Duck, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

A very short entry in the medieval bestiary records that ducks love to swim (Barber 2008).



Anas ab assiduitate natandi nomen aptum acce-
pit. Anseris nomen anas; dedit per dirivationem.
vel asimilitudine. vel quo ipsa natandi freque-
tiam habet. Omnium autem genera volu-
crum bis nascitur. Primum enim ova gignuntur. Inde
calore materni corporis formantur et animantur.
Ova autem dicta; ab eo quod sunt humida. Unde et
uva ab eo quod intrinsecus humore sit plena. Nam
humidi est quod externis humorem habet. Uvidum;
quod interius. Quidam autem putant ovum gre-
cam habere originem nominis. Illi autem dicunt
.oa.v. littera sublata. Ova autem quedam inani-
vento concipiuntur. sed tamen non sunt generabilia;
nisi que fuerint concubitu maculino concepta;
et feminali spiritu penetrata. Ovorum vim tan-
tam dicunt; ut lignum eo perfusum non ardeat
nec vestis quidem aduratur admixta. Fertur quoque
calce ovo admixta; vitri glutinare fragmenta.

The duck received its apt name from its constant swimming. The name of goose is duck; she gave by diversion, or by assimilation, or by which she has the frequency of swimming. But all kinds of birds are born twice. For the first time the eggs are produced. Then they are formed and animated by the heat of the mother's body. And the said eggs; from the fact that they are moist. Hence the grape is full of internal moisture. For it is moist because it has external moisture. An apple tree; that interior. But some think that the egg has a Greek origin. And they say, .oa.v. letter removed Now the eggs are conceived by a certain inanimate object, but they are not generative; unless they have been conceived by sexual intercourse; and penetrated by the feminine spirit. They say that the power of eggs is so great; so that the wood permeated with it does not burn, nor does the garment burn when mixed with it. It is also served with lime mixed with an egg; glue pieces of glass.


Chicken, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


Ape, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230