Catalogue of Harris Manuscripts relating mainly to Chelsfield 1503-1914
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Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hythe Church
Hadlow Survey and Appendix
Catalogue of Harris Manuscripts relating mainly to Chelsfield 1503-1914
This extremely interesting collection of documents, ranging in date from 1503 to 1914, was accumulated over several centuries by the Styles, Burton, Aynscomb and Harris families. My friend Michael Nightingale of Cromarty, a distinguished Vice-President of the Kent Archaeological Society, was connected with these families through his descent from Thomas Bath of Chelsfield (died 1746). Michael very kindly lent the manuscripts to me not long before his much-lamented death in 1998.
With his accustomed expertise and industry he had put the collection in order many years before, and had made a detailed catalogue of the deeds which relate mainly to Chelsfield, and an outline list of the remainder. In compiling this catalogue I have generally followed his system, making only a few alterations where I have listed together documents which now appear to be related.
It was only quite recently that a further collection of Harris manuscripts came to light, when the late Mrs Clare Hogben of Crosshall, Chelsfield kindly lent me a collection of 20 deeds which relate to Lilly's Farm, Chelsfield. They take the history of that farm up to 1939, and I have numbered them in sequence to follow after the main collection.
Lilly's (as I have standardised the spelling) is without doubt the best documented property in the whole of the ancient parish of Chelsfield. In addition to the large number of documents and maps listed here, there is much other material, including the Journal of a 19th century tenant, watercolours of the house in 1828 and 1912 and a host of photographs, including unusual interior views. It is tragic that the building should have been destroyed by a flying bomb in 1944, with the loss of two lives.
There are many individual documents and bundles of documents in the Harris collection which are of interest, not least those relating to the great lawsuit of Burton versus Ebbutt, Aynscomb and others, which followed on the death of the feckless young John Styles in 1726. A 27, which purports to be John's " testamentary disposition ", is to me the most moving document in the collection. It is written on poor quality parchment which has a natural hole in it, and is well-thumbed as a result of having been through many hands in the course of the protracted case in the Exchequer Court. In one deposition taken in the course of the suit an illiterate witness, asked if she believed that this document really was the deed she had seen by candlelight in the kitchen at Goddington in 1728, deposed that "it is very like the same as to the size and form and has a little hole in it..." This series of documents prompted a chapter on the lawsuit in my book "Chelsfield Chronicles."
In the event, John Styles's considerable estate, which included Goddington, Lilly's, Hall Farm and hundreds of acres in Chelsfield and Cudham, had to be divided among his heirs in Gavelkind, the descendants of his three great-aunts. A 32, the monumental Deed of Partition of 1733 goes into great detail about their relationship, and the portion which each was to receive.
Another seminal document is A 50, of 1847, in which the Harris estate, including Lilly's, Goddington and land in Orpington was divided among three brothers and co-heirs. They first had to pay off their sister, who had been cut off by their father for having made an unsuitable marriage, but who was still entitled to a share in her grandmother's estate.
When we come to Orpington, there are several exceptionally full series of title deeds; the documents relating to Chaffers, a draper's shop, (F 119 to F 145) running from 1582 to 1897, are particularly interesting. H 156 to H 171 is another bundle relating to property in Orpington and Crockenhill belonging to the Tibbs family, which demonstrates the operation of the Kentish Law of Gavelkind in cases of intestacy.
The bundle of deeds about a school in Masons Hill, Bromley (E 102 to E 118) has a great deal which is of unusual interest, adding considerably to the history of that institution given in Horsburgh's standard work.
I have had to bring together under one heading, on pages 22 to 25, various conveyances and leases relating mainly to farmland in Orpington; I found it difficult to list them in any other way since the properties were often let in different permutations. The Aynscomb ancestors of the Harris family came from Surrey, and the deeds from that county which have survived here appear to me to be of considerable interest, particularly perhaps those relating to a windmill in Nutfield. Equally, I feel that there must be someone in Nottinghamshire who would be delighted to see J 203, with its wealth of detail about the trials alleged to have been suffered through the actions of a farm tenant. James Harris's interest in the annuity granted to Ann Taylor (to which this Nottinghamshire deed appears to be related) remains a mystery.
Thanks to the efforts of my friend Susan Pittman of Crockenhill, I now have photocopies of the entire collection, and have so far transcribed and typed out all of the documents relating to Chelsfield, and many of those from Orpington. I should be happy to correspond with anyone who is interested in any aspect of this collection.
Geoffrey Copus November 2000, revised May 2006.
A 4: 26 May 1617 - Indenture between (i) Sir Anthony Aucher Kt. and Dame Hester his wife and (ii) James Stiles of Chelsfield yeoman - conveyance of one moiety of Lilly's with 14 pieces of land containing about 120 acres. Includes field names and bounds [1]
A 16: 20 January 1696 - Indenture tripartite between (i) James Styles of Chelsfield gentleman (ii) Edmund Burges of Sevenoaks gentleman and James Burton of Chelsfield yeoman and (iii) Sarah Woodgate of Sevenoaks widow: Settlement on the intended marriage of James Styles and Sarah Woodgate. Lands settled on Sarah include Lilly's with 14 pieces of land (field names given) containing about 125 acres, in the occupation of the said James Styles and William Kester. [2]
A 17: 20 January 1696 - Indenture tripartite between (i) Sarah Woodgate of Sevenoaks widow (ii) Edmund Burges of Sevenoaks gentleman and James Burton of Chelsfield yeoman and (iii) James Styles of Chelsfield gentleman. A Settlement related to A 16, securing lands in Limpsfield, Surrey, to the use of Sarah for life and then to James Styles and the right heirs of Sarah. [3]
A 20: 26 April 1704 - Administration of the goods etc. of Sarah Styles alias Woodgate of Chelsfield deceased to James Styles her husband. [4]
A 22: 2 October 1706 - Indenture between (i) James Style of Chelsfield gentleman and (ii) John Petty of Chelsfield gentleman. Lease for 40 years from Michaelmas 1706 of 2 acres 20 rods in Chelsfield adjoining Kibscroft at 25s. per annum, to plant an orchard. Detailed covenants as to apple trees and "fillbud plants" to be planted. [5]
A 26: 30 November 1720 - General Release from John Petty of Chelsfield gentleman to John Styles of Chelsfield gentleman [ on his attaining age 21] [6]
A 27: 15 August 1725 - Memorandum by John Style of Chelsfield yeoman testifying that he wished the testamentary dispositions in the will of his father James Style of Chelsfield yeoman dated 4 August 1710 to stand in the event of his own death.
This document is very worn, and bears a number of endorsements regarding the part it played in the Exchequer case Burton versus Ebbutt, Aynscomb and others, in which it was eventually rejected. [7]
A 28: -- March 1726 - James Burton's account of payments in respect of John Styles deceased. Includes nursing and funeral expenses. [8]
A 29: 9 September 1727 - Administration of the goods etc. of John Stiles of Chelsfield deceased granted to James Burton, creditor, Hannah Coney the aunt and next of kin having renounced. [9]
A 30: 30 January 1727 - Will of John Burton of Chelsfield with probate dated 1 May 1728, granted to James Burton the brother. [10]
A 31: 30 January 1731 - receipt from Joseph Biscoe to James Burton for costs in the case Burton versus Ebbut, Aynscomb and others. [11]
A 32: 19 May 1733 - Deed of Partition of the Estate of the late John Styles of Chelsfield gentleman, between the descendants of his three great aunts, as a result of the case Burton versus Ebbutt, Aynscomb and others. James Burton was entitled to one third of a third part in his own right, and another one third of a third part as devisee of his late brother John Burton. He was awarded two thirds of Lilly's Farm with a cottage, a plantation occupied by John Petty, and Catsbrook in Lullingstone. One sixth part of this one third share was allotted to William Phillips and the remaining one sixth to Thomas Burton. [12]
A 33: 21 March 1734 - Indenture between (i) Thomas Burton of Shoreham husbandman and William Phillips of Shoreham tailor and (ii) James Burton the elder of Chelsfield yeoman. Lease for a year of their one third share of Lilly's; includes field names. [13]
A 34: 22 March 1734 - Release of property as in A 33, on payment of £621.1s. 0d. [14]
A 35: 22 March 1734 - General Release from William Phillips of Shoreham tailor and others to James Burton the elder of Chelsfield yeoman. [15]
A 36: 7 April 1735 - Indenture between (i) James Burton the elder of Chelsfield yeoman and (ii) John Petty of Chelsfield gentleman; Mortgage for £500 on Lilly's Farm and about 130 acres: a note that it was paid off in several instalments, the last on 27 July 1754. [16]
A 37: 5 July 1735 - particulars of the deeds relating to Mr. Burton's estate at Chelsfield mortgaged to Mr. John Petty. The list commences with the deed of 1617 (A 4) and includes several which have since been lost -
(i) 14 James I, Easter Term - Recovery: Robert Wenborne gent., Demandent, James Stiles Tenant, Sir Anthony Awcher Kt. and Hester his wife First Vouchees, Edward Howes Second Vouchee. (ii) 1646 Feb. 16 - a Feoffment with Livery endorsed from Sir Henry Heyman Kt. and Bart. to James Stiles. [17]
A 38: 24 April 1730 - Will of John Burton of Shoreham tailor, proved 4 August 1733 by William Phillip. [18]
A 39: 14 February 1740 - Will of James Burton of Chelsfield yeoman, proved 6 March 1741 by Thomas Whiffin and Thomas Child. [19]
A 41a [K 220 in Michael Nightingale's catalogue] 22 July 1809 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Chelsfield Esq. and Mary his wife and (ii) Joseph Brooker of Chelsfield farmer. Lease for 21 years from Michaelmas 1808 of Lilly's Farm and about 120 acres, a cottage and a piece of land called Londridge lying in Great Smallams at £100 per annum. [20]
A 46a [ A 46 in Michael Nightingale's catalogue ] 25 March 1837 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Chelsfield Esq. and Mary his wife and (ii) Samuel Brooker of Chelsfield gentleman. Lease for 14 years from Michaelmas 1836 of Lilly's Farm and about 135 acres, an orchard at Lilly's Cross (but excepting the cottage thereon) and a piece of land called Londridge in Great Smallams, at £135 per annum.
Also 7 June 1837 - detailed account from Messrs. Madox and Wyatt, Solicitors concerning the new lease for Lilly's Farm. Total costs £25.2s.10d., of which half was paid by Mr. Samuel Brooker the tenant. [21]
A 47: 1 April 1835 - Will of James Harris of Goddington, Chelsfield, with codicil dated 20 August 1835 cutting off his daughter Maria Cole from any benefit because of her unsuitable marriage. Proved 23 August 1838 by Mary Harris the widow. [22]
A 48: 3 May 1847 - detailed account from H. R. French for the funeral of Mrs. Harris, 26 December 1846; total, £44.14s.0d. [23]
A 48a and A 48c to A 48 o - 1846/47 - a bundle of accounts including several from local tradesmen for goods supplied, some with direct references to Lilly's These include bill and receipt for the delivery of bricks paid for by Mr. Brooker, receipt from Richard Yeates for building a tank at Lilly's, and an account of expenses incurred by Samuel Brooker, recovered from Messrs. Harris. [24]
A 48b: n.d., presumably 1846-47 - account of debts owed by the estate of Mrs. Mary Harris of Goddington ( who also owned Lilly's). The only specific reference to the latter is £8 "for a Viranda to Lillies." [25]
A 49: 15 March 1847 - Indenture between (i) William Cole of Keston builder and Maria has wife, formerly Maria Harris spinster (ii) James Aynscomb Harris of Orpington Esq., John Harris and George St. Pierre Harris Esquires, both of Goddington (Maria Cole's three brothers) and (iii) James Fuller Madox of Foots Cray gentleman. A very lengthy deed, whereby Maria was paid £1000 by her three brothers to compensate her for property left to her by her grandmother, and her annuity of £40 was assured for life. [26]
A 50: 10 May 1847 - Indenture between (i) James Aynscomb Harris of Orpington Esq. and wife Mary (ii) George St. Pierre Harris of Goddington Esq. (iii) John Harris Esq. of Goddington and (iv) James Fuller Madox of Clements Lane, City of London, gentleman. A very lengthy deed dividing the extensive Harris estates in equal parts (with cash adjustment) between the brothers James Aynscomb, George St. Pierre and John Harris. Lilly's Farm, with cottage and about 135 acres was allotted to John Harris; for the purposes of the deed it was valued at £5278.6s.0d., and he received a further £956.19s.10d. paid to him by James Aynscomb Harris, to equalise the partition. [27]
A 50a,b,c: 18 May 1847 - Certificates confirming that Mary, wife of James Aynscomb Harris, had appeared personally before one of the Masters in Chancery to confirm her assent to the deeds A 49 and A 50. [28]
A 51: 6 June 1847 - Administration of the goods etc. of Mrs. Mary Harris of Chelsfield widow, to John Harris, one of her children. [28]
A 52: 27 September 1850 - Inventory and Valuation of effects at Lilly's Farm, the property of Samuel Brooker (the tenant) appraised by Mr. John Harris.A very detailed list, the contents of each room and of the cellars, bakehouse etc. being listed separately; total valuation £92.16s.0d. [29]
A 53: 18 September 1850 - Farm Inventory and Valuation, made by James Russell of Horton Kirby and William Stow of Farnborough Hall; total valuation £332.6s.0d. [30]
A 53a to A 53h - supporting documents including exchange of goods between Samuel Brooker and John Harris, an account of lots purchased by Mr. Harris at the Sale at Lilly's Farm on 24 September 1850 and accounts for work on the farm. [31]
A 54: 6 March 1854 - Indenture between (i) John Harris Esq. and (ii) William Beardsworth Fox of Downe gentleman. Lease for 21 years from Michaelmas 1853 of Lilly's Farm and about 135 acres, an orchard with two cottages standing on it, Longridge lying in Great Smallams and a piece of land adjoining Skibs Lane, at a rent of £155 per annum. Includes detailed schedule of fixtures, listed by room. [32]
A 57: 30 May 1864 - Indenture between (i) John Harris of Lilly Cottage, Bexley Heath Esq. and (ii) William Beardsworth Fox of Chelsfield yeoman. Extension of lease dated 6 March 1854 [ A 54 ] for a further 10 years from Michaelmas 1874 at a rent of £155 per annum. Includes detailed schedule of fixtures which is almost identical with that in A 56. [33]
A 59: 7 February 1867 - Will of John Harris of Lilly Cottage, Bexley Heath, owner of Lilly's Farm. Proved 29 September 1873 by Selina Harris the widow and William Beardsworth Fox. [34]
A 61: 15 July 1908 - printed Inland Revenue form completed in respect of Succession Duty by George St. Pierre Harris on succeeding to the reversion of Lilly's Farm through the death of his aunt Selina Harris. [35]
A 62: 15 July 1908 - printed Inland Revenue form completed similarly, in respect of Estate Duty. [36]
A 62a: 10 December 1907 - report upon survey of Lilly's Farm, and Dolls Fields in Cudham, by Cronks of Sevenoaks. [37]
A 63: 16 October 1912 - agreement between (i) Richard James May and Harry May of Acorn Wharf, Peckham, timber merchants (ii) George St. Pierre Harris and (iii) Herbert Birch of 37 and 39 Essex Street, Strand, London. Lease for 3 years and three eighths of a year from 11 November 1912 of Lilly's House and small area of surrounding land, as shown on plan attached, at £95 per annum. Detailed schedule of fixtures; Covenants include undertaking to preserve in its ancient condition the old panelled room on the ground floor. [38]
A 64: 26 November 1914 - plan of Lilly's Farm on tracing paper, showing boundaries of land let separately from the house and surrounding area; also shows those fields which had been sold. [39]
B 71a to B 71k: 1780 to 1791 - a collection of miscellaneous accounts and receipts from James and Mary Aynscomb and Barbara Judd. Items (a) to (i) all relate to the payment of interest on Bonds to George Mace (Landlord of the Five Bells) and William Brooks (owner of Cross Hall and other property); item (k) is an account of 1791 to Mrs. Aynscomb from William Culver, tenant of Lilly's. [40]
B 72a to B 72 i: 1765 to 1789 - another collection of Aynscomb family receipts relating to Bonds and miscellaneous items. Not all relate directly to Lilly's, but item (f) is an account from James Gudsell for "surveying and drawing plan of Lilly's Farm and Dolls Fields." Item (g) is a Land Tax receipt of 1788 and (i) an undated receipt from Thomas French for "Repairs Lillies Farm." [41]
B 73: 6 January 1791 - account from William Culver to Mrs. Aynscomb for farm work, Land Tax, Quit Rent etc. [42]
B 74: 30 September 1793 - account from Jenner and Bush for expenses in proving the Will of Mrs. Mary Aynscomb. [43]
B 75: 4 June 1787 - Will of Mary Aynscomb of Chelsfield widow, in which she leaves Lilly's and all her real estate to her daughter Mary Harris for life, then to the use of all Mary's children equally. Proved 3 October 1793 by Mary Harris, with power reserved to Richard Waring. [44]
I 193: 4 January 1905 - Indenture between (i) Selina Harris of 186 Anerley Road, Anerley, London widow (ii) George St. Pierre Harris and (iii) William Fox. Lease for 7 years from Michaelmas 1905 at £170.10s.0d. per annum of Lilly's Farm, two cottages and about 121 acres. Detailed schedule of fixtures: plan which is evidently an updated version of that drawn in 1788 (see B 72f). [45]
I 194: 4 January 1905 - draft of I 193. [46]
J 210: 10 July 1847 - a list of Title Deeds relating to Lilly's, the property of John Harris Esq. As in A 37, this commences with the deed of 1617 (A 4) but it also includes several deeds which would appear to relate to other properties which belonged to the Styles family. They have survived in the Harris MSS and are listed in their appropriate places. [47]
LILLY'S FARM, CHELSFIELD - additional documents.
These documents, which relate to Lilly's Farm in the period 1903 to 1939, supplement the main Harris collection, and I have therefore continued the sequence in the catalogue relating to that series (which ends at
K 224) and numbered them L 225 to L 244. They belonged to the late Mrs. Clare Hogben of Crosshall, Chelsfield, and came to her from her father, the late Dick Sanderson, who bought the ruins of Lilly's, the two cottages and the farm buildings, after they had been largely destroyed by a flying bomb in 1944. [48]
L 225: 19 Feb. 1903 - Mortgage for £500 between (i) George St. Pierre Harris, Architect and (ii) George Higgs of Streatham Hill, Gent, George May of Gray's Farm, St. Paul's Cray, Farmer and William May of Northfield, Orpington, Gentleman. Includes plan of land (site of the present Orchard Cottage) excepted from Mortgage.
[ also refers to two documents which have not survived - (a) a Lease of Lilly's Farm dated 21 October 1896 to William Fox from Michaelmas 1896 for 9 years at a rent of £184.17s.2d., and (b) 23 April 1900 - appointment of new Trustees made between (i) Selina Harris and (ii) George St. Pierre Harris] [49]
L 226: 24 June 1903 - Mortgage for £1000 between (i) George St. Pierre Harris and (ii) Richard James May of Acorn Wharf, Old Kent Road, timber merchant and William May of Northfield, Orpington, Gentleman. Includes plan of land (site of present Orchard Cottage) excepted from Mortgage. [50]
L 227: 4 July 1903 - parties as L 226 - Conveyance of the reversion of Lilly's Farm and cottages subject to life interest of Selina Harris, as security for Mortgage. Includes plan identical to that in L 226. [51]
L 228: 23 June 1908 - transfer of Mortgage between (i) Richard James May of Acorn Wharf, Old Kent Road, timber merchant (ii) George St. Pierre Harris and (iii) the said Richard James May and Harry Montague May of Acorn Wharf, timber merchants. [52]
L 229: 19 November 1908 - further Mortgage charge on Lilly's Farm between (i) George St. Pierre Harris and (ii) Richard James May of Acorn Wharf, timber merchant. [53]
L 230: 22 January 1913 - Lease of Lilly's Farm and farm buildings, two cottages and 96.314 acres for 14 years from Michaelmas 1912 at a rent of £120 between (i) Richard James May and Harry Montague May, (ii) George St. Pierre Harris and (iii) David Langlands Pattullo of "Yarrow", Orpington, Farmer. Includes plan. [54]
L 231: 21 December 1914 - reconveyance of Mortgage between (i) Richard James May and (ii) George St. Pierre Harris. [55]
L 232: 21 December 1914 - reconveyance of Mortgage between (i) Richard James May and Harry Montague May and (ii) George St. Pierre Harris. [56]
L 233: 22 December 1914 - Mortgage for £2000 between (i) George St. Pierre Harris and (ii) Oswald Vinson of Ruxley, Foots Cray, farmer. Includes plan. [57]
L 234: 14 May 1918 - agreement to increase rate of interest on Mortgage between (i) George St. Pierre Harris and (ii) Oswald Vinson. [58]
L 235: 16 February 1922 - report by R.A. Jack, M.S.A., on Lilly's House and Farm; valuation together, £4519. Includes very fine plan, with pencilled notes showing proposed road and buildings. [59]
L 236: 4 and 7 April 1922 - Statutory Declaration of Harry Aynscomb Minshaw Harris and George St. Pierre Harris. [60]
L 237: 7 April 1922 - transfer of £2000 Mortgage between (i) Oswald Vinson (ii) George St. Pierre Harris (iii) Eveline May Fraser Mackintosh of Brackloonagh, Branksome Park, Bournemouth; additional Mortgage for £500. [61]
L 238: 27 June 1925 - transfer of Mortgage between (i) Ernest Jeffery Charles Savory of 61 Carey Street, Lincolns Inn, Solicitor and Annie Louisa Houghton of "Little Moy", Wellington Road, Bournemouth and (ii) Constance Elizabeth Dorling of "Duns", Farnborough, Hants., wife of Col. Francis Dorling. [62]
L 239: 26 April 1927 - transfer of Mortgage between (i) Constance Elizabeth Dorling and (ii) Col. Francis Holland Dorling D.S.O, of The Crouch, Seaford, Sussex. [63]
L 240: 16 May 1927 - record of the state and condition of Lilly's Farm at the commencement of the tenancy of Messrs. Hoeltschi. Refers to plan of farm buildings which is missing. [64]
L 241: 11 August 1927 - Lease of Lilly's Farm and farm buildings, cottages and 95.314 acres [sic - not 96.314 as in L 230] for 21 years from Michaelmas 1926 at a rent of £205 between (i) George St. Pierre Harris (ii) William Hoeltschi and George Hoeltschi of Orpington, Farmers and (iii) Elwin Plummer of High Street, Orpington, Contractor. Includes plan of the premises. Deed endorsed with a reference to an Action in Chancery in 1930. [65]
L 242: 11 August 1927 - Counterpart of same Lease, with similar plan. [66]
L 243: 9 April 1932 - Assignment of Lease between (i) George Edwin Hoeltschi of 179 High Street, Orpington, farmer and Dealer and Walter Joseph Hoeltschi of Lilly's Farm, Farmer and Dealer and (ii) the said Walter Joseph Hoeltschi. [66]
L 244: 15 February 1939 - Surrender of Lease between (i) Walter Joseph Hoeltschi (otherwise William Hoeltschi) of Lilly's Farm (ii) Elwin Plummer and (iii) George St. Pierre Harris. [67]
A 5: 5 August 1623 - Indenture between (i) Edward Larke of Coventry, Warwicks. labourer and (ii) Francis Packman of Bexley yeoman. Release of a tenement called Larkshowse, 3 roods and another tenement and half an acre of land in Farnborough, and the Longe slipp of one and a half acres in Chelsfield. [68]
A 6: 5 November 1623 - deed between (i) William Lark of Badbye, Northants. husbandman and (ii) James Style senior of Chelsfield yeoman. Grant and sale of land formerly of James and Thomas Lark, in Chelsfield and Farnborough. [69]
A 7: 2 February 1623 - Bond to perform Covenants in Deed Poll whereby Francis Packman of Bexley yeoman conveys to James Stiles of Chelsfield yeoman two messuages, two orchards and garden plots and a parcel called the Slype. [70]
A 8: 4 February 1628 - Indenture between (i) John Langridge of Grindstreate in Chelsfield tailor and (ii) George Goldinge alias Collins of Chelsfield yeoman and Joan now his wife, mother of the said John. Lease for life at a peppercorn rent of Woodridden Wood (4 acres) and Woodridden Broom (2 acres) in Cudham. [71]
A 9: 4 February 1628 - Indenture between (i) George Goldinge alias Collins of Chelsfield yeoman and Joan now his wife and (ii) John Langridge of Chelsfield tailor. Conveyance of part of their messuage or tenement in Grindstreat and Woodridden Wood and Woodridden Broome in Cudham ; bounds of both properties given. [72]
A9a: 17 June 1660 - Will of Henry Birkin of Chelsfield husbandman, proved in the Consistory Court of Rochester 1 May 1661. This would appear to be related to these documents as it refers to his son in law Henry Langridge [ J 201 in Michael Nightingale's catalogue] [73]
A 10: 28 June 1662 - Deed declaring that John Dalton of Farnborough carpenter and Richard Dalton of St. Mary Cray cordwainer have conveyed to Henry Langridge of Chelsfield a piece of land in Chelsfield whereon a barn formerly stood; bounds given. [74]
A 12: 27 December 1684 - Indenture between (i) Henry Langridge of Chelsfield yeoman and Henry Langridge his son and (ii) Henry Know of Chelsfield yeoman. Conveyance of a little tenement newly erected in Chelsfield, and two rods of ground adjoining; bounds given. [75]
A 14: 1 November 1692 - Indenture between (i) Henry Know of Chelsfield yeoman and Mary his wife and (ii) Edward Jeale of Farnborough butcher. Lease for 1000 years at a peppercorn rent of a little tenement in Chelsfield; bounds given. [76]
A 21: 18 July 1706 - Indenture between (i) Henry Langridge the younger of --- Essex husbandman and Anne Wheeler widow and (ii) Henry Langridge the elder of Chelsfield husbandman, father of the said Henry and Anne. Conveyance of Wood Reddin in Cudham [ refers to an Indenture of 11 April 1699 which has not survived]. [77]
A 23: 23 January 1706 - Indenture between (i) John Adgoe of Southfleet husbandman and Susanna his wife, and Edmund Everist of Darent husbandman and Elizabeth his wife (ii) Henry Langridge of Chelsfield husbandman and Dorothy his wife (iii) John Twistleton of Dartford Esq. and (iv) John Burton of Farnborough, servant to William Broome Esq. Deed leading to a Fine; messuage in Dartford conveyed to John Twistleton, and Wood Reddin in Cudham conveyed to John Burton. [78]
A 24: Octave of the Purification BVM, 1706 - Final Concord relating to property in A 23. [79]
A 11: Morrow of the Holy Trinity, 1674 - Final Concord between (i) John Styles and (ii) Michael Blissett and wife Jane. A messuage, two orchards and two acres in Chelsfield [ at Well Hill]. [80]
A 13: 1 May 1685 - Indenture between (i) Richard Somer of London gentleman and Elizabeth his wife and (ii) George Dolton of Chelsfield husbandman. Lease of Chelsfield Hall near Fisher's Oake and other lands in Chelsfield and Cudham. [81]
A 25: 4 August 1715 - Indenture between (i) John Petty of Chelsfield gentleman, Guardian to Mr. John Stiles, aged under 21, and (ii) James Burton of Chelsfield yeoman. Lease from Michaelmas 1715 for 5 years of Hall Farm and Goddington Farm and lands in Chelsfield, Farnborough and Cudham. [82]
J 197: 1622 to 1710 - " An Abstract of Mr. Stiles' Title to the Farm at Chelsfield." Endorsed 24 November 1720 with acknowledgement from John Landsdell of having received the deeds mentioned in the abstract, to be redeemed on repayment of the mortgage of £600 and interest. [83]
A 41: 1787-1796 - detailed account [ from Williams, solicitor ] commencing with the drawing up of the Marriage Settlement between Mary Aynscomb of Goddington and James Harris. Transactions regarding many other properties listed. [84]
A 42: 29 January 1810 - receipt from John Williams in settlement of A 41. [85]
B 65: 6 May 1753 - Will of Mary Aynscomb of Goddington, widow, with Probate. Proved in the PCC 2 June 1755 by James and Anthony Aynscomb the sons. [86]
B 66: 29 January 1765 - Bond from Anthony Aynscomb to his brother John concerning an annuity of £5 arising out of Goddington. [87]
B 67: 29 January 1760 - Indenture between (i) Thomas Fuller of Lullingstone yeoman (ii) Susannah Parsons of Chelsfield widow and (iii) William Aynscomb of Gatton, Surrey, yeoman and James Aynscomb of Chelsfield yeoman. Assignment of Susannah's fortune to Trustees on her marriage with the said Thomas Fuller. [88]
B 68 a, b: 31 January 1773 - Agreement between the inhabitants of Chelsfield and James Aynscomb regarding his diverting the existing highway near Goddington and making " a good sufficient carriage way twenty feet wide at least" at his own expense. Signatures of the Rev. Charles Meetkerke (Rector), Brass Crosby (Lord of the Manor) and 11 of the principal inhabitants. [89]
B 69: 1773 - Act of the Vestry of Chelsfield approving of the proposed diversion and the building of the new road. [90]
B 70: 3 November 1773 - Order of the Magistrates, confirming that the new road had been completed and authorising a rate not exceeding 6d. in the pound to be levied to pay for new ditches and fences. Plan showing old and new roads. [91]
Other documents relating in part to Goddington or to the Aynscomb family in Kent include A 25, A 31, A 32, A 47, A 48, A 49, A 50, A 50a,b,c, B 74 and B 75. [92]
A 40: 20 December 1743 - Indenture between (i) Geoffrey Taylor of Westerham, tallow chandler and mercer and Thomas Taylor of Westerham, tallow chandler and mercer and (ii) John Lewis of Cudham husbandman. Lease for 13 years from Christmas 1743 of a messuage, barn and 5 pieces of land in Cudham at £8.5s.0d. per annum [document trimmed, some wording missing ]. [93]
A 60: 30 October 1879 - Indenture between (i) James Aynscomb Harris of Windlesham Cottage, Bagshot, Surrey gentleman (ii) James Wilton Hulme Powell of --- and (iii) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington, gentleman. Mortgage for £150 on the security of Dolls Fields, Cudham.
Endorsed: Indenture dated 2 August 1883 between (i) James Aynscomb Harris now of no. 80 Rouge Bouillon, Jersey, gentleman and (ii) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington gentleman. Conveyance of Dolls Fields for £200.[94]
A 60a,b: 13 October 1919 - letter and account from Arthur MacDonald, Tithe Agent; redemption of Tithe Rent Charge payable for Doll's Fields.
Other documents referring to Doll's Fields include A 61, A 62 and A 62a. [95]
A 55: 22 February 1855 - letter from J.F. Madox, solicitor, of Foots Cray to John Harris. [96]
A 56: 12 August 1856 - Royal Exchange Assurance policy on dwelling house and contents, at the corner of Church Street, Bexley Heath, the property of John Harris gentleman. [97]
A 58: 27 March 1866 - Indenture between (i) John Harris of Rose Villas, Bexley Heath, gentleman and (ii) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington gentleman. Mortgage for £200 secured on John Harris's interest in property in Orpington, Footscray, Chislehurst, North Cray, Downe, Farnborough and Cudham in Kent, and in Willesden, Middlesex and Broadwater, Sussex. [98]
A 58 a,b - 6 and 9 February 1872 - correspondence between George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington, William Wyatt, solicitor, and another correspondent (name illegible) regarding repayment of mortgage debt. [99]
D 89: 1753-1765 - sixteen stock certificates in 3 % Consolidated Annuities and 3½ % Consolidated Annuities in the name of John Harris. [100]
D 90: 4 January 1756 - Office copy of the Will of John Harris of Bostole in Plumstead, yeoman. [101]
D 91: 4 March 1756 - Probate copy of D 90, proved in the PCC by Sarah Harris the widow and James and Robert Harris the brothers. [102]
D 92: 25 February 1757 - Will of Lucy Dismorr of Erith widow (died 14 June 1757). A copy made 24 November 1757 and addressed to "My Brother Henry Dismorr at Erith Parsonage." [103]
D 93: November 1757 - account from Thomas Williams, solicitor, to John Harris, with note of receipt 14 December 1757. [104]
D 94: 6 July 1763 - Will of Richard Bristow of Woolwich shipwright, proved in Rochester Archdeaconry Court 13 October 1763 by James Harris of Erith, farmer. [105]
D 95: c1765 - extracts from the Will of John Harris of Hurst in Bexley yeoman, with a summary of legacies. [106]
D 96: 24 December 1772 - Indenture between (i) Sarah Budgen of Erith widow, the relict of James Harris late of Bostoll in Plumstead yeoman, her first husband and (ii) Ann Harris of Erith, the widow of James Harris of Erith yeoman, Robert Harris of Chelsfield yeoman and William Allen of the Borough of Southwark, Surrey, gentleman. Assignment from Ann, Robert and William, the Executors of James Harris deceased, to Trustees for the use of his nephew James Harris. [107]
D 97: 19 December 1774 - Discharge from James Harris to Ann Harris, Robert Harris and William Allen, the Executors of James Harris deceased for £500 to be paid in settlement of a legacy. [108]
D 98: 9 February 1775 - Declaration of Trust between Ann Harris of Erith widow, Robert Harris of Chelsfield yeoman and William Allen of Blackman Street, Borough gentleman, Executors of the Will of James Harris deceased. [109]
D 99: 2 October 1786 - copy Will of Ann Harris of Wood Street, Westminster. [110]
D 100: 22 January 1787 - Power of Attorney - William Allen of Blackman Street, Southwark gentleman to Ann Harris and Robert Harris. [111]
D 101: 18 October 1788 - receipted account of F. Smith, solicitor, of Clerkenwell to James Harris. [112]
K 223: 3 December 1821 - copy Indenture between (i) James Harris of Chelsfield Gentleman (ii) Elizabeth Skinner of Farnborough, widow of Edward Skinner and (iii) James Aynscomb Harris the younger and William Richard Glasier of Park Street, Westminster, Gentleman. Appointment of James Aynscomb Harris and William Richard Glasier as Trustees of the Will of Edward Skinner in place of James Harris and Thomas Wells. [113]
I 186: 17 May 1895 - Agreement between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Scads Hill House Orpington and (ii) Thomas George Wale, wheelwright, of Orpington. GSPH agrees to forego rent owing to him in exchange for TGW foregoing charges for carpenters', joiners', wheelwrights' and other work. [114]
J 211: n.d. - estimate from Richard Carter of Bexley Heath to erect a wash house. [115]
Other documents referring to Harris family matters include A 41, A 47, A 48, A 49, A 50, A 50a,b,c, A 51, A 59, A 60, A 61, A 62 and L 236.
A 44: 23 May 1817 - Deed of Sequestration: the Bishop of Rochester to William Stow and James Harris, Churchwardens of Chelsfield, vacant by the death of the Rev. Dr. Peter Coryton.
See also B 68a,b, B 69 and B 70, which refer to the agreement of the inhabitants of Chelsfield to the diversion of Goddington Lane in 1773. [116]
J 205: 17 August 1788 - Notice from the Churchwardens of Cudham to Edward Everest of Chelsfield requiring him to repair part of the churchyard fence as the owner of Forbeys, Burtons and other lands. [117]
A 3: Octave of Michaelmas 1639 - Final Concord between (i) George Smale and wife Ann and (ii) John Santy and wife Dorothy: ten acres in Orpington [at Crofton]. [118]
A 15: 13 July 1695 - Indenture between (i) James Styles of Chelsfield yeoman and (ii) Henry Sandys of Orpington gentleman. Release of Newfield Spring of 10 acres in Orpington formerly in the occupation of John Santye the elder. Bounds given. [119]
I 175: 1 May 1857 - Agreement between (i) George St. Pierre Harris and (ii) John Woodhams Fox and Thomas Samuel Fox of Farnborough, brewers. Lease for 7 years from 25 March 1857 of the sign of the Hope Beer House, Orpington at £20 per annum. [120]
I 185: 7 August 1894 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Scads Hill Orpington, Esq. and (ii) Mary Elizabeth Jackson of Cheriton House, Bromley, Kent, widow. Lease for 2 years from 29 September 1894 of a dwelling house known as Fair Home, Orpington, at £55 per annum.
I 187: 4 November 1896 - Agreement between (i) George St. Pierre Harris senior of Scads Hill House, Orpington and (ii) James Jackson of Orpington. Lease for 3 years from 29 September 1896 of Fair Home, Orpington, at £55 per annum. [121]
I 190: 29 May 1901 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Scads Hill House, Orpington, Esq. and (ii) Richard Thorne of Chislehurst Road, Orpington, Builder and Undertaker. Lease for 14 years from 24 June 1903 of a gravel pit on the Chapel Square Estate, Orpington at £50 per annum. [122]
I 184: 3 June 1889 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Scads Hill House, Orpington Esq. and (ii) Benjamin Greene Lake of the Priory, Orpington, Major in H.M. Reserve Forces. Lease for 21 years from 25 March 1889 of an orchard in Orpington adjoining the Priory grounds, at £9 per annum. Plan. [123]
I 191: 4 November 1902 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington, architect and (ii) Henry Burch of High Street, Orpington, Oil and Italian Warehouseman. Lease for 7 years from 25 December 1902 of a shop and yard fronting the High street, Orpington now in his own occupation, at £30 per annum.
Copy letter attached dated 15 November 1906 from George St. Pierre Harris to solicitors agreeing to assignment of the lease to Alfred Burch of 5 Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall St. London from Christmas 1905. [124]
I 192: 13 April 1903 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Covert Corner, Orpington, gentleman and (ii) Henry Sidney Hutchings of St. Mary Cray, builder and undertaker. Lease for 7 years and one fifth from 13 April 1903 of a piece of ground in Orpington at £42.10s.0d. per annum for the first 3 years and £45 per annum for the remainder. Bounds given. [125]
I 178: 25 June 1863 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington Esq. and (ii) George Henry Francis of Orpington, baker. Lease for 21 years from 24 June 1863 of 2 messuages with bake-house, oven, shed and stable in Orpington on the east side of the street leading from St. Mary Cray to Green Street Green, at £18 per annum. [126]
I 179: 4 December 1871 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington Esq. and (ii) John Yates of Orpington baker. Lease for 21 years from 25 December 1871 of a brick-built cottage with yard in High Street, Orpington, at £12 per annum. Bounds given. [127]
G 147: 21 March 1722 - Indenture between (i) John Abbott of Lambeth, Surrey, wheelwright and Elizabeth Abbott spinster his only daughter and (ii) James Pope of Woolwich, ropemaker. Lease for a year of a small cottage and garden in Orpington in the occupation of Richard Letts from Christmas 1722 at a peppercorn rent. [128]
G 148: 23 March 1722 - Indenture between (i) John Abbott of Lambeth, wheelwright and Elizabeth Abbott spinster his daughter and (ii) John Cotton of Orpington tallow-chandler and James Pope of Woolwich ropemaker. Covenant to levy a Fine before the end of Easter Term next on a messuage and orchard, also a parcel of land of two and a half acres, another parcel of 2 acres and a messuage, all in Orpington, to John Cotton: and on a small cottage and garden in Orpington, in the occupation of Richard Letts, to James Pope [ refers to a Release dated 22 March 1722]. [129
G 149: 8 August 1723 - Indenture between (i) James Pope of Woolwich, ropemaker and (ii) Thomas Waterfall of Orpington, gardener. Lease for a year of a small cottage intended to be rebuilt into two tenements in Orpington, in the occupation of Richard Letts, from 24 June 1723 for one year at a peppercorn rent. [130]
G 150: 9 August 1723 - Indenture between same parties. Release of property in G 149. [131]
G 151: 22 September 1763 - Indenture between (i) Thomas Waterfall of Orpington gardener and (ii) Thomas Munn of Hawley in Sutton at Hone, yeoman. Lease for a year of 3 small messuages, late two tenements, in Orpington, at a peppercorn rent. [132]
G 152: 23 September 1763 - same parties, Release of property in G 151. [133]
G 153: 22 May 1852 - Indenture between (i) Samuel Hoadley of no. 13 Gloucester Place, Camden Town, Middlesex and Emily his wife (ii) Thomas Blackney of Orpington and Mary Ann his wife and (iii) James Fuller Madox of Foots Cray Gentleman. Conveyance of messuage and garden in Orpington. Bounds given. Recites the Will of William Waterfall [see G 155 (iv)] and that his nephew Thomas Gunter had died in November 1809 leaving two surviving children, Emily now wife of Samuel Hoadley and Mary Ann now wife of Thomas Blackney, who were now seized of the premises. [134]
G 154: 24 May 1852 - Indenture between (i) James Fuller Madox of Foots Cray gentleman (ii) Thomas Blackney of Orpington wheelwright and wife Mary Ann and (iii) Henry Bowden of Chislehurst Esq. Mortgage of a messuage and garden in Orpington. [135]
G 155: 1722 to 1852 - Abstract of Title of Thomas Blackney and Mary Ann his wife to a messuage and premises at Orpington. The title starts with document G 148, and in addition to this and G 149 to G 154, the following documents which have since disappeared from this bundle are abstracted -
(i) 9 August 1723 - Indenture between (i) Mark Fielder of Dartford, salesman (i) James Pope (iii) Thomas Waterfall and (iv) John Chapman of Orpington, collar maker. Recites Indenture of Lease dated 7 July 1701 by John Abbott and his wife Elizabeth (who is since deceased) and a Fine levied whereby for £45 paid to them by Thomas Abbott they conveyed to him and his heirs two messuages in Orpington in the occupation of Jno. Mills and Richard Letts, together with other premises, for 3 years at a peppercorn rent, with proviso for redemption.
(ii) 27 May 1702 - Indenture between (i) the said Thomas Abbott (ii) the said John Abbott and wife Elizabeth and (iii) Thomas Jackson Citizen and wheelwright of London since deceased. Conveyance and Mortgage for a total of £82.9s.0d. on the aforesaid premises for 31 years from 25 March 1702.
Endorsed that Thomas Jackson had died [ no date given] and letters of Administration were granted to his widow Jane Jackson, and that John Cotton of Orpington of Orpington tallow chandler had purchased part of the premises, and James Pope had purchased the cottage in the occupation of Richard Letts. Thomas Waterfall has now [by Indentures 8/9 August 1723] purchased the said cottage from James Pope.
Now in consideration of a payment by Thomas Waterfall and John Chapman, Mark Fielder and James Pope transfer to John Chapman the remainder of the term of 31 years granted in 1702.
(iii) 23 September 1763 - Bond by William Waterfall in the sum of £100 to perform the covenants in document G 152.
(iv) 20 June 1796 - by Will of this date William Waterfall devised (inter alia) all his messuage or tenement in Orpington, in his own occupation, to his nephew Thomas Gunter for life, with remainder to all of his children in equal shares, and failing any such issue then equally to all the children of his two nieces Mary Bromfield, wife of George Bromfield of Shoreham, and Elizabeth the wife of Benjamin Russell of the City of London carpenter. He appointed Thomas Gunter his nephew as his Testator, who proved the Will in the PCC on 13 January 1797. [136]
G 155a: 1852 - further Abstract of Title of Thomas and Mary Ann Blackney - recites G 154. Endorsement has sketch plans showing positions of properties. [137]
H 156: 7/8 March 1783 - attested copies of Indentures between (i) Elijah Tibbs of Keston, Labourer and (ii) William Tibbs of Orpington, Schoolmaster, John Tibbs of Farnborough, Carpenter, George Tibbs of Farnborough, Innkeeper and Peter Tibbs of Orpington, Victualler. Lease and Release of 2 cottages and orchards in Orpington which Elijah, father of Elijah Tibbs, purchased of James Ebbutt of Green Street Green in April 1755: also a cottage at Crockenhill in St. Mary Cray which Elijah Tibbs the father purchased of Anthony Aynscomb of Goddington in Chelsfield Farmer in March 1756 and which was then lately purchased by him of Robert Dunmull, yeoman: also 3 dwelling houses and half an acre in Orpington (bounds given) which Elijah Tibbs the father purchased of William Quilter and Elizabeth his wife in December 1758. [138]
H 157: 26 November 1784 - Indenture between (i) William Streater of Chipstead in Chevening, Victualler and Thomas Spencer Crowther of Sevenoaks Gentleman and (ii) Mary Beecher of Lamberhurst, Sussex widow. Lease for a year of 2 cottages in the occupation of John Foakes, James Foakes and Henry Whiffen on the West side of Orpington street. Bounds given. [139]
H 158: 27 Nov. 1784 - Release of premises in H 157: also recites Indenture of 8 June 1784 between (i) John Sweetapple of Orpington, Baker and wife Lydia and (ii) William Streeter and wife Mary and (iii) William Yeomans of Orpington, Yeoman. [140]
H 159: 2 March 1785 - copy Will of Mary Beecher of Lamberhurst, Sussex, widow examined 8 June 1808 by clerks to Mr. Fooks of Dartford. [141]
H 160: 3 June 1808 - Indenture between (i) Mary Rumens late of Lamberhurst Sussex but now of Goodneston, Kent widow, Thomas Rumens of Lamberhurst, Sussex, Carpenter, John Gimber of Goodnestone, Victualler and wife Mary (late Mary Rumens spinster) and (ii) William Biggs of Wested in Eynsford, Farmer. Lease for a year of a tenement in Orpington. Bounds given. [142]
H 161: 4 June 1808 - Release of premises in H 160. [143]
H 162: Morrow of the Holy Trinity 1808 - Final Concord between (i) William Biggs and (ii) Mary Rumens, Thomas Rumens and wife Sarah, John Gimber and wife Mary. One messuage, one cottage, one curtilage, two gardens and one acre in Orpington. [144]
H 163: 8 May 1809 - attested copy of Indenture between (i) Elijah Tibbs of Keston Labourer and (ii) Sarah Tibbs of Orpington Widow (iii) William Holmes of Bromley, Printer and wife Dianah (iv) John Tibbs of Farnborough Husbandman and wife Elizabeth (v) George Tibbs of Farnborough, Innkeeper and wife Mary (vi) Peter Tibbs of Orpington Victualler and (vii) Edward Latter of Bromley Gentleman. Lease for a year upon Trust to sell The Coach and Horses, Orpington (Lot 1), a new-built brick tenement and cottage adjoining the Coach and Horses (Lot 2), 3 tenements adjoining together in Orpington (Lot 3) and a tenement at Crockenhill in St. Mary Cray (Lot 4). [145]
H 163a: 9 May 1809 - attested copy of Indenture, Release of premises in H 163. [146]
H 164: Easter Term 1809 - Final Concord between (i) Edward Latter and (ii) Elijah Tibbs, John Tibbs and wife Elizabeth, George Tibbs and wife Mary, William Holmes and wife Dianah and Peter Tibbs. 7 messuages, 7 cottages, 7 gardens and 1 acre in Orpington and St. Mary Cray. [147]
H 165: 4 July 1809 - Bond from Elijah Tibbs of Keston Labourer, William Holmes of Bromley, Printer, John Tibbs of Farnborough, Husbandman, George Tibbs of Farnborough, Innkeeper and Peter Tibbs of Orpington, Carpenter to William Biggs formerly of Westwood in Eynsford but now of Southfleet to perform Covenants in Indentures of Lease and Release dated 3/4 July 1809. [148]
H 166: 3 July 1809 - Indenture between (i) Edward Latter of Bromley, Gentleman, Elijah Tibbs of Keston, Labourer, Sarah Tibbs of Orpington, Widow, William Holmes of Bromley, Printer and wife Dianah, John Tibbs of Farnborough, Husbandman, George Tibbs of Farnborough, Innkeeper and Peter Tibbs of Orpington, Carpenter and (ii) William Biggs late of Westwood, Eynsford but now of Southfleet, Farmer. Lease for a year of 3 tenements adjoining together in Orpington in the tenure of Messrs. Eldridge and Simmons. [149]
H 167: 4 July 1809 - Release of premises in H 166. [150]
H 169: 1784 to 1842 - Abstract of Title of the Devisees under the Will of William Biggs to messuages and premises at Orpington. Includes H 157/8, H 160/167. [151]
H 170: 25 September 1848 - printed particulars of sale of a substantial 10 roomed house and 3 cottages and threequarters of an acre of fruit plantation in Orpington. Endorsed with Memorandum dated 25 October 1848 that William Wyatt had purchased the property for £805. [152]
H 171: 23 October 1848 - certificate that Lucy Kebbel wife of Henry Kebbel had appeared before a Master in Chancery and consented to a document dated 19 October 1848 and marked A. [153]
J 195: 26 March 1716 - Indenture between (i) Edward Everest of Orpington butcher and wife Mary (ii) Richard Abbott of Orpington wheelwright and (iii) John Hodsoll of St. Mary Cray gentleman. Mortgage for £120 secured on a lease for 1000 years of a messuage formerly called The Tan House with yard etc. in the occupation of Edward Everest and Elizabeth Parkwood widow, with pasture adjoining (2 acres) and Lambshole (8 acres). Bounds given. [154]
J 196: 26 March 1716 - Bond by Edward Everest for performance of covenants in J 195. [155]
J 198: 3 April 1730 - Indenture between (i) Elizabeth Hodsoll of St. Mary Cray spinster (ii) George Cotton of Orpington yeoman and (iii) Ellen Bostock of Otford spinster. Conveyance for residue of a term of 1000 years from 9 March 1727 as security for Mortgage for £100 of an orchard of half an acre, 2 pieces called Scudds (12 acres), 3 pieces called Highfields (9 acres), a piece of woodland called Highfield Grove (5 acres) and 2 other pieces of woodland called Scudds (5 acres) in Orpington, formerly in the occupation of Robert Gilpin and now in that of George Cotton. [156]
K 217: 24 October 1752 - Indenture between (i) John Ebbutt the elder of Waldrons [sic] St. Mary Cray, Gentleman and Evan Hughes of Peckham, Surrey, Esquire (ii) John Ebbutt the younger of Waldrons, Gentleman and James Ebbutt of Chelsfield, Gentleman (iii) John Bullock of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, Gentleman and Edward Bullock of St Andrew Holborn, Haberdasher and (iv) Thomas Wilkinson of Croydon, Surrey, Gentleman. Settlement and Conveyance of lands including Wilkinson Farm, Orpington and Maples Croft (7 acres) Girdless Hill (3 acres), 3 pieces called Sandy Lane fields (9 acres), the Hither Merlands (8 acres), Orchard (half an acre), 2 pieces called Scads (12 acres), 3 pieces called Highfield (9 acres), and woodland called Highland Grove (5 acres), all in Orpington, and other lands. 6 membranes - an immensely wordy but informative document which recites a number of earlier deeds and wills, and gives former field names. [157]
K 214: 23 January 1796 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Chelsfield, Gentleman and (ii) John Glover of Orpington, Yeoman. Lease for 12 years from 29 September 1795 of a small barn with yard (late belonging to lands called Lambswools) in the occupation of William Fowler, and Lower Sandy Lane Field (3 acres), Upper Sandy Lane Field (3 acres), Old Hopgarden (3 acres), Sandy Lane Shaw (2 acres), Maples Croft (6 acres), Stadshigh Field (6 acres), Little high Field (3 acres), High Field Woods (5 and a half acres), Upper Stadfield (3 acres), Lower Stadfield (3 acres), Stads Woods ( 6 and a half acres) and the Old Orchard (3 acres) all in Orpington and in the occupation of the said John Glover, at a rent of £30 per annum. [158]
K 215: 23 January 1796 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Chelsfield Gentleman (ii) John Baker of Brasted Gentleman and (iii) William Fowler of Sundridge, Gentleman. Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1795 of a dwelling house, a malt house and outbuildings adjoining now used as a brewhouse, previously as a Workhouse, and a farmyard, in the occupation of John Glover, a barn and Cinder Oven, and the Hoppet (one acre) and a courtyard in the occupation of Charles Gilbert and ---- Fawkes, in Orpington. Also Millams (8 acres), Upper Landswool (4 acres), Lower Landswool (3 acres) and the two Slips (3 acres) in Orpington and Chelsfield [sic] in the occupation of William Fowler, at £50.10s.0d. per annum. [159]
K 216: 2 January 1801 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Goddington, Farmer and (ii) John Taylor of Orpington, Fruiterer. Lease for 30 years from 29 September 1800 of Gardeners Hill, now an orchard, of two and a half acres in Orpington, at present in his occupation, at £3 per annum for the first 15 years, and £6 per annum for the remainder of the term. Bounds given. [160]
K 221: 10 January 1816 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Goddington and (ii) John Taylor the elder, Thomas Taylor and John Taylor the younger all of Orpington Fruiterers. Lease for 30 years from 29 September 1815 of Maples Croft (6.1.10) in Orpington, now in the occupation of the said John, Thomas and John Taylor, at £30 per annum. [161]
A 45: 18 November 1818 - letter from J. Pickering to James Harris of Goddington about a dispute over alterations to the Malt House, Orpington. [162]
K 222: 25 November 1818 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Chelsfield Gentleman and (ii) Richard Winter and Matthew Montague, both of Dulwich, Surrey, Gardeners. Lease of a piece of ground in Orpington with Brewhouse and other buildings for 40 years from 25 December 1817 at £30 per annum, to build a tenement and 5 cottages thereon. Endorsed with plan giving measurements and bounds. [163]
J 206: 16 April 1819 - copy of a letter from John Pickering to Thomas Walker, solicitor, with further complaints relating to the Malt House, Orpington. [164]
K 224: 17 December 1830 - Indenture between (i) James Harris of Goddington Gentleman and (ii) Thomas Taylor and John Taylor the younger of Orpington, fruiterers. Lease for 15 years from 29 September 1831 of Gardeners Hill (3 acres) and Sandy Lane (7 acres) in Orpington and a Barn and Yard in Orpington Village, now in the occupation of the said Thomas and John Taylor, at £26 per annum. [165]
I 172: 21 November 1845 - Indenture between (i) Mary Harris of Goddington, widow and (ii) Thomas Taylor and John Taylor of Orpington, Fruiterers. Lease for 21 years from 29 September 1845 of Maples Croft (6.1.0), Sandy Lane (6.3.9), Great Sandy Shaw (1.0.28), a barn and yard all in Orpington at £41.8s.0d. per annum. [166]
I 173: 21 December 1847 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Goddington Esq. (ii) William Cole of Keston builder and wife Maria and (iii) John Venn of Orpington, fruiterer. Lease for 30 years from 29 September 1847 of Gardeners Hill (3 acres) and Sandy Lane Field, formerly the Old Hopground (3 acres) in Orpington at £18 per annum. Endorsed: Indenture dated 16 January 1855 between (i) John Venn and (ii) George St. Pierre Harris. Surrender of Lease. [167]
I 174: 22 October 1856 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington Esq. and (ii) Francis Taylor of Orpington fruiterer. Lease for ten and a half years from 25 March 1856 of Sandy Lane (6.3.9) and Great Sandy Shaw (1.0.28) at £20.14a.0s. per annum. [168]
I 180: 1 January 1874 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris Esq. and (ii) Francis Taylor of Orpington fruiterer. Lease for 21 years from 1 January 1874 of Great Sandy Lane (6 acres) in Orpington at £20 per annum. [169]
I 181: 26 July 1875 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington Esq. and (ii) Addis Jackson of Orpington Esq. Lease for 14 years from 29 September 1875 of Millams (7.3.28), Lower Slip (1.1.7), Lambswool (7.1.9), Scads Hill (4.3.11), Mead field (3.0.24) and Upper and Lower three acres (5.2.6), now in the occupation of the said Addis Jackson, at £45 per annum. [170]
I 182: 26 July 1875 - counterpart of I 181. [171]
I 188: 1 August 1899 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Scads Hill, Orpington, Esq. and (ii) John May Higgs of Farnborough. farmer. Lease for 14 years from 29 September 1898 of land and premises called Millams (7.3.28), The Slips (4.3.15), Lambswool (7.1.9), Scads Hill (2.2.0), Mead Field (3.0.24), Old Orchard (3.1.39) and Todds Heath (5.2.6) in Orpington at £55 per annum. [172]
I 189: 1 August 1899 - counterpart of I 188. [173]
H 168: 19 July 1841 - Indenture between (i) Mary Harris of Chelsfield, widow (ii) George St. Pierre Harris of Chelsfield, Gentleman and (iii) John Harris of Chelsfield, Gentleman. Conveyance of a cottage and land adjoining at Orpington, conveyed in 1833 from John Butler and Edmond Thomas Butler to James Harris, late husband of Mary Harris. [174]
E 102: 1 February 1746 - Indenture between (i) Ronjat Lehook of London Blackwell Hall, Factor and (ii) Methuselah Favell of Bromley, schoolmaster. Lease of Masonshill, Bromley for 21 years from Lady Day 1747 at £25 per annum. [175]
E 103: 19 February 1753 - Indenture between (i) Robert Sutton of Scofton, Notts. Esq. and (ii) Methuselah Favell of Bromley, gent. Lease of messuage in Eltham for 21 years from Christmas 1753 at £20 per annum. [176]
E 104: Midsummer 1768 - Account of monies due at the death of Mr. Favell. [177]
E 105: 22 July 1768: Inventory of goods of Methuselah Favell deceased at Masonshill, Bromley [ very interesting document since the house was set up as a school.] [178]
E 106: 23 August 1768 - Administration of Methuselah Favell granted to Mary Favell widow the relict. [179]
E107a and 107b: c. 1768 - two accounts of money due to Mrs. Favell (probably from parents of pupils). [180]
E 108a: 24 April 1769 - Memorandum of Agreement between Mary Favell and John Compson. [180]
E 108b: 24 August 1769 - similar Memorandum. [181]
E 108c: 20 September 1770 - Case to Counsel with Opinion of R. Leigh. [182]
E 109: 24 August 1769 - another copy of E108b. [183]
E 110: 31 October 1769 - Will of Mrs. Mary Favell, with grant of probate 31 January 1770 to Mary Aynscomb, wife of James Aynscomb, the daughter. [184]
E 111: 13 May 1770 - letter from John Compson to James Aynscomb. [185]
E 112: 25 May 1770 - letter from J. Compson to Mr. Williams, Attorney at Dartford. [186]
E 113: 23 June 1770 - copy Indenture between (i) James Aynscomb of Chelsfield yeoman and wife and (ii) John Compson of Masons hill, schoolmaster. [187]
E 114: 23 June 1770 - Agreement by John Compson to pay executrix of Mrs. Favell £325 for her share of lease of Masons Hill and the goods there. [188]
E 115: 23 June 1770 - Agreement between (i) John Compson and (ii) Mr. Aynscomb and Mr. Judd to release to the executrix of Mrs. Favell all the china and plate mentioned in the Inventory. [189]
E 116: 23 June 1770 - unsigned release by the executrix of Mrs. Favell to John Compson of all claim to the partnership. [190]
E 117: 23 June 1770 - General release between (i) John Compson of Masons hill, schoolmaster to (ii) James Aynscomb of Chelsfield yeoman and wife Mary. [191]
E 118: 23 July 1770 - letter from John Compson to James Aynscomb. [192]
F 119: 26 June 1582 - Indenture (Latin) between (i) Thomas Rygby of Charlton husbandman, son of Robert Rygby late of Orpington yeoman deceased and (ii) Gawin Willington of Orpington husbandman. Conveyance of a messuage in Orpington; bounds given. [193]
F 120: 9 June 14 Charles II [1662] - Indenture between (i) Henry Willington of Croydon, Glover and (ii) Jane Payne of Eynsford widow. Conveyance of a messuage in Orpington; bounds given. [194]
F 121: 2 February 1680 - Indenture between (i) Jane Payne of Orpington widow and (ii) Mary Allen of Farnborough widow. Conveyance of a messuage in Orpington; bounds given. [195]
F 122: 23 January 1693 - Indenture between (i) Mary Allen of Farnborough widow and (ii) William Fuller, servant to Sir Samuel Dashwood Knight and Alderman. Lease for 1 year of a messuage in Orpington; bounds given. [196]
F 123a and F 123b: 23 January 1693 - Bond to perform Covenants in F 122 (Latin and English). [197]
F 124: 8 November 1708 - Indenture between (i) William Fuller, servant to Dame Susanna Morden of Charlton widow and (ii) John Mansfield of Orpington labourer and Martha his wife. Lease for one year of a messuage now divided into two, in the occupations of Thomas Mansfield, brother of the said John Mansfield, and Daniel Davenporte; bounds given. [198]
F 125: 9 November 1708 - Release of property in F 124. [199]
F 126: 2 August 1754: Indenture between (i) John Mansfield of Orpington yeoman and James Mansfield of Downe yeoman and (ii) Walter Waring of St. Mary Cray surgeon. Lease for one year of two messuages in Orpington. [200]
F 127: 3 August 1754 - Bond for £140 to perform Covenants in F 126 - John Mansfield of Orpington yeoman and James Mansfield of Downe yeoman to Walter Waring of St. Mary Cray surgeon. [201]
F 128: 3 August 1754 - Release of property in F 126, subject to provision for repayment by way of Mortgage. [202]
F 129: 3 August 1760 - Indenture between (i) John Mansfield of Bexley yeoman and wife Lucy and James Mansfield of Downe yeoman and wife Elizabeth (which John and James are the two sons and devisees named in the Will of James Mansfield late of Orpington husbandman) (ii) George Know of Orpington yeoman and wife Ann, a daughter and legatee named in the Will of the said James Mansfield and (iii) Walter Waring of St. Mary Cray surgeon. Conveyance of two messuages in Orpington, the Mortgage and part of a legacy to Ann Know having remained unpaid. [203]
F 130: 17 June 1770 - Indenture between (i) Walter Waring of St. Mary Cray surgeon and (ii) Thomas Green of Orpington gentleman, Mary Green of Richmond, Surrey spinster, Ann Green of Orpington, spinster and Elizabeth Green of Orpington, spinster. Lease for one year of two messuages in Orpington; bounds given. [204]
F 131: 18 June 1770 - Release of property in F 130. [205]
F 132: 18 June 1770 - second copy of F 131. [206]
F 132a: 21 May 1770 to 10 September 1770 - account to Richard Gee from unknown creditor for supplying oats, peas and pork, for 2 days farm labour and for Land and Window Tax [ possibly unrelated - found tucked into F 136.] [207]
F 133: 14 January 1771 - Indenture between (i) Thomas Green of Orpington gentleman, Mary Green of Richmond, Surrey, spinster, Ann Green of Orpington spinster and Elizabeth Green of Orpington spinster and (ii) Thomas Stringer of Shoreham butcher. Lease for one year of a messuage, lately two messuages, in Orpington; bounds given. [208]
F 134: 15 January 1777 - Release of property in F 133. [209]
F 135: 19 December 1783 - Indenture between (i) William Stringer of Shoreham butcher, Mary Green of Richmond spinster, Ann Green of Orpington spinster and Elizabeth Green of West Cliffe near Dover spinster and (ii) Thomas Taylor of Orpington shopkeeper. Lease for one year of a messuage, lately two messuages, in Orpington; bounds given. [210]
F 136: 20 December 1783 - Release of property in F 135; a very large document with much legal detail (two membranes ). [211]
F 136a: 1 February 1809 - account and receipt from John Biggs for £15 payment towards the cost of building a brick wall between his premises and those of Thomas Taylor [ found tucked into F 136]. [212]
F 137: 21 July 1813 - copy extract from PCC Will of Thomas Taylor of Orpington yeoman. [213]
F 138: 16 May 1843 - copy PCC Will of Catherine Taylor of Farnborough spinster. [214]
F 139: 27 September 1847 - copy extract from PCC will of Frederic Wellum Taylor of Green Street Green, Cudham. [215]
F 140: 29 September 1847 - letter from Thomas Mosyer of Orpington to W. Chaffers junior enclosing F 139. [216]
F 141: 7 October 1853 - copy burial certificate of Harriot Taylor of Cudham, buried at Westerham. [217]
F 142: 12 January 1854 - Declaration by John Charles Edward Hewett that on 7 December 1847 he posted a copy of a notice signed by William Chaffers, directed to Thomas Mosyer, and also another copy directed to Henry Temple. [218]
F 143: 7 December 1847 - copy of notice referred to in F 142. [219]
F 144: 13 January 1854 - Indenture between (i) William Chaffers the younger of Watling St., City of London, Pawnbroker and (ii) Trustees of the Lombardian Benefit Building Society. Conveyance of messuage, formerly two messuages, in Orpington as security for £630 Mortgage; bounds given. [220]
F 145: 1 November 1856 - Indenture between (i) William Chaffers the younger of 14 Grafton Street, Bond Street, Middlesex, Numismatist and Antiquarian and (ii) John Charles Atkinson of 16 Romney Terrace, Westminster, Doctor of Medicine and John Charles Edward Hewett of Blackman Street, Boro', Surrey, Gentleman. Conveyance of messuage in Orpington, late in the occupation of the said William Chaffers, in trust to sell to repay Mortgage, and to pay any balance to him. [221]
F 146: 1856 - abstract of Title of the Trustees of the estate of William Chaffers junior to a messuage in Orpington. Commences 14/15 January 1771 [ covers F 133 to F 145]. [222]
F 146a: 12 June 1857 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington Esq. and (ii) Charles Living of Reading, Berks. draper. Lease for 21 years from 24 June 1857 of a messuage in Orpington late in the occupation of Miss Auriculus and then of William Chaffers at £25.2s.6d. per annum; bounds given. Endorsed: Indenture 20 July 1866, same parties: surrender of lease for £60. [ I 176 in Michael Nightingale's catalogue]. [223]
F 146b: duplicate of F 146a [ I 177 in Michael Nightingale's catalogue]. [224]
F 146c: 10 January 1880 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Orpington, Esquire and (ii) William Tobitt of 132 High Street, Peckham, Surrey draper. Lease for 21 years of a messuage and shop in Orpington fronting the High Street, formerly in the occupation of Charles Living, at £35 per annum [I 183 in Michael Nightingale's catalogue]. [225]
F 146d: 24 March 1897 - Indenture between (i) George St. Pierre Harris of Scads Hill House Orpington, Esquire and (ii) Arthur Ellis Oxley of St. Mary Cray. Lease for 7 years of a messuage and shop on the west side of Orpington High Street, adjoining on the south a messuage now in the occupation of Dr. Curtis, at £35 per annum [ I 188 in Michael Nightingale's catalogue]. [226]
A 18: 6 December 1697 - Indenture between (i) James Styles of Chelsfield gentleman and Sarah his wife and (ii) William Hall of Oxted, Surrey, yeoman. Lease of a messuage called Walters and half an acre in Oxted, and another barn and 8 parcels containing 20 acres in Oxted, for 21 years from Michaelmas 1696 at £12 per annum. It seems likely that the following documents, the earliest ones in the collection, relate to this property -
A 1: 30 June 18 Henry VII (1503) - copy of Court Roll of the Manor of Oxted, Surrey (Latin): John Milles, tenant of 4 crofts called Cowstedland and Cokereden
A 2: 33/34/35 Queen Elizabeth (1591 to 1593) - copy of Court Roll of the Manor of Oxted, Surrey (Latin): Michael Milles, tenant of 4 crofts called Cowstedland and Cokereden. See also A 17. [227]
A 19: 24 March 1702 - receipt from Philip and Susanna Vice to Gabriell Aynscomb of Gatton, Surrey, yeoman for £210 paid to them for a moiety of messuages and land in Nutfield, Surrey. [228]
C 76: 27 January 1702 - Release (Latin) from Gabriel Aynscomb of Gatton, yeoman and Mary his wife (one of the daughters of James Cox formerly of Nutfield, yeoman deceased) Customary tenants of the Manor of Blechingly, to Geoffrey Chilman of Gatton, yeoman of a moiety of 8 acres called le Windmillfeilds, Boteras Hill of 18 acres with a barn thereon, Longcroft of 2 acres and Westmead of 4 acres in Blechingly. [229]
C 77: 23 September 1703 - Articles of Agreement between (i) Gabriell Anscomb of Gatton, yeoman and wife Mary and (ii) Richard Cottoe of Nutfield, Surrey yeoman and wife Susan. Division of messuage and land including a little piece "wherein a Windmill now Standeth" in Nutfield, and 27 acres in Blechingly. [230]
C 78: 21 December 1717 - Conveyance from Michaell Anscomb of Merstham, Surrey, husbandman to Gabriell Anscomb of Gatton, yeoman, of his interest in the estate of Captain John Tyler of Bombay who died intestate. [231]
C 79: 27 December 1720 - Indenture between (i) Gabriel Anscomb the elder of Gatton, yeoman and (ii) Gabriel Anscomb the younger, his eldest son and heir: lease of two thirds of a messuage called Woolpitts in Nutfield for life at a peppercorn rent. [232]
C 80: 20 December 1730 - Indenture between (i) Mary Aynscomb of Gatton widow and Gabriel Aynscomb of Gatton, yeoman, her eldest son and heir and (ii) Robert Parris of Blechingly, miller: Lease of a windmill and land in Nutfield for 99 years from Michaelmas 1729 at a rent of £4 per annum. [233]
C 81: 20 December 1730 - counterpart of C 80. [234]
C 82: 3 October 1740 - Indenture between (i) William Anscomb of Chelsfield, yeoman and (ii) Gabriel Anscomb of Gatton, yeoman. Lease of a one fifth part of a moiety of a windmill and land in Nutfield and a messuage and three closes of land called Woolpitts nearby for one year at a peppercorn rent. []235
C 83: 4 October 1740 - Indenture between the same parties: release of premises in C 82 for £45. [236]
C 84: 4 October 1740 - Release from William Anscomb of Chelsfield, yeoman to Gabriel Anscomb of Gatton yeoman his brother for £55 of his fifth part of one moiety of lands called Windmillfeilds, Boteras Hill, Longcroft and Westmead containing 32 acres in Blechingly, devised to William by the will of his late father Gabriel Anscomb. [237]
C 85: 20 May 1746 - Release from Mary Anscomb [ signs Aynscomb ] of Chelsfield widow, a Customary Tenant of the Manor of Blechingly, to John Jewell of Nutfield, yeoman and John Parsons of Nutfield, yeoman for 10s. of a moiety of a messuage and lands called Woolpitts in Blechingly and within the Manor of Blechingly, to hold upon trust for the purposes of her last will and testament. [238]
C 86: 25 March 1751 - Indenture between (i) Robert Parris of Blechingly, miller and (ii) Mary Aynscomb of Gatton widow and James Aynscomb of Chelsfield, yeoman. Surrender of lease of windmill in Nutfield dated 20 December 1730 [see C 80/C81] [239]
C 87: 1 February 1752 - Indenture between (i) John Anscomb of Nutfield, yeoman, James Anscomb of Chelsfield, yeoman, Edward Anscomb of Chelsfield, yeoman and Anthony Anscomb of Chelsfield, yeoman and (ii) James Collins of Godstone miller. Lease of a windmill, bolting house and stable with the small piece of land on which they stand in Nutfield, for 21 years from Michaelmas last at a rent of £6 per annum. [240]
C 88: 16 August 1797 - Solicitor's account to Edward Aynscomb for costs on his purchase of a moiety of Nutfield Windmill from James Harris and his wife. [241]
J 203: 3 July 1783 - Taylor White against William Willson - statement of grievances over depredations by tenant on a farm at Gildingwells and Wellingwells, co. Notts., with opinion of Counsel.
[ it is surmised that this document is connected with K 217/218/219, but it is not known why James Harris became involved with the White family ]. [242]
K 217: 15 November 1802 - Indenture between (i) Thomas White (ii) James Harris of Goddington Esq. and (iii) Mrs. Ann Taylor of Clarges Street in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, widow. Grant of Annuity of £30, and receipt for £210 paid by Ann Taylor to Thomas White. [243]
K 218: 15 November 1802 - Indenture between (i) Thomas White of the Delivery Office in H.M. Tower of London, Gentleman (ii) James Harris of Goddington House near Orpington, Esq. and (iii) Ann Taylor of Clarges Street in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, widow. Agreement for payment by Thomas White of an Annuity of £30 to Ann Taylor. [244]
K 219: 11 December 1804 - Grant of an Annuity of £40 from Thomas White and James Harris to Robert Hitchins. [245]
J 199: 1721 - mutilated counterpart Lease for 17 years from 29 September 1721. Endorsed Toffon to King. [246]
J 202: 17 September 1761 - printed notice of assessment of rates payable on marsh lands within Abbey Level, Erith. Godfrey Lee Farrant is assessed at 16s.8d. for 17 acres; endorsed with receipt 16 October 1761. [247]
J 204: n.d. sketch family tree (very faint) showing descent from "Thomas the Testator" but surname not apparently mentioned. [248]
J 207: 8 August 1833 - Certificate of burial of Mrs. Mary Matten at Bexley on 11 April 1773, signed by David Evans, Curate. [249]
J 208: 8 August 1833 - Certificate of baptism of William son of John and Mary Matten at Bexley on 18 July 1766, signed by David Evans, Curate. [250]
J 209: 9 August 1833 - Certificate of marriage of John Matten and Mary Paine at Orpington on 21 August 1764, signed by William Townley, Vicar of Orpington and St. Mary Cray. [251]
Index The numbers below refer to the numbers in square brackets above at the end of each listing
Name Index
Abbott 128, 129, 136, 154
Adgoe 78
Allen 107, 108, 109, 195, 196
Anscomb 230, 231-239
Atkinson 221
Aucher 1, 17
Auriculus 223
Aynscomb 7, 11, 12, 26-28,
40-44, 60, 84, 86- 89, 92,
94, 95, 113, 138, 184, 185,
187, 191, 192, 228, 229,
238, 240-241
Baker 159
Beardsworth 32, 33
Beecher 139, 140
Biggs 142, 144, 148, 149,
151, 212
Birch 38
Birkin 73
Biscoe 11
Blackney 134-137
Blissett 80
Bostock 156
Bowden 135
Brass 89
Bristow 105
Bromfield 136
Brooker 20, 21, 24, 29, 31
Brooks 40
Broome 78
Budgen 107
Bullock 157
Burch 124
Burges 2
Burton 2, 3, 7-13, 15, 17-19,
78, 82
Butler 172
Carter 114
Chaffers 216, 218, 220-224
Chapman 136
Child 19
Chilman 229
Cole 22, 23, 26, 167
Collins 240
Collins 71, 72
Compson 180, 185-192
Coney 9
Coryton 116
Cottoe 230
Cotton 129, 136, 156
Cox 229
Cronks of Sevenoaks 37
Crosby 89
Crowther 139
Culver 40, 42
Curtis 226Dalton 74
Dashwood 196
Davenporte 198
Demandent 17
Dismorr 103
Dolton 81
Dorling 62, 63
Dunmull 138
Ebbutt 7, 11, 12, 138, 157
Eldridge 149
Evans 249, 250
Everest 117, 154, 155
Everist 78
Farrant 247
Favell 175-180, 184, 188-190
Fawkes 159
Fielder 136
Foakes 139
Fooks 141
Fowler 157, 159
Fox 32, 33, 34, 49, 120
Francis 126
Fraser 61
French 23, 41
Fuller 26, 27, 88, 134, 196,
Gee 207, 208
Gilbert 159
Gilpin 156
Gimber 142, 144
Glasier 113
Glover 158, 159, 194
Goldinge 71, 72
Green 204, 208, 209
Greene 123
Gudsell 41
Gunter 134, 136
Hall 227
Harris 20-22, 24-29, 31-35,38,
44, 45, 47-51, 60, 84, 94-98,
100-102, 104-113, 116,
158-166, 172, 241-245
St Pierre Harris 52-58, 60, 61,
65, 67, 94, 99, 114,
120-127, 167-170, 172,
223, 225, 226
Hester 1
Hewett 218, 221
Heyman 17
Higgs 49, 172
Hitchins 245
Hoadley 134
Hodsoll 154, 155
Hoeltschi 64, 65, 66, 67
Hogben 48
Holmes 145, 147, 148, 149
Houghton 62
Howes 17
Hughes 157Hulme 94
Hutchings 125
Jack 59
Jackson 121, 136, 170
James I, 17
Jeale 76
Jenner 43
Jewell 238
Judd 40, 189
Kebbel 153
Kester 2
King 246
Know 75, 76, 203
Lake 123
Landsdell 83
Langlands 54
Langridge 71, 72, 74, 75, 77,
Larke 68, 69
Latter 147, 149
Lehook 175
Leigh 182
Letts 128, 130, 136
Lewis 93
Living 223, 225
MacDonald 95
Mace 40
Mackintosh 61
Madox 21, 26, 27, 96, 134,
Mansfield 198, 200, 201, 203
Matten 249-251
May 38, 49, 50
May 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
Meetkerke 89
Milles 227
Mills 136
Minshaw 60
Montague 163
Morden 198
Mosyer 216, 218
Munn 131
Oxley 226
Packman 68, 70
Paine 251
Parkwood 154
Parris 233, 239
Parsons 88
Pattullo 54
Payne 194, 195
Petty 5, 6, 12, 16, 17, 82
Phillip 18
Phillips 12, 15
Pickering 162, 164
Plummer 65, 66, 67
Pope 128, 129, 130, 136
Powell 94
Quilter 138Rumens 142, 144
Russell 30, 136
Rygby 193
Sanderson 48
Sandys 119
Santy 118
Santye 119
Savory 62
Simmons 149
Skinner 113
Smale 118
Smith 112
Somer 81
Spencer 139
Stiles 1, 9, 17, 70, 83
Stow 30, 116
Streater 139
Stringer 208, 209
Style 69
Styles 2-8, 12, 47, 80, 82,
119, 227
Sweetapple 140
Taylor 93, 160, 161, 165,
166, 168, 169, 209,
212-215, 217, 243, 244
Temple 218
Thorne 122
Tibbs 138
Tibbs 145, 147, 148, 149
Tobitt 225
Toffon 246
Townley 251
Twistleton 78
Tyler 231
Venn 167
Vice 228
Vinson 57, 58, 61
Wale 114
Walker 164
Waring 44, 200, 201, 203, 204
Waterfall 130, 131, 134, 136
Wells 113
Wellum 215
Wenborne 17
Wheeler 77
Whiffen 139
Whiffin 19
White 242-245
Wilkins 157
Williams 85, 104, 186
Willington 193, 194
Willson 242
Wilton 94
Winter 163
Woodgate 2, 3, 4
Woodhams 120
Wyatt 21, 99, 152
Yates 127
Yeates 24
Place Index
Abbey Level, Erith 247
Branksome Park, 61
Little Moy,
Wellington Road 62
Badbye, Northants 69
Bexley 68, 106, 203, 249, 250
Bexley Heath 96, 98, 114
Lilly Cottage 33, 34
Blechingly 230, 233, 237-239
Westmead 229, 237
Woolpitts 238
Bombay 231
Brasted 159
Bromley, Kent 121, 145, 148,
149, 175, 176
Masons hill 187, 188, 191
Masonshill 175, 178
Broadwater, Sussex 98
Chelsfield 1, 2, 4-7, 9, 10, 13,
15-17, 19-21
Burtons 117
Chelsfield Hall 81
Cross Hall 40
Crosshall 48
Fisher's Oake 81
Five Bells 40
Forbeys 117
Goddington 22, 25-27, 82,
84, 86, 87, 89, 92, 116,
138, 160, 161, 162, 165,
166, 167, 243
Great Smallams 20, 21, 32
Grindstreate 71, 72
Hall Farm 82
Kibscroft 5
Larkshouse 68
Larkshowse 68
Lilly's Cross 21
Lilly's Farm 1, 12, 16, 20,
24, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 34,
35, 37, 39-41, 44, 45,
47-49, 51, 53, 54, 59,64-67
Lilly's House 38
Londridge 20, 21, 32
Longe slipp 68
Skibs Lane 32
Slype 70
Well Hill 80
Camden Town, Middlesex 134
Charlton 193, 198
Chipstead in Chevening 139Chislehurst 98, 135
Cofton, Notts 176
Coventry, Warwicks 68
Crockenhill 138, 145
Croydon 157, 194
Cudham 81, 82, 93, 98, 117,
Dolls Fields 37, 41
Dolls Fields 94, 95
Wood Reddin 77, 78
Woodridden Broom 71, 72
Woodridden Wood 71, 72
Darent 78
Dartford 78, 136, 141, 186
Downe 22, 32, 98, 201, 203
Dulwich, Surrey 163
"Duns", Farnborough, Hants 62
Eltham 176
Erith 103, 105, 107, 109
Essex 77
Eynsford 142, 148, 149, 194
Farnborough 30, 68, 76, 78,
82, 98,113, 120, 138, 145,
148, 149, 172, 195, 196
Foots Cray 96, 98, 134, 135
Gatton, Surrey 88, 228-235,
237, 239
Boteras Hill 229, 237
le Windmillfeilds 229, 237
Longcroft 229, 237
Gildingwells, Notts 242
Godstone 240
Goodnestone 142
Green Street Green 138
Green Street Green,
Cudham 215
Hawley, Sutton at Hone 133
Horton Kirby 30
Jersey 94
Keston 26, 138, 145, 148,
149, 167
London Area
London 81, 136
Anerley Road, Anerley 45
Acorn Wharf, Old Kent Road
50, 52
Acorn Wharf, Peckham 38
Blackman Street, Borough
109, 221
Blackman Street,
Southwark 111
Carey Street, Lincolns Inn 62
City of London 136
Clarges Street, Hanover
Square 243, 244
Clements Lane 27
Clerkenwell 112
Essex Street, Strand 38
Grafton Street, Bond Street,
Middlesex 221
London Area continued
Lambeth 128, 129
London Blackwell Hall 175
Park St, Westminster 113
Peckham, Surrey 157, 225
Romney Terrace,
Westminster 221
St Andrew Holborn 157
St Mary Magdalene,
Bermondsey 157
Southwark, Surrey 107
Streatham Hill 49
Watling St., City of London
Whittington Avenue,
Leadenhall St 124
Wood Street,
Westminster 110
Lamberhurst 139, 140, 142
Limpsfield 3
Lullingstone 88
Lull Catsbrook 12
Merstham, Surrey 231
North Cray 98
Nutfield, Surrey 228-230, 235,
Nutfield Woolpitts 232, 235
Orchard Cottage 49, 50
Orpington 26, 27, 65, 94, 98,
99, 114, 119, 122-127,
129-136, 138, 140, 142,144,
145, 148, 149, 151, 152,154,
155, 160, 165, 167-170,172,
193, 194-198, 200, 201 203,
204, 208, 209, 213, 216,
220-223, 225, 226, 251
(Anchor &) Hope Beer
House 120
Chapel Square Estate 122
Crofton Orpington 118
Fair Home 121
Gardeners Hill 165
Girdless Hill 157
Goddington House 244
Great Sandy Shaw 168
High Field Woods 158
Highfield 157
Highfield Grove 156
Highfields 156
Highland 157
Hither Merlands 157
Hoppet 159
Lambshole 154
Lambswool 170, 172
Lambswools 157
Lower Landswool 159
Lower Sandy Lane Field 158
Lower Slip 170
Lower Stadfield 158
Malt House 162, 164 Maples Croft 157, 158, 161
Mead field 170, 172
Millams 159, 170, 172
Newfield Spring 119
Northfield 49, 50
Old Hopgarden 158, 167
Old Orchard 172
Sandy Lane 157, 165-168
Sandy Lane Field 167
Sandy Lane Shaw 158
Scads 157
Scads Hill 121-123, 170, 172
Scads Hill House 114, 226
Scudds 156
Stads Woods 158
Stadshigh Field 158
Tan House 154
The Coach and Horses,
Orpington 145
The Priory 123
The Slips 172
Todds Heath 172
Upper Landswool 159
Upper Sandy Lane Field 158
Upper Stadfield 158
Wilkinson Farm 157
Yarrow Orpington 54
Otford 156
Oxted, Surrey 227
Cokereden 227
Cowstedland 227
Walters 227
Plumstead 101, 107
Reading, Berks 223
Richmond, Surrey 204, 208,
Ruxley, Foots Cray 57
Sevenoaks 2, 139
Shoreham 13, 136, 208, 209
Southfleet 78, 148, 149
St Mary Cray 125, 138, 147,
154, 155, 157, 200, 201,
203, 204, 226, 251
St. Mary Cray 74
St P Gray's Farm 49
Sundridge 159
Sutton 176
The Crouch, Seaford,
Sussex 63
Wellingwells, Notts 242
West Cliffe, Dover 209
Westerham 93, 217
Willesden, Middlesex 98
Windlesham Cottage,
Bagshot, Surrey 94
Woolwich 105, 128, 129, 130
General Index
Antiquarian 221
Architect 49, 124
Attorney 186
bake-house 126
baker 126, 127, 140
Brewhouse 163
Builder 26, 122, 125, 167
butcher 76, 154, 208, 209
carpenter 74, 114, 136, 138,
142, 148, 149
Churchwardens 116, 117
Cinder Oven 159
collar maker 136
cordwainer 74
Delivery Office in
H.M. Tower of London 244diverting highway 89draper 223, 225
Farmer 54, 57, 65, 66, 105,
138, 142, 149, 160, 172
Fruiterer 160, 161, 165, 166,
167, 168
gardener 130, 131, 163
gravel pit 122
H.M. Reserve Forces 123
Haberdasher 157
Husbandman 69, 73, 77, 78,
Innkeeper 138, 145, 148, 149
joiners 114
Labourer 138,145,148,149,198
Landlord 40
Lombardian Benefit Building
Society 220
miller 233, 239, 240Numismatist 221
Oil & Italian
Warehouseman 124
orchard 123
Pawnbroker 220
Printer 145, 148, 149
Rector 89
ropemaker 128, 129, 130
salesman 136
servant 78, 198
shipwright 105
shopkeeper 209
Solicitor 21, 62, 99, 104, 164
surgeon 200, 201, 203, 204
surveying & drawing plan 41tailor 13, 15, 18, 71, 72
tallow chandler 93, 129, 136
timber merchant 38, 50, 52
Tithe Agent 95
Undertaker 122, 125
Victualler 138, 139, 142, 145
wheelwright 114, 128, 129,
135, 136, 154,
Windmill 230, 233, 235,
Workhouse 159
yeoman 68-71, 88, 101,
106-108, 119, 133, 138, 140,
156, 158, 187, 191, 193,200,
201, 203, 213, 227-229, 232,
233, 235, , 237-240