Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ickham Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wickhambreaux Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wingham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ickham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ickham Church, noted by Bax & Rice May 1892. Pages 23-29 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 9th May 2008.
Interior of the church
1. Large blue ledger in nave in front of pulpit arms as rubbed: on a lozenge upon a chevron between 3 mullets of 5 points as many lions passant guardant ….. a chevron between 3 ball bells? Here lieth ye body of Dame Sarah BARRET daughter to Sr. George Ent Knight wife to Francis Head of Rochester Esq and to Sr. Paul Barret, of Canterbury Knt. She had 4 sons and 2 daughters by the former and by the latter whom she surviv’d had 1 son and a daughter. She departed this life October ye 6th 1711 aged 63 years.
2. Large blue ledger in chancel arms above as rubbed, viz Head quarterly (with 2 & 3) quarterly term. a chevron (2) 3 stags trippant crest a unicorns head. Corpus Richardi HEAD Baronette filij natu maximo Francisci head Bart. et Margar…..uxoris … sublus depositum jacet obiit decima octavo die maij vicesimo septimo muo aetatis. Annoque domini 1721. Suthis etain duo fratres et duo ……ej……Georgius et Henricus S….. et Margaretta ob disscient?
3. Blue ledger, floor of chancel – no arms. Here lieth ye body of Robert PETTMAN late of this parish, brewer who left issue 5 sons and one daughter. Hee departed this life ye 8th day of June in ye yeare of our Lord 1685 aged seventy years.
4. Large blue ledger floor of chancel adjoining to last and to North of it. In memory of Admiral Charles KNOWLER who died March 26th 1788 aged 83 years. Also of Elizabeth his wife who died 20th January 1792 aged 77 years.
The Churchyard5. High tomb in SW side of churchyard, brick sides – stone on top broken in 3 pieces. Here lieth interr’d the body of ……….. PARAMORE late of this parish who departed this life July 13 1749 aged 62. Here also lieth John and Mary son and daughter of the above John Paramore and Catharine his wife. John died August 25 1741 aged 23, Mary died November 21 1737 aet 21 years. He left issue surviving daughters viz. Catherine and Elizabeth.
6. HS Sacred to the memory of Sarah MINTER WOOD daughter of Thomas and Ann Wood of Dover. She died the 23rd of February 1822 aged 5 years and 8 months.
7. HS Cherub’s head above In memory of Valentine COCK late of Chillett. He died September 25th 1779 aged 79 years. Left surviving by Elizabeth his first wife 2 daughters Margaret and Sarah. Also left surviving Pleasant his second wife. Praises on tomb etc.
8. HS South West side of church Sacred to the memory of The Revd. James BORDMAN MA late fellow of Oriel College, Oxford and for 10 years Curate of this parish. He died November 8th 1831 at Preston near Wingham in this County aged 59 years. God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whomever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 2 C 162.
9. High tomb, brick sides, close to foregoing (on top). To the memory of William GIBBS late of this parish who departed this life the 12 of June 1811 aged 75 years. Also of Sarah widow of the above who died July 31 1823 aged 73 years.
10. High tomb, brick sides (on top) In memory of Thomas GIBBS son of John and Dorcas Gibbs late of this parish. He died September 20 1806 aged 70 years.
11. High tomb, brick sides (on top) Under this tomb are deposited the remains of John GIBBS late of this parish Yeoman, who died 17 February 1782 aged 76 years. Also of Dorcas his wife who died March 30 1784 aged 78 years. They left issue surviving 4 sons and 1 daughter. Likewise Mary GIBBS daughter of the above who died November 23 1789, aged 49 years.
12. HS (loose) reclining against the last, scull and palms above. Here lieth ye body of John son of John GIBBS and Dorcas his wife who departed this life February 17 1746 aged 15 years.
13. High tomb, brick sides (on top) In memory of Thomas GIBBS late of this parish who died February 25 1781 aged 71 years.
14. High tomb, brick sides (on top) Under this tomb are deposited the remains of Richard TERRY late of Staple, who died November ye 24 1759 aged 94 years. Also of Mary, his wife who died the 13 January 1763 in the 90th year of her age. Likewise of Elizabeth Terry their daughter who died January 7 1770 aged 60 years.
15. High tomb, railed (nothing on top) ….. on two other sides (on the W side) all R. caps. In memory of Mary HILLS HAMMOND widow only daughter of Richard and Mary Gibbs who died 15th of December 1835 aged 59 years.
(On the E side)
In memory of Mary wife of Richard GIBBS late of this parish and daughter of Austin and Mary Neame late of Garrington. She died August the 6th 1812, aged 70 years. Also of the above named Richard Gibbs son of John and Dorcas Gibbs formerly of this parish. He died March the 3rd 1820 aged 86 years.
16. HS Roman and italic caps. Sacred to the memory of John NEAME late of Garrington who departed this life 29th September 1849 aged 70 years. Also Elizabeth relict of the above who died January 21st 1857 aged 71 years. They had issue 4 sons John, Austin, Henry and George and 4 daughters Ellen, Julia, Charlotte and Emily of whom were living at their decease 2 sons John and Henry, 3 daughters Ellen, Charlotte and Emily. Austin and George died at Calcutta John lies in St. Dunstan’s Canterbury.
17. High tomb (on top al in R. caps) nothing on two other sides In the vault beneath are deposited the remains of John NEAME late of this parish and eldest son of Austin and Mary Neame late of Lower Gassington in the parish of Littlebourne. He died 22nd of October 1817 aged 78 years. Also of Sarah wife of the above John Neame who died June 2nd 1830 aged 75 years. Also of Austin Neame late Major 98th Regiment third son of John and Sarah Neame who died February 2nd 1862 aged 73 years.
(On the East side, all R. caps)
Beneath are deposited the remains of Anne the beloved wife of George NEAME who died August the 6th 1835 aged 40 years. Also of the above named George Neame who died April 5th 1850 aged 56 years.
(On the West side)
In the vault beneath are deposited the remains of John NEAME late of this parish and eldest son of Austin and Mary Neame, late of Lower Garrington [in] the parish of Littlebourn. He died 22nd of October 1817 aged 78 years. Also of Sarah wife of the above John Neame who died June 2nd 1830 aged 75 years.
Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice
18. Headstone under Yew tree to South of church. Top sculptured with drapery or clouds – a cherub’s head and a trumpet. Here lieth interr’d ye body of Susanna PETTMAN who departed this life ye 12th of October 1745 aged 39 years.
19. Large HS and body stone North of chancel – Arms cut at top of the HS. A fess between 3 demi lions rampant, crest … ……. crown 3 acorns and across them a bord? (In Roman caps) Here are interred the mortal remains of the reverend Nicholas SIMONS AM late rector of this parish and Vicar of Minster in Thanet he was born January 1st AD MDCCLIV and died April XXth AD MDCCCXXXIX.
20. HS and body stone East of last To the memory of Jane, second daughter of the late Revd. Nicholas SIMONS MA who died March 2nd 1856 aged 70 years.
21. Large HS finely sculptured at top with 2 sculls and cherub’s head and flowers etc. North of church. Here lieth inter’d ye body of Edward BROWNING late of Brambling in this parish and also of Elizabeth his wife. She died June 20th 1751 aged 53. He died August 15th 1754 aged 66 years. They left issue two sons and two daughters viz. Edward James Elizabeth and Mary, who in memory of the above have caused this stone to be erected.
22. Small HS South of church, scull and hourglass at top. Here lieth in hope of a joyous resurrection the body of Mr. Stephen HOLMAN of this parish who departed this life the 24 of January 1734 (sunk).
23. Small HS close to the South of last – a winged scull crowned, cut at top Here lieth the body of Stephen the son of Mr. Stephen HOLMAN and Ann his wife who died the 24th January 1733 aged 18 months and also their daughter (sunk).
24. HS close to the South of church. Sacred to the memory of Stephen CASTLE who departed this life November the 4th 1818 aged 78 years.
25. HS close to S. of last In memory of Mary, wife of Stephen CASTLE of this parish who died December 13 1813 aged 74 years.
26. HS South of church (R. caps) Sacred to the memory of William TUCKER late of this parish who died April 1st 1844 aged 55 years (Italic caps). Your earthly tabernacle is composed only of mud walls and like mine must come down moulder and decay. Also of William Robert grandson of the above and son of William and Jane Tucker who died September 10th 1851 aged eight months.
27. HS close to S of last To the memory of Mary TUCKER late of this parish who died 19th September 1834 aged 73 years. Our life hangs by a single thread which soon is cut and we are dead then boast not reader of thy might alive at noon, but dead at night.
28. Several stones of MINTER family.
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Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 9th May 2008
In The Chancell.
29. On a Flat Stone, with this Coat. [¼ly with pretence of ULSTER:
1&4). HEAD, 4.57, St Mild. Canterbury.
2&3). ¼ly: 1&4). Erm. on a fesse gu. 3 roses or. 2&3). Az. 3 stags trippant or]. *Corpus Richardi Head Baronetti Filij natu maximi Francisci Head Baronetti; et Margarettae, Uxoris suae, subtus depositum jacet. obijt Octavo Die Maij, Vicessimo septimo Anno Aetatis, Annoq Domini 1721. Subtus etiam, duo Fratres, et duae Sorores ejusdem, Georgius, et Henricus, Sarah, et Margaretta, obdormiunt. (* Under this Stone is a large Vault – abt. 9 feet wide, & 13 Feet long – it was opened in July 1767 for Dr GEEKIE, who made the 17th Corpse deposited there).
30. On Another Flat Stone. Here lyeth The Body of Robert PETTMAN late of this Parish, Brewer, who left Issue 5 Sons, and 1 Daughter. Hee departed this Life the 8th Day of June, 1685 aged 70 Yeares.
31. On The Verge of an ancient Flat Stone, which has been inlaid with a Cross Fleury. Orate: pro: Animâ: Martini: de: …. [Hampton]: quondam: Rectoris: hujus: Ecclie: et: Prebendarij: de: W[engeham] 1306.
32. Two other Ancient Flat Stones, their Brasses & Inscriptions gone. Dr HARRIS says there were 18 Stalls remaining here, in his Time, but there are none now. 1759.
33. In The South Transcept – or BAA’s Chancell, as it is called.
34. On an Altar Tomb, under an Arch, in the South Wall, is ye Stone Figure of a Man, lying at full Length, armed. There are no Coats, nor Inscription belonging to it, but it is said to have been in Memory of One of the ancient Family of BAA – who were formerly Owners of a Mannor in this Parish, which, from them, is still called the Bay; as is also, this Transept, by the Name of Baa, or Bay’s Chancell.
35. On a Flat Stone, partly hid by a Pew. Here lieth The Body ../ Richard AUSTEN …./Baye at Ickham …./County of Kent …./who had …./the Second …../M. VINCENT …./of Wyming …/aforesaid …./by whome …./5 Sonnes …../whereof …./Daughter …../this Life ye 19th of …./ aged 62, 164./. Here, also, in her Father’s Grave lieth ../Elizabeth, eldest Daughter of Ri…../ was the Wife and Widow of Michael …../by whome Shee had Issue 4 Sonnes, …./ of which 2 Sonnes and 1 Daughter …./living at hir Death. Shee was bap ../ of May 1615 and Shee died Aprill ../ - "Oh thay they were wise, oh that they would …./ that they would consider their …../.
36. Another Flat Stone, not Legible.
In The North Transept.
37. On an Altar Tomb, under an Arch in the North Wall, lies the Figure, at full Length, of a Priest, as it seems, by its long Garment. This Person is also said to have been of The Family of BAA but there is neither Coat nor Inscription.
38. On a Monument on The East Wall. [I. Or, a griffin segreant purp. on a chief gu. 3 spear-heads, points upward, arg.
II. ¼ly: 1&4). BERISFORD (4.44, St Geo. Cant.).
2&3). Per chevn. az. & gu. 3 pheons or]. M.S. Heere, in this Chancell, lyeth interred, The Right workshipfull Sr. William SOUTHLAND, of Lee, in this Paris, Knt., who married Anne, Daughter of Michael Berisford, of Westerham, in Kent, Esq. and left Issue by her 2 Sonnes; the one surviving, which is Thomas Southland, Esq. (who married Mary, the Daughter of Sr. Thomas SPRINGATE, of the Broyle Place, in Sussex, Knight) and the Younger deceased. and left 9 Daughters, 6 Surviving, and 3 deceased. Natus 18 Octob. 1578. obijt primo Maij 1638. Terram Terra premit, conclusus Carcere Carcer,/Templum Templa tenent, Urnula Corpus habet./Invigilat Terrae Caelum, Mens Claustra reviset,/Spiritus et Templum, quid facis, Urna, cave./Depositum sanctum est; servato fideliter; instat/Judicis Adventus; cum vocat Ille, data./Usque quo, Domine?
39. On a Flat Stone, with this Coat. [On a lozenge: BARRET (4.47 St. Margaret’s, Cantby.) imp. Az. a chevron betw. 3 bells or]. Here lyeth The Body of Dame Sarah Barret, Daughter of Sr. George ENT, Knight, Wife to Francis HEAD of Rochester, Esq. and to Sr. Paul Barret of Canterbury Knt. She had 4 Sons, and 2 Daughters by the Former; and, by the latter whom She survived, had 1 Son, and a Daughter. She departed this Life 6 Oct. 1711. Aged 63.
40. An Ancient Flat Stone not Legible.
In The South Isle.
41. On a Flat Stone. Heere lyeth the Body of Robert AUSTIN, Son of Richard AUSTEN, late of Ickham, at the Bay; who died a Batchelor the 12th of October, in ye Yeare 1652 of his Age 21 Yeares.
In The Body.
42. Two ancient Flat Stones without Inscription – 1 of wch. has been inlaid.
43. In The church Yard, are 2 ancient Altar Tombs, not legible – and Memorials of, BROWNING, GIBBS, HOLMAN IMPITT, MINTER, MUTTON, PARAMORE (an Altar Tomb), PETMAN and WARNER.
44. This Church consists of The Chancell, North and South Transepts, and 2 Side Isles. The Steeple, which has a taper Spire, stands at the West End; in which hang 4 Bells, whose inscriptions (if they have any) it was too dark for Me to read.
45. This Church was dedicated to St. John the Evangelist. It is a Rectory in the Gift of The Arch Bishop of Canterbury. The present Rector is The Revd. Dr. John LYNCH, Dean of Canterbury 1758.
46. In a Field in this Parish, which goes by the Name of Treasury Field, several Roman Coins have been found. I have a Bead, in my Possession, of that sort which are call’d Adder Heads, or Druid’s Amulets. It is about the Size of a middling Wallnut, and is blue, white, and red. see GIBSON’s Cambden, Edit. 1695. Fol. 695 & Drake’s York, Plate 8 No.24.25.26. These are generally look’d upon as British Remains; but, as I have several others (wch. tho much smaller, are of ye same Colours & Composition) which I found in Roman Urns, and wth. other Roman Antiquities, at Ash, I make no Doubt of their being Roman. see Vol. 3. Page 159 [Ash] of my Collections.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
BAA 34, 37
Berisford 38
de: W[engeham] 31
ENT 39
HEAD 29, 39
MINTER 28, 43
Neame 15, 16, 17
PETTMAN 3, 18, 30
SIMONS 19, 20
TUCKER 26, 27
Places IndexBrambling 21
Broyle Place, Sussex 38
Calcutta 16
Canterbury 1, 29, 39
Garrington 15, 16
Bay 41
Lee 38
Rochester 39
Lower Gassington,
Littlebourne 17
Minster in Thanet 19
Preston near Wingham 8
St. Dunstan’s Canterbury 16
Staple 14
Westerham 38
Wyming .. . 35GeneralAdmiral 4
Baronette 2
brewer 3, 30
Curate 8
Dover 6
Head of Rochester 1
Knight 1
Oriel College, Oxford 8
rector 19
Reverend 8, 19, 20
Yeoman 11