Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights

Transcribed by D.E. Williams. Prepared for the website by Pat Tritton.

Index of wills

1. John Daniell, 1693

2. John Ems, 1714

3. George Bannister, 1729

4. Thomas Simmons, 1748

5. William Morland, 1755

6. James Turner, 1759

7. William Keeler, 1762

8. Richard Hammond, 1765

9. John Odell, 1774

10. Thomas Barrett, 1781

11. Thomas Wilson Sewell, 1782

12. Edward Cook, 1789

13. John Mansfield, 1789

14. Daniel Collins, 1792

15. James Widgeon, 1796

16. William Hurwood, 1797

17. John Usher, 1797

18. Robert Staples, 1797

19. Henry Parkin, 1804

20. Peter Sturges, 1806

21. John Bridges, 1814

22. Abraham Batt, 1822

23. Robert Butler, 1824

24. James Clarkson, 1824

25. John Davis, 1828

26. John Johnson, 1838

27. John Curry, 1844

28. James Oliver, 1844

29. Benjamin Oakshot, 1846

30. Daniel Brown, 1852

31. John Tyler, 1854

32. William Woodcock, 1844

33. Samuel Osborne, 1855

34. John Leane, 1856

Index of Names - Places - Miscellaneous (occupations, ships etc)


ALLEN 3, 14, 32

BARLING 11, 33
BENTHAM 11, 15
BISHOP 12, 29
BRIDGES 21, 26
CLARK 19, 24

DAVIS 21, 25


FRENCH 25, 34

HOOKER 10, 22, 23,
   26, 33
HOSKING 22, 23

INCE? 11
JOHNSON 26, 28
LYNCH 10, 11

MORSE 7, 12, 19

NELSON 9, 13

PARKIN 9, 19
PEARSON 12, 18


SMITH 5, 28
TURNER 6, 23
TYLER 18, 31


WINTER 5, 25
WY( ? ) 7


   Her Majesty's Dock Yard 29

Chatham 5

Deptford 5
   39 Ross Street
      Morrice Town 34
  Ordnance Row 34

Gillingham 5
Greenwich 5, 26

High Halstow 9
Higham 9

Leigh, Esse30

   Chancery Lane 33
   31 Penton Place 26
   St. Bridget or Bride's 9
   St. Edmund the King 9
Lower Deptford Flagon Row 1

Marton near Poulton 23

Portsmouth 14, 20
Preston 23

Queenborough 26

Rotherhithe 12

Saint Werburgh, Hoo 9
Sheerness, Minster in
   Blue Houses 11
   Blue Town 28, 32
   East Street Blue Town 31
   High Street, Blue Town 24
   Sheppey Street, Blue
      Town 21
   Upper White Horse, Blue
      Town 22
   Halfway House 26
   Mile Town 33
   The Telegraph 22

St John's Parish
    in the Borough 14

Taunton 5

   Churchyard 5
   Dock Yard 5
   Harding Lane 9


Accountant 34
Apprentice 10
Assistant Master Shipwright 5

Baker 34
Baker Garrison 22
Banker 5
Block maker 31
Butcher 21

Caulker 11, 221, 33
Clerk 22, 23

House Agent 28
House Carpenter 11

Joiner 23, 31, 34

Labourer 23
Law Messenger 33

Member of Parliament 5

Navy Clerk 31

   H.M.S. Newark 6
Shoemaker 23
Solicitor 22, 23, 26
Storekeeper 1
Surgeon 5

Taylor 11

Union Poor House 26

John Daniell, 1693

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JOHN DANIELL of Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright and now Storekeeper of Sheerness being in good health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory praised be God therefore but considering the frailty and uncertainties of human life that as there is nothing more certaine than death soe nothing more uncertaine than the time of man's dissolution doe therefore make ordaine and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) first and principally I commend my soul into the merciful hands of Allmighty God and my body I committ unto the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried as my Executrix hereinafter named shall think fitt with as little charge as may be and as for my temporal Estate which God of his mercie hath bestowed upon me and wherewith I shall be endued or possessed at the time of my decease I doe give bequeath and dispose of the same in manner and forme following (that is to say) Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my welbeloved wife SARAH DANIELL and my daughter ELIZABETH DANIELL all such sume and summes of money as shall be due owing or payable unto me at my decease and alsoe all my Messuages Lands tenements whatsoever situate lying and being in Flagon Row in the parish of Lower Deptford in the County of Kent one Messuage or tenement now in the occupation of JOHN LINES and is next adjoying to a Messuage of Tenement now in the occupation of THOMAS EVENDEN and is next adjoying to a Messuage or Tenement late in the occupation of SARAH NOTTINGIRKER?, to have and to hold the same unto her the said SARAH DANIELL from and after my decease for the use of my children hereinafter named that is to say ELIZABETH DANIELL MARY DANIELL and RICHARD DANIELL begotten of my body and they are to to receive anything till they come to the age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage not sell or dispose of anything that I shall leave them after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my welbeloved wife SARAH DANIELL and SARAH MASON her daughter all the Lands Tenements goods money plate Jewels and Linen whatsoever that she brought with her to me that was her husband MASON's Item I give and bequeath unto my said wife SARAH DANIELL all the bedding and furniture and other goods now belonging or being in the best chamber up one paire of Staires Item I give and bequeath unto my sonns ROGER DANIELL and RICHARD DANIELL one Messuage or Tenement now in the occupation of JOHN LINES next adjoying to a Messuage or Tenement now in the occupation of HUMPHREY CADBROW on the west equally to be divided between them To have and to hold unto them and their heires for ever from and after my decease and the decease of the said JOHN LINES now in possession and not before Item I give and bequeath unto my daughters ELIZABETH DANIELL and MARY DANIELL one Messuage or Tenement now in the occupation of THOMAS EVENDEN on the East Side of Flagon Row in Lower Deptford to be equally divided between them two To have and to hold the same unto them and their heires for ever from and after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my daughters ELIZABETH DANIELL MARY DANIELL and RICHARD DANIELL all my goods household stuff and gplate whatsoever equally to be divided between them share and share alike the plate to them by weight after my debts Legacies and funerall expenses being first paid and discharged and the remainder of my debts and ready money not herein before given and bequeathed to be equally divided between my said wife SARAH DANIELL ELIZABETH DANIELL MARY DANIELL and RICHARD DANIELL share and share alike and my will and desire is that my said wife SARAH DANIELL shall receive my sonn RICHARD DANIELL's share and proportion of money and plate and dispose of the same for his bringing up he being young and I doe hereby make and ordaine my said wife SARAH DANIELL and my said daughter ELIZABETH DANIELL full and sole (sic) Executrix of this my last will and Testament by me made and doe declare this only to be my last will and Testament In Witness whereof to this my last will and Testament contained in three Sheets of paper have hereunto sett my hand and seal this nineteenth day of August Anno Domini one thousand six hundred ninety one JOHN DANIELL Signed Sealed published and declared as the last will and Testament of JOHN DANIELL in the presence of GEO LANETH J. ROWNTHWAITE J. WINTERFLOOD

Proved 10th August 1693

John Ems, 1714

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The First day of October One Thousand seven Hundred and Nine according to the Computation of the Church of England  I JOHN EMS of Sheerness in the Island of Sheppy in the County of Kent Shipwright being of perfect memory and remembrance  praised be God Doe make and ordain this my last Will and Testament  in manner and form following  vizt First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God  my Maker  hoping that through the meritorious death and passion  of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receive free pardon  for all my Sins And as for my body to be buryed in Christian buryall at the discretion of my Executrix nothing doubting  but at the General Resurrection  I shall receive the same again  by the mighty power of God And as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God  to bless me in this life  I Give Devise and dispose of the same in the following manner  vizt Imprimis  I Give and bequeath to my Sister MARY BLISSET the sume of One shilling  Item I give unto my Sister CHARITY COLEMAN  the sume of One shilling   Item  all the Rest of my Houses Leases Lands Tenements  and Goods  whatsoever I Give unto my welbeloved Wife MARY EMS  and her heires for ever  Upon Condition  that she shall pay all my Debts  and Legacies  And make her sole  Executrix of this my last Will and Testament  revoking all other Wills and Testaments  In Witness whereof  I have hereunto sett  my hand and seal  the day of the yeare  first above written  Signed sealed published pronounced  and declare by the said JOHN EMS  as his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us the subscribers
(No Witnesses)
Proved 6th May 1714

George Bannister, 1729

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the thirtyeth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred twenty seven  I GEORGE BANNISTER  of Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright being of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God  I do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament  in manner and form following  that is to say first and chiefly I give my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me  and my body I commend to the Earth  to be decently buryed in Christian buryal at the discretion of my Executrix nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again  by the mighty power of God as touching my worldly Estate  wherewith it has pleased God  to bless me I give devise bequeath  and dispose of the same to my welbeloved Sister ANNE BANNISTER whom of this my last Will I bequeath  my full and whole Executrix  and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannuall al and every other former Testaments Wills  Legacies and Executors  by me in anywise before this time  named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last will and Testament  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand  and seal the day of the year above written GEORGE BANNISTER Signed sealed published pronounced and declared  by the said GEORGE BANNISTER  as his last Will and Testament  in presence of AN: ALLEN  THOS JOYCE  NICHOLAS DASH
Proved 21st May 1729

Thomas Simmons, 1748

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I THOMAS SIMMONS Shipwright belonging to his Majesty's Yard at Sheerness being sick in body but of good and perfect Memory thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertain Estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to all do make and declare  this my last Will and Testament  in manner and form following  (that is to say) Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Son in Law JOSEPH SIMMONS  one shilling  Item I give and bequeath  to my well beloved  Daughter ANN SIMMONS  Wife of the said JOSEPH SIMMONS Five Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain  Item I give and bequeath  to my Son in Law JOHN JORDAN One Shilling Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter CHRISTIAN JORDAN  all the remainder (that is to say) Sum and Sums of Money likewise Plate Linen Goods Chattels and whatsoever else shall belong to me  at the time of my decease for her sole use and benefit for ever and the said JOHN JORDAN  Husband of the said CHRISTIAN JORDAN  shall have no Claim or right to but the said CHRISTIAN JORDAN to enjoy the same as fully as if she was a single Woman  and unmarried  and her Receipts to be a full discharge  to the Executors hereafter named  I leaving it for her own Support and Maintenance  And I do hereby make and appoint  my loving Friend JOHN CHAPMAN Sole Executor  (in trust for my said Daughter CHRISTIAN JORDAN) of this my last Will and Testament  for which Trouble I give him a Gold Ring of One Guinea  Value hereby revoking and making void all former Wills and Bequests by me made and declaring this only to be my last Will and Testament  In Witness whereof I have set my Hand and Seal this Twentieth day of November 1744  I give unto my Brother SAML. SIMMONS a Gold Ring  THOS SIMMONS  Signed sealed and delivered  in the presence of us RICHARD MARR  JNO. COTTON ?  SAML. SIDDEN 
Proved 28th March 1748

William Morland, 1755

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)

William Morland 1755

William Morland, as a Master Shipwright, would have been recruited from an higher social class than the everyday shipwrights. In 1733, he was Purveyor of  Woolwich Dock Yard; in 1741, he was the 2nd Assistant [Master] Shipwright at Chatham; in 1751, the Assistant Master Shipwright at Chatham and in 1753, he was appointed Master Shipwright at Sheerness.  He was buried in Woolwich Churchyard, Hasted notes his tomb, probably a chest tomb but in the Kent Archaeological Society's Monumental Inscriptions of Woolwich Churchyard he is absent. Morland's grandson, William Morland, 1733-1815 was a Surgeon and Banker , who was Member of Parliament for Taunton, 1786-96. Grandson Richard, was buried at Woolwich in 1777.

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I WILLIAM MORLAND Master Shipwright of his Majesty's Yard  at Sheerness in the County of Kent do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament  in manner following that is to say First I desire to be decently but Privately buryed in the Church Yard belonging to the Parish of Woolwich in the said County of Kent without any Funeral Pomp  and with as little Expense as may be and as to my Estate and Effects  I dispose thereof in manner following  I direct that all my Just Debts  and Funeral Expenses  be in the first place paid and discharged  by my Executors  by and out of my Estate and after Payment thereof I give and bequeath unto Mr JOHN CANNON  of the Parish of Greenwich in the County of Kent Gentleman  And unto Mrs SARAH LIVING of the Parish of Woolwich in the said County Spinster their Executors and Administrators  fifteen hundred Pounds three and a half per Cent  consolidated Bank Annuities of the  first Subscription Upon the Trust and to and for the uses and Purposes herein after mentioned of and concerning the same that is to say or Upon Trust that they my said Trustees their Executors Administrators  shall and do pay apply and dispose of the early Dividends Interest and Produce thereof  as the same shall from time to time (during the natural life of my Daughter MARY SMITH now the Wife of JOHN SMITH of Gillingham in the said County of Kent Gentleman) arise or be received unto the Proper Hands of her my said Daughter MARY SMITH or otherwise to permit  and Suffer her my said Daughter  to receive the same to and for her own  Sole and separate use benefit and disposal  to the intent that the  same may not be  at the disposal  of or Subject or Liable to the Control Debts Engagements  intermeddling of her present or any after taken Husband  but only at her own Sole and separate disposal  And upon Further Trust that they my said Trustees  their Executors or Administrators shall and do from and after the decease of my said Daughter MARY SMITH  Transfer and dispose  of the said fifteen hundred Pounds  three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities unto all and every or such one or more of the Children or Grand Children  of her the said MARY SMITH which shall be then living  in such parts shares  and Proportions manner and form  as She notwithstanding  her Coverture or whether she shall be  Sole or Married  by her last Will and Testament  in Writing or any Writing  purporting her last Will and Testament  to be by her Signed Sealed and Published  in the Presence of three or more Credible Witnesses shall direct limit give or appoint the same and in default thereof then unto and amongst all and every  the Children of her the said MARY SMITH  which shall be living at the time of her decease equally to be divided between them if more than one share and share alike  and the Child or Children of such of them as shall be then dead  in manner aforesaid such Child or Children to have his her or their  Father's or Mother's share only And Upon Further Trust that they the said Mr JOHN CANNON  and Mrs SARAH LIVING their Executors or Administrators do and shall transfer and pay the Share or Shares  of such of them as shall  be a Son or Sons to him or them at his or their Age or Ages of Twenty one Years  and the Share or Shares of such of them as shall be a Daughter or Daughters at her or their Age or Ages of twenty one years or day of Marriage which shall first happen  And in case my said Daughter MARY SMITH  shall leave no such Children or Grand Children living at the time of her decease Then upon further Trust  that they my said Trustees  their Executors or Administrators shall and do from and after the decease of my said Daughter MARY SMITH Pay the Yearly Dividends  of the aforesaid fifteen hundred  Pounds three  and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities unto my Son in Law the said JOHN SMITH of Gillingham during  his life and from and after his decease Then upon further Trust that they the said Mr JOHN CANNON and Mrs SARAH LIVING  their Executors or Administrators shall and do transfer and Pay the said fifteen hundred Pounds three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities  unto my Grand Sons WILLIAM MORLAND and RICHARD MORLAND Sons of my late deceased Son JOHN MORLAND their Executors or Administrators at their respective Age or Ages of twenty one Years  And my Will is that the receipts of my said Daughter MARY SMITH alone under her Hand shall from time to time for the Dividends Interest  and produce  of the said fifteen hundred Pounds  three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities  notwithstanding her coverture  be good and sufficient Discharge  to the Person or Persons  paying the same Annuities  and Dividends  Interest and Produce for so much thereof  for which such Receipts shall respectively be given Provided  always and my Will is that in case the said fifteen hundred Pounds  three and a half per Cent  Consolidated Bank Annuities  another part thereof shall be redeemed  or paid off in such Stocks Funds or other Public or Private Securities as my said Daughter  shall agree to and that the Moneys so received  and laid out shall be Subject to the same Trusts  and for the   ?   or the like Intents and purposes  as are herein before declared  of and        ?          the said fifteen hundred Pounds  three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities Provided also and my further Will and mind is that it may and shall  be lawful to and for my said Trustees  their Executors or Administrators to sell and dispose of the said fifteen hundred Pounds three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities and lay out and invest the Moneys arising by such Sale in the Purchase of of Freehold Lands Tenements  and Hereditaments  in the Kingdom of England  and settle and convey the same to the same uses  intents and purposes upon the same Trusts  and in the same proportions  manner and forms and Subject to the same Limitations  and agreements as are herein before devised  mentioned and expressed  of and concerning the said  Annuities  by me devised appointed and directed  as aforesaid or as near     ?        the death of the Parties  and Persons and    ?          ?          ? of Lands and Annuities will admit and allow
  Also I give and bequeath unto my said Grandsons the said WILLIAM MORLAND and RICHARD MORLAND twenty three hundred Pounds  in the same three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities  of the first subscription  to be divide equally between them share and  share alike and to be Transferred and paid to them when and so soon as they shall respectively attain their Ages of twenty one years  and if either of them shall happen to die before that Age then the whole to be transferred  and paid to the Survivor at his said Age of twenty one Years  And in case both of them shall happen to die before they shall have attained their said Ages of twenty one Years  then
 I give and bequeath the said twenty three hundred Pounds three and a half per Cent  Consolidated Bank Annuities unto and amongst all and every the lawful begotten Children of my said Grandsons WILLIAM MORLAND and RICHARD MORLAND  which they or either of them shall have living at the time or times of their respective deceases equally to be divided  between them if more than one  share and share alike  and to be transferred and paid to them by my said Trustees their Executors  or Administrators when and so soon as they shall respectively attain their Ages of twenty one Years  And my Will is that until my said Grandsons  WILLIAM MORLAND and RICHARD MORLAND  shall respectively attain their said Ages  of twenty one Years  the Yearly Dividends  Interest and Produce of their respective parts and shares  of the said twenty three hundred Pounds three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities shall be paid and applied  for and towards their  respective Maintenance  and Education  And also that in case my said Grand Sons shall both die before they arrive at the Age or Ages  of twenty one years  and leave lawfully begotten  Children behind   then living The yearly dividends Interest and Produce of their respective parts  and shares of the said twenty three hundred Pounds three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities shall be paid and applied for and towards their respective  Maintenance and Education  And in case my said Grand Sons shall have no lawfully begotten  Children living at the time or times of their decease  Then Upon further Trust that they my said Trustees  Mr JOHN CANNON and Mrs SARAH LIVING their Executors and Administrators do and shall transfer and pay the said  twenty three hundred Pounds Consolidated Bank Annuities  unto my deceased Sister MARY WINTER's  four Children by her Husband NEHEMIAH  WINTER now of Deptford  in the County of Kent  namely to ELIZABETH WINTER TIMOTHY WINTER  MARY WINTER  and JOHN WINTER  and to the Survivor or Survivors  share and share alike when they shall respectively attain their Ages of twenty one years  together with all the Dividends Interest and Produce due upon the same
   Also I give and bequeath unto the said Mr JOHN CANNON and Mrs SARAH LIVING their Executors and Administrators  the sum of two hundred Pounds  of lawful Money of Great Britain Upon Trust that they the said JOHN CANNON and SARAH LIVING or the Survivor of them his or her Executors  or Administrators do and shall as soon as conveniently may be after my decease  lay out and invest the same with the Purchase  of an Annuity  or clear Yearly Sum to be paid Quarterly to my Sister ELIZABETH STRUTTON  of Deptford  in the County of Kent  Widow or her Assigns for and during the term of her natural life  for her own proper use and benefit  and shall and so assign     ?      and assure  the same Annuity to her my said Sister  accordingly  and in the meantime  and until the same Sum of two hundred  Pounds can be laid out  in the Purchase of such an Annuity  I will and direct my said Executors  to Pay to my said Sister the sum of sixteen Pounds a Year by equal Quarterly Payments  Provided always and my Will and mind  is that in case my Son in Law the said JOHN SMITH or my said Daughter MARY SMITH  his Wife or either of them who shall be then living shall be minded  and desirous  (in Consideration of the said Sum of two hundred Pounds being paid to him or her) of granting and paying to my said Sister for her life an Annuity or Yearly Sum of sixteen Pounds  and do and shall within six Calendar Months next after my decease  will and sufficiently secure  to the good liking and approbation  of them the said JOHN CANNON and SARAH LIVING  or the Survivor his or her Executors or Administrators an Annuity or Yearly Sum of sixteen Pounds  to be paid to my said Sister during her natural life by equal Quarterly Payments without any Deduction whatsoever  Then that they the said JOHN CANNON and SARAH LIVING  or the Survivor of them his or her Executors or Administrators  do immediately              ?                        the said Sum of two hundred Pounds unto my said Son in Law or my said Daughter  for his or her own proper use and benefit
 And whereas by the last Will and Testament  of my late Sister in Law  MARY NEEDHAM  of the Parish of Woolwich  in the County of Kent Widow she gave and bequeathed unto my Grand Sons WILLIAM MORLAND and RICHARD MORLAND  and to the Survivor of them each the Sum of forty Pounds  to be paid into my Hands  in Twelve Months after her decease  which said Sum  put together amounting to eighty Pounds I do acknowledge  to have received  accordingly  also to have increased or advanced the same by  Interest to the Sum of one hundred Pounds  I will and direct  to be transferred and paid  to them out of my three and a half per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities  of the first subscription  share and share alike  when and so soon as they shall attan  their respective Ages of twenty one  Years together with all the Interest  that shall grow due  on the same to the time that the Principal shall be paid to my said Grand Sons
 Also I give and bequeath unto my Brother in Law NEHEMIAH WINTER of Deptford in the County of Kent five Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain  and to his Children by my deceased Sister MARY  his Wife that is to say to ELIZABETH WINTER  five Pounds  to TIMOTHY WINTER five Pounds  to MARY WINTER five Pounds  and to JOHN WINTER five Pounds  lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid when they or either of them respectively have attained the Age of twenty one  Years
 Also I give and bequeath to my Brother in Law JOHN LIVING  of Woolwich  in the County of Kent  fifteen Pounds  And to my Sister  ELIZABETH STRUTTON  of Deptford  aforesaid  in the said County of Kent  Widow fifteen Pounds  of like lawful Money  which said legacies I direct  my Executors to pay within twelve Calendar Months next after my decease
 Also I give and bequeath unto my said Grand Sons WILLIAM MORLAND and RICHARD MORLAND and to the Survivor of them  all and every my Printed Books and all my Draughts and Drawings  whatsoever of Ships Vessels Boats and other things with written accounts in Books and papers  relating thereto together with all my Mathematical and other Instruments  used in Drawing or my Business  And ten Pounds in Money that did belong to their deceased  Brother LIVING MORLAND  Also my best Suit of Clothes  Black Coat Close bodyed  and loose Great Coats and about five Yards of Imperfine  broad Cloth Shalloon for lining  Gilt Metal Buttons  and Mohair with the best of my Shirts Neck Cloths and Stockings and to each  of them one of my Mourning Rings  and to each a Walking Cane  All to be shared and applied to their use  at proper time as  their want shall  require before they  they arrive at the Age of twenty one Years  according to the discretion of my Executors 
 I give and bequeath unto my Grandson RICHARD MORLAND the Sum of one hundred Pounds good and lawful Money of Great Britain for placing him out to a Trade or Business  which I desire my Executors  to have done so soon as a convenient opportunity shall offer for his advantage  and also to Pay him the Sum of nine Pounds Money  of his own deposited  in my Hands 
 I also give and bequeath  to my said Grandson my Silver Watch  and a large Sliding Rule of two feet Long without a joint for working Questions ? In Navigation  Mensuration and other parts of the Mathematicks
 I give and bequeath unto my Daughter MARY SMITH  a Model of a twenty Gun Ship  of War with her Masts Yards Rigging and Boat 
 Also all my Household Goods  Linen Plate China Ware Furniture of my House Cellar Liquors and Brewing Vessels All my Mahogany and other hard Wood  Also the advantage arising by my Servants in his Majesty's Yard or elsewhere after my decease the said MARY SMITH finding them Tools and making good my Engagements as by Indentures I am obliged  to perform
 All my ready Money Securities for Money  Debts due to me and all my Stocks in any of the Publick Companys  or Funds and all other my Goods Chattels Real and Personal Estates  whatsoever (not herein before by me otherwise bequeathed  or disposed of) unto my said Daughter MARY SMITH her Executors and Administrators to and for her and their own use and benefit
 And I do hereby make ordain constitute and appoint the said JOHN CANNON and SARAH LIVING Executors of this my Will and I give to each of them the Sum of thirty Pounds as a gratuity for their care and trouble they may have in the Execution of the Trusts  hereby in them reposed
 And to the said JOHN CANNON a Cameo which I had of him in remembrance of his Uncle SOMMERS
my Will is that such Division  and Distribution  as my said Executors or Administrators shall think proper to make shall be final  and conclusive to my said Grandson  and shall not be impeached  or my said Executors their Executors  or Administrators liable to any action or suit whatsoever on Account of such Division or Distribution  and I do hereby expressly declare that my said Executors and Trustees or either of them their or either of their their Executors or Administrators shall be charged or chargeable only for such Moneys as they shall respectively actually receive  and not the one of them for the other of them  or for the Acts Deeds Receipts or Defaults  of the other of them but each for himself  and for his own Acts  Deeds Receipts and Defaults only and for those employed and Intrusted  by him and that neither of them shall be answerable or accountable  for any loss happening in Assigning Selling Transferring or Investing the said Annuities or the Management of my Estate without his or their wilful neglect  or default and that they shall and may respectively by and out of the said Trusts  Annuities  Money and Premises deduct and retain to his or their own use and uses in the  first place all such Moneys Costs Charges losses Damages  or Expenses as they shall respectively bear suffer sustain  or be put unto for or by reason or on Account of the Execution of the Trusts hereby  in them reposed
 And Lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to be and contain my last Will and Testament
 In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will contained  in two Sheets of Paper to the top of the first and bottom of the last Sheet  thereof have set my Hand and Seal  this twenty ninth day of January in the twenty eighth Year of the Reign  of Our Sovereign Lord George  the Second  by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc And in the Year of our Lord 1755 WILLIAM MORLAND Signed Sealed Published and Declared  by the said WILLIAM MORLAND the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who (at his request and  in the presence of each other) have hereunto Subscribed our names as Witnesses  WM PAGE  J. HARRIS  T. RICH 

Be it known unto all Men by these Presents  That Whereas I   WILLIAM MORLAND Master Shipwright  of his Majesty's Yard at Sheerness in the County of Kent have made and declared my last Will and Testament  in Writing bearing Date  the twenty ninth day of January  in the twenty eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord  George the 2nd by the Grace of God  of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc And in the Year of our Lord  1755 I the said WILLIAM MORLAND  do by these Presents Codicil Confirm and ratifie my said last Will and Testament  And I do hereby make  ordain Constitute and appoint my Daughter MARY SMITH  the Wife of Mr JOHN SMITH of Gillingham  in the County of Kent  to be an Executor of my said last Will and Testament  And I do give and bequeath unto my Sister ELIZABETH STRUTTON  Widow the Sum of five pounds over and above  what is included in my said Will And my will and meaning is that this Codicil or Schedule be and be adjudged  to be part and parcell of my said last Will and Testament  and that all things herein contained  and mentioned be faithfully  and timely performed  in as full and ample manner in every respect  as if the same were so declared  and set down  in my said last Will and Testament
  In Witness whereof I the said WILLIAM MORLAND have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the fifteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred  and fifty five  WILLIAM MORLAND 
(No witnesses)

26th June 1755
JOHN CANNON and SARAH LIVING  are sworn in. They were well acquainted with WILLIAM MORLAND's hand writing and signature , they have carefully examined the Codicil and confirm it is in his hand  and that the signature is authentic.
Proved 26th June 1755

James Turner, 1759

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JAMES TURNER  of Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright being of sound and disposing mind  and Memory do hereby make this my last Will and Testament  First and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping for the remission of all my Sins through  the Merits of Jesus Christ  my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer  and my Body to the Earth  or sea as it shall please God  and as for such Worldly Estate  and Effects which I shall be possessed of or intitled unto at the time of my decease
   I give and bequeath the same as followeth that is to say unto my Uncle WILLIAM TURNER  one full half part  of all my Goods Chattels Wages Prize Money Short allowance Money and all other Estate  whatsoever In Trust to pay the Same unto my Wife ELIZABETH at Such time and in Such Proportions as he shall think fit and all the rest and residue of my said Goods Chattels Wages Prize Money  Short allowance Money  and all other Estate whatsoever I give unto my Kinswoman ANNE the Daughter of the said WILLIAM  TUNER 
   And I do hereby nominate constitute and Appoint  the said WILLIAM TURNER Sole  Executor  of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other and former Wills by me heretofore made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament
   In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this Eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord  One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty six in the twenty Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second  by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith  etc JAMES TURNER Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said JAMES TURNER as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who have hereunto Subscribed our names as Witnesses  in the presence of the said Testator the obliterations being first made  SAM SHEPHERD  ROBERT SHARLWOOD
Proved 10th January 1759

JAMES TURNER belonged to H.M.S. Newark, in the pay of the Royal Navy. WILLIAM TURNER has renounced executor-ship and administration was granted to ELIZABETH TURNER, the Widow.

William Keeler, 1762

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I WILLIAM KEELER Shipwright of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppy in the County of Kent being in Good Health of Body and of Sound and Perfect Mind and Memory Praise be therefore Given to Almighty God  Do make and Ordain this my present last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) First and Principally I Commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the Merits Death and Passion  of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have free and full Pardon and forgiveness of all my Sis and to Inherit everlasting life And my Body I Commend to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executor hereinafter named  And as touching the Disposition of all such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me  I Give and Dispose thereof  as followeth  First I Will that my Debts and Funeral charges shall be paid and Discharged  All my Personal Estate Goods and Chattels whatever I Do Give and bequeath unto my loving Wife ANN KEELER to be full and Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament  And I do hereby revoke Disannual and make Void all former Wills be me heretofore made In Witness whereof I the said WILLIAM KEELER to this my last Will and Testament have set my hand and Seal  this Seventh Day of December One thousand seven hundred and sixty one  And in the Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign George our King WILLIAM KEELER Witnesses JOHN MORSE  JOHN WY(  ?  )
Proved 29th January 1762

Richard Hammond, 1765

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me RICHARD HAMMOND of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppey in the County of Kent Shipwright made in Sound Mind and disposing understanding whereby I give devise and bequeath All my real Estate whatsoever or wheresoever And Also all my personal Estate whatsoever and all my Estate and Interest  therein respectively  unto my loving Wife MARY HAMMOND her heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever And I do hereby name and make my said Wife  Executrix of this my Will  In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal  this thirteenth Day of March one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine  RICHARD HAMMOND  Signed Sealed published and declared by the said RICHARD HAMMOND  the Testator  as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who in his Sight  and in the presence of each other  have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses  hereto  THOS HUGGINS  JOHN JARVIS  JAMES DAVENPORT
Proved 22nd February 1763

John Odell, 1774

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JOHN ODELL of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppey in the County of Kent Shipwright being of a sound and disposing mind memory and understanding (praised be God for the same) do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament  in writing in manner and form following  (that is to say)
 All those my several Messuages or Tenements  Land Hereditaments  and premises situate and standing lying and being in the several parishes  of Saint Werburgh  otherwise Hoo in the Hundred of Hoo High Halstow and Higham in some or one of them in the said County of Kent I give and devise unto and to the use and behoof of my Son GEORGE ODELL and my Daughter ELEANOR PARKIN Wife of HENRY PARKIN their heirs and assigns  for ever equally share and share alike as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants
  also I give and devise all that my Messuage or Tenement with the Yard  Backside Garden and Appurtenances  thereto belonging situate and  being in Harding Lane in Woolwich in the said County of Kent  and now or late in the Tenure or Occupation of JOHN HACK his Assigns or under-tenants unto and to the Sole and only proper use and behoof of my said Son GEORGE ODELL his Heirs and Assigns  for ever
 Also I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter ELEANOR PARKIN  the Sum of sixty pounds  Also all and every my Ready money and Securities for money monies in the public Stocks  or Funds Bills Bonds Notes Household Goods Plate Linen  Effects and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever  (from and after payment of my just Debts  the aforesaid Legacy and sixty pounds  and my Funeral Expenses) I give and bequeath unto and equally between my said Son and Daughter GEORGE ODELL and ELEANOR PARKIN  their respective Executors  Administrators and Assigns 
And I do hereby make nominate constitute and appoint  them my said Son and Daughter GEORGE ODELL and ELEANOR PARKIN joint Executor and Executrix  of this my Will and hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament 
  In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this thirty first day of in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord  King George  the third and in the Year of our Lord  one thousand seven hundred and seventy five  JOHN ODELL Signed Sealed published and declared  by the said JOHN ODELL the Testator  as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request  and in he presence of each other  have Subscribed our Hands  as Witnesses  thereto   THOS VAUGHAN  WILLM SHRUBSOLE  JNO NELSON

Codicil,  28th February 1776
It's my desire and intention that whatever Sum or Sums of money may be advanced  by me for the support and Maintenance of my Grandson GEORGE PARKIN during the Remainder of his Apprenticeship  shall be allowed and accounted as part of the said Legacy  of sixty pounds  left by me to my Daughter ELEANOR PARKIN  as Witness my Hand  JOHN ODELL
(No Witnesses)

Affidavit, 10th June 1777
ELIZABETH SPOORE of St. Bridget or Bride's, London, Widow and ELIZABETH CHEETHAM of the parish of St. Edmund the King , London, Spinster are sworn in. They say they were well acquainted with the testator  for several years  and familiar with his handwriting  and signature . They have carefully examined  the codicil and confirm it is in the testator's hand.
Proved 12th June 1777

Thomas Barrett, 1781

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I THOMAS BARRETT of Sheerness in the Isle of Shepey and County of Kent Shipwright  being weak in Body but of sound disposing Mind  Do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament  in manner and form following  First and principally I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God  hoping for Salvation  through the Merits  of my All sufficient Saviour  to obtain Everlasting Happiness  And my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently Interred by my Executor hereinafter mentioned  and for the worldly Goods  wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I give and bequeath as follows to my Children begotten upon the Body of my Wife ANN BARRETT I give the sum of Sixty Pounds  to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike  to be putt to Interest  and the said Interest to be paid by my Executor to my loving Wife ANN BARRETT for the bringing them up as for my Son or Sons  what shall live to be putt Aprentice their or his share shall be for that use  and as for my Daughter or Daughters  their or her share  shall be given them or her at the age of twenty one  or on the day of Marriage  which shall first happen
Item I give to Eldest Son THOMAS BARRETT my Silver Watch and all other my Goods Money  Household Furniture  I give to my loving Wife ANN BARRETT for her sole use  and benefit
 And I do appoint JOHN LYNCH junr of Sheerness  Sole Executor and Trustee  for my Wife and Children of this my last Will and Testament
 In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth of November in the year of our Lord  one thousand seven hundred and eighty THOMAS BARRETT Signed sealed and delivered  in the presence of us  JOHN HOLMES  JOHN HOOKER
Proved 20th June 1781

Thomas Wilson Sewell, 1782


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I THOMAS WILSON SEWELL of Sheerness in the County of Kent and Isle of Shepey Shipwright being weak in Body but of Sound Disposing mind do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament  in manner and form following  first and principally I recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God  hoping to Obtain Salvation through the Merits of my All Sufficient Saviour and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently Interred  at the discretion by my Executors hereinafter named  and for the Worldly Goods  wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me  I give and bequeath as follows
Item I Give to my loving Brother   JOHN SEWELL that large Brick House now in the occupation of BRYANT BENTHAM  and the House joining  thereto now in the occupation of JOHN FAULKNER  upon the Condition of his Paying or causes to be paid to my beloved Wife REBECCA  SEWELL the Sum of four Shillings per Week during the Term of her natural Life to be Paid her Quarterly  regularly and without Fail by my Brother JOHN SEWELL his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns  I likewise Give to my Brother JOHN SEWELL one Silver Table Spoon my Gold Ring with all my Wearing Apparel 
Item I Give for divers Good causes and consideration to WILLIAM ROSE House Carpenter  the House in which I now live during his Life upon the condition  of his Paying to my Brother JOHN SEWELL  the Sum of two Pounds  a year and if MARY ROSE the Wife of the before Mentioned WILLIAM ROSE should outlive her husband  I Give the aforesaid House  which with the other Houses before Mentioned  and situated at the blue Houses in the Parish of Minster  to her the said MARY ROSE during her Life  Upon the Payment  of the said Annuity of two Pounds a Year and after their deceases I Give and bequeath the said House to my Brother JOHN SEWELL his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns
Item I Give to my Wife REBECCA SEWELL all my Household Furniture  of what ever kind  or nature 
Item I Give to JOHN LYNCH Shipwright five Pounds  for Mourning 
Item I Give to my Wife REBECCA SEWELL two suits of Mourning  suitable for a Widow
I Give to JOHN HOLINES? Taylor One Guinea for a Mourning Ring  a Silk Hatband  and Gloves 
I Give to WILLIAM BARLING  Caulker One Guinea for a Mourning Ring  a Silk Hatband and Gloves and my Will and Pleasure is that these Legacies be paid in One Month  after my decease  by my Executors  upon Average  according to their value Willed and I do appoint my Brother JOHN SEWELL and WILLIAM ROSE  Executors of this my last Will and Testament 
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty second of July and in the Year of our Lord  one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty two  THOMAS WILSON SEWELL Signed Sealed  and delivered  in the Presence of us  WILLIAM INCE ? JAMES HELSEY ?  SHELSEY ? HELSEY ?
Proved 14th August 1782

Edward Cook, 1789

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I EDWARD COOK of Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright being at this present time of sound memory and understanding do make and constitute this  my last Will and Testament in the manner and form as follows (that is to say) I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God  my most gracious Father through the rich Mercy of Jesus Christ  my Redeemer and my Body  I commit to the Earth  to be Buried according to the discretion of my Executors hereafter named  and as to my Worldly Goods after all my Debts and Funeral Expense are paid I will and direct that they shall be disposed of in the following manner (that is to say)
I give and bequeath to my five beloved Grandchildren  WILLIAM BISHOP  REBECCA BISHOP  EDWARD BISHOP  ANN BISHOP and JOHN MORSE and to each of them Five pounds of good and lawful Money of England to be paid by my Executors  One Month after my decease 
I give and bequeath to my Grandson WILLIAM BISHOP One Silver punch Ladle 
I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter REBECCA BISHOP One Silver Milk pot 
I give and bequeath to my Grandson EDWARD BISHOP my Watch with a Green case
I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter ANN BISHOP  my Silver Tea Tongs 
I give and bequeath to my Grandson JOHN PEARSON One large Silver Table Spoon 
I give and bequeath to my Grandson PETER PEARSON all my Silver Tea Spoons
I give and bequeath to my Grandson JACOB PEARSON a Gold Locket and half a Guinea  for a Table Spoon
I give and bequeath to REBECCA BRAZIER of Rotherhithe a Gold Ring of One Guinea Value  as a Token of my Affection  for her
I give and bequeath to Mr WILLIAM SHRUBSOLE of Sheerness a Gold Ring of One Guinea Value  as a Token of my respect for him all that remains  of my Cash Bonds Notes Club Money Wages due in the Yard Goods Linen Plate Books China and whatever else belongs to me at my decease I give and bequeath unto my dear Daughters ANN BISHOP and ELIZABETH MORSE and the Children of my late Daughter JANE PEARSON desiring that the whole may be divided into three equal parts and that one third may be give to JOHN PEARSON PETER PEARSON and JACOB PEARSON Sons of my Daughter JANE PEARSON deceased and my Will is that the said third part shall be equally divided between the said three Children of JANE PEARSON  Share and Share alike  and to the Survivors or the Survivor  of them to be given them when they come to the Age of twenty One Years and to be improved for them by my Executors in the meantime and I hereby constitute and appoint HENRY BISHOP JOHN MORSE and PETER PEARSON Husbands of my said Daughters to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all other Wills and Testaments made by me in time past and declaring this to be my last Will and Testament made this eighth day of November in the year of Our Lord  One thousand seven hundred and Eighty six EDWARD COOK Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us  W. SHRUBSOLE  WILLIAM TEMPLE  JOHN LAMBETH
Proved 12th May 1789 Power reserved to JOHN MORSE and PETER PEARSON
Note in margin dated 17th August 1792 Administration granted to PETER PEARSON

John Mansfield, 1789

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JOHN MANSFIELD of the County of Kent and of the parish of Sheerness Shipwright make this my last Will and Testament
I resign my Soul to it's Divine Creator in humble through the merits and intercession of his Son Jesus Christ of a happy resurrection as to my body my wish is that it be buried with as little expense as possible in being decent hereby (appoint ?) my dearly beloved Wife MARY MANSFIELD the Executor of this my last Will and Testament 
Item I give all my household furniture Plate China And all the Interest of my fortune in the public funds during her natural life while she remains a Widow and after her Marriage or demise to my only Daughter MARY MANSFIELD should my Daughter MARY with the consent of her Mother   then I give her three hundred pounds Sterling on her marriage to be settled on her and her Children likewise the remainder of her Fortune and in case my said Widow  should marry I hereby appoint my said Widow with my Sister MARY MANSFIELD  and my Brother SAMUEL MANSFIELD joint trustees for my Daughter till she shall arrive of the age of twenty one years  or of being married with the consent of the Mother or trustees in case of her demise before my Widow's death leaving no Children  and half of my fortune shall devolve on my Brothers and Sisters  and the other half to whom she pleases
Item I give all my pictures  of my own Drawing  to Mrs MANSFIELD during life and after her demise to my Daughter at her death to any of my Brothers
Item I give to my Brother and Sister taking on them the trusteeship for my Daughter  the sum of five Guineas each for a ring in remembrance of me
Item I give to my Brother SAMUEL my   ?   writing Desk and all my Books rafts  & everything else  relating to the business of a Shipwright
Item give to my present and last two Servants* to be equally divided  (all my tools of every kind and sort)
Item I give Sisters MARY and NANCY  Brothers SAMUEL CHARLES and BAVINGTON  two guineas  each for a ring in remembrance of me  at my death
revoking all other Wills  I make this my last Will and Testament  as witness my hand this twentieth Second  of February One thousand seven hundred  And eighty Nine  JNO MANSFIELD  Witnesses  SAML. FOLLETT  SAML. MANSFIELD

Codicil dated 2nd April 1789
Not having made any provision to my lawful Wife MARY MANSFIELD in case she Should marry after my decease I hereby give and bequeath unto the said MARY MANSFIELD the sum of four hundred ponds  sterling in case she Should marry after my decease in addition to all power bequeathed and at her decease to go to my Daughter MARY MANSFIELD  And at her death leaving no Children one half of the four hundred pounds shall devolve to my Brothers and Sisters  and the other half to who she pleases
Proved 4th June 1789

Note in Margin 18th April 1813
The will was not administered by MARY MANSFIELD. Granted to MARY NELSON, wife of JOHN WILLIAM NELSON, the daughter of JOHN MANSFIELD

Daniel Collins, 1792

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I DANIEL COLLINS of Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright being of sound and disposing Mind and Memory do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament  in manner and form following that is to say after all my just Debts are paid and discharged 
I give the Rest Residue Remainder of all and singular my Wages and Pay Sum and Sums of Money due and owing unto me  Goods Household Goods and all other my Estate  whatsoever and wheresoever  Kind Wages Sum and Sums of Money Lands Tenements Goods Chattels and  Estate whatsoever as shall be any ways due owing or belonging unto me at the time of my decease
I do give devise and bequeath the same unto my loving Wife MARY COLLINS her Executors and Administrators for ever 
And I do hereby nominate and appoint THOMAS ALLEN Esq  of St John's Parish  in the Borough and Mr CHARLES COLLINS Junr of Portsmouth  Executors of this my last Will and Testament 
hereby revoking all former and other Wills Testaments and deeds of Gift by me at any time heretofore made 
And I do ordain and ratify the present to stand and be for and as my only last Will and Testament 
In Witness whereof to this  my said Will I have set my Hand and Seal the thirteenth day of July in the year of our Lord  One thousand seven hundred and eighty Nine  DANIEL COLLINS Witnesses NATHL. GROAVES  SAML MARDEN 
Proved 16th November 1792 DANIEL COLLINS of Sheerness but is late of Woolwich. THOMAS ALLEN and CHARLES COLLINS have renounced their roles as Executors.

James Widgeon, 1796

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JAMES WIDGEON Shipwright in his Majesty's yard at Sheerness being infirm in health but sound in mind and memory and considering the uncertainties of this life do make publish and declare  this my last Will and Testament  in manner following that is to say
First I commend my Soul to God that gave it and my Body to the Earth as it shall please and as for and concerning all my worldly Estate  I give devise bequeath and dispose of  that is to say
 I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter ELIZABETH ANN WIDGEON  the Sum of two hundred pounds in the three per Cent Consols  in the Bank of England to be paid her by my Executor or his Assigns when she arrive at the age of twenty one years or marries and if she dies before she marries  or arrives at twenty one years of age then
I direct the the said Sum of two hundred pounds be given to my Son JAMES WIDGEON or his Wife ALICE WIDGEON if he is not living or to their heirs at Law in case they should be both dead
and I give unto my loving Wife  ESTHER WIDGEON the Sum of Fifty pounds in three per Cents Consols  before mentioned to be paid  her by my Executor with all convenient Speed  after my decease
And as for my wearing apparel of all Kinds I give it to my Son JAMES WIDGEON
and I further direct that all the money that is due to me at the time of my decease from the Dock Yard  money in my house or any private debts after the payment of my just Debts  that the remainder be divided  equally between  my Wife ESTHER and my Son JAMES  aforesaid  I further  direct that that part of my Household Furniture  Plate Linen or China  which was the property of my loving Wife ESTHER  before she was married to me may be returned to her again  And the residue of my Furniture Plate Linen and China  I give to my Son JAMES WIDGEON
hereby appoint my Son JAMES WIDGEON whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament  hereby revoking all former and other Wills and Testaments  and Deeds of gifts by me at any time heretofore made and I do ordain  and ratify these presents to stand and be for  and as my last Will and Testament
In witness whereof to this my said Will I have set my hand and Seal  the fifteenth day of March  in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety four  and in the thirty fourth year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the third  over Great Britain etc JAMES WIDGEON Signed Sealed published and declared  by the within named Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us BRYAN BENTHAM  WILLIAM SOLE
Proved 15th September 1796

William Hurwood, 1797

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN NAME OF FATHER SON & HOLY GHOST I WILLIAM HURWOOD Shipwright of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheepy in the County of Kent  do make & declare this to be my last Will and Testament  in manner as follows
In sure & certain Hope of a Joyful Resurrection to eternal life through Jesus Christ  I commit my Body to the Dust to be decently interr'd
& all my Worldly property of whatever name or      ?        I stand entitled to be equally divided between my three Sons WILLIAM  JOHN & JAMES HURWOOD  & in case of the death of either of my Sons their Wives or Children shall be entitled  to the Husband's share  reserving to my Sister ISABELLA HURWOOD Five pounds
& I give & bequeath to Mrs ELIZTH. SEDGWICK  One guinea for a mourning Ring & to her two Children ELIZH.& GEORGE SEDGWICK half a Guinea each
& I appoint my two Sons WILLM & JOHN HURWOOD  to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament 
In witness whereof I hereunto have set my hand & seal this 12th of September One thousand seven hundred & ninety two  WILLM HURWOOD  Signed Sealed & declared  to be the last Will & Testament  in the presence of us  GODFREY WRAGG  WILLIAM NEVILL
Proved 18th May 1797

John Usher, 1797

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me JOHN USHER of Sheerness Shipwright I being of sound mind memory and understanding do make in manner following (that is to say) 
I do direst that in the first place All my Just Debts  and Funeral expenses shall be paid by my Executor herein after named 
I do give and bequeath unto my Son JAMES USHER the sum of Ten Pounds  and unto my Daughter  SUSANNA PARISH the sum of Ten Pounds  and to my Daughter HANNAH USHER I do give the sum of Forty Pounds all in good & lawful money of Great Britain 
 and all my property and other my effects  them remaining I do will unto my loving Wife MARY USHER
And I do appoint RICHARD PARISH  of Church Row in the parish of St Botolph  Aldgate  the Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament  hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me made
 in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal  this twenty ninth day  of July in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred  and ninety seven JOHN USHER Signed Sealed Published and Declared  by the said JOHN USHER  as and for his last Will and Testament  in our presence who at his request and in his presence have set our names  as Witnesses hereto ISAAC PARKER  HENRIETTA HENDERSON
Proved 22nd August 1797 Granted to MARY USHER, RICHARD PARISH having renounced execution of the will.

Robert Staples, 1804

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I ROBERT STAPLES of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppy in the County of Kent Shipwright being in perfect health and of sound disposing mind and memory thanks be to God  for the same
But not knowing how soon  it may please God to take me from this world temporal  I do now for the avoiding of all controversies after my decease  make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament  in the manner following 
First I commend my Soul to God that gave it  and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried of my Executors hereafter named  and as concerning all such goods and chattels  God has been pleased to bestow on me  I give and dispose as followeth 
Imprimis I give and bequeath to each of MARGARET EDWARDS Children the sum of Twenty Pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain  but unto ROBERT FITZWATERS add the sum of Seventy pounds more of lawful money of Great Britain But to be taken out of the money which I bequeath to the aforesaid MARGARET EDWARDS
likewise give and bequeath to WILLIAM STAPLES Children the sum of Twenty pounds each of good and lawful money 
I likewise give and bequeath to ANN TYLER  my Niece the sum of Twenty pounds  for her Child but in case she hath none to keep the Twenty pounds  for herself
It is likewise my Will that the aforesaid ANN TYLER my Niece shall not take the principal out of the same Bank in which it now is unless she is a widow neither she nor her husband it is also my Will that at the death of the aforesaid ANN TYLER my Niece her money that I shall  leave her be equally divided  between the Children of the aforesaid MARGARET EDWARDS  WILLIAM STAPLES and DOROTHY GOWER   my Niece
I likewise will and bequeath to DOROTHY GOWER the sum of Twenty pounds a piece for her Children of good and lawful money and my Bed and Bedding with the Furniture Table Linen  Sheets Shirts Handkerchiefs with all my wearing apparel  my Books  and all my Household Goods I desire that the Children aforesaid when they come to the age of twenty years  shall have their money  to their own possession  but if any one of  the Children die  before it comes of age his or her part  shall be divided between it's Brothers and Sisters  belonging to it's Family 
I give and bequeath  to ROBERT FITZWATERS my Watch
I give and bequeath  to THOMAS JACOB my Son in Law One hundred and thirty pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain 
I likewise desire after all my Legacies and Funeral Debts are discharged that the moneys  that shall be left shall be equally divided between  MARGARET EDWARDS my Niece aforesaid and WILLIAM STAPLES my Nephew  and DOROTHY GOWER my Niece aforesaid
I likewise constitute and nominate WILLIAM STAPLES aforesaid and JOHN GOWER and WILLIAM TYLER  Shipwrights Joynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament and to see the same (performed?) for mee after my decease
And I do hereby Oterly disallow revoke and disanall all and every former Testaments Wills Legacies and bequests and Executors  by me in any ways before named Willed and no other to be my last Will and Testament
And in Witness thereof and in Witness I do hereunto set my hand and seal  the day and year above mentioned written and in the Thirty fourth Year of the Reign  of our Sovereign George the Third  ROBERT STAPLES  Signed Sealed and declared to be my last Will and Testament  in the presence of us PETR. PEARSON  JOHN EDMONDS
Proved 5th December 1797

Henry Parkin, 1806

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me HENRY PARKIN of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppey Shipwright 
First I give to my Son HENRY PARKIN the Sum of ten pounds to be paid to him immediately after my decease then
I give and bequeath to my Son GEORGE PARKIN one Moiety or half part of One thousand Four hundred pounds four per cent stock of the Bank of England  to and for his own use and benefit then 
I give and bequeath to my Son GEORGE PARKIN his Executors and Administrators the remaining Moiety of One thousand Four hundred pounds four per Cent stock of the Bank of England In Trust to pay the Interest and Dividends arising from the same as the same becomes due to my said Son HENRY PARKIN for and during the term of his natural life  and from and immediately after the death of my said Son HENRY PARKIN  then
I give and bequeath the Interest and Dividends arising from the Moiety of the said Stock equally among all and every the Child or Children of my said Son HENRY PARKIN  lawfully begotten  and to be applied during their Minority by my said Son GEORGE PARKIN  towards their Maintenance  and Education  and   ?   and so soon as all the said Children of my said Son HENRY PARKIN shall have attained the age of twenty one years then to divide the said Moiety  or half part of the said  one thousand four hundred pounds Stock equally among them 
And I do hereby empower  and authorise my said Son GEORGE in Case any of the Children of my said Son HENRY should be girls and marry before attaining the age of twenty one years that he may be at Liberty and so I do hereby direct in Case he thinks proper to pay the part or share  of the Principal of the Moiety  or half part of the said One thousand four hundred pounds four per Cent Stock of the Bank of England  to such Girl on her Marriage not waiting until she attain twenty one years and in Case any of the Sons of my said Son HENRY PARKIN  shall die leaving Children lawfully begotten then the Children to be entitled to the parent's Share equally between them and in Case my said Son  HENRY PARKIN  should die without leaving Child or Children or such Children dying without Issue and under the age of twenty one Years  then 
I give the remaining Moiety  of the said One thousand Four hundred pounds four per cent Stock of the Bank of England to my said Son GEORGE PARKIN to and for his own use and benefit 
And as to all the Rest Residue  and Remainder of my Personal Estate  and Effects 
I give and bequeath the same to my Son GEORGE PARKIN  to and for his own use and benefit and do nominate and appoint him Sole Executor of this my Will  hereby revoking all Will and Wills by me made do make and publish  this my last 
In Witness whereby I have hereunto  set my hand and Seal this twenty seventh day of October One thousand seven hundred  and ninety four  HENRY PARKIN Signed Sealed Published and Declared  by the said HENRY PARKIN as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us THOMAS HEARNE  JNO MORSE  JAS CLARK Witnesses
Proved 2nd August 1804

Peter Sturges, 1814

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I PETER STURGESS of Sheerness Shipwright being very sick and weak in Body but of perfect Mind  and Memory thanks be given unto God  calling unto Mind the Mortality of the Body and Knowing that it is appointed  for all Men once to die  do make and ordain this my last Will and that is to say
Principally and first of all I give and bequeath my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent and Christian Burial  at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection  I shall receive the same again  by the Almighty power of God  and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form
First I give and bequeath to my loving Sister SUSANNAH KNIGHT the Wife of JOHN KNIGHT living at Portsmouth  the sum of thirty pounds  of lawful Money of Great Britain to be raised  and levied out of my Estate 
Also I give to my loving Brother in law JOHN KNIGHT Husband of the above named SUSANNAH the sum of ten pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain 
and as to the rest residue and remainder of my Monies Securities for Money and Credits Goods Chattels and all other my personal Estate and Effects  whatsoever and wheresoever subject and chargeable with the payment of my Debts Funeral Expenses  and the above Legacies 
I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my Son in Law WILLIAM AUSTIN and to and for his own proper  & absolute use and benefit  and 
I nominate and appoint my said Son in Law WILLIAM AUSTIN  sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament 
In Witness whereof I the said PETER STURGESS the Testator to this my last Will and Testament  set my Hand and Seal this twenty fourth day of October in the year of our Lord  eighteen hundred and six PETER STURGESS Signed Sealed and Declared  by the said PETER STURGESS the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other we hereunto subscribe our Names as Witnesses  THOS PENNY  JAS THOMAS  AMBROSE PIPER during the ?
Proved 25th November 1806 

John Bridges, 1814

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JOHN BRIDGES Shipwright of his Majesty's Dockyard Sheerness in the County of Kent being very weak in Body but of sound and disposing mind memory  and understanding  do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following 
First and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it hoping for remission of all my Sins through the Merits and Mediation  of Jesus Christ my Redeemer  and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executors next
I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife SARAH  BRIDGES the Rents of  all those my three  Houses or Tenements built erected  and set up by me  in Sheppey Street  at Blue Town  in the parish of Minster  in the County of Kent during the term of her natural life  with the use of all the Furniture Plate Linen and China  during her life and from and immediately after her death  then 
I give bequeath and dispose of them in the following manner that is to say the House in which I now dwell I give and bequeath unto my Daughter ELIZABETH  TUCKER  and her children  and the Ground on which it stands being Twelve feet in front and Sixty feet back  with all Erections and Buildings  thereon 
and to my Son JOHN BRIDGES I give and bequeath the house adjoining on the South side  of the House I now dwell in  which is now in the occupation of EDWARD  (    ?       ) Caulker and the Ground on which it stands being Twelve feet in front  and Sixty feet back  with all Erections and Buildings 
and to my Daughter SARAH BRIDGES I give and bequeath the House adjoining the House I now live in on the North side of the Ground  on which it stands being Fourteen feet in Front and Sixty feet back with all Erections and Buildings thereon
my will is that their  (   ?   ) passage  of two feet six inches  between this and the middle House  which shall be free for both Houses 
my further will is that after the death of my aforesaid Wife  then all the Household Furniture  Plate China Linen and wearing apparel  be equally divided between  my Son JOHN BRIDGES  my Daughter ELIZABETH TUCKER and my Daughter SARAH BRIDGES 
and my will further is that my Executors shall collect all Sums of  Money due to me and all the Money I have by me at the time of my death and shall finish the House bequeathed to my Daughter SARAH and after paying my Funeral Expenses and my just Debts  shall pay what Money that may be left to my aforesaid Wife SARAH BRIDGES  and 
I do hereby constitute and appoint JOHN TAYLOR Shipwright and Mr SAMUEL BEBINTON  Butcher  Executors of this my last Will and Testament 
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my mark and Seal the fourth day of December in the year of our Lord  one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen the mark and Seal of l= JOHN BRIDGES Signed Sealed and delivered  and declared  to be the last Will and Testament of the said JOHN BRIDGES in the presence of us JOHN ROBERT ORMSTON  ROBERT WYATT  JOHN DAVIS 
Proved 24th January 1814

Abraham Batt, 1822

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN  I ABRAHAM BATT the Elder of the Ville of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppy in the County of Kent Superannuated Shipwright being of sound and disposing mind  memory and understanding praise be unto Almighty God for the same but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following  (that is to say)
In the first place I do hereby direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses and the cost and charge  of proving this my will  shall be paid and discharged by my Executrix herein after named  as soon after my decease  as conveniently may be and as to my worldly Estate I give and dispose thereof as follows
give devise and bequeath  unto my dear Wife FRANCES BATT all that my piece of Freehold  Ground with the six small tenements and two shops thereon  erected and built  situate lying and being near the Upper White Horse in Blue Town  in the Parish of Minster in the said Isle of Sheppy  in the said County of Kent  and now in the respective tenures or occupations of JOHN PRICE and THOMAS FIFE and others together with the rents issues and profits thereof for ad during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease then
I give  devise and bequeath the Freehold property aforesaid unto my four Children ABRAHAM BATT  FRANCES ANN THOMPSON ELIZABETH BATT and ANN BATT their Heirs and Assigns for ever in equal parts shares and proportions  as Tenants in common  and not as joint Tenants 
but in case any or either of my said Children shall die in the lifetime of my said dear Wife  leaving any lawful issue him her or their respective children or lawful issue their heirs and assigns him her or surviving then 
I give devise  and bequeath the share or shares of him her or them so dying  in my said Wife's lifetime  without issue as aforesaid unto such of my Children  as shall be living at the time of the decease of my said Wife their heirs and assigns for ever  in equal parts shares and proportions as tenants in common  and not as joint tenants
I also give devise and bequeath  all that piece or parcel of leasehold land adjoining and lying at the back part  of the said before mentioned Freehold Premises and which I lately purchased of the Assigns of WILLIAM CAREY now deceased  and all my term and interest therein and the rents issues and profits thereof unto my said dear Wife FRANCES BATT during the term of her natural life and immediately after her decease
I give devise and bequeath the said leasehold Ground in the same and like manner in every respect  as is herein before mentioned  and contained concerning the disposition  of my said Freehold property during my term and interest in the said leasehold Ground but subject nevertheless  to the payment of the annual Ground rent  and performance of the Covenants contained in the original Indenture of Lease under which the same is held
I give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife  FRANCES BATT all that my present dwelling house situate lying and being in the said Ville of Sheerness aforesaid near the Telegraph and also all my household furniture therein at the time of my decease to hold the same unto my said Wife during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease then
I give devise and bequeath the said dwelling house and furniture unto my two youngest Daughters ELIZABETH BATT and ANN BATT share and share alike during their natural lives and if either of them shall depart  this life before my said Wife then 
I give devise and bequeath the share of her so dying to the survivor  of them during her natural life  and from and after the decease of the survivor  or longest lived of them  then
I give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto and amongst such  of my said other Children as shall be then living  in equal parts shares and proportions  as tenants in common and not as joint tenants 
I give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife the interest dividends  and proceeds of all sum and sums of money that may be invested and standing in my name at the time of my decease in the public funds called  the Navy five per cents for her own use and benefit during her natural life and from and immediately after her decease
I give devise and bequeath the said principal sum and sums of money unto and amongst all such my said four Children as shall be then living share and share alike but if either of them shall depart this life before the decease of my said Wife leaving any lawful issue him her or them surviving then it is my will  and I do hereby direct the share or shares of him her or them so dying in the lifetime of my said Wife shall go to and be received  had and taken  by him her or their respective Issue  if more than one share and share alike  and I do hereby declare and direct that the respective  shares and interests  of my said Daughters FRANCES ANN THOMPSON and ELIZABETH BATT and ANN BATT of in and to my said freehold leasehold  and personal property so given devised and bequeathed  to them in manner aforesaid shall not be subject to or liable to the debts  management control interference  or engagements of the present husband of the said FRANCES ANN THOMPSON or of any future husband or husbands of the said FRANCES ANN THOMPSON ELIZABETH BATT and ANN BATT and that the receipts  of them my said Daughters notwithstanding their coverture  shall be good and sufficient receipts and discharges for all such sum or sums of money to which  they shall be entitled  under and by virtue  of this my Will as to all the residue and remainder  of my personal Estate  and Effects  of every description  (not herein before otherwise disposed of by me) 
I give and bequeath the same unto my said dear Wife for her own absolute use and benefit And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute  and appoint my said Wife FRANCES BATT sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to be and contain  my true last Will and Testament
In witness whereof  I have to this my said last Will and Testament  written and contained in three sheets of paper to the first and second sheets thereof  subscribed my name  and in the third or last sheet thereof subscribed my name and affixed my seal  this thirtieth day of April in the year of our Lord  one thousand eight hundred  and twenty one  ABR. BATT Senr Signed sealed published and declared  by the testator  as and for his last Will and Testament 
the words “ELIZABATH BATT and ANN BATT” between the thirtieth and thirty second lines of some sheets  having been first obliterated and struck out in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence  and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses  hereto EDWARD HOOKEY Clerk to W. HOSKING Solicitor Sheerness  JAS. HOOKER Clerk to WM. HOCKING Solicitor Sheerness  SAML. FELLARS Baker Garrison
Proved 9th August 1822

Note in margin: 26th August 1825
The will was not administered by FRANCES BATT, so administration granted to ABRAHAM BATT the son and ANN THOMPSON, wife of WILLIAM THOMPSON, the daughter, administrators of the goods of FRANCES BATT.

Robert Butler, 1824

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I ROBERT BUTLER Shipwright of His Majesty's Dock Yard at Sheerness in the County of Kent being in good Health of Body  and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding  praised be Almighty God  for the same but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life  do make & publish and declare this my last Will and Testament  in manner following that is to say 
In the first place I do hereby direst that all my just Debts and Funeral Expenses and the Costs and Charges of proving this my Will  shall be paid and discharged by my Executor hereafter named  as soon after my decease  as conveniently may be 
And as to my Worldly Estate  I give and dispose thereof as follows I give and bequeath  All Wages   and Sum and Sums of Money  that shall or may be due to me  as a Shipwright or in any other  capacity in the Service of his present or any future Majesty 
And also all my Linen Wearing Apparel  Watches Working Tools Ready Money Bills Bonds promissory Notes and other Securities and all my personal Estate  and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever  the same may be and of what kind sort or quality soever the same may be and consist at the time of my decease  Unto my dear Brothers and Sisters  following that is to say JOHN BUTLER  of the parish of Poulton  in Lancashire Shoemaker  WILLIAM BUTLER  of the same Parish Shoemaker  AGNES HULL Wife of MATTHEW HULL of Marton near Poulton aforesaid Labourer JOSEPH BUTLER now of Preston Joiner  and BETTY TURNER Wife of ROBERT TURNER of Poulton aforesaid  Shoemaker  to be equally divided between them share and share alike 
And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Brother JOHN BUTLER Executor of this my last Will and Testament  and I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this to be and contain my last Will and Testament 
In Testimony whereof I have subscribed my name  and affixed my seal  this twenty fourth day of February  in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred  and twenty ROBERT BUTLER Signed Sealed published and declared  by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who at his Request and in his presence  have in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names  as Witnesses hereto ROBT. HOSKING Junr. Solicitor  Sheerness EDWD HOOKER Clk to Mr HOSKINGS Sheerness
Proved 10th February 1824

James Clarkson, 1824

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JAMES CLARKSON of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppy in the County of Kent  Shipwright being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praised be to Almighty God for the same and considering the uncertainty of this transitory life  do make this my last Will and Testament  in manner following that is to say in the first place 
I do hereby direct that all my just Debts and Funeral expenses and other costs and charges of proving this my Will shall be paid and discharged  by my Executrix  hereinafter named so soon after my decease as is conveniently  may be  and as to my Worldly Estate I give and dispose thereof  as follows
I give devise and bequeath all that my Messuage or Tenement  shop land and premises situate standing lying and being  on the North side of the High Street  Blue Town  in the parish of Minster  in the Isle of Sheppy in the County of Kent  with the appurtenances  thereunto belonging now in the occupation of ELIZABETH CLARK and also all my Household Goods  and Furniture Plate Linen China  Watches ready Money  Securities for money bonds bills book debts and all other real and personal Estate and Effects  whatsoever and wheresoever  and of what nature kind sort or quality  soever the same may be  and consist unto  my loving Wife ELIZABETH CLARKSON  her heirs Executors  administrators and assigns 
And I do hereby nominate constitute  and appoint my said loving Wife ELIZABETH CLARKSON sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time  heretofore made  and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament  written and contained  in one sheet of paper  my [hand]  and affixed my Seal this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand  and seven  JAMES CLARKSON Signed Sealed  published and declared by the said JAMES CLARKSON the Testator  as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other  have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto JOHN POLLOCK  WILLM. REED  JOHN LEDGER
Proved 25th June 1827

John Davis, 1828

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN  I JOHN DAVIS  of the Ville of Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright  being in Sound health of body and of Sound mind praised be God for the same  but considering the Uncertainty of Human life  and to avoid Controversy after my decease do make and constitute  my last Will as follows
First and principally I recommend my Soul  to Almighty God hoping for Salvation through the merits of Jesus Christ  and for the Worldly Goods wherewith it hath pleased  God to bless me
I give as follows to my Children  all my Household Goods and Chattels  Plate and China 
Also my Dwelling House and all my Effects  to be divided equally among them also
All my ready money  when my Funeral Expenses are paid 
I likewise desire that this may be completed within three Calender months after my decease whereas I have set my hand and Seal  
I likewise desire that my Executors  receive nothing for their troubles  more than the rest of my Children 
Here I constitute  make ordain  WILLIAM WINTER and THOMAS DAVIS and JAMES DAVIS  Executors of this my last Will JOHN DAVIS 8th of October 1824 Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us EDWD. NEEVES  WM. FRENCH
Proved 26th March 1828 THOMAS and JAMES DAVIS are the sons, Power reserved to WILLIAM WINTER 

John Johnson, 1838

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN  I JOHN JOHNSON of Sheerness in the County of Kent  Superannuated Shipwright formerly belonging to his Majesty's Dockyard  there being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praise be unto Almighty God  for the same  do hereby revoke all former  and other Wills Codicils and other Testamentary  dispositions by me at any time heretofore  made and do publish and declare this  to be and contain  my last Will and Testament
I charge all my personal Estate with the payment of all my just debts and funeral and Testamentary charges and expenses 
And I give devise and bequeath unto WILLIAM BRIDGES the Elder of Sheerness  aforesaid and JOSHUA MONDAY of the Halfway House near Minster  in the Isle of Sheppy in the said County of Kent Shipwright their Executors Admons and Assigns  all and every my leasehold messuages or tenements and lands situate and being respectively in Sheerness aforesaid Queenborough or Elsewhere  with their and every of their appurts and all monies in the public stocks or funds of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England  and all other such sum and sums  of money  mortgages and other debts household goods and furniture  plate linen china and all my personal Estate  and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever  which may be due  owing payable or in any other way belonging to me or over which  I may have a controlling or disposing power at the time of my decease To have and to hold the same unto them the said WILLIAM BRIDGES and JOSHUA MONDAY their Executors Admons and Assigns according to the nature or quality of the same premises Upon Trust that they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors or Admons shall and will so soon as conveniently may be after my decease make sale and dispose of all and every my said messuages tenements and lands household goods and furniture and all other my Estate and Effects which shall be of a saleable nature either by public sale or private contract  for the best price or prices  in money that can be reasonably had and gotten  for the same and also get  ?  for and  ?  and receive all mortgage and other debts or sum or sums of money that may be due owing or payable to me at the time of my decease  Upon Trust  in the first place to pay and discharge the costs charges and expenses attending on or incidental to such sale or sales and all other costs charges and expenses of proving and executing of this my Will or the trustees hereby created  or incidental thereto 
and then upon further trust to pay to Mrs ANN KNOTT of Greenwich Union Poor House Widow of WILLIAM KNOTT formerly of Sheerness  aforesaid deceased  if she shall be living at the time of my decease  the sum of ten pounds sterling and also to such of the children  of the said MARY (sic) KNOTT by the said WILLIAM KNOTT who shall be living at the time of my decease the sum of ten pounds sterling each
And upon this further trust to invest the clear residue and remainder of the proceeds of the sale or sales debts and monies aforesaid with such other monies as may be invested  or standing in my name in any of the funds  of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England in the names of them my said Trustees or the Survivor of them and the Executors and Admons of such upon trust from time to time pay the Interest dividends or proceeds thereof when and as the same shall become due and payable unto my Nephew in Law WILLIAM LOVELL and JANE REEVE LOVELL his wife of number thirty one Penton Place near London and to the Survivor of them for and towards the maintenance education and support  of all and every the lawful children  of the said WILLIAM LOVELL  and JANE REEVE LOVELL his wife until the youngest or the Survivor  of such children  shall attain his or her age of twenty one years  or bing a daughter shall be married and when and so soon  as either of those events shall first happen then upon trust to pay divide and share the whole of the principal stock so invested  or to be invested  as aforesaid unto amongst and between all and every of the surviving children  of the said WILLIAM LOVELL and JANE REEVE LOVELL  his wife in equal parts shares and proportions share and share alike  provided nevertheless  that if any of the children of the said WILLIAM LOVELL and JANE REEVE LOVELL his wife shall depart this life before the youngest Survivor of them shall have attained the said age of twenty one years leaving lawful issue  him or her surviving  then it is my Will and desire  and I do hereby direct that the share or proportion  of him or her so dying and leaving lawful issue as aforesaid shall be divide  amongst such issue  if more than one share and share alike provided also that in case the said WILLIAM LOVELL and JANE REEVE LOVELL his wife shall at any time quit  or neglect  to appropriate the said  interest  dividends and annual proceeds to and for the maintenance education and support of their children  as aforesaid or shall both depart this life before the youngest surviving Child shall attain the age of twenty one years  or leaving a  daughter shall be married then it is my Will and I do hereby direct my said trustees and the survivor of them  his Executors or Admons to take upon themselves the management and application of the said dividends  and annual proceeds for the purposes and object aforesaid 
And I do hereby nominate and appoint the said WILLIAM BRIDGES and JOSHUA MONDAY Executors of this my Will and I do hereby declare that the receipt or receipts of the said WILLIAM BRIDGES and JOSHUA MONDAY and the Survivor of them and their Executors Admons  and Assigns of such Survivor for any money payable to them or him respectively under or by virtue  of this my Will  shall effectually discharge  the person or persons paying the same from being obliged to see to the application or from being accountable  or responsible for the misappropriation or non application thereof And that they my said trustees  and the survivor of them and the Executors and Admons  of such survivor  shall be charged and chargeable only for such monies as they shall respectively actually receive notwithstanding their giving or signing any receipt or receipts for the sake of conformity and that any one or more of them shall not be answerable  or accountable  for the other or others of them or for involuntary losses and also that it shall be lawful for them and each of them with and out of the monies  that shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to retain and reimburse  themselves respectively and also to allow his Co- trustee all costs charges damages and expenses which they or either of them may be engaged or occupied  and for the trouble they may be at  or subject to in or about the Execution  of the aforesaid trusts  or in relation thereto 
In Witness whereof  I the said JOHN JOHNSON the Testator have to each sheet of this my Will contained in three sheets of paper set my hand  and to this third and last sheet my seal  the twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord  one thousand eight hundred  and thirty seven JOHN JOHNSON Signed Sealed  delivered  published  and declared by the above named JOHN JOHNSON as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other  have hereunto subscribed our names  as witnesses the words “also and debts” or “ in the first sheet and “ten” and “between” and “shall depart this life” in the second sheet having been first severally interlined or written on erasures 
EDW. HOOKER Solicitor Sheerness WILLIAM HUGILL Shipwright Sheerness  JAMES GEORGE HUGILL Shipwright Sheerness 
Proved 12th July 1838

John Curry, 1844

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


I JOHN CURRY of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppy in the County of Kent Shipwright being of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament 
First I direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary charges and expenses  may be fully paid and satisfied and from and after the payment thereof 
I give and bequeath all the rest Residue and remainder of my Estate and Estate of what nature kind or quality  the same shall consist of I may be possessed interested in or any ways entitled unto at the time of my decease unto HEPHZIBAH my lawful daughter to hold during the term of her natural life  and should JOHN BRIMSDEN Shipwright her lawful husband survive at the decease of my lawful daughter  HEPHZIBAH
I give and bequeath the same unto the said BRIMSDEN her lawful husband  during the term of his natural life  to hold
and at the death of HEPHZIBAH my lawful daughter  and JOHN BRIMSDEN her lawful husband I give and bequeath the same to all the lawful children of HEPHZIBAH my lawful daughter  to and for their own sole use and benefit  to be equally divided share and share alike 
Lastly I do hereby revoke all former wills by me at any time heretofore  made  and I do publish and declare  this only to be my true last will and testament
And I do hereby make and appoint HEPHZIBAH my lawful daughter  aforesaid Executrix and JOHN BRIMSDEN  aforesaid her lawful husband Executor  of this my said will 
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirtieth day of June  in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty  JOHN CURRY  Signed sealed published and declared  by the said JOHN CURRY the testator as and for his last will and testament  in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto  JOHN COLE Senr.  JOHN COLE Junr.  THOS. PARRISH
Proved 7th May 1844

James Oliver, 1844

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


I JAMES OLIVER  of Blue Town  Sheerness in the County of Kent late a Shipwright in the Dock yard hereby revoke and make void all other wills made by me at any time and do make and publish this my last Will and Testament 
I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife ELIZABETH OLIVER for the term of her natural life  all that messuage or tenement in which I now reside at Blue Town aforesaid together with the use of all the furniture whatsoever not any of which  shall be sold  during her lifetime 
I give unto my said Wife all my clothes for her own use and benefit  and from and after the decease of my said Wife
I give and bequeath  the said house and furniture unto RICHARD BRIGHTMAN of Sheerness House Agent upon trust that the said RICHARD BRIGHTMAN or his heirs executors administrators and assigns shall absolutely sell the same as son as he or they may deem it necessary either by public auction or private contract  to any person or persons willing  to become the purchaser or purchasers  thereof for such sums of money as he or they may deem reasonable  and for facilitating such sales shall execute all conveyances  necessary thereto  and I do hereby declare that the receipts of my said Trustee or his representatives for the money payable  to him or them shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my will and mind to be that the said trustee shall stand possessed of all the money arising from the said sales upon and for the trusts hereinafter  expressed 
that is to say to pay unto SUSAN JOHNSON  the sum of four pounds to my Executor hereinafter named the sum of five pounds all expenses connected with my own  and my wife's funerals  administering to this my last Will
 and the Residue to be divided  amongst the following parties or the survivors of them without any reference to their heirs in equal proportions  my Son ISAAC OLIVER my daughter SARAH KING  ANN BURLEY  PHOEBE ANSELL  and my grand daughter MARY AUGER 
Now I do hereby appoint RICHARD BRIGHTMAN of Sheerness House Agent Executor of this my last Will and Testament 
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of November 1839 JAMES OLIVER Signed sealed published and declared  as and for the last Will and Testament of the said JAMES OLIVER in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other ave hereunto set our hands as Witnesses thereto on the 21st day of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine JOHN ADAMS  WILLIAM SMITH Sheerness

Affidavit 11th June 1844
WILLIAM SMITH a Receiving Officer of the Sheerness Union, states, on oath, that he and the other witness signed the will at the same time and after the testator signed in their presence.
Proved 14th June 1844 

Benjamin Oakshot, 1846

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I BENJAMIN OAKSHOTT late acting Master Shipwright in Her Majesty's Dock Yard Bermuda but now of Sheerness in the County of Kent being in health of body  and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praise be unto Almighty God for the same but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life Do make publish and declare  this my last Will and Testament  in manner following that is to say I recommend my Soul into the hands of my Maker  in full assurance of Salvation  My Body I commit to the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named And as to my worldly Estate  wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me 
I give and bequeath all my household goods and furniture and all my money securities for money chattels and effects of what nature and Kind soever and wheresoever the same shall be or   ?     which I shall have any controlling  or    ?     power at the time of my death  unto my dear Wife BETSEY BISHOP OAKSHOTT and at her decease (after taking therefrom whatever she may require  during her life for the education and maintenance of my dear children  or for any other necessity which may arise) then my will is that the residue  (if any) shall be equally divided between al and every  the children by me lawfully  begotten  that may be living at the time of her decease share and share alike  Provided the youngest of them shall have attained the age of twenty one years But if the youngest of such surviving children shall not have attained his or her  age of twenty one years then
I give and bequeath the same unto my Nephew JOHN JAMES PIDDELL his executors and administrators Upon trust  to receive and apply all monies towards  the maintenance education  and advancement  in life of such of my said Children as he or she be unprovided for To hold the same unto the said JOHN JAMES PIDDELL his executors and administrators until the youngest of such children shall have attained his or her age of twenty one years or being a girl shall be married  whichever shall first happen then equally to be divided whatever he may stand possessed of between the survivors of such children and if one only  survivor he or she  to take the entirety  of such remainder But if none of my said Children shall be living at the death of my dear Wife  nor any issue by them lawfully begotten then
I give and bequeath all that my said personal estate and effects  monies and securities for money  unto and among my four sisters share and share alike  but if either or any of them shall have departed this life  her or their share  or shares proportion or proportions  shall be equally divided between the surviving Daughter or Daughters  of such deceased sister or sisters  But if MARY OAKSHOTT one of my said four Sisters and now unmarried shall depart this life  without issue female  lawfully begotten  then her share or proportion  to be equally divided between  her surviving sister or sisters  or between her or their surviving daughter or daughters  share and share alike 
And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said dear Wife BETSEY BISHOP OAKSHOTT  sole Executrix  of this my last Will and Testament 
In Witness whereof I the said BENJAMIN OAKSHOTT have to this my last Will  written on two sheets of paper hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this thirteenth day of December in the year of our Lord  one thousand eight hundred  and forty two  BENJN. OAKSHOTT Signed sealed published and declared by the above named BENJAMIN OAKSHOTT as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other  have subscribed our names  as Witnesses  thereto R. DARLEY?  F. COFFEE
Proved 30th March 1846

Headstone, once in the Churchyard of St. Mary Magdalene , Gillingham
(From my Monumental Inscriptions of St. Mary Magdalene, on this website)



Daniel Brown, 1852

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me DANIEL BROWN of Sheerness in the Isle of Sheppey Kent Shipwright
I give and bequeath (the whole of my property) viz: a house situate in Leigh in the County of Essex  that is to say the rental & any other benefit which may arise therefrom also invested in the Bank of England also my household furniture & clothes with any other description of property  which I may die possessed of  to my Wife MARY BROWN for her sole & separate use & benefit during her natural life  My said Wife may sell out and dispose of the whole or any part  of the principal stock  of the money located in the Bank if her need should so require & appropriate  the same for her own  use she may also dispose  of the whole or any portion  of the furniture if necessary but she may not sell or mortgage the house  at Leigh above mentioned  under any circumstances  but receive only the rental & during her life as aforesaid
I further direct that on the decease of my said Wife  MARY BROWN the house at Leigh aforesaid shall be immediately sold & also the whole of the money to be sold out of the Bank if it has not been previously withdrawn & the proceeds from the sale  of the house & the money drawn from the Bank  to be united the whole  to be then equally divided  & distributed  among my eight children  viz DANIEL  ANN  EDWARD  WILLIAM  JOHN  ELIJAH  DAVID  & EMMA to share & share alike
The household furniture & sundries to be equally divided or in case of any dissatisfaction to be sold & the money equally divide among my eight children  also but no division or distribution  to be made to my children  till the funeral expenses & of my Wife  shall have been duly discharged 
I also appoint my Wife MARY BROWN & my eldest Son DANIEL BROWN to be the Executors of this my last Will & Testament  with the direction that if my Son DANIEL should decease before my Wife  that my next Son EDWARD shall be immediately appointed  to fill his deceased brother's place  as my Executor
July 18th 1850 DANIEL BROWN This Signature of the Testator was made in our presence who in his presence & in the presence of each other do under sign & bear Witness to the same F. G. GRAY  MARY BANKS
Proved 20th July 1852

John Tyler, 1854

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me JOHN TYLER of Sheerness Shipwright after payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses 
I give devise and bequeath unto my son in law JOHN BILBE of Sheerness  Block maker the dwelling house in which he now resides  for the term of his natural life  (he keeping the same in good tenant-able repair together with the ground  at the back east and west in line with the north end and now in my own occupation  and after the decease of the said JOHN BILBE 
I give and bequeath  the said house and land unto my grand daughter SUSANNA BILBE  her executors administrators  and assigns 
I give and bequeath unto my said son in law JOHN BILBE the sum of fifty pounds 
I give devise and bequeath unto my grand daughter MARTHA BILBE  two dwelling houses situate in East Street Blue Town  Sheerness and all the residue of the ground  attached thereto  for her own sole use and benefit  or her assigns for ever  and also the sum of twenty five pounds 
I also give and bequeath unto my  three grand daughters SUSANNA BILBE  FRANCES LOFT and MIRIAM BILBE the sum of five pounds each of lawful British money and
As to the residue and remainder  of all my real and personal estate  whatsoever
I give devise and bequeath  the same unto my daughter  FRANCES the wife of WILLIAM WHARTON Navy Clerk in the Dock Yard at Sheerness 
And I do hereby appoint my said beloved daughter FRANCES WHARTON  sole Executor  of this my last Will and Testament 
As Witness my hand  this fifth day of September  1848 JOHN TYLER Signed sealed and acknowledged  by the said JOHN TYLER the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us  who at his request  in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names  as witnesses WILLIAM BRIDGE  Joiner Sheerness  RICHARD BRIGHTMAN Estate Agent  Sheerness 
Proved 13th June 1854

William Woodcock, 1854

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me WILLIAM WOODCOCK of Blue town  Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright 
I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife SARAH WOODCOCK all my freehold and leasehold estate  and All my Personal Estate  consisting of household furniture  plate linen china promissory notes securities for money  including monies in the funds and all other my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever  which I may be possessed of or become entitled to  for her own absolute use Subject nevertheless  to the payment thereout of all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses 
And I hereby appoint my dear wife SARAH WOODCOCK  sole Executor  of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills and Codicils  by me heretofore made and
lastly appoint HENRY SIMPSON  STEPHENSON of Sheerness aforesaid Gentleman the Attorney for carrying out the matters  in relation hereto
In witness whereof I have hereunto  set my hand this fifteenth day of June one thousand  eight hundred and fifty four  W. WOODCOCK  Signed by the said Testator WILLIAM WOODCOCK  in the joint presence of us who in his presence have hereunto set our hands as witnesses  this fifteenth day of June  one thousand eight hundred and fifty four  HENRY S. STEPHENSON Attorney at Law Sheerness   THOMAS NATHAN ALLEN
Proved 16th July 1855

Samuel Osborne, 1855

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I SAMUEL OSBORNE of Mile Town  Sheerness in the County of Kent   Superannuated Shipwright being sick in body  but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding  praise be unto Almighty God  for the same  do make publish and declare  this my last Will and Testament  in manner following  that is to say 
I give and bequeath unto MARY BARLING Spinster  daughter of NATHANIEL  BARLING of Sheerness aforesaid Caulker the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings 
I give and bequeath unto RICHARD ATKINS  HANNAH TURKER Wife of ALFRED TURKER  and ESTHER CLAYTON Wife of EBENEEZER CLAYTON children of JOSHUA ATKINS  of Sheerness aforesaid  Shipwright the sum of ten pounds sterling each  to be paid to the said respective legatees within one month next after after my decease  to and for their sole and absolute use and benefit 
And I do hereby declare and direct that the legacies so given to the said HANNAH TURKER  and ESTHER CLAYTON shall not be subject or liable to the control debts or engagements of their respective husbands  but shall go to and be received  by the said HANNAH TURKER and ESTHER CLAYTON whose receipt alone (notwithstanding their covertue) shall be good and effective discharge to my Executors hereinafter named  for the same
I give and bequeath to the said JOSHUA ATKINS  the sun of ten pounds sterling  to cover and fully  discharge all the expenses to be incurred by him for my funeral  or incident thereto and also the further sum of two pounds sterling for his trouble on the occasion
And as to all the Rest Residue  and Remainder  of all monies securities for money  debts Dock Yard  pension  Club money  household goods and furniture linen  wearing apparel  and all other my personal estate  whatsoever and wheresoever (not otherwise hereinbefore disposed of  by me) After payment of all my just debts  and testamentary expenses
I give and bequeath  that same unto my Cousin  WILLIAM OSBORNE of Chancery Lane  in the City of London  Law Messenger for his absolute use and benefit 
And I do hereby appoint the said WILLIAM OSBORNE and JOSHUA ATKINS Executors of this my last Will and Testament  and do hereby revoke  all other Will or Wills  by me at any time  heretofore made  and declare this only  to be my true last Will and Testament  
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this  thirteenth day of October  one thousand eight hundred and fifty five  SAML. OSBORNE Signed declared and acknowledged  by the said Testator  as his last Will and Testament  in the presence of us  present at the same time  and who in his presence  at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses attesting the same  EDWD. HOOKER Solicitor Sheerness  JAMES CRADDOCK Sheerness 
Proved 15th November 1855

John Leane, 1856

Wills of Sheerness Shipwrights 1693 - 1855
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills  (Pre 1858)


THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me JOHN LEANE of Sheerness in the County of Kent Shipwright made published and declared this twenty eighth day of February one thousand eight hundred and fifty six 
First I constitute and appoint my two Friends MATTHEW HELSTONE of Ordnance Row Devonport  in the County of Devon Shipwright and WILLIAM RICHARD BONE of Number nine Ross Street Morrice ? Town near Devonport aforesaid Joiner / Executors of this my will and Trustees  for carrying into effect the provisions thereof 
And I give and bequeath to them the said MATTHEW HELSTONE and WILLIAM RICHARD BONE all the Stock which may stand in my name  at the time of my decease  in the public funds  and all dividends and interest  which shall be then due or arising thereon  and all my ready money and securities for money  debts claims  and demands household  furniture and other effects  and property whatsoever Which I may have or be entitled to in possession reversion remainder expectancy at the tie of my decease  and all monies which shall become payable  to my Executors  or personal representative  upon or after my decease  from any Friendly Society  or Societies In Trust to convert into money or stock  in the Funds (except such parts of my household furniture  as my Daughter MARIAM LEANE shall select and set apart for her own use  and which I hereby  give her the use of during her minority) and to pay there-out in the first place all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses 
and In Trust in the next place to invest the surplus thereof at Interest  in such manner as they shall think proper  and out of the principal  and interest thereof  such Stock  as may be in the Funds  at the time of my decease to pay to my Daughter MARIAM LEANE the annuity of Ten pounds sterling  from the day  [of my] decease until she shall attain the full age of Twenty one years 
and immediately upon that event  happening In Trust  to pay make and transfer and assign all that shall then remain  of my personal property  Stock monies goods chattels and effects unto my said Daughter MARIAM LEANE  for her own absolute use  and benefit but in case  my said Daughter  shall die before attaining the age of Twenty one years
then to pay make over transfer and assign the same in such manner as she shall have appointed by her Will and in default  of any such appointment  then to such person or  persons  as would be by Law entitled to her personal estate  in the event of her dying  Intestate
And I hereby revoke all former Wills and Testaments  Dispositions  by me heretofore made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament 
In witness whereof I have hereunto  set my hand the day and year first above written JOHN LEANE The foregoing writing was signed published and declared  by the above named JOHN LEANE  as his last Will and Testament  on the day and date thereof  in the presence of us  present at the same time  who in his presence and in the presence of each other  have hereunto set our names  as witnesses  JOHN THOMAS FRENCH?  Baker Sheerness  EDWD. FILKIN Accountant Sheerness 
Proved 6th June 1856 Power reserved to WILLIAM RICHARD BONE


Watch and ward list, c.1337


Wills of 17th-Century Gentlemen, Chatham 1647-1698

Kent Archaeological Society

Registered Charity 1176989
