Aircraft CrashSite 30.08.1940 Brenzett TQ92NE
excavated 1973 [SupermarineSpitfire I] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 395, pl.
Stanford (K)
130 TR 12703620 Royal Oak Motel, Motel 1952/1953 NMRTR13NW60
Ashford Road, KHERTR13NW129
Newingreen Anon 1953, 46-47, fig. pl.
Parthenon May/June 1954, 54-56
Bouw 20 May 1961, No. 20, 628
Chris Blandford Assoc. 1992 KHBI:Shepway 1996, 47 Listed Grade II*
Stone-cum-Ebony (K)
359 TQ 92702950 Chapel Bank Pillbox 1940/1941 KHERTQ92NW23
CBA DoB 2002, S0012658
360 TQ 92902970 Chapel Bank Pillbox 1940/1941 KHERTQ92NW22
CBA DoB 2002, S0012659
361 TQ 93602660 west of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHERTQ92NW27
Coldharbour Farm CBA DoB 2002, S0012573
362 TQ 93702670 north west of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHERTQ92NW25 Coldharbour Farm CBA DoB 2002,S0012574
363 TQ 94202550 bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHERTQ92NW26
Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] CBA DoB 2002, S0012083
364 TQ 94602670 bank of Pillbox 1940/1941 KHERTQ92NW24
Royal Military Canal Bennett 1977,
CBA DoB 2002, S0009629
Tenterden (K)
133 TQ 894 333 Leigh Green Military Airfield 1914-1918 TQ83SE
[landing ground] Bennett 1977, 59
[site of] Collyer 1982, 35
401 TQ 88493340 Station Road/ Telephone Box post 1935 KHER TQ83SE74 High Street [Type K6] Listed Grade II
402 TQ 88583360 Ashford Road Telephone Box [2] post 1935 KHER TQ83SE170
[Type K6] Listed Grade II
365 TQ 886 335 Tenterden Nodal Point & 1940 KHER TQ83SE70
Town Defences CBA DoB 2002, S0009404
[site of]
131 TQ 90003200 Gibbet Oak Farm Auxiliary Unit 1940/1941 NMR TQ93SW19 TQ 90973240 Operational Base KHER TQ83SE107
CBA DoB 2002, S0008186
132 TQ 87323441 Underground 1959-1969 KHER TQ83SE67
Monitoring Post Wood 1992, 297
[Royal Observer Corps] Catford 1999, 13
TQ 87323481 CBA DoB 2002, S0003120
477 TQ 88 33 Tenterden area Aircraft Crash Site 04.09.1940 TQ83SE
[Supermarine Spitfire I] Ramsey 1982, 414
520 TQ 88 35 St Michaels Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1940 P.P. TQ83NE
excavated 1983 [Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey 1982, 640
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 96
541 TQ 86 35 Gribble Wood Aircraft Crash Site 23.09.1940 KHER TQ83NE192
[Messerschmitt Bf109]
532 TQ 89 30 near Chapel Holding, Aircraft Crash Site 12.10.1940 TQ83SE
Smallhythe [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 683, pl.
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 178
553 TQ 88 33 Tenterden Aircraft Crash Site 08.05.1941 TQ83SE
[Messerschmitt Bf109F-2] Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 603
554 TQ 88 33 Tenterden Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1943 TQ83SE
[De Havilland Mosquito XII] Ramsey & Ramsey 1990, 295
Udimore (ESx)
TQ 89321921
White Fox Lodge,
TQ 903 197
north of B2089
LBSU 475091
Listed Grade II
CBA DoB 2002, S0012803
173 TQ 905 197 Underground 1961-1968 TQ91NW
Monitoring Post Wood 1992, 314 [Rye Harbour]
TQ 90561965 [Royal Observer Corps] CBA DoB 2002, S0003817 [site of]
490 TQ 86 18 Church Field Aircraft Crash Site 15.09.1940 Brenzett TQ81NE
excavated 1972 [Hawker Hurricane I] Aeronautical Ramsey 1982, 451 Museum
Warehorne (K)
139 TQ 986 322 Tinton Manor Farm, Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TQ93SE25
TQ 98543208 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 15 [Swale]
TQ 985 322 CBA DoB 2002, S0008257
140 TQ 990 320 Tinton Manor Farm, Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TQ93SE26 TQ 98873207 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 62
TQ 989 321 CBA DoB 2002, S0008258
56 TQ 993 320 Bridge Farm, Pillbox 1940/1941 KHER TQ93SE28
TQ 99343202 Royal Military Canal [Type FW3/22] Bennett 1977, 15 [Swale]
TQ 994 321 CBA DoB 2002, S0008259
472 TQ 99 32 Aircraft Crash Site 02.09.1940 TQ93SE
[Hawker Hurricane I] Ramsey 1982, 407
Westfield (ESx)
531 TQ 83 16 Doleham Farm, Aircraft Crash Site 07.10.1940 TQ81NW
Guestling (sic} [Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey 1982, 678
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 166-167
Wittersham (K)
135 TQ 886 281 Sheepwash Plantation Airship Mooring- 1918 TQ82NE
Out Station Bennett 1977, 60
[site of] Collyer 1982, 58
Ashworth 1985, 302
TQ 850 281[sic] Moat Farm, CBA DoB 2002, S0005811
TQ 88792582
north bank of
Anti-Tank Gun
River Rother
Emplacement &
CBA DoB 2002, S0014071
TQ 895 276
Radar Tower
[remains of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0005796
TQ 892 279
Radar Station Building
[remains of]
CBA DoB 2002, S0005797
Moons Green
TQ 893 291 Storage Building 1939-1945 TQ82NE
[remains of] CBA DoB 2002, S0005798
TQ 893 278 Radar Tower 1939-1945 TQ82NE
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0005799
TQ 887 264 Blackbrook Farm Rifle Range 1939-1945 TQ82NE
[remains of] CBA DoB 2002, S0005800
TQ 899 271 Air Raid Shelter 1939-1945 TQ82NE
CBA DoB 2002, S0005801
TQ 898 267 Old Cricket Pitch Searchlight Emplacement 1939-1945 TQ82NE
[site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0005802
TQ 900 271 Village Hall Services Canteen 1939-1945 TQ92NW
[NAAFI] CBA DoB 2002, S0005804
TQ 912 266 Orchard Farm Army Headquarters 1939-1945 TQ92NW
CBA DoB 2002, S0005805
TQ 912 266 Orchard Farm Army Communications 1939-1945 TQ92NW
Building CBA DoB 2002, S0005806
[remains of]
TQ 894 260 College Wood, Storage Building 1939-1945 TQ82NE
Budds Farm [site of] CBA DoB 2002, S0005809
TQ 897 275 National Fire Service 1939-1945 TQ82NE
Station CBA DoB 2002, S0005812
[site of]
555 TQ 88 26 Wittersham Hall Aircraft Crash Site 05.11.1940 TQ82NE
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-1] Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 223
556 TQ 89 27 Smithings Aircraft Crash Site 05.11.1940 TQ82NE
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-4] Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 223
TQ 88 25
Blackwall Bridge,
Aircraft Crash Site
Ashford &
Peasmarsh (sic)
[Messerschmitt Bf109E-8]
Ramsey & Ramsey 1988, 232
Recovery Group
Woodchurch (K)
TQ 945 340
Nodal Point &
Town Defences
CBA DoB 2002, S0009405
[site of]
TQ 930 370
TQ 945 365
Airfield No. 128
Military Airfield
Bennett 1977, 62
[RAF Woodchurch]
[advanced landing
Bennett 1977, 60
TQ 92 37?
south of
[site of]
Aircraft Crash Site
Ashworth 1985, 302-303
Brooks 1990, 152 KHER TQ93NW81
[Hawker Hurricane I]
Ramsey 1982, 392
AD1275 - 1960 Shipwrecks 581
No. NGR Place of Wreck Name of Type of Country Date References
Vessel Vessel of Origin Lost [Home Port]
TQ 98 17 Dengeness La Seynte Katherine Sailing Vessel Spain 10.03.1335 TQ91NE
near Promhill [Broomhill] [Castre/ CPR Ed 1111334/38, 140 & 144 Castro Urdiales]
TQ 95731399 offshore Winchelsea [a King's ship] Warship (sail) England 29.08.1350 KHER TQ91SE7 [sunk in battle] Archibald 1972, 94
50.53N 00.45E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95731399 offshore Winchelsea [a ship of the Warship (sail) England 29.08.1350 KHER TQ91SE8 [sunk in battle] Black Prince] Archibald 1972, 94
50.53N 00.45E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 Le Poler, la nawe Sente Marie Nao/Nau (sail) France 11.01.1357 TQ91NE
between Winchelsea CPR Ed 1111354/58, 500-501
and Promelle [Broomhill] [driven ashore]
50.55N 01.45W [sic] Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 92 16 near Winchelsea La Cristofre Cog (sail) Prussia 06.11.1387 TQ91NW
[broken] [Stralesonde/ CPR Rich II 1385/89, 392-393 Stralsund]
TQ 85 10 between Winchelsea ? Carrack (sail) Italy 23.10.1477 TQ81SE
and Hastings [Genoa] CPR Ed IV, Ed V, Rich Ill
[lost by a tempest] 1476/85, 77-78
TQ 96 18 near the Camber La barge de Croisset Barge (sail) France? 22.02.1533 TQ91NE
[wrecked] LPFD Hen VIII 1534, 91, no. 231
TQ 95 17 upon the bar of Rye Greyhound Warship (sail) England 04.1563 TQ91NE
[driven by tempest] [45-gun ship] Anderson 1959, nos. 79 & 136 Galleass (sail) Glasgow 1968, 288, pl. 11
50.53N 00.45E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
Colledge 2003, I, 145
TQ 96 18 near the Camber ? Sailing Vessel England 30.06.1563 TQ91NE
[run ashore] [London] CSP Dom Ed VI, Mary, Eliz I 1547/80, 226
TQ 977 178 Broomhill [A wrack of sugar] Sailing Vessel ? c.1590 TQ 91NE
All Souls College, Oxford, KeS/15
Eddison 2000, col. pl. 25
TQ 99 17 between Lydd and Rye ? Bark (sail) ? 12.02.1616 TQ 91NE
[cast away] CSP Dom Jas I 1611/18, 349
13 TQ 91561569 near Winchelsea ?
Cargo Vessel Spain
CPW/AS1, 1632/49, ff 9, 10 & 11
TQ 95001768
near Camber
Saint John
Cargo Vessel
1632 (os)
[cast away]
TQ 95 17
Rye Bay
Warship (sail)
[driven ashore]
CSP Dom Commonwealth
NMR TQ91NW49 ESHER MES5904 CPW/AS1, 1632/49, f 47
50.53N 00.45E
1659/60, 420
TQ 95 17
Sailing Vessel
[ran aground]
CSP Dom Chas II
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye ?
Hoy (sail) England
1666/67, 473 & 475
TQ 91 15 off Winchelsea Castle ?
[London] Merchant Vessel France (sail)
CSP Dom Chas 111667/68, 214
CSP Dom Chas 111667/68, 256
TQ 95 17 Rye Bay ?
50.53N 00.45E
TQ 95 17 Rye Harbour Orange Tree
[caught fire at anchor]
50.53N 00.45E
TQ 89771362 near Cliff End, Anne
[run ashore]
50.53.22N 00.42E
577 TQ 95 17 near Rye St. Christo
[cast away]
TQ 95001768 near Rye Flying Porpoise/
[cast away] Swift Porpoise
Sailing Vessel
Warship (sail) [Fireship, 6]
Warship (sail) [3rd Rate,
Sailing Vessel Cargo Vessel
Netherlands Netherlands
1701 (os)
CSP Dom Chas 111667/68, 528
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
CSP Dom Chas 111666/67, 234
Anderson 1935, no.485
Hepper 1994, 10
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Colledge 2003, I, 234 NMR TQ81SE103 ESHER MES5900
CSP Dom Will & Mary 1690/91, 51 Anderson 1935, no. 583
Marsden & Lyon 1977, 9-20
Marsden 1984, 387-388
Marsden 1987, 20-22
Hepper 1994, 13
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Colledge 2003, I, 31 Designated Wreck Site no. 8 TQ91NE
CSP Dom Will 1111697, 508 NMR TQ91NE48
CPW/AS2, 1663/1741
TQ 95001768 Rye James Barque (sail) Ireland 1701 (os) NMRTQ91NE50 [broken in pieces] ESHER MES5835
CPW/AS2, 1663/1741
TQ 95001768 near Rye Curton Galley (sail) ? 31.08.1744 NMRTQ91NE55 [ashore] ESHER MES5902
Lloyd's List no. 916: 31.08.1744
Lloyd's List no. 917: 04.09.1744
50.56N 00.47.30E Sailing Vessel Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Marshall Sailing Vessel ? 08.03.1747 TQ91NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 1282: 08.03.1747
50.56N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Arent & Elizabeth Sailing Vessel Netherlands? 17.01.1748/49 NMRTQ91NE9 [lost] ESHER MES5516
Lloyd's List no. 1372: 17.01.1748/49
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Providence Sailing Vessel ? 15.04.1748 TQ91NE
[ashore] Lloyd's List no. 1293: 15.04.1748
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Lisbon Packet Packet Vessel Great Britain 22.12.1749 TQ91NE
[lost] (sail) Lloyd's List no. 1468: 22.12.1749 50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Norwich Merchant Sailing Vessel Great Britain 04.12.1750 TQ91NE
[ashore] Lloyd's List no. 1567: 04.12.1750
50.56N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 to eastward of Suspension of Arms Brigantine (sail) France? 25.08.1752 NMRTQ91NE10 Rye Harbour ESHER MES5517
[drove ashore/no person on board] Lloyd's List no. 1749: 25.08.1752
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95591770 in Rye Bay ? Sailing Vessel ? 18.12.1753 NMRTQ91NE11 [lost] ESHER MES5518
Lloyd's List no. 1881: 18.12.1753
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 85861085 2 miles east of ? Sloop (sail) Great Britain 01.1755 NMRTQ81SE13 Hastings ESHER MES5519
[stranded] ESxMSMR no. 326
50.52N 00.38.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Hendraiaquo Sailing Vessel France 01.02.1760 NMRTQ91NE12 [lost] ESHER MES5522
Lloyd's List no. 2510: 01.02.1760
50.56N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Juffrow Catharina Sailing Vessel Netherlands 18.02.1763 TQ91NE
[drove ashore] Lloyd's List no. 2828: 18.02.1763
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
34 | TQ 95 17 | near Rye | Frow Elizabeth | Sailing Vessel | Netherlands | 18.02.1763 | TQ91NE |
[drove ashore] | Lloyd's List no. 2828: 18.02.1763 |
Lloyd's List no. 2829: 22.02.1763
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Dirk Jacobse Sloop (sail) Netherlands 18.02.1763 TQ91NE
[drove ashore] Lloyd's List no. 2828: 18.02.1763
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 on Rye Beach Richard & Hannah Sailing Vessel Great Britain 22.02.1763 NMR TQ91NE13 [lost] ESHER MES5524
Lloyd's List no. 2829: 22.02.1763
50.55.30N 00.48W [sic] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95731399 in Rye Bay Harefield Sailing Vessel Great Britain 31.01.1764 KHER TQ91SE9
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 2927: 31.01.1764
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 98 17 Jews-Gut [Jury's Gut] ? West lndiaman Netherlands 05.12.1764 TQ91NE
near Rye (sail) Lloyd's List no. 3017: 11.12.1764 [drove ashore]
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
50.56N 01.51E [sic] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TQ 98 17 Jews-Gut [Jury's Gut] ? Snow (sail) Great Britain 05.12.1764 TQ91NE
near Rye Lloyd's List no. 3017: 11.12.1764
[drove ashore]
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
50.56N 01.51E [sic] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TQ 95001768 near Rye George Sailing Vessel Great Britain 14.12.1764 NMR TQ91NE14 [lost] [Liverpool] ESHER MES5526
ESxMSMR no. 314
Lloyd's List no. 3018: 14.12.1764
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Endracht Sailing Vessel Netherlands 14.12.1764 NMR TQ91NE15 [lost] ESHER MES5527
ESxMSMR no. 313
Endraght Lloyd's List no. 3018: 14.12.1764
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 2 miles from Mary Elizabeth Sailing Vessel Great Britain 01.02.1765 NMR TQ91NE16 Rye Harbour ESHER MES5528
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 3032: 01.02.1765
50.55.30N 00.50E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 little to westward St Nicholas Brig (sail) France 27.03.1765 NMR TQ91NE17 of Rye ESHER MES5529
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 3049: 02.04.1765
50.55N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
44 | TQ 95001768 | near Rye | Melvill | Sailing Vessel | Great Britain | 08.10.1765 | NMRTQ91NE18 |
[lost] | ESHER MES5530 |
Lloyd's List no. 3102: 08.10.1765
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95731399 Rye Sands, Decedryana Lupdes Hoy (sail) Netherlands 14.04.1769 NMRTQ91SE3 near Lydd KHERTQ91SE3
near Rye[lost] Adriana Luppas Lloyd's List no.3467:14.04.1769
Kentish Gazette 12/15.04.1769
TQ 95 17 near Rye Superbe Countess Sailing Vessel ? 05.09.1769 TQ91NE
[on shore] de Argouge Lloyd's List no.3508: 05.09.1769
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Charlotte Sailing Vessel ? 23.09.1769 TQ91NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 3514: 26.09.1769
50.56N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
48 TQ 95001768 near Rye Diana Sailing Vessel Great Britain 26.11.1773 NMRTQ91NE19 [on shore] ESHER MES5531
Lloyd's List no. 488: 26.11.1773
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Ascension Sailing Vessel ? 09.12.1777 NMRTQ91NE20 [on shore] ESHER MES5532
Lloyd's List no. 909: 09.12.1777
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
50 TQ 88 11 off Fairlight ? Sloop (sail) ? 24.09.1779 TQ81SE
[foundered] Lloyd's List no. 1098: 01.10.1779
50.50N 00.40E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Anna Margaretta & Maria Sailing Vessel Netherlands 25.04.1780 TQ91NE
[totally lost] Lloyd's List no. 1157: 25.04.1780
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
52 TQ 95001768 near Rye Ann Sailing Vessel Great Britain 23.02.1781 NMRTQ91NE21 [stranded] ESHER MES5533
ESxMSMR no. 312
Lloyd's List no. 1244: 23.02.1781
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Good Intent Sailing Vessel Great Britain 01.02.1791 NMRTQ91NE22 [lost] ESHER MES5534
ESxMSMR no. 320
Lloyd's List no. 2269: 01.02.1791
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Ebenezer Sailing Vessel Great Britain 09.12.1791 TQ91NE
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 2358: 09.12.1791
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 near Rye Departement Sailing Vessel ? 20.12.1791 TQ91NE
[lost] de la Soame Lloyd's List no. 2361: 20.12.1791 50.55.45N 00.48E Departement Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Le Solidad Sailing Vessel ? 08.01.1793 NMR TQ91NE23 [stranded] ESHER MES5535
Lloyd's List no. 2469: 08.01.1793
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Economy Sailing Vessel Great Britain 29.10.1793 NMR TQ91NE24 [on shore] ESHER MES5536
ESxMSMR no. 316
Lloyd's List no. 2555: 29.10.1793
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
58 TQ 95001768 near Rye Vrow Henrietta Sailing Vessel ? 03.06.1796 NMR TQ91NE25 [lost] ESHER MES5537
Lloyd's List no. 2825: 03.06.1796
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 near Rye Friends Goodwill Sailing Vessel Great Britain 09.11.1798 NMR TQ91NE57 [lost] ESHER MES5496
NMR TQ91NW26 [sic] ESHER TQ91NW26
Lloyd's List no. 3043: 09.11.1798
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 off Rye Liebe & Hoffnung Sailing Vessel ? 26.02.1799 TQ91NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 3056: 26.02.1799
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 Nest Point, Rye ? Brig (sail) Great Britain 13.11.1799 TQ91NE
[drove ashore] SxCRO Wreck Index
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 88 11 near Fairlight Dolphin Cutter (sail) Great Britain 13.11.1799 TQ81SE
[drove ashore] SxCRO Wreck index
50.52N 01.40.45W [sic] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 at Rye lnnocenza Protetta Sailing Vessel Spain 14.11.1800 NMR TQ91NE26 [on shore] ESHER MES5540
Lloyd's List no. 4102: 14.11.1800
50.56N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 23
64 TQ 95001768 off Rye Attempt Sailing Vessel ? 13.12.1803 TQ91NE
[totally lost] Lloyd's List no. 4410: 13.12.1803
50.50N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 25
65 | TQ 90 14 | 4 miles to the | Suir | Sailing Vessel | ? | 04.02.1803 | TQ91SW |
westward of Rye | Lloyd's List no. 4323: 08.02.1803 |
[drove onshore]
50.55N 00.52.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TQ 95 17 near Rye San Francisco Xavier Sailing Vessel Spain 16.10.1804 TQ91NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 4497: 16.10.1804
N 00.52E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TQ 95731399 off Rye Hopewell Sloop (sail) United Kingdom 11.12.1810 KHER TQ91SE10
[wrecked] [Barmouth] 12.12.1810 Lloyd's List no. 4519: 14.12.1810
Urban 1810, 583
50.53N 00.45E Sailing Vessel Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3) Renno 2002, 27
TQ 95001768 near Rye Margaret Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 14.02.1813 TQ91NE
[driven onshore] Lloyd's List no. 4747: 16.02.1813
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 31 TQ 95 17 near Rye Union Galliot (sail) France 04.12.1814 TQ91NE
[driven onshore] [Le Havre] Lloyd's List no. 4928: 06.12.1814 Lloyd's List no. 4929: 09.12.1814
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 35
TQ 95001768 near Rye Margaret Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 14.12.1816 NMR TQ91NE27 [driven onshore] ESHER MES5543
Lloyd's List no. 5135: 17.12.1816
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 36
TQ 95 17 near Rye Amalia Sailing Vessel ? 14.12.1816 TQ91NE
[driven onshore] Lloyd's List no. 5135: 17.12.1816
50.55.45N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 37
TQ 95001768 west of Camber Sands ? Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 25.11.1829 NMR TQ91NE28
[Liverpool] ESHER MES5544
ESxMSMR no. 266
West Bay, about a mile out Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 50 TQ 95 17 Rye Harbour Fame Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 01.02.1831 TQ91NE
[totally wrecked/ Lloyd's List no.6609: 04.02.1831
hull blown off land] Lloyd's List no.6610: 08.02.1831
at Camber Brig (sail) Reely 1829/54
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 52
TQ 95 17 at Dungeness [onshore] Hazard Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 19.11.1831 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour Lloyd's List no. 6692: 22.11.1831
[sank near mouth of harbour] Renno 2002, 54
50.56N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 about 1 mile from Amie Fishing Lugger France 21.11.1831 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour (sail) [St Valery] Lloyd's List no. 6692: 22.11.1831 [driven ashore] L'Amiee Renno 2002, 55
TQ 95 17 to eastward of Telemachus Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 10.01.1832 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour [Rye] Lloyd's List no. 6707: 13.01.1832
[driven onshore] Lloyd's Register 1833, T, no. 61
N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
10.01.1834 Renno 2002, 59
TQ 98 17 to eastward of Dartmouth Sailing Vessel ? 10.11.1832 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour Lloyd's List no. 6794: 13.11.1832
near Jury's Gut Sloop (sail) Reely 1829/54 [driven on shore]
TQ 98 17 6 miles east of Conrad Brig (sail) Netherlands 23.01.1834 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour Lloyd's List no. 6919: 24.01.1834
[totally wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 6920: 28.01.1834
near Jury's Gut Reely 1829/54
Renno 2002, 60
TQ 96 18 near Camber Pioneer Brig (sail) ? 24.01.1834 TQ91NE
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 6920: 28.01.1834
Reely 1829/54 Carpenter 1985, 68
TQ 95 17 near Rye harbour, Jane Bourne Sailing Vessel ? 16.01.1835 TQ91NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 7022: 20.01.1835
TQ 95731399 offshore Rye Royal Clarence Smack (sail) United Kingdom 1836 KHER TQ91SE11
[Shoreham] ESxMSMR no. 1081 WSxCRO/CE4/1/2
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 upon the East Main, Prometheus Sailing Vessel ? 08.12.1836 TQ91NE
Rye Lloyd's List no. 7219: 09.12.1836
[driven on shore]
TQ 95001768 at entrance of Mary Ann Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 23.10.1837 NMR TQ91NE54 Rye harbour ESHER MES5898
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 7376: 24.10.1837
Lloyd's List no. 7377: 25.10.1837 TQ 97 18 near Seedsgate ? Schooner (sail) ? 24.10.1837 Reely 1829/54
Lancaster Gazette 28.10.1837
TQ 98 17 near Jury's Gut ? Brig (sail) ? 19.06.1839 TQ91NE
[on shore] Reely 1829/54
TQ 95 17 Rye Florence Sailing Vessel ? 11.10.1841 TQ91NE
[came ashore] Lloyd's List no. 8609: 12.10.1841
TQ 95 17 at entrance of Josephine Sailing Vessel France 20.10.1841 TQ91NE
Rye harbour Lloyd's List no. 8618: 22.10.1841
[came on shore] Reely 1829/54
TQ 95731399 off Camber James Sloop (sail) United Kingdom 27.01.1842 KHER TQ91SE12
[foundered] [Hastings] BoT. Wk Rtn 1842, appx. 3, p. 32
50.53N 00.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 73
TQ 98 17 near Jury's Gut ? Ketch (sail) ? 23.01.1843 TQ91NE
[on shore] Reely 1829/54
TQ 91 15 Winchelsea Beach Arundel Cutter (sail) United Kingdom 28.01.1843 TQ91NW
[stranded] [Cowes] Lloyd's List no. 9014: 30.01.1843 Lloyd's List no. 9032: 20.02.1843
near Rye Harbour [formerly a yacht] Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.44.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 about 4 miles from Salamanca Sailing Vessel ? 06.04.1843 TQ91NW
Rye Harbour Lloyd's List no. 9073: 08.04.1843
[came on shore]
TQ 98 17 at Jury's Gut Three Sisters Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 06.04.1843 TQ91NE
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 9074: 10.04.1843
Lloyd's List no. 9075: 11.04.1843
west of Jerry's [Jury's] Gut 10.04.1843 Reely 1829/54
TQ 95001768 4 miles to eastward of Singapore Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 14.07.1844 NMR TQ91NE29 Rye Harbour [Newcastle] ESHER MES5547
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 9467: 15.07.1844
TQ 98 17 near Jury's Gut Barque (sail) Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.52.40E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 74 TQ 98 17 eastward of Rye Marianne Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 31.07.1844 TQ91NE
[damaged & ran on shore] [Hastings] Lloyd's List no. 9482: 01.08.1844 near Jury's Gut Schooner (sail) 30.07.1844 Reely 1829/54
TQ 98 17 Jews Gat [Jury's Gut] Sole Brig (sail) Austria 16.09.1845 TQ91NE
[on shore I [Trieste] Lloyd's List no. 9833: 18.09.1845
0.5 mile west of Jury's Gut Reely 1829/54
TQ 99 17 at Jury's Gut Station Eliza Brig (sail) United Kingdom 28.12.1845 TQ91NE
[ran on shore] [collier] [Newcastle] Lloyd's List no. 9919: 29.12.1845 Lloyd's List no. 9921: 31.12.1845 Reely 1829/54
TQ 95 13 near Rye Ferret Schooner (sail) ? 18.02.1847 TQ91SE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 10275: 19.02.1847
near Camber Reely 1829/54
97 | TQ 97 15 | entering harbour, | Happy Return | Schooner (sail) | United Kingdom | 12.02.1850 | TQ91NE |
98 | Rye [struck on bar] 50.55.45N 00.48E TQ 98 17 in Rye Bay | Owners Delight | Barge (sail) | [Seaham] United Kingdom | 14.02.1850 08.06.1851 | Lloyd's List no. 11202: 14.02.1850 Lloyd's Register 1850, H, no. 51 Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3) TQ91NE | |
[foundered] | [billyboy] | [Ipswich] | Lloyd's List no. 11611: 10.06.1851 |
off Jewry's Gut Barque (sail) Reely 1829/54
50.53N 00.45E off Jury's Gap Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 85
TQ 97 15 west side of Avon Brig (sail) United Kingdom 15.08.1852 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour Lloyd's List no. 11981: 16.08.1852
[onshore/ drifted east]
50.55.45N 00.48E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 94951907 near Rye Harbour Good Intent Barge (sail) United Kingdom 23.11.1852 NMR TQ91NW27
[sic] [went to pieces] [London] ESHER MES5550
entrance to harbour 24.11.1852 Lloyd's List no. 12067: 25.11.1852
Southern Gazette 25.11.1852
Rome 1936, 469
Rome (xxxx) Sussex Sailing Ships
50.55.30N 00.48W [sic] Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 89-90
TQ 95 17 near Rye Thetis Smack (sail) United Kingdom 13.02.1853 TQ91NE
102 | TQ 87 11 | under Fairlight Cliff | Ann | Sloop (sail) | United Kingdom | 24.01.1854 | TQ81SE |
[onshore following collision] | [Poole] | Lloyd's List no. 12430: 25.01.1854 | |||||
50.51.20N 00.40.30E Anna Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3) | |||||||
103 | TQ 95 17 | entrance to | Notre Dame | Lugger (sail) | France | 01.01.1855 | TQ91NE |
Rye Harbour | du Mont Carmel | [le Treport] | Lloyd's List no. 12721: 03.01.1855 | ||||
104 | 50.56N 00.47.30E TQ 89 13 | [struck stone pier & sank] about 2 miles westward | John & Mary | Sloop (sail) | United Kingdom | 27.09.1856 | Renno 2002, 99 Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3) TQ81SE |
of Rye | [Sunderland] | Lloyd's List no. 13260: 29.09.1856 | |||||
50.52N 00.36.30E | [driven ashore] [sic] | Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3) | |||||
near Cliff End | Renno 2002, 100-101 | ||||||
105 | TQ 99 17 | near the Southerdens, | William | Barque (sail) | Norway | 27.12.1856 | TQ91NE |
Jury's Gap | [T0nsberg] | Carpenter 1985, 68 | |||||
[came ashore] |
[stranded] [Jersey] Carpenter 1985, 68
TQ 95001768 near Coastguard Station, Canton Barque (sail) United Kingdom 04.12.1859 NMR TQ91NE30 Camber [Dundee] ESHER MES5551
[came onshore] [Westerwick] 05.12.1859 Lloyd's List no. 14249: 05.12.1859
Lloyd's List no. 14250: 06.12.1859
Lloyd's List no. 14254: 10.12.1859 Lloyd's Register 1859, C (supp),
no. 56
50.50N 00.00E Lam&Lam 1995, 11(3)
Sweden Renno 2002, 111-112
TQ 95 17 Rye Beach Perseverance Smack (sail) United Kingdom 17.04.1860 TQ91NE
[ashore] [Rye] Lloyd's List no. 14380: 07.05.1860 50.55.45N 00.48E Lam&Lam 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 114
TQ 95 17 Camber Beach Georgiana Barge (sail) United Kingdom 02.06.1860 TQ91NE
[on shore] [Faversham] Lloyd's List no. 14404: 04.06.1860 Lloyd's List no. 14406: 06.06.1860
50.53N 00.45E Lam&Lam 1995, 11(3)
Schooner (sail) [Whitby] Renno 2002, 115
TQ 95 17 west of James&Emma Barge (sail) United Kingdom 02.06.1860 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour [London] Lloyd's List no. 14404: 04.06.1860
[driven ashore] Lloyd's List no. 14406: 06.06.1860
Emma&John Renno 2002, 116
TQ 95 17 west of ? Barge (sail) United Kingdom 07.06.1860 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour [London] Lloyd's List no. 14407: 07.06.1860
50.53N 00.45E [driven ashore] Lam&Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95 17 Rye Beach/ Minna Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 15.11.1860 TQ91NE
3-4 miles east north east [Colchester] Lloyd's List no. 14545: 15.11.1860
Dungeness Lighthouse Lloyd's List no. 14546: 16.11.1860
[ashore/assisted off/foundered] Lloyd's List no. 14547: 17.11.1860
50.55.45N 00.48E Lam&Lam 1995, 11(3)
N 01.02.15E Lam&Lam 1995, 11(4)
TQ 95001768 on the Camber Peace Barge (sail) United Kingdom 28.09.1861 NMR TQ91NE31 [struck on sand] [London] ESHER MES5552
Lloyd's List no. 14816: 30.09.1861
Lloyd's List no. 14818: 02.10.1861
J. Nat. Lifeboat Inst. 1865, V, 5
Carpenter 1985, 65
50.55.42N 00.49E Lam&Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 91 15 'off the Dudgeon' Willem Eduard Schooner (sail) Netherlands 30.11.1861 TQ91NW
about 3 miles west of Rye Lloyd's List no. 14870: 02.12.1861
[run ashore following collision]
50.55.20N 00.51.1OE Lam&Lam 1995, 11(3)
Martello Tower 32 Renno 2002, 119-120
TQ 99 17 near Coastguard Station, Daniel Wheeler Barque (sail) United Kingdom 06.03.1862 TQ91NE
Jury's Gap [Scarborough] Lloyd's List no. 14950: 06.03.1862 [driven ashore] Renno 2002,121
TQ 87 11 near Fairlight Clara Brigantine (sail) France 29.11.1862 TQ81SE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 15179: 29.11.1862
1 mile west of Haddocks Renno 2002,123
Coastguard Station
TQ 95731399 off Martello Tower 37, Thetis Cutter (sail) United Kingdom 12.02.1864 KHER TQ91SE14 Pett [Jersey]
TQ 89 13 off Fairlight Sloop (sail) 13.02.1864 Lloyd's List no. 15552: 13.02.1864 [stranded]
50.54.42N 00.55.36E [sic] Larn & Larn 1995,11(3)
TQ 90 13 Renno 2002,127-128
TQ 95 17 Rye Yvonne Schooner (sail) France 01.12.1867 TQ91NE
[came onshore] [Dunkerque] Lloyd's List no. 16735: 02.12.1867 Lloyd's List no. 16738: 05.12.1867
TQ 95001768 opposite old Pearl Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 04.02.1869 NMR TQ91NE32 Coastguard Station, [Shoreham] ESHER MES5554
Camber WSxCRO Shipping Record SR 59
[aground] Cheal 1909,94
50.55.40N 00.50E Larn & Larn 1995,11(3)
Brig (sail) 14.02.1869 Renno 2002,140
TQ 95 17 near Rye Harbour Robina Barque (sail) United Kingdom 18.12.1871 TQ91NE
[on the sands] [Shields] Lloyd's List no. 17993: 19.12.1871 Lloyd's List no. 17996: 22.12.1871
Lloyd's List no. 17998: 26.12.1871
TQ 99 17 Jury's Gap 14.12.1871 Carpenter 1985,66
TQ 95001768 near entrance to Elizabeth & Liley Brig (sail) United Kingdom 1872/73 NMR TQ91NE51 Rye Harbour ESHER MES5839
[aground] ESxMSMR no. 438
Elizabeth & Cicely [Guernsey] Biggs 1977,105
TQ 99 17 near Jury's Gap Urgent Barge (sail) United Kingdom 24.10.1872 TQ91NE
[Rochester] ESxMSMR no. 436
Lloyd's List no. 18258: 25.10.1872
Lloyd's List no. 18259: 26.10.1872
Briggs 1977,105
Carpenter 1985,66
50.55.30N 00.50E Larn & Larn 1995,11(3)
TQ 95 17 near lifeboat house Hermes Brig (sail) Norway 05.12.1872 TQ91NE
2 miles east of Rye [Stavanger] Lloyd's List no. 18295: 07.12.1872 [driven ashore] Sussex Agricultural Express
50.55.30N 00.50E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 98 17 Renno 2002, 155
TQ 85861085 Coastguard Station, Charlotte Lugger (sail) United Kingdom 03.08.1877 NMR TQ81SE17 Fairlight [Rye] ESHER MES5561
[sank whilst loading stone] BoT Wk Rtn 1877,
appx. pt. I-IV, p.83 (497)
50.52N 00.38.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 162
TQ 85861085 Coastguard Station, Victory Smack (sail) United Kingdom 03.08.1877 NMR TQ81SE16 Fairlight [Rye] ESHER MES5560
[ashore] BoT Wk Rtn 1877
appx. pt. I-IV, p.83 (497)
50.52N 00.38.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 163
TQ 91561569 near Coastguard Station, Vier Gebroeders Galliot (sail) Netherlands 22.12.1877 NMR TQ91NW50 Winchelsea [Groningen] ESHER MES5910
800 yards from Vier Breeders [Sappemeer] Lloyd's List no. 19865: 26.12.1877 Lifeboat House, Winchelsea
off Camber Vier Broders Carpenter 1985, 68
50.55N 00.44E [aground] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
18.12.1877 Renno 2002, 170
TQ 99 17 near Coastguard Station, Allison Brig (sail) United Kingdom 14.01.1879 TQ91NE
Jury's Gap [Whitby] Lloyd's List no. 20193: 15.01.1879
[stranded] Lloyd's Register 1878n9, A, no. 606
Carpenter 1985, 66
50.55.15N 00.50E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 178
TQ 95 17 Rye Harbour Horten Barque (sail) Norway 01.07.1880 TQ91NE
[run ashore following [T.0nsberg] Lloyd's List no. 20649: 02.07.1880 50.49N 00.50E collision] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 184
TQ 99 17 Coastguard Station, Sophia Holten Smack (sail) United Kingdom 18.02.1881 TQ91NE
Jury's Gap [Plymouth] Lloyd's Register 1878n9, S, no. 843 [aground] BoT Wk Rtn 1881
appx. pt. I-IV, p. 126
50.55.30N 00.50E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Sloop (sail) 10.02.1881 Renno 2002, 194-195
TQ 95 17 west of entrance Prince Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 03.03.1881 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour [Falmouth] Lloyd's List no. 20858: 04.03.1881 [stranded] Lloyd's List no. 20859: 05.03.1881
Falmouth Port Register Book
50.56N 00.47.30E Nook Point Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 197
TQ 97 17 between Broomhill ? Yawl (sail) United Kingdom 17.08.1881 TQ91NE
and Camber CutterNacht Lloyd's List no. 21001: 19.08.1881
1.5 miles off (sail) Sussex Express 23.08.1881
Camber Station Sussex Express 27.08.1881
Renno 2002, 202-203
TQ 96 18 Camber Sands Jansson Lena Brigantine (sail) Russia 25.08.1881 TQ91NE
Camber Station Lloyd's List no. 21008: 27.08.1881
[stranded] Lena [Aland] Lloyd's List no. 21009: 29.08.1881 50.56N 00.47.30E Lina Schooner (sail) Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Jansson Lina Renno 2002, 205
TQ 95 17 Rye Harbour Fairwind Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 02.11.1881 TQ91NE
[struck pier] [Alloa] Lloyd's List no. 21067: 04.11.1881
TQ 99 17 Jury's Gap Station Whitewell Barge (sail) United Kingdom 19.11.1881 TQ91NE
[stranded] [Yarmouth] Lloyd's List no. 21082: 22.11.1881 Lloyd's List no. 21086: 26.11.1881
TQ 99 17 near Coastguard Station, Franc Picard/ Fishing Lugger France 27.11.1881 TQ91NE
Jury's Gap Franc Ricard (sail) [le Treport] Lloyd's List no. 21088: 29.11.1881 [stranded]
50.55.30N 00.50E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
[Trune Ticurt] Renno 2002, 206
TQ 96 18 Camber Sands Sainte Anne Lugger (sail) France 16.12.1881 TQ91NE
[aground] [Nantes] Lloyd's List no. 21104: 17.12.1881 Lloyd's List no. 21105: 19.12.1881
Chasse-Maree Carpenter 1985, 66
50.55.30N 00.48E (sail) Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 207
TQ 85 10 Roughs Point, Sagitta Brig (sail) Germany 18.12.1881 TQ81SE
Fairlight [Brake] Lloyd's List no. 21106: 20.12.1881 [driven ashore]
50.52N 00.39E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Brigantine (sail) Renno 2002, 208-210
TQ 95001768 2 miles south of Silksworth Brig/ Snow (sail) United Kingdom 23.01.1884 NMR TQ91NE37 Rye Harbour [North Shields] ESHER MES5569
[driven ashore] Brig (sail) Lloyd's List no. 21757: 24.01.1884 Lloyd's List no. 21758: 25.01.1884
Snow (sail) Lloyd's Register 1882/83, S, no. 594
Western Daily Mercury 24.01.1884
[Sunderland] Carpenter 1985, 66
50.53.45N 00.47E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 218-219
TQ 85861085 Fairlight Eliza Lugger (sail) United Kingdom 22.05.1884 NMR TQ81SE18 [stranded] ESHER MES5570
BoT Wk Rtn 1884
appx. pt. I-IV, p.126 (568)
50.51.45N 00.38E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 220
TQ 85861085 100 yards west of Freak Smack (sail) United Kingdom 24.05.1886 NMR TQ81SE19 Fairlight [Rye] ESHER MES5573
[gone ashore/full of water] Lloyd's List no. 15212: 25.05.1886
50.51.45N 00.38E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 227
TQ 90 11 Boulder Bank, Charles Barque (sail) United Kingdom 02.12.1887 TQ91SW
Rye Bay [Littlehampton] Lloyd's List no. 15687: 03.12.1887
[stranded] WSxCRO, Shipping Record SR 73
50.52N 00.42.50E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
150 151 | TQ 95731399 Rye Bay [came ashore] 50.55.45N 00.48E TQ 95001768 2 miles south east | Sunk Light Tender George Williams | Ketch (sail) Schooner (sail) | United Kingdom [London] United Kingdom | 19.12.1889 09.03.1891 | KHER TQ91SE15 Lloyd's List no. 16324: 20.12.1889 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3) NMR TQ91NE38 |
Rye Harbour [blown ashore] 50.55.45N 00.48E | George William | [Goole] | ESHER MES5583 Lloyd's List no. 16702: 10.03.1891 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3) |
Renno 2002, 242
TQ 95001768 entrance Rye Harbour Rye Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 20.09.1891 NMR TQ91NE39 [blown ashore] [Rye] ESHER MES5585
BoT Wk Rtn 1891
appx. C, tab. 1, p.119 (861)
50.55.45N 00.46.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Renno 2002, 250
TQ 95 17 0.5 mile east of Camber Warwickshire Barque (sail) United Kingdom 29.12.1891 TQ91NE
Coastguard Station [London] ESxMSMR no. 439
[ran aground] Lloyd's List no. 16952: 29.12.1891
Lloyd's List no. 16953: 30.12.1891
Lloyd's List no. 16954: 31.12.1891 Lloyd's Register
1890/91, W, no. 109
50.53N 00.45E Rye Bay 1900 Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
off Camber Renno 2002, 260-261
TQ 97 18 1200 yards west of Speedwell Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 01.02.1892 TQ91NE
Coastguard Station, [Goole] Lloyd's List no. 16981 : 01.02.1892
Jury's Gap Lloyd's List no. 16982: 02.02.1892
[stranded] Renno 2002, 262
50.55.30N 00.50E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 2 miles west of Anna Maria Schooner (sail) Russia 06.02.1894 NMR TQ91NE40 Coastguard Station, [Riga] ESHER MES5588
Dogs Hill Lloyd's List no. 17609: 07.02.1894
[stranded] [Wandsen] Lloyd's Register
1894/95, A, no. 1326
50.55N 00.45E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 90 14 between Martello Towers 35 & 36 Renno 2002, 267-268
TQ 97521795 offshore Camber Sands ? Brig/Snow (sail) ? 19th Century ? KHER TQ91NE5
ESxMSMR no. 1060
50.55.24N 00.49.24E MoD (N) Hyd. no. 013704709
TQ 95001768 entrance Rye Harbour Jeune Arthur Smack (sail) France 19.01.1901 NMR TQ91NE41 [stranded] ESHER MES5596
TQ 96 18 at Camber [Cherbourg] Lloyd's List no. 19770: 21.01.1901 50.56N 00.47.30E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 99 17 Jury's Gap Beach Blue Jacket Ketch (sail) United Kingdom 05.10.1901 TQ91NE
[stranded] [Rye] Lloyd's List no. 19990: 07.10.1901 50.55.15N 00.50E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
Lam & Lam 1995, 11(4)
TQ 95731399 Shingle Bank, Choice Ketch (sail) United Kingdom 22.01.1903 KHER TQ91SE16 Rye Bay [Ramsgate] ESxMSMR no. 317
[stranded] BoT Wk Rtn 1903,
appx. C, tab. 1, p. 132
50.53N 00.45E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TQ 89281376 near Coastguard Station, Clara Steamship United Kingdom 06.1905 NMR TQ81SE102 Pett ESHER MES5841
[foundered following ESxMSMR no. 441
collision & tow] Lloyd's Register
1904/05, C, no. 1022
Biggs 1977, 106
[about 1 mile out] Carpenter 1985, 70
50.53N 00.41.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95001768 0.5 mile east of Fruit Girl Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 05.11.1906 NMR TQ91NE42 entrance Rye Harbour [Falmouth] ESHER MES5606
[blown ashore] ESxMSMR no. 310
Lloyd's List no. 21569: 06.11.1906
Lloyd's List no. 21570: 07.11.1906
Lloyd's List no. 21571: 08.11.1906
50.55.55N 00.47.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 95731399 3 miles south west of Lord Tennyson Ketch (sail) United Kingdom 22.01.1907 KHER TQ91SE18
[sic] Rye [London] ESxMSMR no. 442
[drove ashore]
1 mile east of Pett Lloyd's List no. 21635: 23.01.1907
Coastguard Station Lloyd's List no. 21636: 24.01.1907
Lloyd's Register 1907/08, L, no. 405 Biggs 1977, 107
off Fairlight Carpenter 1985, 70
50.53.45N 00.42.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 97 18 1.5 miles east of Lady Ellen Sprig Barge United Kingdom 29.03.1921 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour [Woodbridge] Carpenter 1985, 71
TQ 95 18 east of Alroy Schooner United Kingdom 02.02.1923 TQ91NE
Rye Harbour (sail & motor) [Falmouth] Lloyd's Casualty Returns
[stranded] 1923, S(g)
Lloyd's Register 1920/21,
A (supp), no. 40285
off Camber Carpenter 1985, 71
50.56N 00.47.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TQ 99 17 The Suttons, Mary Stanford Lifeboat (sail) United Kingdom 15.11.1928 TQ91NE
Camber [Rye] Carpenter 1985, 84-90. pl.
TQ 99391738 Rye Bay Caulonia Fishing Trawler United Kingdom 31.03.1943 KHER TQ91NE8
[ran aground] (steamship) Lloyd's Register 1940/41,
C, no. 56060
Colledge 1989, 50
position of wreck 600 yards from Coastguard Station, Jury's Gap MoD (N) Hyd. no. 013703961 McDonald 1985, 190, no. 341
50.55.15N 00.15.14E [sic] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TR 03 17 desmense land of ? Sailing Vessel ? 28.04.1279 TR01NW
Prior of Lyde [Lydd] CPR Ed 11272/81, 344
50.55N 00.53.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 22 Dengemareys ? Sailing Vessel ? 06.02.1286 TR02SE
[Dengemarsh] CPR Ed 11281/92, 255 & 256
50.52N 00.36.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TR 08 24 Romenhale [Romney] Le Halop of St John Sailing Vessel France 10.02.1304 TR02SE
[cast whole on dry land] [Bayonne] CPR Ed 11301/07, 273-274 51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 24 Romenhale [Romney] ? Sailing Vessel France 10.02.1304 TR02SE
[wrecked] [Bayonne] CPR Ed 11301/07, 273-274 51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 24 Romenhale [Romney] ? Sailing Vessel France 10.02.1304 TR02SE
[wrecked] [Bayonne] CPR Ed 11301/07, 273-274 51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 24 Romeneye [Romney] ? Sailing Vessel ? 07.11.1313 TR02SE
[grounded on a sandbank] CPR Ed 111313/17, 67 & 142
TR 08 24 Romeneye [Romney] Saint Mary Sailing Vessel Spain 28.11.1313 TR02SE
[wrecked] [Fontarabia/ CPR Ed 111313/17, 71& 144 51.00N 00.59E Fuenterrabia] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 24 Romeneye [Romney] ? Sailing Vessel ? 15.12.1314 TR02SE
[wrecked] CPR Ed 111313/17, 247
TR 08 24 Romeneye [Romney] ? Sailing Vessel ? 24.10.1353 TR02SE
[driven ashore] CPR Ed Ill 1350/54, 520
51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 22 at Dyngemerssh Seinte Marie Carrack (sail) ? 16.09.1360 TR02SE
near Romeneye CPR Ed 1111358/61,
[on a sandbank near the shore] 482 & 483 & 516
TR 08 22 at Dyngemerssh Seinte Katerine Carrack (sail) ? 16.09.1360 TR02SE
near Romeneye CPR Ed 1111358/61,
[on a sandbank near the shore] 482 & 483 & 516
TR 08 22 at Dyngemerssh Seinte Juliane Carrack (sail) ? 16.09.1360 TR02SE
near Romeneye CPR Ed 1111358/61,
[on a sandbank near the shore] 482 & 483 & 516
TR 08 22 at Dyngemerssh Seinte Domenyk Cog (sail) ? 16.09.1360 TR02SE
near Romeneye de Romeria CPR Ed 1111358/61,
[on a sandbank near the shore] 482 & 483 & 516
TR 08 24 by Romeneye Renelardi de Campes Cog (sail) ? 12.11.1361 TR02SE
[driven ashore] CPR Ed 1111361/64, 150
TR 08 22 at Dengenesse Le Seint Marie Sailing Vessel Spain 08.04.1364 TR02SE
near Romeneye [Vermeu/ CPR Ed Ill 1361/64, 536
[got on the sands] Bermeo]
TR 08 22 at Dengenasse ? Sailing Vessel Portyngale/ 08.03.1373 TR02SE
by Romene Portugal CPR Ed 1111370/74,310 [wrecked]
183 | TR 08 22 | at Dengenasse | ? | Sailing Vessel | Portugal | 08.03.1373 | TR02SE |
by Romene | CPR Ed Ill 1370/74,310 | ||||||
[wrecked] | |||||||
184 | TR 08 24 | near Romney | ? | Sailing Vessel | ? | 10.04.1381 | TR02SE |
185 | TR 08 24 | [broken] near Romeney | Seint Katerine | Sailing Vessel | Spain | 05.05.1394 | CPR Rich 111374/81,632-633 TR02SE |
[cast ashore] | CPR Rich 111391/96, |
441 & 442 & 521
TR 08 24 off Romeney ? Sailing Vessel ? 25.01.1397 TR02SE
[wrecked] CPR Rich II 1396/99,101
TR 16 34 off Hethe [Hythe] ? Sailing Vessel ? 25.01.1397 TR13SE
[wrecked] CPR Rich II 1396/99,101
TR 08 24 off Romeney Marsh ? Sailing Vessel Almain/ 08.11.1435 TR02SE
[cast away] Germany CPR Hen VI 1429/36,519
TR 08 24 at Romeney la Trinite Sailing Vessel Portugal 18.04.1445 TR02SE
[Lusshebon/ CPR Hen VI 1441/46,371 Lisbon]
TR 15443389 near Hythe John Sailing Vessel England 19.12.1617 NMR TR13SE49 [wrecked] [Southampton] KHER TR13SE49
CSP Dom Jas I 1611/18,503
50.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 near Romney ? Pink (sail) Flanders 06.04.1620 NMR TR02SE48 [cast away] KHER TR02SE48
CSP Dom Jas I 1619/23,137
TR 15 33 near Hythe ? Sailing Vessel Prussia 20.11.1625 TR13SE
[cast away] [Hamburg] CSP Dom Chas I 1625/26,
154 & 157
TR 09 16 upon The Ness ? Sailing Vessel Netherlands 23.11.1637 TR01NE
[cast away] CSP Dom Chas I 1637,568 & 569
194 | TR 09691695 | near The Ness | ? | Cargo Vessel | ? | 17.12.1639 | NMR TR01NE176 |
[aground] | KHER TR01NE176 | ||||||
CPW/AS1, 1632/49, f. 46 | |||||||
195 | TQ 09 16 | on Romney Marsh | ? | Sailing Vessel | ? | 21.04.1655 | TQ91NE |
[cast away] | CSP Dom Commonwealth |
15 TR 20 34 struck on the Rip Rapp Saint Andrew/ Warship (sail) England 03.09.1666 NMR TQ91NE53
off Folkestone Andrew [42 gun ship] CSP Dom Chas 111666/67,91 & 93
[got off/ broken up CSP Dom Chas 111666/67,96 & 97
at Rye] CSP Dom Chas II
1666/67,159 & 284
Anderson 1959,no. 7
[2nd Rate,66]
Hepper 1994,6
50.55.30N 00.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Colledge 2003,I,283
TR 09 29 between Dungeness ? Merchantman France 27.11.1667 TR02NE
and Hythe Bay (sail) CSP Dom Chas 111667/68,44 [forced ashore]
TR 09 16 Dungeness ? Sailing Vessel Flanders 30.11.1667 TR01NE
[cast away] [Ostende] CSP Dom Chas 111667/68,53 50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 Dungeness ? Sailing Vessel Flanders 30.11.1667 TR01NE
[cast away] [Ostende] CSP Dom Chas 111667/68,53 50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 Dungeness ? Sailing Vessel Flanders 30.11.1667 TR01NE
[cast away] [Ostende] CSP Dom Chas 111667/68,53 50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness ? Merchantman Netherlands 07.10.1676 KHER TR01NE170
CSP Dom Chas 111676/77,357
TR 09 16 Dungeness ? Warship (sail) France 16.02.1667 TR01NE
[caught fire & CSP Dom Chas II
run ashore] 1673/75,592 & 594-595
TR 15 33 near Hythe ? Privateer (sail) ? 19.02.1667 TR13SE
[lost] CSP Dom Chas II 1673/75,594-595
TR 02 17 between Rye and Friend's Adventure Ketch (sail) England 06.11.1695 TR01NW
[run ashore & burnt] Hepper1994,19
50.55N 00.00.53W [sic] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 Dymchurch Perserverance Troop Ship ? 20.12.1697 KHER TR12NW27
[cast on the sands] CSP Dom Will 1111698,16
TR 08451857 near Lydd Johanna Vessel ? 1699 KHER TR01NE177
(03.04.1701 [ns])
578 TR 086 243 near Ramsey Love Hoy (sail) Netherlands 04.03.1703 (os) KHER TR02SE51 [Romney?] [Worreme, CPW/AS2,1663/1741
TR 08451857 near Lydd Jufrao Katherine Cargo Vessel Netherlands 1705 KHER TR01NE178
CPW/AS2, 1663/1741
TR 08451857 near Lydd Dragon/ Cargo Vessel ? 06.03.1706 (os) KHER TR01NE179
Draggon CPW/AS2, 1663/1741
TR 08572433 near Romney St Martin Cargo Vessel ? 02.10.1713 KHER TR02SE49
[cast away] CPW/AS2, 1663/1741 (1712/13)
TR 08572433 Romney Sands Mary & Francis Cargo Vessel Great Britain 03.01.1716 (os) KHER TR02SE50
[ashore] [London] CPW/AS2, 1663/1741 (1716/1)
TR 09691695 eastward of Dungeness ? Dagger France 06.12.1724 KHER TR01NE180 in Liberty of Lydd CPW/AZ.5
[on shore]
TR 09691695 westward of Dungeness ? Hoy Netherlands 17.12.1724 KHER TR01NE181 in Liberty of Lydd CPW/AZ.5
[on shore]
TR 08572433 near Romney Anguilla Sailing Vessel ? 27.04.1741 KHER TR02SE42
[run ashore & burnt] Lloyd's List no. 591: 01.05.1741
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Genge Sailing Vessel Great Britain 27.11.1741 TR01NE
[foundered at anchor] Lloyd's List no. [650]: 27.11.1741
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08451857 Lydd/ St Antonio de Padua Sailing Vessel Spain 10.02.1743 NMR TR01NE11 near New Romney KHER TR01NE160
St Antonio Depadua Lloyd's List, no. 859: 10.02.1743
51.57N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Blanchard's Adventure Sailing Vessel Great Britain 08.05.1747 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 1195: 08.05.1747
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 16 34 near Hythe Ducalion Sailing Vessel ? 03.09.1751 TR13SE
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 1647: 03.09.1751
50.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Freeman Sailing Vessel Great Britain 23.12.1752 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 1784: 05.01.1753
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 off Dungeness Young Abraham Sailing Vessel Great Britain 12.12.1753 NMR TR01NE12 [went ashore] KHER TR01NE182
TR 08451857 near Lydd Lloyd's List no. 1881: 18.12.1753
CPW/AP. 1753/3
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 Romney Hope Sailing Vessel Great Britain 11.12.1754 KHER TR02SE33 [ashore] Lloyd's List 11.12.1754
51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Little Sally Sailing Vessel Great Britain 25.01.1757 TR01NE
[chased ashore] Lloyd's List no. 2201: 08.02.1757
50.54.34N 00.57E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 near Romney Nostra Senora Sailing Vessel Spain 23.09.1757 KHER TR02SE34
[stranded] la Assumption Lloyd's List no. 2266: 23.09.1757 51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Young Peter Sailing Vessel ? 11.12.1758 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 2396: 26.12.1758
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Zee Post Sailing Vessel ? 27.02.1761 TR01NE
[ashore] Lloyd's List no. 2622: 27.02.1761
50.54.34N 01.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Queen Charlotte Sailing Vessel Great Britain 18.02.1763 TR01NE
[ashore] Lloyd's List no. 2828: 18.02.1763
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Britannia Sailing Vessel Great Britain 11.01.1764 KHER TR01NE13
[ashore] Lloyd's List no. 2921: 11.01.1764
Lloyd's Listno. 2922: 13.01.1764
49.54.35N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 Dungeness Friendship Sailing Vessel ? 26.04.1768 TR01NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 3367: 26.04.1768
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 Brookman's Barn, Smuggling Cutter ? 12.1768 KHER TR13SE46
between Dymchurch Kentish Gazette 10/14.12.1768
TR 12 31 and Hythe
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Mary Galley Merchantman Netherlands 03.1770 KHER TR01NE161
Kentish Gazette 20/24.03.1 Kentish Gazette 24/27.03.1n0
TR 08451857 westward of Farmers Industry Merchant Vessel ? 11.1770 KHER TR01NE162
Lydd Beach Kentish Gazette 13/17.11.1no
[run ashore]
TR 08572433 near Romney William & Mary Sailing Vessel Great Britain 19.02.1771 KHER TR02SE41
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 199: 19.02.1771
51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 16 near Dungeness Light Anna Elizabeth Dorothea Sailing Vessel ? 08.10.1771 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 267: 15.10.1771
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 Dymchurch Jason Sailing Vessel ? 13.10.1771 KHER TR12NW25
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 268: 18.10.1771
Kentish Gazette 15/19.10.1n1
51.01N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 on Romney Sands William & Betsey Sloop (sail) ? 1771 KHER TR02SE43
Kentish Gazette 1771
TR 08572433 Romney Sands ? Merchant Vessel France 11.1771 KHER TR02SE44
[on shore] Kentish Gazette 12/16.11.1n1
TR 15443389 2 miles to westward Nancy Sailing Vessel ? 14.01.1772 KHER TR13SE47
of Hythe Lloyd's List no. 3743: 14.01.1772
[on shore] Kentish Gazette 11/14.01.1772
50.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness William &Ann Sailing Vessel ? 27.11.1772 TR01NE
[struck upon the loniou] Lloyd's List no. 3828: 27.11.1772
50.55N 00.59E [on shore] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 off Dungeness Jolly Bacchus Sailing Vessel ? 27.11.1772 KHER TR01NE148
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 3828: 27.11.1772
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08451857 Lydd Zorg & Ulyt Hoy (sail) ? 11.1772 KHER TR01NE163
Kentish Gazette 25/28.11.1772
TR 08451857 Lydd Beach ? Brig (sail) ? 1772 KHER TR01NE164
Kentish Gazette 28.11/02.12.1772
TR 10 29 near Dymchurch ? Sloop (sail) Great Britain 02.03.1773 TR12NW
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 411: 02.03.1773
51.01N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 near Hythe Diligent Sailing Vessel France 12.11.1773 KHER TR13SE51
[drove on shore] Lloyd's List no. 485: 16.11.1773
50.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09242798 between Dymchurch La Jeune Bouise Snow (sail) France 03.1773 KHER TR02NE22
and Hythe Kentish Gazette 27.02/03.03.1773
[on shore]
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Dublin Sailing Vessel Great Britain 15.03.1774 KHER TR01NE14
Lighthouse Lloyd's List no. 519: 15.03.1774
[cast away]
49.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Hope Sailing Vessel ? 02.08.1774 TR01NE
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 559: 02.08.1774
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness ? Sailing Vessel Netherlands 15.11.1774 TR01NE
[burnt] Lloyd's List no. 591: 22.11.1774
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Hope Sailing Vessel Great Britain 29.11.1776 TR01NE
[totally lost] Lloyd's List no. 802: 29.11.1776
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Nassau Transport (sail) Great Britain 20.12.1776 KHER TR01NE15
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 808: 20.12.1776
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Two Brothers Sailing Vessel Great Britain 13.10.1780 TR01NE
[totally lost] Lloyd's List no. 1206: 13.10.1780
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Draper Sailing Vessel Great Britain 06.04.1781 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 1256: 06.04.1781
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Inga Magdalena Sailing Vessel ? 20.11.1781 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 1311: 20.11.1781
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10 29 Dunchurch Peggy Sailing Vessel Great Britain 29.03.1782 TR12NW
[Dymchurch] Lloyd's List no. 1348: 29.03.1782
51.01N 01.00E [drove ashore] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Union Sailing Vessel Great Britain 21.05.1782 TR01NE
[foundered] Lloyd's List no. 1366: 31.05.1782
254 | 50.52N 01.00E TR 08451857 | near Lydd | ? | Brig (sail) | Great Britain | 11.01.1783 | Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) NMR TR01NE16 |
[Hull] | KHER TR01NE16 | ||||||
CJ 11.01.1783 | |||||||
255 | 50.55N 00.53E TR 09 16 | on Dungeness | Expedition | Sailing Vessel | Great Britain | 14.01.1783 | Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) TR01NE |
[wrecked] | Lloyd's List no. 1431: 14.01.1783 | ||||||
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) | |||||||
256 | TR 08572433 Romney Sands | Masquetaire de | Shallop (sail) | France | 21.01.1783 | KHER TR02SE26 | |
[stranded] | Dunkerque | [Privateer] | [Dunkerque] | ||||
51.00N 00.59E | Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) | ||||||
257 | TR 09 16 Dungeness | Catharine the Second | Sailing Vessel | ? | 25.03.1783 | TR01NE | |
[on shore] | Lloyd's List no. 1450: 28.03.1783 |
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 near Hythe Marquis de Castries Sailing Vessel France 09.12.1783 KHER TR13SE45
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 1523: 09.12.1783
50.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Tom Sailing Vessel Great Britain 30.12.1785 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 1738: 30.12.1785
260 | TR 08572433 in Romney Bay | Godfrey | Sailing Vessel | Great Britain | 09.05.1788 | KHER TR02SE36 | |
[lost] | Lloyd's List no. 1984: 09.05.1788 | ||||||
51.00N 00.59E | Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) | ||||||
261 | TR 08451857 near Lydd | Hope | Sailing Vessel | Great Britain | 02.10.1789 | NMR TR01NE17 | |
[lost] | KHER TR01NE159 | ||||||
Lloyd's List no. 2130: 02.10.1789 | |||||||
50.55N 00.53E | Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) | ||||||
262 | TR 19483499 | near Dungeness | Carlton | ? | ? | 29.01.1790 | KHER TR13SE40 |
[onshore/refloated]/ | Lloyd's List no. 2164: 29.01.1790 | ||||||
near Sandgate | |||||||
[overset & abandoned] |
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 near Romney Penelope ? ? 21.01.1791 KHER TR13SE37
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 2266: 21.01.1791
TR 09691695 Dungeon's Knoll Neptune Sailing Vessel Great Britain 28.01.1794 NMR TR01NE18 [Dungeness] [Yarmouth] KHER TR01NE18
[foundered] Lloyd's List no. 2581: 28.01.1794
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Spy Transport (sail) Great Britain 28.08.1795 TR01NE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 2746: 28.08.1795
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 Romney Sands ? Sailing Vessel ? 13.11.1799 KHER TR02SE27
[ran ashore] Kent Chronicle 13.11.1799
51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Sussex Sailing Vessel Great Britain 21.11.1800 TR01NE
[foundered] Lloyd's List no. 4104: 21.11.1800
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 near Hythe Vreede Troop Ship (sail) Netherlands 23.11.1802 KHER TR12NW21
[totally lost] [ex-Melville Castle] [Amsterdam] Lloyd's List no. 4302: 26.11.1802 TR 12 31 Brookman's Barn The Times 25/27.11.1802
Sussex Weekly Advertiser 29.11.1802
51.02.45N 01.02.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Queen Charlotte Sailing Vessel ? 01.04.1805 TR01NE
[burnt] Lloyd's List no. 4204: 02.04.1805
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Carl August Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 23.07.1805 TR01NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 4236: 23.07.1805
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 at Hythe Cleverley Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 17.01.1806 KHER TR13SE41
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 4289: 17.01.1806
50.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Susannah Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 28.01.1806 TR01NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 4292: 28.01.1806
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 at Dungeness Star Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 02.11.1807 TR01NE
[driven onshore] [Colchester] Lloyd's List no. 4203: 10.11.1807 50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 23 near Romney Zalema Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 05.01.1808 TR02SE
[lost] Lloyd's List no. 4217: 05.01.1808
51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness ? Brig (sail) United Kingdom 02.09.1808 TR01NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 4283: 02.09.1808
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Unity Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 24.10.1808 TR01NE
[foundered] Lloyd's List no. 4296: 28.10.1808
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 16 34 near Hythe Admetis Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 24.10.1808 TR13SE
[driven onshore] [Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 4295: 25.10.1808 51.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Commerce Brig (sail) United Kingdom 13.12.1810 TR01NE
[lost] [Exeter] Lloyd's List no. 4520: 18.12.1810 Lloyd's Register 1810 [shipowners]
C, no. 569
TQ 88 12 between Hastings 11.12.1810 Urban 1810, 583
and Rye Renno 2002, 28
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 on Romney Sands Speedwell Sailing Vessel ? 07.01.1812 KHER TR13SE38
[run onshore] Lloyd's List no. 4629: 10.01.1812
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Nimrod Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 28.12.1813 TR01NE
[sprung a leak & Lloyd's List no. 4833: 28.12.1813
50.52N 01.00E foundered] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 on Hythe Beach Atlas Sailing Vessel ? 25.10.1814 KHER TR13SE42 [wrecked] Lloyd's List 28.10.1814
TR 15443389 on Hythe Beach Luna Sailing Vessel ? 25.10.1814 KHER TR13SE43 [wrecked] Lloyd's List 28.10.1814
TR 08572433 near Romney Betsey Sailing Vessel ? 22.06.1815 KHER TR02SE39
[went onshore] Lloyd's List no. 4983: 27.06.1815
TR 09 16 on Dungeness Beach Regina Sailing Vessel ? 12.12.1815 TR01NE
[driven ashore] Lloyd's List no. 5030: 12.12.1815
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 off Hythe John & Margaret Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 18.07.1816 KHER TR13SE44
[wrecked whilst unloading] [Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 5094: 23.07.1816 51.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 off Dungeness Friends Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 04.07.1817 KHER TR01NE19
[foundered] Lloyd's List no. 5192: 08.07.1817
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Catherine Griffiths Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 05.05.1818 KHER TR01NE20
[ran onshore] Lloyd's List no. 5278: 08.05. 1818
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09242798 between Romney Recovery Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 22.10.1820 KHER TR02NE21
and Dymchurch [Weymouth] Lloyd's List no. 5536: 24.10.1820 [driven onshore]
51.00N 00.59.18E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 at Dungeness ? Sloop (sail) France 23.10.1820 TR01NE
[onshore] Lloyd's List no. 5536: 24.10.1820
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness
[driven onshore] 50.54.34N 00.57.15E
TR 08572433 near New Romney
[ran onshore]
TR 09 16 near Dungeness
[totally wrecked] 50.54.34N 00.57.15E
TR 10052682 near Dymchurch
[went onshore]
TR 09 16 near Dungeness
[wrecked] 50.54.34N 00.57.15E
TR 101 368 [sic] at Dumchurch
[Dymchurch] [on shore]
51.01N 01.00E
TR 08 23 in Romney Bay
51.00N 00.59E
TR 10362941 near Dymchurch
[came on shore]
51.01N 01.00E
TR 07 16 in the West Bay,
Dungeness [got on shore]
50.54.34N 00.57.15E
TR 09 16 Dungeness
[run on the beach] 50.54.34N 00.57.15E
TR 15443389 Hythe Beach
51.03.45N 01.05E
TR 08 18 East Bay, Dungeness
[on shore]
near No. 1 (Battery)
50.57N 01.00E
TR 16 34 Hythe Beach [totally wrecked]
51.03.45N 01.05E
Peter Elizabeth
Nassau Minerva
Nymph Providence
Nottingham Amphion James & Mary
Nancy Nicholas 1st
Sailing Vessel
Sailing Vessel Sailing Vessel
Ketch (sail) Sailing Vessel
Sailing Vessel
Sailing Vessel Sailing Vessel Sailing Vessel
Sailing Vessel Sailing Vessel Sailing Vessel
Schooner (sail) Sailing Vessel
United Kingdom 17.11.1820 TR01NE
Lloyd's List no. 5544: 21.11.1820
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
? 23.11.1820 KHER TR02SE40
Lloyd's List no. 5545: 24.11.1820
? 09.12.1820 TR01NE
Lloyd's List no. 5550: 12.12.1820
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
? 05.12.1822 KHER TR12NW29
Lloyd's List no. 5758: 10.12.1822 United Kingdom 11.08.1823 TR01NE
Lloyd's List no. 5828: 12.08.1823
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) United Kingdom 01.10.1823 KHER TR13NW35
Lloyd's List no. 5843: 03.10.1823
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) United Kingdom 11.10.1823 TR02SE
Lloyd's List no. 5846: 14.10.1823
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) United Kingdom 11.10.1823 KHER TR12NW23
Lloyd's List no. 5846: 14.10.1823
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) United Kingdom 05.11.1823 TR01NE
Lloyd's List no. 5853: 07.11.1823
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
Prussia 02.11.1826 TR01NE
[Stettin/ Lloyd's List no. 6166: 07.11.1826
Szczecin] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
United Kingdom 1827 KHER TR13SE30
[Scarborough] BoT SCS Wk 1827 appx. 8, p. 335
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
? 26.05.1829 TR01NE
Lloyd's List no. 6433: 29.05.1829
Lloyd's List no. 6434: 02.06.1829
Russia Reely 1829/54
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
United Kingdom 24.08.1829 TR13SE
[Scarborough] Lloyd's List no. 6458: 25.08.1829
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 19 East Bay, Dungeness Lara Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 29.08.1829 TR01NE
[wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 6460: 01.09.1829
between No. 1 and Brig (sail) [Great Yarmouth] Reely 1829/54
50.57N 01.00E No. 2 Batteries Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Concordia Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 29.08.1829 TR01NE
[wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 6460: 01.09.1829
East Bay Schooner (sail) Reely 1829/54 50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 02 17 near the Old Watch-house ? Fishing Vessel France 20.03.1830 TR01NW
[on shore] (sail) Reely 1829/54
TR 01 17 between the Brooks ? Brig (sail) ? 02.08.1830 TR01NW
and Wick Reely 1829/54
[on shore]
TR 01 17 in West Bay Surprise Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 23.09.1830 TR01NW
[on shore near low water] [Plymouth] Lloyd's List no. 6571: 24.09.1830 Lloyd's List no. 6572: 28.09.1830
between the Brooks and Wick Reely 1829/54
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Young Henry Galliot (sail) France 28.11.1830 TR01NE?
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 6592: 07.12.1830
TR 08 22 near Greatstone TR02SE?
[on shore] Reely 1829/54
TR 09 16 eastward of St Charles Sailing Vessel France 02.02.1831 TR01NE
Dungeness Lloyd's List no. 6609: 04.02.1831
TR 00 17 at The Wick Schooner (sail) 01.02.1831 Reely 1829/54
50.57N 01.00E [ran on shore] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 03 16 in West Bay, Dungeness St Pierre Sailing Vessel France 03.03.1831 TR01NW
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 6617: 04.03.1831
between Tart's Sloop (sail) 02.03.1831 Reely 1829/54 and Galloways
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 16 near the lighthouse ? Sailing Vessel ? 26.08.1832 TR01NE
[on shore] Reely 1829/54
TR 09 26 between Romney and Osiris Brig (sail) ? 27.08.1832 TR02NE
Dymchurch Reely 1829/54
between Littlestone and Carpenter 1985, 23
Martello Tower 27
TR 08 24 on Romney Flats Emelie Sailing Vessel France 23.11.1832 TR02SE
[wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 6798: 27.11.1832
near Littlestone Schooner (sail) 24.11.1832 Reely 1829/54
TR 09 20 on the Newcome ? Sailing Vessel France 13.10.1833 TR02SE
[sunk in East Bay] Reely 1829/54
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Point Fanny Sailing Vessel ? 15.10.1833 TR01NE
[struck & sank] Lloyd's List no. 6891: 18.10.1833
TR 19483499 struck on Swallow Sand/ Kingston Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 29.11.1833 KHER TR13SE37
drifted on Rear Sand/ Lloyd's List no. 6904: 03.12.1833
towed on shore
near Sandgate Castle
51.04.1ON 01.08.20E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 20 on the Newcome Sand Branch Brig (sail) ? 17.12.1833 TR02SE
[totally lost] Lloyd's List no. 6909: 20.12.1833
about 0.25 mile from shore Reely 1829/54
TR 02 17 in West Bay, Dungeness Lord Exmouth Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 18.01.1835 TR01NW
[driven onshore] [London] Lloyd's List no. 7022: 20.01.1835 Brig (sail) Lloyd's Register 1834, L, no. 443
near The Brooks Watch House Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.59E Dungeness Point Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
[stranded] Renno 2002, 62
TR 09 26 off Romney Warren Industry Brig (sail) ? 01.10.1835 TR02NE
[foundered] Reely 1829/54
Carpenter 1985, 23
TR 08 18 East Bay, Dungeness Ruby Sailing Vessel ? 02.02.1836 TR01NE
[totally lost] Lloyd's List no. 7131: 05.02.1836
Reely 1829/54
TQ 91 15 on shore south of Rye Fortuna Schooner (sail) Norway 14.11.1836 TQ91NW?
[Bergen] Lloyd's List no. 7212: 15.11.1836
TR 00 17 at The Wicks 13.11.1836 TR01NW?
Reely 1829/54
TR 08 23 Romney Sands ? Schooner (sail) ? 17/18.11.1836 TR02SE
[ashore] Reely 1829/54
TR 08 23 Romney Sands ? Chasse-Maree ? 17/18.11.1836 TR02SE
[ashore] (sail) Reely 1829/54
TR 08 18 East Bay, Dungeness Maria Anne Brig (sail) France 29.11.1836 TR01NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 7218: 06.12.1836
30.11.1836 Reely 1829/54
KCT 15.12.1836
51.04.48N 01.12E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 20 on the Newcombe Sand Industry Sailing Vessel ? 16.12.1836 TR02SE
[drove on shore] Lloyd's List no. 7222: 20.12.1836
TR 09 20 on the Newcome Providence Sailing Vessel ? 18.12.1836 TR02SE
[foundered] Reely 1829/54
Carpenter 1985, 23
TR 09 26 near Romney Dixon Barque (sail) ? 26.12.1836 TR02NE
[driven on the main] Lloyd's List no. 7225: 30.12.1836
Romney Warren Reely 1829/54
TR 09 20 on the Newcome ? Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 26.01.1837 TR02SE
[wrecked] Reely 1829/54
Carpenter 1985, 23
TR 08 18 East Bay, Dungeness ? Barque (sail) ? 18.08.1837 TR01NE
[on shore] Reely 1829/54
TR 02 17 off The Brooks ? Sloop (sail) ? 17.07.1838 TR01NW
[sunk] Reely 1829/54
TR 08 20 at Dungeness Carolus Sailing Vessel ? 21.11.1838 TR02SE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 7711: 22.11.1838
Lloyd's List no. 7715: 27.11.1838
Lloyd's List no. 7716: 28.11.1838
near No. 2 (Battery) Schooner (sail) Reely 1829/54
TR 08 20 near No. 2 (Battery) ? Sloop (sail) ? 11.06.1839 TR02SE
[on the sands] Reely 1829/54
TR 07 16 between Dengemarsh ? Brig (sail) ? 14.10.1840 TR01NE
Gut and the Light Reely 1829/54
TR 09691695 at Dungeness Thetis Brig (sail) United Kingdom 23.10.1841 KHER TR01 NE21
[on shore] [Weymouth] Lloyd's List no. 8620: 25.10.1841 Lloyd's List no. 8624: 29.10.1841
Lloyd's Register 1841, T, no. 110
TR 08 22 near Greatstone Reely 1829/54
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 18 near No. 1 (Battery) ? Sailing Vessel France 26.10.1841 TR01NE
[on shore/fell off & sank] Reely 1829/54
336 TR 09 16 off Dungeness Ann &Avis Sloop (sail) United Kingdom 13.01.1842 TR01NE
[capsized & broke up] [Chichester] BoT SCS Wk 1842, p. 46
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 00 17 off The Midrips, ? Sloop (sail) United Kingdom 26.01.1842 TR01NW
West Bay [Hastings] Reely 1829/54
TR 08 22 at Dungeness Marie Brig (sail) France 10.03.1842 TR02SE
[totally wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 8737: 11.03.1842
between Adam's and Maria 09.03.1842 Reely 1829/54 Greatstone
TR 09691695 at Dungeness Maria Sailing Vessel Spain 10.03.1842 KHER TR01NE22
[totally wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 8737: 11.03.1842
TR 08 24 at Littlestone 09.03.1842 Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 02 17 West Bay ? Sailing Vessel France 10.03.1842 TR01NW
[went to pieces] Reely 1829/54
TR 00 17 at The Wick ? Fishing Vessel France 18.03.1842 TR01NW
[on shore] (sail) Reely 1829/54
TR 00 17 at The Midrips ? Sailing Vessel ? 25.03.1842 TR01NW
[laid on] Reely 1829/54
TR 00 17 at The Midrips ? Sloop (sail) France 01.04.1842 TR01NW
[on shore] Reely 1829/54
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Rebecca & Eliza Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 22.10.1842 TR01NE
[total wreck] Lloyd's List no. 8930: 24.10.1842
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Beverley Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 22.10.1842 KHER TR01NE24
[total wreck] Lloyd's List no. 8930: 24.10.1842
TR 03 16 between Galloway's Brig (sail) Reely 1829/54 and The Tart's
50.55N 00.59E 27.10.1842 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 22 in the East Bay, ? Fishing Vessel France 19.11.1842 TR02SE near Adam's (sail) Reely 1829/54 [sank]
TR 08 16 near the Light, ? Pilot Vessel United Kingdom 17.12.1842 TR01NE
West Side (sail) [Dover] Reely 1829/54
TR 09 16 on Dungeness ? Sailing Vessel ? 24.01.1843 TR01NE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 9010: 25.01.1843
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Frances Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 18.02.1842 [sic] KHER TR01NE23
[driven ashore] [Cork] 18.02.1843 Lloyd's List no. 9032: 20.02.1843
Lloyd's Register 1842, F, no. 284
TR 08 18 near The Waterhouse Reely 1829/54
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 at Dungeness X.L. Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 04.08.1844 TR01NE
[wrecked] [Hartlepool] Lloyd's List no. 9485: 05.08.1844 in the East Bay Brig (sail) 03.08.1844 Reely 1829/54
TR 07 16 westward of Dungeness Elizabeth Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 06.10.1845 TR01NE
[driven on shore] [Weymouth] Lloyd's List no.9851: 09.10.1845 east of Dengemarsh Gut Reely 1829/54
TR 07 16 westward of Condottiere Polen (sail) Italy 04.11.1845 TR01NE
Dungeness light [Napoli] Lloyd's List no.9875: 06.11.1845
[on shore] Lloyd's List no.9876: 07.11.1845
east of Dengemarsh Gut Reely 1829/54
TR 10 29 off Dymchurch ? Smack (sail) United Kingdom 21.01.1846 TR12NW
[sank near shore] Reely 1829/54
TR 00 17 The Midrips ? Sailing Vessel ? 22.06.1846 TR01NW
[laid ashore] Reely 1829/54
TR 08 20 in East Bay, Dungeness Lady Ruthven Schooner (sail) ? 16.10.1846 TR02SE
[run onshore full of water] Lloyd's List no. 10169: 17.10.1846
at No. 2 (Battery) 15.10.1846 Reely 1829/54
Sailing Vessel
TR 08 19 between No. 1 and TR01NE
No. 2 Batteries Lloyd's List no. 10457: 22.09.1847
East Bay off No. 1
[sank] (sail)
Reely 1829/54
TR 00 17 east side of ? Schooner (sail) ? 12.06.1848 TR01NW
The Midrips Reely 1829/54
[laid ashore]
TR 08 22 at Greatstone ? Sloop (sail) France 11.01.1849 TR02SE
[grounded & drove in] Reely 1829/54
TR 08 22 off Romney Hoy Margaretta Schooner (sail) Netherlands 21.12.1849 TR02SE
[grounded] Lloyd's List no. 11158: 24.12.1849
near Greatstone Galliot (sail) Reely 1829/54
TR 08 18 in East Bay Glencairn Barque (sail) ? 01.02.1850 TR01NE
[stranded] Lloyd's List no. 11192: 02.02.1850
Lloyd's List no. 11193: 04.02.1850
on the Newcome 31.01.1850 Reely 1829/54
at No. 1 (Battery)
TQ 99151654 near Dungeness Sarah Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 14.02.1850 KHER TQ91NE6 [sic] [Brixham]
TR 09 17 roadstead in East Bay Lloyd's List no. 11204: 16.02.1850
[sank] Lloyd's List no. 11209: 22.02.1850
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 in East Bay, Dungeness Bacchus Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 27.08.1850 KHER TR01NE25
[sank at anchor] Lloyd's List no. 11369: 29.08.1850
[Newcastle] Lloyd's Register 1850, B, no. 5 28.08.1850 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 2
TR 08 18 off No. 1 (Battery) Reely 1829/54
50.52N 01.00E Dungeness Roads Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 in East Bay, Dungeness Juffrow Jantje Galliot (sail) Netherlands 07.10.1850 KHER TR01NE26 [ran ashore after
striking sunken ship] 06.10.1850 Lloyd's List no. 11403: 08.10.1850
TR 08 19 between No. 1 and Reely 1829/54
No. 2 (Battery)
50.55N 00.59E Yung Frau Yantyn [sic] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 west side of Dungeness Melpomene Brig (sail) Greece 19.03.1851 KHER TR01NE27
[wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 11543: 21.03.1851
TR 02 17 at The Brooks Reely 1829/54
365 | TR 08 18 | on the Newcome | ? | Chasse-Maree | ? | 09.06.1851 | TR01NE |
at No. 1 (Battery) | (sail) | Reely 1829/54 |
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 opposite No. 1 Battery Budget Brig (sail) Belgium 16.12.1851 KHER TR01NE28 [onshore] [Anvers/
TR 08 18 Antwerpen] Lloyd's List no. 11773: 16.12.1851
The Times 23.12.1857
50.55N 00.59E Dungeness Sand France Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 in West Bay, Dungeness Isis Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 16.01.1852 KHER TR01NE30
opposite Lydd [Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 11800: 17. 01.1852
[ran ashore] Lloyd's List no. 11808: 27. 01.1852
TR 02 17 Lydd Station Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 0.5 mile east of Hellechiena Sailing Vessel ? 27.01.1852 KHER TR01NE36 No. 2 Battery, Dungeness
[on shore] Hillechiena Galliot (sail) Netherlands Stringer &Stringer 1850/95, 6-11
at Adam's Reely 1829/54
50.54.30N 00.57E Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 950 yds west of Providentia Schooner (sail) Sweden 28.09.1852 KHER TR01NE31 Dungeness Lighthouse [Stromstad] BoT Wk Rtn 1852
[on shore] Norway Reely 1829/54
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 west of Dungeness Laurel Brigantine (sail) United Kingdom 05.10.1852 KHER TR01NE32
[Whitby] Lloyd's List no. 12025: 06.10.1852
Lloyd's Register 1852, L, no. 155
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 west of Dungeness Thomas &Ann Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 05.10.1852 KHER TR01NE33
[Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 12025: 06.10.1852
Snow (sail) Lloyd's Register 1852, T, no. 200
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 near Hythe Great Britain Barque (sail) United Kingdom 08.10.1852 KHER TR13SE31
[foundered] [Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 12028: 09.10.1852
50.03.45N 01.05E Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 2 miles west of Falcon Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 19.12.1852 KHER TR01NE34 Dungeness [Rochester]
west side of Dungeness Lloyd's List no. 12088: 20.12.1852
[came onshore]
TR 06 16 near No. 3 (Battery) Barque (sail) Reely 1829/54
50.54.40N 00.55.30E Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09921692 south part of Metoka Full-rigged Ship U.S.A. 19.12.1852 KHER TR01NE29 Roar Spit, Dungeness (sail) [New York]
TR 10 22 in East Bay Lloyd's List no. 12088: 20.12.1852
TR 08 20 near No. 2 (Battery) 18.12.1852 Reely 1829/54
50.55.20N 00.59.20E Larn &Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08451857 near Lydd Annechiena Jantina Sailing Vessel Netherlands 27.12.1852 KHER TR01NE35
[wrecked] [Oude Pekela] Lloyd's List no. 12094: 28.12.1852
at the Thanet Galliot (sail) Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 2 miles west of Louise Emile Brig (sail) Prussia 28.12.1852 KHER TR01NE37 Dungeness [Hamburg]
[blown ashore] KHER TR01NE46
Louisa & Emilia 27.12.1852 Lloyd's List no. 12094: 28.12.1852
TR 06 16 near No. 3 (Battery) Reely 1829/54
Dengemarsh Louise & Emile Carpenter 1985, 24
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
Louisa Emilie Renno 2002, 91-93
TR 09691695 Dungeness Beach Kate Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 19.01.1853 KHER TR01NE38
[sprung leak & put onshore] Lloyd's List no. 12115: 21.01.1853
East Bay Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.59E [Sunderland] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness ? Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 19.01.1853 KHER TR01NE39
[run onshore] BoT Adm Wk Rtn 1853, p. 9
East Bay Reely 1829/54
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Roads Ariadne Barque (sail) United Kingdom 21.01.1853 KHER TR01NE40
[foundered] [Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 12117: 24.01.1853 [Shields] Lloyd's Register 1852, A, no. 765
East Bay Reely 1829/54
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 in East Bay Eugene Barque (sail) United Kingdom 21.01.1853 KHER TR01NE41
[sank at anchor] [Kings Lynn] Lloyd's List no. 12117: 24.01.1853 Schooner (sail) Lloyd's Register 1852, E, no. 734
TR 08 20 East Bay, near Lade Reely 1829/54
381 | TR 09691695 | 4 miles west of | Zelima | Schooner (sail) | France |
Dungeness | [Nantes] |
00.57N 00.59.1OE 22.01.1853 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
06.02.1853 KHER TR01NE42
[ran onshore following fire] TR 04 16 near Galloways | 05.02.1853 | Lloyd's List no. 12129: 07.02.1853 Reely 1829/54 | |||||
382 | 50.54.48N 00.54E TR 09691695 Dungeness Roads | Dauphin | Sailing Vessel | France | 05.10.1853 | Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) KHER TR01NE45 | |
[foundered at anchor] | [Cherbourg] | Lloyd's List no. 12335: 06.10.1853 | |||||
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) | |||||||
383 TR 01 17 about 4 miles to eastward | Thomas & Mary | Brigantine (sail) | United Kingdom | 25.01.1854 | TR01NW | ||
of Rye (Harbour) | [Sunderland] | Lloyd's List no. 12432: 24.01.1854 | |||||
TR 00 17 at the Midripes | Reely 1829/54 | ||||||
[came on shore] |
TR 01 17 about 4 miles to eastward Alfred Heloise Sloop (sail) France 25.01.1854 TR 01NW
of Rye (Harbour) [St. Vaast Lloyd's List no. 12432: 24.01.1854 TR 02 17 near the Brooks la Hougue] Reely 1829/54
[came on shore]
TR 09691695 2 miles west of Prosperitas Full-rigged Ship Italy 09.03.1854 KHER TR01NE47 Dungeness (sail) [Leghorn/
TR 06 16 eastward of Rye Harbour Livorno] Lloyd's List no. 12468: 10.04.1854 [came ashore]
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery Garland Brig (sail) United Kingdom 18.07.1855 TR01NE
[grounded on the sands] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 12-16
TR 08 23 near New Romney George Woolfe Barque (sail) United Kingdom 14.09.1855 TR02SE
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 12937: 14.09.1855
Lloyd's List no. 12939: 17.09.1855
[London] Lloyd's Register 1855, G, no. 135
TR 09 24 off Littlestone Station Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 16
TR 09691695 4 miles west of Enchantress Barque (sail) United Kingdom 26.10.1855 KHER TR01NE49
Dungeness [Whitehaven] Lloyd's List no. 12974: 27.10.1855 [came onshore] Lloyd's List no. 12975: 29.10.1855
Lloyd's Register 1855, E, no. 662
50.55N 00.53.30E 25.10.1855 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 23 Romney Sands ? Brig (sail) ? 26.10.1855 TR02SE
[wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 12974: 27.10.1855
TR 08 23 Romney Sands ? Sailing Vessel ? 26.10.1855 TR02SE
[wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 12974: 27.10.1855
TR 10 23/ Roar Sand, Dungeness Hermione Sailing Vessel ? 26.10.1855 TR12SW/TR12NW
TR 11 26 [lost] Lloyd's List no. 12975: 29.10.1855
TR 09 16 offshore Dungeness Sophie Steamship Netherlands 1856 TR01NE
[Rotterdam] BoT Wk Abstract 1858, p. 17 (83)
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 at Dungeness Point Woodcock Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 03.04.1856 TR01NE
[struck on beach] (sail) Lloyd's List no. 13108: 03.04.1856 Lloyd's List no. 13110: 05.04.1856
Lloyd's List no. 13111: 07.04.1856 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 16-17
TR 09691695 Dymchurch Ida Steamship United Kingdom 25.09.1856 KHER TR01NE50
[struck on the sands] [London] Lloyd's List no. 13260: 29.09.1856 TR 10 29 27.09.1856 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 18
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 Dymchurch Henri Brig (sail) France 27.09.1856 KHER TR12NW9
[ashore] [Nantes] Lloyd's List no. 13261: 30.09.1856 51.01N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 23 Romney Sands Celia Full-rigged Ship U.S.A. 05.11.1856 TR02SE
[on shore] (sail} Lloyd's List no. 13293: 06.11.1856 Lloyd's List no. 13294: 07.11.1856
Lloyd's List no. 13297: 11.11.1856
off Romney Hoy Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 19
51.00N 00.59E United Kingdom Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 23 Romney Sands Majestic Barque (sail} United Kingdom 05.11.1856 TR02SE
[struck on sands] Lloyd's List no. 13293: 06.11.1856
Lloyd's List no. 13294: 07.11.1856
Lloyd's List no. 13297: 11.11.1856
off Romney Hoy Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 19-20
51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 19 Lydd Beach James Schooner (sail} United Kingdom 23.01.1857 TR01NE
[stranded] [Rye] Lloyd's List no. 13361: 26.01.1857
TR 08451857 near Lydd Solon Lugger (sail} United Kingdom 31.01.1857 KHER TR01NE51 [on shore]
TR 01 17 4 miles east of France 02.02.1857 Lloyd's List no. 13367: 02.02.1857 Rye Harbour
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Jane May Schooner (sail} United Kingdom 19.10.1858 KHER TR01NE54
[drove ashore] [Falmouth] Lloyd's List no. 13899: 20.10.1858 Lloyd's List no. 13903: 25.10.1858
to the eastward of Brigantine (sail} Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 20-21
Dungeness Lloyd's Register 1858, J, no. 168
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Cuatro Hermanas Brig (sail} Spain 07.12.1858 KHER TR01NE53
east of Dungeness Lloyd's List no. 13942: 09.12.1858
[come ashore] Lloyd's List no. 13943: 10.12.1858
TR 08 20 near No. 2 Battery Cuatro Hermanos Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 21-26
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 19 between No. 1 and Emma Fredericka Schooner (sail} Prussia 23.04.1859 TR01NE
No. 2 Battery [Braake/ Lloyd's List no. 14056: 23.04.1859 [struck on sands] Galliot (sail} Brake] Lloyd's List no. 14057: 27.04.1859 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 26-31
TR 00 17 near Lydd Station Caroline Brig (sail} Norway 25.10.1859 TR01NW
[got on shore] [Kristiansand] Lloyd's List no. 14216: 27.10.1859 50.55.15N 00.51E 5 miles north west of United Kingdom Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 near Dymchurch Primero Galen Brig (sail} Spain 25.10.1859 KHER TR12NW10
[ashore] [Santander] Lloyd's List no. 14215: 26.10.1859 Primer Galen Lloyd's List no. 14216: 27.10.1859
51.01N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Isabella Brig (sail) United Kingdom 25.10.1859 TR01NE
[went on shore] [Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 14216: 27.10.1859
TR 09 16 Dungeness Point Fredericke Elvine Galliot (sail) Denmark 19.01.1860 TR01NE
[went ashore] Lloyd's List no. 14289: 20.01.1860
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 Dungeness Point ? Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 27.01.1860 TR01NE
Lloyd's List no. 14296: 28.01.1860
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Fox Smack (sail) United Kingdom 11.05.1860 KHER TR01NE55 [stranded] BoT SCS Wk 1860, p. 617
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 06 16 off No. 3 Battery, Castor? Sloop (sail) United Kingdom 03.06.1860 TR01NE
Dungeness [Dover] Lloyd's List no. 14405: 05.06.1860 Lucy? [Rye]
50.54.30N 00.57E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Rotterdam Packet Smack (sail) ? 05.06.1860 KHER TR01NE56 [stranded]
TR 08 18 No. 1 Battery Sloop (sail) 03.06.1860 Lloyd's List no. 14405: 05.06.1860 [total wreck]
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Amelia Barque (sail) United Kingdom 25.09.1860 KHER TR01NE57
[came ashore] [Shields] Lloyd's List no. 14503: 27.09.1860 50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 03 17 Lydd Beach New Astley Brig (sail) United Kingdom 13.10.1860 TR01NW
[knocked up whilst discharging] [Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 14518: 15.10.1860 50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TR 08 20 struck on Ridge Sand, Cresswell Barque (sail) Norway 22.11.1860 TR02SE
East Bay [Krager0] Lloyd's List no. 14552: 23.11.1860
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 14553: 24.11.1860
near No. 2 Battery Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 34-40
N 00.59E near Dungeness Lighthouse Sailing Vessel Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 06 16 near Lydd Omnibus Sloop (sail) France 22.11.1860 TR01NE
[wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 14551: 22.11.1860
TR 09691695 offshore near Dungeness Iola Willie Barque (sail) ? 06.07.1861 KHER TR01NE62
No. 1 Coastguard Battery Iola Wyllie U.S.A Lloyd's List no. 14744: 08.07.1861
[ashore following collision] [Thomaston, Maine] Lloyd's List no. 14745: 09.07.1861 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 47-52
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Mary Ann Sloop (sail) United Kingdom 31.08.1861 KHER TR01NE58
and Folkestone [Plymouth] Lloyd's List no. 14793: 03.09.1861 [sprung leak & foundered]
Schooner (sail) Lloyd's Register 1861, M, no. 495
N 01.03E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
50.54.34N 00.57.15E
TR 09691695
near Dungeness
Schooner (sail)
United Kingdom
Lloyd's List no. 14850: 08.11.1861
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 off Dungeness
Isabella & Jane
Brig (sail)
United Kingdom
Brigantine (sail)
Lloyd's List no. 14849: 07.11.1861
TR 09691695 off Dungeness
[sank after hitting wreck] 50.54.34N 00.57.15E
TR 01 17 4 miles east of Rye Harbour [on shore]
50.55N 00.52.30E
TR 08 20 off No. 2 Battery [struck wreck & sank]
TR 10 23/ on Roar Bank
TR 11 26 near New Romney [struck]
TR 09691695 Dungeness Point
off No. 2 Battery
50.55N 00.59E
TR 06 16 near No. 3 Battery, Dungeness
Terra Nova Acorn
Cruz V Cruz 5th Rose
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
Brig (sail) United Kingdom 05.11.1861 KHER TR01NE61
[Dartmouth] Lloyd's List no. 14848: 06.11.1861
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
Brig (sail) United Kingdom 07.12.1861 TR01NW
[Guernsey] Lloyd's List no. 14875: 07.12.1861
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Brig (sail) United Kingdom 05.03.1862 TR02SE
[Arundel] Lloyd's List no. 14951: 07.03.1862
Lloyd's List no. 14952: 08.03.1862 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 53
Brig (sail) United Kingdom 15.03.1862 TR12SW/TR12NW
[North Shields] Lloyd's List no.14958: 15.03.1862 Lloyd's List no.14959: 17.03.1862 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 53-54
Barque (sail) Portugal 21.09.1862 KHER TR01NE63
[Porto] Lloyd's List no. 1512: 23.09.1862 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 55
Spain Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
Barque (sail) United Kingdom 25.11.1862 TR01NE
[Sunderland] Lloyd's List no. 15178: 28.11.1862
[run ashore following collision]
TR 08 16 near Dungeness Lucknow
[sprung leak & run ashore]
TR 10 20 on Roar Bank Golden Age
0.25 miles from shore off No. 2 Battery [stranded]
TR 09 16 offshore Dungeness Belinda
east side of Dungeness [run ashore]
50.54.34N 00.57.15E
Barque (sail) Prussia 09.10.1863 TR01NE
[Bremen] Lloyd's List no. 15446: 12.10.1863 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 55-60
Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 19.02.1864 TR12SW
(sail) [Liverpool] Lloyd's List no. 15557: 19.02.1864 Lloyd's List no. 15558: 20.02.1864
Lloyd's List no. 15561: 24.02.1864 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 61 Carpenter 1985, 25
Brig (sail) United Kingdom 17.11.1864 TR01NE
[Jersey] Lloyd's List no. 15791: 19.11.1864 Brigantine (sail) Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 62
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 onshore Dungeness Louis XIV Barque (sail) France 24.11.1864 TR01NE
[Dunkerque] Lloyd's List no. 15796: 25.11.1864
Carpenter 1985, 25, pl.
TR 09691695 3.5 mileswest of Sisters Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 16.10.1865 KHER TR01NE67 Dungeness Lighthouse [West Hartlepool]
TR 03 16 near No. 4 Coastguard Station Schooner (sail) Lloyd's List no. 16076: 19.10.1865 [knocked up]
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 0.5 mile east north east Anne Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 08.11.1865 KHER TR01NE65
Dungeness Lighthouse [Truro] Lloyd's List no. 16094: 09.11.1865 [driven ashore]
Schooner (sail) Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 63-66
50.55N 00.59.12E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Princess of Wales Brig (sail) United Kingdom 29.12.1865 KHER TR01NE66 and Folkestone [Milford]
at Sandgate Brigantine (sail) [London] Lloyd's List no. 16137: 30.12.1865 [onshore] Lloyd's List no. 16138: 01.01.1866
Lloyd's List no. 16149: 13.01.1866
Prince of Wales Lloyd's Register 1865, PRI, no. 453
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 offshore Dungeness Dieu Protege Smack (sail) France 31.12.1865 TR01NE
Alexandre et Louis [Dieppe] Carpenter 1985, 25, pl.
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Quintus Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 02.01.1866 KHER TR01NE68 and Folkestone
off Dungeness Barge (sail) [Ipswich] Lloyd's List no. 16141: 04.01.1866 51.00N 01.00E [abandoned sinking] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 20 near No. 2 Battery Ystavat Brigantine (sail) ? 11.01.1865 TR02SE
[stranded] [Kasko] Lloyd's List no. 16149: 13.01.1866 Lloyd's List no. 16163: 30.01.1866
TR 09691695 offshore Dungeness Alice Jane Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 30.01.1866 KHER TR01NE74
[foundered] [Padstow] Lloyd's Register 1865/66, ALI, no. 395 50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 20 near No. 2 Battery Cawton Brig (sail) United Kingdom 20.06.1866 TR02SE
[stranded] [Bideford] Lloyd's List no. 16285: 22.06.1866
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Anne & Margaret Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 07.07.1866 KHER TR01NE71 and Folkestone [Caernarfon]
at Dungeness Lloyd's List no. 16299: 09.07.1866
[foundered following collision] Lloyd's Register 1865/66, ANN, no. 666
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08451857 offshore Dungeness Henrich von Than Sailing Vessel Prussia 15.11.1866 KHER TR01NE72
TQ 99 17 at Jury's Gap Station Heinrich von Tham Brig (sail) Lloyd's List no. 16411: 16.11.1866 [on shore]
50.55N 00.53E 6 miles west south west Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
of Dungeness
near Rye Harbour Henrick von Thorn Brigantine (sail) Renno 2002, 131
TR 08451857 offshore Dungeness Oradd Sailing Vessel Sweden 03.12.1866 KHER TR01NE73
TQ 95 17 near Rye Harbour Sloop (steam) Lloyd's List no. 16426: 04.12.1866
TQ 97 17 between Camber and Orad Carpenter 1985, 65
Jury's Gap Coastguard Stations
50.55N 00.53E 5 miles north west of Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08451857 near No. 1 Battery, Jeune Louis Cutter (sail) France 05.01.1867 KHER TR01NE82 Lydd BoT Wk Rtn 1865/74,
[driven ashore] Romney Marsh Summary. p. 2
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Garland Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 06.01.1867 KHER TR01NE75
and Folkestone [Southampton] Lloyd's Register 1865/66, GAR, no. 33
BoT Wk Rtn 1865/74,
Romney Marsh Summary, p. 3
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 near MartelloTower 25 Courrier de Dieppe Lugger (sail) France 06.01.1867 KHER TR12NW11 Dymchurch [Dieppe]
[run ashore] Courrier Lloyd's List no. 16454: 07.01.1867
Carpenter 1985, 3
51.01N 01.01E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 Dungeness Jeune Louis Sloop (sail) France 06.01.1867 KHER TR01NE82
[got onshore & sunk] [lsigny] Lloyd's List no. 16454: 07.01.1867
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Jane Goudie Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 22.01.1867 KHER TR01NE76 Lighthouse [London]
TR 04 16 near the Galloways Barque (sail) Lloyd's List no. 16468: 23.01.1867 [on shore] Lloyd's List no. 16471: 26.01.1867
Lloyd's List no. 16479: 05.02.1867 Lloyd's Register 1865/66, JAN, no. 169 Western Daily Mercury 25.01.1867
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 3 miles west of City of Delhi Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 28.01.1867 KHER TR01NE77 Dungeness Lighthouse (sail) [Glasgow]
TR 04 16 near Galloways Lloyd's List no. 16472: 28.01.1867
[on shore] Lloyd's List no. 16474: 30.01.1867
Lloyd's List no. 16476: 01.02.1867 Lloyd's Register 1865/66, CIT, no. 539 Western Daily Mercury 30.01.1867 (R)
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 West Bay, Dungeness Courier Brig (sail) ? 01.02.1867 TR01NE
[ashore following collision] Lloyd's List no. 16476: 01.02.1867
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08451857 near No. 1 Battery, Lydd Nora Brig (sail) Norway 12.03.1867 KHER TR01NE79
[run ashore] [Langesund] Lloyd's List no. 16511: 14.03.1867 Lloyd's List no. 16513: 16.03.1867
[Ydegaarden] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 67-71
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 Dymchurch Wall Queen Pilot Cutter United Kingdom 1867 KHER TR12NW12
[total wreck] Trinity Pilot Cutter 01.12.1867 Lloyd's List no. 16735: 02.12.1867 51.02.18N 01.02.12E 05.06.1867 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Liberia Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 30.11.1867 KHER TR01NE81 and Folkestone
TR 16 34 Hythe Beach Schooner (sail) [Bideford] Lloyd's List no. 16735: 02.12.1867 [total wreck]
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 1 mile north of Helen Knapp Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 30.11.1867 KHER TR01NE80 Dungeness Lighthouse [Nassau,
TR 08 18 opposite No. 1 Battery Brig (sail) New Providence] 01.12.1867 Lloyd's List no. 16735: 02.12.1867
off Dungeness Lighthouse Lloyd's List no. 16737: 04.12.1867
Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 72-76
51.55.45N 00.58.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Norfolk Hero Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 13.04.1868 KHER TR01NE83 and Folkestone
TR 11 19 Newcombe Buoy Lugger (sail) [Yarmouth] Lloyd's List no. 16849: 15.04.1868 [struck & sank]
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Beach lone Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 30.04.1868 KHER TR01NE84
TR 04 16 near Galloways Station Barque (sail) Lloyd's List no. 16862: 30.04.1868 [on shore] Lloyd's List no. 16863: 01.05.1868
Lloyd's Register 1865/66, ION, no. 130
N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Mary Catherine Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 22.08.1868 KHER TR01NE85 and Folkestone [Amlwch]
TR 19 34 Sandgate Beach [Folkestone] Lloyd's List no. 16962: 25.08.1868 [wrecked while discharging] Lloyd's Register 1868/69, MAR, no. 540
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Bay Sandringham Snow (sail) United Kingdom 02.01.1869 KHER TR01NE87 [drove ashore] [North Shields]
TR 08 22 ashore New Romney Lloyd's List no. 17073: 02.01.1869
[destroyed by fire] Lloyd's List no. 17074: 04.01.1869
Lloyd's Register 1868/69, SAN, no. 135
Greatstone, New Romney Brig (sail) [South Shields] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 78-84 51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 23 at the Bush, Pelican Schooner (sail) Netherlands 01.03.1869 TR02SE
New Romney [Appingedam] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 85-88 [onshore]
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Lena Brigantine (sail) United Kingdom 04.03.1869 TR01NE
[foundered] [Lynn] Lloyd's List no. 17125: 05.03.1869 TR 09691695 east side of Pelikann Fishing Trawler France 23.09.1869 KHER TR01NE88
No. 2 Battery, (steam) [Bordeaux]
TR 08 20 Dungeness Pelican Lloyd's Register 1868/69, PEL, no. 153
50.57N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
458 TR 09691695 Ridge Sand, Victorine Schooner (sail) France 30.04.1869 KHER TR01NE89
offshore Dungeness [Nantes] Lloyd's List no. 17175: 03.05.1869 50.52N 01.18.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 between Dungeness Alabama Barque (sail) United Kingdom 18.10.1869 KHER TR01NE91 and Folkestone [Belfast]
Dungeness Roads Italy Lloyd's List no. 17320: 19.10.1869
[on sand 2 miles from shore] [Genoa] Lloyd's Register 1869no, AIL, no. 238 51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near No. 1 Battery, Spindrift Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 21.11.1869 KHER TR01NE92 Dungeness (sail) [Glasgow]
TR 08 18 [drove ashore] Lloyd's List no. 17349: 22.11.1869
Lloyd's List no. 17350: 23.11.1869
Lloyd's List no. 17351: 24.11.1869 Lloyd's Register 1869no, SPE, no. 669 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 94-95
50.55N 00.53E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
581 TR 10362941 loss in wind Cardross Barque (sail) United Kingdom 1869 KHER TR12NW13
ENE force 8 Lloyd's Register 1869no, C, no. 143
TR 09691695 between No. 1 Johann Herman Sailing Vessel Prussia 13.12.1870 KHER TR01NE93 & No 2 Battery, [Hanover]
TR 08 19 Dungeness
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 1.5 miles north east of Aakanden Brig (sail) Denmark 04.03.1870 KHER TR01NE94 Dungeness Point
at Dungeness Schooner (sail) [Copenhagen] Lloyd's List no. 17437: 07.03.1870
[totally wrecked] Lloyd's List no. 17438: 08.03.1870
Lloyd's List no. 17443: 14.03.1870
Western Daily Mercury 08.03.1870
51.56.1ON 00.59.22E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 offshore Dungeness Edinburgh Cutter (sail) United Kingdom 15.03.1870 KHER TR01NE95
[foundered] BoT Wk Rtn 1870, appx. pt. I-IV, p. 701
50.52N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 ashore Dungeness Adrienne Chasse-maree France 25.11.1870 TR01NE
(sail) [Courseulles] Lloyd's List no. 17664: 28.11.1870
TR 09691695 offshore Dungeness Eleanor Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 28.11.1870 KHER TR01NE96
[Aberystwyth] Lloyd's Register 1870/71, ELD, no. 171
BoT Wk Rtn 1865-74,
Romney Marsh Summary, p. 3 BoT USC Wk Rtn 1870, p.695
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Bay Thomas Hubbuck Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 04.12.1870 KHER TR01NE97 [driven ashore]
TR 08 20 off No. 2 Battery Brigantine (sail) Lloyd's List no. 17671: 06.12.1870
Lloyd's List no. 17672: 07.12.1870
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Laura Williams Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 10.02.1871 KHER TR01NE98
TR 08 20 off No. 2 Battery Station Lloyd's List no. 17730: 13.02.1871
[struck] Lloyd's List no. 17731: 14.02.1871
Lloyd's Register 1870/71, LAT, no. 154
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Busy Bee Barge (sail) United Kingdom 16.03.1871 KHER TR01NE100 [foundered]
TR 02 16 0.75 mile off Lydd Station Lloyd's List no. 17759: 18.03.1871
[sunk] [Faversham] Lloyd's List no. 17760: 20.03.1871 Lloyd's List no. 17761: 21.03.1871
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Bay Albert Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 16.03.1871 KHER TR01NE99 [stranded]
TR 08 20 near No. Battery Barque (sail) [London] Lloyd's List no. 17759: 18.03.1871 [on shore]
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Gresham Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 28.09.1871 KHER TR01NE101 [driven ashore] (sail) [London]
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery Barque (sail) Lloyd's List no. 17924: 29.09.1871
[struck on sands] Lloyd's List no. 17927: 03.10.1871
Lloyd's Register 1870n1, GRA no. 358 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 97-101
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Morning Star Brig (sail) United Kingdom 20.03.1872 KHER TR01NE104 [stranded] [Guernsey]
TR 08 18 at No. 1 Battery Brigantine (sail) Lloyd's List no. 18072: 21.03.1872
Lloyd's List no. 18073: 22.03.1872
TR 08 19 between No. 1 & Lloyd's Register 1870n1, MOR, no. 835
No. 2 Battery Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 102-106
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 West side, Dungeness Dart Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 05.08.1872 TR01NE
[onshore] [Whitby] Lloyd's List no. 18189: 06.08.1872 Lloyd's List no. 18190: 07.08.1872
Lloyd's List no. 18192: 09.08.1872
50.54.34N 00.57.15E 03.08.1872 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 17 between the lighthouse Fury Brigantine (sail) United Kingdom 23.09.1872 TR01NE
and No. 1 (Battery) [South Shields] Lloyd's List no. 18232: 25.10.1872 [struck on sand] Lloyd's List no. 18233: 26.10.1872
Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 107
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Brig (sail) 24.09.1872 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
474 TR 08 23 near Romney Speculateur Dandy (sail) France 25.10.1872 TR02SE
[wrecked] [St Malo] Lloyd's List no. 18261: 29.10.1872 TR 10 29 off Dymchurch 25.10.1874 (sic) Carpenter 1985, 26
51.00N 01.00E Dungeness Bay 26.10.1872 Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Bay William & Thomas Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 06.12.1872 KHER TR01NE108
TR 16 34 Hythe Beach Schooner (sail) [Rye] Lloyd's List no. 18296: 09.12.1872 [wrecked while discharging]
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 18 at No. 1 Battery Josephine Barque (sail) United Kingdom 07.03.1873 TR01NE
TR 09691695 | Dungeness Bay | lver Hirtfelt | Sailing Vessel | ? | 06.11.1873 | KHER TR01NE110 |
TR 08 18 | off No. 1 Battery | lver Hvitfeldt | Barque (sail) | Prussia | 09.11.1873 | Lloyd's List no. 18583: 11.11.1873 |
[struck on the sands] [London] Lloyd's List no. 18372: 08.03.1873 Lloyd's Register 1872/73, JOS, no. 430 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 115
[struck the sand] [Drager] Lloyd's List no. 18584: 12.11.1873 lver Hoitfelt [Drager] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 117-121
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Bay Redente Sailing Vessel ? 14.11.1873 KHER TR01NE111 [drove ashore]
ashore at No. 2 Battery Brig (sail) Italy Lloyd's List no. 18587: 15.11.1873 Retendo [Napoli] Lloyd's List no. 18588: 17.11.1873
TR 08 22 off Greatstone Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 122-125
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Bay Sir Robert Peel Steamship [sic] United Kingdom 15.04.1874 KHER TR01NE115
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery Barque (sail) Norway Lloyd's List no. 18715: 16.04.1874 [struck the sands] [Tolesburg] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 126-130
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 16 34 Hythe Beach Taurus Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 21.10..1874 TR13SE
[wrecked while discharging] [Dover] Lloyd's List no. 18877: 22.10.1874 51.00N 01.00E Dungeness Bay Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 18 on the Newcombe / Alliance Barque (sail) United Kingdom 14.12.1874 TR01NE
off No. 1 Battery [Shields] Lloyd's List no. 18923: 15.12.1874
[struck/onshore] Lloyd's List no. 18924: 16.12.1874
[North Shields] Lloyd's Register 1874ll5, ALL, no. 505 13.12.1874 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 133-136
51.00N 01.00E Dungeness Bay [London] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 18 off No. 1, Dungeness Duna Barque (sail) Russia 14.12.1874 TR01NE
[struck on the sands] [Riga] Lloyd's List no. 18923: 15.12.1874 Lloyd's List no. 18924: 16.12.1874
13.12.1874 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 139-143
51.00N 01.00E Dungeness Bay Dwna Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 23 Romney Beach Banff Sailing Vessel United Kingdom 13.12.1874 TR02SE
[drove upon] [Folkestone] Lloyd's List no. 18923: 15.12.1874
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Point Freden Brig (sail) Norway 17.12.1874 TR01NE
[stranded following collision] Lloyd's List no. 18925: 17.12.1874
Lloyd's List no. 18926: 18.12.1874
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery Hedvig Schooner (sail) Germany 22.09.1875 TR01NE
[stranded] [Stettin/ Lloyd's List no. 19164: 24.09.1875
Szczecin] Lloyd's List no. 19165: 25.09.1875 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 144-147
TR 08 18 between No. 1 & Emmy Barque (sail) Denmark 27.11.1875 TR01NE
No. 2 Battery [Copenhagen] Lloyd's List no. 19220: 29.11.1875 [struck on the sands] Lloyd's List no. 19221: 30.11.1875
off No. 1 Battery Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 149-153
TR 08 20 off No. 2 (Battery) Livingstone Brig (sail) Norway 30.11.1875 TR02SE
[driven on shore] [Kristiansand] Lloyd's List no. 19222: 01.12.1875 Lloyd's List no. 19224: 03.12.1875
29.11.1875 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 154-158
TR 08 20 No. 2 Battery Estafette Barque (sail) Germany 06.12.1875 TR02SE
[driven on sand] [Bremen] Lloyd's List no. 19227: 07.12.1875 Lloyd's List no. 19228: 08.12.1875 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 159-163
TR 02 17 close to Lydd Station Syne Jacobs Schooner (sail) Netherlands 22.12.1875 TR01NW
[got onshore] [Hoogezand] Lloyd's List no. 19241: 23.12.1875 Lloyd's List no. 19242: 24.12.1875
21.12.1875 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 164-168
TR 09691695 near Dungeness St. Malo Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 20.02.1876 KHER TR01NE119
[ex-Simla] (sail) [Liverpool]
TR 08 16 about 1 mile form Lloyd's List no. 19292: 22.02.1876
Dungeness Point Lloyd's List no. 19301: 03.03.1876
[onshore] Lloyd's List no. 19310: 14.03.1876
TR 07 16 about 1 mile from the [London] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 172-175
lighthouse in West Bay Lloyd's Register 1875n6, SAi, no. 90
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10 24 inner edge of the Tobina Schooner (sail) Netherlands 10.04.1876 TR12SW
Roar Bank, Littlestone [Oude Pekela] Lloyd's List no. 19335: 12.04.1876 [ashore & sunk] Lloyd's List no. 19335: 12.04.1876
off Littlestone Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 176-180
Coastguard Station 01.08.1876 Carpenter 1985, 26
TR 08 20 No. 2 Battery, Congo Barque (sail) Sweden 11.01.1877 TR02SE
Dungeness [Halmstad] Lloyd's List no. 19569: 12.01.1877 [blown ashore] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 181-186
51.57N 00.59.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 20 No. 2 Battery, Ramoncito Brigantine (sail) Spain 16.04.1877 TR02SE
Dungeness Lloyd's List no. 19650: 18.04.1877
[driven ashore] Lloyd's List no. 19651: 19.04.1877
DC & SE 20.04.1877, p. 3
50.57N 00.59.45E Ramoncita Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 Dymchurch Lizzie Hobley Barque (sail) United Kingdom 12.11.1877 KHER TR12NW14 [driven ashore] [Portmadoc]
between Dymchurch [Liverpool] 11.11.1877 Lloyd's List no. 19829: 13.11.1877 & Hythe Lloyd's List no. 19830: 14.11.1877
Lloyd's Register 1875n6, LIZ, no. 512
51.01N 01.01.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 19483499 opposite Sandgate Castle Bakar Brig (sail) Austria 28.11.1877 KHER TR13SE32 Folkestone
on Sandgate Rocks Lloyd's List no. 19844: 30.11.1877
[drove ashore] Lloyd's List no. 19845: 01.12.1877
51.04.12N 01.09E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 Dymchurch Beach Nautilus Smack (sail) United Kingdom 11.05.1878 KHER TR12NW15
[Barnstaple] BoT Wk Rtn 1878, appx.pt. I-IV, p.106
51.01N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 near Dymchurch Marie Louise Schooner (sail) Norway 08.01.1879 KHER TR12NW16
[driven ashore] Barque (sail) [T0nsberg] Lloyd's List no. 20189: 10.01.1879 Brigantine (sail) Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 188-192
50.01N 01.01.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Venus Fishing Smack United Kingdom 29.03.1879 KHER TR01NE121 [driven ashore] (sail) [Great Yarmouth]
TR 04 16 3 miles west of Lugger (sail) Lloyd's List no. 20257: 31.03.1879 Dungeness Lighthouse Lloyd's List no. 20258: 01.04.1879
N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 04 16 Dungeness Station Bengairn Barque (sail) United Kingdom 30.12.1880 TR01NW
[ashore] [Liverpool] Lloyd's List no. 20804: 31.12.1880 Lloyd's List no. 20807: 04.01.1881
Lloyd's List no. 20822: 21.01.1881 Lloyd's Register 1880/81, BEN, no. 308
3 miles west of Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 193
579 TR 08572433 Littlestone Fritz Barque (sail) Germany 1881 KHER TR01SE28
[stranded] [Restock] BoT Wk Rtn 1881, appx.pt. I-IV, p.133
Lloyd's Register 1880/81, F, no. 558
TR 09691695 near No. 1 Battery, Seagull Barque (sail) Norway 06.01.1881 KHER TR01NE123
Dungeness [Lyng0r] Lloyd's List no. 20811: 08.01.1881 [stranded]
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery 07.01.1881 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 194-198 50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near No. 2 Battery, Seelust Schooner (sail) Germany 31.03.1881 KHER TR01NE124 Dungeness [Ellenserdammersiel]
TR 08 20 30.03.1881 Lloyd's List no. 20882: 01.04.1881
Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 199-203
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Lighthouse, Fanny Lugger (sail) United Kingdom 22.06.1881 KHER TR01NE125
Dungeness BoT Wk Rtn 1881, appx.pt. I-IV, p.134
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 1 mile east of Anna Maria Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 29.11.1881 KHER TR01NE126 Coastguard Station, [AberystwythI
Dungeness Ann Maria Lloyd's List no. 21089: 30.11.1881
on flats at Shingle End Lloyd's Register 1880/81, ANN, no.926
N 01.00E [stranded] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 22 near Greatstone Annie Maud Barque (sail} Canada 26.01.1882 TR02SE
Point , East Bay [Sackville, Lloyd's List no. 21139: 27.01.1882
[ashore] New Brunswick] Lloyd's Register 1880/81, ANN, no. 1027 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 205-206
TR 09691695 0.75 mile north north Concordia Brigantine (sail} United Kingdom 01.03.1882 KHER TR01NE128 east Dungeness [Guernsey]
TR 08 18 at No. 1 Battery Lloyd's List no. 21168: 02.03.1882
[driven ashore] Lloyd's Register 1880/81, COM, no. 1136
50.55.25N 00.59.10E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(4)
TR 00 17 0.5 mile east of St Marie Joseph Ketch (sail} France 30.10.1882 TR01NW
Coastguard Station, Lloyd's List no. 21375: 01.11.1882
Jury's Gap
50.45N 00.1OE [stranded] Lam & Lam 1995, 11(3)
TR 08572433 Romney Warren, Victoria Barque (sail} Norway 16.11.1882 KHER TR02SE29 [stranded]
TR 09 26 near Coastguard [Ris0r] Lloyd's List no. 21389: 17.11.1882
Station, Littlestone Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 207-208
51.00N 01.00E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 Romney Beach Lulea Brigantine (sail} Sweden 01.12.1882 KHER TR02SE30 [stranded]
TR 09 23 off Greatstone Point [Helsingborg] Lloyd's List no. 21402: 02.12.1882
Lloyd's List no. 21403: 04.12.1882
Lloyd's List no. 21408: 09.12.1882
near Coastguard Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 209
Station, Greatstone
50.58.30N 00.59E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 Seabrook, Plassey Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 29.01.1883 KHER TR13SE33 Hythe (sail} [London]
TR 18 34 near Sandgate Lloyd's List no. 21451: 30.01.1883
railway station Lloyd's List no. 21452: 31.01.1883
[drove ashore] Lloyd's List no. 21467: 17.02.1883
Lloyd's Register 1882/83, P, no. 421
51.04N 01.08E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(4)
TR 18 34 Seabrook Beach, Harold Hawthorne Barge (sail} United Kingdom 01.09.1883 TR13SE
Hythe [Rochester] Lloyd's List no. 21636: 04.09.1883 [stranded]
51.04N 01.07E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 Dungeness Roads Emma Schooner (sail} United Kingdom 26.01.1884 KHER TR01NE132 [stranded] [Jersey]
TR 10 29 Dymchurch Lloyd's List no. 21761: 29.01.1884
[came ashore] Lloyd's Register 1882/83, EMI, no. 534
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Lam & Lam 1995, 11(4)
512 | TR 15443389 | near Hythe | Lida | Brigantine (sail) | Netherlands | 26.01.1884 | KHER TR13SE34 |
[ashore bottom up] | Lloyd's List no. 21761: 29.01.1884 | ||||||
51.03.50N 01.06.1OE Brig (sail) Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) | |||||||
513 | TR 08 18 | near No. 1 Battery | Heinrich | Schooner (sail) | Germany | 26.03.1884 TR01NE | |
[stranded] | [Leer] | Lloyd's List no. 21812: 28.03.1884 Lloyd's List no. 21814: 31.03.1884 | |||||
514 | TR 08 24 | off Romney | Windermere | Barque (sail) | United Kingdom | Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 210 17.01.1885 TR02SE | |
[stranded] | [Newcastle] | Lloyd's List no. 14794: 19.01.1885 |
Lloyd's List no. 14797: 22.01.1885 Lloyd's Register 1884/85, WIL, no. 380 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 211
off Littlestone Carpenter 1985, 27
TR 08572433 struck Swallow Bank/ Queen Victoria Barque (sail) United Kingdom 02.04.1885 KHER TR02SE31
TR 08 18 stranded No.1 Battery [Dublin] Lloyd's List no. 14858: 04.04.1885
Lloyd's List no. 14859: 06.04.1885
Lloyd's List no. 14860: 07.04.1885 Lloyd's Register 1884/85, Q, no. 21
TR 08 18 No.1 Battery Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 212-216
50.58N 01.00.25E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 offshore 0.5 mile west of Van Diemen Barque (sail) United Kingdom 28.08.1885 KHER TR01NE135
Dungeness Lighthouse [Liverpool] Lloyd's List no. 14983: 28.08.1885 Lloyd's List no. 14984: 29.08.1885
Lloyd's List no. 14985: 31.08.1885 Lloyd's Register 1884/85, VAL, no. 36
TR 04 16 3 miles to west of Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 217-223
Dungeness Point
at Galloways, West Bay Carpenter 1984b
50.54.30N 00.58.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TQ 99151654 0.75 mile east of Staffa Barge (sail) United Kingdom 08.12.1886 KHER TQ91NE? [sic] No. 1 Battery, Dungeness [Rochester]
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery Lloyd's List no. 15382: 09.12.1886
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 near Dymchurch Delphine Desiree Brigantine (sail) France 08.12.1886 KHER TR12NW18
at Dymchurch Schooner (sail) [Nantes] Lloyd's List no. 15381: 08.12.1886 [stranded] Lloyd's List no. 15382: 09.12.1886
50.01N 01.01.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 near Romney Pauline Dandy (sail) France 26.12.1886 KHER TR02SE32
Lloyd's List no. 15397: 28.12.1886
51.00N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 near Dymchurch Frigga Schooner (sail) Norway 26.12.1886 KHER TR12NW19
East Bay Lloyd's List no. 15397: 28.12.1886
50.01N 01.01.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
521 | TR 09691695 | 2 miles west of | Valhalla | Brig (sail} | Norway | 27.12.1886 | NMR TR01NE136 |
Dungeness | KHER TR01NE165 |
near Dungeness Station Lloyd's List no. 15397: 28.12.1886
near No. 3 Coastguard [Sandefjord] 26.12.1886 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 225-229 Station, West Bay Kent & Sussex Times 01.01.1887
50.54.36N 00.56.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08572433 off Romney ? Sailing Vessel Norway 12.1886 KHER TR02SE45
Kent & Sussex Times 01.01.1887
TR 097 170 offshore 3 miles west of Wave Barque (sail} United Kingdom 19.09.1887 KHER TR01NE137 Dungeness [Rochester]
4 miles west of Dungeness Brigantine (sail} 18.09.1887 Lloyd's List no. 15622: 19.09.1887
Lloyd's Register 1885/86, WAT, no. 126
50.54.48N 00.54E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 near Coastguard Station Bee Schooner (sail} United Kingdom 12.12.1887 KHER TR13SE35
Hythe [Whitstable] Lloyd's List no. 15695: 13.12.1887 [stranded]
51.03.45N 01.05E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10 20 500 yards from beach St Louis Ketch (sail} France 29.05.1889 TR12SW
off No. 2 Battery [Lannion] Lloyd's List no. 16149: 30.05.1889 [stranded]
50.54.50N 00.59E Dandy (sail} Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10 18 0.25 mile south of Vivid Brigantine (sail} United Kingdom 01.09.1890 TR11NW
Newcombe Shoal [Teignmouth] Lloyd's List no. 16541: 02.09.1890 [drove ashore] Lloyd's List no. 16542: 03.09.1890
Lloyd's Register 1889/90, VIR, no. 260
50.55.25N 00.59.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 20 off No. 2 Battery, Lade Aletta Barque (sail} Norway 09.03.1891 TR02SE
[stranded/caught fire] [Dram] Lloyd's List no. 16703: 11.03.1891 Lloyd's List no. 16704: 12.03.1891
Alette [Drammen] Lloyd's Register 1890/91, ALD, no. 860
[ex-Warjakka] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 231-235
N 01.00E East Bay, Dungeness Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 near No. 2 battery Hugh Barclay Schooner (sail} United Kingdom 09.03.1891 TR01NE
[stranded] [Fleetwood] Lloyd's List no. 16703: 11.03.1891 Lloyd's Register 1890/91, HUD, no. 1048
TR 08 20 No. 2 Coastguard Station Carpenter 1985, 73
East Bay, Dungeness TR02SE
50.57N 01.00E Hugh Baclay Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 22 near Greatstone Point Echo Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 10.03.1891 TR02SE
[driven ashore] [Llanelli] Lloyd's List no. 16702: 10.03.1891 Lloyd's Register 1890/91, EBE, no. 117 Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 236
TR 08 20 No. 2 Coastguard Station 09.03.1891 Carpenter 1985, 73, pl. 50.57N 01.00E East Bay, Dungeness Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 at No. 1 Battery Jarlen Barque (sail) Norway 22.10.1891 TR01NE
[ashore] [ex-A.F.Stoneman] [Moss] Lloyd's List no. 16896: 23.10.1891 Lloyd's List no. 16897: 24.10.1891
Lloyd's List no. 16912: 11.11.1891 Lloyd's Register 1890/91, JAN, no. 326
TR 09 27 off No. 2 Battery/ Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 237-241
abreast of No. 27
Coastguard Station Carpenter 1985, 75, pl.
TR 08 20 off Lade [Mors] Carpenter 1994, 131, pl. 50.57N 01.00E East Bay, Dungeness Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 27 St Mary's, Dungeness Marguerite Maria Schooner (sail) France 09.11.1891 TR02NE
[blown ashore] [ex-Mary Ellen] [Granville] Lloyd's List no. 16911: 10.11.1891 Lloyd's List no. 16912: 11.11.1891 Lloyd's Register 1890/91, MAR, no. 389
Littlestone Carpenter 1985, 76
51.00N 01.00E [Rauen] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 24 Littlestone Domin Brigantine (sail) Sweden 11.11.1891 TR02SE
[400 yards offshore] Carpenter 1985, 76
TR 08 24 near No. 2 Battery Aeolus Brigantine (sail) Norway 11.11.1891 TR02SE
[stranded] [Arendall Lloyd's List no. 16913: 12.11.1891 Lloyd's List no. 16914: 13.11.1891
Schooner (sail) Lloyd's Register 1890/91, ADV, no. 350
off Littlestone Sweden Carpenter 1985, 76-78 TR 19 34 at Seabrook Eider Schooner (sail) France 11.11.1891 TR13SE
[stranded] [Bordeaux] Lloyd's List no. 16912: 11.11.1891 Lloyd's List no. 16913: 12.11.1891
51.04.1ON 01.08.20E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 19693459 near Sandgate Benvenue Full-rigged Ship United Kingdom 11.11.1891 KHER TR13SE48 [ashore] (sail) [Glasgow]
[c.500 yards from shore] Lloyd's List no. 16912: 11.11.1891
Lloyd's List no. 16913: 12.11.1891
Lloyd's List no. 16914: 13.11.1891 Lloyd's Register 1890/91, BEN, no. 341 Biggs 1977, 78, 80, 84-85
Carpenter 1985, 6-9, pl.
MoD (N) Hyd. no. 012315540
TR 09 27 off Dymchurch Success Lugger (sail) United Kingdom 11.11.1891 TR02NE
[Deal] Lloyd's List no. 16913: 12.11.1891
51.00N 01.00E Coastguard Station, Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
St Mary's [stranded]
TR 08 20 near No. 2 Battery Ceres Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 27.03.1892 TR02SE
[stranded] [AberystwythI Lloyd's List no. 17029: 28.03.1892
Lloyd's List no. 17030: 29.03.1892 Lloyd's Register 1891/92, CER, no. 61O
[total wreck] Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 242
TR 09 16 near Dungeness Gem of the Ocean Barge (sail) United Kingdom 01.12.1892 TR01NE
[foundered] [Faversham] BoT Wk Rtn 1892,
appx. C, tab. 1, p. 111 (649)
Benham & Finch 1983, 149
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 East Bay, Johanne Marie Barque (sail) Norway 20.11.1893 KHER TR01NE149
Dungeness [Christiania/ Lloyd's List no. 17543: 21.11.1893 Oslo] Lloyd's List no. 17544: 22.11.1893
Lloyd's Register 1892/93, JOH, no. 514
TR 09 20 No. 2 Battery, Lade Carpenter 1985, 79-81
[0.5 mile from shore]
50.57N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Harmonie Brig (sail) Norway 20.11.1893 KHER TR01NE150 [stranded]
No.1 Battery Brigantine (sail) [Fredrickstad] Lloyd's List no. 17542: 20.11.1893 Lloyd's List no. 17543: 21.11.1893 Lloyd's Register 1892/93, HAR, no.184
TR 08 16 by Dungeness Lighthouse Harmony Carpenter 1985, 80
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 Dymchurch Minnie Dandy (sail) United Kingdom 21.11.1893 KHER TR12NW22
[drove ashore abandoned [Lowestoft] Lloyd's List no. 17543: 21.11.1893 following collision] Lloyd's List no. 17544: 22.11.1893
51.01N 01.01.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 2.5 miles north east of Ben Aigen Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 14.02.1895 TR01NE
Dungeness Lighthouse [Hull] Lloyd's List no. 17927: 15.02.1895 Lloyd's List no. 17928: 16.02.1895
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery Stringer & Stringer 1850/95, 244
[stranded] Lloyd's Register 1894/95, BEL, no. 255
south east of Dungeness 15.02.1895 Carpenter 1985, 40
Lifeboat House
50.56.45N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 04 16 near Coastguard Station, Eliza Barge (sail) United Kingdom 05.11.1895 TR01NW
West Bay, Dungeness [Harwich] Lloyd's List no. 18152: 06.11.1895 [blown ashore]
50.54.50N 00.55.22E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 24 off Romney Arche d'Alliance Ketch (sail) France 25.09.1896 TR02SE
[foundered] Lloyd's List no. 18429: 25.09.1896
50.59N 01.00E offshore 1 mile east of Arched Alliance Lugger (sail) Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4) Romney
TR 04 16 Galloways, Fleur des Mers Ketch(sail) France 05.12.1896 TR01NW
West Bay, Dungeness [Lannion] Lloyd's List no. 18489: 05.12.1896 50.55N 00.54E [stranded] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 between Lighthouse & Little Jim Lugger (sail) United Kingdom 31.08.1897 TR01NE
Beacon, Dungeness [Folkestone] Lloyd's List no. 18716: 31.08.1897 [stranded] Lloyd's List no. 18718: 02.09.1897
50.52N 01.00E offshore Dungeness Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 1.5 miles east of Queen of the Sea Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 02.11.1898 TR01NE
Dungeness Lighthouse [Penzance] Lloyd's List no. 19081: 02.11.1898 [ashore] Lloyd's List no. 19082: 03.11.1898
Lloyd's Register 1897/98, Q, no. 26
50.56.12N 00.59.36E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 24 between Dymchurch Silo Barque (sail) Norway 24.11.1898 TR02SE
& St Mary's Bay [Arendal] Lloyd's List no. 19100: 24.11.1898 [stranded] Lloyd's List no. 19101: 25.11.1898
Lloyd's Register 1896/97, SIG, no. 713
51.00N 00.59E near New Romney [Grimstad] Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10 29 near Dymchurch Mary Smack (sail) United Kingdom 01.06.1900 TR12NW
[driven ashore] [Dover] Lloyd's List no. 19571: 01.06.1900 51.01N 01.00E Dandy (sail) Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 08 18 off No. 1 Battery, N.C.Bull Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 27.09.1900 TR01NE
Dungeness [ex-Stagshaw] [Newhaven] Lloyd's List no. 19672: 27.09.1900 [stranded] Lloyd's Register 1897/98, N, no. 2
ESxRO Newhaven Ship Register 1856/95, RSS 3/1, p.102
50.57N 01.00E East Bay Brigantine (sail) Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10 29 near Dymchurch Excellent Lugger (sail) United Kingdom 04.10.1900 TR12NW
[lost while lying on the sand] BoT Wk Rtn 1900,
appx. C, tab. 1, p. 124
51.01N 01.01.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 10362941 2.5 miles east of Dolly Varden Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 01.02.1902 KHER TR12NW20
Dymchurch [Bridgwater] Lloyd's List no. 20091: 03.02.1902 [blown ashore] Lloyd's List no. 20092: 04.02.1902
51.02.38N 01.03.48E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 East Bay, Antje Schooner (sail) Germany 23.03.1904 KHER TR01NE144 Dungeness [Leer]
TR 08 24 Littlestone [Geestemunde/ Lloyd's List no. 20754: 24.03.1904
[stranded] Bremerhaven] Lloyd's List no. 20755: 25.03.1904 Lloyd's Register 1903/04, ANN, no. 938 Carpenter 1985, 29, pl.
51.00N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 15443389 Seabrook, Rochester Hopper Barge United Kingdom 23.11.1905 KHER TR13SE36 Hythe
TR 18 34 [stranded] [Portsmouth] Lloyd's List no. 21273: 23.11.1905
Lloyd's List no. 21274: 24.11.1905
51.04N 01.07.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 00 17 I mile east of Marie Christine Schooner (sail) France 13.02.1906 TR01NW
Coastguard Station, [Hennebont] Lloyd's List no. 21343: 14.02.1906 Jury's Gap Lloyd's List no. 21344: 15.02.1906
50.55.15N 00.51.30E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TR 09691695 near Dungeness Ringleader Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 24.12.1906 KHER TR01NE147 [stranded] [Penzance]
[Redruth] Lloyd's List no. 21611: 26.11.1906 Lloyd's Register 1906/07, RIG, no. 212 Biggs 1977, 95
50.54.34N 00.57.15E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 East Bay, Perseverance Fishing Trawler France 03.12.1907 KHER TR01NE152 Dungeness (sail)
TR 08 20 [stranded] [Boulogne] Lloyd's List no. 21903: 03.12.1907 50.57N 01.00E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 East Bay, Dungeness Sydney Tug United Kingdom 31.08.1908 TR01NE
[foundered] (steam) [London] Lloyd's List no. 22135: 01.09.1908 50.52N 01.00E offshore Dungeness Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09691695 offshore I mile north east Marinette Schooner (sail) France 10.12.1908 KHER TR01NE154
of Dungeness [Dunkerque] Lloyd's List no. 22222: 11.12.1908
[stranded] [St Servan] Lloyd's Register 1907/08, M, no. 356 50.55.38N 00.59.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
580 TR 08572433 Littlestone-on-Sea Malpas Belle Barque (sail) United Kingdom 1909 KHER TR02SE35
[Truro] BoT Wk Rtn 1909, appx.C, tab. 1, p.114
Schooner Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 04 16 offshore 3 miles west of Victoria Tug United Kingdom 21.12.1911 TR01NW
Dungeness Point (steam) [Plymouth] Lloyd's List no. 23161: 21.12.1911 [foundered]
50.54.12N 00.54E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 01 17 offshore 2 miles west of Lord Wolseley Barge (sail) United Kingdom 17.02.1915 TR01NW
Galloways, Dungeness [London] Lloyd's List no. 31413: 18.02.1915 [stranded] Lloyd's Register 1913/14, L, no. 304
BoT WWI Wk Rtn, pt. II, p. 16(2)
50.55.30N 00.50.50E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 19483499 Sandgate, Zeemeuw Schooner (sail) Netherlands 28.10.1915 KHER TR13SE38
Folkestone [Hoogezand] Lloyd's Register 1913/14, Z, no. 40
[stranded] BoT WWI Wk Rtn, pt. 11, p. 17(2)
51.04.1ON 01.08.20E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Point Scudo Barge (sail) United Kingdom 19.03.1917 TR01NE
[drove ashore] [Colchester] BoT WWI Wk Rtn 1917, pt. II, p. 26(2)
50.55N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Hythe Mazeppa Ketch (sail) ? 02.04.1917 TR01NE
Carpenter 1985, 44
TR 03 17 Lydd Beach Flid Barquentine Brazil 30.10.1917 TR01NW
[stranded] [ex-H.Grohmann] (sail) Lloyd's Register 1917/18, F, no. 86 BoT WWI Wk Rtn 1917, pt. II, p. 27(2)
50.55N 00.52.45E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TR 09691695 0.5 mile north of Marcia Motor Vessel United Kingdom 17.12.1917 KHER TR01NE155
Dungeness Lighthouse [Hull] BoT WWI Wk Rtn 1917, pt. II, p. 28(2)
50.55.12N 00.59E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Point Gelasena Ketch (sail) ? 08.01.1920 TR01NE
Carpenter 1985, 44
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Point Cambria Barge United Kingdom 1927 TR01NE
[London] Carpenter 1985, 46
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Point Hanna Schooner (sail) United Kingdom 26.10.1928 TR01NE
[Poole] Carpenter 1985, 46
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Point Ironsides Barge United Kingdom 06.10.1929 TR01NE
[Rochester] Carpenter 1985, 46
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Point Shamrock Barge United Kingdom 08.10.1932 TR01NE
[London] Biggs 1977, 96-97
Carpenter 1985, 48
TR 09 16 off Dungeness Point Willesden Steamship United Kingdom 08.05.1937 TR01NE
[beached following collision] [London] Carpenter 1985, 50 TR 06861615 1.3 miles 2472 Roseburn Steamship United Kingdom 19.06.1940 KHER TR01NE167
High Light, Dungeness ESxMSMR no.1054
[beached following Lloyd's Confid. War Loss Rees.
E-boat attack] 1939-45, 88
Brit. Vessels Lost at Sea 1939-45, 7
MoD (N) Hyd. no. 013705900
50.54.22N 00.56.40E Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
TR 06 16 2 miles south west Lydd Light Float
[beached following
E-boat attack]
50.43.16N 00.48.05E
TR 15 33 Hythe Beach [caught fire]
50.03.45N 01.05E
TR 09 16 offshore Dungeness [capsized]
off Dover [sank]
51.00N 01.02E
LCP(S) No 129
Landing Craft Motor Vessel
United Kingdom 24.06.1940
United Kingdom 10.11.1944
United Kingdom 26.07.1956 [Middlesboroughl]
Lloyd's Confid. War Loss Rees.
1939-45, 91
Brit. Vessels Lost at Sea 1939-45, 7
MoD (N) Hyd. no. 013702488
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(3)
Brit. Vessels Lost at Sea 1939-45, 58
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
Lloyd's Register 1955/56, T, no. 29570 Lloyd's Casualty Rtn 1956 p.19
Biggs 1977, 98-99
Carpenter 1985, 53
Larn & Larn 1995, 11(4)
Long 2000, 80
N.B. In order to maintain consistency all volume numbers are expressed in Roman numerals
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