Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights

Transcribed by D.E. Williams. Prepared for the website by Pat Tritton.


Christian name




Date of Will


CLOTWORTHIE Anthony shipwright 1602 01
MUND Grevase


1631 02
TWYMER Edmond shipwright 1632 03
SHARPE Robert shipwright 1637 04
APLYN Nathaniel shipwright 1645 05
CLEMENCE John shipwright 1646 06
PIRKIS John shipwright 1653 07
BORMAN William shipwright 1653 08
HOLBORNE Richard shipwright 1654 09
WIGGINS George shipwright 1656 10
FREWEN Hugh shipwright 1657 11
SAGGS Robert shipwright 1657 12
EMERY Thomas shipwright 1658 13
MOXLEY John shipwright 1658 14
PRUDHAM Andrew shipwright 1659 15
MARTIN Richard shipwright 1659 16
WIGGINS George shipwright 1659 17
HARDEN Peter shipwright 1659 18
WATERMAN John shipwright 1664 19
GODDEN Richard shipwright 1669 20
MOORCOCK Robert shipwright 1670 21
EDERIDGE Daniel shipwright 1672 22
PETT William shipwright 1679 23
CULLEN Thomas shipwright 1683 24
LASH Jonathan shipwright 1689 25
HOUGHTON William shipwright 1691 26
AMOS Peter shipwright 1693 27
BOULTON Joseph shipwright 1694 28
BADCOCK John shipwright 1694 29
MOORCOCK Robert shipwright 1696 30
QUARKE John shipwright 1698 31
CLOTHIER Robert shipwright 1699 32


Christian name




Date of Will


Index of Names - Places - Miscellaneous (occupations, ships etc)

Adams 1
Adams 29
Aldersey 32
Aldridge 17
Allen 31, 32
Allenson 22
Allin 8
Alwin 17
Ambrose 2
Amos 19, 24, 27
Andrews 20
Anely? 5
Apllyn 4
Aplyn 5
Astell 31
Attawell 10

Badcock 29
Bahan? 5
Baker 10
Baniard 22
Batt 10
Bayly 32
Beane 1
Beckett 20
Bedlowe 18
Beke 2
Bennett 19
Berry 11
Binby 5
Borman 8
Boulton 28
Brammidge 5
Brickley? 12
Brighte 5
Bull 20
Burley 6, 8, 9
Burton 32
Butler 9

Capelin 27
Christmas 14
Clarke 26
Clay 13
Clemence 6
Clift 32
Clothier 32
Clotworthie 1
Cockerell 29
Colpott 18
Corblin 32
Cosens 4
Cotes 2
Cotham 14
Cotsworth 21
Cotton 27
Coverley 4
Cozens 7
Crosby 5
Croyden 32
Cullen 24

Dallison 32
Damelowe 3
Dean? 22
Dickson 4
Dulings 4
Dyer 25
Dyer. 32

Eason 18, 19
Eastbrook 26
Eddye 30
Ederidge 22
Edwards 27
Ellett 15
Elllis 13
Finn? 32
Fletcher 5
Fowler 19
Freeman 5, 15
Frewen 11

Galle 5
Gamball 13
Gardener 9
Gardner 9, 21
Gilles 9
Glynes 27
Godden 20
Golby 15
Gooding 20
Goodinge 10
Gore 24
Goter 25
Griggsbee 24

Hadlowe 12
Harbond 18
Harden 18
Harrison 2
Hawtinge 14
Hayward 9
Head 21
Heade? 13
Heath 4, 15, 16
Heath? 13
Heavyside 7
Hende 2
Holborne 9
Holdshipp 21
Hollands 5
Holloway 27
Holt 5
Hopkins 3
Houghton 26
Hutchins 29

Inwood 20
Jee 19
Jerman 10
Jolly 27
Jones 30
Kent 2
Kersewell 1
Kwill 17

Lash 25
Laton 32
Lawrence 25
Leafgreene 2
Leake 15
Lee 20, 26
Leeds 2
Lighte 5
Long 32

Maber 17
Marsh 9
Martin 7, 16
Mayse 21
Messlock? 9
Minors 31
Mitchell 20
Moorcock 21,28,30
Moses 29
Moxley 14
Moyse 21
Mund 2

Nott 2
Noyes 2
Nutte 1
Pader? 22
Painter? 22
Parder 22
Payford 4
Perrin 2
Pett 9, 19, 23
Pimm 2
Pirkis 7
Poole 30
Prescott 5
Prudham 15

Quarke 31

Rallings 9
Rawlings 9
Rayson 17
Reeve 9
Rivers 5
Robinson 9
Roffen 2
Rogers 12, 22
Rosewell 7, 22, 24,
   27, 28
Rowley 2
Rowlph? 1
Rubnett 21

Saggs 12
Sampson 4
Sanders 31
Sansley 1
Say 18
Sharpe 4
Sheafe 23
Short 8
Singleton 3
Skinner 29
Sliter 12, 14, 16
Smith 16
Starks 4
Stevenson 3
Strognell 26
Sturgin 15

Taylor 9
Tearne 5
Tichfield 26
Tihurst 19
Troughton 5
Twiss 22
Twymer 3

Usher 23

Wall 31
Waterman 19
Watson? 26
Westcoat 26
Whitton 14
Whyborne 29
Wiborne 9
Wiggenes 6
Wiggins 10, 17
Wigson 12
Woodman 26
Woodroff 11
Woodroof 8


Brookfield 18
Chatham 7, 12
   Beaken Hill 5
   The Brooke 32
   Eastgate Street 2
   Great Totland
   Marriners wharf 5
   Pepperland, Sampsons 5
   St. Margarette 2, 4

Deptford 5, 15
Devon 01
East Indies 3, 24
Erith 9
Gillingham 22
   The Ship Taverne 22
Hoyome (Higham?) 18
Ipswich 16
Larkfield 4
Loound? ,Cow Croft and Blakes 26
Loound? ,Southton 26
Luton 9, 22
Lymehouse 3
Lymson, Devon 1


Maidstone 5
Milstead 32
Minster, Isle of Sheppey 9
New England 16
Rochester 4, 9
Rodmersham, Rawling Street 32
Sittingbourne 32
Southton (Southampton?) 26
St Clement's parish 16
Rochester, St. Margarett's, 27
Stepney, Middlesex 31
Suffolk 16
Upchurch 2
Wappinge 15
boatswain 2
bricklayer 7
Captain 24
clerke 22
fishmonger 32

hospital of St. Bartholomew,
    Chatham 2, 9, 20, 27
locksmith 32
mariner 20, 31
Navy Office 23
ropemaker 22
HMS 26
   The Bredah 26
   Comfort 3
   Sara 13
   Warspight 25
   Societie of London merchant 24
yeoman? 22

Anthony Clotworthie, 1602

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Anthony CLOTWORTHIE - 1603

In the name of God amen the eleventh daye of September in the yeare of Our Lorde Christe one thousand sixe hundreth and two and in the foure and fortieth yeare of the raigne of our most gratious Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England France & Ireland Defender of the Faithe etc. I Anthony Clotworthie of Chatham in the countie of Kent shipwrighte being at this prest. tyme in very good sounde and perfecte healthe minde and memory (the Almighty God be thanked therefore) yet calling to minde and considering the brevitie and uncertainty of mans life do ordaine make and declare and sett downe in wryting this my present laste will and testament in manner and forme as hereafter followeth (that is to say) firste and principally I commend and comytte my soule into the handes and mercifull protection of my lord and saviour Jesus Christe my onelie redeemer and [Sancifier] and my body to be buryed by the discretion of my executrix hereunder named Item I give and bequeathe to the poore inhabitants of the parishe of Lymson in the countie of Devon the sume of tenn poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be distrybuted to them by the hands of my said executrix and overseers and the survivors of them the said sume of tenn pounds to be paid as followeth that is to saye yearly at the feaste of the nativity of our Lorde Christe the sume of twelve shillings until the said sume of tenne pounds to be fully paid Item I give and forgive unto my sonne in lawe Roberte Nutte all that arrerlye of rent amounting ? to the sume of thirtie and eighte pounds and also all that debt of fortie and two pounds whiche by billes under his name he dothe owe unto me Item I give and bequeathe amongst the sonnes & daughters of ye said Roberte Nutte and Elizabeth his wife my daughter the sume of twentie pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid by even porrons to them and the survivors or survivor of them in manner and forme as hereafter followeth that is to saye to every sonne at the tyme that he shall accomplishe and come unto his full age of one and twentie yeares and to every daughter at the age of eightene yeares or at her day of marriage whiche of them dothe shall firste happen all the residue of my goods cattell chattelles and credytts whatsoever not before bequeathed my debts legacies and funerall expences being discharged I wholie give and bequeathe to Elizabeth my wife whom I make the sole executrix of this my said laste will and testamente and I appointe and request my trustie and wellbeloved friends Richard Adams and Gilberte Kersewell to be overseers of the same and I give to them sixe shillings and eighte pence of good and lawfull money of England that is to saye to each of them three shillings and foure pence. This is the laste will & testament of me the said Anthony Clotworthie made the daye and yeare firste above wrytten for and concerning the disposition of all and singular my landes tenements and heridytaments with the appurtenances whatsoever settling and being in the parishe of Lymson in the said countie of Devon Item I give and bequeathe unto the said Elizabeth my loving wife all and singular my said landes tenements and heredytaments with the appurtenances whatsoever to be hadd and holden to her the said Elizabeth my wife and to her assigns for and during the whole tyme and terme of her naturall life in wytness that this is my present laste will and testemente I have hereunto sett my hand and seale in the presence of theis wytnesses hereunder named the mark of Anthony Clotworthie Richard Sansley Willm. Rowlph? Willyham Beane

Proved 14th April 1603

Grevase Mund, 1631

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Grevase MUND - 1631

In the name of God amen the sixteenth daie of Aprill in the yeare of Our Lord God 1631 in the seaventh yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James (sic)* by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge Defender of the Faith etc. I Gervase Mund of Chatham in the countie of Kent shipwright beinge at this present sicke and weake in bodie but of good sound and perfect minde and memorie thanks be given to the Almightie God doe ordeyne and make these presents to be and conteyne my last will and testament in manner and forme following first and principallie I commend my soule into the hands of Almightie God my creator and maker hoping and most steadfastly believing to be saved by the onely merritts of Christe Jesus his blessed death and passion and my bodie I commend to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named and touching the disposition of such worldlie substance as God of his mercy hath been pleased to blesse me withall I give and bequeath and dispose of the same in manner and forme followinge Impris I give and bequeath to the poor people of the pishe of the pishe (sic) of Chatham aforesaid the some of twentie shillings of currant English money to be paid and distributed at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the pishe of St. Margarette next the city of Rochester (where I was borne) the some of tenn shillings to be likewise paid and distributed at the discretion of my executrix Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Pimm minister of Chatham aforesaid the some of twentie shillings to be paid unto him within one month next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Alice Leeds the wife of John Leeds of Eastgate Street (my daughter) the some of tenn pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her within sixe months next after my decease also I do by these presen freelie and gladlie ? forgive release and discharge all such debts duties ? somes of money or demands whatsoever              ?             or owing unto me by the said John Leeds my said daughter's husband Item I give and bequeath unto Sara Leeds and Alice Leeds children of my said daughter Alice Leeds and to either of them the some of five pounds apiece of lawful money of England to be paid unto them by my executrix as they the said Sara and Alice shall severally accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares or their severall daies of marriage wch shall first happen Item I give and bequeath unto Martha Leeds the youngest child of my said daughter Alice Leeds the some of sixe pounds thirteen shillings and fower pence of lawful money of England to be paid unto her by my executrix as she the said Martha shall have accomplished the age of one and twentie yeares or daye of marriage which shall first happen Item I give and bequeath unto Olyver Leafgreene the sonne of Richard Leafgreene of Upchurch in the said county of Kent the some of five pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto the said Olyver by my executrix at such time as he shall have accomplished his age of sixteene yeares to help to buy him a boate Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Mund the daughter of my sonne Richard Mund the some of tenn pounds of lawfill money of England to be paid unto her the said Elizabeth by my executrix within fower yeares next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Martha Mund one other of the daughters of my said sonne Richard Mund the some of sixe pounds thirteene shillings and fower pence of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my executrix within seaven yeares next after my decease or sooner at the discretion of my executrix Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Mund my sonne my seale ringe of gold to be delivered unto him by my executrix on the daie of my buriall Item I give and bequeath unto the said Richard Mund all my working tooles of what nature and       ?        to be delivered unto him by my executrix within sixe daies next after my decease Item I will and it is my true minde and meaninge that Margarett my now wife shall have the use and yearly profitts that shall from tyme to tyme arise and be made of the messuages or tenement and premisses thereunto belonging with the appurts wherin I now dwell and of the other messuage tenemt and premisses thereunto belonging with the appurtenances nowe in the tenure or occupation of my said sonne Richard Mund and Robert Ambrose boatswain of his mats shipp called the Coventrie during the terme of the natural life of her the said Margarett which messuage or tenemt with the appurts I have and hold by vertue of a lease made by the Deane of the Cathedrall church of Rochester and the bretheren of the hospital of St. Bartholomew in Chatham aforesaid and after the decease of the said Margarett my wife I will the messuage or tenemt and premisses thereunto belonging with the appurts wherein I now dwell in Chatham aforesaid together with the wash house brew house and houses as the same are now separated and fenced off from the other two tenemts before expressed to the said Richard Mund my sonne during the terme of his natural life and after the decease of the said Richard Mund to Joseph Mund his eldest sonne his executors and administrators and assignes for and during      ?      all the residence of the terme of yeares which at the tyme of the decease of the said Margarett my wife shall therein to come and unexpired by force and vertue of the said indenture of lease and also after the decease of the said Margarett my wife I give and bequeath the messuage or tenemt and premisses thereunto belonging with the appurts which now is in the occupation of the said Richard Mund my son unto James Mund the sonn of my said sonn Richard Mund his executors & admons for and during out all the residence of the termes of yeares which at the decease of the said Margarett my wife shal be therein to come and unexpired by the vertue of the said indenture of lease and also after the decease of the said Margarett my wife I will give and bequeath unto Thomas Mund one other of the sonnes of my said sonne Richard Mund his executors and admons the messuage or tenemt and premisses thereunto belonging with the appurts now in the occupation of the said Robert Ambrose (being      ?      belonging to the said lease) for and during out of the residence of the terme of yeares which by vertue of the said lease shallbe to come and unexpired in the said premisses at the decease of the said Margarett my wife Item I give and bequeath unto John Beke sometimes my servt the some of twentie shillings of lawfull money of England to be paid to him by my executrix within three months next after my decease and the rest of my goods chattells utensils moveables debts and money due unto me for wages whatsoever not already bequeathed (my debts legacies and funerall expences paid and discharged) I will give and bequeath wholy unto the said Margarett my wife whom I ordayne and make sole and whole executrix of this my last will and testament and I ordayne appoint and desire my good friends John Harrison and Robert Perrin to be overseers of the same and to be advising and assisting unto my said execturix in the execution and the performance of this my will and I give to either of them for their paines therein five shillings apeece of currant English money in witness whereof I the said Gervase Mund to this my present last will and testament containing fower sheets of paper have to each thereto sett my hande and seale the day and yeare on the first sheete mentioned 1631 Gev Mund signed sealed and delivered by the said testator as his    ?    last will and testament in the presence of us with these words (during the terme of his naturall life and after the decease of the said Richard Mund to Joseph Mund his eldest sonne his executors adms and assignes      ?      ) on the fifteenth line of the third sheete caused by the said testator to be interlined before his sealing hereof James Rowley Nathainell Noyes Richard Hende junor Martin Cotes Nott pub Roffen Kent

Proved 15th July 1631

*The King in 1631 was, of course, King Charles 1

Edmond Twymer, 1632

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Edmond TWYMER - 1635

In the name of God amen the sixt day of march anno dmi one thousand six hundred thirtie two and in the eight yeare of the raigne of our Soverigne Lord King Charles of England etc I Edmond Twymer of Chatham in the countie of Kent shipwright being nowe       ?       ?       to goe to sea to the East Indies in the good shipp called the Comfort belonging to the right worth company of merchants of London trading to those parts being now in good health and pfect mynde and memory praysed be God therefore but considering the fickle estate of this transistory life and howe many causualties may happen unto mee doe therefore now make and declare this my present last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to saye first and principally I commend my soule into the hands of almighty God my maker and creator and my body I comitt unto the earth or seas where it shall please God to take mee Item I will that my executor of this my last will and testament hereafter named shall paye out of my wages goods meanes as shal be due or belonging unto mee at the tyme of my decease unto John Damelowe of Lymehouse aforesaid (sic) chandler his executors and assignes all such debts somes of money as I do owe and indebted unto him by a bond therof made under my hand and seale yt doth and maye appeare or els shal he the said John Damelowe his executors and assignes shall take and recover the said debte or money of the right worth company of merchants out of my foresaid wages or monies before my other debt or somes of money be recovered or payed and for all the residue of my wages goods and meanes whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my loving brother Robert Twymer and his executors and assigns forever and I do make and ordayne the said Robert Twymer my brother sole executor of this my present last will and testament hereby renouncing all other wills by mee formerly made of spoken in witness wherof I have here unto putt my hand and seale the daye and yeare first above written Edmond Twymer signed sealed and published and delivered in the presence of us Edw. Singleton ser. John Hopkins John Stevenson

Proved 12th August 1635

Robert Sharpe, 1637

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Robert SHARPE - 1637

In the name of God amen the thirteenth daie of Aprill anno domini one thousand six hundred thirty seaven and the thirteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soverainge Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge Defenderof the Faith etc. I Robert Sharpe of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being att this present in good and pfect health and memory thanks be given to God doe make and ordane this my last will and testamt conteying therein my last will in manner and forme followinge that is to saie first and principally I comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty God my creator trusting and assuredly believing that by the death and passion of his sonne Jesus Christ I have and shall have free and full remission of all my synns my bodie I comitt to the earth to be buried in such place or parishe where it shall please God to call me to his mercy and as touching the disposition and distribution of all such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to blesse me withall I will dispose and bequeath the same as hereafter followeth first I give and bequeath unto Dorothie my wife the some of five pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto her her executors or assignes within two months next after my decease by my executor hereinafter named I give and bequeath after the decease of my said wife unto Margarett Sampson the daughter of James Sampson al that my lease interest and terme of yeares to come of and in one piece of land called or known by the name of Larkfield conteyinge by estimation five acres and one quarter of an acre lyinge and beinge in the pishe of St. Margaretts in the county aforesaid which I lately purchased of John Dulings gent. to have and to hould the same to her the said Margarett and the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten and for want of such issue I give and bequeath the same unto James Sampson Grace Sampson and Elizabeth Sampson equally to be divided and to the survivors and survivor of them and theire heires executors and assignes also I give and bequeath unto the said Margarett Sampson after the decease of my said wife all that my lease interest and terme of yeares to come of and in one messuage or tenement with the appurtenances and twelve acres of land more or less thereunto belonging situate lying and beinge in Chatham aforesaid now in the tenure or occupation of William Coverley which are holden of the Deane and Chapter of the cathedral church of Christ and the blessed Virgin Mary of Rochester to have and to hould the same to her the said Margarett her executors administrators and assignes Item I give and bequeath unto the said Margarett two silver cupps and five silver spoones Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Starks one suite of my best apparell also I give unto the said Robert the some of five poundes to be paid unto him within one yeare after my decease Item I give unto Arabella Cosens the wife of William Cosens the some of thirty shillings to be paid unto her within one yeare after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto James Sampson the some of five poundes to Elizabeth Sampson the some of five poundes and to Grace Sampson the some of five poundes of lawfull English money to be paid unto them by the said Margarett Sampson within two yeares next after she the said Margarett shall have and      ?      my said two leases after the decease of my said wife and if it      ?      anie of them to departe this life before that time then my will and mynde is that the survivors or survivor of them shall have his or their porron soe dyinge Item I will that twenty six shillings shal be disbursed and laid out uppon bread to be bestowed and distributed amongst the poore people of Chatham att and upon the day of my buriall all the rest of my lands tenements goodes chattells readie moneyes plate lyen wollen household stuff brasse pewter creditts and debts and whatsoever goodes els herein unbequeathed my debts beinge paid legacies and funerall expences discharged I give and bequeath the same unto the said Margarett to have and to hould the same unto her the said Margarett her executors administrators and assignes as her and theire own      ?      goods forever Item I make and ordaine the said Margarett Sampson executrix of this my last will and testament Item I appoint Nathaniel Apllyn of Chatham aforesaid shipwright and Richard Payford of the citty of Rochester      ?      overseers of this my will and I bequeath to either of them for theire care and paines to be taken herein the some of forty shillings praying them to be aydinge and assistinge to my said executrix in the execution of this my will and I will that they shall take order to direct and dispose all things by lawe for the accomplishment thereof until my said executrix shall attain to the age of twenty one yeares or be married and I give them and the survivor of them full power and authority for to doe and more over my will and mynde is that they the said Nathaniel Appllyn and Robert Payford or any one of them shall have the guardianship ? and governance of my said executrix until she shall attaine to the same age or be married in witness wherof I the said Robert Sharpe have herto sett my hand and seale thae daie and yeare first above written the marke of Robert Sharpe sealed and delivered by the testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us Thomas Dickson Richard Payford Robert Heath swrgt.

Proved 16th June 1638

Nathaniel Aplyn, 1645

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Nathaniel APLYN - 1645

In the name of God amen
I Nathaniel Aplyn of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright doe ordaine and make this my last will and testament in forme and manner following viz first and above all thinhs I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my faithfull creator beseeching him for Jesus Christ his sake to receive it and steadfastly trusting through the merits of Jesus Christ to have it eternally saved secondly I bequeath my bodie to the earth and to be buried in the churchyard of Chatham within the brick wall at the southgate two foote and above the corner three foote itt I give unto Nathaniel Holt eldest sonne of William Holte and Sara his wife the house wherein I now dwell situate in Chatham with barne stable orchard gardens backside thereunto belonging Item I give unto the said Nath Holt those severall peeces of land belonging to the said house viz one peece called Great Totland oneother peece called Totland and one peece divided betweene them called Heyfielde one other peece called Pepperland one other peece called Sampsons as also one little peece of orchard used for a      ?      lying from Sampsons to the street all which foresaid bequeathed I give to the said Nath Holt and the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten and for want of such heires to his brother Will Holt and to the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten and for want of such heires to the heires male lawfully begotten of the bodie of neece Sara Holt now wife to William Holt and for want of such heires to the right heires of mee Nath Aplyn for ever Item I give unto Nath Holt all the household stuff therein as brasse pewter lynen woollen bedding iron work tables stooles chairs and all manner of utensils and lumber in and about the house Item I give unto the said Nath Holt in readie money fifty pounds to be paid by my executors Item I give unto William Holt second son to Will Holt the third part of the house and orchard wherin Edward Prescott now liveth in Chatham Item I give unto the said Will Holt the house wherin Thos Binby liveth called      ?      wayes at Beaken Hill with the lands thereunto belonging and barre all which I give to the said William Holt and the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten and for want of such heires to Nathaniel Holt and his heires lawfully begotten and for want of such issue to the heires male lawfully begotten to the bodie of my neece Sarah now wife to William Holt and for want of such heires to George Brammidge second sonne of my sister Laura ? Brammidge and his heires for ever Item I give unto the said William Holt sonne of William Holt the remainder of yeares of the lease of the three Marriners wharf also I give unto the said William Holt in readie monet fiftie pounds to be paid by my executors herein after named Item I give to Sara Holt daughter of Sara Holt fiftie pounds to be paid by my executors Item I give unto William Holt husband to my neece Sara Holt twenty pounds in readie money and the wheate in the barne Item I give unto my neece Sara his wife sixtie pounds in readie money Item I give unto the three children of William and Sara Holt that is to say Nath Holt Will Holt and Sara their now youngest daughter the three hundred pounds stock now in the hands of Mr John Hollands when it shalbe received and to be equally divided between them Item I give unto William Holt and Sara his wife one other hundred pounds stock or therabouts to be equally divided between them they shall have      ?      where to      ?      it and Sara to have the disposing of her part at her pleasure Item I give unto my brother in law Abraham Brammidg twentie pounds Item I give unto his wife Laura? Brammidg my sister eightie pounds Item I give to the eldest son Robert Brammidg eightie pounds Item I give to George Brammidg their second sonne sixtie pounds Item I give unto their youngest daughter fourtie pounds Item I give to Sara Brammidg to be laid out in clothes for her by my executors six pounds all which legacies I will my executors to pay within six weeks after my decease Item I give to Mr Thomas Bahan? for my funerall and his sermon fortie shillings Item I give to Mr Anely? to preach a sermon some convenient tyme after my funerall fortie shillings Item I give to the overseers of this my will and here after named five pounds apeece Item I will that my executors shal provide fower mourning cloakes with hattes and gloves for William Hollands Jos Galle Richard Fletcher and Richard Crosby I desire the aforesaid cloakes and hattes may be worth twelve pounds at least and that these my fower servants will carry mee to church Item I give to Thomas Rivers three pounds out of his wages to buy him the like Item I give to the poore of Chatham fower shillings every Sunday for one whole yeare after my funerall and to be given in bread by my executors and overseers for the poore sometimes in the forenoone and sometymes in the afternoon at the same executors discretion Item I give to my fower cousin Brighte viz Edward William John and Danyel twelve shillings apeece to buy each of them a ringe Item I give to my cousin Matthew Freeman twentie shillings to buy him a ring Item I give to my cosins Margaret and MaryLighte twentie shillings appece to buy each of them a ring Item I give to my cosin William Freeman of Maidstone five pounds to be paid by my executors within six weeks after my decease and all the rest of the legacies to be paid in the like tyme after my decease by my executors Item I appoint and will that there shalbe twentie shillings every yeare out of the house wherin I now dwell and given to Nathaniel Holt to the minister of Chatham or lecturer to prepare a sermon every yeare so long as the protestant religion continueth in England Item I appoint William Holt and Sara his now wife to be my executors of this my will and doe      ?      that none of them shall do anything without the other also I desire my cosin Mr Nathan Tearne of Deptford the elder and my cosin Mr Miles Troughton to be the overseer of this my will in witness wherof I have hereunto sett my and seale this nyne and twentieth of August one thousand six hundred fortie three Nath Apllyne memorandm there was seaven words blotted out on the other side before the sealing and fower on this side n.a. memorandm the twelve lyne from the bottome strooke out by mee Nath Apllyn

(no witnesses?)

Proved 8th January 1645

John Clemence, 1646

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

John CLEMENCE - 1646

In the name of God amen
this fifteenth day of July ano dno 1646 I John Clemence of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being sicke in body but of perfect memory doe make and ordaine my last will and testament in manner and forme following first and principally I committ and comend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker and redeemer and my corps to the earth to be decently buried as my executor shall think fit and for such worldly substance as God in his mercy hath lent me I give and bequeath as followeth Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Clemence one featherbed and bedstead      ?      and blankett belonging to it with bolster and a plaine deale chest standing in the chamber and one brass pott and one iron pott and one spitt and one little table standing in the chamber a forme and five pounds of lawfull english money to be paid him within one yeare and a half after my decease and likewise the foresaid goods and as for all other my goods and money household stuffe whatsoever I give unto Alice my wife whom I make my sole executor to this my last will and testament dated this day and yeare first above written the mark of John Clemence sealed and delivered in the prescence [of] us the mark of George Wiggenes Ri. Burley

Proved 7th August 1646

John Pirkis, 1653

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

John PIRKIS - 1653

In the name of God amen
the twenty fifth day of June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and three I Joseph Pirkis of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright though weake of body yett of a sound mynde and memory (praysed be God) doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) Imprimis I give and comend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my creator and my body to bee decently enterred according to the discretion of mine executix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Nathaniel Pirkis and unto my brother Benjamin Pirkis to each of them one shilling to be paid unto them within six months after my decease and buriall Item all the rest of any goods chattells ready money and whatsoever belonging unto mee (my funerall expences and debts being paid ) I give and bequeath unto my deare and loveing wife Anne Pirkis whom I doe hereby nominate ordaine and appoint to be the sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I will that the edifice that is now a building upon a peece of ground which I hold by lease from John Cozens of Chatham aforesaid bricklayer I will that the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto in any wise appertaininge be possessed and enjoyed by my said deare and loveing wife her executors administrators and assignes for the whole tyme that is to come and unexpired of the terme mentioned in the same lease in witnesse thereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written this was read unto and approved by the said Joseph Pirkis as his last will and testament in the presence of us whose names are hereunto subscribed Wal. Rosewell Richard Martin his mark Tho. Heavyside

Proved 17th September 1653

William Borman, 1653

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

William BORMAN - 1653

In the name of God amen
this twenty and one day of September in the yeare of our Lord one thousand fifty and two I William Borman of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright beinge at present sicke in body but of pfect minde and memory doe make and declare my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge first and principally I bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my maker and redeemer and my body to the earth to be decently buryed as my executrix shall think fitt and as for such worldly substance as God in his mercy hath lent me bequeath as followeth Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Borman the sume of tenn pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margarett the wife of Ed Woodroof the sume of tenn shillings all of good and lawfull money of England and as for all other my goods chattels household stuff and what ever else is mine I give and bequeath to Joane my now wife for and towards the bringing upp of my children whom I make my full and sole executrix to this my last will and testament in witness thereof I the said William Borman hath hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written William Borman sealed signed and acknowledged to be the last will and testament in the presence of Ric. Allin John Short Ri. Burley

Proved 23rd September 1653

(Note in Probate: The will is a copy of the original which was accidentally lost. Witnesses Allin and Burley are sworn as to the accuracy of the document.)

Richard Holborne, 1654

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Richard HOLBORNE - 1654

In the name of God amen
this twenty seaveneth day of November one thousand six hundred and fifty two I Richard Holborne of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being of good and perfect minde and memory praised be to God first takeing into consideration the uncertainty of my life and having a desire to settle and leave that estate which it hath pleased my good God in his mercy to bestowe upon me in such a way as may be most for his glory and the good of those whome it shall concerne and whose names are hereafter mentioned I doe hereby ordaine and make this my last testament and will in manner and forme following Imprimis I committ and commende my soule being a spiritt into the hands od Almighty God the creator and father of spiritt home? in assured hope constantly believing through the merritts death and passion of my lord and saviour Jesus Christ to receive full remission of all my sinnes and to be made an inheritour of his ever lasting kingdome my body being the massie? substance of the earth to the earth I committ to be buried in a decent manner as my executorix hereafter named shall thinke fitt Item i give and bequeath to Margarett Holborne my deare and loveing wife during the time of her naturall life if she shall continue a widdow and unmarried all my landes messuages or tenements and heriditaments withall and singular theire appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being att Luton in the said parish of Chatham in the tenure and occupation of John Rallings and also that in the parish of Minster in the Isle of Sheppey in the county aforesaid now in the occupation of William Messlock? also that messuage or tenement at Erith in the countie aforesaid she keeping them and every of them in good repayre and paying the lord's rents for all and every of them and after the death or marriage of my said wife Margarett Holborne I do hereby give and bequeath all the rents of that my messuage or tenement and landes situate lying and being att Luton in the parish of Chatham aforesaid unto Sarah Marsh my daughter for and during the time of her naturall life she keeping the reparations therof and paying the lord's rent and committing no waste upon the same and after the decease of my said daughter Sarah Marsh I doe hereby give and bequeath all the rents and benefitt of my said messuage and lands thereunto belonging as it is now lett to John Rallings aforesaid to be equally given betweene Peter Marsh and James Marsh my two grandchildren borne of my said daughter Sarah Marsh and to theire heires lawfully begotten of theire bodyes for ever and for want of such heires to the longest of them their being alive and for want of such heires lawfully to begotten of theire bodyes I doe give and bequeath the saide house and landes with the appurtenances thereto belonging unto Bethia Marsh my grandchild and to her heires for ever Item I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild Bethia Marsh the summe of forty poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payde unto her at or on the day of marriage or when she shall come unto the full age of one and twenty yeares and also I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild Bethia Marsh all the household stuffe that doth furnish my best chamber and nothing else att the death of me and my wive's death or the longest survivor of us two Item my will and intention is that after the decease or marriage of my said wife I will and bequeath the rent of all that my said messuage or tenement or lands lying and being in the parish of Erith in the county aforesaid unto my said daughter Sarah Marsh for and during the tearme of her naturall life and my will is that the tenements in the sevearll gifts? herein this my will given unto her for life doe pay or cause to be payed all the rents and rent unto her selfe for her use or uses or to whome she shall assigne it in the severall gifts herein given she the said Sarah Marsh keeping the reparances thereof and paying the lord's rent and other duties and committing no wast upon the said premisses Item I give and bequeath moreover unto Margarett Holborne my fond & deare and loveing wife during the time of her naturall life or continuing my widdowe all the leases that I shall be possessed of att the day of my death with the appurtenances belonging unto them she keeping of them in good repayre and paying the dutys and rents belonging to them and after the death of marriage of my said wife I give and bequeath the said lease and tearme of yeares of the said ould house I now dwell in as it is now standing unto Sarah Marsh my said daughter during the tearme of her naturall life keeping it and the fences thereunto belonging in good repayre maintaining halfe the wharf unto the millponde from the middle of it eastwards unto the fence of James Marsh her husband she her heires and assignes to have ingresse egresse and regresse through that way unto the waterside or water gate att all times when they shall have occasion paying unto Master Robinson of Rochester in the county of Kent aforesaid twelve pence every yeare yearely if it be demanded and after the death of my said daughter Sarah Marsh I give and bequeath the remainder of the tearme of yeares in that lease which shall be unexpired unto my said grandchild Bethia Marsh the daughter of James Marsh of Chatham during the residue time then behinde Item I give and bequeath unto my grandsonne Thomas Gardner my house and land in Sheppey as it shall then be found att my wive's death and mine with halfe the house I now built upon Master Robbinson's lease and as it is passes over to him and his by writing after my wife's decease and mine as he shall then finde it he maintaining halfe the wharfe to the millpond from the middle of the wharfe to the grounde      ?      westward and the ould house I now dwell in to maintaine the other part of that wharfe for theire ingress egresse and regresse as is afore      ?     maintaining the fences as it is now sett out and half the charge of the pumpe att all times when occasion is and paying unto him or her yearly and every yeare fower pence if it be lawfully demanded and I doo give unto the said Thomas Gardener five shillings to be paide unto him by mine executorix within the space of six months after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Marsh aforesaid my house and orchard with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the parish of Erith in the county aforesaid and now in the occupation of Edwarde Reeve after the death of I the said Richard Holborne and my said wife or the longest survivor of us giveing unto my said daughter power to dispose of the same to either of her children which she shall soo decide is best I doe expresse this againe with some words more largly than before in first    ?    Item I give and bequeath unto Paul Marsh the sonne of James Marsh my grandchild after the death of me and my wife all that my lease and tearme of yeares then to come and unexpired of my messuage and tenement with the appurtenances lying and being in Chatham aforesaid which I now have and hold from Master William Butler lord of the manner of Chatham aforesaid and now in the occupation of widdowe Taylor keeping the same in good repayre and paying rents due unto the lord for the same Item I do give and bequeath unto William Pett the sonne of Joseph Pett deceased the summe of five shillings of currant English money to be paide unto him being demanded within twelve months after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my grandsonne Peter Pett the sonne of the aforesaid Joseph Pett after the death of me and my saide wife all that other south parte which is halfe of my new house built upon parts of the grounde which I hold by lease from Master Robbinson of Rochester to whom I give all the remainder of yeares unexpired after my death and my saide wive's he paying every yeare yearly by fower yeares if it be demanded to or them that shalbe      ?      the lease of the said ould house in which I now dwell in and also      ?      and having that part of the house and the fence of the garden thereunto belonging and likewise the fence from the lane and so to the      ?      his garden to the way leading to the waterside with halfe the      ?      as it is now inclosed on the north ende being given before to his brother Thomas Gardner as aforesaid Item I give and bequeath to James Marsh sonne my sonne in law the summe of twenty five shillings of good and lawfull money of England to bye him a ring of gold Item I give and bequeath to Bethia Marsh daughter of the aforesaid James Marsh my grandchild all that my messuage situate in Chatham with the appurtenances which I hold of the bretheren of Saint Bartholmewes after the decease of me and my aforesaid wife Item all the rest and residue of my goods & chattels ready money household stuffe whatsoever not before given and unbequeathed my debts funerall expences and legacies herein given and bequeathed being paide and satisfyed I fully and wholly give and bequeath unto my said deare and loveing wife Margarett Holborne and she to dispose of them as she shall thinke fitt whome I doe herby ordaine nominate make and appoint to be the full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I doe here also nominate and appoint my loveing neibor Mr Edward Hayward and my cousing John Rawlings both of Chatham aforesaid to be the overseers of this my last will and testament and I also give and bequeath to each of them tenne shillings apeice to give each of them a payre of gloves and I doe hereby desire them to be ayding and assisting to my said executrix with theire good counsell and advise in the due and right performance of this my last will and testamt according to the true intent and meaning thereof in all particulars before specifyed and the true intent and meaning of this my last will and testament if one or more of the parties afore mentioned doth finde him selfe or herselfe or themselves agrieved att these my guifts in this my last will and testament and shall raise any trouble either to my saide wife or one to the other that then that partie or parties shall loose the benefit of his her or theire guift or guifts in this my last will and testament and my will is that his her or theire parts be equally divided amongst them as in my guift before by me given in witness whereof I the saide Richard Holborne have to this my present last will and testament containing three sheetes of paper sett my hand to every sheete thereof and unto the last sheete my hand and seale and also have sett my seale unto them all joyned together i      ?      renouncing and revoking all former wills and testaments whatsoever by me formerly made and have now published and declared this and none other to be my last will and testament the day and yeare first above mentioned Rich. Holborne signed sealed and acknowledged by the said Richard Holborne to be his last will and testament in the presence of us whose names are here under mentioned William Wiborne Ri. Burley Robert Gilles

Proved 25th April 1654

George Wiggins, 1656

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

George WIGGINS - 1656

In the name of God amen
the two and twentieth day of August in the yeare of our lord God accordinge to the accompt and computation of the church of England one thousand sixe hundred fifty and three I George Wiggins of Chatham in the countie of Kent shippwright beinge at this present well in my bodye and of good and perfect memory thankes be given to almightie God doe therefore ordayne and make this prestes to be and and conteyne my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge that is to say first and principally I comend my soule into the hands of almightie God my maker hoping and most stedfastlie believinge to be saved by the only merritts of Christ his blessed death and passion and my body I committ to the earthto be buryed at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named and as touching such worldlty substance as God of his infinite mercy hath bestowed upon me I give and bequeath the same in manner and forme folowinge vizt first I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne George Wiggins after the decease of my now wife Anne Wiggins & to his heires the house that I now dwell in and to his wife for terme of her life and then for want of issue to returne to the sister of the said George Wiggins the younger and to theire heires for ever and also I doe give my said sonne George Wiggins free egresse and regresse to a well to draw water and fetch water for his occasions for ever which well is under a tenement of myne in the tenure and occupation of one John Attawell in Chatham and also my will and pleasure is that the tenement the which the aforesaid John Attawell shall have free egresse and regresse to go through the aforesaid George Wiggins his yard to the waterside to fetch and carry upp and    ?    such goods as they have to carry for ever my meaninge is the same yard which belongeth to the house which I have disposed of to my eldest sonne George Wiggins Item I give and bequeath unto my second sonne Tho. Wiggins after the decease of my now wife Anne Wiggins the house and garden platt and all the apputenances belonging thereto that one Tho.Batt now liveth in at Chatham and to the said Thomas his wife for her life and to the heires of the said Thomas lawfully begotten for ever and for want of such issue my will and pleasure is that my youngest sonne Michael Wiggins shall have it and the said Michael's wife for her life and the said Michael's heires for ever Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in law Edward Goodinge after the decease of my now wife Anne Wiggins all that my messuage or tenement with garden platt and all the appurtenances belonging thereunto which he the said Edward Goodinge now liveth in at Chatham and to his wife for her life and theire heires for ever for want of such issue to his wife's sisters and theire heires for ever Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in law John Attawell after the decease of my now wife Anne Wiggins the house which he now liveth in at Chatham and to his wife for her life and theire heires for ever and for want of such issue to the sisters of the aforesaid John Attawell' wife that nowe is and to theire issue for ever Item I do will and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Joane Baker the wife of Tho. Baker two and twentie shillinges to buy her a ringe to be paid in sixe months after my decease by my executrix all the rest of my money and goods my debts beinge paid and my funerall discharged I give and bequeath unto my nowe wife Anne Wiggins whom I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament conteyninge in this one sheete of paper I the said George Wiggins have hereunto sett my hand and seale dated the day and yeare in this one sheete aforesaid in the yeare of our Lord God 1653 signumn the marke of George Wiggins read sealed and delivered as the act and deede last will and testament of the said George Wiggins in the presence of James Baker Oliffe Jerman Tho. Baker

Proved 9th July 1656

Hugh Frewen, 1657

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Hugh FREWEN - 1657

This is a Nuncupative Will, i.e. spoken in the presence of witnesses

Memorandum that upon Thursday the sixteenth day of Aprillin the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hudred fiftie and seaven Hugh Frewen of the parish of Chatham in the countie of Kent shipwright being sicke in body but of perfect mind and memorie with an intent to make his will uttered and declared his last will nuncupative or by word of mouth in manner as followeth first he did will and bequeath unto his two brothers five pounds apiece and his wooollen clothes and also did nominate and appoint his loving wife Anne his sole executorix unto whom he did give and bequeath all the residue of his estate which gifts and bequests      ?      in effect aforesaid willed and bequeathed by the said testator being then of perfect mind and memorie unto the severall persons before named in the presence and hearing of Mary the wife of William Woodroff and Elizabeth the wife of John Berry the marke of Mary Woodroff the marke of Elizabeth Berry.

Proved 7th May 1657

Robert Saggs, 1657

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Robert SAGGS  - 1657

In the name of God amen the ninth daie of March in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fiftie foure I Robert Saggs of the parish of Chatham in the countie of Kent shippwright being sicke and weake in bodie but of good and perfect memorie (thanks be to Almighty God) and being desirous to settle in order doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) first Ii comend my soul to Almighty God and my bodie to the earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in such decent and Christian manner as to my executrix hereafter named shall be thought meete and convenient and as touching such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me my will and meaning is that the same shall be imployed and bestowed as hereafter in this my will is exprest and first I doe revoke and renounce anull and make void all other wills by me formerly made and declared and appoint this my last will and testament Item I give and bequeath my whole temporal estate as well moveable as immoveable goods and chattels debts dues and all whatsoever to me in any way appertaineth or belobg etc unto my loveing wife Ellen Saggs during the time and terme of her life whome I doe hereby constitute ordaine and appoint my executrix Item I give unto my daughter Ellen Rogers after the decease of her mother Ellen Saggs aforesaid the house or tenement wherein I now dwell situate and being in Chatham aforesaid and also one moetie or halfe of my moveable goods and household stuffe to be possest and enjoyed by her and her heires lawfully begotten of her body for ever and after her and theire decease I give and bequeath the said house unto my sonne Andrew Rogers and his heires after him for ever if he shall survive and outlive his wife my said daughter Ellen Rogers and her heires aforesaid Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter in lawe Ellen Saggs after the death and decease of her mother in lawe Ellen Saggs aforesaid the lease of one house or tenement wherein one Mr Brickley? shipwrite now dwells standing at the ende of the land wall situate and being in Chatham aforesaid with the appurtenances thereto belonging together with what right title or interest I have in or to the same which said tenement adjoyneth to another tenement of mine standing in the place aforesaid and is distinginshed from the same by the name of that part or tenement which lyeth next the Brook which said house or tenemt with the appurtenances my said daughter in law Elizabeth Saggs shall hold possessed and enjoy during her life or the terme of the lease (which shall first terminate) and after her decease I doe bequeath the same unto my said daughter Ellen Rogers and her heires but if my said daughter in lawe Elizabeth Saggs or her heires shall survive and outlive my said daughter Ellen Rogers and her heires then my will and meaning is that the said tenement with the other thereto adjoyning namely that next the church shall be possest and enjoyed (with the appurtenances thereto belonging) by my said daughter in lawe Elizabeth Saggs the other moietie or halfe of my moveable goods and household stuffe after the death of my said wife Ellen Saggs but if my said daughter in lawe Elizabeth Saggs shall decease and depart this life before my said wife Ellen Saggs then my will and meaning is that the said tenement lying next the Brooke shall be possest and enjoyed by my said daughter Ellen Rogers of her heires which shall then be surviving and liveing as also the last said moytie of my moveable goods and household stuffe Item I give unto my grand daughter Mary Rogers the daughter of my said daughter Ellen Rogers that other aforesaid tenement next the church standing at the ende of the land wall aforesaid with the appurtenances thereto belonginge which said tenement the said Mary Rogers or her heires shall have possession and enjoy from the death of her grandmother aforesaid during their lives or the terme of the lease (which shall first terminate) but if my said daughter Ellen Rogers or her heires shall survive and outlive her said Mary Rogers and her heires then my will and meaning is that she the said Ellen Rogers or her heires which shall so survive and outlive the said Mary Rogers and her heyres shall from thenceforth namely from the death and decease of the said Mary Rogers and her heires (after the death of my said wife Ellen Saggs) have hold possesse enjoy the said tenement next the church standing at the ende of the land wall aforesd with the appurtenances thereto belonging and this I doe delare to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I doe hereto sett my hand seale thae daie and yeare above written Robert Saggs signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the said Robert Saggs in the presence of Lawrence Hadlowe Rob Wigson Rob Sliter.

Proved 16th October 1657

Thomas Emery, 1658

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Thomas EMERY - 1657

In the name of God amen
the sixt day of August ao 1645 in the yeare one and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles that now is of England I Thomas Emery of Chatham in the countie of Kent shipwright being at this present in good and perfect health and memorie thanks be to God and boubd forth on a voyage to sea in the good shipp called the Sara doe therefore make my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say first I commend my soule to Almighty Godd my creator and hoping to have pardon of all my sinns through the meritte of Jesus Christ my redeemer and my body I comitt to the earth to bee buried in such pace where it shall please God to call mee and as touching and concerning the small portion of goodes which it hath pleased God to bestow uppon mee I dispose of the same in manner as followeth that is to say I give to my loving mother Elizabeth the now wife of Peter Ellis of Chatham if she the said Elizabeth shall bee a widdowe att the time of my decease (my debts being first paid) & legacies discharged all and singular my goods chattels apparell ready money the moneys due to mee at my decease for pay for my services done or to be done in the aforesaid ship called the Sara or in any other shipp to have and to hold the same to her and her executors and assignes Item I give unto my two sisters An Clay wife of Robert Clay and Mary the wife of William Gamball the some of five shillings apeece and I ordaine and make my said mother (if shee bee then a widdowe) executrix of this my last will and testament provided allwayes and if it shall happen that my said father inlaw Peter Elllis shall be living at the time of my decease then my will and meaning is I doe give and bequeath unto my aforesaid sister An Clay wife of Robert Clay all and singular my aforesaid goods & chattels apparell ready money the money as due to mee att the time of my decease for pay in the aforesaid shipp called the Sara or in any other ship to have and to hold the same unto the said An Clay her executors and assignes and then I give unto my said mother the some of five shillings and noe more and doe make and ordaine my said sister An Clay executorix of this my last will and testament anything in these presents before mentioned to the contarary thereof in any wise not withstandinge in witnes wherof I the said Thomas Emery have hereunto sett my hand and seale dated the day and yeare abovesaid Thomas Emery sealed and delivered and acknowledged as his last will and testament in the presence of Richard Heade (    ?    ) Robert Heath (    ?    ).

Proved 28th July 1658

John Moxley, 1658

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

John MOXLEY - 1658

In the name of God amen
the twentie fifth daie of October in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fiftieand eight I John Moxley of Chatham in the countie of Kent shippwright being sicke and weake in bodie but of sound and perfect memory (praise be given to God for the same) doe make constitute and ordaine this my last will and testament and first and principally I comend my soule to Almighty God my creator hoping to receive pardon for all my sinnes in the blood of Jesus Christ and my bodie to the earth from where it was taken to be decently buryed by my executrix in the churchyard of Chatham aforesaid besides or neere my two sonnes and as touching such worldly estate as the Lord hath lent me my will and meaning is that the same shall be imployed and bestowe as hereafter in this my last will and testament is expressed and first I doe revoke renounce frustrate and make voyde all wills by me formerly made and declare and appointe this my last will and testament Item I will that all those debts and duties which I owe of right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my executrix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Rebekah Moxley that tenement or house wherein I now live with the land and other appurtenances thereto belonging during her naturall life and also that tenement or house nowe in the tenure or occupation of Robert Cotham adjoyneing to the west ende of the other said tenement with the land and other appurtenances thereto belonging with full power and authority at any time or times after my decease to sell or otherwise dispose of the same at her free libertie will and pleasure provided she satisfie and pay the mortgage of the other tenement and redeem the same leaving it free at her decease unto my brother hereafter named or their heires and not otherwise Item I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Rebekah Moxley all my goods chattels moveables whatsoever with all those debts and sums of money that nowe are or hereafter may or shall be due and owing unto me from or by any person or persons whatsoever Item I give and bequeath unto my loving brothers William Moxley and James Moxley after the death and decease of my said wife Rebekah Moxley that house or tenement wherein I now live afore specified and given to my said wife during her naturall life if the same be redeemed and left free at her decease or els the other of the tenements before specified to be equally shared and divided betweene them and after them to their heires for ever Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Samuel Moxley as also to my sisters Anne Moxley Hester Moxley and Dennis Moxley twenty shillings apeece of lawfull money of England to bepaid by my said brothers William and James Moxley or their heires out of the said house or tenement given unto them as aforesaid within two yeares next after they shall      ?      and possesse the same Item I doe make constitute ordaine and appoint my said loving brother John Hawtinge and my loveing friend Mr Thomas Whitton the overseers of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale dated the daie and yeare first above written John Moxley signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the said John Moxley in the presence of Arthur Christmas Rob Sliter.

Proved 24th November 1658

Andrew Prudham, 1659

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Andrew PRUDHAM - 1659

In the name of God amen
the nyne and twentieth day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred and fortye and nyne I Andrew Prudham of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright beinge in reasonable good health and of perfect minde and memorie (thanks be to God) and not knowing howe soon it may please for the quiet of my minde and settinge that estate wherwith it hath pleased God to blesse me doe make and declare this my last will & testament in manner and forme followinge (that is to say) first I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Prudham and to the heires of his bodye lawfullie begotten for ever all that the moiety or halfe part of all those my messuages or tenements lyeinge and beinge in Chatham aforesaid which I purchased of John Freeman Item I give the other moiety or halfe part of the said messuage and tenement by which I purchased of Matthew Freeman unto my wife Catherine Prudham and her assignes for and during the terme of her naturall life and after her decease I give and bequeath the same unto my said sonne John Prudham and to the heires of his body lawfullie to be begotten and for want of such issue I give the aforesaid messuages or tenements with their appurtenances unto my daughter Mary Sturgin wife of [        ] Sturgin and to the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten and for default of such issue I give the same to the right heires of me the said Andrew Prudham for ever Item I give and bequeath unto my saide wife Catherine all my leases of certaine messuages or tenements in Wappinge which were hers before my marriage with her Item my will is that my executor shall receive the rents and profitts yearlie of certaine messuages or tenements in Debtford duringe the naturall life of my said daughter Mary Sturgin which messuages or tenements I hold by lease of John Golby and Anne his wife for divers yeares yett to come and also the rents yearly thereof after the decease of my said daughter until the children of my said daughter Mary Sturgin attaine to their severall ages of eighteene yeares (if the terme of yeares in the said lease so longe be and continues) and that my said executors shall dispoes of the same yearlie rents for towards the livelyhoods and maintenace of my said daughter Mary during her naturall life and after her decease for and towards the maintenace keepinge and bringinge up of the children of my said daughter Sturgin untill the said children shall attaine to the severall ages of eighteene yeares and then I will the aforesaid lease and terme of yeares then to come unexpired unto the foresaid children of my said daughter Mary Sturgin equally to be divided betweene them at their severall ages as aforesaid but if it fortune my said daughter and her children all of them depart this life before her said children attaine to the said age then I will the terme of yeares then to come in the said lease together with the said lease unto my executor his executors and assignes and I will that my executor shall have the keepinge of the said lease and receive the rents for the uses as aforesaid I give to my sonne John Prudham my wearinge apparell instruments and working tools I freelie forgive to Nicholas Ellett all sume and sumes of money as he anie waies oweth to me by bill bond or otherwise I give my seale ring to my sonne John Prudham my siver cup to my aforesaid daughter Mary Item I give one halfe of my household stuffe brasse pewter lynen woollen and bedinge and other implements to my said sonne John Prudham and daughter Mary equally to be divided the other halfe part therof I give to my said wife Catherine all the rest of my goodes cattell chattells plate and moneys whatsoever not before willed my debtes paide legacies and funerall expences discharged I give unto my foresaid sonne John Prudham and I doe hereby ordaine and appointe my said sonne John Prudham executor of this my last will and testamt in witness wherof I the said Andrew Prudham have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written Andrew Prudham signed sealed declared and acknowledged by the testator as his last will and testament in the presence of Robert Leake Mary Heath Robt. Heath snr.

Proved 5th May 1659

Richard Martin, 1659

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Richard MARTIN - 1659

In the name of God amen
the twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie nyne I Richard Martin of Chatham in the countie of Kent shipwright beinge sicke and weake in bodie but of good and perfect memorie (thanks be given to Almightie God) considering the uncertainty of mans life on earth and being desirous to settle things in order doe make constitute and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following revoking renouncing and making null and void by these presents all former wills and testaments by me made and declared either by word or writing and doe declare this to be my last will and testament Inprimis I give and bequeath my soule to Almightie God and my bodie to the earth to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as my executorix hereafter named shall seeme meete and convenient and as for the settling of my temporall estate and such goods and chattells as it hath pleased God to bestowe upon mee I accorde? give and dispose of the same in manner and forme following (that is to say) first I will that all those debts and duties which I owe in right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contended and paid or ordained to be paid within convenient tyme after my decease by my executorix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Richard Martin who is now in New England as I suppose my house with the grounds and yard and all other appurtenances thereto belonging which I have in Ipswich in the countie of Suffolk on the backside of the church in Clement's parish which said house grounds yard and other appurtenances aforesaid I give unto my said sonne Richard Martin in lieu and consideration of all debt and debts summe or summes of monie whatsoever which are due or owing by mee unto him my said sonne Richard Martin he forgiving and remitting unto my executorix hereafter named the said debt and debts summe and summes of monie he alsoe paying out of the same house grounds yards and other appurtenances aforesaid unto my daughter Martha Martin (now being married Martha Heath) and unto my daughter Margaret Martin to each of them or theire heires the summe of five pounds of lawfull monie of England within the space of one weeke next after his first cominge to take possesse and enjoy the said house and other the appurtenances aforesaid but if my said sonne Richard Martin doe not or shall never come to take possesse and enjoying the said house and other appurtenances aforesaid then the said house grounds yards and all other the said premisses and appurtenances aforesaid shall be after the death of my executorix hereafter named taken possest hold enjoyed and equally shared and divided by and betweene my said two daughters Martha and Margaret or by and betweene theire heires that shall be then living and surviving Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Martin (commonly called Hannah Martin) after the death and decease of my executorix hereafter named my house wherein I now dwell together with all heridataments close yard backside grounds and all other appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining situate and being in Chatham aforesaid my said daughter paying out of the same unto the eldest child of my aforesaid daughter Martha the summe of tenn pounds lawfull monie of England within the space of seaven yeares next after the death of my executorix hereafter named if my said daughter Anne shall have then beene soe long married but if not then my said daughter Anne shall pay unto my said daughter Martha her eldest child that shall be living and surviving the said summe of tenn pounds within the space and terme of seaven yeares next after the marriage of my said daughter Anne and if my said daughter Martha shall not have enie child living and surviving att the tyme or terme aforesaid when the said summe of tenn pounds is herby ordered and specified to be paid as aforesaid then my said daughter Anne shall defere the said payment untill my said daughter Martha shall have a child borne which shall be lawfuuly begotten of her bodie or in case my said daughter Martha never have anie child soe begotten and borne as aforesaid then my said daughter Anne shall defere the said payment untill the day of her owne my said daughter Anne's death whoe shall then pay or order the same monie to be paid unto my said daughter Martha and my said daughter Anne shall also pay unto my said daughter Margarett or to her heires out of the said house and other the appurtenances aforesaid the loke summe of tenn pounds like lawfull monie of England within the space of one yeare next after the death of my executorix hereafter named if my said daughter Anne shall have then been a yeare married but if not then she shall pay the same summe as aforesaid within the space of one yeare next after the day of her marriage Item I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Anne all my moveables and household goods shall be after the death of my executorix hereafter named taken possest held enjoyed and equallie shared and divided by and betweene the eldest child of my said daughter Martha (or herself for want of achild) and my said daughter Margarett or her heires that shall be then living and surviving lastly I doe hereby constitute ordaine and appoynte my loving wife Rose Martin sole executorix of this my last will and testament unto whom I doe give and bequeath all dues debts rents summe and summes of monie which are due owing or in anie wise appertaining unto mee from any manner of person or persons whatsoever I also give and bequeath unto my said executorix my house in Chathan aforesaid with all the aforesaid appurtenances thereto belonging and appertaining during the terme of her naturall life she my said executorix mending and repairing the said house with its appurtenances from tyme to tyme as the same shall neede and require and not embezelling anie of my said moveables and household goods aforesaid she my said executorix also keeping and maintaining my said daughter Anne in good sufficient and decent manner until my said daughter Anne shall marrie if both my said executorix and daughter Anne shall have theire naturall lives soe long continued unto them moreover I give and bequeath unto my said executorix my house in Ipswich aforesaid with all the said appurtenances thereto belonging during her naturall life provided my said sonne Richard Martin doe not come to demand take possess and enjoy the same before that be expired ( my said executorix repairing ans amending the same from tyme to tyme as the same shall need and require during the tyme of her possessing and enjoying the same ) in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written Richard Martin his marke signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the said Richard Martin in the presence of Henry Smith his marke Robert Sliter.

Proved 6th June 1659

George Wiggins, 1659

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

George WIGGINS - 1659

In the name of God amen November the twenie nynth one thousand six hundred fiftie eight I George Wiggins of Chatham shipwright being of perfect memorie and remembrance praised be to God do constitute and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following first I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God [hoping to be saved through the] death and passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer to receive full pardon and forgiveness for all my sinns and as for my bodie to bee buried in Christiam buriall at the discretion of my executrix here after nominated Item I give unto my sonne George Wiggins and to my sonne Richard Wiggins that house my father gave mee now in two tenements one that of my mother now liveth in and one that Edward Aldridge now liveth in after the decease of my mother and my wife equally divided between them and to theirr heires foe ever Item I give unto my daughter Anne Wiggins the house and lands that William Holloway now liveth in and to her heires for ever Item I give unto my daughter Marie the house and lands that John Rayson now liveth in and to her heires for ever when their two daughters shall come to the age of eighteene yeares or at the death of my wife if she shall depart this life before they shall come to that age Item I give unto my daughter Sarah tenne pounds when she shall attayne to the age of eighteene yeares Item I give unto my daughter Alice tenne pounds when shee shall attayne to the age of eighteene yeares and these sommes of money to bee paid by my executorix Item I give unto my loveing wife Sarah the lease of the house that I do now live in which I bought of Isaac Kwill and all other my goods and chattels and moveables whatsoever is now myne and I make my wife Sarah my sole executorix of this my last will & testament Item I make and appoint my father in lawe Richard Alwin and Samuel Maber of Chatham overseers of this my will in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this twentie nynth of November one thousand six hundred fiftie eight George Wiggins witness Thomas Wiggins Michael Wiggins Samuel Maber

Proved 24th August 1659

Peter Harden, 1659

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Peter HARDEN - 1659

This is a Nuncupative Will, i.e. spoken in the presence of witnesses

Last will of Peter Harden shipwright of Chatham in the countie of Kent being at his own request taken from his mouth this thirteenth of September one thousand six hundred fiftie eight and as followeth vizt. I give and bequeath to my loveing wife Anne Harden these three houses with the lands thereto belonging namely the house I now live in & the two houses in Brookfield for and during her life as alsoe all the goods in and belonging to the said house in which I now live for and during her life but after the decease of my said wife I doe give and bequeath unto my grandchilde Anne Eason daughter to Robert Eason shipwright that house in the said Brookfield which John Harbond now liveth in to bee hers and her heires for ever but in case she the said Anne Eason die without issue that then the said house to fall to the eldest sister that shall bee then alive alsoe after the decease of my said wife I give and bequeath to Peter Eason and his sister Mary Eason the children of the said Robert Eason that other house in the said Brookfield that William Bedlowe now liveth in to be equally divided betwixt them and the largest liver of these two      ?      the whole as theires and their heyres for ever but in case they shall both dye without issue that then it shall bee lefte to bee equally divided betwixt those then brothers or sisters that shall then remain livinge I also give and bequeath to my sonne Fysher Harden the three houses at Hoyome (Higham?) with the lands thereto belonging to bee his and his heires for ever but in case hee dye without heyres that then the said three houses last mentioned shall fall to his sister Mary Eason and her children with the land thereto belonging alsoe all the goods formerly mentioned belonging to the house I now live in after the decease of my said wife I give to bee equally divided betwixt my son Fysher Harden and his sister Mary Eason but in case hee dye then the said goods to come wholie to his said sister Mary Eason but the house itselfe after my wife's decease to Fisher Harden and his heires but in case hee dye without issue then to fall to his sister Mary Eason I alsoe doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Eason and Phebe Eason twentie pounds apeece which legacie I doe will and appoint my sonne Fisher Harden to pay to them as soone as they shall be come sixteene yeares of age out of those houses that I have bequeathed unto him aforesaid all which perticulers here written downe I having the use of my sense and being in perfect memorie is my last will in testimonie whereof I have this thirteenth of September one thousand six hundred fiftie eight sett my hand and seale that which in the eight and nynth lyne upwards wherein it is thicker written then the rest was soe done and all therein conteyned written down before the signeing & sealing thereof the marke of Peter Harden taken from his owne mouth and signed and sealed in the presence of Samuel Say Phillip Eason Tho. Colpott.

Proved 25th August 1659

John Waterman, 1664

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

John WATERMAN - 1664

In the name of God amen I John Waterman of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being att this present weake in body but of a sound and disposing memory and not knowing how soone it may please Almighty God to take me out of this mortall life doe therefore for the setting and disposeing of the estate which it hath pleased God of his mercy to blesse me withall make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say first I give and bequeath unto my loveing sonne Nathaniel Waterman twenty shillings I give unto my daughter Eleanor the wife of Peter Jee the sume of twenty shillings Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife of John Eason the sume of twenty shillings all which severall legacies before mentioned my mind and will is shall be paid to my sonne and daughters before mentioned by my executorix hereafter named within one yeare next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Bennett my wife for and towards her comfortable maintenance and livelyhood and for the better education and bringing up my sonne Phillip all those severall messuages and tenements wherin I now dwell in the tenure and occupation of William Pett John Tihurst or any under them lying and being in the parish of Chatham aforesaid and the ground and soil wheron they are built and the lease of them and all my estate and interest therein with all and singular the appurtenances to her my said wife her executors administrators and assignes for and during all the residue of the terme of yeares which is yet to come and unexpired in the same Item all other my leases and chattels and all my ready money plate bedding pewter brass lynen woollen household stuffe moveable goods debts credits estate whatsoever I give unto my said wife whom Ii constitute and ordain executorix of this my last will and testament desireing her that she pay all just debts as I shall owe att the tyme of my decease and all the legacies before mentioned according to my intent and meaning before expressed and lastly I the said John Waterman doe hereby revoke all other wills and testaments by mee made and published att anytyme before the publishing of these presents in witness whereof I the said John Waterman have to this my present will and testament sett my hand and seale this nynteenth day of November in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty foure J. Waterman signed sealed and published by the above named John Waterman in the presence of Tho. Fowler the marke of Peter Amos.

Proved 13th December 1664

Richard Godden, 1669

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Richard GODDEN - 1669

In the name of God amen
the fifteenth day of January in the nynteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland etc. I Richard Godden the elder of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright though weake in body yet being of disposing memory thankes be to God doe make this my last will & testament in manner and forme following that is to say first and principally I bequeath and surrender up my soule into the hands of Almighty God believing to bee saved by the meritts and satisfaction of Jesus Christ my only saviour & redeemer and my body to bee decently interred by and at the discretion of my executor hereafter named Item I give unto my grand daughter Rhodny Lee the somme of tenne shillings to buy her a mourning ring to be paid by my executor within one month after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my two grandchildren Samuel and Sarah Lee each of them the somme of two pounds tenne shillings apeece of lawful money of England to be paid to them respectively by my executor when they come to their respective ages of twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen provided that if either of them shall dye before the said tyme then I will that his or her share soe dying shalbe paid to the survivor at the tyme aforesaid Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest soone Edward Godden all that my messuage or tenement which is now in the tenure or occupation of John Andrews marriner with the yard garden or orchard thereunto belonging or therewith now used and occupied with the appurtenances as the same is now fenced of and enclosed to have and to hold the same premisses with ye appurtenances unto the said Edward Godden my sonne his executors administrators and assignes for and during all the residue of the terme of yeares mentioned in an indenture of lease to me granted from the bretheren of St. Bartholomew's Hospital near Rochester and the which shalbe to come and unexpired at the tyme of my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Joseph Godden all that my messuage or tenement being situate towards the west of the other said tenement and now in the tenure or occupation of him the said Joseph Godden with the yard garden or orchard and passage downe to the riverside and the appurtenances thereunto belonging or therewith used an ? as the same is now fenced and enclosed to have and to hold the same premisses with the appurtenances before bequeathed unto the said Joseph Godden his executors administrators and assigns for and during out all the residue of the terme of yeares in and by the said mentioned indenture of lease aforesaid to me granted which shalbe to come and unexpired at the tyme of my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Richard Godden all that messuage or tenement wherein I the said Richard Godden the elder and [          ] duke marriner dow now dwell with the orchard and wharfe which lyeth towards the waterside there and is enclose from the said garden or orchard used with the dwelling houses so given to my said sonnes Edward and Joseph as aforesaid and all the ground wherin the new messuage or tenement standswhich was lately built by him the said Richard Godden my sonne with the yard and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold the same premisses with the appurtenances before bequeathed unto my said sonne Richard Godden his executors administrators and assignes for and during all the residue of the terme of yeares in and by the said mentioned indenture of lease to mee and      ?      granted and which shalbe to come and unexpired at my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard Godden all that messuage or tenement which I did lately buy of my sonne Edward Godden built upon parte of the said ground mentioned in the said lease and the backside or garden and appurtenances as the same is now enclosed thereunto belonging now in the tenure or occupation of John Bull shipwright which said messuage or tenement my will is that it shall be sould by my executor towards the payment of the legacies by me given and bequeathed in this my last will and testament and my will and mynd alsoe is that my sonnes Edward, Joseph and Richard and their respective executors administrators and assignes shall have equally the use and benefit of the way leading from the streete aforesaid to the river of Medway and my mynd and will alsoe is that my sonne Richard Gooding (whome my will is shall have the keeping of the said indenture of lease aforesaid)shall permitt my other two sonnes Edward and Joseph respectively their executors administrators and assignes to take a new lease and estate of and in the house or houses and premisses to them respectively by me given aforesaid the appurtenances from the said bretheren of the said hospitaor such other person or persons as shall have power to make the same without any denyall trouble or interruption      ?      and to the end that they my sonnes Edward and Joseph may be better enabled soe to doe my will is that my said sonne Richard shall at the charges of my said sonnes Edward and Joseph upon request unto him by them made make and deliver unto each of them a true coppy in writeing of the said originall lease under the hands of two or more creditable witnesses testifying the same to bee a true coppy of the said lease and my further will and pleasure is that untill the said lease shall end or be renewed my said sonnes Edward and Joseph respectively their respective executors administrators and assignes shall pay unto my said sonne Richard upon every nyne and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March or within one and twenty dayes after three shillings apeece towards his payment of the rent of nyne shillings a yeare reserved? in the said lease which I will my said sonne Richard shall pay and discharge yearly according to the reservation? of the said lease Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Richard Godden sonne of the said Edward Godden the somme of five pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him by my executor when he shall accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren Hannah and Mary Godden children of the said Richard Godden my sonne the somme of five pounds apeece of like lawfull money of England to be paid to them respectively when they shall come to their respective ages of one and twenty yeares or on the days of their respective marriages which shall first happen provided that if any of them shall dye before the said tyme then I will that the legacies soe bequeathed be give and paid to the survivor of them at the tyme aforesaid Item I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren Hester , Rodney and Elizabeth Goodden children of Joseph Goodden my sonne the somme of five pounds apeece of lawfull money of england to be paid them respectively when they shall come to their respective ages of one and twenty yeares or on the dayes of their respevtive marriages which shall first happen provided that if eyther of them shall dye before the said tyme then I will that the legacies soe bequeathed be given and paid to the survivor or survivors of them at the tyme aforesaid Item I give unto my sonnes Edward, Joseph and Richard all my working tooles to be equally divided betweene them after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto every of my cousins the children of my cousins John and Elizabeth Beckett the somme of five shillings apeece to by each of them a bible and my further will and pleasure is that if it shall please the Lord to sufferme soe long to live that I shall have at the tyme of my death wasted? any of my estate that then there shalbe an abatement? in the severall legacies before bequeathed and by me given to each party      ?      to the estate soe spent and wasted and alsoe to the legacies soe bequeathed and by me given respectively Item all the rest of my goods chattels and ready money and whatsoever belonging to mee at the tyme of my decease I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard Goodden whome I doe hereby make nominate and constitute to be my sole executor of this my last will and testament conteyned and specified in two sheets of paper hereby making voyd and null all former wills and testaments by me made in witness whereof I have to bothe the said sheets of paper before mentioned sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written the marke of Richard Gooden sen. this will was read signed sealed and delivered by the above named Richard Gooding the elder as his last will and testament in the presence of Thomas Mitchell Math. Inwood.

Proved 24th March 1669

Robert Moorcock, 1670

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Robert MOORCOCK - 1670

In the name of God amen I Robert Moorcock of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being att this present in good health of body and of a disposing memory (praised be God) and not knowing howe soon it may please Almighty God to take me out of this mortall life doe therefore for the quieting of my mind and setting of the estate wherewith it hath pleased the Lord of his mercy to blesse me make and declare my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) first I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty God who gave it hopeing and assuredly believing to be saved by the only meritts death and passion of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer and my body I comend to the earth to be decently buried in the churchyard of the parish of Chatham aforesaid in a vault to be made and provided for that purpose by my executor hereafter named where (if it may be) I desire that my children may be afterwards buried and over the said vault and grave I desire that a faire stone may be placed to be for that purpose provided by my said executors and there continue Item I give and bequeath unto the poore inhabitants of the said parish of Chatham the sume of fifty shillings of lawfull money of England to be distributed amongst them in bread or money by my executors hereafter named upon the day of my buriall or upon the next Lord's day after Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in law Charles Cotsworth the sume of five pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him att the end of one yeare next after my decease (if he shalbe then liveing) Item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Robert Moorcock the sonne of my eldest sonne Edward Moorcock the sume of five pounds and to my grandchild Robert Moorcock the sonne of my sonne John Moorcock the sume of five pounds and to my grandson Robert Gardner the sonne of my daughter Elizabeth Gardner the sume of five pounds and to every other of my grandchildren the sume of ten shillings apeece all which severall and respective legacies by me given and bequeathed unto my said grandchildren respectively as aforesaid I will shall be paid into the hands of the respective parents of the said severall and respective children to the use of the same children respectively within one yeare next after my death Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth the daughter of my late cousin John Moorcock deceased the sume of forty shillings Item I give and bequeath unto Edward Holdshipp the sonne of widow Holdshipp the sume of forty shillings to be paid unto him within three months next after my decease Item I give and bequeath to the foresaid Edward Moorcock my eldest sonne my silver watch and to my sonne William Moorcock my seale ring of gold and to my said sonne John Moorcock the sume of thirty shillings to make him a ring Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Gardner and to the wives of my three sonnes respectively and to my sonne in lawe Joseph Rubnett and to my daughter Frances his wife the sume of thirty shillings apeece to make each of them a ring Item I give devise and bequeath unto the foresaid John Moorcock my sonne his executors administrators and assignes my stable with the appurtenances situate and being in the parish of Chatham aforesaid and my lease thereof and all my estate and interest therein Item all my plate and household stuffe and all my ready money debts and creditts and all other my personal estate not already before bequeathed or by me conveyed or settled by deed (my debts being paid and my severall legacies before mentioned and the charges of my buriall and of the probate of this my will and all other incident charges being defrayed paid and satisfied) I give and bequeath unto my foresaid three sonnes and two daughter before named equally to be devided betweene them and of this my last will and testament I constitute and ordeine my said three sonnes (vixt) the foresaid Edward, William and John Moorcock the executors and lastly I the said Robert Moorcock doe hereby revoke all other wills and testaments by me made att any tyme before the publishing of these presents in witness whereof I the said Robert Moorcock have to this present last will and testament conteyning two sheets of paper to the first sheet thereof sett my hand and to this present second sheete sett my hand and seale this present three and twentieth day of January in the twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second etc. 1668 (1669) Robert Moorcock signed sealed and published by the above named Robert Moorcock in the presence of Ri. Head John Head John Mayse whereas my late wife Elizabeth Moorcock now deceased did in her life tyme give unto my children above named or some of them respectively severall moneys and lynen and other of my goods and chattels I the above named Robert Moorcock doe hereby declare that I doe allow and approve of these guifts whatsoever they were and doe hereby ratifie and confirme the same to them my said children respectively and doe hereby desire and require my executors that they doe noe way question or trouble my said children or any of them concerning the same this is also my will signed and published by me this present 14th day of January 1669 Robert Moorcock in the presence of Ri. Head John Moyse.

Proved 2nd November 1670

Note in margin but crossed out, repeating part of the will beginning "Whereas my late wife ....." and ending "....... to them my said children".

Daniel Ederidge, 1672

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Daniel EDERIDGE - 1672

In the name of God amen
I Daniel Ederidge of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being sicke and weake in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it do make and ordaine this my present last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say first and principally I committ my spirit into the hands of Almighty God my saviour and redeemer in whom and by the merits of the precious blood of Jesus Christ I hope to have eternal salvation and my body I committ to the ground from whence it was taken assuredly believing the glorious resurrection of soul and body through the meritts of Christ's death and as for that temporal estate goods chattels and debts which it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me I do order give and dispose of the same in manner and forme following viz. first I will that all those debts which I owe or shall be owing by me after my decease be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease by the overseer of this my will by me hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my deare and loving wife Jane Ederidge all my stock household goods ready money and debts to me owing after the payment of my debts by my overseer as cept a debt due to me from Mr John Pader? of Gillingham, gent. concerning      ?      house goods which he bought of me Daniel Ederidge and were by Mr Thomas Rogers of Luton and John Baniard of Chatham yeoman? rated at six score and seaven pounds lawfull money of England whereof I have received? but thirty pounds which said debt I will and desire my loving friend Mr Ralph Twiss of Gillingham clerke and Mr Francis Allenson of Chatham gent. to get in of the said Mr Parder and pay in that debt I owe that one of them are engaged with me for and the charge that shall be at in getting the same being deferred to pay the remainder to my said loving wife to whom I also give and bequeath my house called The Ship Taverne in Gillingham with the barn stable out houses yard backside garden orchard and field with all thae appurts. to the same belonging during her natural life and from and after her decease I give the same to my oldest son Daniel Ederidge he paying to each of his brothers James , Edward and Samuel Ederidge the sume of tweny pounds of lawfull money of England at their respective ages of one and twenty yeares if he then enjoy the same and the like sume of twenty pounds to his sister Joanna Ederidge to be paid to her at the age of sixteene yeares and if any his brothers and sister dye first then what is given them to be devided betweene the survivors of them and I do hereby appoint my son Samuel Ederidge executor of this my last will and testament and my loving friends Thomas Dean? of chatham shipwt. and Daniel Painter? of Chatham ropemaker overseers of this my last will and testament and guardians of my said children during their minority in witness whereof I have hereto sett my hand and seale this twentieth day of September in the four and twentieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King Charles the Second anno dni. 1672 Daniel Ederidge signed sealed published and declared to be the last will of the said Daniel Ederidge in the presence of Peter Carter John Rosewell.

Proved 9th October 1672.

William Pett, 1679

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

William PETT - 1679

In the name of God amen
the one and twentieth day of February in the one and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. annos dm 1678/9 I William Pett of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being at present sick and weake in body but of good sound mind memory and understanding (praised be Almighty God for the same) and calling to mind the frailty of this mortal life doe therefore and for avoiding and preventing all future strife and      ?      which shall or may happen to arise after my decease amongst my surviving relations touching such the temporal estate which with it hath pleased God of his mercy to blesse mee and for the quieting of my mind and for the disposing of the same temporal estate according to my mind doe make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in writing in manner and forme following (that is to say) first and principally I comend my soule to God that gave it and my body to the earth to be decently interred according to the discretion of my executorix hereafter named and as to my temporal estate being all of it personal I give and bequeath in manner following first I give and bequeath unto my loving brother Mr Samuel Pett now belonging to the Navy Office one ginney piece of gold of the value of one and twenty shillings and sixpence in silver to buy him a ring to wear in remebrance of mee and all and every other my goods chattels household stuffe plate ready money leases securities for money debts and personal estate of what nature or kind soever the same to be or consist of (after my debts and funeral expences first paid and discharged) I give devise and bequeath unto my deare and loving wife Elizabeth Pett whom I hereby nominate ordaine and appoint to be sole executorix of this my last will and testamt. hereby revoking annulling and making void all former and other wills by me made or published att anytime before this day and yeare first above written in witness whereof I the said William Pett have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare first above mentioned 1678/9 William Pett signed sealed published and declared by the above named William Pett the testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of Anna Pett Frances Usher Hen. Sheafe.

Proved 3rd July 1679

Thomas Cullen, 1683

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Thomas CULLEN - 1683

In the name of God amen
I Thomas Cullen of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright now bound for the East Indies with Capt. Gore in the good ship Societie of London merchant being in pfect health of body and mind not knowing whether it may please God I shall live to returne home alive againe doe make and declare this my present last will and testament in manner following that is to say I doe hereby give and bequeath all and singular my debts wages pay goods and chatts. whatsoever of what nature kind or quality soever in whose hands custody or possession soever the same now is or hereafter shall or may bee found unto my loveing brother Caleb Cullen of Chatham aforesaid labourer whom I doe hereby nominate and appoint to bee the full and sole executor of this my last will and testament and lastly I doe hereby revoke annull and make void all and any former and other will and wills by mee made or published at anytime before the date hereof in witness whereof I have to this my present last will and testament sett my hand and seale dated the two and twentieth day of May in the four and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. annos dni. one thousand six hundred eighty two Thomas Cullen signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Cullen to be his last will and testament in the presence of the marke of Peter Amos the marke of Richard Griggsbee John Rosewell.

Proved 9th October 1683

Jonathan Lash, 1689

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Jonathan LASH - 1689

In the name of God amen
the fifteenth day of March in the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord William and Lady Mary by the grace of God King and Queene of England Scotland France and Ireland Defenders of the Faith etc. annos dni. one thousand six hundred eighty eight (1689) I Jonathan Lash of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being by God's permission designed to take a voyage to sea in their Matys. ship Warspight and considering the dangers of the sea and the uncertainty of this life doe for the quieting of my minde and setting that estate which it hath pleased God to afford me make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (vizt.) first and principally I give and surrender up my soule into the hands of Almighty God my creator believing to be saved through the only meritt and satisfaction of Jesus Christ my saviour and redeemer and my body I comitt to the earth or sea which God of his provedence shall appoynt Item I give devise and bequeath unto my loving friend Judith Goter of chatham aforesaid spinster all and every such sum and sums of money goods chattels and all other my estate reall or personall under what name title or condition soever which at the time of my decease I shall be possessed of or have any rights title or interest in or to and I doe hereby nominate and appoynt the said Judith Goter to be full and sole executorix of this my last will and testament hereby revoaking and making voyd all other wills and testaments by me made at any time formerly made provided alwaies that if I shall live to returne from my said voyage or if she the said Judith Goter shall be marryed to any person before my death that then this present writing and all things therein contained shall be utterly voyd frustrated and of none effect anything therein contained or expressed to be contrary thereof in any wise not withstanding in testimony whereof I the said Jonathan Lash have to this my present last will and testament sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written Jonathan Lash signed sealed published and declared by the said Jonathan Lash to be his last will and testament in the presence of us John Lawrence Elianor Dyer Walter Dyer.

Proved 5th December 1689

William Houghton, 1691

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

William HOUGHTON - 1691

In the name of God amen
the ninth day of Aprill in the second yeare of the raigne of William and Mary by the grace of God King and Queen of England etc. annos dom dei 1690 I William Houghton of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright late belonging to Their Majties Shipp The Bonaventur since of their Majties The Bredah being in good health and praised bee God Allmighty of asound and perfect mind and memory but having designe and purpose by God's leave to goe to sea in Their Majties service or otherwise and knowing the casualties of the seas and hazards and dangers of warr and other the uncertainties of this life doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following first and principally I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of God my maker and for my body I appoint it to the earth to be buried in a Christian and decent manner if God so dispose or otherwise to the divine providence looking for a blessed and glorious resurrection through the sole meritts of Christ Jesus my saviour and redeemer and as for such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse me in this life I give devise bequeath and dispose the same as hereafter in these presents as mentioned and expressed Imprimis I give and bequeath to my aunt Elizabeth Lee of Chatham aforesaid and to William Lee her son to my kinsmen William Houghton James Houghton and Richard Houghton and to Sarah Houghton their sister the sonnes and daughter of William Houghton late of Tichfield in the county of Southton deced. to each and every of them the sume of tenn shillings to be paid at the end of twelve moneths next after my decease Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my deare wife all that messuage or tenement and two acres of land of mine situate lying and being in Alton Eastbrook in the county of Southton. now in the tenure or occupation of one Zachariah Clarke or his assignes also all those two closes of land which I have situate lying and being in the parish of Loound? in the county of Southton. aforesaid contening by estimation eight acres by them more or lesse one wherof is called or known by the name of Cow Croft and the other by the name of Blakes now in the tenure or occupation of Bartholomew Westcoat or his assignes to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement and two acres of land situate at Alton Eastbrook aforesaid and the said two closes of land situate in Looms? aforesaid with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances to the said Elizabeth Houghton my wife and her heirs and assignes for ever and to and for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever Item all the rest of my goods and chattels rights and creditts and personall estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to the said Elizabeth my wife whom I make the full whole and sole executorix of this my last will and testament and revokeing all former wills by mee made I doe ratifye and confirme this and none other to be my very last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and sealethe day and yeare first above written Wm. Houghton signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said testator William Houghton to bee his last will and testament in the presence of us John Watson ( ? ) Anne Woodman Mary Strognell Joshua Woodman.

Proved 4th February 1690 (1691)

Peter Amos, 1693

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Peter AMOS - 1693

In the name of God amen
the twelth day of September in the third year of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God King and Wueen of England Scotland France and Ireland Defenders of the Faith etc. annos dni one thousand six hundred ninety one I Peter Amos of Chatham in the counnty of Kent shipwright being sick in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory praised be God therefore doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say first and principally I bequeath and surrender up my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my creator believing to be saved by and through the only merritts and satisfaction of Jesus Christ my saviour and redeemer and my body Ii comitt to the earth to bee decently interred by and at the discretion of my executorix hereafter named Item I give devise and bequeath unto my loving wife Gilby Amos all and every the rents issues and proffutts of all and every my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever with their and every of their appurtenances to have and to hold unto her my said wife for and during the terme of her naturall life my said wife keeping the same messuages lands tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances in good and sufficient repair Item I give devise and bequeath unto my sonne Richard Amos after my said wife's decease all that my messuage or tenement with the yard backside garden and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the parrish of St. Margarett's next the citty of Rochester in the aforesaid county of Kent and now in the tenure or occupation of Malchi Edwards or of his assignes undertenant or undertenants to have and to hold to my sonne Richard Amos his executors admins and assignes for during out and untill the full end of all the residue and remainder of the terme of yeares conteyned and expressed in the lease thereof which I hold of and from the brethren of the hospitall of St Bartholomew neere unto the citty of Rochester aforesaid and within the libertyes of the same citty which at the time the decease of my said wife be then to come and unexpired Item I give devise and bequeath unto my sonne Peter Amos after my said wife's decease all that my messuage or tenement with the yard backside garden and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the parrish of St Margts aforesaid and now in the tenure or occupation of Ann Glynes wodow or of her assigne or assignes undertenant or undertenants to have and to hold unto him my said sonne Peter Amos his executors assigne and assignes for during out and untill the full end of all the residue and remainder of the terme of yeares conteyned and expressed in the lease thereof which I hold of and from the bretheren of St Bartholomew's Hospital aforesaid which att the time of the decease of my said wife shall bee then to come and unexpired Item I give devise and bequeath unto my grandchild Mary Amos daughter of my sonne Richard Amos aforesaid after my said wife's decease all those my two severall messuages or tenements with their appurtenances situate lying and being in the parish of Chatham aforesaid and now in the severall tenures or occupations of Lawrence Capelin and Nathaniel Jolly or one of them their or one of their assigne or assignes undertenant or undertenants to have and to hold unto her my said grand daughter Mary Amos and to her heires and assignes for ever Item all and every other my leases and all my ready money plate debts due and owing unto mee goods chattels and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever not herein before given devised or bequeathed unto my said loveing wife Gilby Amos her executors admons and assignes she paying and discharging all such debts as I shall owe att my decease and also the legacies herein and hereby given and bequeathed and I doe make and ordaine her my said wife Gilby Amos sole executorix of this my last will and testament hereby revokeing and makeing void all other wills and testaments by mee formerly made in witness whereof I the said Peter Amos the testator have to each sheet of this my present last will and testament conteyning and written in two sheets of paper sett my hand and seale dated the day and yeare first within written the marke of the said Peter Amos signed sealed published and declared by the said Peter Amos the testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the said testator John Holloway Thomas Cotton John Rosewell.

Proved 27th May 1693

Joseph Boulton, 1694

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Joseph BOULTON - 1694

In the name of God amen
I Joseph Boulton of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being in sound and perfect health of body and mind praised be God considering the great uncertainty of this transitory life doe therefore for the better quieting if my mind and composing my spiritts against a      ?      of sickness or death which may suddenly happen make and declare this my present last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say I doe hereby give and bequeath all and singular my debts wages pay goods and chattels whatsoever unto my deare children Mary and Elizabeth Boulton equally btweene them and to the survivors of them that is to say I will that my said children be educated and brought up by my executorix hereafter named with my said estate or the benefitts profitts and interest thereof till such time they shall attaine their respective ages of eighteene yeares or may be marryed and that the then remainder of my said estate at their said respective age of eighteene yeares or on the day of their respective marriage which shall first happen be paid unto them respectively by my said executorix and I doe hereby nominate ordaine and appoint my loving mother in law Mary Moorcock of Chatham aforesaid widow full and sole executorix of this my last will and testament and sole guardian of my said children Mary and Elizabeth Boulton aforesaid hereby revokeing annulling and making void all and every former and other will and wills by me made or published at any time before the date hereof in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this one and thirtieth day of October in the second yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the Faith etc. annos domini one thousand six hundred ninety Joseph Boulton signed sealed published and declared by the above named Joseph Boulton the testator to be his last will after the interlining (which shall first happen) in the presence of Mary mMoorcick John Moorcock John Rosewell.

Proved 21st June 1694

John Badcock, 1694

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

John BADCOCK - 1694

In the name of God amen
in the fourth yeare of the reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the Faith annos dni one thousand six hundred and ninety two I John Badcock of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being in good health and sound and disposing mind and memory for which God be praised I make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I comend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator hoping and assuredly believing that through the precious death and merits of my blessed saviour and redeemer I shall be everlastingly saved and my body I comit to the earth from whence it was taken in hopes of a joyfull resurrection at the last day into glory everlasting I give and bequeath as follows Item I doe give and bequeath to my daughter Whyborne the furniture of one chamber vizt one bed one bolster four pair of sheets half a dozen of chairs one pair of curtains Item I doe give and bequeath to my daughter Berthia Skinner all credits after paying my debts also all bonds bills or anything whatsoever and I the aforesaid John Badcock doe make and ordaine the said Berthia Skinner my daughter my sole executorix of this my last will and testament lastly I doe hereby revoke and countermand all other wills whatsoever by me made or declared in witness whereof unto this my last will and testament I the aforesaid John Badcock have set my hand and seale this fourteenth day of May one thousand six hundred and ninely two John Badcock sealed subscribed and published by the aforenamed John Badcock for his last will and testament in presence of us the witnesses hereunder named and subscribed by us the same witnesses in the presence of the said testator Isaac Adams John Moses William Cockerell Thomas Hutchins.

Proved 27th July 1694

Robert Moorcock, 1696

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Robert MOORCOCK - 1696

In the name of God amen
I Robert Moorcock of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright in sound and perfect health of body and mind praised be God being now bound to sea in Their Majties ship Greewich and not knowing whether it may please God I shall live to return home againe doe for the quieting my mind and setling that estate which God of his mercy hath afforded me make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I give and devise unto my loveing mother Mary Moorcock all and every my messuages land tenements and hereditaments situate and being in the parish of Chatham aforesaid or elsewhere in the county of Kent to have and to hold to my said loveing mother Mary Moorcock to her heires and assignes for ever Item all the rest and residue of my ready money wages pay goods and chattels whatsoever after payment of my debts I give and bequeath the same unto my said loveing mother Mary Moorcock whom I dow make and ordaine full and sole executorix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all and every former and other will and wills by me formerly made in witness whereof I the said Robert Moorcock have hereunto sett my hand and seale this eighteenth day of December in the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God King and Queen of England etc. one thousand six hundred eighty nine Robert Moorcock signed sealed published and declared by the above named Robert Moorcock the testator to bee his last will and testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto in the said testator's presence John Poole Wm Eddye hen commander David Jones.

Proved 8th October 1696

John Quarke, 1698

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

John QUARKE - 1698

Know all men by these presents
that I John Quarke of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright have by these presents do make and ordain and constitute Rebecca Sanders wife of Thomas Sanders of Stepney of the county of Middlesex mariner my true and lawfull attorney irrevocable for me and in my name and for my use to ask demand and receive of and from the Right Honble the Treasurer paymaster of their Maties Navy and commsssr for prize money and all other sume and sumes of money whatsoever as now is and which hereafter shall or may be due or payable unto me pursuant to His Matie's glorious declaration of the 23rd of May 1689 and also all such pentions sallerys smart money and all other moneys and things whatsoever which now and at any time hereafter is and shall be due to me for my own service or otherwise in any of His Maties shipps friggotts or vessells or any merchant ship or ships as also to demand recover and receive of all other person and persons whatsoever whom it doth or may concern all and singular such other sume and sumes of money goods wares effects wages debts dues claims and demands whatsoever which now and hereafter is or shall be due and payable unto me either by bond bill booke accompt or otherwise howsoever and moreover in my name and for my proper use to devise and let lease in writing or otherwise all or any of my messuages lands or tenements to such person or persons and for such term of yeares conditions and reservations as my said attorney or her councel shall think fit and convenient giving and hereby granting unto my said attorney my full and whole power in the premisses and to recover and receive all and singular the sume and sumes of money matters and things aforesaid and upon non payment thereof or any part thereof all such person or persons whom it may concern and where need shall require their executors adms and goods to sue arrest attach seize imprison prosecute and condemn and to compound and agree and out of prison to release and discharge and upon receipt of the said premisses or any part thereof acquitances releases or any other discharges for me and in my name to make seal and deliver and one attorney or more to substitute and at pleasure to revoke and generally to act and do all other acts matters and things whatsoever needfull and necessary to be done in and touching the premisses as fully and effectually as it might or could do if I were personally present ratifying and allowing for firm and valid and irrevocable all and whatsoever my said attorney shallmlawfully do or cause to be done in and touching the premisses by vertue of these presents and I the said John Quarke considering the incertainty of this transitory life doe make and declare these presents to contain my last will and testament that is to say after all my just debts being fully paid to whomsoever the same is or shall be become due and oweing all and singular such wages sume and sumes of money lands tenements goods chattels and estate whatsoever wherewith at the time of my decease I shall be possessed or invested or which shall then belong or of right appertaine unto me I do give devise and bequeath unto the said Rebecca Sanders her heires executors adms or assignes for ever and do hereby nominate and appoint the said Rebecca Sanders sole executorix of this my last will and testament and do revoke all former wills and deeds of guift by me at any time heretofore made and do ordain these presents to stand and to be for and as my only last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the eighteenth day of June anno dni one thousand six hundred ninety six and in the eighth year of the reign of King William the Third John Quarke signed sealed published and declared in the presence of Tho Minors Jos Astell John Allen noty. public on Rederiffe Wall.

Proved 30th November 1698

Robert Clothier, 1699

Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Robert CLOTHIER - 1699

In the name of God amen
I Robert Clothier of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being sicke and weake but of good and sound mind memory and understanding for which and all other abundant blessings which I have received from Almighty God I render unto his divine majesty most humble and hearty thanks knowing the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time doe therefore for the quieting of my mind and sttling the estate reall and personall wherewith it hath pleased God of his mercy to bless me make and declare this to be my last will and testament in writing in manner and forme following that is to say first and principally I commend my immortall soule into the hands of Almighty God my creator assuredly trusting that by and through the merits      ?      death passion and the glorious resurrection and      ?      of Jesus Christ my blessed saviour and redeemer I shall receive a glorious resurrection among the just and my body I leave to the earth to be privately and decently buryed by my executorix hereafter named item all that messuage or tenement with the barnes stables out houses buildings yards gardens and orchards thereunto belonging and appertaining situate lying and being at Rawling Street in Rodmersham in the said county of Kent and thirteene pieces or parcells of arable land and woods containing by estimation forty acres more or less with the appurtenances lying and being at or neare Rawling Street aforesaid in the parish of Rodmersham and Milstead in the said county of Kent or one of them heretofore in the tenure or occupation of Nicholas Finn? or his assignes since? that and nowe or late of John Croyden or of his assignes undertenant or undertenants which said premisses about nine yeares since I bought and purchased to me and my heires of and from Mrs Sarah Aldersey and Fareham? Aldersey I give and devise and bequeath unto my deare and loveing wife Elizabeth for and during the terme of her naturall life without impeachment of waste and from and after her decease then I give devise and bequeath the said messuage lands and premisses aforesaid with theire appurtenances unto my grandson Thomas Bayly son of Thomas Bayly of Sittingbourne in the said county fishmongerdeceased and to his heires and assignes for ever but in case my said grandson Thomas Bayly shall happen to dye before he attaines his age of one and twenty yeares without issue of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten that then and in such case I give devise and bequeath the said messuage lands and premisses with their appurtenances unto my grand daughter Susanna Bayly daughter of the said Thomas Bayly deceased and her heires and assignes for ever and in case my said grand daughter Susanna Bayly shall happen to dye before she attaines her age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen that then and in such case I give devise and bequeath the said messuage lands and premisses with theire appurtenances unto Anne the wife of John Allen of Chatham aforesaid sail maker and to her heires and assignes for ever item all those two messuages new built brick messuages or tenements together with the yards backsides and gardens with theire appurtenances to the said messuages or tenements beonging or the      ?      demised used occupyed or enjoyed situate lying and being and situate? in the parish of Chatham aforesaid at a place there called The Brooke now or late used as one messuage or tenement and wherein I now live which I lately bought of and purchased to me and my heires of and from one Valentine Corblin and Elizabeth his wife I give devise and bequeath unto my said wife Elizabeth for and during the terme of her naturall life and from and after her decease then I give devise and bequeath the last mentioned messuages lands and premisses with theire appurtenances unto my said grand daughter Susanna Bayly and to her heirs and assignes for ever but in case my said grand daughter Susanna Bayly shall happen to dye before she attaines her age of one and twenty or day of marriage which shall first happen without issue of her body lawfully begotten and to be begotten that then and in such case I give devise and bequeath the said last mentioned messuages lands and premisses with theire appurtenances unto my said grandson Thomas Bayly and his heires and assignes for ever and in case my said grandson shall happen to dye before he attaines his age of one and twenty yeares without issue of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten that then and in such case I give devise and bequeath the said last mentioned messuages lands and premisses with theire appurtenances unto Anne the said wife of John Allen and to her heires and assignes for ever item all that messuage or tenement yard backside and garden with theire appurtenances situate lying and being in the parish of Chatham aforesaid and now in the tenure or occupation of Charles Dallison gent. from and after the decease of my said grandchildren Thomas and Susanna Bayly both of them dying before they attaine theire ages of one and twenty or day of marriage without issue of theire bodies as aforesaid I give devise and bequeath unto Anne the said wife of John Allen and her heires and assignes for ever Item my fuller mind and will is that from and after the decease of my said wife Elizabeth my well beloved and trusty friends John Laton of Chatham aforesaid clerke and Richard Burton of Chatham aforesaid locksmith and the survivor of them shall receive the rents issues and profitts of the said severall messuages lands and premisses aforesaid and keepe the same in good repaire during the nonayes? of my said grandchildren and the money thereof comeing and arising shall be from time to time applyed to the uses of my said grandchildren according to the true intent and meaning before expressed and they shall make the best advantage of such moneys for the uses aforesaid Item I give devise and bequeath unto the same John Laton and Richard Burton one guinea apiece to be paid to them within one moneth after my decease by my executorix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Laton and Richard Burton and to such of them as shall be living at the time of the decease of my said wife and shall take the trust upon him or them reposed in them as aforesaid the summe of foure pounds apiece to be paid and accounted to themselves out of such moneys as they or either of them shall first receive of the rents and profits of the severall messuages lands and premisses desiring them to performe the trust reposed in them according to the trust intent and meaning before expressed Item all and every my goods chattels household stuffe ready money pay wages and personall estate whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my said wife Elizabeth and I doe hereby nominate ordaine and appoint my said wife Elizabeth full and sole executorix of this my present last will and testament and I doe nominate and appoint my said trusty and well beloved friends John Laton and Richard Burton trustees and overseers of this my present last will and testament and lastly I doe hereby revoke annul and make void all former and other wills by me at any tyme made or published before the ensealing hereof in witness whereof I the said Robert Clothier have to this my present last will and testament copntained in three sheets of paper to every sheet thereof sett my hand and seale this present sixteenth day of August in the eigth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord William the Third by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. anno domini one thousand six hundred ninety seaven Robert Clothier signed sealed published and declared by the said Robert Clothier to be his last will and testament every sheet thereof being first stampt according to Act of Parliament in the presence of William Clift William Long Walter Dyer.

Proved 28th June? 1699


Sir Edward Dering, lst bart., of Surrenden Dering and his 'Booke of Expences' 1617-1628


Monumental Inscriptions of Margaret of Antioch Church, Lower Halstow

Kent Archaeological Society

Registered Charity 1176989
