Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hougham Church
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Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hougham Church
The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hougham Church, noted 30th September 1891 by Leland L. Duncan.
The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891. His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.
Transcribed and typed up by Christine Pantrey
Also Some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 7th June 2007
1. [260] (Slab in Chancel):- Here lieth ye Body of Robert BRETON Esquire descended on his Fathers side from the Bretons of Barnwell, on his Mothers from ye BABINGTONS of Temple Rothly, both of Leicestershire. He marryed Mary Daughter and Heiress of John MOYLE of Buckwell Esquire, by whom he had sons Moyle, Richard, Robert, John and Thomas of which Richard and John died young and Daughters Ann, Elizabeth and Mary. He departed this life ye 29th of September 1707 in the 35th year of his age.
2. [261] (Another):- / Here lieth buried Mary / Covered …. Of Mr Peter NEPUEN / By …..chant. She died the / Choir ….. of January 1648./ Stalls. ….. lieth interred the body / …..er Nepuen daughter / ……… lliam Nepuen Gent Shee / ……….ded this life the fourth day / ……….e 1672 aged 23 yeares /……….and nine months. / Here lieth interred the body / ……….n youngest daughter of / ……..an MERCHANT, She died / ……ebruary 1716 aged 56 / yeares.
3. [262] Here lieth interred ye Body of Mr Peter NEPEUN Marchant who left issue one Sonne Viz William. He departed this Life the 21st day of Aprill Anno Domini 1658 In the 56th year of his age.
4. [263] Here lieth the Body of Mrs Elizabeth WINDOW …er of Mr William Window ….. London Merchant who died ….19th day of Aprill ……………………… (Covered by Choir stalls).
5. [264] Here lyeth the …….. …/ Daughter of Ma….. …………. / of Temple Roth………. ………./ Leicester and th………………… / Richard BRETON……………… / issue Robert…………………….. Rest under stalls. / yeares the 2…………………….. / Departed this …………………… / Eternity, the………….. ……….. / the yeare ……………. ………… /
6. [265] (MARSH monument with figures- North wall of Chancel –Hougham):- Here in their silent vrnes (againe wedded death Devorce) lie Will HANINGTON Esquire and his wife Daughter to Will MONINGS Esquire sometime Lieutenant of Dover Castle, expecting ye resirrection of ye ivst these happie olives budded fruitfullie into five sonnes, five daughters, two as soone blasted as blowne. His worth made its owne demonstrated under Henry.8 and his three successive heires ye lest of whom by speciall favour and order seated him twice in majoraltie of Dover which services under thiese Princes on earth were ye earnest of his service to ye Prince of Heaven. Qui } obijt {March 10th 1607 aet 92. Qui } {September 24th 1574. Over the monument are three coats of arms.
7. [266] (Tablet let into chancel arch):- To the memory of Mary wife of Peter NEPOE, merchant, by whom he had issue sixe sons and one daughter and but one (..len) living at her death being the 1st of Janva 1648 aged 50 yeares.
8. [267] (Flat stone in South aisle or transept):- Here lieth the Bodi of W…./ ….m….. desesed the………../ ……..October 1612.
9. [268] (Flat stone in North aisle):- Here lieth interred body of FEVRI AMI . Buried the 13th of September 1612.
10. [269] (Flat stone in North aisle);- Here lieth interred the body of Will TICKER, Gunner of Dover Castle. He departed this life the 31st December 1750 aged 84 years.
11. [270] (Tablet on the West tower arch):- Here below are deposited the remains of the Hon. William FORBES fourth son of Major General James Lord Forbes who died at Maxton in this parish on the 10th day of March 1805 aged nine months.
Hougham church – chancel.
12. [271] North side. A large marble monument Surmounted by a Bust. Below is this inscription:-
In hopes of a joyful Resurrection Resteth in a vault in this church the Remains of Peter NEPUEU Gent, a native of France who came over into England upon ye Edict of Nantz and brought with him a very plentifull Estate purchased in this County of Kent he built Ellms in this parish of Hougham and merchandized. He Died in ye 56th year of his age. Ann. 1658. Also Resteth here MARY his wife by whom he had six sons and one daughter. PETER his eldest son dyed on his travels abroad. WILLIAM NEPUEU Gent the only surviving son married SARAH daughter of Mr BULTEEL of Tourney (in Flanders who lyeth in this chancel) by whom he left two sons and five daughters, several of whom also lye in this chancel. He dyed in the 38th year of his age Ann. 1665. His eldest son PETER, Gent dyed abroad, WILLIAM Nepueu Gent ye youngest son succeeded and selling Ellms settled at Twickenham in Midx and Dy’d in his 55th year. Sept. 1710 whose remains with his third daughter eight months old Incofferr’d with him have been brought to this vault to be interr’d with his ancestors. He left by SARAH his wife now living, Daughter of Mr DAYE descended from ye Dayes of the County of Bedford, two sons and two daughters, WILLIAM Nepueu Esq. ye eldest Son now living, also had two daughters . PETER Nepueu Gent, ye youngest dyed aged 27 May 1735 interr’d in this Vault. At whose desire his Executives has raised this monument to the memory of this worthy family.
End of Hougham Church notes, 30th September 1891.
Some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 7th June 2007
In The Chancell.
13. In The North East Corner stands a very Handsome Monument, adornd with an Obelisk, and a Bust – with This Coat and Inscription. [Az. a lamb(?) or, suspended by the middle from a ring or]. In Hopes of a joyfull Resurrection, resteth in a Vault, in this Chancell, The Remains of Peter NEPUEN, Gent. a Native of France; who came over to England upon the Edict of Nantz, and brought with him a very plentyfull Estate, purchased in this County of Kent, and built Elms in this Parish of Hougham, and merchandised. He died in the 56th Year of his Age, An. 1658. Also resteth here, Mary, his Wife, by whom he had 6 Sons, and 1 Daughter. Peter, his eldest Son died on his Travells abroad. William Nepuen, Gent, the only surviving Son, married Sarah, Daughter to Mr BULTEEL of Tourney (in Flanders, who lieth in this Chancell) by whom he left 2 Sons, and 5 Daughters. Several of these also lie in this Chancell. He died in the 38th Year of his Age, Anno 1665. His eldest Son Peter, Gent, died abroad. William NEPUEN the Youngest Son succeeded, and, selling Elms settled at Twickenham in Middlesex, and died in his 55th Year, Sept. 1710. Whose Remains, with his third Daughters, 8 Months incoffin’d with him, have been brought to this Vault, to be interred with his Ancestors. He left, by Sarah, his Wife, now living, Daughter of Mr DAY, descended from the DAYES of the County of Bedford, 2 Sons, and 2 Daughters. William Nepuen, Esq. the eldest Son, now living; also the 2 Daughters. Peter Nepuen, Gent, the youngest, died Aged 27, May 1735, interred in this Vault. At whose Desire his Executrixes have raised this Monument, to The Memory of their worthy Family.
14. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Wiliam NEPUEN, Gent, who (married) (Sarah)… Daughter of Peter BULTEEL, …..and had Issue by … (not legible).
15. On a Small Monument on The S. Wall. To the Memory of Mary, Wife of Mr Peter NEPUEN, Merchant, by whome he had Issue 6 Sonnes and 1 Daughter; and but 1 Sonne surviving, at her Death; being the 1st of January 1648/49. Aged 50 Yeares.
16. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth buried Mary Wife of Mr Peter NEPUEN, Merchant. She died the 1st of Ja. 1648/49. Here also lieth interred the Body of Esther Nepuen, Daughter to Mr William Nepuen, Gent. Shee departed this Life the 4th Day of June 1672 aged 23 Yeares, and 9 Months. Also here lieth interred the Body of Susan, youngest Daughter of Mr William Nepuen, Mercht. She died the 5th of Feb. 1716/17 aged 56 Yeares.
17. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Mr Peter NEPUEN, Merchant, who left Issue 1 Sonne, viz: William. He departed this Life the 21st Day of April An.Dom. 1658 in ye 56 Yeare of his Age.
18. On The North Wall is a very fine old Monument, bearing ye Figures of a Man, a Woman, 4 Sons, and 5 Daughters, kneeling at a Faldstool; and the following Coat and Inscription – there has been another Inscriptn. wch. is now not legible. [Arg. a Λ sa. charged with 3 trefoils slipped erm. betw. 3 demi-lions rampt. issuant purp. imp. 2 coats: (upper) Gu. 3 crescts. or (MONINS); (lower) Arg. a knot betw. 3 bats in chief & one in base sa]. Here in their silent Urnes, again wedded after Death’s Devorce, lie Willm. HANINGTON Esq. and his Wife, Daughter to William MONINGS, Esq. expecting The Resurrection of the Just. These happy Olives budded fruitfullye into 5 Sons, and 5 Daughters; 2 as soon blasted as blown. His Worth made its own Demonstration under HEN. 8 and his 3 successive Heires; the last of whome By special Favour and Order, stated him twice in the Mojoraltie of Dover. Which Services under these Princes on Earth, were the Earnest of his Service to The Prince of Heaven. Qui obijt Mar. 10 1607/08. Aet. 92. Quae obijt Sept. 24 1574. [His First Wife was Thomasine ANDELEIGH – see My M.S. pedigrees].
19. On a Flat Stone. [On a lozenge: Sa. a fesse raguly arg. betw 3 lions’ paws erased or]. This Coat sd. have been blazond. thus, viz: Az. a Fess embattled and Counterembattled, between 3 Lyons Paws – erased – or. see Guillim F. 189.
20. Here lieth The Body of Elisabeth WINDOW, Daughter of Mr. William Window, of London, Merchant, who died ye 19 Day of April 1699 in ye 25th Year of her Age.
21. On Another Flat Stone. [A chevn. charged with a molet over a cresct. in the centre, betw. in chief 2 swans & in base a magnet(?)]. S.P.M. Hesterae Herbert quae exantiquâ Familiâ Uxor evasit Petri BULTEEL, Mercatoris Londinensis, cui septem Filios, et tres Filias, peperit. An Soboles Parentibus an Parentes Sobole feliciores dictu difficile. Post exactos castissimi Matrimonij 48 Annos extincto charissimo Marito Vestigia ejus persequens, non diu superstes, ut in Caelis Consortio iterum frueretur, duo de septuaginta annos nata quicquid mortale hic deposuit primo Julij Mensis Die 1660.
22. On Another Flat Stone. In a Vault under this Stone is interred the Body of Mr Solomon HARVEY of this Parish who departed this Life the 15th of April 1759. Aged 72 Years. He left Issue by Susanna his Wife who survived him, 3 Sons and 1 Daughter.
23. On Another Flat Stone. [Az. a bend betw. 6 molets or (BRETON) imp. Arg. 10 torteaux (BABINGTON)]. Here lieth The Body of Anne BRETON, Daughter of Matthew Babington Esq. of Temple Rothley, in the County of Leicester, and the beloved Wife of Richard Breton, Esq. by whome she hath Issue Robert Breton aged 4 Years the 27th of August 1677. Shee departed this Life to a blessed Eternity ye 16th of September, in ye Year of our Lord 1677.
24. On Another. [BRETON as Above imp. Gu a mule statant and a bordure arg. (MOYLE)]. Here lieth The Body of Robert Breton, Esq. descended on his Father’s Side, from the Bretons of Barwell; and on his Mothers from the Babingtons of Temple Rothley, both of Leicestershire. He married Mary, Daughter and Heir of John Moyle of Buckwell, Esq. by whom he had Sons, Moyle, Richard, Robert, John and Thomas, of which Richard and John died young, and Daughters Ann, Eliz. & Mary. He departed this Life the 29th of September 1707 in the 35th Year of his Age.
25. On a Brass Plate fix’t to a Flat Stone. [FINEUX (4.72 St Paul’s, Cantby) imp. Az. a + betw. (1&4) a martlet, (2&3) a garland all or]. Here lieth William FYNEUX Esquier, the Sonne of Richard Fyneux Esquier, which sayde William Fyneux married Elizabeth WARREN, the Daughter of John Warren of Dover, Gent, by whome he had Issue Thomas Fyneux, and deceased the 25 Day of January, Anno Domini 1587/88, being of the Age of 84 Yeares.
26. In The North Isle. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred The Body of William TUCKER, Gunner of Dover Castle, he departed this Life 31 Decr. 1750. Aged 84 Years.
27. Four other Flat Stones without Inscription.
28. In The Body – On a Flat Stone. Heare lieth The Bodye of Olever MAGER, the 10th of September 1606.
29. Two other Flat Stones without Inscription, 1 of them has a Cross Fleury raisd. on it.
Here has been a Rood Loft.
In The South Isle.
30. 1 Flat Stone not Legible. 3 small Nitches for Statues, at the East End.
This Church consists of The Chancell, Body – North and South Isles, and a low cap’t. Tower at the West End, in which hang
32. 3 Bells. I cd. not get to them to read their Inscriptions, if they have any.
The Arches of The S. Isle and Belfry are round ones.
This Church was dedicated to St. Laurence. It is a Vicarage in the Gift of the Arch Bishop. 1759.
Index of Names and Places
BRETON 1, 5, 23, 24
BULTEEL 12, 13, 21
DAY 13
HARVEY 22, 31
MOYLE 1, 24
NEPUEN 2, 3, 13-17
NEPUEU 12, 13
Barnwell Leicestershire? 1
Bedford 12, 13
Buckwell 1, 24
Dover 18, 25
Dover Castle 6, 10, 26
France 12, 13
Ellms 12, 13
Hou Maxton 11
London 20
Temple Rothly, Leicestershire
1, 5, 23
Tourney, Flanders 12, 13
Twickenham, Middsex 12, 13General
Edict of Nantz 12, 13
Gunner 10, 26
Lieutenant of Dover Castle 6
Major General 11
majoraltie of Dover 6, 18
Merchant 2-4, 12, 15-17, 20