Some Monumental Inscriptions of Chilham Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Nicholas Church, Chislehurst
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Chiddingstone Churchyard
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Chilham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Chilham Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757.
Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton
In The Chancell.
1. Within a Large Nitch or Arch, without ye Communion Rails, in ye North Wall, is an exceeding Handsome Monument of Black Marble, very curiously Carv’d and wrought; it stands on a very fine Altar Tomb, of ye same Materials; and is supported by 4 Pillars. This Monument has 2 different Faces, or Fronts, in ye Middle of which, on two Black Tables, are ye Following Inscriptions in Gold Letters. Round about, and on ye Top of it are Many Coats of Arms of PALMER, DIGGES, etc., some of which are almost effaced.
This Fine Monument stood formerly, on ye Same Side of the Chancell, within the Rails, about 4 Yards nearer ye Altar; but was removed to the Place where it now stands, by ye COLEBROOKEs, when they built their Mausoleum or Repository for ye Dead of their Family, about ye Year 1752. The Bones of this good old Lady, were, at ye same Time taken up, and reinterrd, in a New Coffin, under her Monument where it is now placed.
The Arms of this Family of PALMER, are ye Following. (See GUILLIM, p. 194). [Arg. 2 bars sa. the upper with 2, the lower with 1 trefoil slipped or, in chief a greyhound courant sa.].
On ye Tablet on ye South Side. Sir Anthony Palmer, Knight of ye Bath erected this Monument in Memorial of D. Margaret, Sister of Sr. Dudley DIGGES of Chilham Castle Knight, his late Loving, Loved Wife, whose Goodness where she lived, and died, since it cannot be buried, in Putney, needs no Epitaph. She was Fairer than Most Women; Wiser than most Men; Neither, in her own Opinion, longer than she pleas’d her Husband, Whose only Daughter, by a Former Wife, She more love’d and cherish’d, than most Wives do their own. Few were so respectfull of their Husband, as She was of her Brother. Few Sisters so affectionately kind unto their Brothers, as She was to her Friends. Few Friends (if any), so chearfully ready to give Councel, Comfort, or Releif, as She was to ye Poor; upon whose Sickness, Lameness, Blindness, her charitable Hands wrought daily cures like Miracles; for Which (no Doubt) God blessed Her with a Threefold Issue, John, Dudley, Anthony. Like her Thoughts, Words, Works, all perfect, Masculine. Of which, although ye blessed First (like to her pious Meditations) stay’d little in this World; The other Two yet live, like those Fruits of her vertuous Knowlege, her Speeches, and her Actions; still calling to Remembrance ye Modest, Awefull, and yet ever witty, pleasing Conversation of her whole Life, that never knew Man’s ill Affection or Womans Envy.
On ye Tablet on ye N. Side. Reader, know; This Margaret Lady PALMER, in ye 33d. Year of her Age, died, most Christianly, at Putney, in Surrey, The 22d. of September, 1619. In Whose Memory This Monument was set up, by her Husband; Whose Grief says, her Virtues and Abilities, far above ye Power of her Sex, did shew more lively in her Actions, than weak Words can express; and took away wth. her, at her Departure, so much Joy from him and her Friends, as only Heaven can repaire.
2. On a Black Marble on ye Floor, within ye Rails. The Charitable Sr. Anthony PALMER, Knt. of ye Honble. Order of ye Bath, lyeth buried here. Anno Dom. 1630. Aet. sue 63.
3. Without ye Rails on a Fl. Black Stone, with this Coat. [On a sh. superimposed on a lozenge arg: Gu. on a + arg. 5 spreadeagles sa. (DIGGES) imp. (ST. LEGER) Az. freety arg. a chief or]. Anne St. Leger, Mother of Sr. Dudley DIGGS, knight, Master of ye Rowles; A Modest, Humble, Prudent and Religious Matron, lyeth here Buried. A. Dni. 1636. Aetatis suae 81.
4. On a Flat Grey Stone with this Coat. [Arg. a fesse dancetty sa. in chief 3 crowns or]. (LECHE). Here lieth The Body of Sibel Leche, by her Father, and FINCH, by her Mother; She died a Widdow the 18th Day of June 1603.
5. On Another grey Stone was inlaid a Plate of Brass, wch. is now gone, with ye Following Inscription. William FOGG, a virtuous Gentleman of a very worshipfull House anciently descended, a Counseller, of great Hopes and Expectation, ended his Days in ye 38th Year of his Age, and was here buried the 26th Day of March in ye Year of Our Lord 1616.
6. On Another grey Stone was inlaid a Plate of Brass, wch. is now gone wth. the following Inscription. George FOGG, Brother of ye Same William Fogg, a Master of Art, and a Professor of Physick, a Man studious and learned, died n ye 41st Year of his Age, and was here buried ye 21st Day of June in the Year of Our Lord 1617.
7. On a Black Stone with this Coat. [Arg. a fesse az. betw. 3 stars of 5 points sa. (COURTHOPPE)]. Here under lieth ye Body of Margaret Courthopp, Wife of Ezekias FOGG Gent. and Minister of this Church; By whom she had 5 Sons, and 2 Daughters. a Woman, Modest, grave, discreet, religious, and charitable. She died ye 13th of May A. Dni. 1619. Full of Years.
8. On Another Black Stone adjoyning – wth. this Coat. [Arg. a fesse sa. charged with 3 molets arg. betw. 3 rings sa.]. Here lieth ye Body of Ezekias FOGG, Gent. Descended of ye ancient Family of ye Foggs of Repton near Ashford, Who was Minister of this Church 52 Years. He departed this Life ye 22d. of September, Ano. Dom. 1624 in the 74th Year of his Age.
9. Another Stone, wch. has had a Brazen Figure and a Coat upon it which are both gone.
10. On ye South Wall is an handsome Black Marble Monument, with ye following Inscription in Gold Letters – and ye Coat annex’d. [(FOGG) imp. (COURTHOPP)]. 1616. Quis hoc, Viator, quaeris, Qui Busto jacet?/En Foggus hic est: Abundè noscis Genus./Uni qualis ille Moribus scrutarier,/Hoc exhibeat Vita, non dabit Lapis./ Sleep, quiet Corpse, expect ye happy End,/Which doth such harmless Souls as thine attend./Securer in thy Monument of Worth,/Than this of Marble: such best set us forth./For those outdare ye Threats of Fate along,/Which are composed of Actions, not of Stone./Thou we’rt thine own Tomb then; each Deed of Thine,/To make an Epitaph doth yeild a Line./Zeal, Peace, Religion; Reader, would’st know more?/Could Marbles speak, they’d say, Go ask ye Poor./I’ll not display thy Ancestry nor Blood:/This was thy cheifest Honour – Thou wert good./ Herald’s emblazen, for a Time, our Fame;/’Tis Virtue gives a never dying Name./But, now, be’ing gone, Thou dost us this bequeath;/To admire thy Life; and, to lament thy Death.
11. In One of ye Two Chapels belonging to ye DIGGES’s, on ye South Side of ye Chancel, (under wch. is a large Vault for ye Burial of ye Family of Sir Dudley Digges, ye Builder thereof), is a large Pedestal of Marble, on which stands a round Pillar, about 12 Feet high; on ye Top of wch. is an Urn; and, near ye Top, 4 Coats & Quarterings of ye Arms of Digges & KEMPE*; On ye 4 Corners of ye Pedestal are ye Statues, (with their Attributes), of ye 4 Cardinal Virtues; and, on ye 4 Sides, ye 4 following Inscriptions. *The Arms of KEMP are these. [Gu. a fesse betw. 3 garbs & a border engrld. or].
On the West Side. Sr. Dudley DIGGS Knight. Whose Death ye wisest of Men do reckon amongst ye Publick Calamities of these Times; on ye 10th Day of March, ye Year from ye Virgin Mother 1638/9, he resign’d his Spirit into ye Hand of his Maker; his Body to ye Peacefull Shades below; in humble Confidence he shall awake, rise up, and be cloathed with Immortality, in ye Dawn of that glorious Day wch. shall know no Night. Thou mays’t behold ye Grave of his Person, not of his Memory. What was earthly is sunk down into ye Land where all Things are forgotten: but ye Remembrance of his great Example will live through Age, ye Disease of Stones as well as Men; The Witness of his Death, This Tomb itself, shall die. The Story of his Life May be ye Rule of Ours. His Understanding few can equal; his Virtues fewer will. He was, a Pious Son; a Carefull Father; a Loving Husband; a Fatherly Brother; a Courteous Neighbour; a Mercyfull Landlord; a Liberal Master; a Noble Friend. When, after much Experience gain’d by Travel, and an exact Survey of ye Laws and People of foreigne Kingdoms, he had enabled himself for ye serving of his Country, observing too Many justle for Place, and cross ye Publick Interest if not joyn’d with their private Gain, hindring ye Motion of ye Great Body of ye Common Wealth, unless ye inferior Orbe of their Estates were advanced thereby; He was satisfied with ye Conscience of Merit; knowing, Good Men only can deserve Honours, ‘tho ye worst may attain them; his Noble Soul could not stoop to Ambition, nor be a beholding that, (‘tho ye most generous Vice) for an Occasion to exercise his Virtues. Out of such Apprehensions his moderate Desires confined his Thoughts to ye Innocency of a retired Life: When the most knowing of Princes, KING JAMES, who ever made Choice of the most knowing Ministers, judging none more equal to Employments, than those who wd. not unworthily court them, sent him Embassador to the EMPEROR of RUSSIA after his Return, and some Years conscionably spent in ye Service to the State, being unbiass’d by Popular Applause, or Court Hopes, he was made Master of ye Rolls. This did crown his former Actions; and, ‘tho it cd. not increase his Integrity, it made it more conspicuous: and, whom his Acquaintance, before, now, ye Kingdom honourd. If ye Example of his Justice had Powerfull Influence on all Magistrates, ye People who are governd wd. be happy upon Earth; and, ye Rulers, in Heaven, with him, who counted it an unworthy Thing to be tempted to Vice, by ye Reward of Virtue.
On ye East Side. Mary Kempe, Lady DIGGES, Daughter and Coheir of Sr. Thomas KEMPE of Olantigh, Knight, by Sr. Thomas MOYLE’s Daughter & Coheir, Son of Sr. Thomas Kempe Knight, by an Heir of BROWN & ARUNDEL, Son of Sr. William Kempe Knight, who by Emlen, Daughter and Coheire of Sr. Valentine CHICH, and Philippa Daughter and Heir of Sr. Robert CHICHLEY, Mayor of London, & Brother to HENRY, ye Arch Bishop, was Son to Sr. Thomas Kempe, Knight, Nephew to Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, ye Nephew of John Kempe, Arch Bishop of York, then of Canterbury, Cardinal, L. Chancelor, etc. lies here buried together with Francis her 4th and Richard her 8th Son.
On ye North Side. Read in Genesis, how Rachell falling in Travail of her youngest Son, after a hard Labour departed, and Jacob set a Pillar over her Grave. In humble Imitation, for sacred Memory of a most virtuous Lady, that so died, alas, late, like Rachell Lovely, Loving, and beloved. Like Leah, fruitfull Mother of 8 Sons and 3 Daughters. Without Blemish, without Blame, through her (like Rebecca’s) tender and religious Care. Whose daily pious Practice, after her own Private Prayer, was to hear and teach her Children; then, give Order in her House; and, then, become for Charity, the Poor’s Physitian, Surgeon, Servant. Like Sara, to her Husband, most obsequious. Such a House wife, Such a constant Housekeeper, as for Example for ye best of Wives, In this Chappel, consecrated to her Virtues, was this Monument set up.
On ye South Side. Regnante Henrico Tertio, Johannes Filius Rogeri de Mildenhal, dictus DIGGE, emit Insulam vocatam Byn with in Cantuariâ, locomq Portae super Stoure Streete ad Opus Fratrum Minorum. Et, Tempore opportune, transtulit Fratres in illam, et ibi Sepultus fuit, sicut etiam Filius Thomas, quem praeter Johannem, et Danielem, Clericos, ex Agnete de Sandvico Uxore, genuit. Thomas antem, inter alios Filios, reliquit Rogerum in Ecclesiâ de Berham Sepultum, cum Albinâ Uxore, Filiâ et Haerede Rogeri NORWOOD Militis; Quorum Filius Joannes in eâdem Ecclesiâ sepultus, ex Julianâ Sorore et Haerede Jacobi HORNE Armigeri praeter Odomarum Juris peritum, Patrem Familiae Digges de Nuingeton juxtà Sittingbourn genuit Joannem Seniorem, cujus Filius Joannes ex Joannâ Filiâ Mauritij Bruine Militis genuit Joannem alterum, qui ex alterâ Joannâ Filia Gervasij CLIFTON Militis sepulta in Ecclesiâ de Braborne, genuit Jacobum DIGGE, de Berham; qui ex Philippâ Filia Johannis ENGEHAM de Chart, Uxore Secundâ genuit Insignem Mathematicum Leonardum; qui, ex Sarâ Sorore fortissimorum Jacobi et Thomae WILFORD Militum, genuit Thomam Mathematicum insignissimum in Ecclesiâ Mariae Aldermanbury Londini, sepultum, qui ex Annâ SENTLEGER Filiâ Warhami de Saneto Leodigario, Militis, genuit Dudleyum.
12. In ye Wall, on ye Out side of this Chappel toward the South, are set 2 large Square Stones, one on each Side of ye Window. On the One of wch. is this Inscription.
MARIAE KEMPE/ P. PV. PVL./ VXO. OPT./ SEPVLCRETVM/ ET SIBI/ EXT./ DVDLY DIGGES./ On ye Other. Ruth. – Where thou diest I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to Me, and more also, if ought but Death, part Me & Thee. C.I. V.17.
13. In ye Other Chappel belonging to ye Family of ye DIGGES’s, Over the Mouth of ye Vault, is a large Black Flat Stone, with 2 large Iron Rings fixt to it, and the Word RESVRGET in a Wreath.
In ye Body of the Church.
14. Upon a Black Flat Stone, in ye Middle Isle. Robertus CUMBERLAND, Quadraginta Octo plus Amos, Dignissimus hujus Parochiae Vicarius, Deo et Ecclesiae Fidus, Vicinis Charus, Desideratus, ob. 9 Mar. 171011. E Quatuor Liberis, Binos Ecclesiae Presbyteros, Alterum Chirurgiae licentiatum; Filiam unicam in Matrimonio junctam reliquit.
15. On Another Black Flat Stone. Here lieth in Rest, and Hope of a Joyfull Resurrection, ye Body of John PAYNE, of ye ancient House and Family of ye Paynes, of Shottenton, Gent. Who died ye Seaventh Day of April, in ye Year of Our Lord God, 1625, being aged 84.
16. Round ye Fillet, or Edges of a Large Black Stone. Here lye ye Bones of Robert LANCASHIRE of Lancashire. and this is his Epitaphe, wch. I was willing to do, least Thou, Reader, should’st be innocent of that Hope wch. I have reposed in Mine Hart. dyed ye 29th of October 1624. In the Middle of ye Stone. Like Tincture hath ye Blood of Great and Small;/Their Birth, their Grave, alike are, unto all./ Primo Natus, Morti adjudicatus, Deinde renatus, Immortalitati accomodatus, postremò reparatus; Gloriae exaltatus. Primo Natu et Morte humiliates; deinde, Spiritû et fratiâ, renovatus, Postremo Gloriâ et Immortalitate coronatus. Ovans quiesco, Pulvere grato, Cespite tectus Materno Sum.
17. On a White Flat Stone. Here under lieth Buried ye Body of William PAYNE of ye How of Oldwoods Lese, in Chilhame; he died ye 20th of March Anno D. 1574/5.
18. On a Black Flat Stone. Here lieth Marie, Daughter, and one of the Heires to William PAYNE of Oldwoods Lees Esq., Wife to Mr Thomas COBBS Gent. Who died Apr. 24 1633. A Gentl. ancient both for Descent & Years, Whom ye Poor have lost, and God hath found. Aet. 92.
19. On Another Bl. Flat Stone. Expergam. Thomas COBBS of Oldwoods Lees, a virtuous and peaceable Gent. resteth here expecting ye Joyous Sound of ye Last Trumpe. He deceased 14 Sep. 1627. Aetat 73.
20. On a White Flat Stone. Here lieth interred ye Body of William COBBS Gent. Sonne of Mr Thomas Cobbs of Oldwoods Lees. who died June ye 23 1626. Non Obijt sed praeivit. Reader, behold thy Fate, and weep no more;/For, He’s not dead, but only gone before.
21. On a Black Flat Stone. Here lieth Katharine, Wife to Mr Michael BELKE, Daughter to William PETIT, of Chilham, Gent. Whoe deceased March ye 10th 1612/13. Aetat 32. Reader, know, this Sacred Urn within,/Contains of Worth a well-Stor’ed Magazine./Could Bewtie Chast, entire, Zeal, Ancestrie,/Secure from Death, She had neer known to die./But had triumph’t ore ye Grave, and been yet still,/As far from dying well, as Living ill./Yet, lo, She’s dead, to teach us all, ‘tho late,/That Ev’n best Gifts cannot exempt from Fate.
22. On a large Bl.Fl. Stone with these Arms. [Sa. a fesse or with a molet sa. for difference, betw. 3 dexter hands apaumée arg. (G.note: BATE) imp (G.note: STANHOPE) ¼ly erm. & gu.]. Richard BATE M.A. Vicar of Chilham and Rector of Warehorne died Mar 4. 1736/7 Aged 63. In well grounded Hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection, (through ye Merits of Christ) at ye last great Day. Whose Character let that Day shew. He had Issue, by Elisabeth, Daughter of ye Revd. Michael STANHOPE, and Catharine MUSGRAVE, besides Richard, Charles, and Susan who died Young, James, Rector of Deptford. John, Rector of Warehorn, his Successor. Julius, Rector of Sutton in Sussex. Catharine, married to Richard, son of ye Hon. Colonel TOPLADY. Elisabeth, Richard, Officer in ye Army – died at Carthagena. Elias, Officer in ye Navy – died Captain of ye Merid. Edward – died a Captain in ye Land Service. Mary – Married to Captain FLOYD of ye Royal Dragoons. Charles – Commissary of Marines in the late War, for this County.
23. On a Black Flat Stone, with ye Same Coat in a Lozenge. Here rests all that was Mortal of Mrs Elisabeth BATE; A Woman of an unaffected Piety, and Exemplary Virtue, in ye constant Discharge of her Duty towards God; and, in ye Several Relations of a Daughter, a Wife, and a Mother, few equal’d, none surpassed her. She was honourably descended; and by Means of her Alliance to ye illustrious Family of STANHOPE, She had ye Merit to obtain for her Husband and Children 12 Several Employments in Church & State. She died June ye 9th 1751 in ye 75th Year of her Age. In Matris Memoriama merito dilectae, Hoc Marmor poui curavit Fil. Nat. Min. praeceteris immerito dilectus.
24. On a Black Flat Stone - *partly hid by a Pew. Hic jacet Susanna, Filia Richardi BATE Clerici, et Elisabethae Uxoris ejus. Quae ex hâc Vitâ discessit Spe Melioris supra, Aetatis Plena. Sept. 11. AD … (NB. The rest is under a Pew). *This is a common Practice. ‘tho not ye less scandalaous; and what Mr WEEVER, in Page 701 of his Funeral Monuments, has long since found Fault with.- "Many Monuments of ye dead, says he, are cover’d with Seats, or Pews, made high & easy for ye Parishioners, to sit & sleep in; a Fashion of no long Continuance, & worthy of Reformation" – but, indeed, he seems here, more particularly, to have meant, such Pews, as, being built high agst. ye Walls, hide ye Mural Monuments. B.F.
25. On a White Flt Stone. Here lieth ye Body of Mary, Wife of Thomas WHITE, formerly of this Parish, Gent. They left issue 1 Son and 1 Daughter. viz: James White now of this Parish; and Grace, ye Wife of Richard HOGBEN of Selling. She died Octob. 25 1752. Aged 69 Years.
26. On Another. Here lieth ye Body of Catharine, Daughter of Thomas and Catharine MANTELL of this Parish. She died Nov. 23 1747. Aged 4 Years & near 4 Months.
27. *Here are several Other Flat Stones not Legible.
28. *On a Loose Brass Plate is this Inscription. Hic Jacet Rob’tus S….. et ….. Uxor ejus, qui quidem Rob’tus obijt xx Die Mensis Novemb. A.dni 14x25. Quorum Animabus ppitietur Deus. – Amen. xThis Figure looks like a 4. (Date must be in arabaics, so 4 is unlikely. Probly. really 1525; perhaps the 2nd. fig. was made thus: ל. V.S.T.).
In ye North Transept.
29. On a Black Mural Monument, on ye N.Wall, with ys. Coat. [Gu. a lion rampt. or imp. ¼ly: 1&4). Gu. a chevn. betwn. 3 leopards’ heads arg. 2). Gu. 3 leopards’ heads arg. 3). Arg. a chevn. betwn. 3 martlets sa.]. (G. note: MASTER, PETTIT, SHAMELSFORD, OLDWOOD). Within this Place lyeth interred ye Body of Elisabeth ye Wife of Gilles MASTER, late of ye City of Canterbury Esq., and Daughter of William PETTITE formerly of this Parish Esq. She had by ye said Gilles 2 Daughters; Dorothy which married unto Robert SPRACKLING of this Parish Gent; and Frances, which married unto James BIX of ye City of Canterbury Gent: She departed this Mortal Life ye 18th of October 1661, in ye 77th Year of her Age.
30. On a Black Mural Monument, On ye W. Wall. The Arms almost effaced. Within this Chapple lieth Buried The Right Worshipfull Thomas PETIT, Esq. Counceller at Law, who departed this Life at Canterbury, ye 26th of Septemb. 1625. And desired to be laid beside his Father with others of that Worshipfull and Anncient Family of ye Pettits. In Memory of whom, this Monum. is erected by his Late Wife Frances Petit, Widowe, Executrix of his last Will and Testament. Reader, why stand’st gazing on?/Know, that this Sacred precious Stone,/Requires for him that here does sleepe,/Eyes, that come not to view, but weepe./Criticks Avaunt! Give Sorrow Place:/Censure would here his Tomb disgrace./Who living spent so well his Daies,/That Envy cannot them dispraise./Who now herself doth Mourner turn/To see an Honest Lawyer’s Urn.
31. On an Handsome Black Stone, on ye Floor. Here lie Buried William PETYT and Susan his Wife. He dyed September ye 24th 1614. She died February ye 1st 1639.
32. On Another with this Coat. [Sa. a saltire erm. betwn. 4 leopards’ heads or imp. A lion rampt.]. (G. Note: SPRAKELING). Here lieth Buried, ye Body of Anne SPRACKLING Wife of Adam Sprackling of Fordwich, Gent, and Daughter of Henry HEYMAN of Sellinge Esq. She died ye 14th Day of April, in the Year of Our Lord 1659. To VirtuousDeeds, her Mind She did apply/Her Care was, well to live & so to die./She hath pass’d through this Vale of Misery/To Live in Bliss to all Eternity./ Here lies also ye Body of Robert SPRAKELING, Gent, Son & Heir to Adam Sprakeling Gent, and Anne his Wife, who died ye 29th Day of Jany. in ye Year of Our Lord 1689. Aged 80 Years.
33. On Another Black Stone. Here lyeth ye Body of Thomas COBBE Gent, late of Oldwoods Lees, who died on ye 29th of November 1640. Aetatis suae 37.
In The South Transept.
34. On a Black Stone ob. 1631. Here lyeth Margarite, Wife of John DIXON, Daughter of Dr. DEN of Kingstone.
35. Here is another Black Stone, with a Brass Figure of a Man in a Priest’s Habit. But The Plate with ye Inscription is lost.
36. The Mausoleum. This Receptacle for ye Dead was built at ye Expence of Robert, James, and George, Sons of James COLEBROKE, late of Chilham Castle, Esq; and was finished about ye Year 1754. It is a round Building of about 20 Feet Diameter, ornamented with 8 Pillars, Festoons, Death’s Heads, etc. etc. It’s Covering is a Cupola, with an Hole in its Centre, of abt. a Yard Wide, to let in ye Light; it is built of Free Stone. Between the Pillars are Catocombs (sic) or Places for ye Reception of the Dead, in 3 Rows, almost quite round. The Walls of this Part are 12 Feet thick. Each Catacomb is stopp’d up with a Round Free Stone; except those which have Bodies in them, which are stopp’d with Black Marble having ye Inscription cut on it in Letters of Gold. They are 4 in Number, and have the aftermention’d Inscriptions upon them.
The Enterance (sic) into it is on ye North Side of ye Altar. Over ye Door or Ent’rance is ye Following Inscription in Gold Letters. M.S. Jacobi COLEBROOKE Armigeri et Mariae Conjugus B.M. *Putatis Ergo Posuere tres Filij et sibi et Suis, Robertus Colebrooke. Jacobus Colebrooke. Georgius Colebrooke. *I suppose this should have been Pietatis.
Herein are deposited ye Remains of James COLEBROOKE of this Place Esq. born ye 12th of May 1680. Married Mary HUDSON 2 Jany. 1706 with Whom he liv’d almost 47 Years, in ye Greatest Friendship. And, by whom he had a numerous Issue; and died 18 Nov. 1752.
Herein are deposited the Remains of Mary COLEBROOKE, Relict of James Colebrooke Esq. She was born November ye 10th 1689. Married 2 Jany. 1706. And died March ye 12th 1753.
Sacred to ye Graces, and to every Virtue that could adorn a Woman, let this Marble be inscribed. To ye Memory of Mary COLEBROOKE, Wife of James Colebrooke, of Gatton in ye County of Surrey Esq. She was ye Eldest Daughter of Stephen SKINNER of Walthamstowe, Esq. born 12 August 1728 and Married 7 May 1747. And died in Child Bed 14 .. 1754 of ye Small Pox, leaving Issue 2 Daughters, Mary and Emma. and 1 Son James, who surviv’d her only 6 Days. And, whose Ashes are here likewise deposited. Heu! Minimè cum reris in ipso Flore Juventae/Mors Inopina Domûs Spem abripit Omnem.
Within this Receptacle deposited lies ye Body of the Honourable Henrietta, Daughter of ye Right Honourable Lord Harry POWLETT, and Wife of Robert COLEBROOKE of Chilham Castle Esq. In Whom ye Noblest Birth and most perfect Beauty were surpass’d by Sweetness of Disposition, and Elegance of Manners. For 5 long lingering Years with humble Fortitude, and devout Resignation, She sustained ye gnawing Pangs of an inveterate Cancer. Nevertheless, ‘tho true Greatness of Mind May render ye Soul superiour to the Calamities of Nature, Life must Sink under the Infirmities of it. She, therefore yeilded (sic) to Mortality ye 22d. of December 1753, in ye 37th Year of her Age.
37. Mr WEEVER mentions ye Following Epitaph, wch. is now not to be found (this refers to Swingfield – g.v.). "Orate pro Animâ Willeilmi de Smersole … et Uxor ejus, et pro Anima … Sander GOLDSMITH".
38. This Church is built of Flint and consists of a Body and 2 Isles all coverd with Lead; A Chancell with two Chapels, or Cemitories, on the South Side thereof; and a Transept, coverd with Tyle. On ye North Side of ye Chancell is the Mausoleum before mentioned. There was a Chantery or Chapel here wch. has been lately pull’d down. The Tower has a Small Spire, and stands at ye West End, in it are *6 heavy Bells. There are very little Remains of painted Glass to be seen in **ye Windows. It is a Vicarage, in ye Gift of Robert COLEBROOKE Esq.
** In One of the Windows on ye N. Side of the Church, is this Coat. [3 swords in fesse erect (ENSING)].
39. *The Inscriptions on ye Bells.
1. Richard PHELPS made Me. 1709. The Gift of ye Revd. Mr John NICHOLS, Mr Robert SPRAKELING,
and Others.
2. Robertus MOT Me fecit. 1594.
3. Robertus MOT fecit Me. 1595.
4. Joseph HATCH made Me. 1616.
5. Robertus MOT Me fecit. 1595. This Bell is now Crack’d.
6. Robertus MOT Me fecit. 1599. Gabrielis.
40. The present Vicar is ye Revd. D. KNATCHBULL. The Church was called St Maries. N.B. Dr GALE, P.86 of his Itin: says that Roman Urns and Coins have been found here. The Tumulus or Mount call’d Julaberies Grave, is in this Parish. 1757.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
BATE 22, 23, 24
COBBS 19, 20
DIGGES 1, 3, 11, 13
FOGG 5-8, 10
KEMPE 11, 12
MOT 39
PAYNE 15, 17, 18
PETTIT 29, 30
Swingfield 37
Canterbury 29, 30
Carthagena 22
Deptford 22
Fordwich 32
Gatton, Surrey 36
Kingstone 34
Lancashire 16
Olantigh 11
Oldwoods Lees 19, 20, 33
Putney, Surrey 1
Repton nr Ashford 8
Selling 25
Sellinge 32
Shottenton 15
Sutton, Sussex 22
Walthamstowe 36
Warehorne 22General
Arch Bishop of Canterbury 11
Arch Bishop of York 11
Bishop of London 11
Captain 22
Colonel 22
Commissary of Marines 22
Master of ye Rolls 11
Master of ye Rowles 3
Mayor of London 11
Merid. ?Ship 22
Navy 22
Royal Dragoons 22
Small Pox 36