Basilisk, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


The legendary basilisk is often described as a crested snake and is said to be hatched by a toad from the egg of a cockerel.

The legendary basilisk is often described as a crested snake, and depicted as a cock with the tail of a snake. In Greek, it is called "regulus" which means "little king", because it is the king of creeping things. It's odour can kill other snakes, and its stare can kill a person" The Weasel is the only creature that can kill a Basilisk. The Basilisk is said to be hatched by a toad from the egg of a cockerel.



Basiliscus grece; latine interpretatur regulus. eo quod
sit rex serpentium; adeo ut eum videntes fugiant.
Quia olfactu suo; eas necat. Et insimul si hominem
aspiciat; interimit. Siquidem ab eius aspectu nul-
la avis volans illesa transit. Sed quamvis procul sit; ore com-
busta devoratur. A mustelis tamen vincitur. quas illis
homines inferunt cavernis; in quibus delitescunt.
Itaque ea visa fugit. quem illa persequens; occidit. Nichil
enim ille parens rerum sine remedio constituit. Est
autem longitudine semipedalis. albis maculis linea-
tus. Nomine basilisci diabolus significatur. qui est rex omnium
demonum. Unde illud. Super aspidem et basiliscum. et cetera.
Reguli autem sicut scorpiones arentia queque sec-
tantur. Et postquam ad aquas venerint; lim-
phaticos faciunt. Sibilus idem est qui et regulus.
Sibilo enim occidit; antequam mordeat vel exurat;

Basiliscus in Greek; In Latin, regulus is interpreted as being the king of serpents; so much so that when they saw him they fled. Because by his sense of smell; it kills them. And at the same time if he looks at a man; destroys Indeed, from his sight no flying bird passes unharmed. But however far it may be; it is devoured with a burnt mouth. However, he is defeated by the weasels. which men bring to them into caves; in which they hide. And so, seeing her, she fled, whom she was pursuing; killed For that parent has established nothing without a remedy. It is half a foot long, lined with white spots. By the name of the basilisk is signified the devil, who is the king of all the demons. Where does that come from? On the asp and the basilisk, and so on. But the rulers follow each other like scorpions. And after they had come to the waters; they make lymphatics. The whistle is the same as the rule. For he killed by hissing; before it bites or burns.