Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 5

The following list of mediaeval wills for the Shoreham Deanery, which was a peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury, was compiled by Leland L. Duncan and recorded in six quarto volumes around 1895.

The wills at the time of his writing were all that remained prior to 1600 in the Registers of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and in the Lambeth Palace Registers.

The 34 parishes which made up the Shoreham Deanery were as follows:- Bexley, Brasted, Chevening, Chiddingstone, Crayford or Eard, St. Mary Cray, Darenth, Downe, Eynsford, East Farleigh, Farningham, Gillingham, The Isle of Grain, Halstead, Hayes, Hever, Hunton, Ifield, Ightham, Keston, Knockholt, Lydsing, East Malling, Meopham, Northfleet, Orpington, Otford, East Peckham, Penshurst, Sevenoaks, Shoreham, Stansted, Sundridge, and Wrotham.

Transcriptions in quarto exercise books held at the Kent Archaeological Society's Library in Maidstone. Examined by me, Zena Bamping, in March 2001, who made the following list of wills extracted by Mr Duncan. The originals are written in pencil and seem to be almost complete transcriptions with a few abbreviations, e.g. P for Parish.

Index of Notebooks

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Book 6

Jump to Transcriptions

Index of Wills

Book 5



Date of Will

Date of Probate

Lands in Kent
or connexion with Kent

Page No.

23 Thower

James PEKHAM esquire

1532 Aug 2

1532 Feb 7

Ash, Chevening, Ightham, Kemsing, Kingsdown, Otford, Seal, Shipborne, Shoreham, Stansted, Warehorne, Wrotham


   Pages mis-numbered by Leland L Duncan - he turned the page from 452 and numbered the next one 553

13 Thower

Joan HUNT of Northfleet widow

1531 Aug 25

1531 Jan 27

Northfleet church


24 Thower

John BRAMSTON of Northfleet

1532 Feb 12

1532 Feb 20

Meopham, Northfleet


21 Thower

Alice DAVY of Northfleet widow of William Davy

1531 May 6

1532 Nov 27

buried Northfleet church


19 Thower

Nicholas ASTYN of East Farleigh

1532 Jun 19

1532 Nov 20

Benenden, East Farleigh, Hunton, Leigh, Linton, Sandhurst, Yalding
churches of East Farleigh, Hunton, Loose, Linton, Marden, Yalding


5 Hogen

John SHELLEY of Bexley gent.

1531 Feb 25

1533 Aug 20

Bexley, Knockholt


34 Hogen

Thomas SELYARDE of Brasted

1534 Oct 8

1535 Mar 17

Brasted, Edenbridge, Hever, Lingfield


22 Hogen

Edward LYNDALL citizen and goldsmith of London

1534 Oct 4

1534 Jan 21

Cliff, Frindsbury
to Cliff church where I am now a parishioner


36 Hogen


1536 Mar 8

1536 May 12

to be buried in Darenth church


26 Hogen

John COKSECHE of Gillingham

1533 Mar 9

1535 Aug 4

Gillingham church


29 Hogen

Sir Edward FERRES knight

1535 Jul 10

1535 Nov 18
& 1596 Apr 8

Aylesford, Brenchley, East Peckham, Hadlow, Nettlested, Tonbridge, Tudeley, West Peckham, Yalding


31 Dyngeley

John SWOONE son of Steven Swone of Brasted Tanner

1539 Jul 29

1539 Oct 5

Brasted church


13 Dyngeley

Sir Robert CLEMENS chauntrye preest of Sevenoaks

1537 Dec 19

1537 Jan 25

Sevenoaks Church


12 Dyngeley

George GUSTON of Otford

1536 Nov 2

1537 Dec 11



23 Dyngeley

Sir Richard CLEMENS knight

1538 Oct 28

1538 Dec 2

Ightham church


34 Dyngeley

William WHETENHALL esquire

1539 Nov 4

1539 Nov 27

to be buried in East Peckham church


21 Dyngeley


1538 Aug 25

1538 Oct 18

Ifield Court
churches of Northfleet & Southfleet


4 Dyngeley

William MARTYN gent dwelling wt in the close of the monastery of the glorious apostell Saynt Barthelmewe in West Smythfelde

1531 May 12

1537 Apr 17

Otford, Shoreham


32 Bucke

Henry COOKE citizen and Merchant Taylor of London

1551 Jul 6

1551 Nov 11

Bexley, Dartford, Greenwich, North Cray, Plumstead, Ruxley


7 Alenger

William POLE of Bexley Yeoman of the Guard

1540 Mar 29

1540 Jun 8

Bexley church


12 Alenger

Robert LEYS yoman of the kechyn with the ladies Annes Grace of Cleave

1540 Aug 16

1540 Sep 8

Dartford, Eynsford, Farningham, Kemsing, Shoreham


24 Alenger

William WOODGATE of Chiddingstone yeoman

1540 Feb 29

1540 Mar 15

Chiddingstone, Cowden, Penshurst


24 Alenger

Richard SCORYER of Chiddingstone

1540 Nov 25

1540 Mar 15

Chiddingstone church


28 Alenger

Edmund FLATCHERE vicar of East Malling

1540 Nov 6

1541 May 16

East Malling church, and mending the Cawsey


5 Alenger

John CUTTE of Middle Temple London gent


1540 May 5



7 Alenger

John OWTRED of Crayford

1539 Feb 9

1540 Jun 8

churches of Bexley, Crayford, Plumstead


17 Alenger

James DIGGES of Barham esquire

1535 Feb 20

1540 Nov 24

& 1544 Jun 25

Adisham, Ash next Sandwich, Bishopsbourne, Canterbury, Elham, Ewell, Frinsted, Hackington, Kingston, Lenham, Patrixbourne, Sandwich, Sturry, Sutton next Northbourne, Wingham


4 Spert

John HACCHE of Chevening yeoman

1541 Nov 24

1542 Apr 24

Chevening, Sevenoaks



James PEKHAM will 1532

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan
                                                                                  typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001

JAMES PEKHAM PCC : 23 Thower    2 August 1532 (24 Hen VIII)

James Pekham Esquier sike in body &c. To be buried in the parishe church of Wroteham as nygh unto the buriells there where as my frends lyeth buried. To the high awter 6s.8d. to high altar of parish church of Ighteham 3s.4d. To reparacions of the body of the said parish church of Wrotham 20s. To reparacions of the bodies of the parish churches of Chevening and Ighteham to either of them 6s.8d. On the daies of my buriall and monethis mynd in werks of mercy and charitie my executrix shall geve where she shall thinke best soo that it be doon without pompe or vegn glorye of this worde the whiche by noo meanys I will to be doon.

All my moveable goods excepted all my juells the wering gere of my wife and my cheques of golde the which I geve hooly to my wife shall be equally and indifferently devided bitwene my said wife and Reynolde my sonne and he to have his parte when he comyth to the age of 24 yeres and if he deceas to Henry my sonne and if he fortune to deceas then Anne my wife shall have that said parte. To my nevewe Edward Asshe £6.13.4d. Unto Sir Henry Isley, Knyght, my wifs brother, my velwett gowne furred with martrons my russet velwet jaket and my doblet of Crymsyn saltyn. Unto Maister Thomas Wyatt my colt colour Iron graye going in Knoll parke. Unto Antony Isley, my wyfs brother, my gowne of black damaske furred with blak bogye. Residue unto Anne my wife the which I make myn executrice. Witnesse Sir Henry Isley, knyght, Thomas Bartlett, Thomas Row and Thomas Wyatt.

This is concernyng all my manors, londes and tenements with the avowsonage of the churche of Warhorne being sett and lying within the parisshes of Wroteham, Ightham, Sele, Kemsing, Shipborne, Kyngesdowne, Stansted, Asshe next Dartford, Chevenyng, Otteford, Shoreham and ells where within the Countie of Kent. First I wille my feoffees doo suffre Anne my wife untill Reynold my sonne doth come unto the age of 24 yeres to occupye take perceyve and levye all the forsaid Manors &c with the gyfte of the said avowsonage to paye my detts and pay unto my daughter Dorathe at the day of her first maruage or at her full age of 22 yeres the sum of oon hundred pounds and soo to every other of my daughters and also doo kepe them untill they be maried or doo otherwise provide for them as putting them to service that soo will be content to goo to service untill they come to the age of 22 yeres and to make leesses for terme of yeres until that my sonne Reynolde doth come to the age of 24. If any of my daughters happen to be professed in any Religion then my legacy to her be voide except £26.13.4d. therof wherof £6. 13. 4d. be delivered to the souveraigne of the house where she doth soo entre into the abbit of Religion and the other £20 the residue of the said £26.13.4d. to the soueraigne at the day of her profession.

When Reynold my sonne comyth unto the age of 24 all my manours, londes &c within the forsaid parishes forthewith the avowsonye aforsaid unto my said sonne and after his moders decease all the residue of my manors, londes &c in Kent.

If he dye without heires males then my manors of Estyaldham and Westyaldham otherise called Litillyaldham forthwith the advowson aforsaid unto Anne my wife during her lyfe and all the residue of my manors and tenements in the parishes of Wrotham, Ightham, Sele, Kemsing, Shipbourne, Kingesdowne, Stansted, and Asshe I will unto Henry my sonne and the heires males of his body and after his moders deceas all the residue of my manours &c and yf he dye without yssue male then to my said wife Anne during her lyfe naturall. If my wife be pryvement insential with a man childe the said childe after my wifs deceas shall have all my manors londes &c in the forsaid parishes and for lacke of issue shall remayne unto my cosyn Reynolde Pekham sonne and heire of Thomas Pekham, esquier, decessed so that her or his heires males doo paye oon thousand pounds to be evynly divided amongs all my daughters then lyving and if noo daughters then lyving then amongs my daughters children and if the Mli be not paid then my manors &c shall remayne unto the heirs of Reynolde my sonne and for lack to the heires of Henry my sonne and for lack to remayn to the heirs of the said man childe and for lack to the heires of my body and for lacke to the heires of James Pekham my fader and for lacke to the heires of my cosyn Reynolde aforsaid and for lacke to the heires of Reynolde Pekham my graundfather and for lack to remayn unto Richard Hille my wifes brother in lawe Sergeaunt of the Seller with our soueraigne Lorde King Henry the VIII and to Antony Isley my wifs brother by egall [equal] porcions. My yongest sonne Henry during the lyfe of my wife Anne when he comyth to the age of 21 to have to him and his heirs an annuytie of £6.13.4d. going owt of all my manors londes &c above rehersed except the manors &c in Chevenyng, Otford and Shorham and after the decease of my said wife a further annytie of £3.6.8d. owt of all my tenements aforesaid above the forsaid £6.13.4d. (same to the man child if born). My sonne Reynolde shall have for his fynding till he come to the age of 24 yeres £13.6.8d. by the yere soo that he be kept and founden to his lernyng and in speciall to the studye and knowlige of the comen lawe of this realme.

Witnesses: Henry Isley, Knyght, Thomas Bartlett, Edward Asshe, Edward Martyn, Thomas Rowe and Thomas Wyatt.

Probate (sede Vacante) 7 Februarii 1532 by Anne, relict and executor.


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 4


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 6