Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hythe Church
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Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hougham Church
Catalogue of Harris Manuscripts relating mainly to Chelsfield 1503-1914
Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hythe Church
The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hythe Church. Noted on 3rd October 1891 by Leland L. Duncan.
The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891. His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.
Transcribed and typed up by Christine Pantrey
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added 29th March 2007
In the Western part of the Churchyard an altar tomb On the south side of which:-
294. Thomas CASTLE Esquire late of Ingles in the parish of Folkestone died 29th October 1825 in 78th year. leaving a widow and two children; Thomas and Jane. Also Jane relict of above Thomas Castle Died 17th May 1832 in 77th year.
Further inscriptions on North side.
295. Another altar tomb:- Sacred / to the memory of / Thomas Henry MANN Esquire / Paymaster of the 2nd Bn. 3rd Regiment / or Buffs. / who died 16th January 1816 / aged 62 years. / This tomb is erected by his / deeply afflicted and disconsolate / widow Rebecca Mann.
296. Another altar tomb with inscriptions on every part as follows:-
on top:-
Here lie interred the remains of Ann the wife of Edward ANDREWS Gent who died 22nd September 1766 aged 64 years. Also of Edward Andrews who died 11th January 1770 aged 63 years. leaving four children by his said wife namely Edward, Robert, Ann and Mary. Also Edward Andrews son of Robert and Rachel Andrews who died June 4th 1774 aged eight months. Likewise of Edward Andrews of the Town and Port of Dover, Gent and son of the above named Edward and Ann Andrews who died 29th August 1798 Aged 63 years. Also of Robert Andrews of this Town and Port, Gent, who died 1st January 1801 aged 63 years leaving one daughter Rachel. Rachel wife of Robert Andrews died 22nd December 1803 in the 67th year of her age and is here interred. Also of Donald DOUGLAS who died at Hythe September 30th 1883 aged 62 years.
297. On the West end of the tomb:-
In memory of Edward DOUGLAS Ensign 53rd Regiment Died November 9th 1833 aged 20. Also of Donald Douglas Died September 30th 1885 aged 62 sixth and eighth sons of Lieutenant General Sir Kenneth Douglas Baronet of Glenberrie both of whom died at Hythe and are interred in this vault
298. On the South side of the tomb:-
In the Vault are deposited the Remains of Lieutenant General SIR KENNETH DOUGLAS Baronet of Glenberrie Colonel of the 58th Regiment Eldest son of Kenneth MACKENZIE Esquire of Kilcoy Castle Rosshive. He entered the army at the age of 13 and served his King and Country whenever called untill his death which took place in London November 22nd 1833 aged 69 years. He assumed the name and Arms of DOUGLAS by sign manual on the 19th October 1831 in memory of his Uncle Sir Alexander Douglas of Glenberrie. He married on the 18th December 1804 (when Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie of the 52nd Regiment) Rachel only daughter of Robert ANDREWS Esquire of this Town and Port by whom he had nine children and left surviving six viz: Robert Andrews, Alexander Douglas, Edward, Rachel, Lynedoch and Donald. Kenneth and William died in their infancy and Kenneth his third son died in Ceylon.
299. On the North side of the tomb.
Within this vault are deposited the remains of Rachel DOUGLAS relict of Lieutenant General Sir Kenneth DOUGLAS Baronet who departed this life on the 24th January 1847 aged 64. To the Memory of Sir Robert Andrews Douglas Baronet of Glenberrie Major 12th Regiment who died and was buried at Mauritius November 1843 aged 36. To the Memory of Alexander Douglas Douglas Esquire late Lieutenant 68th Regiment who died in London on 6th May 1848 aged 38 and was buried in Kensel Green Cemetery To the Memory of Rachel Douglas widow of Major SNODGRASS 96th Regiment, died January 15th 1877.
300. On the West end of the Tomb:-
In memory of Kenneth MACKENZIE Lieutenant 58th Regiment third son of Lieutenant General Mackenzie who died and was buried at Ceylon May 1850. aged 20 years and ten months. Lyndock fifth son of the above died in Jersey 15th May 1859 aged 41 years.
Hythe 3rd October 1891.
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Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added 29th March 2007
In The Chancell.
1. On a Neat Monument, on The North Wall, with this Coat. [On a Lozenge: ¼ly: 1&4). Or, a chevn. az. a border sa. bezanty (BEAN). 2&3), Az. a chevn. arg. betw. 3 martlets or (KNIGHT)]. M.S. To The Memory of Mrs Elisabeth BEANE Wife of Robinson Beane of Hythe, Gent, and Mrs Anne Beane Their only Daughter. both buried in One Tomb near unto this Place. A Pious Matron, and a Virgin both,/Of Age ye Glory, and ye Flow’r of Youth./Where Beauty did in full Perfection shine,/And ev’ry Grace and Virtue was divine./Upon One Fatal Thread hung both their Lives,/And, in her Fate, The Mother’s Death contrives./One Branch, ye beauteous Branch dissolved away,/The fruitfull Stock dropt in a Year & Day./One was their Life; here in One Tomb, they lye,/The Mother, Daughter, and Posterity.
2. Underneath, On a flat Stone, with ye Above Coat. Here lie ye Bodies of The truly virtuous and pious Elisabeth BEANE, Daughter of John KNIGHT, Gent. Wife to Robinson Beane of Hythe, Gent. And Anne Beane, sole Daughter and Heiress of the Said Robinson & Elisabeth, who departed this Life 12 Jan 1679/80. Aged 22. The Mother, with much Sorrow surviving, a Year after, was buried in ye same Tomb, on ye 22d. of Jan. 1680/1. An. Aetatis 58.
3. On another neat Monument, on ye N. Wall – wth. this Coat. [Purp. a griffin segreant or (COLLINS) imp. Arg. on a chief sa. 2 boars’ heads couped or]. (Griff. note: TAYLOR). Giles Collins Gent. had to Wife Margaret, Daughter of John Taylor of Shadoxherst, Gent, by whom he had Issue 5 Sons, and 5 Daughters having passed 64 Years, deceased in October Anno 1586. His Life and Days, in virtuous Ways,/Well spent, he well did end./And, ending soe, his Soul to goe/To God he did commend./So that, at Rest, his Soul is Bless’t,/And lyves with God in Skies;/Altho’, by Death, now turn’d to Earth,/His Bodye buried lyes.
4. On a Flat Stone – with this Coat, is ye following Inscription. [Az. a chevn. arg. betw. 3 martlets or]. (G. note: KNIGHT). Here lieth interr’d the Body of John KNIGHT, Gent of this Towne, who was buried the 25th Day of May, at the Age of 47 Yeares, An.D. 1634. And also here lieth interred The Body of Thomas Knight, Sonn of the said John KNIGHT Gent who died the 19th Day of February at ye Age of 22 Daies A.D. 1626/7. And, alsoe, here lieth ye Body of Ann Knight, Daughter of John Knight, Gent. who was buried ye 12th Day of January A.D. 1637/8. being ye Age of 10 Yeares. And, alsoe, here lieth interr’d the Body of Sarah Knight, Daughter of John Knight, Gent; who died The 17 Nov. 1633 being the Age of 2 Yeares.
5. On Another. Here lieth interr’d the Body of Mrs ……../KNIGHT, late Wife of William Knight, Gent. Daughter of Thomas TOKE, near Dover, Gent deceased. who died after she had completed 60 Yeares. The 14th Day of April, Anno Dni. 1621. And, also, here lieth interred the Body of Julian KNIGHT, Daughter of John KNIGHT, Gent. who departed this Life the 27th Day of May, Anno Dni. 1639 being ye Age of 10 Yeares.
6. On Another. Ann KINGSMILL, August the 27th 1621.
7. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Mrs Mary MASTER, the Wife of Mr. Gyles Master buried under this Stone, whoe dyed the 4th Day of April Ano. Do. 1617.
8. On Another. Here under this Stone lieth buried the Bodie of Susanna MASTER which died the 19th October 1616 being the Daughter of Gyles Master, and Mary his Wife.
9. On Another. Here under this Stone, lieth buried the Body of Mrs Martha MASTER which died the 19th of February 1614/5. Underneath ye next Stone, North, lieth buried ye Bodye of John MASTER which died the 2d. of November 1598. The Children of Mr Gyles MASTER, and Mary his Wife.
10. This Chancell, which is large and handsomely adorned, is of an Extraordinary lofty Pitch. And the Arches of The East Window, which is a very large One, are supported by Many very beautyfull, tall, & Taper Pillasters.
In The North Chancell.
11. On a large Flat Stone is the following Inscription. Here lieth The Body of Mr Richard LAWRENCE a Jurat of This Towne who departed this Life the 4th Day of October, in ye Year of Our Lord 1753.
12. On Another, adjacent. Under This Stone lieth interr’d The Body of Mary Wife of Richard LAWRENCE, Jurate of This Towne, who departed this Life 2d. Feb. 1748/9. Aged 70 Yeares. Also Elisabeth PARKER, Sister of the abovesaid, who died Feb. 17 1748/9. Aged 72 Years.
13. Here is another Flat Stone not Legible.
In The South Chancell.
14. On a Neat Mural Monument, on The South Wall, with ye followg. Coats. [(drawn in a line).
I. (COLLINS, 3,28 (Hythe)) imp. Arg. 3 foxes passt. in pale gu.
II. (COLLINS) imp. Arg. 3 pallets az. on a canton az. a fleur-de-lis arg. (WISE of Woodchurch).
III. (COLLINS) imp. Per chevn. arg. & sa. 3 griffins’ heads erased countercharged (TOKE of Bere)].
John COLLINS The Son of Gyles Collins, Gent. had 2 Wives, and had Issue by them both. He had been Jurate, and thrice Mayor of This Towne. As also a Burgess of The Parliament. and, further, He supplied The Charge of Mayor ye Fourth Time, and being then Aged 40 and odd Yeares, deceased the 10th Day of December Anno. 1597. E. EVESHAM fecit.
15. On Another, On The Same Wall. Under this Monument (by his own Desire) resteth the Body of Robinson BEANE, Gent. whose First Wife was Elisabeth, The Daughter of William KNIGHT Gent. By whom he had 2 Daughters, Eliz. in whose Grave the Mother lies (as appears by their Monument and Tomb Stone in the Great Chancell). He was 10 Times Mayor of this Towne, One of The Barons of this Port, who carried ye Canopy over KING JAMES THE 2D. at his coronation, and Captain of The Trained Band. His Second Wife was Margaret (who lies interr’d in Limne Church, by Her former Husband Capt. Isaac BATCHELOUR). By whom he had Issue only Ellen and Anne, who survived him and erected this, in pious Memory. He departed this Life, 19 April 1703 in ye 70th Year of his Age.
16. On a Flat Stone. Here lies the Body of Eliz. BEANE Daughter of Robinson Beane of Hythe Gent. and Elisabeth his Wife. born the 26th of March 1653 and dyed the 19th of Aprill Aged 24 Dayes.
17. In The Chancell (S. Tr.) belonging to The Family of DEEDES, which is on The South Side of The Church; and handsomely raild in, with Iron Rails.
18. On a very Neat Monument, On the East Wall, wth. This Coat. [Per fesse nebuly gu. & arg. 3 martlets countercharged (DEEDS) imp. Or, 5 chevronels az. (DENEW)]. Here lies interr’d The Body of The Revd. Julius Deeds, A.M. Prebendary of Canterbury, and Rector of Mongeham and Dim Church, and only Son of William Deedes, M.D. He married, Apr. 9th 1732 Dorothy, Relict of Richard IBBETSON, D.D. and Eldest Daughter of Nathaniel Denew Esq. by Dorothy his Wife, Daughter of Sr. Abraham JACOB, by whom he had Issue, William, Dorothy, Julius who died an Infant, and Mary. He departed this Life, Apr. 19 1752 Aet. 59. Here, likewise, lies Mary, Youngest Child of the above Julius Deedes; She died Sept. 21 1752. Aet. 13. Also Dorothy, Relict of The above Julius DEEDES, who died Nov. 28 1754. Aet. 61.
19. On an Handsom Monument, on ye South Wall. [(DEEDS) imp. Arg. a wyvern gu. (DRAKE)]. Here lie the Remains of Julius DEEDES Esq. born in this Town Dec. 27 1692. His high Regard for his Native Place was his Motive to use his utmost Endeavours for ye Service, of it which will be known to Posterity, by ye Many Publick Works procured for it in his Time; in particular, ye rebuilding the Tower of this Church, which he liv’d not to see finished. In his private Character, he was a Pious Xtian, and a sincere Friend. He married Elisabeth, Daughter of Ralph DRAKE, of Blechingly, in ye County of Surrey, Esq. by whom he had one Son, and died on ye 11th Day of May 1750. As also, those of Elisabeth his Wife, who died ye 2d. of July 1755 in ye 64th Year of her Age. who was in her Religion, Devout and exemplary; in her Friendship, sincere and Affectionate; in her Charities, liberal and unconfined; In her Conversation, affable, and engaging.
20. On Another very handsome Monument on The South Wall, with ye Arms of DEEDS as before. Here lie the Remains of Julius DEEDES only Child of Julius Deedes Esq. of this Place by Eliza his Wife; who died of The Small Pox Oct. 29 1741 in the 13th Year of his Age. In Him were united an happy Memory, an uncommon Capacity and a Ripeness of Judg’ment, beyond his Years; with such strong Sentiments of Piety, Filial Duty, and Affection, as made him beloved, admired, and lamented by all that knew him; but, especially, by his Afflicted Parents, and Relations; who must mourn his Absence till God calls them to a Joyfull Meeting in Heaven.
21. On a Large Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of Mrs Margaret DEEDES, Wife of Henry Deedes, of this Place Gentleman, and Daughter of Abraham HARRISON of Greenwich, in the County of Kent, Esq. She departed this Life Dec. 29th 1706. Anno Aetatis suae 41. by whom, she left Issue, 3 Sons and 2 Daughters; Julius, William, Abraham, Susanna & Margaret. Here lie the Remains of Henry DEEDES Esq. who was born in this Town, Apr. 1st 1662 and died, Aug. 19 1715. He was an Example of every relative Duty to all that knew him. Much regarded by his Superiours; Belov’d by his Equals, Revered by his Inferiours, and, lamented by them all. Here lies William, Son of Henry & Margaret Deedes who was born Jany. 20 1695/6 and died Feby. 3d. 1714/5. Here also lies Abraham-Harrison DEEDS, Another Son who was born Aug. 31 1705 and died Dec. 1 1725. Two most promising Youths, whom God took from The Danger of this World’s Temptation.
In The Body.
22. On a Neat Mural Monument, on ye Left Hand, at the Entrance into the Great Chancell – with the Arms of DEEDES impaling BATE – both, as before. Near this Place lieth the Body of Julius Deedes Esq. who was thrice Baron in Parliament for this Port, and, as often Mayor. He was Captain also of our Trained Band and Major of this Division. He left 3 Sons, William, Henry and Julius; and 2 Daughters, Sarah & Margaret by his Wife Anne (ye Daughter of Richard BATE) of Lydde Esq) who also surviveth him. He died ye 3d. of September 1692. Aet. 58. Here, also, lieth Anne Deedes Widow and Relict of the said Julius, who died ye 2d. of February 1697/8. Aged 58.
23. Near the last Mentioned Monument hangs a very Ancient Escutcheon painted on Board; being the Arms of Howard, DUKE OF NORFOLK; with the Ducal Coronet, Garter, and usual Motto of The Order.
24. On a Flat Stone, with ye Arms of KNIGHT, as before. Here lieth interr’d the Body of William KNIGHT, Gent. he was 5 Times Mayor of this Towne, and once Burgess for this Towne, in ye first Parliament in the Reign of KING JAMES. who died in the Month of August An. Dom. 1622 in ye 64th Year of his Age.
25. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Richard PASHLY who died July 7 1641 being then Mayor of this Town, and being Aged 41 Yeares.
26. On a Brass Plate fixd to a Flat Stone, wth. this Coat. [Az. a griffin segreant, a chief arg.]. (G. note: EASTDAY). Here lies Buried the Body of Henry Eastday Gent who died upon ye 18th Day of September in ye Year of Christ 1610.
27. On Another. Here lieth the Body of John BREDGMAN, Jurate of this Towne & Porte of Hythe. The last Baily, and first Mayor of the Same. who depted. ye 3d. of December A. 1581 in ye 24th Yeare of ye R. of O. Sovereigne Ladie QUEENE ELIZABETH. Whilst he did live, which here doth lie, three Sutes got of ye Crown,/The Mortmaine, Fayr, & Mayroltie, for Heythe this ancient Towne./And, was Himself, the Baylye last, & Mayor First by Name./Thoughe he be gone, Time is no past, to prayse God for the same.
28. On Another Flat Stone. In Terrâ hâc jacet Incola Caeli. Here lieth buried ye Body of William DEEDES Gent. 4 Times Mayor of This Towne; Capt. of the Trained Band, and, from thence chosen Bayliffe unto Yarmouth; he departed this Life ye 31st of March 1653, leaving One only Son – Julius Deedes Esq. who died ye 3d. and was here buried on ye 9th of Sept. 1692. Anno Aetatis 58. Here lieth also Anne Deedes his Widow, who died ye 2d. and was buried the 8th of Feb. 1697/8. Aet. 58. (see the Inscript. on ye Mont. of the 2 last. Page 33).
29. On The N. Side of the Middle Isle, hangs ye following Coat, on Board. [Sa. a chevn. engrailed betwn. 3 leopards or. Motto. FAMA.FIDES.OCVLVS. Dated: 1683].
30. To The Remembraunce of a Faithfull Friend.
31. Near The Foot of the Old Gallery Stairs, on an Atchievmt. wth. this Coat. [Per fesse or & az. 3 unicorns’ heads erased countercharged]. Against this Place lies Buried the Body of Isacke RUTTON Gent Liuetennant of Sandgate Castle 1683.
32. There are Several other Flat Stones, in different Parts of the Church, which have the Appearance of great Antiquity; but are not legible. Some of them have been inlaid with Brass.
33. In The Porch (which is very large, and, out of which You ascend to The South Door, by 12 handsome Stone Steps) is the following Inscription.
"The Stone Steps to The Church, and ye Church Door, are The Gift of William GLANVILLE Esq., one of the Representatives In Parliament for this Town & Port, A.D. 1729. – Julius DEEDES Esq. Mayor".
34. Over the Porch is, as I was told, a very handsome Room, where they always choose ye Mayor. I did not see it.
35. Under Part of the Chancells of this Church (i.e. under the East End of them) is a spacious Vault, in which is a Stack of Human Bones (all of them very white and sound) in Length 30 Feet; In Height 8 Feet in Breadth (sic). There are Many Conjectures concerning them; The most probable of which may be seen at Large, in Dr. HARRIS’s History of Kent – Page 152*.
*For an Account of a Charnell House of this Sort, see also BROWNE’s Posthumous Works, Lond. 1712. Page 30th, of his Antiquities of Norwich; and, de Scholâ Regiâ Norvicensi P.6. etc. See also, STOWES Survey of London. See also the 2d. Volume of my Parochial Collections – P.51 – In Folkestone.
36. This Church consists of 3 Chancells, 3 Isles, and a Burying Place for the DEEDE’s Family; the Entrance into it is on ye South of the South Isle.
37. The Tower fell down a few Years ago; but it is now rebuilt. It stands at the West End. In it hang 6 very Musical Bells. The First, or smallest of them, having been broke by ye Fall of The Tower, was recast by Robert (error for Thos.) PACK of London in 1752. (Stahl. 313. 1&2 added 1861. 2-10 all 1802 – Thos. NEARS). The Year the new Tower was finish’t. The Other 5 were all founded by John WAYLETT in ye Year 1720.
38. The Old Steeple (KILBURN informs us) was greatly damaged in ye Year 1580, by an Earthquake, which was so violent as to ring ye Bells in it. It is said, there were formerly 4 other Parish Churches, or Chapels, in Hythe; which were dedicated to St. Bernard, St. Nicholas, St Michael, and St. Mary.
39. The Present Church is dedicated to St. Leonard, and is a Chapel annext to Saltwood, whose present Rector, 1757 is Dr. Thomas RANDOLPH. See Page 23. In the Gift of The Arch Bishop.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
ANDREWS 296, 298
BEANE 1, 2
BEANE 15, 16
DEEDES 17-22, 28, 33, 36
Denew 18
DOUGLAS 296-299
KNIGHT 2, 4, 5, 15, 24
MACKENZIE 298, 300
MANN 295
MASTER 7, 8, 9
WISE 14Places
Bere 14
Blechingly, Surrey 19
Ceylon 298, 300
Dover 296
Dover 5
Glenberrie 297, 298, 299
Greenwich 21
Ingles, Folkestone 294
Jersey 300
Kilcoy Castle Rosshive 298
London 298
London 37
London Kensel Green
Cemetery 299
Lydde 22
Mauritius 299
Mongeham 18
Saltwood 39
Sandgate Castle 31
Shadoxhurst 3
Woodchurch 14
Yarmouth 28GeneralMilitary
12th Regiment 299
52nd Regiment 298
53rd Regiment 297
58th Regiment 298, 300
68th Regiment 299
96th Regiment 299
2nd Bn. 3rd Regiment /
or Buffs. 295
Captain 15, 22, 28
Colonel 298
Ensign 297
Lieutenant 31, 299, 300
Lieutenant General 297,
298, 299, 300
Major 22, 299
Paymaster 295
Trained Band 22, 28
Bayliffe 28
Burgess 24
Earthquake 38
Jurate 11, 12, 14, 27
Mayor 14, 22, 25, 27, 33, 34
Small Pox 20