Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Leonard's Church, Deal
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of St George's Church, Deal
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Shoulden Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Leonard's Church, Deal
Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Leonard's Church, Deal, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett in 1759. Also some Monumental Inscriptions noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 30th September 2008. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
1. In a Vault, under the Altar, lies the Body of Edward BULSTRODE, late of Tewkesbury, in Coun. Gloucest. Esq. Whose Wife (Mary, sister to George GARDINER, of Evesham, in Coun. Wigorn, Esq.) deceasing before him is interred in the Church there. He died 27 Decemb. 1718 aged 67 Years; and was the eldest son of Sr. Richard Bulstrode, Knt. (who servd their Majesties King Charles 2d. and K. James 2d. near 20 Years in the several Qualities of Agent, Resident, and Envoy extraordinary at ye Court of Bruxells) by Joyce his Wife (Sister to Sr. Edward DINELY, of Charlton, likewise in ye said County of Worcester, Knt. who died without Issue male) and Grandson of Edward BULSTRODE of Soley-End, near Astley, in Coun. Warwic. as, also, of the Inner Temple, London, Esq. sometime Chief Justice of North Wales, by Margaret, his Wife (Daughter to Richard CHAMBERLAINE of Astley, aforementioned Esq. by Elisabeth his Wife (Sister to Sr. Walter HARCOURT, of Stanton-Harcourt, in Coun. Oxon, Knt. Ancestor to the LORD HARCOURT) and great grandson of Edward Bulstrode, of Bulstrode, in Coun. Bucks, Esq. (by Cicely his Wife, Sister to Sr. John CROKE, of Chilton in the said County, Knt. Speaker of the honourable House of Commons, Recorder of London, and one of ye Judges of the Court of Kings Bench). Lineal Heir of Robert de Bulstrode, who lived at his Mannor of Bulstrode, near Gerard’s Cross, 30 ? 3. 1746
(sic for 1246 – this is B.F’s error: original has MCCXLVI).Ultima semper Expectanda Dies Honimi est, diciq, beatus, Ante Obitum, nemo, supremaq, Funera debet.
2. On an Atcheivement on ye North wall. (Arg. a saltire gu. in chief a cresct. gu for diffce). In memory of Mr Henry GERARD late Rector of this Parish, who departed this Life the 2d. Day of January in the 65th Year of his Age – Anno Dom. 1710 (11).
3. On a Flat Stone. [RANDOLPH (3.2, Kennington) imp. A castle (set to dexter) over a lion rampt. in base, a canton sinister erm]. H.S.E. (Catherine Daughter of Herbert RANDOLPH Rector of this Parish died 27 June, 1752 aged 18. Also Dorothy-Anne died 20 Aug. 1752 aged 15. Also, three infants, Herbert, William and Jane, Children of the said Herbert Randolph lie here interred.
4. On Another Flat Stone, wch. this Acheiv’ment over it on ye Acheivemen is wrote "In Memory of Mrs Thomasine RENTONE. [A chevron].
5. Here lieth interred the Body of Thomasine RENTONE who departed this Life the 27th Day of Aprill, 1730.
6. On a Brass Plate on a Flat Stone. Anne, the Daughter, and only Child of Thomas CONSTANT Pson. of Deale, & of Judith his Wife (after 13 Yeares married) Was born ye 18th of June and died sodenly, at Nurse, the 20th of July 1606.
Quae cito deserui Vitam, cito vivere coepi; et cito caelestis, quae cito nulla fui.
7. On Another Flat Stone. [Barry of 6, a bend]. Here lieth the Body of Mr Robert LIGHTFOOT, late Rector of this Parish, who departed this Life the 16th Day of November, in the Year of Our Lord 1726 aged 61 Years. The best of Husbands; the most indulgent Parent; a True and faithfull Pastor of his Flock. Also the Bodies of 2 of his Children, viz John, who died in the Month of April …. aged 3 Years and 5 Months. Peter, who died in the Month of September 1717 aged 16 Weeks. John, who died in the Month of September 1718 aged 6 Weeks. Hoc Monumentum Uxor indrens posuit. Here also lieth the Body of Mary the Widow of the said Robert Lightfoot, who departed this Life the 11th Day of March. An. Dom. 1727/8.
8. On Another. Hic Thomas CONSTANTIUS ex Academ. Cantabrig, inArtibus Magister, hujus olim Ecclesiae Rector fidelis …. A.D. 1617. Mens: Aug. D. 12 H.12 circa Annum Aetatis sud 52. Hac ex Vita excessit ad Lectorem Constantium alias cui consona Munere Virtus, Morsq duit Mortisnescia, Vita manet. Hoc Amoris ergo T.C.
9. On an Atcheiv’ment. In memory of Henry GERARD who departed this life the 27th of September A.Dom. 1698 In the 24th Year of his Age.
10. On another Atcheivement. [blank shield]. In Memeory of Mrs Mary SCREVEN who died the 18th of June 1687 in the 18th year of her Age.
11. In The Body – On a Flat Stone. Here under lieth ye Body of John COPPIN, Gentleman, who had Issue 11 Children; viz: Justin, Bridget, John, William, Catherine, Thomas, John, Mary, Margaret, Isaac, and Martha. He deceased the 20th of May 1581. Here lieth the Body of Josh. Coppin Esq. who was the first Mayor of the Corporation of Deale A.D. 1699 and departed this Life Sept. 30 1721. Also the Body of John BRAKENBURY Gent. the only Descendant of ye said Mr Coppin who died the 8th of Nov. 1755 aged 39 years.
12. On Another. Here lieth the Body of John JENKIN, Gent. He died the 17th Day of Jan. 1674-75, in the Forty ninth Year of his Age, and left Issue, 1 Son and 3 Daughters. John, Mary, Susanna and Martha.
13. On Another. [2 blank coats impaled]. Here lies the Body of Duncombe DRAKE, Esq. 2nd Son of Sr. Francis Drake of Buckland, in Coun. Devon. Bart. by Elizabeth, Daughter of Sr. Henry POLEXEND, Lord chief Justice of the common Pleas. He married Grace, Daughter of Sr. Nicholas TREVANNION, Commissioner of his Majestie’s DockYard at Plymouth. He was one of the Commissioners of Appeals, and Commander of his Majesties Ship The Argyle Man of War. As he lived beloved, he died lamented by all that knew him May 22 In the Year of his Age 40 of Our Lord 1734.
14. On an Atcheiv’ment on ye Gallery, at ye W.End. [Blank coat wt. do. chief]. In Memory of Mr Joseph RICHARDSON, who departed this Life the 11th day of June 1690 aged neere 46 Yeares.
15. On Another [Blank coat]. In Memory of Mr Sampson WISE.
16. On a Flat Stone at the Bellfry Door. Here lieth the Body of John, Son of John BRAY, and Mary his Wife. He died Sept. 10 1713 aged ten Months.
17. One Flat Stone, wch. has formerly been inlaid but is now without Inscription.
In the North Isle.
18. On a flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Sarah MANTLE who died 13 June 1738 aged 86 Years. She was Daughter of Stephen COLT, and Sarah his Wife, who also are here interred, with 4 more of their children: Richard, John and William Colt, and Mary HOLNESS.
18. On another Flat Stone. Here lieth entombed the Body of Master John PEARCE, Mariner. Hee departed this Life the 15th of May 1690, aged 63 Yeares, leaving one Datter Mary, by Katherine his Wife. Here also lies Mary, the Datter who departed this Life ye 5 Day of January 1703-04, Aged 32 Years. Here lieth also Katherine, the Wife. She departed this Life Mar. 13 1707-08 aged 78 Years.
19. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Constant WOODMAN, Widow, who departed this Life the 26th of December 1680 aged 77 Years. And, also, the Body of Susanna BOURNE, late Wife of Sampson Bourne, who departed this Life the 20th Day of March following 1680-81 aged 31 Years, and leaving Issue 2 Sons, and 3 Daughters.
In The South Isle.
20. On a brass Plate fix’t to a small Monument on ye East Wall, under ye brass Fig. of a Man on his Knees praying before a Faldstool, with his Helmet lying by him; &, on a Scroll, "Tous murst prest", as it seems.
21. [Blank coat, in a border]. Here, in this Ile, lieth the Bodde of Thomas BOYS Esquier, Sonn to John Boys of Fredfield, in ye Parish of Nonnington, in this Countie of Kent, Esquier; wch. Thomas was, in his Youthe, a Gentellman at Armes at Calles, and attended upon the Parson of King Henry the VIIIth, at the Seige of Bullen. Whoo was Receivor of the Countie of Guynes, there; and, also, twoo Yeres together, Mayor of the Towne of Calles; and, after by the gifte of King Edward the VIth, in the 5th Yeare of his Raign, 1551, made Captayne of Deale Castell. Who lyved the Age of LX Yeres, and was buried the xiii of February, in the Vth Yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lade Queene Elizabeth, 1562(3). Whose Sowle resteth with God. Thoughe Thomas Boys hys Corpse in Grave here deddoth lye Yet Robert Boys sayth to him he shall never dye.
(I find, (by Aubrey, Vol.2, p.86) that this Thomas Boyse had a Son, Anthony, who died Rector of Coulsden in Surrey, 1610. B.F.)
22. On a broken Plate of Brass, fixt to a flat Stone, with 2 large, and 8 smaller Figures. ………/ Thomas BAKER, otherwys callyd ……………/ X day of Fevere Ao.Dni. MoVoVIII.
23. On a Flat Stone. Here lyeth the Body of Mr John TAVENOR. He was borne the 22 Day of November, 1673 and dyed the 4th Day of June 1694 aged 21 Yeares and Six Months. He had to Wife, Mary the Daughter of James PITTMAN of …….…./Hall, London, by whom he had Issue 5 Children, James, Ann, Anna, Samuel and Mary, who died in their Infancy, and lye buried in this Church Yard, near the Chancell Wall. Also here lieth buried his Mother Anna TAVENOR, and 3 other of his Children, Thomas, Elizabeth and Benjamin, who all 3 died in their Infancy. Shee died the 4th of January 1665-65, aged 42 Yeares.
24. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Captaine George POMEROY late Commander of their Majestie’s Ship the Rupert, who receivd. his mortall Wounds in an Engagement against the French off Beachy; and departed this Life the 25th Day of July 1690 in the 39th Year of his Age, leaving behind him his Wife and 3 Children.
25. On an Atcheivement wch. hangs just by. [Blank coat with engrld. border imp. blank coat with a chief]. Here lieth the Body of Captain George POMEROY, Son of Capt. Will. Pomeroy of The West, late Commander of their Majestie’s Ship the Rupert, who receiv’d his Mortall Wound against The French off Beachy, and departed etc. etc. etc. as above.
26. On Another Atcheivement. [A chevron]. To the Memory of Capt. Thomas POUSTON.
27. One Other Flat Stone not Legible.
28. This Church consists of the Chancell, Body, and 2 Side Isles. The Tower, wch. is cap’t with a kind of wooden Spire, stands at the West End. There are 5 Bells in it, all founded by Christopher HODSON 1658.
31. This Church was dedicated to St Leonard. It is a Rectory, in the Gift of the Arch Bishop. The present Rector is Mr John JAMES, who is also Rector of Betteshanger. 1759.
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 30th September 2008
32. We next (from Sholden) visited Upper Deal, the adjoining Parish to the Eastward. This village consists of many good houses and some few but indifferent ones.
33. The Church, which is a handsome structure, situated at the right side of the road, consists of a Nave, with two side ailes, and one chancel, with a handsome square tower at the West end, built of brick, with rusticated stone quoins. It contains a peal of five Bells.
34. On a Tablet of Wood, painted to represent Marble, at the North west wide of the altar: In a Vault under the Altar lieth the Body of Edward BULSTRODE late of Tewkesbury in Com. Gloucest. Esqr. whose Wife Mary (Sister to George GARNER of Evesham in Com. Wigorn, Esqr.) deceasing before him, is Interr’d in ye Church there. He died XXVII Decemb. MDCCXVIII, aged LXVII Years and was The Eldest Son of Sir Richard BULSTRODE Knt. (who serv’d Their Majesties KING CHARLES II and KING JAMES II near Twenty Years in the several Qualities of Agent Resident and Envoy Extraordinary, at the Court of Bruxells) by Joice his Wife (Sister to Sir Edward DINELEY, of Charlton likewise in the said County of Worcester, Knight who died without Issue Male) and Grandson of Edward Bulstrode of Soley-End, near Astley in Com. Warwic as also of the Inner Temple London Esqr. Sometime Chief Justice of North Wales by Margaret his Wife (Daughter to Richard CHAMBERLAYNE of Astley aforemention’d Esqr. by Elizabeth his Wife, Sister to Sir Walter HARCOURT of Stanton Harcourt, in Com.Oxon, Knt. Ancestr. to ye Lord Harcourt and Great Grandson of Edward Bulstrode of Bulstrode in Com. Buck. Esqr. (by Cecily his Wife, Sister to Sir John CROKE of Chilton in the same County, Knt. Speaker of the Honble. House of Comons, Recorder of London and one of the Judges of ye Court of Kings Bench. Lineal Heir of Robert de Bulstrode, who liv’d at his Mannor of Bulstrode near Gerard’s Cross XXX Hen. III. A.D. MCCXLVI. Ultima semper Expendanda dies homini diciq beatus Ante obitum nemo, supremaq funera debet.Arms. middle shield, Quarterly. 1st quarter, 1st & 4th BULSTRODE, viz. Sab. a Stags head caboshed, Ar. in his mouth fessways, an arrow, of the last, on the scalp, betw. the attire, a cross formièe fitchèe, Or, 2nd & 3rd Ar. a chev. Gu. betw. 3 Squirrels, Sab. 2nd Quarter. three coats per pale, 1st Paly of 6, Ar. & Az. on a chief, Sab. 2 swords in saltier, of the 1st pomell’d, Or. 2nd. per fess, Az. and Gu. a Barnacle, Ar. 3rd. Ar. a Barnacle, gu.
3rd Quarter. three coats per pale. 1st. Sab 4 fusils, Ar. 2nd. Ar. 6 Cinquefoils, 3,2,1, Gu. on a canton Sab. betw. the horns of a crescent of ye 1st a mullet, Or. 3rd. Ar. a fess dancette, Gu. in chief, 3 Leopards faces, Sab.
4th Quarter. Quarterly, 1st & 4th. Ar. 2 bends engrail’d, Sab. 2nd & 3rd. Gu. a chev. betw. 3 Urns, Or. Crest, a bulls head & neck, Gu. betw. 2 Wings, Ar. Motto: Think and Thank. On a shield at the dexter side. Bulstrode, and its quarterings impaling Quarterly, 1st & 4th CROKE, viz. Gu. a fess betw. 6 martlets, 3,2,1. Ar. 2nd & 3rd. Ar. a fess nebuly, Az. charged with 3 Bezants.
35. On another at the sinister side, Quarterly, 1st & 4th, BULSTRODE, etc. impaling Quarterly 1st & 4th CHAMBERLAYNE, viz. Gu. an inescutcheon, Er. within an orle of mullets, Or. 2nd. & 3rd. Gu. a chev. betw. 3 escallops, Or. Dexter side below. Bulstrode, etc. impal. DINELEY, viz. Ar. a fess, and in chief, a mullet, betw. 2 pellets, Sab. Sinister side below, Bulstrode, etc. impal. GARDNER of Oxfordshire, viz. *Az. a chev. Er. betw. 3 Griffins heads eras’d, Ar. *2 lines connect this and the BACKHOUSE Arms below, divided by Qy? the same.
36. On a neat Tablet of White and Grey marble, at the South side of the Altar: Underneath this Altar Lie the Remains of the Revd. William BACKHOUSE, D.D. Archdeacon of this Diocese, Master of East Bridge Hospital, In the City of Canterbury, Rector of Ickham & this Parish. Where he lived respected and died lamented, Sepr. 29th 1788, Aged 58 Years. His Nephew, J.B. Backhouse, Who loved him living and regrets him dead, Has caused this Monument To be erected to his Memory.
37. Arms:on a handsome Htchment above, Az. a chev. Er. betw. three griffins heads eras’d. Crest, a Griffin sejeant.
38. On a white grave stone: Catherine URMSTON died June 22nd. 1782 aged 2 Months & 22 Days.
39. On another: In Memory of William COWAN who Died the 4th of July 1764 Aged 39 Years.
40. On an Hatchment over BULSTRODE’s Monument: Arms. Ar. a Saltier, Gu. a Crescent for difference. In Memory of Mr Henry GERARD Late Rector of this Parish who departed this Life the 2nd. day of January in the 65th Year of his Age. Anno Dom. 1710/11.
41. On another: Arms:Az. a chev. betw. three boars heads coup’d, Ar. within as many Cups, Or.
42. In Memory of Mr Thomas RENTON. Dexter side, Arms:Sab. 3 pheons, Ar. impal. Renton. Sinister side, Arms. Ar. a Lion Rampt. in a bordure Az. impaling Renton.
43. On another: Arms. SCREVEN, viz. Ar. gutte de sang, a Lion rampt. Sab. crown’d Or. In Memory of Mrs MARY Screven Who died ye 18th of June 1687 in ye 18 year of her age.
44. On another: Arms:GERARD, with a label of three points, for diff. Crest, a Baboon, Vert. Collar’d & chained, Or. In Memory of Mr Henry Gerard Who departed this Life the 27th of September An. Dom. 1698 in ye 24th Yeare of his Age.
45. On a neat white Monument at the West end of the North Wall of the Chancel: In Memory of Philippa HALL, Second Daughter of Sir Philip Hall late of Upton in ye County of Essex, Knt. who died the 27th of Decr. 1766. Aet. 38 Years. Arms. Ar, a chev. betw. three talbots heads eras’d, Sab.
46. On a hatchment opposite the above: Arms. Sab. a fess wavy, betw. 2 etiols, Ar. a mullet for diff. over all the arms of ULSTER impal. BACKHOUSE. Motto: Sic Parvis Magna.
47. On another: Arms. As the above, impal. Ar. a fess Gu. betw. 6 Birds, Sab. Crest. On a Ship, Or, a Globe Ar, with a Wyvern, Gu. a hand, prop. issuing from clouds, holding the Ship by its cable. Motto: Auxilio Divino.
48. On another: Arms: Per chev. Ar. & Sab. in chief, 2 fleurs de lis, in base, a Castle, Or. Crest: A Castle, Or, crown’d with a fleur de lis, Ar. Date 1705.
Middle Aile.
49. On another, at the North side: Arms: RICHARDSON of Gloucestershsire, viz. Ar. on a chief Sab. 3 Lions heads eras’d of the 1st. Crest: a cubit arm, Ar. holding in the hand, prop. a broken sword, hilted & pomell Or. In Memory of Mr Joseph Richardson which departed this Life the 11th day of June 1690 Aged neere 46 Years.
50. On another: Arms: WISE (of Sydenham in Devon) viz. Sab. three Chevronels, Er. Crest: a demy Lion, Ar. holding a ……../. In Memory of Mr Sampson Wise.
51. On a white grave stone: Here lieth ye Body of John JENKIN Gent. He died ye 17th day of Jann. 1674/5 in ye forty ninth yeare of his Age, & left istwe one Sonn & three Daught. John, Mary, Susanna & Martha.
52. On a black marble slab: Here Under Lieth the Body of John COPPIN Gentleman Who Had issue 11 Children, viz. Justin, Bridget, John, William, Catherine, Thomas, John, Mary, Margaret, Jone And Martha. He Decease the 20th of May 1581. Here lyeth the Body of Josh. Coppin Esqr. who was the First Mayor of ye Corporation of Deal Anno Dom. 1699 & departed this life ye 30th day of Sepr. Anno Dom. 1721. Also the Body of John BRACKENBURY Gent the only descendant of the said Mr Coppin who died ye 8th of Novr. 1755 Aged 39 Years.
53. On a small black marble slab, at the feet of the above: Also of Mrs Mary HOUGHAM, Wife of Willm. Hougham Esqr. of Barton Court near Canterbury & Relict of the above Jn. BRACKENBURY Esqr. who died Novr. the 8th 1788, aged 70.
54. On a black marble slab: In Memory of John GOULD Esqr. who died the 30th of March 1784 aged 62 Years.
55. On a small white stone at the West end of the Nave: Here lieth the Body of John, Son of Mr John BRAY & Mary his Wife he died Sepr. ye 10th 1713 Aged 10 Monthes.
Cross space.
56. On a large marble slab: Duncomb DRAKE Esqr. 2nd. Son of Sr. Francis Drake of Buckland in Com. Devon Bart. by Elizth. Daughr. of Sr Henry POLEXFEN, Ld. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. He married Grace, Daughr. of Sr. Nichs. TREVANION, Commissioner of his Majtys. Dock Yard at Plymoth. He was one of his Majtys. Commissrs. of Appeals and Commander of his Majtys. Ship Argyle Man of War, as he lived Beloved he died Lamented by all that knew him on the 22d. day of May In the year of his age 40, In the yeare of our Lord 1734. Arms: Drake, viz. a fess wavy, betw. 2 etoils, in pale impaling Trevanion, viz. on a fess, betw. 2 chevns. 3 escallops. On a hatchment above, Arms: Drake, impaling Trevanion.
57. On another: Here lieth intombe the body of Master John PEARCE Marener. Hee departed this life ye 17th of May 1690 ageged 65 yeares. Leafinge one Dafter Mary by Kattran his wife. Her lieth also Mary ye Dafter who departed this Life ye 5th of January 1703/4 Aged 32 years. Here lieth also Kattren the wife. Departed this Life ye 13 of March 1707/8 Aged 78 Years.
North Aile.
58. On a Black marble slab: Here lieth interr’d the Body of Sarah MANTLE who died ye 13 day of June 1738 Aged 86 Years. She was Daughr. of Stephen COLT & Sarah his Wife who also are here interr’d with four more of their Children, Richard, John & William Colt, and Mary HOLNESS.
59. On a white stone: Richard OVERTON of Liverpool Died October the 22d. 1764 Aged 37 Years.
60. On a large Grey stone: Here lyeth interr’d the Body of Constant WOODMAN widow who departed this life the 26 of December 1680 Aged 77 Years. And also the body of Susanna BOURNE late wife of Samson Bourne who departed this life the 20th day of March following 1680/1 Aged 31 Years. And leaving essue 2 Sons And 3 Daughters.
South Aile.
61. On a white grave stone: Here lyeth the Body of Capn. Georg POMEROY Commander of their Majesties Ship the Rupert who received his Morll. in an engagement against the French of Beachly and departed this Life the 25 Day of July 1690 in the 39 Yeare of his Age Leaving behind him his wife and three Children.
62. On a white stone at the West end of the aile: Heer me inen ge ist be fehl ich dier meingot me in got wfich might voer mihr nim michin deine hande o warner got in aller noth hilf ..r/ am lesz tenende. Hier liegt begraben hiffer Jochim WARNER voer hamborch ist den 1 September in gottden heren Shilgent shlaffen aning 1654.
63. On a hatchment: Arms: POMEROY, viz. Or a Lion rampt. Gu. within a bordure engrail’d, Sab. impaling Ar. three torteauxes, 2.1 and a chief, Gu. Crest: a Lion sejant, holding in the dexter paw an apple, Or. Here lieth the body of Capt. George Pomeroy, Son of Capn. Wm. Pomeroy of the west Late Comander of their Majtys. Ship the Rupert who received his Mortall Wounds against the French of Beachy – And departed this Life the 25 day of July 1690 in ye 39 year of his age leaving his wife and 3 Children behind him.
64. On another: Arms: Gu. a chev. betw. three mullets, Or. Crest: a Lion’s head, affrontèe eras’d Az. gorg’d with a ducal Coronet, Or. In Memeory of Capn. Thos. POULTON 1699.
65. On another: Arms: Or, a chev. betw. three Cootes, Sab. Crest: A Coote. Obiit XX Martii Anno MDCLXXXXVI.
66. At the South-east (sic – obviously N.E. as now, proved by mentn. of the stairs) corner of the South aile, under the gallery stairs, on a brass plate, let into a Stone in the Wall, is the Figure of a Man, kneeling in Armour, and underneath the following Inscription: Here in this Ile lyeth the Bodde of Thomas BOYS, Esquier (soon to John Boys of Fredfeilde, in the Parishe of Nonnington, in this Countie of Kent, esquire, which Thomas was in his Youthe a Gentellman at Armes at Calles and attended upon the Parson of KINGE HENRY the VIII at the siege of Bullen; whoo was Receiver of the Countie of Guynes thear, and also twoo Yeres together Mayor of the Towne of Calles, and after, by the Gifte of KING EDWARD the VIth in the V Yere of his Raign, 1551, made Captayne of Deale Castell; whoo lyed (sic) the Age of LX Yeeres and was buried the XVIth of February in the V Yere of the Raign of our Soveraign Lade QUENE ELIZABETHE 1562/3; whose Sowle resteth with God. Thoughe Thomas Boys his Corps in Grave heare ded dothe lye, Yet Robert Boys Fayth to him shalt never dye.
67. On part of a brass plate near the above, between the Effigies of a Man & Woman, 2 Sons, and 3 Daughters. ………………/ Thomas BAKER otherwys callyd ……………../Day of Fever. A.Dmni MVVIII 1508/9.
68. At the West end of the Nave is the Pilots gallery with their arms in the front exceedingly well painted.
69. Bells.
1. Christopher HODSON made me 1685.
2. Christopher Hodson made me 1685.
3. Christopher Hodson made me 1685.
4. Christopher Hodson made me 1685.
5. Christopher Hodson made me 1685.
70. George KNOWLER, Edward SMITH, Church Wardens.
71. Near the East end of the Church yard, is a handsome Mausoleum of stone, wherein is interred the corps of Admiral Sr. Francis DRAKE; but contains no Inscription, though one was prepared and in part set out on the stone but never cut.
72. The soil and prospects in this Parish are so similar to those in the last, that they need not a particular description.
73. The Living is a Rectory, and the Church is dedicated to St. Leonard.
74. Patron. The Archbishop. 1795. Incumbent. Edward BENSON.
King’s Books £19.10s.0d. Tenths £1.19.0.
From Upper Deal we passed on to the Town of Lower Deal.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
BACKHOUSE 35, 36, 46
BAKER 22, 29, 67
BOURNE 19, 60
BOYS 21, 66
BRAY 16, 55
BULSTRODE 1, 34, 35, 40
COLT 17, 58
COPPIN 11, 52
CROKE 1, 34
DINELEY 34, 35
DRAKE 13, 56, 71
Duncombe 13
ESTES 29, 30
GERARD 2, 9, 40, 44
HODSON 28, 69
HOLNESS 17, 58
JENKIN 12, 51
MANTLE 17, 58
PEARCE 18, 57
POMEROY 24, 25, 61, 63
Sampson 15
SCREVEN 10, 43
SMITH 30, 70
WISE 15, 50
WOODMAN 19, 60 128
Places Index
Astley 1
Barton Court nr Canterbury 53
Beachy 24
Betteshanger 31
Buckland, Devon 13, 56
Bulstrode, Bucks 1
Bulstrode, Gerard’s Cross 1
Calles (Calais) 66
Charlton 34
Charlton, Worcester 1
Chilton 1
Chilton, Oxon 34
Coulsden, Surrey 21Evesham 34
Evesham, County Wigorn ? 1
Fredfeilde, Nonnington 66
Fredfield, Nonnington 21
Gloucestershsire 49
Ickham 36
Liverpool 59
London Inner Temple 1, 34
Mannor of Bulstrode,
Gerard’s Cross 34
North Wales 34
Plymouth 13, 56
Pson. Deale 6
Soley-End, near Astley,
Warwickshire 1, 34
Stanton-Harcourt, Oxon 1, 34
Sydenham, Devon 50
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire 1, 34
Upton, Essex 45
Worcestershire 34General
Agent, Resident, and Envoy extraordinary at ye Court of Bruxells 1
Captain 21, 24, 25, 26, 61, 63, 64
Captayne of Deale Castell 66
Chief Justice of North Wales 1, 34
Church Wardens 70
Commander 13, 24, 56
Commissioner of his Majestie’s DockYard 13, 56
Commissioners of Appeals 13
Court of Kings Bench 1
Deale Castell 21
Engagement against the French off Beachy 24, 61
Gentellman at Armes at Calles 21
H.M.S. Argyle Man of War 13, 56
H.M.S. Rupert 24, 61
Judge 1
Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. 13, 56
Mariner 18, 57
Master of East Bridge Hospital, Canterbury 36
Mayor 51, 66
Mayor of the Corporation of Deale 11
Mayor of the Towne of Calles 21
Recorder of London 1
Seige of Bullen 21, 66
Speaker of the House of Commons 1