Elm, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

The wood of the elm is very pliant and can withstand wet conditions. It was widely used in boat building, wagon wheels and bridge foundations. In medieval times, elm was frequently used to make longbows if yew was unavailable.

Elms are deciduous and semi-deciduous trees that are widely found across the northern hemisphere. They can grow to a height of thirty metres, and live for one hundred years.

In mythology, the elm was associated with the underworld, melancholy and death, elm was traditionally used to make coffins. Elm was also used in a medicinal context; The inner bark of the elm was chewed or boiled to produce a liquid for treating colds and sore throats, and boiled bark was used to treat burns.



Ulmus nomen accepit; quod uliginosis locis et hu-
midis; melius proficit. Nam in montanis et asperis
minus leta est. Solet esse. ulmus alta. et ramis patula. et
quasi vitis in latum protendi pt. Et significat sanctos et
doctores eu ecclesie. Unde ysaias. Ponam in deser-
tum abietem. ulmum et buxum simul;
Buxus a latinis corruptum nomen est. Pixos enim
appellatur a grecis. Arbor semper virens. et levita-
te materie elementorum apicibus apta. Unde
et scriptura. Scribe in buxo. Buxus quoque est. arbor
fortis. dura. et diuturna. mancis et arcubus ap-
ta. et semper foliis virens. Nomine buxi aliquando
dicuntur fortes doctores. aliquando fortes in seculo elati et
divites et florentes in mundo;

He received the name Elm; that in wet and humid places; better progress. For in the mountains and rough places it is less fortunate. It is usually an elm tree, tall and spreading branches, and spreading out like a vine. And it signifies the saints and teachers of the church. Whence Isaiah I will put it in the wilderness. elm and box together. Boxwood is a corrupted name from the Latins. For the Greeks call it Pixos. An ever-green tree, and the lightness of the material adapted to the tips of the elements. Hence the writing. Write in the box. There is also the boxwood, a strong, hard, and durable tree, suitable for bows and arrows, and always green with leaves. By the name of Buxi, they are sometimes called strong teachers, sometimes strong in the century, rich and flourishing in the world.


Ebony, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


Pine, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230