Almond, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


The almond is highly revered in some cultures, the tree originating in the Middle East. In the Bible, the almond is mentioned ten times, beginning with Genesis 43:11, where it is is described as "among the best fruits".

The almond tree is a deciduous tree growing between four to twelve metres in height. The leaves are green with a serrated margin, and the flowers are pale pink with five petals, produced singly, or in pairs in early spring.

In Christianity, the almond, with its seed concealed behind an outer hull and a hard shell is said to symbolize the purity of the virgin Mary, and the hidden godliness within, the human shape of Jesus. Christian icons often feature Mary and Jesus Christ within an almond-like mandorla or frame (mandorla means almond in Italian) or as haloes encircling the Christ child.



Amigdala sive amigdalus arbor est. que cunctis ar-
boribus prior; se flore vestit. et ad inferenda poma;
arbusta sequentia prevenit. Et est. amigdala grecum
nomen. que latine nux longa vocatur. Hanc alii nu-
cidam vocant. quasi minorem nucem. Amigdale dulces;
sunt calide et humide. amigdale amare; sunt cali-
de et sicce. Amare; dantur pro medicina. Dulces; pro-
cibo. Nomine amigdale aliquando dnr snie sacre scripture.
Populus duplex est. alba scilicet et nigra. Alba dicitur;
eoquod folia eius in una parte sunt alba. in altera; vi-
rida. Hec ergo bicolor. habens quasi diei et noctis notas. quo
tempore ortu solis occasuque constat. Generat etiam
resinam circa heridanum fluvium. vel ut alii dicunt in finibus sirie.

The almond, or almond tree, is the tree which precedes all trees; He dresses himself with flowers, and brings apples; prevents the following shrubs. And it is, the Greek name of almond, which in Latin is called nux longa. Others call this a nut, as if it were a smaller nut. Sweet almonds; they are hot and humid, love almonds; they are warm and dry. To love; they are given for medicine. Sweets; I will come forward. The name of the almond is sometimes mentioned in the sacred scriptures.

There are two kinds, white and black. It is called white; because its leaves are white on one side and white on the other; green This, then, is bicolor, having as it were the marks of day and night, at which time the rising and setting of the sun are established. It also generates resin around the Heridan River. or, as others say, in the borders of Syria.


With thanks for the researches of library volunteers Alan and Jean Minnerthey.