Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ripple Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of East Langdon Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Sibertswold Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ripple Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ripple Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759. Also some Monumental Inscriptions noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 2nd October 2008. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In the Chancell.
1. On an Altar Tomb, on the North Side.
(¼ly. 1) or 4) Az. a + betw. a martlet in 1 & 4. Betw. a chaplet in 2 & 3, all or. (WARREN). 2) & 3) a molet.
2. Brass. Here lyeth buryed the Body of Thomas WARREN, Sonne of John Warren, Esquier, who was sonne of William Warren Esquier, sometimes chief Customer of Sandwich, Dovor & the Members thereof which said Thomas died the 24th Day of Aprill, Ao.Dni. 1591, being of Th’ag of 1xxx Yeares.
3. On Another, on the same Side. (WARREN, (¼ly. as above. Imp. 3 hawks’ (or Doves’ hds. erased. CRAYFORD). He married Anne ye Daughter of Sr William CRAYFORD of Mongeham Kt. so that her Arms were – argent, a Chevron vert, charged with 3 Eagle’s Heads erased, of the former - & not as cut on ye stone. B.F. see ye Pedigrees of Crayford & Warren.
4. Here lyeth buried the Body of John WARREN, Esq. Sonne of Thomas Warren Esq. who was Sonne of John Warren, Esq. who was the Sonne of William Warren Esq. Sometymes, chief Customer of Sandwich, Dover, and the Members thereof which said John Warren died the 21st Day of January 1612-13 being of the Age of 50 Years. and had Issue, William, Thos. John, Edward & John, who died before his Father. Daughters at his Death living, Anne, Elisabeth, Alice, and Alferie. Dead before him Jane, Mary, and Battell.
5. On a Flat Stone. Edward LOYD, A.M. a Native of Denbighshire who lived many Years Rector of this Parish, and Betteshanger universally beloved, and much lamented 16 April 1741. Aged 61.
6. On Another. Depositum Gulielmi STANDLY hujus Ecclisae Rectoris indigni, Aet. 68 obijt 16 Decemb. 1680.
7. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Elisabeth STANLEY, Widdow and Relict of Mr William STANLEY who departed this Life, March the 9th 1700-01 aged 73 Years. To whose Memory, Stephen Stanley her Kinsman, hath erected this Stone.
8. On a Monument, adorn’d with a View of Shipping in Basso Relievo, on the North Wall. (Or, a lion rampt. in a border gu. imp. Gu. a + patonce betw. 4 talbots’ hds. erased arg. Motto: Et Potens, Et Nobilis). Here lyeth The Body of Captain Andrew RAND, of Deal who married Mary, the Daughter of Mr Sarles MARCH; Hee departed the 3d. of July 1680, in ye 70th Year of his Age. And, also, Mary, their daughter, first married to John PARKER, Gent. and Merchant, of the Citty of London; Shee departed this Life the 25th Day of Nov. 1670 in the 36th Yeare of her Age.
9. On the Floor. Here lieth the Body of Captain Andrew RAND, and Mary his only Daughter whose Monument standeth in the Wall.
10. On the South Wall hangs this Atcheivement. (¼ly. 1) & 4) SOOKIN (3,181, Ringwould). 2) & 3) Sa. a + tlet arg. imp. Arg. on a gu. 3 molets or & in chief a lion rampt. gu (THURSTON).
11. In The Body of the Church . On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Mr Matthew RAY, Batchelor, who was many Years Ensigne to the Militia Company of the Hundred of Cornilo. He lived the whole Time of his Life in the Parish of Ripple where he was borne; aged 84 Yeares when he dyed. he was buried the 27th Day of June, in the Year of Our Lord 1703. and resteth in Hope of a Blessed Resurrection. Richard WARMAN erected this Stone.
This Church consists of a Chancell and Body – at ye West End is a low Spire, in which hang 2 Bells without Inscription.
12. In The Church Yard, is an Altar Tomb for Valentine STANLEY 1632 and Memorials of MACKNIE, STANLY, and WARMAN.
Behind the Pulpit is a dark Place, wch I imagine was formerly used for a Confessionary. It projects abt. a Yard on ye outside of the South Wall; and is about 3 Yards wide.
The South Door has a very ancient round Arch.
13. This Church was dedicated to St Mary. It is a Rectory, in the gift of The present (196b 1759) Rector, is, The Revd. Mr John APSLEY
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 2nd October 2008
14. Leaving Walmer, the slender spire of Ripple Church next drew our attention. It is situated one mile to the Westward of the last described village. This Parish is very thinly inhabited, and has but few houses of consequence within it; though there is a tolerable one for the Rector adjoining the church-yard.
15. The Church is a small building of one aile and a chancel, with a small square tower at the West end, containing two bells, but which have no inscriptions on them, and is covered with a tall timbered spire.
In the Chancel.
16. On a brass plate, on an antient tomb at the North side of the chancel, (O.E.): Here lyeth buryed the body of Thomas WARREN sonne of John Warren Esquire who was sonne of William Warren Esquier, sometimes cheif Customer of Sandwich, dovor, & the members thereof wch. said Thomas died ye xxiiijth day of Aprill A.Dm. 1591 being of the ag. LXXX yeres. On a brass plate at each corner of the tomb, Arms: Quarterly, 1st & 4th. Warren, viz. a cross, in the dexter chief, and sinister base points, each a mullet, in the sinister chief, and dexter base points, each a chaplet. 2nd. & 3rd. a mullet of 6 points.
17. On another Tomb: Here lyeth buried the Body of John WARREN Esqr. Sonne of Thomas Warren Esqr. who was sone of John Warren Esqr. who was sone of William Warren Esqr. Somtymes cheif Customer of Sandwich. Dover & the Members therof wch. John Warren dyed the 21 day of January 1612/3 being of the age of 50 yeares & had issue Willm. Tho. John, Edward & John who dyed before his Father. Daughters at his Death living Ann, Elizabeth, Alice & Alferic. dead before him Joane, Mary & Battell. Arms: WARREN, impaling 3 Eagles heads, eras’d.
18. On a plain stone, at the South side: Here lieth Interr’d the Body of Mrs. Elizth. STANLEY, widdow and Relick of Mr William Stanley, who departed this Life March 9th 1700/1, Aged 75 Years, to whose Memory Stephen Stanley Her beloved Kinsman hath erected this stone.
19. On another: Depositum Guilelmi STANLEY Huius Ecclesiae Rectoris Indigni. Aetat 68 obiit 16 Decem. 1680.
20. On the North side of the Chancel is a white Tablet, but the inscription is obliterated. Arms: Or, a Lion rampt. Gu. debruised by 3 Chevronels, Ar. impal. a Cross flory, betw. 3 Talbots heads.
21. On the South side is a handsome Monument of white marble, consisting of three tablets, hanging by festoons of flowers. First tablet: We shall rise again. In this Chancel is deposited what was mortal of the Persons whose Names and Connexions are inscribed on these Tablets. Robert BOWLER Esqr. A Captain in the Royal Navy, and in MDCCXXVIII Commander in chief of a Squardron (sic) to Newfoundland, died June XVI MDCCXXXIV aged LXVI Years.
22. Second Tablet: George LYNCH, M.D. of the Cathedral Precincts in Canterbury, second son of John Lynch Esqr. of Grove in Staple, died November II MDCCLXV Aged LXVI. Mary Lynch, sole Daughter and Heirest of Robert BOWLER Esqr. and Widow of George Lynch M.D. died February VIII MDCCLXXVI, aged LXXVII. Robert Lynch, M.D. The elder Son of George and Mary Lynch, died October III MDCCLXXXIII, aged LXXII. Jane Lynch, their third Daughter, died February XVI MDCCLXIII aged XXIX. Anne Lynch, their fifth and youngest Daughter, died March XI MDCCLXIX aged XXXI. Third Tablet: Ann Lynch, Daughter of John DRAKE of Blechingley in Surrey Esqre. Sister of the Reverend Ralph Drake BROCKMAN of Beechborough, and wife of the Reverend George Lynch, M.A.
23. The Younger Son of George and Mary LYNC, Died November XXV, MDCCLXXXVII, aged LXIV. From motives dutiful, grateful and affectionate, this memorial of an amiable and faithful wife and of his other departed Relations, is placed by the Reverend George Lynch of Ripple. Also the Reverend George Lynch, distinguished and beloved in his day of life for the many amiable Virtues of his Heart, died universally lamented November XIX MDCCLXXXIX, aged 57. Arms: BOWLER, viz. Ar, 2 Bends wavy, Gu. a chief, Sab, impaling, Quarterly, 1st & 4th. Gu. 2 Lions passt. Ar. 2nd & 3rd. Er. on a chev. Sab. 3 wolves heads eras’d, Ar. On a shield at the Dexter side, Arms: :Lynch, viz. Sab three Leopards rampt. Ar. spotted, of the field. On another at the sinister side, Arms: Lynch, impal. DRAKE, viz. Ar. a Wyvern Gu.
24. On three Hatchments above the Monument, are the same Arms, as above.
25. On a black marble slab: Edward LLOYD, M.A. a Native of Denbighshire who lived many Years Rector of this Parish and Betteshanger, Universally beloved, died much lamented, 10 Augst. 1741, Aged 61.
26. In the tile: On a white Stone: Here lieth the Body of Mary GAMBIER who departed this life the 12 of February 1763 Aged 40 Years. She lived beloved And died lamented.
27. On another: Here lieth interred the Body of Matthew RAY, Bachellor who was many Years ensigne to the militia Company of the hundred of cornile, he lived the whole time of his life in the parish of Ripple, where he was borne; being Aged eighty four years when he died. He was buried the twenty seventh day of June in the year of our Lord 1718 & resteth in hope of a blessed Resurrection. Richard WARNER erected this stone.
28. The soil in this Parish is richer than in the last, but the prospects are more inclosed and rural.
29. The Living is a Rectory, and the Church is dedicated to St. Mary.
30. Patron: C.F. PALMER, Esqr. 1793. Incumbent: Charles PHILPOT.
King’s Books: £5.19.9½d. Tenths: 11s. 11¾d.
31. One mile and a half to the South west of Ripple is Sutton, which has a small Church.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
BOWLER 21, 22
RAND 8, 9
RAY 11, 27
STANLEY 7, 12, 18, 19
WARMAN 11, 12
WARREN 1, 2, 4, 16, 17
Places Index
Beechborough 22
Betteshanger 25
Betteshanger 5
Blechingley, Surrey 22
Canterbury 22
City of London 8
Deal 8
Denbighshire 5, 25
Grove in Staple 22
Mongeham 3
Newfoundland 21
Ringwould 10
Sandwich 16, 17General
Captain 8, 9, 21
chief Customer of Sandwich,
Dover 1, 4
Ensigne 11, 27
Merchant 8
Militia Company of the
Hundred of Cornilo 11
Militia Company hundred
of cornile 27
Royal Navy 21