Some Monumental Inscriptions of Northbourne Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Walmer Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Great Mongeham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Northbourne Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Northbourne Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759. Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 30th September 2008. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In the Chancell.
1. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Bodie of Anne the Daughter of Edward & Margaret NICOLS, Vicar of this Place, bapt. Aug. 24 1632. Bur. Jun. 26 1634.
In the Body.
2. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Richard HARVIE, who lived at Eastrye & was brought from thence hither, and buried the 9th Day of September Anno 1675 aged 75 Yeares.
In the South Isle, or Transept.
3. Against the S. Wall is a superb Monument, of black and white Marble; on the Altar of which, lie the Figg. at full Length of *Sr Edwyn SANDYS, and his Lady. It has no Inscription, tho there is a Table of Black Marble in the Middle of the Monument, for that Purpose – and about it are the following Coats. ( * Son to ye Arch Bishop of York)
[3 shields in line, the middle one drawn larger].
I. SANDYS (written), [¼ly RAWSON imp. HAMMOND of St Albans (3.75, Nonington).
II. Or, a fesse dancety betw. 3 + tlets fitchy gu. (Sandys). ¼ly. Per fesse gu. & arg. a battlemented tower countercharged (RAWSON). imp. ¼ly of 12. The colours of these Quarterings not distinguishable (B.F’s note).1). A Λ betw. 3 bulls’ hds. caboshed. 2). A – dancety. 3 & 12). A \. 4). A + paty, in chief a roundel. 5). A lion rampt. 6). A Λ betw. 3 chaplets. 7 & 10). An ostrich(?) passt. 8). A garb. 9). A – betw. 3 crescents. 11). 3 Lions’ hds. erased. III. A Lion rampt. in a border vair (SCRIMSHAW) imp. Sandys (written).
This Church consists of the Chancell, Body, and 2 Transepts, or Isles. The Tower stands in the Middle of the Building, and is cap’t with a low Spire; in it hang 3 Bells, wch. I cd. not get at.
4. In the Church Yard are 2 Altar Tombs, not legible and Headstones in Memory of FRIEND, GOLDFINCH, HOYLE and WYBORNE.
This Church was dedicated to St. AUSTIN. It is a Vicarage & in ye Patronage of the Arch Bishop.
5. *It is annex’t to Sholden. The present Vicar is Mr George SHOCKLEDGE 1759. He was succeeded by Thomas HUTCHESON 1772.[*these 2 lines and the final § are added in thicker writing].
6. There is, at this Day, a Place, here, call’d St. Aus’tine’s Walk. EADBALD, son of ETHELBERT, the 5th (and 1st Xtian) King of Kent, had a Palace here; out of ye supposed Ruins of which, 2 very large Corbells of Stone, were in July 1774 dug, and presented to Me, by My Friend Richd. SANDYS Esq. (whose Family are the Possessors of Northbourne Court, where these Ruins are). One of them undoubtedly represents the Head of ETHELBERT, in whose Reign (viz: A.D. 597) St. Austine landed in Thanet and, the other, the Head of St. Austine himself. They seem to have serv’d as Imposts, to support some Arch, or Peice of Timber; and, were placed, about 15 Feet high, at ye West End of the Remains, of, what, is thought, formerly, to have been a Chapell, but which, for Time immemorial has had ye Appearance of an old, & long-neglected Pigeon House.
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 30th September 2008
7. From Deal we directed our attention to Northbourne, a small village about one mile to the Westward of Deal Parish church.
8. The Church stands at the upper, or West end of the village; it is a decent structure of one aile, one chancel and a North and South transept, with a square pointed
(pointed must = "capped) tower at the West end, containing five Bells.
9. On a grey stone in the Chancel is: Here lieth ye Bodie of Anne the daughter of Edward and Margaret NICOLS, Vicar of this Place. Bap. August 21, 1632. Buried June 26, 1634. Into this world a pilgrim came of late/Shee view’d the Country strang without a mate/.A Play was acted there by her alone/She saw dislik’d it and returned home/.
10. On another at the Eat end of the aile is: Here lieth the Body of Richard HARNIE who lived at Eastrye and was Brought from thence hither and buried thee 9th day of Septembris ano 1675, Aged 75 Yeares.
11. At the South end of the South Transept is an exceeding large elegant Monument of Alabaster. It is of the Tuscan order, and is embellished with the Effigies of Sir Edwin SANDYS, Knt. and his lady lying at full length, above them are Angels, Cherubs, etc. There is no Inscription upon it, but is particularized by the following: Arms: On a shield at the Top, Quarterly 1st & 4th. Sandys, viz. a fess indented, betw. three cross crosslets fitchy. 2nd. & 3rd. a Castle, domed, impaling, 12 Coats. 1st a chev. betw. three oxes heads. 2nd. a fess dancette. 3rd. a Bend. 4th a cross pattèe, an escallop in chief. 5th a Lion ramp. 6th two chevrons, betw. three annulets. 7th an Eagle, statent. 8th a Garb. 9th a fess betw. three crescents. 10th a Crane, statent. 11th three Lions heads eras’d. 12th as the 3rd. Crest, double: Baron, a Griffin Segreant. Femme, an Antelope’s head, gorged with a ducal coronet. Motto: Returne in Peace.
12. On a shield at the dexter side is: a chev. betw. three oxes heads. On another at the sinister side is: SANDYS, and its quarterings, as above. Below the above, are six shields, bearing as follow: 1st. Sandys, & its quarterings, impaling HMAMOND of St Albans. 2nd . Sandys, etc. impaling, blank. 3rd. As the 2nd. 4th. a Lion rampt. in a bordure, vaire impaling Sandys. 5th. Blank; impaling Sandys. 6th. Sandys, impaling blank*. (*See note at the end).
13. Bells.
1st. Math. BAYLEY fecit 1711. Robert GALLAWAY, Vicar.
2nd. Matthew Bayley fecit 1711. Valentine HOLYE.
3rd. John WYBORNE, Ricd. THOMSON, Daniel GOLDAR, M.B. 1711.
4th. Math. Bayley, London, Cast these five Bells 1711.
5th. Sr. Rich. SANDS, Robt. NETHERSOLE, Church Wardens. (M.B. fecit 1711).
14. On the side of the hill to the South-west of the Church, stood that noble mansion Northbourne House, which is great even in its fall; for its gardens with terraces etc. still speak its grandeur.
15. The soil and prospects are much the same as those last described.
16. The Living is a Vicarage, and the Church is dedicated to St. Augustine.
17. Patron: The Archbishop. 1795. Incumbent: Edward BIRKETT.
King’s Books (with Shoulden). £12.11s.8d. Tenths (with Shoulden) £1.5s.2d.
18. About a mile from hence, in the same direction as Northbourne House stood in from the Church, is the village of Mongeham.
19. *SANDYS. Edwin Sandys, second son of Edwin, Archbishop of York, was born at Worcester in 1561, educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and, as observed, was a pupil of the learned HOOKER. On January the 23rd 1579 he was admitted Probationer Fellow of that College, and on the 17th of March 1581 was collated to a Prebend in the Cathedral of York. Having in 1602 resigned his Prebend, he, on the 11th of May 1603 received the honour of Knighthood from KING JAMES, by whom he was employed on several special embassies.
In 1621 he was, with SELDON, committed to the custody of the Sheriff of London, for his factious behaviour in parliament, where he continued for near a year. Lastly he was appointed Treasurer for the Western plantations.
Sir Edwin died in October 1629 and was buried at Northbourne, for whom the nameless monument in that church was erected. He left five sons, viz. Henry, Edwin, Richard, Robert and Thomas.
He wrote "Europe Speculum; or a view of the state of Religion etc". London 1632.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
SANDYS 3, 6, 11, 12
WYBORNE 4, 13Places
Eastry 2, 10
London 13
Northbourne Court 6
St Albans 12
Worcester 19
Arch Bishop of York 3
Church Wardens 13
Pigeon House 6
Western plantations 19