Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wingham Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ickham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Preston near Faversham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wingham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wingham Church, noted by Bax & Rice Saturday 7th May 1892. Pages 29-32 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1750, added 7th May 2008.
1. Names in churchyard Elgar, Cann, Holness, Crothall, Friend, Seath, Mecrow, Selly, Laslett, Saunders, Dadd.
2. HS South side of church urn and writing Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Ann FOX wife of Robert Bax of Woodnesborough died May 10th 1889 aged 78 years. [B. Wilson Canterbury]
3. HS with elaborate frame 3 cherub’s heads above – a cherub’s head within the frame. Here lieth the body of Mr. Stephen DOWKER late of this parish who died March 20th 1763 in the 54th year of his age.
4. HS Cherub’s ?head Here lieth ye body of Mary DOWKER of ys parish widdow she died December ye 30 1747 aged 74 years. She had issue 6 children and left surviving John, Thomas and Stephen.
5. HS scull and crossbones Here lieth interr’d ye body of William DOWKER who departed this life September ye 20 1707 aged 38 years.
6. HS 2 sculls and 2 hourglasses Here lieth ye body of Mary wife of Thomas WINTER of this parish who had issue one son and 3 daughters of whom 2 daughters are surviving. She departed this life (sunk).
7. HS Two large and particularly ugly sculls – an hourglass between. Here lieth the body of William BYNG surgeon late of this parish. He left issue by Etheldred his wife 2 sons and 4 daughters William, John, Susanna, Jane, Mary and Elizabeth. He departed this life April 29 1718 aged 55 years.
8. HS sculls as before, crossbones hourglass Here lies interred the body of Etheldred wife of William BYNG surgeon of this parish. She was an indulgent wife, a tender parent, and a sincere friend as she lived regarded so she died regretted on the 4th of October 1748.
9. Double HS Here lieth ye body of William BYNG surgeon son of William Byng surgeon late of this parish. He departed this life September 30th 1741 aged 54 years. Here lieth ye body of Jane Wife of William BYNG surgeon daughter of Thomas Winter Sen. and late of this parish. She departed this life October 12 1741 aged 44 years.
10. HS 2 sculls and hourglass Here lieth the body of Thomas WINTER Gent. late of this parish who departed this life May 6 1741 aged 69 years.
11. HS (sculls) Mary WINTER departed this life ye 15th of February AD 1705 Aeta 10 years 11 weeks.
Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice12. Small HS South of church – 2 sculls at top Here lyeth ye body of Thomas CARDEN who dyed on ye twelfth day of November in ye twenty sixth year of his age Anno Dni 1734. My days are gone like a shadow Psal. ye 102 11.
13. HS South of church To the memory of John RIGDEN late of this parish who departed this life 23rd July 1822 aged 65 years. Also of Ann wife of the above John Rigden who died April 13th 1833 aged 81 years.
14. Large HS South of church Sacred to the memory of Mr. Edward STARK formerly of the city of Canterbury but late of Kingsland in the County of Middlesex who departed this life March 16th 1819 aged 70 years. Adieu fond parent, now thou’lt prove how vast the depth of thy creators love oh, glorious change, mortalitys relief yet till we share thy joy forgive our grief these little rights, a stone, a verse, receive the last poor tribute thy fond children give. (Italics)
15. HS W of church In memory of Dorothy TUCKER, spinster who died June 11th 1809 aged 84 years.
16. HS South of church – a scull and two single bones at top Here lieth ye body of Henry BARRETT who departed this life May 14th 1731 aged 42 years.
17. HS South of church – a cherub’s head at top Here lieth ye body of William son of William and Susanna SUTTON of this parish he died February ye 14th 1760 aged 24 years. In blooming years as you may see I left my friends to mourn for me mourn not dear friends for my decease for Christ I hope hath made my peace.
18. HS South of church – a cherub’s head in profile looking at a skull resting on a bone In memory of Sarah the wife of Solomon SPRATT and Ann their daughter they was both buried the 9th July 1762 Sarah aged 22 years and Ann aged 16 months.
19. HS close to N of last – a cherub’s head at top In memory of Solomon SPRAT (sic) who died the 14th of July 1779 in the 66th years of his age.
20. HS South of the church – two reversed flaming torches between 2 sculls, at top Here lieth buried the body of John GREENSTRETT late of this parish. He departed this life October the 24th 1719 aged 65 years.
21. HS close to, and to S of last – a cherub’s head at top Here lieth the body of Mr. Joseph GREENSTREET yeoman late of this parish who departed this life the 5th of December 1773 aged 83 years.
22. Large HS close to S of last 2 cherub’s heads at top In memory of John STOAKES, carpenter late of this parish who departed this life the 11th of May 1764 in the 60th year of his age.
23. HS South of church – cherub’s head, book and crown, etc. at top Here lieth the body of Edward BAKER who died ye 11th day of June in the year of our lord 1751 aged 83 years.
24. Two other BAKER stones to S of last
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Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1750, added 7th May 2008
In The Chancell.
25. Against The North Wall is a very sumptuous *Monument of Black and white Marble; on The Altar Tomb of which lie 2 very fine Statues, of white Marble, as large as the Life, of Sr. Thomas PALMER and his Lady – about it are The Following Coats and Inscription. *This Monument was erected by that Famous Statuary of his Time Nicholas STONE, ye Elder. It cost an hundred Pounds – see WALPOLES Anecdotes on Painting V.2. P.31.[I. (large) [¼ly of 8:
1&8). Or, 2 bars gu. each charged with 3 slipped trefoils arg. in chief a fox courant sa. a pretence of Ulster (arg. a sinister hand apaumée gu.). (Palmer).
2). Sa a fesse or betw. 3 lions rampt. arg.
3). Per pale & per fesse indented arg. & gu. 4 crescents countercharged.
4). Arg. on a chevn. az. 3 fleurs-de-lis or.
5). Arg. 2 bends wavy sa. on a chief gu. 3 leopards’ heads or.
6). Gu. a lion rampt. & a border invected or.
7). Paly of 8 or & az. on a fesse gu. 3 molets or.
II. (small) Palmer imp. Az. a chevn. betw. 3 martlets or].To The Memory of Sr. Thomas PALMER, of Wingham, Knt. and Baronet, and of Dame Margaret his Wife, Daughter of John POLE Esq. (*Harris says POOLEY) of that ancient Famely in the County of Southfolke. This Place was the Seat of his Inheritance, but not of his Descent; being lineally extracted from the Howse of Angmering, in ye County of Sussex. God crowned him with ye Blessing of a longe Life, and augmented it with ye Comforte of a virtuous and pious Wife; with whose beloved Societye hee was enriched 62 Yeares. The Threads of their Lives were evently Spunn; they lived in Concord, died in Peace; his Period was 85, Her’s 83 Years. They were beloved of their Neighbours; lamented by their Friends; honour’d by their Children; and miss’d by the Poor, for whose Sakes they never brake up Howse in this Place, for 60 Yeares. Thus lived they happily, and died Christianly, Hee ye 7th of January, Shee the August following Anno 1625. They had Issue 6 Sonnes and 5 Daughters; Whereof, John, Mabell, Henrye, Marie, John, Francis, died young. Sr. Thomas PALMER, Knt. (Father to Sr. Thomas Palmer) Baronet, now living, died before his Father, and lyes also heare interred. Sr. Roger Palmer Knight of the Bath, was Cup Bearer to the PRINCES HENRY and CHARLES, and, now, Master of the Howshold to KING CHARLES. James Palmer, of the Bed Chamber to KING JAMES of blessed Memory. Jane, first married to Sir William MEREDITH Knt, and after, to The LORD VAUGHAN. Margaret married to Richard AMHURST Esq, Serjeant at Law. These last 4 are yet living. 1627. Patri indulgentissimo Rog. Palmer, quartus natu Filius, maestissimus posuit.
26. On a neat Monument against ye S. Wall, with ye Coat of PALMER. Thomas Palmer Knt, died before his Father, married Margaret Daughter of Herbert PELHAM of Sussex; by whome [he] had Issue Thomas and Herbert. Herbert took Holy Orders, was Master of Queen’s Coll. Cant. Thomas PALMER Bart: on Decease of his Grand Father, Married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sr. John SHIRLEY of Iffield, in Sussex; was buried April 20 1656, having suffer’d much by the Iniquity of The Times, both in his Estate, and by the Imprisonment of his Person; had issue 6 Sonnes: Henry, Roger, Herbert, James, Thomas, John; and 6 Daughters, Margaret, Sybilla, Elizabeth, Mary, Ann, Esther. Thomas, 5th Son lived many Years in Turkey, died at the Age of 82; left, by his Will, 300 Pounds to the Repair of this Chancell, which was accordingly laid out 1718.
27. On a Flat Stone. [PALMER – see P.148. imp. [no tinctures] 3 roundels, 2 in chief, 1 base, a bend debruising the upr. dexter roundel, & a border engrld].
Here lies the Body of Herbert PALMER Son of Sr. Thomas Palmer of Wingham, Baronet, who by his Wife Dorothy, Daughter of John PYNCHON of Writtel in Essex, Esq. left two Sons, Thomas and Henry and 2 Daughters, Ann & Elizabeth, and died the 16th Day of February A.D. 1700/1.
28. On The Verge of a large Flat Stone, wch. has 2 Crosses Fleury, cut on it. Hic re……/Magr.Johes de* Sareste …./..ector Eccl. de Wingham, q obijt xii K. Maij Anno Dni **MCCLXX P…/.(P.540 (Appx. gives this version, sent fm. Wingm: Hic requiescit magr Joes de Sarestone Rector Ecce de Wingeham, q obiit xii Kal. Maii, anno dni MCCLXX primo). *So I read it – but Dr HARRIS SAYS "Sucester" but I am certain that ye 2d. Letter is an A, and that ye whole Inscription is, as I have copied it. **This was before The Parish Church was made Collegiate – wch. was done by A.B. PECKHAM, in ye Year of Our Lord 1287. See WEEVER – F.266.
29. Here are 12 Other Ancient Flat Stones, 7 of which have been inlaid with Figs. etc. but are now all of them Same Inscription.
30. In This Chancell are 12 Stalls (HARRIS says 20) for the Prebendaries of ye College which was here founded by Arch Bishop PECKHAM about the Year *1278. (*See PHILPOT F.364 – WEEVER says 1287. f.266).The 4 following Coats are to be seen carved on ye under Part of The Seat of 4 of them.[I. See of Canterby. imp. A.BISH. WARHAM (Gu. a fesse or betw. in chief a goat’s head arg. horned or, & in base 3 escallops, 2&1, arg.).
II. A key in pale, ward downwards, a crown resting on the bow of it.
III. 2 staples interlaced, in bend & in bend sinr.
IV. A lamb statant].
In The North Chancell.
31. On A Monument on The East Wall.[¼ly: 1&4). Arg. a chevn. betw. 3 oxen statant gu. (OXINDEN).
2&3). Gu. on a chevn. arg. 3 talbots statant sa. (BROOKER)].
1684. M.S. Memoriae Sacrum. In This Upper Part of this Chancell, lie buried The Bodies of Sr. James OXINDEN, Knt. buried Sept. 26 1657. Elizabeth, Wife of the present Sr. Henry OXENDEN, Knt. and Baronet, buried Aug. 20 1659. William, Son of the said Sr. Henry, bur. Jan. 20 1661/2. Susanna BOOTH, Wife of Sr. Robert Booth, Dau. of The said Sr. Henry, buried Aug. 29 1669. Margaret, Relict of Sr. James Oxinden, buried Oct. 18 1671. Elizabeth, Daughter of the present Sr. James Oxinden and Elizabeth his Wife, who died an Infant, and was buried Aug. 19 1675.
32. On Another, on The Same Wall, wth. this Coat. [Gu. a lion rampant arg. imp. OXENDEN as Above]. Near This Place lieth interred the Body of Mary BATTLEY, second Wife of the late reverend and learned Dr. John Battley, D.D. Arch Deacon of Canterbury, by whom he had no Issue; She was the Youngest Daughter of Sr. Henry Oxenden, Knt. & Baronet of Deane, in this County. A Lady of noble and excellent Endowments both of Mind and Body, prudent, wise, generous, and just; amiable in her Manners & gracefull in her Person: which great Perfections, conducted her through a long and happy Life, not only without Reproach but with Universal approbation and procured her, from her earliest Youth, that Respect, and Brightness of Character, which She maintaind with Honour, and Dignity to the Fullness of her Years: when, having arrived at the Age of 85, She departed this Life at Canterbury Dec. 25 1741. equally regretted by rich and poor; Acquaintances, Friends and Relations. This Monument, and Inscription, due to her Memory, her Neice and Executrix, Mrs Elisabeth MASTER, of Brooke hath caused to be put up here as a Testimony of her Affection; having been herself a Wittness of her Virtues.
33. On a Monument on The North Wall. [¼ly: 1&4). Az. a fesse embattled betw. 3 griffins’ heads erased or (MASTER).
2). Or, a pale wavy (?or indented) gu. (STRENSHAM).
3). Arg. a bend gu. with 3 leopards’ heads or, betw. 6 martlets sa.]. To the Memory of Streynsham MASTER of Brooke, in this Parish, Esq. only Son of James Master of East Langdon in this County, Esq. by Joyce, only Daughter of Sr. Christopher TURNER, of Milton Earnest in the County of Bedford, Knight. He was a Gentleman of strict Honour, and signal Bravery, who having commanded several Ships in the Royal Navy, did, in the Year 1718 particularly distinguish himself in the Engagement against the Spaniards, on the Coast of Sicily, then commanding the Superb, Man of War in the British Fleet, under ye conduct of Sr. George BYNG now Lord VISCOUNT TORRINGTON by attacking and forcing the Spanish Admiral in cheif to surrender to him. He married Elisabeth, sole Daughter and Heiress of Richard OXENDEN Esq., Barrister at Law, a younger Son of Sr. Henry Oxenden of Deane, Bart. by Mary one of the Daughters and Coheiresses of Henry Oxenden of Brooke, Esq. He died 22 June, 1724, Aged 43 Years & 4 Months, and some few Days after his Marriage, universally lamented by his Friends, leaving a mournfull Widow, who erected this Monument, to express her sincere Love for his Memory. Our Labour is vain./Our Rest is Gain.
34. On The Floor. Streynsham MASTER Esq. obijt June 22 1724. Aet. 43.
35. On a Flat Stone, inlaid with The Effigies, in Brass, of a Person in a Shroud, and 5 Sons and 5 Daughters; - Another Fig. and a Coat have been torn off.[OXINDEN, 4.150 imp. SEA (1. purp. a fish in pale az. on 2 flaunches. 2. az. 2 bars nebuly. arg. 3. arg).[SOUTHOUSE (Add.14307, f.41, gives 1. Arg. 2. Arg. 3az]. Here lyeth buried the Bodye of Henrye Oxinden Esquire who builded that House in Wingham called Deane, who departed this Life the 1st of August 1597, and gave his Lands to Henry Oxinden his Son. disce quid es, et quid eris. Memento Mori.
36. Seven other Ancient Flat Stones, without Inscription, 4 of which have been very richly inlaid.
Omitted in The Body.
37. On a Small Tablet, fixt to the W. Wall. Here lies inter’d Martha the Wife of Arthur STROUGHILL, who departed this Life the 2d. of January 1719/20 and left Issue 1 Son.
In The Body.
38. On a Brass Plate, fixt to ye N. Wall, near ye Pulpit. Near The Desk lieth The Body of Christopher HARRIS, M.A. who was Curate of this Parish 47 Years, and Rector of Stourmouth 30. He departed this Life Nov. 24 1719. Aged 73.
39. In The S. Isle. On a neat Monument on The S. Wall. [Arg. on a pale gu. a slipped trefoil or imp. Az. 3 leopards’ heads or]. Near this Place lyes interred the Body of Thomas GINDER, Gent, who married Dorothy, eldest Daughter of Vincent DENNE Esq. Serjeant at Law, deceased. He departed this Life ye 5th Day of March Anno Dom. 1716/7 aged 52. In Memory of whom, the said Dorothy, his Widow, caused this Monument to be set up. Here also lies interred in the Grave or Vault of the said Thomas Ginder, the Body of the said Dorothy, who departed this Life 2 May 1736 in the 82d. Year of her Age. This Inscription was made by the Direction of her Executors.
40. On A Flat Stone. Thomas HARRIS ob. 10 Day of Feby. Anno 1746/7. Aetatis suae 71.
41. On a large Flat Stone, with this Coat.
[¼ly of 6. 1). Az. 3 leopards’ heads or, at the fesse point a crescent or, for difference (DENNE).
2). Arg. on 2 flaunches az. a leopard’s head or (DENNE).
3). Erm. a fesse checky arg. & sa. (CRISPE).
4). Arg. on a chevn. gu 3 garbs or.
5). 4 fleurs-de-lis, 1,2,1 (no tinctures given).
6). Gu. 3 crescents or, a border erm.]. Here lieth The Bodie of Vincent DENNE of Wenderton, Gent, deceased June 11 1642 in the 63d. Yeare of his Age. When as on Me/The Drops You see/Sometimes for to appear/From me, then, know/Theyre Tears which flow/For him inclosed heare./By Henrie OXINDEN of Barham.
42. On a Neat Monument on The West Wall. To The Memory of William NEWTON (the dear and only Son of William Newton, Minister of this Parish, and Vicar of the Parish of Gillingham in Dorset, and of Barbara his Wife) who in his early Years, made such Discoveries of his truly good and virtuous Disposition pregnant Parts promising Genius, and Proficiency in Learning adorn’d with a most agreeable and modest Deportment, as procured him the Love and Esteem of all who knew him; and caused him to be regarded, by the best Judges, as one of the greatest Ornaments of the Place of his Education. his Parents & Friends saw and enjoy’d that in him, as made them justly esteem him the greatest Pleasure of their Lives; and promised them all the farther Good, and Happyness, that they themselves could wish. But to their inexpressible Grief, it pleased God to take him away, by a premature Death; being born in this Parish, Sept. 14 1721 and dying of the Small Pox, in the City of Canterbury April 16 1737. How blind is Hope, and how regardless Fate,/That so much Worth shd. have so short a Date!/But, is it strange, that such a virtuous Mind,/His Way to Heav’n again, so soon shd. find. In sure and certain Hope of a Joyfull Resurrection to immortal Life under this Stone is deposited the dear Remains of William NEWTON, who died Apr. 16 1737 in the 16th Year of his Age. Near which, on ye left Hand, is buried, William Newton, who died 11 Aug. 1720 aged 17 Days, both Sons of the Revd. Mr Newton, who was Minister of this Parish 25 Years; he departed this Life May 26 1744 aged 60 Years and is buried near this Place. As is, also, Jane Newton youngest Daughter of the said Revd. W. Newton, and Barbara his Wife, she died Oct. 28 1740 in the 17th Year of her Age.
43. Six Other Flat Stones not legible, one of them has been inlaid.
44. In The Eastmost Window, this Coat and mutilated Inscription. [Gu. a fesse or betw. in chief a goat’s head arg. & in base 3 escallops arg. & in a border or]. "Edward WARHAM Gentell ……/of Makying this Window, Anno ……/.
South (or Deane) Chancell.
45. In The Middle of This Chancell stands a Fine Obelisk of white Marble, adornd with Foliage, Fruits, etc. and an Urn at the Top. On the 4 Corners of The Basis (which is made after ye Fashion of an antique Altar, with Bulls Heads, at ye Corners) stand 4 small Images.
On The West Side. This Monument was erected in the Year 1682 in Memory of those of ye Branch of The Family of OXINDEN, seated at Deane, who lie interred in this Church; whose Ancestors have flourish’d in this County for several Ages. Of this Family was Henry Oxinden who built Deane House, second Son to Edward Oxinden of Brook Esq. This Henry had Issue 2 Sons; The first named Edward, who became Heir of Brook; and the second, Sr. Henry, who remained Owner of Deane. This Sr. Henry, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter and Heir of James BROOKER of *Maydeken (*in Barham) in Kent, Esq. left Issue Sr. James OXINDEN Knt. in Memory of whom more especially, his son George OXENDEN, Knt. (who died at Surat in East India), Resident for ye honourable East India Company there, and Governour of the ……/ and Castle of Bombay gave a Legacy of 300 Pounds, for erecting this Monument. This Sr. James died Anno 1657, leaving Issue, by his Lady Margaret, Daughter of Thomas NEVISON of Eastry, in this County Esq, Sr. Henry Oxinden, Knt. and Baronet now living. Others of this Family seated at Deane, who lie interred in this Chanclel, are, Dame Elizabeth, Wife of the First Sr. Henry, who died ye 2d. of Sept. 1588. Dame Margaret, Wife of Sr. James, who died Anno 1671. Dame Elizabeth, Daughter of Sr. William MEREDITH, of Leeds Abbey, in this County, Bart, and 2d. Wife of ye present Sr. Henry OXINDEN, Knt. and Baronet. She was buried the 20th of Aug. 1659. Dame Susanna, eldest Daughter of the said Sr. Henry and Dame Elizabeth, his Wife, who was married to Sr. Robert BOOTH Knt, late Lord cheif Justice of Ireland, who died 1669.
On The North Side. Elizabeth The only Daughter of Sr. James OXINDEN, by his Wife Dame Elizabeth, who died an Infant, Aug. 14 1675. Jane PENRICE, 3d. Daughter of Sr. James Oxinden by Elizabeth his 2d. Wife, who died June 1692, and lies interred by her Mother. Richard Oxinden Esq. 4th Son of Sr. Henry Oxinden, who by marrying Mary, the eldest Daughter of Henry Oxinden of Brook, Esq. became Proprietor of that Seat, and died May 1701 lying interred in the Chancell belonging to ys. Family. Under This Monument lie interred Sr. Henry Oxinden, Knt. and Bart. Son of Sr. James, who married 3 Wives. The First was, Mary BAKER, Daughter of Robert Baker, of St. Martin’s in the Feilds, in the County of Middlesex Gent; by whom he had Issue, only One Daughter, who died an Infant. His 2d. Wife was Elizabeth, Daughter of Sr. William MEREDITH of Leeds Abby, in this County, Bart; by whom he had a numerous Issue. His 3d. Wife was Elizabeth, Daughter of William READ of Folkestone Esq. and Relict of Mark DIXWELL of Broome Esq. by whom (he) had no Issue. He died Aug. 1686, well beloved by his Country, which he faithfully serv’d in The cheifest Offices of Trust, and Honour. Dame Elizabeth, 3d. Wife of Sr. Henry Oxinden above mention’d, who died January 1691. Dame Elizabeth, Daughter of Edward CHUTE, of Bethersden Esq. by Elizabeth, Daughter of Mark Dixwell of Broom Esq, now living, died the 1st of Nov. 1696.
All Graces did concenter in her Life;/The best of Christians, and the kindest Wife./Wisdom and Goodness both, in her did meet/Her Person charming, and her Temper sweet./Whoe’er would her just Character indite,/Must, first, have learn’t, of Her, to think and write.
Whether there are any Inscriptions on the East, and South Sides of this Monument, I can not tell; For, Sr. George OXENDEN Bart. The present Possessor of Deane, was so ill-natured as to refuse Me the key of this Chancell; so that I was obliged to pore through ye Partitions, or Grates, for those which I have now transcribed.
46. On The West Wall is a Monument with ye 2 following Coats, and another wch. I cd. not get near enough to Distinguish, nor any more of the Inscription, than Part of The First Line – viz. "Rose TRIPP, Filia Thomae HARFLEET".[I. HARFLEET al’s SEPTVANS, 3.69.
II. Arg. crusilly fitchy & 3 fleurs-de-lis sa. a border invected sa. (BERESFORD) imp. Gu. 6 bezants, 3,2,1, each bearing a fl.-de-lis sa.].
47. On Another Monument in ye S.E. Corner. [¼ly: 1&4). Gu. a chevn. betw. 3 nags’ heads bridled & erased or (TRIP).
1&3). Az. on a chief indented or 3 molets gu.]. "Memoriae Sacrum Dignissimi Viri Caroli Tripp" etc. (I cd. read no more of it).
48. BATTLEY informs us that Thomas CHICHLEY, Arch Deacon of Canterbury, and Provost of Wingham College, was buried in this Church 1466.
49. In The Church Yard, are 2 Ancient Altar Tombs, not Legible. Also Memorials of Persons of the Name of ASHLEY, BARRETT, BEANE, BRICE, BYNG, CARDEN, COX, BROWNING, DOUKER, EAST, EVERDEN, FOLKNER, HARRIS, LAMB, MATSON, OLDFEILD, SEATH, TAYLOR, TUCKER, WINTER and WOOD.
50. This Church consists of The Great, North, and South Chancells. The Body, and an Isle to The South. The Tower, which is cap’t with a lowish Spire coverd wth. Lead, stands at The W. End of The Body: In which hang 8 musical Bells, all made by R. PHELPS 1720.
51. This Church was dedicated to The Virgin Mary. It is now only a Curacy; but was formerly a Rectory; and had 3 other Parishes belonging to it, viz. Ash, Goodnestone, and Nonnington.
52. It is in The Patronage of the Heirs of The late Sr. Thomas PALMER, Bart.
53. The Present Curate is The Revd. Mr I. NAIRNE. 1759.
54. In The Year 1710, a Stone Coffin was dug up here, in the Bottom of wch. were some blackish Ashes; but nothing else.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
BAKER 23, 24, 45
BARRETT 16, 49
Bax 2
BOOTH 31, 45
BYNG 7, 8, 9, 33, 49
Cann 1
CARDEN 12, 49
COX 49
Crothall 1
Dadd 1
DENNE 39, 41
DOWKER 3, 4, 5
Elgar 1
Friend 1
HARRIS 38, 40, 49
Holness 1
Laslett 1
MASTER 32, 33
Mecrow 1
OXENDEN 31, 32, 33, 45
OXINDEN 31, 33, 41, 45
PALMER 25, 26, 27, 52
PECKHAM 28, 30
Saunders 1
SEATH 1, 49
Selly 1
SPRATT 18, 19
Stone 25
Streynsham 33
TUCKER 15, 49
Wilson 2
WINTER 6, 10, 11, 49
WOOD. 49
Places IndexBarham 41, 45
Bethersden 45
Bombay 45
Brook 45
Brooke 32, 33
Broome 45
Canterbury 2, 14, 42
East Langdon 33
Eastry 45
Famely, Southfolke
(Suffolk) 25
Gillingham, Dorset 42
Iffield, Sussex 26
Ireland 45
Kingsland, Middlesex 14
Leeds Abbey 45
St Martin’s in the Fields 45
Maydeken 45
Middlesex 45
Milton Earnest,
Bedfordshire 33
Sicily 33
Stourmouth 38
Surat in East India 45
Turkey 26
Wenderton 41
Deane House 33, 45
Woodnesborough 2
Writtel, Essex 27General
carpenter 22
East India Company 45
Royal Navy 33
Small Pox 42surgeon 7, 8, 9