Almsgiving for deceased brothers of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235

Almsgiving for deceased brothers of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235

Translation from Latin of Custumale Roffense, c.1235, folios 67r-67v by Jacob Scott.

This details the almsgiving for deceased brethren at St Andrew’s priory.


67r (select folio number to open facsimile)

De Fratribus defunctis

Elemosina pro fratribus nostris de hac vita migrantibus.
Sacrista debet duodecim denarios.
Camerarius duodecim denarios.
Celerarius duodecim denarios.
Hedenham quatuor denarios.


Frendesberia quatuor denarios.
Suthflete quatuor denarios.
Derente tres denarios.
Wldeham tres denarios.
Stokes tres denarios.
Denitune tres denarios.
De hiis quinque folidis emetur panis et per manus ele-
mosinarii et alterius de fratribus cui preceptum fuerit
distribuetur pauperibus. Ipso die quo corpus defuncti
sepulture traditur.


For deceased brethren:

The alms for our brothers that have passed away.
The sacrist should pay 12 shillings.
The chamberlain 12 shillings.
The cellarer 12 shillings.
Haddenham four shillings.
Frindsbury four shillings.
Southfleet four shillings.
Darenth three shillings.
Wouldham three shillings.
Stoke three shillings.
Denton three shillings.
Of those, five solidi to be buy bread by hand. Arms and alter of the brothers which keeps the commandment to distribute to the poor. That same day for the bodies of the dead to be buried traditionally.

Jacob Scott

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Æthelberht’s Code, c.600 CE


Concerning salmon paid to the refectory of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235