( 321 )
Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, 89.
Abell, Mr. H. F., !viii.
Abree, Peter, 218.
Achal'd, -, 212.
Achestan, 242, 255.
A crise, 26 9.
Act B/loks, reference to, 93, 216, 219.
Act11-s Pontijlazwi, by Gervasii, 147.
Adams, Arms of, 188.
Adams, Elizabeth, 188; William, 188.
A.damson, Sarah, 120.
Addington, 101, 112, 113.
277 ; Juxon, 91 ; Langham, 167 ;
Langton, 248; Laud, 89, 90, 109,
214 (3); Morton, 87; Parker, 87,
88 (2), 89; Peckham, 85, 167 (2),
222 ; Pole, 87 ; Radolph Rofl'ensis,
261 ; Reynolds, Robertus, 109, 148
(2), 222 (2), 223 (2) ; Sancroft, William,
216 (2), 217 ; Secker, 93 (2),
216; Sheldon, 92; Stafford, 86, 166
(2) ; Sudbury, 161 ; Sumnel', 95 ;
Tait, 98 ; Tenison, 216, 229 ; Theobald,
264; Theodore, 18; Tillotson,
216; Wake, 216; Walter, 241,249;
Wareham, 87 (2); Warham, 160;
Whitgift, 109 ; Whitguift, 110 ; William,
261 ; Winchelsea, Robert, 167
(2), 244 ; Winchelsey, 85.
Canterbury, Archdeacon of, 45, 102.
Canterbury, Archdeacon of, Rev. Sir
John Head, D.D., 92.
Canterbury, Archdeacon's Court, 15,1,
Canterbury, Archdeacon's Visitations,
102 (2).
Canterbury, Canons of :-Bargraue,
Rev, Jobannis, 92; Bargrave, Rev.
John, 91, 92; Chesshyre,-, l; Fremantle,
W. H., 46 ; Head, Rev. Sir
John, D.D., 92; Mason, A. J., 46;
Moore, Rev. Euward, 291; Robertson,
J. 0., 46
Canterbury Cathedral, 34, ,rn, !ll (2),
147; Choir, 38 ; Dean and Chapter
of, 34, 168; Library, 86 (2), 87, S!J,
Cantcrl.mry, Christ Church, 134, 298,
308 ; Monks of, UlG ; Prior and
Chapter of, 42 ; Prior and Monks of,
135 (2).
Canterbury, Corporation of, 212.
Canterbury, Diocese of, 108, 220, 293.
Canterbury, Kent and Canterbury
Hospital, 46.
Canterbury, Longport, 46.
Oanterbury, L01·d of, 177.
Canterbury, Prebendaries of :-Geekie,
Rev. Wm., D.D., 93 ; Head, Rev. Sir
John, D.D., 98.
Canterbury, Prerogative Court, 209,
Canterbury, Pi·ovince of, 216.
Canterbury, St. Augnstine's, 147; St.
.A.ugustine's Abbey Church, 46; St.
George Martyr, 92 ; St. Gregory
Convent, 241 ; St. Mary Magdalene,
92; St. Pancras, 23 (4), 24 (9);
St. Stephen's, 96.
Canterbury, See of, 37, 222, 231, 264;
its Arms, 194.
Cante1·bu1·11 Oatlwd1·al, by J. Duncombe,
Ocmtm·bwry C'atlu.ul,J'al, Olwonologiaal
:fJ,lstM"!/ of, by G. Smith, 35, 40,
Oanteroul'y Oatlwdral, Hwt01•ical
Jllemo1•ials of, by Dean Stanley, 123,
126, 129.
Canterbury Cathedral, Relics of
Decorative Painting now or formerly
in, by Canon Scott Robertson,
Oante1·bury, JJioa. 0a,z., reference to,
Oanterbu1•y, lJioa. History of, by Rev.
R. C. Jenkins, 160.
Oantei·bury, Histo1•y of tlw Catlwrfral
Clum1h oJ; by Rev. J. Dart, 35, 36
Oanttwbury, Jlia1·riage Licences, by
Rev. J.M. Cowper, 218.
Cantrwbiwy, Registo1•s of tlw Pl'enalt
Clt1trolt at, by Hovenden, 209,
Cante1·bu1·y Ragist1•y, Consist. at,
reference to, 92.
Canterbury, St. Mai·tin's Church, by
Rev. Charles F. Routledge, 1, 15, 28.
Oantilupe, see De Cantilupe.
Capell, 301, 306.
Carausius, Coin of, 51.
Oarlaverock, Siege of, 156.
Carlton, Rev. Ewinus, 307 (2).
Camoim, Rev. William, 86.
Carr, Hev. T. A., 221, 224.
Carrok, Rev. Phillip, 29(),
Cart. Ant., refe!'cncc to, 256.
Carlar, Sir Robert, 30G; Rev. Robertus,
30() ; Rev. William, 295.
Carter, Sir Robert, 306 ; Roger, 306 ;
Rev. Wi!liam, 2Hii.
Carus, Maria Elizth., 100; Rev. William,
Caslocke, Arms of, 202.
Caslocke, Alice, 202 ; Bennet, 202 ;
John, 202; John, Mayor of Favcrsham,
202 ; William, 202 (2).
Castile, Arnis of, 195.
Oathedne of Arragon, her Badge, 1 !J2.
Catlwdmls, Su1·cey of, by B . Willis,
CatlwUa JJoct·rine of the 11·iwity, b y
Rev. William Jones. 94.
Causton, Henry, 308.
Cave, William, 245.
Cave-Browne, Rev. J., M.A., ou Oranbrook
Church, 221; Minster in
Sheppey, 144.
Cecil, Blizabeth, 253; Rouert, 253 ;
Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 164 (2);
letter to Lord Burleigh, 164 (2).
Celebi·ities of tlie Century, by Lloyd
C. Sanders, 98.
Cerenimo, 163.
Cestreton, see De Oestreton.
Obafy, Rev. William, 205.
Ohallock, 219.
Chalswertl1, Rev. Robts., 302.
Champagne, sr,e De Champagne.
C!ta11. JJJm·olled IJe01·ees, reference to,
Oltano. Inq. p.m., reference to, 254.
Chancey, Joseph, 233.
Chaplio, Anne, 117 (3) ; John, 117 ;
Thomas Christi, 117.
Chapma', R ev, Rycards., 299.
Chapman, Arms of, 200.
Chapman, Johaz, 299.
Oltapter House Jlook.r, reference to,
293, 294.
Chardstock, 88.
Charibert, King of Paris, 146.
Gharing, lviii, 109.
Charles, John, 307; Stephen, 307.
Charles I., King of England, 113, 114,
172, 214 (3), 259, 312.
Charles II., King of England, 89, 115,
Charlton, 296.
Charlton, Sir Ewan, 307.
Chart, Great, 85, 86, 210.
Chart, Little, 85, 86, 87.
Chart ne:ict Sutton, 219,
Chart Place, 218.
Chart Sutton. 213.
Charter of R{ghts, 2-19.
Charyng, 102.
Chastillon, see De Chastillon.
Chatham, 120, 121.
Chaundeler, William, 179.
Chayney, Lord, 151.
Ohealke, 306.
Chedyngstou, 309.
Cheeseman, Roger, 296.
Chel!isfelde, 295 (2).
Chellsfeld, 295.
Cheney, Arms of, 192.
Cheney, Anne, 279; Frid with, 279;
Henry, 279 (2); Jane, 279; Sir
Thomas, 192 (2), 278 ('l); S ir Thomas,
Baron, 192 (2) ; Sir Thomas,
Lord, 279 (2); see aZ..10 De Cheney.
Cheneye, Sir Thomas, 278.
Cheriton, 42.
Cheshire, 113, 190.
Chesilhurste, 296.
Cheslis, 296.
Chesshyre, Canon, I.
Chesterfield, Earl of, 217.
Chetham, 306 (3).
Chetbam, see De Chetham.
Chevening, 113, 118, 122, 309.
Cheyne, Sir William, 150, 161.
Cheyney, Elizabeth, 161 ; Dame Frydeswith,
162; Frydeswith, 152;
Lord Renrici, 151 ; Sir Henry, 150;
Sir Remy, Lord, 162 ; Sir Thomas,
152 (2), 157, 161 (2), 162; Lord
Thome, 151 ; Sir William, 151, 161,
163; -, 155; see al.w De Cheyney.
Chiche, Thomas, 277.
Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury,
161, 231, 272.
Chiddingstone, ll3, 114 (8), 115 (3),
116 (2), 118, 119 (2), 120, 121,122;
Church, 114, 115.
Chilbam, 187, 199, 298,
Chillington, 189.
Chingford, 110.
Ohislehurst, 297, 298.
Chislet, 219.
Cholmondeley, Catharine, 118; Sir
William, US.
Christina, Prioress of Minster, 168.
Christopher, Rev. Martin, 300.
Clt1•011,iolc, by W. Thorn, 134 , 147.
Clturel,, Notes, by Philipott, 161.
Clt1irolt Pla,te in Kent, reference to,
114 (2).
Churchill, his IJivi Bl'itannioi, 194.
Chyttes, Rev. Thoms., 309.
Cinque Ports, 134, 203, 210; Arms of,
200,201; Warden of the, 214.
Cinque Ports, Warden of the :-
Cheney, Sir 'l'homas, 161, 279.
Clapham, 99.
Clare, House of, 288.
Clare, quartering of Arms of, 37 ; .111e
also De Glare.
Clarr.nce, Elizabeth, Duchess of, 272 ;
Lionel, Duke of, 272; quartering of
Arms of, 37,
Clarence (Fort), !vii.
Clarence, House of, 195, 288.
Clarendon, 201.
Clarke, Rev. Richd., 304 ; Robert Lulley,
Claudius, Coin of, 51.
Claudius II., Coin of, 72.
Clayndon, 245.
Clayton, l\'largaret, 189; Mary, 189;
Richard, 189.
Cledero, Sir Hugh, 297.
Clement, Pope, 266.
Clements, Aune, 809.
Clemett, Rev. Ric., 296.
Gll'1'(!1/, S1iffe1·ings oftlte, by Jo. Walker,
SfJ, 91.
Clerk, Joh 'es, 179 (2) ; John, 173.
O!crkemvell, 232 (2), 233 (2), 23•1 (3),
238, 244, 250, 251 (2), 252, 255 (2),
262, 265, 266 (2), 268 ; Convent of,
Clestringham, see De Clestringham.
Cleve, "Peter, 154 (2).
Cliff, 116.
Clifford, 166.
Cliffsend, 133, 137 (3), 138, 140, 14 l
(3), 142 (2) ; Bay, l!l9.
Clinch, Edward, 188; Elizabeth, 188.
Clivesend, 142.
Close Roll., references to, 254 (2),
Clowes, E. Arnott, 49, 51, 83, 84 ; -,
51, 84.
Cluny, 276.
Olutterbuck, Catherine, 100.
Clydero, Sir Hew, 297.
Clydro, Rev. Hew, 297.
Clyff, 309.
Clyve, Sir Christopher, 204; Zut.phania,
Coast-erosion, 124.
Coates, Rev. R. P., 49, 51, 82, 245; -,
Coats of Arms in Kent Churches, by
Rev. Carus Vale Collier, 186.
Cobb, Arms of, 187, 204.
Cobb, Elizabeth, 204 (2) ; Henry, 204
(3) ; John, 204; Mary, 204; Sarah,
204 (2).
Cobbes, Jane, 187; Thomas, 187.
Cobham, liii, 42 (2), 253, 306 (2), 307 ;
College, 253, 295, 297, 302 (2), 306
(2) ; Hall, 253.
Cobham, Frances Brooke, Lady, 253 ;
Sir Geo. Broke, Lord, 305 ; Oeorge
Brooke, Lord, 253 (3) ; Sfr Henry
Brooke, Lord, 254 (2); Johu, M.P.,
183 ; Sir William Brooke, Lord, 253 ;
Lady, 253; Lord, 210, 211 (2) ; see
al.w De Cobham.
Cocclescomb, 24-l, 242.
Cockerell, Richard, 174.
Cocklescomb, 237.
Coetlogon, see De Coetlogon.
Coins found at Darcnth, 65, 72 ; at
Farningham, 51.
Cok, Richard, 179.
Coke, Joh'es, 179.
Cokelestone, 304.
Coklescom b, 262.
Cokston, 304.
Cole, Bennet, 202 ; Ji.mes, 36 (3) ;
John, 260; Thomas, 202.
Coleus, Rev. Robert, 87; Robert,
Mayor of Queensborough, 180.
Colepeper, Arms of, 310.
Colepeper, Alexander, 269 (2); Alice,
273 (2); Charles, 273 (2); Elizabeth,
315; Galfrid, 314; Sir Geoffery,
313 (2), 314 ; Sir Geoffrey, 313 ;
Joan, 313; Johanes, 315; Johannes,
272; John, 245, 313, 314 (3);
Sir John, 272 (3), 313 (2), 315;
Katharine, 314; Katherine, 273 (4),
315; Margaret, 314; Richard, 273,
313 (2), 315; Thomas, 312 (2), 313
(3); Sir Thomas, 312 (3), 313, 315 ;
Walter, 273 (3), 312 (2), 313 (2),
314, 315; William, 313; Willielmi
315; Willielmus, 315.
Colkins, 187.
Colkins, Arms of, 187.
Colkins, John, 187.
OoUectanea .Antiqua, hy Roach Smith,
Collectanea Oantiana,, reference to,
Collet, Will'm, 33 (2); Wyll'm, 32 (3),
33 ; Wyllm, 31, 32.
Collett, Will'm, SS; -, 31 (6).
Collier, Rev. Carns Vale, B.A., F.S.A.,
292 (2) ; on Coats of Arms in Kent
Churches, 186 ; Davington Pl'iory,
275; John, 292.
Collington, Catherine, 92; Rev. Nathaniel,
Oolmers, 189.
Oolpeper, Elizabeth, 161; Sir Thomas,
Coltehurste, Rev. Brian, 298.
Colyne, Rev. Martine, 302.
Oolyns, Rev. Joh'es, 309; Rev. Robert,
B.D., 87.
Oombwell Priory, Arms of, 195.
Commissioners of Sewers, 141.
Commodus, Coin of, 61.
Comperta, reference to, 102 (3) 103,
104- (3).
Compton, Ruth, 100.
Constantine, Coin of, 51.
Constantine the Great, Coin of, 72.
Constautius, Coin of, 51.
Constantius I., Coin of, 72.
Oonstantius II., Coin of, 72,
Cookham Hill, 1 vii.
Cooper, John, 301.
Copely, llev. John, 89.
Copley, Elizabeth, 118 ; George, 118 ;
Rev. Joh'es, 89; John, 105 (2);
Rev. John, 89 (2), 90 (3); Martha,
89 ; Sir 'l'homas, 89 ; Mr., 9 I, 105,
llO, 111 (2).
Coply, Rev. John, 89.
Coppinger, Frances, 253 ; Thomas,
Corbin, 271.
COL·boil, William, Archbishop of Cante1
·bury, 14:7, 151, 153.
Cordelyon, -, 212.
Uoringham, 90.
Cork, first Earl of, 204.
Cornwallis, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Corsehorne, 227,
Cosgrave, Rev. Henry, 285, 290 (2).
Cossington, 116.
Couchman, William, 229.
Coullyng, 305.
Court of Augmentation, 278
Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Coveney, Thos., 308.
Coventrie, Lord, 260.
Coverte, Rev. Robert, 300.
Cowdam, 294.
Cowden, 299 (2).
Cowie, Joh'es, 179.
Cowling, 305.
Cowlyng, 306.
Cowper, Rev. J. M., 213 ; his Cante1•-
'/nwy 11fa1·1'iage Liaena1•s, 218.
Cox, sea Tanner and Cox.
Ooxeter, Elizabeth, 100.
Coyn, Rev. Wyllms., 301.
Craige,-, 90, 109.
Cranbm•iie Cha.•e, Emplorat-ions -in, by
Lieut.-General Pitt Rivers, 72.
Uranbrook, 209 (2), 213, 219, 221 (3),
222 (3), 223 (3), 228, 229, 230, 231;
Church, 144,229; St. Dunstan's, 224.
Cranbrook Uburch, J;y Rev. J. UaveBrowne,
M.A., 221.
Ci·anbrook Chm·clt and 'it.• JJ,fon1mnants,
by Titrbutt, 227.
Cranbrook C!t1woh, Annal8 of, by
'l'arbutt, 222.
Crane, Alicia, 166, 167.
Crancbrol, 275.
Danvers, William, 246.
Darcnt. 49.
Dareute, 49.
Darenth, 22, 49 (3), 50 (5), 5 [, 70, 75,
76, 78 (2), 79 (2), 80, 81 (2), 82 (3),
83, 84; Bone founrl at, 71 ; Bronze
found at, 72; Church, 80 ; Coins
found at, 66, 72; Durobrivian or
Caistor Ware foun (il), 297 (5); Church,
oO ; Deanery of, 294 ; Prior of, 243.
Dartford Creek, Iii.
Dartford Heath, Ji.
Dartnall, Dr., !iv.
Daunton, 276.
Dauphin Lewis of Frnnce, 133.
Davington, 191 (2), 192, l!J8, 196, 275
(3), 276 (2), 277 (5), 278, 279 0),
280 (4). 284, 285, 287, 28!! (2), 2U0,
291 (4), 292 (5).
Davington Chm·cti, 191 (2); Incumbcmts
of, 289.
Davington Convent, 276, 277.
Davington Hill, 275 (2).
Davington Priory, 191 (-), 194, 195,
196, 275, 277, 278 (2), 279 (8), 280,
284 (4), 285, 289, 292; Prioresses
of, 277, 289.
Daviogton, St. Mary Magdalene, Coats
of Arms in, 190.
Da.vington, History of, by Thomas
Willement, 190, 275, 276 (2), 278,
Davington Priory, by Rev. Carus Vale
Collier, B.A., F.S.A., 275.
Davy, Richard, 174:; -, 93.
Davye, Mark, 104.
Dawnay, Rev. W. H., 219,
De .A.lham, Edric, 247.
De Apuldrefield, Lucy, 289,
De Badlesmere, Lord Bartholomew,
159; Joan, 159; Johanna, 168.
De Basing, Robert, 243, 255,
De Basyngges, John, 257, 258; Robert,
267, 258.
De Bello Campo, Thoma, Comiti Warr,
De Blakeman, Nicholas, 266.
De Blore, Richard, 179,
De Bocton, Stephen, 241.
De Bohun, Humfredo, Oorniti Hereford,
De Bouillon, Godfrey, 232.
De Boylaund, Richard, 276.
De Brooke, Adam, 272 ; Dionisia, 272.
De Burcham, Henry, 241.
De Burgh, Elizabeth, 272; Hubert,
Earl of Kent, 237 ; William, Earl
of Ulster, 272.
De Cantilupc, Thomas, Bishop of
Hereford, 238.
De Cestreton, John, 241.
De Champagne, John, 276; Margaret,
De Cbastillon, Guy, E:ul of St. Paul,
De Cheney, Alsie, 241; John, 241.
De Chctbaro, Hamo, 264 (2).
De Cheyney, Margaret, 161; Sir William,
De Clare, Roger, 2G6.
De Clestringham, :Sir Ralpn, 261.
De Cobham, Henry, 244; Johanna,
167; John, 2f4; Ralph, 244, 245.
De Coetlogon, Rev. C. E., 219.
De Cranebrook, Stephanus, 229.
De Crevecour, Daniel, 251.
De Oriol, John, 239 (2),
De Curbespine, Ralph, 239,240,247 (2).
De Dene, Nlen, 255 ; Ralph, 255.
De Drux Beatrice, 252 ; John, Duke
of Bretngne and Richmond, 252.
De Eade, Arnulph, 250.
De Erleigh, William, 261 (8),
De Essex, Hugo, 248,
De Godwyreston, Rev, Joseph, 109 (2).
De Goyes, -, 212.
De Grana, Eustachius. 257; Roger, 257.
De Heilonde, Alfred, 0257.
De Honyngton, Isabella, 167.
De Kemlal, Robert, 248.
De L'Angle, Rev. Theophilus, 219.
De La Dovespe, Rev. E. P., 219.
De la Mare, 236,
De la Watere, John, 85.
De Latimer, William, 237,
De le FieM, J., 219,
De Lillo, Peter, 213.
De Lyming, John, 85.
De Manny, Walter, 172.
De M.eopham, Simon, Archbishop of
Canterbury, 223.
De Mepbam, Rev. Willia.m, 222, 223
(2) ; Willielmo, 222.
De l\iereworth, John, 272.
De Merton, Walter, Archbishop of
Canterbury, 270.
De Molessche, Rev. William, 109.
De Monercue, Rev. William, 110.
De Montfort, Hugh, 238, 241 (2), 24:7
De Morville, Hugh, 43; bis Arms, 43.
De Mowbray, Roger, 238.
De Ncapoli, Garnarius, 252,
De Newenbam, lfulco, 275; Fulk, 191
195, 280, 281 ; Fulkc, 277.
De Norwood, Bona, 158; Rogcrus, 158.
De Peckham, John, 272.
De Percy, Henrico, 172.
De Pcverel, William, 2{8.
De Plukele, Nicholas, 85.
De Port, Hugh, 242; Hugo, 237.
De Pulteney, Lord John, 2i55,
De l'uy, Count Raymond, 232.
De Redeware, Margaret, 222.
De Reed, Henry, 263.
De Roos, Thoma, 172.
De Hos, Willm., 257.
De Ross, John, 240, 2H.
De Rothyg, Rev. W., 86; William, 85.
De t:lt. Paul, Mary, Countess of l'embrok:e,
252 (2), 25P. (2).
De t:lankeville, Elen, 255.
De l->uy, A!Kie, 24,1 ; Geffery, 241 (2);
John, 2-11; William, 241; -, 241,
De Shurlancl, Margaret, 161; Sir
Robert, 150, 166 (2), 157, 161 ; -,
De Stark, Rev. G. H., 219.
De Stratford, John, Archbishop of
Canterbury, 223, 267.
De t:,utton, Gilbert, 255,
De Thane, Philip, 234, 239, 252, 262,
265, 2li7, 272, 274.
De Thonebrigg, Ralph, 257 ; William,
De Tonbl'idge, Hugo, 266; Ralph, 270;
Richard, 265.
De Totbale, William, 240.
De Turk, Richard, 233.
De Tybertis, Leonard, 233 (2), 234,
250, 262 ; Leonardi, 235 ; Leonardus,
243, 244.
De Vn.lentin, Audomere, 252; Mary,
De Valoris, Sir Waresius, 260.
De Venours, Marquis, 216 (2).
De Ver, William, 266.
De Vere, Robert, Earl of Oxford, 179.
De Villa-Nova, Elian, 265.
De Villanova, Elian, 267.
De Villeneuve, Elian, 233.
De Wahell, William, 258.
Deacon, John, 269.
" Dead man's" Lane, 1 vii.
Deal, 130, 134.
Deane, Rev. Joh'es, 2!l6; Archbishop
of Canterbury, 87.
JJocom Soriptoros, by Johannes Bromton,
145, H7 (2).
Decentius, Coin of, 72.
Deedes, Rev. Julius, 95.
Dcerhurst, 9.
Deering, Sir Anthony, 10·1, 11 O, 111 ;
Sir Anthonye, 104 (3).
Deeriugc, Sir Anthony, 111.
Defoe, his 1'r11,e-l,01·n EngU.k111an,
Dence, Samuel, 228.
Den, 188.
Derbyshire, Old Halls and Families
of, by Tilley, 188.
Derebam, 145 (2).
Dering, Ann, 89 ; Cholmeley, 95 ;
Cholmeley Edward, 95; Rev. Cholmeley
Edward John, l'rebrmdary uf
St. Paul's, 94, 95 (2) ; his Bygone
Hou1·s, 95 ; Sacred ..i1Ioloi/,ie8, 95 ;
Smwions, 95 8ketc1tes of If1t1nan
Life, 95; Rev. Edward, B.D., 87,
88 (4), 89 (2); his 0-oil,ly anil, Viww
romjortable Letters, 88 ; Leoturi's
ontlw Ilebren·s,88; Prirate Prnym·s,
88 ; Sp.,wing Rest1•a-int qf many
lavlsk •u,nt?-utlls, 88; Sir Edward,
90, 95 (2), 106, 107, 109; Edward
Heneage, 95; John, 88; Margaret,
88; Maria, 95 (2); Lady, 107.
Deringe, R., 103.
Derteford, 242, 2,15 (3), 246.
Desbouverie, Sir Christopher, 218.
DeRpencer, .ee Le Despencer.
JJeteota, references to, 102, J 04.
Deviugton, 290.
Devon, Charles, 292 ; Charlotte Isabella
Henrietta, 292.
Dew, Si1· John, 307.
Dewe, Rev. Jou'es, 307.
Dewes, IWzabcth, 2G9; Sir Paul, 269.
Disney, Hev. William, D.D., !14.
n,,ysertation. 11pon Lifo rmd Doatlt,
by Rev. William Jones, fi4.
JJivi Britu.nnio-i, by Churchill, 104.
Dix, Rev. Joshua, 290.
Dixson, Rev. Thomas, 299.
Du,l, FranccF, 100.
Dodda, lvii.
Dodding, Doudinga, !vii.
Dotldingti (I<'amily of), !vii.
Dodclinglon, near L<'averslrnm, \vii.
Do1... Nicholas Church, 87. '
Plucklcy with Pevington, 90.
Pluokley and Ba1'11am J.'racts, by
Bishop Ash ton Oxendcn, D.D., 96.
PI uckley, Kent., R ectors of, for upwards
of Six Hundred Years, by Rev.
Francis Haslewood, F.S.A., 85.
Piucklie, 104.
Plucldy, 92, 102, 103.
PI ucklye, 105 (2).
Plukele, see De l'lukele.
l'lumptre, Edward Hallows, 97; Rev.
Edward Hayes, D.D., Prebendary of
Bt. Paul's, Dean of Wells, 97, 98 (5);
his Bible Educator, 98; .laza1'us
and otlte?' Poains, 98; Life 3 (2) ; Prior of, 245 ;
William, Prior of, 2·13 ; 8t. Margaret's,
3U3 ; Ht. Nicholas, 297,303;
SL. Nycolns, 304 ; See of, 194, 240.
Rochester Priory, lvi.
Rochester, Roman foundations at, lxi.
Rochester, Walls of, lviii.
Rochester (Watts's Avenue), liv.
Roc!wMN', Rl·gistei· of the Spii·itualities
of, 293.
Rochestre, 303.
Rochford, 191, 279.
Rock, Rye, 32.
Rudrnersllarn, 237, 249 (2), 250, 268,
274 ; St. Nicholas, 250.
Roger, 257.
Rogel', Abbot uf i:it. August.ine's, 135.
Rokesle, 245.
Rome, 18, 128, 245 ; Bishop of, 298.
Romley, 186.
Rom ney Marsh, 45.
Ramsey, 100.
Rondeau, Jaques, 216, 217.
Rondell, Rev. John, 295.
Roos, ,$ed De RooA.
Roper, Elizabeth, 188 ; John, 188.
Ros, Godfrey, 251; Wilimonde, 251;
see also De Ros.
Ross, see De Ross.
Rostone, Rev. Ricba1·d, 296.
Rothyg, sec De Rothyg.
Rouen, 189.
Routh, Arms of, 186.
Routh, Barbara, 186 (2) ; Ceilia; 186 ;
Doroth.v, 186 (2) ; Dame l£lizabeth,
186 (ii); Francis, 186; John, 186
(2) ; Sir John, 186 (6) ; Margaret,
186; Richard, 186 (2); Robert, 186;
William, 186.
Routledge, Rev. Canon C. F., F.S.A., on
St. Martin's Church, Canterbury, 1 ;
his Ilistol'y of St. llfa1•tin's C//u1·cli,
Cantin•bury, 15, 28.
Rowcliffe, George, 254.
Rowxlay, 296.
Royal Archreological Institute, J 5, 23.
Royal 1rla1·ty1·, by Rev. Ezrael Tonge,
Rnddington, 99.
Runnimede, 240.
Rupichester, 126.
Ruskin, 2.
Russell, J obn, 204 ; his daugh terR, Ann
and Mary, 204.
Rutland, by Blore, 114 , 122.
Rutone, Rev. John, 296.
Rutupensis, Portus, 127, 130, 132, 136.
Rutupire, 127, 132 (2).
Rutupian Harbour, 125; Oysters, 131 ;
Port, 143.
Rutupinm, .Antiquitates, by Battely,
129 (2), 143.
Rutupine Port, 138.
Rybton, Rev. Henrics., 297; Sir Hemy,
Rychardson, Rev. George, 305; Rev.
Georgius, 305; Rev. Willms., 303.
Rydley, 300.
Rye Corporation MSS., 214.
Rymer, his Frodm·a, 90, 162, 236, 287,
Ryver, 263.
Ryvers, Margaret, 166.
Sacred and Legendary A1•t, by
J amesnn, 38.
Sa01·ed JJlelodies, by Rev. Oholmeley
Edward John Dering, 95.
Saelle, 301.
St. Alban's, George, Duke of, 230 ;
JHne, Duchess of, 230.
St.. Ann's, Westminster, 116.
St. Augustine, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 28,
123 (3), 124, 126 (6), 130, 133, 134,
137, 138 (4), 139 (4), 143, 144.
St. Augustine, Abbey of, 137 ; Abbot
and Convent of, 134; Abbot of, 136
(2); Abbots of, 142; Monks of, 141,
142; Order of, 265.
St. Augustine, Landing-place of, by
George Dowker, F.G.S., 123.
St. Augustine's Abbey, Arms of, 194.
St . .A.ugustine's, Roger, Abbot of, 135.
St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 147.
St. Augustine's Well, 127.
St. Bartholomew, Massacre of, 212.
St. Benedict, Order of, its Arms, 191.
St. Christophel', 3•1, 35 (2), 36 (5).
St. Christopher, Island of, 119.
St. Chrysostom, 35.
St. Cleres, 184.
St. Dunstan's, Cranbrook, 224.
St. Dunstan's in the East-, London,
113, 114, 115 (2).
St. Eustace, 37, 38 (3), 39 (6), 40 ( 4).
St. George, 34, 35 (2),
St. George, Hanover Square , London,
St. Geol'ge Martyr, Canterbury, 92.
St. Geol'ge's, Bickley, 9!J.
St. Gregory's Priory, Arms of, 194.
St. Hubert, Bishop of Liege, 37, 38 (3),
39 (2).
8t. James, lfiri.
St. JnmeA, Guernsey, !19.
St. James's Ckroniole, reference to,
St. Joh n, 41.
St. John of Jerusalem, 2-!9.
St. John the Baptist, 249, 250.
St. John the Baptist, London, 117, 118.
St. John's, Oxford, 101.
St. J udes, Sheffield, 292.
St. Katherine, 155.
St, Laurence, Halling, 305.
St. Luke, 41.
St. Margaret, Lee, 99.
St. Margaret's Church, Darenth, 80.
St. Margaret's Cbul'Chyard, Rochester,
St. Margaret's Cliffs, 129.
St. Margaret's, Rochestel', 303.
St. Maria, 37.
St. Mark, 41.
St. Martin, 17.
St. Martin's Church, Canterbury, by
Rev. Charles F. Routledge, F.S.A., 1.
St. 1'Jfartin's Cltui•ch, Cantm·bu1·y, Ilista1
·y o.f, 15, 28.
St. Mary Abchurch, London, 117.
St. Mary le Pety, 155.
St. Mary Magdalene, Canterbury, 92.
St. Mary Magdalene, Davington, Coats
of Arms in, 190.
St. Mary Magdalene Priory, Tonbridge,
St. Mary of Charity, Faversbam, Coats
of Arms iu, 197.
St. Mary's Church, PJuckley, 99.
St. Mary's Stayning, Lonclon, 91 (2).
St. Matthew, 41.
St. Michael's, London, 91.
St. Michael's, Sbrnwsbury, 112.
St. Mildrecl, 123, 126, 127, 130.
St. Nicholas, 155.
!:lt. Nicholas Cburcb, Pluckley, 87.
St Nicholas, Rochester, 297, 303.
St. Nicholas, Rodmersham, 250.
St. Nycolas, Rochester, 304.
t. Pancras, Canterbury, 23 (3), 24: (9).
Rt. Paul, Wokingham, 99.
St. Paul, Guy de Ohastillon, Earl of,
252 ; Mary, 255 ; .we also De St.
St. Paul', London, 193.
St. Peter and St. Paul, Boughtonunder-
Blean, Coll.ls of Arms in, 186.
f:t. Petcl·'s, Eaton Squam, London, 96.
8t. Peter's, Tbanet, 101 (2).
St. Sexburga, 146 (3).
8t. Sexburga, Monastery of, 151.
St. Stephen's, Canterbury, 96.
St., Thomas the .Apostle, London, 89.
St. Tbomas's Priory, Arms of, 194.
Salisbury, 88 ; Bishop of, 95 ; Earl of,
Robert Cecil, 164: (2) ; Lord, 244,
Salman, John, 300.
Salonina, Coin of, 72.
8alop, 112, 113.
Salter, Sir Edward, 260.
Samian Ware found at Dai:enth, 69.
Sancroft, William, Archbishop of
Canterbury, 216 (2), 217.
Sanders, Lloyd C., bis Celebrities of
tlte Cmtto·y, 98.
Sandown Castle, 134:.
Sandwich, 123, 126 (B), 129, 130, 132
(3), ]33 (3), 134 (.'3), 135 (2), 136
(5), 137 (3), 138, 140 (4), 142 (5),
143, 205, 210, 212, 220; Haven, 12!!,
136 (3), 140 (2), 142; River, 134.
8andwial!, by Boys, 123, 135.
Sandwioli, Collect-ions fo i· a History
of, 134, 142.
Sandwicbe, 279.
Sandyll, Thomas, 301.
Sankeville, see De Sankeville.
Sarre, 126 (2).
Saunders, John, 180 (3).
Saunderson, Rev. Thomas, 806.
Savile, Catharine, ll8; John, 118.
Saxon Chronicle, reference to, 125.
Saxony, Arms of, 208.
Say, see De Say.
Sayer, Arms of, 196.
Sayer, Henry Jenkinson, 280.
Scapeia, 146, 147, 161, 167.
Scapeie, 166.
Scapeya, 161.
Scarlett, Robert, 72.
Scharp'row, Rev. Xpofors., 808.
Schepeye, 146.
Schibourne, 271.
Schooling, Tiernard, 121; Jane, 121.
Scborham, 308.
Schynglcdewell, 314.
8corastan, 133.
Scotland, .Arms of, 208.
Scott, see Montagu Douglas Scott.
Scray, 275.
Sea, Arms of, 189.
Sea, Eleanor, 189 ; Robert, 189.
Seager, -, 79, 80.
Seal, 201, 202, 299, 308 (2), 309.
Seal of Cardinal Pole, 42.
Seal of the Priory of Minster in Sheppey,
Seale, 299.
Secker, -, Al'Chbishop of Canterbury,
93 (2), 216.
Bede Vacantt1 Ree01·ils, reference to,
Sedley, William, 300.
Segax, Sir William, Gaiter King of
Arms, 112, 122.
Segrave,-, 193.
Selisbourne, 268.
Sellindge, 198.
Selling, 201, 202.
Sellinge, 279, 280.
Sellings, 240.
Selwyn, Albinia, 100; Catherine, 100;
Charles Jasper, 100; Clara, 100;
Edith, 100; Rev. Edward, 99, 100;
Rev. Edward Carus, 99, 100; Rev.
Edwflrrl John, Rural Dean of Pluckley,
98, 99 (4), 100 (2), 101 ; Elizabeth,
100 (3); Emily Maria, 100;
Fanny, 99, 100 (2); Frances, 100;
Rev. George Augustus, Bishop of
Lichfield, 100 ; Henrietta, 100;
Henrietta De la Conr, 99, 100;
Henry, 100; Capt. Henry Charles,
JOO; Jasper, 100; Rev. John Richarclson,
Bishop of Melanesia, 100;
Letitia, 100; Lucy, 100; Margaret,
100 (2) ; Maria Elizth., 100; Maria
Sophia, 99, 100; Richard, 100;
Ruth, 100 ; Sarah, 100 ; Sarah
Harriet, 100 ; William, 100 (7).
Seuok, 308.
Sens, William of, 40 (2).
Sermons, by Rev. Cholmeley Edward
John Dering-, 95.
Sc1·mons at King's College, London, by
Dean Edward Rayes Plumptre, D.D.,
Sermons on Morai and Religious
Subjects, by Rev. William Jones, 94.
Sennons, Plain, and Memofr, byWentwort,
h Webster, 96.
Sevenoaks, 118, 310.
Sevenscore, 136.
Sewell, Rev. Thornai\ SOL
Sexburga, Queen of Kent, 145 (4), 148.
Seymour, -, his 81irw,y of Kent, 45,
Shnffieet Creek, lii.
Shakespeare, -, his Ilamlet, 239.
Sharpe, Rev. Richard, 303, 305.
Sharperow, Sir Ohristr., 308.
Sharp's Place, 113, ll9, 120.
Shaston, 264.
Shaw, Arms of, 120.
Shaw, Frances, 120; Jane, 120; Peter,
M.D., 120 ; Rev. Thomas, 304.
Shehorn, 300.
Sheerness, 178.
Sheffield, 292; 8t. Jude·s, 292.
f:llieldon, -, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Sheldwich, 219.
Sbepeia, 146.
Shepey, Joh'is, 307.
Shepeye, Insula de, 170.
Mary, 205; Richard, 205.
1'axat-io Eoofosiastioa, reference to,
Tayler, John, 104, 180.
Tayller, Rev. Richards., 30$!.
Taylor, Canon Jsaac, 134, 221 ; his
Wtn·ds and P!l1'a.. es, 134; Nicholas,
180 ; Richard, 17 4.
Taylor and Sons, 288.
Temple, 264..
Temple Ewell, 247, 2•i9, 263.
Temple Stroud, 252.
Temple Stroude, 254.
Temple Strowde, 254.
Templeman, Rev. Simon, 295.
Tenett, 279.
Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury,
216, 229.
Tennand, Rev. Stephan us, 302, 307.
Tenterden, 92 (2), 102, 209, 219.
Terenteford, 242.
Tcrlakestone, 266.
Terry, Arms of, 198.
Terry, Abraham, 198 (3); Aun, 198
(2) ; Anne, 200 ; Elizabeth, 198 (2) ;
Isaac, 198; Isaac, Mayor of Faversham,
198 (2), 200; James, 198;
Mary, 198.
Testa de .NeviU, reference to, 222,
Testan, 301.
Test.on, 301.
Tetricus, Coin of, 72.
Tewdelcy, 268.
Teynham, Hundred of, 249.
Thames, River, 127, 130, 146.
'.!.'bane, see At '.l'hane and also De Thane.
Thauet, li, 205; Cliffs, 140, 141; Earl
of, John, 184; St. Peter's, 101 (2).
Thanet, Isle of, 123 (2), 124 (2), 125,
126 (9), 127, 128 (4), 129 (2), 130
(3), 131 (2), 132, 133, 134 (2), 136,
137 (3), 138 (4), 139 (5), 140 (2),
141,143,146; Ordnance maps of, 127.
Tltanet Guide, reference to, 128.
Tltanet, Ili.tm•y of Isle of, by John
Lewis, 128, 129, 130.
Thaneti, Insula, 123, 127.
Thanington, 239.
Theobald, Arms of, 201.
Theobald, Aun, 202 ; Anne, 201 ;
Richard, 202.
Theodobert, King of France, 145.
Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Theodosius, 132.
J.7wologv and Life, by Dean Edward
Hayes Plumptre, D.D., 98.
'1.'hissill worth, 303.
Thoby, Priory of, 89.
Tholynson, Re,,. Mylonem, 308.
Tlwrnm Etiensis IJi.gtoria, reference
to, 146.
Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 240.
Thomas, Margaret, 285 (2); Dr. Thomas,
285; William, 285.
Thompson, Richard, 180 (2), 181;
Sarah, 100.
"Thompson's" field, Plaxtol, lii.
Thomson, Rev. Christopher, 294;
Rev. Xpofer, 294 ; see aZso WhiteTbomson.
Thonebrigg, see De Thonebrigg.
Thonebrigge, 266 (4), 267 (2), 270 (3).
Thorn, W., I 23, 126, 127 (2) ; his
Clwoniele, 134, 147.
Thorneborow, William, 180.
Thorold, Walter, 273.
Thorpe, his Reg. Roff., 238, 240, 243,
265, 266 (4), 267, 293, 313, 315.
Tbrowley, 202.
Thurgarton, 112, 113 (3).
Thwayts, Rev. John, 302.
Tickhill, 90.
Tidmarsh, Frances, 120 ; Richard, 120
Tiles found at Darenth, 69.
Tilletson, Rev. George, 303.
Tilley, bis Old Halls aiul Families