Duties of the Steward of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235

Duties of the Steward of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235

Translation from Latin of Custumale Roffense, folio 54r by Dr Christopher Monk.


Concerning the steward: what he ought to do.

The steward must always be at the ready for all matters with the prior, or with the cellarer, or with any other person, or for those things which by himself alone are discharged outside the court.  He also must make presents for guests if such are being sent to persons who are being lodged in town. As long as he is at the house [i.e. at the monastery], he always has the allowance of a single monk, but when absent, he gets nothing.  He ought to carry a staff in hand and in the guest hall to arrange the seating at table.  His annual stipend is 10 shillings.  And whenever he rides with the prior or cellarer outside the gate for business of the house, he has a servant to discharge his duties, who serves the guests in the guest house and draws ale; and he [the steward] carries presents for guests with the agreement of the cellarer wherever he wishes to send them; and he will have daily from the cellar the bread of a squire/attendant and a bowl of ale and from the kitchen just the same as one in the guest house.  The steward also ought to have the bishop’s household under his charge.

Dr Christopher Monk

Historical Consultant for creatives and the heritage sector.



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