Bredhurst 6
Brompton, Gillingham
Broad Alley 11
High Street 11
Wood Street 11
Carrington, County of
Chester 14
Chatham 8, 11
Brook 8
Smithfield Bank 8
High Street 7
Hangman's Lane 7
City of London 9
Deptford 1
Gravesend 8
Great Hucklow,
Derbyshire 10
Hoo Parish 11
Horton, Runchorne,
County of Chester 14
King's Arms Wharf 7
London Inner Temple 8
Manchester 14
New Castle Underlyme,
Staffordshire 14
Plummers Row Mile End
Old Street in the County
of Middlesex 8
Poplar, Middlese7
Redish, Lymm,
Chestershire 14
Acorn Wharf 8
Cathedral 6
Crow Lane 8
Eastgate Street 3, 17
Ross yard 8
St Margaret's 5, 9, 10,
13, 15, 18
St Margaret's Bank 11
St Margaret’s Street 8
St Nicholas 6, 7
Sittingbourne 8
Strood 17
Hatter 14
House Carpenter 18
Housekeeper 11
Hudson Bay Company 8
Joyner 14
Kent Fire Office 8
Kentish Gazette 8
Majesty's Dock Yard 12
Maltster 14
Master Carpenter 4, 10
Miller 11
Minister of the Gospel 8
private shipbuilding industry 8
Andrewe 17
Colloden 12
Northumberland 5
Prince George 10
Royall William 15
Ship Tilbury 4
shipbuilder 8
Solicitor 8
Surgeon 9
Tailor 8
Yeoman 14
James Acton, 1665
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
The twentie one day of November One Thousand six hundred sixtie five
according to the Computation of the Church of England in the seventeenth
yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second IJAMESACTON of the Cittie of Rochester in the Countie of
Kent Shipwright by trade being in perfect memorie and remembrance
praised be to the Almighty God for it doe here make and ordaine this my
last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth vide Imprimis
first I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker and
Redeemer hoping that trough the merits death and passion of Jesus
Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receive free pardon and
forgiveness of all my sinns and as for my bodie to be interred in
Christian buriall at the discretion of my wife and Executrix hereafter
nominated Item I give and bequeath
to ELIZABETH my wife all my worldlie Goods and free land? and
copiehold? to her and her heires for ever if she have issue by mee But
if she have noe issue then I give
and bequeath my free land? and Copiehold after her my said wife's death
to my Kinsman THOMASTANDY and doe also give and bequeath
unto him Twentie pounds to be paid him by my Executrix six months after
my decease and also I give and
bequeath to my aforesaid Wife ELIZABETH all my writings and
everie other ? things as bills bonds
leases? or any writings whatsoever Then
I give and bequeath to all my Kindred that can claim any way to be
related to mee Twelve pence apeece And
also I do here ordaine my loveing friend RICHARDSMITH of
Deptford Shipwright my Overseer of this my last Will and Testament and I
do give and bequeath unto him fortie shillings to be paid him six weekes
after my decease And I do make and
ordaine ELIZABETH my Wife my Sole Executrix of this my last Will
and Testament revoking all other Wills and Testaments ?
? ? ? and noe other
shall stand In witness whereof I
putt my hand and Seale this Twentieth one day of November in the yeare
above said JAMESACTON Signed and Sealed and
published in the presence of HENRYPALMER?
Phision ? the letters (mark) of ALICEWEASY
Proved 28th November 1665
John Aldridge, 1653
AMEN the twelthe day of October Ao 1642
in the eighteenth yeare of the raigne of our Souveraigne Lord King
Charles that now is of England Etc I JOHNALDRIDGE if the
Cittie of Rochester in the County of Kent Shipwright being sick and
weake in bodie but of good and perfect mynde and memory doe make this my
last will and testament as followeth vizt first I
Committ my soule to Allmighty God my Creator And my bodie to be buried
at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And
as concerning the disposition of such worldly substance as it hath
pleased God to blesse mee withall I dispose the same as followeth Imprimis
my will is that all that my lease of all that my messuage or tenement
with the backside gardens with the appurts in the occupation of ANTHONYMEDCALFE or his Assignes situate in St. Patrick's Streete neere
the Cittie of Dublin in Ireland shall be sold by my Executors hereafter
named And the money thereof arising
my debts first paid I give and
the younger AMBROSEALDRIDGE and my brother in lawe WILLIAMPASKE equally to be divided among them It I give and bequeath
unto ELIZABETHPASKE my Sister the summe of five shillings
Item I nominate and appoint my brothers AUGUSTINEALDRIDGEWILLIAMALDRIDGE and my brother in lawe WILLIAMPASKE
Executors of this my last will and testament In
witness whereof I the sayd JOHNALDRIDGE have hereto set
my hand and seale the day and yeare aforesayd JOHNALDRIDGE
Signed Sealed published and declared by the Testator to be his last will
and testament in the presence of us RO. HEATHRICHARDMARCHAN Sig JOWARDEN
Proved 23rd May 1653 Power reserved to Augustine and WilliamAldridge
Henry Best, 1651
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
Henry BEST -
I HENRYBEST he elder of Eastgate
streete within the liberty of the Citty of Rochester in the County of
Kent Shipwright being at this present in reasonable & good health
and of perfect memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God calling
to remembrance the uncertainty of this miserable life and the certainty
of death the end of all flesh doe therefore for the settling of the
estate both reall and personall werewith it hath pleased God to blesse
me Make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form
following that is to say first I
give devise and bequeath unto my loveing wife HANNABEST
for and during the terme of her naturall life All that my Messuage or
tenement wherein I now dwell with the backside or yard and garden with
the appurtenances situate lying and being in Eastgate Streete with the
liberty of Rochester aforesaid And after her decease I
give devise and bequeath the same Messuage or Tenement and premisses
with the appurtenances unto my daughter HANNAPAMFLETT the
wife of DAVIDPAMFLETT To have and to hold the same unto
the said HANNA my daughter and to her heires and assigns for ever
Item I give and bequeath unto my
Sonne THOMASBEST one shilling and six pence To
my Sonne GEORGEBEST one shilling and six pence And
to my Sonne HENRYBEST one shilling and six pence And
to every one of my Grandchildren twelve pence apiece to be paid unto
them within six months after my decease All
the rest and residue of my goods chattels household stuffe rights and
? my Debts being first paid I give unto my said daughter HANNAPAMFLETT
her executors administrators and assigns Item
I ordaine and make my said HANNAPAMFLETT Executrix of
this my last will and testament and make my said daughter HANNAPAMFLETT
Executor of this my last will and testament In
witness whereof I the said HENRYBEST the Elder to this my
last will and testament have sett my hand and seale this six and
twentieth day of Apprill in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six
hundred and fifty one HENRYBEST Read Signed
sealed and acknowledged as his last will and testament in the presence
Proved 8th January 1651 (1652 in the modern calendar)
Thomas Bickham, 1699
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
I THOMASBICKHAM Shipwright of Rochester in the County of
Kent and Master Carpenter of his Majestie's Shipp Tilbury being
in bodily health and of sound and disposing mind and memory and
considering the perils and dangers of the sea and other uncertainties of
this transitory life doe for avoiding controversies after my decease
make public and declare this my last Will and Testament that is to say First
I recommend my Soul to God that gave it and my body I comitt to the
Earth or Sea as it shall please God to order And
as for concerning all my worldly Estate I give and bequeath and dispose
thereof as followeth (That is to say) All or singular such Wages sum and
sums of money and Tenements Goods Chattels and Estate whatsoever as
shall be any ways due owing or belonging unto me at the time of my
decease I doe give devise and
bequeath unto my beloved Wife ANN And doe hereby nominate and
appoint her to be my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
hereby revoking all former and other Testaments or Deeds of Gift by me
at any time heretofore made And I foe hereby ratify these presents to
stand and be for and as my only last Will and Testament In
Witness whereof to this my said Will I put my hand and Seal this
eighteenth day of March Anno Dni 1699 And in the Eleventh Year of the
Reign of our Sovereign
Lord King William the 3rd of England etc THOSBICKHAM
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of ELIASWAFF?
Proved 23rd January 1699 (1700 in modern calendar)
Richard Browne, 1694
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
BROWN 1694
KNOW all men by these
presents that I RICHARDBROWNE of the parish of
St Margaret's next the City of Rochester in the County of Kent
Shipwright and being bound to sea in their Majties Ship the Northumberland
for and in the consideration of the natural love and affection which I
the said RICHARD have and bear unto MARY my now Wife have
made ordained constituted and appointed and by these presence I the said
RICHARDBROWNE doe make ordaine constitute and appoint her
the said MARY my said Wife her Executors and Administrators my
true and lawful Deputy and Deputys and Attorney and Attorneys
irrevokable for me and in my name and to my
? to all demands and receive of and from
the ? full payment of their Majties
Navy and such other person and persons as
? pay the same All and every such sume and sumes of
money as it are and shall bee due to me for and in respect of my wages
pay and ? for my service done and to
bee done on board the same shipp Northumberland or on board any other of
their Majties shipp or shipps ? all
and every other sume and sumes of money whatsover upon bond bill or
otherwise howsoever due from any person or persons whatsoever to mee and
Acquaintences ? and other sufficient
discharge and discharges upon receipt of the said sumes of money or my
part thereof ? mee and my name and
as my Act ? And deed therefore from
time to time to make seale and deliver if it bee
required ? and by these presences
moving ? all and whatsoever my said
attorney shall lawfull doe concerning the
? to be as sufficient as if I the said RICHARDBROWNE
were all ways present and had done the same And
further know all men by these presences that I the said RICHARDBROWNE
concerning of the uncertainty of this transitory Life doe declare these
presence to contain my last Will and Testament that is to say All
and every such my wages pay and sallery and all and every other sume and
sumes of money before mentioned and all my plate rings linen woollen
bedding pewter brass household stuff goods and chattels whatsoever and
all other my Estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever I
give and bequeath to my said Dear and Loveing Wife MARYBROWNE
and of my last Will and Testament I
ordaine and appoint her the said MARY my said Wife Sole and only
Executrix hereby revoking and making void all other Wills by mee made
spoken or published att any time before the publishing of these presents
In witness whereof I the said RICHARDBROWNE have hereunto set my hand and Seale the fower and
Twentieth of February 1690?* RICHARDBROWNE
Signed Sealed and published and declared in the presence of JOMOYCERICHDWOODRICHSHEAFE
Proved 26th September 1694
* If the year is 1690, in the modern calendar it is actually 1691
William Cockerell, 1731
I WILLIAMCOCKERELL of the City of Rochester in the County
of Kent Shipwright being sick and weake in body but of sound and
disposing memory and understanding (praised be God for the same) do make
publish and declare that this is my last Will and Testament in manner
and forme following (that is to say) Imp.
I give and bequeath unto my loveing Wife SUSANNACOCKERELL
her Executors Administrators and assigns all and every my personal
Estate (be the same or consisting of) ready money rings plate jewels
household goods and utensils and implements of household debts due to me
from the King's Majesty or any other person or persons Government
Annuities stock in any of the Trading Companies of Great Brittaine or of
any other nature or kind whatsoever Upon Trust and Confidence that she
my said Wife shall and doe for so longtime of her natural life as she my
said Wife shall continue a widow and unmarried maintaine and keepe my
two blind children PETER and ELIZABETHAnd
immediately after the decease or marriage of my said Wife which shall
first happen Then in Trust that she my said Wife her Executors
Administrators or Assignes shall pay or cause to be paid unto each of my
respectively and to their respective Executors Administrators and
Assignes the sume of fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Brittaine
apiece Upon Trust and Confidence And
my will is that they my said son WILLIAM and his said brother CHRISTOPHERCOCKERELL and the survivor of them and his Executors and
Administrators of such survivor shall as soon after they have received
the said sume of one hundred and fifty pounds as conveniently may be put
the same out att interest upon the best security that can be gotten for
the same And the interest thereof
Shall apply towards the maintenance of my said children PETER and
ELIZABETH and the survivor of them for and during their naturall
lives and the natural lifr of of the survivor of them And
my will and mind is that if the said sume of one hundred and fifty
pounds so to be putt out at interest as aforesaid or any part thereof
shall happen the less ? ? of equally and proportionately both? my aid
son WILLIAM and said Brother CHRISTOPHER nor either of
their Executors Administrators shall be anywise answerable for the same
or charged therewith And upon this
further Trust And my will further is that the said sume of one hundred
and fifty pounds shall immediately after the decease of my children PETER
and ELIZABETH be called in by my said Son WILLIAM and
Brother CHRISTOPHERCOCKERELL or by the survivor of them
or his Executor or Administrator of such survivor And be by them paid
and divided unto and equally between them my said Sonns WILLIAMCHRISTOPHER
and BENJAMIN and the share of him or them of my said last named
Sonns who may happen to be then dead shall be aid to his or their
Executors or Administrators respectively Item
I give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife SUSANNA All those my
three several Messuages & tenements or dwellings formerly one
Messuage with the several Yards Backsides Gardens ground and
appurtenances to them severally belonging or appertaining or with them
now or heretofore usually devised letten occupied or enjoyed situate
lying and being in the parish of St Nicholas within the Liberty of the
said City of Rochester and now or late in the several tenures or
occupations of me the said WILLIAMCOCKERELLTHOMASEVERSFIELD* and THOMASHOTTING? or one of us or
one of our Undertenant or Undertenants And also all other my Messuages
lands tenements or hereditaments whatsover and wheresover whereof or
wherein I the said WILLIAMCOCKERELL am seized of any
Estate of in heritance in Fee Simple or otherwise with their and every
of their appurtenances To have and to hold unto her my said Wife SUSANNA
for and during so long time of her naturall life as she my said wife
shall continue a widow and unmarryed she my said Wife Keeping the same
in good repair and committing no waste Upon Trust and Confidence
nevertheless that she my said wife shall during the said time maintain
and keepe my said two Children PETER and ELIZABETH and
from immediately after the decease or marryage of my said wife which
shall first happen or immediately after the refusal or neglect to
maintaine and keepe my Said two Children PETER and ELIZABETH
or either of them then I give devise
and bequeath all those my said Messuages tenements and premisses
aforesaid with their appurtenances unto them my said Children PETER
and ELIZABETH to have and to hold unto them my said Children PETER
and ELIZABETH for and during the termes of their naturall lives
and the naturall life of the longest lived of them and from and
immediately after the decease of them the said PETER and ELIZABETH
and the survivor of them then I give
devise and bequeath the said Messuages tenements and premisses aforesaid
with their appurtenances unto my said Son WILLIAMCOCKERELL
and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten And
for want of such issue I give the same unto my aforesaid Son BENJAMINCOCKERELL and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten and to
be begotten And for want of such
issue I give and devise the same to the right heires of me the said WILLIAMCOCKERELL the Testator for ever And
I do hereby name make ordaine and appoint my said Wife SUSANNA
and my said Sonn WILLIAM Executors of this my said Will until she
my said Wife shall dye or be marryed and after the decease or marriage
of my said Wife which shall first happen I name make ordaine nominate
and appoint my said Son WILLIAM and my said Brother CHRISTOPHERCOCKERELL Executors of this my Will and likewise Guardians of my
said two Children PETER and ELIZABETHAnd
lastly I do hereby revoke disannaull and make void all former Wills and
Testaments by me att any time heretobefore made or published And
I do declare these presents to be my only last Will and Testament In
Witness whereof I the said WILLIAMCOCKERELL the Testator
have to this my last Will sett my hand and Seale the one and twentyeth
day day of February in the seventh yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne
Lord George by the Grace of God of Great Brittaine France and Ireland
King Defender of the Faith etc Anno Dni 1720 the mark of the said WILLIAMCOCKERELL his hand being guided in the making the same by the
direction he being very weake by Mr HENRYRONDEAU* Signed
and Sealed by the above named WILLIAMCOCKERELL the
Testator published and declared to be his last Will and Testament in the
presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto in
the presence of him the said Testator HEN. RONDEAUFRA. WARNERFRA. ROMNEY
Proved 16th November 1731 Power reserved to ChristopherCockerell
Proved again 23rd June 1732 Also granted to ChristopherCockerell
WILL and Testament ofme
WILLIAM COCKERELL of the parish of Saint Nicholas in the City of
Rochester in the County of Kent Superannuated Shipwright first
I direct the payment of all my just debts general and testamentary
expenses by my Executors hereinafter named and I charge any deficiency
in my personal estate for that purpose upon my reality and as to all
that my freehold estate situate in ? and being in the parish of Saint
Nicholas aforesaid and consisting of ?
and one messuage or tenement with
the appurts thereunto belonging now in my own occupation and five
several tenements or Cottages with their appurts now or lately in the
several occupations of JAMESTAFFS the Elder Mr COLLEY
respectively and more particularly described and shewn forth upon a plan
or ground plot on which plan or ground plot I have annexed to this my
will for the purpose of evidencing the portion intended to be by me made
of the same estate amongst the several relations in the proportion and
manner hereinafter mentioned I give
and devise unto my nephew JOSEPHTHOMASTAFFS the
son of my nephew JOHNTAFFS late of Saint Nicholas
aforesaid Joiner deced all that piece or parcel of ground part of the
same estate containing by estimation in width at the front facing
towards to the High Street leading from Chatham to Rochester and
adjoining in the West side thereof to the premises lately in the
occupation [of] E.J. DUDDERIDGE and at the rear
thereof adjoining to the piece of Ground hereinafter by me devised to WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS thirteen feet in length from front to rear on
both side thereof sixty three feet of assize (assize, to fix a
measurement) little more or less as the same piece of ground now in
the occupation of [ ] PESCOTT To hold the same piece or parcel of
Ground with the rights and appurts thereunto belonging unto the said JOSEPHTHOMASTAFFS his heirs and assigns for ever I
give and devise unto my nephew JAMESTAFFS the younger
another Son of my said nephew JOHNTAFFS all that piece or
parcel of Ground part of the same estate containing by estimation in
Width at the front facing towards the said High Street leading from
Chatham to Rochester aforesaid and adjoining to the before mentioned
piece of Ground on the West side thereto and the rear thereof adjoining
to the said piece of Ground by me herein before devised to the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS thirteen feet in length from front to rear on
both sides thereof sixty three feet of assize little more or less to
hold the same piece or parcel of Ground lastly described with the rights
and appurts thereunto belonging unto the said JAMESTAFFS
the younger his heirs and assigns for ever subject nevertheless to the
right of my nephew JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS to remove
the Shop by him erected on the front of the said piece of Ground or to
sell the same it being his sole property I
give and devise unto my nephew WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS
Son of my said nephew JOHNTAFFS all that messuage or
tenement with the piece of Ground at the West end thereof part of the
same estate containing by estimation in front facing towards the said
High Street leading from Chatham to Rochester aforesaid and adjoining on
the East side thereof to the piece of Ground lastly described and
devised to the said JAMESTAFFS and at the rear thereof
adjoining to part in part to the piece of Ground herein after devised to
the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS and in part to the
Common Yard herein after mentioned twenty five feet and in length from
front to rear on both sides thereof twenty six feet of assize little
more or less saving and reserving unto my nephew JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS and his heirs and assigns tenants or others having a right
thereto a right of way or passage from and out of the premises herein
after devised to him into out of and through the Easternmost Corner of
the said piece of Ground into the said Common Yard in manner as in the
said plan is now marked and I also
give and devise unto the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS
the small piece of Ground adjoining at the Easternmost Corner of the
premises hereby devised to him and containing eighty eight feet by nine
feet and also that piece or parcel of Ground containing by estimation in
length from the West end thereof adjoining the premises so lately
occupied by E.J. DUDDERIDGE to the East and thereof
adjoining the roadway or passage hereafter described thirty six feet in
width at both ends thereof nine feet of assize little more or less To
hold the same messuage or tenement piece or parcel of Ground with the
rights and appurts respectively subject as aforesaid unto the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS his heir and assigns for ever I
give and devise unto my nephew JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS
another Son of my said nephew JOHNTAFFS all and every the
messuage or tenement now in my own occupation and the tenement or
Cottage situate behind and in the occupation of [
] COLLEY part
of the same estate containing on the front facing towards the same High
Street leading from Chatham to Rochester aforesaid and adjoining on the
West in ? of the tenement lastly described and devised unto the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS and in part to the same Common Yard and at
the rear thereof adjoining to the road way or passage of about seven
feet in length leading from Hangman's Lane to the aforesaid estate
sixteen feet and from the front to rear at both side thereof thirty
eight feet of assize little more or less and also all that small piece
of Ground adjoining the said Common piece of Ground herein before
devised unto the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS and
containing about eight feet by nine feet and also all that other piece
or parcel of Ground containing by estimation in length from the West end
thereof adjoining the premises so lately occupied by E.J. DUDDERIDGE
to the East?, end thereof adjoining the Road way or passage herein
? thirty six feet and in width at both ends thereof nine feet of assize
little more or less and adjoining the South side thereof to the
? singular dimensions
? devised to the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS
as aforesaid to hold the same several tenements or Cottage and
? with
the aforesaid right of way from into and out of he said
? in the
occupation of [ ] COLLEY over and through the Southernmost Corner
of the said piece of Ground herein before devised to to the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS and all other the rights and appurts to the
same tenement or Cottage Ground and heredits respectively belonging unto
the said JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS his heirs and
assigns for ever I give and devise
unto my nephew GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS Son of my
said nephew JOHNTAFFS all that my those my two tenements
of Cottages situate and being in or near Hangman's Lane aforesaid now
used as one tenement And also with a right of way or passage of about
three feet in width along the Northernmost end of the
? hereinafter
devised to my niece SARAHBRIDE and her issue and also all
that piece or parcel of Ground containing by estimation in length from
the East end and adjoining the premises so lately occupied by E.J.
DUDDERIDGE to the east end adjoining the road way or passage
hereinafter mentioned thirty six feet and on both ends thereof nine feet
of assize little more or less adjoining on the South side thereof to the
said piece of Ground of similar ?
herein before devised to the said JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS and as measuring eight feet by nine feet
or thereabouts To hold the same several tenements or Cottages
? with
their respective rights and appurts unto the said GEORGECOCKERELL
TAFFS his heirs and assigns for ever I
give and devise unto my niece SARAHANNBRIDE all
that tenement of Cottage situate ? in the back of the said tenements so
as lastly aforesaid devised unto the said GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS and now in her husband's occupation subject nevertheless to
the right of the said GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS his
heirs and assigns ? at any time hereafter to make and use at his or
their free ? a passage rear way from the tenement herein before devised
to him of the width of three feet and to the height of the first floor
of the said tenement devised to the said SARAHANNBRIDE
at the Northernmost end of the said tenement so devised to her from the
said Cottages or tenements of the said GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS
into the road way or passage in front of the said house so devised to
the said SARAHANNBRIDE as aforesaid and also all
that Small piece of Ground adjoining to the said Small piece of Ground ?
aforesaid devised to the said GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS
on the South side thereof and adjoining about eight feet by nine feet
and also all that piece or parcel of Ground adjoining on the South side
thereof to the piece of Ground of similar dimensions herein before
devised to the said GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS and
containing by estimation in length from the West end thereof adjoining
to the said premises so lately occupied by E.J. DUDDERIDGE
to the East end thereof adjoining the Road way hereinafter mentioned
thirty six feet and in width at both ends thereof nine feet of assize
little more of less To hold the same tenements or Cottages and pieces of
Ground herein before lastly devised with their rights and appurts unto
the said SARAHANNBRIDE and her assigns for her
natural life and from and after her decease I
give and devise the same heredits unto all and every the her Children in
equal shares and proportions if more than one to take as tenants in
common and not as joint tenants and if but only one surviving Child then
to him or her and their his or hers heirs and assigns for ever I
give and devise unto my nephew JAMESTAFFS the Elder of
Poplar in the County of Middlesex Shipwright all that piece or parcel of
Ground containing by estimation as well on the South end thereof
adjoining in part the said piece of Ground herein before devised unto
the said SARAHANNBRIDE and in part to the
premises lately occupied by the said E.J. DUDDERIDGE as on
the north end thereof adjoining the King's Arms Wharf premises seventy
eight feet and as well on the East side thereof adjoining to certain
heredits now or lately the property of EDWARDMANCLARK and
[ ] VINYARD as on the West side thereof adjoining to Garden
Ground formerly belonging to Mrs LLOYD seventy nine feet assize
little more of less with the tenement or Cottage erected and being on
part of the said piece of Ground and now in the occupation of the said GEORGESIMMONS To hold the same piece or parcel of Ground tenement of
Cottage with the rights and appurts thereunto belonging unto the said JAMESTAFFS the Elder his heirs and assigns for ever I
give and devise unto the said JOSEPHTHOMASTAFFSJAMESTAFFS the younger WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFSJOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFSGEORGECOCKERELLTAFFSSARAHANNBRIDE and her issue as aforesaid and JAMESTAFFS the elder full free and uninterrupted use and usage for
themselves their heirs and assigns servants tenants or assigns of the
several heredits by night and by day and with horses carts or other
use of the said Road way or passage leading from Hangman's Lane
aforesaid to the aforesaid Estate and also continues into the Road way
or passage of about four feet in width in front of the tenements so now
occupied by the said [ ] BRIDE and
? the Road way or passage ?
widening ? , in front of the said several pieces of Ground so herein
and SARAHANNBRIDE and also the like full free and
uninterrupted use and usage of the draw water well sunken and being at
the corner of and near the said tenement or Cottage now occupied by the
said [ ] BRIDE for the purpose of having drawing and taking and
carrying away water therefrom on all occasions and also like full free
and uninterrupted use and usage of the said Common Yard now unenclosed
and at the back of the piece of Ground firstly described in the devise
to the said WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS they the said
several parties according to their respective rights and interest in or
to the same several roadways or passages well and Common yard and their
respective use thereof bearing paying and discharging the expenses of
Keeping the same respectively with their appurts in repair as need or
occasion may require I hereby
nominate and appoint my said nephews JOSEPHTHOMASTAFFS
and JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS joint Executors of this
my will and hereby revoking all former wills by me made do declare this
only to be and contain my last In
Witness whereof I the said WILLIAMCOCKERELL the testator
have to this my last will and testament contained in five sheets of
paper written on one side only to each sheet thereof subscribed my name
and to the last of them affixed my Seal this nineteenth day of August?,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four WM.
COCKERELL Signed Sealed published and declared by the said
WILLIAMCOCKERELL the testator as and for his last will
and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request
and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as
Plan Follows, signed by Cockerell and above Witnesses.
to the last will and testament of me WILLIAMCOCKERELL
dated the nineteenth day of August One thousand eight hundred and thirty
four and which I make in manner following that is to say I
give and bequeath unto my nephew JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS
the ? of furniture in my parlour videllet (videllicett, the formal
form of viz) pier ?, Glass Bureau ? table Pembroke table half dozen
chairs Benffet?, and ? new carpet and tea tray arm chair pictures and ?
in the Chamber I give and bequeath
unto my nephew GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS the following
articles of furniture in my Chamber Videllet bedstead beds and bedding
pier?, Glass wash hand stand half dozen chairs dressing Glass easy
Chair pictures commode and ? and carpets and I give and bequeath the
following legacies to my several nephews and nieces the Children of JOHNTAFFS Videllicet to JOSEPHTHOMASTAFFS and JAMESTAFFS the sum of ten pounds each to JOHNBRIDE and SARAHANN his wife the sum of the sum of ten pounds to the said JOHNCHRISTOPHERTAFFS the sum of twenty pounds to WILLIAMTHOMASTAFFS and GEORGECOCKERELLTAFFS
the sum of ten pounds each and to HANNAHELIZABETHLEONARD
the sum of ten pounds on her attaining her majority and during her
minority to be invested in the Savings Bank for her use the interest to
be applied for her benefit during such her minority or
? , accumulations
at the discretion of her mother and in case of the decease of the said HANNAHELIZABETHLEONARD under age then the said legacy of Ten
pounds and all accumulations I give
and bequeath unto her mother MARYTAFFS?, and as to my
plate trinkets and all other my Personal estate and effects whatsoever
and wheresoever I give and bequeath
hereby confirm and ratify my said will and direct this my first codicil
thereto to be taken and constitute a part thereof In
Witness whereof I the said WILLIAMCOCKERELL have hereunto
set my hand and seal this thirty first day of January in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven W. COCKERELL
Signed sealed published and declared by the said WILLIAMCOCKERELL
the testator as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in the
presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of
each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses GEORGEACWORTH Solr. Rochester HENRYMORGANJAMESBURTON his Clerks
Proved 11th March 1837
Edward Crump, 1819
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
Edward Crump
Edward Crump seems to be a forgotten figure
in Rochester's history. He and Charles Ross, Senior, who was his
brother in law, were probably partners in the private shipbuilding
industry of Rochester, although the exact business relationship is not
clear. Ships were built in the 18th century by Ross's company some for
the Hudson Bay Company. In 1790 Crump is mentioned in the KentishGazette as a "shipbuilder" of Rochester.
Charles Ross's son, also Charles, although only about 21, is said to be
a shipbuilder, in 1791; he also married this year Mary Baldock.
In 1803, Crump was the purchaser from the Dean and Chapter of Rochester
of a 40 year leases on 2 houses, a wharf and shipyard. I am presuming
this is Acorn Wharf. But until the West Kent archives at Strood, closed
during the present pandemic, reopens it is not possible to see if the
lease names Acorn Wharf, which was the Ross yard.
Charles Junior died in 1808 and his widow, Mary took over the business
and it was through her correspondence that business was done with the
Admiralty. No mention seems to be made of Crump in connection with the
operation of the business, yet he seems to have been a presence in
shipbuilding in Rochester in the 18th century and close relation of the
Ross family, brother in law to Charles Senior and uncle to Charles
Junior and at the age of about 58 in 1791, a man of considerable
experience and expertise, so Charles Ross Junior and Mary Ross must have
relied heavily on him, especially when Mary carried on the business from
1808 to 1814.
THIS IS THE LAST WILL andTestament of me EDWARDCRUMP of the City of Rochester in the County of
Kent formerly Shipwright but now Gentleman which I make in manner
following that is to say I do hereby
give devise and bequeath unto my good friends JOSEPHSLATTERIE
of Chatham in the said County Minister of the Gospel and WILLIAMBATE
of the same place Draper and my dear Great Nephew EDWARDDELL
of Woolwich in the same County of Kent Gentleman (my Executors herein
after named and appointed) all those my seven Leasehold Messuages
tenements or Dwellinghouses which I hold by two separate Leases of the
Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Rochester (but described in
one lease five houses and the other one with the Yards Gardens and
appurtenances thereunto respectively belonging situate lying and being
on the Brook or Smithfield Bank in the parish of Chatham aforesaid and
now in the occupation of [
] COLLETT and others to hold the same
and EDWARD DELL their Executors and Administrators upon trust as
soon as conveniently may be after my decease to make sale and dispose of
the said Leasehold premises either by public auction or private contract
to any person or persons who shall be willing to become and to be the
purchaser or purchasers thereof for the best price and most money that
can be reasonably had and gotten for the same and after paying all costs
charges and expenses attending such sale or sales It is my mind and will
that they my said Trustees and Executors or the Survivors or Survivor of
them or the Executors & administrators of such Survivor shall stand
possessed of the net produce thereof upon trust In the first place to
pay all debts which I may owe at the time of my decease and after the
payment thereof I give and bequeath thereon the following legacies to
the said JOSEPHSLATTERIE one hundred pounds and to the
said WILLIAMBATE the sum of forty pounds as a token of my
regard and for the care and trouble they will have in in and about the
execution of this my will and the trusts thereof and the residue of such
trust monies I give and bequeath to my dear Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP
for her own use and benefit and I do hereby give and bequeath unto them
the said JOSEPHSLATTERIEWILLIAMBATE and EDWARDDELL the sum of one hundred pounds Stock Navy five per cent
annuities of which for the convenience of receiving the Interest I
lately transferred into the name of the said EDWARDDELL
and I do direct him his Executors or Administrators (as soon as
conveniently may be after my decease) to transfer and sell out such
stock and if in the event of his death before me the same be performed
by his Exors or Admons that they deliver the produce thereof to my
Surviving trustees and executors And it is my mind and will that they
the said JOSEPHSLATTERIEWILLIAMBATE and EDWARDDELL and the Survivors or Survivor of them and the Executors
Administrators of such Survivor do and shall stand and be possessed of
the produce of such sale Upon trust to pay and satisfy the costs and
charges of my funeral and the proving of this my will and any surplus
thereof I give and bequeath to my said dear Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP
for her own use and benefit And I do hereby give and devise all that my
freehold Messuages or Tenements Hereditaments and premises situate lying
and being in Plumbers otherwise Plummers Row Mile End Old Street in the
County of Middlesex and now in the tenure or occupation of my dear
Sister MARYPIZZEY unto her the said MARYPIZZEY
for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately
after her decease I give and devise unto my Great Nephew THOMASANDERSON
Son of my said Sister’s Daughter MARYANDERSON the said
last mentioned Messuage or tenement and premises to Hold the same unto
him the said THOMASANDERSON his heirs and assigns for
ever and I do hereby give and devise
unto my said dear Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP all that my
Messuage or tenement hereditaments situate at the Corner of Crow Lane in
the said City of Rochester and now in the tenure or occupation of [
And also all that my tenement or dwelling house yard and premises
situate in the said Lane called Crow Lane in the City of Rochester and
now in the occupation of [
] PANKHURST (being one of three
sometime since erected and built by me on ground heretofore belonging to
the premises last mentioned and those in the tenure or occupation of [
HUBBARD and also all those six messuages or tenements yards
gardens and premises situate lying and being in Saint Margaret’s
Street in the tenure or occupation of [
the Widow WILLIAMS and others to hold the same respectively unto
her the said ELIZABETHCRUMP and her assigns for and
during the term of her natural life she keeping the same in good and
tenantable repair order and good condition And from and immediately
after her decease Then for and concerning the said messuage or tenement
and premises at the Corner of Crow Lane and now in the occupation of [
LOWRY with the cellar under the same at present used with my said
Messuage or tenement with my said Messuage or tenement in the occupation
of [ ] HUBBARD Tailor and Draper so Soon as the Lease of the
adjoining premises ends and determined I
give and devise the same unto my dear Sister REBECCAROSS
of Gravesend in the said County of Kent Widow and her Daughter REBECCAROSS of the same ace Spinster and their assigns for and during
the term of their joint natural lives and the life of the Survivor or
the longer lived of them And from and after the decease of such Survivor
I give and devise unto my said Great
Nephew EDWARDDELL the said messuage or tenement and
premises in the occupation of [
] LOWRY with the said cellar (on
the expiration 0f the Lease thereof) To hold the same unto him the said EDWARDDELL his heirs and assigns for ever and as or for and concerning
four of the said Messuages in Saint Margaret’s Street (which an ? in
one conveyance made thereof and by the Commissioners for the redemption
of the Land Tax) I do hereby give
and devise the same from and after the the decease of my said Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP unto them the said JOSEPHSLATTERIEWILLIAMBATE and EDWARDDELL and their heirs Upon trust
that they my said Trustees or the Survivors or Survivor of them and the
heirs executors or administrators of such Survivor do and shall as soon
as conveniently may be after the decease of my said Wife make sale and
dispose of the last mentioned premises either by public sale or private
contract to any person or persons who shall be willing to become and to
be the purchaser or purchaser thereof for the best price and most money
that can be reasonably has and gotten for the same and to facilitate
such sale or sales do and shall make and execute all such deeds
conveyances and assurances in the law whatsoever as shall be needful and
necessary to effect and confirm the same And I do hereby declare that
upon payment of the money to arise therefrom It shall and may be lawful
and EDWARDDELL and the Survivors or Survivor of them and
the heirs executors or admons of such Survivor to give and sign any
receipt or receipts for the money or monies to arise by such sale or
sales which receipt or receipts shall be good and sufficient release and
discharges both at law and in equity to any purchaser or purchasers his
heirs or their several heirs executors administrators and assigns for so
much of the said purchase money as in any such receipt or receipts shall
be expressed or acknowledged to be received And from and after the same
be given he she or they shall be and are hereby are absolutely acquitted
and discharged of and from the same purchase money or purchase monies
and shall not be thenceforth be bound or obliged to see to the
application thereof or be answerable or accountable for the loss
misapplication or non-application thereof And it is my mind and will
that that they my said Trustees and executors and the Survivors or
Survivor of them and the executors or admons of such Survivor do and
shall stand and be possessed of the monies arising therefrom Upon the
trusts and to and for the ends intents and purposes herein after
mentioned and as to and for and concerning the other two messuages or
tenements and premises in Saint Margaret’s which are intended in one
conveyance made thereof to me by the said Commissioners for the
redemption of the Land Tax I do
hereby give and devise the same from and after the decease of my said
Wife unto him the said EDWARDDELL his heirs and assigns
for ever And I do hereby give and
devise all that my said Messuage or Tenement hereditament s and premises
now in the occupation of the said [ ] HUBBARD situate and
fronting the High Street of Rochester aforesaid (except the said Cellar
which is under the adjoining premises in the occupation of [
from and after the expiration of the existing Lease) unto them my said
and their assigns for and during the term of their joint natural lives
and the life of the Survivor or longer lived of them and from and
immediately after the decease of such survivor I
do hereby give and devise unto my dear Great Nephews EDWARDROSSCHARLESROSSSTEPHENROSS and THOMASROSS
Sons of my late Nephew CHARLESROSS formerly of Rochester
aforesaid Shipbuilder deceased the said last mentioned Mesuage or
tenement hereditaments and premises (except the said Cellar on the
expiration of the said Lease) To hold the same unto them the said EDWARDROSSCHARLESROSSSTEPHENROSS and THOMASROSS in and by equal parts shares and proportions and to their
respective heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common and not as
joint tenants and I do hereby give
and devise all those my two other tenements yards and premises situate
in Crow Lane aforesaid near and adjoining the last mentioned and now or
late in the tenure or occupation of [
] EASTWOOD and [
] TENAR? (and being the remaining two of the three tenements and premises so
erected and built on part of the Estate now in the occupation of [
and [ ] HUBBARD or one of them) to my said Sister REBECCAROSS
and her Daughter REBECCAROSS and the survivor of them for
and during the term of the natural life of my said Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP and from and after the decease of my said Wife I
give and devise the said last two mentioned Tenements or Dwelling houses
and premises and also the said tenement or dwelling house yard and
premises next and adjoining and now in the occupation of [
unto the said EDWARDDELL his heirs and assigns for ever
and I do hereby give devise and
bequeath unto SARAHGLOSLER (the Servant now residing with
me and my said Wife) all those my three Leasehold Messuages or tenements
(which I hold from the Dean and Chapter of Rochester but described in
the lease only as two) with the Hereditaments and premises thereunto
belonging situate lying and being near the White Hart on the Brook or
Smithfield Bank aforesaid and now or late in the tenure or occupation of
[ ] READ and others with all rights and benefits of renewal To
hold the same unto her the said SARAHGLOSLER her
executors administrators and assigns from and after the fourth feast or
usual quarterly day for payment of rent in the year which shall happen
next after my decease for and during the remainder of my term and
interest therein then to come and unexpired for her and her own use and
benefit subject to the rents covenants and agreements reserved mentioned
and contained on my part and behalf in the Lease whereby I hold the same
premises and renewing the same at her own costs and charges if she be so
minded and the said lease come in the course of renewal within the said
four quarters and I do hereby give
and bequeath unto my said dear Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP all
the ready money which shall be in my Dwelling house at the time of my
decease together with such part and so much of my household goods and
furniture plate linen and China which belonged to her at the time of our
marriage (An Inventory or Account of which the said SARAHGLOSLER
has or will testify?) and all the rents which may bet then due and
owing to me for all and every my Freehold and Leasehold premises (except
those therein before given and devised to my said Sister MARYPIZZEY)
together with the first four quarters rent of the said three leasehold
messuages of tenements hereditaments and premises on the Brook Chatham
in the occupation of [
] READ and others for the sole and only
proper use and benefit of my said Wife and I
do hereby further give and bequeath unto my said dear Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP for and during the term of her natural life the interest
dividends and annual produce of and singular my monies due upon Mortgage
Bond Bill note or other security and also the use and occupation for the
like time of all the remaining part of my household goods and furniture
plate linen and China And if during my said Wife’s life any of my said
securities should be paid off and discharged then I direct my said
Trustees and executors to lay out at interest the monies so coming into
their hands or some or one of the public Stocks or Funds or in the
purchase of Government Securities whereby the principal may easily be
obtained at her decease and in the meantime to pay her during her life
the dividends or interest to arise and arrive from such
? purchased
Stock and securities and from and after the decease of my said Wife It
is my mind and will that the said JOSEPHSLATTERIEWILLIAMBATE and EDWARDDELL and the Survivors or Survivor
of them and the executors and administrators of such Survivor do and
shall call in all my mortgages bonds bills notes and all other
securities which may be then outstanding and due and owing to my said
Estate by giving each of the said parties six calendar months notice for
that purpose and stand possessed of the monies arising therefrom and all
and every the Stocks funds or Government securities that I may die
possessed of or those which may be purchased by my said Trustees and
executors or n ? with the purchase monies arising from the sale or sales
of the said four messuages or tenements and premises in Saint Margaret’s
Upon trust and I do hereby give and
bequeath and direct to be paid there out from the first monies which may
come to their hands sufficient for the purpose the following legacies
that is to say To my said Sister REBECCAROSS and her
daughter REBECCAROSS or the Survivor of them the sum of
two hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain for their own use
and benefit To Niece MARYANDERSON (the now Wife of [ ]ANDERSON)
the sum of fifty pounds And to my Niece ELIZAEDGAR (the
now Wife of [
]EDGAR )the sum of one hundred pounds of like
lawful money for their own use and benefit
But as to the legacy of the said ELIZAEDGAR I do herby
direct it is to be independent of her present or any future husband with
whom she may remarry and not to be subject or liable to but free from
his will power or control debts or engagements and that her receipt for
the same whether married or sole and notwithstanding her covertue shall
be a good and sufficient discharge said Executors And further I
give and bequeath thereout unto my my Great Nieces SARYMARY
and REBECCAROSS (children of my said late Nephew CHARLESROSS and to MARYANNDUNCAN late MARYANNANDERSON (one of the Daughters of my said Niece MARYANDERSON) the sum of one hundred pounds each To FANNYSLATTERIE
and ELIZASLATTERIE two of the Daughters of the said JOSEPHSLATTERIE to my Wife's Niece MARYBAKER to SARAHCRUMPDELL (the Daughter of the said EDWARDDELL
) And to my said Great Nephew THOMASANDERSON the sum of
fifty pounds each for their respective use and benefit and which last
mentioned legacies I direct shall become a vested and trans missable
interest in them ? ? ? the said several legacies immediately on my
decease and to be paid and payable to such of them as may be under age
as and when they attain their ages of twenty one years or days of
marriage which shall first happen and the interest in the meantime to be
paid and applied for and towards their respective maintenance and
support Also I bequeath thereout
unto the said EDWARDDELL to his Brother WILLIAMDELL
and to the said SARAHGLOSLER the sum of fifty pounds each
and JOSEPHDELL Brothers of the said EDWARD & WILLIAMDELL And to JOHNCLIFFORD of Sittingbourne in the
County of Kent Blacksmith the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings
each and to my Friend JOHNDARBY of the Inner Temple
London Gentleman the sum of ten pounds all of like lawful money for
their respective use and benefit and to be a like vested interest in
them immediately on my decease and I do hereby direct that the
? of such
trust monies (except what is hereinafter next mentioned shall sink into
and be considered as part of my personal estate and go as I have
bequeathed the same And also for and
concerning the sum of two hundred pounds due and owing to me from the
said JOHNCLIFFORD or any Stocks Funds Securities to be
purchased or laid out with the money arising therefrom I
do hereby give and bequeath the same from and after my said Wife's
decease unto my said Sister MARYPIZZEY in case she shall
then be living and if dead then unto her Daughter the said MARYANDERSON
and unto ELIZABETHDELL (the Wife of the said EDWARDDELL) in and by equal parts shares and proportions for their
respective use and benefit and I do
hereby give and bequeath unto the said EDWARDDELL my
share in the Kent Fire Office And
whereas under and by virtue of a Deed of Covenant bearing date the
seventeenth day of January One thousand eight hundred and nine I am now
entitled to the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds and interest to
arrive thereon from and after the decease of my Wife ELIZABETHCRUMPNow I do hereby give and bequeath
the sum of one hundred pounds part thereof with the interest to arrive
as aforesaid unto the said SARAHGLOSLER if she should
outlive my said Wife but not otherwise for her own use and benefit One
hundred pounds other part thereof to sink into the residue of my Estate
and the remaining sum of one hundred and fifty pounds with the interest
to arrive therefrom as aforesaid unto the said MARYANNDUNCAN
late MARYANNANDERSON and her two Sisters ELIZABETHANDERSON and SARAHANDERSON in and by equal parts
shares and proportions to be paid and payable to such of them who may be
under age as and when they shall obtain their respective ages of twenty
one years or be married but in case of the decease of any or either of
them during the life time of me and my said Wife without their leaving
lawful Issue then I give and bequeath the part and share or her of them
so dying unto the survivors or survivor if more than one in like shares
and if but one the whole to such only surviving one And
as to all the rest residue and remainder of my trust monies Stocks Funds
and Securities and other my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and
wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever the same doth shall or may
consist of which may be due owing or belonging unto me or which I may be
interested in or entitled to at the time of my decease in by or through
any right ? or means whatsoever I do
hereby give and bequeath the same unto them my said Sisters MARYPIZZEY
and REBECCAROSS in and by equal parts shares and
proportions for their own use and benefit But in case my said Sisters or
either of them shall then be dead I give the part of share of her my
said Sister MARYPIZZEY unto her Daughter the said MARYANDERSON and the part and share of her my said Sister REBECCAROSS unto her Daughter REBECCAROSS for their
respective use and benefit of my said Nieces ?
who may so become
entitled and I do hereby constitute
and appoint them the said JOSEPHSLATTERIEWILLIAMBATE
and EDWARDDELL Executors hereof and authorise and empower
them and each of them and at ? all
? and ? whatsoever to reimburse
themselves ? out of my said Estate and Effects or the income
? produce
thereof all costs charges and expenses whatever which they shall pay
expend or be put unto or which shall be ?
or sustained by any or either
of them in and about the execution of this my will and the trusts
thereof or any suit or proceedings act in matter or thing whatsoever
relating thereto and I do hereby declare that monies or any other parts
of my Estate and Effects or the income or produce thereof that shall be
actually received by them or come to their respective hands by virtue of
this my will and the trusts thereof nor the one of them for the acts
receipts and payments of the others or other of them but each of them
for himself & his own Acts Receipts and payments or disbursements
only and I hereby revoking and
making void all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time
heretofore made do declare this only to be and contain my last Will and
Testament In witness whereof I the said EDWARDCRUMP the
testator have to this my last will and testament contained in eight
sheets of paper written on one side thereof only to this eighth and last
thereof the second day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand
eight hundred and eighteen EDWARDCRUMP
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said EDWARDCRUMP
the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other
have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto J. STEPHENSJ.C. STEPHENSM.S.STEPHENS
Codicil 1
Whereas I the above named EDWARDCRUMP have made and
? published my last Will and Testament in manner and to the form and ?
herein before set forth Now I make this a Codicil thereto
? same to be
taken as part thereof And in the
first place I direct that if the said sum of One hundred pounds five per
cent shall be found insufficient (as I expect it will)to answer satisfy
and pay my Funeral expenses and that of proving this my Will and Codicil
then ? and such part of a further sum of seventy five pounds stock which
? expressed in my said will I have in the like manner as the one hundred
pounds Stock transferred into and the same is now ?
? of my said Great
Nephew EDWARDDELL in the books of the Governor and
Company of the Bank of England shall be taken and applied for such
purposes and the residue of the said Stock I
give and bequeath to my said dear Wife ELIZABETHCRUMP for
her own use and disposal And I also absolutely give and bequeath to my
said Wife all such and so much of my Household Goods and furniture as
belonged to her before our intermarriage and I
do hereby give and bequeath unto the said EDWARDDELL from
and after my Wife's decease my Bible ? by the Reverend Matthew Henry my
Silver Coffee pot and teapot and stand and my eight day Clock And
after the same event I bequeath unto my Great Niece MARY ANN DUNCAN six
silver table spoons for her own use and benefit And
from and after my said Wife's decease I do hereby give and bequeath unto
my said Great Nephew CHARLESROSS the sum of One hundred
pounds for his own use and benefit and which with the and which with the
legacies in my said Will I do hereby (the next 2½ lines are crossed
out) Such to be paid out of the monies which shall first come to the
hands of my said Executors? of due and owing to me from the said WILLIAMBATE And also from the sale of the said four houses in Saint
Margaret's to ? And from which I
? to be sold with the intention of ?
answer and satisfy such legacies and whereas WILLIAMMATHER
of Chatham Carpenter is and stands indebted to me in the sum of eight
hundred and fifty pounds on mortgage of certain messuages or tenements
on Saint Margaret's Bank Rochester and in one hundred pounds on a
certain promissory note of hand by him and his surety and whereas I
expect the said WILLIAMMATHER will find great difficulty
in raising the money either by sale of the Estate or getting a person to
take the mortgage Now if he the said WILLIAMMATHER his
heirs executors admons or assigns do and shall well and truly pay off
and satisfy the said mortgage debt of eight hundred & fifty pounds
within twelve months next after the decease of my said wife Then I do
hereby release and discharge him and his said surety from all claims and
demands by reason of the said note and do direct my said Executors to
deliver up the same to him or them cancelled or to be cancelled but if
he or they neglect to pay off such mortgage debts within the time
aforesaid then the said note to be in full force And I direct my
Executors to seek to recover the amount thereof and it is my mind and
will that when and as the said mortgage money and securities so due and
owing by the said WILLIAMMATHER shall br paid off that
they my said Trustees and executors do and shall thereout pay and I
do hereby give and bequeath from such funds the following legacies To my
said Great Nephew EDWARDDELL the sum of fifty pounds for
his own use and benefit and the further sum of One hundred pounds in
order and to the intent that he his executors or admons do and shall
place out the same upon sound real or Government security at interest in
his or their own name or names And stand possessed of the Stock of Funds
so to be invested or taken upon trust for the use and benefit of his son
EDWARDDELL and his youngest Daughter SOPHIADELL
during their minorities to apply the interest for their use and the
principal to be transferred or paid to them or the survivor of them as
and when they respectively attain the age to twenty one years if both
should so live in and by equal parts shares and proportions and in case
of both their deaths under the said age Then I
bequeath the said Stocks or securities to the personal next of kin of
the survivor of them to the said WILLIAMBATE the sum of
fifty pounds and to the said JOHNCLIFFORD thirty pounds
for their respective use and benefit To CAROLINE the Daughter of
of my said Niece MARYANDERSONMARY the Daughter of
my said Great Nephew CHARLESROSS and MARYANNDUNCAN the Daughter of of my said Great Niece MARYANNDUNCAN the sum of fifty pounds each And if at the time of my said
Wife's decease they should be in their minorities (which there is reason
to expect they will) then I direst the respective legacies of such of
them as shall so be in their minorities to be paid to their Father or
Mother or their personal representative in order that the sum may be
placed out at Interest in like Manner as is hereto before directed
concerning the legacies of the Son and youngest Daughter of the said EDWARDDELL and the Interest be applied in like Manner and the said
respective legacies themselves be given to or to the use of the said CAROLINEANDERSONMARYROSS and MARYANNDUNCAN
the younger as the Stocks Funds or Securities in which the same nay be
then placed to be paid and transferred on such legacies of them
respectively attaining their ages of twenty one years And in case of any
or either of their deaths during their minorities then the respective
legacies or the said Stocks to go to the personal next of kin or her or
them so dying And I also give and
bequeath out of such monies to JOHNBOYCE or BURRE
?, and FRANCESBOYCE or BURRE ?, Son and Daughter
of the late JOHNBOYCE or BURRE ?, the sum of
nineteen pounds nineteen shillings each with liberty for my said
trustees and executors at their discretion to place out the same at
interest for the use of such Children or at any time during their
minorities to pay and apply the same for their use if placed out at
interest and the same shall continue so until such Children respectively
arrive at the age of twenty one years then I direct the same to be paid
to or the Stocks and securities to be transferred to them accordingly
with benefit of ? and in case of their deaths before the appropriation
of the said legacies I give and
bequeath the same or the said Stocks Funds and securities to be
purchased therewith to their personal next of Kin and I
also out of such monies give to my good friend JOHNSTEPHENS
of Chatham aforesaid Solicitor the sum of ten pounds as a token of my
resect for him And I further direct that the remainder of the said
monies arising from my said securities shall fall into the residue of my
personal Estate and go as I I have herein before bequeathed the same And
in all other respects I do hereby ratify and confirm my said Will and
the Gifts as devised bequests and trusts therein contained In
witness whereof I the said EDWARDCRUMP the testator have
to this Codicil written on part of the front and back of the eighth
sheet of my said Will and the front of the last sheet or cover thereto
set my hand and seal the nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and nineteen EDWARDCRUMP
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator EDWARDCRUMP
as and for a Codicil to his last Will and testament in the presence of
us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other
have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto J.C.
Codicil 2
This 3rd May 1819 It is the wish of Mr EDWARDCRUMP that
the residue of his silver not mentioned in his will should be delivered
at the death of Mrs CRUMP to his Niece REBECCAROSS
the things as follow viz 1 Silver pint Mug 2 Table Spoons or more or
less 1 Soup Ladle 1 Milk Pot all the Tea Spoons The Silver Watch to his
Nephew EDWARDDELL EDWARDCRUMP (no witnesses)
Affidavit 16th July 1819 JOHNSTEPHENS and MARYPIZZEY are sworn.
They state they were well acquainted with EDWARDCRUMP and
are very familiar with his handwriting and signature. They have
carefully examined the will and codicils and confirm they are in CRUMP'S
hand and that alterations were made before the will and witnessed
codicil were signed. MARYPIZZEY signs the affidavit with her mark.
Proved 19th July 1819
William French, 1790
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
I WILLIAM FRENCH of Saint Margaret next Rochester in Kent
Shipwright being in a perfect sound and disposing state of mind but in a
weak and languishing frame of bodily health and sensible of the
uncertainty of this mortal life and in order to settle my Worldly
concerns do make and Constitute this my last Will and Testament in
manner and form following that is to say I give up my Soul into the
hands of my Covinant God and Father whose mercies have been over me all
my days hoping for Eternal life thro' the all sufficient merits of my
blessed Redeemer the Lord Christ and my body to the Earth to be decently
Interred at the discretion of my beloved Wife ELIZABETHFRENCH
whom I make and Constitute my whole and sole Executrix of this my last
Will and Testament and as for all those sundry Goods Clothes Linen Plate
China of what sort soever I may be possessed of or may of right belong
and as well as all sums of Money Bank stocks or Wages of every sort I
give and bequeath to my beloved Wife ELIZABETHFRENCH
aforesaid provided that my Wife ELIZABETHFRENCH aforesaid
shall leave Two hundred pounds in the three per Cents reduced to be kept
in the said Security from all alienation and at the death of my Wife ELIZABETHFRENCH aforesaid to be then given to my dear Children WILLIAMFRENCH and HARRIOTTFRENCH or the survivor of them
at the time of such her decease to be theirs in common as it of right
belonged to me but should it please God to take away my dear Wife before
my Children have attained the Age of Twenty one years then I
Constitute and appoint my beloved brother JOHNFRENCH and WILLIAMBLISSE Surgeon of the City of London as Guardians In Trust for my
said Children to take over and in the best manner they can appropriate
what may then be left over and above the Two hundred pounds aforesaid
which all together to be in their disposal for the mutual support of my
said Children or to the survivor of them but should it please God to
take them likewise before they have arrived to the age of twenty one
years then I will and bequeath what
may then be left belonging to my said Children WILLIAMFRENCH
and HARRIOTTFRENCH to my said brother JOHNFRENCH
and WILLIAMBLISSE Surgeon of London to be theirs to be
divided share and share alike or to the survivor of them at the time of
my said Children's decease to have and to enjoy the same as my own
Children would have enjoyed the same In
Witness whereof as my last Will and Testament as contained on one Sheet
of Paper in presence of the under mentioned Witnesses have set my hand
and seal this 24th August 1790 WILLIAMFRENCH
Proved 16th September 1790
Roger Lambert, 1710
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
I ROGERLAMBERT of the parish of Saint Margarett's next
Rochester in the County of Kent Shipwright and master Carpenter in her
Majestie's Shipp the PrinceGeorge being at present weake
in body but of sound mind memory and understanding doe make and declare
this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to
say in the first place I committ my
Soul into the hands of Almighty God in whose mercy ?
& Salvation and
through the mediation and intercession of his Only Son our Lord Jesus
Christ and my body I committ to the Earth to be decently buried at the
discretion of my hereafter named and as for my worldly Goods I dispose
of them in manner and forme following vizt. I
appoint my executors hereafter named to sell all my household Goods (
except the plate and Linen) to the best advantage and the money arising
thereby to be made use of by them to the payment of my debts funerall
charges and the remainder to be expended in the bringing up and
putting out to apprentice my Sons DANIELLHICKMANJOHN
and JOSEPHLAMBERT and of my daughter SUSANNA LAMBERTand as for the Linen and plate
belonging to me at the time of my decease I give and bequeath it all to
my foresaid daughter SUSANNAItem
I appoint my executors after the payment of all my debts and funerall
all charges to make use of and apply the remainder of all moneys due to
my selfe or servants in the Shipp PrinceGeorge at the
Dock or by bills bonds or for house rent or any other way whatsoever to
the bringing up – putting out and providing for my aforesaid Sons and
daughter above named Item I appoint
my executors after named to sell to the best advantage all my tenement
houses and Land with the appurtenances thereof situate lying in the
Manor and Lordshipp of Great Hucklow in the County of Derby and the
money arising thereby my debts being first paid to be made use of by my
said executors to the bringing up and providing for my above named
children Item as to my house I now live in on Saint Margarett's Bank
next the City of Rochester I give
and bequeath it after my decease to my two youngest Sons JOHN and
JOSEPHLAMBERT to be equally shared between them they
paying of the mortgage if there be any upon it and in case any one of
them my said two Sons shall happen to die before he arrives at the age
of twenty one yeares I appoint and give his share to my aforesaid
daughter SUSANNALAMBERT and in case the other of my
aforesaid youngest Sons shall happen to dye before the age of One and
twenty I appoint and give his share
of the aforesaid house to my Son HICKMAN LAMBERTItem
I appoint and empower my executors not only to lett my aforesaid0
dwelling house and apply the rent to the use of my children as above
directed but also if there be an absolute necessity of it for the
bringing up and putting out of my aforesaid children to Borrow what it
seems necessary upon it and grant a mortgage of it for the Security of
the said money to the Lender of it ?
absolutely to sell if need be and Lastly
I appoint DANIELLHICKMAN of Saint Margarett's my father
brothers in Law both of the same parish of Saint Margarett's my full
executors to perform and execute this my last Will and Testament and I
doe hereby revoke all former wills and testaments by me made spoken or
published before the writing and ensealing of these presents declaring
this to be my only and last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the
said ROGERLAMBERT have sett my hand and Seale to both
pages of these presents this Eighth day of December in the ninth yeare
the reign of Our Sovereigne Lady Anne by the grace of God of Great
Brittaine France and Ireland Queen defender of the faith etc Anno domini
1710 ROGERLAMBERT Signed Sealed delivered
and published and declared by the said ROGERLAMBERT the
testator on both pages as and for his Last will and testament in the
presence of us who in his presence have subscribed Our names as
Codicil I doe hereby
further appoint as part of my last Will and testament Mr THOMASJENNING and Mr JAMESALLEN to be Overseers in the
Execution of this my Last will In witness whereof I have hereunto sett
my hand and Seale day and date above written ROGERLAMBERT
Proved 5th February 1710 (1711 in modern calendar)
Sanders Mayor, 1800
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
MAYOR 1800
WILL andTestament
of Saint Margaret's Bank within the Liberty of the City of Rochester in
the County of Kent Shipwright which I make in manner following (that is
to say) I do hereby Give Devise and
Bequeath unto my Housekeeper ANNOLIVER Widow All that my
freehold Messuage or Tenement Yard Garden Hereditaments and premisses
thereunto belonging And wherein I now reside situate on Saint Margaret's
Bank aforesaid To hold the same with the appurtenances from the next
usual quarter day after my decease unto her the said ANNOLIVER
her heirs and assigns for ever
And I give devise and bequeath All those my
five freehold Messuages or Tenements or Dwelling houses with the
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in
the High Street Brompton in the Parish of Gillingham and now in the
in the said County of Kent Spinster (and Daughter of DANIELCOUCHMAN
of Chatham aforesaid Shipwright by his late Wife MARY) To hold
the said five Messuages Tenements or Dwelling houses with the
Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging from the next usual
quarter day after my decease unto the said SARAHCOUCHMAN
her heirs and assigns for ever And I do also give devise and
bequeath all those my five freehold Messuages or Tenements situate in
Wood Street and a certain Alley called the Broad Alley in Brompton and
Parish of Gillingham aforesaid as the last is two Messuages or Tenements
now in the several tenures or occupations of FRANCISAREY? and JOHNDENTON unto my Cousin MARYCOUCHMAN
of Chatham aforesaid Spinster (and also daughter of the said DANIELCOUCHMAN Esq by his late Wife MARY) to hold the said two
Messuages or Tenements with the Hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging from the usual quarter day next after my decease
unto her the said MARYCOUCHMAN her heirs and assigns for
ever And I do also give devise and
bequeath All those my three Messuages Tenements Yards Gardens and
Premisses thereto belonging and which I hold by Lease from the Dean and
Chapter of Rochester in the said County of Kent as the said last
mentioned Messuages or Tenements are now in the several tenures of
occupations of [ ] SHARP [
unto the said MARYCOUCHMAN To hold the same from the next
usual quarter day after my decease unto her the said MARYCOUCHMAN
her Executors Administrators and Assigns for her own use and benefit for
and during the residue and remainder of the term of years thereby
granted and I devise with such rights and benefits of the renewal I
thereunto appertaining But subject nevertheless to the rents covenants
and ( ?
) to ( ?
) reserved ( ?
) and ( ?
) And I do give and bequeath the sum
of Two thousand pounds Stock reduced three per Cent Annuities (being
part of the Stock now standing in my name in the books of the Governor
and Company of the Bank of England) unto the said ANNOLIVER
(my Housekeeper) for her own absolute use and benefit and do direct the
same to be transferred into her name by my Executors herein after named
and appointed immediately after their receiving the half year's dividend
thereof which shall be arriving at the time of my decease and which half
year's dividend I desire shall be considered as part of the residue of
my personal Estate and go as I have bequeathed the same And I do hereby give devise and
bequeath the sum of One thousand and ?
hundred pounds Stock reduced
three per Cent Annuities being the remainder of my property in the
Public Funds and which is also now standing in my name in the Books of
the Governor and Company of the Bank of England unto GEORGEOSBORNE
of Chatham aforesaid Draper and JAMES? CANHAM of Brompton
aforesaid Shipwright (my Executors hereinafter named and appointed)
their Executors and Administrators upon the several trusts and to and
for the several intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned (that is to
say) Upon Trust to receive and take the first half year's Dividend which
shall be arriving and grow due next after my decease and apply the same
as part of the residue of my Personal and go (Subject as after mentioned
) as I have bequeathed the same and from and after their receiving the
said first half yearly dividend as to the Sum of Nine hundred and fifty
pounds Stock reduced three per Cent Annuities (being one moiety or half
part of the said One and nine hundred pounds Stock) Upon Trust to
receive and take the interest and dividends of the said Nine hundred and
fifty pounds Stock as and when the same shall arrive and become due and
payable and pay and apply the same for and towards the support and
maintenance of my Cousin GEORGEDAYFENNER of the
Parish of Hoo in the said County Miller or otherwise appropriate the
said Interest as an accumulating Fund in such way and manner as they my
said Trustees in their discretion shall think fit during the minority of
the said GEORGEDAYFENNER & until he arrives
at the age of twenty one years And from and after his attaining that age
Upon Trust that they my said Trustees and the survivor of them his
Executors and Administrators shall stand possessed of the said Sum of
Nine hundred and fifty pounds Stock reduced three per Cent Annuities and
such other Sum or Sums of money as may be accumulated as aforesaid for
and for Sole use and benefit of the said GEORGEDAYFENNER
his Executors Administrators and Assigns and pay assign and transfer the
same as he he or they shall direct or appoint And as to the remaining
Sum of Nine hundred and fifty pounds of Nine hundred and fifty pounds
Stock reduced three per Cent Annuities (being the residue of the said
One thousand nine hundred pounds Stock) Upon Trust to receive and take
the interest and dividends of the said last mentioned sum of Nine
hundred and fifty pounds Stock as and when the same shall become due and
payable and pay and apply the same for and towards the support and
maintenance of my Cousin RICHARDFENNER of Brompton
aforesaid Butcher (Brother of the said GEORGEDAYFENNER)
or otherwise appropriate the said interest as an accumulating Fund in
such way and manner as they in their discretion shall think fit during
the minority of the said RICHARDFENNER and until he
arrives at the age of twenty one years and from and after his attaining
that age Upon Trust that they my said Executors and the Survivor of them
his Executors and Administrators shall stand possessed of the said last
mentioned sum of nine hundred and fifty pounds Stock reduced three per
Cent Annuities and such other sum and sums of money as may be
accumulated as aforesaid for and for the sole use and benefit of the
said of the said RICHARDFENNER his Executors
Administrators and Assigns and pay assign and transfer the same as he or
they shall direct or appoint And I do hereby give and devise all
my household Goods and Furniture Plate Linen and China wearing Apparel
and Books unto my Housekeeper the said ANNOLIVER for her
own absolute use and benefit and I
do hereby give and bequeath all and every the Wages which may be due and
owing to me as a Shipwright in his Majesty's Dock Yard at Chatham on my
own account and I give the Wages of JOHNHALL and THOMASSANETT which I purchased unto the said JAMESHOOKCANHAM
for his own use and benefit And I
also give and bequeath unto the said GEORGEOSBORNE the
Sum of ten pounds as a token of respect And as to the rest residue and
remainder of my Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever (Subject
to after payment of all my just Debts Funeral and Testamentary charges
and expenses) I do hereby give devise and bequeath the same unto them
in equal parts shares and proportions for their own absolute use and
benefit And I do hereby nominate constitute
and appoint them the said GEORGEOSBORNE and JAMESHOOKCANHAM joint Executors hereof and hereby revoking and making void
all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made Do
declared this only to be and contain my last Will and Testament In
Witness whereof I the said SANDERSMAYOR the Testator have
to this my last Will and Testament contained in three sheets of paper
set my hand to the two first sheets thereof and my hand and seal to the
third and last sheet this seventeenth day of September in the year of
our Lord One thousand and eight hundred SANDERSMAYOR
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by me the said SANDERSMAYOR
the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other
have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto GEOCONQUESTJ. STEPHENSROB. FRY WHEREAS I the within named SANDERSMAYOR made and duly published the within writing as and for my
last Will and Testament bearing date the seventeenth day of September
instant and thereby gave and bequeathed the sum of nineteen hundred
pounds Stock unto and to the use of my two Cousins GEORGEDAYFENNER and RICHARDFENNER in the manner within set
forth Now I do hereby declare this to be a Codicil to my said Will and
direct that in Case they the said GEORGEDAYFENNER
and RICHARDFENNER shall both of them departed this life
before they arrive at the age of twenty one years then and in that Case
I do hereby direct my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his Exors or
Admons immediately after the decease of them the said GEORGEDAYFENNER and RICHARDFENNER under the age of
aforesaid to transfer and assign the said Nineteen hundred pounds Stock
reduced three per Cent Annuities unto my within named Cousins SARAHCOUCHMAN and MARYCOUCHMAN in equal parts shares
and proportions as tenant in Common for their respective use and benefit
And I do hereby declare this to be a Codicil to my said Will to be
accepted as part thereof as fully and effectually to all intents and
purposes as if the same had been actually inserted therein In Witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of September One thousand eight
hundred SANDERSMAYOR Signed Sealed and
Delivered by the said Testator as a Codicil to his Will in the presence
of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed our names
as Witnesses hereto J. STEPHENSROB.
Proved 29th October 1800
Thomas Patten, 1764
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
parish of Saint Margaret next the City of Rochester in the County of
Kent Shipwright being in good heath of body and of sound and disposing
Mind and Memory do hereby make my last Will and Testament first and
principally commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping for
Remission of all my Sins through the Merits of Jesus Christ my blessed
Saviour and Redeemer and my body to the Earth or ea as it shall please
God and as for such Worldly Estate and Effects which I shall be
possessed of or entitled unto at the time of my decease I
give and bequeath the same as followeth that is to say All
and singular my pay wages Earnings either as a Carpenter's Mate on board
his Majesty's Ship Colloden or in any other Ship or Vessel and
also all my pay and wages for my service or otherwise in his Majesty's
Dock Yard at Antigua or elsewhere I
do give devise and bequeath the same unto my Honoured Mother MARYPATTEN her Heirs and Assigns for ever And
I do hereby nominate constitute and Appoint my said Mother MARYPATTEN
full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And
I do give and bequeath unto my said Executrix All the Rest and Residue
of my Estate whatsoever both Real and Personal hereby revoking and
making void all other and former Wills by me heretofore made and do
declare this to be my last Will and Testament In
Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fourth day of
September in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty
and in the thirty fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George
the second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King
Defender of the faith THOMASPATTEN Signed
Sealed published and declared by the said THOMASPATTEN
the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses in the presence
of the said Testator JOHNPATTENRICHD.
Proved 15th October 1764
John Rumny, 1689
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
(Much of this will is partly faded
and it is difficult to read every line)
I JOHNRUMNY of the parish of St Margaret's next the City
of Rochester in the County of Kent Shipwright being in sound and perfect
health of body and mind praised be God doe make and declare my last Will
and Testament in manner as following that is to say Imprimis
I give and bequeath
[ ]
and of
[ ] of
[ ]
[ ] my
[ ] my
present wife MARGARETT to my
[ ]
mother? MARY
[ ]
and bequeath unto my
[ ]
[ ] MARY
[ ]
and bequeath unto my
[ ]
sonn in Law JOHN
[ ]
and ANNE his wife to each of them the summe of five shillings
lawful money of England as a token of my love in remembrance of me Item
I give and devise all that my Messuage or Tenement called the
Thatched House neare Bromfield
[ ] in
Deptford unto my loveing Sonne JOHNRUMNY to have and to
hold to my said Sonne JOHNRUMNY for and during his
natural life Item from and after the decease of my Sonne JOHNRUMNY
aforesaid I give and devise my Messuage or Tenement with the ground? and
appurtenances thereto belonging called the ThatchedHouse
in Deptford to my loveing daughter ELIZABETH wife of RICHARDCULLEN and to her Heires and assigns for ever Item all other my
goods and Chattels whatsoever after payment of my debts and legacies?
[ ] in the
probate of this my Will and other expenses I give and bequeath the same
unto my loveing Wife MARGARETT whome I doe hereby nominate
ordaine and appont to be the full and sole Executrix of this my last
Will and Testament And lastly I doe hereby revoke annull and make void
all and every former and other Will and Wills by me made or published at
any time before the date hereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett
my hand and Seale this Third day of October in the fourth yeare of the
Raigne or our Soveraigne Lord James the second by the grace of God of
England & Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the Faith
Anno Dni 1688 JOHNRUMNY Signed Sealed &
published and declared by the above named JOHNRUMNY the
Testator to be his last Will and Testament in presence of RICHARDGOALLY ? A???TAYLOR
Proved 9th April 1689
John Steel, 1733
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
I JOHNSTEEL of the City of Rochester in the County of
Kent Shipwright being indisposed and Ill in body but of sound and
perfect mind memory and understanding (Thanks be to Almighty God for the
same) Doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and
form following that is to say in the first place I
recommend my Soul to Almighty God my Saviour and giver thereof hoping
that thro his precious death and suffering I shall receive Everlasting
Life in the world to come and my body I commit to the Earth to be
decently buryed at the sole discretion of her my now Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL And as to what worldly Estate it hath pleased Almighty God
to bless me with in this world I give and dispose thereof as followeth And
also I give devise and bequeath All that my Estate situate and being at
Redish in the parish of Lymm in the County of Chester which now goeth
for at the yearly Rent of fifty five pounds and upwards and which is now
in the Tenure or Occupation of one JOSEPHWALTON unto my
beloved Friend and acquaintance RICHARDHOWARD of Horton
in the Parish of Runchorne in the County of Chester aforesaid Farmer and
PETERGANDEY of the parish of Lymm aforesaid Maltster and THOMASBARKINGSALE of the Parish of Lymm aforesaid Yeoman In Trust and
to be by them or some of them solely? and carefully managed and carried
on to and for the several uses intents and purposes and in manner herein
after mentioned (that is to say) that so soon or immediately after my
decease as they conveniently can Then
they my said Trustees or some of them shall enter into and upon my said
Estate at the Parish of Lymm as before mentioned and take the possession
thereof and so to receive the Rents issues and increase thereof as it
shall renew and become due and payable either half Yearly of Yearly from
the Tenant or Occupier thereof and the same shall apply and pay half
yearly or yearly as it shall be by him or them or any of them received
in the manner following (that is to say) My Will is that I
charge my Estate in the Parish of Lymm as above with an annuity or
Yearly Rent charge of Twenty pounds per Year to commence from the
Quarter Day next after my decease to be paid unto my now loving Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL out of such my Estate at Lymm as aforesaid Yearly during
the Term of her natural life as for so long time as she shall continue
to be my Widow without any manner of Reduction or abatement to be made
thereout on any account or for any matter or thing whatsoever and from
and immediately after her decease or day of marriage which shall first
happen then such annuity to cease and to be void as if it had never been
charge on such my Estate at Lymm as aforesaid And my Will is that I
also charge my Estate at the parish of Lymm as aforesaid with the
further payment of the sume of five hundred pounds which money is to be
raised and paid Yearly by my Trustee before mentioned or by some of them
out of the Overplus of the Yearly Rent to be by them received (after the
Annuity of twenty pounds Yearly given by me to my said Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL for life or for so long time as she shall continue to be my
Widow being first paid to her) out of my said Estate at the Parish if
Lymm as aforesaid Yearly (to run from the Quarter day next after my
decease) after King's Taxes repairs and other deductions being first
taken thereout then the neat money yearly to be divided into seven equal
shares and to be paid as follows to and amongst the six Children of my
late Sister SARAHWALBERTON late of the Parish of Lymm
aforesaid deceased (that is to say) ThatRICHARDWALBERTON
of the City of Rochester aforesaid Husbandman shall have two shares
thereof out of the seven shares and my reason is that as he? lent to THOMASRAWLYSON late of Carrington in the County of Chester aforesaid
Blacksmith the sume of fifty pounds or thereabouts out of some money
that he must be accountable for to his said Sisters and Brothers if in
case the said THOMASRAWLYSON does not pay it to him which
is to be believed he never can be able to doe And that Debt may come the
easier to him if he should ever be called on to pay it and the other
five shares to be paid to MARY the now Wife of RICHARDHARRISON
of New Castle Underlyme in the County of Stafford Hatter CHRISTIAN
the now Wife of RICHARDHOWARD of Horton in the Parish of
Runchorne aforesaid Husbandman (one of my said Trustees) JOHNWALBERTON
of the said Parish of Lymm aforesaid Blacksmith THOMASWALBERTON
of the said Parish of Lymm Tanner and MARTHAWALBERTON of
Rochester aforesaid Spinster equally to be divided and shared to and
amongst them and to and amongst such of them yearly only as shall be
living at the several years and times of payment as they shall happen
till such time as the full sume of five hundred pounds shall be raised
and paid to them neat money and clear from all deductions or abatement
whatsover exclusive of the said twenty pounds a year to be paid to my
said Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL for life or for so long time as
she shall continue to be my Widow and if my said Estate in the Parish of
Lymm as aforesaid And also all costs charges and expenses whatsoever
that my said Trustees shall be put into in the due Execution of this my
last Will and Testament being thereout to them first paid and satisfied.
Then after the said sume of five hundred pounds as aforesaid so given by
me to the several Children of my said Sister WALBERTON deceased
herein before mentioned shall be fully paid and satisfied as aforesaid
together with my said Trustees costs and charges allowed them I give devise and
bequeath all that my said Estate at the Parish of Lymm aforesaid But
still charged with the Annuity of Twenty pounds a year during the life
of my said Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL or for so long time as she
shall continue to be my Widow only as before mentioned unto my beloved
half Brother PETERSTEEL of the Town of Manchester in the
County of Lancaster Joyner for and during the term of his natural life
only without Committment of Waste or power of Mortgaging Selling or
Assigning the same to any person or persons on any account whatsoever
and from immediately after his decease Then I give devise and
bequeath the same unto the eldest Son or eldest Mail heir of my said
Brother PETERSTEEL lawfully begotten of his body that
shall be living at the time of such his decease for and during the Term
of his naturall life only with without Commitment of Waste or Power of
Mortgaging Selling or Assigning the same to any Person or Persons
whatsoever and from and immediately after his decease then I give devise and
bequeath the same unto the second and so to the third fourth fifth or
sixth etc Mail heir of him my said half Brother PETERSTEEL
for their separate lives only as aforesaid without impeachment of Waste
or power of as aforesaid without power of Mortgaging Selling or
Assigning the same to any Person or Persons whatsoever as before And for want of such
Male heirs of my said Brother PETERSTEEL at the time of
his decease or after the death of any of them so there is no Male heir
surviving of the said PETERSTEEL lawfully begotten of his
body Then I give devise and
bequeath my said Estate in the Parish of Lymm aforesaid unto the Eldest
Mail heir of my said Sister SARAHWALMBERTON as aforesaid
deceased that shall be lawfully begotten who shall be living at the time
of the decease of the said PETERSTEEL if in case there
shall be no heirs or heirs living at the time of his decease or at the
decease of such his heirs for and during his naturall life only without
impeachment of waste or power of Mortgaging Selling or Assigning the
same to any Person or Persons whatsoever And so after the like Manner to
the second third fourth fifth and sixth male heir lawfully begotten of
her my said Sister SARAHWALBERTON as before is limited
and Declared and to their Male heirs for ever And also I give and
bequeath to my Kinsman RICHARDWALBERTON herein before
mentioned my Watch and all my wearing apparel of what nature or Kind
soever that I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease to be
delivered unto him by my Executors herein after named within one Month
next after my decease And also I give and
bequeath unto my Kinswoman MARTHAWALBERTON herein before
mentioned the sum of One hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great
Britain to be paid to her by my Executors herein after named within Six
Months next after my decease to be applyed to her sole and only use and
benefit And also I give and bequeath unto her my said Kinswoman MARTHAWALBERTON my Silver Tankard marked with S
holding by measure one quart and also the Clock belonging to the
house wherein I now dwell JS
to be delivered to her by my said Executors immediately after
my said Wife's decease but not before And my Will is that if my said
Kinswoman MARTHAWALBERTON should depart this life before
she shall happen to be Marryed not leaving any issue of her body or such
heirs as a husband then living at the time of such her decease then it
is my Express Will that such sum of One hundred pounds so to be paid to
her as aforesaid together with her said share of the said five hundred
pounds that shall not have been by her received out of my said Estate at
Lymm as aforesaid together with the Tankard and Clock to be delivered to
her after my said Wife's decease shall descend etc be paid and delivered
by my Executors herein after mentioned unto my Kinswoman before
mentioned and to her heirs or Assignes as she shall think most fitt And I also give &
bequeath unto my loving friends and acquaintances WILLIAMPEAN
of the City of Rochester aforesaid Baker and one of the Common Council
Men of the said City and unto DUKENOBLE of the said City
of Rochester aforesaid Barber and unto each of them the Sum of one
Guinea apiece as a present or token to buy each of them a Ring And my Mind & Will
is that after my decease neither my said Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL
nor any of my heirs or Executors or any other person or persons
whatsoever which shall or may claim or pretend to have any Claim or
Right to any of my Effects whatsoever that I shall dye possessed of at
the time of my decease shall not charge either the said RICHARDWALBERTON
or MARTHAWALBERTON herein before mentioned anything for
their each or either of their Board or Boards or for their Meat Drink
Washing or Lodging or any other necessary whatsoever or on any account
whatsoever to the day of my decease And I do hereby Will
that my said Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL in Consideration of the
Annuity of Twenty pounds to her by me given for her life or for such
time that she shall continue to be my Widow And also in Consideration of
the Goods Chattels Stock of Beer and household Goods etc by me herein
after to her given give unto them my said Kinsman and Kinswoman as
before mentioned Sufficient Meat Drink Washing Lodging and all other
necessarys has they have heretofore had during out and for so long time
that he or she or either of them shall Keep themselves Single or shall
think proper to continue with with her my said Wife And Upon Condition
that she my said Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL shall keep forward
the said Victualling House and Business she is now in and for so long
time as she shall continue to be my Widow and not otherwise without
rendering or paying anything whatsoever in lieu thereof unto her my said
Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL or to her Executors Administrators or
Assigns or to any other Person or Persons whatsoever lawfully claiming
or which shall or may lawfully claim by from or under her them or any of
them But in case my said Wife should not keep forward the said
Victualling House after my decease or should not continue to be my Widow
Then my Will is that in rither of the Cases aforesd she my said Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL shall not be charged with my said Kinsman's or Kinswoman's
or either of them their boards any longer until such time that she shall
so leave off the said Victualling Business or be Married to any other
Person And also after my just Legacies Funeral charges and the probate
of this my said last Will and Testament and all other incident charges
and Expenses in the Execution of this my said Will being first paid and
satisfyed together with the Board and Maintenance of my said Kinsman RICHARDWALBERTON and Kinswoman MARTHAWALBERTON being
allowed to them as before mentioned Then I give and
bequeath All and singular my Stock of Beer Household Goods Plate Linen
ready Money and money at Interest and all other Debts due to me either
on Bond Nots of Hand or on any other account whatsoever that I shall be
possessed of or entitled unto at the time of my decease ( which has not
been by me heretofore disposed or given to any person or persons) unto
my loving Wife SUSANNAHSTEEL and to her heirs and Assigns
for ever And I do hereby
nominate and appoint my said loving friends and acquaintances WILLIAMPEAN of the City of Rochester aforesaid Baker and DUKENOBLE
of the City of Rochester Barber joint Executors of this my last Will and
Testament And I doe hereby revoke
and make void all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made spoken
published or declared and Declare this to be my only last Will and
Testament contained in Six Sheets of Paper to each Sheet thereof Sett my
Hand and Seal this Thirty first day of December in the seventh year of
the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second over Great Britain
France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the
year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Thirty One JOHNSTEEL Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said JOHNSTEEL the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the
presence of us who in his presence and at his request have Subscribed
Proved 20th February 1733 (1734)
Richard Taylor, 1697
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
these presents That I RICHARDTAYLOR of St. Margaret's
near Rochester in the County of Kent Shipwright now belonging to their
Maties shipp RoyallWilliam have and by these presents I
doe make ordaine and constitute my loveing Wife KATHERINETAYLOR
of St Margaret's aforesaid my true and lawfull Attorney irrevokable for
me and in my name and for my use to ask demand and receive of and from
the right honourable the Treasurer or Paymaster of their Maties Navy and
Commissioner for prize money and whom else it may concerne As well all
such wages and pay bounty money prize money and all other sume and sumes
of money whatsoever as now is And which hereafter shall or may be due or
payable unto me pursuant to their Maties gracious Declaration of the
twenty third of May One Thousand six hundred eighty nine And also all
sume pensions sallerie s smart money and there after is and shall be due
to me for my own service or otherwise in any of their Maties shipps
friggetts or ? on any Merchant shipp or shipps As also to demand recover
and receive of all other person and persons whatsoever whom it doth or
may concerne all and singular all other sume and sumes of money goods
? effects wage debts and claimes and demands whatsoever which now and
hereafter is or shall be due and payable unto me either by Bond bill
books accompe or otherwise howsoever And ?
in my name and for my proper
use to ? and lett by Lease in writeing or otherwise all or any of my
Messuages Lands or Tenements to such person or persons and for such
terme of yeares conditions and reservations as my said Attorney or her
councell shall think fitt and convenient Giving and hereby granting unto
my said Attorney my full and whole power in the premisses and to recover
and receive all and singular the sume and sumes of money matters and
things aforesaid and upon non payment thereof or any part thereof all
such person and persons whom it may concerne and where need shall
require their Executors Administrators and Assigns ?
To sue arrest
attach seize imprison prosecute and condemn and to compound and agree
and out of prison to release and discharge And upon receipt of the said
premisses or any part thereof acquainttances Release or any other
discharges for me and in my name to make sale and deliver and Attorney
or more to substitute and at pleasure to revoke and generally to act and
doe all other Acts matters and things whatsoever needful and necessary
to be done in and touching the premisses as fully and effectualy as I
might or could doe if I were personally present ?
and allowing for ? and
valid and inrevokable all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully
doe or cause to be done in and touching the premisses by virtue of these
presents And I the said RICHARDTAYLOR considering the uncertainties of this transitory life doe
make and declare these presents to contain my last Will and Testament
that is to say all such wages sume and sumes of money Lands Tenements
goods chattels and Estate whatsoever wherewith at the time of my decease
I shall be possessed or invested or which shall then belong as of right
appertaine unto me I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife KATHERINETAYLOR and her heires Executors Administrators and Assigns for
ever And I doe hereby nominate and appoint
my said Wife KATHERINE to be sole Executrix of this my last Will
and I doe revoke all former Wills and deeds of gift by me at any time
heretofore made and doe ordaine these presents to stand and be for and
as my only last Will and Testament In
Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the second day of
May Anno Domini one thousand six hundred ninety two and in the fourth
yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary
King and Queen of England etc RICH. TAYOR
Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of THOMASSIMMONSA. COCKRELLJAMESTAYLOR
Proved 28th June 1697
John Tomken, 1797
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
I JOHNTOMKEN of the Parish of Saint Margaret next the
City of Rochester in the County of Kent Shipwright Do make and declare
this my last Will and Testament First
I direct the payment of all my just Debts and Funeral Expenses I
give and bequeath to my Son JOHNTOMKEN and my Daughters MARYBURGES and ANNTHOMAS one hundred pounds Capital
Stock in the Three Per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities now standing in
my Name to be equally divided among my said Children share and share
alike but not till after the death of my now Wife ELIZABETHTOMKENI give and bequeath to my said Wife ELIZABETHTOMKEN all the Interest and Annuity which shall arise from the
above mentioned Capital Stock during her natural life and all the rest
and residue of my Estate Goods Chattels and Property whatsoever and
wheresoever and I do constitute and
appoint my said Wife Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament Witness
my Hand this Eighteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and ninety four JOHNTOMKEN
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the above mentioned Testator to
be his last Will and Testament on the day and year above written in the
Proved 23rd May 1797
Notes in margin.
22nd May 1806 The will was not administered by ElizabethTomken.
Administration granted to WilliamChanlett or Chavisett?,
Nephew and administrator of the goods of ElizabethTomken.
23rd July 1821 The estate of ElizabethTomken was not
administered by Chanlett or Chavisett, so administration
was granted to MaryAnnCarpenter , wife of ThomasCarpenter, Esquire.
Stephen Towers, 1658
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
The eighth day of february in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand
sixe hundred fifty and five ISTEPHENTOWERS of Eastgate Streete neare the Citty of Rochester in the
County of Kent Shippwright Being in good health and perfect remembrance
(Thanks bee given to God) But am Atakening Voyage to Sea in the State's
Shipp called the Andrewe And I doe not know howe the Lord
will deal with mee before my return And
for that worldly Estate which God hath beene pleased to blesse mee
withall Doe therefore make my last will and Testament In manner and
forme followinge Imprimis I will and
bequeath unto my loveing Brother in lawe JOHNDART of
Strood in the County of Kent Wheelwright All and singular my goods
chattels debts sume and summes of money legacies and demands whatsoever
belonginge or appertaining unto mee from any person or persons
whatsoever To him amd his heires for ever Item
I make and ordayne my said brother in law JOHNDART my
full and whole Executor of this my last will and testament Item
I will and bequeath unto all my Kinsfolkes Twelve pence Apeece to bee
payd by my Executor uppon demand This is my last will and Testament of
mee the sayd STEPHENTOWERS In Witness wherof I have
hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
Anno Domini One Thousand sixe hundred fifty five STEPHENTOWERS
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of AMBROSEBEKENFELL?
Proved 1st September 1658
Thomas Waldron, 1746
Wills of Rochester Shipwrights 1652 - 1837
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
parish of St Margaret next the City of Rochester in the County of Kent
Shipwright being in health of Body and of sound Mind Memory and
Understanding do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following that is to say In the
first place I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God the Creator
thereof in and through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ my
Saviour and Redeemer and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently
buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after named and as to my
Worldly Estate I dispose thereof as followeth Item
all those my three Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Yards Backsides
Gardens Ground and Premisses with the Appurtenances thereto belonging
situate and being in Saint Margaret aforesaid now in the several
and the Widow MAY and all my Estate Right Title Interest term of
years to come Claim and Demand whatsoever of in and to the same together
with the Lease or Leases thereof I
give and bequeath unto JOHNPARSONS of the City of
Rochester House Carpenter his Executors Administrators and Assigns upon
the several Trusts and for the several Uses Interests and Purposes
herein after mentioned that is to say upon Trust and Confidence that he
the said JOHNPARSONS his Executors Administrators and
Assigns shall and will permit and suffer my Son ZEPHANIAHWALDRON
and his Assigns to have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said three
leasehold Messuages and premisses with their appurtenances and receive
and take the Rents Issues and Profits thereof to his and their own use
for and during the term of his natural life keeping the same in good
Repair and immediately from and after his decease then upon this further
Trust and Confidence that the said JOHNPARSONS his
Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and will permit and suffer
the Heirs of the Body of my Son lawfully begotten and to be begotten to
have hold use Occupy Possess and enjoy the said three Messuages and
Premisses with their Appurtenances and receive and take the Rents Issues
and Profits thereof for and during all the rest and residue of the term
of the Lease of the said Premisses and for want of such issue of the
Body of my Son then the said JOHNPARSONS his Executors
Administrators and Assigns shall and will permit and suffer my Sister SARAHROBINSON her Executors Administrators and Assigns to have hold
use Occupy possess and enjoy the said three Messuages and Premisses with
their Appurtenances and receive and take the Rents Issues and Profits
thereof during all the remainder of the term then to come Item
all those my other four Leasehold Messuages or Tenements Yards Backsides
Gardens Ground and Premisses with the Appurtenances thereof belonging
situate and being in Saint Margaret aforesaid now in my own Occupation
give and bequeath unto my said Son ZEPHANIAHWALDRON his
Executors Administrators and Assigns Item
all and every my ready Money Securities for Money Pay and Wages in
Chatham Dock Yard Debts Credits Rings Plate Linen Woollen Goods Chattels
Leases and other Personal Estate whatsoever not herein before otherwise
disposed of (my Debts and Funeral Expenses being first paid and
satisfied) I give and bequeath unto
my said Son ZEPHANIAHWALDRON his Executors Administrators
and Assigns and of this my Will I nominate and appoint my said Son ZEPHANIAHWALDRON sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former
and other Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made spoken or published
and do declare this to be and contain my only last Will and Testament In
Witness whereof I the said THOMASWALDRON have to this my
last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal the nineteenth day of
November in the year of our Lord 1739 THOSWALLDRON
(sic) Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said THOMASWALDRON
the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
us who in his presence have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto ELIZABETHCOOPERTHOJOHNSON