Peridexion tree, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

The sweet fruit of the mythical peridexion tree is beloved by doves and thus the shadow of the tree is feared by their mortal enemy the dragon.

The Peridexion Tree, (also known as the "perindens") is a mythical tree which grows in India. Doves live in this tree, and feed on the sweet and pleasant fruit which the tree produces. Dragons, which are the enemy of doves, fear the shadow of the tree, and so the doves nest in the shade of the tree. While they remain in the tree, they are safe, but if any leave the tree, they are caught by the dragon and killed.

The story of the Peridexion Tree is allegorical of the christian faith. The tree is God the Father, the shadow of the tree is God the Son, and the fruit of the tree is the wisdom of the Lord, that is the Holy Ghost. The doves are christians, who are safe as long as they remain faithful to the church, but if they leave the church, they will be caught and devoured by the dragon , who is the devil.



Perindens est arbor in india. fructus autem
huius arboris dulcis est totus dulcis et valde suavis.
Columbe autem delectantur in fructibus huius ar-
boris. habitantque in ea pascentes fructus eius.
Draco autem inimicus est columbis timetque arborem
et umbram eius. ubi columbe morantur. et non potest ap-
propinquare arbori neque umbre eius. Si enim umbra
eius venerit ad occidentem; fugit draco ad orien-
tem. si ad orientem; fugit ad occidentem. Si autem eve-
nerit ut columba inveniatur extra arborem aut um-
bram eius; occidit eam draco. Arborem deum pa-
trem intellige. umbram filium. sicut gabriel
dicit ad mariam. Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te
et virtus altissimi obumbrabit tibi. Fructum; ce-
lestem sapientiam. deum scilicet. Columbam spi-
ritum sanctum. id est spiritualem columbam
intelligibilem de celo descendentem et manentem
super te. ne foris fias ab eternitate. alienus a patre
et spiritu sancto. et draco. id est diabolus te inte-

It is a sweet tree in India, and the fruit of this sweet tree is very sweet and very sweet. And the doves delight in the fruits of this tree, and dwell in it, feeding on its fruits. But the dragon is an enemy to doves and fears the tree and its shadow, where the doves dwell, and cannot approach the tree or its shadow. For if his shadow comes to the west; the dragon flees to the east, if to the east; he fled to the west. But if it happens that a dove is found outside the tree or its shade; the dragon killed her.

Think of the tree as the father, the shadow as the son, as Gabriel says to Mary: ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you’. Fruit is heavenly wisdom, that is, God. A dove, the holy spirit, that is, an intelligible spiritual dove descending from heaven and remaining upon you, lest you become outside for eternity, a stranger from the Father and the Holy Spirit, and let the dragon, that is, the devil, kill you.

rimat. Nam si habeas spiritum sanctum non potest tibi ap-
propinquare draco. Attende ergo o homo et permane in fide
catholica. ibique habita ibique persevera. Immo quantum
potes cave ne extra domum foris inveniaris. et com-
prehendat te ille draco serpens antiqus et devoret te;
sicut iudam. qui mox ut exiit a domo foras id est a
fratribus apostolis; statim a demone devoratus est; et

For if you have the Holy Spirit, the dragon cannot come near you. Take heed therefore, O man, and persevere in the Catholic faith, and abide there and continue there. Rather, take care as much as you can that you are not found outside the house, and that ancient dragon-serpent seizes you and devours you; like a Jew who as soon as he left the house outside, that is, from the apostles' brothers; he was immediately devoured by a demon; and perished.


Ape, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


Asp, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230