Rents for the Sacrist of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235
Translation from Latin of Custumale Roffense, c.1235, folio 28v-33v by Jacob Scott with notes by Dr Christopher Monk.
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Rents due for the mandatum of the poor, St Andrew’s Priory, c.1235
Common terms and wages for the servants of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235
Rents for the Sacrist of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235
Written By Jacob Scott
The sacristy was the office of the sacrist, responsible for vestments, vessels, and other items connected with worship.
Note that 'Haddenham' is written in a later, fourteenth-century hand.
28vRedditus de Hadenham pertinens ad sacrist.
De Johe le Bel,
De Marild de fraymio
De Ad hykeb
De henr’ fetice
De Walto trewechapman
De __ hardying
Iffi tenent de Bondelonde, et debent
terre rcdimi poftx mortem tenentium:
Et debent juvare ad colligendum fenum
et alia opera. facere fi placuerit sacriste, et
festam curie.
Termini solutionis predicti redditus et subse-
quentis sunt tres: videlicet, Ad vincula sancti
Petri: Ad festum sancti Michaelis: Et
dominica in ramis palmarum. Et in quolibet
termino folvetur tantum quantum hic est
Memorandum quod particule illius redditus sic speciticate fuerint
Redditus de Hadenham pertinens ad sacrist.
De Johanne filio Walteri
De Laurencio de Fraxino illid.
De Ada le Bel,
De Ricardo fillo Willelmi, II s.
De Johanne fillo Ricardi III s. VIII d.
De Ricardo le Bel de Coudintone,
De Hugone de Fraxino,
De Johanne lon,
De tenemento Ricardi le Efcriveyn.
Onnes suprascripti libere tenentes
et heredes corum releviabunt terras fuas
postmortem parentum fuorum. Item omnes
suprascripti in tres septimanis in tres
septimanas fi fibi placuerit.
Anno regni Regis Edwardi octavodecimo.
Redditus de Sacristia Ad festum Sancti Michaelis.
De altari Sancti Nicholai, X solidi
De Berchingechirche, XL denaria
De Pininden quam Johannes Parleben tenet, XLII denaria
De domo tegulata de Dodingherne, III solidi
De terra Gunnore quam Sanson faber et tenet. XII denaria
De quaunda acra terre retro cem de Eftgate, Robertus filius Thome, VI denaria
De fabrici cum pertinenciis juxta Heredes Brutini fabri, VI denaria
De terra Grangie de Yfeld Heredes Thomelini, IIII denaria
De terra Wecherild Sigari retro domum Radulfi Coitemanni, III denaria
De quandan terra retro terrarn R. Coitemanni Albreda de Huneberga,
II denaria
De terra Pagani coci heredes Hugonis sacriste, XX denaria
De orientali parte de Eppelane. Adam Badevant, XIIII denaria
De terra Walteri Lorimer Claricia quandiu vivit, X denaria
De terra Olaf quam Robertus Hug tenet olim Aki, X denaria
De terra Corbin heredes Roberti Coc, VIII denaria
De terra Coc in Cheldega Ricardus Kenelmus, IIII denaria
De eadem terra Coc Henricus Bingere, IIII denaria
De quadam terra retro terram W. Lorimer. Heredes Raphael, III denaria
De terra Hachesis extra Estgate. Ricardus filius Brient, III denaria ob.
De terra Christiani. Eilnothus Jungman. IIII denaria
De terra Uniet Cruddeth. Rogerus mercator Cant. IIII denaria
4 pence
De terra Elvine Burree. Heredes Baldewini. VIII denaria
De terra Hamonis pistoris. Adam de cruce, IIII denaria
De terra Kete alio nomine Huntaines land. Robertus de Estgate, IIII denaria
Frendesberi: De terra Saponarii. Sacrista Willelmus emit eam, IIII denaria
Borstalle: De terra Godwini presbiteri. Turstinus de Estgate, III denaria
De quadam terra de Prestefeld. Heredes Eustachii de Borstalle eskippam frumenti.
De terra Thome de Stanes in Meidestane. Heredes Guncelini, XII denaria
Pro muro cimeterii. Johannes Lorimer et Robertus faber, II denaria
De eadem Willelmus Kebbel, I denaris
[Symbol] Summa XXXII solidi et IX denaria et ob.
Lucas de Honcberrve d. de terra de Monekedone
ad altare beate Marie in novo opere. Item de eadem terra
VI denaria de Johanna Bledde ad idem altare.
Preposito domini Regis de feudis dis suprascriptis ad fes-
tum Sancti Michaelis, III sol. III d. ob.
Pro terra Radulfi clerici in Hedenham N. Roffen celerario,
Summa XVI solidi et VII denaria ob.
Ad festum Sancti Paulini. De ecclesia de Rethrefeld, I mare
Theloneum nundinarum Sancti Paulini, V solidi
Ad festum Sancti Andree. De dono WImari patris Cecilie
de Scheapeie, XII denaria
De Effe: Ad festum Sancti Thome Apostoli. Ex dono Thome Geri.
Hugo de bofco,
Summa XX sol. et IIII denaris.
Ad nativitatem Domini
De altari Sancti Nicholai,
De Berechingechireche, XL d.
De terra de Penindene,
De domo tegulata de Dodingherne,
Borstalle: De terra Gunnore,
Regis: De terra Pagani coci
De terra Saponarii,
30v De Frendelberi: De terra Thome presbeteri de Wlewiche. Robertus de Gillingeham,
De terra Pagani textoris. Heredes Roberti textoris,
De eadem. Heredes Hamonis Pinel,
Frendesberi. De terra retro domum R. Coiteman,
Borstalle. De terra Goldwini presbeteri. Turtinus de Eastgate.
De Eppelane,
De terra Lorimer,
De terra Olaf,
De terra Corbin,
De terra Cot,
De eadem,
De terra retro terram Lorimer,
De terra Hachefisy IX d. ob.
De terra Christiani,
De terra Uniet Crudhop,
De terra Hamonis piftoris,
De terra Kete, hoc eft Huntainesland,
Frendesberi: De terra Wecherilde Sigari,
Pro muro cimiterii. Johannes Lorimer et Rogerus,
De eadem. Willelmus Kebbel,
In media Quadragesima. De terra grangie de Yfeld,
De fabrica juxta Eftgate cum pertinenciis,
Summa XXXI solidi et IX denaria et ob.
31r Ad Pascha.
De altari Sancti Nicholai,
De Berchingecheriche,
De ecclesia de Rethrefeld,
De terra de Pinindene,
De domo tegulata de Dodingherne,
De terra Crudhop,
De terra Elamonis pistoris,
De terra Kcte, alio nominee Huntanesland,
De quadam terra de Preitefeld eskippam frumenti.
Pro muro cimiterii, Johannes Lorimer et Rogerus faber,
De eadem. Willelmus KebJil d.
Summa XL IIII sol. V d. ob.
31v Isti debent colligere pratum de Sacriftia juxta Holfletc.
De terra Walteri Lorimer, unum hominem.
De terra Pagani textoris, duos homines.
De terra Kete. Robertus Vinitarius, unum hominem.
De terra Chriftiani, ünum hominem.
De terra Hakefis, II homines.
De terra Elvine Buree, I hominem.
De terra Corbin unum hominem.
De terra piftoris hominem.
De terra Sanere unum hominem.
De fabrica Radulfi, I hominem.
De terra Remmoli, unum hominem.
Et habebunt dimidium sextarium ad potum.
Ad Festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste.
De altari Sancti Nicholai,
De Berchingecherche, XL d.
De Cheleffeld: De Pinindene
De Cimiterui. De domo tegulata de Dodingherne,
De Borstalle: De terra Gunnore, XII d.
De Frendesberi. De terra Pagani coci, xx d.
De quodam prato juxta Holflete. Celerarius,
Reganii: De Croulane. Heredes Johannis filii Roce,
De Eppelane,
De terra Lorimer,
De terra Olaf,
32r Regis: De terra Corbin,
De terra coc,
De eadem,
De terra retro terram Lorimer,
De terra Hachesis,
De terra Christiani,
De terra Crudhop Yungman,
De terra Hamonis pistoris,
De terra Kete hoc est Huntainesland,
De Borstalle: De terra Chriftiani retro crucem extra Estgate. Robertus filius Thome,
De Frendesberi. De terra Saponarii,
Ad festum Sancte Margarete. De ecclesia ejusdem virginis, dimid. marce
Summa XL S. et VII d. ob.
Preposito Regis ad nativitatem Sancti Johannis Batiste
Pro terra Gunnore de eccl’,
Pro terra Christiani,
Pro fabrica cum pertinenciis juxta Eftgate,
Redditus solvendus Constabulario per Sacristam.
Quicumque fit Sacrista, dabit preposito regis singulis annis,
Ad festum Sancti Michaelis, II l. III d . 015.
Ad nativitatem Sancti Johannis Baptiste,
Si queritur a preposito, vel ab alio aliquo, de quibus terris, vel de quibus mafagiis reddantur hii redditus, respondebitur eis.
De terra Olaf, quam tenebat Aki.
De terra Walteri Lorimer, quam tenebat Diva.
De terra Kete, quam tenet Robertus de Eastgate.
De terra Corbin, quam tenet Sterling.
De terra Cot, quam tenet Ricardus Renelmuso
De terra Saponarii, quam tenet Walterus Piscator.
De furno Radulfi Uniet, quam tenet Alditha relifla Eudonis portarii.
De guadam terra in Croulane, quam tenebat Johannes filius Rocii.
De terra Alde, que recens jacet in bladi pro terra Eilas similiter.
Ecclesie pertinentes ad Sacristiam.
Altera Sancti Nicholai.
Ecclefia de Frendefberi.
Ecclefia de Berechingchireche.
Ecclefia de Retrefeld.
Ecclefia de Hedenham cum pertinencis.
Decime pertinentes ad Sacristiam.
Decima de Hedenham.
Decima de Cutintune.
Decima de Geddinges.
Decima de Eya Regis.
Decima de Aldeham.
Decima de Northflete, de domin:.cot erciatn garbam.
Decima de Yffeld.
Decima de Wenivalle.
Decima de Duna. De illa babebit ecclefia de Northflete
ad festum Sancti Michaelis pet manum poffldenciumd de
unaquaque acra vetere unam garbami
33r De terra Gileberti de Yffeld filii Willelmi percipiemus terciam
garbam decimarum fuarum fcilicet ordei et
avene, ecclesia de Northfliete duas garbas, de
frumento vero habebimus duas garbas et
ecclefia de Northfliete duas. Sed de filigine et
de pifiis et fabis et viciis totam decimam per-
De terris corum. qui vocantur Brewes et de
terris Roberti nigri, et de terris Henrici de Grene,
et de terris Cofin, totam decimam percipimus quic-
quid in illis feminatum fuerit.
De dominico archiepifcopi quicquid in illo feminatum fu-
erit, et ubicumque percipimus terciam garbam
decimarum, excepta tena que di' citur We-
rcland, que quondam fuit carrucariorum, unde
nichil percipimus.
De terris domine Odeline de Wenivalte percipimus
totam decimam de filigine, de piiis, de fabis,
de viciis, ubicumque finto Ecclefia de Northflete perci-
pit omnes alias decimas ex integro, excepto
campo, qui dicitur campus Aluredi, unde nos
percipimus totUlU et ecclelfia de
orthflete nichil.
Idem de campo quo manet quidem
Hugo et foror fua. Idem de vorlande apdcrinem.
Redditus de Hedenham pertinens ad Sacristiam.
Sancti Petri ad vincula.
Matheus miles,
Waltet'us filius Radulfi,
Johannes de Burtune,
Ricardus filius Walteri,
Ricardus filius Everardi,
Johannes filius Presbiteri,
Robertus filius Adam,
Osbernus de Bailel,
Robertus filius decani,
Randulfus filius Seman,
Robertus Huseman,
Rent of Haddenham pertaining to the Sacrist
Of John son of Walter
Of Laurence of Fraxin illid.
Of Ada of Bel
Of Richard son of William, 2 shillings.
Of John son of Richard,
Of Richard of Bel of Couditone,
Of Hugo of Fraxin,
Of John lon,
Of the tenents of Richard of Efcriveyn.
All of the above names tenants
and heirs
In the eighteenth year of the reign of Kind Edward.
[Annotation:] 1296.
29v Michaelmas
This records the rents due directly to the Sacrist. Expenses are also listed, specifically payments due to the king’s reeve and to the cleric Radulf at Haddenham. A pointing finger has been drawn in the right margin to mark out the expenses to the king’s reeve. Halfway down folio 30r, are payments due at the feasts of Saint Paul, Saint Andrew and Saint Thomas the Apostle. There are no headings for these latter three feast days. Important historically for Rochester priory.
Rent of the Sacrist at the festival of St Michael
The altar of Saint Nicholas 10 shillings
The Berchingechirche 40 pence
The Pinenden that Johannes Paleben holds 42 pence
The house tegulata of Dodingherne 3 shillings
The land Gunnore and Sanson the smith hold 12 pence
he workshop when pertaining to that near the heirs of Brutini’s workshop
6 pence
The farmland of Yfeld the heir of Thomelini 4 pence
The land of Wecherild Sigari behind the house of Radulfi Coitemanni 3 pence
The quandan land behind the ground of R. Coitemanni Albreda of Huneberga, 2 pence
The land of Pagani the cook the heir of Hugo the sacrist 20 pence
The eastern part of Eppelane. Adam Badevant, 14 pence
The land of Walter Lorimer where Claricia lives. 10 pence
The land of Olad that Robertus Hug holds once Aki 10 pence
The land of Corbin the heir of Robert Coc. 7 pence
The land of Coc in Cheldegegate Richard Kenel 4 pence
The same land of Coc Henricus Bingere, 4 pence
The certain land behind the land of Walter Lorimer the heir of Raphael 3 pence
The land of Hachesis outside of Eastgate. Richard son of Brient 3 pence
The land of Christian. Eilnothus Jungman 4 pence
The land of Uniet Cruddeth. Roger merchant of Canterbury
The land of Elvine Burree. Heir of Baldewini. 7 pence
The land of Hamo the miller. Adam the cross. 4 pence
The land of Kete also known as Huntaines Land. Robert of Eastgate 4 pence
Frindsbury. The land of Sapon. Sacrist William purchases her,
Borstal. The land of Godwin the priest. Turstinus of Eastgate, 3 pence.
The certain land known as Priestfield. The heirs of Eustach of Borstal eskippam of grain.
The land of Tom of Staines in Maidstone. Heirs of Guncel, 12 pence.
For the wall of the cemetery. John Lorimer and Robertus the smith.
The same from William Kebbel 1 penny
Total 32 shillings and 9 pence and one half.
Lucas of Honeberne the land of Monkedone.
at the altar of the blessed Mary in the new choir. And the same land
6 pence of John Bledde at the same altar.
[Expenses – marked by a hand symbol]
The provost lord King of feudis push the above mentioned at the
festival of St Michael. 3 shillings, 3 pennies and one half.
The land of Radulf cleric in Haddengam north Rochester cellarer.
Total 16 shillings and 7 pence and a half.
Feast of St Paul
At the feast of Saint Paul The church of Rotherford, 1 horse
Theloneum nundinarum Saint Paul, 5 shillings
Feast of St Andrew
At the festival of Saint Andrew. The gift of William’s father Cecil
of Sheppey, 12 pence
Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle
Of Effe: At the feast of Saint Tomas the Apostle. To be the previous doner Tom Geri.
Hugo of the wood.
Total 20 shillings and 4 pence.
At the nativity of the Lord
The altar of Saint Nicholas
The Berechingechireche, 40 shillings
The land of Penindene.
The tiling house of Dodingherne,
Borstal. The land of Gunnore,
The King: The land of Pagani the cook.
The land of Saponar,
Of Frindsbury: The land of Thomas the priest of Woolwich. Robert of Gillingham.
The land of Pagan the weaver. Heirs of Roberi textoris,
The same, The heirs of Hamo Pinel.
Frindsbury. The land behind the house of R. Coiteman,
Borstal. The land of Goldwin the priest. Turtinus of Eastgate.
The Eppelane,
The land of Lorimer,
The land of Olaf,
The land of Corbin,
The land of Cot,
The same,
The land begind the land of Lorimer,
The land of Hachefisy,
The land of Christiani,
The land of Uniet Crudhop,
The land of Hamo the baker.
The land of Kete, this is Huntainesland,
Frindsbury. The land of Wecherilde Sigari,
For the wall of the cemetery. John Lorimer and Roger,
The same. William Kebbel,
30v Middle of Lent
In the middle of Lent. The farmland of Yfeld,
The workshop near Eastgate with pertinenciis,
Total 31 shillings and 9 pence and one half.
31r Easter
At Easter
The Altar of St Nicholas
The Berching Church
The Church of Rethrefeld.
The land of Pinindene,
The tiling house of Doddingherne,
The land of Crudhop,
The land of Elamon the baker,
The land of Kete, also named Huntainesland,
The certain land of Priestfield on which is grown grain.
For the wall of the cemetery, John Lorimer and Roger the craftsmen
The same, William Kebull
That owe the meadow of the Sacristy near Holfletc..
The land of Walter Lorimer, one man,
The land of Pagani the weaver, two men,
The land of Kete, Robert Vinitar, one man.
The land of Christiani, one man.
The land of Hakesis, two men,
The land of Elvine Buree, one man,
The land of Corbin, one man,
The land of baker men,
The land of Sanere one man,
The workshop of Radulfi, one man.
The land of Remmoli, one man,
And hold half measure of drink.
Feast of Saint John the Baptist
At the festival of Saint John the Baptist.
The altar of Saint Nicholas,
The Berchingecherche
Of Cheleffeld, of Pinindene,
of Cimiterui. and the tiling house of Dodingherne,
Of Borstal, the land of Gunnore, 12 pence.
Of Frindsbury, the land of Pagani the cook, 20 pence.
Of the certain meadow next to Holflete. Celerarius,
Of Crow Lane, the heirs of John’s son Roce.
Of Eppelane,
The land of Lorimer,
The land of Olaf
The King: The land of Corbin
The land of the cook
The same,
The land behind the land of Lorimer,
The land of Hachesis.
The land of Christian,
The land of Crudhop Yungman,
The land of Hamo the baker,
The land of Kete also known as Huntainesland.
Of Borstal: The land of Christian behind
Of Frindsbury, the land of Saponarii,
32r Feast of St Margaret
No heading but marked by a red symbol in the left margin. Following this is a list of: To the king’s reeve at the feast of Saint John the Baptist; and to several clerics.
At the feast of Saint Margaret. The church of the Virgin, dimid. marce
Total 40 shillings and 7 pence and one half.
At the command of the Lord at the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
For the land of Gunnore the church,
For the land of Christian,
For the building
32v Payments to the constable
Heading at the very top of the page in a later hand (not red ink). There follows, halfway down 32v, a record of the tithing payments due the Sacristy. The list continues to 33r. No heading either, but a red letter ‘D’ (‘Decime’) marks the beginning of the list of tithing payments.
The rent paid by the Constable to the Sacristy
Whomsoever becomes the Sacrist, pays that of the King each year,
At the Feast of Saint Michael,
At the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
The land of Olaf, the tenant of Aki.
The land of Walter Lorimer, the tenant of Diva.
The land of Kete, the tenant of Robert of Eastgate.
The land of Corbin, the tenant of Sterling.
The land of Cot, the tenant of Richard Renelmuso,
The land of Saponarii, the tenant of Walterus Piscator.
The bakery of Radulf Uniet, the tenant of Alditha relifla Eudonis portarii.
The certain land in Crow Lane, the tenant of John son of Roc.
The land of Alde, and recently lying in the grain and similarly for the land of Elias.
Church payments
Church payments to the Sacrist
Altar of Saint Nicholas,
Church of Frindsbury
Church of Berechingchireche.
Church of Retrefeld,
Church of Haddenham when pertained to.
Tithing payments
Tithing payments to the Sacrist
Tithing of Haddenham.
Tithing of Cutintune.
Tithing of Geddinges.
Tithing of King Eya.
Tithing of Aldeham.
Tithing of Northfleet, the home of cot erciatn garbam.
Tithing of Yffeld.
Tithing of Wenivalle.
Tithing of Dene,
33v Haddenham at the feast of St Peter in chains
The Feast of St Peter in Chains (or, ‘St Peter’s Chains’) is celebrated on August 1st.
Rent of Haddenham pertaining to the Sacristy
Saint Peter in Chains
Matthew miles,
Walter son of Radulf,
John of Burtune,
Richard son of Walter
Richard son of Everard
John son of Presbiteri,
Robert son of Adam,
Osbern of Bailel,
Robert son of decani,
Randulf son of Seman,
Robert Huseman,