Some Monumental Inscriptions of Sibertswold Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ripple Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Walmer Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Sibertswold Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Sibertswold Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett in 1756-60. Also some Monumental Inscriptions noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 23rd October 2008.
Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton
1. On a Handsome Monument on The East Wall, on ye South Side of the Communion Table - with this Coat. [Or, 3 martlets az. on a chief az. a leopd. or imp. Arg. on a Λ az. 3 molets or]. In Memory of William MERRYWETHER Gent, who died in the Faith and Fear of God, on the 9th Day of June 1702 in the 52d. Year of his Age. He married Sarah, eldest Daughter of Mr James MATSON, of this Parish of Sybertswold. He had Issue by her one Son and Four Daughters, Richard, Anne and Mary, Living, (Sarah dead) and Sarah now Living. Near this Place also lies the Body of Mrs Sarah, Wife of Mr William Merrywether who died Sept. 4 1737. Aged 73. Barely to say, here she lived, and here she died would be injurious to her Memory. Did the Marble admit of her true Character. And to give an impefect Account of it, would be equally so. Tho, Therefore the Monument be silent and speak not the Virtues that adorned her, yet let no One fear that they should lay concealed; Since she has left behind her so many living Witnesses of them, Her Friends, Relations and Acquaintance all who loved her, that is, all who knew her, will bear Testimony to them. And, the Poor, the Sick, and the industrious, as many as, in any Respect, stood in Need of either her Counsell or Assistance, In the Place and Neighbourhood especially, will not be able easily to forget them. Here lies Sarah ye Daughter of Mr William MERRYWETHER aged 1 Year. Sarah, the 2 Daughter of that Name, of William Merrywether, Gent, and of Sarah his Wife, was here buried May the 24th 1703. Aged 5 Years. M.M. (Mary Merrywether) obijt Sept. the 8th 1706. Aetatis 25. Men who admired the Virtues of the Maid, Complained, her Death no longer was delaid. But Angells thought twas Time She shd. remove, Who, here on Earth, could live like those above. Here also lies the Body of Richard Merrywether, Gent. The only Son of the said William Merrywether, The last Heir Male of the Familie. Obijt Oct. 26 1720. Aetatis 27.
2. On a Neat Monument on the S. Wall. [Arg. a fret az. on a canton gu. a lion’s head erased or, with MERRYWETHER as Before (p.100) in pretence]. Near This Place lie the Bodies of Mr John LOWNDES of Overton in Cheshire and of Anne his Wife, Daughter of Mr William and Mrs Sarah Merrywether of Sibertswold. He died June 30 1734. Aged 52. She survived him only a few months and departed this Life the Nov. following in the 48th Year of her Age. They had Issue 2 Sons, and 3 Daughters, 4 of which died in their Infancy. Sarah, The only remaining Daughter, ordered this Monument to be erected in Memory of her deceased Parents.
3. On Another, on The N. Wall. In Memory of Anne the virtuous discreet, religious Wife of Paule PETIT of Dantdelion in Thanett, Gent. Eldest Daughter of John Merrywether of Sheepardswell, Gent. She died Nov. 12 1676. Aged near 60 Years.
4. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Mr Robert MATSON, who had Issue by Joanna his Wife, 3 Sons, and 5 Daughters, whereof 2 Sons and 4 Daughters survived. He died Feb. 8 1715/16. Aged 53 Years. Also James Matson, their Son, died July the 14th 1716. Aged 18 Years. They lived belov’d, and died lamented.
5. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Mary The Wife of Mr James MATSON. She died Apr. 13 1714. Aged 73 Years. Here also lieth the Body of Mr James Matson late of this Parish, who had Issue by Mary his Wife 3 Sons and 2 Daughters, Robert, Sarah, Mary, James and John. He died June 20 1708 after a long Sickness of The Stone. Aged 78. Imitate him in his Life, who never fell from God for any Pains of Death.
6. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Mr John MATSON, late of Wingham, who first married Mary, Daughter of Stephen GOLDFINCH of Eastry, by whom he had 2 Sons and 2 Daughters. His Second Wife was Anna,
7. Relict of Thomas BOYSE of Betshanger, by whom he had 3 Sons and 3 Daughters, of which 4 Sons and 4 Daughters survived him. He died Oct. 27 1731. Aged 60 Years.
8. On Another. James, Son of Mr John MATSON died Jan. 17 1712-13. Aged 12 Years.
9. On a Brass Plate fix’t to an Oaken Plank on ye Floor. Heare lieth the Body of Philemon POWNDALL, deceased the 13th of March 1660-61. Hee was 55 Years Old when he died. He had 1 Wife, and 1 Son, and 6 Daughters.
10. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of John COWLEY who died the 10th of Aprill 1648. Aged 45 Yeares. He had Issue by Mary his Wife 2 Daughters Anne and Elizabeth and 1 Soune, Valentine, dead.
In The Body.
11. Are five Flat Stones, but none of them legible.
12. WEEVER (p.266) Mentions several Flat Stones being in this Church which were obliterated even in his Time; he say’s they belong’d to The Family of PHILPOT, or PHILIPOT, which resided formerly at Upton Court in this Parish.
13. This Church consists only of The Chancell and Body. It has no Steeple; it having fell down abt. 20 Years ago, is not yet rebuilt; A Small Bell, without Inscription, hangs at the West End of the Church.
14. It was dedicated to St. Andrew. It is a Vicarage, in the Patronage of the Arch Bishop. It is united to Coldred.
15. The Present Vicar is The Revd. Mr Thomas RYMER.
16. The Plague made great Havock among the Inhabitants of This Parish, in ye Years 1665 & 1666.
17. On The Downe, at ye East of this Village, are a great many Tumuli standing close together, of different sizes, none of them very large; there seem to be near 200; they seem to have been fenc’d in on all sides by Ditches or Trenches; that on ye South Side is now about 14 Feet broad, & about 2 Feet deep. See ye 2d. Vol. of my Collect. P.69, Waldershare.
18. (Added) See my Account of their Contents in ye 4th Vol. of my Inventorium Sepulchrale.
19. In ye Court Wall of ye Great House is a Statue, about 2 or 3 Feet high, supposed to represent King SIBERT.
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 23rd October 2008
20. Having completed our observations at Coldred, we next visited Sibertswould, situated one mile to the Westward of the former place. It is a pleasant village, with some good houses, and a Church consisting of one aile and a chancel.
In the Chancel.
21. On a large Monument, in two compartments, with a dentil cornice, & cartouch pediment, of freestone, the tablets of black: with the inscription in gold letters. Left tablet: In Memory of William MERRYWETHER, Gent. who died in the Faith and Fear of God, on ye 9th Day of June, 1702, in the 52d. Year of his Age. He married Sarah ye Eldest Daughter of Mr James MATSON of this Parish of Sybertswold. he had Issue by her, one Son & 4 Daugrs. Richard, Ann & Mary Living (Sarah dead) and Sarah now living. Right Tablet: Near this place also lies the Body of Mrs Sarah, Wife to Mr Wm. MERRYWETHER who died Sepr. the 4th 1737; Aged 73. Barely to say, here she liv’d & here She died would be injurious to her Memory did ys. Marble admit of her true character. And to give an unperfect account of it would be equally so. Though therefore ys. Monument be silent And speak not ye Virtues yt. adorned her Yet let no one fear, they Sd. lay concealed Since She has left behind her So many living witnesses of them Her Friends, Relations & Acquaintance All who love her, yt. is all who knew her will bear testimony to them, And ye Poor, ye Sick, And ye Industrious As many as in any respect stood in need Of either her Counsel, or Assistance In ys. Place & Neighbourhood especially Will not be able easily to forget them.
22. On four small tablets below: On the uppermost at the left side: Here lieth Sarah ye Daugr. of Mr William MERRYWETHER, Aged one Year. On the opposite tablet: Sarah ye 2d. Daugr. of ye Name of Will. Merrywether Gent & of Sarah his Wife was here buried May ye 24th 1703, Aged 3 Years. On the left tablet at the bottom: W.M. obt. Sept. 8th 1716 Aet. ann. 25. Men who Admir’d the Vertues of the Maid/Complain’d Her Death no longer was delay’d/But Angels thought ‘twas time she shou’d remove/Who here on Earth cou’d live like those above/. On the opposite tablet: Also here lieth ye Body of Richard Merrywether Gent, the only son of the said Will. Merrywether the last Heir Male of the Familie. Obiit Octr. 26 1720. Aet. 27. Arms: Merrywether, viz. Or, three martlets Sab. on a chief Gu. a Lion passt. of the field, impaling MATSON, viz. Ar. on a chev. Az. betw. three Martlets Gu. as many mullets Or. Crest: On a torce a Dexter Gauntlet erect. Motto VIRTVTE ET VULNERIBV. On a hatchment on the South side, are the same Arms in a lozenge.
23. On a small tablet of black marble in the North Wall: In Memory of Ann ye Vertuous, Discreet Religious Wife of Paule PETIT of Dentdelion in Thanett Gent. Eldeste Daughter of John MERIWEATHER of Sheapardswell Gent. She dyed ye 12th of Novembr. An. 1676 Aged neere 60 Year.
24. On a neat mural Monument of white Mabrle at the South side: Near this place lie the bodies of Mr John LOWNDES, of Overton in Cheshire, And of Ann his Wife, Daughr. of Mr William And Mrs Sarah MERRYWETHER of Sibertswold. He died June the 30th 1734, Aged 52. She survived him only a few Months, And departed this life ye Nover. following In the 48 Year of her Age. They had issue two Sons & three Daughrs. Four of which died in their infancy. Sarah the only remaining Daughter Ordered this Monument to be Erected, In Memory of her deceased Parents. Arms: OVERTON, viz. Ar. a fret Az. on a canton, Gu. a Griffins head eras’d, Or. over all an escutcheon of pretence, Merrywether [erased, viz. Or, 3 martlets Sab. on a chief, Gu. a Lion passt. of the field]. Crest: Lions head eras’d, Or, collar’d V.
25. On a plain stone, under the Communion Table: Here lieth ye Body of Mary ye Wife of Mr James MATSON, died Apl. 13 1714. Aged 73 Years. Here lieth ye Body of Mr James Matson late of this Parish who had Issue by Mary his wife 3 Sons & 2 Daughters, Robert Sarah Mary James & John, he died June ye 20th 1708 After a long Sickness of ye Stone, Aged 78 years. Imitate him in his life who never fell from God for any pains of Death.
26. On another, adjoining: Here lieth interr’d ye Body of Mr Robt. MATSON who had Issue by Johanna his Wife 3 Sons & 5 Daughrs. whereof 2 Sons & 4 Daughters surviv’d he died Feby. 8th 1715/16 Aged 53 Years. Also James Matson their Son died July ye 14th 1716 Aged 18 Years. They liv’d belov’d & died lamented.
27. On another, near the rail: Here lieth the Body of Mr John MATSON late of Wingham who first Married Mary, Daughter of Stephen GOLDFINCH of Eastry, by whom He had 2 Sons & 2 Daughters, his second Wife Ann, Relict of Thomas BOYS of Betteshanger, by whom he had 3 Sons & 3 Daughters, of which 4 Sons & 4 Daughters Surviv’d Him. He died Octr. 29th 1731, Aged 60 Years. Here lieth also the Body of Ann, Wife of the above Mr John MATSON, She died Feby. ye 17th 1759, Aged 90 Years: left Issue 2 Sons & 3 Daughters.
28. On a small one, adjoining: James, son of Mr Jn. MATSON died Jan. 17 1712/ Aged 12 Years.
29. On a plain stone, in the middle of the chancel: Here lyeth the Body of John DOWLEY who died the 10 of Aprill 1648, aged 45 Yeares. He had Issue by Mary his Wife 2 Daughters Anne and Elizabeth and one sonne Valentine, dead.
30. On the marble pavement: A.L. R.M. W.M. M.
In the Aile.
31. On a small mural Monument of white marble, at the South side: In a Vault near the West Door of this Church are deposited the remains of Martha Maria THOMPSON eldest Daughter of Mr Thos. Thompson of Dover, Wine Merchant, who died the 13th of July 1788 in the 29th Year of her Age.
32. On a plain stone: Here lieth the Body of James HERBERT Esqr. who departed this life November the 20th 1760 In the 39 Year of his Age.
33. On another: Here lieth the Body of Thomas RYMER Clerk M.A. Vicar of Sibertswold & Coldred Annexed & 1 of the Six Preachers of Christ Church Canterby. He departed ys. life ye 11th day of July in the year of our Lord Christ 1759.
34. On another, at the North side of the space; much obliterated: Here lieth the Body of …./William ………………/11th of ………/…../years leaving ……/ son. On a hatchment at the South side of the aile: Arms: Parted per pale, Az. & Gu. 3 Lions rampt. Arg. impaling Arg. a fess nebuly, Gu. betw. six fleurs de lis, Sab. Crest: a knot of 7 Arrows, Or, barbed, Ar.
35. On one of the Sentences, Laurence HOLTTUM, Churchwarden. MDCCLXXXIII (1783).
37. On the chest, 1637, R.W.
38. There is one small Bell, but it has no inscription.
39. This Parish is not large, the soil appears fruitful and the prospects are various, as there are several small vallies and rising grounds which conduce to the pleasantness of them.
40. The Living is a Vicarage, and the Church is dedicated to St. Andrew.
41. Patron: The Archbishop. 1795. Incumbent: R.B. DECHAIR.
42. King’s Books (with Coldred) £12.2s.6d. Tenths (with Coldred) £1.4s.3d.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
A.L. 30
R.M. W.M. 30
MATSON 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 21, 22, 25-28
MERRYWETHER 1, 2, 21, 22, 24
PETIT 3, 23
RYMER 15, 33
R.W. 37Places IndexBetshanger 7
Betteshanger 27
Coldred 14, 33
Dantdelion, Thanet 3, 23
Dover 31
Eastry 6, 27
Overton, Cheshire 2, 24
Sheepardswell 3
Sibertswold, Upton Court 12
Wingham 6, 27
Churchwarden 35
Wine Merchant 31