Some Monumental Inscriptions of Walmer Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Walmer Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Walmer Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759. Also some Monumental Inscriptions, noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 30th September 2008. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In the Chancell.
1. On a Monument on ye East Wall, at ye N. Side of ye Com. Table
. (¼ly: 1). Or a fesse betw. 2 chevrons sa. 2). Gu. a leopard (?) arg. 3). Gu. 4 fusils in fesse arg. 4). Or, a bend cotised betw. 3 griffins’(?) heads erased sa. imp. ¼ly: 1&4) Or, a + engrailed per pale gu. & sa. & in 1st qr. a cresct. gu for difference. 2&3) COLT (4.21 – Cantby. Mary Bredman).
In Memory of William LISLE, one of the Esquires for the Body of King James, of Our Royal Sovereign King Charles whose Science in the Artes, Tongues, and Antiquities, the University of Cambridge, and his Books extant, do manifest. As, also, of Edmond Lisle, his Brother, Server of the Chamber to Queene Eliz. King James, & our said Sovereign, King Charles; having been 21 Yeares Capt. of Walmer Castle, lineally descended from the Lords de LISLE , and ROUGEMONT; and from Sr. John Lisle, one of the first Founders of the honourable Order of the Garter; and Robert his Sonne, who gave unto King Edward the Third LXXXVI Knight’s Feese, as is recorded; and from Warin FITZGERALD, Chamberlaine to King John, and Isabel de FORTIBUS, COUNTESS of DEVON. The sayed William departed this Life in September 1637 and the sayed Edmond, the first of October following, and are both here interred; leaving Nichs. Lisle, their Brother, Possessor of their ancient Inheritance of Wilburgham L’Isles, in the County of Cambridge, who married Mary, one of the Coheirs of Nich’s BROOKE, by Jane, Coheir of Thomas COLT, of Essex Esq. which Nicholas, for the due Respect hee bare unto his sayed Brothers, caused this Monument to be erected. Anno 1637.
2. On a little low Altar Tomb, against ye South Wall. Here lieth the Body of Sarah the Daughter of John SLADDEN, who was buried the 17th of July 1653 aged 1 Yeare.
3. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of John SLADDEN, he died the 26th of October 1673 aged 60. He had Sonne and 3 Daughters, Benjamin, Mary, Ann, and Sarah.
4. On Another. [FOGG (1.16 error for 116 Ashford written)]. D.O.M.S. Memoria Anna Christoph. BOYS, Castelli Walmerieusis Pro Prefecti, Uxoris, Thomae Fogg, armigeri, Filiae. quae 10 Liberos Conjugi peperit; et omnibus, Virtutum omnium, Exemplum edidit, Vita 49. An. nec non, et Morte, Die 17 Octob. An.D. 1680. Con: M.P.
5. Here are 2 ancient flat Stones without Inscription – one of wch. has been formerly inlaid.
In the Body. of the Church
6. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Mary MORRIS, the Wife of Mr Edw. MORRIS, Yeoman, of this Parish; She departed this Life ye 27 Day of November, in the Year of Our Lord 1723 in the 73d. Yeare of her Age. As, also, here lieth the Body of Mr Edward Morris of this Parish, as above mentioned who departed this Life, the first Day of September, in ye Year of our Lord 1727 in the 84th Year of his Age. Who left Issue by Mary his Wife 1 Son surviving. As also here lieth the Body of Mr Richard MORRIS, Son of the abovesaid Edward and Mary Morris, who departed the 25 Day of March, 1732, aged 53 Years.
7. Other flat Stone, whose Brasses & Inscription are lost.
The Arch between the Chancell and Body is round, and wrought; which is an Indication of ye great Antiquity of ye Building; ye Arches over ye Doors are also round and carved.
8. This Church is small, and consists only of the Chancell and the Body. In a little wooden Steeple, at ye West End, hang 2 Bells – 1 of them has no Inscription the other was founded by Joseph HATCH, 1635.
9. This Church was dedicated to St. Mary. It is a Curacy of the Arch Bishop’s. The Present Curate is Mr. John Mamimilian de L’ANGLE. 1759.
10. In the Church Yard are Memorials of DENNE, HAMMOND, HILLGROVE, JOHNSON, LEAKE, FREMLY, and UPTON.
11. On the North Side of the Church are ye Remains of a Chapell or Chancell; The Arch of the Way into it is visible in ye North Wall.
12. On the North Side of the Church Yard, at a little Distance from the Church, is a pretty large Piece of Ruins, wch. among the Inhabitants is call’d the Old Chappell.
13. In this Parish stands a Castle, call’d Walmer Castle, built by HENRY 8, for the Defence of the Sea Coast.
14. Some People have a Notion that Caesar landed here in his First Expedition; nor do I think it very improbable – but nothing certain can be pronounced.
15. I think it takes its Name, Wal-mer, from Vallum Maris or Vallum at Mare – the Wall or Entrenchment by the Sea; wch. by the bye, I am persuaded, formerly flow’d a great deal higher up; the low Ground hereabouts having, without Doubt, been in former Ages all under Water – and if so will agree much more exactly with the Place of Caesar’s Landing, as described in his Commentaries; especially as it will greatly reconcile the Distance.
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 30th September 2008
16. From Mongeham we proceeded on our Visitation to Walmer, a village of a few houses, situated about a mile and a half to the South-east of the last described church.
17. The Church stands at the West side of it, consisting of one Aile and a chancel; and a small spire steeple at the West end, containing two Bells. There are Saxon arches over the North and South doors, and between the Aile and chancel. The font is gothic, seemingly antient. Date on the wooden cover 1664.
18. On the South side of the ceiling is: T.H. 1736.
19. On a mural Monument of alabaster at the North side of the Chancel: In Memorie of Willm. LISLE one of the esqrs. of the Bodie of KINGE JAMES, & of our royall Soveraigne KINGE CHARLES whose science in the artes tounges & Antiquities the universitie of Cambridge & his Books extant do manifest. also of his brother Edmond Lisle Sewer of the chamber to QUEENE ELIZ, Kinge James and our said Soveraigne King Charles havinge been XXI yeares Cap: of Walmer Castle lineally decended from the lorde DE L’ISLE & ROUGEMONT & from Sr. J. L’isle one of the first founders of the Honle. order of the Garter & Robt. his sonne who gave unto KINGE EDWARD the THIRD LXXXVI Knights feese as is recorded, & from Warin FITZ-GERALD Chamberlain to KINGE JOHN & ISABELLE de FORTIBUS countess of Devon: the sayed *William (*Mr Willm. LISLE Generosus, doctris, senex; annos 73 vixit caelebs studiis incumbens) departed this life in September 1637 & the sayd **Edmund (**1637 Mr Edmund Lisle Gent. Capt. of the Castle, Par.Reg). the first of October following, and are both here interred, leaving Nichs. L’isle their brother possessor of their antient inheritance of Wilborgham Lisles in the County of Cambridge who married Mary one of ye coheires of Nichs. BROKE by Jane choeire of Thos. COLT of Essex Esqrs. wch. Nichs. for the due respect Hee bare unto his said Brothers caused this monument to be erected anno 1637. Arms at the top, Quarterly. 1st. Lisle, viz. Or, a fess, betw. 2 Chevronels, Sab. 2nd. Gu. a Lion passt. guardt. Ar. 3rd. Gu. 4 mascles, Ar. 4th. Ar. a Bend cotized, betw. 3 wolves heads, Sab. Crest: on a Chapeau a roundel charged with a milroin. Motto: Tantae Molis Erat. At the bottom, Lisle, and quarterings as above, impaling, Quarterly, 1st & 4th. BROOK, viz. a Cross, engrail’d. 2nd & 3rd. Colt, viz. a fess, betw. 3 Colts current.
20. On a plain grave stone in the Chancel: D.O.M.S. Memoriae Annae Christoph: BOYS castelli Walmeriensis pro praefecti Uxoris Thomae FOG Armigeri filiae quae 10 liberos conjugi peperit, cui et omnibus virtutem omnium exemplum aedidit vita 49 an necnon et morte die 17 Octob. An.D. 1680 con. m.p. Arms: on two shields below, BOYS and FOGG, singly.
21. On another within the altar rails, at the South side: Here lieth ye Body of John si ARDEN: hee dyed ye 26 of October 1673 Aged 60. Hee had 1 Sonn and 3 Daughters, Beniamin, Marye, Anne and Sarah.
22. On another, just without the rails, at the South side: Here lieth the Body of Sarah the Daughter of John SLADDEN who was buried the 17th of July 1653 and aged 1 Yeare.
23. On a plain stone at the East end of the aile: Here lieth interred ye Body of Mary MORRIS the wife of Mr Edward Morris, Yeoman of this Parish, she Departed this life the 27th day of November in the yeare of our Lord 1728 n the 73d. yeare of har age. As also here lieth Interred the Body of Mr Edward Morris of the Parish, as Above mentioned who departed this life the ../ day of September in the Yeare of our Lord 1727 in the 84th yeare of his age, who left Issue by Mary his wife one son surviving. As also here lieth interr’d the Body of Mr Richard Morris Son of the above saide Edward. Morris and of Mary his wife who departed this life the 25th day of March 1732 Aged 53 Yeares.
24. Bells.
1st. (Blank).
2nd. Joceph HATCH made me 1635. (O.E.).
25. On an obelisk in the Church yard, at the North side of the Chancel: Mrs Harriot BAKER, Daughter of ye late Reverend Ralph BLOMER, D.D. Prebendary of Canterbury died Septr. 22 1781, aged 50 Years.
26. About half a mile to the Eastward of the church is the Castle, which is very similar to those, before described, at Sandown and Deal, being also fitted up for the residence of a genteel family.
27. The soil in this Parish is poor, but the prospects are equal to any we have yet described; near to the Castle those stupendous (sic) cliffs, which continue from hence to Dover begin to arise and ennoble the scene.
28. The Living is a Curacy, and the Church is dedicated to St. Mary.
29. Patron: The Archbishop. 1795. Incumbent: Robert PHILIPS.
King’s Books £……./. Tenths ……./
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
BOYS 4, 20
Bredman 1
COLT 1, 19
de L’ANGLE 9
de LISLE 1
FOG 20
T.H. 18
HATCH 8, 24
LISLE 1, 19
MORRIS 6, 23
SLADDEN 2, 3, 22
UPTON 10Places IndexCanterbury 1
Essex 1, 19
Walmer Castle 1, 19
Wilburgham L’Isles,
Cambridgeshire 1, 19
GeneralCaptain 1, 19
Chamberlaine 1
Yeoman 6