Monumental Inscriptions of Tilmanstone Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Betteshanger Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Barfreston Church
Monumental Inscriptions of Tilmanstone Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Tilmanstone Church, noted by Bax & Rice Wednesday 11th May 1892. Pages 62 to 66 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield.
Also some recorded in a book, Memorials of the Royal Ville and Parish of Eastry, published in 1870 by William Francis Shaw, Vicar of Eastry, that had been drawn to his attention by the Rev. W.S. SHAW, to some inscriptions and monuments not now discoverable, which were communicated in 1790 to Parsons’ Monuments of Kent, by the Rev. Montague Pennington. They have now been added (1st November 2006) after the Bax & Rice list, numbers 26 to 36. Typed up by Pat Tritton.
Some Monumental Inscriptions, Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 18th March 2007.
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 14th November 2008
1. HS South of the church – 2 sculls with crossbones between Ann MARTIN who died June 9th 1698 aged 72 ye…. Also here lieth ye body of William Martin he died June 19th 1733 aged 71 ye….. Stop traveller cast an eye as you are, lo was I and as I am, so must you be ….. then prepare to follow me. Also lieth Elizabeth martin his wife she died August 29 1742 aged 77.
2. HS In memory of Mary the wife of Henry BEAL who departed this life the 1st of April 1806 aged 55 years. Also of the above Henry Beal who departed this life the 19th of March 1826 aged 77 years.
3. HS 2 cherub’s heads To the memory of John WOOD late of this parish who departed this life the 23rd of May 1773 aged 22 years. He left surviving Elizabeth his wife who – 3 more lines not copied.
4. HS Oval frame to inscription Also of Katharine wife of the above Michael WOOD who died the 30 March 1808 aged 73 years.
5. Body stone marked MB 1797 DB 1806.
6. HS cherub’s heads, winged Here lieth the body of Michael WOOD who died June the 9th 1758 aged 72 years. Also ye body of Mary the wife of Thomas SIMMONS of Barham and relict of the above said Michael Wood she died 12 of September 1782 aged 85 years.
7. HS In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth WOOD relict of Mr. Michael Wood late of this parish who died 27th January 1810 aged 90 years. Left issue one daughter viz. Elizabeth. I shall be satisfied when I awake with they likeness Psalm 17 verse 15.
8. HS In memory of Mr. Michael WOOD late of this parish, yeoman who departed this life 16th of May 1804 aged 77 years. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife one daughter viz. Elizabeth. Absent from the body, present with the Lord.
9. All "Wood" stones against the S of church.
10. HS (Roman caps) Sacred to the memory of Mary the beloved wife of Mr. William BELSEY of this parish who died January 11th 1860 aged 64 years. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. (Italics)
11. Ornamental cross in circle at W end of churchyard, below in R and ….. lettering In memory of William HULSE who died September 12th 1884 aged 77 years. 52 years a faithful servant in the family of the late E.R. Rice Esq. of Dane Court also of Sarah his wife a faithful and beloved servant for the same number of years in the same family died October 10th 1888 aged 81. While in the world we do remain our latter days are grief and pain. But then the Lord thought it best, he took us to a place of rest.
12. Latin cross of grey granite – on "rock" (R. caps) ERR AD 1878 aet 89 another cross in circle (R. caps) Elizabeth RICE AD 1884 Aet 85.
13. HS North of churchyard In memory of Sarah wife of Michael WHITEWOOD who died October 13 1817 aged 68 years. Though sudden death did me convey unto this dark abode of clay. We trust in God and hope that she the joys of Heaven now doth see. Also of the above Michael Whitewood who died August 3rd 1822 aged 79 years. To the most worthy and best of parents filial affection reared this stone.
14. HS South of church, two cherub’s heads and 2 trumpets at top In memory of John MANGER late of the parish of Worth who died November 26th 1776 aged 62 years. He left surviving Joyce his wife and 5 daughters viz. Joyce, Elizabeth and Mary. With patience to the last I did submit and murmur’d not at what the Lord thought fit after a lingering illness ……….. and pain (sic) when physicians skill and physick prov’d in vain I with a Christian ….. did resign my soul to God at my apointed time. Also of Joyce Manger widow of the above said John Manger who departed this life the 10th of December 1790 aged 86 years.. In frugal ……………..
15. Large HS. South of tower In memory of William KITCHINGMAN late of this parish who died December 10 1745 aged 70 years. Also of Ann his wife who died January ye 18 1771 aged 78 years. Also of Elizabeth their daughter who died December 3 1764 aged 43 years.
16. HS South of church In memory of Edward BOYS died 23rd November 1750 aged 76 years. Mary Boys, his wife died 20th December 1759 aged 86 years. Ann Boys niece of the above died 11th February 1829 aged 77 years.
17. HS West of church, cherub’s head at top Here lies ye body of Gibbon RAMMELL who died January ye 13th 1751 aged 65 years. Here lies also ye body of Edward Rammell (son of the above said Gibbon Rammell) who died December ye 12th 1752 aged 33 years. [For Mary Rammell see foot of next page]
18. Large HS and body stone to N of last In memory of Mr. Thomas RAMMELL who departed this life the 21st of April 1803 aged 70 years.
19. HS North West of tower. 2 cherub’s heads at top In memory of Elizabeth wife of Henry WEEKS who died April the 4th 1787 aged 42 years. Aflictions sore long time I bore, physicians try’d in vain, till God was pleased Death should me seize and ease me of my pain. Also of the above Henry Weeks who died the 25th of October 1802 aged 82 years.
20. HS N W of tower In memory of Charles MARSH who departed this life the 1st of August 1828 aged 46 years.
21. Flat stone under Yew tree to the W of church, (all caps) The tome of William WEEKES upwards of half a century a resident in this village obiit 11 February 1837 aetatis in anno LXXIII. The life of the upright man is his epitaph and memory is sacred. Here also resteth the remains of Mrs. Mary Weekes obiit 21st February 1844 in the 77th year of her age.
22. HS West of church (R. caps) In memory of Henry HARVEY who died 9th December 1870 aged 81. He was a faithful workman for forty years under E.R. Rice Esq. of Dane Court. "He that is faithful in that (slant caps) which is least in faithful also in much".
23. HS under Yew tree. W of church To the memory of Thomas TURNER Esq., of South Court in this parish who died 6th October 1838 in his 52nd year. Universally beloved and respected.
24. HS close to and to the N of Gibon Rammell etc. 1751 Here lieth the body of Mary the wife of Gibbon RAMMELL who died the 20th of May 1782 in the 85th year of her age.
25. HS North of church caps. Sacred to the memory of Barney WHALEY of this parish who died 17th July 1847 aged 72 years. Also of Philidelphia wife of the above who died 28th November 1859 aged 83 years. For here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come. Heb. ch 13 ver 14. Beloved in life in death lamented
26. On a flat stone partly within the [altar] rails, which are so placed over it that part of the inscription is illegible, is:
Hic jacet quod fuit mortale Richardi FOGGi arm, qui ex uxore XIV liberorum pater fuit, etc. Obiit aet. 74. 1580.
27. On the wall south of the table, on a brass plate about 20 inches square in perfect preservation, are the effigies of a man and woman kneeling with uplifted hands, behind him the son, behind her three daughters in same attitude. The son has a sword by his side. Beneath the figures is this inscription: Posuit Richardo Fogg armigero, viro fuo amantissimo charissimoque benigne de fuis, benifnissime de pauaperibus, bene de omnibus merito, uxor Anna hoc grati animi monumentum * * * * * Vixit et ascendit quinquagenarius astra, nunc anima coelos contigit ante fide. Tres natae, natusque unus post fata superstes virtutes patrias quas imitentur habent.
Arms above the figures. Party per pale baron and femme 1st On a fess between three annulets as many mullets pierced. 2nd, quarterly ----- in the sinister quarter a crescent,, over all a bend vairy.
28. A flatstone without the [altar] rails to the memory of Jane, daughter of Rev Strangford VIOL, rector of Upminster in Essex and Jane his wife, daughter of Richd. Fogge late of this Parish Esquire. She married Edward Jacob of Canterbury surgeon, and left issue 8 children. Ob. March 16 1719, aetat 33.
(Information kindly provided by Kathleen Hollingsbee:- Jane, senior married in 1684 to the Rev. Strangford VIOL of Upminster, co. of Essex, from whom the JACOBS of Faversham are descended (Hasted).
From Tilmanstone parish registers and BTs: Mistress Jane FOGGE of Tilmanstone married Mr Strangford VIOLL Rector of Upminster, Essex. 7 Jan 1683-4
(Cowper licence lists: Mr Strangford VIALL, of Upminster in Essex, Clerk, widr, and Jane FOGGE of Tilm. spr 24 at Tilm. or Whitfield. Jacobus BURVILL of Tilmanstone, Clerk, bondsman licence 3 Jan 1683-4)
29. Also the said Edward Jacob and Mary, daughter of John Chelker of New Romney, gent, his 2nd wife: he died Feb. 9, 1756, aged 76, she Oct. 10th 1727, aged 33.
30. In the body of the Church: Here lieth Ralph Smith junior of Tilmanstone who died Aug. 16 1655.
31. Here lieth the body of Ralph Smith of Eastry who died June 11th, 1664.
32. Ralph Smith of Thornton, Sep. 16 ----.
33. On the side of the chancel a handsome mural monument to M. Hatton, Esqre. of Dane Court in this parish, Aug. 1, 1776. Arms. Party per pale. Azure a chevron between 3 garbs or, for Hatton. 2nd gules three lilies proper couped, for Lilly. On a wreath of the colours a hind at gaze or.
34. Another on same side with fluted pillars. Thomas Michael Turney, late Student of Brasenose. 1st Feb. 1770, aged 19.
35. In the Chancel East window were these arms in different compartments: a. (The Base broken) in chief azure 3 lions rampant or. b. Gules a cross argent. c. Azure three bendletts argent. The escutcheon imperfect. In the other chancel windows are several figures much defaced.
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Some Monumental Inscriptions, Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759
In The Chancell.
37. On a Brass Plate, on the East Wall, on ye South Side of The Communion Table on wch. are engraved ye Figures of a Man, a Woman, Son, 3 Daughters and this Coat. (FOGG (1-116-Ashford) imp. ¼ly. in the 2nd a crescent wt. a label of 3 pts. sa for difference, over all a bend vairy). Posuit Richardo FOGG, Armigero, Viro suo amantissimo, charissimoq, beniguissime de Pauperibus, bene de omnibus merito, Uxor Anna hoc frati Animi Monumentum. Vixit, et ascendit, quinquagerarius, Astra Nunc, Anima, Calos contigit, ante Fide Tres Natae, hatusq unus, post Fata supersles, Virtutes patrias quas innitentus habent.
38. On a Flat Stone. His jacet quod mortale guit Richardi FOGGi, Armigeri, qui ex Uxore 14 Liberorum, Pater Fuit. et, Mille Facetiarum, solus Parens. Fide erga Regem nulli cessit. Ingenio Familiam suam ornavit. Insignia Omnium aque calluit, ac si dedisset; et quis dignior Officio? Floruit inter Archipoetas douec obdormivit … An. Aet 74……Anna, Ux: ex Dorrellorum de Cale Hill…. Nicol: Dorrelli … posuit.
39. On Another Flat Stone. Sacred to the Memory of Jane, Daughter of the Revd. Mr STRANGFORD VIAL, late Rector of Upminster, in Essex, and Jane his Wife, Daughter of Richard FOGGE, late of this Parish Esq. She married Edward JACOB, Surgeon (now) of Canterbury, by whom She had Issue eight Children; 4 of whom viz – Sarah, Edward, Richard, and Anne, survive; the rest lie here together interred, near their tender Mother. obijt Mar 16 Anno Salut 1718/19. Aetat 33.
40. On a Small Flat Stone. Mary JACOB.
41. Here is also a Flat Stone, without Inscription, which appears to be ancient.
42. In the East Window, are ye 3 following Coats.1. Or, on a chief az. 3 lions rampt. or
2. Gu. a + arg.
3. Az. a bend cotised arg. betw. 6 martlets sa. (sic).
In The Body of the Church
43. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Ralph SMITH, of Eastry, who died the 11th Day of June, 1664 aged 46 years.
44. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth the Wife and Child of Ralph SMITH Junr. of Tilmanstone, who died the 16th of August Ao.Dni. 1655.
45. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Alice, the Wife of Ralph SMITH, who died the 9th of September, Anno Dni. 1652.
46. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Ralph SMITH of Thorton, in this Parish; whom, neither the Love of Friends, nor ye Desire of good Men could rescue from this Chamber of Death. And, whom neither the Malice of evil ones, nor Envy of the World, can deprive of the Life of a good Name, and Memory, with Posterity. he died Sept. 7 1645.
47. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Katherine, ye Daughter of Ralph SMITH, who dyed ye 10th of August Ano.Dni. 1651.
48. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Alice, the Daughter of Ralph SMITH, who died in the Yeare 1632.
49. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Alice the Daughter of Ralph SMITH who died ye 26 of May, A.D. 1650.
The Arch, between ye Chancell and Body, is a Mit’red one.
This Church consists only of the Body and Chancell, and a Tower – Steeple at the West End, in which hangs 1 Small Bell without Inscription.
50. In The Church Yard are Memorials of AYRES, MARTIN, RAMMEL, SILKWOOD and WOOD. On the Altar Tomb for Silkwood, is ye following Poetry. For whom She weeps, and hopes that he is safely come unto ye Shore/ And, that he is not dead, but fall’n asleep, and only gone to Bed before/ And She, when ended is her Pain/ Shall sleep with him and wake again.
Over the South Door, is ye Remains of a small round Arch, adorn’d with carv’d Work, like that at Barfriston.
This Church was dedicated to St Andrew – it is a Vicarage in ye gift of the Arch Bishop – The Present Vicar.
51. At the upper Part of Mr HARVEY’s 40 Acres, in ye Sheer Way wch. leads from this Parish to Knowlton, near the Pike Road, under a small Tumulus, as some Laborours were mending the Road, about 20 Years ago, they discovered an Human Skeleton, and with it a kind of Short Sword, or Dagger.
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 14th November 2008
From Barfrestone we pursued our Visitation to Tilmanstone, a small village situated on the side of a hill about two miles and an half to the Eastward of the last described church.
52. The Church is a small building of one Aile and a Chancel, with a square tower at the West end containing one Bell inscribed: Robert MOT me fecit 1585. Arms: 3 Bells & a Crown, between his initials, R.M.
In the chancel.
53. On a brass plate affixed to the Wall at the South side of the Communion Table are engraved the Figures of two Males & four Females in a kneeling Posture, & the following Inscription & Arms: Posuit Richardo FOGG Armigero Viro suo amantissimo Charissimoq benigue de suis, benignissime de pauperibus bene de omnibus merito, Uxor Anna hoc frati animi monumentum. Vixit & ascendit quinquagesinarius astra Nunc anima caelos contigit ante Fide Tres matae natusq unus post Fata superstes Virtutes patrias quas imitentur habent. Arms: Fogg, with a chief, dovetail’d, impaling SACKVILLE, viz. quarterly, Or, & Gu. over all a bend Vairé; with a Crescent for diff.
54. On a plain stone under the Communion rail is: Hic jacet quod fuit mortale Richardi FOGGI armigeri qui ex Uxore 14 liberorum pater fuit & mille Facetiarum solus Parens fide erga Regem nulli cessit ingenio suam Familiam ornavit ……./ Aetat 14 Decr. 1680. Anna ux ex fam. Dorellorum de Calehill, viz. Nicol DORRELI S.T.P. can Wins, filia posuit. Arms: on one shield, FOGG, on another, a fess.
55. On a plain stone in the Chancel is: Sacred to the Memory of Jane, Daughtr. of ye Revd. Mr Strongford VIAL late Rector of Upminster in Essex & Jane his Wife, Daughter of Richard FOGGE late of this Parish Esqr. She married Edward JACOB Surgeon (now) of Canterbury by whom She had issue Eight Children, 4 of whom viz. Sarah, Edward, Richard & Ann survive, the rest lie here together interr’d near their tender Mother. Obiit Mar 16 Anno Salut 1718/19, Aetat 33.
56. Here also rest the said Edwd. JACOB and Mary, Daughter of John CHALKNER of New Romney, Gent, his 2nd Wife. She died October the 10th 1727 Aetat 33 Years leaving one Daughter, Mary. He after surviving the several Offices of Alderman, Mayor &Chamberlain of the City of Canterbury with Integrity 30 Years died Feby. the 9th 1756 Aetat 76 Years.
57. On the side of the arch between the Aile and Chancel, is an oval Tablet of white Marble inscribed: In a FamilyVault near this Place lie the remains of Alice LILLY late of Dane Court who departed this life the first of February 1791. Arms: in a lozenge, Lilly, viz. Gu. 3 Carnation flowers, 2&1, proper.
58. On the North Wall of the Aile is a neat little Monument of white Marble, containing the following Inscription: In a Vault under this Monument are deposited the Remains of Michael HATTON Esqr. of Dane Court in this Parish, who died the first Day of August, One Thousand Seven Hundred And Seventy six, in the Sixtieth Year of his Age. Also the Remains of Alice Hatton, Widow of the said Michael Hatton Esqr. who died the 31 of December 1791, in the 87 Year of her age. Arms: Hatton, viz. Az. a chev. betw. 3 wheat grabs, Or. impaling, LILLY. Crest: a Greyhound statent.
59. On the same Wall near the above, is another neat Monument of white Marble, inscribed: Near this place layeth Interr’d the Body of Thomas Michael TIERNEY late Student of Brazen Nose College Oxford, and Son of Thomas TIERNEY of London by Sabine his Wife, he departed this Life the 1st day of February 1770 at Arras in France in his return to England. Aged 19 Years. This Monument is erected to his Memory by his disconsolate Mother Sabine Tierney.
60. On a plain grave stone in the Aile is: Here lyeth interred the Body of Alice ye wife of Ralph SMITH who dyed ye 9th of Septembr. An. Dni. 1652.
61. On another near the above is: Here lyeth the Body of Alice ye daughter of Ralph SMITH who dyed the 26th of May Anno Dni 1650.
62. On an adjoining one is: Here lyeth ye Body of Alice ye Daughter of Ralph SMITH who died in ye yeare 1632.
63. On another is: Here lyeth ye Body of Katherine ye daughter of Ralph SMITH who dyed ye 10 of August An. Dni 1651.
64. On another a small distance form the above is: Here Lyeth the Wife and Child of Ralph SMITH, D…t.r/ of Tilmanston who Dyed the 16 of August A. Dni. 1655.
65. On another is: Here Lyes ye body of Ralph SMITH of Eastry who died ye 11th Day of June 1664 Aged 46 Yers.
66. On another is: Here lyeth ye Body of Ralph SMITH of Thornton in this Parish. Whom nether ye love of friends nor ye desire of good men could rescue from this Chamber of death, and whom neither ye malice of evill ones nor envy of the World can Deprive of ye life of a good fame & memory with posterity. Hee died Sept. 7th 1645.
67. On a small square stone, under the Gallery is: T.M.T.
68. The soil and prospects in this Parish are so similar to the last, that they do not need particularizing.
69. The Living is a Vicarage, and the Church is dedicated to St. Andrew.
70. Patron: The Archbishop. 1795. Incumbent Nehemiah NISBETT.
King’s Books: £7.12s.6d. Tenths: 15s.3d.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
Chelker 29
DB, MB 5
ERR 12
FOGG 28, 37, 38, 53, 54
FOGGE 28, 39, 55
FOGGI 26, 54
Gordon 36
HARVEY 22, 50
Hatton 33
Holmes 36, 58
Jacob 28, 29, 39, 40, 55, 56
Jemmitt 36
MARTIN 1, 50
MOT 52
RAMMELL 17, 18, 24, 50
RICE 11, 12, 22
SMITH 30-32, 44-49, 60-66
STRANGFORD 3, 28, 55
T.M.T. 67
Turney 34
WOOD 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,
9, 50
Places IndexBarham 6
Canterbury 28, 39
Eastry 43, 65
Knowlton 50
London 59
New Romney 29, 56
Dane Court 11, 22, 33, 57, 58
South Court 23
Thornton 66
Tilman Sheer Way 50
Tilmanstone Thorton 46
Tilx Pike Road 50
Upminster, Essex 28, 39, 55
Worth 14GeneralAlderman 56
Mayor 56
Rector 28
Surgeon 28, 39, 55
workman 22