Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wickhambreaux Church
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Monumental Inscriptions of St Margaret's Church, St Margaret's Street, Rochester
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Ickham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wickhambreaux Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wickhambreaux Church, noted by Bax & Rice Saturday 7th May 1892. Pages 20-23 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 25th May 2008.
No Bax's
1. Names in churchyard West, Minster, Nunn, Dadds (several MI), Osborn, Laker, Hewson, Beake (numerous), Laslett, Tickner (3), Bing (4), Dadd (2), Larkin (6 or 7), Goulder, Epps, Collard 1 of Wickhambreux, Court (high tomb), Court (of Stodmarsh Court), Eary, Solly, Larkin (6 of 7).
2. HS 3 sculls above close to N chancel door Here lieth the body of Samuel SMITH who departed this life March 29 1751 aged 77 years. He left surviving 10 children, Stephen, Hallam, and Theophilus, Harrison who married, his two eldest daughters caused these stones to be erected.
3. Three HSS in N side of church – together. Cherub’s head and sculls above. Here lieth the body of Robert ROSE son of Edward Rose by Mary his wife and grandson of Robert Beake Senr. who departed this life February 16 1759 aged 22 years. Near this place lie Mary and John Rose who died infants.
4. HS To the memory of Mary wife of Edward ROSE who died July 13 1763 aged 59 years. She was daughter of Robert and Mary Beake.
5. HS. Cherub’s head above. In memory of Edward ROSE late of the parish of Holy Cross, Westgate, Canterbury, who died 21 January 1776 aged 76 years.
6. HS. A crowned scull. Here lieth the body of Sarah EVERNDEN late wife of John Evernden of this parish she departed this life the 26th day of August 1728 aged 79 years.
7. HS. Here lyeth ye body of Vincents (sic) BRICE son of Vincent Brice of this parish who departed this life the 21st day of March 1682 (sunk).
8. HS scull Here lieth the body of Mary BRICE ye wife of Vincent Brice (sunk).
9. HS Here lieth ye body of Ann STODDARDS she died May 16th 1722 aged 13 years.
10. High tomb on the S side of churchyard, railed (on the N side of the tomb). In a vault beneath are deposited the remains of William BEAKE late of Supperton in this parish who departed this life August 12th 1810 aged 46 years. Also of Grace wife of the said William Beake who died March 25th 1810 aged 49 years. Likewise of Henry son of the above William and Grace Beake who died 13th July 1817 aged 14 years. (No insc. on top or on other 3 sides).
11. HS (Close to foregoing HT) In memory of Mary daughter of William and Grace BEAKE who died 20th December 1802 aged 10 years.
12. HS In memory of John son of William and Grace BEAKE who died February 4 1797 aged 6 years.
13. Other ‘Beake’ stones N side of churchyard.
Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice.
14. HS East of chancel. Roman italic caps. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of Christopher WHITE of Grove Corner (Italics) in this parish who departed this life on the 31st of August 1826 aged 90 years.
15. HS close to the South of last (Italics) In memory of Christopher WHITE late of this parish who died May the 2nd 1793 aged 57 years.
16. HS close to and to the South of last (Italics) Sacred to the memory of William WHITE son of the late Christopher and Elizabeth White of Grove Corner, in this parish who died December 21st 1843 aged 78 years.
17. HS close to and S of last. R. caps. Sacred to the memory of Henry William MARSH of the parish of Herne in this county. He departed this life June 26th 1835 in the 34th year of his age. Though lost to sight to memory dear.
18. HS South of chancel 3 sculls and 2 pair of crossbones at top. Here lieth the body of John ANSELL late of this parish who departed this life December the 10th 1750 aged 57 years.
19. HS North of church In memory of Mary wife of Daniel PETT of this parish she died the 25th December 1791 aged 41 years and 11 months. Also of the above Daniel Pett. He died the 28th February 1806 aged 52 years.
20. HS also to S of last In memory of Michael PETT and Jane his wife both of this parish. He died June the 2nd 1780 aged 66 years. She died the 31st of February 1756 aged 39 years.
21. HS North of church In memory of (Italics) John EVERNDEN who departed this life May 27th 1793 aged 79 years. Also of Mary his wife who died October 22nd 1785 aged 64 years.
22. High brick tomb N of church and to E of last. Here lyeth the body of Thomas EVERNDEN ye elder who lived at Wickhambreux Cort in this parish. Hee departed this life 3 (sic) [day] October 10th 1719 [ed] [this] aged 53 years [of] left surviving one son and three daughters. Here lieth the body of William Evernden son of John and Elizabeth Evernden of Ickham who died December the 3rd 1756 aged 24 years.
23. HS close to, and to the North of last 2 sculls 2 hourglasses and a X bones at top in stone broken off just below ground where it had been previously jointed with lead etc. Here lieth ye body of John EVERNDEN late of this parish who married Elizabeth daughter of Charles Rose of Chislet by whom he had 7 sons 4 daughters of which 4 sons and 3 daughters surviv’d and 4 lye here interr’d. He died February 4th 1731 aged 47 years.24. Large double HS with two body stones South of church Sacred to the memory of Hester wife of John PETT who departed this life February 8th 1827 aged 71 years. Sacred to the memory of John PETT late of the Old Tree Farm in the parish of Hoath in this county who departed this life July 10th 1836 in the 88th year of his age. Also James son of the above who departed this life March 17th 1831 aged 41 years.
Canterbury, Holy Cross, Westgate, 5
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Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 25th May 2008
In The Chancell.
25. On a very neat Monument, on The North Wall. [Erm. on a bend cotised sa. 3 griffins’ heads erased or]. Here are laid The Remains of The Revd. Alexander YOUNG, B.D. descended from an ancient Family at Axminster in Devonshire, and born in April 1669. He was, first, Fellow of Christ’s College, in Cambridge. Afterwards, more than 42 Years, a consciencious, and exemplary Pastor of this Parish. He rebuilt ye Parsonage House; & spent, in the Improvement of this Benefice, and, of his other at East Church upwards of Two Thousand Pounds. By Nature, he was chearfull, and easy in himself; by Habit, pious, and benevolent to all. As a true Christian, as a Scholar, as a polite Gentleman, as a liberal and learned Divine, he was an Ornament to his Profession. He died Mar. 21 1755 in the 86th Year of his Age. Mrs Mary Young, out of her affectionate and dutyfull Regard to her Unkle erected this Monument to his Memory.
26. On a Flat Stone. Alexander YOUNG, B.D. Rector of This Parish died Mar. 21 1755 aged 86.
27. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth interred The Body of John SMITH, some time Rector of this Parish who departed this Life on the 28th Day of October 1658 aged 83 Yeares & 9 Monthes.
28. On a Brass Plate fixt to a Flat Stone, under ye Fig. of a Priest. Hic jacet Dns Henricus WELDE, quondam Rector isti Ecclesiae, qui obijt nono Die Octobris, Anno Dni MCCCCXX (1420). Cujus Aie ppicietur Deus. Amen.
29. Here are Two other Flat Stones, whose Inscriptions are gone; They appear to be very ancient. One of them has been inlaid with a Brass Figure, which is lost.
30. In The East Window is The following Coat, within the Garter. [¼ly of 16:
*1&6). Arg. on a bend cotised sa. 3 lions passt. arg.
2&5). ¼ly: 1&4). Gu. a lion rampant or. 2&3). Sa. a fret or.
3,4,8). Lost.
7). Or, a spreadeag;e sa.
**9). Gu. 3 leopards or, a border arg.
10 & 13***). Arg. a saltire engailed gu.
11). Gu. a cross engrailed arg.
12). Arg. on a canton gu. a molet arg.
14). Or, a lion rampant gu.
15). Not to be distinguished.
16). Arg. a fesse dancety sa.].(*I take this to be the Coat of Anthony BROWNE, Viscount MONTAGUE, who was the Possessor of Wickham Breux, Temp ELISABETHAE, whose descendants sold it to Sr. Henry PALMER. See Philpot, F.361. Harris. F.332).(** I take this to be the Coat of Edm. PLANTAGINET, EARL of KENT).(*** I suppose this to be the Coat of John TIPTOFT, EARL of WORCESTER – who was a Possessor of it, Temp. EDWARD 4. See Philpot 361).
In The Body.
31. On a Flat Stone. Laid The 12th of May 1621. Here lyeth buried the Body of Thomas BEAKE the elder, sometimes Owner of Supperton in this Pish. of Wickham Breux, who died the 10th Day of Septemb. in A.Dni. 1559 and left Issue Three Sonnes, and one Daughter aged .. Yeares.
32. On Another, partly hid by a Pew. ……/ a Third Thomas ……./Grandfather, and Father ……./ who died the 10th ……../ being of The Age of ……../ Issue, one sole ………/[B]EAKE, who now liveth.
In The South Isle.
33. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth buried the Body of Nisell, the Wife of Francis LARKIN of this Parish, by whome she had Issue 3 Sons, and .. Daughters. She died Mar. 8 1680/1 aged .. Yeares. Francis Larkin, Son of Francis Larkin, late of this Parish died October the 13th 1726 aged 51 Years. He left Issue by Jane his Wife .. Sons and 2 Daughters.
34. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of Francis LARKIN, Son of Francis Larkin of this Parish, hee left Issue 1 Sonn and 3 Daughters. hee died Sept. the 11th 1653 aged 30 Yeares. Here lieth the Body of Francis Larkin, Son of the abovesaid Francis Larkin of this Parish. hee left Issue 3 Sonnes, and 6 Daughters. He died April the first Day 1703 aged 59 Yeares.
35. On Another. Here lieth The Body of Mary YOUNGE, Daughter of Francis LARKIN, shee left Issue 2 Sonnes, and 3 Daughters. shee died Feb. 15 1658/9 aged 31 Yeares.
36. Two other Flat Stones without Inscription.
37. In The East Window of This Isle is a Representation of ye Beheading of St. John, the Baptist – and the 3 following Coats.[I. OLD FRANCE ¼g. ENGLAND, a label of 3 points arg.
II. MORTIMER ¼g Or, a cross gu.
III. BARRY of 6 or & az. with the chief paly az. & or & its corners gyronny ditto, with a scutcheon arg. (MORTIMER, EARL of MARCHE)] (Sh. drawn, but words fill ¼s).
In The North Isle.
38. On a Flat Stone. Laid the 12th Day of May 1621. Here lieth buried the Body of a Second Thomas BEAKE, one of the Sonnes of Thomas Beake the elder, who succeeded his Father in Supperton, in this Parish, who died the 15th Day of June, in A.D. 1596, being of The Age of Fortye Seven Yeares, and left Issue one Sonne and 5 Daughters.
39. One other Flat Stone, not legible.
40. In The East Window is this Coat. [A chevron engrailed]. (no tinctures). The Colours not distinguishable.
41. This Church, which is large and neat, consists of The Chancell, Body, and 2 Side Isles. The Tower is very roomy, and pretty high, and stands at the West End; in it are 6 Bells, thus inscribed.
1. Samuel KNIGHT, Fecit 1728.
2. S.K. Fecit 1728.
3. S.K. Fecit 1728.
4. S.K. Fecit 1728.
5. Alexander YOUNG, Rector 1728.
6. John BING & John EVERDEN, Ch. Wardens 1728.
42. In The Church Yard are Memorials of ANSELL, BEAKE, BRICE, EVERDEN, SOLLEY, SMITH and STODDARD.
43. This Church was dedicated to St. Andrew. It is a Rectory, in the Patronage of The Heirs of The late Sr. Thomas PALMER Bart. The Present Rector is The Revd. Mr Thomas HAY. 1758.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
ANSELL 18, 42
BEAKE 1, 3, 10, 11, 12,13, 31, 32, 38, 42
BING 1, 41
BRICE 7, 8, 42
Collard 1
Dadd 1
Dadds 1
Eary 1
Epps 1
EVERNDEN 6, 21, 22, 23, 41, 42
Goulder 1
Hewson 1
Laker 1
LARKIN 1, 33, 34
Laslett 1
Minster 1
Nunn 1
Osborn 1
PETT 19, 20, 24
ROSE 3, 4, 5, 23
SMITH 2, 27, 42
Solly 1
Tickner 1
West 1
YOUNG 25, 26, 41
Places IndexAxminster, Devonshire 25
Chislet 23
Eastchurch 25
Grove Corner 14, 15, 16
Herne 17
Ickham 22
Hoath, Old Tree Farm 24
Stodmarsh Court 1
Supperton 10, 31, 38
Wickhambreux Court 1, 22