Will of John Clerke senior of St Clements Dacorum, gentleman, 1480

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

JOHN CLERKE senior - 1480 PCC : 2 Logge  21 Marcii 1480. Johannes Clerke senior de p. Sci Clementes Dacorum extra barr noni templi London Gentilman. Sep si contigerit me decedere in p Sci C. ad sep in ecclia ordinis Frm minorum. Do et lego p'dict ordini in civte London ad orand pro salute anime mee £4. Lego sum alt. eccl paroch de Wroteham pro dec. meis obl 13/4. Lego ad distrib apud Wroteham inter pauperes die obitus mei 10s in die mens mee vid. per 4 septimanas post meum decessum 13/4. Lego Henrico Skynner 3/4. Johanni Underwod 12d. Thome Chapman 20s. Beatrice sorori mee 6/8. Johanni Dean 6/8. Johanni Wreight filio eius [sic] 3/4. Thome Abraham 6/8. Galfrido Palley 12d. Roberto Kenworth 12d. Agneti Kenworth 6/8. Sum alt de Adyngton pro dec: oblitis 3/4. Fabrice dicte ecclie 3/4. Lego eccl de Trottiscleve 6/8. Fratrbz de Ailesford ad orand 10s. Lego pro uno capellano idoneo ad celebr in ecclia de Wroteham uno anno. tantium quod sufficit ad celebrand. Lego fabriacon' ecclie be Marie de Tourehill 20s. Fabricacoi eccl Cath Roffen 20s. Volo qd Alicia uxor mea habeat occupacoin om Jocalium meorum et utensilum domus meo. Et post dec. qd Johannes filius meus habeat occup Jocal. & utel. p'dict. Resid Alicie et Johanni filio meo. Exe'ores. [Latin]

[English] This is .. 10 Dec 20 Edw III. I wolle Alice my wife shalhave all my tenement of the Forde as long as she is unmaried & my feoffees enfeoff the said Alice in all the lands &c I p'chaced of John Clifford squier in Middelton & Iwade & after her decesse to remayn to John Clerk my sonne & I the same John Clerk thelder woll that my feoffees make astate to the said John my sonne of all my landes &c in the parishes of Wroteham, Stansted, Trottisclif, Adyngton, Reyersshe & Ealdyng, and enfeoff Alice my wif in a mershe in Clyve called the Swhere & in my manoir & tenement called Fawnes for her life & to remayn to John C. my sonne.  Prob. 10 Marcii 1480


Will of John Wailett, citizen & founder of London, 1487


Will of John Donett of Eynsford, 1465