Some Monumental Inscriptions of Great Chart Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Great Chart Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Great Chart Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In The Chancell.
1. On The North Side of The Communion Rails, is a very ancient *Altar Tomb, wch. has been magnificently enlaid with Brass, of which nothing now remains but the Figures of a Man and a Woman; out of the Mouth of the Man proceeds a Label with this Sentence "Pater de Caelis, Deus, Miserere Nobis"! Out of the Mouth of The Woman comes Another, with these Words "Fili Redemptor Mundi, Deus, Miserere Nobis"! At their Feet are two other Labels, wch. proceeded from 2 Groupes
(sons & daus.) of Figures now lost, with these words "Spts ste, Deus, Miserere Nobis". "Sancta Trinitas, Unus Deus, Miserere Nobis"!
*Mr WEEVER says it had the Following Inscription on its Brass Verge, or Border, and, betwixt every Word, the Figure of a Well, alluding to the Name.
"Anime Willelmi de GOLDWELLE, & Avicie Uxoris Sue, per Miserecordiam Dei, in Pace requiescant: Qui quidem Willielmus Septimo Die Mensis Maij, et dicta Avicia octavo Die Aprilis, Litera Dominicalis B. ab hâc Luce migrarunt. Ann. Domini. M.CCCC.LXXXV Quorm Animat ppicietur Deus. Amen".
2. On A Flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Philadelphia TOKE, Daughter to Nicholas Toke, ye Younger Esquire, and Katherine his Wife, she departed this Life within Fower Daies after her Birth, the 15th Day of December, in the Yeare of our Lord 1679.
3. On Another. Hic Jacet Corpus Johan CLARKE hujus Ecclesiae Rectoris. Obijt 3 Die Mensis Junij, Anno Domini 1737. Aetatis 83.
4. At the End of a Form, at the S. Side of the Chancell is cut, in ye Wood, this Coat. *[A griffin sergeant (BOYS "perhaps) imp. On a chevn. 3 molets, in chief a crescent for diffce. (ROBERTS, "as I think)]. *Mr WEEVER tells Us, that, in the East Window was the following Inscription. P.296. "Memoriale Reverendi Patrias Jacobi GOLDWELL Episcopi Norwicen".
In The North Chancell.
5. On The Floor, and close to the Abovementioned Altar Tomb, is a large flat Stone, richly inlaid with Brass, with these Coats, & Inscription.[I. Arg. on a chevn. sa. 3 plates, betw. 3 greyhounds’ heads erased sa. collared & Belled or (TOKE).
II. TOKE imp. A chevn. engrailed betw. 2 stars of 6 points in chief & a garb in base (WALWORTH).
III. TOKE imp. Arg. a chevn. betw. 3 ogresses, on a chief gu. a leopard or (ENGEHAM).
IV. ENGEHAM imp. ¼ly: 1&4). a saltire engrd. betw. 4 martlets sa. 2&3). plain, a chief, surtout a bend engrd.].And with 3 Brass Figures, viz. a Man between 2 Women. Over them is a Label with this Sentence. "Sancta Trinitas, Unus Deus, Miserere Nobis"! + Orate pro Animâ Johannis TOKE, Armigeri, nuper de Goddyngton isti Parocti cu. Corp. jacet hic tumulatum; ac pro Animat Margarete & Anne Uxors. suarum que quidem Margareta, Filia fuit natalis, dum vixit, Johns WALWORTH, nup in Comitatû Suff. et dicta Anna Filia etiam Naturalis, Johannis ENGHAM Armigeri, nuper de Syngleton, isti. Paroch. Qui vero Johannes Toke obijt Vicesium Die Maij Anno Dni. Millmo Quingentesimo tercio Decimo (1513). Quorum Anima bus ppicietur Rex Alltissimus. Three Groups of Small Figures have been lost from ye Stone.
6. On Another Flat Stone very richly inlaid, and close to the last mentioned. having ye Figure of an Armed Knight, and 3 Women, all in Kneeling Posture: and these Coats [cut in stone].[I. TOKE imp. Per chevn. sa. & arg. 3 griffins’ heads erased countercharged (TOKE of Bere).
II. TOKE imp. Arg. a fret sa. on a chief 3 leopards’ heads (ROBINSON).
III. TOKE imp. KNATCHBULL (Vol.2, 1, Mersham).
IV. TOKE imp. Sa. a hind statant betw. 3 bells arg. (DOBELL).
V. TOKE imp. Gu. a chevn. arg. betw. 3 lions’ paws erased az. (sic) on a chief arg. a spreadeagle sa. (BROWN).
VI. TOKE imp. FINCH (3,11, Wye).]Round the Stone is this Inscription. Here lieth interred the Body of Nicholas TOKE of Godinton Esq. who had 5 Wives as by these Coats of Armes doth appear, and 3 Daughters, Ellianor, Bridget, and Mary. He died in the 93d. Yeare of his Age, and was buried the 29 Day of November, in the Yeare of Our Lord 1680.
7. On the North Side of This last is a Peice of Brick work, 9 Feet square, and 2 Feet high: on the North Side of which, close to the Wall,
8. Is an Ancient Altar Tomb without Inscription. It belong’d to The Family of GOLDWELL.
9. At the Head of the last mentioned Flat Stone, is Another, inlaid with the Figures of an Armed Man, and a Woman, at full length; and The following Coats and Inscription.[I. TOKE.
II. "Lost".
III. TOKE quarterg. WALWORTH (p.14).
IV. TOKE imp. Gu. a fesse betw. 3 garbs in a border engrailed, all or (KEMP)].
Here lyeth buried John TOKE Esquier, and Heyr of John Toke Esquier; and Cisley his Wyff, Daughter of Sr. Thomas KEMPE, Knyght. whyche seid John and Cisely had Yssue John, Fraunc. John. Nycholas. Bartilmewe. John, and Richard. Mary. Elizabeth. Clare. and Margaret. And the seyd John TOKE lyved here LXIX Yere and dyed the VIIth of November, A.Dni. 1565. And the seyd Cisley lyved here LXVI Yere, and dyed the IXth of June A.Dni. 1559. *On whose Soules God have Mercy. *These Words are scarce legible, Somebody having endeavoured to eraze them. Under this Inscription is a Brass Plate on which are engraved the 7 Sons; and another, on which, I suppose, were engraved the 4 Daughters, is lost.
10. Close to this last Stone is the Ent’rance into The TOKE’s Family Vault. On the Stone is this Inscription. This Vault was made by the Order of Sr. Nicholas Toke of Godinton, in the Year of Our Lord 1701. He that is blest/Shall be at Rest.
11. More toward ye West is another Flat Stone, thus inscribed. Here lieth buried the Body of Mary TOKE, Daughter of Sr. Nicholas Toke of Godinton, who died in the Seaventh Yeare of her Age, and was buried the tenth Day of September, in the Year of Our Lord 1681.
12. Another Flat Stone not legible.
13. On a Pew this Coat. [HONEYWOOD, 1.31, Elmsted) imp. 3 chevrons betw. 3 molets].
14. The 3 *Windows in this Chancell have been very finely painted. There are still many elegant small Figures of the Apostles, etc. to be seen in them; & these Coats.[I. Az. 3 mitres or (See of *Norwich). *James GOLDWELL, Bishop of Norwich. He lies buried on the South Side of the Choir there. He was also Dean of Salisbury and Secretary to KING EDWARD 4. and sat in that See 25 Years. See Browne’s Posth. Works. P.23. He was a Repairer of this Church, as appears by this broken Inscription in the Top Cross Window ….. "Magistro Jacobo Goldwell …../Ecclesie Sancti Pauli London ,,,,,/qui hoc Opus repara..". See WEEVER P.295.
II. Per fesse or & az. a lion rampt. arg. (GOLDWELL) ¼g. Arg. 6 escallps az., 3,2,1, on a chief sa. 3 wells or (GOLDWELL).
III. GOLDWELL (as. 2&3 of No.II).
IV. GOLDWELL (as No.III, but drawn blank save a chief indicated).
V. As No.II.
VI. Arg. 3 rings sa. on a fesse sa. 3 molets arg. (FOGG)].*Mr WEEVER (Page 296) says, that "In A North Window of this Chancell have been 16 Portraitures of Men in Glass, all kneeling, whereof most remaine: whose Names are, as followeth. Johannes WEBBE, Johannes HOSEWYFF, Thomas WRED, Johannes TURLEPYN, Willelmus MALEMAYNE, Johannes LITIHEY, Johannes BOCKON, Johannes CHILLINTON, Johannes ATTE, Johannes YARDHERST. In the midst of whom, as ye Priests then, are, Dominus Richardus MEDHURST, and Dominus Walterus WILCLOCK. Now, as it goes by Tradition from Father to Son, these were the Builders of this Church".
15. In the East Window of this North Chancell, on many small Panes, are Golden wells. A Rebus on ye Name of GOLDWELL as may be seen also in ye Coat before described.
South Chancell.
16. Here are no Inscriptions remaining. The 2* Windows of this Chancell have been beautyfully painted. In the East Window are still remaining The Figg. of a Man and a Woman in kneeling Postures; and Golden Wells in ye Panes round about them. In the South Window are ye Coats of GOLDWELL and Goldwell impaling FOGG.
*Mr WEEVER tells us, that "In the Middest, of the East Window in the South Chappel, is the Picture of the foresaid Bishop GOLDWELL, kneeling, and, in every Quarry, a golden Well, or Fountaine (his Rebus, or Name Device) and cross the Window inscribed: … Jacobo GOLDWELL Episcopo Norwicen. qui …./Opus fundavit. An. Christi MCCCCLXXVII (1477) – whereby it appears, that, This Bishop was founder of this Chappell".
In The Body.
17. On a Flat Stone are 6 Figures in Brass. viz. 2 Man, and 5 Women. under them is engraven the following mutilated Inscription. Hic jacet Willmus SHARPE, et ejus (quinque) …/Consortes. qui (quidem)…../ Willmus obijt vicesio nono Die Septbris, A.Dni. Miles *CCCCIX cuj. Aie ppicietur DE? Amen! *Mr WEEVER, says 1499, but falsly. (B.F’s 1409 is wrong, & Weever right).
18. On Another Flat Stone. William SHARPE the elder deceased the 12 Day of November 1583.
19. In the North Window, which fronts the Pulpit, are 3 Figures, finely painted, but much broken, and these Coats. [I. TOKE imp. WALWORTH (p.14).
II. Az. a lion rampant or.
III. ENGHAM (p.14)].
South Isle.
20. On a Flat Stone, under the Figg. of a Man and Woman in Brass, is this Inscription. Hic Jacet Thomas TWESDEN Generosus qui obijt VII Die Decbris A.Dni MCCCCC (1500) et Benedicta Uxor ej. Quorum, Aiab? ppicietur Deus.
21. Another Flat Stone, inlaid wth. ye Fig. of a Man – The Plate wth. ye Inscription lost.
North Isle.
22. Nothing worthy Notice here, except that, in the North Wall is the Stair Case, which formerly led to the Rood Loft.
23. This Church consists of 3 Chancells, The Body and 2 Isles. The Tower stands at the West End, and has in it 5 Bells thus inscribed.
1. Nicholas TOKE. S.G. H.S. W.-. 1636.
2. Joseph HATCH made Me. 1610.
3. Joseph HATCH made Me. W.M. C.W. 1614.
4. Sum Rosa pulsata Mundi Maria Vocata.
5. Hoseph HATCH made Me. 1606.
Church Yard.
24. On The Outside of The Wall of The East End of the North Chancell. Here lyeth buried the Body of Clare GLOWLDWELL, Widdowe, the Wife of John Gowldwell, Byshop of Saru, and Daughter of John TOKE Esquier, who lyved unto the Age of LXX Yeres and IX Moneths; and dyed without Issue the VIIth Day of July 1608. Christ is to Mee Life, and Death is My Advantage.
25. On An Ancient Altar Tomb. …../Susanna, the Wife of Thomas BRETT, only Daughter of Thomas KADWELL …../ died 30 April …. 1639.
26. On Another Altar Tomb. Here lieth the Body of Richard TOKE, Gent, son of John Toke Esquier & Cisley his Wife, who had to Wife Eliza, Daughter of Humfry CLARKE Esquier. and had Issue 2 Sonnes, and 2 Daughters, John, Francis, Margaret and Mary. Hee lived 63 Yeares, and 7 Moneths, and died the 11 of March Anno. 1598/9.
27. On Another. Richard STEPHENS of Great Chart, etc. only child of Richard Stephens of Postling died 1702.
28. A Great Earthquake was felt here, May 1 1580, which much frightened the Inhabitants, and crack’d the Tower from Top to Bottom; I Myself, when I was a School boy at Ashford, being One Day here, when the Bells were ringing, plainly perceivd the Chasm, or Crack, alternately open and shut; and I am told it always does so, when the Bells ring.
29. In this Parish rises a Spring which may be deemed one of the Heads of the River Stoure.
30. HARRIS says, that, The Arch Bishop of Canterbury had, formerly, a Mansion House here. (error for Charing. V.J.Torr).
31. A Fair is kept here, on Lady Day.
32. The Church was called St Maries. It is a Rectory, in the Patronage of The Arch Bishop. The present Rector is the Revd. Mr T. WRAY 1758.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
CLARKE 3, 26
ENGHAM 5, 19
GOLDWELL 4, 8, 14-16
Postling 27
SHARPE 17, 18
TOKE 2, 5, 6, 9-11, 23, 24, 26
WALWORTH 5, 9, 19
Elmsted 13
Godington 6, 10, 11
Mersham 6
Wye 6
Dean of Salisbury 14
Bishop of Norwich 14
Byshop of Saru 24
Earthquake 28