Pelican, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

The medieval bestiary has a particularly strange and rather gory tale to tell about the parenting practices of pelicans.

The medieval bestiary records that pelicans live along the Nile. They love their young but when the young grow up they will strike their parent in the face the parent will strike back and kill it, after three days the mother will open her breast and side and lie on her young to let her blood flow on their dead body and her love will bring them back to life (Barber 2008).



Pellicanus avis egiptia habitat in solitudine;
nili fluminis. Unde et nomen sumpsit. Nam cana-
pos egiptus dicitur. Hec avis amatrix est. nimis filiorum.
Que cum genuerit natos; percutiunt parentes suos; in
faciem. sed parentes quasi ad iracundiam provoca-
ti; repercutiunt eos. et occidunt. Per tridium autem
lugent mortem filiorum; quasi penitentia ducti. Ter-
cia vero die mater eorum rostro percutiens costam suam;
aperit latus suum. et incumbit super pullos suos. et
effundit sanguinem super corpora mortuorum. et sic susci-
tat eos a mortuis. Pellicanus est predicator qui predi-
cat fidem christi. vel ipse dominus noster iesus christus. auctor et condi-
tor totius creature. qui genuit nos. Et cum non
essemus; fecit nos. Nos vero econtrario percussimus eum
in faciem. sicut per ysaiam dicit. Filios enutrivi et ex-
altavi; ipsi autem spreverunt me. Tunc percussimus eum
in faciem; cum servimus creature potius quam creatori.
Iccirco ascendit ipse in altitudinem crucis. percussoque
latere eius exivit sanguis et aqua. quo sanguine
vivificavit peccatores resuscitans eos a peccatis;
ad vitam eternam. Unde david. Similis factus sum
pellicano solitudinis. et cetera.
duo sunt genera. Aliud aquatile. aliud solitudinis.
et sunt aves cum longis rostris. et significant predicato-
res christi; verba christi usque ad fines orbis terrarum dissemi-
nantes. tan in iudea; quam in solitudine gentium. Heritius
est ipse christus. tectus similitudine carnis peccati. vel pre-
dicator spinis sententiarum subtilium; peccata nostra;
There are two genera of Onocrotalus. One is aquatic, the other solitary, and there are birds with long beaks, and they signify the preachers of Christ; spreading the words of Christ to the ends of the earth, even in Judea; than in the solitude of the nations. The heir is Christ himself, covered with the similitude of sinful flesh, or the preacher of fine sentences of thorns, erasing our sins.


Hoopoe, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


Siren, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230