Salamander, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

The Rochester Bestiary repeats the ancient inaccuracy that salamanders thrown into fires will extinguish the flames.



Salamandra vocatur; quod contra incen-
dia valere. Cuius inter omnia ve-
nenata vis maxima est. Cetera enim singulos
feriunt; hec plurimos pariter interimit. Nam
si irrepserit arbori; omnia poma inficit vene-

There is a creature called a salamander; which is effective against fires. Whose poison is the greatest among all things. For the rest they strike each one; he destroys many alike. For if he crawled up a tree; he infects all the apples

no. et eos qui ea ederint inficit veneno et sic oc-
cidit. Que etiam vel si in puteum cadat(changed from cadant) vis ve-
neni eius potantes interimit. Ista contra in-
cendia repugnans; sola animalium ignes ex-
tinguit. Vivit enim in mediis flamis; sine dolo-
re. et consumptione. et non solum non uritur;
set extinguit incendium et flammas

with poison, and those who eat them he infects with poison and thus kills. Even if it falls into a well, the force of its poison destroys those who drink it. These are resistant to fires; only animal fires are extinguished. For he lives in the midst of flames; without pain and consumption, and not only does it not burn; he extinguishes the fire and the flames.


Lizards, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


Scorpion, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230