Some Monumental Inscriptions of Betteshanger Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Knowlton Church
Monumental Inscriptions of Tilmanstone Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Betteshanger Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Betteshanger Church noted by Bax & Rice May 1892. Pages 61 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also Some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 29th March 2007 Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 28th November 2008.
1a. Every old stone seems to have been cleared out. There is a memorial to 1st Earl of Durham..
1b. Wooden rail to E of church Memory of Dan….l BAYLY died October the 14th 1759. Also Elizabeth his wife who died June the 20 1783/8.
1c. NE of church all R. caps In memory of | Henry | sixth son of John BOYS Esq.| of Pack,| who died at Malmains on the 21st Day of May 1847 aged 58 years.
2. HS with body stone E of church – copied by Mr. Rice R. caps. Here | rest the mortal remains | of | Mr. Richard EDWARDS, who departed this life | on the 6th of May 1852 in the 77th year of his age. He lived for upwards of 30 years as steward in the family of | F.E. Morrice Esq. | who, with feelings of attachment | and gratitude | inscribe this stone to his | memory | ell done, good and faithful servant. Enter then into the joy of they Lord Mark XXV Ver. 23.
3. NB There are not any old stones within churchyard 2 good modern low coped tombs one of grey and one of red, granite.
Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759
In The Chancell. On a Monument on ye N. Side of ye Communion Table. [¼ly 1&4). BOYS (3.77, Nonington) (written). 2). Arg. a fesse counterembattd. gu. betw. 6 fleurs-de-lis sa. (BARRY). 3). Gu a – sa. with 3 plates betw. 3 trefoils slipped arg. imp. ¼ly 1&4). Arg. a bull salaient sa. on a mount purp. 2). Gu a Λ betw. 3 nags arg. 3). Gu a Λ betw. 3 martlets arg].4. Here lieth The Body of Edward BOYS of Betteshanger, Esq. interred between his Two first Wives. He was the Sonne of Vincent Boys, of the Family of Fredville by his Wife Elisabeth, one of the Daughters and Heirs of Richard BARREY, of Sevington, in this County, Esq. Lieutenant of Dover Castle in 88. He had 3 Wives; The First Judith, one of the Daughters and Heirs of Robert RIDLEY of East Grinstead in the County of Sussex, Esq. by whom he had Issue, John his Sonne and Heir; Edward, who died sans Issue; Jane, married to Nicholas DARRELL, Doctor of Law; Judith, to Sr. Samuel SLEIGH of Ash, in Derbyshire, Knt.; Mary to Moses CAPELL, Clerke; Eliza, to Gervase Sleigh, Clerke, Brother to the said Sr. Samuel; and Margaret, to George CRAYFORD, of Great Mongeham, Esquier. His second Wife was Elisabeth TILSHAM, the Relict of Edward KELKE of Sandwich Gent. His 3d. Wife was, Judith, the Daughter of Mr WHEELER, of Totn’am High Crosse, near London. Hee departed this Life on the 23d. day of October, A.D. 1649. Quem per Lustra decem hac tantilla Paraechia novit Incolinsse Patiem, mortuus Ille jacet. Pacificus, Patiens, Prudens, Pius, atq. Pudicus; Mortuus astanti Moribus hic loquitur.
5. On a neat Monument, on ye S. Side of the Communion Table.[3 shh. in line. I. BOYS (written) with THOMSON in pretence. Per fesse arg. & sa. a – ounterembattled betw. 3 falcons, all countercharged. II. Boys (written) with JEFFERAYE in pretence; Az. a fret or, on a chief or a lion passt. az. III. Boys (written) with ROUTH in pretence; Arg. on a \ cotised sa. 3 molets arg.].To the Memory of John BOYS of Betteshanger Esq. Son and Heir of Edward Boys, of this Parish, Esq. He had 3 Wives. The First, Elizabeth, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Nicholas THOMPSON of the City of Chichester, Gent. by whom he had Issue Edward and John; and Elisabeth, married first to Francis QUINTIN, Clerk; and after, to Edmund IBBOTT, Clerk; Mary, married to William DEY, Merchant; and Judith, married to Henry PARAMOR, Gent. His 2d. Wife was Letitia, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Thomas JEFFERAY, of Chittingly, in Sussex Esq. by whom he had Issue Jefferaye and Thomas, and Letitia, married to Thomas BRETT of Wye, Gent. Anne married to Herbert WOODWARD of Ashford, Gent; and Margaret married to Christopher MILLES of Hern, Gent. He had, also, Issue by his First Wife, Nicholas, Margaret and Katherine; and by his second Wife, Thomas and Joanna, who all died young. His Third Wife was Margaret, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Sr. John ROUTH, of Boughton, Knight. He dyed the 21st of October 1678 in the 72nd Yeare of his Age, when, according to his own Expression, Vitam, habuit in Patientia, Mortem in Desiderio. Cui Natura, dedit, Rerum et moderatior Usus Annoso et sano Corpore posse frui. Cui Res non parva, et Series numerosa Nepotum. Abstulerant Vitae Taedia cuncta suae. Illius Mens pura Palatia Regis anhelans Caelestis, Vitam hauc vix patienter habet.
6. On a Monument on the South Wall. [BOYS imp. JEFFERAY (both written)]. Here lyeth the Body of Letitia, Second Wife of John Boys, of Betteshanger, in the County of Kent, Esq. Who was eldest of the 2 Daughters and Coheirs of Thomas Jefferay of Chittingsly, in the County of Sussex. Esq. by Margarite, eldest daughter of Richard MOSELEY of Owesdon Hall in the County of Suffolk, Esq. She left Issue to the said John 2 Sonnes, Jefferay and Thomas; and 3 Daughters, Lettice, Anne and Margaret. Sub Saxo hoc Matrona jacet, pia Tabitha esenis, Sara viro, Natis Martha, Maria Deo. obijt Die Dominico et Pentecostae, decimo Junij, Annoq Domini 1660. Memoriae Sacrum, et, Amoris ergo, Monumentum hoc posuit maestissimus Maritus.
7. On Mont. on the N. Wall. [BOYS imp. Thomson (both written)]. Here lieth interred the Body of Mrs Elisabeth BOYS ye Wife of John Boys, of this Parish, Esq. and one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Nicholas THOMPSON, of Chichester, in Sussex, Gent: deceased. She departed this Life the 24th of January, 1640-41 aged 31 Years, having Issue then living 2 Sonns, Edward and John; and 5 Daughters, Elisabeth, Mary, Judith, Margaret, and Katherine since dead. Comely she was, loving, humble, and kind; Her Portion fair, most beautyfull her Mind. Near Twelve Yeares married, aged Thirty one; She left a Cottage, and obtained a Throne.
8. On Another Mont. on the N. Wall. [BOYS(written) imp. Per fesse or a az. 3 rings countercharged DUKE)]. Here lyeth the Body of Edward BOYS, of Betteshanger Esq. eldest son of John Boys Esq. he was born Mar. 25 1636. Married Ann eldest daugr. of George DUKE, of Cosington, in this County, Esq. Sept. 18 1662 and, died without Issue April 3 1691.
9. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth buried the Body of Judith BOYS, late Wife of Edward Boys of Betteshanger Esq. who died the IX Day of Sept. 1628. Shee had Issue, by the said Edward two Sonnes, and 5 Daughters, the eldest whereof died before his Mother.
10. On Another. Here lyeth buried the Body of Elisabeth BOYS, sometimes Wife of Edward KELK, of Lincolnshire (and late of Sandwich) Gent: and Second Wife to Edward Boys of Betteshanger Esq. who died the 29th of July 1630.
11. On Another. Under this Ston lieth interred the Body of John BOYS, late of this Parish, Esq. who departed this Life the 21st of October 1678 in the 72d. Yeare of his Age.
12. In The East Window are these Coats. [3 shh. in line.
I. Sa. a Λ betw. 3 prs. of stags’ antlers arg. in centre chief a molet arg. for diffce.
II. Checky or & az. a fesse gu.
III. Az. on a + arg. X surmounted by I, both sa. (DEANERY OF CANTY.) imp. BOYS (written)]
13. In the North Chancell. Is a very sumptuous Monument for Admiral MORRIS, adorn’d with a Fine Busto of him, as also with Trophies, Arms, etc. and an elegant Basso releivo representing a Sea Prospect – it was done by P. SCHEEMAKERS. It bears ye following Coat and Inscription. The Coat is on an Obelisk, behind ye Busto. [Gu. a lion rampant or (MORRIS) imp. (WRIGHT). Az. 2 bars and in chief 3 leopards’ hds. arg]. Near this Place is interred Salmon MORRIS, Esq. Vice Admiral of his Majesties White Squadron, who died the 21st of March, 1740-41 aged 68 Years. Also his beloved Wife Elizabeth, Daughter of William WRIGHT, Esq. late one of the Commissioners of his Majesties Navy. She died 22 Sept. 1733 aged 48 Years.
14. Over the South Door, is a small Figure, cut in ye Stone Work, sitting, and holding the Book of ye Gospell, wch. appears to be very ancient.
This Church consists of a Chancell, North Chancell, and Body, wch. are all very small. In a low wooden Spire, at ye West End, hang 3 Bells, which I could not get at, so know not whether they bear any Inscriptions.
15. It was dedicated to (St. Mary). It is a Rectory, in the Gift of the Proprietor of Betteshanger. The present Rector is Mr (Jn.) JAMES, who is also Rector of Upper Deal. 1759.
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 28th November 2008
From the village of Tilmanston to Betteshanger, the adjoining Parish to the Eastward, is not more than a mile.
16. The Church stands in a valley almost close to Betteshanger house, a handsome Mansion, at present (1793) unoccupied. It was for many years the property and residence of the family of the BOYS’s as particularly appears by the following curious paper, which was annexed to the register of Betteshanger, by Dr. BRETT.
The Names of the Rectors of this Parish from about ye Year 1600. John BOYS, Son of Thomas Boys of Eythorne and Nephew to Sr. John Boys, purchaser of the Manor of Betteshanger, Dr. of Divinity and Dean of Canterbury, was also Rector of this Parish and Rector of Great Mongeham, died Sept. 26 1625. He was immediately succeeded by John SACKET who being collated to the Rectory of Mongham made a Cession of Betteshanger and was immediately succeeded by Moses CAPEL, Septem. 1628 who was married to Mary, one of the Daughters of Edward BOYS Esqr. Lord of the Manor of Betteshanger, Oct. 11th 1629 who also resigned this Cure Jan. 10 1643/4 and was succeeded by Nicholas BILLINGSLEY, who also resigned July 4, 1651, and was succeeded immediately by Robert SCUDDER who died the latter end of the Year 1660 and was immediately succeeded by John DOD who quitted it again at the Feast of St. Bartholomew 1662 because he would not conform according to the Act of Uniformity and was immediately succeeded by Thomas BRETT, who was also Curate of Sutton. He died 1680 and was immediately succeeded both at Betteshanger and at Sutton by Thomas BOYS, A.M. of Catherine Hall in Cambridge. Being the youngest Son of John Boys Esqr. Lord of the Manor of Betteshanger. He was buried in the Chancel of the Parish Church of Betteshanger Decem. 8, 1702, and was immediately succeeded by his Sister’s Son Thomas BRETT, L.L.D. of Queens College in Cambridge To Whom also the Manor of Betteshanger descended on the Death of Edward Grotius BOYS Gent. July 1706. But so encumbered with Mortgages and other Debts that he was forced to part with it and therefore sold it to Salmon MORRICE, Esqr. the present Possessor. It having continued in the Family of Boys little more than 100 Years under the Persons following: Sr. John BOYS, the first Purchaser who was the youngest Son of William Boys of Fredville, Esqr.
He was an eminent Lawyer, Steward to the Archbishop and the Dean and Chapter’s Court’s and raised a considerable Estate, which, having no Children of his own, he divided between his Brothers Sons, Thomas, eldest Son of Thomas BOYS of Eythorne beforementioned and Brother of Dean Boys, to whom he left the Lease of Hoth-Court with other Lands, and Edward, Son of Vincent Boys, whom he settled at Betteshanger several years before his own Death which happened in the Year 1612 & he was buried in the Body of the great Church at Canterbury, where is a handsome Monument erected for him. Edward Boys to whom this Estate was given lived in the Mansion House here about fifty Years and was buried Oct. 28 1649, leaving this Mannor & Estate to his only Son, John BOYS Esqr. who being a Member of that infamous Parliament which began Nov. 1640 and siding zealously with the Faction against the Church and King as far as the Presbyterians were concerned (for he refused to joyn with the Independants who barbarously murdered the King) and seeking to enrich himself by the Purchase of the Bishop’s Lands, may be reasonably supposed to have entailed a Canker on his large Estate, & a Curse on his numerous Posterity*. For soon after his death his Family & Estate sunk till his Name in his own Line was quite extinguished. He died & was buried Oct. 25 1678. *How exceedingly absurd to suppose that the political faith of the Parent should be the cause of all the misfortunes which befell the family! Surely Dr. BRETT had forgotten that God had sworn (Ezekiel XVIII, 3) that there should be no more occasion to use this proverb in Israel, "The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the childrens teeth are set on edge".
Edward BOYS his eldest Son succeeded to this Mannor and best part of the Estate. But he lived but little Time at Betteshanger and was then forced to let it and retire to board in the Neighbourhood to pay his Debts, which he honestly and honourably did and then died and was buried Apr. 7 1691 leaving this Mannor and Estate to his next Brother John BOYS, who enjoyed it but lived not here, except sometimes for about a month, the Mansion House being from this Time for the most part wholly uninhabited ‘till the Alienation made to Capt. MORRICE. John Boys dying in London unmarried Nov. 1698 left the Mannor and a clear Estate to the next Brother Jefferay BOYS Esqr. a Bencher of Grays Inne who before this Estate fell to him had run himself so in Debt, that he Mortgaged the whole to clear his Fortune but it was scarce sufficient. He died and was buried with his Ancestors in the Chancel of this Church Apr. 21 1703 leaving his broken mortgaged Estate to his only Child Edward Grotius BOYS who having considerably encreased the Debt of the Estate died and was buried Jul. 22 1706 leaving the Mannor of Betteshanger and the rest of his miserably encumbered Estate to Thomas the Son of Latitia BRETT, his father’s only surviving Sister which Thomas Brett being also Rector of this Parish as before has been observed was very desirous to have kept the Mannor and Estate if it had been possible: But finding it altogether impracticable, he at last sold it as abovesaid to Capt. Salmon MORRICE Captain of one of his Majesties great Ships of War.
Edward LLOYD M.A. formerly of Christ Church in Oxford who was inducted into the Rectory of Betteshanger July 17th 1716 presented thereunto by Salmon MORRICE Esqr. who before was possessed of the Rectory of Ripple and quitted the Curacy of Mongham, for to discharge his Cure of the two Rectorys. The Revd. Mr LLOYD died about Lady Day 1741 and was succeeded at the Presentation of William MORRICRE Esqr. by James LAVAURE, A.M. who died in November 1743 and was immediately succeeded by the Revd. Mr John JAMES (formerly of Oriel in Oxford) who was inducted into the said Rectory on the seventh Day of January 1743/4; (to which I add) and died Novr. 27th 1775 and was succeeded by the Revd. John KENRICK, who died April 8th 1793 of a Paralytic stroke at 60.
17. The Church is a small building of only one Aile, and a Chancel, with a turret at the West end, containing three Bells. It is kept remarkably neat and from the multiplicity of Monuments, etc. for so small a Church, makes a handsome appearance. Over the South door is a Saxon arch with zig-zag ornaments, with a Small figure of a Man under the center of it.
In the Chancel.
18. On a mural Monument on the South side of the East window is:
To the Memory of John BOYS of Betteshanger Esqr. Son and Heir of Edward Boys of this Parish Esq. He had three Wives, the first Elizabeth, one of the Daughters & Coheirs of Nicholas THOMPSON of the City of Chichester Gent. by whom he had issue Edward & John and Elizabeth, marryed first to Francis QUINTIN Clerk and after to Edmund IBBOTT Clerk. Mary marryed to William DAY Merchant and Judith marryed to Henry PARAMOR Gent. His second Wife was Laetitia one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Thomas JEFFERYAY of Chittingly in Sussex Esq. by whom he had Issue Jefferay and Thomas and Laetitia marryed to Thomas BRETT of Wye Gent. Anne marryed to Herbert WOODWARD of Ashford Gent. and Margaret marryed to Christopher MILLES of Hern, Gent. He had also Issue by his first Wife Nicholas, Margaret & Katherine who all dyed young. His third Wife was Margaret one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Sr. John ROUTH of Boughton, Knight. He dyed the 21 of Oct. 1678 in the seventy second Year of his Age when according to his own Expression Vitam habuit in Patientiâ, Mortem in Desiderio Cui natura dedit rerum et moderator usus Annosa et sano corpore posse frui Cui Res non parva et series numerosa nepotum Abstulerant vitae taedia cuncta suae Illius Mens pura Palatiâ Regis an helans Caelestis, vitam hanc vox patienter habet. Arms: 3 shields. 1st. BOYS on an escutcheon of pretence, THOMPSON, Viz. Ar. a fess raguleè, betw. 3 Birds, Sab. 2nd. Boys surtout an esutcheon of pretence, ROUTH of Boughton. Crest: on a Chapeau, a Demy Lion, crown’d with a Ducal Coronet. 3rd. BOYS overall an escutcheon of pretence, JEFFERAY, viz. Az. a Fret, Or, on a chief, Ar. a Lion passt. Gu.
19. On a mural Monument at the North side of the Window is: Here lyeth ye Body of Edward BOYS of Betteshanger Esqr. inter’d between his two first Wives. Hee was the Sonne of Vincent Boys of ye Family of Fredvile by his Wife Elizabeth one of ye Daughters & Heires of Richard BARRY of Sevington in this County Esqr. Lieutenant of Dover Castle in 88. He had three Wives, ye first Judith, one of ye Daughters & Heires of Robt. RIDLEY of East Greensted in ye County of Sussex Esqr. by whom he had Issue John his Sonne & Heire, Edward who died sans Issue, Jane married to Nicholas DARREL, Dr. of Law, Judith to Sr. Samuell SLEIGH of Ash in Derbishir, Knt. Mary to Moses CAPELL, Clerke, Eliza to Gervase SLEIGH, Clerke, brother to ye said Sr. Samuell & Margarett to George CRAYFORD of Great Mungham Esquire. His second Wife was Elizabeth TILGHAM ye Relict of Edward KELK of Sandwich Gent. His third Wife Judith ye Daughter of Mr WHELER of Totnam High crosse neare London. Hee departed this Life on ye 23rd Day of October Ano Dni. 1649.
20. Against the North wall of the Chancel, on a Monument of black and white marble is: Here lyeth interr’d ye Body of Mrs Elizabeth BOYS ye Wife of John Boys of this Parish Esqr. & one of ye Daughters & Coheires of Nicholas THOMPSON of Chichester in Sussex Gent, deceased. She departed this Life ye 24th of January 1640 aged 31 Years having Issue then living 2 Sonnes Edward, John and 5 Daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Judeth (Margaret & Katherine since dead). Comely she was loving humble & kind/Her portion fair, most beautiful her mind./Near twelve Years marid aged thirty one/She left a Cottage and obtain’d a Throne./erected 1649. Arms: Boys, impaling Thompson.
21. On a small mural Monument at the South side of the Chancel is: Here lyeth the Body of Laetitia 2nd Wife of John BOYS of Betteshanger in the County of Kent Esqr. She was eldest of the two Daughters and Coheirs of Thomas JEFFERAY of Chittingly in the County of Sussex Esqr. by Margarite eldest Daughter of Richard MOSELY of Owesden Hall in the County of Suff. Esqr. She left Issue to the said John 2 Sonnes Jefferay & Thomas and 3 Daughters, Lettice, Anne & Margarite. Sub saxo hoc Matrona jacet pia Tabitha egenis Sara viro, natis Martha, Maria Deo obiit die dominico et pentecosta decimo Junii anno que Dni 1660. Memeoriae sacrum Et amoris ergo monumentum hoc posuit maestissimus maritus. Arms: BOYS, impaling JEFFERAY
22. On an oval Tablet of white marble against the North wall of the Chancel is: Here lyeth the Body of Edward BOYS of Betteshanger Esqr. eldest Son of John Boys Esqr. He was born March 25th 1636, marryed Anne eldest Daughter of George DUKE of Cosington, in this County, Esqr. Sepr. 18 1662 and dyed without Issue April ye 3 1691. Arms: Boys, impaling Duke, viz. Party per fess, Or, & Az. 3 annulets, counterchanged.
23. On a small neat Monument of white marble at the South side of the Chancel is: Near this Place lie the Remains of John JAMES, M.A. Rector of this Parish and of Deal. He died Novr. 27th 1775 Aged 57 Years. Also of Sarah James his Wife who died Septr. 30th 1782 Aged 57 Years.
24. On a plain Grave stone in the Chancel is: Here lyeth buried the Body of Judeth BOYS, late Wife of Edward Boys of Betteshanger Esqr. who dyed the ix Day of Sept. 1628. Shee had Issue by the sayd Edward two Sonnes & five Daughters, the eldest whereof dyed before her Mother.
25. On another is: Under this Ston lyeth interr’d ye Body of John BOYS late of this Parish Esqr. who departed this Life the 21 of October 1678 In the seventy second Year of his Age. Arms: Boys.
26. On another is: Here lyeth buried the Body of Elizabeth BOYS sometimes Wife of Edward KELK of Lincolnshire (and late of Sandwich) Gent. and second wife to Edward Boys of Betteshanger Esqr. who dyed ye 29th of July 1630.
27. On the North wall of the aile is an oval tablet of white marble, inscribed: Near this Place lie the Remains of William BOYS late of this Parish Gent. He died at Mongham the 17th of July 1781 in the 68th Year of his Age.
28. Within a very small Chapel at the North side of the Aile is an elegant Monument, consisting of a Sarcophagus of black marble bearing the underwritten inscription; on the Pedestal is a fine representation of three Ships, on the Sarcophagus stands a fine Bust of the Admiral with emblems of War, as Cannon, Swords, Spears, etc. all in white marble; in the back ground is a noble pyramid of grey marble: the whole is executed in a masterly manner, by Scheemakers: Near this Place is Interr’d Salmon MORRICe Esqr. Vice Admiral of His Majesty’s White Squadron who Dyed the 21st of March 1740 Aged 68 Years. Also His Beloved Wife Elizabeth, daughter of William WRIGHT Esqr. late one of the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Navy She dyed the 22d. of September 1733 Aged 48 Years. Arms: MORRICE, viz. Gu. a Lion rampant regardant, Or. impaling, WRIGHT, viz. Az. two Bars, Ar, in chief three Leopards faces, Or.
29. On a plain stone, at the East end of the Aile is: Underneath is Interr’d Mary NIBBS, Daughter of James Langford and Barbara Nibbs. She died an Infant on the 26th of December 1763. Also Thomas Son of the abovesaid James Langford Nibbs Esq. and Barbara his Wife. He died the 23d. April 1765 Aged 11 Weeks.
30. On a very small stone in the middle of the aile is: R.B. 1705.
31. On another is: W.B. 1750.
32. On another is: M.B. 1764.
33. On another is: W.B. 1781.
34. On a plain stone at the West end of the Aile is: To the Memory of John BOYS, Son of John Boys and Mary his Wife, who died the 21st of October 1777, Aged 6 Months.
35. On another near the above is: To the Memory of Thomas HUGHES, Son of William Hughes Esqr. and Mary his wife: he died the 19th of August 1776 Aged 4 Months.
36. On Hatchments, against the North side of the Aile.
1st. WRIGHT impaling, Ar. a Bend, between 6 Roman Ices, Sab. Motto: Resurgam.
2nd. MORRICE, impaling WRIGHT. Crest: on a Perch, a Jay, proper.
3rd. MORRICE impaling WRIGHT.
4th. MORRICE impaling CHADWICK, viz. Gu. an Inescutcheon, within 8 martlets, in orle, Ar.
Painted Glass.
37. In the East window of the chancel: Arms. 1st Sab. on a chevron, between 3 attires of a stag, affixed to the scalp, Ar. an annullet, of the field, for COCKS.
2nd. Checky, Or & Az. a fess, and bordure, Gu.
3rd. (Some remains of the arms of BOYS).
4th. Deanery of Christ Church, Canterbury, viz. Az. a cross, Ar. impaling BOYS, for Dean Boys.
38. On the bells.
1st. Maria Plena Gratia Mater Misecordie Scta Maria. Arms: Quarterly 1st & 3rd. a Cross, 2nd & 4th,
Checky impal.
2nd. Istae Tres Nolae sunt fratrum dona duorum (Scts. Thomas. Arms: Quarterly 1st a chev. in chief 3 Leopards
faces. 2nd. a chev. between 3 stags attires. 3rd. a bend sinister gutte. 4th. two bends sinister cotized.
3rd. Hic qui olim pastor, aeque patronus errant. Scts. Edmundus Rex. Arms: as on the 2nd.
N.B. All these Arms are reversed.
39. This Parish is not extensive, and the soil is not very fertile, but as there is a great deal of hill and dale the prospects are very various and pleasing.
40. The Living is a Rectory, and the Church is dedicated to St. …../.
41. Patron: Revd. James MORRICE. 1795. Incumbent: The Patron.
King’s Books £6.5s.2½d. Tenths 12s.5¼d.
From Betteshanger we directed our attention to Knowlton.
Index of Names and Places
Names IndexR.B., W.B., M.B., W.B.
BOYS 1c, 4-10, 16, 18-22,
24-27, 34, 37,
BRETT 5, 16, 18
CAPELL 4, 19
DAY 18
DOD 16
DUKE 7, 21
Earl of Durham.1a
IBBOTT 5, 18
JAMES 15, 126, 23
KELK 10, 19, 26
MILLES 5, 18
MORRICE 2,16, 28, 36, 41
RIDLEY 4, 19
ROUTH 5, 18
SLEIGH 4, 19
THOMPSON 5, 7, 18, 19
WRIGHT 13, 28, 36Places Index
Ash, Derbyshire 4, 19
Ashford 5, 18
Betteshanger house 16
Boughton 5, 18
Chichester, Sussex 5, 7,
18, 19
Chittingly, Sussex 5, 18, 19
Chittingsly, Sussex 6
Cosington, Kent 7, 21
Deal 23
East Grinstead,
Sussex 4, 19
Fredville 4, 16
Great Mongeham 4, 16
Great Mungham 19
Herne 5, 18
Hoth-Court 16
Lincolnshire 10, 26
London 16
Malmains 1c
Mongham 16
Mongham 27
Owesden Hall, Suffolk 21
Owesdon Hall, Suffolk 6
Pack 1c
Ripple 16
Sandwich 4, 10, 19, 26
Sevington 4, 19
Sutton, Kent 16
Tottenham? High Crosse,
near London 4, 19
Upper Deal 15
Wye 5, 18General
Admiral 13
Vice Admiral 13
Captain 16
Lieutenant of Dover
Castle 4, 19
Vice Admiral 28
Commissioners of his
Majesties Navy 13
White Squadron 13, 28
Act of Uniformity 16
Bencher of Grays Inne 16
Dean of Canterbury 16
Merchant 5, 18